:: #mythtv-users

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Wednesday, August 27th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:06] xefan: hm i dunno even what dga is
[00:00:16] kormoc: Direct Graphical Access
[00:00:18] xefan: direct graphic access, ok
[00:00:37] kormoc: DGA was replaced by XV years ago
[00:00:43] kormoc: and thus why it was removed afaik
[00:00:49] wagnerrp_: would you actually get a 'XF86' error in Xorg?
[00:00:59] kormoc: sure, why not?
[00:01:01] cafuego (cafuego! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:02] xefan: happens it seems, i remember other errors too
[00:01:05] wagnerrp_: i assumed that was a Xfree86 specific error
[00:01:22] xefan: isnt xorg a ripoff recode or similiar of x86?
[00:01:52] directhex: xorg is a fork of xfree86, which is an open-source x11 server
[00:02:00] xefan: i meant that
[00:02:22] directhex: xfree86 is essentially extinct as a project
[00:02:30] kormoc: directhex, not always
[00:02:42] directhex: kormoc, who ships xfree these days?
[00:02:48] kormoc: directhex, xorg is running out of steam, a lot of stuff isn't getting changed
[00:02:54] xefan: 7.3+15 installed, newest xorg – happens to lack some drivers, installing the -all package may help – lets see
[00:02:59] kormoc: directhex, that doesn't mean the project is dead. they still have their devs and they do work
[00:04:21] zippytech111 (zippytech111! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:23] xefan: hmh
[00:04:25] xris (xris!n=xris@ has quit ()
[00:04:58] cafuego (cafuego! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:05:37] cafuego (cafuego! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:28] helpmeplease: kormoc, in what tag of the xmltv format is the channel number stored?
[00:50:01] iamlindoro_: The most pissy day in the history of the users list and I *missed* it?
[00:50:03] ** iamlindoro_ pouts **
[00:50:34] mzb_d800: blinked? ;)
[00:51:16] iamlindoro_: Oh come now, it's been going on for hours and hours! I couldn't blink *that* long. (They call that sleep)
[00:51:29] wagnerrp_: calm down tackleberry
[00:52:03] iamlindoro_: "What's wrong with him?"
[00:52:10] iamlindoro_: "Thewre was gunplay, and he missed it."
[00:55:27] ** mzb_d800 blinks **
[00:58:07] wagnerrp_: should we assume you dont get the reference?
[00:58:57] forrestv: iamlindoro_, how are xmltv listings and channels associated? with mythfilldatabase --manual?
[00:59:34] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:58] iamlindoro_: They aassociated in the XMLTVid field in the db for each channel. Add an XMLTVid to a channel, import an XML listing w/ said id, and the two will make sweet music together
[01:00:00] mzb_d800: you can believe that I wouldn't care if my backside was on fire atm
[01:00:19] ** mzb_d800 smells something burning **
[01:00:38] iamlindoro_: It's my pants
[01:01:04] jpabq: iamlindoro_ I must have not bothered to read the messages you are complaining about. What was the subject?
[01:01:32] iamlindoro_: Someone crying about their stuff being autoexpired in a way they don't think it should be
[01:01:40] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[01:01:54] jpabq: Oh. Yeah, I didn't bother to read any of those messages.
[01:02:17] jpabq: That is why I am terrible at answering peoples questions. I don't pay enough attention!
[01:02:19] iamlindoro_: it's mostly just degenerated into people being rude to people who actually know what they're talking about
[01:02:31] iamlindoro_: "This just happened!"
[01:02:37] iamlindoro_: "Because it works like this"
[01:02:37] jpabq: OOOOOOO, yeah, I bet you are sorry to miss that.
[01:02:42] iamlindoro_: "What? That's not what I think the wiki says!"
[01:02:55] iamlindoro_: "Yes, but it's what the documentation says."
[01:03:08] iamlindoro_: "Well that's dumb and it should work x,y,z"
[01:03:19] iamlindoro_: OP then responds: "Bravo!"
[01:03:23] forrestv: iamlindoro_, thanks. does the xmltvid have a default? eg. the callsign on scanned channels?
[01:03:35] iamlindoro_: forrestv, nope, by default I believe it is NULL
[01:03:44] iamlindoro_: but don't quote me on that
[01:04:55] iamlindoro_: jpabq, I'm much more okay with people being rude to me (I can take care of myself ;) ) than seeing people be rude to people who actually know this stuff backwards and forward
[01:05:20] jpabq: Let me guess, sphery?
[01:05:30] iamlindoro_: yar
[01:05:53] jpabq: :-/
[01:06:50] jpabq: It is sooo nice to finaly have a "modern" MBE. It can actually commercial flag HD-PVR recordings in real time!
[01:10:38] janneg: iamlindoro_: I think they have a valid point in the case of all almost full dirs.
[01:11:03] jhulst (jhulst! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:25] iamlindoro_: janneg, It's the execution of said point I thought was a little... something
[01:12:37] janneg: we should guess the needed space of a recording and if we don't find a dir with enough space we should start expire in expire order until we have a dir with enough space
[01:14:02] janneg: but it's impossible to expire stricly in expire order with multiple dirs
[01:15:02] clever: enless you move a file between directorys
[01:15:03] clever: which would be more expensive
[01:15:17] iamlindoro_: exactly-- why not guess the likely needed amount, figure out what the *fewest* number of older programs we could expire would be, and expire those?
