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IRC Logs collected by BeirdoBot.
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Sunday, August 8th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:53] high-rez: That said, how about we just add the mime type application/ogg for .ogx then ?
[00:00:54] kormoc: like text/html and application/xhtml+xml and application/xml and text/xml and text/xhtml+xml and text/xhtml and application/xhtml....
[00:00:57] high-rez: And I'll just rename my files ?
[00:01:32] kormoc: i think that's a valid answer
[00:02:03] high-rez: (from what I'm reading it appears completely valid to rename my .ogg's to .ogx anyways)
[00:03:52] high-rez: i'll submit a diff
[00:05:00] Gibby1313 (Gibby1313!~gibby@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:13:51] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit (Quit: Slim-Kimbo)
[00:30:12] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:51] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[00:31:54] hpeter (hpeter! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:09] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:35:16] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:36:33] dashs (dashs! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:17] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:39] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:28] Beirdo: high-rez: put in a ticket for me please.
[01:02:46] Beirdo: with those ogg mime types....
[01:05:58] Beirdo: anyone know how to generate an IFO file?
[01:07:54] Oberon (Oberon! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:20] Oberon (Oberon! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:10:06] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[01:10:59] patdk-lap (patdk-lap! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:10] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[01:12:48] Essobi (Essobi! has quit (Quit: BBIAFM)
[01:13:47] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:09] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:22:52] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:13] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:37:44] Beirdo: iamlindoro: if you are in... do we have a library sucked into myth already that can CREATE rather than parse IFO files?
[01:38:10] Beirdo: since you've done a lot of the DVD stuff lately...
[01:38:17] wagnerrp: check out the mytharchive stuff
[01:38:20] wagnerrp: it can master DVDs
[01:38:26] Beirdo: hmmm
[01:40:39] Beirdo: seems to just call out to other programs (from anyways)
[01:40:47] wagnerrp: very likely
[01:41:30] patdk-lap: hmm, finally getting around to getting my frontend setup again :)
[01:42:28] wagnerrp: does the analog channel lineup grab only work for SD? not XMLTV?
[01:46:33] justinh: xmltv doesn't have tuning info
[01:47:10] wagnerrp: they dont even give the channel number? (for analog where a channel number is all the tuning info you need)
[01:47:52] justinh: I know in the UK they don't. pretty sure they don't elsewhere too
[01:49:37] justinh: oh man. so much for feeding guidelines anyway
[01:50:56] wagnerrp: heh... didnt realize you were up at 4AM
[01:52:47] justinh: up at 2am. last fed at 12am
[01:53:30] justinh: he had 120ml, supposed to be on 90. we've been putting extra in the bottles so there's less chance of bubbles when he gets near the end
[01:53:39] justinh: bubbles = air = windy gas
[01:54:26] justinh: I'm not googling amounts/frequency. I'll just end up terrifying myself
[01:54:50] ** Beirdo makes bubbles **
[01:54:56] Beirdo: ahhhh
[01:55:00] justinh: heheh
[01:55:10] justinh: midwife is coming er.. today I guess
[01:55:22] justinh: I'll ask about this for sure
[01:56:05] justinh: babies allegedly only take what they want/need.. any extra just gets puked/coughed out
[01:56:25] Beirdo: just like supermodels
[01:56:46] justinh: lol
[01:57:24] justinh: I've not seen much of my son personally today. had so many visitors they've all wanted a hold. and now I've got a crappy shift
[01:57:43] justinh: he's back to sleep though thank God
[01:57:56] Beirdo: whew
[01:59:06] justinh: waiting for the kettle to cool so I can make up some formula. he's been through the real milk reserve we'd set aside
[01:59:52] justinh: alright for the visitors, they don't have to do this stuff :)
[02:00:11] Beirdo: hehe
[02:03:51] FredYerkes (FredYerkes! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:00] joat (joat! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[02:06:25] FredYerkes: Hello – I'm not seeing any preview images in MythWeb, I don't see errors in the mythweb-error log file or in Firefox, but IE says 'HTMLElement' is undefined.
