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Tuesday, April 19th, 2011, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:03] wagnerrp: wtf is chatmosphere? we seem to get nothing but degenerated from there
[00:00:11] wagnerrp: degenerates
[00:00:24] mycoDA: found the culprit sphery, it is the childish theme, or some aspect of it
[00:02:02] mycoDA: god iamlindoro – arclight is gorgeous
[00:02:15] mycoDA: how did you cop mass flack for it????
[00:02:29] sphery: mycoDA: probably childish is using some feature that the others aren't... wonder which
[00:02:56] sphery: but it's very nice that you tracked down that much--will make it easier for someone to figure out what specific difference causes it
[00:03:06] mycoDA: only checked arclight thus far
[00:04:09] mycoDA: but – iamlindoro – how much to i need to pay for the proper background? :P
[00:05:47] sid3windr: :>
[00:07:29] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[00:10:09] sphery: mycoDA: It's much harder to get that background today... Now that the real estate market isn't what it once was, it's much harder to the bank to approve a 2nd mortgage of sufficient value.
[00:10:26] ** mycoDA is crushed **
[00:10:37] mycoDA: i hear he likes dogs?
[00:15:32] ablyss (ablyss!~opera@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:14] wagnerrp: they make a UK law and order now?
[00:16:17] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:16:36] sid3windr: shouldn't that be Law and Ordre then, wagnerrp ?
[00:16:37] Chicago (Chicago! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[00:17:46] ablyss (ablyss!~opera@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:17:49] mycoDA: nah – cos even yanks cant stuff up those two words
[00:18:08] mycoDA: anything with a u in it you're in trouble
[00:18:32] mycoDA: is surprising it isnt yo and yor instead of you and your
[00:19:15] Beirdo: it kinda is
[00:19:21] Beirdo: yo and yer
[00:19:23] Beirdo: :)
[00:19:30] Chat8489 (Chat8489! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:17] Twiggy2cents (Twiggy2cents! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o Beirdo
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[00:22:50] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:25:25] Mode for #mythtv-users by Beirdo!~gjhurlbu@mythtv/developer/beirdo : +b *!*@*
[00:25:46] Mode for #mythtv-users by Beirdo!~gjhurlbu@mythtv/developer/beirdo : -o Beirdo
[00:25:49] Beirdo: ahhh
[00:42:31] qbot (qbot!ae3f5446@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:03] qbot: hi, i've been having some trouble making ISO images of DVDs recently, although they play fine in mythtv
[00:43:34] qbot: what am i missing?
[00:43:48] qbot: i used to use the DVD ripping feature in MythTV
[00:43:51] mycoDA: should u ask you rspiritual guidance type person?
[00:44:31] wagnerrp: if they play fine, then how are you having trouble making them?
[00:45:00] qbot: sorry, i mean ripping a DVD disc to an ISO image file
[00:45:04] qbot: commercial DVDs
[00:45:29] wagnerrp: yes, if you can play them, clearly you can rip them
[00:45:38] wagnerrp: at which point i dont understand the issue
[00:45:39] qbot: that's what i'm asking
[00:46:00] qbot: clearly since they play, something is wrong with my ripping method
[00:46:07] qbot: which is dd or ddrescue right now
[00:46:23] wagnerrp: if you have anything to play, then how are you having issues ripping?
[00:46:40] qbot: i thought that both methods were agnostic of dvdcss, but i'm assuming it's a copy protection issue
[00:46:55] qbot: if i knew the answer, i would not have issues ripping :)
[00:46:57] wagnerrp: dd and ddrescue are not designed to work around the intentional breaking of commercial DVDs
[00:47:19] wagnerrp: further, they do not decrypt the content, and mythtv cannot play encrypted isos over storage groups
[00:47:38] qbot: is there a reasonable command-line method for ripping commercial dvds?
[00:48:12] qbot: i can't remember, but i believe when i upgraded the last time, i did not enable storage groups for videos
[00:48:21] qbot: since i remembered seeing that issue on the mailing list
[00:51:02] wagnerrp: personally, i do all my ripping on windows, so i cant say
[00:51:24] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: is today the official day for worthless trac tickets?
[00:52:18] sphery: Heh, when you're changing around your configuration to test a patch, don't use the start script that verifies configuration before starting.
[00:52:38] sphery: couldn't figure out why mythbackend wouldn't start--it was waiting for the master backend to start
[00:52:43] qbot: ok, thanks--i'll try the google
[00:53:25] sphery: (because I had changed its configuration so the script didn't know it was the master)
[00:56:22] qbot (qbot!ae3f5446@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
[00:56:23] DeviceZer0 (DeviceZer0!~hate@unaffiliated/devicezer0) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:58:14] JEDIDIAH__: use the dumpstream option of mplayer
[00:58:17] JEDIDIAH__: gets most stuff
[00:58:38] JEDIDIAH__: of course disney affiliated material will always be a royal PITA
[00:58:41] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:01:04] kwmonroe (kwmonroe! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:19:09] ** Beirdo yawns **
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[01:39:22] mycoDA: wonder what else i will find broker after 0.24 update lol
[01:39:44] mycoDA: had to upgrade au_bom weather scripts manually for some reason
[01:41:31] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
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[04:15:47] sphery: kormoc_afk: Seems that Nova has figured out the proper approach to ensuring your survival after Judgement Day. It's not keeping the machines down--it's making sure they see you as a friend.
[04:18:55] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[04:22:58] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:05] wagnerrp: oh yeah, thats right down the middle of that valley
[04:32:11] dserban__ (dserban__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:41] [R]: rofl @ 9741 & 9742
[04:43:08] wagnerrp: 9741 and 9742?
[04:43:44] [R]: tickets
[04:44:34] wagnerrp: Ticket 9741 does not exist.
[04:45:23] [R]: probably was deleted
[04:45:29] [R]: cuz it was awful
[04:45:44] ** wagnerrp deleted it **
[04:45:52] wagnerrp: no sense keeping awful worthless tickets around
[04:47:10] markk (markk! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:01:41] justinh: groan. "This company are creating a new team to work on the development of an android based set top box/PVR (expect to see web apps on your TV very soon)"
[07:04:46] [R]: are you groaning at the grammar or the concept?
[07:05:37] justinh: the concept
[07:05:54] justinh: the rest of the job ad looks like bandwagon jumping startup
[07:07:24] justinh: and WTH is it with some non-sales vacancies being advertised as one figure then with a much bigger figure (OTE) ? I thought OTE was like er.. commission related junk. Confuzzled
[07:11:25] tris (tris! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:15:51] justinh: LOL. Seen one vacancy here.. "Linux Colonel"
[07:16:54] mycoDA: colonel?????????????????????//
[07:17:03] justinh: why, oh why oh why oh why did I decide to change courses on the fly when I went to college & found the course I signed up for was cancelled? Sigh
[07:17:17] justinh: mycoDA: sounds like kernel, no? ;-)
[07:17:43] mycoDA: a southern fried phone???
[07:20:09] justinh: the title was "Embedded Hardware Design Engineer (ARM, Linux colonel, RTOS)"
[07:20:48] justinh: I'll find the link... sec...
[07:21:02] justinh: arse. it's gone
[07:38:45] martin___ (martin___! has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:59:40] mycoDA: how does one get the alsa mixer to control 5.1?
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[09:00:22] mycoDA: at the mo i have to control 4 independant mixers
[09:00:47] justinh: no idea. I find the idea of using analogue surround utterly repugnant
[09:01:02] mycoDA: all sound is analog
[09:01:05] justinh: I'd have *thought* that the 'master' level control does everything though
[09:01:16] mycoDA: that would just be sensible
[09:01:34] mycoDA: wagnerrp you round?
[09:01:58] justinh: mycoDA: for any surround duties I just shove AC3/DTS to my AV receiver :)
[09:02:13] mycoDA: lucky you :)
[09:02:36] mycoDA: that said – analog done right from source to speaker is superior
[09:03:06] justinh: ?
[09:03:07] mycoDA: just unbelievably hard to do for recorded sound
[09:03:19] mycoDA: quantisation is loss
[09:03:21] justinh: oh you mean analogue all the way through. maybe
[09:03:31] justinh: depends on the recording medium etc
[09:03:37] justinh: infact on *everything*
[09:03:41] mycoDA: uhuh
[09:03:56] mycoDA: which is why digital is far eaier to get decent sound out of
[09:04:08] justinh: I like the convenience :)
[09:04:20] mycoDA: doesnt care about impedances, balancing, sheilding etcetcetc
[09:04:29] justinh: I can't say I'll ever plump for a mini system & be happy with it though
[09:04:43] mycoDA: but – none of this helps with my original question
[09:05:08] mycoDA: btw justin =- someone with good ears would find your system just as repugnant
[09:05:14] justinh: balanced transmission between components over short distances is kind of a moot point
[09:05:16] mycoDA: amps should not have DACs in them
[09:05:21] mycoDA: no it isnt
[09:05:38] justinh: oh god. You're not a *phile as well are you?
