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Thursday, May 20th, 2010, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:48] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:03:02] syamajala (syamajala! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:57] cynicismic (cynicismic! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:57] sokol99: wagnerrp: Thanks, that makes sense. The real answer is to hardwire I suppose. Thanks.
[00:08:10] wagnerrp: yes
[00:08:12] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:08:30] wagnerrp: the only time you should use wireless is when intermittent dropouts will not be a problem
[00:08:34] wagnerrp: such as with web browsing
[00:09:04] wagnerrp: or pseudo-streaming, where you have a very large cache
[00:09:50] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:10:07] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:23] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
[00:15:07] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[00:17:07] dashcloud (dashcloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:07] Lt_Dan (Lt_Dan! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:18:35] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:24] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v MythLogBot
[00:31:40] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:35:59] piper69: so am back to my 1st question, how can i get the mythbox control my STB...thru "external channel changer" ! but if i can't get the remote to work , how it will change the channel
[00:37:29] sphery: you'll need to get the IR transmitter working or see if your STB allows serial or USB or firewire control
[00:37:46] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, Am I right to say that plugins cannot use system events?
[00:38:21] Captain_Murdoch: no, they should be able to send them.
[00:38:53] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, I might just be trying to include the wrong thing, but it seems mythsystemevent.h isn't ending up in my include dir
[00:39:24] iamlindoro: That or it might just not have been added to the .pro file
[00:39:28] Captain_Murdoch: for me it's in /usr/local/include/mythtv/
[00:39:49] iamlindoro: not I
[00:40:43] tstorm (tstorm! has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[00:40:48] ** iamlindoro goes to try to figure out what's up **
[00:40:49] piper69: sphery: my STB does have a USB port!
[00:41:10] Captain_Murdoch: odd. maybe that was in a previous patch of mine.
[00:41:30] piper69: sphery: but , i am so confused why i can get the IR Tx working
[00:42:15] wagnerrp: piper69: what STB?
[00:42:22] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, I think I was figuring since I didn't see it installed and it's in libmythtv, it was off-limits to plugins
[00:42:33] wagnerrp: that USB port is only usable on alimited number of directtv STBs
[00:42:38] piper69: wagnerrp: it DirectTV and got now model or anything on it
[00:43:01] Maliuta (Maliuta! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:09] Captain_Murdoch: iamlindoro, I was thinking that it needed to move, but can't recall right now why I put it there or why I thought it could now move.
[00:43:10] piper69: wagnerrp: i got to check the bacl of it
[00:43:10] wagnerrp: you need to get a pair of USB->serial adapters, and link them together
[00:43:19] wagnerrp: i dont know off hand what chipsets are supported
[00:44:02] piper69: wagnerrp: i would rather try the transmitter
[00:44:11] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, In truth the thing I'm working on doesn't need to send an event (it's a mythfilldatabase clone for Mythnetvision as a first step towards moving the site download out of the frontend) but it would be a nice to have
[00:44:25] piper69: wagnerrp: too much wires :)
[00:44:36] iamlindoro: Captain_Murdoch, In the end I'll be making the case to move the util into the FE anyway, just wondered about that header
[00:44:37] Captain_Murdoch: I'll try to think about it. I remember thinking something the other day about moving it.
[00:45:02] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: what do you want to send an event for?
[00:45:14] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, There are tons of places the plugins would want to send events
[00:45:15] piper69: am using my cell phone camera to test the Tx
[00:45:24] wagnerrp: the systemevents are only for running external commands
[00:45:34] iamlindoro: I'm aware ;)
[00:45:35] iamlindoro: so?
[00:45:36] wagnerrp: ok
[00:45:53] piper69: and it doesn't emit anything
[00:46:07] iamlindoro: Video scan started, video scan finished, music scan started, music scan finished, netvision DB update started, finished, etc.
[00:46:31] wagnerrp: just not sure what you would want to script around those events
[00:46:42] wagnerrp: but i guess thats up to the creativity of the end user
[00:46:48] iamlindoro: For any of the trillion reasons you might want to do so for any of the other events
[00:46:56] syamajala (syamajala! has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[00:46:56] iamlindoro: What makes the core more special than the plugins?
[00:46:59] Captain_Murdoch: mythmusic play started/stopped/paused
[00:47:08] iamlindoro: What if I want to get a list of new videos added e-mailed to everyone in my house?
[00:47:14] iamlindoro: etc.
[00:49:14] wagnerrp: i really need to rethink the event handler in the bindings
[00:49:14] Captain_Murdoch: iamlindoro, ah, recordinginfo. that's why I put it in libmythtv, because it uses RecordingInfo in libmythtv.
[00:49:22] Captain_Murdoch: s/in/from/
[00:49:27] iamlindoro: ahhhh. Hrm.  :(
[00:49:28] wagnerrp: because thats going to grow out of control rapidly if we start adding additional events
[00:49:32] sphery: iamlindoro: you'll just have to move MythVideo into mythbackend/mythfrontend, then wagnerrp won't be so dismissive ;)
[00:49:44] GrahamIRC1 (GrahamIRC1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:49:58] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, The only thing I'll grant you is that the events might need categories
[00:50:08] ** piper69 thinks newzbin shit out of luck :) **
[00:50:36] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, how so? the handler doesn't have to know about new events since it uses teh camelcase algorithm to get the setting name.
[00:50:37] ** iamlindoro thinks piper69 should read the channel rules on profanity **
[00:50:47] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, are you handling or generating?
[00:50:53] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: im talking about how i have event handling set up in the bindings
[00:50:56] wagnerrp: handling, not generating
[00:52:12] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, tell Nasa to actually read his configure output, it's there for a reason
[00:52:26] quinten (quinten! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:52:27] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, His python bindings aren't getting built because he's missing prerequisites
[00:52:42] Captain_Murdoch: handling is pretty easy and adding new events won't change that much. new %MATCHES% will mean code changes, but the same applies for the c++ code.
[00:53:26] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: as it stands, i have a function and a regex being registered against the listener thread
[00:54:28] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[00:54:29] wagnerrp: the events get sent to any matching regex
[00:54:44] wagnerrp: so its difficult to have a global handler, but let the user override it for certain events
[00:56:33] ** Captain_Murdoch isn't quite sure of the need for the handler in python then unless you're trying to replicate the backend/frontend handling code for machines that can't run the FE or BE. **
[00:57:10] wagnerrp: well part of it is that, run the handling code on a machine not running anything else myth
[00:57:31] wagnerrp: but it also lets the user run a daemon with custom responses to events, rather than simply triggering an external command
[00:57:42] ezzieyguywuf (ezzieyguywuf! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:58] |NQ|Sunny-IM (|NQ|Sunny-IM! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:59:26] wagnerrp: basically, in order to allow the user to override the response, i have placeholders for each available response
[01:00:00] JJ1 (JJ1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:33] Captain_Murdoch: ah, a mythbot. :)
[01:00:34] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:01:09] lepsie (lepsie! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:24] Captain_Murdoch: user deletes recording, ?evil? mythbot reschedules it or moves back out of the deleted recgroup. :)
[01:01:36] quinten (quinten! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:19:40] k-man: any idea how to tell which version from svn the debianmultimedia .debs of mythtv were built from?
[01:19:54] wagnerrp: mythbackend --version
[01:21:13] k-man: tags/release-0–23
[01:21:54] wagnerrp: so its the official release tarball, its not from svn
[01:22:03] k-man: wagnerrp: ah, ok, thanks
[01:22:18] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:13] Casper0082 (Casper0082!~Casper@unaffiliated/kc) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[01:29:25] LedHed (LedHed! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[01:30:57] k-man: is there a guide somewhere to building .debs from svn?
[01:31:32] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:32:55] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: well ive reworked it to actually have a generic event handler, that filters itself based off whatever user defined handlers are in use
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[01:39:11] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:43:37] k-man: one of these days i should abandon using prebuilt .debs of mythtv and build it myself, it would make working on mythtv a lot easier
[01:49:36] k-man: what does one need to do to switch from prebuilt .debs to installing from source? any idea?
[01:51:12] andycrawford (andycrawford! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:13] npm (npm! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:58:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:06] [R]: so I just realized the reason I haven't been seeing new episodes of Law and Order is because I had a stupid timeslot rule and it was for the wrong time!
[01:59:18] dougt_ (dougt_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:34] k-man: [R]: i hate it when that happens
[01:59:55] k-man: i was recording play school for the little one – we nearly had a riot when there were no new episodes
[02:00:06] [R]: i heard on the radio that it was the season finale... and i DISTINCTLY remember looking at my upcoming recordings and the one for tonight was gonna record but it said it was from a few months ago
[02:01:12] dougt (dougt! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:01:12] dougt_ is now known as dougt
[02:05:50] andycrawford (andycrawford! has quit (Quit: User Quit: Later, I'm out of here.)
[02:11:26] Wicked: in the channel does mythtv associate a channel with guide info? by channel number, callsign, or name? ive got the hdhr with some channels but the guide info does not seem to want to work
[02:11:40] wagnerrp: Wicked: by xmltvid
[02:11:46] d0netsFN (d0netsFN! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[02:12:03] Wicked: oh. ok. so i would want to find the xmltvid...then enable the box and enter it?
[02:12:11] Wicked: do i need to rerun mythfill after?
[02:12:21] [R]: well you dont HAVE to
[02:12:34] [R]: you just wont have any guiide data
[02:12:49] Wicked: ok cool. thanks
[02:13:03] npm (npm! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:49] sphery: Wicked: also, when you ask a question, you should check back later and see if someone answered it... iamlindoro answered that question 3 1/2mins after you asked it the first time.
[02:14:16] quinten (quinten! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[02:14:51] Wicked: sphery, ah yea. i did not not that because he didnt buzz my nick...and i assumed no one saw
[02:15:43] sphery: yeah, even though I wouldn't expect you to read all scrollback, looking at the next couple of comments after your question is helpful :)
[02:16:17] Wicked: indeed it can! :)
[02:18:38] donFTW (donFTW!chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:35] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:59] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:10] [R]: they asked if the illegal came alone or with a smuggler
[02:24:13] [R]: he said "just an adventure"
[02:24:14] [R]: wtf
[02:24:18] [R]: i love this show!
[02:24:25] wagnerrp: ?
[02:24:36] [R]: Border Wars
[02:24:46] [R]: talkinga bout illegals that they found wandering the desert
[02:24:54] [R]: wagnerrp: can I do a write FileTransfer with the python bindings?
[02:25:03] wagnerrp: yes
[02:25:13] [R]: easily?
[02:25:29] wagnerrp: acts just like using 'open'
[02:25:46] [R]: i'll have to read up on how to use the bindings them
[02:25:47] wagnerrp: you should use 'ftopen()' to open a file object, not FileTransfer directly
[02:25:47] [R]: then*
[02:26:18] [R]: i'm pretty sure this bug i'm looking at is completely in the backend... but a quick test with the python bindings will verify that
[02:26:32] wagnerrp: what bug is that?
[02:26:55] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[02:27:00] [R]: remember how my backend sometimes doenst shutdown when it should? if i do a download metadata from mythvideo, 4 write filetransfer sockets remain open
[02:27:25] plut0 (plut0! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:02] wagnerrp: if you use a Video object, you can just use open(), openBanner(), openCoverart(), open....
[02:28:05] plut0: rebooted my server and am getting this error now, Error: MythTV database has newer TV schema (1254) than expected (1244). How do I fix?
[02:28:28] [R]: wagnerrp: i want to write the files, not read them, if that matters
[02:28:30] wagnerrp: plut0: that means you have a system running 0.23 somewhere
[02:28:44] plut0: wagnerrp: so another frontend screwed up my backend?
[02:28:49] wagnerrp: [R]: just do open('w'), openBanner('w'), open....
[02:28:55] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[02:29:07] wagnerrp: plut0: no, a frontend will not do a schema update unless you intentionally force it
[02:29:34] plut0: well the frontend and backend are on the same system
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[02:29:59] wagnerrp: doesnt matter, only mythbackend or mythtv-setup will automatically initiate a schema update
[02:30:15] [R]: wagnerrp: sweet
[02:30:23] plut0: how do i fix?
