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Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:02] shubes1 (shubes1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:06:15] tekdoc (tekdoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:55] lake: wagnerrp: do you use linux?
[00:08:10] wagnerrp: you sort of have to if you want to run mythtv
[00:08:58] lake: ah, i thought it could run on windows.
[00:09:46] wagnerrp: the frontend can, if you can manage to compile it, or one of the repackagers has released an up-to-date version
[00:10:06] wagnerrp: but mythtv cant do much without a backend
[00:10:15] k-man: you can also run it on osx
[00:10:15] wagnerrp: and there is little to no support for running the backend on windows
[00:10:18] russell5_laptop (russell5_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:24] lake: definitely. sounds horrible to use windows
[00:17:00] lake: so first things first. let's get this freaking ir blaster lighting up
[00:17:33] lake: blast some ir into my brain. directv.. out of the picture.
[00:17:38] russell5_laptop (russell5_laptop! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[00:18:19] wagnerrp: for a camera phone?
[00:18:26] wagnerrp: s/for/got/
[00:18:42] lake: yeah i do actually
[00:18:55] lake: it's a dumb phone but it can at least snap shots
[00:18:58] lake: why
[00:19:13] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[00:19:15] wagnerrp: can you at least view video coming off the sensor?
[00:20:07] wagnerrp: most imaging sensors will pick up the near IR being output by IR transmitters
[00:20:38] lake: hmmm. would a webcam work?
[00:20:47] wagnerrp: if you hold up your phone, or a camera with live preview, or a webcam in front of a remote control, and press a button, youll see the LED light up
[00:22:50] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:12] russell5_laptop (russell5_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:36:32] CiaranG (CiaranG!~CiaranG@fsf/member/CiaranG) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[00:37:27] lake: wagnerrp: okay. i finalllllly got my webcam working
[00:41:05] lake: wagnerrp: ok, she isn't putting out
[00:46:42] dewman (dewman! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:52:30] lake: wagnerrp: i definitely see the ir from my television remote. nothing through the blaster yet
[00:57:33] Beirdo_: . . . -day-mayhem/
[00:57:42] Beirdo_: fun to watch from 19 floors up. idiots.
[01:00:24] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch!~Captain_M@ has quit (Changing host)
[01:00:24] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch!~Captain_M@mythtv/developer/CaptainMurdoch) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:25] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Captain_Murdoch
[01:03:56] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[01:12:19] bugzy (bugzy! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:57] gratuit (gratuit!~mcneill@pdpc/supporter/student/gratuit) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[01:22:41] Beirdo_ is now known as Beirdo
[01:25:39] Beirdo (Beirdo! has quit (Changing host)
[01:25:39] Beirdo (Beirdo!~gjhurlbu@mythtv/developer/beirdo) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:39] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo
[01:30:28] quicksilver (quicksilver! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[01:31:28] quicksilver (quicksilver! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:20] Beirdo: where is everyone?
[01:53:29] russell5_laptop (russell5_laptop! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[01:55:33] adante (adante!~adante@ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[01:57:57] jcarlos_ (jcarlos_! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[02:00:25] tekdoc: Anyone else trying to get an HVR-1800 working with analog?
[02:01:59] tekdoc: Or tied and gave up?
[02:04:57] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:36] tekdoc (tekdoc! has left #mythtv-users ("WeeChat 0.3.7")
[03:04:09] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[03:08:32] adante (adante!~adante@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:08:54] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A!~J-e-f-f-A@unaffiliated/j-e-f-f-a) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:10] jcarlos (jcarlos! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:03] urlgrey (urlgrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:11] urlgrey: I have a question about an audio-related bug that I encountered since upgrading from 0.24-fixes to 0.25-fixes
[03:41:50] urlgrey: for some of my recordings made on 0.24-fix, the frontend hangs when I seek and the following is logged at debug in the frontend logs:
[03:41:53] urlgrey: May 1 08:09:00 mythtv-familyroom mythfrontend[1401]: I RingBuffer ringbuffer.cpp:872 (run) RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2686976, 1343488) -> 1343488, took 12 ms (895.659Mbps)
[03:41:53] urlgrey: May 1 08:09:00 mythtv-familyroom mythfrontend[1401]: I AudioOutputBase audio/audiooutputbase.cpp:1684 (OutputAudioLoop) AO: audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 8832 want 12000
[03:41:53] urlgrey: May 1 08:09:00 mythtv-familyroom mythfrontend[1401]: I RingBuffer mythsocket.cpp:345 (writeStringList) MythSocket(58e6a00:66): write -> 66 52 QUERY_FILETRANSFER 111[]:[]REQUEST_BLOCK[]:[]1343488
[03:41:53] urlgrey: May 1 08:09:00 mythtv-familyroom mythfrontend[1401]: I AudioOutputBase audio/audiooutputbase.cpp:1684 (OutputAudioLoop) AO: audio waiting for buffer to fill: have 8832 want 12000
[03:42:03] urlgrey: ...over and over...
[03:42:18] urlgrey: any ideas?
[03:43:58] sphery: urlgrey: what happens if you run a mythcommflag --rebuild on the recording?
[03:46:24] urlgrey: +sphery: I haven't tried that, will do it now
[03:47:07] urlgrey: curious though, how does mythcommflag affect manual seeking?
[03:47:48] sphery: the --rebuild is actually rebuilding the seek table
[03:48:04] sphery: it's not related to commercials
[03:48:16] sphery: just a convenient place to put it...
[03:48:23] sphery: I don't think we've moved it to mythutil, yet
[03:49:54] urlgrey: ah, I see, thank you very much
[04:10:18] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:48:07] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[04:48:27] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[04:59:14] wagnerrp: Beirdo: so now we always core dump, regardless of the systems settings?
[05:01:23] Beirdo: no, it will act the same as the system settings
[05:01:54] Beirdo: all I have it do is handle it gracefully (which should let logging flush in all cases other than a segv in the logging thread)
[05:02:06] Beirdo: and then I remove the handler, and send the signal again
[05:02:07] wagnerrp: it just makes sure to complete all logging before doing whatever the system would otherwise do with a SEGV/ABRT
[05:02:22] Beirdo: yup, basically
[05:02:48] Beirdo: and I'm looking for a way to generate the backtrace internally, although how to hit every thread is the hard part
[05:03:10] Beirdo: I know how to do it (basically)
[05:03:17] Beirdo: glibc only though
[05:05:04] wagnerrp: i wonder if this chad parry actually understands what "shell escaping" means
[05:05:11] Beirdo: yeah really
[05:05:27] Beirdo: why we'd ever WANT to escape newlines or pipes... heheh
[05:05:40] Beirdo: don't use em in filenames. NEXT
[05:06:17] Beirdo: and yeah, with a bit more work, we could support it all correctly from MythSystem
[05:06:33] wagnerrp: his example where it could happen in files... couldnt
[05:06:47] wagnerrp: it would never happen because you cannot use "dangerous" characters in filenames in the first place
[05:06:48] Beirdo: I must have missed that jewel
[05:07:17] wagnerrp: however, that doesnt negate the fact that there are plenty of other scenarios where the user passes their own command into the database
[05:07:27] Beirdo: true
[05:07:28] wagnerrp: that we could be interpreting on our own, and bypassing the shell
[05:07:33] wagnerrp: which is what i intend to fix
[05:07:52] Beirdo: we really can't be bypassing the shell in most cases
[05:07:54] wagnerrp: and in doing so, completely bypass the issue of having to "escape" anything to prevent it from being improperlyhandled by a shell
[05:07:57] wagnerrp: why?
[05:08:10] Beirdo: because we use it to run things in the background
[05:08:23] Beirdo: oh wait
[05:08:26] Beirdo: no we don
[05:08:27] Beirdo: t
[05:08:38] Beirdo: OK, I'm with sphery... too tired to think
[05:08:49] wagnerrp: not like we couldnt add a flag to spawn and forget
[05:08:59] Beirdo: there are sometimes we'll need it, but not as often as I was thinking
[05:09:05] Beirdo: you don't need a flag for that :)
[05:09:12] urlgrey (urlgrey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:09:12] Beirdo: just don't do the wait()
[05:09:44] wagnerrp: well theres no sense having mythsystem track it
[05:09:59] Beirdo: but yeah, there may be other things that will need the shell, but I'm too tired...
[05:10:09] Beirdo: sure there is, it's a child pid
[05:10:17] Beirdo: if we don't track it, it can zombie
[05:10:58] Beirdo: now if we truly want to detach from it, and attach it to pid 1 as parent, THEN we can forget about it
[05:11:43] Beirdo: anyways, I'm just muttering :)
[05:12:40] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:15:16] Beirdo: man, he's persistent
[05:16:02] wagnerrp: im repurposing his ticket into a developer task for my plans
[05:16:12] Beirdo: fine :)
[05:16:13] wagnerrp: so he stops opening it for pointless escaping
[05:17:25] Beirdo: yeah
[05:18:11] Beirdo: there is something in the back of my mind that's telling me that the noshell is gonna break somewhere unexpected :)
[05:18:25] wagnerrp: of course it is
[05:18:26] Beirdo: but we should just pound on it until it works :)
[05:18:44] wagnerrp: anyone running user tasks with funky Bourne syntax that we dont program it to handle
[05:18:52] wagnerrp: such as complex output redirection
[05:19:11] Beirdo: yeah
[05:19:36] wagnerrp: also, how do we want to handle logging of MythSystem stuff?
[05:20:21] Beirdo: you mean like the stray output?
[05:20:24] wagnerrp: leave it entirely up to applications?
[05:20:39] wagnerrp: right now, we just >null it
[05:20:51] Beirdo: yeah, I kinda like that mostly :)
[05:21:04] Beirdo: but yeah, it would be nice to have the option ot log it instead
[05:21:21] Beirdo: read line by line and log it maybe?
[05:21:26] wagnerrp: i could write a simple wrapper that accepts the mythtv logging block, and handles it for the application
[05:21:40] BLZbubba_: i got a new blaster since the hd-pvr one seems to fail; it is a pinnacle pctv using mceusb
[05:21:41] wagnerrp: rather than require any internal changes
[05:21:51] Beirdo: yeah, that could work too
[05:22:17] Beirdo: like a python wrapper to log the output via ZeroMQ? :)
[05:22:24] wagnerrp: rather than "some_userjob --with --arguments"
[05:22:59] wagnerrp: the would do "mythlogger %LOGVERBOSE% — some_userjob --with --arguments"
[05:23:08] wagnerrp: or whatever that thing is
[05:23:19] wagnerrp: i dont remember what the replace sequence is off hand
[05:23:19] Beirdo: that would work, yeha
[05:23:48] Beirdo: it's close to that, I think
[05:24:06] wagnerrp: we could even have a "special" name like mythtranscode/mythcommflag that would be a trigger for MythSystem to know to automatically do so
[05:24:29] Beirdo: umm
[05:24:33] Beirdo: those already log :)
[05:24:48] wagnerrp: no no no
[05:24:51] Beirdo: I assume you mean that as an example, not as the actual name :
[05:24:52] Beirdo: )
[05:25:13] wagnerrp: i mean if you leave the transcode job as "mythtranscode", the jobqueue will automatically supply all the necessary arguments to make it work
[05:25:21] wagnerrp: if its anything other than that keyword, it runs as-is
[05:25:21] Beirdo: yeah
[05:25:26] BLZbubba_: is there a way to find out the transmitter type for hardware.conf?