[09:05:54] justinh: we're not going to have one of *those* arguments
[09:06:03] mycoDA: only minorly :) have worked in staging etc so i know my gear
[09:06:27] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[09:06:31] mycoDA: try to avoid gettin to picky – is an expensive and annoying hobby
[09:06:43] justinh: for in a home, over distances of 1 metre or less.. no high power electrics nearby... I kinda think balanced audio is really moot ;-)
[09:06:46] mycoDA: if yo have great gear, anything less drives you nuts
[09:07:21] mycoDA: bein a stage guy – i hate unbalanced if i have a choice
[09:07:36] justinh: heck, anything with a switched mode PSU is awful for audio
[09:07:48] justinh: especially anything that deals with low-level audio
[09:08:44] justinh: mycoDA: I make a distinction betwen *pro* audio & hifi-nuts ;)
[09:09:41] justinh: pro audio folks are scrupulous because they care about quality. hifi nuts.. can tend to be daft about the physics of things that make neglible bearing on anything at audio frequencies – aka fools easily parted with money :P
[09:10:58] justinh: there's a difference in somebody who cares about sound fidelity and an 'audiophile'.. they don't necessarily live on the same planet. $1000 gold plated screened mains cables, gold-plated optical leads, £500 unidirectional network cables... they're so *funny*
[09:11:28] justinh: then maybe it's just the fundamentalists giving the rest a bad name. trying to keep an open mind
[09:12:48] justinh: OMG! I got this DVR machine working. I foolishly followed a link on our wiki to the software, believing what it said on the page – downloaded it & installed the software.. and it didn't work for love nor money. Turned out I didn't know about the undocumented, unlinked-to page containing links to the *real* software. meh
[09:13:39] justinh: and what's this – in the in-house wiki usage guidelines? "NOT under ANY circumstances to be used a file repository". Hmm. somebody didn't get the memo
[09:14:02] justinh: could be worse I guess. We could be using git
[09:15:42] mycoDA: yeah – i am not about to buy monster cables when 15Amp mains cable is just about perfect
[09:16:50] mycoDA: gah – i have a feeling this is why sofware mixer exists in myth
[09:17:36] justinh: I was talking with somebody about time delay correction on a forum once.. I really had to resist the urge to find out where they lived & burn his house down. He was *adamant* that the reason he was getting awful sound with stacks of speakers at either end of the venue (i.e. caused by big distances between speakers) was due to the cable lengths
[09:17:57] justinh: he reckoned he had degrees in all sorts.. acoustics included
[09:18:34] justinh: changing the speaker cables, he said, would likely help reduce the delay
[09:18:40] mycoDA: huh??????????????
[09:19:00] mycoDA: has he ever actually seen the size of analog display loops????
[09:19:03] mycoDA: *delay
[09:19:16] justinh: I've *never* run into a more stupid person online
[09:19:25] ** mycoDA iis trying to give up smoking – hence any output may be unreliable **
[09:19:36] justinh: hah I'm going there again today
[09:19:58] justinh: it would *help* immensely if my wife would ****ing pack it in too
[09:20:05] mycoDA: am using champix
[09:20:06] justinh: staying off the cigs is hard enough without living with a smoker
[09:20:08] mycoDA: still hard
[09:20:15] ** justinh just goes cold turkey **
[09:20:36] mycoDA: champix just brings it down to the level of opiate withdrawal
[09:20:47] justinh: gum doesn't help, patches just make me itch like a madmad.. and I'm enough of a *path without taking a failed antidepressant
[09:21:23] mycoDA: lol @ zyban
[09:21:32] justinh: opiate withdrawal? I'm not quite sure it's ever *that* bad is it? I mean like needing to be locked in a room for a week
[09:21:36] mycoDA: inhalers are decent, as are microtabs
[09:22:05] justinh: nothing makes you look as cool & downright sophisticated though
[09:22:09] mycoDA: that would be the equiv of coming off chain smoking inch thick rollies dude
[09:22:19] justinh: which we all have to admit, is why we took up the hobby in the first palce
[09:22:32] justinh: ;)
[09:22:32] mycoDA: talkin normal human withdrawAlS
[09:22:48] mycoDA: nah – for me it was cos it was fun when u were drunk
[09:23:01] justinh: I normally do ok for the 1st few days, then I start waking up in cold sweats
[09:23:05] mycoDA: spinning weed prolly had more to do with me getting addicted
[09:23:35] justinh: buckets ftw?
[09:24:01] mycoDA: lmao
[09:24:13] mycoDA: glass double chamber ftw
[09:24:30] justinh: oh jees. just asked a guy here about the worth of doing CCNA.. he says they're pretty much the same level of worth as MCSE now
[09:24:38] justinh: bloody miserablist
[09:24:59] mycoDA: not all that surprisimg – every 15yo seems to be one
[09:25:43] mycoDA: i forgot my champix this morning
[09:25:50] mycoDA: explains why i want to kill
[09:26:02] justinh: seems to be the way.. same with redhat certs too allegedly
[09:26:12] justinh: though certs on their own are nothing
[09:26:39] mycoDA: wheras something cool like electronic tech is worth nothing cos everythign is throw away now ffs
[09:27:02] ** mycoDA speaks from bitter experience **
[09:27:05] justinh: I regret ever moving into electronics
[09:27:11] mycoDA: u one too?
[09:27:13] justinh: yup
[09:27:28] mycoDA: goes much further to explaining the bitterness
[09:27:35] justinh: way overpaid here, way underutilised.. and 140 miles too far south
[09:27:50] mycoDA: rly?? what do you work on?
[09:28:04] justinh: hey justin, make this cable, test this cable, put some software on this box...
[09:28:12] justinh: cctv DVRs
[09:28:18] justinh: and IP cameras
[09:28:59] justinh: cable drawings, qualifying components, environmental testing..
[09:30:08] justinh: used to do NPI in my last job for a contract manufacturer.. very interesting & got to travel a lot :)
[09:33:24] justinh: this job used to be interesting too, til the product started sucking
[09:33:55] justinh: now it's just 'guess undocumented crap to configure the machine, bang head on desk, rinse & repeat'
[09:35:19] mycoDA: ogod
[09:35:45] mycoDA: sounds positively awful
[09:35:59] mycoDA: i bet you miss ur scope
[09:38:35] justinh: I don't really miss test equipment
[09:38:41] justinh: especially not Genrad ATE
[09:40:16] justinh: so what are you in for? ;-)
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[09:43:26] justinh: makes me cringe when I see all the 'choose a career in IT' TV ads these days (when I'm not at home, that is). Go on.. devalue another career with your quackery
[09:44:40] justinh: "Time since last reset
[09:44:42] justinh: 31 Minutes"
[09:44:46] justinh: that's a good one!
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[10:13:26] mycoDA: lol out of industry now – arthritis makes it a bit hard lol
[10:13:36] mycoDA: at uni study engineering insteas
[10:22:08] justinh: I need to move back up North nearer to my parents
[10:22:11] justinh: Manchester sucks
[10:22:46] justinh: crime rate here is like 6 times what it is back home – and for all newcastle is er.. less cosmopolitan that has its good points too
[10:23:08] justinh: i.e. less crime, less racial non-integration...
[10:36:54] justinh: holy poop. git clone of mythtv is 827MB
[10:56:47] mycoDA: lol – guess where i go to uni?
[10:56:53] mycoDA: justinh
[10:57:29] mycoDA: have lived here for, 13 years now
[10:58:05] justinh: I thought you were in Australia.. or do they have a Manchester there too?
[10:58:18] justinh: I know they have at least one Newcastle
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[11:00:37] mycoDA: just the one Newcastle – where i am
[11:00:46] justinh: ahh
[11:01:08] mycoDA: oddly, cardiff is nearly part of newcastle too
[11:02:11] mycoDA: actually lived in barnsley last
[11:02:26] mycoDA: now in cessnock, dunno if u hav 1 o those lol
[11:03:20] justinh: Hmm. I can't help but wonder where all the settlers came from ;-)
[11:03:55] justinh: given half a chance I wouldn't really be looking to move back North. I'd be jumping country
[11:05:18] justinh: but they all say it's friendly 'up north'. Manchester is considered to be in this 'North' and yet – when I go to see my folks, in town, walking around, completely random people say hello & ask how you are. It's quite a shock to the system
[11:05:44] justinh: I've got neighbours I see once or twice a week who refuse to speak. LOL
[11:06:01] justinh: ignorant people, with chips on their shoulders, the lot of em
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[11:22:06] mycoDA: funnily enough is the same reason i am in newcastle lol
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[12:46:20] justinh: mycoDA: aye, problem with this place is that we run 'common' code across all the platforms, built for different targets
[12:47:11] justinh: so software personality is 'unlocked' with a combination of MD5 codes, system variables & suchlike. if you don't know the right incantation – and it's hard to since it's not documented.. erm...
[12:47:12] mycoDA: myth, or the place you work?
[12:47:19] justinh: where I work
[12:47:31] mycoDA: oh, that doesnt sound fun
[12:48:06] mycoDA: have they even stuck with one ide?
[12:48:38] justinh: I think each of the devs just uses $whatever
[12:48:46] justinh: and everything's checked into svn
[12:49:01] justinh: so people break one another's stuff all the time :D
[12:53:03] wagnerrp: english man recently arrested for disguising himself as a mannequin and standing in women's bathrooms, taking pictures of people in the stalls when no one is looking
[12:53:23] aloril (aloril!~aloril@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[12:53:47] justinh: hahahaha
[12:54:01] wagnerrp: first off, you people cant tell the difference between a live person and a mannequin
[12:54:32] wagnerrp: and for christs sake, what kind of freaky bathrooms do these people use that having a mannequin in them isnt strange and off putting
[12:54:47] justinh: secondly.. feeling the need to take photos of strangers when there's THE INTERNET ...
[12:54:51] xilet: I just figured it was a British thing
[12:55:26] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:56:54] justinh: oof. and I suppose America doesn't have any freaky screwed up people...
[12:57:06] mycoDA: do they anything but?
[12:57:25] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:57:40] justinh: like uhhh.. fat, aging male Madonna 'impersonators'.. I was about to say cosplayers but we have those here too now
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[12:59:53] xilet: as an American I have to say: no, we are all pretty screwed up
[13:01:02] justinh: times I've been to the US the only criticism I'd have is that (on a work trip) the hosts weren't as hospitable as I'd have hoped
[13:01:02] wagnerrp: but at least we dont use the restroom with fake mannequins
[13:01:52] justinh: tbh, we have enough of a time trying to ignore the 'tip' demanding 'attendants'
[13:02:47] xilet: wagnerrp: we are on to their shenanigans, well that and anything in a bathroom that is not a toilet, urinal, sink, trash can or paper towel dispenser makes us suspicious
[13:03:15] justinh: yeah.. it could be a B...
[13:03:36] justinh: or a spying prevert!
[13:04:05] justinh: depends on location too I suppose. Maybe women in that part of the UK are a bit sleepy/bovine
[13:05:02] justinh: hahaha.. . . . 19-28517292/
[13:05:46] xilet: how bad does it feel to be the woman who did not realize it was a real person? How do you sleep at night knowing you were that oblivious
[13:05:58] justinh: read the story
[13:06:10] justinh: they DID realise it was a real person.
