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Thursday, May 3rd, 2012, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:28] wagnerrp: Beirdo: do we need to parse the hashbang?
[00:02:39] k-man: on this ticked i made, i have been requested to post a sample of some video that causes the problem – how should i go about extracting a bit of the video for posting somewhere?
[00:03:15] wagnerrp: dd
[00:03:36] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Quit: kormoc)
[00:03:51] k-man: i may need to grab part of the video between 2 time points
[00:04:03] k-man: s/may/will
[00:04:16] bcgrown (bcgrown!~dave@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:23] wagnerrp: dd and some rough math
[00:04:32] k-man: ok
[00:04:41] wagnerrp: bs, count, offset
[00:04:44] Beirdo: if we are running a script, you might need to parse the hashbang, but I don't think so
[00:04:49] Beirdo: we'll have to test that
[00:05:18] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:06:22] bcgrown: mythshutdown keeps going to ~100% cpu on my machine, how can I track down why? i'm running 0.25-fixes, currently on 20120501
[00:07:04] Beirdo: using gdb would probably be the best bet
[00:07:10] bcgrown: ugh
[00:07:13] bcgrown: i have no clue how to do that
[00:07:22] Beirdo: attach to the pid and see what the threads are doing
[00:07:35] bcgrown: umm
[00:07:39] Beirdo: do it a few times and look for commonality
[00:08:00] bcgrown: blerg to the blerg and look for blerg?
[00:08:05] Beirdo: well, that's how it's done.
[00:08:54] wagnerrp: Beirdo: is 'refs' not a valid trac hook keyword?
[00:08:55] bcgrown: ok... but is there a 'for dummies' version of that?
[00:09:05] Beirdo: . . . ning_process
[00:09:29] Beirdo: wagnerrp: I think so, would have to check the trac plugin code
[00:09:42] Beirdo: might just be Ref:
[00:11:06] dmfrey (dmfrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:19] bcgrown (bcgrown!~dave@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:17:39] jams (jams! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[00:20:26] jya_ (jya_!~jyavenard@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:27:26] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:48] ** awalls speculates that symbols of type 'O' must come from a dwarf debug section of an elf binary, C++ object thingy... **
[00:34:56] mycosys (mycosys! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:48:24] awalls (awalls! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:06:13] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:13] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[01:10:49] dekarl (dekarl! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[01:12:39] jya_: wagnerrp: I can reproduce the send error when reverting to the old code only using QUdpSocket, et this time binding it only to the link-local address
[01:17:48] dekarl (dekarl! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:26:23] mzb is now known as mzb_
[01:27:48] mzb_ is now known as mzb
[01:32:24] StevenR (StevenR! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:35:24] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
[01:35:24] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:35:55] StevenR (StevenR! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:41:17] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
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[01:43:22] jammer5 (jammer5! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:34] dmfrey (dmfrey! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[02:12:10] BLZbubba (BLZbubba! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:17:26] k-man: i had this idea for a "cool new feature", in order to prevent vegetation of the brain when watching TV, you could have a system that asks you to solve a little test of some sort in order to do some action in mythtv, like if you want to watch a recording, you have to answer "what is 45+52?" or similar :)
[02:18:05] k-man: want to adjust the volume? "what is 14 * 3?"
[02:18:07] k-man: hehe
[02:24:28] markcerv (markcerv! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:11] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[02:41:09] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:06] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:01] newmobo (newmobo!47bb3e29@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:56] newmobo: Hello, I'd like to know a little more about VAAPI support in mythtv 0.25, what intel parts can accelerate playback?
[03:30:38] newmobo: anyone use an intel 3150 ?
[03:33:05] jya_: wagnerrp: i'm pretty much convinced now that the error I'm seeing when using writeDatagram is a mac only issue.. it works just fine on linux
[03:33:51] wagnerrp: perhaps something to do with behavior of the network stack?
[03:34:14] wagnerrp: some default configuration issue that differs from linux
[03:34:30] wagnerrp: similar to how freebsd defaults to bindv6only on
[03:34:35] jya_: here is the code to quickly test
[03:34:49] jya_: if you could test it on freebsd that would be nice
[03:35:00] wagnerrp: newmobo: pretty much junk
[03:35:11] jya_:
[03:35:52] jya_: wagnerrp: that's the , main file is main.cpp
[03:35:59] jya_: qmake ; make
[03:36:21] wagnerrp: newmobo: for the most part, the only intel hardware that supports VAAPI is hardware that otherwise doesnt need it
[03:36:50] wagnerrp: the i3s and i5s with integrated video can do it
[03:36:52] jya_: you would need to modify the code, for m_dest so it ends with %ifname for your box
[03:37:01] wagnerrp: the X4500HD can do it
[03:37:09] wagnerrp: and the low end GMA500 can do it
[03:37:50] nutron (nutron!~nutron@unaffiliated/nutron) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:38:05] newmobo: How about the E-350 from amd?
[03:38:30] wagnerrp: should do it, if you can get the fglrx drivers to work reliably
[03:38:41] newmobo: thats a big if...
[03:38:46] wagnerrp: theyve gotten significantly better, but have a horrendous track record
[03:39:22] newmobo: I'd worry about losing support in some future fglrx version
[03:40:38] newmobo: I have a front end with an athlon 2 dual core and the 785G integrated graphics. I eventually just went and bought a Geforce 210 for VDPAU, this was back with myth 0.24
[03:40:47] jya_: wagnerrp: is there a way to prevent the use of ipv6 in myth?
[03:40:52] jya_: specifically in mythfrontend?
[03:40:56] newmobo: I never got accelerated playback with the 785G back then
[03:41:23] wagnerrp: at the moment? probably just compile without support
[03:41:43] wagnerrp: you can set it to only listen on ::1, but thats probably not what youre looking for
[03:41:55] wagnerrp: wheres the .pro?
[03:42:15] newmobo: Fglrx is dropping or has dropped support for the 785G and 880G integrated graphics I think that's HD32XX and HD4XXX
[03:42:31] jya_: wagnerrp: oop
[03:42:38] jya_:
[03:44:08] wagnerrp: seems i never bothered to install qt on my base install
[03:45:06] sphery: why would you need a UI toolkit on a base install?  ;)
[03:45:15] wagnerrp: or maybe i never installed qmake anywhere
[03:45:28] wagnerrp: i dont have a copy on my backend
[03:45:32] wagnerrp: does that seem right?
[03:45:57] jya_: wagnerrp: but you compile mythtv right?
[03:46:06] jya_: with that same config you can compile the code above
[03:46:09] wagnerrp: ah, qmake-qt4
[03:48:32] wagnerrp: so this is to connect to a frontend with RAOP running?
[03:48:36] jya_: pretty sure it's a Qt bug… I noticed a bug report similar dating December 10, but that was closed as no one provided further info
[03:48:50] jya_: wagnerrp: no, that code does nothin
[03:49:03] jya_: it only creates a Udp socket, bind it, and send data
[03:49:18] wagnerrp: so it doesnt actually need anything on the opposite end?
[03:49:26] dinamic (dinamic! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:32] jya_: yep
[03:49:45] wagnerrp: running it unmodified, it reported "success"
[03:49:50] jya_: beauty of UDP, it doesn't care if there's something on the other end
[03:50:08] jya_: your main link-local is on eth0 ?
[03:50:12] jya_: surprising
[03:50:16] wagnerrp: epair2b
[03:50:28] wagnerrp: have no eth0 on that jail
[03:50:36] wagnerrp: epair2b and lo0
[03:50:52] jya_: normally, for you to not get an error with a link local, you would have to tell it which scope to use
[03:51:01] jya_: so blah%epair2b
[03:51:41] jya_: oh well, you don't get an error
[03:51:44] jya_: which is what it should be
[03:51:52] jya_: as it doesn't care if the end address is correct
[03:52:04] jya_: being disconnected
[03:53:08] jya_: so what "break" RAOP on my mac, isn't the move to ServerPool and the last changes added. is that now it supports IPv6, and that's what the iPhone will use to connect, and the mac can't send data to the iPhone control channel via link-local
[03:54:30] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:54:40] jya_: seems to have only unveiled a Qt bug
[03:55:07] ** jya_ really, the world is definitely not ready for the move to IPv6 **
[03:56:50] jya_: yep… works all fine on linux
[03:57:31] wagnerrp: seems odd that it would let you send from an address/link that doesnt exist
[04:01:42] newmobo: So which AMD video chipsets can offload the video playback, like VDPAU does for nvidia? FGLRX is the driver, but what would I set mythtv to use for video playback?
[04:02:40] lwizardl (lwizardl! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:03] wagnerrp: ideally, the ones that come with a mobile nVidia chip built in
[04:03:28] [R]: haha
[04:04:15] jya_: wagnerrp: well, UDP doesn't give you any guarantee that it arrived..
[04:04:43] newmobo: yeah but its fast
[04:04:45] jya_: On my mac, I do get an error if I'm sending to an IPv6 address and my mac isn't on that particular subnet
[04:05:11] jya_: which is why Im surprised that by using the wrong scope it still worked
[04:06:08] Transformer (Transformer! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:12:37] jya_: newmobo: if you use mythtv master, there are VAAPI profile set up
[04:12:55] jya_: i thought of backporting those to fixes/0.25 … but couldn't be bothered
[04:13:33] jya_: vAAPI will never give you something anywhere as nice as vdpau. their deinterlacer is pretty crappy.