[05:25:32] BLZbubba_: or is that arbitrary
[05:25:35] Beirdo: oooh, I see, yeah right.
[05:26:52] Beirdo: so, early next week (after camping)...
[05:27:03] Beirdo: I want to merge down the ffmpeg-sync
[05:27:11] Beirdo: and the logging changes
[05:27:20] Beirdo: in that general order
[05:29:49] Beirdo: let me look briefly at what daniel was worried about with the timestamps for live recordings (if I understood that all fine)
[05:31:03] Beirdo: I don't see an issue here
[05:32:31] Beirdo: OMG, that dude is persistent
[05:32:46] ** Beirdo hands wagnerrp the trout **
[05:33:53] Beirdo: exactly what isn't using it "safely"?
[05:34:33] brfransen (brfransen!~brfransen@ has quit (Quit: brfransen)
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[05:57:42] dekarl1 (dekarl1! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:00:01] dekarl (dekarl! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[06:06:06] wagnerrp: why would someone search through mythtv's code using a blind google search, rather than 'git grep'?
[06:06:58] Anomaly` (Anomaly`!Anomaly@unaffiliated/-anomaly/x-0012834) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[06:09:00] Beirdo: because they know everything? ;)
[06:10:04] wagnerrp: and how did he go from "its something on my todo list" to "theres absolutely nothing wrong with the current behavior"
[06:11:02] Beirdo: beats me
[06:12:50] Beirdo: stupid black bloc anarchists
[06:13:02] Beirdo: they should all be given jobs... in the jails.
[06:13:56] wagnerrp: once you declare a state of emergency, dont the assault rifles and lethal ammo come out?
[06:15:21] wagnerrp: i mean why do we bother dicking around with these people?
[06:15:26] Beirdo: I think so, but he declared civil emergency, there might be a difference
[06:15:45] Beirdo: yeah, I was watching them trashing the Niketown windows
[06:15:51] Beirdo: from 18 floors up
[06:15:52] wagnerrp: if there is a riot going on, and you are in black clothes and hood, and you are seen smashing anything
[06:16:10] Beirdo: they did get some pepper spray and tear gas
[06:16:14] Beirdo: but not nearly enough
[06:16:16] wagnerrp: police tell you to stop, lay on the ground, and put your hands on your head in preparation for arrest
[06:16:23] wagnerrp: if you refuse to comply, you get shot, end of story
[06:16:35] wagnerrp: you dont argue with the men with guns
[06:16:39] wagnerrp: thats all there is to it
[06:16:42] Beirdo: yeah
[06:16:52] Beirdo: that would certainly change things a bit
[06:17:05] _Anomaly (_Anomaly! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:32] Beirdo: they are anarchist jusrks
[06:17:36] Beirdo: jerks
[06:17:38] Beirdo: rather
[06:17:43] wagnerrp: if you do argum with the men with guns in such a situation, you better be prepared for outright rebellion, or else the world is better off without your brand of stupidity
[06:17:54] Beirdo: yeah
[06:18:08] Beirdo: I don't disagree at all.
[06:18:36] Beirdo: I left downtown JUST in time too
[06:18:39] wagnerrp: when the state brings national guard into your school grounds, you disperse, you do not throw rocks and beer bottles at them
[06:18:49] Beirdo: hehe
[06:19:06] Beirdo: sure you do... but then you learn real fast why not to
[06:19:12] dekarl1: hehe, we're waiting for that to finally happen over here (call for rebellion, that is ;)
[06:19:15] dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
[06:19:16] Beirdo: school IS all about learning after all
[06:19:26] wagnerrp: no, you dont, because you just got your ass shot
[06:19:29] dekarl: wnat to place bets?
[06:19:48] Beirdo: well, you do, and you hope the guy NEXT to you gets their ass shot
[06:19:51] ** dekarl bets on the sheep just taking it another 20 years at least **
[06:19:58] Beirdo: but only because yer stupid
[06:20:29] Beirdo: it's gonna get to the point soon where the average citizen starts shooting protestors
[06:20:56] Beirdo: they may think they are the 99%, but 99% of the country wants them to bugger off
[06:21:08] dekarl: that would be strange over here, as it would involve shooting your own grandma (and similar)
[06:21:29] Beirdo: the protesters I am referring to are pure anarchists
[06:21:47] Beirdo: not the ones that were out looking for immigration reform
[06:22:03] Beirdo: the idiots smashing windows, setting fires, smashing cars, slashing tires
[06:22:12] Beirdo: and getting in the face of the police
[06:22:25] wagnerrp: immigration reform? in seattle?
[06:22:38] Beirdo: yes, we have a lot of immigrants here
[06:22:45] Beirdo: including myself, I might add
[06:22:59] wagnerrp: yeah, all those canadians keep running across the boarder into the US
[06:23:03] wagnerrp: we have to put up a fence
[06:23:17] Beirdo: most of the people out in that *peaceful* protest were latino
[06:23:50] Beirdo: but their thunder was stolen by the anarchist fools earlier in the day, and carrying on
[06:24:02] Beirdo: they boarded up all the windows on the stores downtown for the night
[06:24:03] dekarl: Thats another thing I don't get... If people go out on the streets in france/greece its normal that some glass might break. If it happens over here its a hot debated topic what we can do about the raiding anarchists... And peaceful protests are so old fashioned (didn't work out in the last 20 years)
[06:24:10] Beirdo: that's gotta tell you something
[06:24:59] dekarl: back then the cops simply switched sides to the peaceful protestors and they had to import cops from further away ;)
[06:25:11] Beirdo: well, these anarchists aren't trying to change anything.
[06:25:18] Beirdo: just to break crap and be nuisances
[06:25:24] wagnerrp: no, they just want to watch the world burn
[06:25:30] wagnerrp: they are worthless garbage
[06:25:45] Beirdo: even the "occupy" idiots got overrun with anarchists and obliterated what little message they had
[06:26:31] wagnerrp: thats because the "occupy" idiots were nothing but a group of people with insufficient motivation to get off their ass and make something of themselves
[06:26:40] Beirdo: yeah
[06:26:50] Beirdo: occupy the workplace you lazy bums
[06:26:51] wagnerrp: you cant run a movement with people complaining for handouts
[06:26:59] dekarl: We have little idiots over here (imho) but make that up with agent provocateurs... makes for better news stories
[06:27:21] ricky_ (ricky_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:27:34] dekarl: Ahh, well. Got to occupy my workplace now :D laters
[06:27:47] ricky_ is now known as Guest75625
[06:28:01] Beirdo: hehe
[06:28:03] rickyw (rickyw! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[06:28:28] wagnerrp: boohoo! i spent 100K on my college education, but my fine arts degree is of no value to the market!
[06:29:04] wagnerrp: shoulda listened to all those people in the engineering and business colleges....
[06:31:28] Beirdo: heheh
[06:32:39] dekarl: ^^ (Hauptschule=minimum school you got to do and Abi=Allows access to university)
[06:32:57] wagnerrp: scientists think up new tech, engineers design products with that new tech, business people man the whips to keep them focused and prevent distraction from shiny things, and theres a big chunk of factory/farm works
[06:33:48] wagnerrp: no where do any of those "social sciences" factor in
[06:34:01] wagnerrp: now sure, we need the arts
[06:34:25] wagnerrp: but there are far far FAR more "artists" than there are people who make money off art
[06:35:23] wagnerrp: so they just end up filling some position in the overwhelming bureaucratic mass that really does nothing of value
[06:37:18] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:39:01] Beirdo: and yet, they feel entitled...
[06:40:25] FLeiXiuS`` (FLeiXiuS``!~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:43:52] ubIx (ubIx! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:15:54] _stefanb (_stefanb! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:16:35] _stefanb: I'm starting to wonder if there is a bug in the 0.25 scheduler with multiple inputs and overlapping recordings
[07:17:12] _stefanb: I've just recreated all my capture cards and it still only uses on DVB Input and one IPTV Input for recording
[07:17:49] _stefanb: i.e. if I have overlapping or back-to-back recordings it aborts the first recording, starts the next one. Instead of using one of the available inputs
[07:18:38] _stefanb: and yes, none of them are in the same Input Group (that's why I deleted all capture cards to start configuring them from scratch)
[07:20:24] _stefanb: My config: one DVB card with 4 virtual recorders, 4x IPTV recorders with the same .m3u URL -> 8 encoders
[07:20:52] _stefanb: But the scheduler only uses encoder 1 (DVB) and 5 (IPTV) for scheduling
[07:21:06] _stefanb: any ideas?
[07:24:15] wagnerrp: do you actually have multiple shows coming in on the same multiplex for virtual recorders to be of any effect?
[07:24:59] _stefanb: yes
[07:25:32] _stefanb: but what is worrying me is that the the 4 IPTV recorders are independent, but still it never uses 6, 7 & 8 for recording
[07:25:55] _stefanb: it's as if they wouldn't be considered or blocked by the schedulre
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[07:28:03] _stefanb: I have in my schedule 2 recordings for IPTV next tuesday: channel 1 19:29–20:05, channel 2 19:59–20:35 (with 60 seconds pre-record & 240 seconds after-record)
[07:28:43] _stefanb: but the scheduler puts both on the same Encoder 5, although there would be encoders 6 & 7 & 8 available for the second recording
[07:29:22] _stefanb: this has been working in 0.24
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[13:53:27] samba35: hello friends , i am new to myth tv and i want to build a good ( smart) tv for my home can you please recommand what should be 1st step
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[14:05:29] wagnerrp: you want to build a tv?
[14:06:36] samba35: yes and pc in a same box kind of smart tv
[14:07:49] wagnerrp: its kind of like building a laptop
[14:08:02] wagnerrp: you cant really do it, you can only buy whats available on the market from OEMs
[14:10:47] sid3windr: if you have enough cash anything is possible :>
[14:11:39] samba35: ok
[14:12:25] _stefanb: samba35: what kind of transports do you have available? That determines what HW you need to buy to receive TV signals, e.g. DVB-C card for digital cable
[14:12:56] _stefanb: samba35: and officially you can only receive Free-To-Air, i.e. not encrypted, TV signals
[14:13:18] BLZbubba_: samba35: HP has some nice new pc/monitor integrated boxes coming out; maybe they are thin enough for something like that
[14:13:22] BLZbubba_: big $$ i'm sure
[14:13:26] _stefanb: samba35: maybe it's different if you grab the TV signal from a Settop box
[14:13:31] samba35: i am from india
[14:14:22] samba35: pls wait let me give link what i have current
[14:15:02] _stefanb: samba35: if you already have a Linux PC with montor I would recommend creating a demo setup with that and determine HOW you will receive TV signals. After that you could buy the stuff for the real system
[14:15:30] _stefanb: samba35: how to setup MythTV can be found on the Wiki
[14:15:53] samba35: i am planning to build 1
[14:16:21] samba35: i have ubuntu linux BTW
[14:17:06] _stefanb: samba35: then add the mythbuntu repositories and you should have access to mythtv packages for Ubuntu
[14:17:09] samba35:
[14:17:20] _stefanb: samba35: something like "sudo apt-get install mythtv" should do it
[14:17:29] samba35: i have standard setup box but i can upgrade if you recommand
[14:17:33] k-man: what is the logging-zeromq branch about?
