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Tuesday, June 10th, 2014, 00:07 UTC
[00:07:56] andreaz (andreaz! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:22:45] jya1 (jya1! has joined #mythtv
[00:24:21] jya1: we could speed decoding/displaying jpeg images by a factor of 5–6 using libva...
[00:25:10] jya1: now if only I managed to create the proper size image...
[01:43:58] jya1: don't our display code properly handle YUV frame where the stride/pitch is different than the actual visible width of the image?
[02:15:54] jya1: ca marche !!!
[02:17:51] arescorpio (arescorpio! has quit (Excess Flood)
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[03:21:54] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv
[03:29:25] Warped (Warped! has joined #mythtv
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[05:13:27] arescorpio (arescorpio! has quit (Excess Flood)
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[06:52:18] stichnot (stichnot!stichnot@mythtv/developer/stichnot) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[07:29:37] jya1: anyone knows why the null vaapi works by decoding the frame back into SW and into an AVFrame?
[07:30:00] jya1: when the null vdpau video output, directly displays the content in the PiP window?
[07:30:13] jya1: why not do the same with vaapi?
[07:30:56] jya1: extracting the frame from the GPU is pretty fast, but converting it to a YV12 Frame takes a lot of time, that work alone takes almost as just time as doing everything in software
[07:57:07] len_ (len_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:40:23] yxelf (yxelf! has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[08:56:18] nyloc (nyloc! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:13:43] stuarta (stuarta!~stuarta@mythtv/developer/stuarta) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[09:26:27] jya1: hmm... was looking at adding some SSE acceleration for the handling of video frames and conversion... But the actual structure of our video frame doesn't guarantee data to be 16 bytes aligned... That would require strides to be a multiple of 16/32. But myth just doesn't display properly frames whose strides aren't the same size as the width
[09:29:58] nyloc (nyloc! has joined #mythtv
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[09:48:58] dekarl (dekarl! has joined #mythtv
[09:50:34] dekarl: jya where do the frames go? Maybe the colourspace conversion can be done by a shader?
[09:50:37] joki- (joki-! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[09:51:24] jya1: the issue is that VAAPI sometimes gives me a NV12 frame. It's just like what we handle bu the U and V channel are interleaved
[09:51:36] jya1: so to be used by our code it needs to be deinterleaved
[09:51:59] jya1: problem, is that ffmpeg SSE accelerated code will choke on that, because say your video is 720x576
[09:52:28] jya1: so the pitch for the U and V channel is 360, that's not a multiple of 16
[09:53:00] jya1: so the code will segfault at some stage, whenever we attempt to use an SSE instruction on the start of a line, which is not 16 bytes aligned
[09:53:42] jya1: when I do the deinterleaving to convert NV12 to YV12, that takes 110% of my CPU to have a single PiP
[09:54:50] jya1: i can't think of any fancy way in C other than do that by by bytes
[09:55:57] joki- (joki-! has joined #mythtv
[09:56:53] jya1: dekarl: I'm also discovering all this as I go... My depth of knowledge on this matter is low
[09:57:55] dekarl (dekarl! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[09:58:12] jya1: going to keep what the null vaapi videoutput module does for the time being.. Will see at doing without having to convert things , and directly use vaapi to display in the PiP window
[09:58:31] stuarta (stuarta!sauchter@mythtv/developer/stuarta) has joined #mythtv
[10:03:31] FabriceMG (FabriceMG! has quit (Quit: FabriceMG)
[10:16:41] dekarl (dekarl! has joined #mythtv
[10:17:42] dekarl: man, this SSL for IRC stuff is unstable...
[10:18:13] dekarl: jya1, I was wondering if this code needs to handle another format . . . deo.cpp#L712
[10:18:37] dekarl: I think its part of the OpenGL 2 renderer
[10:18:38] jya1: dekarl: actually I was just looking into that
[10:19:21] jya1: the main issue actually (once I've implemented for strides to be multiple of 32 bytes) is that the openGL video output doesn't handle stride != width
[10:19:33] jya1: it's not taken into account when displaying.