[13:06:16] justinh: he got caught didn't he
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[13:06:26] wagnerrp: that guy has a beard
[13:06:35] wagnerrp: have you ever seen a bearded mannequin?
[13:06:54] wagnerrp: justinh: no, the point was he remained uncaught for some amount of time
[13:07:10] justinh: er.. cos he was hiding in a cubicle perhaps?
[13:07:56] wagnerrp: that could be, but its not as fun
[13:07:59] justinh: heh the deeper you look into the story, the worse it apparently gets
[13:08:12] wagnerrp: of course if youre hiding in a cubicle, why bother getting dressed up as a mannequin
[13:09:22] ** xilet just looked out of his office window and saw someone *flying* down the sidewalk in one of those hoverround scooters, I didn't even know they went that fast **
[13:11:04] mycoDA: lets face it – poms are just as nutty as yanks
[13:11:24] mycoDA: the only hope for the english speaking population lies here, clearly
[13:11:52] wagnerrp: poms?
[13:11:57] xilet: but really do either of our cultures hold a candle to the japanese?
[13:12:37] mycoDA: u dont know what a whinging pom is wagnerrp?
[13:12:48] wagnerrp: never heard that term
[13:12:52] justinh: lol
[13:13:02] justinh: we should come up with a term for Aussies
[13:13:06] justinh: maybe 'questioning'
[13:13:23] justinh: because of the upper inflection towards the end of their sentences :P
[13:13:37] wagnerrp: outcasts?
[13:13:39] ** wagnerrp hides **
[13:14:05] justinh: nah we already do that
[13:14:50] justinh: xilet: if any of the TV shows I've seen putting a 'spotlight' on the weirdness in Japan are anything to go by, we all have a *LONG* way to go
[13:15:15] justinh: esp. re. vending machine goods of the er used category. shudder
[13:15:28] xilet: And the thing is quite a bit of that is celebrated there, some of the things are no longer even subcultures there
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[13:15:48] justinh: though I still tend to refuse to believe in that aspect – I think it's just a myth
[13:16:11] justinh: xilet: there's a lot to be said for not being coy about some things
[13:16:15] xilet: Honestly most of the aussies I know are far more traditionally normal then americans or brits, well with the exception of the aussie furries
[13:16:27] wagnerrp: justinh: have you ever seen their beer vending machine?
[13:16:41] justinh: I mean, as a nation the UK if really prudish – and yet – we have the biggest rate of teen pregancy in Europe apparently
[13:16:53] justinh: and you can't even get to see BOOB on telly before 10pm
[13:17:19] justinh: wagnerrp: we have those here too. only in licences premises though
[13:17:23] xilet: justinh: it is amazing what a bit of repression will do
[13:17:27] justinh: *licenced
[13:17:43] wagnerrp: ffs... weve got tv shows about the stuff
[13:17:48] wagnerrp: we glamorize it
[13:18:01] justinh: we had Eurotrash. that was sometimes fun
[13:18:17] justinh: Jonothan Ross' 'Japanarama' was excellent
[13:18:26] xilet: haha
[13:18:32] justinh: but Clive James On TV when I was a kid lifted the lid on loads of weird Japanese culture
[13:18:41] xilet: I still think the British 'Coupling' was one of the best shows ever
[13:19:03] justinh: I can't remember where I got the impression they have used underwear vending machines though
[13:19:17] xilet: justinh: because they do
[13:19:20] justinh: they had that before ebay was invented
[13:19:34] justinh: so it's not just some big joke urban myth?
[13:19:51] xilet: granted I have seen craiglist ads for people buying used underwear, but it is pretty rare
[13:20:15] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:20:16] xilet: justinh: there are pictures of them floating around the internet (at work so not going to GIS for japanese panty vending)
[13:20:39] justinh: yeah we've seen the photos...
[13:20:39] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:20:52] justinh: and they've been 'explained' in TV shows.. one day I might find out in person
[13:20:59] mycoDA: spose at least we can have tits on telly
[13:21:05] mycoDA: have evn seen bush
[13:21:36] justinh: soft porn type stuff is even in adverts in proper europe
[13:21:41] justinh: no watershed times there
[13:21:46] xilet: it just amuses me here in the states how it is OMG PART OF THE HUMAN ANATOMY, THINKOFTHECHILDREN! Hey look rambo first blood is on at 9 in the morning
[13:21:57] justinh: yeah that's mad
[13:22:15] justinh: and yet, somehow not all of you end up being total screwups. That's cool :-)
[13:22:34] xilet: A few of us find ways to deal
[13:23:17] mycoDA: i find it amazing the amount of violence they can have, but no tits, and u cant say f**k
[13:23:21] xilet: The best example I have seen though was watching blazing saddles on TNT here, they cut out 90% of lili von shtupp's "Im tired" song, but left in ever use of the N word
[13:23:31] justinh: mycoDA: or 'oh my god' LOL
[13:23:32] xilet: every
[13:23:47] mycoDA: the fcc song is classic
[13:24:19] wagnerrp: xilet: theres not really even anything explicit about shtupp's song
[13:24:22] wagnerrp: its implied
[13:24:23] mycoDA: you get yanks on shows here and they are fully like 'oh wow can you say that stuff on tv here
[13:24:28] xilet: wagnerrp: exactly!
[13:24:49] wagnerrp: IMHO, if you understand an implied joke, you forfeit the right to be offended by it
[13:25:18] wagnerrp: if youre still naive, and dont understand it, then clearly no harm done
[13:25:30] mycoDA: however, captain pugwash may have been pushing the envelope a touch
[13:25:36] justinh: the world is a better place for risque stuff
[13:25:40] mycoDA: given its target audience lol
[13:25:42] justinh: oh god not the urban myth again
[13:25:56] justinh: there was no 'master bates' and no 'seaman stains' character
[13:26:05] justinh: and the cabin boy was not called 'roger'
[13:26:24] wagnerrp: roger?
[13:26:32] justinh: yes, roger the cabin boy..
[13:26:39] ** wagnerrp doesnt get it **
[13:26:40] xilet: Ralphie Mae had a great spot in one of his stand up shows 'So who here is ready for a ' (obscure racial epitat) joke! The audience gasped. See you are all offended by that, but every single one of you knew exactly what I meantt.
[13:26:46] justinh: roger being a soft swear meaning 'to screw'
[13:26:54] wagnerrp: really...
[13:26:54] mycoDA: roflmao successful troll is successful
[13:26:59] mycoDA: yes
[13:27:09] mycoDA: and over here so is root
[13:27:23] justinh: mycoDA: you wouldn't believe the amount of people who believe it as fact though
[13:27:40] mycoDA: so rooting for your team is particularly hilarious
[13:27:45] justinh: same with the 'infamous' 'RUDE' Rainbow episode
[13:27:57] mycoDA: i dont knoww that one at all
[13:28:13] wagnerrp: rainbow... reading rainbow?
[13:28:18] justinh: where the urban myth goes (and youtube vids) claiming it went out on air – contains slightly hidden expletives and sexual references
[13:28:27] mycoDA: read recently what you did to TMNT tho
[13:28:29] xilet: justinh: was that ever actually shown?
[13:28:31] justinh: no, Rainbow – as in paint the whole world with a ...
[13:28:46] wagnerrp: you say episode, that makes me think TV
[13:28:54] justinh: xilet: yes, but only when Victor-Lewis Smith uncovered it as part of his 'TV Offal' series
[13:29:03] xilet: Hah nice
[13:29:04] justinh: it never actually went out on air as the kids TV show
[13:29:04] wagnerrp: theres a show called 'Rainbow'?
[13:29:11] justinh: wagnerrp: there was, way back
[13:29:25] justinh: wagnerrp: look on youtube for 'rainbow twangers'
[13:29:41] justinh: basically, it was a joke put together for their xmas party
[13:30:03] justinh: tapes like that have a habit of finding a way out and... myth is born
[13:30:45] wagnerrp: 'root' sounds like geeky unix slang
[13:30:56] wagnerrp: 'id like to get my root in her box'
[13:31:26] xilet: it was brilliant that it was done with completely straight faces
[13:31:30] justinh: 'bonk' is another one here
[13:31:40] justinh: no idea where that one comes from
[13:31:42] wagnerrp: im just talking about administrative access, i swear
[13:31:50] justinh: popular with tabloid press, though
[13:32:06] wagnerrp: we have 'bop', probably similar origin
[13:32:28] justinh: wagnerrp: when I saw a friend's daughter talk about 'facerape' on a facebook wall I was initially horrified
[13:32:30] mycoDA: nah – root is very occer
[13:32:38] mycoDA: wanna root luv
[13:32:48] justinh: a totally inappropriate use of the word, IMHO
[13:32:53] wagnerrp: facerape...
[13:33:03] wagnerrp: sounds like forced oral
[13:33:16] justinh: yeah
[13:33:18] mycoDA: makes rooting a box much funnier
[13:33:27] mycoDA: also rooted – stuffed
[13:33:33] justinh: but no, apparently it's when you accidentally leave your account logged in on a shared computer
[13:33:46] justinh: and somebody else posts stuff using your account. Facerape. Pfft
[13:33:48] xilet: *blinks* really?
[13:33:52] mycoDA: rarely see it written out – normally frape
[13:33:59] xilet: Was thinking it was the next step of drunken teabagging
[13:34:03] justinh: lol
[13:34:21] mycoDA: kids use the word rape so casually
[13:34:31] justinh: with teabagging it's the perps I feel most sorry for
[13:34:38] mycoDA: hard downloading is raping their connection
[13:34:49] justinh: I think they might be the real victims actually ;)
[13:34:55] xilet: celene dion is raping their ears
[13:35:09] justinh: yeah.. it's a word with very nasty connotations
[13:35:25] mycoDA: connotations?????