[14:17:56] wagnerrp: k-man: shuffling logging out to an separate daemon
[14:18:57] k-man: wagnerrp, thanks
[14:19:02] _stefanb: BTW: opened ticket #10681 for the potential scheduler bug, ie. scheduler not using all available encoders for recording
[14:19:02] ** MythLogBot **
[14:19:03] samba35: which is good tv card i should i use for 80–100 $
[14:19:45] BLZbubba_: nvidia 220 is probably the least expensive with full hardware support
[14:20:08] samba35: ok
[14:20:13] BLZbubba_: i use a 210 which is great except for advanced 2x deinterlacing
[14:20:23] _stefanb: samba35: what outputs are available on that setop box?
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[14:21:26] samba35: no hdmi but other maker has hdmi
[14:21:28] _stefanb: samba35: doesn't sound to me that they allow you to record any streams from it
[14:21:39] _stefanb: samba35: you can't record from HDMI
[14:21:51] _stefanb: samba35: HDMI is encrypted
[14:22:12] _stefanb: samba35: and way way way too much data rushing through :-)
[14:22:38] samba35: ic
[14:22:56] sid3windr: not more data than component, which can be recorded..
[14:23:07] sid3windr: or well, same data, maybe more due to digital
[14:23:09] sid3windr: but still
[14:23:14] sid3windr: technically it can be recorded
[14:23:31] _stefanb: samba35: HDMI is uncompressed Video, e.g. ~1920x1080x3x(8–10) bits/s
[14:24:04] _stefanb: sid3windr: technically yes, but only with black market chips and $$$
[14:24:07] sid3windr: 324Mbit
[14:24:25] sid3windr: no, with regular chip, just not from anything requiring HDCP, or yes, with something that's not so very legal
[14:24:32] sid3windr: so technically, yes. :)
[14:24:34] _stefanb: sid3windr: and you need a MPEG encoder to compress it again
[14:24:41] devinheitmueller: Generally speaking, you don't want to take in uncompressed HD unless you're rendering it immediately to the video card.
[14:24:58] sid3windr: _stefanb: yes, that's one of the cheapest chips you can find I think :p
[14:25:12] devinheitmueller: ... which makes MythTV a poor choice for such an application...
[14:25:20] sid3windr: hehe
[14:25:47] _stefanb: samba35: I think you first have to determine if and how you can receive your TV signals.
[14:26:45] _stefanb: samba35: f.ex. if your provider offers Free-To-Air digital satellite programming, then you just need to buy a DVB-S or -S2 (HD) card to receive it directly from the coax cable (NO! settop box)
[14:27:12] _stefanb: samba35: MythTV simply records the MPEG2/4 bits falling out of the DVB-S(2) card
[14:27:38] samba35: on my setup box its written DVB-S
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[14:28:12] _stefanb: samba35: MPEG2 is nowadays no problem to decode via CPU/XVMC, MEPG4 needs something like VDPAU to utilize the GPU for uncompression
[14:28:29] _stefanb: samba35: so you don't have HD programmes?
[14:28:36] devinheitmueller: _stefanb: aren't they dropping Xvmc support?
[14:28:53] _stefanb: devinheitmueller: Could be.
[14:29:01] samba35: yes they have hd channel but they are costly
[14:29:26] _stefanb: samba35: do you need a card in your settop box to receive programs?
[14:29:36] wagnerrp: xvmc support has already been dropped from 0.25
[14:29:46] samba35: yes there is a card
[14:29:49] _stefanb: samba35: or did you need to "register/unlock" your settop box?
[14:29:58] _stefanb: samba35: then all your programs are encrypted
[14:30:18] _stefanb: samba35: officially that won't work with MythTV
[14:30:21] samba35: sorry i dont know about unlock
[14:31:44] samba35: any other way
[14:33:25] _stefanb: samba35: Try this: pull the card and check if you can receive ANY of the programs. If yes, those you can receive with a DVB-S card
[14:33:48] BLZbubba_ (BLZbubba_! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[14:33:57] samba35: ok
[14:34:14] _stefanb: samba35: if No: a) record programs from the settop box via Video-IN on TV-card in the computer (plus MythTV needs to control the setop box somehow)
[14:34:42] samba35: ic
[14:34:46] _stefanb: samba35: or b) get on the internet and read up on "SoftCAM", i.e. hacks that allow you to use your card on the Linux box
[14:35:00] samba35: it seems more complicate the i thought
[14:35:23] _stefanb: samba35: Thank the stupid TV providers for that
[14:36:08] samba35: ok
[14:40:07] _stefanb: samba35: SoftCAM might work for you, but mind you it is/can be illegal depending on where you live
[14:40:32] wagnerrp: yes, and discussion of such is not allowed in this channel
[14:40:42] ** wagnerrp gets out his operator pants **
[14:40:44] _stefanb: I though so :)
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[15:40:38] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: looks like your system clock is wrong
[15:42:06] wagnerrp: might want to get that checked out before tonight's recordings
[15:43:11] Captain_Murdoch: mail server is off, I don't even have any recorders right now with my temporary housing situation. :( need to get my HDHR hooked up again.
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[15:43:51] wagnerrp: moving?
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[15:46:03] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, moved, and moving again. moved out of house two weekends ago, signed final papers to sell it last week. in temp apartment for a while, then moving into new house in Washington in June.
[15:47:29] gregL: frisk1947
[15:47:42] wagnerrp: what does that make, five of you up there now?
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[16:05:53] tgm4883: when adding a livestream in 0.25, if I set only the width, and the actual video has a smaller width. Is the backend going to transcode it into the wider width?
[16:06:28] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, will be 4 I think unless there's someone I'm missing. xris, kormoc, beirdo, and me. I'll be about 90 minutes north of them though. up northeast of Bellingham.
[16:07:11] Captain_Murdoch: tgm4883, yes, probably so. I don't have any checks in there that I know of that see if you're supplying an output size greater than the input size
[16:07:22] tgm4883: hmm ok
[16:07:51] tgm4883: There doesn't seem to be any info given via the services API for me to tell the resolution either. So I can't do the check myself
[16:07:55] Captain_Murdoch: if I did that, it would probably be optional. some users might want to scale on higher end backend PC hardware than on a mobile device.
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[16:09:03] Captain_Murdoch: not sure if that info is available or not via the API. I think we may store it somewhere though.
[16:09:24] wagnerrp: is there anything "simple" that's available to transcode to?
[16:09:33] tgm4883: yea it's stored somewhere, at least partially as I've seen things in the themes that indicate it's there
[16:09:43] wagnerrp: i believe most phones support MJPEG, but i dont know about TVs
[16:09:46] Captain_Murdoch: it's in recordedmarkup I believe.
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[16:10:46] wagnerrp: im just wondering if there is any commonly available format mythtv could stream in, that's sufficiently lightweight for a reasonable backend to do it in HD in real time
[16:11:08] tgm4883: IDK
[16:12:34] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: im writing up an initial parser for #10680
[16:12:34] ** MythLogBot **
[16:12:57] wagnerrp: do you think these rules look reasonable to follow?
[16:13:17] Captain_Murdoch: not sure what it would take to do mpeg2video. the mythtranscode changes support and undocumented way to supply the codecs to use, so you could use mpeg-ts w/ mpeg2video and mp3 audio output to a single .ts file.
[16:14:12] wagnerrp: i didnt think mpeg2 was all that "simple" anyway
[16:14:36] wagnerrp: last time i tried it, it was around 6fps for 480p to make a DVD
[16:14:45] wagnerrp: of course that was on an antique 2GHz P4
[16:17:26] Captain_Murdoch: h264 encoding may be faster than mpeg2 as libx264 will use multiple threads to encode slices and I think mpeg2 is still single threaded encoding.
[16:17:50] Captain_Murdoch: so depending on hardware, h264 may be the better of the two.
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[16:19:09] tgm4883: but then what is the widespread availability of hardware that can playback h264 vs mpeg2?
[16:19:13] Captain_Murdoch: should be able to get way more than 6fps on any system made in the past 2–3 years. :) I think you could at least encode DVD resolution in realtime on even low-end hardware. that's one of the things on my TODO as well, to allow live streaming of DVD/BD titles
[16:19:27] Captain_Murdoch: probably more wide spread for h264
[16:19:42] Captain_Murdoch: at least for hardware decoding.
[16:19:50] tgm4883: even for tv's/dvd/bluray players?
[16:20:03] wagnerrp: for some reason, im thinking DLNA requires MPEG2 as a baseline
[16:20:03] dekarl-too (dekarl-too!51c8c614@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[16:20:31] wagnerrp: any tv/dvd/bd should support MPEG2 as a requirement for their other duties
[16:20:45] wagnerrp: although whether it supports it for remote play is unknown
[16:21:11] Captain_Murdoch: things like iOS devices, roku, and others require h264. does BD require mpeg2 or just h264? I'd think that most net attached devices implement h264 before mpeg2.
[16:21:14] wagnerrp: at lest the PS3 tends to be very picky when playing PS files, but will handle just about anything in a TS container
[16:21:23] wagnerrp: software restriction, rather than hardware limitation
[16:21:34] dekarl-too: _stefanb: in case you read the logs, since when is "c) attach a simple CAM/CI to your DVB-S(2) card" not supported anymore?
[16:21:34] wagnerrp: BD requires MPEG2
[16:21:44] wagnerrp: ive got at least one MPEG2 bluray movie
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[16:22:22] wagnerrp: dekarl-too: since the satellite provider doesnt give smart cards to people who arent subscribers
[16:23:50] dekarl-too: wagnerrp: oh, I didn't see the "i'm not a customer" part, sorry
[16:24:06] wagnerrp: he could be using some service that doesnt use smart cards, or a crypto format for which CAMs are not available
[16:24:18] wagnerrp: dekarl-too: no, it was never said
[16:24:19] dekarl-too: I was just wondering if the CAM/CI support got dropped lately as I couldn't remember that ;)
[16:24:37] wagnerrp: just the assumed when people start talking about softcams
[16:25:22] wagnerrp: IIRC, CI+ is a DRM format, and unusable by mythtv, correct?
[16:25:40] dekarl-too: the only one mentioning softcam was stefan if I read the logs correctly...