[02:30:51] wagnerrp: plut0: upgrade your whole system to 0.23, or find the database backup that was made before the upgrade and revert
[02:31:31] plut0: i still don't understand how the schema got upgraded, the backend is still .22
[02:31:46] wagnerrp: some backend, somewhere, is running 0.23
[02:33:05] plut0: i only have one backend
[02:34:31] wagnerrp: and apparently its 0.23
[02:36:34] lepsie is now known as leprechau
[02:38:44] plut0: hmm looks like its a bogus error, having a mysql issue
[02:38:57] sphery: it can't be a bogus error
[02:39:07] beata- (beata-! has quit ()
[02:39:10] sphery: unless someone has been directly editing things in the DB that no one should ever touch
[02:39:45] plut0: i ran mythbackend in the foreground and saw a connect error
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[02:40:39] sphery: plut0: I think your backend is now a 0.23-fixes backend
[02:40:54] sphery: and you need to reboot everything again (master backend first) to make it all work
[02:41:30] plut0: rebooting is what broke it in the first place, and no its not .23
[02:41:39] sphery: reboot again
[02:41:46] sphery: believe me, it's worth it
[02:41:52] plut0: 0.22_p24255
[02:42:19] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:38] sphery: mythbuntu has a reported problem that it fails to properly reload things after an upgrade
[02:42:45] sphery: and then you need to reboot to get everything working
[02:43:07] sphery: so I think something upgraded your backend
[02:45:01] plut0: k rebooting
[02:47:08] plut0: reboot done, same error
[02:47:34] wagnerrp:
[02:48:47] gospch (gospch!~gospch@unaffiliated/gospch) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:10] plut0: i'm guessing the upgrade to my desktop ubuntu 10.04 blew up my backend running gentoo
[02:51:28] plut0: thats the only thing that makes sense
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[02:57:07] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:57:11] [R]: wagnerrp: sweet, those bindings work perfect... i open a file for read, and close it... the socket closes, i open it for write, close it, it stays open
[02:57:38] wagnerrp: huh...
[02:58:00] [R]: the socket on the backend that is opened to handle the file transfer doenst close all the way
[02:58:11] wagnerrp: right... dont know why it wouldnt
[02:58:37] Captain_Murdoch: [R], did you identify which socket it is? control or data?
[02:58:43] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: its the data one
[03:00:10] [R]: Captain_Murdoch: the socket on the frontend is closed fine, but the one on the backend stays in CLOSE_WAIT
[03:00:58] sphery: plut0: yeah, *buntu 10.04 is MythTV 0.23-fixes
[03:01:05] sphery: plut0: now you get to upgrade all your systems.
[03:01:13] sphery: (or restore the pre-upgrade backup)
[03:01:16] wagnerrp: just to make sure, the respective socket numbers will be 'fp._sockno' and 'fp.ftsock._sockno'
[03:01:20] plut0: sphery: yah, joy
[03:01:35] plut0: sphery: bullshit how ubuntu upgraded my backend without asking me
[03:01:49] wagnerrp: plut0: no profanity in this channel
[03:01:55] plut0: k
[03:01:59] wagnerrp: and it should have given you a list of what it was going to upgrade
[03:02:07] wagnerrp: its up to you to read through that list
[03:02:30] sphery: plut0: no, Ubuntu didn't upgrade it, you did when you ran a mythbackend non-interactively
[03:02:41] sphery: that is implicit permission to upgrade the DB
[03:02:52] sphery: and, like I said, there's a pre-upgrade backup
[03:02:54] plut0: sphery: i never ran the backend on my desktop
[03:03:20] sphery: well, I'm pretty sure that the default Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't even have mythbackend installed, so ...
[03:03:32] plut0: sphery: i had it installed on 9.10 before i upgraded
[03:03:35] sphery: (let alone have it configured with a config.xml that points to your backend)
[03:03:59] sphery: so when you upgraded and left it enabled for automatic startup...
[03:04:32] sphery: but anyway, just upgrade now (since you probably should be running 0.23-fixes, anyway--it's better than 0.22-fixes) or restore the pre-upgrade backup
[03:05:05] plut0: sphery: looks like its set to automatically start on bootup
[03:05:41] sphery: yeah, and if you don't want to use it, you need to either uninstall it or disable auto startup
[03:11:25] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
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[03:17:36] Captain_Murdoch: wagnerrp, I have a patch to the GetVideo code to allow specifying a StorageGroup and BaseName. :) "mplayer http://<backendIP>:6544/Myth/GetVideo?S . . . ASENAME>' works including seeking around.
[03:18:08] wagnerrp: sounds great
[03:18:44] wagnerrp: although it should probably just be 'GetFile' or 'GetSGFile'
[03:18:56] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, was just a test.
[03:19:11] Captain_Murdoch: needs cleaning up some. I just wanted to see if it was as easy as I thought it was.
[03:21:26] Captain_Murdoch: will look at that in my near-non-existent spare time.
[03:21:53] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:23:01] wagnerrp: did you try it on a file below the root of the storage group?
[03:23:20] wagnerrp: im just wondering if you need to escape the forward slash in the GET data
[03:24:22] Captain_Murdoch: yep, worked fine.
[03:24:35] Captain_Murdoch: just tried it. BaseName=dir/subdir/file.avi
[03:25:34] Captain_Murdoch: so that means that StorageGroup::FindRecordingFile("dir/subdir/file.avi") worked as well. I probably should have named that method differently when I wrote it and FindRecordingDir()
[03:25:52] Captain_Murdoch: my mind was on recordings back then, not video and music.
[03:26:18] wagnerrp: well, it was several years ago before video/music SGs were even considered
[03:27:14] Captain_Murdoch: made a note on my TODO to change the names sometime.
[03:29:53] zzpat (zzpat! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[03:34:26] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:19] wagnerrp: [R], Captain_Murdoch: seems im not actually terminating the file transfer in the bindings
[03:35:44] wagnerrp: im sending 'QUERY_FILETRANSFER <sockno>[]:[]JOIN', when i should be sending DONE
[03:35:47] [R]: wagnerrp: it works for read though...
[03:35:48] wagnerrp: no idea why i did that
[03:35:57] [R]: wagnerrp: i did see an error on the backend for JOIN
[03:35:59] wagnerrp: the read socket seems to be terminating on its own
[03:36:08] wagnerrp: as soon as the remote endpoint terminates
[03:36:30] [R]: wagnerrp: well a quick way to test it
[03:36:42] [R]: from that python shell from trunk
[03:36:47] [R]: file=ftopen("myth://Banners@mythback/test", "w")
[03:36:51] [R]: file.close()
[03:36:55] [R]: and then the same thing with "r"
[03:37:00] wagnerrp: no
[03:37:02] [R]: and check the netstat on the backend adn the frontend
[03:37:42] wagnerrp: do a 'file.backendCommand('QUERY_FILETRANSFER %s[]:[]DONE' % file._sockno)'
[03:37:51] wagnerrp: and then 'del file.ftsock'
[03:38:06] wagnerrp: and ' = False'
[03:38:26] wagnerrp: do that to shut it down correctly, and see what happens
[03:39:03] iamlindoro: dougt, I'm not sure a ticket was the right place to put that
[03:39:13] dougt: yeah, figured as much.
[03:39:30] dougt: documentation looked better than most of the others. ;-)
[03:39:50] iamlindoro: probably worth a ping to Chutt and/or daniel to see what they think
[03:40:00] [R]: AttributeError: 'FileTransfer' object has no attribute '_sockno'
[03:40:14] dougt: iamlindoro: could you cc them.
[03:40:37] iamlindoro: dougt, It might get a better response if you were to outline why we might want such a thing, it was dreadful to use when I played with it
[03:40:50] wagnerrp: [R]: yeah, that was for trunk
[03:40:52] [R]: ah
[03:40:54] iamlindoro: dougt, they will have gotten the ticket, but you can engage either of them directly in #mythtv
[03:41:00] [R]: i'm on 23-fixees
[03:41:37] wagnerrp: file.control.backendCommand('QUERY_FILETRANSFER %s[]:[]DONE' % file.sockno)
[03:41:46] wagnerrp: file.socket.shutdown(1)
[03:41:51] dougt: iamlindoro: ty
[03:41:54] iamlindoro: np
[03:42:39] [R]: wagnerrp: same thing... so its defintely the backend's problem
[03:42:57] wagnerrp: well either way, im sending the wrong command and need to fix that
[03:43:09] [R]: the docs on CLOSE_WAIT i read said its because the local socket wasn't closed properly but the remote one was
[03:43:16] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Quit: poodyp)
[03:43:20] [R]: i just need to add more prints
[03:50:34] sege_ (sege_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:51:15] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:51:31] Captain_Murdoch: [R], are you looking at MainServer::connectionClosed()?
[03:52:02] [R]: i did look at that a little
[03:52:04] [R]: whats interesting
[03:52:17] [R]: something i was going to chec kout in a little bit, for a write socket, it does um
[03:52:33] [R]: socket->setCallbacks(NULL);
[03:52:39] [R]: which disables the call to connectionClosed
[03:52:45] Captain_Murdoch: see at the bottom it has that loop throught he filetransfer sockets?
[03:53:41] [R]: i coudln't figure out why the callbacks were set to NULL though
[03:53:44] Captain_Murdoch: try adding a "sock->DownRef();" right below the "(*ft)->DownRef();" and see if that cures it.
[03:53:59] gigem_ (gigem_!~david@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:14] [R]: that function deosnt run at all...
[03:55:26] Captain_Murdoch: callbacks are set to null because we don't want the readyread thread running for this socket
[03:55:29] lucas__ (lucas__! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:55:45] Captain_Murdoch: can't recall why off the top of my head, but that's the way it needed to be when I added write functionality.
[03:56:15] [R]: ok, then what about still making the call to connectionClosed even if callbacks are disabled
[03:56:21] dmb_ (dmb_!~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:57:04] [R]: it'd require a boolean or something
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[03:57:49] Captain_Murdoch: you may be onto something, but I only got about 4 hours sleep last night so I'm not in a position to debug fully. :|
[03:58:21] dougt (dougt! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:58:35] [R]: i'll add a boolean that says if its a write socket or not
[03:58:43] [R]: and if its a write socket, dont do the readyread stuff
[03:58:52] [R]: and do taht inplace of the setcallbacks
[03:59:02] [R]: i'll make a patch and submit a ticket and then when you have time you can look at it
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[04:00:44] wagnerrp: Captain_Murdoch: off hand, does the jobqueue 'MarkAsInUse' automatically if run against a recording?
[04:01:28] Captain_Murdoch: I did modify the jobqueue recently to put its own entries in that table since some jobs don't do it themselves, so yes if that's what you mean.
[04:01:52] wagnerrp: just wondering if i should add stuff into the bindings to manage those entries
[04:02:21] wagnerrp: userjobs are the only scenario i can think of off hand where that should be done
[04:03:24] Captain_Murdoch: so a commflag job will show as in use twice I believe now. the storage scheduler doesn't count extra for those jobqueue inuse entries though.
[04:03:55] Captain_Murdoch: well, users can put in their own transcode and commflag job commands if they want.
[04:04:14] Captain_Murdoch: ie, they could use handbrake to encode recordings to h264 instead of mythtranscode to .nuv.
[04:06:16] ** Captain_Murdoch has to head to bed. **
[04:06:22] wagnerrp: night
[04:06:53] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:06:56] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:06:58] [R]: i thought the ticket howto gave the "prefered" way to generate patches
[04:07:06] [R]: i don't see it though
[04:07:12] guysoft22 (guysoft22! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:13] wagnerrp: 'svn diff'
[04:07:16] And4713 (And4713! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:27] wagnerrp: and name it to something.patch
[04:07:37] wagnerrp: or maybe diff
[04:07:54] wagnerrp: theres only a one or two extensions that are recognized by trac as a patch
[04:09:37] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:10:56] [R]: the one thing i hate about writing code is naming things
[04:13:53] wagnerrp: ooh, i can use this... . . . 41777#141777
[04:14:16] wagnerrp: that would clean up a lot of crap in the bindings
[04:14:27] wagnerrp: ive known of class methods, but never really understood what they were for
[04:16:26] sphery: So, I'm watching's TV in a Flash, and before it is an AT&T commercial... You see a girl on a plane sitting next to a man who's kind of blurrend in the background. Then the girls says something about takeoff in 30 sec and "I'm next to the talker" and she pulls out her iPhone and starts watching a movie. Then the announcer says something about AT&T having fast 3G wireless.
[04:16:54] wagnerrp: uh.. huh...
[04:16:57] sphery: Um, don't they know that a) you have to turn off all electronic devices at takeoff and landing and b) you can't use cellular radios during flight
[04:17:25] wagnerrp: you have to turn off everything before they detach from the gate
[04:17:31] wagnerrp: long before takeoff
[04:18:17] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:18:19] wagnerrp: and there are a couple airlines that have their own microcells routed over their communication bands
[04:18:36] sphery: About as bad as their Uverse page with "Compare Download Speeds" ( ), which shows that Max Plus and Max Turbo are good for downloading movies.
[04:18:38] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:19:17] sphery: In the US, the cell stuff is still against FAA regs
[04:20:04] sphery:
[04:20:19] wagnerrp:
[04:21:22] MavT (MavT! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[04:21:54] sphery: heh
[04:22:01] sphery: I hadn't seen that one
[04:27:06] [R]: i love how i can replace binaries and libs while a program is running... what on earth possessed microsoft to make it so you can't touch a file if its running
[04:28:00] sportman (sportman! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:29] sportman: so is compiling myth from source usually the most stable?
