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Wednesday, December 31st, 2008, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:38] iamlindoro: Oy, well that's helpful, only english track on the Firefly blu rays is DTS-HD which libav* very helpfully does nothing with
[00:10:12] DuppyK (DuppyK!n=DuppyK@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:10:23] iamlindoro: Heh, the stupid HD-PVR on -fixes wiki page has the user steamroll files right over packages. Elegant.
[00:10:35] iamlindoro: Isn't there *something* we can do about pages that are actively harmful?
[00:11:02] iamlindoro: You can't write about SCs there, why should you be allowed to write about breaking your DB?
[00:11:24] poodyp: revert it?
[00:11:32] iamlindoro: Needs to be reverted out of existence
[00:12:00] iamlindoro: needs to be such that they would have to *rewrite* it to readd is
[00:12:01] iamlindoro: it
[00:13:38] abqjp: iamlindoro: I skimmed it. It does not even tell the user how to use the best version of the available patches.
[00:14:11] iamlindoro: abqjp, There are many, many things wrong with the page and the warning barely covers what's wrong about it
[00:14:58] iamlindoro: He had my commercial cut scripts in there yesterday, but I removed them with a request that they not be readded
[00:15:13] iamlindoro: As I want nothing to do with that smoking turd
[00:18:51] abqjp: I understand the desire to use the HD-PVR. And, I understand the desire NOT to use TRUNK. But I cringe at the processes that people are using.
[00:19:43] iamlindoro: You can't have an omelette without breaking some eggs
[00:19:48] poodyp: how stable is trunk currently?
[00:19:54] iamlindoro: these people want all the features and none of the risk and life just don't work that way
[00:20:57] poodyp: and can a trunk slave backend talk to a stable master backend?
[00:21:12] iamlindoro: poodyp, It's a totally abstract question. If you are the only person to use your system and don't mind risking new features literally burning out hardware, then go for it.
[00:21:22] iamlindoro: and no, the revisions across your system must match
[00:21:32] abqjp: poodyp: backend and frontend must be the same version
[00:21:46] abqjp: poodyp: backend is actually very stable. Frontend, not so much.
[00:21:56] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:23:30] poodyp: oh well
[00:27:43] poodyp: I'm not even running a production system currently so I'm not missing anything
[00:32:49] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:37:33] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:20] larzen (larzen! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:42:25] brownslug4 (brownslug4! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:27] Penfold (Penfold! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[00:46:44] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[01:02:21] Penfold (Penfold! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:23] Penfold (Penfold! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:06:15] phix (phix! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:16] phix: hey
[01:06:21] phix: I can't seem to get mt TV tuner working in Linux / MythTv
[01:06:56] Anduin: phix: if if doesn't work in linux you are probably better off in one of the v4l channels, which card?
[01:06:59] phix: 03:00.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Unknown device 8852 (rev 02)
[01:10:25] phix: Anduin: winfast pXDVR3200 H
[01:11:13] phix: main chips are: CX3028+23885+23417+MT353
[01:16:19] Anduin: phix: You may get more help in #linuxtv, the wiki info for that card seems to show that the DVB side may work but I don't know if it is in the kernel yet.
[01:22:58] brownslug4 (brownslug4! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:28:13] _aegis (_aegis!n=aegis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:02] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[01:29:50] brownslug4 (brownslug4! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:30] iamlindoro: Whee, fun times:
[01:35:12] gbee: nice :)
[01:35:33] gbee: only one small issue, what happens at the edge of the screen?
[01:35:55] iamlindoro: It's all pretty legible, only lose a couple pixels at the side
[01:36:53] gbee: really? hmm, I'll take your word for it :)
[01:37:07] iamlindoro:
[01:37:38] gbee: background changes with selection, or is that just random?
[01:37:44] iamlindoro: Nothing that would prevent you from seeing what it is
[01:38:11] iamlindoro: Still static, need to appeal to you for dynamic ones :)
[01:38:55] gbee: sure, I just meant which did you have planned :)
[01:39:14] iamlindoro: Oh, yeah, would use changing backgrounds when available
[01:39:33] gbee: the background reflecting the selected item or just pulling a random image from the folder
[01:39:41] iamlindoro: The former
[01:39:45] iamlindoro: and the latter when none set, ideally
[01:39:57] GreyFoxx: the background could be the fanart ?
[01:40:02] GreyFoxx: If there is any
[01:40:08] gbee: yeah, that's not a problem
[01:40:30] GreyFoxx: That zoomcover image screen just needs some audio bling as you move around. some bing/click or something hehe
[01:40:32] iamlindoro: With a lot of these effects applied MV strtup is noticeably slower (but fast once inside)
[01:40:35] gbee: the former can be done now, only you need the fanart of course which is probably why you haven't done it already
[01:41:24] iamlindoro: gbee, In what way could you implement the first case now?