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[16:25:49] wagnerrp: thats correct
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[16:26:04] wagnerrp: but he was recommending it to some other user in place of more traditional hardware
[16:26:29] wagnerrp: both of which have left now
[16:26:35] dekarl-too: and I was trying to ask him why he didn't recommend the plain old CI Slot on the DVB-S card :)
[16:27:31] dekarl-too: CI+/HD+ is something entirely different and is DRM crap.
[16:27:46] dekarl-too: it only shares the same alphabet and letter ;)
[16:28:36] wagnerrp: right, but some services like Canal have started shifting over to that
[16:29:19] wagnerrp: i have no idea if "less traditional means" can bypass that
[16:36:31] dekarl-too: wikipedia to the rescue... you can put a CI+ CAM in a CI 1.0 slot. But the DRM might disble receiption of some channels. sounds similar to CC with copy-free or copy-none/once
[16:37:29] dekarl-too: so we are likely back to square one, its perfectly legal over here to connect the TV service to specific devices via the ToS
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[17:08:54] EvilGuru: . . . petition.ars — I just do not understand how a 250GB/mo cap can be a legit issue
[17:10:53] wagnerrp: right now, netflix runs around 5Mbps
[17:11:13] wagnerrp: at that rate, you get around 3.8hrs of netflix per-day before you hit your cap
[17:11:23] wagnerrp: discounting any other internet activity you might do
[17:11:56] uh992k (uh992k! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:12:07] uh992k: good evening!
[17:12:17] wagnerrp: IIRC, sony was looking to do IPTV service out to 4 screens at a time
[17:12:28] uh992k: could someone explaint to me what "record daily in this timeslot" in the scheduler means? :)
[17:12:37] wagnerrp: and if youve got multiple people in your household, 4 hours of shows in a day is not tough to achieve
[17:12:40] EvilGuru: wagnerrp: 5Mbit/s is quite high, I didn't realize that
[17:12:54] wagnerrp: it means "record every day on this channel at this time"
[17:13:13] uh992k: strange ... it records just one time
[17:13:36] uh992k: also in "upcoming recordings" there is just one showing listed
[17:13:50] uh992k: although the show is broadcast every day to the same time
[17:14:04] wagnerrp: EvilGuru: when you consider broadcast 720p/1080i mpeg2 is typically ~15Mbps, and bluray 1080p h264/vc1 is typically ~25Mbps
[17:14:16] wagnerrp: 5Mbps for netflix is actually comparably poor quality
[17:14:42] wagnerrp: 720p h264 at that bitrate will look decent, but not great
[17:14:48] wagnerrp: 1080p will look pretty poor
[17:15:04] wagnerrp: uh992k: perhaps it is being blocked by duplicate matching
[17:15:32] wagnerrp: EvilGuru: if you want HD, you need to pay the bandwidth cost
[17:15:32] uh992k: hmm ... interesting idea ... perhaps there is something hidden in my scheduler
[17:15:47] wagnerrp: and we simply dont have the throughput on the internet to do that
[17:16:55] allesmueller (allesmueller!~allesmuel@unixboard/users/allesmueller) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:16:59] EvilGuru: I presume that netflix multicast or have a CDN at the ISP level
[17:17:13] wagnerrp: uverse and other DSL based IPTV services are a bit different, as the TV is provided directly from the "last mile" provider, and each user has dedicated bandwidth
[17:17:58] uh992k: could the scheduler be confused when recording something with a '&' in the title? program.title = "abc & def"?
[17:17:59] wagnerrp: but when you consider netflix and cable customers, you're not only going to saturate the ISP's internet uplinks, youre also going to saturate their oversubscribed last mile and
[17:18:14] ikevin-: on some isp you can use the dedicated bandwidth to access to another service like netflix
[17:18:17] wagnerrp: uh992k: do the shows have a 'programid'?
[17:18:30] uh992k: what's a programid?
[17:18:47] wagnerrp: a unique ID that defines a specific program
[17:18:55] uh992k: not that I'm aware of
[17:19:11] wagnerrp: do the shows have unique subtitles or discriptions?
[17:19:28] uh992k: yes, descriptions differ but they don't have subtitles
[17:19:30] wagnerrp: or is it a nightly newscast that just has the same description for each show
[17:20:04] uh992k: I already tried to switch duplication recognition off to see if it works then
[17:20:13] uh992k: but it didn't
[17:20:26] wagnerrp: perhaps they are marked as generic, and you have set to ignore those
[17:20:42] uh992k: generic?
[17:21:03] wagnerrp: generic listing data for a series, rather than indicating a specific episode
[17:21:22] uh992k: hmm ... where would I have to switch this setting off?
[17:22:15] wagnerrp: its in one of the selectors when defining a rule
[17:22:21] wagnerrp: "exclude generics" or something like that
[17:22:34] uh992k: k, thx ... I'll try that :)
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[18:23:38] uh992k: wagnerrp: no it doesn't work ... I can't get the "record in this timeslot daily" to work :(
[18:24:27] uh992k: there is a filter dialog with e.g. "identifiable episode", but everything is unchecked
[18:24:50] uh992k: the last recording happened an hour ago and in upcoming records there is nothing about the episodes coming tomorrow
[18:24:59] Beirdo: Ugh, someone on the ML is complaining about 0.21?
[18:25:05] Beirdo: up...grade...
[18:25:19] uh992k: although the program is already there and there would be 5 recordings
[18:27:26] wagnerrp: Beirdo: to be fair, thats something we fixed only last year
[18:27:36] Beirdo: but still
[18:28:20] wagnerrp: pretty sure we fixed it anyway
[18:28:32] wagnerrp: it was some 32-bit overflow when you hit 2TB
[18:28:40] Beirdo: yup
[18:28:59] Beirdo: I recall going over fixing that
[18:29:36] Beirdo: we broke the protocol, then split the disk free into 2 32bit... and when we fixed it to be fully 64bit... forgot to fix the protocol.
[18:29:47] Beirdo: which you just fixed what? last week?
[18:30:01] wagnerrp: the python bindings got fixed last week
[18:30:06] wagnerrp: the internal stuff was last year
[18:30:07] Beirdo: either way, complaining about bugs in 4-year old code. Jeez
[18:30:10] Beirdo: yeah
[18:33:17] uh992k: clearly, there is something broken in the scheduler ...
[18:33:33] uh992k: after playing around, it suddenly says "recording 4 of 8)" what would be correct
[18:33:52] uh992k: but in upcoming recordings is nothing ... and in recording preview there is nothing as well
[18:34:08] uh992k: very strange ... this thing makes me crazy
[18:35:48] highzeth (highzeth! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:36:11] uh992k: OMG ...
[18:36:25] uh992k: this morons shift the show +/-2 min around every day
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[18:37:40] uh992k: I'll do a powersearch and math for HOUR(program.starttime) > ... and HOUR(program.starttime) < ...
[18:37:45] uh992k: match
[18:38:54] lake: I am getting "Error Opening Jump File Buffer" when I try to watch live tv.
[18:39:04] lake: I am using an HDPVR
[18:39:31] lake: 'jump program file buffer' i mean
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[18:41:36] sphery: lake: Are you on current 0.25-fixes? If not, please upgrade/update.
[18:43:42] lake: i'm on 0.25.
[18:46:03] tekdoc (tekdoc! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:47:31] wagnerrp: looks like it was this january
[18:50:23] sphery: lake: but current 0.25-fixes (versus release version of 0.25)?
[18:52:06] uh992k: does someone know how the "prime time" filter for recordings is defined?
[18:52:25] wagnerrp: sphery: do you think any dev is still running a backend on a 32-bit system?
[18:52:50] sphery: I have a backend on a 32-bit distro on a 64-bit capable system
[18:53:05] sphery: but it will become 64-bit soon enough
[18:53:27] sphery: (only 32-bit because it was easier to throw the old disk into the new machine than to do a proper distro install)
[18:55:00] sphery: not sure about Capt M, though... I know he has some ancient installs on his systems (and might have old systems, too?)
[18:56:48] wagnerrp: because as mentioned in the commit, this problem only affects systems still running 32-bit linux
[18:57:26] wagnerrp: on 64-bit systems, it "just works"
[18:58:41] ** wagnerrp made sure to throw that 'antiquated' jab in there **
[18:59:12] sphery: yeah, I'm sure that the guy is using a 32-bit system
[18:59:13] ** wagnerrp takes every change he gets to deride people intentionally running 32-bit OSs on 64-bit hardware **
[18:59:22] wagnerrp: *chance
[18:59:23] sphery: the symptoms are exactly right for that bug
[18:59:28] sphery: hehe
[18:59:48] wagnerrp: well no, in theory, from 4–6TB free, he should be safe
[19:00:07] sphery: didn't he say he had >6TB
[19:00:09] wagnerrp: nevermind, total size is 5.5TB, not free space
[19:00:26] wagnerrp: it expires when ever hit hits 4TB
[19:00:34] wagnerrp: which yeah, is exactly right for that bug
[19:00:42] sphery: ah, ok
[19:00:56] wagnerrp: at 4TB, the free space inverts to -2TB, and the expirer goes nuts
[19:01:28] wagnerrp: actually, it would start expiring as soon as it hit 4TB + 6GB (min free space he has set)
[19:02:29] uh992k: hmm ... interesting ... ""INSERT INTO recordfilter VALUES (3,'Prime time','HOUR(program.starttime) >= 19 AND HOUR(program.starttime) < 23',0);",
[19:03:21] uh992k: but I don't understand how the prime time filter is able to recording a show starting at 18:55
[19:04:00] sphery: we'd need to see actual rule you've created and data
[19:04:27] sphery: (and, if it shouldn't work, chances are we'd need to see other rules to notice that you have a different one matching that pre-primetime show)
[19:04:37] uh992k: I had a problem with recording a show ... obviously it shifted about +/-5min every day
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[19:04:55] uh992k: I created a new one with "every time on every channel" with "prime time"-filter set
[19:05:05] uh992k: in order to only record at evening and not in the morning
[19:05:19] uh992k: I wanted to know how "prime time" is defined
[19:05:26] uh992k: the source tells me >= 19 && < 23
[19:05:35] uh992k: but how could it record a show starting at 18:55?
[19:06:09] uh992k: this scheduler makes me crazy ... it doesn't do what I thought he would do
[19:06:24] sphery: but it does exactly what you tell it to :)
[19:06:42] uh992k: no ... it will record my show starting at 18:55 but the filter "prime time" is active
[19:07:22] uh992k: I tried it another way ... to set it to "every time on every channel" with duplication check in future and history recording
[19:07:43] uh992k: but he ignores what I've already recorded and it would record exactly the wrong appearing in the morning
[19:07:46] uh992k: something is broken
[19:07:51] Captain_Murdoch: I don't have currently access to any 32-bit systems running recent releases. I have one system currently acting as my only & combined MBE/FE and my laptop which as 64-bit trunk on it.