[02:08:03] patdk-lap: hmm, I just can't get my ps3-bd remote working :(
[02:08:28] patdk-lap: it's working perfectly actually, but it's using the generic mapping, instead of my custom one in /etc/bluetooth/input.conf
[02:09:06] justinh: well, time to make the feed up then hit the hay again. Zzzzz
[02:11:32] CyberKnet: newborns are hard, hard work.
[02:14:09] FredYerkes: CyberKnet: if they're collicky, but try a 3 and 4 year old at each other's throats, that a challenge
[02:16:43] Merlina_ (Merlina_!~Merlina@ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[02:20:20] Sardonis (Sardonis!~Merlina@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:41] patdk-lap: ok, got that stuff fixed :)
[02:30:46] patdk-lap: last issue (that I know of)
[02:30:58] patdk-lap: I have two sound cards, and alsa keeps randomizing them on boot :(
[02:31:13] patdk-lap: so I used, ALSA:default:CARD=ICH6 for the audio, to force it
[02:31:21] patdk-lap: but that same thing, for the mixer doesn't work
[02:36:11] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:22] FredYerkes (FredYerkes! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[02:56:02] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:59:25] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[03:01:51] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:02:19] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:40] Gibby1313 (Gibby1313!~gibby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:06] Gibby1313: What file holds the weather config? I want to sync across all my frontends
[03:04:45] [R]: none
[03:04:46] [R]: its in the dbv
[03:04:48] [R]: db*
[03:05:39] Gibby1313: so it should be there already on all the frontends?
[03:05:50] patdk-lap: na, it's per frontend-name :)
[03:05:51] olejl_ (olejl_!~olejl@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:06:01] patdk-lap: but it would be a simple sql command to replicate it :)
[03:06:09] olejl_ (olejl_!~olejl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:15] Gibby1313: I don't like sql lol
[03:06:27] [R]: well no better time to jump in bed with it
[03:07:02] Gibby1313: no kidding
[03:10:51] Gibby1313: someone has had to written a script already to do that I would think
[03:11:25] croppa_ (croppa_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:12:09] croppa (croppa! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[03:16:00] dashs (dashs! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[03:18:35] justinh: well, I spoke way too soon. darnit
[03:19:00] justinh: funny but yesterday I was thinking "wth is everyone on about? this isn't so bad". heh
[03:20:15] Gibby1313 (Gibby1313!~gibby@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[03:29:04] CyberKnet: justinh: wake up again?
[03:29:37] Gibby1313 (Gibby1313!~gibby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:12] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit ()
[03:35:43] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002!~matt@wikisource/ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:59] mattwj2002: hi all
[03:36:16] Gibby1313: I seemed to have lost /usr/share/mythtv/mythweather/scripts/us_nws/ where can I get it?
[03:36:29] mattwj2002: I am doing something kind of crazy but I want to see how well it works
[03:36:48] mattwj2002: if it doesn't work well I wasted $40 usd
[03:37:45] mattwj2002: I am going to run my mythtv on server on a cf disk
[03:37:58] mattwj2002: for the OS part and the recordings on a hard drive
[03:40:09] patdk-lap: that will kill a cf drive fast
[03:40:36] mattwj2002: how fast?
[03:40:59] patdk-lap: depends on the quality of the cf
[03:41:03] patdk-lap: if it's slc or mlc
[03:42:14] mattwj2002: not sure how to tell that
[03:42:16] patdk-lap: if your very careful, it's ok, don't put /tmp on it, don't put /var/log on it, and anything else you can to not write to it
[03:42:32] patdk-lap: cf's just get such crappy transfer rates though
[03:42:44] mattwj2002: I hear they have good read rates though
[03:42:50] patdk-lap: nope
[03:43:05] mattwj2002: that is what the ide adapter said at least
[03:43:05] patdk-lap: they have good random read, but still the same normal read speeds
[03:43:12] mattwj2002: okay
[03:43:16] patdk-lap: how fast does it write?
[03:43:22] patdk-lap: or read?
