:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (138):

adante, aloril_, amessina, amizraa, AndyCap, Azelphur, baggy, bbee2, Beirdo_, benc-, Bhaal, bitHipy, blassey, BLZbubba, bobp127001, bobp127001__, bray90820, brfransen, Cardoe, cesman, ChanServ, CiaranG, clever, Cougar, cybrNaut, d0netsFN, Dave123, Dave123-road, deathader, dekarl1, disputin, eee-blt, ephemer0l, esperegu, EvilGuru, felipe`, fetzerch, Floppe, fryfrog, G, ghoti, Gibby_, gigem, gpd, gregL, GreyFoxx, grumpytravel, Heliwr, Hoochster, infinite, infojunky_, JackWinter, jams_, jarle, jarryd, jduggan, jll, jm|laptop, joki, jpabq, jpabq_, jst, justdave, justinh_, k-man, kc, knightr, kormoc, KungFuJe1us, kurre2, kwmonroe, lapion, larrikin, linuxtech, linuxturtle, lotia_, MilkBoy, MissionCritical, MMlosh, Moeabm09, moparisthebest_, Moscherkobold, Muzer, MythLogBot, mzb, neufeld, niska, npm, nutron, pigeon, purserj, quicksilver, RagingComputer, RagingMind, rhpot199`, RobertLaptop, rsiebert_, Scopeuk-AFK, Seeker`, seld, ServerSage, Shadow__X, Sharky112065, sheppard, shubes, sid4windr, simcop2387, skd5aner, sl1ce_1g, SmallR2002, sphery, Spida, squidly, sraue, StevenR, sulx1, tgm4883, Tobbe5178, toeb, tonsofpcs, toorima, tris, troyt, ubIx, Vollstrecker_, wagnerrp, wahrhaft_, whoDat_, williammanda, wolfgang2, wylie, XDS2010_, xorp_, xris, zoktar, _abbenormal, _charly_, _nyloc_
Monday, June 10th, 2013, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:18] kc (kc!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:08:53] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:42:39] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:07:46] baggy (baggy! has quit (Quit: Linkinus -
[02:13:07] npm (npm! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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[04:54:39] shubes (shubes!~shubes@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[06:00:25] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:18:37] jya_ (jya_!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:01:25] rdark (rdark!~rdark@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:35:32] amizraa (amizraa!~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa) has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:01:30] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[12:01:52] JackWinter (JackWinter! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:42:54] Sharky112065 is now known as Sharky-AFK
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[23:59:57] bentech (bentech! has quit (Quit: bentech)

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