[19:08:05] mzanetti_ (mzanetti_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:08:23] sphery: Captain_Murdoch: hehe, seems I'm more antiquated than you, then :)
[19:08:25] Captain_Murdoch: my normal dev VM was/is 32-bit, but it's in a cardboard box somewhere between here and the new house.
[19:08:46] sphery: ah, yeah, forgot about the move
[19:08:48] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!~s.blomfie@ has quit ()
[19:08:57] sphery: hope that's going well
[19:08:59] Captain_Murdoch: I'm running on only 3 computers for a while. MBE/FE, my laptop, and my wife's ancient laptop used as a thin client.
[19:09:07] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, just not going by fast enough.
[19:09:23] sphery: wow, only 3 computers... like the dark ages
[19:09:58] likwid-: what kind of myth setup as 180 users? im curious as to the applications beyond just your general home setup
[19:11:51] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, worse than dark. (work) laptop is newer Core2Duo just prior to i[357], MBE/FE is a Revo 1600 w/ a USB hard drive, thin client laptop is an ancient P3.
[19:12:14] sphery: likwid-: the "we're poor college students who can't afford to /each/ pay for our own cable service" type, perhaps?
[19:12:58] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I haven't even looked at commits in a while – have you taken a stab at any of the filename parsing problems?
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[19:13:45] wagnerrp: havent touched it yet
[19:13:57] wagnerrp: planning to do so as part of the scanner rewrite
[19:14:08] wagnerrp: but im held up on that until sphery gets his new tables in for me to work with
[19:14:23] uh992k: I'll file a bug report ... this "prime time" filter is obviously wrong
[19:14:52] uh992k: | Berlin – Tag & Nacht | 2012-05–02 18:59:00 | 18 | can't be matched by hour >= 19
[19:15:17] wagnerrp: Beirdo: you around?
[19:15:48] uh992k: | 3 | Prime time | HOUR(program.starttime) >= 19 AND HOUR(program.starttime) < 23
[19:17:30] Beirdo: yeah
[19:18:43] wagnerrp: how does this look?
[19:19:23] wagnerrp: no ampersand, no pipes, no redirects, no env variables or tilda
[19:19:36] wagnerrp: just basic whitespace splitting and PATH lookup
[19:21:11] sphery: uh992k: I'm guessing it's not the filter... I"m guessing you have something else going on that you're not noticing
[19:21:30] Beirdo: QString::const_iterator?
[19:21:30] sphery: uh992k: if you file a bug report, you /must/ provide a: mythbackend --printsched
[19:21:42] Beirdo: you want to iterate through the string?
[19:21:57] sphery: uh992k: that's showing the failure... also, you should probably provide a list of your recording rules (I still think you have a different one matching that)
[19:22:34] wagnerrp: Beirdo: yes, to handle escaped whitespace and quoting
[19:22:36] Beirdo: might be more efficient to use regexps
[19:22:55] wagnerrp: perhaps, feel free to write that one
[19:23:01] Beirdo: hehe
[19:23:05] Beirdo: fair enough
[19:23:32] wagnerrp: how often are we actually going to be calling things that we cannot provide a stringlist of arguments?
[19:23:38] Beirdo: I think it looks good for a first shot
[19:23:50] wagnerrp: pretty much the only scenario i can think of is the case where the user supplies the command themselves
[19:23:58] Beirdo: anywyere we use myth_system
[19:24:00] wagnerrp: and those just arent going to get run that often
[19:24:14] Beirdo: which we could work on changing to MythSystem uses directly
[19:24:14] wagnerrp: right... but we use myth_system out of convenience, not out of need
[19:24:19] lautriv (lautriv! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[19:24:31] wagnerrp: just because no one wanted to bother converting all those over last year
[19:24:40] Beirdo: and user-defined can be quite often run (like channel changing)
[19:24:48] Beirdo: heh
[19:25:01] Beirdo: yeah, we were limiting our exposure :)
[19:25:03] wagnerrp: quite often like every few seconds, and then only when in livetv
[19:25:06] Beirdo: yup
[19:25:08] Beirdo: true
[19:25:15] Beirdo: looks good to try
[19:25:19] lake: sphery: okay, i'm on fixes and it's the same issue.
[19:25:29] wagnerrp: whats manually iterating through a few hundred character string going to take?
[19:25:42] lake: it may have to do with me updating the firmare on my hdpvr. /facepalm
[19:25:55] wagnerrp: hundreds of nanoseconds?
[19:25:57] Beirdo: longer than regexps, but still minimal enough
[19:26:05] Beirdo: microsecond maybe
[19:26:14] Beirdo: we can certainly live with it
[19:26:40] wagnerrp: wait until it becomes a problem before we optimize
[19:27:12] Beirdo: sure
[19:27:32] Beirdo: or unless the code's easier to maintain, but this looks reasonable enough, I think
[19:27:46] SmallR2002 (SmallR2002! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[19:28:10] mzanetti_: is there still a way to make mythfilldatabase call my xmltv grabber with "--days 18"? --graboptions has gone in 0.25 and using --refresh 0–18 seems to grab only 5 days.
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[19:29:25] wagnerrp: --graboptions is still there
[19:29:31] wagnerrp: just by a different name
[19:29:47] wagnerrp: everything after — is passed to the grabber script
[19:31:01] Beirdo: stupid %^^&*ing centos host
[19:31:23] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: ah cool, thanks! Am I just blind or does --help not say that?
[19:32:10] wagnerrp: mythfilldatabase --help graboptions
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[19:35:00] wagnerrp: cannot be both virtual and static....
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[19:42:45] mzanetti_: now it calls this: /usr/bin/mythfilldatabase — --days 18 --verbose general --loglevel info
[19:42:53] mzanetti_: which fails for obvious reasons
[19:43:29] lake: sphery: i can confirm streaming through vlc, though
[19:43:56] wagnerrp: mzanetti_: in all likelihood, your grabber script does not understand '--verbose' or '--loglevel'
[19:44:20] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: yeah. I know... the problem is I can't find where to tell mythtv not to add those arguments
[19:44:41] mzanetti_: even if I add them manually before the --, they are still appended for a second time
[19:45:02] wagnerrp: if mythtv runs mythfilldatabase automatically, mythfilldatabase determines what arguments to pass into the grabber script automatically, based off XMLTV standard format
[19:45:26] wagnerrp: the — directive is only for use when running mythfilldatabase manually for whatever reason
[19:45:52] wagnerrp: dekarl: is that a correct assessment?
[19:46:00] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: ah ok. so no way any more to make mythtv take care of it while still grabbing 18 days?
[19:47:13] wagnerrp: if "--days 18" is standard XMLTV grabber syntax, mythfilldatabase should be passing that into the grabber script on its own, when told to pull --refresh 1–18
[19:47:26] wagnerrp: at least that is my understanding
[19:47:30] sphery: lake: not sure what's going on... I know many fixes were made to Live TV for 0.25, but since I don't (and won't ever) use Live TV, I don't know details
[19:47:36] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: apparently its not :/
[19:47:52] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: its rather --days 5
[19:48:09] lake: sphery: okay, thanks for the input
[19:48:35] sphery: mzanetti_: do you really need to override the default behavior chosen by the xmltv grabber as the most-appropriate behavior?
[19:48:35] lake: i effing hate this HDPVR. I want something more compatible
[19:49:38] mzanetti_: sphery: yes :) If my paid EPG service offers 18 days but xmltv per default gets only 5 I think I do
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[19:49:43] sphery: mzanetti_: also, have you specified mythfilldatabase arguments in mythtv-setup?
[19:50:06] sphery: what grabber are you using?
[19:50:28] mzanetti_: sphery: eu_epgdata
[19:50:45] sphery: the way mfdb works, it attempts to download one day's data, then puts it in, then gets the next day's data, then the next day's ... until it gets no more data, then it stops
[19:51:18] sphery: then from that point on it gets tomorrow's data and +X (the last day's data) and possibly a few others based on how many holes are in your listings
[19:51:37] sphery: guess maybe xmltv works differently
[19:51:43] mzanetti_: sphery: here it runs the grabber once a day and imports all the output from the grabber – whatever that is
[19:51:54] sphery: but it seems broken for them to have a script that requires specific non-standard options to use
[19:52:28] mzanetti_: the grabber scripts have an option "--days n" which tells them how many days to fetch
[19:52:35] sphery: mzanetti_: what happens if you just run (at the command line) mythfilldatabase with /no/ arguments of any kind
[19:52:48] mzanetti_: it fetches epg for 5 days
[19:52:55] mzanetti_: starting from today
[19:53:25] sphery: and what do you have for mythfilldatabase arguments in mythtv-setup
[19:53:55] mzanetti_: sphery: before I had this: --graboptions "--days 18"
[19:54:04] mzanetti_: sphery: now I have: — --days 18
[19:54:23] sphery: what do you have for mythfilldatabase program
[19:54:31] mzanetti_: mythfilldatabase
[19:54:43] sphery: and it's running: /usr/bin/mythfilldatabase — --days 18 --verbose general --loglevel info
[19:54:48] mzanetti_: exactly
[19:55:17] sphery: so perhaps the "pass log options" code needs fixing... Beirdo ^^^
[19:55:22] mzanetti_: before it was running: /usr/bin/mythfilldatabase --graboptions "--days 18" --verbose general --loglevel info
[19:55:26] mzanetti_: which was working fine
[19:55:48] sphery: well, it wouldn't have passed --verbose general --loglevel info prior to 0.25
[19:55:48] mzanetti_: (the verbose and loglevel aguments have changed I think... but there were some tehre before iirc)
[19:56:06] sphery: meaning in 0.24 it would have been just /usr/bin/mythfilldatabase --graboptions "--days 18"
[19:56:28] mzanetti_: could be... It's now 18 days since I upgraded :D
[19:56:41] sphery: Beirdo: looks like the log arguments for mfdb need to be added before the end since we use — to indicate arguments that get passed to the xmltv script...
[19:57:21] mzanetti_: or – check if there are already other --verbose and --loglevel arguments in the list
[19:57:36] mzanetti_: so the user can a) override them and b) take care that they are in the right place
[19:57:41] Jordack (Jordack! has quit (Quit: Why would I watch reality TV when it’s more exciting to participate in my own life?)
[19:58:05] sphery: mzanetti_: we want it to automatically pass the args used for mythbackend so users don't /have/ to specify it
[19:58:27] sphery: and it's probably not worth the extra code that allows them to use different options for mfdb than for the backend
[19:58:40] sphery: (they can always restart mythbackend with desired logging options when they're having problems)
[19:58:49] mzanetti_: sphery: ok... sure. I don't need it... was just an idea
[19:59:25] sphery: yeah, not a bad idea--just saying we probably have a lot of other more necessary things we should fix/finish first
[20:00:13] Beirdo: sphery: let's see
[20:00:15] sphery: mzanetti_: in the meantime, you can simply disable the "Automatically run mythfilldatabase" setting
[20:00:47] sphery: then set up a cron job (or just manually run it) to run: mythfilldatabase — --days 18
[20:00:57] mzanetti_: sphery: yeah sure... I'll find my way round somehow...
