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Wednesday, May 30th, 2012, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:35] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:00:47] LedHed: I just got my HDHR Prime and an M-Card from my cable provider. I set the tuner up in mythrv 0.25, but 50% of the channels fail to lock then freeze the backend. Is this likely a bad cable card or the Prime?
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[04:08:09] BLZbubba: LedHed: seems unlikely to be the cable card
[04:08:51] BLZbubba: all of my tuners show that they are recording shows from a few days ago; where in the database can i change their status?
[04:10:21] LedHed: sounds like the date is off
[04:10:58] LedHed: update the clock on the backend, then maybe run mythfilldatabase
[04:18:40] andrewju (andrewju!~Miranda@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[05:00:38] lucas^ (lucas^! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:46:44] waxhead: Just upgraded the nvidia drivers and it seems that problem of turning off the power on the TV locking up the mythbox has been resolved...
[05:46:50] waxhead: so driver issue..
[06:06:49] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:09:09] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:10:20] johnsu01: waxhead: hm, I've been having that problem, and I don't use nvidia..
[06:11:17] waxhead: johnsu01, really???
[06:11:19] waxhead: what's the tv?
[06:11:29] LedHed (LedHed! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[06:11:31] johnsu01: waxhead: it's a projector
[06:11:31] waxhead: maybe I haven't solved the problem then?
[06:11:41] waxhead: what video card are you using?
[06:11:47] johnsu01: waxhead: and it just started happening after a relatively recent upgrade to a lot of stuff on the system
[06:11:54] johnsu01: intel
[06:12:10] waxhead: johnsu01, same.. I upgraded to mythbuntu 12.04 and that's when it started happening
[06:12:17] johnsu01: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
[06:13:00] waxhead: went into the restricted drivers setup and picked the non recommended "updates since release" one...
[06:13:11] waxhead: it will be interesting to see if it fixes the problem then
[06:13:27] johnsu01: yeah, I have to run now but knowing that someone else had this makes me want to investigate more
[06:13:36] waxhead: seems like an odd thing to have happen though, it's like it's picking up some signal from the device to shutdown...
[06:13:42] waxhead: locks the OS up completely...
[06:14:00] waxhead: johnsu01, good luck then.. I didn't find much...
[06:14:00] johnsu01: yeah — I usually ssh in and restart the display manager to fix it
[06:14:09] waxhead: worse I couldn't get anything from syslog...
[06:14:24] waxhead: oh.. mine was a complete crash/lockup... no ssh at all
[06:15:05] johnsu01: well, I'll report if I find anything
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[10:35:10] Curly060 (Curly060!~Miranda@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:37:03] Curly060: Hi! I fiddled a bit more with channel scanning (DVB-T). The only reliable way to add channels for me was this:Do a full scan, do not add any channels, edit transports (delete the ones I know are not working properly), scan all known transports. Only like this I get all channels added properly with EIT working
[10:39:50] Curly060: when I add my transports manually, MythTv also finds all channels, but in the table dtv_multiplex I do not have transportid nor networkid
[10:40:11] Curly060: by manually I mean "adding transports via mythtv-setup)
[10:41:51] Curly060: so my question is: Is manually adding transports broken?
[10:42:36] Curly060: but at least I now have a safe, reproducible way of scanning for channels.
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[11:16:31] Sharky112065 (Sharky112065! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:19:54] paulgardiner (paulgardiner! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:20:30] paulgardiner: jya: quick question, if you can spare a moment?
[11:20:39] jya: yes?
[11:23:04] paulgardiner: Thanks. I've trying to get mythfrontend to tell me whether it thinks it is playing top_field_first or bottom_field_first content. I found tff being detected in AvFormatDecoder::ProcessVideoFrame, but my added logging isn't coming out. Have I picked the wrong function to trace?
[11:24:04] paulgardiner: Maybe that's not the decoder used for recording playback.
[11:30:03] Sharky112065: Im thinking of switching to mythtv. I have a question i've been unable to answer by reading the wiki. If I want to record two back to back programs on the same channel and use padding (say 3 min front and back), will it use only one tuner or two tuners?
[11:38:16] Sharky112065: Well, I need some sleep. I will check later to see if anyone answered.
[11:41:03] paulgardiner: jya: Sorry. Got it. I didn't understand that VB_PLAYBACK | VB_TIMECODE meant 'and'.