[01:41:28] gbee: well the fanart and the fanart handling code ... umm forgetting that it's not been written yet
[01:41:32] iamlindoro: (genuine question as I had thought it not possible)
[01:41:39] iamlindoro: ah, yeah :)
[01:41:55] iamlindoro: Is that not been written, or "not been written?"
[01:42:04] gbee: could display the poster now, but that wouldn't really be the same
[01:42:08] iamlindoro: right
[01:42:20] iamlindoro: yeah, I guess you could zoom it way the hell up, but yuck
[01:42:27] gbee: given that Anduin only just volunteered ...
[01:42:39] iamlindoro: Hey, you often know something I don't, just checking
[01:42:40] GreyFoxx: and if you are in afolder maybe use as the fanart if none are defined for the specific file?
[01:42:55] aegis (aegis!n=aegis@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:42:58] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, I'd hate to make it that staic
[01:42:59] iamlindoro: static
[01:43:17] iamlindoro: would be nicer just to choose at random from valid image types in /path/to/
[01:43:34] iamlindoro: And add a new subfolder to ~/.mythtv/MythVideo called backdrops
[01:44:11] iamlindoro: (of course it'd be a DB value, but that's where I'd default it)
[01:44:15] Anduin: I'd be more likely to fix it somewhere in the existing artwork directory
[01:45:17] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: I'm just thinking for example if I have a folder of Family Guy season 3, and each file has a coverfile but no fan art. It would be nice to show the if one was available
[01:45:34] GreyFoxx: otherwise you'd get random whatever that has nothing to do with the content of the folder
[01:45:41] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:45:49] Anduin: GreyFoxx: there is an existing ticket that I'll get to soon that tries harder to find artwork
[01:45:58] GreyFoxx: cool
[01:46:05] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, not that that doesn't still look good (that's what Aeon does)
[01:46:44] iamlindoro: But I believe they also allow for a fixed fanart for a whole folder too
[01:46:52] iamlindoro: eg
[01:47:16] GreyFoxx: That looks really cool for folders with TV eps
[01:47:24] _aegis (_aegis!n=aegis@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:48:02] GreyFoxx: And I have a lot of those
[01:48:26] iamlindoro: Might be nice to create an alternative type to folder.jpg/png
[01:48:29] Anduin: iamlindoro: The search for folder.png will look up until it finds one, so with the proper directory structure that should work (if folder.png is allowed, maybe I'll look for a backdrops dir instead, folder.png is likely to be ugly)
[01:48:40] iamlindoro: ie folder.jpg is the folder icon, folder_backdrop.png is the backdrop
[01:48:49] waxhead (waxhead!n=pete@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:12] GreyFoxx: We need a simple way to define a folder as "movies" or "TV" or similar sorta like that .info for I was using with my thetvdb grabber
[01:49:26] iamlindoro: Or yeah, nice idea, .backdrops folder in a folder is the backdrops for that folder
[01:49:29] GreyFoxx: so we can have context sensitive screens
[01:49:36] iamlindoro: or something like that
[01:50:00] GreyFoxx: a screen full of TV screenshots will be 4:3 or 16:9, where as a movie poster is neither
[01:50:42] GreyFoxx: And you'd really only have to refine it once
[01:50:49] GreyFoxx: err define
[01:51:42] gbee: FYI I have a patch which enables the preview generator to be used on videos and DVDs, it needs updating though and extracting from a bunch of unrelated changes, but I might get around to doing that soon
[01:52:25] gbee: from there it would be trivial to allow mythvideo to grab screenshots if no poster etc is available
[01:53:22] GreyFoxx: Maybe it's time for a "mythpreview" binary. Something seperate from the backend heh
[01:53:43] GreyFoxx: something tiny, takes a file, offset and desired size arguments
[01:54:17] gbee: basically split out that small amount of code in the backend
[01:54:29] GreyFoxx: yeah
[01:54:45] gbee: nice idea, I look forward to it ;)
[01:54:55] GreyFoxx: hehe
[01:54:59] GreyFoxx: :)
[01:55:14] GreyFoxx: 7 more days of vacation, and most toys are now assembled ;)
[01:56:42] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:58:27] GreyFoxx: Man that fanart stuff really looks nice
[01:59:56] jgoss (jgoss!n=josh@unaffiliated/jgoss) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:57] iamlindoro: I hate to be caught up in fanboyism... but man, .22 is really going to be huge.
[02:03:02] GreyFoxx: hehe yeah
[02:09:03] iamlindoro:
[02:09:07] iamlindoro: That's a bit better
[02:09:22] iamlindoro: Can't tell from the screenshot but the selected item's underlay is pulsing, it's pretty pleasant
[02:10:50] ** gbee wipes a tear of pride from his eye **
[02:11:06] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has quit ()
[02:11:16] bfirsh (bfirsh! has quit ()
[02:11:35] iamlindoro: I for one hail our new MythUI masters
[02:12:47] J-e-f-f-A: Here Here!