[04:28:38] sportman: or since im running ubuntu should i just use apt
[04:28:46] sphery: packages are perfectly fine
[04:29:04] sportman: i had ran mythubuntu previously it seemed ok, just was curious
[04:29:05] sportman: ok
[04:29:14] sphery: since *buntu uses the 0.23-fixes branch, you get all the nice updates by simply enabling auto-builds –
[04:29:36] sphery: just make sure you enable the auto-builds and you'll be good
[04:29:44] sportman: sweet
[04:30:10] sportman: can i do that on regular ubuntu with the ubuntu deb packages?
[04:30:16] sportman: or only with the mythubuntu distro
[04:30:32] sphery: works great on regular ubuntu
[04:30:37] [R]: all mythbuntu is is regular ubuntu with a differnt packageset
[04:30:37] [R]: its nothing magical
[04:30:52] sphery: not even mythical :)
[04:30:55] sportman: lol
[04:30:56] [R]: HAHA
[04:31:01] sportman: that was funny sphery :D
[04:31:02] sulx: not even good
[04:31:06] ** [R] is so excited to test his patch **
[04:31:13] sportman: [R]: whats the patch?
[04:31:21] [R]: sportman: fixes write FileTransfers
[04:31:23] wagnerrp: well make a contributer out of you yet
[04:31:33] sportman: nice [R]
[04:31:54] [R]: wagnerrp: like i told someone the other day, gotta start small
[04:32:01] sportman: yea makes sense
[04:32:35] sphery: lol, my Myth box is currently recording an episode of "Woodwright's Shop" called "A Very Boring Program". (It's about drilling bits, braces, augers and angle borers and boring a square hole.)
[04:32:37] mcl0vin: hahaha this is ridicules i have tried every single tut to get my Hauppage-HVR-1600 remote to work with no luck
[04:33:13] ** sportman is loving mythtv **
[04:33:35] [R]: sphery: boring... HAHA
[04:34:40] mcl0vin: [R]: bet it is :)
[04:34:56] ** sportman needs to buy one of the hd pvrs from hauppage **
[04:35:01] sportman: to record encrypted content
[04:35:25] [R]: sportman: i love mine
[04:35:32] sportman: [R]: thats what you use?
[04:35:35] sportman: or you love your mythtv
[04:35:42] [R]: i got it for $175
[04:35:46] [R]: i'm so proud of myself for that
[04:35:47] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Quit: I am called onward)
[04:35:51] [R]: sportman: both
[04:36:01] tom (tom! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:36:16] sportman: [R]: that is a pretty good deal
[04:36:25] [R]: from newegg
[04:36:27] [R]: a "con"
[04:36:28] [R]: Closed captions are not supported due to DMCA restrictions and a Cable/Satellite operator decision to encrypt them.
[04:36:36] [R]: that makes absolutely no sense
[04:36:37] tom is now known as _tom_
[04:36:49] sportman: yea well fuckem
[04:36:52] sportman: *sorry
[04:36:57] sportman: goshdang them
[04:37:09] [R]: no... i mean the statement makes no sense
[04:37:11] _tom_: hey anyone around that can help me fix my mythweb?
[04:37:23] [R]: _tom_: no one can know if they can help you unless you tell us what the actual problem is
[04:38:14] _tom_: I'm still back on 0.21 and had to change my mythtweb server to a new box. I keep getting the "Database Access Denied" error
[04:38:36] [R]: sounds like mythweb's settings aren't set to use your correct db username/passowrd
[04:38:47] sportman: ok im looking at the documentation
[04:38:51] [R]: and/or your mysql servert isn't set to allow access from that "new box"
[04:38:53] sportman: im a bit at a loss here :(
[04:39:01] sportman: i run the configuration for myth backend
[04:39:05] sportman: but it takes me to the frontend set up
[04:39:10] [R]: sportman: huh?
[04:39:38] sportman: on ubuntu i go to system administration mythtv backend setup
[04:39:53] sportman: but it takes me to the frontend configuration – and tries to connect to a backend
[04:39:58] sportman: ...
[04:40:04] [R]: what do you mean "the frontend configuration"
[04:40:12] _tom_: OK, well my mythweb server is running on the same box as my mythbackedn / mysql server and from that box I can log in to mysql wit the uname / passwd that is in my mythweb.conf
[04:40:25] sportman: let me double check something, just so im not bothering you with stupid stuff
[04:40:27] sportman: be right back
[04:40:32] [R]: _tom_: then your mythweb isn't set up right
[04:40:41] _tom_: is there a way to check if apache is reading my mythweb.conf?
[04:40:55] [R]: put something invalid in there
[04:42:02] _tom_: hmm, OK I did that, and it is reading the file
[04:42:02] sportman: according to the installation guide im supposed to run the mythtv backend setup
[04:42:18] sportman: after installation, i added my user to the mythtv group, and logged out and logged back in
[04:42:29] sportman: next time i run the mythbacked setup
[04:42:46] sportman: it bitches at me that it cannot connect, but since this is the backend, why is it trying to connect?
[04:43:04] [R]: if you run mythtv-setup from the command line
[04:43:06] [R]: what is the full output
[04:43:11] sportman: let me do that
[04:43:39] sportman: first thing it does is prompt me to kill the running backend
[04:43:40] sportman: i do so
[04:43:50] sportman: next terminal outputs that it cannot connect to database server
[04:44:09] sportman: i get prompted with what language i want
[04:44:27] sportman: i select, it next says No UPnp
[04:44:39] [R]: i'm not asking for your interpretation...
[04:44:46] [R]: [09:43:06] [R] what is the full output
[04:44:52] sportman: ok
[04:45:05] drew3 (drew3! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:45:43] _tom_: |R| – do you have any other trouble shooting ideas? I've been looking at this for a couple days now...
[04:46:14] [R]: so when you added something invalid to the config
[04:46:18] [R]: apache complained?
[04:46:29] _tom_: yep
[04:46:43] [R]: sounds like you should reread the mythweb instructions then
[04:47:14] drew3 (drew3! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:47:21] sportman: [R]: give me a minute its not letting me copy the output
[04:47:47] Wicked: hmm. ive got some channels added on my hdhr in mythtv....but for some reason the next episode in lost says its going to record on channel 12(QVC).....that aint right lol
[04:48:27] _tom_ (_tom_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[04:49:15] sportman:
[04:49:18] sportman: thats the full output
[04:50:24] Wicked: i also asked mythtv to prefer my hdhr input to record the fox lineup on still wants to record on the other input.
[04:50:28] [R]: sportman: and what did you run to get taht?
[04:50:39] [R]: Wicked: how did you do that?
[04:50:41] sportman: Mythtv-setup
[04:50:55] [R]: well you kinda need a mysql server running...
[04:51:20] sportman: so the initial installation didn't take care of that i assume?
[04:51:28] Wicked: yea... the tv guide is all messed up...sayign channel 3(NECN) is showing late night with jimmy fallon....but its showing the right channel name(NECN)
[04:51:33] Wicked: [R], who did i do what?
[04:51:35] [R]: sportman: myth doesnt set up any of that
[04:51:44] [R]: Wicked: you said you "asked" myth to "prefer" the tinput
[04:51:57] sportman: [R]: the installer kept prompting me for mysql root passwords etc
[04:51:59] [R]: Wicked: you need to refresh the guide data maybe
[04:52:05] Wicked: in the schedule options
[04:52:10] sportman: *not installer, the installtion process
[04:52:17] Wicked: [R], just ran myththfill
[04:52:17] [R]: sportman: myth doesnt have an installer...
[04:52:28] sportman: installation process of the debian packages
[04:52:38] [R]: sportman: well dunno what what deiban packages do
[04:52:45] [R]: sportman: but you need to be running mysql
[04:52:49] [R]: and you need to set up the mythconverg db
[04:52:49] sportman: yea i understand that
[04:52:58] Wicked: its like mythtv has confused info with certain channels
[04:53:08] sportman: the tutorial i followed must be incomplete
[04:53:14] [R]: Wicked: sounds like the xmltvids are wrong
[04:55:08] Wicked: in mythtv its showing necn for channel 3 with a xmltvid of 11000...which i just verified is correct with SD
[04:55:37] Wicked: so xmltvids are correct(at least for necn)
[04:55:55] Wicked: but mythtv is still saying the wrong shows for channel 3(NECN)
[04:56:57] [R]: [09:51:59] [R] Wicked: you need to refresh the guide data maybe
[04:57:10] Wicked: [12:52:16 AM] <Wicked> [R], just ran myththfill
[04:57:19] [R]: if you dont run it correctly
[04:57:21] [R]: its not going to do that
[04:57:38] Wicked: i ran mythfilldatabase
[04:57:49] [R]: did it say it was refreshing now?
[04:57:58] Wicked: that would be refreshing the guide data correct?
[04:58:06] [R]: huh?
[04:58:16] Wicked: what dont you understand?
[04:58:23] [R]: you
[04:58:45] Wicked: why do you always have to be so vague?
[04:58:53] sokol99 (sokol99! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:59:03] [R]: why do you always have to make no snese?
[04:59:13] Wicked: how did i not make sense?
[04:59:24] [R]: [09:57:58] Wicked that would be refreshing the guide data correct?
[04:59:28] [R]: no clue what you are saying
[04:59:41] Wicked: <Wicked> i ran mythfilldatabase
[04:59:41] Wicked: <Wicked> that would be refreshing the guide data correct?
[04:59:47] Wicked: does that make sense?
[04:59:48] [R]: when you run mythfilldatabawse
[04:59:50] [R]: it does a lot of stuff
[04:59:52] [R]: all of which it tells you
[05:00:08] Wicked: including refreshing the guide data....correct?
[05:00:23] [R]: if run correctly
[05:00:44] lapion: hello I have a problem, while in tv-playback sometimes mythtv stops responding to the keyboard, is there a "child-lock" key I should avoind during playback ?
[05:01:08] Wicked: anyways
[05:01:17] Wicked: i ran mythfilldatabase and it still has the wrong data
[05:01:26] [R]: sounds like it didnt refresh todays data
[05:02:34] Wicked: no idea. i ran mythfill without any w/e the default behavior what it did
[05:02:34] hobiga (hobiga! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:02:42] [R]: well
[05:02:45] [R]: [10:01:25] [R] sounds like it didnt refresh todays data
[05:03:05] Wicked: redundancy is fun
[05:03:24] plut0 (plut0! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:03:30] Wicked: [01:02:33 AM] <Wicked> no idea. i ran mythfill without any w/e the default behavior what it did
[05:04:02] [R]: so the logical conclusion is
[05:04:06] [R]: the default behavior isn't what you want
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[05:20:06] Wicked: well even running mythfill with --refresh-all the data is still seems mythtv has confused some stations data with others
[05:20:08] Wicked: :|
[05:21:27] ghoti_ (ghoti_!~paul@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[05:22:41] mcl0vin: Unable to load LIRC kernel modules. Verify your * selected kernel modules in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf <---this is what i keep getting when i 'sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart
[05:22:44] mcl0vin: can someone please help me
[05:24:09] [R]: mcl0vin: this isn't #lirc...
[05:25:32] Wicked: mcl0vin, have you checked out
[05:25:42] Wicked: theres a section on lirc
[05:29:09] mcl0vin: Wicked: yep it didn't work
[05:38:03] ghoti (ghoti!~paul@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:50:15] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[06:00:29] lapion: While watching analog cable-tv anytime I change channel or enter live-tv viewing I have to set progressive scan.
[06:01:02] lapion: can anyone help me with this ?
[06:02:16] wagnerrp: what type of tuner do you have?
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[06:02:32] pheld (pheld! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:03:01] lapion: tda829x the signal is PAL
[06:03:17] wagnerrp: then your signal is interlaced, you should not be forcing it to progressive
[06:06:05] lapion: I also have to delay audio by 500 msec every time I switch channels
[06:06:42] EruditeHermit (EruditeHermit!~EH2@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:07:06] wagnerrp: EruditeHermit: explain 'DTV converter box'
[06:07:35] EruditeHermit: wagnerrp, recently in the US over the air broadcasts were transitioned to digital
[06:07:56] EruditeHermit: older TV sets required a converter box to work with the upgrade
[06:08:04] wagnerrp: EruditeHermit: then no, scrap your existing NTSC tuner and purchase an ATSC tuner
[06:08:20] EruditeHermit: how do I know if my TV card is ATSC?
[06:08:26] wagnerrp: what is your tuner card?
[06:08:39] EruditeHermit: Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 11)
[06:08:45] esperegu (esperegu!~quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:08:51] EruditeHermit: it was given to me by a friend
[06:08:57] wagnerrp: you dont have a brand name or model?
[06:09:00] EruditeHermit: it is an HD tuner
[06:09:01] EruditeHermit: err
[06:09:05] EruditeHermit: let me see if its written on it
[06:09:12] EruditeHermit: I honestly just got the card
[06:09:21] EruditeHermit: as in no box etc
[06:10:47] natanojl (natanojl! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:11:01] Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:11:27] EruditeHermit: ADS instant HDTV
[06:11:42] EruditeHermit: PTV 380 possibly
[06:12:31] wagnerrp: it can be used for ATSC recordings, and is supported under linux
[06:12:50] wagnerrp:
[06:12:59] wagnerrp: just plug it directly into your antenna
[06:13:15] EruditeHermit: cool
[06:13:59] EruditeHermit: tvtime to test then mythtv here I come
[06:14:13] wagnerrp: no, tvtime is for analog framegrabbers only
[06:14:19] wagnerrp: it will not work with ATSC cards
[06:14:42] EruditeHermit: oh
[06:14:51] EruditeHermit: but mythtv will?
