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Saturday, January 12th, 2013, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:43] Bray90820: 0.25 is now installed
[00:00:48] Bray90820: thank you
[00:01:25] tgm4883: yw
[00:01:38] tgm4883: for some reason, you still had the 0.26 repo active
[00:01:55] Bray90820: no idea why
[00:02:11] Bray90820: if you dont mind can you also help me with a mysql error i am having
[00:02:35] tgm4883: I can try, although i'm at work attempting to install some software
[00:02:49] tgm4883: so you can ask, and I'll try to answer or wait for other people to jump in
[00:02:55] Bray90820: if you don't want to it's ok
[00:03:55] tgm4883: it's better to ask your question
[00:04:03] tgm4883: other people can't attempt to help you if you don't ask
[00:04:32] Bray90820: basically i have another computer with a front-end installed and i it can't seem to connect to my backend
[00:04:44] Bray90820: and it's saying that mysql lost connection
[00:05:24] Bray90820: and in mythtv control center mysql fails when i test connection
[00:05:27] tgm4883: Bray90820, IIRC, you are using and/or localhost in your configuration right?
[00:06:20] Bray90820: i am using my actual IP for the backend
[00:06:55] tgm4883: Bray90820, you mean your private IP?
[00:06:57] Bray90820: if i change to mythtv just completely freezers and i have to reastart my computer
[00:07:06] tgm4883: eg. 192.168.x.x?
[00:07:30] Bray90820: the IP of the computer with the backend on it is and in mythtv backend i enter
[00:07:47] tgm4883: ok
[00:08:12] tgm4883: do you know your mythtv username/password?
[00:08:16] tgm4883: username should be mythtv
[00:08:23] tgm4883: password is something generated
[00:11:04] Bray90820: yes i do know that
[00:11:13] Bray90820: but actually right now i am having even a 3rd error
[00:11:33] tgm4883: ...
[00:12:26] Bray90820: when i reinstalled mythtv 0.25 i also wiped the database but now i am in an endless loop of where the front-end keeps restarting and has me configure it because it cant connect to the database
[00:12:27] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:00] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:13:43] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:15] Bray90820: this is how i did it
[00:14:16] Bray90820: mysql -u root -p
[00:14:18] tgm4883: Bray90820, so.... your database password probably changed then
[00:14:22] Bray90820: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mythconverg;
[00:14:48] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:14] Bray90820: so should i check the passwords aganst each other and see if tehy are the same
[00:17:18] tgm4883: Bray90820, do you even have a mythconverg database right now?
[00:17:31] Bray90820: i don't know
[00:17:48] tgm4883: Bray90820, just out of curiosity, are you just randomly entering commands that you find on the internet?
[00:18:09] Bray90820: not exactly
[00:18:28] Bray90820: what i was trying to do is reset mythtv to default settings
[00:20:27] louisdk (louisdk!~louis@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:21:40] Bray90820: but what should i do about this error
[00:21:59] tgm4883: Bray90820, you're really trying to get a scenario in which I just say start from scratch aren't you
[00:22:25] Bray90820: no
[00:22:38] tgm4883: !stab remmina
[00:22:41] Bray90820: right now i am just trying to get things working
[00:23:05] Bray90820: i want the backend to work and i want it to be able to connect to my xbmc frontend
[00:23:06] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[00:23:11] tgm4883: ok, so how about this
[00:23:39] tgm4883: Try [1] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it later) [2] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database [3] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common
[00:23:40] MythLogBot: SVN 1: (branch master)
[00:23:40] MythLogBot: SVN 2: (branch master)
[00:23:40] MythLogBot: No match for SVN revision 3
[00:23:48] tgm4883: thanks MythLogBot
[00:24:58] Bray90820: sorry for being such a noob
[00:25:07] Bray90820: it's really my first time with mythtv
[00:26:22] tgm4883: once you do those three things, login to mysql 'mysql -u root -p' then do 'show databases;' and see if it lists mythconverg
[00:28:16] Bray90820: host mysql server resides in
[00:28:23] Bray90820: should i leave it localhost
[00:28:36] tgm4883: yes, assuming you are doing this on the backend
[00:28:47] Bray90820: yes i am
[00:30:15] disputin1 (disputin1!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:30:27] tgm4883: Bray90820, It's time for me to head home, and it will take me about 20–30 minutes to get there
[00:30:38] Bray90820: alright
[00:30:42] Bray90820: mythconverg is there by the way
[00:30:45] Bray90820: and i ahve to go as well
[00:30:54] Bray90820: i'll be back in like 3 hours
[00:35:13] Spanky (Spanky! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:00:06] joki- is now known as joki
[01:06:33] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
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[01:18:06] Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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[01:32:59] Seeker: Seems my cards have completely lost the ability to tune
[01:33:14] Seeker: Tried using the 'scan' utility and I can't get anything (WARNING: >>> tuning failed!!!)