[13:35:34] mycoDA: i think it is pretty explicit
[13:35:42] justinh: duh that's what I meant
[13:35:56] justinh: it has an explicit meaning depicting a vile act
[13:36:15] justinh: not somebody posting something to your facebook wall as a joke
[13:37:33] ** justinh wonders if Beirdo could adapt the !topic feature to show when the channel was last on topic :D **
[13:37:49] mycoDA: roflmao
[13:38:10] mycoDA: the mythical convergence of even more stuff
[13:39:46] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:40:17] xilet: mythtv needs an irc client
[13:40:59] xilet: have it as some kind of OSD for the truely hopeless of us :)
[13:41:23] mycoDA: dont u hav a laptop or a tablet for tht?
[13:42:21] spirit3: Where's that Hashbang?
[13:42:30] wagnerrp: #!
[13:42:48] ** spirit3 searches down the back of the sofa... **
[13:43:10] mycoDA: did u find jesus back there?
[13:43:15] justinh: 66644 999966688 222266666668 2233 77777337777744446666887777 !
[13:43:31] spirit3: My Myth box suffered failed recordings despite his 'auto' magic. I demand a refund. Or something.
[13:43:39] justinh: damn, I had numlock on.. the T9 logic no worky :-\
[13:44:19] justinh: spirit3: something? how about... a trout?
[13:44:56] wagnerrp: who's auto magic?
[13:45:16] spirit3: A trout would be good – at least then I could say to the other half "hey, you'll miss your episode of <generic shite show> this week – but here, have a trout!"
[13:45:19] ** justinh remembers a guy at work shares the toilet cubicle dummy's last name ... **
[13:45:31] justinh: cue a printout of said headline & article...
[13:46:30] spirit3: wagnerrp: Hashbang had a theory that failed recordings (dreaded Nova-T 500 twin tuner) could be cured by replacing 'auto' values in the dvb_channels (?) table with actual correct values. This worked for him – but not for me. I still have 0 byte recordings and random i2c read failed in dmesg.
[13:46:43] xilet: mycoDA: of course, it was a joke :)
[13:47:23] mycoDA: dunno why it happens for some and not others
[13:47:33] mycoDA: seems to generally be amd mobos
[13:47:38] mycoDA: and via hosts
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[13:47:58] spirit3: yes, AMD mobo :(
[13:48:01] justinh: passive vs active EIT ?
[13:48:12] mycoDA: have amd/nforce and dont get it anymore
[13:48:29] spirit3: Any suggestions as to other things I could try?
[13:48:33] spirit3: I've disabled EIT on second tuner
[13:48:41] spirit3: Adjusted delay values for channel changing
[13:48:59] spirit3: disabled remote when the dib0700 module is loaded
[13:49:03] mycoDA: could try the old firmware as a last resort
[13:49:03] justinh: ugh. blog spam. WHY?
[13:49:20] spirit3: I have tried disabling USB autosuspend (or sleep or whatever) in the past with no difference
[13:49:35] xilet: justinh: because people are bastards
[13:49:59] justinh: xilet: ah. that is why they ALL MUST DIE. MUHAHAHAHAHA
[13:50:00] mycoDA: the dibicoms seem to be insanely senstitive to t\iny disconnects
[13:50:01] seeker (seeker!~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[13:50:49] spirit3: I don't like this game – cold booting the box nightly gets dull after a while.
[13:51:23] Shadow__X: sphery: did you ever figure out what was wrong with your hard drive
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[14:00:17] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:01:18] spirit3: Hmmmm... so are there any other dual tuner PCI cards?
[14:01:38] spirit3: I could always ditch the Nova if there's no way to fix this
[14:01:50] xilet: is the 2250 considered dual tuner?
[14:01:54] spirit3: Or move to DVB-S/S2 I guess
[14:02:01] justinh: might be more fruitful to ditch the Via chipset motherboard :D
[14:02:03] mycoDA: could jus go usb
[14:02:04] spirit3: Is the 2250 dual DVB-T ?
[14:02:10] mycoDA: no
[14:02:13] mycoDA: atsc
[14:02:18] justinh: even going USB might not fix the problem
[14:02:25] spirit3: Hmmm well, the Hauppauge Nova T 500 appears as two USB tuners anyway
[14:02:30] mycoDA: via isnt the mobo
[14:02:35] justinh: isn't it?
[14:02:38] mycoDA: is on the t500
[14:02:56] justinh: have they done a different version with a different bridge now?
[14:03:01] justinh: i.e. non-via?
[14:03:04] spirit3: So the actual problem chipset is onboard the Nova? Fantastic :)
[14:03:17] mycoDA: issue with via hosts and dibicom i think
[14:03:38] justinh: what chipset on the motherboard then?
[14:03:51] mycoDA: amd
[14:04:08] spirit3: Errrr ... easy way to find out? This is an Asus AMD board.
[14:04:29] justinh: lspci?
[14:05:13] justinh: I was lucky enough to find a socket 775 board with enough PCI slots to comfortably take 3 tuners :)
[14:05:36] spirit3: USB controller is listed as VIA
[14:06:05] spirit3: and USB controller alsi listed as ATI
[14:06:18] spirit3: I guess ATI is onboard, VIA is on the Nova
[14:07:12] mycoDA: dunno
[14:07:21] spirit3: looks that way
[14:11:30] Shadow__X: justinh: its easy to find 775 with pci slots. Its harder atleast now to find them with more than 1 pcie x16 slot
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[14:12:55] justinh: ruh? why would anybody need that? ;-)
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[14:44:23] anykey_: justinh: there's even a PCIe DVB-S2 or DVB-C/DVB-T capture card now, up to 8 tuners on one single PCIe x1 slot...
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[14:50:09] spirit3: wow – 8 tuners? I wonder f they all lock up like my Nova T 500 :)
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[15:01:28] J-e-f-f-A: Holy smokes! Unless they're marketing group is taking some liberties with 'multirec' hype, changing phrasing like "record up to 8 programs simultaneously', and improperly re-interpreting that as "up to 8 tuners"...
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[15:20:28] sid3windr: (their)
[15:25:26] NewBuntu81 (NewBuntu81!~HVR2250@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:25:36] J-e-f-f-A: sid3windr: hehehe. ;-) took you 19 minutes to notice that. ;-)
[15:26:35] sid3windr: yup
[15:26:36] sid3windr: :p
[15:27:18] wagnerrp: anykey_: who is selling an 8-tuner card?
[15:27:39] wagnerrp: ive never seen more than a four
[15:28:02] NewBuntu81: dang. Comcast finished encypring all of the channels. Now I have to figure out how to get the IR blaster working.
[15:28:10] NewBuntu81: encrypting i mean
[15:29:51] NewBuntu81: From what I understand, there has been no work with the HVR 2250 integrated IR blaster. Does anyone recommend a USB IR blaster for use with Linux? I'm running Fedora 14 on my mbe but if it works well with LIRC i'm happy.
[15:32:35] wagnerrp: the mceusb units generally work well
[15:35:03] J-e-f-f-A: +1 for MCEUSB receiver as a blaster. ;-)
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[15:39:41] J-e-f-f-A: NewBuntu81: This is exactly what I'm using on my FC13 box now to control a STB: . . . 320658590442
[15:41:40] J-e-f-f-A: NewBuntu81: I have used the 'real' Microsoft branded ones too like this one: . . . 150519099994 (but this auction does not include the IR blaster 'eye')
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[15:43:10] J-e-f-f-A: Heh... the HP one says "USB Compatible" on the sticker on the bottom... Well, DUH!?! It is a USB device, after all!!! hehehehehehe
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[15:56:08] NewBuntu81: LOL
[15:58:19] NewBuntu81: jeffa: Thanks. These look like IR receivers to make the remote work. But what about making it change channels on a digital cable box/Comcast DTA? You need an IR blaster for that right?
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[16:25:03] anykey_: wagnerrp:
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[16:31:28] wagnerrp_: anykey_: eh?
[16:31:32] wagnerrp_ is now known as wagnerrp
[16:32:01] anykey_: wagnerrp: . . . ducts/092014
[16:32:23] anykey_: wagnerrp: you can connect 4 tuner modules (two tuners each) to this pcie bridge
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[16:45:42] NewBuntu81: wow, anykey. that's awesome. i just bought two 2250's though (dual tuners)
[16:46:00] mycoDA: wow – a grand
[16:46:38] anykey_: NewBuntu81: yeah, there's even a linux driver for it :)
[16:46:39] mycoDA: and just as much fuction as a usb host card and 4 playtv units for half that
[16:51:32] bhaak (bhaak! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[16:51:53] mycoDA: spose would be viable if you wanted a combo of terrestrial/cable and satellite from an itx board
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[16:52:52] anykey_: mycoDA: exactly my use case, though I only want 4 tuners.
[16:53:29] wagnerrp: NewBuntu81: the problem is that the bridge takes a slot and space for a low profile card
[16:53:37] sphery: Shadow__X: Still not sure what the problem is. I was able to copy the file systems off the drive onto another, and didn't have any errors while doing so. Wanting to know if it was the different usage model (or the different SATA cable), I've been using the HDD that was having issues. I haven't had an error since copying the file systems off it, and the 2 changes are 1) SATA cable and 2) side of case is off. So I'm wondering if the ...
[16:53:38] mycoDA: i would go the usb route (and have)
[16:53:40] wagnerrp: each tuner connects to the bridge, and space for a low profile card
[16:53:43] sphery: ... SATA cable went bad or if it was an overheating issue. I may put the case side back on when I next boot the system and see if I see errors.
[16:53:58] sphery: If it is heat, I wonder if it's the drive or the chipset/SATA controller...
[16:54:10] wagnerrp: so that would result in you having 6 tuners for 2 slots, instead of 4 with the 2250s
[16:54:27] anykey_: wagnerrp: you can mount one tuner module on top of the bridge
[16:54:28] mycoDA: my tuners are over the other side of the room to my backend, next to the tv amp
[16:54:37] wagnerrp: or if you need to have a low profile case, will end up taking one extra slot for any configuration
[16:54:57] mycoDA: you could use drive bays wagnerrp
[16:55:03] anykey_: wagnerrp: they also have one miniPCIe-bridge, only 2 modules though
[16:55:08] wagnerrp: anykey_: yes, one mounted on the bridge itself, another two on a separate slot
[16:55:34] anykey_: exactly
[16:55:59] ** mycoDA does not get the aversion to usb **
[16:56:24] anykey_: or you buy the cine S2 card (to which you can connect another module), so you get 8 tuners in total with standard height slots
[16:56:41] sphery: I would much prefer RSB (Reliable Serial Bus)
[16:56:56] sphery: though USB3 has potential--since it's a non-polling design
[16:56:59] mycoDA: infiniband?