[20:01:11] sphery: I still think that eu_epgdata should be fixed to get a more appropriate number of days, though
[20:01:15] sphery: (by default)
[20:01:29] wagnerrp: mzanetti_: are you the reporter of #1683?
[20:01:31] sphery: maybe that's something it specifies in capabilities and we just need to get that stuff finished
[20:01:33] mzanetti_: sphery: probably... altough they could argue the same way :)
[20:01:44] sphery: they could argue what?
[20:01:58] sphery: we call it with default options, so we're not changing things
[20:02:05] wagnerrp: #10683
[20:02:05] ** MythLogBot **
[20:02:08] sphery: we're trusting them to do the right thing for their users
[20:02:29] sphery: and they shouldn't be forcing you--and every other paid subscriber--to reconfigure mythtv
[20:02:36] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: nope
[20:02:43] sphery: to override their defaults to get reasonable behavior
[20:03:01] mzanetti_: sphery: I meant they could say "we provide the option --days if you want more – use it"
[20:03:07] sphery: Beirdo: hehe, seems that's reported at
[20:03:35] mzanetti_: sorry... I didn't find the bug report earlier...
[20:03:46] sphery: I didn't know it was there, either :)
[20:03:55] sphery: not a problem... just interesting that both came up today
[20:03:55] mzanetti_: mythfilldatabase + days gives quite a lot in google :D
[20:04:13] sphery: and I'm 400 messages behind in tickets
[20:04:35] mzanetti_: its now 18 days since the major distros have release 0.25 and we run out of EPG today :D
[20:04:46] sphery: hehe, that could be
[20:04:50] Beirdo: I'll have a fix in shortly
[20:04:53] sphery: nice
[20:05:01] mzanetti_: Beirdo: awesome! thanks a lot!
[20:05:02] Beirdo: it's quite simple :)
[20:05:15] sphery: Beirdo is one of my favorite minions--he does my bidding so quickly
[20:05:27] wagnerrp: Beirdo: why fix it?
[20:05:37] Beirdo: why not?
[20:05:48] wagnerrp: cant users just add their own %LOGWHATEVER% in the place that they need it?
[20:05:51] sphery: the — <whatever> definitely needs to come after the log options stuff, right?
[20:05:54] Beirdo: all it is is to change the order of the args we put on the commandline
[20:06:04] Beirdo: this is for the standard mythfilldatabase run
[20:06:15] Beirdo: where you can specify extra args
[20:06:27] wagnerrp: if anything, add a check that it only appends that information if the replace string is not manually specified
[20:06:34] Beirdo: I'm just putting the extra args at the end of the command instead of before the logging stuff
[20:06:53] wagnerrp: oh, this is the internal stuff that is causing problems?
[20:06:54] Beirdo: it's in a different part of the codepath
[20:06:57] Beirdo: yeah
[20:07:10] Beirdo: just test compiling right now
[20:07:14] sphery: hehe, was wondering why it didn't sound broken to you :)
[20:07:22] sphery: guess we were talking about different things
[20:07:27] wagnerrp: i thought this was a problem of the user manually specifying the extra arguments to apply in mythtv-setup
[20:07:37] Beirdo: it is, in a way
[20:07:40] lake: why does mythfilldatabase take so long
[20:07:43] wagnerrp: so it was taking that string, and then adding the logging stuff
[20:07:55] sphery: lake: because you have mysql data on a file system with barrier enabled?
[20:07:55] Beirdo: lake: because it's a lot of data
[20:08:01] sphery: or ^^^
[20:08:14] sphery: or because you're running on a severely-underpowered system
[20:08:16] sphery: or...
[20:08:23] sphery: (meaning I'd need a lot more information to answer :)
[20:08:23] Beirdo: and we probably need to make it better, etc.
[20:08:46] sphery: I am thinking about switching the engine used for the temp tables, though
[20:09:05] Beirdo: better not be thinking of myisam :)
[20:09:20] sphery: now that a lot of people are using 5.5, they're getting innodb without properly configuring innodb
[20:09:20] Beirdo: I will hunt you down and trout you!
[20:09:23] sphery: hehe
[20:09:29] sphery: you can patch your local :)
[20:09:39] wagnerrp: sphery: the expiration thing got backported?
[20:09:44] Beirdo: seriously. NO myisam by choice
[20:10:01] sphery: we now specify engine for all other table usage (well, except for scheduler stuff, which I plan to change)
[20:10:03] Beirdo: people need to fix their db
[20:10:15] sphery: no, we need to use what we're tested against
[20:10:24] sphery: and then properly roll out a change to innodb when ready
[20:10:35] Beirdo: I've been running on innodb for two years
[20:10:45] Beirdo: how much more testing were you looking for?
[20:10:48] wagnerrp: sphery: perhaps use the memory engine, and truncate fields as necessary to fit?
[20:11:01] sphery: wagnerrp:
[20:11:18] wagnerrp: that will ensure stuff stays in memory regardless of poor innodb configuration
[20:11:35] sphery: memory engine has the problem of expanding all varchars
[20:11:45] sphery: so it may be a /huge/ amount of memory for mfdb data
[20:11:46] Beirdo: I think kormoc's been on innodb (if not even drizzle) for about that long too
[20:11:51] sphery: (especially a --dd-grab-all)
[20:12:06] lake: sphery: i use ext4
[20:12:10] Beirdo: we'll chat about it in the evening :)
[20:12:15] lake: don't know if barrier is enabled there
[20:12:17] wagnerrp: heh... i was the one that got backported
[20:12:18] sphery: lake: yeah, that would mean barrier is enabled
[20:12:38] wagnerrp: Beirdo: going for drinks or something?
[20:12:47] sphery: wagnerrp: yeah, I think you did a simplified version for 0.24 and a "proper"/full-up fix for 0.25
[20:12:50] Beirdo: barriers are ONLY an issue with myisam :)
[20:13:09] sphery: barriers are only an issue if you don't run your DB in RAM
[20:13:13] sphery: :D
[20:13:14] Beirdo: wagnerrp: nah, I just don't have time to dive into the depths of DB setup
[20:13:23] sphery: it's not that we need testing
[20:13:25] Beirdo: if you don't run your DB in RAM, you are a fool.
[20:13:33] sphery: it's just that we need standardization
[20:13:56] sphery: so that we don't have random users complaining about things like mfdb performance being terrible because they're using mysql 5.5 without properly configuring innodb
[20:13:56] lake: Beirdo: wow. i guess i'm really a fool for not even knowing how
[20:14:17] sphery: and, really, I think we should stick with everything expecting myisam until we control the db server (meaning until embedded)
[20:14:26] Beirdo: lake: well, ignorance is a valid excuse :)
[20:14:31] sphery: anyone else is welcome to lead the change before then, but I won't be pushing it until after
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[20:14:54] Beirdo: sphery: too late :) mythweather's been innodb-only for years
[20:14:57] wagnerrp: lake: i dont know... i think its a perfectly valid conclusion to assume the distro maintainers would have a clue what they were doing
[20:15:05] sphery: Beirdo: I mean the important stuff ;)
[20:15:14] wagnerrp: Beirdo: sure, but its not like mythweather has much of anything stored in it
[20:15:22] Beirdo: when it comes to tuning mysql, they have proven that they know nothing
[20:15:28] sphery: hehe, true
[20:15:29] wagnerrp: poor default configurations make no difference when you only have a couple dozen lines
[20:15:37] Beirdo: true enough :)
[20:16:07] sphery: unless, of course, you were using one of the "let's disable the InnoDB engine to save 40MB of virtual RAM" distros
[20:16:21] sphery: (pretty sure none do that, now, since InnoDB is default on 5.5, but...)
[20:16:43] wagnerrp: any ideas on why the compiler chokes on that last line?
[20:17:10] wagnerrp: cant find a matching overloaded operator for the boolean comparisons
[20:17:26] wagnerrp: its like its attempting to perform the booleans before the blocks in the parentheses
[20:17:30] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:17:57] sphery: wagnerrp: do you really want a bitwise or
[20:18:01] sphery: | vs ||
[20:18:10] wagnerrp: ah, right...
[20:18:12] Beirdo: that's probably it
[20:18:13] wagnerrp: always get those mixed up
[20:18:29] sphery: hehe, working in multiple languages does make it hard to remember/get straight
[20:18:30] Beirdo: same above with quoted | hardquoted
[20:18:56] Beirdo: sphery: the fix is in... master and fixes/0.25
[20:19:07] sphery: fwiw, the bitwise might actually work if you put parens around whitespace.contains(*i) , too
[20:19:16] sphery: but probably not what we want :)
[20:19:27] sphery: Beirdo: thanks a ton
[20:19:32] sphery: and very nice and fast
[20:19:36] sphery: good minion
[20:19:53] Beirdo: hehe
[20:21:01] wagnerrp: that did it, compiling now
[20:21:16] wagnerrp: Beirdo: im going to go ahead and commit this with an ABI bump
[20:21:29] wagnerrp: but im going to go through and make sure nothing is actually using it
[20:21:45] Beirdo: K. Sounds like a plan
[20:21:49] wagnerrp: i.e. everything passing through there would have kMSRunShell set
[20:21:52] sphery: wagnerrp: fwiw, hoping to get the new schema tables in soon
[20:22:16] Beirdo: we can sweep through the users of MythSystem again and re-convert
[20:23:02] sphery: mzanetti_: So, you just need to upgrade to the current 0.25-fixes, as soon as possible and your mfdb should work fine... If using Ubuntu packages, they should pick up the change later tonight for tomorrow's build, IIRC
[20:23:13] sphery:
[20:23:19] sphery: not sure about other distros
[20:23:21] mzanetti_: ArchLinux
[20:24:14] mzanetti_: I'm sure it won't take long until they update the build...
[20:24:39] mzanetti_: I've run it now manually from the command line and if I run out of EPG again I'll compile it on my own I guess
[20:25:21] mzanetti_: anyways. thanks a lot everyone!
[20:25:23] lake: wagnerrp: what?
[20:25:34] lake: i don't understand what you mean
[20:26:24] wagnerrp: you took offense to beirdo calling you a fool for having a poorly configured database
[20:26:47] wagnerrp: im saying youre merely using the distro defaults
[20:26:50] lake: no offense taken here.
[20:26:55] Beirdo: sorry, ignorance IS a valid excuse. It's still foolish :)
[20:26:56] lake: i'm happy to be alive
[20:27:00] lake: :)
[20:27:06] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[20:27:10] wagnerrp: and its typically not a "bad" assumption that the distro defaults should be decent
[20:27:14] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:27:17] lake: ignorance is definitely what the excuse is.
[20:27:19] Beirdo: yeah, normally
[20:27:21] wagnerrp: however in this case, for the innodb engine, theyre awful
[20:27:37] Beirdo: crippling in fact
[20:28:16] wagnerrp: Beirdo: did i mention i had been running the freebsd defaults for years prior to trying to convert trac over to mysql?
