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Thursday, July 21st, 2011, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:10] fleers1 (fleers1!~fleers@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[00:09:06] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:16] OpenMedia (OpenMedia!~sellis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:22] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:29] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:05] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:41] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:30:45] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[00:31:52] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[00:38:31] jams_ (jams_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:50:51] brfransen (brfransen!~brfransen@ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[01:03:18] k-man: so I was testing out modifying the MythCenter theme. I copied it to ~/.mythtv/themes but when I loaded it, the fonts were all small (at least I think that's when the font size changed)
[01:03:59] k-man: so I deleted ~/.mythtv/themes/MyMythCenter and also everything in themecache but now when I start the frontend, the fonts are still small
[01:04:06] k-man: any ideas?
[01:04:14] davide_ (davide_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:14] davide_ (davide_!~david@mythtv/developer/gigem) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:14] davide_ (davide_! has quit (Changing host)
[01:09:15] iamlindoro: wagnerrp going way back with a .23 backport
[01:09:43] wagnerrp: no, simply applying what rdv sent me
[01:10:33] iamlindoro: Bless his extremely generous heart
[01:10:43] iamlindoro: At least someone's looking out for those stuck in the past :)
[01:11:08] wagnerrp: the patch was pretty minimal, but im enforcing a somewhat sane line length limit
[01:11:33] wagnerrp: 80 characters is unreasonably limiting
[01:11:42] wagnerrp: but hes got some lines that are >500 characters long
[01:11:55] wagnerrp: they dont make monitors big enough to prevent wrapping... :)
[01:12:57] iamlindoro: you just need a smaller font
[01:13:04] iamlindoro: and a magnifying glass
[01:14:12] wagnerrp: the 'm's are 5 characters wide
[01:14:16] wagnerrp: i dont think i can do better than that
[01:14:23] wagnerrp: s/characters/pixels/
[01:15:03] iamlindoro: c'mon, your brain will interpolate
[01:15:56] wagnerrp: you might pull it off with a 4K monitor
[01:16:01] wagnerrp: 2560 doesnt even come close
[01:19:20] brfransen (brfransen!~brfransen@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:09] k-man: strange, setting the gui size to a fixed size, then setting it back to 0 seems to have solved the problem
[01:52:54] wagnerrp: kormoc_afk: any idea why music streaming over the XML interface through mythweb would consistently crap out somewhere around 20–25 minutes?:
[01:53:14] wagnerrp: single file, doesnt have that problem on multiple files
[01:59:04] k-man: so – I'm looking at the MythCenter theme, how do I work out which "window" I should look for to relate to the schedule recording page?
[02:00:44] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[02:04:41] skd5aner: I'm experimenting with ACPI shutdown via the power button on my remote for my combine frontend/slave backend. I'm assuming that I need to leverage mythwelcome/mythshutdown for the best experience in that case since there is a backend on this machine instead of leveraging irexec to call the command to suspend the machine, correct?
[02:13:41] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[02:23:00] koffel: what does this mean? RecBase(7:/dev/video): GetKeyframePositions(1651,9223372036854775807,#26) out of 137
[02:24:17] iamlindoro: It's jsut debug info that shouldn't be exposed to the user. It's nothing to worry about.
[02:24:53] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:39] koffel: after it gets to out of 200 then mythfrontend crashes
[02:26:06] iamlindoro: It's not related to your crash
[02:26:40] iamlindoro: If mythfrontend crashes, you can produce a backtrace and learn the real cause of your crash
[02:27:19] iamlindoro:
[02:38:57] wagnerrp: Beirdo: around?
[02:39:49] justdave: fwiw, here's what I get in my log when the audio goes all static on a DVD:
[02:39:50] justdave:
[02:50:47] xris (xris!~xris@mythtv/developer/xris) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:48] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:13:14] b1naryth0ughts (b1naryth0ughts!~Admin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:13:24] b1naryth0ughts: hello
[03:13:56] b1naryth0ughts: I am thinking aobut making the transition to myth tv from windows media center
[03:14:01] OpenMedia1 (OpenMedia1!~sellis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:14:42] b1naryth0ughts: and I was wondering if my windows media center recorded shows would transfer over
[03:14:47] b1naryth0ughts: into myth tv shows
[03:14:47] [R]: no
[03:14:57] b1naryth0ughts: boo.
[03:14:58] [R]: if you can export them into avi or whatever, then yes
[03:15:01] [R]: otherwise no
[03:15:14] wagnerrp: there is no simple mechanism to import shows into the recordings screen in mythtv
[03:15:22] wagnerrp: however you can import them into mythvideo
[03:16:07] wagnerrp: i wouldnt advise trying to rig up a transfer on your own, due to the large number of things you have to get in place for it to work properly
[03:16:21] OpenMedia (OpenMedia!~sellis@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[03:16:29] wagnerrp: the bigger issue is whether you can actually get your shows out of windows media center
[03:16:41] wagnerrp: windows is microsoft, and microsoft likes their DRM
[03:16:51] wagnerrp: if its stuff you recorded with a cablecard tuner, youre SOL
[03:16:57] wagnerrp: otherwise, i dont know
[03:18:22] b1naryth0ughts: yeah. I have a cable card
[03:18:40] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:06] wagnerrp: anything you have ever recorded with that cablecard tuner on windows MCE cannot be used anywhere but on that machine
[03:19:22] wagnerrp: and then, only when that cablecard tuner is plugged in and connected to your cable provider
[03:22:02] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[03:22:51] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[03:26:18] wagnerrp: b1naryth0ughts: what cablecard tuner do you have?
[03:26:19] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:26:43] b1naryth0ughts: wagnerrp: let me get you a link hold on
[03:27:07] b1naryth0ughts: . . . t_id=0364572
[03:27:38] wagnerrp: ok, mythtv does not support that card at this time
[03:27:45] b1naryth0ughts: :c
[03:27:47] wagnerrp: but support is expected before the release of 0.25
[03:27:54] wagnerrp: which should be due out in a few months time
[03:27:57] b1naryth0ughts: it's a very nice quad tuner
[03:28:20] wagnerrp: when it is supported, you will be able to access encrypted channels in mythtv with it, but only those marked 'copy freely'
[03:28:43] b1naryth0ughts: so mythtv would be enforcing the drm
[03:28:54] wagnerrp: mythtv would not be enforcing the DRM
[03:29:02] wagnerrp: as mythtv is not licensed to use the DRM
[03:29:12] b1naryth0ughts: OH.
[03:29:15] b1naryth0ughts: eek caps
[03:29:21] wagnerrp: as such, the card will be enforcing the DRM at our loss
[03:29:54] wagnerrp: since we do not identify ourselves as a licensed application, and cannot because we have not been given a cryptographic key to do so
[03:30:05] wagnerrp: the tuner card will only allow us to access the copy freely content
[03:30:49] b1naryth0ughts: in that case, I should stick with windows media center
[03:31:18] wagnerrp: if you need the copy protected content, and you want to do it digitally, WMC is your only option
[03:31:50] b1naryth0ughts: boo. I was hoping that would not be the case.
[03:31:51] wagnerrp: the alternative would be to use a HDPVR, and capture HD component video off a cable box
[03:33:32] wagnerrp: sadly, that is the situation we are in
[03:33:41] wagnerrp: have to protect that content from... well... the honest user
[03:33:57] [R]: they have to protect us from ourselves
[03:33:59] sphery: if only there were fewer honest users
[03:34:05] sphery: then we wouldn't need DRM
[03:34:11] [R]: its like at my work, the firewall in my lab is to protect IT from the people in the lab, not protect the people in the lab from the outside
[03:35:08] wagnerrp: be back in half an hour...
[03:38:58] b1naryth0ughts: I find capturing content off a cable box's component video do be awkward.
[03:39:31] [R]: awkward? its awesome
[03:40:03] kormoc: b1naryth0ughts, it's not really. You can control (most) cable boxes via firewire so it's not via ir or similar, you have pretty much complete control over it
[03:40:37] b1naryth0ughts: [R]: because you're using two devices, when only one should do the job.