[11:43:30] waxhead (waxhead! has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[11:54:27] paulgardiner: Sharky112065: no, it wont use two 'real' tuners, which is what you care about. It will use two virtual tuners, but two virtual tuners can run symultaneoulsy using just one real tuner. The other good thing about virtual tuners is that by using them myhtv can record two programs symyltaneoulsy using only one real tuner provided the two programs share a multiplex.
[12:04:43] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:39:27] ThisNewGuy: hey all – does anyone know how I can install libx264–118 on Ubuntu Natty?
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[13:06:14] dekarl-too (dekarl-too!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[13:07:08] dekarl-too: Curly060, IMHO rescanning after manually adding the transports should add the ONID and TSID
[13:16:22] dekarl-too: ThisNewGuy, see under the "Other versions of 'x264' in untrusted archives." section it mentions the mplayer-daily PPA which has x264 2:0.120.2151+gita3f4407–2~natty2
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[13:36:04] wagnerrp: other versions of x264 in untrusted archives?
[13:36:22] wagnerrp: are we going to need to start packaging our own internal version of that too?
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[13:43:22] ThisNewGuy: thanks dekarl-too
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[14:02:56] streeter (streeter!streeter@nat/redhat/x-oeddjwysazpwvjxj) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:03:02] sphery: wagnerrp: speaking of packaging, don't our requirements for compilation for HLS support mean that binaries can't be redistributed with HLS support?
[14:03:20] sphery: do we actually require the --nonfree (or whatever) flag that users keep using on the lists
[14:04:14] wagnerrp: for HLS to work properly with the codecs it needs, it must be compiled --nonfree
[14:05:02] wagnerrp: thats not to say we couldnt potentially get it to work with webm or something without that option
[14:05:22] sphery: yeah, so that means that binaries can't be redistributed when compiled that way
[14:07:31] sphery: this based on
[14:07:54] sphery: --enable-nonfree allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs and binaries will be unredistributable [no]
[14:08:19] sphery: probably should ensure packagers know this so that we don't get ffmpeg devs concerned/involved
[14:11:35] sphery: tgm4883: out of curiosity, you guys aren't compiling mythtv with --enable-nonfree, right?
[14:11:54] wagnerrp: seems thats wrong
[14:12:17] wagnerrp: nonfree is only needed for faac, which is not currently used by HLS
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[14:12:55] wagnerrp: ^^ from iamlindoro
[14:14:03] sphery: ah, cool
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[14:14:24] wagnerrp: i guess that would only be used by people running mythffmpeg
[14:15:06] sphery: yeah, would be nice to switch to the ffmpeg aac code
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[14:17:02] at0m: hi, i received technotrend s2–3200 in the mail today, but it has 2 DVB-S(2) inputs instead of the documented 1 input. it's a pci card so not an s2–6400. anyone have an idea on how to find what card it is exactly? lspci says Philips Semiconductors SAA7146 for both the s-1500 and the new card...
[14:17:37] streeter_ (streeter_!streeter@nat/redhat/x-wjjtkfcbbgubrjrc) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:17:47] at0m: i'd want to make sure im connecting dvb-s/dvb-s2 to the correct inputs on the card.
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[14:18:35] at0m: (using an duo LNB quad, so got a couple spare coax cables there
[14:19:36] wagnerrp: when you say two inputs, you mean two F connectors on the back of the card?
[14:19:44] at0m: indeed
[14:19:49] wagnerrp: no other inputs?
[14:20:04] ikevin (ikevin!~kevin@2a01:240:fe76:1::1) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[14:20:16] at0m: there's this remote control 'phones' type input which i wont use on basement backend
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[14:22:16] at0m: hm, lspci -vv says it's an s2–3200
[14:22:43] at0m: but only s2–3200 i find online has single dvb-s F input
[14:22:55] at0m: mine has 2
[14:22:56] wagnerrp: perhaps this one has a passthrough?
[14:23:09] at0m: could be
[14:23:23] at0m: much guess work for setting this up :)
[14:24:31] at0m: if it's an idle passthrough, i better connect it correctly
[14:24:58] at0m: no labels on the card's bracket
[14:26:24] wagnerrp: i did find a picture of a -1500 revision with a passthrough
[14:28:12] at0m: wagnerrp: care to paste the link?