[10:20:15] dekarl: hmm, I'd expect the VPU API to offer a way to get a texture for the GPU in some efficient way
[10:20:34] jya1: not so much the issue of converting the format.
[10:20:55] jya1: because displaying that format without pre-process is a lot of work, there are so many methods available
[10:21:20] jya1: dekarl: you have two methods to retrieve the image from the texture
[10:21:30] jya1: vaGetImage: you tell what format you want
[10:21:43] jya1: and vaDeriveImage , which gives you the data as stored internally.
[10:21:52] jya1: so it's much faster, but using that gives me NV12
[10:22:21] jya1: so that needs to be deinterleaved
[10:23:16] jya1: once I'm done adding support to support to stride != width to OpenGL, who knows, may find out that it's actually not any faster and it was just a big waste of time
[10:23:37] jya1: in particular, i don't know if all the deinterlacer needs to be fixed too
[10:23:45] jya1: and i just won't touch that...
[10:23:51] jya1: (not yet at least)
[10:26:42] stuarta: look on the bright side, you will learn a lot of opengl :)
[10:29:21] dekarl: man, why do they link to the API source code instead of generated doxygen documentaion?
[10:30:08] dekarl: business opportunity, run doxygen and host the result with ads ;)
[10:30:59] ** stuarta can't be arsed **
[10:31:26] stuarta: if it's of use we can do it ourselves
[10:32:12] jya1: dekarl: had exactly the same reaction... when someone ask about the doc, they are pointed to the source code and how to generate doxygen info
[10:32:42] stuarta: jya1: dekarl would it help if I had our buildslaves autogenerate it?
[10:32:54] jya1: stuarta: nah don't bother about it...
[10:33:09] jya1: i have the source code opened in a window
[10:33:10] dekarl: stuarta, I was wondering that, too. And noticed that wikipedia refers our wiki about VA API ;)
[10:33:36] jya1: lol
[10:34:51] jya1: i can't find anywhere in the videooutput_opengl.cpp where the frame data is actually read :(
[10:35:34] stuarta: it just moves through the ether, as if by magic...
[10:36:01] jya1: i mean the data in the videoframe is in the member "buf"
[10:36:09] jya1: so surely, that stuff is read somewhere !
[10:36:31] dekarl: looks like you can create GL textures and map them as target surface to VA
[10:36:53] jya1: dekarl: that's already done for the vaapi/opengl output
[10:36:58] jya1: but that's not used for PiP
[10:37:02] dekarl: oh
[10:37:15] jya1: the PiP code uses SW frame
[10:37:32] jya1: not sure why, but i didn't write that code
[10:38:10] jya1: though, we could use the videoout_null* in a video decoder, like transcoding, as we collect video frames
[10:38:28] jya1: but that's not how it's used, seems to only be used in PiP
[10:38:57] ** stuarta hugs wikipedia **
[10:39:01] stuarta: . . . Introduction
[10:39:07] stuarta: er wikibooks
[10:39:13] ** stuarta hugs wikibooks **
[10:40:06] jya1: it's actually lucky we never have to do video frame format conversion. In theory it could happen. And if it does, our code will crash.
[10:40:25] jya1: as it uses ffmpeg to do the conversion, and ffmpeg uses SSE/MMX code whenever possible, and that will crash
[10:40:36] jya1: like it does in videoout_xv.cpp
[10:44:46] dekarl: looks like its calling UpdateInputFrame . . . deo.cpp#L786 from from ShowPIP and ProcessFrame
[10:44:56] jya1: :( all the videooutbase and xv code handle variable stride properly, but ResizeVideo()
[11:00:31] jya1 (jya1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[11:38:25] stuarta: that's better
[11:46:01] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[11:59:35] jya1: test
[12:00:15] stuarta: ack
[12:16:18] jya1: got disconnected for some weird reason, and couldn't see if i was connected or not
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[12:26:30] ** jya1 giving up on having stride of variable size **
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[17:09:17] paul-h (paul-h!~Paul@ has joined #mythtv
[17:13:16] paul-h: stuartm: the webfrontend frontend status is showing a frontend is online called tzcheck on a host that is switch off and usually only runs a slave BE anyway
[17:14:53] paul-h: I think slave BE's must open a temporary connection called tzcheck which is confusing the webfrontend
[17:16:51] paul-h: Probably just need to ignore any connections called tzcheck?