[04:13:46] jya_: Also, the VAAPI deinterlacer only works on video decoded by VAAPI
[04:13:48] newmobo: ah ok
[04:13:58] jya_: so if the chip doesn't decode it, you end up with no deinterlacing
[04:14:11] pplmaker_ (pplmaker_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:16] jya_: vdpau will fallback to software decoding, but you still get their awesome deinterlacer
[04:14:29] jya_: that's obviously a problem myth should handle. but for the time being, it doesn't
[04:14:55] jya_: my ATI Radeon HT 6970 (so quite a powerful and recent card)
[04:14:59] jya_: only does h264
[04:15:33] DeviceZer0 (DeviceZer0!~hate@unaffiliated/devicezer0) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[04:15:38] jya_: so with VAAPI profile, my FTA TV which is mpeg2 can't work. so you end up with software decoding, and no deinterlacing at all
[04:15:40] jya_: it looks terrible
[04:16:31] pplmaker (pplmaker! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:16:44] newmobo: my goal was to setup more front ends so I was looking for an all-in-one low power and cheap frontend. Seems like I'm going to wind up with something like:
[04:18:02] newmobo: I can probably build a much more powerful machine for the same price, but that more powerful machine will probably cost me a lot more in electricity since it will spend LOTS of time being idle
[04:19:05] [R]: thats why you shut them off when they are not being used if you are concerned about it
[04:19:06] wagnerrp: newmobo: why would it be spending lots of time idle?
[04:19:15] wagnerrp: what [r] said
[04:19:41] newmobo: shutting off means long boot time
[04:19:48] wagnerrp: then use standby
[04:19:57] newmobo: true...
[04:20:40] newmobo: i havent had much luck with standby....ever... on any linux machine in the last 5 years though
[04:21:14] pplmaker__ (pplmaker__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:16] newmobo: coming out of S3 or S4 or even S1 always seems to not re-enable something
[04:21:28] [R]: i've got it workign on 3 of my 3 computers right nwo
[04:21:43] newmobo: that is a generalization for the linux kernel or older broken drivers. Ive had little success with it in the past so I never considered it
[04:21:47] pplmaker_ (pplmaker_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:22:13] newmobo: Got a different question: When I go to playback a recording, how might I be able to sort the recordings by either original air date or episode number or other sortable things that mythweb seems to be able to do, but not mythfrontend ?
[04:26:02] newmobo: In this case the question is for mythtv 0.24.1
[04:26:45] jya_: newmobo: ION2 is still a great platform. I personally use a nvidia based mac mini, vdpau (nvidia 320M), mobile core 2 duo. 11W watching TV !
[04:27:02] jya_: too bad Apple switched to ati for their latest ones
[04:27:29] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[04:28:35] jya_: wagnerrp:
[04:30:32] ** wagnerrp bookmarks **
[04:30:32] pplmaker__ (pplmaker__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:31:06] newmobo: Looking up nvidia ION2 on ebay leads me to.........a fricken ion2 surface mount solder paste sentcil..... . . . em41644cd850 who the hell buys production tools from ebay?
[04:32:38] jpabq (jpabq!~jpabq@mythtv/developer/jpabq) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:36:57] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[04:38:24] newmobo: So is there a way to sort recorded episodes in mythfrontend like can be done with mythweb?
[04:38:54] jya_: wagnerrp: I can't believe you didn't backport your fixes from 0.25 in regards to big disk size back to 0.21
[04:38:57] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:52] [R]: lol
[04:40:31] wagnerrp: jya_: yeah, i dont know what i was thinking
[04:41:10] jya_: there's such a lack of care for mythtv users… myth dev really.. that shows a total lack of commitment
[04:41:15] wagnerrp: just because no one even noticed it until last december doesnt mean all those old versions werent getting serious harm
[04:42:12] ** wagnerrp wonders if he missed an email where someone actually complained about it not being backported **
[04:43:15] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[04:45:15] jya_: wagnerrp: my point is that you should have been proactive about the issue, and backport it to 0.21, with the thought that someone would have experienced it at some stage :P
[04:46:15] wagnerrp: usually people with such large systems are a bit more proactive about updating... and doing things like running 64-bit... :)
[04:46:40] jya_: size_t would still have been an issue
[04:46:49] jya_: it's a long, which is 32 bits
[04:47:00] wagnerrp: size_t should be 64-bit on 64-bit linux
[04:48:19] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:48:54] wagnerrp: perhaps not 64-bit, but whatever the maximum array size is
[04:49:04] wagnerrp: which is significantly larger than 32-bit
[04:50:15] jya_: on my mac it's typedef unsigned long
[04:50:43] wagnerrp: scratch that, it is 64-bit...
[04:51:24] wagnerrp: a long is 64-bit too
[04:52:10] jya_: ah yeah, unsigned long is 64 bits on my mac
[04:53:04] jya_: was convinced it was long long only on linux/mac
[04:53:50] jya_: ah,it's windows where a long is still 32 bits
[04:54:07] jya_: i knew i had had this issue at some stage
[04:54:24] wagnerrp: and since no one runs windows backends....
[04:55:24] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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[04:56:44] jya_: i use uint32_t int32_t in all my new code these days
[04:56:52] jya_: including int8_t for char
[04:59:22] jya_: oh well… here i was chasing a bug that i can do nothing about… only way would be to disable IPv6 on os x
[05:01:15] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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[05:26:51] sphery: jya_: hehe, circular inheritance
[05:27:16] sphery: wagnerrp: I like your, "Just because something is necessary doesn't mean it's good."
[05:27:22] sphery: all too true
[05:30:19] wagnerrp: IMHO, and especially after running ZFS as my primary filesystem for several years, the only thing partitioning gets you is loss of flexibility
[05:31:07] jya_: i haven't bothered partioning my disks for years
[05:31:52] wagnerrp: i used to be useful to ensure certain applications had access to a certain amount of data (either minimum or maximum)
[05:33:02] wagnerrp: but at least in ZFS, you can set quotas and reservations
[05:33:11] wagnerrp: and set them for complex trees of nested partitions
[05:47:54] jya_: does myth has anything to use/watch/download a HLS stream?
[05:48:27] wagnerrp: just the demo in the backend status page
[05:48:31] jya_: e.g., if I give the player a http URL to a HLS stream, should that work?
[05:49:11] jya_: i'm tracing why some of the AirPlay video playback do not work, and in each case, the URL AirPlay received is a HLS stream...
[05:49:11] newmobo (newmobo!47bb3e29@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[05:49:25] jya_: and I see error that it expected xxx bytes and it go 0
[05:56:22] lake: holy crap. i finally am able to change channels from lirc!!! AH
[05:56:27] lake: so effing psyched!
[05:56:46] [R]: IR is so 1980s
[05:56:59] lake: i have to admit that it feels bad ass to run a irsend command and power on the STB
[05:57:05] lake: lol
[05:57:18] sphery: IR a fan of the simplicity and "works with any STB" approach
[05:57:39] sphery: (or any audio/video receiver or any TV or ...)
[05:57:41] lake: next plan is to get my bluetooth controller -> computer -> lirc -> STB
[05:57:48] ** [R] hugs his network addressable STB **
[05:58:02] lake: what do you have, [R]
[05:58:10] [R]: directv
[05:58:16] lake: ooooh. me too..
[05:58:31] lake: it has an ethernet jack on the back i think
[05:58:46] dekarl1 (dekarl1! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:58:50] [R]: i plug mine in to a VLAN on my router
[05:59:52] lake: hmm. i do have another dtv box in the closet near the router... good to know for the future
[06:00:05] lake: this one is far from the router
[06:00:20] dekarl (dekarl! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[06:00:47] lake: could you elaborate a bit on your set, [R], so i can get an idea in the case i can't find you here to pick your brain later?
[06:00:53] lake: set up*
[06:01:08] [R]: i have one of those fancy deca receiverse
[06:01:23] [R]: so i plug my network int oa deca adapter, and then the box can be talked to over my network
[06:01:46] [R]: then tehrse a script to change channels
[06:02:30] lake: is the deca provided by dtv?
[06:03:05] [R]: if you get like some fancy $$$ whole home nonsense it is
[06:03:08] [R]: i got it on ebay for like $10
[06:03:09] lake: this would work i think. i have the h21: . . . 2&sr=8-2
[06:03:34] [R]: thats one half of the equation
[06:03:41] [R]: then you need another one or a deca broadband adapter
[06:03:44] [R]: to get your network on the coax
[06:03:52] [R]: and a bandstop filter depending on your wiring
[06:04:24] [R]: tons of wiring diagrams from dtv on the subject
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[06:07:03] lake: [R]: this? . . . 4&sr=1-1
[06:07:14] [R]: yup
[06:07:27] [R]: but you really need to consult the wiring diagrams
[06:09:56] lake: okay, i'll save that for when i get a dedicated backend. right now i'm in the experiment stage.
[06:10:24] lake: thanks for all your input
[06:10:40] lake: i will now check into that script
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[06:12:09] somethinginteres: I am trying to change my MythTV theme and each time I select a theme from the Theme Chooser menu it doesn't apply the skin and send me back to the main menu. Any idea why?
[06:12:48] k-man: somethinginteres, i had that problem too
[06:13:29] somethinginteres: k-man: no solution as yet?
[06:13:35] k-man: somethinginteres, i think in my case i had old libs lying around that were interfereing – or, iirc you have to press Menu/Select theme to actually select it
[06:13:38] jya_ (jya_!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:13:43] k-man: somethinginteres, can't remember exactly what solve my problem
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[06:14:42] somethinginteres: k-man: seems to have applied upon restart on the 3rd attempt, thanks anyways k-man
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[06:15:03] k-man: somethinginteres, yw
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[06:15:24] k-man: somethinginteres, maybe thats what fixed it for me too – i didn't keep trying once it stuck
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[07:27:21] lake: i keep receiving "could not open jump program file" when i try to watch live tv. :(
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[10:13:13] KaZeR_W: hey guys. i'm facing a problem trying to setup my dvb-s device
[10:13:23] KaZeR_W: mythtv-setup says : E FE_GET_INFO ioctl failed (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) no such file
[10:13:36] KaZeR_W: but the device exists : crw-rw---- 1 root video 212, 3 3 mai 11:22 /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
[10:13:44] KaZeR_W: and it works using mplayer
[10:13:46] KaZeR_W: any idea?
[10:15:14] KaZeR_W: i have two dvb-t devices working also (but theses work in mythtv too)
[10:15:35] peitolm: is mythtv a member of video?
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[10:33:10] KaZeR_W: i made theses attempts using root.
