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Monday, May 14th, 2012, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:33] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:16:27] jstenback (jstenback!~jstenback@2620:101:8003:200:224:e8ff:fe39:34c2) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:42] hi^ (hi^! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:51] hi^: hello
[00:22:44] hi^: will epg work in the usa ?
[00:23:09] hi^: looking for a good windows based pvr
[00:23:16] Vernon_at_work_ (Vernon_at_work_! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:23:25] wagnerrp: mythtv is not a windows based pvr
[00:23:32] hi^: i know
[00:23:54] wagnerrp: so how are your questions relevant to mythtv?
[00:24:24] hi^: just looking for little info if you can help
[00:25:02] wagnerrp: the broadcast guide data in the US is terrible
[00:25:12] wagnerrp: and if you are using digital cable, it simply doesnt exist at all
[00:25:25] wagnerrp: which means whatever PVR you decide on, youre going to have to pay for it
[00:25:52] wagnerrp: free and open source PVRs can subscribe to schedules direct, and get two weeks of data for $25/yr
[00:26:19] wagnerrp: anything else is either going to be part of a monthly contract, or included in the initial purchase price
[00:32:34] emmanuel__ (emmanuel__!~emmanuelu@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:07:18] hi^ (hi^! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:10:06] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:10:06] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch!~Captain_M@mythtv/developer/CaptainMurdoch) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:06] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Captain_Murdoch
[01:16:40] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: you actually around?
[01:17:52] jya_ (jya_!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya_)
[01:18:08] Captain_Murdoch: yeah. saw your message on -users RE: the baseline level
[01:19:11] Captain_Murdoch: can't remember why I have 13 there. need to do some reading on minimum supported by certain devices and see about either autodetecting or using some logic based on other inputs (like resolution or bitrate) or just let the user specify (last resort)
[01:20:26] wagnerrp: im kind of surprised x264 even let mythtranscode encode with those properties
[01:20:33] wagnerrp: and didnt fault out with some kind of sanity check
[01:20:50] wagnerrp: L1.3 is for things like QCIF video
[01:29:21] Captain_Murdoch: I probably got that from a cut-and-paste from elsewhere thenn.
[01:30:26] Captain_Murdoch: will have to do some research to try to set a more reasonable value intelligently.
[01:34:53] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: rsie bert asked if we'd be interested in putting menu themes up on MythTV-Themes (he has one at ). I love the idea, but was wondering if you had any thoughts on organization?
[01:35:03] StevenR (StevenR! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[01:35:11] sphery: (wonder if the URI is going to ping him, even though I put the space in his nick :)
[01:36:08] StevenR (StevenR! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:37:36] wagnerrp: did silicon dust sell their foreign division?
[01:38:05] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, not much comes to mind. would it make sense to have a MythTV-MenuThemes org?
[01:38:29] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:39:03] wagnerrp:
[01:39:29] wagnerrp: amusingly, the "Network TV Tuner", formerly "HD HomeRun", still has "HD HomeRun" stamped on the plastic case
[01:39:36] sphery: yeah, we could do that or just use the description (so, on , we'd have "The MythTV blue-abstract-wide-menu menu theme" (which sounds kind of redundant when the menu theme includes menu in its name...)
[01:40:12] sphery: we do have quite a few UI themes in MythTV-Thems
[01:41:20] sphery: but I don't expect to have /that/ many menu themes (even if we were to move classic, default, dvr, and mediacenter menus there, too)
[01:42:39] nutron (nutron!~nutron@unaffiliated/nutron) has quit (Quit: I must go eat my cheese!)
[01:45:05] sphery: then again, if we do have 5, that's enough to warrant a separate github project/org
[01:49:26] Captain_Murdoch: some menu themes might not have menu in the name and having that would be redundant in the UI when picking a menu theme.
[01:50:11] Captain_Murdoch: doesn't matter, there's no reason we can't intermix under MythTV-Themes.
[01:50:26] Captain_Murdoch: is there any limit on the # of repos under a free org?
[01:52:01] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, the box in the picture says "powered by HDHomeRun" in the bottom right corner
[01:52:46] Captain_Murdoch: wonder if that's just a sort of 'sole distributor'
[01:52:56] wagnerrp: thats what im guessing
[01:53:07] wagnerrp: but its odd that they specifically mention "formerly"
[01:57:48] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: trying to find some info about the plans, but they sure don't make it easy
[01:58:02] sphery: closest I've got is a list of which ones they have...