[16:57:00] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~wagnerrp_@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[16:57:17] sphery: heh, not saying RSB exists--just that USB != RSB :)
[16:57:48] mycoDA: jus saying reliable/affordable/good – choose two
[16:57:53] sphery: heh, yeah
[16:58:30] mycoDA: usb works, if treated ok is reliable enough
[16:59:18] mycoDA: wouldnt run a computing cluster interconnect on it, but thats not what its for
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[17:02:02] wagnerrp: friggen modem...
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[17:02:16] sphery: I've had issues with its reliability for long-term reliability, especially for more than negligible (keyboard/mouse) data transfer--doesn't seem like I can boot my system and let it run for months without a reboot.
[17:02:56] sphery: then again, I haven't tried that for years, so maybe it improved (but I still hear stories from others who use USB capture cards that sound exactly like what I used to see).
[17:03:12] sphery: anyway, I do think USB3 will do wonders for USB reliability
[17:04:32] sphery: Yay, newegg's Tuesday info is out, and they don't have any deals better than I got for the computer I purchased from them on Saturday.
[17:05:11] sphery: Or course, I haven't gotten any read failures on the 750GB IDE HDD I thought was failing...
[17:05:40] sphery: since I bought the new SATA-cable mobo/cpu/ram to replace the IDE-only mobo using a PCI SATA card.
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[17:06:04] mycoDA: mine used to run for months before adding the hub lol – turned out hub was iffy, disconnected
[17:06:22] mycoDA: up about a week now since replacing
[17:06:48] sphery: Yeah, I've never trusted hubs at all--they always seemed to cause problems for me
[17:06:59] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~wagnerrp_@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[17:07:21] mycoDA: jus an easy way to get it across the room
[17:07:36] mycoDA: LOT of cables otherwise
[17:07:39] anykey_: I'd rather buy the FireDTV devices, I just don't trust that USB thingy, it's been always very "disconnecty" for me...
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[17:08:19] wagnerrp: anyone have experience with serial systems?
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[17:09:02] wagnerrp: specifically, thoughts why serial control on my modem would only be good for about a character a second
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[17:10:55] mycoDA: lolwut wagnerrp
[17:11:05] mycoDA: what is your port set to
[17:11:17] mycoDA: is this a proper at commandset modem?
[17:11:33] wagnerrp: cisco, not hayes
[17:11:45] mycoDA: nup then lol
[17:12:04] mycoDA: ahh for the ease of the bbs sysop
[17:12:05] wagnerrp: trying to figure out why it keeps pogo-ing
[17:12:18] mycoDA: likely line issues
[17:12:23] wagnerrp: so im hooked into the serial management port
[17:12:35] wagnerrp: i can receive just fine
[17:12:41] mycoDA: what is the port on your end set to?
[17:12:54] wagnerrp: but sending characters to type, if i go more than about one character a second, it stops accepting input
[17:13:00] wagnerrp: port what? this is serial
[17:13:04] mycoDA: uhuh
[17:13:22] mycoDA: you need to set its speed, parity and handshake method
[17:13:40] mycoDA: if ur talkin rs232 or 422 or similar
[17:13:59] mycoDA: oh, and stop bits
[17:14:02] wagnerrp: supposed to be 38400, 8N1, rs232
[17:14:18] wagnerrp: but picocom doesnt seem to have any option to set the stop bits, or at least has a different name for it
[17:14:26] mycoDA: using cts/rts or xon/xof
[17:14:38] mycoDA: 8n1 is 1 stop bit
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[17:15:03] mycoDA: but u know that lol
[17:15:06] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:15:20] wagnerrp: yeah, but theres no option for 'stop bits'
[17:15:27] mycoDA: this in doze or nix?
[17:15:30] wagnerrp: unless thats possibly what 'noreset' is
[17:15:44] wagnerrp: bsd, picocom running on my firewall
[17:15:56] mycoDA: nfi
[17:17:02] mycoDA: did you try control f?
[17:17:13] mycoDA: switches flow control method
[17:17:22] mycoDA: would suspect that if ur receiving ok
[17:18:14] sphery: Heh, can't wait to see what the brand-loyalists on the list do now... Lots of people talking about how they've been really impressed with Samsung HDD's--and that they wouldn't trust Seagate HDD's, anymore. So, now that Seagate is buying Samsung's HDD biz, whatever will they do?  :)
[17:18:19] mycoDA: wagnerrp
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[17:18:55] mycoDA: be sad? sammy egs are very quiet
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[17:19:34] sphery: Could work out like PCChips and ECS
[17:19:36] mycoDA: that said – not exactly loyal, got about every brand i can think of cept hitachi
[17:19:51] sphery: if they keep both names out there, the brand loyalists may not even notice
[17:19:59] mycoDA: true
[17:20:18] mycoDA: seagate kept maxtor out there for a while for cheap crap
[17:20:22] sphery: I always buy based on price--and I've had HDDs from every manufacturer fail
[17:20:27] mycoDA: mayb they plan to do the same for sammy
[17:20:43] mycoDA: i buy on suitability for task and price
[17:20:51] sphery: so I buy with an expectation that it will fail, and I'll replace it with a newer, better drive
[17:20:58] mycoDA: hence having wd blacks and sammy egs
[17:21:16] sphery: heh, I've never had a task I felt was worth the cost of a "high-performance" HDD
[17:21:18] mycoDA: fastest 7200 and the quietest 3.5"
[17:21:22] wagnerrp: i still dont understand why distros ship with mysql networking disabled
[17:21:34] sphery: because it's a security hole!
[17:21:51] mycoDA: meh is only a minor cost to a noticable resposiveness diff
[17:22:01] mycoDA: why scrooge $15 on a grand machine
[17:22:24] sphery: heh, for me a grand machine is $150 + HDD
[17:22:34] mycoDA: short stroke a black and you may as well hav a raptor
[17:22:49] mycoDA: even my lappy runs blacks (2 of em)
[17:23:10] mycoDA: fiancee's lappy is just a sammy 5400 iirc
[17:23:20] sphery: that said, I don't use Windows--and I'll admit that Windows HDD usage is such that a high-performance HDD makes a /huge/ difference in usability
[17:23:27] wagnerrp: mycoDA: certainly in throughput, but not in response
[17:23:29] mycoDA: yarly
[17:23:47] mycoDA: referring to which wagnerrp?
[17:24:01] mycoDA: i was talking seek time
[17:24:08] wagnerrp: short stroked black
[17:24:08] tris (tris! has quit (Excess Flood)
[17:24:46] mycoDA: 10–11ms full stroke avg seek, short stroke is about 8 to the 7 of a raptor
[17:24:51] sphery: OK, so now that there was progress on the "one charger for them all" with a micro-usb-based charger standard, this whole wireless charging thing is going to kill all benefit of the standard
[17:25:04] bhaak (bhaak! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:25:22] mycoDA: dont look at the original 1T black or the 2T black tho, they are epic slow
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[17:26:46] mycoDA: 1002FAEX and 6401FALS and 5001FALS etc
[17:26:55] mycoDA: 1001FALS was a dog
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[17:47:11] mycoDA: god thats cheap . . . cts_id=13328
[17:47:41] mycoDA: af9015 based usb and dual tuner on a card $60
[17:47:54] mycoDA: support dodgy atm
[17:49:31] mycoDA: hmm mainline kernel ootb
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[17:53:46] mycoDA: 5 tuners would be a laugh – we only have 5 transports :D
[17:58:07] wagnerrp: so five tuners would be perfect
[18:04:38] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:07:10] mycoDA: wagnerrp do you know how to get alsa volume control to work for all 6 channels at once?
[18:07:30] mycoDA: discovered a nice mixer in my googling, but no volume control fix
[18:09:00] mycoDA: *nice eq
[18:09:02] mycoDA: lol
[18:10:55] wagnerrp: i didnt know that it didnt automatically
[18:11:09] sphery: mycoDA: MythTV only allows controlling a single mixer with internal volume control, and since on most cards Master doesn't control all channels, if you want volume control of all channels, you can't use internal volume controls
[18:11:33] sphery: You can use a script to adjust volume on multiple mixers, or--better--use a real A/V receiver and a LIRC script to control its volume
[18:12:39] sphery: mycoDA: here's a hack of a script that you can use to control multiple mixers:
[18:12:48] seeker (seeker!~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:13:57] mycoDA: thx sphery
[18:14:36] mycoDA: cant afford a proper amp, much as i would love to have good gear again, i miss my ol B&O speakers & Yammy amp etc
[18:14:57] skd5aner: anyone got IE 9 out there that could test something with mythweb for me real quick?
[18:15:00] sphery: mycoDA: another benefit of not using internal volume controls is that you can adjust volume even when not in playback--so you could have the same key remote button that's your jump point to Watch Recordings trigger irexec to set the volume to something appropriate for your TV (like 70) (with amixer, not, and have your button for the Play Music jump point set it to 30
[18:15:06] sphery: or whatever
[18:15:33] sphery: or you could just hit volume down to turn down the volume before starting playback
[18:16:02] mycoDA: apart from not using lirc lol
[18:16:32] mycoDA: as far as the system is concerned i have a HID mouse and KB set
[18:16:59] sphery: ahh, could set up keys with your window manager, then
[18:17:19] sphery: (and, if your WM is nice enough, can set up mouse buttons for it, too)
[18:17:26] ** sphery likes his fluxbox **
[18:17:39] mycoDA: usin xfce4
[18:18:07] mycoDA: have used fluxbox in the past, missed the application bar
[18:18:12] sphery: I'd guess that one has a lot of options, too (since it's a DE--even if it's a smaller, lighter DE than GNOME/KDE)
[18:21:19] mycoDA: too many at times lol – like focus stealing prevention grrrrrrr
[18:21:36] sphery: heh
[18:22:00] mycoDA: drives you insane when you try to use an external player
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[18:25:41] mycoDA: so run that script in xsessionrc?