[03:40:45] [R]: lol
[03:40:50] [R]: but its totally awesome
[03:40:58] [R]: so what odes it matter if theres somethyign extra
[03:41:02] [R]: you shove it in a closet and forget about it
[03:41:10] b1naryth0ughts: that's what I did to my girlfriend.
[03:41:14] [R]: rofl
[03:41:16] b1naryth0ughts: she wasn't very happy.
[03:47:54] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[04:06:45] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:07:34] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Hmm, interesting result-- -N "Lost" "The End" returns 5x02 (The Lie) instead of 6x17 or 6x18 (The End (1) and The End (2))
[04:09:52] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:52] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:12:19] wagnerrp: heh... the end is a lie!
[04:13:09] wagnerrp: yeah, thats expected
[04:13:17] wagnerrp: 3 different rather than 4
[04:13:27] wagnerrp: i dont know of a good way to deal with that
[04:14:00] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[04:15:39] iamlindoro: Sigh, sometimes I just don't want to commit a big piece of work simply because I know explaining things in the commit message is going to be such a PITA
[04:18:01] iamlindoro: And also, because I really, really don't like the way I did something and can't think of a better way to do it
[04:18:22] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:56] k-man: is there some way to force the fe to reload the theme files?
[04:20:02] k-man: or do I just have to quit and restart it?
[04:20:30] iamlindoro: The only theme file that needs a restart to see changes to is base.xml
[04:21:28] k-man: oh, that's annoying – can I define an item in schedule-ui for quick reloading – then once it is done, move it to base.xml?
[04:21:46] iamlindoro: you can do whatever you like
[04:22:06] k-man: I meant will that work?
[04:22:35] iamlindoro: why don't you find out, or read the theming documentation
[04:29:28] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:52] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:46] k-man: oh nice, you can bind RELOADTHEME to a key
[04:33:53] k-man: amazing what you find in the doco
[04:34:19] iamlindoro: Good thing someone spent weeks and weeks writing it, then
[04:36:26] k-man: yeah!
[04:37:59] b1naryth0ughts: are there any myth tv plans to officially bring windows support?
[04:38:14] b1naryth0ughts: I was looking on the website for a timeline or something
[04:38:16] iamlindoro: We already officially support Windows
[04:38:28] b1naryth0ughts: iamlindoro: with full features.
[04:38:32] iamlindoro: meaning?
[04:39:11] b1naryth0ughts: let me find the article to reference
[04:39:12] b1naryth0ughts: hold on
[04:39:35] b1naryth0ughts: . . . .27t_work.3F
[04:39:54] b1naryth0ughts: or if you are too lazy to click "There is currently no support for most tuners in mythbackend"
[04:40:00] iamlindoro: So, what is it you would like to work?
[04:40:10] b1naryth0ughts: ...most tuners
[04:40:17] iamlindoro: If you are asking if Windows BDA support will be added, no, there are no current plans
[04:40:57] wagnerrp: and if you are wondering if Windows tuner support would mean mythtv could access DRM protected content on your cablecard tuner
[04:41:01] wagnerrp: no, it doesnt work that way
[04:41:25] [R]: lol
[04:41:45] b1naryth0ughts: boo :c
[04:42:04] wagnerrp: not something we have any control over
[04:42:20] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:46:27] b1naryth0ughts: thanks wagnerrp
[04:51:02] styelz (styelz! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:51:12] styelz: hello
[04:51:46] b1naryth0ughts: hi
[04:51:52] styelz: after a recent update, using ubuntu 10 i cant play any tv recordings
[04:52:08] styelz: i see this message in the front end log
[04:52:09] styelz: 2011-07–21 14:24:03.278 Player(4), Error: Couldn't find an A/V decoder for: '/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1001_20110719210200.mpg'
[04:52:36] wagnerrp: how large is that file?
[04:52:52] styelz: i can play the file in vlc, but it complains about "No suitable decoder module:
[04:52:53] styelz: VLC does not support the audio or video format "telx". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."
[04:52:56] styelz: but the video plays
[04:53:07] styelz: the file is 3g
[04:53:13] styelz: 3.2GB
[04:53:17] styelz: i have ithers
[04:53:20] styelz: others
[04:53:20] hadees (hadees! has quit (Quit: hadees)
[04:53:50] wagnerrp: could you run 'ffmpeg -i /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1001_20110719210200.mpg' and paste the results to
[04:54:06] styelz: hm, i recently install ffmpeg .. 1 sec
[04:54:16] wagnerrp: erm... i mean mythffmpeg
[04:55:55] k-man: is there a key to capture screenshots of the UI in mythtv?
[04:56:16] styelz: thats the output from mythffmpeg
[04:56:24] wagnerrp: there is a keybinding you can set, or you may be able to use prtscrn
[04:56:31] styelz: wagnerrp: space ?
[04:56:43] wagnerrp: space?
[04:56:49] styelz: spacebar
[04:57:01] wagnerrp: what about it?
[04:57:22] styelz: i meant for screenshot
[04:57:26] styelz: sorry
[04:57:38] styelz: i tabbed the wrong person
[04:57:40] wagnerrp: i dont think that keybinding has a default
[04:57:49] styelz: ah ok
[04:58:43] styelz: does the pastebin look ok ?
[04:59:27] wagnerrp: says mythtv understands how to read it
[04:59:46] wagnerrp: what about 'mythavtest /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1001_20110719210200.mpg'
[05:00:49] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[05:01:16] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[05:01:18] styelz: yah, that works
[05:01:57] b1naryth0ughts (b1naryth0ughts!~Admin@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:02:10] wagnerrp: thats downright odd
[05:02:23] Beirdo: wagnerrp: just got home (final score... Manchester United 7, Seattle Sounders FC 0)
[05:02:30] k-man: anyone know of a cli tool to pastebin an image?
[05:02:34] styelz: oh its fine now
[05:02:37] ** iamlindoro commits the longest-ever-commit-message. **
[05:02:38] styelz: i restarted the frontend
[05:02:57] ** styelz scratches head **
[05:03:00] wagnerrp: we have professional soccer teams?
[05:03:15] Beirdo: yes, we do
[05:03:16] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: longer that capt'm's event system commit?
[05:03:17] Beirdo: MLS
[05:03:21] wagnerrp: than
[05:03:37] wagnerrp: [23012]
[05:03:37] MythLogBot: SVN 23012: (branch master)
[05:03:37] Beirdo: I tell ya though... The Sounders were way outclassed :)
[05:03:53] iamlindoro: probably
[05:04:05] iamlindoro: yes
[05:04:48] Beirdo: wow
[05:05:07] wagnerrp: Beirdo: anyway... i was going to ask you why 'git apply' migt work but 'git am' barfed
[05:05:08] Beirdo: I've had longer commit *emails*, but not longer commit messages :)
[05:05:31] Beirdo: I'm not 100% sure on the difference there. I've noticed that before too
[05:05:53] Beirdo: git am is maybe more picky and requires it to be git format-patch formatted?
[05:08:05] Beirdo: oh nice. my backend crapped out.
[05:08:17] Beirdo: good, I wanted to shut it down to swap drives anyways
[05:09:32] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!~pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:11:57] jmartens (jmartens! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:13:15] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:15:51] OpenMedia1 (OpenMedia1!~sellis@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:16:46] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:06] k-man: ok, I widened the field in MythCenter – original: . . . 110721t.png/
[05:22:36] k-man: . . . 110721t.png/ widened
[05:22:46] Beirdo: hmmmm, what did I do wrong
[05:22:53] Beirdo: it won't come back up
[05:23:29] k-man: if I submitted a patch to make that change, would it be acceptable?
[05:24:56] k-man: gah image shack has nasty popups – sorry about thta
[05:27:33] k-man: or maybe I should just submit it as a new theme?
[05:28:27] jmartens (jmartens! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:32:41] k-man: any suggestions on a name other than MythCenterNew?