[01:58:12] sphery: says "Free" gets 0 repos and 0 collaborators
[01:58:28] sphery: but I though they gave some exemption for F/LOSS projects
[01:58:41] sphery: Beirdo might know better
[02:02:02] Beirdo: Free gets zero free private repos
[02:02:54] Beirdo: which means all repos must be public
[02:05:13] sphery: ah
[02:05:32] sphery: and the collaborators (that's teams, right?)
[02:05:53] Beirdo: not exactly
[02:06:00] Beirdo: that only applies to private repos
[02:06:04] Beirdo: so not to worry
[02:08:19] sphery: cool
[02:08:55] wagnerrp: why would a DNS lookup be appending the search domain on something that already had a TLD?
[02:09:37] Beirdo: because the looked up address did not end with a .
[02:09:57] sphery: Beirdo: and, fwiw, that's the resolution to the mfdb issue: . . . /333950.html
[02:10:26] sphery: think that increased timeout might be a good thing--isn't DNS lookup timeout like 5s per "search" entry?
[02:11:19] Beirdo: most people don't use bloody search paths
[02:11:29] Beirdo: and if you do, you better have a fast DNS server
[02:12:40] sphery: yeah, the timeout is actually how long it waits to get a reply, and you should be getting a pretty much immediate reply for one that doesn't exist on your domain
[02:12:43] sphery: so, nvm
[02:13:25] Beirdo: yeah
[02:13:31] Beirdo: unless your DNS is funky :)
[02:15:09] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[02:16:53] wagnerrp: may as well be instant...
[02:17:20] wagnerrp: what kind of crappy DNS server wouldnt be near instant for such a query?
[02:20:18] Beirdo: one on the other side of a dialup connection?
[02:20:52] wagnerrp: why would anyone ever add a search domain on a server not local?
[02:20:59] Beirdo: or having to recurse across such a slow connection
[02:21:11] Beirdo: because they weren't thinking, probably :)
[02:25:54] wagnerrp: id rather protect the user who doesn't make any attempt to know what theyre doing, but afford the user every opportunity to hang themselves if they want to tinker
[02:29:55] clever: ive seen users getting 404 errors out of nowhere because they assumed typing 'word' into the address bar always did a search
[02:30:22] clever: turns out, firefox only does a google search if all dns fails, once you configure a search domain, it gets a 100% sucess rate (if the search domain has wildcards)
[02:31:03] sphery: yeah, using the "awesome bar" to do a "my favorite search provider" query for:
[02:31:06] sphery: won't work
[02:31:28] sphery: but that's because it's a valid TLD
[02:31:29] clever: you probly need to pick search for .. from the popup list, not just hit enter and wait for dns to fail
[02:31:58] clever: but it was also doing 404 for temp dns failures, because it retried on the search domain and got a reply
[02:33:25] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:41] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: just a thought, we could whip up some call through Services for encoding profiles
[02:51:02] wagnerrp: maybe use an existing XML format from some other encoding utility
[03:05:18] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:24:04] sphery: wagnerrp: did you keep the ability to use the old config.xml names/format with the Python bindings or just require the new format?
[03:24:46] wagnerrp: it will read the old, but if it does so, it will rewrite in the new format
[03:25:02] sphery: I'm thinking of just requiring new format for perl bindings
[03:25:17] sphery: and having users use mythfrontend or mythtv-setup to update the old format to new
[03:25:56] sphery: do python bindings read it as proper xml? (using an xml parser versus the regexp hack in Perl bindings, which was used to keep dependencies down)
[03:26:23] wagnerrp: proper xml parser, yes
[03:27:27] sphery: that would make me more comfortable... now that it's <Database><Host>whatever</Host></Database> rather than just <DBHostName>whatever</DBHostName>, I'm thinking that if someone adds the ability for a Host that's not DB Host...
[03:31:42] wagnerrp: actually, ive been having it use a proper xml parser since i converted it to use config.xml in like, 2009
[03:32:06] ** wagnerrp doesnt know why the perl people arent more on the ball **
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[08:57:43] larrikin_: what happened to 'transcode' ? it wasn't fantastic.. but now it seems to be abandonware(tm) ..
