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Monday, June 1st, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:18] iamlindoro: sphery, I mentioned with T:TSCC canceled maybe Joss could start getting the band back together
[00:00:20] wagnerrp: there was discussion about them cancelling terminator, but they had to keep summer somewhere
[00:00:47] wagnerrp: although right now 'the band' is two characters
[00:01:00] wagnerrp: one of them psycho
[00:01:01] GreyFoxx: FireFly , The New Adventures
[00:01:03] GreyFoxx: hehe
[00:01:12] sphery: iamlindoro: yeah, so was Castle cancelled? Gotta have a captain for Dollhouse.
[00:01:25] iamlindoro: sphery, Heh, sadly not
[00:01:31] gbee: Summer is hardly expanding her roles now is she? From detached fighting automaton to terminator to brainwashed automaton
[00:01:50] sphery: she did a little roll on The Unit
[00:02:03] wagnerrp: she played a movie star on a train once
[00:02:09] iamlindoro: gbee, They mention that she wants to play a normal girl, and that she probably wouldn't be an active
[00:02:12] sphery: there she was the little irresponsible girl
[00:02:26] sphery: wagnerrp: I loved that episode of Big Bang Theory
[00:02:29] gbee: iamlindoro: ah, serves me right for not reading past the first paragraph ;)
[00:02:38] iamlindoro: heh
[00:02:42] gbee: sphery: yeah, forgot that one
[00:03:35] gbee: the trailer dwelling girlfriend of a young soldier who gets himself blown up
[00:06:03] GreyFoxx: She was also the schizo chick who could get anyone to do anything she wanted on the 4400 :)
[00:07:10] gbee: she was? shows how much I paid attention to that series, although it would depend on the season since I only saw the first one or two
[00:08:16] sphery: was that good? I didn't have the channel, so haven't watched it, but it sounded interesting.
[00:08:25] GreyFoxx: . . . glau0010.JPG
[00:08:32] GreyFoxx: That's her as "Tess" :)
[00:08:51] GreyFoxx: I liked it though it started getting weird at the end :)
[00:09:37] wagnerrp: they resurrected one of the characters, and that pretty much spelled the end of the sieries
[00:10:23] sphery: sounds like a shark was involved--and jumping
[00:10:35] gbee: put it this way, I didn't really miss it when the later seasons were only available on a channel I could not receive
[00:10:48] wagnerrp: well the shark happened to be in a big lake
[00:10:54] gbee: never really involved me, it was just something to pass the time
[00:10:54] wagnerrp: and i dont think the series made it to the other side
[00:13:39] gbee: pretty sure I've asked this before, but Ubuntu does/doesn't have a bash history search? Mandriva PgUp/PgDown would autocomplete – e.g. "sudo r" PgDown "sudo rm -rf /"
[00:14:30] sphery: is that readline? Ctrl-R, start typing (then Ctrl-R until you get to the right one)?
[00:14:30] wagnerrp: not sure about bash/ubuntu, but ive got a .tcshrc file that will do that
[00:16:41] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/professional/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:43] gbee: sphery: similar, but better IMHO
[00:19:45] gbee: less keys involved so faster I suppose and without the "(reverse-i-search)`blah':" stuff , but otherwise same principal
[00:20:48] gbee: pgup would step backwards, pgdown forwards, so even if you overstepped the one you were after it was simple to get where you wanted to be
[00:23:20] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:26:29] sphery: gbee: I think Ctrl-s is the default for forward-search-history, but depending on terminal, it may take it as a stop, first (requiring a Ctrl-q to resume)
[00:26:45] sphery: could just map forward-search-history to something else in .inputrc
[00:29:48] gbee: not that big a deal, just would have been faster to have the same functionality whilst getting this machine up and running, day to day I don't expect to be doing much work on it (I hope)
[00:31:06] sphery: yeah, learning a new way takes a lot of time
[00:34:55] univate (univate! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[00:35:24] univate (univate! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:18] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:51] gbee: _finally_ have hdmi audio working with radeonhd, now I just need to fix HD playback with radeonhd
[00:42:32] gbee: still, two days later I feel I'm making progress
[00:45:19] sid3windr: yeah, in a month of 2 you'll even have something remotely resembling display output!
[00:50:08] GreyFoxx: sphery: Where you one of the people running into the dvd seek issue as well ?
[00:50:14] GreyFoxx: I thought I saw you mention it too
[00:51:15] iamlindoro: sphery just takes ownership in everyone on the users lists issues and translates them into unoffensive language ;)
[00:52:01] iamlindoro: In other unsurprising news, comcast is useless
[00:52:33] iamlindoro: I have my one cable drop into a 8 port drop amp, which is a 4.5 dB amplifier w/ passive return
[00:52:51] iamlindoro: the tech decides that my amp is providing "too much signal on the return path"
[00:53:01] iamlindoro: and can't grasp what passive return means
[00:53:40] iamlindoro: still didn't seem to get it when I told him that I ran the cable modem straight off the wall when the connectivity issues started, and they didn't get any better
[00:57:53] univate (univate! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[00:58:15] univate (univate! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:16] sphery: GreyFoxx: no, I don't do DVD's on Myth
[00:58:28] GreyFoxx: k
[00:59:41] sphery: I did mention that a lot of users would be happy to see your patch (which you've posted :)
[01:00:05] GreyFoxx: well it works for me. so I was looking for others to try it
[01:00:11] sphery: but I'm only included in there because it will mean I may hear fewer complaints about DVD playback in Myth :)
[01:00:16] GreyFoxx: just looking over the Stillframe+menu stuff now
[01:20:31] Pontiac: I'd try it but I don't have a DVD player in the machine.
[01:41:41] GFoxx (GFoxx! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:42:03] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[01:55:43] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:14] wagnerrp: i was watching the Fugitive and got to wondering... how do you handcuff the one-armed man?
[02:00:36] Pontiac: Wrap a chain right around him?
[02:00:49] wagnerrp: you think police would just carry those around?
[02:00:59] GFoxx: to the back of his pants or with a special belt
[02:01:01] Pontiac: They carry spike strips, so why not chains?
[02:01:22] kormoc: they carry shackles
[02:01:24] wagnerrp: thats what i was thinking, hope hes wearing a belt to hook it to
[02:02:11] kormoc: shackle the two feet and the one arm, fairly foolproof
[02:02:26] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, To his belt/beltloop
[02:02:41] iamlindoro: <--- has done this
[02:02:55] wagnerrp: well beltloop wouldnt work, you can tear those off too easily
[02:02:59] wagnerrp: would have to be a belt
[02:03:07] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, And yet it's the way it's done :)
[02:03:09] kormoc: arrested for speeding though a neighborhood on a loud bike? ;)
[02:03:17] iamlindoro: this is why police cars have dividers
[02:03:35] wagnerrp: toss them in the back and dont worry about it?
[02:03:39] kormoc: right
[02:03:52] kormoc: a few shots of mace if they're really a pain
[02:04:03] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, if you're extra lucky and have a fancy car that day you may have something extra to secure them to
[02:05:51] wagnerrp: so still no workable solution for internet?
[02:06:06] iamlindoro: Well, have been stablish for 24 hours or so, fingers crossed
[02:07:04] Pontiac: just out of curiosity, are you running dual net connections?
[02:07:06] iamlindoro: only time I've been down is with the comcast tech barely managing to not put an eye out with RG6
[02:07:16] Pontiac: or are you currently sitting remote?
[02:07:33] iamlindoro: Pontiac, what gives you that idea?
[02:08:10] Pontiac: Well, you say that comcast is dropping you more than a bad habbit, so just trying to figure out what net connection you're talking about.
[02:08:47] iamlindoro: see my connection over the past 7 days, the last 24 hours excluded
[02:09:15] iamlindoro: I've been in about 25% of the time, courtesy of comcast
[02:12:22] Pontiac: I must be just missing you're dropping offline, or something then. My join/part/quit messages are sitting in my Status window.
[02:15:51] GFoxx (GFoxx! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:17:43] ** Pontiac *REALLY* wishes that ASX stream would chop commercials... but the fact that I can watch TV from work... I can deal. heh **
[02:27:38] wagnerrp: the 'Internal' tag is a function of mythtv, not mythvideo?
[02:28:29] wagnerrp: it looks like mythvideo just passes it directly onto myth_system, and then im lost in a series of callbacks from there
[02:34:54] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, it gets confusing for sure, I had to track them down for the OSD portion of the TV Show support for mythvideo
[02:35:27] iamlindoro: You want to look at where the the media handlers get registered, most likely
[02:35:37] iamlindoro: (although I'm not sure what you're trying to do )
[02:35:55] wagnerrp: add 'command line options' to the Internal handler
[02:36:03] wagnerrp: specifically to change the playback profile
[02:38:05] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, you can look at internal_play_media in main.cpp of mythfrontend, but it may or may not be what you're looking for
[02:38:59] iamlindoro: which you will probably have to track back and add optional options for TV::StartTV
[02:39:58] iamlindoro: it basically gets passed a pginfo object to populate filename, OSD info, etc, but you could probably add an optional profile argument
[02:40:34] wagnerrp: ok, thanks
[02:40:59] ideogon (ideogon! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:01] wagnerrp: im used to fairly linear code (C and FORTRAN) so C++ mixed in with QT looks a bit like gibberish to me
[02:42:42] iamlindoro: might be easier just to add command line options to the mythtv executable, though
[02:42:56] iamlindoro: (though I am loathe to suggest it)
[02:43:26] wagnerrp: well that was my original plan, although instead of adding command line arguments to it, i would just change the profile in the database before calling it
[02:43:55] kormoc: wouldn't it be better to just extend the internal command to take args rather then the mythtv binary?
[02:44:00] iamlindoro: can probably do an amalgam of both most easily
[02:44:17] wagnerrp: kormoc: thats the current plan
[02:44:23] iamlindoro: ie allow TV:StartTV to take an option QString of a profile name, which is only passed to it in the mythtv binary
[02:44:37] iamlindoro: (which also uses TV::StartTV)
[02:45:32] iamlindoro: and then set the external player to "mythtv --profile WagnerrpsProfile %s"
[02:45:58] wagnerrp: well its not calling any TV commands, its just running the external system caller
[02:46:15] wagnerrp: and myth_system itself has been patched somewhere to call the necessary system calls
[02:46:26] wagnerrp: at least in the mythvideo case
[02:46:42] iamlindoro: that's where I told you before, main.cpp in mythfrontend
[02:46:59] iamlindoro: but all that does is put together a special-case programinfo object, and pass it to TV::StartTV
[02:47:11] wagnerrp: ah, ok
[02:47:26] iamlindoro: which is almost exactly what the mythtv binary does
[02:47:31] iamlindoro: (also in main.cpp)
[02:50:31] phunyguy: hi.
[03:21:09] phunyguy (phunyguy! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:25:30] phunyguy (phunyguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:25] dj_segfault (dj_segfault! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:16] phunyguy: this PC just crashed for the last time
[03:35:32] phunyguy: i put in a POS PCI card for now – little 128 meg ATi thing
[03:35:43] phunyguy: the normal video card is crap
[03:35:51] phunyguy: (Foxconn GeForce 8600 GTS)
[03:37:02] dj_segfault: Hey. I just rebuilt my server from Fedora 8 to Ubuntu Jaunty. I restored the database, and nothing was scheduled. So I deleted the video cards and input sources and recreated them, but it still won't schedule anything. Also note that I'm getting the "writeStringList: Error, socket went unconnected" error a lot, which some googling indicates might be the mythfill trying to tell the back end to reschedule and f
[03:38:23] dj_segfault: OOh. I just noticed in the log, that my back end thinks it's a slave. I'm not into that sort of thing. How do I tell it to be a master (I have only one back end)?