[01:33:17] Seeker: any suggestions?
[01:47:48] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:03:18] ServerSage (ServerSage! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:17:19] Seeker: I'm completely stumped. None of the command line dvb utilities return anything useful.
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[04:37:53] Bray90820: anyone wanna tell me why mysql connection fails when i test the connection in mythtv control center
[04:38:38] [R]: "mythtv control center" is not part of the mythtv project
[04:41:00] Bray90820: well see my problem is i can't connect mythbox which is a mythtv frontend for xbmc
[04:41:08] Bray90820: and i think it's a probelum with my backend
[04:41:31] [R]: when you start the backend, does it give errors in the log?
[04:41:34] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[04:41:59] Bray90820: i'll check
[04:48:00] Bray90820: no errors that i can find
[04:48:05] Bray90820: well no recent ones anyways
[04:48:10] [R]: then sounds like the backend is fine
[04:48:27] Bray90820: alright
[04:48:36] Bray90820: then it is he xbmc addon
[04:49:25] Bray90820: do you by any chance know anything about mythbox for xbmc
[04:50:05] Bray90820: you already told me that
[04:50:09] Bray90820: nevermind
[04:54:39] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:35:48] Daniel (Daniel!1808e6bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:36:25] pierce71588 (pierce71588!1808e6bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[05:37:56] pierce71588: What kind of broadband would be needed for full HD content? I am running ethernet over power and am getting about 40Mbps, is that enough?
[05:40:52] pierce71588: Bandwidth**
[05:41:34] [R]: "full hd" says nothing
[05:41:50] pierce71588: Bluray quality
[05:41:51] wagnerrp: "full HD" content will run you just shy of 600Mbps
[05:41:59] wagnerrp: but X11 overhead
[05:42:10] wagnerrp: i wouldn't attempt it on anything short of gigabit
[05:44:36] pierce71588: @wagnerrp: Do you mean you wouldn't attempt bluray for anything short of a gigabit? or "full HD" ?
[05:45:10] wagnerrp: i wouldn't attempt "full hd" on anything short of gigabit
[05:45:28] wagnerrp: bluray content would be just fine on 10/100 network, but 40Mbps powerline is a bit anemic
[05:45:53] wagnerrp: bluray content will push up to 48Mbps for a single program
[05:46:04] wagnerrp: averaging closer to 30Mbps or so
[05:47:08] wagnerrp: "full hd" video, defined as 1920x1080@24 YUV will run just under 600Mbps
[05:48:01] wagnerrp: and there will be considerable X11 protocol overhead if trying to do so
[05:49:47] pierce71588: Hmm okay great. Should I be able to use iftop to see how much bandwidth I am using to see if that is my issue?
[05:50:07] wagnerrp: if you're only benchmarking 40Mbps, that will be your issue
[05:50:29] wagnerrp: your best bet is to run proper ethernet
[05:51:00] pierce71588: Hmm, ya I was kind of afraid of that, not sure if that is really possible.
[05:51:00] wagnerrp: or at the very least, get more modern PLN gear
[05:51:36] pierce71588: Well, the one that I got said it could do 200Mbps, but, most comments on all of them say they don't get close to what they claim
[05:51:49] wagnerrp: that sounds about right
[05:52:36] wagnerrp: 200Mbps is the protocol bitrate
[05:53:00] wagnerrp: which due to all kinds of error recovery and collision issues, the actual data throughput is something far far less
[05:53:10] pierce71588: Well maybe I should check and do some more research on that front.
[05:54:56] pierce71588: I also am running this as a front end: . . . _o01_s00_i00 it claims that it can do HD content, but as you said, HD can mean a wide range of things. Unfortunately, I have had a hard time finding a lot of small media PCs. Do you know of any decent ones?
[05:55:29] pierce71588: A lot of information in the wiki about front ends really seems outdated unfortunately.
[05:55:34] wagnerrp: the Atom CPU can't really handle much of anything HD
[05:55:50] wagnerrp: the only way to do HD on that box is with VDPAU hardware acceleration using the nVidia graphics
[05:56:07] wagnerrp: which means you're limited to whatever the capabilities of that hardware decoder happen to be
[05:56:46] wagnerrp: you should have no trouble doing bluray, assuming that is content losslessly ripped directly off the disc
[05:59:40] pierce71588: Okay well I will do some research on VDPAU and see where I can get with that. As I said, I also am open to getting a better front end, unfortunately, I can't seem to find any in small form factor. I would build one, but again I really like the small form factors for it.