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[13:48:20] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, we have the ffpresets directory, I considered using that when looking at generic libav* container and codec support in the AVFormatWriter class. I don't want it to be too complicated. did notice that libx264-ipod320.ffpreset sets level to 13 w/ maxrate 768K, but the ipod640 version sets it to 30 w/ maxrate = 10M. If I do circle back and take another look at reworking NuppelVideoRecorder to create a recorder tha
[13:48:20] Captain_Murdoch: FormatWriter, then we could support using a recordingprofile for HLS.
[13:58:15] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, I think a short-term fix for 0.25-fixes will be to just "if bitrate > 768k then level = 31;" I'm surprised Robert never ran into the blockiness with his iPad testing. I never tested much above iPhone/iPod size myself.
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[16:34:43] skd5aner: is gossamer-threads not updating or is it just me?
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[16:36:53] wagnerrp: seems not
[16:37:02] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[16:37:52] skd5aner: I just sent them a message via their web form, we'll see if that goes anywhere
[16:38:11] drindt (drindt!~drindt@ has quit (Quit: Mary had a little segmentation fault)
[16:39:36] wagnerrp: checking our outbound mail logs
[16:40:33] wagnerrp: do we push mail to them? or do they query mailman?
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[16:45:09] sphery: pretty sure they've subscribed to the list and receive e-mails, then update the archive every few hours
[16:46:17] wagnerrp: i see no failed emails to anything that would look like gossamer
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[16:52:02] sphery: choosing another random (but likely to have daily traffic) list from their archive page ( ), it seems that others aren't updating, either--even shows last message from May 11
[16:52:12] sphery: I'm guessing they're just having problems with the update or DB or ...
[17:02:26] seeker (seeker!~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:03:12] seeker: Anyone tried the flash mythweb client recently? If so, any problems with audio quality? Set it to 320kbps and it still sounds really poor
[17:10:13] wagnerrp: adding to its long list of scifi spoofs, the syfy channel is going to air a "american warship", about a battleship that fights off an alien attack
[17:10:59] wagnerrp: it was going to be named "american battleship", but they were sued by... themselves, as "battleship" in the context of a movie is already trademarked... by themselves
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[17:20:05] seeker: :/
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[17:47:14] america: whats the best way to go about autoremoving commercials
[17:48:19] america: then transcoding to mp4
[17:48:41] wagnerrp: no and why?
[17:48:46] seeker (seeker!~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker) has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[17:49:12] america: ?
[17:49:49] america: nobody likes commercials, and mp4 would save space for archiving
[17:49:51] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:51] wagnerrp: there is no "best way" to autoremove commercials
[17:50:07] wagnerrp: the commercial detector is not deemed sufficiently accurate to apply directly to cut lists
[17:50:09] america: so all ways equally suck?
[17:50:21] troyt (troyt!~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[17:50:28] wagnerrp: it produces a skip list, which you then go into edit mode in the frontend, import, and confirm, producing a cutlist
[17:50:40] wagnerrp: or you can ignore the skiplist, and just produce your own cutlist from scratch
[17:51:20] america: so just do it manually or i'll prolly get jacked up recordings
[17:51:28] wagnerrp: there _are_ methods to get it to copy from one to the other directly, but those are not recommended as the commercial detector is not accurate enough to rely on them when cutting content
[17:51:32] troyt (troyt!~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:00] wagnerrp: as for transcoding, the only reason to transcode is for portability or compatibility with hardware decoders
[17:52:30] america: like my phone and xoom
[17:52:36] america: and ps3
[17:52:48] wagnerrp: assuming you intend to retain quality, the space savings you get in doing so are barely worth the cost
[17:53:05] wagnerrp: the PS3 will play mythtv's TS recordings directly, no compatibility issues there
[17:54:16] america: oh hey, theres a mythtv frontend app for android
[17:54:37] wagnerrp: as for phones, you may consider something like mythexport, which produces an independent, lower quality video for use on mobile devices, while retaining the high quality original on the system
[17:54:53] wagnerrp: or whip something up using the new HLS support in 0.25
[17:55:22] america: this app sucks, but it has my recordings
[17:55:34] america: and it looks like they play
[17:56:21] wagnerrp: if youre talking about mythdroid, it runs an independent daemon to perform on-demand transcoding for android
[17:56:49] wagnerrp: as of 0.25, that is duplicate behavior that could be rewritten using the services api and HLS code
[17:57:05] Seeker` (Seeker`! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:57:32] america: "MythFrontend" on android, i don't have a mythdroid in my market
[17:57:59] america: i think this will suffice actually
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[18:08:28] noaXess (noaXess! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:32] noaXess: hey all
[18:09:41] noaXess: what is it to change, that data will be saved correctly in mythtv db? see this schützt
[18:09:48] noaXess: something with encoding i think
[18:09:58] noaXess: where to change what?
