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Wednesday, April 11th, 2012, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:50] jamminmon (jamminmon! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:46] jamminmon: just upgraded my mac mini frontend to 0.25. every playback profile results in the "playback starting" screen for video [sound works fine]
[00:15:47] jamminmon:
[00:16:08] jamminmon: even slim/normal
[00:16:37] jamminmon: any leads on how to troubleshoot this further?
[00:19:48] trapicki: sphery: after some fiddling I got 0.25 compiled. Watching the logs of mythbackend I notice that changing the Channel Number seems to have side effects; the recording rules seem to refer to this number... Is it Ok to post two lines of log?
[00:23:05] sphery: trapicki: recording rules don't use channel number, they use callsign (and only "this channel" rules use callsign--which is never a problem if you just use "any channel" rules, instead)
[00:23:12] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:28] sphery: trapicki: now if you change the channel ID (which is /not/ user-editable), you'll break recording rules (and other stuff)
[00:24:34] sphery: trapicki: the only use for channel number is as a display element (to let you know which channel something was on or which you're looking at in the guide) or to allow you to specify which channel to change to in Live TV by simply entering a number on the remote
[00:25:03] trapicki: Ok, misinterpreted this. I get: DTVChan(/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0): SetChannelByString(10101): Unable to find channel in database.
[00:26:11] trapicki: Should I be worried? More complete:
[00:26:13] trapicki: 2012-04–11 02:16:11.634330 E GetChannelData() failed because it could not
[00:26:15] trapicki: find channel number '10101' in DB for source '1'.
[00:26:18] trapicki: 2012-04–11 02:16:11.634345 E DTVChan(/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0): SetChannelByString(10101): Unable to find channel in database.
[00:26:22] sphery: jamminmon: OS X mac mini or GNU/Linux?
[00:27:03] sphery: trapicki: that was for live tv or recording?
[00:27:27] sphery: and you did restart mythbackend after changing channel data, right?
[00:28:08] trapicki: sphery: Just (re)started the backend for the first time after upgrade to 0.25. Not sure if I restarted the backend after the channel edits.
[00:28:19] sphery: see how it goes, now
[00:28:42] trapicki: I'll have a try on mythtv-setup and the frontend....
[00:28:51] sphery: I forgot to mention the restart earlier (since mythtv-setup warns--even though I had mentioned using MythWeb's editor :)
[00:31:09] sphery: trapicki: that looks like mac os x, so I'll say you need the "Paint engine" set to OpenGL in mythfrontend and I have no idea what playback profile would work best, but it's most likely one of the mac os x specific ones that were just added VDA or something?
[00:31:40] sphery: (Paint engine is under Appearance in frontend settings)
[00:32:04] jya: sphery: I just replied that :)
[00:32:13] jya: that's the bug I lodged a couple of days ago
[00:32:45] trapicki: sphery: I'm running Debian.
[00:32:57] sphery: trapicki: oops, that was for jamminmon
[00:33:10] sphery: jamminmon: see above about mac os x (about 6 lines ago)
[00:33:36] jamminmon: cool, let me try. thanks
[00:33:43] cocoa117 (cocoa117!~cocoa117@ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[00:33:46] jya: jamminmon: if you are Sean Whitney in the mythtv user mailing list, I've replied to your problem
[00:33:53] jamminmon: i am not :(
[00:33:54] jya: what mac mini are you using ?
[00:33:58] jamminmon: latest
[00:34:02] jamminmon: i7; ssd
[00:34:04] jya: ok
[00:34:05] sphery: looks like an ATI-based one
[00:34:06] jamminmon: ATI
[00:34:07] jamminmon: yeah
[00:34:14] jamminmon: i tried the VDA profies
[00:34:17] jamminmon: *profiles
[00:34:19] sphery: er, AMD... whatever they call it?
[00:34:20] jya: so as sphery mentioned, the issue is changing the painter from Qt to OpenGL
[00:34:31] jya: for your machine, choose the VDA Best playback profile
[00:34:58] jya: but what makes the difference with only seeing Please Wait, is Qt -> opengl in Setup -> Appearance
[00:35:17] jya: I'm pretty sure that this is something new. A few weeks ago everything was working fine
[00:35:27] jya: so I don't know if it's a theme or something else issue
[00:35:35] jamminmon: that did the trick!
[00:35:43] jya: I'm rebuilding a frontend against Qt 4.8.1, maybe it will work better
[00:35:43] frankaa112 (frankaa112! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:35:45] sphery: jya: yeah, not sure what to do about that... would be nice if we didn't need platform or driver-specific exclusions
[00:36:02] jya: sphery: by the looks of things, it seems to be utopia
[00:36:02] sphery: I seriously hate the fact that nothing will work for everyone
[00:36:10] jya: at least, the good thing about the mac platform
[00:36:19] jya: is that no matter the hardware, the drivers behave the same
[00:36:40] jya: I would make the default for mac being "Auto"
[00:37:02] jya: there are plenty of specific mac / linux / windows code elsewhere
[00:37:07] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:37:19] jamminmon: on a somewhat related note, i tried installing mythbackend on a powerful imac, but it complained about Qsqldatabase not having any available drivers
[00:37:28] sphery: we'd have to do an ugly ifdef type thing (since the setting is init'ed in settings widget code)
[00:37:45] jamminmon: related in the sense that i heard it had to do with QT [could be wrong]
[00:38:00] jya: jamminmon: where are you getting your frontend from ?
[00:38:05] sphery: such that Auto is first for mac os x clients and Qt is first for GNU/Linux (and maybe windows?)
[00:38:35] jamminmon: i have a mythbuntu master backend and frontend for my main TV. running the mac mini frontend in my bedroom. all is well with those two systems
[00:38:43] sphery: jya: or do you have a prettier way of doing different defaults depending on client?
[00:38:46] jamminmon: i am trying to add an additional slave backend
[00:39:02] jya: sphery: I usually use #if blah …
[00:39:10] jya: like in the audio settings, to select the default audio device
[00:39:42] sphery: yeah... too bad we can't just change the default we specify in GetSetting() (since it's actually written to the DB on frontend startup, so we never actually use the DB value on a proper DB)
[00:40:03] sphery: er, never actually use the default value in the call when using a proper DB
[00:40:23] sphery: seems I'm getting tired when I'm saying exactly opposite what I'm trying to say
[00:40:25] jya: sphery: I was talking about this with Beirdo earlier…. Storing frontend settings on the backend or remote mysql makes no sense to me.. It should all be stored locally
[00:40:56] sphery: the main benefit or storing on the network is that it's available anywhere without carrying around config files
[00:41:08] Cougar (Cougar! has quit (Excess Flood)
[00:41:11] sphery: and only one place to back up configuration (with db backups)
[00:41:30] Cougar (Cougar! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:37] sphery: I do have a plan to change how we do settings such that we read them all in at once and then just use in-memory lookup from a hash table
[00:41:55] sphery: but I like that they're written to the DB for persistent storage
[00:41:57] jya: personally, I would like to use a local sqlite for the frontend settings, but for some reason, sqlite is frowned upon (no idea why, properly use, it's a fantastic tool)
[00:42:25] jya: sphery: they don't have to be stored remotely for being persistent
[00:42:32] ikevin- (ikevin-!~kevin@2a01:240:fe76:1::1) has quit (Quit:
[00:42:34] sphery: right
[00:42:35] jamminmon: here is the log from the attempted slave backend:
[00:42:36] ikevin (ikevin!~kevin@2a01:240:fe76:1::1) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:40] jamminmon: note the line about no available drivers
[00:42:44] jya: and as the settings are unique for a particular frontend,
[00:42:52] sphery: but stored remotely in centralized storage location along with all other configuration just means a single place to back up
[00:43:15] sphery: but really, there's no reason to use a database for settings
[00:43:23] jya: jamminmon: you haven't answered my question about where you're getting them from
[00:43:27] sphery: it's just a "lookup table"--can do it with a simple hash table/map
[00:43:53] sphery: at which point if they were stored on individual frontends, it could be a plain text file (name=value type approach or even xml or whatever)
[00:44:04] sphery: (at least once we move to the "read them all at once" approach)
[00:44:12] sphery: but note, also that global settings need to be read from the DB
[00:44:14] jcarlos (jcarlos! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[00:44:40] sphery: so, IMHO, it just makes sense to keep host-specific settings in there, too (but I do think changing how we access them makes sense)
[00:44:57] jya: does anyone know how to read a disk UUID from grub prompt? upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 screwed up my grub setting
[00:45:45] sphery: in theory, you don't need it--you can boot without UUID (without the search) if you know disk/partition number
[00:45:48] jya: sphery: just that having something local, is one less thing we have to worry about… just like I believe no individual frontend/client should access mysql directly
[00:46:30] sphery: (though not sure if that's the case with UEFI or whatever it's called)
[00:47:08] sphery: jya: yeah, removing need (and ability :) of any client to talk to the database directly is something I really want to do
[00:47:23] jya: sphery: well, I did the usual set root=blah , linux /boot/... inird /boot/blah
[00:47:53] sphery: and removed any UUID stuff? and it didn't work?
[00:47:56] jya: and when I boot I get on a busybox prompt, and I can tell that / hasn't been mounted
[00:48:06] jcarlos (jcarlos! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:13] jya: sphery: I ddn't set any uuid stuff
[00:48:36] jya: then I looked at the grub config on my other servers, and saw that they specify what the / device is from the uuid
[00:48:37] jamminmon: jya: what do you mean by where im getting them from? sourceforge?
[00:49:12] jamminmon: jya:
[00:50:00] sphery: jya: yeah, you can use either, but could have problems with mixes if you have an old UUID in there or something
[00:50:26] jya: jamminmon: precisely that… you'll need to refer it to the mythtvformacosx folks and tell them that they aren't installing the sql plugin properly in the mythbackend bundle
[00:50:26] sphery: jya: check your search lines and your linux line (sometimes root=UUID=<uuid value> is specified there)
[00:50:48] jya: sphery: that would be nice if I knew how to access my disk !