[14:28:54] wagnerrp: http:/
[14:30:09] at0m: thanks! that's probably the one then... both arrived together today
[14:31:14] at0m: still need to allign the dish, lots of running attick<>basement /o\
[14:31:30] wagnerrp: oh, you got both
[14:31:40] wagnerrp: i thought you meant you just got the -3200 in the mail
[14:32:15] tgm4883: sphery, yes we are
[14:32:40] tgm4883: #mythtv
[14:32:40] tgm4883: cd mythtv && ./configure --compile-type=profile --prefix=/usr --runprefix=/usr --enable-crystalhd --enable-lirc --enable-audio-alsa --enable-audio-oss --enable-dvb --enable-ivtv --enable-firewire --enable-joystick-menu --with-bindings=perl --enable-ffmpeg-pthreads --enable-pic --enable-vaapi --perl-config-opts="INSTALLDIRS=vendor" --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libfaac --enable-libxvid --enable-nonfree --enable
[14:32:40] tgm4883: -opengl-video --enable-vdpau
[14:32:54] tgm4883: That is from 0.25
[14:32:55] at0m: wagnerrp: yea and now i dont know which came out of which box :D
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[14:36:36] sphery: tgm4883: hmmm... might want to drop that, since it makes the binaries unredistributable due to licensing conflicts
[14:36:47] sphery: sounds like hls will still work without it, though
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[14:50:16] at0m: wagnerrp: yet mythtv-setup shows 3 DVB inputs:
[14:50:22] ** at0m so confused **
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[14:53:29] at0m: lspci -vv
[14:55:41] hpeter (hpeter! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:58:32] sphery: at0m: remember that inputs enumerated by the device/drivers are not necessarily wired up on the board
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[15:24:51] at0m: sphery: ah ok, thanks
[15:25:21] at0m: sphery: it's that my newly arrived card has an undocumented extra input/throughput
[15:25:34] at0m: trying to figure out which is which
[15:26:17] sphery: right, but the 3 in mythtv-setup isn't a concern/doesn't say anything about what's really on there
[15:36:05] tgm4883: sphery, what is the downside of removing --enable-nonfree?
[15:41:08] wagnerrp: you cant use --enable-libfaac
[15:41:23] wagnerrp: which means faac is no longer available for use in mythffmpeg
[15:44:53] tgm4883: wagnerrp, so is that the last thing that makes it unredistributable?
[15:45:01] tgm4883: wagnerrp, see #ubuntu-mythtv-dev
[15:47:32] tgm4883: sphery, specifically, mythtv currently sits in multiverse in Ubuntu
[15:47:33] tgm4883: "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)" – Software that is "not free" and may require licensing. This software is not supported.
[15:47:56] tgm4883: if dropping nonfree would allow us to move it into universe, I think we'd be ok with that
[15:50:41] rays (rays! has quit (Quit: Linkinus -
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[15:53:52] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, after the ffmpeg resync, the aac encoder in master works pretty well. I have a patch which will switch the HLS encoder from using mp3 and --enable-libmp3lame to using the native AAC encoder without having to have nonfree or libfaac enabled.
[15:54:11] wagnerrp: tgm4883: ^^^
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[15:54:56] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, so we could remove both nonfree and libfaac and be fine?
[15:56:31] kyew (kyew! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[15:56:39] Captain_Murdoch: once my patch goes in, yes. the only compile option I'm using now to enable HLS is --enable-libx264
[15:57:08] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[15:57:33] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, sweet. We'll test removing both for 0.26 then
[15:57:33] Captain_Murdoch: and mythffmpeg should be able to use native AAC encoder as well.
[15:59:05] tgm4883: what is libxvid used for?
[15:59:11] tgm4883: we could possibly remove that as well
[15:59:44] tgm4883: since sphery got us to do some spring cleaning ;)
[16:00:53] Captain_Murdoch: that's not necessary, it's for mythffmpeg use only currently I believe. the HLS support also included (commented-out) support for using mythtranscode to encode to any libav* container and codec, so some could use xvid with that later if they wanted, but better use just use libx264 IMHO.
[16:01:43] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, thanks for the info
[16:03:30] Captain_Murdoch: yw. it will probably be a couple weeks before my AAC patch is in master, in the middle of a move now and didnt' want to commit it yet since it has a few changes in it, including converting audio to floats for encoding since the internal AAC encoder needs floats while libmp3lame was happy with the short ints we're getting out of the decoder.
[16:05:17] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, that works for us. We're working out some other issues building master
[16:05:38] tgm4883: can you ping one of us when that gets added?