[02:13:47] iamlindoro: a lot of things start to click when you start poking at them, There's a lot of stuff you just never realized MythUI could *do* until you start trying to do them
[02:14:07] abqjp (abqjp! has quit ()
[02:14:24] GreyFoxx: the underlay pulses? hahah neat
[02:14:29] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: I've got FC9 on the test box... working on updating it now and pulling down MythTV trunk...
[02:14:38] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, fun fun
[02:14:50] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, yeah, it's nice
[02:14:59] poodyp: can you do overlays onto live video?
[02:15:14] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, the one surrounding the selected item, that is
[02:15:44] iamlindoro: poodyp, Not sure what you have in mind, but MythUI conversion of OSD is in progress, which more or less is exactly that
[02:16:30] J-e-f-f-A: ooh, total download size 324MB... good thing I've got FiOS!!! ;-)
[02:16:54] poodyp: OSD sounds good
[02:17:19] iamlindoro: I have some sexy ideas for the OSD once that's fair game, actually
[02:18:02] iamlindoro: Speaking of tears of pride...
[02:18:11] ** iamlindoro plays a trailer from one of his movies **
[02:18:22] GreyFoxx: That just looks boring now ;)
[02:18:23] poodyp: basically what I'm looking for is my current cable box *spit* has a button that brings up a little bar across the bottom of the screen for all the different menus
[02:18:25] iamlindoro: I love my little baby feature
[02:19:08] larzen (larzen! has quit (No route to host)
[02:19:15] iamlindoro: poodyp, The MythUI idea is, more or less "any widget, anywhere."
[02:19:29] iamlindoro: so something like that would be at the discretion of the themer but should be possible
[02:19:39] poodyp: that's exciting
[02:20:50] iamlindoro: I *do* honestly believe that the community owes gbee a case of his favorite beer when it's all said and done, I'll happily pitch in and pay the shipping
[02:21:40] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, ewwwwww, that old thing?  ;)
[02:26:53] GreyFoxx: Really I gotta know... does anyone use GANT ?
[02:27:04] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:30] poodyp: personally I wouldn't mind never seeing again
[02:27:43] GreyFoxx: It's just so ugly and the default
[02:28:10] GreyFoxx: We just need newer screenshots up there :)
[02:28:17] GreyFoxx: those are ancient :)
[02:28:18] waxhead: GreyFoxx: I did for quite a while, but that's because it's the default...
[02:28:45] ** J-e-f-f-A uses MythCenter ;-) **
[02:28:58] waxhead: mostly because I don't muck about with things when they first setup...
[02:29:15] waxhead: I'm running the black themed one at the moment...
[02:29:17] GreyFoxx: waxhead: Exactly... and think of all the users doing the same :)
[02:29:51] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:18] waxhead: GreyFoxx: it's not the prettiest theme, and I don't think it does myth tv any favours..
[02:30:36] waxhead: when you look at the MS mediacentre, out of the box it looks nice enough...
[02:31:03] waxhead: I get plenty enough greif over using linux/myth combo from the windows crowd...
[02:31:19] waxhead: I really like some of the images I've seen of late... very impressive...
[02:31:56] aegis (aegis!n=aegis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:33:49] ** GreyFoxx does another svn up an watches his slaves compile **
[02:34:13] poodyp: seeing MythUI makes me want to make a mouse friendly UI
[02:35:04] sutula: Is there a good channel to talk to people about recovering deleted files, or is there anyone here who might be willing to answer a question or two about searching a raw disk for mp3 files?
[02:35:22] poodyp: I did that once
[02:35:43] sutula: If I've lost all the directory/file structure information, but know that a file starts in block x, is there anything in block x that lets you know that the next block of this file is block y?
[02:36:08] sutula: (this is ext3)
[02:37:52] poodyp: I think I used PhotoRec to recover the entire drive then searched for the mp3 metadata because the filenames were gone
[02:38:51] poodyp:
[02:39:07] sutula: For my disk, photorec was retrieving .mp3 files, but they were all garbled...hence the question
[02:39:54] poodyp: ah
[02:39:59] poodyp: that sucks
[02:40:10] poodyp: no idea there
[02:40:51] sutula: poodyp: Thanks for the pointer...I'll read it, perhaps write to Christophe, or just dive into the source
[02:49:10] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:57:33] tanderson (tanderson!n=gentoofa@gentoo/developer/gentoofan23) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:00:04] quantum (quantum!n=quantum@cust-static194-28.BHI.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:34] quantum is now known as Guest50166
[03:03:02] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:02] J-e-f-f-A: humm... The download of the updates was much faster than the install... ;-)
[03:07:52] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:08:23] wolfspirit (wolfspirit! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:05] wolfspirit: is there a way to access your live tv recordings from within mythtv (ie. something you didn't schedule) without having to manually open up the file in an external player?