[18:13:57] faichele_ (faichele_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:15:04] sphery: noaXess: you shouldn't be messing with the DB... what specifically is the problem you're seeing and we can tell you how to properly fix it
[18:15:47] noaXess: sphery: i see wrong character for äöü... like this word schützt
[18:15:55] noaXess: should be schützt
[18:16:20] sphery: specifically includes things like where you're seeing it
[18:16:25] sphery: (what program, what screen, ...)
[18:16:53] sphery: my best guess, though, is that you're using XMLTV and your XMLTV grabber is broken
[18:17:10] sphery: (that guess based on a complete lack of information, so may be way off)
[18:17:47] noaXess: sphery: aha.. ok.. hm..
[18:18:12] america (america!~echosyp@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[18:19:02] noaXess: what information you need more, versions? and yes i us xmltv grabber for search,ch
[18:19:04] noaXess: .ch
[18:19:19] sphery: still wondering where you're seeing the problem
[18:19:27] sphery: is it mythfrontend's Program Guide screen?
[18:19:37] sphery: or MythWeb or both or ...
[18:19:42] noaXess: and i see those wrong characters anywhere mythtv will store data.. eg. in recordings, epg data, etc.
[18:19:53] noaXess: and also in mythweb.. same wrong characters..
[18:19:57] noaXess: can be the grabber..
[18:20:02] sphery: ok, then it does sound like the grabber is broken
[18:20:26] sphery: I think dek arl1 was talking about some problems with one or more grabbers with recent versions
[18:20:28] noaXess: sphery: grrr... and another bug in the grabber..
[18:21:24] highzeth (highzeth! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[18:22:27] sphery: noaXess: this is a recent version of MythTV, right?
[18:22:34] noaXess: sphery: wait..
[18:22:37] sphery: ideally 0.25, but at least 0.24
[18:22:54] noaXess: sphery: restarting my backend cause updates ,)
[18:24:04] noaXess: sphery: 2:0.24.0+fixes.20110908.1de0431–0ubuntu1
[18:24:22] sphery: well, I'd recommend upgrading to 0.25-fixes
[18:24:34] noaXess: 0.25 is still under development, right so i mean not released ?
[18:24:41] sphery: but with 0.24-fixes and above, you shouldn't have any charset issues in MythTV or MythTV's database
[18:24:58] sphery: unless you were manually changing (=breaking) the database schema
[18:25:06] sphery: 0.25 is released
[18:25:10] noaXess: aha
[18:25:15] sphery:
[18:25:19] sphery: Apr 10, 2012
[18:25:24] noaXess: so simple sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-repos right?
[18:25:36] sphery: I'm guessing this is *buntu?
[18:25:42] noaXess: jep
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[18:25:50] sphery:
[18:26:00] noaXess: sphery: yes.. this
[18:26:05] sphery: note which ones have 0.25 support and use that page to enable repos you want
[18:27:00] sphery: and not exactly sure how one would go about doing the actual upgrades, so I'll leave that answer to someone who knows *buntu
[18:27:28] noaXess: yeah.. but i think my problem is a grabber related problem, not mythtv.. so in the moment 0.24 should be fine
[18:27:56] sphery: it does sound like a grabber issue
[18:28:23] sphery: you may want to verify that the XML document the grabber produces has a valid charset specified (likely utf-8)
[18:28:30] sphery: up at the top of the doc
[18:28:46] noaXess: sphery: where does it create that document?
[18:28:56] sphery: run it at the command line
[18:29:12] sphery: if mythtv does it, you don't really get a chance to access the document
[18:33:19] noaXess: sphery: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859–1"?>
[18:33:56] sphery: that likely means that what it's actually writing is different
[18:34:05] noaXess: the chars äöü are correct in the xml file..
[18:34:24] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:27] noaXess: so no wrong encoded chars in the xml file.. hm..
[18:34:29] sphery: is your mythbackend running in a proper environment
[18:34:38] noaXess: sphery: what that mean?