[03:40:25] RyeBrye: mythtv-backend --you-are-my-daddy --you-are-my-daddy --you-are-my-daddy
[03:40:57] RyeBrye: or ISTR that if the backend IP isn't the same as the IP you are starting the backend on, it will assume it is a slave
[03:41:13] RyeBrye: but it's been a long time since I've looked at that – but maybe check your master backend IP
[03:41:57] dj_segfault: RyeBrye: That's possible (this is a dual-nic firewall). I'll investigate. Thanks
[03:43:35] dj_segfault: RyeBrye: You Da Man! Thanks, that was it. One was set to localhost, one was set to the lan card's IP address. I set them both to localhost.
[03:44:03] RyeBrye: I believe the phrase was "You are the master!"
[03:44:05] RyeBrye: ;)
[03:44:50] phunyguy: hmmm
[03:44:56] phunyguy: Hartford, CT
[03:45:11] phunyguy: <-- born and raised in springfield, MA.
[03:46:06] dj_segfault: Is there a user-editable FAQ somewhere I can add that to? I don't think mortals can edit the wiki.
[03:46:27] dj_segfault: YESS!! Mere minutes before Aqua Teens Hunger Force started.
[03:46:33] phunyguy: lol.
[03:47:10] phunyguy: my poor cat.
[03:47:16] phunyguy: gets his nuts chopped off tomorrow
[03:48:19] grndslm (grndslm!n=grndslm@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:50:09] wagnerrp: dj_segfault: yes, mere mortals can edit the wiki
[03:50:25] wagnerrp: and mere mortals can create usernames to properly edit the wiki as well
[03:51:00] dj_segfault: Sweetness
[03:51:17] wagnerrp: whats the point of a wiki if only a handful of people can edit it
[03:51:24] dj_segfault: phunyguy: Condolences to your eunuch-to-be
[03:51:52] phunyguy: yep.
[03:51:54] phunyguy: poor guy
[03:51:58] dj_segfault: wagnerrp: I agree fully, but I've seen a lot of open source projects with locked down wikis. Too much spam
[03:52:05] phunyguy: but needno; baby kitties
[03:52:39] phunyguy: he got out once due to the neighborhood kittie-slut..
[03:52:52] phunyguy: busted out a screen
[03:52:54] phunyguy: never again.
[03:53:38] dj_segfault: Damn hoes
[03:57:11] phunyguy: in fact
[03:57:18] phunyguy: time to take his food away
[03:57:20] phunyguy: docs orders
[04:00:01] kormoc: dj_segfault, language...
[04:00:24] dj_segfault: Sorry.
[04:00:25] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:02:00] olejl (olejl!n=ole@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:03:07] wagnerrp: no gardening talk?
[04:05:31] phunyguy: sorry – part my fault
[04:05:42] phunyguy: neighborhood kittie-sl...
[04:05:53] phunyguy: mine was worse than his
[04:08:12] ideogon (ideogon! has quit ("ciao.")
[04:15:24] wagnerrp: kormoc, you know how to mute in TF?
[04:18:10] kormoc: mute a singe person?
[04:21:24] wagnerrp: yeah
[04:21:34] wagnerrp: you used to do it from the tab menu
[04:21:38] wagnerrp: but now the mouse doesnt show up
[04:22:28] kormoc: hrm
[04:22:32] kormoc: that's the only way I knew
[04:28:04] Lexridge (Lexridge!n=lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:02] heyheyhey: i see they made a new trunk version
[04:56:45] wagnerrp: huh?
[04:56:53] kormoc: no?
[04:57:12] heyheyhey: i mean revision
[04:57:18] kormoc: so every few hours?
[04:57:31] wagnerrp: i see 6 new trunk 'versions' so far today
[04:57:45] heyheyhey: and none will compile for me lol
[04:58:15] wagnerrp: well its probably not their fault
[04:59:14] wagnerrp: if someone is committing something that will break compiles, they will say so in the commit log
[04:59:20] Dagmar (Dagmar!i=dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:59:20] heyheyhey: all say same thing lol
[04:59:44] wagnerrp: probably because you have an error unrelated to all of those commits
[04:59:58] heyheyhey:
[05:00:25] wagnerrp: thats not a compile error
[05:02:09] dj_segfault (dj_segfault! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:02:20] heyheyhey: it stops then and says error 1
[05:02:35] wagnerrp: that would not cause the compiler to stop
[05:02:44] wagnerrp: an error is an error, a warning is a warning
[05:02:51] wagnerrp: error means something is broken and the compile failed
[05:03:07] wagnerrp: warning means the compiler thinks something is broken, but will continue on anyway
[05:03:10] heyheyhey: i will try again
[05:03:30] RyeBrye: wagnerrp: well... unless you tell it to treat all warnings as errors ;)
[05:03:32] wagnerrp: if the compile fails, you have an error somewhere
[05:03:35] wagnerrp: but that is not it
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[06:32:56] Arlong: LOL....
[06:33:16] Arlong: still remember how to use mirc after almost....12 years of not using it....
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[07:53:20] Dagmar: I worry more about water.
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[08:12:16] skipjack (skipjack! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:12:39] skipjack: Hello
[08:12:46] stuarta: morning
[08:12:52] skipjack: Which Remote Controll should I buy?
[08:13:01] skipjack: I have heard the MCE are the best?
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[08:14:09] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:14:19] stuarta: morning juski
[08:16:33] juski: morning stuarta
[08:16:53] juski: almost sang this morning when I got up, I was in such a good mood. coming into work set that right though :-P
[08:17:29] skipjack: Is it possible to connect the Remote Controll at the Client and then switch the chanel there, if the tv card and so ( backend ) are on other pc ( server ) or must I connect the remote controll to the server to switch channels?
[08:17:50] juski: the remote controls the frontend
[08:18:03] juski: so the IR receiver connects to the frontend
[08:18:16] juski: and you point the remote control at the IR receiver
[08:18:21] Penfold (Penfold!n=mikewh@nat/yahoo/x-6dc07e3c9b0e2ddf) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:18:59] juski: slightly more complicated if you also need an IR blaster to change channels on a STB though
[08:19:43] skipjack: oh okay ;:) that sounds nice ;)
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[09:05:32] juski: hmmm. think I might add a new entry to a menu theme to run a player script which plays the newest file in a directory
[09:08:07] laga: for teh bittorrents?
[09:08:13] juski: for teh podcasts
[09:08:59] juski: sick of hooking up my laptop to my stereo in the livingroom
[09:09:23] laga: mythmusic can't do that?
[09:09:44] juski: would need to rescan to add new entries
[09:09:50] juski: plus finding stuff is a PITA
[09:10:22] juski: and music paths are frontend specific
[09:10:52] juski: so no, mythmusic isn't really a realistic option
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[09:15:27] juski: maybe it could be if I use customised playlists & mangle them outside of mythfrontend though...
[09:16:02] juski: e.g. have a 'podcast' playlist & shove the 'casts inside that
[09:19:55] juski: INSERT into music_songs.. yada yada
[09:20:08] juski: messy :(
[09:20:29] gbee: aye, we really need someone to take charge with mythmusic
[09:21:50] juski: if only amarok was 10" friendly
[09:22:27] gbee: it's not friendly on any lever
[09:22:30] gbee: level
[09:22:41] juski: IMHO there's not much to differentiate all these music players in terms of searching for tracks to put into playlists etc
[09:22:45] laga: gbee: are you talking about amarok 1 or 2?
[09:22:50] gbee: 2
[09:22:52] juski: XBMC / mythmusic / etc etc
[09:22:57] laga: gbee: okay. yeah.
[09:23:05] ** laga not *that* happy with kde 4 yet **
[09:23:23] juski: for playing files you find in dirs, amarok simply isn't fast enough starting up IMHO
[09:24:02] juski: bah think I'll just stick with my original idea. don't fancy messing with the database in some script
[09:24:04] gbee: juski: aye, there is no definitive solution for this, every approach has problems, that's why I'm struggling with mythmusic – I don't know what it should look like
[09:24:49] juski: managing vast collections with a remote is a no-goer I think
[09:25:25] juski: even itunes is a nightmare.. and that's mouse-driven
[09:26:02] juski: wonder what made XMMS so popular
[09:26:12] laga: juski: it's simple.
[09:26:30] gbee: and it existed at a time when they weren't really alternatives
[09:26:37] laga: yeah
[09:26:41] laga: and it was a winamp clone ;)
[09:26:48] gbee: s/they/there/
[09:26:55] juski: double-click on files yay :-\
[09:27:41] croppa_ (croppa_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:28:31] gbee: winamp was the first proper dedicated music player, doesn't make it superior but a lot of people came to see that as the way music players should be, they weren't eager to relearn the interface, so xmms was an easy transition
[09:29:03] juski: there's a lot mythmusic does right IMHO
[09:29:24] stuarta: and a lot its quite bad at
[09:29:31] stuarta: playlist management comes to mind
[09:29:47] juski: I find that pretty good
[09:30:08] juski: wonder if there's already something there to do what I want actually.. like search by date added
[09:30:08] stuarta: having seen stuff that's used behind the scenes in pubs etc, it is crap
[09:30:16] juski: or 'play most recent additions'
[09:30:22] gbee: playlist management is terrible, but I'd agree that mythmusic shouldn't get dumped, there is plenty to salvage from it
[09:30:31] stuarta: it just needs love
[09:30:41] gbee: juski: aye that's all there
[09:30:52] juski: in 0.21? shows how much I use it
[09:30:53] juski: lol
[09:30:54] gbee: see "Smart Playlists"
[09:31:26] gbee: hit menu in the playback screen, you can define all sorts of date/genre/favourite based rules
[09:31:28] juski: I'd still need to rescan but that's not that big a deal I guess
[09:32:04] juski: won't take long to add a file every time will it ;-)
[09:32:16] gbee: e.g. I have a "Brand New" rule, a "Last 3 Months", "Last 6 Months", "Favourite Alt Rock", "Favourite Classical"
[09:32:19] juski: hardly as if the dir contents will change by GB every time
[09:32:39] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[09:33:13] juski: time to get busy with bashpodder then :)
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[10:24:36] juski: crap. first podcast in the list has over 50 episodes
[10:24:56] juski: should modify it to only grab the most recent yay many
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[11:44:05] MrKeuner: hi, which port do I have to open on my router in order to connect to the mythtv using mythtvremote of android OS?
[11:45:01] stuarta: does it say how it talks to mythtv?
[11:46:14] juski: telnet
[11:46:25] juski: oof. wouldn't leave that port open to the internet
[11:46:38] juski: least not until somebody hardens the telnet interface
[11:47:06] juski: unless you can use ssh forwarding with the android app
[11:47:34] stuarta: leaving it opened definitely isn't recommended
[11:48:47] juski: it's not intended for use over the internet, but then mythtv isn't either ;-)
[11:49:11] juski: home wifi networks only
[11:49:51] juski: meh. these losers always make me laugh "I've got an old Tivo Series 2 box that the HD died on. I've been toying with the idea of turning it into a MythTV box."
