:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (132):

aberrios_, adante, aloril_, amessina, andreaz, AndyCap, benc_, BLZbubba, brfransen, caelor, Captain_Murdoch2, ChanServ, clever_, croccydile, ctmjr, Cubber, dahlSTROM, Dave123_, DaveQB, David62277, deathader, dmfrey, doppo, eee-blt, enyc, EvilGuru_, fetzerch, Floppe, Freejack, G, ghoti, Gibby, gigem, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpydevil, hachi, haux, Heliwr, Hoochste-, Hydr0p0nX, infinite`, J-e-f-f-A, jams, jarle, Jay2k1, jbrett, jedix, Jinx, jm|laptop, johnsu01, joki, jpabq, jst, justdave, justinh, jya, kc, knightr, kormoc, kurre2, LedHed, lotia, maseck, materdaddy_, McGuyver, mengoshmink, Metoer, mishehu, MissionCritical, monkeyjoe, moparisthebest, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, nephyrin, nikgod, niska, NoFinessin, nutron, pigeon_, pmmd, pppingme, purserj, pyrodex, RagingComputer, RagingMind, RedPenguin, rhpot1991, robink, rOOb, saintdev, Scopeuk, Seeker`, seld, Shadow__X, ShapeShifter499, Sharky112065, shubes, sid3windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, SmallwoodDR82, sphery, squidly, sressot, StevenR_, sulx, superm1, taknev_, terr1, tgm4883, Toast, toddc, tonsofpcs, tris, troyt, trumee, ubIx, unforgiven512, wagnerrp, wallzero, Warped, XDS2010, xris, zoktar, [mrx], [R], _abbenormal, _charly___, _jason_
Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:45] awoodland (awoodland!~woodalan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[01:35:21] monkeyjoe: does anyone know why, when running "top", I have a 5% wait, harddrive light is not flashing
[01:35:56] monkeyjoe: load average is 0.30
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[09:13:22] justinh: oh great. TV signal went to hell this morning. Discovered that turning off the backend fixes the problem. Later discovered that stopping the desktop makes the TV signal OK again
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[09:18:14] justinh: could be the nvidia card.. could be the PSU. Damn computers
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[09:30:21] justinh: heh PC world have a fanless GT210 card for under £25. Who'da thought it
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[14:58:20] justinh: yay new video card fixed the TV signal problems!
[14:59:01] justinh: the fan on the old one had failed. Maybe a new fan will fix it, or maybe it's fried
[14:59:12] _abbenormal (_abbenormal! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[15:04:47] justinh: it hadn't had a bad innings.. not as old as the 3 tuner cards, but still a good age.. considering it's been on 24/7 for *years*
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[16:27:28] David62277 (David62277! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:28:42] David62277: how many stations can mythtv record at once... and play back?
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[17:00:06] dmfrey: David62277, depends on how many tuners you have connected, and the capacity of your backends
[17:00:15] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~Raansu@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[17:00:39] dmfrey: do you have something like vdpau or vaapi enabled to offload decoding from the cpu to the gpu?
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[17:54:20] David62277: dmfrey, i just learned about mythtv today. i dont even have a tuner card yet
[17:54:44] David62277: blank canvas basically
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[18:04:01] ctmjr: David62277: this might help answer some of your questions
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[18:09:23] David62277: ctmjr, so if i am reading this right... lets say i want to record up to 4 things at once, and watch 1... id need 5 capture cards, or 2 hdhomerun devices and another tuner?
[18:15:10] ctmjr: David62277: to record 4 shows and watch live tv you will need 5 tuners and storge to hold it all. and you need to account for the hardware to do all that
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[18:19:46] David62277: i have about 2TB of space right now (and is easy to get more).
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[18:20:40] David62277: and if im reading stuff right i still have to have the cable box?
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[18:24:38] Kwisher: David62277: a hdhrprime can do cable w/o a stb, but no premium channels like hbo, etc.
[18:26:02] David62277: and with one of those id be able to record 1 show and watch one right?
[18:26:24] Kwisher: the prime has 3 tuners
[18:26:50] David62277: oh... ok sweet
[18:27:57] ctmjr: unless your cable provider encrypts it's channels then the prime is useless
[18:28:05] David62277: looks like that one you can plug a cable card into it and it will get the premiums as well
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[18:28:31] David62277: twc... im sure they do
[18:28:40] Kwisher: David62277: not on linux/mythtv
[18:30:46] Kwisher: David62277: i have comcast and the prime works for me, except no premium movie channels, no pay per view
[18:33:04] David62277: and im sure there is no on demand programming unless you have their cable box... right
[18:33:22] Kwisher: correct
[18:34:28] Kwisher: i'd do away with comcast tv if the wife would let me :)
[18:37:59] David62277: we talked about dropping cable except for internet (only good ISP at the moment in my area)... liked that directv allows recording more than 2 shows at once, but not that the price jumps up (like cable) after the first year
[18:38:56] David62277: was thinking about doing the OTA with an antenna and feeding it into my computer (buddy of mine has a setup kinda like that)
[18:39:34] David62277: if i could find a good streaming service that has the latest shows my wife would probably go along with that
[18:40:53] David62277: hulu plus, amazon prime, etc... junk as far as she is concerned
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[20:00:03] justinh: yay for market fragmentation :-)
[20:02:47] justinh: eternal optimists in here years ago were always on about how IPTV would solve all our problems. Funny how it hasn't, isn't it? We're still at one locked-in app or device per service – and not every service has everything we might want. The customer is still the loser here
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