[16:05:48] hashbang (hashbang!~isajb@2001:630:e4:1212:230:48ff:febf:1392) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[16:05:53] tgm4883: either me or superm1
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[16:11:45] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, I'll make a note in my TODO list to try to remind myself to ping when committed. :)
[16:12:13] tgm4883: Captain_Murdoch, ok, no biggie if you forget. I'm sure we can figure it out :)
[16:13:04] joki (joki! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[16:13:25] Captain_Murdoch: no problem, I'll try to remember in ~2 weeks when I put it in.
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[16:15:25] sphery: tgm4883: it's not that using --enable-nonfree would mean it has to be in multiverse; it's that --enable-nonfree enables code that links to GPL code in violation of the GPL, so any binaries created with --enable-nonfree can /never/ be redistributed by anyone regardless of repo
[16:15:59] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, just for reference, superm1's 7fc3b70d89d28d07238ea2466e5df1e0dc4e268e commit is still needed for HLS support as well until my patch goes in.
[16:18:02] tgm4883: sphery, ok, we've removed that and libxvid and libfaac from our 0.26 builds
[16:18:11] tgm4883: at that point, we're going to try and get it into universe
[16:18:23] Goga777 (Goga777!~Goga777@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:18:44] sphery: at least, that's my understanding... ffmpeg devs know best (but on their lists are often discussions of violations)
[16:19:32] sphery: tgm4883: wouldn't the MPEG patents still mean that ffmpeg/mythtv has to stay in multiverse?
[16:19:59] sphery: everything from Siskvel's MP3 patents to MPEG's patents and ...
[16:21:08] sphery: er, sisvel, it seems
[16:23:24] sphery: anyway, this is probably the best resource on redistributability of ffmpeg/mythtv: (but, unfortunately, not very descriptive of what nonfree means)
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[16:28:07] tgm4883: Sphery, www can try
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[16:30:32] sphery: tgm4883: actually, it seems some of the best information (intermixed with whining and "you can't stop me" comments) is actually at
[16:31:01] sphery: so may be worth checking with the ffmpeg/faac package maintainers to see what they're doing
[16:33:26] sphery: (seems based on that + , they're moving to using ffaac (ffmpeg internal aac support) as the solution)
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[17:02:46] wagnerrp: sometimes you just want to stab people through their monitor
[17:03:03] ** wagnerrp should not have read that thread **
[17:03:15] wagnerrp: s/thread/bug ticket/
[17:05:38] tgm4883: wagnerrp, I have to read it now, which one
[17:06:03] cecil (cecil! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[17:06:21] wagnerrp: the one sphery posted about half an hour ago
[17:06:38] tgm4883: wagnerrp, reading now
[17:07:02] wagnerrp: how dare you remove faac... what ever happened to 'just works'... get off your legal high horse... etc...
[17:07:31] wagnerrp: seems the issue isnt anything to do with patents
[17:07:53] wagnerrp: but that faac is actually licensed by TI, and copyright prevents redistribution of binaries
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[17:14:37] bulle: Hi, i have a working dvb card ( i can manualy tune in and watch dvb stuff with czap and mplayer ) i add the card to mythtv-setup, i configure a video source, connect these two, and scan for channels, the scan goes well, and it reports that it found 19 channels, i can then choose just to import all, or manualy add them
[17:14:44] bulle: but afterwards my channel list is still empy
[17:14:46] bulle: empty
[17:14:56] bulle: so, what am i doing wrong here ?
[17:16:52] bulle: if i remove or add the card again, it doesnt help
[17:17:08] bulle: i have manuly checked the database, and when i add remove the tuner cards, tables in mysql gets altered, so there it works
[17:18:18] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[17:19:47] sphery: bulle: "channel list is still empty" = ? You mean you see no channels if you go into the Channel Editor in mythtv-setup and select the appropriate Video Source?
[17:19:58] sphery: bulle: or you mean you have no listings data for those channels in the EPG? or ?
[17:20:22] bulle: sphery: i mean the first thing, that if i go into the channel editor and choose the video source, i see no channels
[17:21:17] sphery: and you chose to add all the channels?
[17:21:33] sphery: (and you're not using the channels.conf import, right--you're using mythtv-setup to scan for channels, right?)