[05:32:43] Beirdo: I think the BIOS got confused and was trying to boot off the wrong drives.
[05:33:01] k-man: maybe MythCenter2
[05:33:13] k-man: MythCenterFixed?
[05:36:21] iamlindoro: k-man: Widening one field doesn't exactly merit a rename
[05:39:26] k-man: no – but further fields need widening
[05:39:39] k-man: I just started on that one as that one is the most annoying one
[05:40:06] iamlindoro: That won't merit a new name either
[05:40:12] k-man: ok
[05:40:31] k-man: so your suggesting my fix is commitable then
[05:41:04] iamlindoro: completely impossible to tell from an image, I ignore MythCenter as I think it should be removed
[05:41:12] iamlindoro: so I won't be committing it
[05:41:32] iamlindoro: That said, you can feel free to open a ticket and someone who *does* care about it can make that determination
[05:41:50] iamlindoro: just be prepared for a wait, there are numerous open mythcenter tickets, many of them months or even years old
[05:44:15] jmartens (jmartens!~jmartens@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:44:36] k-man: oh
[05:44:49] k-man: you fill me with hope and joy
[05:45:09] iamlindoro: It's not you, it's the theme :P
[05:45:28] k-man: in fact, that makes me think it is worth creating a fork of it then – so I can keep my changes seperate from mythtv
[05:45:37] iamlindoro: feel fee
[05:45:38] iamlindoro: free
[05:46:18] iamlindoro: fork isn't a bad word or something-- if you like it and want to mess with it without waiting on us to commit anything, go for it
[05:47:01] Beirdo: you can spoon it too if ya want :)
[05:47:25] k-man: how about sporking it?
[05:47:46] iamlindoro: What should be done with it definitely starts with an f
[05:48:09] Beirdo: fling it with a trebuchet?
[05:48:28] wagnerrp: SPOOOOOOON!
[05:48:56] k-man: well
[05:50:15] Beirdo: writing 22357 inode tables sure takes a bit of time :)
[05:50:27] Beirdo: the joys of 3TB drives
[05:52:11] wagnerrp: thats what you get for using a filesystem that needs to write inodes
[05:55:11] johd (johd!~johd@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:55:11] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Changing host)
[05:56:21] Beirdo: tell me a usable filesystem that doesn't :)
[05:57:27] wagnerrp: i dont recall zpool creation to take more than a couple seconds
[05:57:54] Beirdo: true, but it still uses inodes, AFAIK, may call it something else though
[05:58:09] Beirdo: and... not usable on Linux (shoulda been more specific, I suppose)
[05:58:24] k-man: well MythCenter works well for me on my 4:3 SD tv
[06:01:02] simcop2387 (simcop2387!~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[06:01:35] Beirdo: la la la la .... moving data from the last 1TB drive onto a 3TB
[06:02:01] k-man: sounds fun
[06:02:11] k-man: what FS did you use?
[06:02:33] wagnerrp: PFS
[06:03:20] k-man: interestingly, I tried to format a 3TB raid array the other day with ext4 (during the debian install) and I left it formatting over night, I gave up in the morning as it was still going. then I formatted it with jfs and it was almost instant
[06:08:14] Beirdo: ext4
[06:15:23] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[06:17:39] k-man:
[06:17:40] k-man: there
[06:17:45] k-man: MythCenterNew
[06:18:07] k-man: ooh – I should update the readme a little
[06:20:25] Beirdo: time for a new antenna
[06:21:28] kormoc is now known as kormoc_afk
[06:28:25] Beirdo: wow
[06:28:37] Beirdo: up to 26 channels now?
[06:28:59] Beirdo: definitely need ro rescan in myth
[06:29:01] Beirdo: 29 total
[06:29:02] Beirdo: wow
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[06:46:45] k-man: what does this error mean (appart from the obvious?)
[06:47:18] Beirdo: that's not an error
[06:47:24] Beirdo: that's a notice :)
[06:47:33] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[06:47:34] Beirdo: well, 3 of em
[06:47:44] k-man: does it need to be fixed?
[06:47:59] Beirdo: not sure
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[07:00:56] dekarl: what's the preferred way to signal a special (in the tvdb sense) in an xmltv guide wrt program_type and category? tvshow / specials?
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[07:12:48] k-man: what about this error: E MythUIHelper: LoadScaleImage(/var/lib/mythtv/.shepherd/icons/standard_abc_86ce2a644c39d7ffd529 0f55fa8a.jpg) invalid image dimensions
[07:12:56] k-man: what should the dimensions be?
[07:13:09] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
[07:16:33] Scopeuk-AFK is now known as Scopeuk
[07:20:17] k-man: the image in question is 190x190
[07:24:01] Scopeuk is now known as Scopeuk-AFK
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[08:36:28] slacker-: hi again
[08:37:12] slacker-: is there a way to record only 1 minute? everytime I schedule a 1 minute recording, it records 6 minutes. And it only goes down to 5 if I tell it to end 5 minutes early
[08:37:38] slacker-: scheduling via mythweb. assumed it wouldn't make a difference which interface is used
[08:39:26] slacker-: or.. can I just split the 5 minute recording in 5 pieces
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[09:20:18] slacker-: apparently I can
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[09:39:00] Beirdo: 817 programs, using 2 TB (1 month 1 day 11 hrs 20 mins) out of 11 TB (8.5 TB free).
[09:39:05] Beirdo: finally done.
[09:39:11] Beirdo: time fer bed
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[11:40:32] ThisNewGuy: iamlindoro: I saw the LookupVideo API commit – awesome!
[11:51:16] mortne: Any experts on xmltv and mythfilldatabase? Dissatisfied with the EIT, I am trying to get my manual xmltv script working.
[11:52:14] mortne: I deleted from program where chanid=58, but tt seems EIT is still inserting stuff there. Can this be true?
[11:53:31] mortne: I unchecked useronairguide and ran 'mythfilldatabase --file 1 grabbed – (grabbed:
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[13:19:14] k-man: how is .25 coming along?
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[14:09:53] BobLfoot: the mythtv wiki shows howto add a job to the job queue table, but can jobs also be removed?
[14:10:13] wagnerrp: if it hasnt been run yet
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[14:10:42] wagnerrp: better to mark it as cancelled
[14:11:03] BobLfoot: wagnerrp: the problem is it was running when power crashed the box. Now myth thinks it is running but the job pid no longer exists
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[14:11:32] wagnerrp: then the backend should have cleared it when it started back up
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[14:11:43] BobLfoot: wagnerrp: can you cancel thru GUI or must I cli manip the table?
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[14:13:45] BobLfoot: wagnerrp: if it matters it was a user job script which called ffmpeg to transcode a recording.
[14:16:11] wagnerrp: the jobqueue has limited tracking of its jobs
[14:16:30] wagnerrp: if you delete an entry that is marked as running but is not
[14:16:35] wagnerrp: it should not cause any problems
[14:16:46] wagnerrp: however you may be caught with a hanging inuse flag
[14:17:15] wagnerrp: the jobqueue is supposed to clean up after itself if it starts up and jobs are marked as running
[14:17:22] wagnerrp: i dont know why it wouldnt be doing so
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[14:18:47] BobLfoot: ps axu showed the process of the job as Dnl – not sure what that means but it doesn't look good to me time to rtfm about ps
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[14:19:27] wagnerrp: if the machine rebooted, the job should not be running
[14:20:31] BobLfoot: my thought exactally, we'll see I killed all 3 ffmpeg processes and just rebooted
[14:20:59] wagnerrp: the cleanup may have restarted the job
[14:21:09] wagnerrp: i havent actually read through what that bit of code does
[14:21:44] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Quit: hpeter)
[14:23:39] BobLfoot: wagnerrp: found that enter brings up the PAuse and Stop options – but nothing appears to happen
[14:24:13] wagnerrp: no, it wouldnt
[14:24:24] wagnerrp: those options dont actually do anything to the process directly
[14:24:47] wagnerrp: they rely on the job itself looking into the database and obeying those flags
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[14:35:06] stuartm: !seen loganRun
[14:35:07] MythLogBot: loganRun was last seen 3 days 20 hours 22 minutes 13 seconds ago
[14:35:29] wagnerrp: i guess he escaped
[14:35:55] jams_: hehe
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[14:39:41] stuartm: I'll give him the benefit of the doubt
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[14:45:53] wagnerrp: do you have anything else attached to that name?