[03:43:36] mattwj2002: I have no idea it is a 133X CF
[03:43:42] mattwj2002: if that means anything
[03:44:34] patdk-lap: yay, 20MB/s :)
[03:44:41] patdk-lap: read speeds
[03:45:03] mattwj2002: good bad?
[03:45:11] patdk-lap: actually, it is 20MB/s write
[03:45:19] patdk-lap: and atleast 20MB/s read, though could be more
[03:45:33] patdk-lap: well, a normal harddrive is going do 80–120MB/s
[03:45:42] mattwj2002: oh
[03:45:46] patdk-lap: but for myth, I don't see the point
[03:45:54] patdk-lap: myth doesn't go crazy with drive access
[03:46:07] patdk-lap: after you boot, everything is basically in memory, drive access doesn't matter
[03:46:42] patdk-lap: the only thing you get, is random seek speed increase, and only for reads, it will kill random write speeds really badly
[03:46:52] mattwj2002: I wanted to see how a CF disk preformed
[03:46:58] mattwj2002: it was a curiousity thing for me
[03:46:59] mattwj2002: :)
[03:47:09] patdk-lap: heh
[03:47:30] patdk-lap: well, if you don't commflag, it would be ok for the db I guess :)
[03:47:44] patdk-lap: but I like to keep my db in memory at all times, so it would help me there
[03:48:00] mattwj2002: you want to know something said?
[03:48:03] mattwj2002: *sad
[03:48:16] mattwj2002: my OS disk and memory are now the same size!
[03:48:20] mattwj2002: 8 GB haha
[03:49:23] patdk-lap: heh
[03:49:31] patdk-lap: my memory is like 2x my os disk size
[03:50:02] patdk-lap: actually it's worse
[03:50:10] patdk-lap: 5gig disk, 16gig ram
[03:50:24] patdk-lap: all postfix :(
[03:50:31] mattwj2002: 16 GB of ram? :O
[03:50:34] mattwj2002: why so much?
[03:50:43] patdk-lap: postfix
[03:51:49] mattwj2002: never played with it
[03:51:50] mattwj2002: :)
[03:53:33] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Quit: lyricnz)
[03:55:25] mattwj2002: my first boot was really fast!
[03:56:03] mattwj2002: faster than a hd
[03:56:04] patdk-lap: ya, random reads performance helps on boot
[03:56:44] mattwj2002: it came up almost instantly
[03:56:53] mattwj2002: granted that was a first boot
[03:57:13] mattwj2002: and we are only talking only 8 GB of data
[03:57:33] mattwj2002: brb I need to make some soda
[03:57:48] wagnerrp (wagnerrp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:57:48] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v wagnerrp
[04:01:01] mattwj2002: back
[04:01:06] mattwj2002: hi wagnerrp
[04:04:05] wagnerrp: forgot that when im not using VNC, hitting the X in the top corner actually closes the application
[04:05:47] mattwj2002: wagnerrp you are having vnc issues too?
[04:05:53] mattwj2002: are you using tightvncserver?
[04:06:21] wagnerrp: no
[04:06:31] wagnerrp: i /used/ to use tightvnc
[04:06:43] wagnerrp: and would leave xchat open in it for weeks on end
[04:07:01] wagnerrp: but i swiched to xpra (screen for X) and X forwarding
[04:07:11] wagnerrp: i shut down my desktop, and without thinking, close xchat
[04:07:24] wagnerrp: instead of closing the vnc session, i actually closed the program
[04:12:46] Gibby1313: i did that twice in the past 30minutes also
[04:15:08] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit ()
[04:17:29] Beirdo: wagnerrp: do you do UPnP, BTW?
[04:17:43] Beirdo: my memory sucks :)
[04:17:57] wagnerrp: used to
[04:17:59] [R]: i just tried upnp with a ps3... seemed to work pretty good
[04:18:02] wagnerrp: dont any longer
[04:18:12] [R]: only watched 1 recording though
[04:18:19] Beirdo: I have to go and fix the code I just rewrote... to support !linux
[04:18:23] Beirdo: hehe
[04:18:30] Beirdo: the streaming is done differently
[04:18:38] [R]: !linux as in what?