[17:21:52] bulle: im using the channels.conf import, as the scan in mythtv-setup doesnt find any channels
[17:22:33] bulle: so i used the command "scan" with some nice flags,as described in the mythtv wiki, to scan and generate the channels.conf file
[17:22:44] sphery: no idea on that... I know it's not the preferred approach, and I only know how to use mythtv-setup to scan
[17:23:27] sphery: I'd suggest, "Delete all video sources," then re-create the video source(s), then connect it to the card, then scan for channels with mythtv-setup
[17:23:45] sphery: chances are you're not scanning properly, so it's not finding the channels
[17:24:25] sphery: not sure what needs to be done for Sweden, but it's possible you need to do a tuned scan and specify a starting frequency
[17:24:33] sphery: and/or verify your frequency table
[17:25:58] bulle: i have tried all the different scan options in mythtv-setup eg Full Scan (Tuned), Full Scan, Scann of all existing transport, Scan of single existing transport etc, but none of those exist
[17:26:05] bulle: oh, they exist, but they find no channels
[17:26:19] bulle: this frequency table, where can i find it ?
[17:26:38] sphery: in mythtv-setup general settings
[17:27:01] sphery: and, generally, you'd specify Default for your per-video-source table
[17:27:20] bulle: oh, i have that set to western-europe, and yes, i have it set to default
[17:29:47] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:17] sphery: your best results will probably come from asking someone else in your area how they got their channels... most eyes are usually found on the mythtv-users mailing list
[17:30:24] sphery: (might find someone in here, though, eventually)
[17:34:12] bulle: yeah, i know of no one besdies me using dvb around here, but mailinglist is indeed the next step i think
[17:34:16] bulle: thanks for you help though
[17:34:46] sphery: good luck
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[18:01:38] Sharky112065: paulgardiner: thanks for the answer. Not sure I fully understand multiplex yet though. I have two Ceton cards.
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[18:07:19] earthw0rm (earthw0rm! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:07:59] earthw0rm: Hi lads, if it's not recording when I'm watching telly, what's going on? It ought to be using my second tuner, right?
[18:08:46] earthw0rm: I did two tests, tape something when it's on the home screen, and tape something when it's watching a random channel. Only the first worked.
[18:09:49] sphery: not sure what you're asking, but 2 generically-related-to-tuner-selection responses are: a) use 0.25-fixes and b) set your Live TV and recording order in mythtv-setup
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[18:10:58] earthw0rm: Well, I'm asking what might be the cause of those symptoms
[18:11:34] earthw0rm: I've got mythtv-0.25–6.fc16.x86_64 installed
[18:11:38] earthw0rm: Does that have the fixes?
[18:12:53] ** earthw0rm looks at mythtv-setup for recording order ... **
[18:13:15] sphery: what does mythfrontend --version give?
[18:13:36] sphery: I don't understand the symptoms
[18:14:17] sphery: are you saying "on my system with 2 tuners, when one tuner is in use and Live TV starts, it puts Live TV on the same tuner that's already in use"?
[18:14:57] EvoGamer (EvoGamer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:15:06] sphery: if so, and if you're using 0.25-fixes, that's a good thing (means you're not wasting a tuner if you want to watch something from that multiplex) and shouldn't make any difference (since it will switch to the other tuner when you change to a channel that's not available on the current tuner)
[18:15:57] earthw0rm: ythTV Version : 0.25–6.fc16 (1a671d0)
[18:15:59] earthw0rm: MythTV Branch : fixes/0.25
[18:16:02] earthw0rm: That's good then
[18:16:35] sphery: that should be newer than the tuner selection fixes, but it's a month old
[18:16:52] sphery: (Apr 20)
[18:17:19] earthw0rm: So, I had BBC 1 on live TV, I set a program on BBC 2 to record by choosing "record this" from the menu, and when I came back tonight, it hadn't recorded
[18:17:41] earthw0rm: I did the same thing the day before without leaving live TV tuned in, and it worked
[18:17:51] earthw0rm: Hopefully that phrases it better  :D
[18:17:53] EvoGamer: hey guys, any hints with getting an Avermedia A16AR to play ball?
[18:18:15] wagnerrp: EvoGamer: is it supported in linux?
[18:18:23] sphery: so you were watching in Live TV the program that you told it to record?
[18:18:55] sphery: and when you exited Live TV (or changed channel), it stopped the Live TV recording and you didn't get a different recording?