[18:35:07] sphery: where you've specified, LC_ALL (with something like LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8' )
[18:35:13] noaXess: the backend is standalone, including the grabber
[18:35:32] sphery: but if it's running in a system start script
[18:35:35] noaXess: ah, i know what you mean
[18:35:38] sphery: and that start script doesn't properly specify locale
[18:35:41] sphery: you'll get problems
[18:35:49] noaXess: ok.. what to check exactly..
[18:35:57] sphery: LC_ALL (or at least LC_CTYPE) and LANG should both be specified
[18:36:08] sphery: check the start script ...
[18:36:21] sphery: might also have more luck asking for help on mythtv-users mailing list
[18:36:30] sphery: (where there's likely other people using your grabber and *buntu)
[18:37:02] noaXess: sphery: what start script you mean exactly, that one for mythtv-backend?
[18:37:09] sphery: yeah
[18:37:18] sphery: since mythbackend starts mythfilldatabase
[18:37:24] sphery: which runs your xmltv grabber
[18:37:55] noaXess: in /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend is nothing about setting up LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES or similar
[18:38:46] sphery: I think in *buntu they use some sysconfig settings file or something
[18:39:11] sphery: again, you'll have /much/ better luck asking someone who's using at least one or the other of *buntu or your xmltv grabber (or both!)
[18:39:38] noaXess: sphery: i think there is a mythbuntu channel.. maybe there
[18:40:04] noaXess: #ubuntu-mythtv
[18:40:28] sphery: yeah, they'd probably know more
[18:40:31] sphery: and good luck
[18:42:45] noaXess: sphery: thanks for you hints ;)
[18:45:16] Guierrmo: When running mythjobqueue, how do you output the status of subprocesses to the console, i.e. mythcommflag? It seems to only logs to the log path or to the db.
[18:47:03] wagnerrp: correct, stderr/stdout of child jobs gets nulled
[18:47:12] wagnerrp: they must be configured to log somewhere else
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[18:55:31] eddytv: Any suggestions on tracking down why audio doesn't work in mythtv-frontend? Ubuntu 12.04 based system... 'aplay' plays an audio file just fine.
[18:56:08] wagnerrp: ubuntu or mythbuntu?
[18:58:23] eddytv: mythbuntu 11.04 system, recently upgraded back-to-back 11.10/12.04
[18:59:03] Hoochster: just out of curiosity wagnerrp does mythbuntu not use the same myth repos?
[18:59:33] Seeker`: mythbuntu creates packages, with some custom configs
[18:59:48] Seeker`: it isn't quite the same as running the raw github version
[18:59:56] Hoochster: I see
[19:00:00] wagnerrp: specifically, mythbuntu operates with pulseaudio disabled by default
[19:00:26] wagnerrp: while if you were using ubuntu with the mythbuntu packages, you could be experiencing strange conflicts with pulseaudio
[19:00:28] eddytv: well, I did notice that pulseaudio is indeed running
[19:00:56] eddytv: I wondered if that was the problem
[19:01:05] wagnerrp: while mythtv can output using pulseaudio, the typical behavior is for it to disable it while running, and access ALSA directly
[19:01:41] eddytv: and the audio setting is set to "alsa:default"
[19:02:13] Hoochster: I have typically always had to scan for audio devices and set it to what I want, especially since I output audio via my video card
[19:02:25] Hoochster: alsa:default might not work for you if you default audio devices is motherboard sound
[19:02:49] eddytv: Well, I should mention that I have an asound.conf file that "forces" my default
[19:03:13] eddytv: That way, it works with everything (including 'aplay -D default')
[19:04:04] eddytv: And audio does play via 'aplay' as I mentioned... just trying to figure out why mythfrontend is silent after the upgrade
[19:06:17] eddytv: Looking through mythfrontend.log, I do see:
[19:06:18] eddytv: E CoreContext audio/audiooutputalsa.cpp:172 (GetPCMInfo) ALSA: snd_pcm_info_get_card: Operation not permitted
[19:07:00] eddytv: I have been testing 'aplay' as root; but the frontend is running as the 'mythtv' user...
[19:08:00] tgm4883: Seeker`, I'm not sure that is what Hoochster was asking
[19:08:09] Hoochster: might make sure mythtv user has access to audio group
[19:08:17] tgm4883: speaking in terms of packaging, Mythbuntu and Ubuntu use the same packages
[19:09:18] eddytv: Running 'aplay' as 'mythtv' *looks* like it works, but there's no sound
[19:09:22] Hoochster: thanks for the info on the diff was just curious, I do run MythBuntu myself but mainly out of lack of time, but didn't figure there would be much diff in them but was curious as to such
[19:09:46] eddytv: and 'groups' does show the mythtv user is in the 'audio' group
[19:09:48] tgm4883: eddytv, have you tried disabling pulseaudio?