[10:33:18] KaZeR_W: now even mplayer doesn't work.. odd
[10:37:05] KaZeR_W: crap, i have a clue. inconsistent device naming. i'll have to make udev rules
[10:51:36] dekarl-too (dekarl-too!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[10:52:22] dekarl-too: KaZeR_W: if DVB-S/T use different drivers you can simply lock down the driver via adapter_nr=x,y in modprobe.d
[10:53:17] dekarl-too: e.g. like here
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[11:02:29] zoran119: the front end is not showing me any .MTS files in the video listings... they show up (and play fine) if i rename them to .avi
[11:02:53] zoran119: is there a way to get mythtv to stop ignoring .MTS files>
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[11:08:03] dekarl-too: zoran119: hints that you can add ".mts" as filetype to show
[11:08:41] dekarl-too: I'm not sure where that dialog is, though :(
[11:29:20] KaZeR_W: thanks dekarl-too
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[11:46:28] KaZeR_W: that's odd. using only the dvb-s device, mythtv being in the video group and mplayer being able to play the stream when launched as the mythtv user, i still get the FE_GET_INFO ioctl failed (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) error message
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[12:42:58] wagnerrp_: zoran119: mts? not m2ts?
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[13:08:32] wagnerrp: awesome! my ISP's smtp server is inaccessible
[13:09:04] wagnerrp: someone want to relay a message to the -users list?
[13:11:46] k-man: what the message?
[13:12:40] wagnerrp: "im sorry, thats not a valid entry"... i dont care, i want you for forward me to a tech
[13:13:05] wagnerrp: s/for/to/
[13:13:32] wagnerrp: ugh....
[13:14:03] wagnerrp: k-man: if you dont mind...
[13:14:24] wagnerrp: [mythtv-users] Shows being titled as "Season" in mythvideo
[13:14:26] wagnerrp: thanks!
[13:15:19] k-man: wagnerrp, i could give you access to my smtp server if you like?
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[13:15:45] wagnerrp: nah, dont have urgent need to send
[13:15:59] wagnerrp: in line for a callback from my ISP in ~30 minutes
[13:16:12] k-man: ok
[13:16:25] k-man: i'll email that for you
[13:16:27] k-man: one sec
[13:16:38] wagnerrp: great, thanks!
[13:21:15] wagnerrp: hehehe...
[13:21:35] wagnerrp: "Mac OS X 10.6 or later 64-bit: Offline installer – 760GB"
[13:21:52] wagnerrp: jya: no wonder youre so fed up with repeated rebuilding Qt on OSX
[13:22:13] jya: that's 760MB
[13:22:31] jya: they made that mistake of MB vs GB for 4.8.1
[13:22:44] dekarl-too: ohh, if its only 760MB thats cool then :)
[13:23:05] ** wagnerrp just wants to find the release notes **
[13:23:26] jya: that's the full SDK
[13:23:38] jya: you don't need it to build myth, the lib package is sufficient
[13:23:41] wagnerrp: whats new in qt 4.8... that should do
[13:23:46] jya: it's *only* like 130MB
[13:24:01] jya: wagnerrp: the question should be more like, which bug is still there :)
[13:24:32] wagnerrp: well more like they messed with the regular expression stuff and introduced a bug
[13:24:49] wagnerrp: or perhaps they did something like change the default greediness
[13:25:07] wagnerrp: since the same code works more or less verbatim in python
[13:25:27] jya: there's a new regex bug?
[13:25:29] k-man: wagnerrp, more bugs are new in Qt 4.8.1 i believe :)
[13:25:54] jya: you have to give credit to them though.. it is a massive project.
[13:26:03] jya: the team working on it is huge
[13:26:16] jya: I think it's in the top 20 of ohlo
[13:26:19] wagnerrp: well theres a rash of people who are suddenly having the video library improperly scan their content in 0.25
[13:26:37] jya: which distrib ships with qt 4.8.1 ?
[13:26:46] wagnerrp: when that code has only changed a single digit since the 0.23 release, and not at all since the 0.24 release
[13:27:19] k-man: oh great, my irc client is colouring jya's nick black on black
[13:28:19] wagnerrp: looks yellow on a... greyish... i dont know what to even call that
[13:30:21] k-man: it looks like jya is in some kind of "stealth" mode on my screen
[13:30:30] k-man: engage cloaking device
[13:30:38] jya: yeah, I've already infected you
[13:31:12] ** wagnerrp wonders if hes going to have to dig through the source repository **
[13:32:57] wagnerrp: qfilesystemwatcher?
[13:33:39] wagnerrp: ah, just a frontend for things weve already ruled out as not usable
[13:58:15] k-man: wagnerrp, i sent the email from the wrong email address, just resent it from the correct one
[13:58:30] k-man: the former is not subscribed to the list so i excpet it would bounce?
[14:01:04] k-man: anyway, off to bed
[14:01:05] k-man: night all
[14:06:21] wagnerrp: night
[14:06:25] wagnerrp: well email is fixed-ish...
[14:06:32] wagnerrp: seems now i have to use port 587
[14:06:39] wagnerrp: when did that become the default?
[14:07:51] wagnerrp: RFC was just in november
[14:08:12] wagnerrp: i bet one of their techs updated their mail software last night and screwed up one of the configs
[14:12:55] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:12:58] KaZeR_W: hey guys. i'm still fighting with this "E FE_GET_INFO ioctl failed (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0)" issue
[14:13:03] KaZeR_W: i cannot setup my dvb-s card
[14:13:26] KaZeR_W: i can scan, and zap to a channel using mythtv users and command line tools : status 1e | signal 01a7 | snr 004c | ber 00000000 | unc fffffffe | FE_HAS_LOCK
[14:13:54] Shadow__1 (Shadow__1! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[14:14:00] KaZeR_W: but mythtv-setup says it cannot get the subtype informations, and hence i can't even setup my LNB (the button is missing)
[14:15:49] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[14:16:28] KaZeR_W: i'm running v0.25-63-g2a2af9f
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[14:31:37] dekarl-too: KaZeR_W: you still the have the "no such file" message after "FE_GET_INFO ioctl failed (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0)" ?
[14:31:50] devinheitmueller: People are seeing FE_GET_INFO ioctl failures on boards other than the 950q? That makes me think this is some more general problem (contrary to my previous belief it was a 950q driver issue).
[14:40:08] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[14:40:49] KaZeR_W: dekarl-too, yes. exact message is eno: No such device (19)
[14:42:47] dekarl-too: devinheitmueller: maybe it makes more sense for you, seems like its mythtv-setup doing something special
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[14:44:51] devinheitmueller: dekarl-too: yeah, that's what I was talking about.
[14:45:17] devinheitmueller: FE_GET_INFO is effectively a read-only call with no arguments, so it's not clear why it would fail.
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[14:53:03] dekarl-too: KaZeR_W: which kernel version is that? Another report on the dev list has uname: 3.3.1–3.fc16.x86_64
[14:57:58] KaZeR_W: dekarl-too, yes it's 3.3.4-1-ARCH
[14:58:02] KaZeR_W: (x86_64)
[14:58:15] KaZeR_W: i was thinking also of an issue regarding the dvb api
[14:58:47] KaZeR_W: but i have scan, szap, mplayer working fine. so it looks like an issue in mythtv, no?
[15:01:15] devinheitmueller: KaZeR_W: It could be a case where the bug is in the kernel DVB code, but it only manifests itself under Myth.
[15:03:02] KaZeR_W: devinheitmueller, yep maybe
[15:03:52] devinheitmueller: Can you strace mythtv-setup? It would be nice if we could see the ioctl() calls made against the DVB device prior to the error.
[15:06:37] KaZeR_W: devinheitmueller, sure
[15:09:53] KaZeR_W: guess what? i works now. i really don't understand. i can see the device now. i'll try to scan
[15:10:17] devinheitmueller: it worked when you did it via strace?
[15:10:31] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[15:10:34] KaZeR_W: yes
[15:10:47] devinheitmueller: Maybe a race condition, where strace changed the timing. Grrr...
[15:10:50] KaZeR_W: i have rebooted the backend once a few dozen of minutes ago
[15:10:59] KaZeR_W: i'm trying again without strace
[15:11:02] devinheitmueller: I would suggest trying it a few times and see if there really is a correlation.
[15:11:05] devinheitmueller: ok
[15:11:47] solars (solars! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[15:12:40] KaZeR_W: devinheitmueller, yes, without strace i reproduced the issue
[15:13:25] devinheitmueller: Can I get you to try it three or four times and see if there really is a correlation and not a coincidence?
[15:14:02] KaZeR_W: sure. now with strace i had the issue
[15:14:05] KaZeR_W: i'm sharing the output
[15:16:27] KaZeR_W: devinheitmueller,
[15:18:27] KaZeR_W: i can gzip it if it's more convenient for you
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[15:41:48] KaZeR_W: devinheitmueller, currently, with or without strace, i cannot get access to the device. tried multiple times, even after a reboot
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[16:03:49] dekarl-too: devinheitmueller: is there a special reason we open the device for FE_GET_INFO as RW and directly after that as RO? Should not both use the same mode? CardUtil::ProbeDVBFrontendName opens the frontend RW and CardUtil::ProbeDVBType which is called directly after opens it RO (and fails) I'd guess its either the RW -> RO sequence or some form of race condition due to the open/close/open/close sequence with no other syscall in b
[16:08:48] tekdoc (tekdoc! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[16:41:09] dekarl-too: devinheitmueller: I'm wondering why the check for fepriv->exit is different between dvb_device_open() and dvb_device_ioctl(), the former only returning ENODEV when it is DVB_FE_DEVICE_REMOVED, the latter returning ENODEV when it is not DVB_FE_NO_EXIT
[16:52:25] dekarl-too (dekarl-too!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit ()
[16:53:04] devinheitmueller: My money is that they screwed up dvb_frontend.c (yet again).
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[17:11:25] dekarl-too: devinheitmueller: . . . ebdeaecabd56 <- 24 month ago
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[17:13:12] KaZeR: so dekarl-too and devinheitmueller, you guys have an idea? :)
[17:13:45] devinheitmueller: dekarl-too: that whole file is a mess. It's a really complicated piece of logic and I think I've fixed three separate race conditions in it in the last couple of years.