[11:50:12] juski: well, if they can make a PC fit in the Tivo Series 2 case...
[11:50:59] MrKeuner: ah that's bad, i opened 6546 and wondered why it did not work
[11:51:18] MrKeuner: Thanks
[11:51:25] juski: have you enabled the telnet interface on mythfrontend?
[11:51:31] juski: then restarted mythfrontend?
[11:51:55] MrKeuner: juski, I did not know it required telnet connection, I would not do that
[11:52:45] juski: says "Control is obtained through the frontend telnet interface."
[11:52:52] juski: a bit tricky to miss that point!
[11:54:20] MrKeuner: yes but I wish it wasn't tricky to be kind
[11:55:40] ** juski has no sympathy for people who overlook key facts written in the first line of any software's description **
[11:56:41] MrKeuner: that may be because you needed sympathy in some point in your life and could not find it
[11:56:59] juski: and you think _that_ was a drubbing. Oh man
[11:57:06] ** stuarta sighs **
[11:57:35] stuarta: gunna have to see what effect danielk's latest eit changes have had on the stuff i was trying to code
[11:58:28] juski: I saw that & thought maybe things are moving towards being able to mix sources at last
[11:58:42] stuarta: maybe.... dunno tho
[11:58:56] stuarta: that was far more low level than that
[11:59:45] juski: hmmm. wonder what could be done with a bit of scripting, assuming a tuner is available to use EIT data externally
[12:00:19] stuarta: how do you decide which source is correct?
[12:00:49] juski: oh wait on 0.21-fixes changing the end time won't extend a recording will it?
[12:01:03] stuarta: erm... should do
[12:01:12] juski: hmmm
[12:01:27] stuarta: well so long as new_endtime() > endtime()
[12:01:37] stuarta: but iirc not the other way around
[12:01:44] juski: think it didn't do the job last time I tried it
[12:01:45] stuarta: ie you couldn't shorten a recording
[12:02:34] juski: there must be some clever-ish text matching algorithms available now
[12:02:49] juski: is EIT wrong much?
[12:03:07] juski: I know show titles/subtitles are often inconsistent but that could be worked around
[12:04:25] juski: getting tired of missing the last 2 minutes of recordings despite already padding by 5+ mins :(
[12:04:46] stuarta: the main problem is the data is so different
[12:04:47] juski: Red Bee need to be taken out & shot
[12:04:51] stuarta: RT data vs EIT data
[12:04:57] stuarta: long vs short
[12:06:02] stuarta: the program & seriesid where they exist are completely different
[12:06:03] juski: I was thinking more about using xmltv for actual data, but updating start/end times via EIT
[12:06:14] stuarta: that could be workable
[12:06:41] stuarta: assuming they do update the EIT data
[12:06:58] juski: the BBC are on the ball with that AFAIK
[12:07:21] stuarta: the others aren't
[12:07:30] stuarta: they have trouble with programid's
[12:07:34] juski: I dunno how the hell some channels end up overrunning
[12:07:41] stuarta: ads++++++
[12:07:47] juski: all automated playout.. how can they go over ffs?
[12:08:04] stuarta: it's common in australia
[12:08:10] stuarta: buggers do it all the time
[12:08:17] juski: yeah I know
[12:08:17] stuarta: start 5–10mins late..
[12:08:23] juski: put tinny down, press play
[12:08:29] juski: pick tinny back up
[12:09:04] stuarta: they have scope to force more ads in, and trigger playout of the show once the ad block has finished
[12:09:06] juski: stuarta: mzb has related tales of a lot more than 10 mins
[12:09:16] peque_ (peque_! has joined #Mythtv-users
[12:09:31] stuarta: they have got worse. (it's been 10 years since i properly tried to watch tv in aus)
[12:10:49] peque_: I have a problem I'm setting up Mythtv for a friend on his FS Scaleo E – With a HVR-1300. But I cannot get the audio working at all. Doies aanybody have any experience with that (The onboard codec is ACL880)
[12:12:57] juski: that's one of them hybrid digital/analogue tuners isn't it?
[12:14:02] stuarta: firstly tho, is the audio output working independently of myth?
[12:14:48] juski: eew. hvr1300 needs an audio loop cable
[12:15:00] stuarta: ew
[12:15:18] peque_: Yes it is – But he should use the analog – becarse of the signal – But cannot get AUDIO THROUGH mYTHtv -
[12:15:29] peque_: The audio in Gnome is running fine
[12:15:44] stuarta: goodo, so we know the drivers are working
[12:16:59] peque_: exactly – but have tried all setup options in the frontend setup – but no sound UNLESS – arecord -D hw:1,0 -c 2 -r 48000 -f S16_LE -t wav | aplay – & <-- this command is running – but then the audio is late about 2secs
[12:17:34] weiser (weiser!n=quassel@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:17:40] juski: ah so it looks like you need to set mythtv to use the right audio input device in mythtv-setup
[12:20:18] peque_: Well – there only /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 — have allso tried them – and getting a little lost here – spdif,coxial and stereo is working in gnome with the alsa
[12:21:24] juski: crap – I wouldn't have bought that card for use with analogue. Absolutely zero documentation out there about making it work in linux
[12:22:00] peque_: I know (but it was the original from bought with windowx and Mediacenter)
[12:22:21] juski: dvb-t FTW
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[12:23:33] juski: heh has guy had enough? no updates there since January
[12:24:31] stuarta: peque_: why not use it for dvb-t?
[12:25:26] peque_: stuarta_: No signal from the company yet – still analog – unfortunably – I have DVB-S running for my selv
[12:26:34] juski: god, why did anybody bother making wiki entries for the hvr-1300? they say BUGGER ALL
[12:27:26] laga: [[category:stub]]
[12:28:05] juski: bloody hate wikis
[12:28:24] stuarta: i like wikis
[12:28:31] stuarta: i hate useless wiki entries
[12:28:50] juski: & the useless people who make em :)
[12:28:58] stuarta: although the freedesktop wiki particularly shits me to tears
[12:29:03] laga: stuarta: YES
[12:29:12] laga: the freedesktop wiki is HORRIBLE
[12:29:12] stuarta: FA of use on it
[12:29:14] juski: better to have no entry than incomplete IMHO
[12:29:32] stuarta: juski: for fun, go have a play with the freedesktop wiki
[12:29:55] MrKeuner (MrKeuner!n=This@unaffiliated/mrkeuner) has quit ("Leaving")
[12:30:43] juski: woo according to this:;n . . . style=gitweb hvr-1300 mpeg encoder is supported so no need for a crummy framegrabber approach
[12:30:58] stuarta: \o/
[12:31:44] juski: so peque_ – delete the tuner from mythtv-setup & re-add it as an mpeg2 encoding type. no idea what device node it'll appear as though
[12:32:27] juski: use mplayer /dev/video$X to find out which node it lives at I suppose
[12:32:34] peque_: Well – I gotta get it working some how – I believie its has it owns internal audio – and cannot connect through the PCI – so hmmm – will try – thanks
[12:33:21] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[12:36:31] peque_: I allso have some old analog medion tuners somewhere and a PVR-500 – so will try that instead
[12:37:13] juski: pvr500 would be much easier to get working in theory
[12:37:23] juski: been supported for longer, for one thing
[12:37:52] gbee (gbee! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:38:29] juski: need a quad tuner pci-e card supported in linux :)
[12:38:54] juski: for use with modern motherboards
[12:39:34] stuarta: i think i've seen a dual dvb-t + dvb-s + analogue pci-e around
[12:44:33] juski: wonder how many tuners we're gonna need if we have kids
[12:44:33] peque_: Jeps – thats HVR-4000 I got the running
[12:44:50] juski: if/when
[12:44:58] peque_: Well – I got 3 kids and 3tuners
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[12:45:42] juski: we have 3 tuners, 0 kids
[12:45:55] juski: 3 tuners, up to 15 simultaneous recordings
[12:46:44] juski: not betting my house on all TV content being streamed in 5 years time :)
[12:48:03] _CShadowRun is now known as CShadowRun
[12:48:37] stuarta: clearly MrsJuski watches too much crap
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[12:49:06] juski: yeah at least 90 mins per day too much
[12:49:24] juski: then she complains that she has so little time to do anything :-P
[12:49:43] stuarta: although there is an awful lot of fannying in most shows these days..
[12:49:59] juski: FA in Eastenders
[12:50:00] stuarta: and the winner is ....... 20 seconds later .... "bob"
[12:50:20] juski: oh. that kind of fannying
[12:50:22] stuarta: building suspense my arse
[12:50:35] stuarta: hitchcock only needed 10
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[12:50:41] juski: if that
[12:50:46] stuarta: aye
[12:51:21] juski: how much time needed is prolly inversely proportional to the care we feel towards the character ;-)
[12:51:40] stuarta: 1/0 = undefined
[12:51:56] stuarta: :(
[12:52:25] juski: wife has been talking about dropping the recordings of Casualty lately, so there's one more free hour to do something fun
[12:52:39] stuarta: drink beer?
[12:52:48] juski: I can do that anyway :)
[12:53:09] juski: refuse to watch that tat on the grounds it's so crap
[12:54:14] juski: oh look. there's Billy's mother getting him ready for school. Oh no – she's got distracted & he's spotted the poison/sharp knife on the bench! Can you guess what's gonna happen to him?
[12:55:01] stuarta: DIE DIE DIE!!!
[12:55:07] juski: couple arguing in a car – you know one or both of them are gonna be impaled on top of each other – and not in a sexy way
[12:55:51] juski: aaanyway where was I... hmmm
[12:56:05] ** stuarta shrugs **
[12:56:20] juski: ah yes. mythmusic & podcastings
[12:56:26] stuarta: dammit, my dev database replication is broken
[12:56:30] stuarta: :(
[12:58:00] juski: can mythmusic use more than one dir?
[12:58:38] stuarta: doesn't it have storage group support now?
[12:58:51] juski: in trunk, no doubt
[13:01:17] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit ("Leaving.")
[13:01:20] juski: unless some bright cut/paster has backported it :-P
[13:02:38] ** stuarta chuckles **
[13:06:13] juski: ruh what's up with the smart playlist screen? trying to make a new rule here
[13:06:44] juski: ugh neon-wide sucks ass
[13:08:57] peque_: juski:_ Just tried as mpeg and mpeg2 – but they couldn't! Same problem
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[13:14:14] juski: wow. that power search gadget is nice!
[13:28:07] juski: peque_: you got the cx88_alsa module loaded?
[13:28:58] peque_: Jep
[13:32:12] peque_: I'm doubing the setup for the analog cards sound I got /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 – Which one are your bedst bit? Carse – Ican hear the sound are started (a click in the speakers) but think its the problem from the tunercard to the motherboard – of some way. But defently easier just buy him a new card
[13:36:46] laga: are the batteries in your wireless keyboard dead?