[20:28:44] Beirdo: nice :) glad to know that someone had good defaults
[20:28:55] wagnerrp: no, theyre awful, i just didnt realize
[20:29:01] lake: it's hard to offend me! i was just trying to show that i'm more of a noob for not even knowing how to run the db in memory.
[20:29:25] wagnerrp: i gave up trying to deal with a database dump out of sqlite
[20:29:45] wagnerrp: so i opened up connections to both mysql and sqlite in a python script, and started migrating line by line
[20:30:02] wagnerrp: with the default options, i gave up somewhere around the 25 minute mark
[20:30:25] wagnerrp: with the packaged "moderate server" configuration, it cranked through it in a minute and a half
[20:30:38] Beirdo: hehe, wow
[20:30:39] ** sphery uses moderate server **
[20:31:06] akv_ (akv_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:13] wagnerrp: took a bit much memory for my tastes, so i halved or three-quartered a number of the settings
[20:31:14] sphery: for some strange reason, I figured the MySQL developers would have a good idea of what to use for MySQL settings
[20:31:31] sphery: I know that goes against everything our MythTV users have tried to teach us...
[20:31:41] Beirdo: heh
[20:31:44] Beirdo: they do
[20:31:55] Beirdo: they know to tune the server to the actual DATA
[20:32:10] sphery: yeah, and their defaults are actually quite reasonable
[20:32:11] wagnerrp: with the revised config, it ended up taking ~2 minutes to import
[20:32:14] Beirdo: we just happen to have a fairly large database
[20:32:14] sphery: (at least for myisam)
[20:32:31] wagnerrp: (since you cant shrink innodb tables)
[20:33:34] akv_: hey, I have just gotten a surround sound system – have been using audio on the tv undtil now. So I changed from stereo to DTS and/or Dolby Digital in mythfrontend->setup->general but then there were no sound – any suggestions? It's a onboard nvidia HD card...
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[20:39:35] lake: blooks like i can just add "barrier=0" to my /etc/fstab file.
[20:39:36] lake: sweet!
[20:41:07] wagnerrp: sphery: whats the mailing list thread to trash the mythvideo database tables?
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[20:52:41] dekarl: wagnerrp: aye, "--" is useful for manual invocation. mythfilldatabase figures out which days to grab one after another, passing always "--days 1" and the right "--offset x", unless the grabber signals it prefers to grab all at once
[20:52:41] dekarl: mzanetti_: MFDB will always try to grab ~21 days but it will only refresh tomorrow and the day that is furthest from now. (so if your guide has 20 channels with 7 days and 10 channels with 21 days you'll always update tomorrow/day 1, day 7 and day 21. Mythfilldatabase is quite verbose on its reasoning)
[20:52:41] dekarl: sphery: One of the issues is with the 5 days. Thats only relevant when using the "allatonce" variant as mythtv and xmltv have different understandings of that. :)
[20:52:41] dekarl: Thats why I hinted at running mythfilldatabase --refresh 1–99
[20:52:41] dekarl: /me wanders off to browse the _eu_epgdata defaults
[20:54:42] mzanetti_: dekarl: Grabber has capabilities: baseline manualconfig tkconfig apiconfig cache preferredmethod
[20:54:51] mzanetti_: dekarl: Grabber prefers method: allatonce
[20:57:08] justinh: finally got round to fixing my lircrc file. For *years* now the OK button on the remote has been doing Space.. which works fine except when you want to use text input
[20:59:37] dekarl: lets see, it prefers allatonce (which mythtv takes as "defaults are fine") but violates the rule that the default should be maximum of available data. (the wiki is down it seems, so I can't look the rule up to be sure) setting "days" to the available days by default would be the simplest fix around . . . =markup#l189
[21:00:28] kormoc (kormoc!~kormoc@mythtv/developer/kormoc) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:00:49] dekarl: and the issue on MythTV's side is that it doesn't convert "I want tomorrow and the day three weeks from now" into "--offset 1 --days 21"
[21:02:29] dekarl: otoh, MythTV is the most advanced consumer I've seen, so its not so bad when it can't handle grabbers that violate the spec in this point ;)
[21:04:50] dekarl: ohh, I should not look at these grabbers to much... star-rating gets converted wrong (its nothing, 1–5 instead of nothing, 0–4 or maybe nothing, 0,1–3)
[21:05:29] dekarl: (the raw values are "no star rating", "1 star", "3 stars", "4 stars" or "5 stars" according to the docs)
[21:06:55] ** wagnerrp doesnt understand why he always has trouble with ABI changes and undefined references **
[21:07:00] dekarl: mzanetti_: how many days of guide are available for your country?
[21:08:10] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:09:04] devinheitmueller: dekarl: no "2 stars" rating?  ;-)
[21:09:38] dekarl: devinheitmueller: it says so around. . . . =markup#l478
[21:09:58] dekarl: and the xmltv rating is zero based instead of one based
[21:10:45] mzanetti_: dekarl: I think 18... depending on the time you run the grabber you could get 19
[21:11:24] dekarl: mzanetti_: what a strange number... I was expecting something around today + X*weeks
[21:11:33] mzanetti_: dekarl: could have changed in the meantime... I tested it 2 years ago last time
[21:12:40] wagnerrp: Beirdo: help me out on this one
[21:12:59] wagnerrp: every time i run into these undefined reference issues, its because i forgot to delete the.....
[21:13:05] dekarl: ok, you should be able to add a line "defaults => {days => 21}," to the call to ParseOptions
[21:15:06] wagnerrp: ccache maybe?
[21:15:22] Beirdo: ccache, or make distclean
[21:15:36] Beirdo: more often make distclean for me
[21:15:58] wagnerrp: done both
[21:16:08] justinh: bah reminds me I've not got round to recompiling a newer-fixes yet
[21:16:14] wagnerrp: lets try both at the same time
[21:16:22] justinh: nor will I, not tonight anyway
[21:16:30] Beirdo: OK, next would be make sure the class (and/or instance) is defined as PUBLIC in the lib
[21:16:57] wagnerrp: just added methods, classes are MBASE_PUBLIC, same as before
[21:16:59] mzanetti_: wagnerrp: if its Qt and QObject you may forgot the Q_OBJECT macro (dumb guess – just ignore if it doesn't make any sense in your context)
[21:17:17] wagnerrp: interesting...
[21:17:29] Beirdo: k
[21:18:02] wagnerrp: nope, all have the Q_OBJECT macro
[21:19:00] Beirdo: where does your compile install the headers?
[21:19:11] dekarl: devinheitmueller: debugging code that I can't test makes me grumpy, especially when there's a bunch of fixes floating about but no maintainer atm :(
[21:19:15] wagnerrp: /usr/local/include
[21:19:16] Beirdo: you might need a make uninstall in there to get rid of system headers
[21:19:31] Beirdo: or just go manually delete the header you changed
[21:19:41] Beirdo: from /usr/local/include/myth...
[21:19:54] wagnerrp: did an uninstall
[21:20:41] wagnerrp: oddly, theres a handful of ffmpeg headers straggling around in there
[21:20:46] wagnerrp: but nothing that would cause this
[21:21:28] devinheitmueller: dekarl: yup, I've certainly faced that challenge.
[21:21:50] wagnerrp: no maintainer for epgdata?
[21:22:39] dekarl: aye, the grabber is more or less unmaintained since 2009, yunosh stepped up, but seems to be short on time either (or I scared him away by mass assigning all relevant tickets to him ;)
[21:23:17] Beirdo: wagnerrp: not sure. It does sound like it didn't see your changes though. Maybe rerun qmake in the failing dir (although that should be forced by a distclean)
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[21:34:05] brfransen: devinheitmueller: I put the 950q on another box with .25 and ota digital works fine. I need to try cable and analog like it on the production backend that failed yesterday.
[21:35:06] devinheitmueller: brfransen: oh?
[21:35:34] devinheitmueller: So you're seeing inconsistent behavior between two different systems running the same kernel and version of Myth?
[21:35:49] brfransen: yes
[21:36:03] devinheitmueller: weird.
[21:36:17] brfransen: oh, wait one
[21:38:21] brfransen: the prod backend that failed yesterday is running a build of the linux-media tree from about a month ago. The one that I just tried is running what came in 2.6.39.
[21:45:50] devinheitmueller: interesting.
[21:56:26] brfransen: updated the test box to the new linux-media tree and the digital side still works but in mythtv-setup it gives and unknown error when probed like the other machine.
[21:56:52] brfransen: when I add the analog side it stalls mythbackend like yesterday
[21:56:57] sphery: dekarl: thanks for chiming in on the grabber... the 5 days at once didn't seem like a good default to me if they have 18 available, so thanks for confirming xmltv recommendations
[21:57:24] sphery: wagnerrp: sorry, saw your list reply before the question in here :)
[22:00:42] brfransen: devinheitmueller: when it is probing mythtv-setup kicks out: FE_GET_INFO ioctl failed (/dev/dvb/adapter-950Q/frontend0) No such device
[22:06:01] EvilGuru: How does mythtv decide when to run mythfilldatabase?
[22:06:16] EvilGuru: It runs daily but at seemingly random times
[22:06:28] sphery: EvilGuru: Schedules Direct?
[22:06:37] sphery: if so, SD/TMS tells it when to run next
[22:06:41] EvilGuru: sphery: XMLTV, UKRT
[22:07:28] sphery: then, ttbomk, if mythbackend is running it for you, it's based on your mfdb period (start/end times) plus some randomization to make sure not everyone runs it as the same moment
[22:08:21] sphery: er, period (how often to run it) and min/max hours
[22:08:34] sphery: (the 2nd allowing specifying a window in which to allow it to run)
[22:21:33] Number6 (Number6! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:22:04] Number6: Hey. I'm getting an error saying that my schema is 1264 version behind.
[22:22:44] Number6: Ubuntu 11.04, back and frontend are version 0.24
[22:23:57] Number6: The errors from running mythtv-setup, as per the error, is
[22:23:57] Number6: Driver error was [2/130]:
[22:23:57] Number6: QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement
[22:23:57] Number6: Database error was:
[22:23:58] Number6: Incorrect file format 'keybindings
[22:24:23] devinheitmueller: brfransen: how the hell does it end up calling the device "/dev/dvb/adapter-950Q/frontend0". Did you name it that intentionally via a udev rule?
[22:24:39] brfransen: yes
[22:24:43] devinheitmueller: ah, ok.
[22:24:58] devinheitmueller: Yeah, not sure why FE_GET_INFO would return -ENODEV. Sounds very suspicious.
[22:25:06] brfransen: but it gives the same when pointed to the exact device
[22:25:23] devinheitmueller: Any errors in dmesg?
[22:25:38] devinheitmueller: If it were a kernel oops, that would likely cause the device node to fail on all calls.
[22:25:49] devinheitmueller: s/all calls/all ioctl calls/
[22:27:26] devinheitmueller: I need to run out. Sorry.