[17:13:58] devinheitmueller: The challenge is that refactoring it is likely to cause more regressions.
[17:14:06] dekarl-too: KaZeR: I have lots of ideas, just need someone to do the work for me ;)
[17:14:13] devinheitmueller: (since in many cases certain cards work *because* of the broken behavior)
[17:15:40] Kuhne (Kuhne! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:47] tekdoc (tekdoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:18] devinheitmueller: There's been a history of cases where people submitted patches to make things work with their card, but causing breakage in other cards. The problem is that nobody has *all* the different cards so you can never be sure you're not breaking some other board by changing the common code.
[17:16:19] KaZeR: dekarl-too, ahaha :)
[17:16:32] tekdoc: Can anyone take a look at this video and help me figure out what's going on here: . . .
[17:17:16] wagnerrp: .mov?
[17:17:17] devinheitmueller: I cannot see the video due to the firewall, but are you the HVR-1800 user from yesterday?
[17:17:28] dekarl-too: devinheitmueller: oh the joys of bugs hiding other bugs... As a workaround we could change CardUtil to read the FE_INFO once and cache it. (and open the device in the same mode in both spots)
[17:17:44] tekdoc: Yes, that's me
[17:17:52] devinheitmueller: Yeah, fixing the 1800 is on my TODO list for this week.
[17:18:04] tekdoc: This is a different problem
[17:18:05] devinheitmueller: Your best bet is probably to just be patient (unless you want to dig into the register differences yourself)
[17:18:21] wagnerrp: oh, this is a capture of playback from a camera
[17:18:34] devinheitmueller: what is the issue?
[17:18:52] tekdoc: I got it working using the raw node
[17:18:59] devinheitmueller: crap. Forgot I have a meeting. Back in 45 minutes to an hour.
[17:19:00] tekdoc: but the video is distorted
[17:19:04] wagnerrp: poor color, diagonal (bottom left to top right) lines
[17:19:33] dekarl-too (dekarl-too!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit ()
[17:19:36] wagnerrp: it looks like analog tv when the color signal is out of sync
[17:19:46] wagnerrp: so you have that diagonal banding pattern
[17:20:24] tekdoc: This is NTSC cable but I had to set it to NTSC-M to even get it that clear and with a decent framerate
[17:20:41] wagnerrp: PVR-150/500?
[17:20:54] tekdoc: iHVR 1800
[17:21:07] tekdoc: sorry, HVR-1800
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[17:21:48] tekdoc: Could it be a problem with myth not setting the right format?
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[17:27:18] tekdoc: the card uses the cx23885 driver and I needed to patch v4lchannel.cpp like this: to be able to get any analog video at all with MythTv
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[17:28:18] devinheitmueller: tekdoc: yeah, that's the problem that brfransen mentioned and I'm slated to look at.
[17:29:06] tekdoc: are you sure? bfransen's video looked like what I was getting on /dev/video1
[17:29:09] devinheitmueller: tekdoc: that change shouldn't be needed. Is V4L2_CAP_STREAMING being set by the driver?
[17:29:17] tekdoc: yes
[17:29:26] devinheitmueller: I cannot see the video, but brfransen reported video corruption with banding at the bottom.
[17:29:54] tekdoc: I couldn't get any video until I patched v4lchannel.cpp
[17:29:58] devinheitmueller: Interesting. My guess is that the driver is always returning CAP_STREAMING regardless of whether you are using the MPEG or the raw vdevice node.
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[17:30:19] tekdoc: I wish you could see this video
[17:30:33] devinheitmueller: Yeah, sorry. The corporate firewall here blocks dropbox.
[17:30:33] tekdoc: any other way you can access it?
[17:31:39] devinheitmueller: perhaps if it were on some other website.
[17:32:01] brfransen: tekdoc: looks similar to what I got:
[17:32:29] tekdoc: yeah, that's it
[17:32:51] tekdoc: I saw your other video on the kernellabs blog but this is different
[17:33:11] devinheitmueller: Ok, so at least now we know we're all talking about the same issue.
[17:33:43] devinheitmueller: If I had to guess, the recent changes for the cx23888 onboard DIF are probably being invoked even on the cx23885, which would likely cause behavior such as this.
[17:33:50] tekdoc: bfransen – that is coming from video0, right?
[17:34:01] devinheitmueller: (this is completely separate from the CAP_STREAMING issue though)
[17:34:09] brfransen: the other was my first attempt, this was after I applied that patch I linked the other day
[17:34:23] brfransen: tekdoc: yes the mpeg side
[17:34:29] tekdoc: ok
[17:34:41] devinheitmueller: In this case, I suspect you would see the same behavior on both the MPEG encoder and the raw video side.
[17:34:56] devinheitmueller: (since the problem is in the pipeline before that routing decision is made)
[17:36:02] tekdoc: Just to let you know, I reverted my system to kernel 3.2.16 and still had these issues
[17:36:26] tekdoc: I also had very low framerates with that kernel.
[17:36:51] tekdoc: I am back at 3.3.4 now
[17:37:36] Kuhne: Hi all... I'm having a problem with the progressbar when watching LiveTV. I have seen the same issues for others with recordings, and the solution has then been to run "mythcommflag --rebuild". I can't do that on live tv, so I was wondering if there is a better solution?
[17:38:29] devinheitmueller: tekdoc: interesting. That's good to know.
[17:38:49] devinheitmueller: If that's the case then I'm no longer confident that it's a regression from Steven's recent cx23888 work.
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[17:40:16] tekdoc: Yeah, I took out all of his latest commits and rebuilt even before I went back to 3.2.1
[17:40:32] devinheitmueller: ok.
[17:40:36] brfransen: tekdoc: do you have the full 1800 or mce? Or wouldn't that matter devinheitmueller?
[17:40:39] devinheitmueller: That's definitely good to kno then.
[17:40:58] devinheitmueller: brfransen: It's the same 1800 that you pointed me to (I ordered one off Ebay for $20)
[17:41:10] devinheitmueller: In this case though, it shouldn't matter whether it's the full board or the MCE version.
[17:41:23] devinheitmueller: (the code in question is common to both boards)
[17:42:34] tekdoc: devinheitmueller: if I am bugging you, feel free to ignore me
[17:42:51] devinheitmueller: I'm slated to grab dinner with Steven next Tuesday. I'll borrow his set of cx23885 boards (he's got essentially every variation of the product you can imagine).
[17:43:25] devinheitmueller: In the meantime though, I should be able to address the 1800 issue without his boards – trying out the other boards is just to ensure I don't cause breakage elsewhere.
[17:43:43] devinheitmueller: tekdoc: np
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[17:45:28] brfransen: devinheitmueller: to answer your question yesterday about the 950q and dmesg, no errors, no oops
[17:45:34] devinheitmueller: brfransen: ok.
[17:46:01] devinheitmueller: brfransen: since we last spoke, the FE_GET_INFO was reported against a different product, suggesting it isn't specific to the 950q.
[17:46:29] brfransen: so would that make it an issue in myth?
[17:46:43] devinheitmueller: brfransen: either in Myth, or in some common part of the DVB core.
[17:46:55] brfransen: or did the changes in myth just tickle a driver bug?
[17:46:55] devinheitmueller: (something in dvb core shared by all products)
[17:47:03] devinheitmueller: My money is on a driver bug.
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[17:47:29] schevalley: hi all, I've got a quick question about mythfilldatabase. I'm running 0.25 and mythfilldatabase doesn't actually show the download progress from schedulesdirect. I'm getting a XML parse error on the files downloaded and want to make sure that the download isn't failing at some point. I've tried the -v all option, but it also doesn't show the download progress.
[17:49:52] tekdoc: devinheitmueller: I just want to clarify something...with 3.2.16, I did get clear video from the mpeg side but in mythtv only the raw device worked and it was distorted. Sorry if I confused you on that.
[17:52:30] tekdoc: Still, reverting Steven's latest commits did not resolve the problem with the mpeg device.
[17:54:03] schevalley: is there any option for mythfilldatabase to show the file download progress?
[17:54:53] kmcorbett1 (kmcorbett1!~kmcorbett@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:55:30] wagnerrp: you can check logs for update events coming off the download manager
[17:57:23] devinheitmueller: tekdoc: ah, ok. that is highly relevant.
[17:58:09] devinheitmueller: There are two issues here we are talking about: the first is the video corruption (which I believe would occur on both the MPEG and raw video devices). The second issue is the CAP_STREAMING issue.
[17:58:45] tekdoc: Right.
[18:00:45] devinheitmueller: I believe the video corruption issue was recently introduced by Steven's changes. The CAP_STREAMING issue has probably been there quite a while longer.
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[18:01:46] tekdoc: brfransen, did you do anything else to get the mpeg device working in myth?
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[18:05:03] tekdoc: can you point me to the patch you mentioned earlier?
[18:06:19] brfransen: I am on 2.6.39, I built the linux-media tree around 4/7 and applied //" rel="nofollow"> . . . sg45199.html
[18:07:11] brfransen: that go me to from the mpeg encoder
[18:07:17] brfransen: s/go/got
[18:13:35] tekdoc: OK, now I see what I missed...I only built the latest cx23885 and not cx25840.
[18:14:51] tekdoc: I am guessing that's why you were able to use video1 and did not have to patch for the CAP_STREAMING issue
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[18:30:57] lis0r: any one here in the UK get "Due to technical difficulties the service you required is unavailable. Please try again later." popping up for a few seconds frequently on BBC channels?
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[19:04:00] sphery: wagnerrp: theory on the filename parsing thread... translated "Season" to something else (such as "Series")?