[18:25:53] smooph1 (smooph1! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:25] sphery: which script?
[18:26:37] sphery: the you need to run on the event that triggers a volume change
[18:26:52] sphery: the irexec you would run in an xsessionrc, but only if using LIRC
[18:27:08] mycoDA: oh dear
[18:27:42] mycoDA: better have a dig in xfce window manager tweaks
[18:30:46] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[18:37:13] skd5aner: sphery: you have IE9 running anywhere?
[18:37:35] sphery: skd5aner: heh, no, sorry
[18:37:39] seeker (seeker!~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[18:37:40] skd5aner: IE8?
[18:37:44] sphery: Namaroka
[18:37:59] Technophil1 (Technophil1! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:38:18] sphery: unfortunately, I haven't, yet, upgraded to Tumucumaque
[18:38:39] skd5aner: how about you just use firefox branded firefox?
[18:38:56] sphery: what, and agree to their draconian TM license?
[18:38:57] Technophil (Technophil! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[18:39:09] skd5aner: yea – because you're life will change drastically if you do!
[18:39:11] mycoDA: have ff4 and ie8 on my machines atm
[18:39:14] sphery: at least I didn't make it IceWeasel
[18:39:42] skd5aner: I just wanted to see if anyone is experiencing weird jumpipng when they mouse over a link on the "recorded programs" page in mythweb on IE8/IE9
[18:40:23] skd5aner: I do not get it in chrome and firefox, and I'm trying to fix some of he inconsisitencies, but not sure if I cause the jumping with changes I've made or if they exhibit the same behavior in 0.24-fixes without patches
[18:40:43] mycoDA: spose i could look for u
[18:40:47] skd5aner: it's like the table borders go away
[18:40:57] mycoDA: ie is rarely up
[18:41:01] skd5aner: mycoDA: thanks – default theme/default skin
[18:41:12] skd5aner: or cool blue skin does the same thing
[18:41:16] sphery: guess if I'm slow enough on the upgrade to Tumucumaque (Firefox 4), I can just skip it and upgrade to Arurora (Firefox 5)
[18:41:18] ProBasix2 (ProBasix2! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:27] sphery: er, Aurora (they can spell, I can't)
[18:41:38] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:45] skd5aner: I gave up on spelling long ago – my brain can, but my fingers can't
[18:42:02] sphery: yeah, that seems to be the big problem, here, too
[18:42:04] ikonia (ikonia!~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:15] wagnerrp: sphery: do you remember what causes the issue where the schema update utility fails, complaining lack of settings table?
[18:42:25] mycoDA: least they dont hurt all the time :P
[18:42:30] sphery: wagnerrp: crashed settings table?
[18:42:39] wagnerrp: freshly create
[18:42:40] wagnerrp: d
[18:42:54] mycoDA: opening recorded
[18:43:01] sphery: oh, forgot the "in 6 to 16 weeks" (for the Firefox 5)
[18:43:29] skd5aner: mycoDA: if you simply mouse over any link in the recordings list, does the table shift and jump around ?
[18:43:42] sphery: wagnerrp: ... some user was in here with that problem and for some reason the system didn't know it was a new DB, so wasn't creating schema
[18:44:26] mycoDA: not from what i can see
[18:44:40] sphery: wagnerrp: what's the exact message from the error? (for better searching of my logs)
[18:44:54] skd5aner: hmmm, ok – which version of IE?
[18:45:26] wagnerrp: . . . 7/#post56987
[18:45:38] wagnerrp: . . . 7/#post56987
[18:45:45] wagnerrp: its possible ive only ever seen it on arch linux
[18:46:01] wagnerrp: since every time i see it, they quote the same ancient archlinux wiki howto
[18:46:26] wagnerrp: that uses some funky mysql setup of defining a user manually, and giving that user rights to the database
[18:46:33] mycoDA: 8.0.6001.18702
[18:46:35] mycoDA: 32bit
[18:46:37] wagnerrp: rather than applying credentials to the database directly
[18:46:44] skd5aner: mycoDA: thanks for checking
[18:47:16] sphery: yeah, it was an arch user having the problem
[18:47:20] sphery: mysql 5.5?
[18:47:24] mycoDA: very welcome
[18:47:29] mycoDA: hope it was some help?
[18:47:33] wagnerrp: ooh yeah! thats it
[18:47:50] sphery: the mysql setup is basically the lines straight out of mc.sql
[18:47:54] sphery: (with a drop first)
[18:48:42] sphery: I might need to install mysql 5.5 so I can fix that
[18:48:46] wagnerrp: whats the change to 5.5 that breaks things?
[18:48:52] sphery: no clue
[18:49:15] skd5aner: the ".5" part
[18:49:26] sphery: heh
[18:49:32] sphery: we've fixed the datetime issues
[18:50:02] wagnerrp: yeah, seems its the UTC T crap
[18:50:31] wagnerrp: the but the datetime stuff shouldnt be failing there
[18:50:46] mycoDA: skd5aner – dunno if it makes any diff, but all my channel icons are X as i use PNG and ie doesnt
[18:50:56] mycoDA: or svg
[18:50:58] mycoDA: gah
[18:51:33] mycoDA: yeah – svg rofl
[18:52:00] skd5aner: IE7+ should show pngs without issue
[18:52:21] skd5aner: <=IE6 doesn't leverage pngs
[18:52:44] skd5aner: mycoDA: do you have a seperate frontend/backend?
[18:52:49] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, this was the guy who had the issue before:
[18:52:57] skd5aner: er, seperate frontend and backend
[18:53:03] sphery: Seems I gave him a blank DB, he restored that, then it worked
[18:53:05] mycoDA: svgs, and no
[18:53:19] skd5aner: ah – sorry – didn't read the next few lines
[18:53:19] mycoDA: is a combined, with a remote
[18:53:25] wagnerrp: very bad initial settings for arch/mysql?
[18:53:52] sphery: let me look at our code that detects if it's a new DB
[18:55:41] sphery: I should really keep a blank database schema around
[18:57:00] skd5aner: yea – I've got several backup copies of tables in my mythconverg database – I really should remove them as I sometimes get confused with what's supposed to be there and what I put there
[18:57:07] sphery: wagnerrp: on , I posted a blank schema. It's a 0.21-fixes one, but it will server as a good enough starting point (and the db upgrade should then upgrade it for him). No need for him to do the partial restore if it's a new DB.
[18:57:33] sphery: probably best if we put that blank db somewhere else, then have him download it without the post to confuse him
[18:59:54] wagnerrp: sphery: well... you can do it, seems hes opened a ticket
[19:00:06] sphery: wagnerrp: so, ifwe tell him to download the file ( . . . ;list=mythtv , or somewhere else that's better to post it?) and then run: --dir=$HOME --file=mythconverg-1214-blank.sql
[19:00:27] sphery: heh, I'll do that
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[19:01:22] wagnerrp: oh wow... Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
[19:01:51] sphery: wow, nice that he actually put version info into an attachment
[19:02:31] kcin1: hi,can i use a usb external hd for dvr?
[19:02:36] mycoDA: LinEAK looks interesting
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[19:03:25] wagnerrp: sphery: yeah, but he boned the block text
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[19:06:45] sphery: heh, fixed that when I accepted the ticket
[19:07:00] sphery: thanks for the heads up--I wouldn't have noticed (since I was ignoring that :)
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[19:11:18] skd5aner: kcin1: maybe, if it's USB2, but still not recommended
[19:13:05] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, guess I should have asked reaVer to make a ticket back in Feb
[19:13:18] sphery: now that it's real, I'll actually get around to working on it
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[19:36:17] sphery: time to find out if that idea will fly (or if posting it was a mistake)...
[19:37:01] sphery: (one month and 3 days since I wrote the initial draft. been sitting on the message for a while, now)
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[19:38:15] wagnerrp: whats that?
[19:38:23] sphery: Theme Teams post to -users list
[19:39:20] skd5aner: I think we talked about that month or 2 ago
[19:39:35] sphery: by my count 1 month and 3 days ago :)
[19:39:38] skd5aner: lol
[19:39:55] sphery: wrote up an initial draft of the e-mail when we talked about it
[19:40:02] skd5aner: ah, gotcha
[19:40:07] skd5aner: :)
[19:40:33] sphery: just hadn't gotten around to e-mailing it... wanted to be as sure as possible about it before sending
[19:41:12] sphery: unfortunately--even with the sales pitch at top, then my sign off, then a couple of addendums, then the details, it will probably be seen as too long to read
[19:41:34] sphery: maybe should have just sent the pitch, then sent the details, but we'll see
[19:49:45] skd5aner: I'll take a look when gossamer catches it :)
[19:57:17] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[20:03:07] wagnerrp: sphery: so only women can create themes?
[20:04:03] sphery: heh, no, but when it's a "he or she" thing, the new approach is to alternate, but always start with she
[20:04:16] sphery: I just didn't have a 2nd one to use the he
[20:04:22] sphery: :)
[20:05:48] sphery: I'll try to ensure in some follow up message I use a sentence with a "he or she" where I can say he
[20:05:58] wagnerrp: i always just (incorrectly) use the neuter plural
[20:06:05] sphery: they?
[20:06:09] wagnerrp: yeah
[20:06:39] sphery: that's least alarming to most readers, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to do that, yet
[20:07:14] sphery: I used to always use "he or she", but was told that's no longer preferred and is sometimes considered sexist because the "he" comes first
[20:07:23] wagnerrp: or you could (correctly, if perhaps offensively) start calling people 'it'
[20:07:51] sphery: heh, yeah, but I'm trying to get themers on board--not alienate them by calling them "it"
[20:08:57] ** wagnerrp also wonders why youre discriminating against 21:9 sets **
[20:09:04] wagnerrp: phillips employees have feelings too
[20:09:09] sphery: heh
[20:09:25] sphery: ok, so default needs to come in 3 sizes... square, widescreen, and cinema-wide
[20:09:40] wagnerrp: so i dropped my parents off at the airport this morning
[20:09:41] sphery: but forget about 16:10... you guys can letterbox!