[04:18:41] wagnerrp: !linux? or windows?
[04:18:52] Beirdo: OSX, FreeBSD, Windows, etc
[04:18:52] [R]: bsd?
[04:19:07] wagnerrp: osx and bsd are different?
[04:19:18] Beirdo: nope
[04:19:28] Beirdo: but Linux uses code only Linux can use
[04:20:22] Beirdo: anyways, I'm stealing code from dvdauthor to make IFO files
[04:20:26] wagnerrp: ugh....
[04:20:32] ** wagnerrp cant wait for displayport **
[04:20:38] Beirdo: GPL++
[04:20:44] wagnerrp: s/displayport/snagless connectors/
[04:20:59] ** Beirdo snags wagnerrp **
[04:21:04] [R]: hdmi snags?
[04:21:04] patdk-lap: ya, I love displayport
[04:21:13] patdk-lap: hdmi doesn't stay attached :)
[04:21:20] patdk-lap: atleast displayport locks
[04:21:22] [R]: does displayport latch or something?
[04:21:23] [R]: ah
[04:21:24] wagnerrp: hdmi isnt going to be common on desktops
[04:21:28] ** [R] looks up pictures **
[04:21:36] wagnerrp: most ive ever seen on a computer is one HDMI port per video card
[04:21:53] patdk-lap: and displayport can daisychain :) upto 4 monitors, or one very large monitor :)
[04:23:13] wagnerrp: do i use VGA, or the bulky KVM switch as a coupler while waiting for longer DVI cables?
[04:23:24] [R]: "The DisplayPort website states that DisplayPort is expected to complement HDMI"
[04:23:31] [R]: how does a competing technology "complement"?
[04:23:59] wagnerrp: displayport is for computers and monitors
[04:24:23] wagnerrp: meaning they dont want computer hardware to be constrained by desires of home theater use
[04:24:46] wagnerrp: capabilities such as daisy chaining are fantastic for computers
[04:24:51] wagnerrp: but of little use for home theaters
[04:25:00] Beirdo: which means it won't work with TVs, making it useless :)
[04:25:13] [R]: what if you want 2 50" tvs side by side with a picture across both!?
[04:25:42] wagnerrp: [R]: a measurable percentage of the population is now using multiple monitors
[04:25:52] wagnerrp: how many people have two TVs side by side?
[04:25:58] [R]: well people can't
[04:26:01] [R]: so thats why!
[04:26:01] [R]: haha
[04:26:21] Beirdo: hmmmm, where to put dvdifo.c
[04:33:07] wagnerrp: where did i put my monitor power supply?
[04:33:16] [R]: your monitorh as a power supply?
[04:33:17] [R]: how old is it?
[04:33:41] wagnerrp: 10 years?
[04:33:45] Beirdo: unless it has a builtin nuclear generator, of course it does
[04:33:54] wagnerrp: (external supply)
[04:34:45] [R]: wow, thats old
[04:35:08] patdk-lap: heh, some search are just funny
[04:35:18] patdk-lap: Pinnochio, results, the punisher
[04:36:30] ** Beirdo shakes his fist at the computer **
[04:37:56] wagnerrp: its a beastly thing
[04:38:06] wagnerrp: has a nice 1.5" bezel
[04:38:21] wagnerrp: only operates at 1280x1024 and 640x480
[04:38:27] wagnerrp: no scaler, so anything else it barfs on
[04:38:34] Beirdo: hehe
[04:38:41] wagnerrp: and the power supply overheats
[04:38:43] Beirdo: sounds like a nice boat anchor
[04:39:31] wagnerrp: so i ended up having to buy a couple nice slot coolers (the big square p3 xeon ones)
[04:39:38] wagnerrp: zip-tied one on each side
[04:39:48] wagnerrp: still gets hot, but now it doesnt randomly shut down
[04:42:58] Beirdo: hehehe