[06:03:10] pierce71588: well thanks for the help! I will take a look at what you suggested
[06:06:39] Bray90820: how would i define a hostname in my backend
[06:07:01] wagnerrp: the hostname is automatically pulled from the system environment
[06:07:10] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:07:14] wagnerrp: if you want to force your own in place of the default, you can do that in your config.xml
[06:07:22] wagnerrp: with the LocalHostName parameter
[06:07:49] Bray90820: how would i find the host name
[06:08:13] wagnerrp: run `hostname` on the terminal
[06:08:13] Bray90820: hostname
[06:08:37] wagnerrp: yes, that's the name of the command
[06:08:57] Bray90820: if i type in hostname it gives me the hostname of the computer
[06:09:03] wagnerrp: correct
[06:09:16] Bray90820: how would i find the mythtv hostname
[06:09:41] wagnerrp: that is the name mythtv uses to index settings and data in the database
[06:09:50] wagnerrp: unless you specify otherwise in your config.xml
[06:10:14] Bray90820: but how would i find my mythtv hostname
[06:10:47] wagnerrp: i don't understand what you want to know
[06:10:56] wagnerrp: mythtv doesn't use hostnames, it uses IP addresses
[06:11:02] Bray90820: what my mythtv hostname is
[06:11:12] wagnerrp: the hostnames are only used as a key for database information
[06:11:23] Bray90820: well then i am very confused
[06:11:28] wagnerrp: as am i
[06:11:51] wagnerrp: think of your hostname as a profile name
[06:12:04] wagnerrp: all your settings are stored against that profile name in the database
[06:12:11] Bray90820: i am using mythbox on xbmc as a frontend for mythtv and it wants my hostname
[06:12:14] wagnerrp: including the IP addresses to be used for that profile
[06:12:40] wagnerrp: when you want to connect to a mythtv machine, you look up the IP address for that profile in the database
[06:12:51] wagnerrp: you dont need to know the hostname
[06:13:00] wagnerrp: because the database tells you all the machines that are available for access
[06:13:17] Bray90820: that would be the IP of the computer that is running the backend right?
[06:13:25] wagnerrp: what would?
[06:14:00] Bray90820: im the IP address for that profile in the database
[06:14:09] Bray90820: not i'm
[06:14:13] Bray90820: forget i'm
[06:14:14] wagnerrp: running a backend, yes
[06:14:18] Bray90820: ok
[06:14:19] wagnerrp: you can have several backends
[06:14:30] Bray90820: then why is mythbox faling to connect to mysql
[06:14:38] Bray90820: i only have 1 backend
[06:14:41] wagnerrp: that's something you would need to ask the xbmc folks
[06:14:58] wagnerrp: mysql is a completely independent entity from your backend
[06:15:17] wagnerrp: just like your frontend and backend can exist on different machines, so can your database
[06:15:43] Bray90820: yea that's what i have right now
[06:15:51] Bray90820: different machines
[06:16:27] Bray90820: what i am thinking is there is something wrong with mysql on my backend computer because in mythtv control center when i try to test the conencting of mysql it fails
[06:17:18] wagnerrp: did you configure your mysql server to listen on the network?
[06:17:38] wagnerrp: did you create remote credentials to allow remote machines to log in over the network?
[06:17:54] Bray90820: yes i did
[06:18:29] Bray90820: i used...
[06:18:29] Bray90820: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5
[06:19:35] wagnerrp: i used "vim my.cnf; /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart"
[06:19:56] wagnerrp: but if dpkg can do what you need, more power to you
[06:20:41] Bray90820: that's just the code they gave on earlier to use
[06:20:47] Bray90820: on here earlyer
[06:21:49] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:11] Bray90820: so then what would be wrong with mysql
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[06:34:00] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:35:12] linuxtech (linuxtech! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[06:37:03] Bray90820: well i found out what the error was
[06:37:35] Bray90820: apperently mythtv 0.25+ doesn't support mythbox
[06:38:04] wagnerrp: no version of mythtv has ever supported mythbox
[06:38:48] wagnerrp: that's not how 3rd party applications work
[06:39:02] wagnerrp: 3rd party utilities are supposed to support the first party stuff
[06:39:05] Bray90820: i ment the other way around
[06:39:20] rsiebert (rsiebert! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:39:23] ** wagnerrp heads to be **
[06:39:23] wagnerrp: d
[06:39:43] Bray90820: mythbox doesn't support mythtv 0.25+
[06:42:09] rsiebert_ (rsiebert_! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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[07:05:54] pierce71588: does anyone know if the debian package of mythtv is compiled with VDPAU support? I am trying to get VDPAU to work but it wont work inside of mythtv. I installed gnome-mplayer and I changed it to run off of vdpau and it seemed to work, so I think I have the drivers installed correctly
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[10:01:39] Seeker is now known as Seeker`
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[10:04:08] Seeker`: Both my DVB-T and DVB-S2 tuner cards stopped being able to get a lock on anything between 2am and 6pm yesterday. I've since tried all of the different dvb-related command line utilities I can find and they are unable to detect any channels at all. I know the aerial is still good as a TV in the house can still recieve DVB-T. Both cards worked perfectly up until that point.