[19:04:35] wagnerrp: yeah, sounds very reasonable
[19:05:22] wagnerrp: i think well find out soon enough when people start using that mythutil option
[19:06:02] wagnerrp: > mythutil --parse-video-filename "Series/The Big Bang Theory/Series 1/02.The Big Bran Hypothesis.mp4" --quiet
[19:06:02] wagnerrp: Title: Series
[19:06:03] wagnerrp: Season: 1
[19:06:03] wagnerrp: Episode: 02
[19:06:03] wagnerrp: Subtitle: The Big Bran Hypothesis
[19:06:27] wagnerrp: thats EXACTLY what theyre seeing
[19:06:36] wagnerrp: except 'Season' as the title
[19:06:43] kmcorbett (kmcorbett!~kmcorbett@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[19:10:01] sphery: where you used series since you know that season is right for en_US?
[19:10:11] wagnerrp: yes
[19:10:19] sphery: hehe, ok, cool--following
[19:10:21] wagnerrp: Season instead works fine
[19:10:39] wagnerrp: Beirdo: would you have any reservations about giving a bot commit access?
[19:10:44] sphery: didn't think about it until someone said, "Series" in the thread, today
[19:12:16] wagnerrp: i want to get this new ebuild generator finished up
[19:12:28] wagnerrp: but id like to try tying it into the buildbot system
[19:12:55] wagnerrp: i.e. run nightly if anything has changed in the previous day
[19:13:16] wagnerrp: generate an ebuild, test building and installing it, and if successful, push the changes
[19:13:50] wagnerrp: something like ubuntu's autobuilds
[19:16:55] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:37:37] lautriv (lautriv! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:56] Beirdo: wagnerrp: could be OK, I guess. You'd want that on packaging?
[19:39:26] Beirdo: I'm just about to leave for the weekend, but we can set something like that up early next week
[19:41:51] wagnerrp: yeah, push access on packaging
[19:41:55] wagnerrp: camping?
[19:42:06] AndyCap (AndyCap!~aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[19:42:28] AndyCap (AndyCap!~aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:47:01] ** sphery schedules some time this weekend to break into Beirdo's place **
[19:47:02] Beirdo: yup
[19:47:10] Beirdo: hey. now now
[19:47:20] sphery: I'm gonna get me some nice radio equipment
[19:47:26] wagnerrp: sphery: will the contents be worth the last minute air fare?
[19:47:42] sphery: actually, I think I'll wait until you actually finish putting it all together and making it work with the software and stuff
[19:47:49] Beirdo: hehe, the 1952 converted fridge might be
[19:47:55] Beirdo: but good luck moving that SOB
[19:48:00] wagnerrp: kegerator?
[19:48:02] Beirdo: yup
[19:48:08] sphery: wagnerrp: hehe, he did make a really nice comforter and auto-sensing kegerator
[19:48:18] sphery: (complete with temperature and weight sensors!)
[19:48:29] Beirdo: the sensors aren't currently in the kegerator though, unfortunately
[19:48:39] sphery: though they'll probably make me check the fridge on the flight back--which is at least an extra $25
[19:48:48] Beirdo: I'll get back to THAT project soon too
[19:48:57] Beirdo: but I wanna make an SDR
[19:49:01] sphery: ah, so I'll definitely wait, then
[19:49:03] Beirdo: and I want to finish gpucommflag
[19:49:05] Beirdo: heheh
[19:49:08] sphery: let me know when you finish both and go camping
[19:49:36] Beirdo: hehehe
[19:49:53] Beirdo: that's quite a long flight for nothing.
[19:49:54] Beirdo: hehe
[19:51:32] dmfrey (dmfrey! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[19:52:31] sphery: hehe
[19:58:37] ** Beirdo wants to smack the Richard Marx song outta his head **
[19:58:41] Beirdo: SHUT UP!
[20:00:00] sphery: Beirdo: Hold on to the lyrics!
[20:00:40] kmcorbett1 (kmcorbett1!~kmcorbett@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:01:01] Beirdo: not that one
[20:01:37] sphery: hehe
[20:02:02] ** justinh tries not to hazard a guess... **
[20:02:22] sphery: Well, if you get it out of your head, and later want to hear again, don't worry, the memories will be Right There Waiting For You...
[20:02:52] ** justinh gets his gun. The only real cure for a Marx earworm **
[20:02:58] sphery: hehe
[20:03:10] justinh: Kurt Cobain had a whole Marx album in his head
[20:05:08] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:05:17] sphery: justinh: So, listening to some Marx before getting out the games console is the best way to beat this one:
[20:06:02] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:06:02] Beirdo: figuring he died like 2 miles from here...
[20:07:08] sphery: wagnerrp: no need for bash in a startup script--just use upstart!
[20:07:11] justinh: ha
[20:15:56] Beirdo: oO
[20:16:04] Beirdo: upstart?! it is to puke!
[20:16:15] Oleg_: those instructions about getting mythtv from git are unclear; for example, they don't even mention where I am supposed to type "git pull"
[20:16:39] wagnerrp: anywhere from within the repository folder
[20:16:54] Beirdo: on the keyboard
[20:17:01] wagnerrp: a terminal
[20:17:10] Oleg_: it would be nice if someone mentioned it in the documentation
[20:17:45] wagnerrp: it probably lists that command just prior to 'configure' and 'make'
[20:17:58] wagnerrp: implying you would be in that same path
[20:17:58] Oleg_: it says "Once you have a clone of the repository, you can just do a git pull at any time to update it to the most recent revision. "
[20:18:39] kmcorbett (kmcorbett!~kmcorbett@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:24] Oleg_: I am talking about the instructions on
[20:20:40] Oleg_: however, on this site, , the instructions are more clear
[20:20:54] Oleg_: for example, on that site, it is written:
[20:21:09] Oleg_: " could enter the mythtv directory and type "git pull","
[20:21:40] wagnerrp: i guess its really just sort of assumed
[20:21:47] Beirdo: it is assumed that anyone who clones will actually take the time to get a *wee* bit acquainted with git
[20:21:59] wagnerrp: you would have to let git know what repository you wanted cloned somehow
[20:22:11] Beirdo: like to know to be in the directory structure to do a git pull.
[20:22:27] wagnerrp: it stands to reason if you didnt tell it explicitly, it would use the repository for your current directory
[20:22:41] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[20:24:14] Oleg_: when I type mythbackend --version, I get:
[20:24:18] Oleg_: MythTV Version : v0.25-64-g96d0a7b-dirty
[20:24:26] Beirdo: I don't think we ever specified where to do "svn up" back in the day either :)
[20:24:28] Oleg_: why dirty?
[20:24:40] wagnerrp: because you modified your repository in some manner
[20:24:41] Beirdo: because something has changed
[20:24:52] wagnerrp: thats merely the output of 'git describe'
[20:24:58] wagnerrp: see 'git status' to figure out what you changed
[20:25:13] Beirdo: I think I need to tweak the script to do a git status first to clear the dirty bit in some situations.
[20:25:26] Beirdo: if git status says nothing's changed, ignore the -dirty
[20:25:51] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:55] wagnerrp: think its getting a false positive on some generated files?
[20:25:57] Beirdo: as I am almost always compiling a dirty tree :)
[20:26:06] Beirdo: yeah, I think it's something like that, yeah
[20:26:26] Beirdo: it can be cleared by a git status before the git describe --dirty IIRC
[20:26:35] Beirdo: if that's all that's causing it to be dirty
[20:29:16] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:15] Oleg_: mythweb is only useful when the frontend and the backend are on two different machines?
[20:33:44] justinh: mythweb is always useful whenever you haven't got access to a PC at home
[20:34:03] justinh: it is only useful when the backend is on though ;-)
[20:34:06] sphery: Beirdo: IME, if you do a git status, you no longer get the failures on git describe --dirty
[20:34:22] Beirdo: yeah
[20:34:23] sphery: it seems to force it to re-check and realize it's all good
[20:34:37] Beirdo: unless it really IS dirty :)
[20:34:40] sphery: (so in theory, you wouldn't need to parse git status to find out if it says nothing changed)
[20:34:47] Beirdo: nope, just run it
[20:34:56] sphery: yeah
[20:34:57] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:38] Number6: Is there a shell command that I can run to force Mythbuntu to pull down video meta data (0.24 on Natty)
[20:37:05] wagnerrp: there is the bulk downloader available through the Video Library menu
[20:37:07] Beirdo: sphery: gimme a sec, I might as well fix it right now :)
[20:37:13] wagnerrp: and optionally configured to run automatically after a scan
[20:39:01] Number6: wagnerrp: Yeah, I thought that, but I can't seem to get it to pull in data – unless it just takes a long time
[20:39:25] Jordack (Jordack! has quit ()
[20:40:11] wagnerrp: it should run maybe 1–2 per second
[20:40:28] 17WAACG7T (17WAACG7T! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:42:42] ** wizbit fiddles with his backend **
[20:42:55] Beirdo: that just sounds wrong
[20:43:00] Beirdo: don't forget to wipe.
[20:47:50] skd5aner: wiring closet, 90% complete now
[20:48:21] skd5aner: man this crap is exhausting
[20:48:37] skd5aner: I can see why I ignored it for 3 years
[20:49:31] Beirdo: hehe
[20:49:37] Eruphus (Eruphus! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:47] skd5aner: Selling house... would scare away a potential buyer leaving it the way it was
[20:52:14] Beirdo: ahhh
[20:52:26] Beirdo: sphery: there, no more spurious -dirty :)
[20:52:34] skd5aner: "why are there 500 wires hanging from the ceiling in wall here going to nowhere, and 15 of them plugged in to stuff?"
[20:52:54] skd5aner: s/ceiling in wall/ceiling and walls
[20:53:41] tekdoc (tekdoc! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[20:54:13] sphery: Beirdo: nice--and fast
[20:54:49] sphery: skd5aner: so you're cleaning it up right before you sell/move?