[00:51:00] jya: right now I'm stuck on a black screen with grub shell
[00:51:10] jamminmon: got it. i may compile from scratch on my own in the meantime :-D
[00:51:17] jamminmon: thanks for the help!
[00:51:34] jya: jamminmon: if you use the new bundler, it's much easier to build something yourself
[00:51:50] jya: or you wait until I've finished build 0.25… I know my build works
[00:51:56] jamminmon: need to find a howto on using that
[00:52:01] cocoa117 (cocoa117! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:03] jamminmon: that would be nice
[00:52:22] jya:
[00:52:34] jya: run -man
[00:52:42] jya: it tells you what to do
[00:52:49] kinsel8 (kinsel8! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[00:53:05] jya: or again.. you just wait :) I'm compiling Qt 4.8.1, which will go for another 45 minutes
[00:53:18] jya: then the time to upload: 12 minutes
[00:53:47] sphery: jya: hum... I don't see anything about getting UUID info from inside grub shell
[00:54:03] jya: sphery: yeah… got to the same point earlier
[00:54:14] kinsel8 (kinsel8! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:16] sphery: you'd think they'd have something
[00:54:21] jya: maybe if I boot and I'm on the busybox prompt, I can manually mount the disk
[00:56:09] jya: hum… it doesn't let me mount any of my partitions
[00:56:28] jya: error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features
[00:58:03] jya: weird… it has mounted my /boot partition as ext4.. I'm 100% certain that all my partitions are ext3
[00:59:10] sphery: jya: seems you can do: probe (hd0,1)
[00:59:16] sphery: er, probe -u (hd0,1)
[00:59:19] sphery: to get UUID
[00:59:40] sphery: or change device specifier as appropriate
[01:00:18] jya: hum, hd0,1 : filesystem type ext2
[01:00:28] jya: hd0,5: unkown file system
[01:00:39] jya: right.. need to find a liveCD, wasted enough time on this
[01:00:51] sphery: yeah, likely easiest
[01:01:10] sphery: I have a flash drive I keep a bunch of different live cds on, anymore
[01:01:39] sphery: will get to replace the 11.10 ISO with the 12.04 ISO soon  :)
[01:01:42] jya: yeah, I have a RecoveryCD at hand
[01:01:54] jya: I was trying to stick to using what I had locally
[01:02:01] jya: should have done a VM snapshot
[01:02:26] sphery: yeah, these are always the things we think of after the fact :)
[01:02:48] sphery: no matter how well I plan upgrades and major updates, I always forget something
[01:02:53] jya: at least that would have helped the ubuntu folks fix the bug, if it's one
[01:03:00] sphery: (which, I suppose, is why I'm not a sysadmin :)
[01:03:48] sphery: yeah, kind of like how users had a thread about how 0.24->0.25 DB upgrades fail due to already existing stuff but no one could provide logs showing the problem
[01:04:37] sphery: (I'm 99.99999% positive that it was users attempting to upgrade partially-upgraded-and-failed DB schemas--meaning that the last run created the "already-existing stuff" that caused the failure
[01:04:57] sphery: but if there is a bug, I'd love to get a log so I can actually fix it)
[01:05:57] sphery: my once-a-week-at-least DB upgrades from 0.21 (now 0.22) haven't shown any problems, though
[01:06:31] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:20] Vovick (Vovick! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:49] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:10:11] Vovick: Hello – I'm unable to download the 0.25 plugins tarball
[01:11:01] sphery: Vovick: yeah, there was some problem with the sync that prevented it from getting to the right place... it should be up ther etomorrow
[01:11:27] Vovick: sphery: Excellent and thanks guys for the great work
[01:11:28] sphery: Vovick: however, a better choice would be to use 0.25-fixes instead of using the release tarball so you can pick up bug fixes with a simple git pull, later on
[01:12:41] Vovick: I glanced here and thought 25-fixes wasn't available quite yet –
[01:13:17] sphery: Vovick: yeah, it's available (and actually has one fix that's not in 0.25 release :)
[01:13:37] sphery: Vovick: has info for getting it (under the "Stable" part)
[01:13:52] Vovick: sphery: fantastic, thanks again
[01:13:57] sphery: enjoy
[01:18:52] mycosys1 (mycosys1! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[01:19:36] emmanuelux (emmanuelux!~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:30:42] trapicki (trapicki! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:31:50] russell5 (russell5! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:47:47] jya: sphery: just added the search --set [UUID] and linux root=UUID
[01:47:51] jya: and it all booted properly
[01:48:45] sphery: nice, glad you got it working
[01:49:43] jya: well, that's one boot
[01:49:50] jya: need to find how to solve it forever
[01:51:31] sphery: yeah, with grub 2 doing the "use scripts to create the /boot/grub/grub.cfg" thing, it's probably a pain when the distro scripts don't get it right
[01:52:39] sphery: if the scripts do the right thing (they might succeed now that you're booted into the new OS), grub-mkconfig should work for you
[01:53:00] sphery: can always generate one to a temp location to see: grub-mkconfig --output=/tmp/grub.cfg
[01:56:33] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:56:50] Vovick (Vovick! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[01:57:51] SmallR2002: hmmm
[01:59:30] SmallR2002: so, i feel that i need a card that allows multiple tuners within the same card
[02:12:40] SmallR2002: when scanning channels in the us on comcast basic cable i want to get the atsc channels, right?
[02:13:23] wagnerrp: you want to scan QAM256
[02:13:32] wagnerrp: you should expect to get the local broadcast (ATSC) channels
[02:13:50] wagnerrp: everything else will be encrypted
[02:14:26] SmallR2002: right
[02:14:32] SmallR2002: that makes sense to me
[02:14:39] SmallR2002: so, that got me 44 channels
[02:14:50] SmallR2002: now i'm being offered 9 scte channels
[02:15:11] SmallR2002: now, i thought that was the technology used to broadcast data to cable boxes
[02:17:54] bcgrown (bcgrown!~dave@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:25] SmallR2002: now, do i want to add these? i ran scte65scan earlier and got nothing from it so i'm a little lost
[02:19:35] bcgrown: hello all. does anyone know what to put in an lircrc file to make a single keypress do multiple things?
[02:20:34] bcgrown: putting a second config= will make it alternate between the commands, which is not what i want. i want it to do two things, every time
[02:23:09] SmallR2002: wagnerrp, do i add those or skip?
[02:25:25] Fuzion (Fuzion! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:50] Fuzion: I have a separate frontend from backend. Do I need to share my storage directories to my frontends?
[02:27:15] bcgrown: Fuzion: no, the backend handles that.
[02:27:43] Fuzion: bcgrown, That's what I figured. My picture is very distorted though and Im not receiving any audio.
[02:28:29] bcgrown: Fuzion: Does it work properly if you play the same file from your frontend's local drive?
[02:28:36] wagnerrp: add them, see if theyre anything of worth
[02:28:39] wagnerrp: if not, delete them
[02:29:03] wagnerrp: Fuzion: any recordings or video content will get streamed to your frontends by the backend
[02:29:17] SmallR2002: same for the mpeg channels?
[02:29:32] wagnerrp: any photos or music must be mounted using some network file system
[02:29:50] Fuzion: wagnerrp, Thats what I figured. bcgrown yes it does
[02:29:54] wagnerrp: SmallR2002: yeah, im not sure what those things are, probably nothing of value, but its worth checking out
[02:30:16] bcgrown: happy day-before-NHL-playoffs-day everybody!
[02:30:33] bcgrown: playoff eve, if you will
[02:30:41] Fuzion: "Unable to open audio mixer. Volume control disable" thats one problem I can fix. Now to get the video inline.
[02:32:28] Fuzion: Which side would I need to install the video/audio codecs on, just the frontends right/
[02:33:52] wagnerrp: install codecs?
[02:34:11] Fuzion: Like AC3 libraries, etc.
[02:34:23] Fuzion: Or am I mistaken/
[02:34:27] helppython: I've been having some trouble using the NFS recordings share and transcoding recordings in place with a remote frontend
[02:34:39] wagnerrp: all that stuff gets compiled directly into mythtv
[02:34:58] helppython: It seems that with mythbuntu 0.24.2 mythjobqueue depends on having mythbackend installed
[02:35:03] sphery: the unable to open audio mixer is because you need to change the "Mixer device" setting... if you're using ALSA, use ALSA:default... also check the "Mixer controls" setting (and choose either Master or Default, as appropriate for your system--recognizing that some sound cards have no "Default" mixer control)
[02:35:12] sphery: Fuzion: ^^^
[02:35:27] helppython: Having mythbackend installed means a local backend is being used on my remote frontend
[02:35:52] sphery: I'm not sure what Mixer device should be for Pulse or JACK or others, but it may give you options
[02:36:12] wagnerrp: helppython: why is that?
[02:36:17] helppython: Having a local backend means the database part of the transcode script is screwed up, from the logs, the script run on the remote frontend logs into the local database instead of to the mythbackend master database
[02:36:21] helppython: Dunno wagnerrp
[02:36:35] wagnerrp: having mythbackend installed just means you have mythbackend installed
[02:36:38] sphery: helppython: you'll want to change the start script (or upstart whatever) to just start mythjobqueue instead of mythbackend
[02:36:44] wagnerrp: nothing says you actually have to _run_ that executable
[02:36:55] helppython: ah ok, too much automatic stuff
[02:37:08] wagnerrp: you should only be running one single mythtv database
[02:37:23] helppython: I thought thats what I had
[02:38:12] helppython: Ok, I'm going to shutdown the localbackend and retry
[02:38:48] SmallR2002: wagnerrp: i wish there was a way to test and revert with these lists
[02:39:20] wagnerrp: revert?