[17:21:42] andreaz (andreaz! has joined #mythtv
[17:23:01] paul-h: A temporary connection is created in connect_to_master() in main_helpers.cpp but why does the WebFrontend think it's still connected when that machine is switched of at the moment?
[17:35:30] paul-h: stuartm: the last 10 recordings thing doesn't handle missing preview images very well seems to just lockup solid with some text overlaying the image with a 'Image Not Found' error message then refuses to update again
[17:38:49] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[17:51:47] paul-h: Could the JW Player be used to test the channels in the webfrontend channel editor?
[18:04:28] dekarl: paul-h: that depends on streaming of live tv IIUIC
[18:04:58] dekarl: but I like the idea
[18:21:29] paul-h: Do I take it the live tv stream would have to be transcoded on the fly to something the JW Player can play?
[18:21:52] paul-h: Which wouldn't work very well for slow BE's
[18:26:59] dekarl: paul-h it depends... with all the work that goes into hwaccel even the beloved raspberry pi can transcode bluray on the fly from mpeg-2 to h.264... e.g.
[18:27:37] dekarl: while it may not be up to high-end expectations on encoder quality its surely good enough to test if a channel works
[18:28:11] dekarl: otoh, if old hardware doesn't get the latest and greatest new (and optional) features, then I don't see a problem with that
[18:29:10] dekarl: but, instead of using the JWPlayer we could just record livetv and create a screenshot...
[18:30:19] dekarl: thinking of a page like
[18:32:15] paul-h: Yeah that would be another possibility
[18:33:04] dekarl: OT: lol, "what's your job?" "I'm Youtube presenter" . . . 43237784.jpg
[19:28:51] dekarl: has anybody looked at mobile web stuff? I've used the frontend remote at $fehostname:6547/MythFE/GetRemote on iOS devices and quickly hitting the keys ends up zooming and scrolling around. Looks like the "viewport" meta tag key could fix that . . . etaTags.html
[19:35:49] aloril (aloril! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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[19:48:39] stichnot: gigem: I very much appreciate saving the cardid for recordings, thanks!
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[20:03:21] stuartm: paul-h: we keep a track of connections/disconnections for each 'host', it sounds like the tzcheck connection string might be wrong and it's sticking 'tzcheck' where the hostname should be
[20:04:10] lomion0815 (lomion0815! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[20:05:00] stuartm: that doesn't explain why it still thinks it's connected ... but I'll start by looking at the obvious problem with the hostname first, maybe that will lead me to the answer for the second problem
[20:06:24] stuartm: I already know what's required to fix the preview image thing, the allows for placeholder images to be displayed if it can't find the requested image but we don't currently have one, hopefully if I add that it will behave itself
[20:11:06] stuartm: the plugin allows
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[20:22:07] gigem: stuartm: Please tell George. He did most of the hard work.
[20:24:28] stuartm: was that for stichnot?
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[21:03:44] gigem: stuartm: Yes, it was for stichnot. I still haven't gotten used to the way this IRC client returns the first matching completion instead of telling me I haven't typed enough to make it unique yet.
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[21:07:13] stuartm: paul-h: OK ... seems we deliberately ignore disconnection events for 'tzcheck', so that explains why it appears online even though it's not, but it's still not clear why it's connecting with a false hostname
[21:07:23] stuartm: sphery: you worked on the time check code right?
[21:07:31] stuartm: time zone check
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