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[13:40:53] peque_: Not sure if mythmusic is supported with an ; as splitter
[13:45:12] juski: wtf? got some weird perms issues going on here
[13:45:35] juski: mythmusic isn't playing some files that can be opened in a file browser
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[13:48:31] gbee: it's not
[13:48:31] gbee: I'd hoped GreyFoxx might find time to add storage group support, but I believe he's too busy
[13:48:33] gbee: as am I
[13:50:32] juski: failed to open input: error 5
[13:50:33] juski: hrm
[13:50:48] iamlindoro:
[13:50:54] iamlindoro: What's with all the spanish wiki spam lately?
[13:51:56] juski: hmm. i might have to blat the music database again
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[13:58:49] juski: how the hell?
[13:59:01] juski: talk about a convoluted database
[14:05:14] gbee_ is now known as gbee
[14:13:46] mr_claus: after a long long time my minimyth compile is finished, i try to get the image files with "make install" but it seems the gar buildsystem does not build it
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[14:16:24] gbee: iamlindoro: all? I've deleted that one but if there are other's I'm missing then let me know
[14:25:10] juski: dunno wtf is up with this, unless there's a bug in the flac library
[14:28:33] hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@nat/novell/x-6025e8e2317c1fd4) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:28:48] gbee: mp3s work?
[14:28:57] gbee: samba?
[14:29:20] juski: aha!
[14:29:44] juski: e.g. /myth/flacmusic/Madonna/erotica tracks weren't playing
[14:30:03] juski: and why? cos they're stored as Madonna/Erotica in music_directories
[14:31:08] juski: mv erotica Erotica & now it plays
[14:31:12] juski: W T F?!
[14:31:31] juski: not saying it's a bug but this has happened somehow. meh
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[14:31:46] juski: mythtaste intervening perhaps ;-)
[14:33:27] juski: ran mythfrontend with -v most & it wasn't saying it couldn't find the file
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[14:36:26] squidly: juski: was there a space in the path?
[14:36:38] juski: don't think so
[14:36:43] juski: just the case difference
[14:36:56] juski: in the actual dir the first letter was lower case
[14:37:04] juski: yet in the db it was upper case
[14:37:07] juski: like wtf?!
[14:37:24] squidly: juski: I would have just had it rescan your music then
[14:37:28] squidly: that should have fixed it :D
[14:37:40] juski: I did
[14:37:43] juski: more than once
[14:38:51] juski: same thing with "Performance And Cocktails" vs 'Performance and Cocktails'
[14:39:05] juski: the former is what's in the db
[14:40:00] juski: heh now I know what's up in places.. I can do something about it
[14:40:26] juski: come to think about it.. think there might've been a fix for this already
[14:40:41] juski: no matter, it's hometime!
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[14:53:35] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Can I move the location of "~/.mythtv/themecache" or the entire "~/.mythtv"? Over time the themecache swelled to over 3 gigs. I would rather have that directory on one of my other drives. I did not find anything in settings or the mythtv wiki.
[14:54:55] jams: symlink would work
[14:55:48] RDV_Linux: Jams: it is an option, thanks. I was hoping for a myth setting change.
[14:56:16] jams: setting MYTHCONFDIR might also work
[14:56:52] jams: thats a shell variable and not something in myth
[14:57:31] RDV_Linux: I did not know of a MYTHCONFDIR. That seems more to my liking, I will investigate, thanks again.
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[15:02:29] JEDIDIAH__: somone should tell Hauppauge that the develoepers are crying uncle over the HDPVR...
[15:03:02] JEDIDIAH__: '-)
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[15:08:37] RDV_Linux: jams: I ended up using the symlink approach and it works very well thanks. Nice and simple.
[15:09:08] gbee: RDV_Linux: 3Gb is excessive, you can probably just delete it
[15:10:27] jams: There is also a setting to limit the amount of themes cached
[15:10:54] RDV_Linux: I did but I do not want to watch it all the time. I suspect this is caused by my use of the terra theme along with all the new mythui bling.
[15:12:14] RDV_Linux: jams: Where can I find the cache limit setting?
[15:12:43] gbee: huh?
[15:12:58] JEDIDIAH__: 3G theme cache? Holey Moley!
[15:13:14] stuarta: how many themes are you telling it to cache? 15000?
[15:13:43] Wildcard (Wildcard!n=wildcard@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:14:04] gbee: actually given that we now cache things like posters, preview images etc, it's feasible, we need some housekeeping on the disk cache just as there is on the mem cach
[15:14:59] Wildcard: how can I add a new button to mythfrontend to run a custom script ?
[15:15:15] RDV_Linux: I suspect that the cache grew over a month or even two.
[15:15:20] sphery: symlink approach is better than MYTHCONFDIR
[15:15:57] Wildcard: symlink approach ?
[15:16:02] sphery: with MYTHCONFDIR, you have to /remember/ to set it in every environment in which Myth programs are run--init scripts, crontabs, shells when running once-off or whatever
[15:16:11] sphery: was talking to RDV_Linux
[15:16:31] sphery: Wildcard: for you, grep the menu themes for EXEC, there's an example
[15:16:38] Wildcard: ah, ok :D
[15:17:37] notyjoey (notyjoey! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:17:38] RDV_Linux: stuarta: I only use one theme (Terra) with some patches from Iamlindoro,
[15:18:13] sphery: yeah, those patches mean you're using lots of cached images :)
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[15:20:17] RDV_Linux: sphery: As the new mythui themes become more popular other people will the experience of excessive cache growth. I may create a weekly cron job to just clean out the themecache directory.
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[15:32:28] sphery: RDV_Linux: probably not a bad idea... remember that you'll probably need to restart the frontend after doing so, though
[15:32:46] JEDIDIAH__: Well, there are files in /etc/ specificially meant to smooth over environment issues.
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[15:33:38] JEDIDIAH__: I target my trunk builds to /opt/mythtv
[15:34:13] RDV_Linux: sphery: I have a script that checks if the backend is running before doing its processing. I probably will use a similar approach.
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[15:37:08] gbee: sphery: no need to stop/restart the frontend if removing images from the cache
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[15:37:39] gbee: I'll probably just setup something in the housekeeper to keep a lid on the cache size, removing images with the oldest access times etc
[15:40:03] jams: that may not work for people that run with no atime
[15:40:35] gbee: screw 'em
[15:40:42] gbee: ;)
[15:41:13] gbee: nah, maybe if that's a common problem (I don't expect it to be) then we can embed timestamps in the filenames
[15:41:38] stuarta: isn't the housekeeper a backend function?
[15:41:54] jams: or update mtime
[15:42:03] jams: and use that instead of atime
[15:42:08] jams: either way it's a good idea
[15:44:20] RDV_Linux: gbee: "screw 'em" how I like a decision maker
[15:44:24] gbee: stuarta: umm, good point, well I'll find a good place to stick it, in the cache code itself maybe – if (cache > X) deleteOldest();
[15:44:38] stuarta: yeah
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[16:48:56] gbee: sense I'm going to be bumping heads with the guys at radeonhd, apparently they aren't going to make badly needed performance optimisations to the xvideo side of the driver because it makes the code harder to maintain – code cleanliness is admirable, but not at the expense of bugs and lousy performance
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[16:50:51] gbee: and realistically there is nothing I can do since I don't have the time to get upto speed on the code and their concerns
[16:52:02] gbee: no, tell a lie, I can try and establish a bounty for the necessary work, just need to find enough interested parties
[16:54:23] cesman: gbee: just get an nvidia based card ;)
[16:56:00] laga: or get intel VGA.. their driver currently is a lot of fun..
[16:56:05] laga: although it's getting beter
[16:56:08] laga: better*
[16:57:54] gbee: cesman: no room in the machine for a card
[16:58:24] iamlindoro: laga: They've finally solved the tearing, that's something
[16:58:30] gbee: and I'm not junking a perfectly good system out of spite
[16:59:59] laga: iamlindoro: i was watching x files last night and i dont think they've solved them.
[17:00:09] laga: iamlindoro: they solved them on some machines, AFAIK.
[17:00:15] laga: could have been the interlacing, though :P
[17:00:48] iamlindoro: laga: You were watching x-files, that was just you losing time while the aliens probed you
[17:01:02] laga: hah
[17:01:18] laga: that's why i walked funny this morning
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[17:21:20] iamlindoro: wow, cheery nick
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[17:36:36] laga: hum. is there a way to run mythshutdown -l when i log into X and mythshutdown -u when it log out again? i'm using xfrce
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[17:47:49] kormoc: laga, doing a xinitrc for your user?
[17:50:13] laga: kormoc: i'm using gdm..
[17:50:26] laga: but true, in xinitrc, i could run mythshutdown -u after my DE got killed
[17:50:26] kormoc: ahh, that makes it harder
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[17:51:53] iamlindoro: HOLUHCRAP!
[17:52:06] iamlindoro: Telltale and lucasarts teaming up for EPISODIC MONKEY ISLANDSESESES!
[17:52:23] laga: i read that as "epic" first
[17:52:25] iamlindoro: "Meanwhile, LucasArts is internally developing The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, which is a completely update version of the 1990 original, complete with new graphics, a remastered musical score, and full voice-overs. FULL VOICE-OVERS."
[17:52:28] iamlindoro: :O
[17:52:34] iamlindoro: Day. Made.
[17:52:54] iamlindoro: Starting THIS JULY
[17:53:01] iamlindoro: Seriously, I'm freakin giddy right now
[17:53:10] iamlindoro: kormoc, you should appreciate the giddiness
[17:53:16] laga: i never played monkey island :(
[17:53:39] iamlindoro: laga: ScummVM + a copy = many many hours of laughing
[17:53:54] ** iamlindoro notes that kormoc fights like a cow **
[17:57:22] kormoc: iamlindoro, if you didn't fight like a dairy farmer, I would step it up a notch ;)
[17:57:27] ** kormoc dances in the street **
[17:57:39] ** iamlindoro sells kormoc a fine leather jacket **
[17:58:24] iamlindoro: I will be very angry if they change "Ask me about LOOM" to "Ask me about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" or some nonsense
[18:00:37] gnome42: iamlindoro: yeah, I just meant I haven't done my theming/MythUI homework so I should shutup to improve signal/noise ratio.
[18:00:57] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:01:13] iamlindoro: gnome42: Heh, well it's one of the one or two places where I can actually fumble my way through, so lucky both of us :)
[18:02:37] ** kormoc is sad he can't buy monkey island on steam yet **
[18:03:05] ** sphery tries to decide whether to do the 115 updates to mythplugins to always check MSqlQuery::exec() return values or whether will sit unapplied, slowly getting out-of-date until some dev who doesn't realize the patch is there does it himself... **
[18:03:36] gnome42: iamlindoro: heh, thanks for the help though. :) (aka The whack with the clue-bat :)
[18:03:37] sphery: (patches, actually, fixing the 209 locations in mythtv)
[18:04:26] iamlindoro: gnome42: nawwww, you're welcome :)
[18:04:38] iamlindoro: kormoc: But you WILL be able to!!
[18:04:42] iamlindoro: kormoc: woohooo!!
[18:04:49] kormoc: yeah! But I want it now!