[02:39:25] wagnerrp: oh, channel scanning
[02:40:23] SmallR2002: yeah
[02:41:33] helppython: wowzers, so far its working
[02:41:39] oobe (oobe!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:41:53] skd5aner: yay – was able to produce a segfault (twice) :)
[02:42:05] `oobe` (`oobe`!~thingo@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:25] skd5aner: oh – and the metadata stuff acts really funky sometimes
[02:42:27] helppython: I ran mythtv-setup which interrupts the localbackend, then exited and did not restart the local backend, then ran mythjobqueue from a terminal on the remote machine, so far its working
[02:42:39] helppython: thanks all
[02:42:45] skd5aner: and – lirc doesn't work for any of the sources it claims to, at least not for me
[02:42:53] skd5aner: ... in mythnetvision
[02:42:58] wagnerrp: no, you ran a wrapper script around mythtv-setup, which interrupts the local backend
[02:43:16] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup itself will ask you before terminating
[02:43:35] helppython: someday I will learn how this stuff all works...
[02:43:49] helppython: is there a doxygen for mythtv?
[02:43:52] skd5aner: yes
[02:44:03] wagnerrp: one of the many things mythbuntu does for you automatically, but can cause strange quirks in certain situations
[02:44:46] bcgrown: sooo... does anyone know what to put in an lircrc file to make a single keypress do multiple things?
[02:45:06] Fuzion: Well this frontend worked perfectly with a localized backend. As soon as i moved the backend to another box its gone haywire.
[02:45:16] Fuzion: My video is solid green/purple chunks
[02:45:20] wagnerrp: you could fudge it with irexec running a macro that pumps keypresses to X, or through the frontend control socket
[02:45:27] Fuzion: Using vpdau gt210 on normal
[02:46:01] bcgrown: wagnerrp: basically i want to run a script and send a "Return" at the same time. is there a way to send the keypress from a script?
[02:46:32] wagnerrp: im sure there is an application to do so, i dont know what off hand
[02:46:55] bcgrown: hmm xdotool seems to be able to uh.. do that, and i'm already using that in my script
[02:47:58] Fuzion: theres a chunk of the log file.
[02:50:45] Fuzion: I get no audio, but audio test from the menu works.
[02:51:32] bcgrown (bcgrown!~dave@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:55:09] sphery: Fuzion: whatever problem caused audio decoding errors is probably specified long before that point in the logs
[02:55:29] Fuzion: sphery, there was a permissions denied getting PCM info for the device.
[02:56:00] Fuzion: makes no sense though if I can play audio fine through the audio menu
[02:58:02] Fuzion: Im led to believe this has to be an issue with the backend as the frontend worked flawlessly with the backend being local
[02:58:11] sphery: Fuzion: you likely need to go back into mythfrontend general settings, scan for audio devices, select one (at random, but one that you know is wrong), then next, next, ... finish, then go back in, scan for devices, then select the right one (this way, you make sure you're choosing one that was found in the scan and not one that was typed in incorrectly)
[02:58:17] sphery: check audio device and mixer device both
[03:01:36] Fuzion: sphery, Yeah Ive gone through it several times, scanned and made sure. Check other users that are using the gt210. But this frontend worked flawlessly before the migration from combined front/back ends
[03:04:01] Fuzion: Checked*
[03:16:12] Fuzion: Do you think the problem is definitely localized to my frontend — or is there a chance its on the backend?
[03:18:20] jya: sphery: for pulseaudio, the choice is still between PCM and Master. Master control the volume of the whole pulse config, and PCM controls for the application only
[03:18:47] jya: BTW, display in 12.04 is all screwed up , the menu and side icon bar is still visible
[03:19:11] jya: the value for the mixer device is irrelevant for pulseaudio
[03:19:17] kinsel8 (kinsel8! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[03:19:17] helppython: still having a problem with the remote transcoding: OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/2131_20120208120000.mpg' yet the file is -rwxrwxrwx
[03:19:35] kinsel8 (kinsel8! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:48] Fuzion: mmm vpdau is all blocks of color, opengl displays a distorted image
[03:22:02] Fuzion: I wonder if this is a bad cable?
[03:22:11] sphery: Fuzion: if you're unable to play back pre-recorded (known good video), it's a frontend problem
[03:22:39] sphery: if pre-recorded good video plays back ok and live tv fails, it may well be a backend problem
[03:23:38] Fuzion: I feel like my backend is streaming me crap.
[03:24:02] Fuzion: I'd have to test it
[03:27:27] helppython: weird
[03:27:52] helppython: The error I'm getting in permissions seems to come from the script deleting then recreating the .png file
[03:28:02] helppython: the new file has -rw-rw-rw though
[03:28:14] helppython: but I still get that readonly file system error
[03:28:24] sphery: Fuzion: might also want to verify your video driver installation... like force a re-install of the nvidia proprietary driver
[03:28:53] Fuzion: sphery, Yeah I thought of that. But this worked perfectly with a combined setup
[03:29:05] sphery: Fuzion: and make sure you have a very current version (like 295.x)
[03:32:03] Fuzion: sphery, so I looked at thevideo files myth created and theres definitely some problems
[03:32:08] Fuzion: This may as well be with the backend.
[03:32:25] Fuzion: The files are distorted – just as they were on the frontend.
[03:33:08] bubba (bubba!d808aa92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[03:33:09] sphery: try playing them in a known-working media player (mplayer, xine, vlc, ...) and if they're bad, it's definitely a recorder/backend problem
[03:33:15] sphery: so check backend logs
[03:33:34] bubba is now known as Guest84136
[03:35:56] Guest84136: does anyone know where transcoded files get stored after you hit "begin transcoding" ?
[03:36:11] wagnerrp: the same place the file was before
[03:37:00] Guest84136: sooo transcoding doesn't convert it to avi xvid or anything?
[03:37:26] wagnerrp: mpeg4 asp, in a nuv, if you tell it to
[03:37:36] wagnerrp: its either that, or lossless mpeg2->mpeg2
[03:37:47] wagnerrp: direct stream copy, but clips out the commercials
[03:37:52] Guest84136: I see all the mpg files in /var/lib/mythtv/recordings so all the files will show up there?
[03:38:14] wagnerrp: it will replace the existing file and delete the original
[03:38:56] Guest84136: I want to transcode a tv episode to an xvid api. where do I configure that in the menus?
[03:39:07] Guest84136: oops I mean xvid avi file
[03:39:26] wagnerrp: no one actually wants to transcode into an avi
[03:39:31] Guest84136: I do
[03:39:37] wagnerrp: no you dont
[03:39:42] wagnerrp: the AVI container format is garbage
[03:40:00] Guest84136: well mkv or whatever
[03:40:11] Guest84136: whatever the most popular pirating container is
[03:40:28] wagnerrp: what does that have anything to do with mythtv?
[03:41:10] Guest84136: Look all I want to do is take recorded episodes and archive them to a directory that I can play with mythvideo
[03:41:25] Guest84136: or vlc
[03:41:50] wagnerrp: so just use mythvidexport to make a copy with a human readable name, and insert it into mythvideo
[03:41:54] DarthFrog (DarthFrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:56] wagnerrp:
[03:42:27] Guest84136: ok sorry, I'd like to make it smaller also
[03:42:34] Guest84136: mpeg2 files are huge
[03:43:00] wagnerrp: following the encoding formats used by a group of people restricting themselves to the size of optical media is just foolish
[03:43:37] wagnerrp: define a cutlist, do a lossless mpeg2->mpeg2 transcode that cuts out the commercials and converts from a TS to a PS
[03:43:49] wagnerrp: and youre down to ~60% of the original file
[03:44:02] wagnerrp: 60–70
[03:44:06] sphery: now that just might have been the end of my TV bulb--or my TV
[03:44:32] wagnerrp: defining a cutlist might take ~3 minutes once you get used to the process
[03:44:43] wagnerrp: a lossless transcode will run nearly as fast as your disk can copy the file
[03:46:54] Guest84136: what the heck is a cutlist?
[03:47:38] DarthFrog: A cutlist marks the start and end of commercials.
[03:47:43] wagnerrp: you enter edit mode during playback of a recording
[03:47:54] wagnerrp: and you specify the regions that encompass a commercial
[03:48:14] Guest84136: I don
[03:48:20] Fuzion (Fuzion! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[03:48:30] Guest84136: oops, I don't want to cut anything out and don't care about commercials
[03:49:06] Guest84136: I just want to transcode bubba watsons shot for the masters
[03:49:31] Guest84136: stick it in an avi file and email it to someone
[03:50:02] wagnerrp: then use handbrake, open up the recording, and have it encode the specific clip you want
[03:50:10] helppython: you cant
[03:50:19] wagnerrp: since youre not going to want to transcode the entire 6hr broadcast of the masters
[03:50:21] helppython: you have to use a handbrakecli nightly
[03:50:26] Guest84136: it can't be done in mythtv then is what you're saying
[03:50:41] wagnerrp: you can, but its completely the improper tool for the job
[03:50:55] helppython: handbrake 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 have a bug, you have to use 0.9.4 or a 0.9.6 nightly build
[03:50:56] wagnerrp: handbrake or avidemux would be far easier
[03:51:04] Guest84136: omg what a pain in the ass
[03:51:56] wagnerrp: mythtv is a pain in the ass for not being designed to produce short video excerpts of recordings?
[03:52:17] wagnerrp: im sure that would be a very low use feature on a DVR
[03:52:22] Guest84136: yes – what the heck is the "begin transcoding" and "end transcodings" for then?
[03:52:39] wagnerrp: for transcoding the _entire_ recording
[03:53:38] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:53:57] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:54:40] Guest84136: why does it say 'begin' and 'end' then? It should just say "transcode recording"
[03:54:51] wagnerrp: it does
[03:54:59] DarthFrog: More flexible that way.
[03:55:00] wagnerrp: 'end' is if you want to prematurely terminate the task
[03:55:17] wagnerrp: and you only see it if there is an existing transcoding task in progress
[03:55:40] Guest84136: so you can only transcode from the beginning of a recording to whenever you press 'end'?