[18:19:06] sphery: if so, that sounds like an issue that had been reported
[18:19:30] sphery: where if you're in Live TV and hit R to record the current show, then switch channels, it stops the recording
[18:19:56] sphery: !url tuners
[18:19:56] MythLogBot: tuners: . . . _Information
[18:19:57] earthw0rm: I thought it was actually two different channels in question
[18:19:59] sphery: EvoGamer: ^^^
[18:21:03] earthw0rm: Although that is interesting, I'll avoid recording things I'm watching
[18:21:21] sphery: earthw0rm: recording order specifies the order in which mythtv will use tuners for recordings... if your recording order is the default, it will always start with the "first" tuner
[18:21:27] earthw0rm: But no, in this test case, I set something to record on another channel
[18:21:45] sphery: earthw0rm: if that tuner is in use when the recording needs to start, it will prompt you to ask what to do
[18:21:50] sphery: that prompt doesn't work
[18:21:55] EvoGamer: wagnerrp: I believe it is... there were some linux drivers available from the manufacturer years ago, plus there's information about the chipset on the linuxtv wiki
[18:21:59] sphery: and, generally, it breaks the recording
[18:22:18] sphery: pretty sure that's what happened for you and why it didn't work'
[18:22:27] earthw0rm: Hmm, bugger
[18:22:49] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:22:56] EvoGamer: sphery: I checked out that wiki before, but the page I found gave me different info
[18:23:00] earthw0rm: Maybe it ought to just use whichever is free rather than trying to ask me? I mean, I don't really mind which it uses
[18:24:48] earthw0rm: Anyway, if I set it to try and record with tuner 2 first, I should avoid this problem for the most part I'd hope?
[18:25:08] sphery: earthw0rm: recording tuner selection won't change
[18:25:21] sphery: someone needs to fix the prompt/handling of the prompt
[18:25:22] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:25:29] sphery: (someone who actually uses live tv, perhaps ...  ;)
[18:26:14] fryguy: yah
[18:27:33] earthw0rm: sphery: Oh, you mean change it so live tv uses tuner 2 by default?
[18:27:51] earthw0rm: Where are these settings? I can't find them (I did Google before asking, honest).
[18:27:51] wagnerrp: EvoGamer: presumably youre trying to use this for DVB-T?
[18:28:55] EvoGamer: yeah... no point in Analogue reception
[18:29:19] wagnerrp: does anything show up in /dev/dvb ?
[18:30:21] EvoGamer: yeah, adapter0
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[18:35:50] earthw0rm: . . . apture_Cards
[18:35:57] earthw0rm: Is that anything to do with anything?
[18:36:10] earthw0rm: Virtual tuners? Wtf  :D
[18:36:53] wagnerrp: virtual tuners are a way of exposing the ability for a tuner capture multiple channels in a multiplex simultaneously to the scheduler
[18:36:57] wagnerrp: nothing more
[18:38:44] earthw0rm: So if my card can't do that, then there's no point in having the number of simul recordings set to 2?
[18:39:02] wagnerrp: you have a digital tuner, yes?
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[19:13:43] lapion: hmm I have 2 analog tvcards, and I recently set gave them the same recording, and live watching priority, however the backend continues to only select the first card for recording, even though it's being used for live-tv wathcing
[19:15:20] wagnerrp: meaning the backend preempts the livetv session?
[19:16:03] lapion: yes
[19:16:45] lapion: in stead of using the other card, can it be because the recording was programmed when the priorities where different ?
[19:17:16] wagnerrp: priority is determined at the last scheduler run
[19:23:03] lapion: I set the priorities yesterday.. let me double check if I restarted the backend since
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[19:31:36] bulle: sphery: for what its worth, if i start mythtv-setup.real instead, i get all the logging output to stdout, and then i see that during the channel scan it finds all the channels
[19:31:54] bulle: sphery: but the INSERT statement fails, beacuse a mandatory field in the channel tables is NULL
[19:32:23] bulle: so i guess i can just parse the logfile, and manualy insert the darn lines, with the correct value in the column that gets NULL values
[19:32:26] bulle: and i should be set
[19:38:40] sphery: bulle: sounds like you're using an old version of mythtv
[19:39:00] sphery: 0.25-fixes should get that error, then try again with empty string instead of null, and it should succeed
[19:40:14] sphery: lapion: are you talking about input priorities (which you shouldn't be messing with) or recording/live tv order
[19:40:34] sphery: lapion: the right way to choose which one gets used first for recordings or live tv is the order, not the priority
[19:40:44] sphery: priority simply tells it whether or not to record a specific show
[19:41:10] sphery: earthw0rm: yes, set it so that live tv order has tuner 2 first, then tuner 1 second
[19:41:45] sphery: earthw0rm: and it's under capture card setup in mythtv-setup (and I'm pretty sure you're on 0.25-fixes--it wasn't in prior versions)
[19:44:25] lapion: hmm sphery in the backend I set the device Schedule order=2 and live tv order=2 and input priority=0 on in the interactions of inputs..