[18:04:55] ** kormoc sees himself being sick on release day **
[18:04:57] iamlindoro: kormoc: And Telltale is promising
[18:05:25] sphery: I can't see how #6593 could possibly be Myth. I also can't see how it would work on trunk and not on -fixes
[18:05:32] kormoc: I do like telltale games
[18:05:39] kormoc: I wish they needed a web developer :)
[18:06:12] iamlindoro: Heh
[18:06:39] iamlindoro: sphery: If memory serves that's an extremely well known problem with ATI
[18:06:58] sphery: yeah, some env var needs set, right
[18:07:07] sphery: but also, wouldn't it fail with trunk?
[18:07:09] iamlindoro: sphery: But I suppose if it were a Qt+ATI issue, trunk might work?
[18:07:19] sphery: oh... that could be--qt4
[18:08:38] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:43] sphery: ARGB_VISUALS or something...
[18:10:06] abqjp (abqjp! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:10:57] sphery: was it XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS="1" ?
[18:14:27] iamlindoro: kormoc: . . . bla/2047743/
[18:14:28] iamlindoro: !!!!
[18:14:39] kormoc: just ask them to set [A-Z_]{4–32} to 1
[18:15:10] kormoc: iamlindoro, looks sharp
[18:15:21] sphery: what kind of A/V receiver does DTS and /not/ AC-3 decoding?
[18:15:28] ** kormoc decides to go to sleep until it releases **
[18:15:46] ** iamlindoro hands kormoc the family-gallon size tub of cough medicine **
[18:15:51] sphery:
[18:16:56] iamlindoro: sphery, I'm *trying* to talk about important issues here
[18:17:04] sphery: sorry
[18:17:22] sphery: I should go to the #lucas-arts channel... I'll try to stay on topic.
[18:17:41] iamlindoro: hehe
[18:17:51] wagnerrp: ive been looking around, and came across a bit of code i dont understand
[18:18:09] iamlindoro: I bet it would be extra annoying to go to #scummvm and go "Hey guys, have you HEARD" etc. etc.
[18:18:27] XLV: sphery, yeah, seems strange
[18:18:33] wagnerrp: when a program runs a registered media handler, its supposed to send the handler name, filename, plot, title, director, length, and year
[18:18:35] laga: "will scummvm support this?"
[18:18:52] wagnerrp: however some calls (like playing a dvd) just send the handlername and filename
[18:18:57] wagnerrp: why does that not error
[18:19:01] iamlindoro: laga: s/will/when will/
[18:19:08] laga: iamlindoro: heh
[18:19:21] wagnerrp: is that some function of the QT libraries that it will automatically fill in the omitted fields with blanks?
[18:19:41] wagnerrp: does that mean i can add another possible field, and not break things throughout the code
[18:20:15] schlazor (schlazor!n=david@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:21:05] sphery: ok, now I'm thinking the garbled mythtv-setup on ATI needs export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=true
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[18:23:20] sphery: heh, talking about the scrambled GUI using ATI drivers:
[18:23:33] sphery: I don't know what mythtv-backend he's using, but mine doesn't have a GUI
[18:25:11] wagnerrp: i dont know what mythtv-backend youre using, but i dont have one of those
[18:25:43] kormoc: 255 thousand kernel modules built over the weekend, not too shabby
[18:25:44] laga: mine has one!
[18:25:48] sphery: heh, OK, I mean mythbackend :)
[18:26:26] sphery: Punctuation is hard. To do.
[18:27:26] iamlindoro: kormoc: watch out, you're about to roll back around to 0
[18:27:29] sphery: OK. So mythplugins loses. I'm working on my project, instead.
[18:28:03] kormoc: iamlindoro, heh, I'm nowhere near done
[18:28:48] iamlindoro:
[18:28:51] iamlindoro: heeeeheeeeheeeee
[18:29:26] iamlindoro: I'm so buying it in advance now
[18:30:05] Dagmar: Oh nice!
[18:30:19] Dagmar: I don't care for the serial aspect of it, but still, it'll probably be worth throwing a few bucks at
[18:30:23] iamlindoro: Dagmar: Plus a remake of the original!
[18:30:44] iamlindoro: with new handpainted graphics, orchestra recorded soundtrack, and voice!
[18:31:06] Dagmar: The original one had voices.
[18:31:14] Dagmar: ...if you talked to yourself a lot or read aloud.
[18:31:23] Dagmar: ...but we LIKED it that way.
[18:32:50] ** iamlindoro wonders if he's wrong to tune out an e-mail that begins "I got the HD-PVR working in the 0.21-fixes branch. " **
[18:34:55] tmiw (tmiw! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:58] iamlindoro: Well there we go, $35 to Telltale games, money well spent
[18:35:31] phunyguy: >.>
[18:35:51] tmiw: I have an intel core solo mac mini currently as a mythtv frontend. I compiled with MMX and the other intel optimizations per the wiki
[18:36:02] tmiw: However, it still has some problems with HD (choppiness)
[18:36:05] tmiw: Standard-def is fine.
[18:36:16] tmiw: Anything else I can do? Or will I need to upgrade the machine?
[18:36:51] iamlindoro: tmiw: A single Core Mac Mini is probably going to struggle, there's not a lot you can do (outside of turning off deinterlacing entirely)
[18:36:53] Dagmar: You'll have to upgrade it.
[18:36:55] Dagmar: No question about that.
[18:37:28] tmiw: ah. yeah, figured as much.
[18:37:34] iamlindoro: kormoc:
[18:37:39] octavsly (octavsly! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[18:37:46] iamlindoro: Eeeheeeheeeee, I'm like a little child, so good the news!
[18:37:46] tmiw: I wonder how well the fit-pc2 will do myth--they've recently started taking orders for it
[18:38:14] tmiw: (fyi:
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[18:38:40] tmiw: the downside to the fit that I can see off the top is that the Atom's single-core
[18:38:47] iamlindoro: And "Ask me about LOOM" is intact, huzzah!
[18:38:53] tmiw: but the hardware acceleration for h.264 and mpeg might help
[18:38:56] ** tmiw thinks. **
[18:39:21] Dagmar: Did someone write a linux driver for it?
[18:39:37] Dagmar: ...because unless you see that, it doesn't matter what the hardware can do.
[18:39:39] iamlindoro: tmiw: There is no hardware accel for GMA500 in linux
[18:40:07] iamlindoro: However, you can buy an nVidia ION machine and get what you're thinking of, limitations of hardware acceleration aside
[18:40:55] tmiw: ah.
[18:41:22] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:12] tmiw: yeah, I figured there'd be support initially because the fit comes with ubunutu on it
[18:42:18] tmiw: but yeah.
[18:43:39] tmiw: I'm wondering if I'd get better results upgrading the backend machine to at least have faster disk I/O.
[18:43:49] tmiw: since channel changes seem to take a few seconds
[18:44:41] iamlindoro: channel changes will likely take at least a few seconds no matter what hardware you buy
[18:44:44] iamlindoro: it's par for the course
[18:44:56] wagnerrp: thats how all dvrs are
[18:45:01] schlazor (schlazor!n=david@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:47:39] tmiw: hmm.
[18:47:54] ** tmiw thinks **
[18:53:18] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:19] tmiw: actually, with some more config and maybe a few more video capture cards I can probably ditch TWC's digital cable and just use the non-digitial cable
[18:56:36] tmiw: now whether that'll save me money remains to be seen
[19:01:57] wagnerrp: that is until TW ditches analog cable
[19:02:10] wagnerrp: comcast is already halfway there
[19:04:43] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:05:43] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:05:43] k-man_ is now known as k-man
[19:13:44] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:27:09] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:27:17] jpabq: I didn't think "Top Gear" was filmed in HD? BBC America's new promo for their "HD" channel lists it as one of the shows to get excited about.
[19:27:40] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:28:34] Dagmar: Umm... of all their shows that would be one where all the staff would be hot and bothered to get HD equipment in for
[19:29:52] jpabq: I am sure gbee knows.
[19:29:54] jpabq:
[19:42:38] Lt_Dan_ is now known as Lt_Dan
[19:42:42] nurettin_ (nurettin_!n=nurettin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:43:26] nurettin_: good evening.
[19:43:34] nurettin_: i have got problem
[19:44:04] kormoc: I have got a fever and the only cure? More cowbell...
[19:44:23] nurettin_: my problem is ... . . . lc662+mythtv
[19:44:36] sphery: kormoc: I like babybells
[19:44:47] kormoc: calfbell?
[19:48:05] sphery: I guess it's really babybel, but I can't get a link since I don't run flash and is a non-web site
[19:49:28] kormoc: ahh, the cheese
[19:51:26] sphery: yeah, it cures so many ailments
[19:53:19] iamlindoro: especially when applied topically
[19:54:09] wagnerrp: my mom and sister eat that stuff
[19:54:48] wagnerrp: huh... 'Max Speed: 4000 MHz'
[19:55:06] iamlindoro: someone adding up their cores again?
[19:55:07] wagnerrp: so what happens if you actually get an Atom up to 4GHz?
[19:55:38] iamlindoro: Who buys a modern Atom box and puts a framegrabber in it?
[19:55:38] Dagmar: Gravity reverses.
[19:55:51] wagnerrp: ubuntu users, apparently
[19:55:55] iamlindoro: retarded
[19:56:18] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:58:04] nurettin_: my problem is ... . . . lc662+mythtv
[19:58:06] nurettin_: my problem is ... . . . lc662+mythtv
[19:58:33] wagnerrp: hes, hes talking about you nurettin_
[19:58:39] wagnerrp: s/hes/yes/
[19:59:24] nurettin_: excuseme wagnerrp
[20:00:02] wagnerrp: hes commenting on how you bought a brand new Atom system, along with a capture device that went out of style 4 years ago
[20:00:02] sphery: nurettin_: put another way, using a frame grabber with an Atom system is not a good idea. You'd be better off with a Hauppauge PVR-x50/500 or HVR-1600 or something
[20:00:43] wagnerrp: you could get by with rtjpeg, but trying to record to mpeg4 would probably be too much for that chip
[20:00:44] sphery: You can get a PVR-150 analog TV encoder for about $20-$40 on eBay
[20:00:57] squidly: they are cheap as hell and work good :D
[20:01:11] sphery: agreed--PVR-150 is the way to go
[20:01:22] ** squidly has a 150 and a 250 **
[20:01:35] squidly: next I'm going to get the 1600
[20:01:40] squidly: I want digital :D
[20:02:16] nurettin_: i am using mpeg4 already
[20:02:40] wagnerrp: must be doing fairly low bitrate
[20:02:45] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:03:57] nurettin_: when capturing video mythtv recording microphone in sound.
[20:04:36] nurettin_: i am plug in patch sound cable to microphone in. 2 times RUNNING.
[20:04:42] nurettin_: but now not running
[20:04:53] nurettin_: i cant know how can i do that.
[20:05:53] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:05:57] sphery: Oh, and getting a PVR-150 would also solve all your audio-configuration issues for you (as it's all handled by the PVR-150, so no ALSA/udev config required)
[20:06:03] sphery: nurettin_: ^^^\
[20:07:35] wagnerrp: many of the users in here would rather see the framegrabber taken to a field and burned, than try to diagnose configuration errors with it
[20:08:16] Dagmar: Burned?
[20:08:18] sphery: some would like to see it recycled responsibility, but as most places that claim to do that don't... :)
[20:08:23] Lt_Dan (Lt_Dan! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:08:25] nurettin_: wagnerrp: what is framegrabber. i don't know.