[03:56:41] wagnerrp: no, you transcode the _ENTIRE_ recording, minus whatever cuts you define in edit mode
[03:56:59] wagnerrp: then you press 'end', you abort the transcode process completely, and the temporary transcoded file is deleted
[03:57:25] Guest84136: so it's just bad wording then – it shoulds say ABORT transcoding
[03:58:04] Guest84136: begin and end implies that you can cut a beginning and ending piece
[03:58:13] Guest84136: thats why I was confused
[03:58:29] helppython: If you just wanted to transcode an excerpt from a recording, you would open the recording, then press "e" to edit it. Next, add cut points to the part that you DONT want to record, then exit and save the cutlist.
[03:59:00] helppython: Then do an mpeg2-mpeg2 lossless transcode that uses the -honorcutlist option
[03:59:15] helppython: the output file will only be the part of the recording that you didnt cut out
[03:59:16] wagnerrp: however, that replaces the recording with only that excerpt
[03:59:19] wagnerrp: which is not what you want
[03:59:29] Guest84136: that IS what I want
[03:59:50] Guest84136: I want to chop off the first 10 minutes and the last 40 minutes of the recording
[03:59:54] wagnerrp: you dont want to do anything to the original recording, except perhaps delete it
[04:00:47] wagnerrp: when you said you wanted "bubba watsons shot", i figured you wanted one specific shot
[04:00:56] wagnerrp: meaning a few tens of seconds of video
[04:02:11] Guest84136: ok, I see as a side effect though it nukes the original recording so you better make sure you get it right
[04:02:44] wagnerrp: yes, transcodes are done in place
[04:03:06] wagnerrp: there is an option to keep the original file on disk, but the new file is the one that gets access for subsequent playback
[04:03:50] Guest84136: what other types can you convert the mpeg2 file to?
[04:03:59] Guest84136: I mean in mythtv's menus
[04:04:45] wagnerrp: mythtranscode only currently supports lossless mpeg2, or mpeg4asp (like xvid) in nuppelvideo
[04:04:50] wagnerrp: you dont want to use nuppelvideo
[04:05:01] wagnerrp: and you likely dont want to use mpeg4asp, or divx, or xvid
[04:05:43] Guest84136: is nuppelvideo a container?
[04:05:49] wagnerrp: correct
[04:06:09] Guest84136: that's a weird one, why not mkv or something else?
[04:06:19] wagnerrp: one chosen ~10 years ago because avi sucks, and didnt provide the necessary features with respect to things like aspect ratio or framerate
[04:06:40] pimanac (pimanac! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:58] wagnerrp: before things like matroska or ogg or mp4 were around as alternatives
[04:06:59] kisak: and the funny part is that it only actively exists with mythtv now
[04:07:10] wagnerrp: its just stuck around for legacy reasons
[04:07:26] Guest84136: can mythtv be set up to use matroska or ogg?
[04:07:28] wagnerrp: it only gets used on old framegrabbers (which no active developers use)
[04:07:39] wagnerrp: and no one has wanted to spend the time to replace it
[04:08:00] wagnerrp: in 0.24 and previous, no
[04:08:04] wagnerrp: in 0.25, not really
[04:08:06] sphery: new guess ... color wheel is toast
[04:08:07] pimanac_ (pimanac_! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[04:08:40] helppython: Sphery, look at the power supply complaints for your model of TV
[04:09:10] helppython: If it is a Vizio TV there is a class action lawsuit against them in the US for deliberately using faulty components
[04:09:19] sphery: it's a samsung dlp
[04:09:29] helppython: color wheel is a good place to start then
[04:09:42] sphery: pretty sure--based on noise it made (and that it makes if I try to turn it on)--it's the color wheel
[04:09:47] sphery: which is good and bad
[04:10:18] sphery: I already knew the bulb was getting to the place of needing replacing and was trying to decide whether it's worth spending the money to replace it (or just replacing tv)
[04:10:25] helppython: Vizio was using 10VDC rated capacitors in a 12VDC power bus----what could possibly go wrong... what's 20% among friends?
[04:10:36] sphery: now that I know there are more parts that need replacing, it may well weight my decision
[04:10:43] sphery: hehe
[04:11:31] helppython: I am still having some file permission issues on my remote transcode script...
[04:12:08] helppython: The new files created do not inherit the write flag for the user that the script operates as
[04:12:34] helppython: I think I need to use an Acess Control List for /var/lib/mythtv/recordings then ?
[04:12:56] Guest84136: oh ok, I see now, transcoding is useless for me because my files are already in mpeg2 lossess because the hauppauge card saves them like that
[04:13:10] sphery: worst part is that my TV is too big for me to move so I can put a 16:9 monitor in its place
[04:13:21] wagnerrp: no, mpeg2 is by definition lossy
[04:13:30] wagnerrp: the transcode process itself is lossless
[04:13:38] helppython: I can't imagine my recordings of the food network need this high of security
[04:13:47] wagnerrp: since it copies the source video stream to the destination
[04:13:52] DarthFrog: Hmm, "ghb" is the handbrake executable. Somehow I don't find that inutitive.
[04:13:53] wagnerrp: and merely applies the cutlist
[04:14:07] wagnerrp: with some minor cleanup (and loss) around the cutpoints
[04:14:25] helppython: DarthFrog ghb? not handbrake-cli ?
[04:14:38] wagnerrp: GuiHandBrake
[04:14:42] helppython: ah
[04:15:01] wagnerrp: either that, or theyre going to drug and rape you
[04:15:23] kisak: either way it makes the night interesting
[04:15:27] helppython: I would think doing a sudo ghb would suddenly cause you to black out, then wake up in a bathtub full of ice, minus one kidney
[04:15:52] Guest84136: is handbrake a windows app?
[04:16:02] Guest84136: I just need a simple shell script
[04:16:56] jya: jamminmon: I have identified the issue with mythbackend and why the mysql drivers wasn't loaded… I've fixed it now..
[04:17:21] DarthFrog: helppython: ghb is the executable for handbrake-gtk.
[04:20:40] helppython: Guest84136, I have a script that uses your manually edited cutlist and cuts out the parts from the original recording
[04:20:56] Guest84136: ahhh, found it, to convert mpg to avi run this command: "ffmpeg -i myfile.mpg -sameq myfile.mkv"
[04:21:00] jya: sphery: mythbackend isn't able to create a database schema anymore ?
[04:21:12] Guest84136: oops, I meant to convert mpg to mkv not avi
[04:21:20] jya: I created a new mythconverg, ran mythbackend and I get
[04:21:21] Guest84136: although you could use avi too
[04:21:37] sphery: jya: no, it got broken--I think it was the last-second changes to settings retrieval
[04:22:30] sphery: specifically an assumption that's not valid when setting cache is disabled
[04:22:38] jya: and mythtv-setup crash… similar bug as the earlier mythfrontend (reload theme)
[04:23:41] jya: when it asked for the locale, it crashed right after than
[04:23:43] jya: that
[04:25:23] jya: mythtv-setup doesn't seem to perform the upgrade either
[04:27:04] sphery: what upgrade? I thought you were creating a new db
[04:27:19] sphery: if so, it's created at the current schema version
[04:28:26] pimanac_ (pimanac_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:26] jya: just that after running mythtv-setup
[04:28:29] pimanac (pimanac! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[04:28:39] jya: and starting mythbackend, it still complain about the schema
[04:29:04] pimanac (pimanac! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:29:30] sphery: what does your log say, now
[04:29:52] sphery: even after mythbackend was run once, the schema was created and in place
[04:30:26] sphery: the only real problem there is that now--instead of exiting with an error that you have no capture cards defined--we exit with an incorrect message about schema version
[04:31:01] sphery: so mythbackend created a 1299 schema, but there's no backend configuration, so it shuts itself down
[04:31:18] sphery: you can instead use mythtv-setup to create the schema (and that should work--does on my system) and then configure mythbackend
[04:31:24] sphery: and then mythbackend should run fine
[04:33:16] pimanac_ (pimanac_! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[04:34:47] helppython: Im so close to having this work properly.... doh
[04:35:54] kisak: hmm ... I'm seeing "Cutlist copied to Commercial Skip List" in my logs coming from mythutil --gencutlist, which I think should be commercial skip list -> cutlist
[04:40:08] kisak: looks like it's coming from line 147 of markuputils.cpp
[04:44:48] kisak: the command works as intended, the stdout message is backwards
[04:52:54] rmckee (rmckee!~rmckee@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:56:02] Guest84136: I just upgraded to mythtv 0.25 and the internal player and the colors are all wrong – anyone seen this before?
[04:57:54] wagnerrp: usually only ATI hardware
[04:58:28] jya: Using Normal profile, video playback, , the people are all blue
[04:58:50] jya: Guest54281: did you upgrade to 12.04 by any chance?
[04:58:57] jya: I just did, and now everything is blueish
[04:59:10] jya: that's on a VMWare image
[04:59:17] jya: can't use OpenGL there
[04:59:37] Guest84136: yes people are all blue – its a Radeon HD 5450 and ubuntu 11.10
[05:00:14] jya: usually this only happened with AMD Radeon drivers
[05:00:26] jya: never seen this under VMWare before
[05:02:07] kisak: jya: I've been seeing a bad colorspace with nvidia-drivers 295.33, it affects video content in the browsers, but not mythtv
[05:02:37] kisak: (consistant with that scenario)
[05:03:04] kisak: a red-blue inversion
[05:03:10] jya: jamminmon:
[05:05:42] Guest84136: hey I just fixed it – I had to change the playback setting to use "opengl high quality" instead of "normal"
[05:06:53] jya: except that I can't use OpenGL on my VM, it's too slow
[05:07:34] jya: Guest54281: with nvidia drivers?
