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Tuesday, May 10th, 2016, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:41] Toast (Toast! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[12:41:13] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[12:41:31] stuarta: hmm, what is faster, the rpi3's wifi, or it's ethernet?
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[13:17:52] ikevin: stuarta, it's maybe the same, both are on the usb bus
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[13:30:34] stuarta: ahah! iscsi backed filesystem is much faster than an nfs one
[13:30:39] stuarta: i think i'll stick with that
[13:31:00] ** stuarta is tempted to implement multipathing between wifi and ethernet for redundant storage access.... **
[13:32:48] ikevin: you can do bonding between wifi & eth to see if bandwith is better
[13:33:43] stuarta: that won't work, because by default, bonding will only use 1 of the 2 interfaces, whilst mpath can treat both paths equally and round robin the io
[13:35:07] ikevin: bonding can use both interface in the same time, depending of the mode choosen
[13:35:50] stuarta: yeah it can, but in this instance, especially with iscsi, i'd prefer multipathing
[13:37:02] ikevin: ok :)
[13:37:39] Roklobster (Roklobster! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[15:18:44] sid3windr: bonding would mean you need them bridged on the other side
[15:19:07] sid3windr: mpath is better for a storage job :)
[15:51:20] tgm4883: ikevin: I don't think the wifi on the pi 3 is on the USB bus
[15:55:47] wolv: anyone here today that is familiar with where/how I can call a channel change script for Rec/LiveTV
[15:57:08] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:25] wolv: I have hdmi transcoder boxes on Dish receiver. using a pi to control channel changes, and send any power, start stop commands to the transcoders and receiver.
[15:59:05] stuarta: isn't there just an option for channel change script?
[15:59:06] stuarta: iirc
[15:59:08] wolv: I just need to know where in the backend I can monitor a tuner(31) which is an IPTV type. and when any sort of recording or live tv it can call a script, that does somethign like wget http://pi-ip/chanchange
[15:59:17] wolv: not in the IPTV
[15:59:27] wolv: (freebox) I think
[15:59:38] wolv: in a normal tuner yeah there is
[16:00:21] stuarta: right, then afaik there isn't a way to do it. time to write a patch ;-)
[16:00:27] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:01:31] wolv: joy
[16:01:58] wolv: should be fun, just hard to find the time to do that stuff anymore
[16:02:48] stuarta: too true, happens to all of us
[16:03:58] wolv: I was hoping I was missing something simple
[16:05:07] wolv: most of the time is figuring out the code again. Last I did anything this in depth myth was a fledgling new happy little project :-)
[16:07:45] wolv: ( with mythtv at least)
[16:12:53] wolv: maybe I can call a script(s) from system events?
[16:15:01] stuarta: maybe, you would have to determine what events are fired and where in the sequence. it may be too late by the time the event fires
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[16:34:23] wolv: true when it comes to the encoders, channel changes though it should work
[16:34:42] wolv: guess it doesnt hurt anything to leave the encoders live all the time
[16:36:09] wolv: not like the receivers change all that fast.
[17:17:45] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:28:21] proton23: Hi! I would like to know why can't I just use mythshutdown in the backend settings without mythwelcome?
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[19:46:18] RedPenguin: For some reason since I upgraded 0.28
[19:46:27] RedPenguin: It seems that it will not scan for new channels
[19:46:32] RedPenguin: claiming no signal or can't open card
[19:46:38] RedPenguin: yet watching TV with all cards works fine
[19:50:59] RedPenguin: oh there we go, I ran gksudo mythtv-setup instead of just getting it from Applications Menu
[19:52:07] RedPenguin: seems to be something odd if I go to the App Menu it doesn't ask me for sudo password anymore with Mythbuntu 16.04
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[20:08:47] Russ (Russ!foobar@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:22] Russ: any update on this? Not being able to use python transcode jobs really sucks
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[23:05:38] ctm (ctm!d1de0fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[23:07:53] jab416171: what's the best way to go about updating from 0.27?
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[23:12:46] RedPenguin: jab416171: I found installing the 0.28 PPA than doing upgrade worked if you are a Ubuntu/Debian OS
[23:13:00] RedPenguin: Just be careful as it can take a while and you may have to fix some kinks here and there
[23:13:29] RedPenguin: Basically get a drink and a snack ready cause it's possible you could be in for a few hours work depending on what occurs
[23:17:22] jab416171: RedPenguin, I really want to switch to a different OS too, I think updating first and then copying the db over would probably be the best method
[23:22:03] Bray90820: Anyone here use mythtv with kodi?
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[23:32:19] jab416171: heh
[23:33:00] jab416171: were there any changes in .28 with regards to DRM channels?
[23:35:54] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)

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