[20:08:31] Dagmar: Nah, i fyou have a nice open field surely you can get ahold of a shotgun and a skeet thrower
[20:08:40] wagnerrp: a framegrabber is what you have
[20:08:42] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:08:54] iamlindoro: nurettin_: The worst possible type of capture device, which relies on the CPU to do all the work
[20:08:55] wagnerrp: it captures raw video frames, and copies them to a location in memory
[20:09:02] sphery: nurettin_: it's the type of capture card you have. It gets a raw frame (image) from the TV signal and makes it available for the CPU to encode to a storable format.
[20:09:04] wagnerrp: which mythtv has to grab, and compress in real time
[20:09:18] sphery: i.e. it overworks your under-powered processor :)
[20:10:10] nurettin_: wagnerrp: my english not good i cant understand a framegrabber is what you have
[20:10:27] wagnerrp: the card you are struggling with is a framegrabber
[20:10:39] nurettin_: aver tv
[20:10:41] wagnerrp: it literally grabs individual frames
[20:10:48] nurettin_: wagnerrp: aver tv
[20:10:52] wagnerrp: raw video frames
[20:10:54] iamlindoro: nurettin_: Your card is a very very bad card
[20:11:05] iamlindoro: nurettin_: It is very frustrating to troubleshoot that type of card
[20:11:21] wagnerrp: as opposed to an encoder card, such as the PVR line, which provides you with a pre-encoded mpeg stream
[20:11:34] iamlindoro: nurettin_: We are suggesting you buy a very inexpensive card which would be much better, because none of us likes to/wants to work on old cards like that
[20:11:37] nurettin_: iamlindoro: but avertv card is very good running with XAWTV
[20:11:52] iamlindoro: nurettin_: MythTV is not xawtv
[20:12:13] nurettin_: and tvtime televisioın viewer.
[20:12:14] wagnerrp: programs that are for playing TV copy the input frames directly over to the video card
[20:12:23] hexa- (hexa-! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:12:29] wagnerrp: there is no processing, there is no encoding, and audio can be passed through directly and ignored
[20:12:31] iamlindoro: MythTV is not tvtime
[20:12:48] Dagmar: Usually they don't even do that, they make a window and let the tuner card write directly to the video card's memory
[20:12:48] wagnerrp: framegrabbers work great for tv VIEWING
[20:12:53] wagnerrp: but they are terrible for tv RECORDING
[20:13:21] hexa-- (hexa--! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:13:57] nurettin_: recording visual very good but only and olny my problem sound.
[20:14:24] nurettin_: myth tv recoring my microphone sound.
[20:14:31] wagnerrp: because you have to record the audio manually, while xawtv and tvtime can just pass it through to the sound card for playback
[20:14:47] wagnerrp: encoder cards dont have to deal with any of that, because it all happens internally
[20:15:12] nurettin_: wagnerrp: but i am runned myth tv only two times
[20:15:16] squidly: nurettin_: simple solution get a pvr-150 and all this will go away
[20:15:25] nurettin_: i am plugged in microphone in jack
[20:15:34] nurettin_: and running very goood.
[20:16:15] wagnerrp: nurettin_: im saying most of the people gladly abandoned their framegrabbers long ago, and dont want to deal with them again either for personal use or for aiding someone else
[20:16:16] nurettin_: squidly: i have got no more money.
[20:16:54] wagnerrp: AFAIK, clever is the only regular in here who still uses them frequently
[20:17:20] iamlindoro: and he is an idiot
[20:17:40] squidly: nurettin_: hah
[20:17:58] squidly: iamlindoro: hah
[20:18:10] iamlindoro: squidly: funny, but true :)
[20:18:11] squidly: sorry. tired and fatfingering everything
[20:18:20] squidly: iamlindoro: that is why it's so funny!
[20:18:51] ForsGump_ (ForsGump_! has quit (Client Quit)
[20:19:21] squidly: now if only I can figure out why one mythfrontend wont play a dca codec file
[20:19:32] wagnerrp: dca? never heard of it
[20:19:42] sphery: nurettin_: it all comes down to an audio misconfiguration on your part and because a) framegrabbers require significantly more audio configuration than any other type of capture card, b) ALSA configuration is worse than most accepted forms of torture, and c) the only reason to go to the trouble of (and time required for) configuring audio for a framegrabber is to save yourself a tiny bit of money because you already have a ...
[20:19:43] squidly: wagnerrp: i think that's what it's called
[20:19:48] sphery: ... garbage card and don't want to buy a PVR-150, very few people in here are going to want to help you--since they won't be saving themselves money
[20:19:50] squidly: its a HD codec
[20:19:50] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: DTS
[20:20:00] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: ffmpeg's internal name for DTS
[20:20:12] wagnerrp: ah
[20:20:31] squidly: oh
[20:20:32] iamlindoro: "DTS Coherent Acoustics"
[20:20:41] nurettin_: sphery: how can i do that ?
[20:21:33] iamlindoro: sphery: Sad that we have to specify between the accepted forms of torture and the unacceptable ones, no?
[20:21:42] sphery: heh
[20:22:02] sphery: nurettin_: I'm recommending buying a PVR-150
[20:22:03] Dagmar: Who does?
[20:22:06] squidly: yea mythvideo is reporting that it's an unknown codec
[20:22:15] Dagmar: There's no "acceptable" forms of torture.
[20:22:24] squidly: Dagmar: very true
[20:22:47] sphery: nurettin_: . . . ategory=3761 (which works for NTSC--if you have PAL, you need a different one)
[20:22:49] nurettin_: sphery: thank you but i paid much money to aver tv card.
[20:22:53] sphery: nurettin_: there are many others
[20:22:57] Dagmar: Man I wanted Bush impeached immediately when he told CNN he thought the geneva agreement was "arguably vague" and that he intended to argue it in court if need be
[20:23:10] iamlindoro: nurettin_: I hope you didn't pay any money to them *recently*, that's very very old technology
[20:23:13] wagnerrp: sphery: he needs PAL, Turkey
[20:23:21] MorgueGuy (MorgueGuy! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:23:23] Dagmar: It's in freaking plain English and it outlaws torture, period, and then goes on to define in very broad and sweeping (not vague) terms what torture is
[20:24:05] wagnerrp: Dagmar: we never signed the Geneva convention, we follow it only when we see fit to do so
[20:24:07] nurettin_: sphery: we are using analogue cable tv network.
[20:24:19] nurettin_: sphery: i cant use digital tv card.
[20:24:28] nurettin_: sphery: i am from turkiye.
[20:24:36] wagnerrp: nurettin_: DVB is the digital format, PAL is the analog
[20:24:45] wagnerrp: your current aver tv framegrabber is a PAL card
[20:25:01] nurettin_: wagnerrp: yes true.
[20:25:12] nurettin_: pal analogue tv.
[20:25:16] Dagmar: You're mistaken
[20:25:19] Dagmar: We actually did ratify it
[20:25:34] sphery: nurettin_: and--even if you can't use ebay from Turkey--the PVR-150 PAL is still available for sale (the PVR-150 NTSC is not available for sale in the US because the FCC is ...)
[20:25:35] cityLights1 (cityLights1! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:56] wagnerrp: oh, didnt know that. i just knew we werent one of the signers after WW1
[20:26:29] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:48] nurettin_: sphery: thank you sphery
[20:26:51] sphery: . . . ppingPayment is a PAL one, but shipping (from the US) will get you, so find a local retailer and it will be much cheaper
[20:26:56] cityLights1: wagnerrp: hi where you the one here using an ati card?
[20:27:09] nurettin_: wagnerrp: what iÅŸs ww1 wagnerrp
[20:27:13] wagnerrp: cityLights1: i have no ATI cards in any of my linux systems
[20:27:21] iamlindoro: nurettin_: World War 1
[20:27:22] Dagmar: . . . Treaties.pdf
[20:27:25] wagnerrp: World War 1, nothing to do with the capture card discussion
[20:27:58] nurettin_: wagnerrp: dont make war, Make love
[20:28:05] cityLights1: ok, I just need a small question regarding ati and the analog tv output
[20:28:07] nurettin_: :D
[20:28:12] zlogan (zlogan! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:28:13] cityLights1: I read the faq and wiki
[20:28:40] ** JEDIDIAH__ beats his ATI cards into plowshares... **
[20:28:42] cityLights1: I can play a video using mplayer in the tv screen
[20:28:56] cityLights1: how to get myth to show the video on the tv?
[20:29:08] cityLights1: I use the HEAD version
[20:29:17] wagnerrp: oh, we did sign it in 1925, but it wasnt ratified until 1975... whatever that means
[20:29:19] JEDIDIAH__: ...actually my ATI based mobo is not too bad. Better than the intel based monster than won't play nice with my 1212.
[20:29:28] cityLights1: I tried to set the appereace to display at ALL – yet I dont see anything
[20:30:22] AndyCap: wagnerrp: that the goverment actually voted to abide by it. :P
[20:30:23] Dagmar: wagnerrp: It means our Congress sat down and said "Okay, we agree with what the diplomats signed"
[20:30:47] cityLights1: I mean apperecnce / video mode settings
[20:30:50] Dagmar: It's more or less jsut a formality since there's little chance a diplomat is EVER allowed to make their own decisions on stuff like that
[20:31:05] AndyCap: Dagmar: haha. hardly a formality in the us
[20:31:21] nurettin_: per job fell
[20:32:16] cityLights1: JEDIDIAH: any idea how to get ati to play to my tv in myth after I used the xrandr?
[20:32:38] AndyCap: wonder if the US ever got off their behinds regarding the law of the sea treaty, signed in 94
[20:32:40] Dagmar: Disable it
[20:33:37] cityLights1: need I disable?
[20:34:45] mchou: anyone here a Direct TV subscriber?
[20:36:00] cityLights1: ok, I will try later
[20:36:14] cityLights1: I think this is an easy issue, just can't find a clue
[20:36:22] sl0pokey (sl0pokey!n=bboles@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:37:06] ** JEDIDIAH__ hasn't run ATI in a while. **
[20:37:14] JEDIDIAH__: ...has disavowed it.
[20:37:16] phunyguy: ugh @ ATI
[20:37:34] mchou: nothing wrong with ATI in windoze
[20:37:45] phunyguy: had to put an old 128 meg PCI card in this dual core Opteron powerhouse because the 8600 GTS in there died
[20:37:46] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:37:54] sl0pokey: hi folks :)
[20:37:57] phunyguy: cant even run youtube videos
[20:38:11] ** JEDIDIAH__ wonders if it might not be better to be ignored or hated by ATI like the "good old days"... '-) **
[20:39:06] sl0pokey: semi-noob setup question: i want to setup a separate backend w/multiple frontends
[20:39:36] sl0pokey: i want to be able to control my STB from any frontend
[20:39:48] sl0pokey: do i need a STB @ each frontend?
[20:39:53] mchou: no
[20:40:17] mchou: the backend controls STBs....frontend controls backends
[20:40:26] sl0pokey: ok
[20:40:31] mchou: frontend=>backend=>stb
[20:40:40] sl0pokey: gotcha
[20:41:11] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:41:43] sl0pokey: will i only be able to stream one channel at a time from my STB in this same setup?