[05:10:02] Guest84136: no mines ati
[05:10:37] Guest84136: looks like it _only_ works with opengl. anything that uses Xvideo doesn't work
[05:12:16] kisak: Guest84136: I had a 5450 in one of my frontends, I ended up swapping in an older nvidia 7600GT
[05:15:01] Guest84136 (Guest84136!d808aa92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[05:17:09] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[05:23:13] helppython: I'm totally lost here...
[05:23:27] helppython: I gave everyone write access to /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[05:23:39] helppython: yet I still get a read only filesystem error
[05:24:03] wagnerrp: did you mount the remote share read-only? or otherwise define the share as read-only?
[05:24:27] helppython: I'll check
[05:25:15] helppython: all the files within the mount are seen as -rw-rw-rw on the remote frontend
[05:25:30] helppython: I think that means the NFS share was mounted with read/write?
[05:25:37] helppython: for owner, group, others?
[05:25:45] wagnerrp: not necessarily
[05:26:01] wagnerrp: NFS permissions are completely independent of filesystem permissions
[05:26:02] helppython: ok, I'll check the fstab setting
[05:26:07] helppython: ah, I didnt realize that
[05:26:22] wagnerrp: /etc/fstab on the client, and /etc/exports on the server
[05:31:03] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:34:04] helppython: im gonna guess this setting in /etc/exports on the server is set for read only? /var/lib/mythtv/recordings *(ro,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
[05:34:16] helppython: the ro?
[05:37:03] wagnerrp: sounds like it
[05:38:54] `oobe`: 0.25 looks like it will be awesome
[05:39:06] `oobe`: I am looking forward to the upgrade
[05:40:40] Beirdo: "will be"? :)
[05:41:18] `oobe`: I mean I havent upgrade yet
[05:41:21] `oobe`: I have a lot on
[05:41:41] `oobe`: I been buying new tech and messing around with it so the 3d support will be much welcomed
[05:41:49] `oobe`: I got a new 3d tv
[05:42:03] `oobe`: new remote control to program
[05:42:07] wagnerrp: you have 3D broadcasts?
[05:42:10] helppython: I love migraines too
[05:42:10] `oobe`: lots of new wifi stuff
[05:42:25] helppython: it appears to be working now, thanks again wagnerrp
[05:42:29] `oobe`: no our broacasters dont air 3d content yet
[05:42:40] helppython: the /etc/exports was mountingthe nfs share as read only
[05:42:43] wagnerrp: well then you have no use for the new "3d support" in mythtv
[05:42:43] `oobe`: but I am getting lots of bd sbs rips
[05:42:50] `oobe`: oh ok
[05:42:55] `oobe`: fair enough
[05:43:21] wagnerrp: i thought all bluray content ran independent frames for both stereo views
[05:43:34] `oobe`: I played a sbs mkv 3d file on a new pvr I bought and my tv detected and player the SBS signal
[05:44:10] `oobe`: I dont want to get into trouble but I am talking about bd rips they are not legal so I wont go into detail
[05:44:30] helppython: wowzers, that must take an eternity to download
[05:44:55] wagnerrp: usually 45 minutes to an hour
[05:44:57] helppython: question though, if you are getting a compressed bluray, then why bother with bluray at all?
[05:45:07] wagnerrp: well, newer drives might run faster
[05:45:57] MMlosh (MMlosh!~MMlosh@2001:718:1e03:5168:4836:e92:de3:8531) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:46:15] `oobe`: mkv bd rips using sbs produce a a good comprimise in size and quality sizes of said rips are between 8GB-30GB in size either single or double files
[05:46:38] `oobe`: I am just learning about it all since I had no interest before I got a 3d tv
[05:46:43] helppython: I cannot believe this remote front end is actually working, ive been slowly modifying a script you wrote a long time ago and FINALLY, a remote frontend will auto cut commercials and transcode to a file playable on my phone
[05:47:19] wagnerrp: mkv rips usually save a good couple GB, simply from matroska being more space efficient than m2ts
[05:47:21] `oobe`: I bought a 3d bd player and 2 3d disks that were cheap but most titles are way to much to justify the expense like $50 or $60
[05:47:27] helppython: In the US most ISPs have bandwidth caps in place, they drop you to like 14.4kbps modem speed if you cross 250GB in one month
[05:47:29] wagnerrp: you get another boost if you filter out the extra languages
[05:47:54] wagnerrp: 10–15% reduction isnt unlikely
[05:47:54] `oobe`: helppython, it is like that here in aus too but I am on an unlimited plan
[05:48:25] wagnerrp: so maybe 25GB, rather than the 30GB original
[05:48:49] helppython: will mythtv ever get hd-dvd support?
[05:48:53] helppython: just askin haha
[05:49:01] wagnerrp: theres really no point to it
[05:49:20] wagnerrp: i mean theres all of maybe 75 movies for it, and a handful of tv series
[05:49:46] wagnerrp: you can concatenate the EVOBs into a single file, and it works just fine
[05:51:20] helppython: Does 0.25 include an upgraded mythweb?
[05:51:27] helppython: or was that for a later edition?
[05:51:39] wagnerrp: neither
[05:51:50] wagnerrp: it has been improved, but not significantly changed
[05:52:09] wagnerrp: there are musings of a replacement, but no progress towards one as of yet
[05:52:41] helppython: I was trying to imagine an easier way to make more themes for mythtv
[05:52:59] helppython: I thought that if there was a frontend that operated out of a browser that might be interesting
[05:55:25] helppython: well thanks again, good night
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[06:36:50] dekarl: anykey_, sphery: "PES start code not found in TS packet with PUSI set" is a hint from the H264 keyframe search, which might explain why you see it only on HD channels. (just guessing that swiss SD is MPEG-2 while HD is H.264)
[06:36:50] dekarl: Which channels is that happening on? I'm not seeing it on the three public HD channels over here. My guess is that its a TS packet that contains the end of one PES Packet before the start of another PES Packet (at least for SI Sections that is possible, I'm not sure about PES packets)
[06:36:50] dekarl: If I understand the new dvb parser issue over at mumudvb correctly we just need to look at the StartOfFieldPointer (which should not be null in these cases) to find the start of the packet.
[06:40:30] jya: it's a tad annoying that there are now no downloadable themes available :(
[06:40:54] jya: there were a dozen yesterday… only Wili and TintedGlass now
[06:43:00] dekarl: related issue is #3409. The multiple sections in one packet issue reportedly broke channel scanning over in mumudvb land, so my guess is that its more common in europe then in northern america and might be one of the causes for channel scanning issues
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[06:44:21] dekarl: diagrams how everything goes together =>;a=t . . . rams;hb=HEAD
[06:45:06] `oobe`: #666
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[06:49:36] dekarl: wrt PUSI and StartOfFieldPointer, I can whip up a patch for better debugging output tonight, similar to
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[06:59:29] ** sphery thinks some distro is shipping a seriously broken mythbackend start script **
[07:00:05] sphery: that's corrupting databases... And I hope the mythtv-setup start script isn't similarly broken, so users on that distro can at least use mythtv-setup to properly upgrade their databases.
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[07:03:55] ** dekarl thinks that the use case "has an older mythvideo schema due to not using it all the time" doesnt work at upgrade time as some dbcheck foo is missing ;) from the mail: Unrecognized video database schema version. Unable to upgrade database. **
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[07:09:56] jya: sphery: I would have just dropped the tables for mythvideo
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[07:14:03] sphery: jya: yes, that's exactly what I had him do, but any time a db upgrade fails, it's best to go back to the pre-upgrade schema so you know for sure that changes are applied properly
[07:14:44] sphery: dekarl: I couldn't create db upgrade for MythVideo that didn't exist
[07:14:53] sphery: dekarl: *seriously* ancient
[07:15:10] dekarl: sphery: why does the code warn about some old schema instead of simply dropping it? (we have a backup after all)
[07:15:14] sphery: feel free to go back and try to reconstruct it
[07:15:40] sphery: because that brokenness is something the user has to decide how to fix
[07:15:54] dekarl: just my €0.02 from a "least surprise" standpoint
[07:16:09] sphery: and, really, I seriously doubt there are many users who installed MythVideo in 0.13 (or before, probably) and then never installed MythVideo after
[07:16:25] dekarl: hmm, true
[07:16:55] sphery: but I do appreciate everyone's telling me that I should have done it all differently
[07:17:48] sphery: basically, it's no worse than refusing to upgrade a database for a user who tries to upgrade from 0.21 direct to 0.25
[07:17:51] dekarl: not trying to tell anyone anything. was just wondering if the solution is "if its that old, just drop it" then why is the code emitting a different suggestion
[07:18:21] sphery: the code is simply saying, "You have data in your database that I can't upgrade." and letting the user decide what to do
[07:18:42] dekarl: But I'd rather concentrate on that PUSI thing anyway (due to the relation to channel scanning issues)
[07:18:52] sphery: that way the user can /choose/ to delete it or export it/salvage it for their own personal app/whatever was using it
[07:19:17] sphery: yeah, that one is likely going to affect far more people
[07:19:38] dekarl: Ok, got your point. The real issue was "how did he end up with half an upgrade"
[07:20:35] sphery: dekarl: the user's MythVideo DB version was from Mar 2004
[07:21:00] dekarl: thats old. (have to run to get to work now, sorry)
[07:21:19] sphery: and they had never installed a version of MythVideo since back around then (don't even know which version that was because our tags don't go back that far)
[07:21:43] sphery: but, seriously, 8yrs old and for some reason quit installing mythvideo
[07:22:48] sphery: what worries me, though, is that the failures he reported after fixing the DB--and upgrade failures other users have reported--lead me to believe that Ubuntu is doing something /seriously/ stupid in their start script like killing mythbackend if it doesn't respond in some time limit and restarting it
[07:23:05] sphery: and doing so is corrupting database schemas/data /and/ making users tell me that our DB upgrade doesn't work
[07:26:56] sphery: tgm4883: Perhaps you'd know if that might be happening ^^^ (and in all fairness, I don't know for sure it's Ubuntu, but I'm just assuming at this point because so many use Ubuntu)
[07:28:03] sphery: tgm4883: this concern is based on and a couple users' reports in the thread at
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[07:28:14] sphery: ignore logbot links
[07:31:19] sphery: tgm4883: btw, it's specifically this part I'm asking about: . . . -11:07:28:14
[07:31:31] anykey_: dekarl: the problem was the CAM or the smartcard, it's all working now
[07:31:53] sphery: anykey_: were you the one who also said the T disappeared when tuning?