[20:55:01] skd5aner: sphery: yea, basically
[20:55:13] sphery: seems to be how too many things get done--so we never actually get to enjoy having it finished/cleaned up
[20:55:34] skd5aner: sphery: it's actually really nice now... and I'll probably get hardly any money back out of it, but I've got a 22U wall rack and everything in there
[20:56:09] sphery: nice
[20:56:33] Beirdo: I have a portable 2U rack :)
[20:56:52] Beirdo: it has 1U of gear in it right now (a dynamic compressor to be exact)
[20:57:02] Beirdo: it's a flight case
[20:58:21] skd5aner: yea, when I built the house I homeran data (cat6), voice (cat5e), video (rg6qs, mini-coax bundle for component, and cat6 for baluns), security (18/2, 18/4), home automation (18/4, cat5e), lighting control (cat5e), and whole home audio (14/4 speaker wire & cat5e)
[20:58:28] skd5aner: so... needless to say, it's a freaking lot of copper
[20:58:59] ** Beirdo tells the tweakers nearby where to score copper to sell for their fix **
[20:59:04] skd5aner: I've got a spreadsheet somewhere that has all the runs and measuremetns and total distance for each type and overall sum... something like 3–4 miles or something rediculous
[20:59:39] skd5aner: Beirdo: how much can you scrap something like utp and rg6? surely not that much
[21:00:00] Beirdo: I dunno, but they rip down phone lines...
[21:01:43] wagnerrp: doesnt mean they get much out of it
[21:01:46] skd5aner: every TV location I have has 2 RG6Qs, 1 Mini-Coax bundle (5 RCA ports for component video and stereo audio), 2 cat 6 data, and 4 cat6 ports for "futureproofing" with baluns
[21:02:00] skd5aner: the intent was to put all equipment in the basement and distribute audio, video, and IR
[21:03:25] skd5aner: just never got around to terminating everything in the closet... and only terminated the ports I actually used and hooked them directly up to whatever I needed to hook them up to down there (switch, rf amp, etc)
[21:04:38] skd5aner: Now, only thing left to terminate is the speaker wire, and I'm going to use terminal blocks ad terminal spades
[21:04:48] skd5aner: er, "and"
[21:05:52] skd5aner: ordered them from China, $3.99 each... free shipping... lol
[21:06:35] skd5aner: explain to me how anyone in that equation makes money?
[21:07:45] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:07:46] tgm4883: skd5aner, your identity is worth more than the shipping cose?
[21:07:53] tgm4883: cost*
[21:08:00] wagnerrp: skd5aner: they sell it at a loss, but make it up in volume
[21:08:07] skd5aner: tgm4883: paid via paypal, so at best all they have is my shipping address
[21:08:22] skd5aner: and the fact that I ordered 5 terminal blocks :P
[21:08:53] skd5aner: . . . -166145.html  – seems shipping isn't free right now, but still dirt cheap
[21:09:04] Beirdo: the labor is nearly free
[21:09:12] Beirdo: that's how they make $$$
[21:10:24] skd5aner: "black and silvery" – . . . p-11835.html
[21:10:48] skd5aner: 73 customer reviews – . . . -p-2805.html
[21:11:03] wagnerrp: hamburger phone?
[21:11:15] Eruphus (Eruphus! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:11:23] skd5aner: rofl... "Phones great, works really well for calling abortion clinics."
[21:12:19] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:12:51] skd5aner: I just noticed, that wii sensor bar link even has a type "sliver"... which reminds me that Nirvana's track "Silver" was actually meant to be called "sliver", but the record company assumed that Cobain had made a typo and changed it to "silver" without asking... that's your random fact o' the day
[21:13:29] lake: i am suffering from a local jump program file error when trying to use live tv in mythfrontend. :/
[21:13:42] skd5aner: lake: sorry, that's just not interesting to us right now, try back later
[21:13:51] Toast__ (Toast__!~quassel@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:13:52] skd5aner: lake: just kidding
[21:14:02] lake: apparantly my mpeg files are generating zero byte file sizes.
[21:14:07] skd5aner: lake: what version of mythtv?
[21:14:09] Beirdo: not enough boobs
[21:14:10] lake: skd5aner: i like your style
[21:14:37] lake: skd5aner: MythTV Version : v0.25-62-g3d29f7c-dirty
[21:14:39] lake: MythTV Branch : fixes/0.25
[21:14:53] wagnerrp: Beirdo: its dirty, it must have some boobs
[21:15:05] Beirdo: hehee
[21:15:06] skd5aner: no nipples
[21:15:18] lake: just black tape. :(
[21:15:24] wagnerrp: so its "super bowl" dirty?
[21:15:44] skd5aner: yes, 6 frames of have exposed boobs – and 0 byte files
[21:15:49] skd5aner: damnit... "half"
[21:16:00] skd5aner: lake: what tuner?
[21:16:05] lake: HDPVR
[21:16:17] skd5aner: I knew it... there's your problem right there
[21:16:22] lake: FFFFFFUUUUUUU
[21:16:30] lake: i just got my IR blaster working tho. awww man
[21:16:38] skd5aner: HDPVR and live tv just don't want to live together...
[21:16:50] lake: but i can stream thru vlc just fine
[21:16:51] skd5aner: it can work, sorta... you have to extend your timeouts
[21:17:14] lake: skd5aner: dang, didn't think of that. will try now.
[21:17:15] skd5aner: I can't remember which ones, exactly
[21:18:15] tekdoc (tekdoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:27] skd5aner: in my case, when I launch live tv (using a channel that my HDPVR can tune), it takes a few seconds for the blaster to tell the STB to change a channel, then the STB takes 2–8 seconds to stabilize the signal, then it takes the HD-PVR 2–5 seconds after /that/ to stabilize the recording
[21:18:37] skd5aner: livetv can get impatient and crash
[21:18:37] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[21:18:46] lake: this has been an incredibly frustrating experience over all. I think it's been 5 days of trying to get this working. But, my hopes are high and I am determined. i can't wait to be able to use mythtv.
[21:18:57] lake: everyone here has been super nice! way to go guys!!
[21:19:13] skd5aner: that said, my HDPVR rarely ever fails on recordings because it ultimately doesn't care about the timing of things like livetv does
[21:19:31] skd5aner: it only fails when it gets too hot... for that, I have contingency plans
[21:19:43] lake: water cooling system?
[21:19:53] Beirdo: oh, for the three that recently ordered the HDPVR-killers (if you are in channel), they are built, and will be shipped out Monday when I get back from camping.
[21:20:04] skd5aner: lake: Beirdo's HDPVR Killer –
[21:21:04] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:21:05] Beirdo: I tried to get them shipped this week, but everything was happening at once, and I couldn't get them out.
[21:21:08] lake: is it possible to record AND watch tv at the same time w/ HDPVR or record multiple shows? How could I achieve that?
[21:21:09] skd5aner: but, they should only be needed if you are personally experiencing constant 0-byte failures for RECORDINGS (not live tv) with your HDPVR that seem to be resolved after powering cycling the hd-pvr... his device automates that
[21:21:31] skd5aner: lake: not everyone has those experiences, and my hd-pvr didn't have that problem until after 2–3 years of daily use
[21:21:32] lake: that's an awesome idea!
[21:21:36] devinheitmueller: lake: the HD-PVR can only record one thing at once.
[21:21:39] Beirdo: sure saves diving in there and unplugging it :)
[21:21:47] devinheitmueller: (you can have multiple HD-PVRs though)
[21:21:54] skd5aner: lake: 1:1 with the HDPVR
[21:21:57] lake: i was wondering if i could power it off via usb.
[21:22:06] skd5aner: lake: no, not without that device
[21:22:14] lake: devinheitmueller: but doesn't that imply that i need multiple STBoxes?
[21:22:21] devinheitmueller: lake: correct.
[21:22:26] lake: shite
[21:22:35] skd5aner: lake: that device is controlled by USB, and has a relay on it that does the power cycle, but you can't do it directly as-is to the hd-pvr
[21:22:35] lake: this stuff can get expensive
[21:22:48] devinheitmueller: lake: And that's why many people really like the cablecard products.
[21:22:56] lake: the homerun?
[21:23:01] skd5aner: lake: yea, but once you get it running, you don't usually have to keep shoveling the money
[21:23:03] devinheitmueller: (which have three tuners and you only have to pay for one cablecard)
[21:23:13] Beirdo: I love the HDPVR, BTW, it's a great device. I think I'll be setting a fan in the cabinet to keep air flowing across it though
[21:23:26] Beirdo: dunno how it will like the summer again without that
[21:23:51] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: I joked at one point that I was going to go to K-mart, buy a cheap home theatre cabinet, and then anonymously leave it in the QA lab.
[21:24:00] Beirdo: it's often noticably hot to the touch when it's been recording forever
[21:24:05] Beirdo: hehe
[21:24:14] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: amen
[21:24:17] Beirdo: that might help reproduce some of our stupid issues :)
[21:24:22] devinheitmueller: yup
[21:24:22] lake: so if my two favorites shows come on at the same time... i can only record one. awww
[21:24:39] skd5aner: lake: yup, that's when priorities come in to play
[21:24:52] skd5aner: lake: and if the show is scheduled to re-air in the next 14 days
[21:25:01] skd5aner: that's where MythTV shines
[21:25:06] lake: skd5aner: do you just have one hdpvr?
[21:25:11] skd5aner: (at handling conflicts)
[21:25:15] Beirdo: if treated well, the thing runs like a champ. You let it get too warm, it doesn't like it much. That seems to be one of the commonalities from what I've heard over time
[21:25:31] skd5aner: lake: I have 1 HDPVR, but 4 QAM tuners, and 4 SD Analog Tunes
[21:25:39] skd5aner: tuners
[21:26:04] lake: woah
[21:26:13] skd5aner: Beirdo: yea, and they get more finiky with age... I'm wondering if it's a cap issue, or solder joints or what...
[21:26:27] skd5aner: lake: I rarely get conflicts...
[21:26:35] Beirdo: hardly an un-heard-of thing with electronics though. Many devices don't like being put into cabinets and stewing in their own heat :)
[21:26:43] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: do you actually have a unit that exhibits faulty behavior?
[21:26:48] skd5aner: actually, I have a second HDPVR still sitting the shrink wrapped box... I just don't want to pay the $10/mo to rent another STB :P
[21:27:05] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: yup (haven't popped it open)
[21:27:15] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: how often does it fail?
[21:27:28] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:27:32] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: depends on the week... some weeks never, other weeks every other recording after a reset
[21:27:46] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: and you see a thermal correlation?