[19:44:53] sphery: ok, that's the way it should be
[19:45:14] sphery: though you likely want different cards to have different orders
[19:45:36] sphery: so card 1 = sched order 1/live tv order 2, and card 2 = sched order 2/live tv order 1
[19:45:39] sphery: or whatever
[19:45:42] lapion: I connected both cards to the same video source
[19:45:55] sphery: it should work if not, but it will work better if they differ
[19:46:08] bulle: sphery: the log does indeed say that it retries, with empty string instead of null, and claims that the insert goes ok, but no entries ever makes it to the database
[19:46:14] sphery: (i.e. otherwise you're likely to get live tv sessions pre-empted by recordings)
[19:46:25] sphery: bulle: can I see the logs, please
[19:46:52] sphery: either way, we need to fix the broken query... but might be able to find out why you're not seeing anything go into the db
[19:47:07] sphery: full log from a mythtv-setup run with scan would be ideal
[19:47:17] sphery: full log with default verbosity should be fine
[19:48:25] lapion: so currently the BE doesn't select the free device ?
[19:48:42] sphery: lapion: oh, I just re-read your question... and, yes, the backend is doing exactly what it should
[19:49:16] sphery: the backend /always/ assumes that it should use the best-quality tuner for recordings (since they're not ephemeral, like Live TV)
[19:49:45] sphery: and, given identical schedule order for cards, the "first" (lower ID) tuner is assumed better
[19:50:39] sphery: the only time backend selects free devices is for live tv--because live tv "doesn't matter" (it doesn't have to be the best--because you'll notice if it's not good enough, and either switch to a different tuner or cancel a recording so you can steal its tuner)
[19:54:11] lapion: I have tuner 1 and 32, and it's recording from no.32
[19:55:24] sphery: then you probably have some other hack in place that tries to tell it where to record
[19:55:28] sphery: whether that's input priorities
[19:55:31] sphery: or channel priorities
[19:55:52] sphery: (both of which are evil and generally shouldn't be used--and should never be used unless you really understand what they actually mean)
[19:55:59] sphery: or "preferred input" on the recording rule
[19:56:16] lapion: while I thought when I started to watch tv it was on card 1, however the frontend was moved to card 32. and the recording is only being made as a live on
[19:56:26] sphery: and as long as you have those hacks in place, it won't Do The Right Thing
[19:58:08] lapion: Currently I have input priority to 0, Schedule order 2, and Live TV order 2
[19:58:32] sphery: input priority is 0 on both
[19:58:39] sphery: and none of your channels have priorities
[19:58:49] sphery: and the recording rule doesn't have preferred input specified?
[19:59:09] lapion: I do not set a prefered input on the recordings, since both cards give the same quality
[20:01:03] EvoGamer (EvoGamer! has quit (Quit: The madhouse is on fire!)
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[20:04:44] lapion: I have channel priority only set for 6 channels 3 of which are available on both analog and dvb ( on analog set to 0 on dvb set to 1)
[20:05:17] lapion: the other three are set to 1, 2 and 3 on the analog device ( no dvb here)
[20:06:34] sphery: well, to figure out exactly what's happening, I'd need to see scheduler output and spend a lot of time diagnosing what's up
[20:07:02] sphery: but the short answer is, "recordings are always assigned a specific tuner and will not change tuners due to Live TV usage"
[20:07:20] lapion: the wanted program has just finished recording I will now restart backend and set a new recording to see what hapens..
[20:08:07] sphery: unless you set "Allow Live TV to move scheduled shows", and at that point, nearly all predictability goes out the door
[20:14:00] lapion: nope never wet that.. however now I set a recording for within a a few minutes and the system used the other card like it was supposed to.
[20:18:41] lapion: hmm I thinks the difference is the previous recording was on a higher priority channel.. this time it was on a 0 priority channell.
[20:19:20] lapion: so I guess the system assumes you want to watch the higher prioritized program ?
[20:19:43] lapion: 's/program/channel/' ?