[20:41:50] wagnerrp: correct
[20:41:55] wagnerrp: one channel per STB
[20:41:58] sl0pokey: ok
[20:42:16] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Client Quit)
[20:42:17] sl0pokey: so can i have > 1 STB per backend?
[20:42:38] nurettin_: wagnerrp: when plug in mic in port tv sound very low sound coming.
[20:42:38] mchou: yup
[20:42:39] sl0pokey: if so, is it feasible or am i getting off in the weeds?
[20:42:56] nurettin_: wagnerrp: how can i increase this sound.
[20:42:57] wagnerrp: you can have one STB per capture card input, you can have multiple capture cards per backend, and multiple backends per mythtv system
[20:43:10] mchou: you can have as many stbs on the backend as you have ports or pci slots
[20:43:11] phunyguy: it can get quite complex and large
[20:43:14] sl0pokey: alrighty
[20:43:22] wagnerrp: nurettin_: do you hear sound as its recorded? or do you hear sound in the recording?
[20:43:40] nurettin_: yes i can hear but ver very low
[20:43:47] squidly: iamlindoro: thanks. gave me some more info to check to test
[20:43:52] wagnerrp: turn up the record volume in alsamixer
[20:44:10] nurettin_: i have maximized all sounds.
[20:44:10] wagnerrp: alternatively, you can try capturing over firewire, and use as many devices as the firewire bus has bandwidth for
[20:44:28] nurettin_: wagnerrp: but nothing happene
[20:44:44] sl0pokey: thx mchou, wagnerrp, phunyguy
[20:44:50] wagnerrp: nurettin_: dont know what to tell you... ive never used a framegabber under linux
[20:45:22] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:45:44] nurettin_: wagnerrp: okay thank you very much wagnerrp
[20:45:46] wagnerrp: you really shouldnt be using the 'mic' input though
[20:45:59] wagnerrp: the mic is a powered, mono input
[20:46:04] wagnerrp: you should be using the line-in
[20:46:07] squidly: nurettin_: wait a bit for someone to reply to your post on the forums
[20:46:23] sl0pokey: on my STB, i have video on demand. can mythtv let me access this?
[20:46:36] nurettin_: wagnerrp: i am using line in but not sound coming from myth tv
[20:46:38] wagnerrp: sl0pokey: yes and no
[20:46:48] wagnerrp: if your STB can output it, mythtv can record it
[20:47:10] wagnerrp: however mythtv has no way of understanding what is on screen
[20:47:16] sl0pokey: ok
[20:47:20] wagnerrp: so it will not be able to control the STB properly
[20:47:26] nurettin_: wagnerrp: but when i am used mic in only two times running very good.
[20:47:48] wagnerrp: you *can* start a video manually, and then do a manual recording, but thats the limit of what you can do with mythtv
[20:47:53] nurettin_: wagnerrp: but suddenly no sound.
[20:48:26] sl0pokey: wagnerrp: there is not anything like a 'pass-thru mode' where i could basically be sending commands directly to the STB?
[20:48:42] stoffel (stoffel! has quit ("leaving")
[20:48:50] wagnerrp: youre using ubuntu, which i have never tried. youre using a framegrabber, which i have never done under linux. youre trying to do OSS audio capture, which i have never done with mythtv
[20:48:54] wagnerrp: i really cant help you with this
[20:49:25] nurettin_: wagnerrp: thank you very much.
[20:49:48] wagnerrp: for advising you to buy alternate hardware?
[20:50:26] nurettin_: wagnerrp: fly tv is good card ?
[20:50:43] wagnerrp: no idea, never heard of it
[20:50:49] wagnerrp: but you should buy an IVTV card
[20:50:56] wagnerrp: go to to see what cards are compatible
[20:53:32] wagnerrp: or, wait for someone on the ubuntu forums to help
[20:53:45] cityLights1 (cityLights1! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:55:28] octavsly (octavsly! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:56:57] nurettin_ (nurettin_!n=nurettin@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:58:51] hexa- (hexa-! has quit ("Verlassend")
[20:59:31] BassKozz (BassKozz! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:49] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!n=cyberkne@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:53] Typosu (Typosu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:15:21] CyberKnet: Hmmm... the ASRock Atom 330 nettop looks tasty.
[21:17:34] Tomasu (Tomasu! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:17:43] alex^ (alex^! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:38] Dagmar: It might look tasty but there don't appear to be Linux drivers for it yet
[21:20:21] basement (basement! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:35] CyberKnet: For ION in general, or something specific to that nettop?
[21:21:09] wagnerrp: ION works fine on linux, so its presumably network or audio drivers
[21:22:32] Dagmar: We get hardware accel decoding of video like they tout?
[21:22:55] Dagmar: I was just at nVidia's site and it doesn't even come up with beta 32- or 64-bit drivers for Linux
[21:23:00] wagnerrp: as long as its an ION, the nvidia drivers should work right?
[21:23:07] Dagmar: Dunno.
[21:23:16] dserban (dserban! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:23:23] Dagmar: If the "usual" driver works they need to update the engine on their Driver Download site
[21:23:44] wagnerrp: i mean an ion just means it has a 9300/9400M instead of the norman 945GC
[21:24:16] BassKozz (BassKozz! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[21:24:50] CyberKnet: I need to find out how capable the dual core 1.6Ghz ATOM is, and if it could do HD decode in case for some reason the hardware accel bites the dust.
[21:24:54] CyberKnet: I suppose.
[21:25:17] wagnerrp: the DC Atom will do mpeg2 decoding with a multithreaded decoder
[21:25:30] wagnerrp: but the current single threaded ffmpeg wont cut it
[21:25:49] wagnerrp: as for h.264, you might handle 3mbps/core
[21:27:37] CyberKnet: That's hard to hear. :|
[21:28:07] alex^: does anyone know about make themes for the new MythUI in 0.22?
[21:28:30] wagnerrp: as in you want to develop themes for trunk?
[21:29:40] alex^: well.. i did the main screen so far and jsust wanted to know at that point.. if this is realizable
[21:30:28] alex^:
[21:31:05] alex^: there's still a lack of detail of course, but i wanted to get my ideas on screen
[21:31:14] wagnerrp: well youve got a couple main pages on the wiki.... and
[21:31:46] wagnerrp: and the demos, Terra theme in trunk, and
[21:32:13] kslater (kslater! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:32:14] alex^: yeah.. ive seen the terra theme... based on those screenshots i wanted to make this new one
[21:32:31] wagnerrp: otherwise, you can try gbee (primary mythui dev), iamlindoro (making a theme for the new mythui), or the theming mailing list for advice
[21:32:58] alex^: but im not a coder, thats why i wanted to know if i could do that
[21:33:06] wagnerrp: do what?
[21:33:24] wagnerrp: oh... the mockup
[21:33:35] wagnerrp: you can do that, but it wont be animated
[21:34:00] alex^: that's not that worse
[21:34:20] wagnerrp: i dont know if the reflections will be done dynamically, or if they have to be pre-baked
[21:35:02] wagnerrp: considering the second shot on the demo theme page, it looks like they can be done dynamically
[21:35:11] wagnerrp: but it will at least give an example of how to make them
[21:36:07] alex^: dont know why they should be done dynamically
[21:36:50] Dagmar: Because not many people watch shows that are entirely identical?
[21:37:50] wagnerrp: well the mockup could be done statically
[21:38:07] wagnerrp: but the video poster on the demo theme would really need to be static
[21:38:11] alex^: well i dont wanted that simpson picture to be changed by that whats on tv
[21:38:13] wagnerrp: err... dynamic
[21:38:13] iamlindoro: The reflections aren't the problem, the matrix transform is
[21:38:45] iamlindoro: which is to say, you can reflect just fine using the reflect attribute on an imagetype, but you can't reorient images like that mockup yet
[21:38:51] gbee: reflections can be done, but there is _currently_ no transformations, meaning the angling of the images isn't possible just yet, and the curved list stuff hasn't been committed yet either
[21:39:34] wagnerrp: well there you go... ask the people who actually know what theyre talking about
[21:39:34] alex^: could i use "pre-transformed" pictures?
[21:39:40] gbee: matrix transformation is on the list of planned features, but it's not implemented yet
[21:40:17] croppa_ is now known as croppa
[21:40:18] iamlindoro: You could be very VERY sneaky and use watermarks to fake it
[21:40:35] weiser (weiser! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:40:36] iamlindoro: of course they would only look right using whatever menu theme you pre-planned them for
[21:41:14] gbee: actually another complication is that there are not enough states etc to rotate left on one side and right on the other, basically that mockup may be possible when all planned features are implemented, but not right now and maybe not for 0.22
[21:41:52] alex^: :-\
[21:42:48] alex^: i could also rearrange the tvs in a 3 by 2 rectangle
[21:42:58] alex^: without any transformation
[21:43:22] iamlindoro: yes, a grid is fine
[21:43:22] wagnerrp: well you still have to contend with different menu themes
[21:43:28] wagnerrp: do those all have 6 items?
[21:44:04] iamlindoro: Even if they don't, MythUI will handle them nicely
[21:44:26] alex^: a grid is less work anyway
[21:44:35] alex^: can conectrate on other things
[21:44:48] iamlindoro: And you can still have reflections/etc. if you like
[21:45:51] alex^: i've seen a picture where tvs where arranged like that.. that's why i thought it would be a great idea for a theme
[21:46:27] alex^: *were arranged
[21:47:03] alex^: good thing i still have everything untransformed :D
[21:47:13] iamlindoro: alex^: Have you read through the MythUI docs yet?
[21:47:19] iamlindoro: They're not done, but should give you a good start
[21:47:49] alex^: actually.. i just wanted to the whole mockup and get someone who knows how it's done
[21:48:04] iamlindoro: erm, so you wanted to have someone else write it for you?
[21:48:10] alex^: yep
[21:48:20] iamlindoro: I... don't think you'll have much luck with that
[21:48:52] iamlindoro: Everyone who knows anything about MythUI has their own themes to worry about
[21:50:14] Feisar (Feisar! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:52:56] alex^: doing everything alone seems to be hard
[21:53:22] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:54:55] Dave123-road (Dave123-road! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:55:36] laga: do you need hand holding?
[21:56:05] alex^: yes :)
[21:56:12] iamlindoro: We have a theming mailing list for that
[21:56:14] wagnerrp: by and large, everyone working on myth is working on functions they want to use
[21:56:20] iamlindoro: We'll hold your hard
[21:56:28] wagnerrp: theyre not going to work on something someone else wants to use
[21:56:34] iamlindoro: but I really doubt anyone will do it *for* you
[21:56:51] Dagmar: You'll hold his what?
[21:56:53] Dagmar: o.O
[21:56:55] iamlindoro: but nobody will yell at you for asking, we've often talked about how a theme team would make sense
[21:57:21] iamlindoro: I do think that for it to succeed, such a team would need to be started by someone who *does* know all the parts
[21:58:05] wagnerrp: and apparently enjoys the phallus
[21:59:15] rwscott (rwscott! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:47] Dagmar: oheheh
[22:05:44] sl0pokey (sl0pokey!n=bboles@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:06:26] alex^: well... let's do the mockup first... and then i'll see what needs to be done next
[22:11:47] CyberKnet (CyberKnet!n=cyberkne@ has quit ()
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[22:29:25] alex^ (alex^! has quit ("(13:20:30) (~PeterPowell) i am pcfag")
[22:29:47] iamlindoro: jpabq, abqjp: How about a scraper that *only* scrapes where "NO DATA" exists?