[06:14:53] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[06:15:03] wagnerrp: yes
[06:15:11] EruditeHermit: hmm
[06:15:12] EruditeHermit: strange
[06:15:19] EruditeHermit: its been 5 years since I last did this
[06:15:25] wagnerrp: why strange?
[06:15:35] EruditeHermit: I would have thought they would update their app
[06:16:11] wagnerrp: tvtime does not do video decoding
[06:16:22] wagnerrp: it requires the tuner card be able to provide raw video
[06:16:40] EruditeHermit: oh
[06:16:43] wagnerrp: so it only works with analog cards and 'full featured' digital cards
[06:17:11] madLyfe (madLyfe! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:41] EruditeHermit: good to know
[06:20:57] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:39] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:55] EruditeHermit: thanks wagnerrp, I have to logout to setup mythtv brb
[06:23:03] EruditeHermit (EruditeHermit!~EH2@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[06:23:08] lapion: mytht oftenly stops accepting keyboard input, all I can do then is kill mythtv-frontend and start it up again
[06:23:20] natanojl (natanojl! has quit (Quit: Quit)
[06:23:57] lapion: can anyone help me with this ?
[06:25:54] lapion: I also have to raise the volume of the system any time I start live-playback
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[06:52:39] EruditeHermit: wagnerrp, how do I know if I have the firmware already installed?
[06:55:06] justinh: does 0.23 have the capability to back up its own database on a regular basis now?
[06:56:25] Beirdo: God bless Amazon
[06:56:26] Beirdo: heh
[06:56:38] Beirdo: just bought a TV, should be here by Friday
[06:57:06] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:57:21] ezzieyguywuf (ezzieyguywuf! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[06:57:44] [R]: justinh: you could put the script in cron...
[06:57:55] justinh: I know what happened last time I did that
[06:58:00] justinh: it didn't work :(
[06:58:11] Beirdo: 32" Samsung... it will later become the bedroom TV, likely :)
[06:59:41] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[07:00:28] [R]: justinh: was HOME set properly?
[07:01:10] justinh: [R]: no idea
[07:01:24] justinh: there's FA docs on cron for humans to understand
[07:01:38] [R]: lol
[07:01:47] justinh: I know you put stuff in /etc/cron.daily but beyond that...
[07:01:48] Beirdo: man crontab
[07:01:50] Beirdo: :)
[07:01:56] Beirdo: etc
[07:01:57] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:01:59] justinh: Beirdo: like I said, for *humans* to understand
[07:02:08] [R]: justinh: well if you put it in cron.daily it's gonna run as root
[07:02:14] ** Beirdo gives justinh the evil eye :) **
[07:02:17] [R]: justinh: and unless root has your ~/.mythtv...
[07:02:25] justinh: hmph
[07:02:26] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Client Quit)
[07:02:46] Beirdo: anyways, I'm goin to bed
[07:02:51] Beirdo: night all
[07:02:59] justinh: so how do I get something to run as 'me' in cron then?
[07:03:11] justinh: Beirdo: nighty night
[07:04:37] Beirdo: justinh: you make a crontab for the user
[07:04:53] Beirdo: or you use cron.d and have it run as the user (IIRC)
[07:05:26] justinh: duh. I can just add the thing to /etc/crontab as "06 6 * * * justin /home/justin/"
[07:05:31] Beirdo: anyways, with that, I bid you adieu for the night
[07:05:53] justinh: looking at the file it explains itself completely. DUH
[07:07:01] justinh: changed it to run at 8:08 to test it
[07:07:33] justinh: I'm not gonna have to go through the rigmarole I just had to go through to restore mythtv again, I HOPE
[07:07:47] EruditeHermit (EruditeHermit!~EH2@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[07:07:47] justinh: 1. the db backups will be regular & reliable
[07:08:15] ** [R] laughs in the face of backups **
[07:08:23] [R]: justinh: i think it only keeps 5 or so
[07:08:33] justinh: 2. the UPS *will* be monitored even if I have to write my own thing to do it (it's a contact closure type so I guess I could just echo to a port & see if I get it back)
[07:08:54] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[07:08:56] justinh: [R]: or as many as you want with the logrotate option AFAIK
[07:09:40] justinh: oops not logrotate.. just *rotate* option
[07:10:04] ** [R] really hates fixing bugs **
[07:10:22] [R]: actually, it looks like it may have worked
[07:10:30] justinh: I tried getting my head around nut a while back. what a crock
[07:10:44] justinh: way too overblown for my little ole UPS
[07:11:12] [R]: i tried using that once
[07:11:53] [R]: i tried using that once
[07:12:00] justinh: problem is, the nut docs don't really have a cable diagram for my UPS
[07:12:03] [R]: hrm, it looks liek my terrible hack is working
[07:12:19] [R]: justinh: theres only like 9 wires or so... how many combinations can there be?
[07:13:02] justinh: oh I can work out the pinout at the UPS end, but I dunno wth nut is expecting
[07:13:13] [R]: ask a squirrel?
[07:13:14] [R]: HAHA
[07:13:19] justinh: heh
[07:14:29] justinh: blimey this new backend is spiffy. freenx is pretty much indistinguishable from the local machine
[07:14:56] justinh: why oh why did I wait for a filesystem crash to update the system? heh
[07:15:19] justinh: I bought the hardware ages ago but hadn't got round to putting it in. fate forced my hand
[07:15:44] justinh: and 0.23 – wow. initial impressions are that it totally wees on 0.21 even without taking into account new features
[07:16:51] justinh: on my old box, going back to 'watch recordings' after watching something was pretty slow. now you get like right back there, right away :)
[07:17:39] justinh: but then that could've been down to it being a diskless frontend, the backend only having a 2Ghz athlon & 512MB RAM...
[07:18:44] justinh: and the open source intel video driver has improved no end – tweakable without having to change modes to see changes *and* the output is better quality. Pity the underlying OS hasn't come on similarly
[07:19:14] justinh: hiding users under UUID 1000 in the user ADMIN util. Shame on you Ubuntu!
[07:21:14] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:22:44] [R]: there used to be an option for that
[07:22:47] justinh: like I *know* there's a 'mythtv' user on my box but it'd have been reassuring to see it in the admin util
[07:23:09] justinh: yeah I know there did
[07:23:27] [R]: sweet... i totally broke it now
[07:23:36] justinh: yay for breaking stuff
[07:24:15] justinh: after playing some recordings in vlc last night on my joggler I think I'll have a bash putting mythfrontend on there after all. as long as it's gonna be on the wired network anyway
[07:24:46] justinh: I know a hack nobody's tried yet. hooking up a real monitor to the joggler
[07:25:02] justinh: might mean also having to hack a monitor but...
[07:25:45] justinh: £50 would make *the* cheapest brand new atom-powered frontend evah
[07:26:34] justinh: apparently its touchscreen interface is USB. so... just about any monitor retrofitted with a touchscreen thingy might work
[07:28:06] EruditeHermit (EruditeHermit!~EH2@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:28:14] justinh: so seem my crontab entry didnae work
[07:28:40] [R]: any errors in your email?
[07:29:08] justinh: email?!
[07:29:21] justinh: I never set up mail
[07:30:07] EruditeHermit: hello, can anyone point me to documentation or help me figure out why my channel scans always end up with timed out no signal even when it says 99% signal and SNR 91%?
[07:30:36] justinh: EruditeHermit: need more info than that
[07:31:08] justinh: I gather you're working with digital TV but what sort? DVB? ATSC? QAM? que?
[07:31:14] [R]: justinh: well try logging the script to a file then
[07:31:44] EruditeHermit: justinh, DVB?
[07:31:47] EruditeHermit: i think
[07:32:15] EruditeHermit: err ATSC sorry
[07:32:18] justinh: you think?
[07:32:28] EruditeHermit: ATSC channels
[07:32:52] justinh: [R]: maybe the script doesn't overwrite an existing backup of the same filename. I tested it early. trying again with a new time after deleting the old file
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[07:37:19] deegan: I have to say, that is one huge script just for making a backup of the database. a oneliner is enough, if you want several backups it's a two-liner in a bash-script.
[07:38:34] justinh: oh I dunno. what else am I gonna use the 2048 bytes I could save for?
[07:39:03] justinh: nah it's not worky. hmm. maybe not editing crontab directly is the way forward
[07:39:55] deegan: you should use crontab -e if you want to edit crontab, the file gets messy if you just use <insert favourite editor> on the crontab file in /var
[07:40:01] deegan: crontab -e justin
[07:40:15] deegan: if you are root, or just crontab -e if you are logged in as justin.
[07:41:21] justinh: another thing in /var? wth is the world coming to? I want all the config stuff in /etc man. for reasons unknown
[07:41:44] deegan: crontabs have always been in /var :)
[07:43:13] deegan: crontab -e edits a running config, stuff /etc/ would require restarting of said daemon in order to take effect, does that make sense? anyway that's how i have always thought of it.
[07:43:13] [R]: justinh: if you are editing /etc/crontab you might need to restart or HUP your cron
[07:43:35] jya (jya! has quit (Quit: jya)
[07:44:42] justinh: might help if I use full paths
[07:44:45] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:44:54] justinh: e.g. /usr/bin/perl
[07:45:41] deegan: But the script has a shebang, #!/usr/bin/perl -w so the /usr/bin/perl you want to add is not needed.
[07:46:03] justinh: hrm. still not working
[07:46:40] Jay2k1 (Jay2k1!~J@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:46:40] deegan: protip though, try to pipe the output to a logfile. ie: 06 6 * * * /home/justin/ > /tmp/myth_backup.log
[07:46:53] deegan: If it's not working that would atleast give you some output.
[07:47:29] justinh: aye good plan
[07:47:31] deegan: even if it's just "access denied".
[07:47:47] deegan: You would atleast know that you havent chmod +x
[07:48:03] deegan: the file. man my enter key is acting up, sorry for the multiple lines.
[07:49:47] deegan: btw this might be a dumb question but how does it work if i want to connect mythtv to a setop box? I mean having the box as the feed instead of just the antenna cable, does that work?
[07:50:26] justinh: sure, but you'll likely need an IR blaster so mythtv can change channels on the set top box for you
[07:50:27] dserban_ (dserban_! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:50:35] [R]: deegan: svideo or component
[07:50:41] [R]: deegan: or *shudder*... composite
[07:50:43] justinh: and for best results don't use the RF output of the STB
[07:51:07] justinh: for one you only get mono audio that way, for 2, picture Q is much better with svideo etc
[07:52:47] justinh: yay she works. after adding a cron job with crontab -e seems you do have to restart cron
[07:52:59] deegan: Alright well to add some background to this. We bought a house 4months ago and its like from the 60's so you know there's not a lot of wiring done. I was thinking of using a mythtv backend and three frontends, for living room and bedroom and the home theater room. Would that be a messy thing to setup or even impossible for all three to watch different channels at once?
[07:53:31] justinh: deegan: be easier if you have all the STBs in one place
[07:53:33] deegan: Because TP-cable that i have and it would be real easy to get that thing around rather than wiring antenna cables all over the house.
[07:54:06] justinh: wouldn't be messy – and at least with wired networking it'll be reliable – unlike wireless ;-)
[07:54:10] deegan: justinh: well the plan is, since i get my internet and tv through a fiber converter in the basement, to have the backend there and then deliver the tv over the network
[07:54:26] justinh: sounds like the forming of a plan
[07:54:46] deegan: I have the rest of my servers there anyway, mail/file/webb/ssh/firewall. so it would also be convenient.
[07:55:17] justinh: oh hell. I stopped the cron service & I swore the message looked like it wasn't even running.
[07:55:28] justinh: this was just after editing the cron with -e btw
[07:56:01] justinh: and stopping it after starting it (after editing it) says 'cron stop/waiting' like you'd expect – so it wasn't even bloody running!
[07:56:17] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[07:56:36] deegan: Well atleast you know what caused it, that's better then not having a clue as to whats wrong. :)
[08:05:10] justinh: okay ubuntu where've you hidden the services gui?
[08:08:02] Dibblah: Heh. Upstart. You either hate it or you wrote it.
[08:08:29] EruditeHermit: hey, when trying to watch live TV, I get GetEntryAt(-1) failed any ideas?
[08:08:48] [R]: EruditeHermit: telling us 1 line means ntohing
[08:08:54] [R]: uyouu need to pastebin the backend and the frontend log
[08:09:17] justinh: I hate how none of the new upstart stuff seems to support *restart* too
[08:09:40] [R]: justinh: i've never had a problem doing restart...