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[10:07:21] wizbit: Seeker`: try re-tuning the channels on a different multiplex
[10:07:56] wizbit: check to see if there are any problems with the transmitter, maybe engineering works
[10:09:20] Seeker`: wizbit, I've tried using tools like w_scan to tune all frequencies, and there isn't anything on any of them apparently. No reported engineering works on any of the transmitters nearby
[10:09:42] wizbit: shutdown your machine, remove the power
[10:09:54] wizbit: reboot so it puts the firmware back in fresh
[10:10:01] wizbit: a cold boot
[10:10:05] Seeker`: did that, ensured that the nova-t 500 was detected in a cold state
[10:10:51] SteveGoodey: DVB-T and DVB-S2 are different platforms, Over the air/Satellite. Seems odd both should go down at the same time!
[10:10:52] wizbit: are you sure your antena is ok
[10:11:39] Seeker`: what SteveGoodey said. Plus another TV in the house can get DVB-T ok
[10:12:21] wizbit: seems strange to have 2x dead cards
[10:12:30] wizbit: can you remove a card and test it on another pc?
[10:13:43] Seeker`: probably, but it would involve moving a PC to be closer to a socket. Havent' tried that yet as I only started looking in to the problem at about 11pm last night
[10:15:00] wizbit: maybe your pci bus has a fault
[10:15:37] wizbit: dmesg says the card is ok?
[10:15:41] Seeker`: yup
[10:15:53] wizbit: strange
[10:16:16] Seeker`: Thats what I thought. I'm completely stumped
[10:16:23] wizbit: maybe a solar flair from the sun struck down and hit your pc
[10:17:19] Seeker`: only other problem with the PC is that a drive is dying according to SMART
[10:17:47] Seeker`: but thats a storage drive which I have removed from all storage groups now
[10:20:41] wizbit: test the card on another pc if possible
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[11:31:04] Igramul: hi, is there a plugin for myth that notifies me about an incomming call via SIP?
[11:31:17] Igramul: or any other plugin that just displays a message?
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[11:46:04] dekarl1: Igramul: there was but now there is
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[13:03:45] Igramul: dekarl: thanks
[13:05:47] Igramul: Now I can display the caller ID on the TV set :)
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[16:05:01] Seeker`: So, my DVB-T and DVB-S2 cards have both stopped getting a lock. I tried them both in a different machine, same result. I tried plugging a TV in to the socket, I get a signal. Are my cards dead?
[16:08:35] tonsofpcs: my money's on you're probably doing something wrong
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[16:10:18] Seeker`: tonsofpcs, both cards were working flawlessly for probably about a year before yesterday
[16:10:59] Seeker`: they suddenly stopped tuning between about 2am friday morning and 6pm friday evening, during which time noone did anything with either the frontend or the backend
[16:11:17] Seeker`: I've tried all of the different command line tools, none of them are able to tune a channel
[16:11:41] dekarl: did you update something? was there lightning in your area? are there road works around (excavator hitting power lines)
[16:12:07] dekarl: thinking that some rubbish on your powerline might have done something to them
[16:12:28] Seeker`: dekarl, no autoupdates, noone had any interaction with the system between last working and the recording failing, no lightning that I am aware of
[16:12:59] Seeker`: thinking a power surge fried them or something?
[16:14:02] dekarl: just an idea (but a linux kernel api change was just as likely)
[16:14:25] dekarl: after all it has to be something that affects both DVB-S and -T
[16:14:30] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:14:47] dekarl: hmm, is that a shared installation with DVB-S and DVB-T on the same cable? (Unicable)
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[16:17:34] Seeker`: no
[16:17:43] Seeker`: well, they come from the same wall point
[16:17:54] Seeker`: but there are two sockets, one dvb-t and one dvb-s
[16:18:04] Seeker`: what they do behind the faceplate I dont know
[16:18:17] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:18:45] Seeker`: I'm running ubuntu, so I suspect that if there was a kernel change which broke dvb, I wouldn't be the only one with this problem
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[16:20:14] dekarl: but you did not have to apply the patch from #9726 to get 3/4 of your DVB-S channels working ;)
[16:20:14] ** MythLogBot **
[16:29:45] tonsofpcs: Seeker`: have you changed how they are fed? could be a cable or a balun failure.