[19:09:49] wagnerrp: its all the same packages, its just a slightly different selection of packages from the stock ubuntu install
[19:09:58] Hoochster: eddytv I would try adding mythtv to audio group
[19:10:05] wagnerrp: its like the different between ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu
[19:10:13] tgm4883: it sounds like it was pulled in via the upgrade
[19:10:15] Hoochster: understood wagnerrp thanks
[19:10:20] tgm4883: Hoochster, the frontend isn't run by the mythtv user
[19:10:26] tgm4883: it's run by the logged in user
[19:10:36] tgm4883: which should be in the audio group
[19:10:40] Hoochster: true
[19:10:44] wagnerrp: tgm4883: actually, i would guess mythbuntu is closest to xubuntu out of the lot of them
[19:11:12] eddytv: the user running the frontend is in the 'audio' group. Hrm.
[19:11:19] tgm4883: wagnerrp, true
[19:11:23] eddytv: I guess I can try uninstalling pulseaudio
[19:11:37] wagnerrp: eddytv: no, just scan for devices in the audio setup
[19:11:46] wagnerrp: and select one of the direct alsa devices
[19:12:00] wagnerrp: mythtv will autometically disable pulseaudio as needed to access it
[19:12:16] wagnerrp: or
[19:12:25] wagnerrp: just make sure the pulseaudio daemon is not running
[19:13:21] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:13:45] eddytv: OK... 'aplay -D plughw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3' works as the logged-in user
[19:18:30] earthw0rm (earthw0rm! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:19:12] earthw0rm: Hi lads, I was trying to reorder channels and managed to delete them all somehow, now when I try and rescan, it says "channel could not be opened"
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[19:19:28] earthw0rm: What does that mean?
[19:19:39] wagnerrp: means something else already has it open
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[19:19:56] wagnerrp: when an application accesses a digital tuner, it locks it to itself
[19:20:15] earthw0rm: Wonder if the backend is still running ...
[19:20:43] eddytv: wagnerrp: Thanks for the insight. In the audio setup in the frontend, the help text for 'ALSA:default' says "Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server"...
[19:21:01] earthw0rm: It bloody was
[19:21:03] earthw0rm: Argh
[19:21:57] eddytv: ...manually selecting ALSA:hw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3", the audio test worked
[19:22:01] eddytv: thanks muchly.
[19:22:16] earthw0rm: Does anyone else use LXDE as the desktop for their mythfrontend?
[19:22:28] earthw0rm: I'm not impressed
[19:23:12] eddytv: I just didn't expect the "default" to be PulseAudio since mythtv disables it.
[19:23:45] wagnerrp: eddytv: i think the only time mythtv does not disable pulseaudio is when specifically using one of the native pulse outputs, or using alsa:pulse
[19:24:18] wagnerrp: so its possible that if you had configured your asoundrc to use pulse, mythtv was disabling pulse, rendering the default output invalid
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[19:48:11] earthw0rm: Is there a way in the setup GUI to just delete one channel?
[19:48:30] earthw0rm: It seems to only want to let me delete all of them
[19:55:21] earthw0rm: It'd be really nice if you could move them up or down as well
[19:55:36] earthw0rm: And MythTv autonumbered them
[19:58:19] dekarl1: noaXess: you want to add the mythbuntu xmltv ppa which contains the latest fixed version of tv_grab_ch_search
[19:58:37] dekarl1: the upstream site change the encoding like 3 weeks ago
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[21:01:59] sphery: earthw0rm: DELETE action (by default, bound to D key)
[21:05:03] earthw0rm: It really ought to say that on the screen somewhere, but hey ho
[21:05:08] earthw0rm: Thanks for that anyway
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[21:13:27] eddytv: Q: is there any way to have a centrally-maintained ".mythtv/themecache" instead of having it "locally" on every frontend? In a diskless situation (which has home directories mounted via sshfs anyway), it seems superfluous.
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[22:26:44] adamu: hi there, howcome whenever I try to transcode a recording it says unrecoverable error on the mythweb status
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[22:41:33] wagnerrp: eddytv: use a shared home directory
[22:43:07] gregorcy (gregorcy! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:49:31] skd5aner: gossamer is working again
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