[14:49:36] stuartm: huh?
[14:49:47] wagnerrp: stuartm: like... do you have the 'mythtv' name protected?
[14:50:14] wagnerrp: seems he sometimes logs into IRC running as the system mythtv user
[14:50:36] koffel (koffel! has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[14:51:07] stuartm: no not mythtv, just gbee and stuartm
[14:52:06] stuartm: oh wait, it seems that I do have MythTV registered, I don't remember ever doing that
[14:52:19] stuartm: ok, not his fault then
[14:52:42] stuartm: wagnerrp: thanks for the suggestion
[14:53:55] wagnerrp: just looking at my logs, some times hes loganRun@, sometimes hes mythtv@
[14:55:06] paul-h (paul-h!~paulh@mythtv/developer/paul-h) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:55:22] stuartm: yeah, I've no idea when I started protecting MythTV, it must have been to prevent abuse a long, long time ago
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[14:56:01] stuartm: I'm actually surprised that unused nicks don't expire
[14:56:09] stuartm is now known as MythTV
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[14:56:24] MythTV: oh ffs
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[14:56:56] iamlindoro: Oooh, oooh, MythTV is here!
[14:57:03] iamlindoro: Why are your developers so mean!
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[14:57:11] wagnerrp: no he aint
[14:57:42] stuartm: nice, mythtv@ is banned here so I had to leave to restore my nick
[14:57:44] sphery: I thought we had already banned any name starting with mythtv...
[14:57:56] sphery: maybe it's case-sensitive?
[14:57:57] stuartm: sphery: ^^
[14:58:09] sphery: oh, so it let you change it, but then banned you
[14:58:15] stuartm: yup
[14:58:20] wagnerrp: hehe
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[14:58:53] stuartm: and then it refused to let me change my nick
[14:58:57] sphery: heh
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[15:01:55] stuartm: seems the ban doesn't stop you from being in the channel if you were already in here with a previous nickname, but strangely it does stop you from changing your nickname again
[15:02:09] wagnerrp: likely stops you from talking too
[15:02:26] stuartm: I wondered that, but  – [14:56:24] MythTV: oh ffs
[15:02:27] sphery: but: 07.21 10:56:24 <+MythTV> oh ffs
[15:02:51] wagnerrp: ok, ignore that
[15:03:15] stuartm: so if you want to use a banned nickname then just join with something different and then switch ...
[15:04:10] ** iamlindoro adds that to the FAQ **
[15:04:27] stuartm: Dagmar is still banned?
[15:05:05] iamlindoro: evidently so
[15:05:29] iamlindoro: ISTR he did earn it, but no objections if you want to unban him
[15:05:33] mycosys (mycosys!~mycosys@unaffiliated/mycosys) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[15:05:44] iamlindoro: mchou stays, though :)
[15:06:44] stuartm: I can't even remember his crime, apart from being pretty opinionated
[15:07:10] iamlindoro: Which, Dagmar or mchou?
[15:07:31] iamlindoro: actually, both were basically the same crime-- being criminally abusive of innocent first time users
[15:07:40] stuartm: both
[15:07:57] stuartm: but mchou was much, much worse
[15:08:03] iamlindoro: agreed
[15:08:35] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o stuartm
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[15:08:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuartm!~stuartm@mythtv/developer/stuartm : -b Dagmar!*@*
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[15:09:50] stuartm: I think several months is a long enough ban and I doubt he'll re-appear anyway
[15:10:29] wagnerrp: several, like 18
[15:10:44] iamlindoro: several several
[15:11:09] stuartm: wagnerrp: heh, longer than I thought then
[15:11:16] stuartm: !seen Dagmar
[15:11:16] MythLogBot: Dagmar was last seen 540 days 13 hours 16 minutes 41 seconds ago
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[15:18:58] iamlindoro: stuartm: IIRC warpme uses Arch, which means bleeding bleeding everything
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[15:21:16] stuartm: !seen warpme
[15:21:16] MythLogBot: warpme has not been seen here
[15:21:45] stuartm: funny, I thought he had been in here before
[15:22:01] sphery: heh, so it may be that the "just do it without a license" approach used by is actualy a worse idea than Hulu's approach of licensing content (which is costing Hulu so much money they're making a pittance compared to the networks). Sounds like may be ruled in violation of copyright laws: . . . yright_laws/
[15:22:07] sphery: !seen warped
[15:22:08] MythLogBot: warped has not been seen here
[15:22:14] sphery: not by his other name, either
[15:23:08] sphery: anyway, now that Hulu is up for sale--and there's a very good possibility Google will buy it just to make Google TV semi-relevant--it seems that Hulu (despite making very little money on its service) may make a fortune on the sale
[15:23:14] stuartm: heh, yeah, though the judge is passing the buck to the ECJ
[15:23:34] sphery: true... of course he wouldn't want to take the blame himself :)
[15:24:18] stuartm: sphery: the dot-com bubble is alive and well
[15:24:42] sphery: MS dropped out of the bidding for Hulu, so now there's Google, Yahoo!, AT&T, and 8 other unknown bidders involved
[15:24:45] stuartm: worthless companies sold for silly sums of money
[15:24:47] sphery: yeah, seems that way
[15:24:59] sphery: after all, why shouldn't Facebook be worth a fortune...
[15:25:56] sphery: and even MySpace got re-bought (granted, for significantly less than last time it was sold) by some people who seem to think it's still worth millions
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[16:27:15] sphery: Love how I'm getting blamed for suggesting that someone implement code exactly like we have scattered all around MythTV/MythWeb.
[16:27:28] iamlindoro: whichnow?
[16:27:30] sphery: Really, development is much easier if users never know how the code works.
[16:28:05] phil___ (phil___! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:28:36] sphery: The, "My network has no name resolution so MythWeb remote control page doesn't work," "So, just look up the IP address in the database and use that in preference," "Oh, but that's a terrible hack, we shouldn't do that, the world might end."
[16:28:50] sphery: we do that all over the place
[16:28:55] iamlindoro: ahhh
[16:33:07] stuartm: right, the age old argument over whether or to keep a silly setting – do we remove the EPGShowCategoryColors setting if the same thing can be toggled through the theme instead and the theme will always be able to override the user anyway
[16:33:14] stuartm: ?
[16:33:31] stuartm: i.e. can anyone put forward a reasonable argument for keeping the setting?
[16:36:40] sphery: stuartm: yes, please remove that setting
[16:37:05] sphery: I'm currently working patches that allow specifying an OSD window timeout (on a per-window basis) and overriding the "default" timeout values in the theme
[16:37:47] sphery: if you let users look at these things in isolation, they may seem like a bad idea ("but it's so easy to flip a switch in settings" or "my grandma shouldn't have to edit XML to use MythTV")
[16:38:02] sphery: but from the standpoint of allowing the theme/themer full control over the UI experience, it makes sense
[16:38:11] iamlindoro: for the love of god, remove it
[16:38:16] iamlindoro: I hate that particular setting in particular
[16:38:18] sphery: (and grandma doesn't need to edit XML--she just needs to choose the right theme for her tastes)
[16:38:20] iamlindoro: That's the themer's job
[16:38:23] sphery: agreed
[16:39:45] sphery: if you want, blame me and I'll take all the heat--as I'm about to take heat for a) timeouts in themes, b) caption fonts in themes, c) making caption state/preferred captions a "live" setting, d) removing the last remnants of the accel of a certain kind of keys that may have arrows on them
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[16:56:51] Beirdo: better run before I miss the buss again
[16:58:26] wagnerrp: sphery: to be honest, ive never liked how any of that stuff worked
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[16:59:36] sphery: wagnerrp: which stuff?