[07:31:59] sphery: if so, is it back, now?
[07:37:32] anykey_: sphery: no, not back
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[07:42:35] sphery: hehe, weird
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[08:55:57] slickrick: i'm trying to get mythtv to record from a certain input. when i schedule the recording in the frontend i get "record weekly – other showing" but i don't understand why.
[08:56:31] slickrick: the net effect is that it records from my US antenna rather than my Canadian antenna, and the channel is very weak. i want it to record off a certain channel and not select another.
[08:56:51] slickrick: from looking in the schedule in mythweb i see no other conflicts at the same time.
[08:58:39] Shadow__X: i know under mythweb you can configure the selected input to use
[08:58:55] Shadow__X: i know its under mythfrontend as well but i am not as familiar with it
[08:59:33] slickrick: funny, i just that and it worked under mythweb.
[08:59:49] slickrick: but i don't understand why it doesn't lwork like my other schedules.
[09:00:03] mycosys: 8.9 earthquake off aceh indonesia
[09:01:12] slickrick: my canadian stations are all less than 5 miles away. so i record from them when i can... the american ones are across lake ontario and are 45+ miles away.
[09:01:43] slickrick: i use the closet antenna for obvious reasons. for some reason for this one show when i say 'record on this channel' it wants to pick it up from the other antenna. i don't understand why.
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[09:08:11] ahhughes_: question, just looking to install shepard, step 1) "[MythTV users only] Install and configure MythTV first. In mythtv-setup -> 3. Video Sources -> (your video source) -> Listings grabber, select No grabber. Perform a channel scan: mythtv-setup -> 5. Channel Editor -> Channel Scanner." WHY?
[09:09:55] jya: ahhughes_: shepherd needs to know about which channels you have to determine what data to grab
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[09:10:11] jya: it will install itself as grabber during it's auto configuration
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[09:11:32] ahhughes_: jya, cool. Good answer, 100 points to jya :)
[09:12:06] jya: shepherd cater for the whole of Australia, including the various payTV option. So it needs to know which channels it needs to look for. The way mythtv works by default is assuming your grabber knows about all the channels you're going to find later. So the mythtv way of doing cards -> source -> grabber -> find channels, isn't appropriate for shepherd
[09:28:33] ahhughes_: I do get some myth channels that don't have shepard guide. Do I just set these to "no guide" or can these individual channels be set to use the EPG later? FRom what I could see the guide setting is per input not per channel.
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[09:31:13] ahhughes_: actually, I know that this particular chanel is a duplicate of another, can shepard handle duplicates, as in, can I assign one shepard channel to multiple myth channels?
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[09:42:22] ahhughes_: ok shepard is installed, mythfildatabase is now taking AGES to run, has not finished, like 5mins now, is that normal, never seen that before?
[09:43:28] Seeker`: sphery: you say some distro's start script must be broken; I get this in dmesg when using the mythbuntu start stuff (although I now use Unity rather than XFCE)
[09:43:31] Seeker`: [ 437.410627] init: mythtv-backend main process (3204) terminated with status 132
[09:43:34] Seeker`: [ 437.410646] init: mythtv-backend main process ended, respawning
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[09:47:38] ahhughes_: 9mins now...
[09:49:32] jya: ahhughes_: the first time it runs, it may take over 45 minutes
[09:49:54] jya: in fact, it always take close to an hour to run
[09:52:59] ahhughes_: jya, OMG really... wow. Thanks for letting me know I was considering ctrl+c then!
[09:53:22] jya: you can always check the log to see what it does
[09:53:23] ahhughes_: what's it doing it normally takes a few seconds to run.
[09:53:40] ahhughes_: sorry, to ask, which log?
[09:54:04] jya: you'll see that shepherd in order to prevent hammering the various servers
[09:54:15] jya: it has 5 minutes sleep etc..
[09:54:25] jya: mythfilldatabase log
[09:54:59] jya: what you can also do is run tv_grab_au (shepherd) alone, so it fills its cache, run it with verbose mode
[09:55:12] jya: then you run mythfilldatabase with — --reoutput
[09:55:53] ahhughes_: jya, sounds like a job for torrents (in an ideal world)
[09:56:53] jya: i don't see how… shepherd grab the data from various web sites
[09:57:39] ahhughes_: kk, dinner time, thanks so much for your help :D
[09:58:15] sphery: Seeker`: Hmmm. Thanks for the info. If that's what's causing the issues on DB upgrade, we'll have to fix that script.
[09:59:22] Seeker`: sphery: no idea at all if that is related to your problem; it may well be something I broke on my own setup
[10:00:49] sphery: Seeker`: though a 132 status would be SIGILL (illegal instruction)... Is yours an "unusual" platform (like a VIA C3 or something)?
[10:02:45] sphery: so that may actually be a "valid" restart (a restart after it died--rather than killing it then restarting)
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[10:13:57] Seeker`: sphery: Intel Q6600
[10:14:06] Seeker`: hm, no, wait, its my backend
[10:14:07] Seeker`: so an i3
[10:14:10] Seeker`: or and i5
[10:14:26] Seeker`: model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3–2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
[10:22:08] ** Seeker` has a train to catch, disappears in a puff of smoke **
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[10:49:25] BarneyBubble: Apologies – seems the IRC client crashed... Wonderful...
[10:52:34] helppython: got a scheduler question — let's say I have a recording rule setup for one channel to record up to 20 episodes of one show
[10:53:01] helppython: at any time, on one channel
[10:53:15] helppython: but the same series, from a different season is shown on another channel and I set it to record 5 episodes
[10:53:31] helppython: and I setup another recording rule for that other channel too
[10:53:53] helppython: will the scheduler keep 20 episodes from one channel and 5 from the other?
[10:53:58] helppython: or 5 for both?
[11:00:30] ahhughes_: wow, mythfilldatabase has now been running for approx 1hr 22mins
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[11:06:58] ahhughes_: says "mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data in the Guide for 1 of 1 source. This can ind..." it truncates the rest :'(
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[11:09:59] ahhughes_: well, looks like I have guide data, icons e.t.c :) woohoo
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[11:48:34] ahhughes_: shepard rocks!!!! Im off to watch tv now :D
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[14:44:09] skd5aner: hate to side with the haters – but the new mythmusic is utterly broken from a ux perspective imho
[14:45:40] skd5aner: it's just confusing, too many hidden menu items to try and accomplish things that don't make sense in the first place... ugh
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[15:11:36] jams: skd5aner- thats unfortunate.
[15:11:42] jams: had high hopes for it
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[15:26:00] skd5aner: jams: yea, me too... and I wanted to be super objective about it as well, but it's just impossible to easily playback the items you want in your library
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[15:26:16] skd5aner: you have to add them to playlists
[15:26:25] jams: oh?
[15:26:40] jams: i haven't made any sort of playlist in years
[15:26:55] jams: well I have two playlists. all_songs and not_bon_jovi
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[15:27:52] skd5aner: heh – I use smart playlists all the time in itunes... but for the most part, if I want to play an artist, I should be easily able to navigate to that artist and play an album(s) or track...
[15:27:56] skd5aner: not so anymore
[15:28:20] skd5aner: jams: everything in this thread appears to be true – and I think Paul became greatly offended because of it – . . . ;list=mythtv
[15:28:50] jams: right..thats pretty much all I do. either random the entire playlist or listen to specific albums
[15:28:53] skd5aner: another good (smaller) summary – . . . usic;#509642
[15:28:53] ** MythLogBot **
[15:29:17] quicksilver: I almost always listen to specific albums
[15:29:27] quicksilver: I close my eyes and pretend its vinyl
[15:29:31] quicksilver: no doubt I'm a dinosaur.
[15:29:34] jams: :)
[15:29:37] skd5aner: My wife actually told me she'd like me to go back to "the old version" because she'll never use mythmusic again :/
[15:29:44] skd5aner: and she was the one who actually used it on a weekly basis
[15:29:47] jams: yikes
[15:30:53] skd5aner: also – maybe it's just the learning curve – but navigating the "tree" and menus and whatever context you happen to be in at the moment is really confusing
[15:33:40] skd5aner: I honestly hate to be the nay-sayer here – but man, I don't know who will actually like mythmusic at all now – I hope I'm proven wrong :/
[15:34:30] jams: didn't stuart mention that he would like to rewrite it
[15:34:37] jams: i know he uses it alsmost everyday
[15:35:17] skd5aner: you know... I'm reading a book right now, "The Lean Startup" – pretty good book. Part of it talks feedback loops should occur to test hypothesis and find out what user's actually want even though they can't really tell you, and what happens when you assume to know what the user should want
[15:35:26] skd5aner: too bad Paul did't read that
[15:35:53] skd5aner: anyway – I'll try to stop ranting about it for now, too many other positives to be brought down by this one negative
[15:36:07] jams: he wrote in a vacuum
[15:36:53] jams: well i'm still waiting for a couple live-tv fixes, which are being worked on. After that I will probably move to .25
[15:39:49] quicksilver: skd5aner: mind you someone does say "Maybe I misunderstand what you mean, but AFAICT it's possible to
[15:39:53] quicksilver: select either an Artist, an Album or a track in the Music Selector and
[15:39:55] quicksilver: just play it, where 'just play it' means 'make it the next track'."
[15:39:58] quicksilver: sorry for clumsy paste.