[21:28:15] Beirdo: hmm, I thought I put in a logfile to track failures. I guess I didn't quite get to it :( Crap. Another thing to finish on Monday
[21:28:33] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:28:37] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: nothing with true measurements... but it was originally in an audio cabinet without a back on it... once I moved it to an enclosed cabinet, it started failing more frequently
[21:29:03] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: and hot to the touch (not that it was "cool" in the other cabinet)  – so just subjective conjecturing
[21:29:26] Beirdo: sounds similar, possible thermal correlation to me
[21:29:39] Beirdo: I mean to what I see  :)
[21:30:01] skd5aner: I've debated installing a fan
[21:30:19] Beirdo: of course, I do tend to stress it with many hours continual recording, which is likely to make the thermal issue more prevelant
[21:30:20] skd5aner: but, honestly... it's just low on my priority list... it's been a little better in the last month or so
[21:30:44] clever: what about powering the HDPVR off when its not in use?
[21:30:47] skd5aner: Beirdo: yea, I think I notice the 0 bytes starting sometimes after multiple succesfull recordings
[21:31:01] clever: if its just off, it wont be producing any heat
[21:31:01] Beirdo: clever: ummm, that wouldn't help me much
[21:31:18] clever: depends on how much you use it i guess
[21:31:25] skd5aner: clever: well, you can... and in fact, you can even use Beirdo's device to send the command via cronjob, but that doens't seem to always make the difference
[21:31:31] Beirdo: most failures seem to be after recording a series of shows, kinda like what skd5aner is saying
[21:31:38] clever: ah
[21:32:05] Beirdo: so once I find a reasonable fan to fit in there, I'll see if that helps
[21:32:23] Beirdo: should probably just buy a 120mm fan and let er rip
[21:32:38] skd5aner: I think iamlindoro modified his and wrote a writeup on it a long time ago when they first came out
[21:32:53] Beirdo: heh, I don't feel like modding it
[21:33:02] devinheitmueller: You probably don't even need a fan. Just popping the lid would probably be enough.
[21:33:22] Beirdo: yeah, that probably would do it
[21:33:46] Beirdo: the fan would be blowing across it the way I'm thinking
[21:34:11] Beirdo: I'm not worried about voiding warranty or anything, I just like having my stuff not modified if I can help it :)
[21:34:24] skd5aner: I do hate that I have a NIB HDPVR just sitting there
[21:34:33] skd5aner: I have a NIB hdhomerun too
[21:34:33] devinheitmueller: Does the device completely stop responding to USB requests? Or does it just fail to record?
[21:34:44] Beirdo: if it dies completely at some time, I will be purchasing a replacement (assuming I can get another at that time)
[21:34:44] skd5aner: (2 tuner version from a few years ago)
[21:34:57] Beirdo: sometimes it will fail USB
[21:35:06] Beirdo: sometimes it just won't record
[21:35:12] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: I haven't tried to do anything related to the cli or anything
[21:35:18] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: ok
[21:35:31] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: I just know it produced 0 byte recordings at the point and won't stop until cycled
[21:35:40] devinheitmueller: skd5aner: sure.
[21:35:42] Beirdo: sometimes, powercycling isn't enough and I need to rmmod the drivers too, so there could be some interaction with the reverse-engineered drivers in play here
[21:35:54] skd5aner: Beirdo: I've never had to do that
[21:36:09] Beirdo: that is quite rare, but it's happened a couple times to me
[21:36:13] devinheitmueller: I should probably come up with some sort of diagnostic script people can run to analyze the situation.
[21:36:17] Beirdo: I blame my mobo
[21:36:25] Beirdo: that would be cool :)
[21:36:31] skd5aner: I do have a couple channels though that the recordings can become very corrupted on a regular basis... ESPN being one of them
[21:36:52] Beirdo: anything that can get you useful information is fine by me ;)
[21:37:21] skd5aner: devinheitmueller: yea, I'd be happy to provide diagnostics when it happens if feasible
[21:37:34] Beirdo: I will add the logging into my script when I'm back from camping. That way it will tell me how often it happens, etc.
[21:37:47] skd5aner: Beirdo: if you don't mind me asking, how many of the killers have you sold?
[21:37:49] Beirdo: if only my stupid temperature sensor would stay running
[21:38:01] devinheitmueller: Beirdo: that would be useful. At this point the best thing we can do is figure out a reliable sequence to reproduce the problem.
[21:38:01] Beirdo: 10–15, not sure of exact numbers
[21:38:34] Beirdo: devinheitmueller: OK, sure. Yeah, knowing what it's doing more accurately has gotta be helpful ;)
[21:38:37] skd5aner: Beirdo: do you know if any of them were non-mythtv users?
[21:38:56] Beirdo: no clue. I recognized most of the names though
[21:39:06] skd5aner: Beirdo: I'm pretty sure this is a hardware issue, not related to OS
[21:39:34] clever: i recently put a temp sensor in my 'server' room (4 desktops), and found it was staying at ~26c
[21:39:36] devinheitmueller: Yeah, but most people under Windows won't have the thing running 24x7, so far less likely to hit the issue.
[21:39:41] Beirdo: yeah. The rmmod of the driver could just be the OS getting bitchy with me shutting off the device, etc.
[21:39:55] skd5aner: but can't say with certainty, thats why I was wondering if maybe Windows users see the issue as well
[21:40:02] clever: and once i modified the graphs, i could see that its always 2 degrees above my set point
[21:40:12] Beirdo: hehe, true, we do tend to put a lot more stress on devices than the average users
[21:40:22] Beirdo: 26c? Hah, if only
[21:40:39] clever: i had the thermostat in another room set to 24c
[21:40:44] Beirdo: right at the HDPVR (before the sensor wimped out on me) I was seeing 36C or so
[21:40:48] Beirdo: and rising
[21:40:56] Beirdo: and then the sensor stopped responding
[21:41:04] clever: dont currently have a sensor near the desktops themselves
[21:41:12] skd5aner: My basement is unfinished – needless to say, the summers are not kind to my servers
[21:41:26] clever: i should look at stringing another one in
[21:41:35] Beirdo: I will mess with the sensor again when I get back too. In particular rebooting the ARM Linux board that drives it
[21:41:55] clever: mine is just a bare ds18b20 hooked to a central AVR
[21:42:15] Beirdo: I think I used a LM79 or something like that
[21:43:07] Beirdo: TCN75A
[21:43:10] Beirdo: anyways.
[21:44:07] rumblebumble (rumblebumble! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:29] rumblebumble: Hey Guys, just changed providers and now I have firewire :)
[21:45:04] rumblebumble: I thought there was a new built in firewire channel changer, I cant seem to find it
[21:45:14] skd5aner: Beirdo: I haven't tested, but do you know if you can replicate this?
[21:45:32] skd5aner: I remember that patch... and I think you implemented it
[21:45:47] skd5aner: rumblebumble: there is
[21:48:14] skd5aner: rumblebumble: in 0.25, but I don't knw how you enable it
[21:48:28] skd5aner: sphery: ^ ?
[21:49:15] rumblebumble: Hummm
[21:49:32] skd5aner: rumblebumble: . . . 70407/mythtv
[21:49:41] rumblebumble: I am running 0.25, I just cant seem to find it
[21:49:47] rumblebumble: thanks skd5aner
[21:49:54] skd5aner: you have to put "internal" in the channel change command
[21:50:12] Beirdo: skd5aner: I haven't tried, I don't have time today
[21:50:25] Beirdo: but I remember putting in that code and getting it working
[21:50:37] skd5aner: Beirdo: no problem, just curious – yea, it worked in 0.24 – I know I used it there
[21:51:41] Beirdo: so I'll look it over again when I'm back. see if I can't get that to work again
[21:51:50] rumblebumble: internal: so it will only work with a firewire capture or can a capture via hd-pvr and change channel via firewire
[21:52:36] mkrufky (mkrufky!~mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:52:53] skd5aner: another day... . . . atch-hbo.ars
[21:54:43] wagnerrp: its only a matter of time until the average consumer realizes they're standing in feces
[21:55:42] skd5aner: wagnerrp: more users having parsing issues here?
[21:55:52] sphery: skd5aner: are you using OpenGL painter?
[21:56:03] skd5aner: yes
[21:56:11] sphery: ok, just wanted to make sure
[21:56:19] wagnerrp: skd5aner: notice i already responded to that thread?
[21:56:20] Beirdo: heh, if that affects my setup, I will cancel HBO
[21:56:23] Beirdo: screw them
[21:56:24] sphery: rumblebumble: there's no UI for configuring the Internal firewire channel changer
[21:56:27] wagnerrp: and sphery thinks he found the cause?
[21:56:29] skd5aner: wagnerrp: yea
[21:56:37] Beirdo: but since I capture off component... likely a non-issue
[21:56:44] sphery: wagnerrp: of the Ken Burns effect failure?
[21:56:58] wagnerrp: of the parsing issues
[21:57:19] Beirdo: although if they are restricting it to 540p, I'm gonna get pissy
[21:57:21] sphery: parsing of...
[21:57:30] skd5aner: sphery: I'm having several series parse wrong in the video library since 0.25, all of which parsed fine in 0.24
[21:57:35] highzeth (highzeth! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:57:36] sphery: ah, that
[21:57:37] wagnerrp: sphery: filenames
[21:57:52] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:58:04] wagnerrp: uh oh... an i586 user
[21:58:05] sphery: skd5aner: wanna post your backend log to pastebin?
[21:58:11] skd5aner: (I know, I brought up 3 completely unrelated subjects all at once, sorry)
[21:58:20] sphery: hehe, was having a hard time catching p
[21:58:33] skd5aner: sphery: well... probably...
[21:58:42] ** wagnerrp watches out for mythtv running on an original pentium **
[21:58:43] skd5aner: sphery: I'm not sure how to find the log it'd be in though
[21:58:52] sphery: skd5aner: just need a backend startup log
[21:58:58] sphery: doesn't even have to do metadata parsing
[21:59:13] skd5aner: ok, like first 100 lines?