[16:59:48] wagnerrp: name resolution through the database
[17:00:54] sphery: right
[17:00:56] sphery: it's a hack
[17:01:02] sphery: but it's a hack that's all over the place in our code
[17:01:12] wagnerrp: i would love to remove all the IP configuration from our stuff
[17:01:21] sphery: so until someone does it the right way--the way you mentioned--we either use the hack everywhere or we have silly individual pages that don't work
[17:01:23] wagnerrp: add a marker in the config.xml as to which host is the master
[17:01:36] wagnerrp: and another to identify the IP of the master
[17:01:47] wagnerrp: and have everything else query the backend
[17:01:47] sphery: that's what the UPnP USN was supposed to be for
[17:02:00] wagnerrp: but... thats far far FAR from a trivial amount of code to pull that off
[17:02:28] sphery: right
[17:02:44] sphery: it's a TODO, just not something we're doing so that a user without name resolution can use the mythweb remote control page
[17:03:02] sphery: so it gets done when someone has the time and motivation to redo it better
[17:03:21] sphery: maybe now that Beirdo did my new logging todo for me, he can do this one :)
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[17:06:26] wagnerrp: even better, we dont bother with selection of a master backend
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[17:06:48] wagnerrp: and stuff main server, the scheduler, and housekeeper into its own application
[17:07:29] sphery: heh, yeah
[17:12:28] paul-h (paul-h!~paulh@mythtv/developer/paul-h) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:15:40] wagnerrp: apparently some of the avsforum folks have rolled a fix to keep the replaytvs running
[17:17:25] sphery: is this "fix" a "steal data with mc2xml" ot the likes?
[17:17:36] wagnerrp: dont know, looking into it
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[17:23:54] wagnerrp: seems at least part of it is to bypass a the authentication servers that the devices poll to remain active
[17:25:19] wagnerrp: there is a fair bit of talk about using schedules direct for guide data
[17:25:25] wagnerrp: not yet one mention of mc2xml
[17:26:07] sphery: wonder if that would fall afoul of the schedules direct FOSS-only rule
[17:27:13] stuartm: I thought I'd heard that someone had setup an SD-alike service specifically for ReplayTV users
[17:27:33] wagnerrp:
[17:28:47] wagnerrp: were replaytvs ever sold outside the states?
[17:28:50] stuartm: ah right, I'd heard of wirns and thought they were providing the guide data
[17:29:13] sphery: xris: ^^^ ( ) might want to come up with an official position on whether ReplayTV users would be allowed to use Schedules Direct data
[17:29:47] wagnerrp: considering they were abandoned by their commercial parent
[17:29:48] sphery: now that the company is out of business/listings discontinued as of Jul 31 –
[17:29:56] wagnerrp: i would consider that falls under FOSS territory
[17:30:21] sphery: well, assuming it's Free and Open Source Software :)
[17:30:26] wagnerrp: although yeah, probably a good thing to have a official statement
[17:31:45] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:32:04] wagnerrp:
[17:32:25] MMlosh (MMlosh!~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:d47:a42f:9806:ef33) has quit (Quit: Bye...)
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[17:33:07] Captain_Murdoch: sphery, it's already covered. see Schedule Direct's front page: we've had a few discussions about ReplayTV on our monthly conference calls.
[17:34:18] sphery: ahh, cool... completely missed that
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[17:44:47] skd5aner: sphery: had a quick Q for you, based on a few ml threads I've dug up in the past that you helped out with in regards to mythshutdown/mythwelcome/suspending...
[17:44:53] skd5aner:
[17:46:13] skd5aner: Is it still the case that a combined sbe/fe isn't directly supported leveraging an RTC wake time? After fidling around a bit last night, I think the current design of mythwelcome/mythshutdown doesn't necessarily allow for that kind of configuration
[17:46:29] sphery: right
[17:47:07] sphery: if it ever worked, it should work the same
[17:47:23] skd5aner: I was hoping to keep the MBE up 24/7, as it does other functions, but the frontend/sbe I wanted to be able to suspend to RAM and have it wake up for scheduled recordings OR resume via USB if someone wanted to watch something
[17:47:35] sphery: but I think the mythwelcome/mythshutdown stuff was designed for a master backend
[17:47:52] sphery: and WOL doesn't work on that system's NIC?
[17:48:03] sphery: or WOL-from-suspend doesn't work?
[17:48:03] skd5aner: I haven't tried that yet
[17:48:07] sphery: that's the best way
[17:48:29] sphery: it also allows the master to reschedule such that the remote backend isn't necessary in some cases
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[17:49:17] skd5aner: Does that work with mythwelcome?
[17:49:29] stuartm: another one bites the dust (setting)
[17:49:44] sphery: mythwelcome's only purpose is to disconnect mythfrontend so that the system is allowed to shut down
[17:50:03] sphery: if mythfrontend is connected to the master backend, the system can't shut down--it's presumed to be in use
[17:50:15] sphery: "the system" = "the backend"
[17:50:35] Beirdo: hehe
[17:50:50] sphery: so, basically, you'd just set up the master backend to sleep your remote backends when not needed
[17:51:15] skd5aner: yea, so that's what I'm trying to better understand... I want the MBE to be on all the time... and the SBE/FE to be on 1) whenever someone wants to watch TV and 2) When it needs to user the tuner connected to it
[17:51:40] skd5aner: So, Mythwelcome probably can go out of the picture I'm guessing
[17:51:56] sphery: I'm not sure if Captain_Murdoch's code pays attention to whether a frontend on the same host as the remote backend is connected
[17:52:31] sphery: but, in theory--since it's just sending a message and running a script--you could have the script on the remote backend/frontend check to see if mythfrontend is running and, if so, not shut down
[17:52:55] sphery: if not (i.e. because you exited out to mythwelcome), you'd shut down
[17:53:24] sphery: stuartm: nice--and thanks!
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[17:53:49] sphery: I'll back you up when the complaints start coming in
[17:54:01] sphery: maybe I can get some of my removals in soon enough that they'll focus on those, instead :)
[17:54:32] skd5aner: so, if the mfe is running, does that impact the check needed to shutdown a sbe?
[17:54:36] skd5aner: or just the mbe?
[17:55:08] skd5aner: and, is the point of mythwelcome to easily see what's going on in the mbe without having a connected client like mfe so you can shut it down?