[16:30:16] tonsofpcs: and your tv may be more/less sensitive than these cards
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[16:44:40] EvilGuru: Is EXPERIMENTALLY_ALLOW_PULSE_AUDIO still required in 0.25?
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[16:44:55] EvilGuru: Trying to clean out my .bashrc file
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[21:29:55] ViperSBT: Well I have to "rebuild" my MythTV.... My HD had a SATA failure and I couldn't recover it, so time to start over... This box was F16...
[21:30:16] ViperSBT: What recommendations would any of you give for building a more "bullet proof" configuration?
[21:30:45] ViperSBT: I recently put in a 3TB NAS which I will put all the recodings and movies on, so I shouldn't need much drive space on the box...
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[21:31:47] wagnerrp: why not put the drives in the backend, put the backend in the basement operating as a NAS, and discard the NAS?
[21:32:06] ViperSBT: The NAS is serving other functions within the house...
[21:32:24] wagnerrp: make the backend a general purpose server that serves those same functions
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[21:33:15] ViperSBT: Yeah, but I already got them in place... I guess I could through a bunch of drives in it, I have a spare RAID controller and several 1TB drives...
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[21:33:57] wagnerrp: with a halfway decent CPU, there is little reason for a dedicated RAID controller
[21:34:15] wagnerrp: those are more to offload the CPU load and software configuration on lower end systems
[21:34:22] ViperSBT: I'm just saying I got the board laying around...
[21:34:52] ViperSBT: CPU is AMD 6200
[21:35:10] ViperSBT: Barely use any processing power at all... FX1800 for the video card
[21:36:02] wagnerrp: quite a bit of overkill
[21:36:03] ViperSBT: InfiniTV adapter for the cable, wich does most of the recording work
[21:36:08] wagnerrp: (on the GPU)
[21:36:22] ViperSBT: Yeah, picked it up cheap off E-Bay
[21:38:03] ViperSBT: I guess I could put all the non-media stuff on a small drive and have it image/backup itself nightly so if this happened again, it would be simply to recreate that drive and not effect anything else?
[21:38:19] wagnerrp: or mirror it
[21:38:41] wagnerrp: all my non-media stuff is stored on a pair of old 320GB drives
[21:39:03] ViperSBT: Yeah! Hmmm... I guess I will get started... Any thing I should be aware of with Myth and F17 or F18?
[21:39:04] wagnerrp: although they've long since been showing their age in performance
[21:39:17] wagnerrp: and i'm a bit cautious on how much longer i can expect them to reliably run
[21:39:33] wagnerrp: they've got to be ~6yrs old or so
[21:39:42] ViperSBT: Yeah, you are pushing it...
[21:40:45] ViperSBT: Thanks for the chat and thoughts Wagnerrp
[21:40:46] wagnerrp: the plan is to either replace them with a pair of SSDs, or maybe a pair of rotating drives and an SSD as cache
[21:40:49] wagnerrp: haven't yet decided
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[21:41:14] ViperSBT: I did an SSD for my Bro-in-law.... great performance, but a little buggy sometimes...
[21:41:14] wagnerrp: my backend runs ZFS, and ZFS allows you to define an SSD as an extended disk cache
[21:41:38] wagnerrp: much like the "hybrid" drives on the market, but with a whole lot more smarts behind it
[21:41:40] FnC: afternoone all
[21:42:12] FnC: im running .26 and trying to get the remove commericals script to work as a user job... but it errors out.. not much in the backend log except an error
[21:42:22] wagnerrp: remove commercials script?
[21:42:25] FnC: when i run the same command i get the following... which looks like the error
[21:42:29] wagnerrp: mythcommflag is an application
[21:42:35] wagnerrp: as is mythtranscode
[21:42:36] FnC: wagnerrp:
[21:42:55] FnC: 2013-01–12 15:37:15.955272 E No program data exists for channel 1271 at 20130111182900
[21:42:55] FnC: Commercial flagging failed for 1271_20130112002900.mpg with error 146
[21:43:07] wagnerrp: eew... are you sure you really want to be using that?