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[22:34:25] dinamic (dinamic! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:38:06] sphery: Number6: your MySQL data files are broken, so we're getting garbage data...
[22:38:49] sphery: Number6: you can try running , but from that particular error, I'm thinking you'll have to go all-out mysqlcheck (and check out mysql docs for all the things you'll need to do to fix it--I'm guessing there may even be loss of data)
[22:38:50] Number6: sphery: Can I drop everything and start again with a new DB?
[22:39:17] sphery: Number6: if you just upgraded MySQL server it may be that your packaging scripts didn't properly upgrade the mysql binary data files
[22:39:36] sphery: is this a new database--meaning nothing to lose--or does it have years of history?
[22:40:54] Number6: sphery: Well, what's stored in the DB? I don't use it for TV or recording tv shows – just movies and downloaded TV shows
[22:41:16] sphery: if all you're using is plugins, all that data is re-creatable
[22:41:26] sphery: so, yeah, you could just drop and re-create the database
[22:42:40] solars (solars! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[22:43:01] sphery: Number6: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mythconverg; CREATE DATABASE mythconverg;
[22:43:16] sphery: Number6: then start up mythtv-setup (to create the schema), then start up frontend to create plugin schemas
[22:43:26] sphery: then go, i.e. to video library and rescan, etc.
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[22:44:57] tlhiv_laptop (tlhiv_laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:45:40] sphery: (oh, and of course, set up settings for things like storage groups and your dummy tuner and such before)
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[22:54:34] awalls (awalls! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:29] Number6: sphery: looks like I need to define the folders again, is that right?
[23:03:20] wagnerrp: if you dropped the database and started fresh, there is nothing defined
[23:03:32] wagnerrp: so yes, you would have to redo everything from scratch
[23:04:28] Number6: Yay!
[23:04:32] Number6: :-)
[23:05:19] ** wagnerrp is getting very frustrated with this undefined reference issue **
[23:09:05] ** awalls doesn't understand wagnerrp's reference ;) **
[23:10:14] ** wagnerrp is referring to a compiler error he has been suffering with for the past three hours **
[23:10:21] Number6: Can mythbuntu pull in IMDB listings?
[23:10:31] wagnerrp: Number6: no
[23:13:04] Number6: wagnerrp: Pity, as I've a lot of movies in the DVD jukebox
[23:13:10] awalls: Stop the compilation after preprocessing (-E IIRC) and look at the file to see why the compiler gripes about that line.
[23:13:31] wagnerrp: Number6: why? IMDB has terrible artwork
[23:14:01] awalls: Usually something you thought was being included was not.
[23:14:04] wagnerrp: awalls: it actually compiles fine, its a linker error
[23:14:15] awalls: Oh.
[23:14:39] wagnerrp: i added a public method to one of the exposed classes in one of the libraries
[23:14:46] wagnerrp: and now the applications are failing to link against it
[23:15:31] wagnerrp: i uninstalled, i distcleaned, i cleared ccache
[23:15:41] wagnerrp: i did everything but wipe away the repo and start fresh
[23:15:51] awalls: hm
[23:15:59] awalls: git has a clean command
[23:16:04] wagnerrp: i know its something stupid i forgot to do
[23:16:15] wagnerrp: and i know i always do it
[23:16:34] wagnerrp: but i can never remember what it is, because i only have to do it maybe 2–3 times a year
[23:16:49] wagnerrp: although usually that shows up as a vtable mismatch
[23:17:36] awalls: git clean -f -d -x
[23:17:53] Number6: wagnerrp: It's be nice to get a synopsis of the movies
[23:18:10] wagnerrp: Number6: we can do that
[23:18:14] wagnerrp: we just dont use imdb
[23:18:33] Number6: Ahh, even better! I know it works for TV shows
[23:18:35] awalls: A link flag -lfoo to link libfoo is usually the stupid thing I forget
[23:19:20] wagnerrp: movies and television are separate
[23:19:24] wagnerrp:,
[23:22:32] awalls: man ld says: --trace-symbol=symbol ... useful when you have an undefined symbol in your link but don't know where the reference is coming from
[23:22:59] awalls: might be the opposite problem though
[23:24:18] wagnerrp: is it possible its not finding something the library itself is linked against?
[23:24:24] wagnerrp: that shouldnt matter, should it?
[23:24:52] awalls: If you have circular references between libraraies you need to use the -( and -) flags to ld
[23:25:25] awalls: To give it a list of archives to repeatedly look through
[23:25:48] wagnerrp: as far as i know, i didnt change anythig
[23:26:03] wagnerrp: the only external call i added is 'getenv()'
[23:26:18] wagnerrp: and that should be harmless enough
[23:27:35] wagnerrp: the library is linking against the proper object and moc object
[23:29:03] awalls: What is the undefined symbol name?
[23:29:31] wagnerrp: MythSystemPrivate::ParseShell(QString, QString&, QStringList&)
[23:30:30] wagnerrp: its almost as if its picking up the virtual function from MythSystemPrivate
[23:30:50] wagnerrp: and missing the overridden version with proper definition in MythSystemUnix derived class
[23:30:50] awalls: does `nm --demangle libwhatever.a` show that symbol with a T or t (for program text)?
[23:31:33] wagnerrp: dont have .as, will a .so work?
[23:31:39] awalls: yeah
[23:32:14] awalls: This is a purely virtual with no actual instances of MythSystemPrivate object?
[23:33:25] ** awalls can't remember if pure vituals require some sort of trivial body. I don't think so. **
[23:34:19] wagnerrp: oh why wont you let me copy-paste....
[23:34:36] wagnerrp: 00000000001a2980 T MythSystemUnix::ParseShell(QString, QString&, QStringList&)
[23:34:36] wagnerrp: U MythSystemPrivate::ParseShell(QString, QString&, QStringList&)
[23:35:10] awalls: Well, there is your undefined symbol.  :)
[23:35:20] wagnerrp: ?
[23:35:38] awalls: What library file was it in
[23:36:07] wagnerrp:, right where i added it
[23:36:36] wagnerrp: right along side several other pure virtual functions that otherwise work just fine
[23:37:13] awalls: Does nm show those other pure virtuals as 'U'?
[23:37:28] wagnerrp: oh, no they arent
[23:37:32] wagnerrp: theyre defined to 0
[23:37:39] awalls: Are they private ?
[23:37:42] wagnerrp: please say its not that....
[23:37:44] wagnerrp: no, public
[23:38:16] ** awalls can't remeber what O means. **
[23:38:57] Twiggy2cents: What is the difference of a firmware file and drivers? In regards to peripherals?
[23:39:21] sphery: wagnerrp: exposed class as in MPUBLIC?
[23:39:23] Twiggy2cents: If I have to have a firmware file for my tuner to work, what does the driver do?
[23:39:31] wagnerrp: drive runs on the CPU, firmware runs on the hardware itself
[23:39:47] wagnerrp: MBASE_PUBLIC, yes
[23:40:02] wagnerrp: although its not supposed to be used outside of libmythbase, so it really doesnt need to be
[23:40:02] Twiggy2cents: But I mean the fact that my tuners require a firmware file. What is its purpose?
[23:40:29] wagnerrp: the firmware is the "operating system" that runs the tuner card
[23:40:45] sphery: so that the vendor can change its functionality without redesigning the hardware
[23:40:47] wagnerrp: its not some dumb transistor network on that thing
[23:40:59] sphery: (and without making you buy a brand new tuner card :)
[23:41:05] wagnerrp: its a halfway decent micro-controller in its own right
[23:41:16] wagnerrp: likely more powerful than some full fledged computers you have owned
[23:41:39] Twiggy2cents: Yeah I understand that the firmware is on the device, but I mean what is referenced in this page
[23:41:50] wagnerrp: firmware interfaces directly with the hardware
[23:41:57] wagnerrp: drivers interface with the firmware
[23:42:30] Twiggy2cents: What does the actual firmware file do? It seems a bit redundant for the computer to have both a driver and a firmware file. I may not be understanding it correctly or something.
[23:42:54] wagnerrp: the firmware gets loaded into the microcontroller, using some interface built into the microcontroller
[23:43:09] wagnerrp: and it runs all the host-independent operations on the tuner card
[23:43:32] wagnerrp: son of a bitch!
[23:43:37] wagnerrp: that was it!
[23:43:40] sphery: which?
[23:43:49] Twiggy2cents: Ohh so is it volatile memory on the tuner then?
[23:44:02] sphery: yes, loaded to
[23:44:11] Twiggy2cents: Gotcha
[23:44:17] Twiggy2cents: That makes sense then.
[23:44:29] wagnerrp: "MythSystemUnix::ParseShell(QString, QString&, QStringList&);" --> "MythSystemUnix::ParseShell(QString, QString&, QStringList&) = 0;"
[23:44:44] wagnerrp: three hours for four characters
[23:45:03] sphery: oh, the lack of the = 0;
[23:45:12] Twiggy2cents: So I also have a hauppauge usb stick and hadnt put the required fw file in the directory. Yet it was still working. Any idea why?
[23:45:14] Beirdo: ooooh, what a petulant little user.
[23:45:35] Beirdo: that's a pure virtual?
[23:46:19] wagnerrp: erm... MythSystemPrivate, not Unix
[23:46:54] Beirdo: yeah, should be a pure virtual there, then defined in the Unix and Windows ones
[23:48:11] wagnerrp: why does this guy keep going on and on about this?
[23:48:22] wagnerrp: and seriously, who puts pipes and other special characters in their filenames?
[23:48:42] wagnerrp: surely no cameras do that on their own
[23:49:11] wagnerrp: maybe some commits referencing the tickets will shut him up
[23:51:12] sphery: wagnerrp: 10680 isn't a dup of one someone else had a few days back?
[23:51:25] sphery: (talking about names not working...?)
[23:51:31] wagnerrp: yes, #10676
[23:51:31] ** MythLogBot **
[23:51:42] wagnerrp: i closed it, so he opened another
[23:51:55] sphery: ahh
[23:52:10] wagnerrp: so i commandeered it for a developer ticket to implement the plans i had outlined in the previous one when i closed it
[23:52:10] sphery: thought it sounded familiar
[23:52:35] wagnerrp: plans ive had on my todo list since rewriting the thing in the first place a year and a half ago
[23:52:46] sphery: well, now it's high priority
[23:52:55] sphery: (to someone, at least :)
[23:55:49] sphery: hehe, now that I've read the ticket thread, a certain comment from 10 minutes ago makes a lot more sense
[23:56:54] wagnerrp: hes a petulant little user because i keep telling him he doesnt understand the root of the problem (calling out through Bourne, rather than directly)
[23:57:09] wagnerrp: and as such his patch is merely fixing a symptom, rather than the problem
[23:58:35] wagnerrp: i could have just outright locked or closed the ticket with no explination
[23:58:47] wagnerrp: but no, i tried to explain where he was wrong, and what the proper course of action was
[23:58:52] wagnerrp: look where it gets me

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