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[17:55:47] sphery: I don't know for sure whether the "sleep remote backends" checks for running frontends
[17:56:06] sphery: I'd think it doesn't (since we don't really have a good way to do that), so you'd just do that in your sleep script
[17:56:25] sphery: and, yes, that's what mythwelcome is about
[17:57:13] skd5aner: Basically, from a usage perspective – I'd like to be able to say, if the frontend is actually in use, then don't sleep that machine... if the tuner is in use in the sbe, then don't sleep that machine... if a user pushes the power button, sleep the machine unless a tuner is in use or about to record. If the user pushes the power button when it's sleeping, wake it up
[17:57:46] skd5aner: and if the frontend is not in use or it doesn't need to use the tuner now or shortly in the future, sleep the machine automatically
[17:57:54] stuartm: sphery: when I re-write the guide widget it's going to be completely pointless anyway, we can't force the themer to use those colours in their theme somewhere, so whether the setting is removed now or whether in a few weeks it's going away
[17:58:02] wagnerrp: sphery: another reason for a proper mechanism to track running frontends
[17:58:16] sphery: wagnerrp: heh, yeah
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[17:58:38] sphery: stuartm: cool--so then you have a great justification for when the complaints come in :)
[17:59:06] skd5aner: I should clarify, that when I say "pushes the power button" I actually mean on the remote, not the physical button on the box
[17:59:19] stuartm: in the rewrite category stuff will become a statetype, so you can put whatever you want in to represent the category – text/shapes (of any colour) or images (icons might be nice)
[18:00:57] skd5aner: sphery: so, I just wanted to make sure that the assumptions I discovered while playing around with this stuff and reading through the archives is correct – it's basically designed to work in a single machine MBE/FE scenario
[18:00:58] stuartm: skd5aner: I've been wanting to merge mythwelcome functionality into the frontend by creating a 'standby' mode which can be entered automatically on an idle timer or directly by pressing a button
[18:01:05] sphery: skd5aner: AIUI, you'd have the remote power button shut down mythfrontend (so it goes into mythwelcome), then would wait for the master backend to sleep the remote
[18:01:06] skd5aner: OR a single SBE with no FE on it
[18:01:15] sphery: if the master doesn't sleep the remote, the master won't wake the remote
[18:01:55] sphery: and you may need to do the mythfrontend/mythwelcome check, yourself, in the remote backend's sleep script
[18:02:13] skd5aner: stuartm: that's be cool... I've completely ignored mythwelcome since it was created, so I feel like a complete newb dealing with something that's been around for several years now, but the reason behind it's existance is sound
[18:02:23] skd5aner: s/that's/that'd
[18:02:41] stuartm: in that standby mode the frontend will disconnect from the backend, certain frontend services will be suspended to save power, a screen will pop up to display useful info ala mythwelcome or a blank screensaver
[18:03:43] skd5aner: sphery: yea, I might play around with it – I was hoping the built in design and functionality (and methods documented on the wiki) would ultimately work in this scenario, but I'm finding plenty of ancidotal evidence in the ml archives that it's not exactly designed for that out of the box
[18:04:05] sphery: stuartm: this would go very well with wagnerrp's desire to allow switching the connection type from/to monitor and playback without reconnecting
[18:04:13] stuartm: optionally we could even power off the frontend after we'd been in 'standby' for a period of time
[18:04:56] sphery: skd5aner: it seems that all you'd need to do is a script with a ps or pidof check for mythfrontend and either shut down or not based on the result
[18:05:04] wagnerrp: sphery: it would seem the protocol actually allowed for that all along
[18:05:06] sphery: other than that, it's all out of the box functionality
[18:05:26] sphery: wagnerrp: really? I need to do that for mythjobqueue, then... How do you do it?
[18:05:48] wagnerrp: BLOCK_SHUTDOWN and ALLOW_SHUTDOWN
[18:06:02] wagnerrp: it flips the relevant bit in the attached PlayBackSocket
[18:06:02] sphery: nice
[18:06:26] sphery: I just may patch mythjobqueue (in 0.24-fixes, too) so that we don't need the script hack I did
[18:06:27] wagnerrp: theres a patch on trac for a keybinding that will let you manually trigger it
[18:06:46] sphery: so that would be for mythfrontend?
[18:06:56] wagnerrp: yeah
[18:07:03] skd5aner: sphery: true – the framework is there...
[18:07:09] wagnerrp: note that i havent actually tested it
[18:07:10] sphery: if we just automated it for mythfrontend like stuartm is proposing, mythwelcome would be obsoleted
[18:07:16] wagnerrp: but it looks like it should work
[18:07:18] skd5aner: sphery: it's just building a little logic manually behind it, whiich is good
[18:07:21] sphery: (i.e. users shouldn't have to know--just od it based on timeout)
[18:07:24] stuartm: wagnerrp: ok, so the work required to eliminate mythwelcome would be minimal
[18:07:49] wagnerrp: stuartm: yeah, just a timer when sitting in the main menu
[18:07:56] ** sphery anxiously awaits stuartm's next "finally" commit **
[18:08:00] wagnerrp: sit in the main menu with no key input for a couple minutes
[18:08:06] wagnerrp: drop back to non-blocking
[18:08:17] skd5aner: I was going to ask, is there keybinding that would basically allow you to "quit" mythfrontend without the prompt? I don't believe there is when I was looking last night... but would that make sense to have?
[18:08:18] wagnerrp: however, you will need some code to wake the frontend
[18:08:19] sphery: (would be nice to get this in, since we've been talking about it for a long time--without knowing how easy it would be)
[18:08:20] stuartm: which appeals to me because I don't think mythwelcome as a separate app is intuitive and it's much slower to start the frontend from cold
[18:08:33] sphery: wagnerrp: anyway, thanks for figuring that out--makes the mythjobqueue migration /much/ easier
[18:09:04] sphery: wagnerrp: waking is only required for backends... users would wake the frontend when they want to watch, right?
[18:09:21] stuartm: skd5aner: yes, the EXIT binding iirc
[18:09:36] wagnerrp: sphery: i mean... this would allow the backend to shut down even with a frontend is running
[18:09:38] sphery: but we do have all the support for the wakeup stuff in mythtv proper, anyway
[18:09:59] wagnerrp: so if a user starts using the frontend
[18:10:10] wagnerrp: it would need to be able to reconnect to the backend should the backend have actually shut down
[18:10:21] skd5aner: stuartm: I did see that key, I have it set to ESC, which is the same as my global key binding, so the global probably overrode it
[18:10:21] sphery: skd5aner: EXIT currently uses whatever the setting is set to--prompts if you have it set to prompt or doesn't, if not
[18:10:40] sphery: skd5aner: I have a 90% patch that changes it to 2 separate key bindings--one for prompt and one for no prompt--and removes the setting
[18:10:48] skd5aner: sphery: ahh, ok
[18:10:54] sphery: the 10% is where I'm stuck, though (have a little issue with callbacks)
[18:10:58] stuartm: sphery: my fault, I thought you'd already committed that change
[18:11:11] sphery: really, stuartm would probably know exactly how to handle it
[18:11:23] skd5aner: the setting is probably what caused me to believe it didn't really "exit" mythfronted without prompting
[18:12:13] skd5aner: but that'd be great – in my remote I can easily program a macro button that would exit out of mythfrontend when powering off all my devices, allowing for a shutdown
[18:12:16] stuartm: sphery: well you can run it past me :)
[18:12:35] sphery: heh, will do--just gathering the relevant info (been too long since I was in that patch)
[18:13:36] skd5aner: heh, seems this has been a TODO on Captain_Murdoch's list for a while now:
[18:13:52] stuartm: sphery: np, I might have to re-read that code too as it's probably been even longer since I last looked at it
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[18:14:04] skd5aner: that said, I know TODO lists always get bigger, never smaller it seems :)
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[18:15:22] stuartm: skd5aner: mine is so long now that I've forgotten what half the items were about, my notes weren't detailed enough :)
[18:15:24] sphery: skd5aner: sounds like you'd need to use a custom script for the wake functionality on the master backend, too, rather than just send a WOL packet
[18:16:01] skd5aner: sphery: yea, and I don't want the MBE to ever sleep
[18:16:12] stuartm: can I assume that no-one sees a problem in committing  ?
[18:16:31] sphery: skd5aner: so in that script you'd send the WOL packet immediately (since it doesn't hurt if the system is already running) using wakeonlan or whatever external script, then try to contact some program on the remote backend host to see if it's already running, and if so, have it trigger a restart of mythbackend
[18:16:42] sphery: skd5aner: right, but master backend sends the sleep/wake events
[18:16:56] skd5aner: ah, sorry – misinterpreted what you were saying
[18:16:58] stuartm: it's a simple patch for an annoying problem and it's a 4 year old ticket
[18:18:13] skd5aner: My powerless vote is "sure, why not?"
[18:18:18] Beirdo: stuartm: I ain't got an issue with it. I don't do EIT :)
[18:18:26] skd5aner: EIT doesn't impact me anyway ;)
[18:18:40] Beirdo: nor do I put my backend to sleep
[18:18:51] Beirdo: but yeah, if it looks like it works, might as well
[18:19:04] stuartm: I can't say I've really reviewed the patch, I'm kinda trusting that it does what it's claimed to do
[18:19:26] sphery: stuartm: heh, while typing up the question, I think I answered it myself...
