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Tuesday, May 7th, 2013, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:06] wahrhaft (wahrhaft! has joined #mythtv
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[01:29:14] danielk221: jya: Yep I noticed the new safe_read code. Looks good.
[01:33:43] danielk221: If you point me to the the socket creation and deletion I can give it a read. To display the creation on a deletion threads you can just put a log message in the constructor and the destructor. The logging code should be printing the thread name to the log.
[01:39:55] danielk221: If you don't have a tcpSocket->moveToThread() call it will be owned and it's events handled by the thread that created it, including the calling of any callbacks. So if you call any of it's methods from another thread things can go boom.
[01:41:10] danielk221: I think the common problem is that a socket is passed to another thread that calls read() & write() methods on the socket, but the socket is still owned by the original thread, so the buffers that read() & write() touch are being updated in a non-threadsafe way in a different thread.
[01:43:25] davidshay: do you believe this is the issue with the slave backend causing the master to crash?
[01:44:42] danielk221: davidshay: No, I think that issue has to do with a mixup of the two socket types somewhere + some code that isn't handling bad data properly (i.e. accessing arrays past their bounds.
[01:45:47] davidshay: hmm. ok. seems like the slaves are sending things the master isn't expecting, esp. around QUERY_FREE_SPACE
[01:46:02] davidshay: almost all of the time, the things it seems to be crashing on contain the host name
[01:46:22] davidshay: and the slave logs when traced more completely are sending the response to QUERY_FREE_SPACE
[01:46:38] davidshay: which starts with host name, then directory, then numbers
[01:47:04] danielk221: oh? Can you add that info to the ticket? I think QUERY_FREE_SPACE is just one of the more frequent messages sent, but it might be meaningful.
[01:51:07] davidshay: ok. if you look at 11272 this is basically the same thing, and it gets the host name as an unknown command
[01:51:46] davidshay: It seems like it's getting the response to QUERY_FREE_SPACE and seeing it as a command rather than a response to a command, which is why I didn't know if what you were talking about above might be related.
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[02:08:30] davidshay: Added to ticket, let me know if there is anything else you need me to do with debugging this one.
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[04:38:25] jya: danielk221: That's in Airplay server code:
[04:39:52] jya: libs/libmythtv/AirPlay/mythairplayserver.cpp
[04:41:34] jya: the tcp socket is received by the read connect ; there could be many, they are stored in a APHTTPRequest class instance. When a new client connects, it disconnects all the previously connected client by issuing a socket->disconnect() on all those sockets… from time to time, it crashes during that disconnect
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[18:21:58] stichnot: stuartm, knightr: Translation question. A themed menu may look something like this: <menu text="Playback Menu"> <menu text="Audio"> <menu text="Select Audio Track"> ... </menu> </menu> </menu> . We need the theme translation tool to extract all the "text" attribute values. When the mythfrontend C++ code parses a "text" attribute from the xml file, how does it apply the translation? Is...
[18:21:59] stichnot: as simple as calling tr() ?
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[19:31:50] stuartm: stichnot: qApp->translate("context", string.toUtf8(), NULL, QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8);
[19:32:00] stuartm: where in mythui the context is ThemeUI
[19:56:22] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:58:38] stichnot: stuartm: I would be doing the translation within a method of the TV class, and the context for the translation should actually be the TV context, so is it correct to just use tr() ?
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[23:07:16] knightr: stichnot, if you just use tr() the class name is used as context. If I understood what you said correctly that's exactly what you want (a TV context in a TV class)
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[23:09:57] knightr: however, the theme string extraction tool always put everythiing in the ThemeUI context. We could make it use other contexts (which you would have to specify as XML attributes I guess but I am not sure yet it would be such a good idea... What do you want to do?
[23:18:21] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[23:24:47] knightr: Another thing is that, usually, your class must be derived from QObject to define tr() but there are ways around this... ( Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(context)...)
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[23:37:27] stichnot: knightr: I think the theme extraction tool should use a specified context. It could be provided on the command line, or maybe even better is to set it as an attribute in the top-level document element.
[23:38:12] knightr: stichnot, it's not as simple as that...
[23:38:33] knightr: you would also have to use different output files for example...
[23:39:04] knightr: and we already have tw extractions tools and a fairly complex script to run that one...
[23:39:32] knightr: what do you want to do that can't be done with the current context?
[23:40:10] knightr: s/tw/two... another one was made by some devs without even consulting me IIRC...
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[23:41:53] ** knightr is believing to think everybody would want to be a translation dev... :-) **
[23:42:55] knightr: s/believeing/beginning oops...
[23:46:00] stichnot: knightr: let me post an example
[23:47:09] stichnot: knightr:
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[23:47:57] knightr: stichnot, unknown paste id...
[23:48:39] stichnot: In this example, all the "text" attributes within the "menu" elements are strings that would be moved from the TV class into this menu_playback.xml file in the theme directory.
[23:48:57] stichnot: knightr: hmm, it works for me in two different browsers...
[23:49:30] knightr: that's weird, it works now...
[23:49:40] knightr: some sort of caching on their side perhaps?
[23:50:57] knightr: where would that be used, in an OSD theme?
[23:51:43] stichnot: Yes, the idea that a themer can customize how the complex playback OSD menu is laid out.
[23:52:01] stichnot: And this would extend to other menus as well.
[23:53:05] stichnot: The "XXXtext" attributes would not need translation, they are just there to document what the default "text" attributes are, which are already translated in the TV class.
[23:56:53] stichnot: There are probably other ways to structure this to keep the translation process simpler, and I'm totally open to ideas. For example, we could just keep references to those menu title strings in the TV class and use that as the basis for translation, though it would be less convenient to have to keep the .xml and .cpp strings in sync.
[23:57:01] knightr: stichnot, did you know that we already have to chose which theme the translators translate because if we translated all of them we would most likely have double the number of strings and with a lot of very similar strings...
[23:57:34] knightr: what happens if they don't define this, does it fallback to a dedault?
[23:57:37] knightr: default...
[23:58:06] knightr: that's actually what we do...
[23:58:35] knightr: the theme string tool puts all the strings in a .cpp file which is parse by the Qt translation tools...
[23:58:45] knightr: s/parse/parsed
[23:59:25] knightr: how are these translated currently, hardcoded in the application?

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