[03:10:10] abqjp (abqjp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:22] GreyFoxx: Go to Watch recordings, hit Menu
[03:10:31] GreyFoxx: change the group filter either to all programs or to LiveTV
[03:13:00] wolfspirit: nice
[03:13:10] wolfspirit: GreyFoxx: thank you
[03:13:42] wolfspirit: GreyFoxx: those are set to be deleted as space runs out by default correct?
[03:13:52] iamlindoro: or after 24 hous
[03:13:54] iamlindoro: hours
[03:14:09] iamlindoro: whichever comes first
[03:14:19] iamlindoro: extremely short clips are immediately expired
[03:14:21] wolfspirit: nice.. my wife was about to throw something at me because I changed the channel on house and she didn't watch it yet  :)
[03:15:06] iamlindoro: you can convert them to actual recordings too, just bring up the menu and change its playback group
[03:15:08] J-e-f-f-A: wolfspirit: It was a rerun anyways... ;-)
[03:15:30] wolfspirit: J-e-f-f-A: we haven't been following it lately
[03:16:11] wolfspirit: iamlindoro: will it then be outside of the ones deleted to save space?
[03:16:19] iamlindoro: yes
[03:16:35] iamlindoro: (well, it'll still be expire eligible, but no moreso than your normal recordings)
[03:16:54] iamlindoro: it won't disappear after 24 hours like LiveTV, it will behave just as any scheduled recording
[03:17:22] wolfspirit: iamlindoro: you know what's odd, since we're on this topic... the other day my drive hit 100% I didn't think that was possible
[03:18:06] wolfspirit: I could have sworn there was a setting that said never go below 3%
[03:18:18] iamlindoro: Depends on what caused it to go to 100%
[03:18:50] wolfspirit: that drive is only for mythtv recordings
[03:18:53] iamlindoro: If it's a recording that maxes out the drive and you have things set up properly, it shoudl expire the oldest expire-eligible recording
[03:19:00] Sedorox: anyone know what would cause one PVR-150 to tune/change channels.. but not another?
[03:19:12] iamlindoro: But if you have everything set not to expire by default, then myth will happily fill the drive
[03:19:16] Gumby (Gumby!n=terry@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:27] _flindet (_flindet!n=flindet@ has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[03:28:23] wolfspirit: weird
[03:29:07] wolfspirit: the livetv recording looks fine in the small preview but everyone is green when I play it.. and the osd for fast forwarding is brown instead of blue
[03:29:27] iamlindoro: GPU and version of myth?
[03:30:26] wolfspirit: 0.21-fixes on ubuntu 8.10 and an nvidia 9600 gt if I play the file outside of myth it's fine and when I watched it on live tv it was fine
[03:31:00] iamlindoro: restarting the frontend help?
[03:32:41] wolfspirit: nope
[03:32:51] iamlindoro: you physically restarted the box?
[03:32:57] wolfspirit: no
[03:33:07] wolfspirit: watching it outside of mythtv is fine
[03:33:16] wolfspirit: the frontend and backend are on the same box
[03:33:24] iamlindoro: That doesn't necessarily mean anything, you should still restart the box
[03:33:26] waxhead: wolfspirit: so it's not a cable issue then?
[03:33:36] iamlindoro: for troubleshooting purposes at the very least
[03:33:37] wolfspirit: no
[03:33:51] ** waxhead had a component cable that wans't plugged in right and it would lose colours **
[03:34:20] waxhead: I'd lose blue I think it was, and it made everything look terrible...
[03:35:53] wolfspirit: weird.. live tv is doing it now too
[03:36:06] wolfspirit: I guess I'll reboot.. this is strange heh
[03:36:21] wolfspirit: I checked the cable it's fine
[03:37:24] wolfspirit: hmmm a xvid video file works fine
[03:45:55] ** wolfspirit is puzzled a reboot fixed it **
[03:47:29] iamlindoro___ (iamlindoro___!n=iamlindo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:47:45] brownslug4: i dont have a soundcard installed yet, so I have to use the '-ao alsa' argument when playing one of my avi files with mplayer. 'Internal -ao alsa' wouldnt work in the avi file association command field. what can i do?
[03:48:33] iamlindoro: Internal isn't mplayer
[03:48:42] iamlindoro: it's a totally different player and doesn't take mplayer arguments
[03:48:50] brownslug4: alright
[03:49:08] brownslug4: so is there anything i can put in that command line to turn off the alsa sound