[21:43:23] FnC: ...thought i would try it
[21:43:32] wagnerrp: it means you're blindly accepting whatever choices are made by the commercial detector, and permanently applying them to your recordings
[21:43:36] FnC: main goal is hopefully to remove commecials
[21:43:51] wagnerrp: no such behavior is built in, because the developers of that commercial detector don't trust it
[21:43:54] FnC: ...yeah, but it says the script makes a backup of the original. so i thought i would see how good it is
[21:44:15] wagnerrp: why bother removing the commercials if you're just going to make a backup?
[21:44:18] FnC: i dont use the frontend so much... and would like a way to do this...
[21:44:34] FnC: thats what im saying, is that it makes a backup in case it doesnt do a good job...
[21:44:50] wagnerrp: right, and you end up with close to twice the used disk space
[21:44:52] FnC: here is my ultimate goal... and maybe you can give some better advise
[21:45:15] FnC: well.. if it doesnt work i can copy it back, if after time its doing a good job, i can delete the orignals
[21:46:30] wagnerrp: the only logging that will produce is on the terminal
[21:46:31] FnC: anyway... i have mythbackend setup with 2 hdhomeruns, and record only HD OTA... (which ive heard does a decent job autodetecting commericals this way) so i have 3 physical tuners, and 4 virtual ones (or whatever they are called) But only 7 show up and not all 8 (not sure whats up with that- but ill save that for another time)
[21:46:38] wagnerrp: and the jobqueue discards any output from the terminal
[21:46:47] wagnerrp: so if you run it through the jobqueue, there will be no logging
[21:47:07] FnC: ultimately i would like to strip commercials, and encode to mkv, and end up with files that are like 1.8–2g instead of 6g +
[21:47:34] wagnerrp: remuxing to mkv won't get you that much, maybe a few percent over MPEG2 PS
[21:48:08] wagnerrp: cutting commercials, and dropping to a PS from a TS, will cut you down from 6–7GB to around 4–4.5GB per recording
[21:48:43] wagnerrp: which is what running mythtranscode losslessly with a cutlist will do
[21:48:47] FnC: so then heres the questions, these folks that download the ones for the internet that are like 2G, how do they look so good and are still out 1080p
[21:49:29] wagnerrp: h264 is designed to run around twice the compression efficiency as MPEG2
[21:49:53] wagnerrp: in practice, with good quality settings and a good compressor, you can get maybe 3x the compression efficiency, while achieving the same quality
[21:50:10] wagnerrp: but that is compressing both from the same master copy, which you don't have access to
[21:50:17] FnC: so these are mpeg-ts whats the difference to PS?
[21:50:37] wagnerrp: since you're recompressing a recompression, best to stick closer to 2x, or as you mentioned, around 2GB, down from 4GB
[21:50:51] wagnerrp: MPEG-TS and MPEG-PS are containers, defined by the MPEG format
[21:51:16] wagnerrp: MPEG covers a whole range of audio and video compression, text, images, and packing
[21:51:30] wagnerrp: TS and PS are alternatives to mkv
[21:51:37] FnC: i thought these were were uncompressed?
[21:51:46] wagnerrp: no, not by a long shot
[21:52:17] FnC: So HD OTA is compressed?
[21:52:21] wagnerrp: uncompressed 1080i30 is around 1.1Gbps
[21:52:50] wagnerrp: no, 750Gbps
[21:52:54] wagnerrp: fudged the keypad
[21:52:59] wagnerrp: Mbps
[21:53:15] wagnerrp: by comparison, the actual video you record is going to be a mere 15Mbps or so
[21:53:29] wagnerrp: almost 50:1 compression
[21:53:51] wagnerrp: and that's on top of the existing colorspace compression, making it actually 100:1 over uncompressed RGB
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[21:54:44] FnC: what is that number your saying 1.1GBPbps 750Gbps, 12MBps – like if it were a sheadsheet column header? what would that be called?
[21:54:45] wagnerrp: most commercial media is what is called YUV, where instead of having three color channels of red, green, and blue, you have one B/W channel, and a pair of color channels
[21:55:01] wagnerrp: the B/W channel comes in at full 1920x1080 resolution
[21:55:12] wagnerrp: but the two color channels are only 960x540 resolution
[21:55:21] FnC: overall bit rate?