[08:10:15] justinh: mythtv-backend restart never worked with /etc/init.d/ either mind – not for the last couple of ubuntus
[08:10:22] EruditeHermit: [R],
[08:10:29] d0netsFN (d0netsFN! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:10:34] [R]: sudo service mythtv-backend restart
[08:10:35] justinh: I dunno why either – it was listed & seemed valid in their script
[08:10:37] [R]: i have a script taht does that
[08:10:39] [R]: i run it 50 times a day
[08:10:42] [R]: works perfect every time
[08:10:59] justinh: doesn't seem to work here. nor lirc
[08:11:13] [R]: EruditeHermit: looks like you dont have guide data
[08:11:17] justinh: no hassle to stop then start, but restart is supposed to do what it says on the tin
[08:11:22] Jay2k1: heh, i'll never get used to that
[08:12:03] EruditeHermit: [R], is guide data necessary?
[08:12:18] justinh: service --status cron says unrecognised service
[08:12:22] [R]: EruditeHermit: what good is a DVR w/o guide data?
[08:12:22] EruditeHermit: and does mythfilldatabase do it?
[08:12:34] EruditeHermit: [R], well I just want to watch TV =p
[08:12:35] [R]: EruditeHermit: sounds like you need to read the documentation
[08:12:43] [R]: EruditeHermit: then you should be using something liek tvtime
[08:12:44] justinh: hmmm why do I get the feeling I'm not *supposed* to be even using cron?
[08:13:04] EruditeHermit: [R], I was told tvtime wouldn't work with it because it
[08:13:22] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:13:31] justinh: there's no service --list command? meh
[08:13:56] ver (ver!~ver@2001:470:b:126:1::200) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[08:14:07] Jay2k1: /etc/init.d had its advantages
[08:14:07] justinh: and OI! can people please start putting stuff out on stdout instead of stderr?
[08:14:18] [R]: justinh: just always do 2>&2
[08:14:20] [R]: 2>&1
[08:14:25] justinh: so we can easily *less* without messy piping
[08:15:00] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:15:08] justinh: tiny things like this...
[08:15:20] ver (ver!~ver@2001:470:b:126:1::200) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:15:52] justinh: hrm. status of cron is [ ? ] whatever that means. time to look in the FM
[08:16:35] justinh: you are *kidding* me. no explanation there of what the output of --status-all means
[08:17:25] EruditeHermit: [R], is there any part of the manual you can point me to?
[08:17:34] [R]: the whole thing
[08:17:38] justinh: I take it [ + ] means it's running...
[08:17:38] [R]: because you need to read the whole thing
[08:17:46] justinh: or enabled at least
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[08:30:26] justinh: is update-rc.d even relevant anymore?
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[08:31:27] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:32:07] deegan: justinh: yea.
[08:33:33] lapion: what can I do if mythtv becomes unresponsive while watching live tv ?
[08:34:04] deegan: You use lirc right?
[08:34:09] lapion: nope
[08:34:30] lapion: regualr keyboard
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[08:35:03] lapion: regular
[08:35:17] deegan: oh, well. Unless it's a complete lockup you can always do ctrl+alt+F1 to enter the tty and take care of it from there. or run ctrl+alt+backspace that would restart xorg and possibly remedy the situation.
[08:35:35] justinh: ahh 'bum' is the gui util I sought
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[08:36:28] XLV (XLV!~XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[08:36:33] lapion: no only mythtv locks up, alt-tab etc etc works
[08:36:34] Jay2k1: you could as well ssh onto it from another machine and killall mythfrontend
[08:36:39] lapion: happens really often
[08:37:00] Jay2k1: the frontend only?
[08:37:05] lapion: yes
[08:37:19] Jay2k1: and.. only while watching live tv?
[08:37:20] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:37:38] lapion: yes
[08:38:41] Jay2k1: so the picture freezes, sound goes off?
[08:39:12] lapion: no the frontend doesn't respond to the keyboard..
[08:39:21] lapion: not even esc.
[08:39:28] Jay2k1: ah ok, but you can alt tab out etc
[08:39:41] lapion: yes
[08:39:44] Jay2k1: did you check the logs already?
[08:41:21] simonckenyon (simonckenyon!~kvirc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:41:24] lapion: I have it running from a terminal
[08:41:54] Jay2k1: ah so you should see any output there
[08:42:04] lapion: so I can see if any significant events happen..
[08:43:37] Wicked (Wicked!~zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:44:12] lapion: I am going to check it with -v osd
[08:45:52] lapion: doesn't give any results
[08:46:26] Jay2k1: i'm clueless
[08:46:34] Jay2k1: but i'm no expert
[08:48:15] deegan: start checking /var/log/messages, dmesg and whatnot to see if something wierd is going on.
[08:48:34] lapion: check if you can reproduce it, select a new channel and while the channel info is still on screen open up the menu
[08:48:50] EruditeHermit (EruditeHermit!~EH2@unaffiliated/eruditehermit) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[08:50:54] lyricnz (lyricnz!~simonrobe@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:52:24] lapion: Jay2k1, deegan could any of you 2 reproduce ?
[08:53:43] deegan: Sorry, I'm at work so cant help you with that.
[08:54:27] Jay2k1: reproduce what?
[08:54:45] Jay2k1: (apart from that, i'm at work too)
[08:54:54] lapion: Jay2k1, check if you can reproduce it, select a new channel and while the channel info is still on screen open up the menu
[08:54:58] lapion: ok nvm
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[08:56:50] lapion: anyone of you know why system volume goes down whenever live viewing is activated ?
[09:12:30] lapion: for some unknown reason it tries to update a lcd device.. while it is not set as enabled in the setup
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[09:33:56] mots: is there any dual-tuner dvb-c card that works with v4l?
[09:36:42] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:56:34] justinh: see the wiki
[09:58:48] XLV (XLV!~XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[09:58:52] justinh: my guess is that there isn't
[10:01:35] janneg: afaik the only dual DVB-C tner is the hdhomerun
[10:04:15] justinh: heh and there's no using that with pay TV AFAIK
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[10:22:46] jarle: I keep seeing a lot of "DTVSM(/dev/dvb/adapter5/frontend0): Time Offset: 29.1509" in my backend log, is this a problem?
[10:26:57] hot_wheelz: Anyone here running 10.04 and an ATI card and having trouble wih audio via HDMI?
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[10:36:28] dad_ is now known as Guest8881
[10:36:45] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:36:52] Guest8881: ok mysql is ad today Ive just made a back up of the the db
[10:37:01] Guest8881: i would like to try and repair the table
[10:37:14] Guest8881: mysqlcheck -u root-p<password> --repair mythconverg
[10:37:23] Guest8881: is theat the correct code?
[10:38:13] Guest8881: I cannot set recordings and it takes forever to open recordings
[10:38:44] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:39:34] justinh: you also cannot commit to owning an IRC nick ;-)
[10:40:17] Guest8881: how do i do that
[10:40:38] Guest8881: id loveto have a real name
[10:40:45] Guest8881: not just guest
[10:41:03] jduggan: you have to paypal a donation
[10:41:26] Guest8881: ah ok i didnt even know
[10:41:37] jduggan: some say you can /nick <nickname>
[10:41:44] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[10:41:47] jduggan: but im not sure i agree
[10:41:59] xand: Guest8881: choose a nick that isn't already in use, and you won't be changed to Guestxxxx
[10:42:27] Guest8881: does this mean I habnt donated?
[10:42:47] Guest8881: ah ok
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[10:43:33] rileyp: well now i have a name
[10:43:33] rileyp: yippe and it was easy too
[10:43:33] justinh: I dunno .. never seen the point in donating. it's not as if it would actually make a difference to freenode. it's still riddled with splittage from time to time
[10:43:48] Guest8881 is now known as rileyp
[10:43:53] xand: rileyp: read
[10:44:01] rileyp: ok mysql is unhappy
[10:44:27] ** justinh gives mysql some cake **
[10:44:37] jduggan: nomnom
[10:45:23] justinh: wonder if O2 have any more jogglers in yet
[10:46:33] rileyp: mysqlcheck -u root-pOlm2t9zt --repair mythconverg
[10:46:34] rileyp: mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root-pOlm2t9zt'@'localhost' (using password: NO) when trying to connect
[10:46:49] rileyp: im using ssh to my backend server
[10:46:57] rileyp: i have stopped mythbackend
[10:46:58] justinh: ]you're missing a space there for one thing
[10:47:11] rileyp: and want to attempt to reapir mythconverg
[10:47:15] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:47:28] justinh: mysqlcheck -u USER -pPASSWORD --OPTION DATABASE
[10:47:33] rileyp: between password and -p
[10:47:44] justinh: no between USER and -p
[10:48:11] justinh: and now you should change your root mysql password btw
[10:48:22] jduggan: lol
[10:48:25] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:48:43] rileyp: justin if you want to hack my mythtv server go for it
[10:49:08] justinh: hey, people round here have long memories, and one day you might leave a port open by mistake
[10:49:20] justinh: it happens
[10:49:27] rileyp: mysqlcheck -u root -pOlm2t9zt --repair mythconverg
[10:49:28] rileyp: mysqlcheck: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) when trying to connect
[10:50:06] rileyp: Justin if someone is so boared with ther life they want to hack a pc that has tv recordings on it good luck to them
[10:50:29] rileyp: still not working........
[10:51:01] rileyp: with spacing as suggested
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[10:52:28] jduggan: try using tcp instead of unix socket
[10:53:26] rileyp: mysqlcheck -u root -pOlm2t9zt --repair mythconverg
[10:53:26] rileyp: mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect
[10:53:48] Nidhoegger: shouldnt there be a space between -p and your password?
[10:53:51] rileyp: lol last error was cause i tried to fix frontend...
[10:53:55] rileyp: oh my
[10:54:55] rileyp: no space needed there
[10:55:32] rileyp: just tried using user mythtv and its down to mythconverg.music_starts
[10:55:59] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[10:56:03] rileyp: stats but its stopped there
[10:56:22] rileyp: and no prompt.....
[10:56:47] rileyp: I dont5 have any music anyway
[10:57:29] rileyp: how long wil it take to hang
[10:57:52] rileyp: or is it already as god as hung if im still waiting for it to complete
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[11:11:08] justinh: Nidhoegger: no space between -p & the password or it won't work, in my experience
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[11:40:36] quicksilver: if there is a space then it things the password is not on the command line
[11:40:39] quicksilver: (it will prompt for it)
[11:40:51] quicksilver: and it will think the next word is the database name
[11:40:57] quicksilver: mysql -u root -p mythconverg
[11:41:04] quicksilver: (will prompt for password)
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[12:59:19] rileypv: hi
[12:59:35] rileypv: i need to create a new mythconverg db
[12:59:47] rileypv: as my old one is dead
[13:00:08] rileypv: Im using karmic with o.23
[13:00:32] rileypv: mysql < mc.sql
[13:00:32] rileypv: when i do this it deosnt work
[13:00:49] wagnerrp: mc.sql is in your current directory?
[13:01:06] wagnerrp: you are running as root with no mysql password set?
[13:02:55] olejl (olejl!~olejl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:39] k-man: when i put a usb flash disk into my mythtv box, it pops up a window that obscures the mythtv window – any idea how to prevent that happening?
[13:06:11] wagnerrp: run a window manager/desktop environment that does do that
[13:06:17] wagnerrp: doesnt
[13:06:27] wagnerrp: i.e... not gnome or kde
[13:06:32] k-man: ok
[13:06:59] k-man: thanks wagnerrp
[13:08:31] wagnerrp: you may be able to turn that feature off within your desktop environment
[13:08:41] wagnerrp: but you would have to ask in their respective channels
[13:09:53] iamlindoro: This may be too logical a question, but since that popup asks what you want to do with the media, can't you select "do nothing" and tick the "always do this" box, then click ok?
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[13:12:51] justinh: anyway what does mc.sql do these days? just create database mythconverg? or is it more?
[13:12:58] wagnerrp: no, thats it
[13:13:09] justinh: heh
[13:13:24] justinh: fail to see the point of it then really
[13:13:49] justinh: though I guess it helps eliminate typos causing the wrong db name to be made
[13:14:15] justinh: create database mythconveggie
[13:15:28] wagnerrp: looks like it creates privileges for mythtv on localhost as well
[13:15:30] iamlindoro: "Oh, they misspelled 'converge.' And I'm in $NonEnglishCountry so I definitely don't want this Latin-1 character set... oh, and let me use Oswaldo as my username...."