[15:41:12] skd5aner: np – yea, I've got some playing around to do with it
[15:41:26] skd5aner: but in the 15 mins I spent on it last night – I basically got nowhere fast
[15:41:46] ** quicksilver nods **
[15:42:15] quicksilver: reading that archive sure does show how many annoying people do "reply and quote ENTIRE email in order to add one sentence at bottom" :P
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[15:42:27] skd5aner: I don't believe any music interface in the world could be called a "success" if a power-user, techie can't easily figure it out in 15 mins
[15:43:15] skd5aner: and if it's just a different methodology of player, not sure that's necessary
[15:44:45] quicksilver: "I can't figure out how to make it play, nor even how to create one of these mythical 'playlists' of which you speak"
[15:46:06] skd5aner: yea – after about 8 minutes, I was able to figure out how to easily add all tracks to an all-track playlist
[15:46:29] skd5aner: which really doesn't do me any good
[15:47:30] joki (joki! has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:47:58] skd5aner: I will give Paul credit – I think he made a very powerful interface if you so chose to use it that way, but I think he forgot to think about the simple task of just trying to play a song within 10 seconds
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[15:49:26] quicksilver: in a way that makes it more frustrating ;)
[15:49:48] quicksilver: it's even worse to feel someone has spent ages and ages building something powerful when that's not what (in your opinion) is wanted.
[15:50:08] skd5aner: Well, that's where I think he failed... he let this sit in his private tree for like 2+ years
[15:50:19] skd5aner: and then finally committed the "finished" product...
[15:50:46] skd5aner: in otherwords – no input from other devs or users at any point in the dev cycle
[15:51:09] skd5aner: so, at the end of the day – we're stuck with one person's vision
[15:51:19] skd5aner: which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't
[15:52:00] skd5aner: but I'm a big believer in not dictating to people how they should use something – users should tell you via feedback how they use something, even if they don't know what or how to tell you
[15:52:16] skd5aner: get it in their hands, they'll tell you what works and what doesnt, and what make sense and what doesnt
[15:52:36] skd5aner: start at the prototype level
[15:52:50] skd5aner: anyway – I'm gonna grab some lunch, hopefully I'll come back in a better mood
[15:52:53] quicksilver: :)
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[18:07:40] skd5aner: wagnerrp: I'm seeing lots of weird oddities with recordings with correct inetrefs, but for whatever reason is leveraging tmdb vs ttvdb
[18:09:00] ben1066 (ben1066! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[18:09:03] skd5aner: First off... the script wasn't able to find "sportscenter" (you think that'd be easy)...
[18:09:08] wagnerrp: if it cannot find a matching season/episode for the subtitle, it may be falling back on a movie pull
[18:09:11] skd5aner: so, I enter the inetref: 77967
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[18:09:28] skd5aner: and then I wake up to see it pulled this artwork :P
[18:09:48] skd5aner: Needless to say, I thought SportsCenter might have gotten a lot more watchable
[18:10:05] wagnerrp: the problem is that sportscenter has no subtitle and no episodes to match against
[18:10:14] wagnerrp: so mythtv simply doesnt know how to handle it as a television show
[18:10:20] wagnerrp: (with respect to metadata)
[18:10:28] skd5aner: and the solution is to...?
[18:10:46] wagnerrp: disable artwork for that recording rule i suppose
[18:10:53] skd5aner: sigh
[18:11:17] skd5aner: why not have a checkbox so that a user could explicitly specify it as a TV or Movie?
[18:11:29] skd5aner: seems an incredibly simple solution
[18:12:12] wagnerrp: i think there is some plan to specify the type or inetref source in the inetref string itself
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[18:41:21] skd5aner: yea, would be helpful it they had unique schemas for inetrefs instead of all numbers :)
[18:41:29] ikevin (ikevin!~kevin@2a01:240:fe76:1::1) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[18:45:39] skd5aner: (that is, instead of them using the same schema of only numbers)
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[18:52:24] darkstr: thx to the devs 0.25 works like a charm
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[19:53:55] wagnerrp: sphery: maybe you want to comment about your plans for 'tags' for the "Labels instead of Recording Groups" thread
[19:56:31] sphery: yeah, I plan to--just working some other stuff first
[19:57:18] sphery: tgm4883: btw, ignore my question from earlier about whether upstart or the mythbuntu backend start script is killing a backend if it doesn't respond quickly enough--at least in this particular case the user's DB is truly broken
[19:58:10] sphery: (he has post-0.24 DB changes from a smattering of (but not all) 0.25-development updates, but his schema version is set to the 0.24 version number)
[19:58:14] sphery: no clue how he did that
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[20:08:30] tgm4883: sphery, ah, I didn't even see the question
[20:08:41] tgm4883: yea it's not killing the backend
[20:09:17] sphery: yeah, I got scared because several peole said that db upgrades are failing due to things that we didn't add until after 0.24 already exising in their DBs
[20:09:51] sphery: I have no clue how they broke their DB's, but it's now looking like they did something very bad (or ran some code with some things backported such that it broke their DBs or something)
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[20:10:32] tgm4883: odd
[20:10:57] tgm4883: I haven't seen much in the forums on 0.25 issues. one user with some mythweb issues but we're working through it
[20:12:11] ikevin (ikevin!~kevin@2a01:240:fe76:1::1) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:12:41] sphery: yeah, it's not Ubuntu stuff doing it, so no worries
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[20:14:54] sphery: I'm hoping he'll fess up/provide more information that helps figure out what did it. I'm wondering if he was running some "fork" of MythTV with some stuff improperly backported. (Much of the "backported" stuff seems to be metadata stuff, but there's also a DB change that was specifically related to the scheduler itself, so I'm not seeing a real pattern that would imply someone did that on purpose.)
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[20:20:05] david__: Anyone able to help me with a crashing mythfrontend?
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[20:20:37] david__: I've seen quite a bit about nvidia drivers but i'm using intel i915 on board graphics
[20:22:32] david__: My problem is that I can't seem to find any debugging info that lets me even start to guess what the problem is. I've tried "mythfrontend -v all > mf.log" and checked all the usual places (e.g. Xorg.0.log) and kernel logs but can't find anything that seems to give me a start. Only happens when i try to watch live tv / recordings (ie when I try to start playing any video)
[20:22:54] wagnerrp: are you using the 'Slim' playback profile?
[20:23:17] david__: It's the wide one I think
[20:23:41] wagnerrp: playback profile, not theme
[20:24:16] david__: ahh, i'll give it a try.
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[20:27:53] sphery: david__: yeah, you're probably seeing a crash due to a bug in Mesa/Intel drivers when using OpenGL
[20:28:11] sphery: you may need to change the "Paint engine" to Qt, not OpenGL
[20:28:52] sphery: if you can't run mythfrontend long enough to successfully reach settings to change it, use mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt , and then go to Appearance settings and change the "Paint engine"
[20:29:37] david__: thanks both, i'll give these a try when i can get on to the machine
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[20:40:33] skd5aner: quetion on the smolt stuff...
[20:41:27] skd5aner: if you've got a distributed system, and you run the setup-wizard on a frontend – will it capture anything related to the remote backend(s) / other frontend(s)?
[20:42:33] wagnerrp: certain things, yes
[20:42:40] skd5aner: such as?
[20:42:44] wagnerrp: it will capture anything related to operation of that specific frontend
[20:42:54] wagnerrp: i.e. tuners, channels, storage, recording count, etc...
[20:42:59] david__: tried changing both ThemPainter and PaintEngine but still crashes x
[20:43:32] skd5aner: wagnerrp: well – when I checked last night, the only tuner it sent as part of my profile was the HD-PVR hooked up to that fe/sbe, but none of the tuners connected to my mbe
[20:45:47] skd5aner: Min Database age: -26500?
[20:45:52] wagnerrp: no, its supposed to pull all tuners defined in the database
[20:46:02] skd5aner: wagnerrp: hmmm, it didn't appear to?
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[20:48:12] wagnerrp: 42 users with no video sources...
[20:48:36] wagnerrp: and 11 people running /bin/true
[20:49:07] wagnerrp: jya: is that possibly something to do with Shepherd? since it runs mythfilldatabase, rather than the more typical other-way-around?
[20:49:09] skd5aner: any easy way to find your particular UUID without using the frontend?
[20:49:36] wagnerrp: it gets stored in the database, but i dont recall the value off hnad
[20:50:19] skd5aner: know which table? settings?
[20:50:52] skd5aner: eh, found it
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[20:52:34] wagnerrp: booo... one user running a GO7007
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[21:05:42] wagnerrp: yeah, you wouldnt want to give anyone the private uuid, but the public one is relatively safe
[21:05:55] wagnerrp: especially considering you can just skim through the recent updates
[21:06:10] skd5aner: this one is a little odd to me – Ubuntu precise (development branch) 75 41.0 %
[21:06:24] skd5aner: that many people are using alpha/beta ubuntu?
[21:06:50] wagnerrp: well do realize that most of these updates were from people running 0.25 pre-release
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[21:07:19] skd5aner: It would be nice if you could filter all of these results based exclusively on version
[21:07:36] skd5aner: so, show me only stats related to anyone running 0.25-fixes
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[21:17:54] skd5aner: btw – who created tinted glass?
[21:17:56] skd5aner: it's a very nice theme
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[21:20:14] jams: skd5aner- the uuid also gets stored in ~
[21:20:35] skd5aner: ~/.mythtv or just in ~?
[21:20:50] jams: probably .mythtv
[21:20:58] jams: hardwareprofile or something like that
[21:22:11] skd5aner: !url help
[21:22:11] MythLogBot: No match for keyword help
[21:22:16] skd5aner: !url – list
[21:22:16] MythLogBot: analoghw currentrelease deleteme(disabled) devrelease digitalhw down faq fixesrelease google linuxtv lmgtfy log logs overscan overview pastebin recordingcable theming tuners upnp vdpau wiki
[21:22:26] skd5aner: !url currentrelease
[21:22:26] MythLogBot: currentrelease:
[21:23:02] skd5aner: !url devrelease
[21:23:02] MythLogBot: devrelease:
[21:23:25] skd5aner: !url fixesrelease
[21:23:25] MythLogBot: fixesrelease:
[21:23:34] ben1066_ (ben1066_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:23:51] skd5aner: updated all of those
[21:24:00] blscearce (blscearce!~blscearce@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[21:24:15] jams: wagnerrp- i also didnt beleive that someone uses a go7007. Those things are awful
[21:25:20] ben1066 (ben1066! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[21:27:22] skd5aner: I wonder if it's just sitting dormant in someone's system?