[18:19:33] Beirdo: hit up gigem if he's around, I guess, as it's horking with the scheduler
[18:19:47] sphery: give me an hour, then I'll boot up the dev box and test it out. May have another setting gone by day's end
[18:19:56] skd5aner: Well, if it was good enough for .20 and .21, it's surely got to be good enough for 0.25 ;)
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[18:21:21] skd5aner: sphery: w00t! I love when a trivial question of mine gets a dev's neurons firing on all cylindars on an old TODO ;)
[18:21:26] sphery: stuartm: seems like #3597 makes sense--for exactly the reason you mentioned. If a user is shutting down their EIT-fed backend, they won't receive EIT updates, so whether they get a reschedule immediately before shutdown or the one that happened 5 minutes ago probably isn't a big deal.
[18:21:47] sphery: skd5aner: yeah, thanks for pushing that train of thought for me
[18:22:03] sphery: guess I just needed that 2nd engine pushing to get it over the hill
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[18:22:20] skd5aner: heh – I'm just the noisy passenger in coach
[18:22:26] sphery: if only I had a child, I could probably make some Thomas the Train reference
[18:22:48] sphery: heh--must be very noisy if it's your sound waves that pushed that train through
[18:23:00] skd5aner: super sonic
[18:23:13] skd5aner: BOOM
[18:24:17] skd5aner: speaking of children and noise... my daughter's decided to start screaming her head off, time to go investigate
[18:24:26] sphery: heh
[18:24:54] stuartm: hang on a minute, "Thomas the Train"???
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[18:25:12] stuartm: Thomas the Tank Engine
[18:26:02] wagnerrp: who anthropomorphises the sooty diesel engine of a tank?
[18:26:30] stuartm:
[18:26:35] wagnerrp: (or turbine if youre american or australian)
[18:27:21] stuartm: but the image of a children's character being the engine of a tank is highly amusing
[18:27:51] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[18:28:24] stuartm: and probably the plot of one of the Michael Bay Transformer films
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[18:30:09] Beirdo: stuartm: you might be able to claim that you fixed some of our socket crash/deadlock tickets :)
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[18:31:15] stuartm: Beirdo: just one by my count
[18:31:25] stuartm: but I'd be happy to claim more :)
[18:31:32] Beirdo: heh
[18:31:55] Beirdo: well, with some of those tickets, it's not clear what the exact cause is, nor if they are repeatable
[18:32:06] Beirdo: so you may well of fixed more than you'd figured :)
[18:34:03] Beirdo: oh, and thanks :) Hopefully we get rid of those issues forever soon :)
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[18:36:03] stuartm: the bug I fixed only affected errored FileTransfer requests, those would stand on in any logs and they weren't present that I could find
[18:37:11] Beirdo: ah, gotcha
[18:37:29] Beirdo: it's likely the same issue elsewhere that's causing the other hangs, I'd bet
[18:38:46] MMlosh (MMlosh!~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:d47:a42f:9806:ef33) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[18:40:47] Beirdo: I hope that if we have any color-blind users, that they are willing to create/modify a theme to account for not being able to choose colors anymore
[18:41:18] Beirdo: that's the only use case I can think of for wanting custom colors... to get better contrast for those with color-blindness
[18:41:28] sphery: but that's what themes are for
[18:41:50] sphery: rather than settings to specify what themes should look like
[18:41:51] Beirdo: as I said, hopefully, they are ready to fix a theme or create a new one
[18:42:02] sphery: hard to design a theme that works right if users can flip settings and make it work differently
[18:42:06] sphery: yeah
[18:42:09] Beirdo: agreed :)
[18:42:40] Beirdo: but just a heads up if someone comes to complain, that is ONE place where I could see someone actually using that setting for a good reason.
[18:42:50] Beirdo: there's a better way to do it, of course :)
[18:44:00] sphery: skd5aner: btw, meant to link you to this a while ago, but forgot:
[18:44:14] sphery: no clue if that covers some/all of the TODOs or features that you want
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[19:53:57] skd5aner: Beirdo: I frequently see issues with what I believe are socket deadlocks
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[20:00:05] Beirdo: yeah, we still have that as a major outstanding headache
[20:00:52] Beirdo: I think that what stuartm fixes was just the tip of the iceberg, but may well show us how to fix it elsewhere and what to pay attention to
[20:01:12] elkin: hi! while playing with the new mythmetadata app I stubled uppon this problem with my theme: Some shows have seasons that on TVDB have the year as a number (2011) as example. but the theme requires it to be a spinbox that only goes up to 100... what can I do?
[20:01:25] skd5aner: sphery: yea, pretty close – of course I would think convering the case of a fe/sbe combination would be critical for a complete solution since that kind of architecture seems pretty common
[20:01:35] skd5aner: sphery: good memory/find though!
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[20:02:11] skd5aner: Beirdo: I have no idea how to capture it in such a way as to provide useful information for debugging
[20:02:11] sphery: yeah, it's not complete without that case covered, but who ever said that any part of mythtv was complete?  :)
[20:02:38] skd5aner: Hey, incremental enhancements are still enhancements none-the-less ;)
[20:02:54] Beirdo: skd5aner: can you determine what you were doing and how to repeat it on demand?
[20:03:30] Beirdo: if so, that will go a long way to narrowing it down and then making sure it's fixed :)
[20:03:39] stuartm: Beirdo: the setting I removed just toggled the use of colours to distinguish between programme categories, colours where used will still be customisable by editing the categories.xml the same as they've always been
[20:03:57] skd5aner: Beirdo: nope :( It seems to occur when I have multiple things recording, usually on my mbe and sbe, and after I watch a recording and attempt to delete it... also sometimes when I try and tell a recording to stop recording and attempt to delete it
[20:04:11] skd5aner: like, it's juggling too many balls at once and drops all of them
[20:05:26] skd5aner: It seems to be random, from the sense that symptomattically it's sometimes happens in similiar circumstances, but not always under those same circumstances
[20:05:31] Beirdo: stuartm: yeah, fair enough. a minor tweak for anyone who needs them a certain way ;)
[20:05:45] Beirdo: useless setting for 99% of the people :)
[20:06:01] skd5aner: elkin: you might have better luck asking in #mythtv-theming ?
[20:06:11] wagnerrp: elkin: got an example?
[20:06:22] Beirdo: skd5aner: fun. Those are always the hardest to track down. If you start to see some sort of pattern, that can be helpful.
[20:06:45] skd5aner: yea, I'll keep a keener eye out – it seems to come and go like the tide, haven't had too many crop up recently
[20:06:45] elkin: wagnerrp: sure . . . 1&lid=14
[20:06:59] Beirdo: but so yeah, on deletion is the current common path, it seems
[20:07:08] sphery: maybe it's just a /very/ long-running series?