[20:09:59] wagnerrp: got a call about 20 minutes ago... "were still here at the airport"
[20:10:16] wagnerrp: not one, but two, regional jets were down for repairs
[20:10:16] sphery: heh, yeah, I know that feeling
[20:10:22] sphery: wow
[20:11:06] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:11:17] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:11:26] wagnerrp: mythboy on the wiki, seems we have a mascot now
[20:11:40] sphery: I went to NYC a month ago or so, and had an 7:00am direct flight (which means leaving home for the airport at 4:00am). Got there, was in line to check in (and was running late, so was only about 1 1/2 hrs before departure), when I got a call from the airline telling me my flight was cancelled and I was rebooked on one 8 hours later
[20:11:59] wagnerrp: hahaha
[20:11:59] sphery: so they want you there 2 hours early, but then you end up stuck all day
[20:13:03] wagnerrp: well they have a connecting flight in philly at 6:30
[20:14:02] sphery: I actually ended up driving back home and then back to the airport... Cost about $30 in gas + $3 extra tolls + $10 parking--but figured it was worth it because I forgot that I hadn't yet enabled fwknopd after setting up my new server (meaning that there was no way to access my systems--so no e-mail or IRC or ...)
[20:14:26] wagnerrp: also, apparently skynet became self aware three minutes ago
[20:14:40] sphery: wow
[20:14:50] sphery: I haven't even had time to make friends with a robot, yet
[20:15:05] sphery: just found out that's how you get to live in the people zoo
[20:15:19] wagnerrp: 8:11PM today
[20:15:30] wagnerrp: since the movie failed to mention time zone, im assuming UTC
[20:15:34] sphery:
[20:15:51] sphery: which timeline was it today?
[20:16:27] wagnerrp: seems the TV show
[20:17:07] sphery: ahhh
[20:24:06] skd5aner: yay – a "he vs she" debate!
[20:24:10] skd5aner: :P
[20:24:30] sphery: :)
[20:24:56] skd5aner: do you also alternate between manhole cover and womanhole cover while discussing sewer systems or street maintenance?
[20:25:51] skd5aner: the fact that someone told you that saying "he or she" is sexist because he came first – is absurd imho
[20:26:04] wagnerrp: i prefer non-gendered sewer access plate
[20:26:05] skd5aner: geeze – that stuff gets under my skin so easily
[20:26:55] skd5aner: wagnerrp: yea, and if one of those is broken, be sure to alert the nearest policeperson
[20:27:06] wagnerrp: 'thats final, now youre all ITs. are you happy now?'
[20:27:41] sphery: this is perhaps the greatest travesty to ever beset the huwoman race
[20:28:12] skd5aner: I guess I'd use the term "someone" if I really fealt I had to be gender neutral
[20:28:14] sphery: we're all its, now...
[20:28:26] wagnerrp: sure, weve never suffered near complete annihilation at the hands of our robots before
[20:28:42] skd5aner: yea, let's not offend the robots either
[20:28:45] skd5aner: they're asexual
[20:28:57] skd5aner: or he/shes either
[20:29:04] sphery: "it's challenging for a single theme author to get motivated to theme parts of MythTV that she doesn't use." can't really fit someone in there. would need a whole new construction for the sentence
[20:29:11] wagnerrp: what if theyre a sexbot?
[20:29:19] ** skd5aner wishes he could burn this particular soap-box **
[20:29:38] skd5aner: "she" = "they" ?
[20:29:47] sphery: they is plural
[20:29:48] skd5aner: they don't
[20:29:51] sphery: which is incorrect
[20:30:23] skd5aner: "one might not"
[20:30:36] sphery: "Theme authors face the challenge of getting motivated to theme parts of MythTV that they don't use."
[20:30:41] wagnerrp: one just seems clumsy
[20:30:43] skd5aner: wait... wtf am I doing... just say "he" and be done with it
[20:30:54] sphery: though that's less clear since it might imply that there are parts of mythtv that no theme authors use
[20:31:05] wagnerrp: seriously, theres like four female mythtv users... :P
[20:31:13] skd5aner: do you really expect someone to reply and be like "good sir, you have deeply offended me and proven to all of us that you're a sexists – PIG!"
[20:31:33] sphery: in this case, he would probably have been less alarming--and not really seen as sexist, since I can't think of a single female themer for MythTV, so far
[20:31:58] sphery: heh, no--didn't expect that reply
[20:32:01] wagnerrp: of course with sphery's choice of alternating
[20:32:17] wagnerrp: now all themers are repeat transgenders
[20:32:22] sphery: I guess maybe I should have thought up one more "he or she" so I could successfully alternate
[20:32:27] sphery: heh
[20:33:15] sphery: starting to think maybe one month and three days wasn't long enough to hold that e-mail
[20:33:48] skd5aner: I got to be honest with you – when I notice someone, particuarly a male author, go out of their way to say "she" several times in writing – I think to myself – that person is a pretentious douche
[20:34:09] wagnerrp: amazing
[20:34:26] sphery: heh, that may well be the case here--I'm hardly best suited to make the call
[20:34:39] skd5aner: sphery: honestly – I don't mean you in particular, at all...
[20:34:46] sphery: yeah, I know that
[20:35:16] skd5aner: I mean when someone says it a dozen times in an article – and it just sounds so... weird, and foreign, and not natural – that it takes you out of the point of the article
[20:36:29] sphery: yeah, I agree it can be distracting
[20:36:32] skd5aner: unless they're talkign about something that historically has feminine references – like vessels, and ships, and landmarks, bodies of water, large white whales – etc
[20:36:50] sphery: I often rephrase things to avoid it entirely--though sometimes it's just not worth it
[20:37:45] skd5aner: heh – I just think it's a waste of time – why can't people get offended over things that are actually offensive you know? misplaced anger imho :)
[20:38:07] ** skd5aner keeps trying to burn soap-box, but must be made of asbestos **
[20:39:15] skd5aner: so, this is technically incorrect? "When a person tries and creates a theme, they are helping the community"  ?
[20:39:36] skd5aner: I understand they = plural, but it just sounds right
[20:39:47] sphery: yeah... "a person" != "they"
[20:40:03] sphery: "a person" = he or she (or it, says wagnerrp :)
[20:40:51] skd5aner:
[20:41:03] sphery: "Sometimes, people try to create a theme, and in so doing, they are helping the community." would work
[20:41:09] skd5aner: They Third person plural/gender-neutral third person singular (correctness of this usage disputed)
[20:41:58] skd5aner:
[20:43:42] sphery: Though singular they is widespread in everyday English and has a long history of usage, debate continues about its acceptability.
[20:43:59] skd5aner: this is an interesting wiki article read
[20:44:12] skd5aner: especially under usage
[20:44:39] sphery: I'll admit it's definitely far more prevalent in casual conversation than alternatives. It sill grates on my nerves, though.
[20:45:24] sphery: that may be mainly due to my having grown up in the era: "Until the late 20th century, generic use of the pronoun he was preferred (but not required) in such constructions, as described in contemporary grammar books."
[20:45:49] sphery: I did that, then the PC craze came about, so I switched to "he or she", but was told not to do that
[20:46:55] skd5aner: that's the only "crazy" part to me – that "he or she" is bad – and mainly because of the reasoning, not because of grammatical rules or preference
[20:47:08] sphery: yeah
[20:47:30] sphery: unfortunately, with English, they can't just change the compiler specification and make a formal standard
[20:47:37] skd5aner: I've used Purdue's OWL for years – great resource for stuff like this –
[20:47:56] sphery: wonder what grammar girl says about it
[20:48:00] skd5aner: and they still recommend "he or she" or "his or her"
[20:48:53] sphery: heh, with that reference, I could go back to the "offensive" but grammatically accepted "he or she"
[20:49:05] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!~iamlindor@mythtv/developer/iamlindoro) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:49:16] sphery: Grammar Girl'stake: . . . pronoun.aspx
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[20:49:32] skd5aner: I'm sure if you said "it" you'd offend 100x more people than the singular person in the world that is offended by "he or she"
[20:49:59] sphery: yeah
[20:50:56] skd5aner: also, that persons advice of switching is confusing – as grammar girl even points out
[20:51:05] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:51:11] skd5aner: "whiplash grammar" – heh
[20:51:13] sphery: just like using "which" when referring to a person... "She's the one which figured out the bug." Can't say that because she's not a which.
[20:51:33] sphery: alternating with different examples--not within the same
[20:51:55] skd5aner: ah – scenario based
[20:52:00] skd5aner: create a character of sorts
[20:52:04] skd5aner: and refer back to it
[20:52:15] sphery: right, so only alternate if you have a "new character"
[20:52:29] sphery: though it still can be too "in your face"
[20:53:06] skd5aner: heh – Chicago Manual of Styles advice – avoid it all together, lol
[20:53:30] sphery: He had obviously spent a lot of time looking through the Chicago Manual of Style and had concluded that their answer is "My, that's a toughie. Try to avoid it." I agree that an answer like that is unhelpful, so I decided to muster up some courage and try to do better.
[20:53:36] sphery: heh, yeah, just got there, myself
[20:53:59] sphery: or, for this conversation, perhaps I should say, "Heh, yeah, just got there, ourselves."
[20:54:12] skd5aner: I guess I would say trying to pluralize the noun is probably the best idea
[20:54:32] sphery: definitely least alarming in casual conversation
[20:55:28] sphery: "I will state for the record that I am a firm believer that someday they will be the acceptable choice for this situation."