[21:27:32] jams: it's possible
[21:27:44] jams: it only needs to be defined for it to be picked up
[21:27:49] skd5aner: I know that I have machines with old, unused hardware that's easier to just keep in there than pull out and put somewhere else or throw away
[21:27:55] jams: mine is sitting dormant in the closet
[21:28:20] skd5aner: jams: defined in the database as a card or simply in the hardware profile of the machine?
[21:28:21] jams: skd5aner- well it's usb so can't be that hard to disconnect :)
[21:28:28] jams: defined in the db
[21:28:35] skd5aner: ah, I know nothing of that particular device
[21:30:20] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:05] skd5aner: ugh – the slashdot article is pretty terrible, expecially the last bit – . . . ards-support
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[21:36:09] sphery: ah, yeah, love it when the clueless rant
[21:36:19] sphery: of course, that's pretty much the definition of slashdot, isn't it?
[21:37:10] jams: sphery- it's why i stopped reading it for many years. It's only recently that I started looking at the headlines again
[21:37:19] skd5aner: Yes... but, I've taken a differnet approach recently... if users rant, they're ranting for /some/ reason – I no longer take the motto of simply ignoring them anymore
[21:37:32] skd5aner: that's arrogant and/or ignorance
[21:37:45] skd5aner: not to say, that users can't be arrogant and ignorant too :)
[21:39:40] jams: skd5aner- it just ended up being more trouble then it was worth to sort through the chaff
[21:41:09] ben1066 (ben1066! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:41:55] skd5aner: jams: yea – I used to be an avid reader, but stopped looking around 2009 after they constantly kept redesigning the website...
[21:42:08] skd5aner: it made unauthenticated viewing of comments REALLY difficult, and I never created an account
[21:42:21] skd5aner: I always treated it as an entertainment blog, heh ;)
[21:42:50] ben1066_ (ben1066_! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[21:43:02] jams: skd5aner- that to..the current layout drives me nuts. I vastly preferred seperate pages for each day..none of this "many more" stuff
[21:43:17] skd5aner: Also, they, more than anyone else, had a bent against supporting IE – and when you work in corporate America, and that's the browser they make you use... well, your stupid site breaking means I'm not going to use it
[21:43:54] sphery: skd5aner: but when a user rants that the problem with mythtv is that we only support MCE USB remotes--which are automatically configured--and not ATI Remote Wonder remotes--which aren't automatically configured--I ignore that
[21:44:01] sphery: because a) MythTV doesn't configure any remote stuff
[21:44:13] sphery: (that's all done by distros)
[21:44:50] sphery: and, well, that's pretty much enough reason there :)
[21:45:11] sphery: oh, and what's up with the "because mythtv devs are upset that there aren't good F/LOSS drivers for ATI video cards" angle on that complaint
[21:45:55] skd5aner: unless MythTV wants to always be a tool that's only able to be used by linux experts – then I think that line of condeming the users who provide that feedback has to change... they don't care about lirc, they want "mythtv" to work – and yes, the myth based distros have met some of those needs...
[21:46:27] skd5aner: but they have a remote, they have a system – why doesn't it work – it's hard for them to properly know where to place the blame, but at hte end of the day – "MythTV is unusable for them"
[21:47:10] skd5aner: I think MythTV thinks of itself ultimately as a component (rightly so) but the uneducated users think of it as a product – that's where their feedback comes from
[21:47:55] skd5aner: (and yes, that was a weird complaint in general) – but I see a lot more criticism than praise, and I have to wonder – why is that the general sentiment?
[21:48:09] devinheitmueller: I've been thinking for years that I really should build some sort of simple IR test tool (which validates the various parts of the stack). Never got around to it though.
[21:48:32] ** devinheitmueller notes this would be a relatively simple tool to build if any enterprising junior developers are looking for a useful project... **
[21:48:49] skd5aner: ;)
[21:49:17] skd5aner: honestly – I know next to nothing about xbmc – is it an actual distro in and of itself?
[21:49:34] devinheitmueller: It would just have to do the simple stuff – make sure a lirc driver is found, make sure lircd is installed, running, walk the user through the process of defining the remote, etc.
[21:49:39] skd5aner: do they ask users to manually figure out all of this stuff or is it part of their built in setup?
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[21:53:30] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, I understand why they complain about it--because they /don't/ know what's going on
[21:53:57] sphery: i.e. they don't know who's doing the remote configs and what are the boundaries of what MythTV itself provides
[21:54:28] sphery: but I'm just saying it's not worth my time to try to educate someone who's missed the mark by that much, when I could instead spend that time working to improve mythtv
[21:54:44] ben1066 (ben1066! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[22:00:14] dekarl1: wagnerrp: Shepherd should appear as tv_grab_au
[22:01:56] streeter (streeter!streeter@nat/redhat/x-pkmnhsbennddtrtj) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[22:17:19] skd5aner: so xbmc looks to finally be adding their own pvr functionality?
[22:22:06] skd5aner: :( – . . . 0#post258110
[22:25:58] RagingMind: I used xbmc on my media compy for a while when I didn't have cable... there are very few aspects of it that I miss
[22:29:04] tlhiv_laptop: is there a upgrade howto from 0.24 to 0.25
[22:30:00] tlhiv_laptop: by that i mean are there any significant configuration changes that should be made
[22:30:34] sphery: . . . Instructions is probably th emost important stuff to know
[22:40:28] wagnerrp: skd5aner: not exactly, theyre adding a framework to allow it to relatively seemlessly connect to any of several other recording backends
[22:40:34] wagnerrp: mythtv, tvheadend, vdr, ...
[22:41:00] wizbit: is mythtv coming to an end? :(
[22:41:06] wagnerrp: no
[22:41:11] wizbit: phew
[22:41:21] wizbit: it has not even reached 1.0
[22:41:41] wizbit: quarter finished
[22:42:03] wagnerrp: we could be going for .1000
[22:42:18] wizbit: :-S
[22:53:14] RagingMind: is there an easy way to adjust the tint/contrast settings of a bttv card that's in my backend?
[22:54:51] wagnerrp: with a lighter
[22:55:19] wagnerrp: only useful for coarse changes
[22:55:47] RagingMind: not entirely helpful... I do wish to continue to record tv AND have a roof over my head
[22:57:14] RagingMind: the frontend is adjusted okay for the UI, podcast stuffs, and older recordings from my PVR250
[23:03:59] wagnerrp: wait, you want from a PVR-250 to a bttv card?
[23:04:04] wagnerrp: s/want/went/
[23:05:31] RagingMind: I was borrowing a P4 system for a while and using it as my mythbox. the pvr250 works great in that
[23:06:15] RagingMind: but I had to give that system up, so I'm using my dual P3... and the pvr250 only works for a day or two, then I have to put it in a new pci slot before it'll work again
[23:06:37] russell5 (russell5! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:07:32] RagingMind: are the database commands in still applicable?
[23:08:09] wagnerrp: very doubtful
[23:08:58] RagingMind: I really don't wanna poke at my database using an out dated guide :( but this contrast is driving me nuts
[23:09:14] david__ (david__! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[23:09:50] sphery: RagingMind: G during playback
[23:10:04] sphery: F during playback is playbck color controls, but G is recording color controls
[23:10:30] RagingMind: and that'll set it for all recordings on the backend? do I have to be in livetv or any recording?
[23:10:58] sphery: it's exactly this type of ancient knowledge that's lacking in today's IRC, now that everyone is using useful capture devices...  ;)
[23:10:59] RagingMind: cause... live tv doesn't work and my backend is a separate machine if that matters
[23:11:04] sphery: sets it for the card
[23:11:48] RagingMind: trust me... I wish I was still using the pvr250
[23:11:58] sphery: so you can adjust your various ancient V4L cards to use different contrast/brightness/etc. to work around the bugs in their implementations
[23:12:20] sphery: but, yeah, to use the UI, you need to be able to use Live TV
[23:12:57] sphery: while you can do playback color controls during recording playback, the recording color controls are only available while it's actually recording the show in Live TV
[23:14:35] sphery: the alternative is to use mythweb setup and randomly guess values
[23:15:11] sphery: ah, no... that doesn't have card info
[23:16:31] RagingMind: well, the livetv gods have smiled on me and it started... I just have to fiddle before my next recording starts and avoid changing channels
[23:16:47] sphery: cool, that's definitely the easiest way
[23:25:32] hadees (hadees!~hadees@ has quit (Quit: hadees)
[23:33:06] RagingMind: yay! looks so much better. Thanks, sphery
[23:33:24] jya: wagnerrp: shepherd doesn't run any different way than other grabbers except for the configuring part
[23:33:31] jya: after that it's just the same.
[23:33:37] wagnerrp: i thought they ran manually through cron
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[23:33:52] jya: they run mythfilldatabase manually through cron :)
[23:35:15] jya: After considering how shepherd is doing thing, to be honest, I don't see a better way of doing it. Myth approach of doing card -> source -> channel scan -> assign xmltvid just can't always work, as when you select source, it has no idea yet what channels you will want
[23:35:17] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[23:35:40] jya: it should be changed to card -> channel scan -> source -> assign xmltvid imho
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[23:58:00] SmallR2002: hmmm
[23:58:14] SmallR2002: it appears that nothing is being gained from schedulesdirect at all
[23:58:22] SmallR2002: i turned off eit and there's no program data
[23:58:31] SmallR2002: ran the fill tool and there's still nothing
[23:59:18] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Quit: Leaving)

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