[13:15:45] wagnerrp:
[13:15:59] justinh: how do you pronounce that again? "pchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pschhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
[13:16:49] iamlindoro: Most irritating thing... I *hate it* when ebay buyers buy something and then don't pay for five days... and still haven't paid
[13:17:09] justinh: which is why I no longer sell stuff on ebay
[13:17:13] iamlindoro: and the fail to respond to repeated requests to at least communicate SOMETHING
[13:17:16] justinh: it's less hassle to chuck stuff away
[13:17:54] justinh: "This Ebay seller has requested you take an intelligence test before you are allowed to bid"... then I'll come back
[13:18:09] wagnerrp: i hate when i keep asking 'how do you want this shipped? i cant give you a final price until you tell me how you want it shipped.', and they downrate me for never giving me a price
[13:19:10] rileypv: im back sorry
[13:19:11] iamlindoro: Well you can't eve leave negative feedback for a buyer any more
[13:19:11] wagnerrp: serves me right for trying to be reasonable, rather than just gouge them on ground shipping
[13:19:15] iamlindoro: even when they stiff you entirely
[13:19:29] iamlindoro: which is ridiculous
[13:19:30] rileypv: now I want to create a new mythconverg db
[13:19:55] rileypv: what dir do i need to be in to run that proc
[13:20:05] justinh: locate mc.sql
[13:20:05] iamlindoro: the dir which contains mc.sql
[13:20:12] wagnerrp: see my comments immediately after you asked that the first time
[13:20:39] rileypv: ok thanks sorry
[13:20:43] rileypv: /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[13:20:45] rileypv: its there
[13:20:51] ** justinh pictures a while middle-class kid trying to start out as a rapper with the name Emm Cee Sequel **
[13:20:54] wagnerrp: so feed that to mysql
[13:21:13] ** justinh feeds mysql cake **
[13:21:31] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!~gandalfco@ has quit (Quit: gandalfcome)
[13:21:31] justinh: I'd prefer it ate cake to the tables it chomped through last Monday
[13:22:36] wagnerrp: note from mysql: those were delicious recording records, please send more
[13:22:52] dewman (dewman! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:23:20] rileypv: root@mythserver:/usr/share/mythtv/sql# mysql < mc.sql
[13:23:21] rileypv: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
[13:23:42] justinh: the recording stuff was fine. it was the vital stuff it ate. cardinput, capturecard, channel...
[13:23:51] wagnerrp: so your mysql server is passworded, specify that with '-p'
[13:25:25] rileypv: ok thanks
[13:25:58] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:27:11] rileypv: /usr/share/mythtv/sql# mysql -u root -p < mc.sql
[13:27:11] rileypv: Enter password:
[13:27:11] rileypv: root@mythserver:/usr/share/mythtv/sql#
[13:27:25] wagnerrp: so... enter your mysql root password
[13:27:25] rileypv: done
[13:27:31] wagnerrp: oh
[13:28:34] rileypv: . . . ial_database
[13:28:40] rileypv: im following this guide
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[13:51:03] justinh: ah soon be hometime :)
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[14:08:41] rileypv: justinh are you in Au?
[14:08:47] rileypv: anyone in Au
[14:08:58] rileypv: i need the setting for shepherd
[14:09:45] justinh: Gold? Nah. UK
[14:11:05] Jay2k1: heh. my first association was jack
[14:12:24] johd (johd!~johd@ has quit (Quit: perv kitttteehhhh!)
[14:12:39] justinh: funny you showed up. I thought I had *.au on ignore
[14:12:53] justinh: oh wait that was my *old* box
[14:13:50] Jay2k1: why would you do that?
[14:14:22] justinh: same reason I had everybody from other countries in the list too :)
[14:14:45] Jay2k1: o-kay..
[14:15:07] justinh: not all other countries. I'm not completely xenophobic
[14:15:16] LedHed (LedHed! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:15:38] rileypv: well my db is back up and running and ive maged to import my recordings enad a few otherthings
[14:15:44] rileypv: thnaks for your help!
[14:15:58] rileypv: bedtime for me
[14:16:09] rileypv: 0015 here
[14:16:19] rileypv: night!
[14:16:27] Jay2k1: night
[14:18:03] justinh: people should try & do more mythtv stuff earlier in the day when their mind is fresher :)
[14:18:23] Kunalagon (Kunalagon!~Kunalagon@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[14:18:25] Jay2k1: well, he managed to succeed
[14:18:50] justinh: I've seen UK peeps in the logs coming in at 3AM UK time
[14:18:57] Jay2k1: heh
[14:19:26] justinh: asking questions about UK stuff & nobody can/will answer them
[14:19:35] Jay2k1: well, we all know this "going to bed, are you coming honey?" – "i just need 10 more minutes"... which then become 5 more hours thing
[14:19:52] justinh: yeah sadly I used to know it all too well
[14:20:03] justinh: but you have to give in & go to bed sooner or later :P
[14:20:19] justinh: too old to pull a 5am-er now
[14:20:30] Jay2k1: but yeah, i also had these moments, not with myth though... spending half of the night trying to solve a problem, and the next day when i was all fresh minded again, it jumped right into my face
[14:20:36] justinh: out clubbling maybe make it til 4am, but 5am at a computer... meh
[14:21:07] justinh: 37 year olds need their beauty sleep
[14:21:33] Jay2k1: heh funny, when going out to party i can't make it that long anymore, but when i'm tied to the computer because some issue bugs me, i could stay up all night without a problem
[14:21:40] justinh: oof
[14:21:44] Jay2k1: if only i wouldn't have to work
[14:21:54] Jay2k1: i'm 11 years younger though
[14:21:59] justinh: my last all nighter was really my last all-nighter on a mythtv frontend
[14:22:04] justinh: and I vowed never again
[14:22:05] Jay2k1: haha
[14:22:21] justinh: battling ALSA, getting spdif & analogue stereo out to work at the same time
[14:22:36] justinh: sometimes it booted & both worked. other times, only one
[14:22:43] justinh: never. again
[14:22:43] Jay2k1: ew, sounds like a bitc.. oh here was that language thingy
[14:22:56] Jay2k1: well, i recently tried to get spdif only working
[14:23:00] Jay2k1: was quite enough of a struggle
[14:23:10] Jay2k1: imagining i'd have to enable _both_...
[14:23:12] justinh: reminds me I need to do battle with 10.04 & make the same happen again
[14:23:34] justinh: I'll settle for spdif only for surround & analogue for stereo
[14:23:46] Jay2k1: why is that
[14:23:54] Jay2k1: deluxe sound card?
[14:23:57] justinh: so I get surround from my amp when I want it
[14:24:04] Jay2k1: ah
[14:24:13] justinh: and for regular TV I don't need to turn the amp on :)
[14:24:22] justinh: or rather, my wife doesn't need to
[14:24:24] Jay2k1: i see
[14:24:47] justinh: though if we ever get HDTV I'll make it so she has to. onboard speakers in flat panels are crap
[14:24:54] Jay2k1: indeed
[14:25:08] Jay2k1: i still have a crt but compared to my stereo it's crappy as well
[14:25:26] justinh: we have a panasonic 32" wide CRT
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[14:25:32] justinh: its sound is respectable
[14:25:36] wagnerrp: justinh: not a fan of 10W thin film speakers?
[14:25:51] justinh: not as good as my floorstanding speakers... but listenable
[14:25:56] justinh: wagnerrp: hell no
[14:26:16] Jay2k1: heh, i recently got me a nice set of 5.1 speakers
[14:26:32] wagnerrp: my samsung clips worse than my 30yr old RCA (with detached cones) that it replaced
[14:26:38] Jay2k1: dipoles for the back, two front speakers and a sub (and a center that went to the basement, no space for it)
[14:26:40] justinh: might have to assess the speaker situation when the little fella comes along
[14:27:11] justinh: the speakers won't come off badly if they get knocked over but er... they could give a little lad a nasty crack on the head
[14:27:12] Jay2k1: and then i still have the big floorstanding speakers... so i bought an amp that supports "zone 2" so i could use the big ones for music
[14:27:37] Jay2k1: but handling kinda sucks :/
[14:27:47] justinh: lots of handling here
[14:27:58] justinh: can't make it clip
[14:27:59] wagnerrp: not to mention 2/3 of the volume range on the Samsung is beyond the limits of the amp, and does exactly nothing
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[14:28:14] justinh: heheh. ahh a linear vol control eh
[14:28:34] wagnerrp: no idea what its for, maybe as a preamp for external speakers?
[14:28:57] justinh: maybe
[14:29:11] justinh: woo hometime!
[14:29:21] wagnerrp: time to fix the computer
[14:29:27] Jay2k1: 1.5 more hours here...
[14:29:28] wagnerrp: mom thinks she may have opened some virus
[14:29:34] wagnerrp: fun fun fun...
[14:30:07] Jay2k1: :/
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[15:04:00] mcl0vin: how can i change where my mythtv record shows ?
[15:04:13] mcl0vin: i just added a second HDD
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[15:05:28] wagnerrp: go into mythtv setup
[15:05:35] wagnerrp: storage groups, default
[15:05:48] wagnerrp: change the existing one to record everything the new drive
[15:05:58] wagnerrp: add a new entry to split the recordings between the two drives
[15:07:55] mcl0vin: wagnerrp: "add a new entry to split the recordings between the two drives" can you assist me please
[15:08:16] wagnerrp: no really know what would need assisting
[15:08:22] wagnerrp: s/no/dont/
[15:09:20] wagnerrp: you should see one line with your existing recording path
[15:09:34] wagnerrp: you should see another line with some text that would indicate that you click it to add a new path
[15:09:41] wagnerrp: i dont remember what it is off hand
[15:10:04] mcl0vin: wagnerrp: am running my BE &FE on a 20GB , so i just salvaged an 80GB HDD, i would like to use it as storage for my recording ...
[15:10:26] wagnerrp: so scroll to your existing directory, hit enter, and change the path
[15:11:24] mcl0vin: wagnerrp:
[15:11:39] wagnerrp: ok...
[15:12:01] wagnerrp: why did you partition it as a system disk?
[15:13:34] wagnerrp: for mythtv, you probably want a single partition
[15:13:44] wagnerrp: make a 'recordings' or some other folder within that partition
[15:13:52] wagnerrp: and specify that as the folder you want to record to
[15:14:01] wagnerrp: do not say you want to record to the root mount path
[15:14:15] wagnerrp: if you need assistance with partitioning a disk, please seek help in your distro's channel
[15:18:34] pak0: mythshutdown --startup returned: 127 , myth dont work and dont know why, i cant find more info with that error on google
[15:19:21] pak0: /usr/bin/mythshutdown: line 1: ELF: command not found i have this if i do a check
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[15:20:56] wagnerrp: GENERIC_EXIT_CMD_NOT_FOUND
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[15:48:09] johnnyj: so I somehow managed to yank one of the plastic sata connectors off my motherboard
[15:48:23] johnnyj: it didn't release from the cable
[15:49:01] ** sphery finds the design of SATA connectors very disappointing **
[15:49:04] johnnyj: and i've had to move my dvd drive to a different connector which doesn't handle IDE mode – the drive works and shows up as /dev/sr0
[15:49:16] sphery: either they fall out when they shouldn't or they don't come out when they should
[15:49:40] Jay2k1: thats why cables with clips rock
[15:49:56] johnnyj: so this port is AHCI or SCSI and now there's no /dev/dvd
[15:50:07] Jay2k1: only problem is when you have several sata ports underneath each other and want to remove a cable from the middle of them, you have to unplug the others first
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[15:50:21] johnnyj: I symlinked /dev/dvd to sr0 and myth imported a dvd to vob with no issues
[15:50:48] johnnyj: i'm guessing there's a right way to make sure that /dev/dvd gets created?
[15:51:15] oobe: udev
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[15:56:12] johnnyj: um...
[15:56:38] sphery:
[15:56:42] sphery: see the example there
[15:57:00] johnnyj: thx
[15:57:12] johnnyj: i also had a record failure this morning – we'll get to that later
[15:59:02] wagnerrp: sphery: only problem ive ever had with the SATA connectors is theyre weak
[15:59:14] wagnerrp: ive got a 300GB drive with the plastic slot cracked off
[15:59:20] johnnyj: so there's no way to stick this on ASUS I would assume
[15:59:37] wagnerrp: it works with a SATA dock i have, but theres no way i could connect to it with a cable
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[16:02:37] Jay2k1: what about a 5 1/4" bay?
[16:03:41] Jay2k1: . . . SATA-A_2.jpg
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[16:04:29] Jay2k1: you can open the "front door", push in a sata disk, and by closing the door you force the disk onto the sata backplane
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[16:16:31] johnnyj: so I can no longer say I've had no issues with my HDVPR –
[16:16:57] johnnyj: the blue recording light was stuck on and the recording at 5am this morning failed
[16:17:19] johnnyj: s/VPR/PVR
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[16:21:28] johnnyj: i recently added the following on the USB – Cyber Power System, Inc. CP1500 AVR UPS
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[16:25:30] RyeBrye: Google is announcing their Google TV thing – might be of interest to see what they are working on
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[16:31:38] johnnyj: is there anything I can do to diagnose this if it happens again? I just power-cycled the HDPVR and restarted my backend
[16:31:46] sphery: As Amy Poehler and Seth Myers would say, "Really, Google? You have a twitter feed shown on the search results page?"
[16:32:00] sphery: . . . amp;gs_rfai=
[16:32:54] sphery: so far in that Google TV announcement, the only thing that's different from MythTV is it seems it requires a keyboard.