[21:55:38] wagnerrp: so where RGB video takes 24 bits per pixel, YUV420 only takes 12
[21:56:13] wagnerrp: 1920x1080i30 RGB is 1.5Gbps, the compressed YUV is then 750Mbps
[21:56:36] pmhahn (pmhahn!~pmhahn@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d31:219:dbff:fef2:e135) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:56:48] wagnerrp: the YUV video is then compressed with MPEG2 down to around 12–16Mbps for broadcasting
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[22:00:35] FnC: i see
[22:03:24] FnC: so its already been compressed by the time ive recorded it
[22:03:30] wagnerrp: heavily
[22:04:37] FnC: for a good high qaulity archive i mean cutting commericals, getting rid of the spanish track and the text tracks... it gunna save me say 2 out of 8g and get me down to like 6 or so?
[22:04:38] wagnerrp: if the broadcasters were using h264, like you see sometimes in Europe, IPTV, or with some satellite or cable providers, those bitrates would be down around 6–8Mbps
[22:05:29] wagnerrp: you shouldn't be hitting 8GB/hr, since that would basically mean there is only the one channel on the mux
[22:05:33] wagnerrp: which is fairly rare
[22:05:46] wagnerrp: 5–7GB/hr is more common
[22:06:16] wagnerrp: figure with commercial clipping, removing extra channels, remuxing to a more efficient container, you'll cut that down by around 30–40%
[22:06:35] FnC: 7405506684
[22:06:43] FnC: -h is 6.9
[22:07:02] FnC: but others are 6.1G or so
[22:07:12] wagnerrp: "-h"?
[22:07:19] wagnerrp: oh, human readable
[22:07:20] FnC: human readable
[22:07:25] wagnerrp: right
[22:07:43] wagnerrp: 7GB is the high side, 6GB is much more common
[22:08:06] FnC: so still how to get that down to closer to 2 gb
[22:08:20] FnC: er less than 3 without loosing too much video quality?
[22:08:41] wagnerrp: to get down to 2GB, you'll need to recompress
[22:08:43] wagnerrp: what CPU do you have?
[22:09:15] FnC: looks like this one is a AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
[22:09:33] FnC: last one, couldnt handle stuff, so i updated to this.. its a bit oolder i know
[22:09:57] FnC: you want the flags?
[22:09:57] Sharky-Sleep is now known as Sharky112065
[22:10:04] FnC: flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 3dnowext 3dnow constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc extd_apicid pni monitor cx16 popcnt lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs npt lbrv svm_lock
[22:11:00] Sharky112065: I think I read that the hdhr4 comming up soon will have h.264. :)
[22:11:17] wagnerrp: good quality encoding running quad-core on that processor is likely going to do well under 10fps
[22:11:26] ViperSBT (ViperSBT! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:11:32] FnC: is that why they been getting cheap...
[22:11:50] wagnerrp: they've been getting cheap just due to volume
[22:11:53] FnC: wagnerrp: im a bit new with is.. is that a good?
[22:12:16] FnC: ..i got 4 hdhomeruns now.. two of the old gray ones, and two of the new lil baclk ones
[22:12:21] FnC: just using the new ones for now
[22:12:30] wagnerrp: FnC: that means your CPU running full out is going to take maybe 4–5 hours to encode each hour of recording
[22:12:44] FnC: thats cool... its got nothing else to do
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[22:13:04] wagnerrp: well just think, it's using a whole lot more electricity running full out than it is idling
[22:13:19] wagnerrp: especially if you have it configured to go into standby when not in use
[22:13:21] FnC: yeah, but for long term storage...
[22:13:29] FnC: no standby..
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[22:13:42] wagnerrp: for long term storage, hard drives are going to cost you a few cents per GB
[22:13:58] FnC: im at 28T right now
[22:14:16] FnC: and should be over 50 when i finish up running badblocks on stuff
[22:14:23] FnC: add and expand the arry
[22:14:26] wagnerrp: badblocks?
[22:14:33] FnC: i run it on my discs when i get them
[22:14:50] wagnerrp: some kind of burn in test?
[22:14:58] FnC: just to make sure nothing is fubard out of the box, so i can return them before i rip open the enclosure
[22:15:03] wagnerrp: just to load it up and make sure it's not going to fail
[22:15:15] FnC: since they arent selling the 3tb i want bare
[22:17:14] FnC: yeah it just runs like 4 different patterns to the disc to make sure there are no bad blocks on the device
[22:17:48] FnC: figure its worth the time before i "void" the warranty, even though i am running raid 6
[22:18:06] FnC: if i end up with one that has a few hundered badblocks its going back
[22:18:24] blassey (blassey! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[22:18:53] FnC: but yeah it writes, reads, and compares.. so its a pretty good thorough test
[22:19:38] FnC: my mythbackend only has about 4T, so thats why i want to get stuff smaller and archive it off...