[22:30:22] iamlindoro: or for selected channels?
[22:31:24] iamlindoro: So that you're only scraping data that is not provided by SD, that is
[22:31:47] jpabq: I am not even sure that Directv gives useful information online for those channels. 701 is a "mix" channel, where are suppose to go to see what is actually *on* 702–707.
[22:32:22] jpabq: I probably just need something that fills in the channels with some dummy information so it is easy to setup a recording rule.
[22:32:42] iamlindoro: Boo, and it's DBS so you can't even throw in a DVB card to get the EIT data
[22:32:52] jpabq: Right.
[22:33:35] sid3windr: Status Information:OK: 13 days of program data left
[22:33:40] sid3windr: \o/ myth epg status in nagios :]
[22:34:07] jpabq: During the French Open, those channels are only active from 3am to 3pm, so not only are they transient day-to-day, but for hours within the day.
[22:35:35] iamlindoro: Well, I bought me some new monkey island today, that makes my day
[22:36:45] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:38:19] h0st1le (h0st1le!i=them@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:24] iamlindoro: Now they just need to release some more Grim Fandango and I can die happy
[22:38:25] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:39:26] sphery: jpabq: you could write (and submit to xmltv :) a tool that creates an xmltv file with repeat programs on a channel(s)... I.e. give it (command-line/conf file) channel number/xmltvid and program title, subtitle, description, length, and file start/end times and it just repeats that program throughout that time...
[22:39:35] sphery: I think a lot of people would love a tool like that
[22:40:41] jpabq: sphery: That is probably what I need. Someday I need to learn perl.
[22:41:21] kormoc: %@N$T#!$#!^{~P#~%M~@##M@V~%#%~{}V#%L#P~B%KO~M~%P~#%M~#@%~ isn't obvious?
[22:41:39] sphery: jpabq: learning it is overrated... I've been writing perl for years and still don't plan to learn it.
[22:42:07] jpabq: kormoc: heh
[22:42:25] kormoc: I actually wonder if that's valid for something...
[22:42:43] sphery: kormoc: that's not the one that makes the camel pictures?
[22:42:53] jpabq: I briefly looked at python, but a language that depends on "how indented" the code is to determine nesting, turned me off.
[22:43:50] kormoc: so you want php eh?
[22:44:26] sphery: coolest perl program, ever!
[22:44:51] jpabq: I have been told that php is good, but I have never looked at it.
[22:45:13] sphery: jpabq: completely agree about python
[22:47:50] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:48:19] jpabq: sphery: yeah. Actually, I should phrase it as "a program which *depends* on white-space, turns me off"
[22:49:24] kormoc: hrm
[22:49:46] sphery: Yeah. The funny part, though, is I'm obsessive about code formatting in my own code. But if it's used as part of the syntax of the language, that's just plain wrong.
[22:50:10] kormoc: so pretty much every programming language depends on white-space somewhat, even if it's just a space between certain things
[22:50:31] kormoc: ifx is that if x or i fx or ifx?
[22:51:04] sphery: program that depends on differentiated whitespace?
[22:51:05] jpabq: Oh, I like white space. I am very picky in my own code. What I don't like about python is the need for *extra* whitespace.
[22:52:30] jpabq: I also like to be able to tell emacs to clean up the indentation. That can help me find where I missed a { or }. If the language uses the amount of whitespace to determine nesting, and I make a mistake there, it would make it MUCH harder for me find MY mistake :-p
[22:52:58] kormoc: it's true, just pointing out that white space is sorta required in pretty much every language :)
[22:53:13] kormoc: and besides, I'm one of those crazy folks who prefer black-space ;)
[22:53:23] sphery: not to mention find-matching-brace is nice
[22:53:27] jpabq: Heh
[22:53:46] kormoc: Python is the future after all!
[22:54:00] sphery: I hear they're going to convert MythWeb to Python
[22:54:29] kormoc: I'm gonna hate that gag when slashdot picks up on it :P
[22:54:39] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has quit ("Leaving")
[22:55:12] jpabq: Python actually looks like it is powerful. I just wish it used searchable delimiters for code blocks.
[22:55:55] kormoc: it does! search for the next ^\t{current level -1}[^\t]!
[22:56:50] jpabq: hmmmm. sure, that looks easy
[22:57:16] kormoc: hey now! You just asked for a searchable delimiter, and there it is ;)
[22:57:49] jpabq: You caught me. I could never be lawyer!
[22:58:19] Arlong (Arlong! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:28] jams: it is very powerfull
[22:58:57] jams: jpabq- you could always use #{ and #} to mark off the blocks =)
[22:59:52] sphery: wow. strange. According to -users list, if you use the wrong user-specified CFLAGS in compiling myth, it won't compile.
[23:00:22] ** sphery wonders why so many people think they're smarter than the MythTV configure script **
[23:01:31] jpabq: jams, True, but that would make the program rather ugly. Better to do the "when in Rome" thing.
[23:01:54] sphery: er, wouldn't that be, "When in a snakepit..."
[23:01:54] jams: yes it would make it very ugly
[23:02:05] Dagmar: sphery: Yeah, I had no luck at all with -funner-than-your-rolls and -Ojillion
[23:02:11] Dagmar: It just woun,d't work. No idea why.
[23:02:30] sphery: you should file a ticket... that oughta work
[23:05:04] Arlong: hello
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[23:08:21] tmiw: The H1 "hotel PC" actually looks kinda cool.
[23:14:07] Arlong (Arlong! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:14:14] kormoc: what's a hotel pc?
[23:16:39] sphery:
[23:17:14] Dagmar: It comes with a bar fully stocked with hookers.
[23:18:18] iamlindoro: It's the zotac board dropped in a mini itx case
[23:18:46] th1: does anyone know how mythtv assigns channel numbers when doing a dvb-s scan? all my numbers are a mess and some are duplicates :( is there a tool somewhere to renumber them nicely based on satellite id or something?
[23:19:03] iamlindoro: I just cleaved a huge chunk off my toe stubbing my toe against a sheet of metal, I halfway think I ought to go to the hospital
[23:19:06] iamlindoro: owwie
[23:19:26] th1: iamlindoro, eek go to the hospital already
[23:19:28] iamlindoro: I just soaked through a washcloth, that can't be good
[23:19:53] th1: that can not be good
[23:19:59] th1: in fact its freaking me out ;)
[23:20:11] sphery: iamlindoro: you're bleeding all over the channel... get out of here!
[23:20:55] iamlindoro: Waiting to see if it'll clot
[23:21:03] iamlindoro: I think it's got a shot
[23:21:46] Penfold (Penfold! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[23:22:22] th1: iamlindoro, either way you probably need stitches
[23:22:28] iamlindoro: bah
[23:22:31] th1: did some piece of the toe come off?
[23:23:05] iamlindoro: nothing I can't grow back, I imagine
[23:23:14] th1: heh ;)
[23:23:21] th1: still that sort of thing makes my balls cringe
[23:23:55] th1: just even reading it on IRC :~
[23:24:14] iamlindoro: Heh, I think it looked much worse than it was, will lose the nail for sure, but I think that's why it bled so much
[23:24:30] th1: heh
[23:25:16] iamlindoro:
[23:25:21] iamlindoro: Hehe, check out those pictures
[23:25:26] iamlindoro: look how many total tools they got onstage at once
[23:25:45] wagnerrp: as opposed to 'knights of...'?
[23:25:59] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, It's the MMORPG, so not just knights
[23:26:09] iamlindoro: smugglers, sith, etc.
[23:27:41] iamlindoro: Apparently Alan Wake may *finally* come out in 2010, which is neat considering it was supposed to be a launch title for 360 :)
[23:27:57] iamlindoro: it was on the box on my first-week 360
[23:29:29] sphery: So, I decided to charge the batteries for my MythTV remote today. Unfortunately, it's TV time and one (of 4) is still charging....
[23:29:45] sphery: So, I'll be stuck with keyboard control for a while, now.
[23:30:02] jpabq: sphery: you need two sets, so you can alternate
[23:30:09] iamlindoro: sphery, This all presumes there is *anything* to watch right now
[23:30:10] sid3windr: your charger only does 1 battery at a time?
[23:30:37] jpabq: iamlindoro: the point of Myth is for there always something to watch right now!
[23:30:50] iamlindoro: jpabq, Myth can't put decent programming on the TV to record :)
[23:30:57] sphery: I have 2 sets for other stuff, but the remote batteries last like 6 months, so I figure I'm better off with just 1 (rather than letting the 2nd sit for 6mos unused)
[23:31:16] jpabq: iamlindoro: that is why I keep two years worth :-p
[23:31:26] sphery: iamlindoro: there's always something to watch right now (on my Myth box)--941 somethings, to be exact
[23:31:39] jpabq: I have ~1200
[23:31:47] iamlindoro: sphery, Stop recording where program.category = "News"; then
[23:31:48] sphery: yay to being /way/ behind on the seasons
[23:32:05] sphery: actually, I don't record any news
[23:32:34] sphery: sid3windr: charger does 8 batteries, 3 have finished one (which was lower than the others) is finishing
[23:32:43] sphery: finished, one
[23:33:17] sphery: jpabq: 1200 is impressive--how much storage in your 10-drive case?
[23:33:17] sid3windr: :/
[23:33:24] jpabq: I admit that it used to be hard to find what I wanted to watch with that many recordings. has pretty much rectified that for me, though.
[23:34:10] jpabq: sphery: I have one of those old CaseMaster Stacker cases with 12 drives (plus the boot). six 1tb and six 400gb
[23:34:15] jpabq: raid6
[23:35:18] Pumpernick (Pumpernick!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[23:35:31] sphery: jpabq: nice
[23:36:08] jpabq: iamlindoro: on your new theme, you can go back to not having that many Titles shown at once, as long as you leave room for the recGroups to show ;-p
[23:36:26] iamlindoro: jpabq, I've moved on to "works for me"  ;)
[23:36:53] jpabq: iamlindoro: You need to publish it, so I can make it "work for me"!
[23:36:58] iamlindoro: . . . 282179_8RLRe
[23:37:07] iamlindoro: That's more or less what it is right now
[23:38:20] jams: ok stats will be updated once a day around 12:30 am CDT
[23:41:02] jpabq: iamlindoro: glitz! Do you use it as your primary theme?
[23:41:14] iamlindoro: jpabq, yeah, I use it full time
[23:41:56] iamlindoro: If I could figure out what I wanted to do with the menus I might release a preview
[23:45:20] Wildcard (Wildcard!n=wildcard@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:46:33] wagnerrp: wait, so that star wars MMO will still let you type out messages
[23:46:44] wagnerrp: but it will all get voiced rather than printed to screen?
[23:50:37] iamlindoro: If it's not Monkey Island I want nothing to do with it!
[23:51:10] Dagmar: Is that why you preordered Sims 3?
[23:51:42] iamlindoro: ..?
[23:51:51] iamlindoro: use your words, dagmar
[23:52:16] Dagmar: I am accusing you of being a fan of the Sims games.
[23:52:39] iamlindoro: Oh, the humanity!
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