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[20:50:11] sphery: lapion: yes, that was one hack people used to use to try to control which input recorded a show--and one that will actually cause missed recordings/scheduling problems in more complex cases
[20:50:53] sphery: so, really, unless you're actually trying to say, "I'd rather record garbage from the higher-priority channel than a good show from a lower-priority channel", you're better off setting all the channel priorities to 0
[20:53:50] lapion: I did it because I prefer anything from bbc1 above anything from national geographic, above comedy central.. all the rest have 0 priority
[20:55:38] lapion: but you are right.. now that I have 2 analog tuners I should be able to remove the priority by channels
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[21:18:13] lis0r: dear god these ubuntu packages are shit
[21:18:36] lis0r: how do they even mnage to disable half a broken epg and a uncancellable dialog box simultaneously anyhow?!
[21:18:38] lis0r: ffffff
[21:23:20] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:28:33] J-e-f-f-A: I asked a few days ago but only got silence... Does anyone know if "Charter" cable in the NorthEast limits their channels so that a CableCard tuner would be more-or-less useless?
[21:35:33] sphery: lis0r: seems the packages are working very well for a lot of users, but even if you're having issues, please watch the language--we want this channel to be welcoming to all
[21:36:25] ** J-e-f-f-A is trying to determine if it's worth buying a Ceton infiniTV 4 or not in the near future... **
[21:37:34] bulle: J-e-f-f-A: how is linux support for those things ?
[21:38:12] J-e-f-f-A: bulle: It's supported by MythTV 0.25, so it must be present. ;-)
[21:39:14] bulle: J-e-f-f-A: sure, i was more thinking if its a binary blob so you get lots of issues whenever you uppgrade kernel, or if the driver is opensource
[21:39:39] sphery: bulle: the device itself handles all of the encryption/decryption
[21:40:00] sphery: as mythtv doesn't support decryption, that's the only possible way it could work with mythtv
[21:40:11] J-e-f-f-A: bulle: I'm not sure TBH – just looking for options compared to my current 2x STB -> 2x HD-PVR solution...
[21:40:35] J-e-f-f-A: bulle: It's a LOT less hardware than the above, and 2 more tuners. ;-)
[21:40:41] sphery: bulle: so, basically, the device is accessed using a network interface to "download" the data
[21:40:44] bulle: J-e-f-f-A: a quick look inte tgz files they offer, shows no files with telltale binary blob file endings
[21:40:57] bulle: so it looks promising indeed
[21:41:05] bulle: damn, that thing actualy looks realy realy nice
[21:41:22] bulle: now if it just were for dvb broadcasts and ci+ cams, so i could use it =)
[21:41:36] hR13_ (hR13_! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[21:41:50] J-e-f-f-A: bulle: to put it in perspective, a HD STB is $10/month from the cable company, yet a cablecard is $2/month. So I'd be looking at a $18/month savings, PLUS I'd have 4 tuners instead of 2.
[21:42:54] J-e-f-f-A: But I'd have to shell out ~$200 up front... but if all goes well, could recover most, if not all of that, by selling my HD-PVRs. ;-)
[21:44:28] J-e-f-f-A: And it also depends on the cable company not flagging the shows as 'do not copy' (or whatever it is – brain cramp), – otherwise even if it tunes it, it won't dump it to disk... :-(
[21:44:36] bulle: J-e-f-f-A: yeah, happily here no company realy require you to pay a monthly fee for STBs, most people just buy the correct CAM and plug it directly into their TV
[21:44:53] sphery: must be flagged "copy freely"--not "copy once" nor "copy never"
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[21:45:19] J-e-f-f-A: ah, that's it sphery ... ;-) thanks. ;-)
[21:45:29] sphery: bulle: you can use a card with hardware cam/ci support with mythtv
[21:45:49] sphery: there are several such cards supported in GNU/Linux
[21:46:19] bulle: sphery: yes, thats just such a setup im using
[21:46:21] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, at least the folks outside the US have that option... Grrr... we don't have that luxury in the US...
[21:46:41] bulle: sphery: technotrend dvb-c budget ci , as the model is named, works like charm
[21:46:51] bulle: just need to get the channel scanning to work
[21:46:57] bulle: i will provide log output later on
[21:46:58] sphery: ah, cool
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[22:57:18] sphery: dekarl: are you around? Wanted to talk about your logging table
[22:57:25] sphery: sorry it took me so long to get a chance
[23:03:11] lapion: sphery, it was a problem with the channel priorities
[23:03:28] lapion: thanks
[23:06:12] sphery: cool, glad it's working/understood
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[23:42:17] Sharky112065: Does the Windows front end work well, or should I just format my drive in the living room and just install linux?
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[23:55:12] skd5aner: trying to play back an iso and all I'm getting is "Please Wait" :/

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