[21:59:18] sphery: sure
[21:59:34] wagnerrp: skd5aner: basically, just looking for locale information
[22:00:00] wagnerrp: two users <256MB
[22:00:11] wagnerrp: another 40 <512MB
[22:00:24] skd5aner: sphery:
[22:00:44] skd5aner: !url – logs
[22:00:44] MythLogBot: You need to specify "list", "last" or "search"
[22:00:49] skd5aner: !url logs
[22:00:49] MythLogBot: logs:
[22:01:04] sphery: skd5aner: 2012-05–03 16:21:22.986845 W [1472/1472] CoreContext mythcorecontext.cpp:234 (Init) – This application expects to be running a locale that specifies a UTF-8 codeset, and many features may behave improperly with your current language settings. Please set the LC_ALL or LC_CTYPE, and LANG variable(s) in the environment in which this program is executed to include a UTF-8 codeset (such as 'en_US.UTF-8').
[22:01:14] sphery: what happens if you fix your startup script o specify a locale properly
[22:01:34] sphery: I'm guessing this is started from an init script that fails to set it
[22:01:43] wagnerrp: or just run mythfrontend manually with correct locale
[22:01:51] wagnerrp: faster to check
[22:02:01] sphery: is backend doing matching or frontend?
[22:02:03] skd5aner: sphery: yea, it's an old init script, the only changes I made were to the logpath stuff...
[22:02:08] sphery: matching/title parsing
[22:02:15] wagnerrp: where ever the scan is triggered from
[22:02:20] skd5aner: (not running a packaged or mythdistro)
[22:02:20] wagnerrp: so for most people, the frontend
[22:02:39] sphery: I thought with SG's it needed to do it from the backends
[22:02:53] sphery: or that just finds file names, then frontend parses them?
[22:02:58] wagnerrp: nope, it scans from the frontend
[22:03:04] wagnerrp: the backends are just used to provide file lists
[22:03:08] sphery: ok
[22:03:28] skd5aner: sphery:
[22:03:37] sphery: then I suppose we'd need to check for similar warning in frontend logs
[22:03:52] skd5aner: I probably ought to go look at mythbuntu's current init script and copy most of it
[22:04:00] wagnerrp: surprisingly few users still on kernels
[22:04:05] sphery: yeah, updating would be good
[22:04:27] sphery: especially as we use more and more external programs, proper lang/locale settings are important
[22:04:43] skd5aner: I thought it figured all that stuff out automatically?
[22:05:03] wagnerrp: sphery: shouldnt all that stuff be set by the selected language in the database?
[22:05:37] wagnerrp: i mean it should be independent of environmental locae
[22:05:49] sphery: well, we have to make Qt happy
[22:06:23] sphery: I haven't explored just how much stuff we have to do to override Qt's auto-detection stuff
[22:07:26] sphery: but--based on the fact that there are various parts of Qt that handle it differently/behave differently--I'm guessing it's more than a simple setlocale kind of call
[22:07:50] sphery: that said, switching to controlling it explicitly would be good
[22:08:05] sphery: but for me, it's a lot easier to just start my app with a good environment
[22:08:36] skd5aner: sphery: but... for me, it's just flat out broken, and I honestly have no idea why or how to fix it
[22:08:38] wagnerrp: 'branches/release-0-23-fixes'
[22:08:44] wagnerrp: how the hell did we get one of those on smolt?
[22:08:59] skd5aner: backporting probably
[22:09:08] skd5aner: (manual backporting)
[22:09:17] wagnerrp: but why?
[22:09:29] skd5aner: just cause
[22:09:30] skd5aner: rebel
[22:09:58] wagnerrp: more likely they took one of the old copies from linhes or similar and redirected the output
[22:10:06] sphery: skd5aner: meaning yours isn't the "uses Season as the title" thing?
[22:10:33] skd5aner: let me see if I can recap my issue...
[22:10:35] skd5aner: just a sec
[22:15:08] skd5aner: sphery: &ndash ; 00:50:11 and on
[22:15:24] skd5aner: way easier for you to read and catch up on what I already told wagnerrp than to rehash :)
[22:16:06] ** wagnerrp rereads tooo **
[22:16:25] skd5aner: 2 distinct issues I talk about there
[22:16:31] wagnerrp: oh right... multipart stuff
[22:16:36] skd5aner: that's 1
[22:16:50] skd5aner: (the seinfeld issue)
[22:17:05] skd5aner: the second is related to my Good Eats issue
[22:18:01] wagnerrp: yeah, parses fine here
[22:18:41] skd5aner: might be related to the locale stuff
[22:18:43] wagnerrp: > mythutil --parse-video-filename "Good Eats/Season 1/Good Eats – s01e01 – Coconut Cake Revival.mp4" --quiet
[22:18:44] wagnerrp: Title: Good Eats
[22:18:44] wagnerrp: Season: 01
[22:18:44] wagnerrp: Episode: 01
[22:18:44] wagnerrp: Subtitle: Coconut Cake Revival
[22:18:48] ** wagnerrp is breakin' the law **
[22:19:06] skd5aner: now that song is stuck in my head
[22:19:28] wagnerrp: breakin' the law... breakin' the law
[22:20:40] wagnerrp: skd5aner: you may as well begin to put some action in your life
[22:21:18] ** skd5aner heads off the break the law **
[22:21:30] skd5aner: er, "to break the law"
[22:21:30] devinheitmueller (devinheitmueller! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:21:54] skd5aner: I'm sure, at any given second, there's some law out there I'm in violation of ::sigh::
[22:22:26] skd5aner: what happens when you put the seinfeld title through your parse?
[22:22:28] skd5aner: parser
[22:22:34] skd5aner: btw – I like that tester
[22:23:29] wagnerrp: seinfeld s04e... 03... 04... <nada>
[22:23:47] skd5aner: so, it does "fail" for you then
[22:23:57] wagnerrp: that one does of course
[22:24:03] wagnerrp: the parser isnt designed to handle them
[22:24:08] wagnerrp: but the good eats one works fine
[22:24:13] skd5aner: well, it worked with no problem in 0.24
[22:24:32] wagnerrp: probably more locale stuff
[22:25:01] wagnerrp: no... that doesnt seem to trip it up
[22:25:12] wagnerrp: just ignores it since it has enough in the basename
[22:27:30] kmcorbett (kmcorbett!~kmcorbett@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:27:58] kmcorbett (kmcorbett!~kmcorbett@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:59] rumblebumble: OK, so do I have to manually edit my database to get the GUID and device into the database
[22:28:31] wagnerrp: rumblebumble: huh?
[22:28:59] wagnerrp: oh, firewire channel changer with analog capture
[22:29:20] wagnerrp: shouldnt there be some sort of selector available when you choose that?
[22:29:41] rumblebumble: I dont see anything
[22:30:03] rumblebumble: . . . 70407/mythtv it says that no GUI was generated
[22:30:34] wagnerrp: "Linux Format" magazine pulled from barnes and noble after running a "hacking" on (how to secure your server from) hacking
[22:30:39] wagnerrp: fun...
[22:32:27] kmcorbett (kmcorbett!~kmcorbett@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[22:32:46] rumblebumble: Hummm, I can seem to find any place to change the settings to the internal firewire channel changer
[22:39:05] mkrufky (mkrufky!~mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:41:14] skd5aner: echo $LANG =
[22:41:14] skd5aner: en_US.UTF-8
[22:42:05] skd5aner: so, the environment varible on my system is set correctly, but I have to explicitly set something in the command line when starting up the frontend or backend?
[22:42:48] wagnerrp: whatever the init script runs through might flush the environment
[22:43:31] skd5aner: but it doesn't appear to do so in my case?
[22:43:36] skd5aner:
[22:44:39] wagnerrp: i wouldnt doubt this 'start-stop-daemon' does some form of sanitization
[22:45:18] skd5aner: eh, I'll redo it anyway... what about starting mythfrontend? do I need to explicitly set the variable then too?
[22:45:56] skd5aner: more /etc/default/locale
[22:45:56] skd5aner: LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:46:26] wagnerrp: basically, anywhere you might be calling grabber scripts, you should have proper LANG set
[22:46:33] skd5aner: LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:46:40] skd5aner: LC_ALL=
[22:46:46] skd5aner: interesting that "all" isn't set
[22:46:59] skd5aner: locale
[22:46:59] skd5aner: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
[22:46:59] skd5aner: LANGUAGE=
[22:46:59] skd5aner: LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:46:59] skd5aner: LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:00] skd5aner: LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:02] skd5aner: LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:04] skd5aner: LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:06] skd5aner: LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:08] skd5aner: LC_PAPER="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:10] skd5aner: LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:12] skd5aner: LC_ADDRESS="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:14] skd5aner: LC_TELEPHONE="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:16] skd5aner: LC_MEASUREMENT="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:18] skd5aner: LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_US.UTF-8"
[22:47:20] skd5aner: LC_ALL=
[22:47:22] ** skd5aner is bad **
[22:47:24] skd5aner: and the rest are in quotes, where LANG is not
[22:47:53] wagnerrp: breakin' the law... breakin' the law
[22:48:27] skd5aner: dinner bell
[22:48:46] wagnerrp: knightr: perhaps you want to weigh in on this?
[22:58:29] solars (solars! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[23:06:15] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:09] tris (tris! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:02] rumblebumble: OK, I had firewire working for a second, then it all locked up. I understand that when using a firewire input, you just leave the external channel changing script field empty
[23:53:17] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:47] dkeith_ (dkeith_!~dkeith@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:34] rumblebumble: If I have to resort to using my HD-PVR's. I was just wondering if it is possible to use the "Internal" firewire channel changer. I do not seem to be able to get it to work for the HD-PVR?
[23:57:08] dkeith (dkeith!~dkeith@ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[23:58:38] tgm4883: Is there an easier way in 0.25 to mark a bunch of scheduled recordings of a show as "never record"?
[23:59:00] tgm4883: ATM I have to click on each episode in the upcoming recordings list in mythweb
[23:59:36] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users

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