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[22:21:20] FnC: wagnerrp: So it really sounds like i need to:1) run mythcommflag 2) sit down at a frontend and see how that did, and make changes
[22:21:34] FnC: i guess there is no way around this, to do things easier or from a command line
[22:21:59] wagnerrp: defining the cutlist in the editor in the frontend usually only takes a few minutes per show
[22:22:27] FnC: from there i would want to strip out the cutlist, and the spanish audio track right?
[22:22:35] FnC: and transcode?
[22:22:51] wagnerrp: from there, run a lossless transcode
[22:23:07] wagnerrp: i believe it drops the secondary audio tracks in the process
[22:23:09] FnC: ...or is there a way to not even record the span track to begin with?
[22:23:17] wagnerrp: no
[22:23:32] FnC: what about the multiple txt channels?
[22:23:53] wagnerrp: those likely have no data of significance in them to worry about
[22:24:13] FnC: ok
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[22:25:20] FnC: when i look in mythweb, i see a transcode button now... but no way to tell if thats doing a lossless
[22:25:38] wagnerrp: it uses whatever the default transcode profile for that recording rule is
[22:26:16] FnC: so im probably better off scripting something to run transcodes overnight, from the command line?
[22:26:28] FnC: after ive done the cutlist by hand
[22:26:48] wagnerrp: if you want to transcode, write some script that incorporates the lossless and lossy steps all in one
[22:27:06] wagnerrp: or skip the lossless alltogether, and use a lossy transcode you can define a cutlist for
[22:27:45] FnC: benefits of doing it one way or another?
[22:28:02] wagnerrp: the first way will be easier, the second will be slightly faster by a few minutes
[22:28:21] FnC: but both same quality in the end?
[22:28:30] wagnerrp: in theory
[22:29:22] FnC: so if what i got gives me a 1 hour show but will take 4hours to transcode... is there a reasonablly priced CPU out there, that will get things way quicker??
[22:29:49] wagnerrp: anything better will require new board and new memory as well
[22:29:58] FnC: i get that...
[22:30:17] FnC: just wonder if its like a 800 $ cpu, to get me a show done in 30 mins... or something liek 200
[22:30:37] wagnerrp: for transcoding, you're better off with the old Phenom II units, or something intel
[22:31:11] wagnerrp: note that the current bulldozer chips only have one FPU for each two integer units
[22:31:20] wagnerrp: and transcoding is FPU heavy
[22:31:43] wagnerrp: so even though one might be reported as an 8-core chip, it will behave like a 4-core chip in terms of performance
[22:31:59] wagnerrp: an older 6-core STARS (phenom II) chip would do better
[22:32:50] FnC: what kind of times would i get for a 1 hour show with those
[22:33:56] wagnerrp: figure a phenom 2 will do modestly better per clock than a phenom, and an ivy bridge will do considerably better per clock
[22:34:07] wagnerrp: then just scale linearly based off clockrate and core count
[22:34:20] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[22:34:48] FnC: so ivy bridge > phenom 2 6 core > phenom quad core
[22:35:10] wagnerrp: assuming the ivy bridge part is a quad core or better
[22:35:33] wagnerrp: my 3.3GHz dual core would underperform one of the 6-core phenom 2s
[22:36:25] wagnerrp: a bulldozer will do better than a phenom 2 per clock, but figure you need to halve the advertised core count (or use the "module" count)
[22:38:17] FnC: i see... well i might have to revisit that when its time
[22:38:35] FnC: a little disapointed that its gunna take 4 hours though ;-/
[22:39:56] wagnerrp: video encoding is very much non-trivial, and very much asymmetric
[22:40:04] wagnerrp: it takes a long longer to encode than it does to decode
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[23:17:33] swalberg: Hi, I'm trying to get a mceusb device working as a blaster on Mythbuntu (12.04.1). I've configured it in the control centre, it's detected by the kernel and has the mceusb module loaded, it can receive signals, but I can't get it to transmit. irsend SEND_ONCE DCT2000 ADOWN doesn't give any errors but also doesn't appear to send anything to the STB (or, if it's sent, it's not received.) I don't know where I should look next, does anyone have some
[23:17:33] swalberg: advice?
[23:18:09] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[23:18:33] swalberg: lsusb reports it as a " ID 1934:5168 Feature Integration Technology Inc. (Fintek) F71610A or F71612A Consumer Infrared Receiver/Transceiver", most of what I can find by Googling is old stuff where that USB id wasn't recognized by the kernel which is not the case here
[23:21:09] swalberg: lirc config, if it helps:
[23:28:28] FnC: So i got my cutlist now, and was gunna transcode this, but dont see anywhee to remove the second audio track

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