[16:33:04] RyeBrye: I'm trying to figure out hwo it works
[16:33:08] RyeBrye: I think it's a passthrough device
[16:33:18] RyeBrye: 'casue they're showing it layered on top of a Dish network DVR
[16:33:19] sphery: (as youcan do the search for "When's the next Giants game on?" or "Show me all the upcoming episodes of ..."
[16:33:39] sphery: yeah, they said it's not a device, but works in cooperation with existing devices
[16:34:11] RyeBrye: If they enable voice input that'd be cool... they have pretty powerful voice reco on their android stuff... If it's foss it could be interesting
[16:36:38] sphery: I got bored trying to watch that video
[16:36:52] sphery: I'll read about what Google TV /actually/ is after someone else figures it out.  :)
[16:36:53] RyeBrye: yeah, it's live and they are having issues
[16:37:12] RyeBrye: They haven't said anything about source availability or anything yet
[16:38:39] sphery: It seems to me it's just a way of getting Google ads onto people's existing TVs/DVRs
[16:39:06] sphery: just wonder if they'll have a listings API
[16:39:09] sphery: and if so, what terms
[16:39:20] sphery: and how many people will decide to violate said terms
[16:39:45] RyeBrye: Good question
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[16:39:47] iamlindoro: Let's get an x264 developer to tell us, at least then it will be a straight answer
[16:39:47] sphery: because they don't want to pay $20/yr and would rather compromise their integrity to avoid that payment :)
[16:39:53] sphery: heh, yeah
[16:40:01] wagnerrp: here at BASF^H^H^H^HGoogle, we dont make the tv you use every day, we make the tv moor googley
[16:40:31] sphery: I'm just glad that someone did say that VP8 is /not/ patent free--just patent-not-yet-questioned
[16:41:06] Brad-D: hey guys, i have 2 HD-PVR's set up on my system. They work really well, except every couple of days one of the pvr's stops responding, and i have to power cycle it, to get it working again
[16:41:25] Brad-D: it is always the same unit that has the problem. have you heard of anything like this? Any ideas where i could start looking?
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[16:41:40] RyeBrye: So... so far this is like a souped up boxee that seems to have some kind of device passthrough
[16:41:59] Brad-D: also i think that it's the hd-pvr unit, as mythtv tries to record, but nothing comes out, and it ends up being a blank entry
[16:41:59] sphery: Googlee
[16:42:27] sphery: just like wagnerrp said
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[16:53:57] RyeBrye: They are getting to the tech version of how the google tv works now
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[16:55:33] RyeBrye: basically STB's with hdmi passthrough
[16:55:39] RyeBrye: the STB's have ballsy processors and GPUs
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[17:07:01] wagnerrp: ballsy processors and GPUs?
[17:07:12] wagnerrp: STBs usually have next to nothing for either
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[17:08:11] sphery: if it's reencoding HDMI, it would need quite a proc
[17:08:33] sphery: but it seems that's the hard way of getting the overlays on
[17:08:53] wagnerrp: no it doesnt, just need custom hardware
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[17:09:23] wagnerrp: and HDMI isnt encoded anyway
[17:09:33] wagnerrp: s/encoded/compressed/
[17:09:47] RyeBrye: Yeah, seems like custom hardware. They have a built-in IR blaster that apparently will tie into dish network STB's already... I wonder if they will have some way to provide custom control methods that don't need ir-blasting...
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[17:10:10] wagnerrp: so you just need to scale the overlay and put it in the proper colorspace, and then just push the video into the stream
[17:10:31] sphery: and preserve all the HDMI DRM etc.
[17:10:53] RyeBrye: Yeah, HDCP = devil. I'm guessing that they can't possibly make this google tv box opensource for that reason right?
[17:11:11] atrus: i keep getting a bug about mythconverg.weathedatalayout: "table upgrade required", but i'm not sure what to do. trying to "repair" it in mysql says "the storage engine for the table doesn't support repair"...
[17:11:13] sphery: would make sense to me
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[17:11:31] sphery: atrus: it's an InnoDB table, so you have to jump through hoops
[17:12:04] wagnerrp: RyeBrye: i dont see why not, they just make it an input-only API, not something you can pull data from
[17:12:10] wagnerrp: all the magic would be done in the hardware
[17:12:17] RyeBrye: True
[17:12:19] sphery: atrus: here's the alternative (much easier/cleaner/better):
[17:12:21] atrus: sphery: how would i "dump/reload" that table? is that possible? i don't care about the data in that table, really...
[17:12:59] ** wagnerrp wonders if all plugins should have an option somewhere to reset the database to its base state **
[17:13:09] wagnerrp: dump the tables, drop the settings
[17:13:17] sphery: that would be a good plan
[17:13:30] sphery: I've been trying to figure where would be the best place for that
[17:13:31] wagnerrp: maybe have the windows 'are you sure'
[17:13:39] wagnerrp: and make a database backup
[17:13:57] wagnerrp: sphery: maybe make some sort of plugin manager, that lists all currently available
[17:14:00] sphery: keeping it in the plugin itself makes a lot of sense as it allows 3rd parties to do it, too
[17:14:14] sphery: make it a required plugin API function?
[17:14:21] atrus: sphery: looks like that worked, thanks :)
[17:14:31] sphery: then if we create a plugin manager, that would be able to use it
[17:16:06] RyeBrye: Ok, one thing that is cool – it uses Google translate API to translate CC data
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[17:19:24] RyeBrye: Google TV is going to be open source apparently
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[18:20:51] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Do you have any clever ideas about how to get the install prefix/share dir using the bindings?
[18:21:42] clever: i think for most of myth, it gets hard-coded in at compile time
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[18:22:35] wagnerrp: yeah, thats all i can think of
[18:22:49] wagnerrp: have the makefile hardcode it into at build/install time
[18:23:07] wagnerrp: just 'sed' it in or something
[18:23:58] iamlindoro: That might work-- If I move some of this stuff to the backend, some of the scripts would need the ability to grab the prefix-- I currently hack in a DB value when a certain screen is started, but I need to take into account headless systems
[18:24:31] wagnerrp: backend command to ask it what the prefix is?
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[18:25:54] iamlindoro: That would be possible, although a bit like swatting a fly with a star destroyer
[18:26:20] clever: and it would have to be the local backend, each system could have a different prefix
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[18:27:07] wagnerrp: yeah, i could do something cleaner if i were compiling C modules for the bindings
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[18:27:22] wagnerrp: but as it is, best5 option is to just 'sed' something in with the makefile
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[18:34:43] wagnerrp: sphery or Beirdo or xris: the perl bindings will continue to work, but at a reduced function, without the UPnP modules. are there any other optional modules?
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[18:35:53] sphery: I didn't go through to see how any of them were used
[18:36:05] sphery: but I don't like the idea of removing the dependency on the UPnP libs
[18:36:18] sphery: if we're making runtime dependencies into build deps, might as well get them to install all
[18:36:32] sphery: (if you were going somewhere else with this, though, ignore my opinion :)
[18:36:46] wagnerrp: no, i was just going to make it a warning, instead of a disable
[18:37:17] sphery: I still think it should be a disable
[18:38:10] sphery: what's the difference between the reduced functionality in that part and reduced functionality from the "if the script doesn't use the part that includes the module, the script works fine"
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[18:39:05] sphery: so, for example, if you don't have Fcntl, it's no big deal unless you have NUV's and your script calls the function that gets file type info
[18:39:18] wagnerrp: meh, ill just commit as is then
[18:39:44] sphery: er, whatever it was
[18:41:04] wagnerrp: janneg: i never got any ye or ne, so i went ahead and committed...
[18:41:17] wagnerrp: just adds warning notices as to why the bindings are getting disabled
[18:41:19] sphery: the right module for that example is Config :)
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[18:42:04] sphery: I do like that change, though... Thanks.
[18:42:24] wagnerrp: sphery: i was just concerned about it, as the perl bindings fail to install on my bsd box
[18:42:34] wagnerrp: there is no net::upnp packae to install
[18:42:35] sphery: which is mising?
[18:43:24] wagnerrp: it doesnt exist in the package manager, or is at least one i cant find
[18:44:07] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:44:11] Brad-D: does anyone ever notice lockups with their hauppauge HD PVRs?
[18:44:23] sphery: have you tried building through CPAN (even if you don't trust it to install) just to see if it's possible
[18:44:46] Brad-D: google seems to suggest that you get less lockups with compenent cable audio, instead of Spdif? Anyone ever seen that?
[18:44:49] wagnerrp: im sure i could find and build it elsewhere
[18:45:14] janneg: wagnerrp: sorry, I missed that
[18:45:38] wagnerrp: Brad-D: there are issues where it will lock up if it goes to record and the STB is not yet outputting audio
[18:46:10] wagnerrp: janneg: any problems then? i just figure i should ask before touching configure
[18:46:11] Brad-D: hmmm that could explain my woes
[18:46:25] Brad-D: it's wierd that only one of the two will lock up
[18:47:15] wagnerrp: do you have then on different STBs?
[18:47:17] cab00m (cab00m!~newbie@unaffiliated/cab00m) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:26] Brad-D: yes
[18:47:26] cab00m: hello all
[18:47:32] Brad-D: good idea, maybe i should switch them
[18:47:35] Brad-D: and see what happens
[18:49:01] janneg: wagnerrp: I don't like the disable_bindings_* functions but doesn't really matter
[18:49:12] cab00m: hey, the guide to install MythTV on fedora 13 is the same from Fedora 10/11?
[18:49:41] dustybin: i want to build a backend box HD only box what will be used for DVB-T and also some HD channels on freesat DVB-S, would i need a powerful CPU?
[18:50:10] wagnerrp: dustybin: backend only? do you intend to transcode? do you intend to commflag?
[18:50:29] dustybin: i dont think i need to transcode with the uk HD channels
[18:50:46] dustybin: i dont care about commflag
[18:51:49] cab00m: :(
[18:52:16] sphery: cab00m: there's always MythDora
[18:52:45] sphery: cab00m:
[18:53:05] cab00m: yes but I want to install Fedora Gnome when released and then install mythtv on it, for learning something on linux/apps
[18:53:10] cab00m: sorry I am a newbie...
[18:53:39] cab00m: thanks
[18:55:31] sphery: wagnerrp: would this be what you need: ?
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[18:58:07] wagnerrp: sphery: thats for open, not free, but thanks anyway
[18:58:37] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: seems i can just pull the file path from MythTV.__file__
[18:58:43] wagnerrp: i can work back to the prefix from there
[19:00:25] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: a bit crude, but '/'.join(MythTV.__file__.split('/')[:-5])
[19:03:26] revilootneg (revilootneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:59] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Thanks, I think I have a way where it shouldn't even be necessary, but I think I need a break right now
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[19:09:30] Jay2k1: humm, is the "zoom" feature in livetv supposed to actually zoom?
[19:09:45] Jay2k1: i can only move the picture around
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[19:39:52] Beirdo: mmm, sushi
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[19:50:34] lapion: whenever I select to edit a channel for the second time, mythfrontend doesn't respond to the keyboard anymore
[19:50:55] lapion: I have allready turned off realtime
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[19:59:01] lapion: can anyone help me ?
[19:59:37] sphery: lapion: don't use the frontend channel editor
[20:00:33] sphery: lapion:
[20:00:59] sphery: lapion: and, again, since you can reproduce the issue, we'd appreciate your testing as described in that post
[20:01:15] Wicked: i now have 2 input devices and im wondering if all my previous recording rules will get along with the new most my rules are "record at any time on this channel" while recording only new shows....but for example channel 7(whdh) is now on both input devices..but on the new one its called whdhdt...does mythtv look at the channel name at all? or does it simply look at the show name and ti
[20:01:15] Wicked: me....and if it finds the same show on a different named channel...will it know that they are the same show?
[20:01:45] wagnerrp: if the channame is the same, the scheduler will try to record on it
[20:01:52] wagnerrp: why are you using 'on this channel' rules?
[20:02:32] Wicked: a while back i had issues with shows recording in i got in the habit of selecting the channel they air on
[20:02:52] Wicked: like some hbo shows and stuff where recording later recordings on the spanish hbo
[20:02:55] sphery: s/if the channame is the same/if the *callsign* is the same/
[20:03:01] Wicked: :o
[20:03:08] Wicked: so that could be a issue
[20:03:18] wagnerrp: mark the spanish hbo very low priority
[20:03:23] wagnerrp: or disable it all together
[20:03:25] sphery: and, like wagnerrp said, "this channel" rules are evil
[20:03:39] Wicked: what do you all normally use? any time any channel?
[20:03:40] sphery: yeah, if you never want to use it, make it not visible
[20:03:53] sphery: any time, any channel on all 111 rules I have
[20:04:02] Wicked: ah
[20:04:31] Wicked: well thankfully the new input(hdhr) only gets a few i guess ill only have to change a few rules
[20:05:02] wagnerrp: update record set type=<something> where type=<somethingelse>;
[20:05:21] Wicked: that would work?
[20:05:24] Wicked: and would be safe?