[20:07:29] elkin: wagnerrp: or for an american show: . . . 21&lid=7
[20:07:41] skd5aner: elkin, I would say that would likely be an error with the way they were entering it
[20:08:47] iamlindoro: elkin: I'll fix the spinbox ranges, I've had it in the back of my head for a few weeks that I needed to do it
[20:08:56] elkin: skd5aner: that would mean that TVDB would have to change quiet a few shows as this is not a real exception... more like a "small" rule
[20:09:07] elkin: iamlindoro: thanks
[20:09:35] iamlindoro: I set the first ones I did to 100 max, then the next set to 999 max, and have since decided that realistically they need to all be 9999
[20:09:57] stuartm: Beirdo: it's not hard to imagine why a subtle and elegant theme can be completely ruined by large blocks of primary colours splashed in the middle – it would be fine if the user chose to display the colours and didn't mind it spoiling the design, but most users won't even realise the setting exists and so they won't see the theme as it was intended
[20:10:29] Beirdo: yeah
[20:10:35] elkin: iamlindoro: true, but some need to be 100 some 9999, maybe something that could be set in the theme instead of the core
[20:10:56] Beirdo: agreed. :) it's the 0.5% that want it that way that need to be aware that they need to go tweak something again now
[20:11:23] Beirdo: but I guess they'd notice pretty quickly that their hideous colors are gon :)
[20:11:24] elkin: iamlindoro: nice if the spinbox allowed you to type in the numbers with the keyboard/remote
[20:11:55] iamlindoro: elkin: The maximums of the spinboxes don't belong in themes
[20:12:15] wagnerrp: to be honest, ive got mixed feelings about that
[20:12:19] iamlindoro: The code determines what a sane range is-- the spinboxes are there to enforce it
[20:12:41] wagnerrp: whether it would be better to allow >100 season numbers, or to have the grabbers internally reorder the seasons
[20:12:54] iamlindoro: Reordering the seasons BAD
[20:13:07] wagnerrp: not order, but starting value
[20:13:09] iamlindoro: because then there's no user-visible correlation to the information they can go look up
[20:13:19] wagnerrp: i suppose
[20:14:12] iamlindoro: anyway, the point about spinboxes is, if the allowed values in the DB are 1–10, and we let the themer specify, and he decides "this one goes to 11," then his theme now allows the insertion of bogus DB data
[20:14:27] iamlindoro: therefore, teh ranges of spinboxes belong in code
[20:18:39] dekarl: didn't see an answer, so I'll try again. How should special episodes (think ttvdb season 0) be signalled in a xmltv feed? program_type=series with xmltv_ns season -1 doesn't look so good ;) (that's what I get with the general case)
[20:19:35] iamlindoro: dekarl: I only failed to answer because I'm not sure what the answer should be
[20:19:57] wagnerrp: plus, you did ask late at night in the states (where most of this channel lives)
[20:20:23] wagnerrp: of course that also means most of this channel has never seen xmltv either
[20:20:41] dekarl: iamlindoro: no worries, I'm just so penetrant because I couldn't come up with something sane either.
[20:21:50] iamlindoro: dekarl: Is there a reason season 0 doesn't work? Reserved for something else?
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[20:22:49] dekarl: wagnerrp: true, but as the sites based on nonametv are modeled to work well with mythtv wrt magic categories for series/movie/sports I'm more interested in how this side works (likely just whatever zap2it had?)
[20:23:53] dekarl: ttvdb season 0 gets turned into xmltv_ns season -1, that's not so great (and the validator flags it as bad)
[20:24:07] iamlindoro: ahhh
[20:24:24] wagnerrp: to be honest, i think the only thing ive ever recorded that had specials was dr who on scifi
[20:24:56] sphery: lost?
[20:25:14] wagnerrp: never watched it
[20:25:15] dekarl: no Babylon 5?
[20:25:21] kormoc_afk is now known as kormoc
[20:25:38] wagnerrp: mythtv didnt exist that far back
[20:27:14] dekarl: so I'll just use program_type=series and no episode number for now? (so no programid gets generated and the normal text matching takes place)
[20:27:32] iamlindoro: dekarl: I think that should work, yeah
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[20:37:06] dekarl: Do you have a preferred way to handle series that don't do seasons? Most of the local dailys over here tend to call their episodes "Episode 3124" and that's it. Currently I put in xmltv_ns with just the episode number, but mfdb doesn't generate a programid without season number.
[20:38:21] iamlindoro: I am not really interacting with the XMLTV season episode values at all, so it currently doesn't affect any of the new code
[20:39:53] dekarl: I think it's mostly relevant for the duplicate matching in the scheduler
[20:40:26] iamlindoro: stuartm may have a better perspective on what to do there
[20:42:59] dekarl: right. reminds me I got another proposal for him to look at wrt xmltv web setup :)
[20:44:11] dekarl: I'll try put all the parts together this weekend wrt the xmltv api and send it to the dev list. Night
[20:44:46] sphery: dekarl: yes, season/episode numbers in xmltv are used to create a programid, which is considered a definitive identifer of an episode for the purposes of duplicate matching (regardles of the rule-specified matching mechanism)
[20:47:52] sphery: dekarl: if you can come up with a way of differentiating between an xmltv_ns episode number without season and one that's just an "unknown" season, we can use it to generate programid
[20:48:13] dekarl: sphery: ok, that's how I read the xmltvparser, too.
[20:48:39] dekarl: I agree, the difference between no season and unknown season is the missing piece of information at that end
[20:48:41] sphery: don't know if it would be better to create a new identifier for that or try to make it clear in xmltv_ns
[20:49:00] sphery: but if you guys come up with a plan, I'm happy to modify xmltvparser for it
[20:50:11] dekarl: All I can think up is some new unique identifier
[20:50:17] sphery: yeah, that would be ideal
[20:50:22] sphery: makes it easiest to figure out
[20:50:40] sphery: xmltv_ns, onscreen, and add a new serial or something?
[20:50:53] dekarl: tvbrainz-crid :)
[20:50:59] sphery: heh
[20:51:52] sphery: but the dtd does say, "But if you want, you can use your own system and give the 'system' attribute as a URL describing the system you use."
[20:52:15] sphery: so we could do it specifically for your grabber--though, obviously, a nice standardized approach would be ideal
[20:53:55] sphery: btw, for anyone interested, this is a great read:
[20:53:59] dekarl: sure, but I don't like the thought of system="KarlsMadeUpID". Might as well do it right before I go around and bug lots of people to adopt a workaround.
[20:54:20] sphery: though kind of scary learning more about patents and how they could affect us FOSS developers
[20:54:44] sphery: heh, yeah, doing it right is always preferred when possible
[20:55:40] dekarl: well, the matching by title/subtitle/description worked good for so many years, it'll do until someone puts in the energy for tvbrainz
[20:56:31] sphery: yeah
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[22:46:44] wagnerrp: beirdo: you ever get a chance to test that fitpc?
[22:47:28] Beirdo: not in a while, no. Good reminder though, maybe I can find time in the next bit
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[22:58:56] stuartm: how do I translate an svn commit number to a git hash?
[22:59:45] Beirdo: [1234]
[22:59:45] MythLogBot: SVN 1234: (branch master)
[22:59:48] Beirdo: like that :)
[22:59:58] stuartm: [25805]
[22:59:58] MythLogBot: SVN 25805: (branch master)
[23:00:08] stuartm: thanks
[23:00:23] Beirdo: no problem :)
[23:00:40] sphery: stuartm: or /q MythLogBot svn 25805
[23:00:53] sphery: (in PM, you have to use the "svn #####" format)
[23:00:56] Muzer (Muzer! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[23:00:58] Beirdo: yeah, it works in PM too :)
[23:01:49] sphery: I use PM often when I want to surprise the channel with my amazing recollection of svn changesets
[23:01:57] Beirdo: hehe
[23:02:05] Beirdo: the spherypedia helper
[23:02:21] sphery: heh, now with more noodles
[23:03:57] Beirdo: and more MSG, of course
[23:04:08] sphery: mmmm... tasty msg
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[23:04:50] mycosys: from his noodly appendages?
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[23:06:56] sphery: heh--at least I'm not wearing a spaghetti strainer in my driver's license photo
[23:07:05] Beirdo: hehe
[23:07:06] Beirdo: this time
[23:07:23] sphery: -> "Austrian driver allowed 'pastafarian' headgear photo"
[23:09:26] Beirdo: jeez
[23:15:33] mycosys: awesome
[23:15:36] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Quit: abqjp)
[23:18:48] stuartm: if you read the article it's not quite the victory that he claimed, the police basically said that any headwear was permitted just as long as the full face was visible and that 'religious' aspects played no part in the decision
[23:20:54] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[23:21:44] Beirdo: stuartm: if you want to drop an axe onto #3580, feel fre
[23:22:06] Beirdo: I've tried with it, it's a mess, I tried a different way, it's a mess...
[23:22:42] sphery: if you guys get the oldest tickets into new 1000's number, I may have to get to work on some of my old ones...
[23:23:25] Beirdo: we can revisit the idea of commflag on upnp some other decade
[23:24:04] Beirdo: since yer in a axe-dropping mood :)
[23:25:55] stuartm: sphery: just calling time on tickets that are obviously dead or so completely stalled that they might as well be dead
[23:27:09] sphery: yeah, it's a good thing
[23:27:24] sphery: even (or especially?) if it makes me get to some of my tickets
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