[20:55:35] skd5aner: was just going to say that
[20:55:48] sphery: I do agree with that--our language is evolving more and more away from formal and proper construction all the time
[20:56:11] sphery: I just don't think we're there, yet (though in non-formal writing, we may be)
[20:57:46] skd5aner: yea – I will conceed that I'm not a good role model when it comes to proper grammar
[20:58:08] skd5aner: conversely, I'm also one that really hates it when people ignore it entirely or purposely
[20:58:25] skd5aner: ignorance, I can let slide a little – or casual conversation, the same
[20:58:38] sphery: heh, I'm much worse than I used to be--and anymore, it's only a few things that I tend to stick by
[20:58:56] skd5aner: I just IM'd my wife – she's a grammar nazi (called her one on facebook 5 days ago) – told her I was debating this with someone, she had an opinion to share ;)
[20:59:48] carter05 (carter05! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:59:55] wagnerrp: holy crap... portal2 is 11.3GB
[21:00:08] skd5aner: I'd rather someone call me out on having bad grammar based on rules than feelings though – if someone tells me they're potentially offended based on something that's basically as gender-equall as "he or she"
[21:00:10] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[21:00:13] wagnerrp: i guess this one will be three hours long
[21:00:17] wagnerrp: :)
[21:00:30] wagnerrp: yes kormoc, i saw you already had 20 minutes of play on it
[21:00:40] sphery: I heard portal 2 is much longer than 1
[21:00:42] ** kormoc shifty eyes **
[21:00:43] sphery: like a real game
[21:01:35] wagnerrp: yes kormoc, i realize you have as much in game time as it took for you to download
[21:01:40] sphery: (versus a "hey, cool, look what these amateurs did, let's hire them and make it take place in Aperture Science labs")
[21:02:08] ** wagnerrp sadly goes back to his 4hr download **
[21:02:28] skd5aner: hope you're not tethering ;)
[21:02:58] wagnerrp: dont worry, my provider claims i have an unlimited dataplan
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[21:18:37] kormoc: wagnerrp, I wanted to play it all night but alas sleep was required
[21:19:49] carter05 (carter05! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:20:52] wagnerrp: well it seems its a staged download
[21:21:04] wagnerrp: so it only has to download /half/ the game before it starts to play
[21:22:25] wagnerrp: are there any human characters in it? or is it all robots?
[21:22:51] kormoc: so far just me and a robot
[21:23:03] kormoc: and it's strangely familar
[21:24:29] ** sphery grumbles about mysql 5.5 switching to cmake **
[21:24:35] iamlindoro: I'm 4–5 hours in on it
[21:24:40] sphery: I just don't get why so many projects are switching to cmake
[21:24:44] iamlindoro: it's pretty fun... what you think will be the end is not the end
[21:25:47] wagnerrp: so they did the same thing as the first one
[21:26:04] wagnerrp: WTF??? an hour in and the game is over?
[21:26:47] iamlindoro: and it definitely has a distinct flavor from the first
[21:27:05] iamlindoro: did? did not, I assume you mean
[21:27:18] iamlindoro: This is quite a bit longer
[21:28:02] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: no, im just talking about the numbered levels in the first one
[21:28:18] iamlindoro: Ahh... well, they do for the first ~20 puzzles... then... not so much
[21:28:25] wagnerrp: the numbers levels teaching you how to play the game might only last about an hour of gameplay on the first run through
[21:28:33] wagnerrp: and you knew how many there were
[21:28:40] wagnerrp: i figured at the end of those, i was done with the game
[21:30:38] skd5aner: great – myth goes on hold until all devs have beat portal 2
[21:31:15] justinh: yeah, the reason the release cycle was so slow before was obviously games ;)
[21:31:22] LedHed (LedHed!~LedHed@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:31:32] justinh: Sorry, too busy playing the latest FPS. Muhahahaha
[21:31:38] skd5aner: yea, now it's babies and games
[21:33:16] slipcon: w
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[21:36:16] justinh: sphery: can both of my personalities join a theme team?
[21:40:55] sphery: justinh: heh, yeah, the more the merrier :)
[21:41:30] justinh: only problem is, they keep undoing the changes the other one made last time – net result – development is at a standstill ;-)
[21:42:06] skd5aner: I'm going to commit to it
[21:42:26] skd5aner: I'd like to fix up a current myththeme to gain experience prior to starting my own theme (which I'd be wiling to work with a team on)
[21:42:32] justinh: hmm. why has my remote got dried food bits all over it?
[21:42:49] skd5aner: because you spilled wet food bits all over it earlier?
[21:42:57] sphery: yay!
[21:43:28] sphery: I'm pretty sure on the list of dispositions, MythCenter will be in the "up for adoption" column... MythCenter-wide probably will.
[21:43:44] skd5aner: sphery: well, sphery – you already knew I was in, since you and I kind of came up with the idea last month – heh
[21:43:52] sphery: heh, true
[21:44:07] skd5aner: Well, I might have to defer on any 4x3 themes – as I don't anything to test them on ;)
[21:44:09] justinh: I don't remember doing that. Hmmm. I bet I know a certain little lad who had his grubby hands all over it. I fear he has the knack... he ignores toys & heads straight towards wires & gadgets :-\
[21:44:32] sphery: not sure about Terra, Metallurgy, and Mythbuntu, but it wouldn't surprise me if their authors wanted help
[21:45:00] justinh: btw I can now totally get the point of mythphone
[21:45:10] skd5aner: heh – yea, same here
[21:45:20] justinh: it'd be nice to see the webcam convo on the telly
[21:45:41] justinh: rather than straining to see the laptop with its stupid viewing angle
[21:45:42] skd5aner: yea, been leveraging skype recently – I agree
[21:46:06] justinh: although it'll be a moot point if I manage to move before next year :)
[21:46:46] ** justinh wonders if linuxy skype is all lirc'd up or not **
[21:47:06] skd5aner: wonder whatever happened to this guy –
[21:47:31] skd5aner:
[21:47:56] sphery: ugghhh, skype
[21:48:11] sphery: wish that would die--unfortunately their huge service outage wasn't enough
[21:48:13] justinh: doesn't make any sense. python, I mean
[21:48:37] justinh: sphery: it's only good in the sense that it's accessible, easy for mortals to use..
[21:48:40] justinh: and popular
[21:48:48] sphery: yeah
[21:49:04] skd5aner: yea – not saying I love them
[21:49:07] sphery: but the whole idea of a closed network, where you can only communicate with those also on network is annoying
[21:49:13] justinh: if there was an open VOIP standard & I could persuade my parents to use a suitable client...
[21:49:19] sphery: (ignoring skypein and skypeout garbage)
[21:49:21] skd5aner: had an account with them since 2003 though – haha, but hadn't used it since them until last january
[21:50:04] justinh: TVs are coming with builtin Skype now
[21:50:12] sphery: in truth, on every system I've set it up, it was a 5-minute, "Wow, that's cool, I can see you," demo, then for any future conversations, we just used the chat client.
[21:50:29] justinh: I tried it way back when I first got broadband here.. but it totally *sucked* even just for voice
[21:50:51] sphery: Don't know if that's specifically because /I/ was on this end of the camera, or if that's typical of most people--i.e. not that they didn't want to look at me so much as they didn't want me looking at them
[21:51:01] justinh: and webcams I could afford back then needed 1000Watt lights to work
[21:51:50] justinh: yeah I'm not in a massive hurry to watch my parents eating or whatever it is they do when they're on cooing over their grandson ;)
[21:52:23] sphery: About 6 months ago, I finally told everyone I knew on skype that I wasn't going to be there, anymore. Said they could IM me on google chat or use google voice and video if they wanted to see and/or hear me. Still, though, phone is always easier.
[21:53:14] justinh: I've not used any of the IM networks for ages
[21:53:46] croppa (croppa! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[21:54:10] sphery: yeah, only reason I went to google is because it's basically Jabber, and it also supports voice and video
[21:54:16] justinh: everybody is mostly too damn busy playing farmville or whatever
[21:54:23] sphery: heh
[21:54:41] ** justinh clicked 'Like' on some lame crap **
[21:54:51] justinh: ad infinitum
[21:55:00] sphery: yeah, and my computer is always on (though might be marked away) IM networks, but I won't necessarily see the message for hours, so generally, people just text me on the phone
[21:55:19] justinh: actually since I installed the FBPurity extension in firefox facebook is actually quite tolerable now :)
[21:56:00] sphery: for me facebook and twitter and such are all tolerable--because I don't use them/don't have accounts/don't know what the fuss is all about
[21:56:56] justinh: lol
[21:57:08] justinh: for some people I know they're the *only* way to stay in touch
[21:57:56] justinh: I know of a heck of a lot of people who go on the same way.. and I find it quite scary that so many people are so hooked
[21:58:49] justinh: eep just seen the time. time for bed
[21:59:52] sphery: heh, yeah, getting (got?) late for you
[22:02:14] streeter (streeter!~streeter@nat/redhat/x-inxfgauodxwexbuu) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:03:33] tgm4883: sphery, I don't think we have a theme team right now
[22:03:44] tgm4883: I haven't seen the two people on that team on IRC in over a month
[22:08:38] sphery: tgm4883: yeah, I was hoping to ask gbutters what he wanted to do with Mythbuntu. Last time I talked to him, he seemed to be busy with other stuff, but it was a long time ago--and before the discussion about theme teams in here.
[22:10:22] sphery: But if he's interested in completely handing it over to others for continued development and maintenance, that's fine. Or he could stay involved and maybe we could find a team of people to help with it. Or, if he wants to maintain it on his own (or with the other person who was helping), that works, too.
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[22:22:42] wagnerrp: justinh: an open VOIP standard.. like SIP?
[22:23:27] wagnerrp: the industry standard that the old MythPhone used
[22:23:44] sphery: yeah, but he said accessible for mere mortals
[22:24:36] tgm4883: sphery, you mean something like this
[22:25:10] wagnerrp: most VOIP networks (like voynage) use SIP, because thats what available hardware is built to use
[22:25:28] wagnerrp: most business PBX systems use SIP, again, because thats what the available hardware is built to use
[22:26:01] MMlosh (MMlosh!~MMlosh@2001:718:1e03:5168:1ec1:deff:fea2:2486) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:04] sphery: heh
[22:26:28] sphery: that definitely fits with firefly mobile (or maybe even a butterfly mobile)
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[23:21:25] wagnerrp: gaaaah! vtable issues
[23:34:45] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
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[23:58:51] sphery: whoever did the default layouts for MySQL 5.5 was smoking something /very/ strong

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