[20:07:05] AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:07:23] lapion: sphery, the same issue also happens when entering the editor from the osd-menu
[20:07:44] wagnerrp: Wicked:
[20:08:15] Wicked: wagnerrp, ...python right?
[20:08:21] wagnerrp: sure
[20:09:32] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[20:09:50] Wicked: sorry to sound like a idiot...but just to clarify...i can save that as a and run update all my recording rules from "at any time on this channel" to "any time any channel" ?
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[20:11:04] sphery: lapion: yeah, testing different playback profile groups and renderers would be very useful
[20:11:24] wagnerrp: Wicked: correct
[20:12:33] Wicked: wagnerrp, awesome. thanks alot :)
[20:14:06] Wicked: mythtv channel editor...ive set channel 7(whdh) on my hdhr to use the xmltvid of whdh...and ive since then ran mythfill several times....but for some reason in 7 on the hdhr has no guide info
[20:14:42] Wicked: ive tried using the whdh xmltvid and ive also tried the whdhdt(hd) xmltvid...both still are not showing any guide data for channel 7
[20:15:05] Wicked: all the other channels i setup in the hdhr channel editor seem to get getting guide data without issue
[20:16:44] Wicked: any reason why it might be ignoring the data on that channel?
[20:17:54] Wicked:
[20:18:03] Wicked: everything looks right to me
[20:18:28] lapion: I am using the mythcenter non widescreen theme..
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[20:21:32] Wicked: ive tried running mythfill with --refresh-all...but that did not fix i missing something? or am i not running mythfill right?
[20:23:15] johnnyj: sphery – the demo tuner is working
[20:23:31] johnnyj: in live tv mode even
[20:24:55] Wicked: hmm...ok somethings not right here....ive check...and double checked that that channel is correct and that the xmltvid is correct....and ive ran "mythfilldatabase --refresh-all" 3 times....and ive restarted the backend several times...but that channel refuses to show guide data :|
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[20:27:48] lapion: now for the first time I am havind a totally different quirk, while setting up the appearance of mythfrontend.. when a press next at the lcd screen I get kicked out of the setup menua all the way to the main menu
[20:29:20] wagnerrp: yes, when you change the appearance, the entire UI gets reset, and you get pushed back to the main menu
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[20:31:05] Wicked: schedule direct is gonna hate me lol....rerunning mythfill quite a few times
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[20:36:21] ** wagnerrp wonders if anyone would even try to use MythTV if it had a config-file based setup **
[20:36:39] lapion: sphery, I do see something strange in the frontend log, at the point of starting tv-viewing, the following message appears: TV: UpdateLCD done is this normal if LCD is off and there is no lcd.. ?
[20:36:58] wagnerrp:
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[20:50:20] lapion: solved the problem
[20:50:29] lapion: at least I got a workaround..
[20:52:28] lapion: sphery, I have found a workaround..
[20:55:16] lapion: Sphery the problem gets solved by simply turning off "Allways use Browse mode in LiveTV" maybe someone can try to veryify this by turning on the option ?
[20:56:46] Wicked: ugh. what the heck.....this is seriously so annoying......mythtv is *NOT* getting channel data for a certain channel(whdh 7)....ive checked and rechecked.....everything in the channel editor is right...its got the correct xmltvid...ive ran "mythfilldatabase --refresh-all" 4 or 5 times...but it does not get guide data
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[20:57:08] Wicked: on a seperate input device with the same channel it gets the guide data
[20:57:57] Wicked: and the channel editor shows the same exact info for both channels(same chan name, channel #, callsign, and xmltvid)
[20:58:12] Wicked: this makes no sense what so ever
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[21:00:15] Wicked: is there anything else i can try to get the guide info inserted into that channel?
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[21:02:00] ** Beirdo dances around a bit... **
[21:02:12] Beirdo: my new TV is now in Fedex's hands
[21:02:18] Beirdo: no dropping it, please
[21:04:01] ** wagnerrp reminds Beirdo of the scene from Ace Ventura **
[21:04:13] Beirdo: heh
[21:04:23] Beirdo: be hard to do that with a 32" TV, but yeah
[21:04:41] Beirdo: I'll buy the bigger one some other time, too many other things to buy first
[21:06:02] ** dustybin prints a few dead pixels on Beirdo new screen **
[21:06:15] wagnerrp: prints?
[21:06:23] dustybin: o_0
[21:06:29] Wicked: so i cleared every field in the channel editor for that channel...readded everything....verified i entered it correctly.....reran mythfilldatabase...and the guide info is STILL NOT BEING SHOW FOR THIS CHANNEL.
[21:06:33] Wicked: this is so annoying
[21:07:29] clever: Wicked: is the channel enabled in SD?
[21:07:36] Wicked: yea
[21:07:42] clever: i'm out of ideas then
[21:08:34] Wicked: i have 2 inputs....ones a pvr150 and ones a hdhr...both have a common channel(chan 7 whdh)....the pvr150 gets the guide data.....but the hdhr does not. ive looked at both channels in the channel editor and they are identical
[21:09:31] clever: i think each would be connected to a seperate channel source in SD
[21:09:33] Wicked: but the hdhr channel 7 will not get guide data...ive readded the channel several times and have run mythfilldatabase at least 5 or 6 times now....both just "mythfilldatabase" and "mythfilldatabase --refresh-all"
[21:10:03] hobiga (hobiga! has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[21:10:26] Wicked: the channel 7 on the pvr-150 is SD while the channel 7 on the hdhr is the same channel but in HD.
[21:10:51] clever: nice, my cable co sucks and double feeds every channel
[21:10:53] Wicked: this is the setup for that channel in the channel editor
[21:11:03] clever: all the hd stuff is in the 500's, and the sd is down sub 50
[21:11:47] Wicked: yea. normal hd channels are 700+ here...but ota its showing up as 7.1
[21:11:54] clever: ah
[21:12:00] Beirdo: as that's what it is
[21:12:04] Wicked: yes
[21:12:04] cdpuk (cdpuk!~chris@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:12:10] clever: only stuff i have in clear QAM is the on-demand channels
[21:12:19] Wicked: i get the locals
[21:12:20] clever: which i'm not even paying for
[21:12:24] Wicked: weird
[21:12:39] Wicked: but...this issue...makes no sense.
[21:12:51] Wicked: the channels are exact in the channel editor
[21:13:03] Wicked: but the hdhr channel 7 will not get guide info
[21:13:36] Wicked: i have no idea what else to try...but mythtv refuses to fill the guide info for this channel
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[21:15:20] ** Beirdo shrugs **
[21:15:49] Beirdo: have you TRIED making a bug report of any kind, or just here on IRC?
[21:16:46] Wicked: i have not made a bug report. ive just been trying to fix this.
[21:16:54] Beirdo: K.
[21:17:22] Beirdo: you may want to do a database dump and see if it IS filling for the channel but you are linking it wrong somehow
[21:18:00] Wicked: im not very proficient in sql...what would i do? do a dump then what? open the dump in a editor and look through it?
[21:18:10] Wicked: im not exactly sure what i would do
[21:18:11] Beirdo: that would work, yeah
[21:18:28] Wicked: what would i look for?....isnt the mythconverg db pretty big?
[21:19:29] lapion: can anyone tell me where I can find realtime settings options ?
[21:19:49] Beirdo: Wicked: not quite sure off hand, but it's something to mull over.
[21:20:10] Wicked: :|
[21:21:47] justinh: hahahaha. I just went to delete a show, pressed INFO & got a big surprise.
[21:21:47] Wicked: idea on this...just did a sql dump and i have no idea what im looking for...just wasting my time
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[21:23:16] justinh: seems even people who send patches forget they sent patches ages ago ;)
[21:23:26] clever: yeah that took a little getting used to
[21:24:34] Beirdo: Wicked: Oh, I dunno... look for shows you KNOW are on that channel (via looking online at the schedule on zap2it or whatever)... see if they are there once/twice... find out the channel numbering...
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[21:25:08] Beirdo: then check whatever table the channel editor messes with to see why the second tuner doesn't see the channel... I dunno
[21:25:15] Beirdo: get inventive, you have all the data :)
[21:25:59] Wicked: yea....greping the file outputted like 5k lines
[21:26:13] Wicked: still outputting lines....
[21:26:32] Wicked: no idea. im not a sql guy
[21:26:58] Beirdo: well, learn :)
[21:27:10] Wicked: dont really have time to learn :|
[21:27:12] Beirdo: the SQL in database dumps is pretty easy
[21:27:23] Wicked: ive already spent WAY to much time hooking up this hdhr
[21:29:37] Wicked: welp...this is very disapointing :(
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[21:36:15] hobiga (hobiga! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:36:44] Wicked: does mythtv run just "mythfilldatabase" when it auto runs?(granted the user has not manually set any mythfill options)
[21:36:55] Wicked: or does it use any arguments by default?
[21:37:08] Beirdo: use the source, Luke :)
[21:37:10] Beirdo: not sure
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[21:41:19] Wicked: on the icon downloader...its auto searching for not found icons...which is nice....but its taking upto 2–3 mins for each channel....and i cannot cancel it from searching
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[21:42:03] Wicked: cute...the icon downloader even downloaded a icon for the channel that mythtv will not get guide info for lol
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[21:46:29] justinh: Wicked: you should check the xmltvid field for that channel
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[21:49:08] Wicked: yea...ive verified it several times
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[22:14:12] Wicked: this is so weird....even changing the channel from the SD the HD xmltvid and changing the channel number to the HD channel number...and mythtv will still not get guide info.
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[22:24:20] clever: Wicked: you have 2 channel lineups in mythtv-setup?
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[22:25:24] Wicked: clever, yea
[22:25:35] clever: and are they connected to the same lineup in SD?
[22:26:10] itsme (itsme! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:21] itsme: hi
[22:26:34] Wicked: clever, yea
[22:27:30] clever: Wicked: ok, out of ideas again then
[22:27:47] Wicked: yup me too.
[22:28:58] Wicked: its also now showing the wrong schedule info for some channels.... :(
[22:29:04] itsme: i have already running 0.20 on my machine – is it possible to update to the latest version? what is about the database changes? are they doing automatically?
[22:30:25] itsme: machine is a centos 5.4
[22:30:44] Wicked: yup...mythtv has gone and confused channel data for fox...with some wgn america channel...mythtv is now recording the completely wrong channel for a show
[22:31:19] Wicked: the guide shows the right station name and everything for the wgn america....but its listing guide data ment for fox
[22:32:52] justinh: you've not selected 'useonairguide' for any channels have you?
[22:33:01] Wicked: just verified that the xmltvid for wgn america is the correct one(*not* using fox'es xmltvid)
[22:33:33] Wicked: justinh, i tried that both on and off for a few channels and it did not seem to make a difference
[22:34:17] Wicked: so if the correct xmltvid is being used on wgn american...why the heck would mythtv use fox's guide data?
[22:36:06] Wicked: mythtv even manages to pull in the correct icons for the channels....
[22:38:26] Wicked: just did a mysqlcheck on the database to make sure nothing wasout of whack there...everything was ok
[22:38:52] Wicked: could mythtv somehow be caching something that is causing these weird issues?
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[22:44:08] justinh: try --refresh-all with mythfilldatabase – but take into account that using SD you can only do it at certain times AFAIK
[22:44:46] Wicked: hmm
[22:45:10] Wicked: i wonder if thats what the issue is...ive ran mythfill like 50 times in the last 24 hours trying to get this sorted out
[22:45:42] Wicked: dammit....mythtv switched guide info again....tonights showing of "the office" will be recorded on NECN
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[22:51:25] Wicked: if i goto the actual guide in mythtv and goto NECN....and look at all the shows on tonight... the office does not show.....but in the upcoming recordings shows the office recording on NECN
[22:53:30] Wicked: actual guide(notice channel 3 is NECN):
[22:53:43] Wicked: upcoming recordings(notice NECN)
[22:53:53] inordkuo (inordkuo!~inorkuo@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:53:56] Wicked: looking more and more like some kinda bug in mythtv
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[23:09:02] sebastian: Hi, i am running mythweb, everything is working, but when I click on ASX Stream or Download, I get the message 'Manuell, freie Planung) | Aufnahmeplan | Aufnahmen | Backend Status
[23:09:15] sebastian: An unknown module was specified'
[23:09:28] sebastian: any ideas?
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[23:15:03] Wicked: hmm...i cannot delete the NECN channel from the hdhr channel lineup....i went to it hit d and said ok to delete it...but its still showing up :|
[23:15:42] Wicked: hit d and deleting it multiple times removed it
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[23:22:12] Wicked: also...when im in livetv and i switch to the hdhr input....and i goto channel shows no info(or rather unknown)...and no guide data....but if i goto the actual tv guide under manage recordings -> schedule recordings -> program guide...then goto channel 707 it shows the correct guide data with all the listings.
[23:23:58] Wicked: no idea if anyone is listening to all this or even cares lol....but it seems there is alot of quirkiness in mythtv in the guide data stuff. if anyone can think of any additional info that i can provide that you may find handy let me know and ill try to get it to you
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