[01:16:37] janneg: we just need to find someone who wan't to implemt this
[01:17:10] janneg: s/wan't/wants/
[01:18:09] iamlindoro_: Anyway, I mostly just thought it was funny that there was one contingent that was explaining *why* it worked the way it had, and one arguing why that couldn't be true even though it was cleary the truth as the recordings got expired :)
[01:19:34] clever: so far the only reason ive seen for it to use a diff storage group
[01:19:49] clever: is when it thinks the 1st is too loaded, from transcodes and flag jobs
[01:20:04] clever: ive yet to get one of my groups under 5gig free
[01:20:16] sphery: janneg: that's exactly what Captain_Murdoch said he had originally planned to implement, but decided it wasn't needed for his setup in
[01:20:28] sphery: That's the post I keep referencing (that everyone in the thread seems to be ignoring).
[01:21:11] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:21:15] sphery: iamlindoro_ / jpabq : I'm more upset by the way Kevin is being treated than by the way I was (I'm used to being ignored/treated rudely :)
[01:23:09] iamlindoro_: I was also amazed that the past week or so of the users list seems to have been 100% bitching and little to no actual problem solving
[01:23:55] iamlindoro_: between that and the continuing saga of Udo, etc., OH and the fact that three people seemt be the primary clients of the entire list
[01:24:40] sphery: yeah, the Udo threads were/are annoying
[01:25:24] mzb_d800: something in the water? ... or just that time of the year?
[01:25:25] sphery: So were all his, "I'm helping out by reporting bugs" tickets.
[01:25:37] sphery: maybe it's the high price of gas?
[01:25:54] sphery: no one can afford to go on vacations, so they're all upset :)
[01:26:22] iamlindoro_: "I'm helping out by reporting bugs, but I DEMAND someone exactly replicate my edge case set up, and will not provide any actual usable information," is that what you mean?
[01:26:43] ** Dagmar goes to the Pitchforks and Torches storage closet **
[01:27:22] ** Dagmar gets back. **
[01:27:29] Dagmar: Seems fully stocked to me
[01:27:35] ** iamlindoro_ calls torches **
[01:27:45] sphery: No, he made about 4 tickets that were all due to his not doing things right resulting in his DB not being created properly--admittedly, there was one bug with a >4mo old patch already in a ticket, but that bug didn't affect him once he started doing things right.
[01:27:50] Dagmar: SUMMON TEH FIRE SNAEK!
[01:27:53] t|zz (t|zz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:01] t|zz: hi people. i just installed mythtv , run the setup, run the backend-daemon and now am running the frontend. i have the tv-card (analog) and can do channelscanning and it finds many channels (numbered by E1,....,Ex, S1,....,Sx) but when i try to watch tv i only have the snow-image. i can't change channels with the down/up arrows and it always begins to record, as soon as i press something on the keyboard... how can i watch a channel?
[01:28:24] Dagmar: t|zz: I note you don't mention running mythtv-setup
[01:28:46] xris (xris! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:28:49] Dagmar: argh nevermind
[01:28:56] t|zz: dagar_: well thats what i meant with the setup. i run it before i run tha backend daemon
[01:29:00] sphery: t|zz: have the right frequency table specified?
[01:29:04] Dagmar: What kind of "TV" do you have there?
[01:29:24] t|zz: sphery: i think so, its palbg and europe-west... should be right, works with tvtime
[01:29:25] Dagmar: cable? Antenna?
[01:29:32] t|zz: dagar_: analog cable
[01:30:05] ** sphery doesn't know if Europe has different freq tables for OTA/cable, like the US does. **
[01:30:24] Dagmar: The US doesn't really have different tables
[01:30:30] Dagmar: No one *actually* watches UHF is all
[01:30:53] Dagmar: ...but the christians complain if they're not allowed to transmit
[01:30:59] sphery: but we have us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, and us-cable-irc
[01:31:29] iamlindoro_: Not to mention the plethora of QAM options :)
[01:31:37] Dagmar: One of those, cable-irc I think, should have been abandoned already
[01:33:00] t|zz: well the frequency table of tvtime is also called europe-west and works great, what may i try then, what seems to be wrong?
[01:33:28] Dagmar: What kinda tuner card are you using?
[01:33:30] sphery: t|zz: you realize there are several different places to specify freq table, right?
[01:33:57] sphery: You need to specify it in the mythtv-setup (I think under General), then make sure you specify "default" for the video source you create
[01:34:01] Dagmar: TZhere's an "oops" that's been happening lately whwere people with PVR cards try to tell mythtv-setup that they have a V4L card
[01:34:11] t|zz: sphery: well i recognized it in general settings, and then when i scan i can also change it, or leave it on defualt
[01:34:13] t|zz: default
[01:34:15] sphery: Oh, and that would definitely break it.
[01:34:27] Dagmar: Either way, mythtv-setup is likely what you need to beat on if the card works currently with tvtime
[01:34:31] sphery: t|zz: yeah, sounds like you did the freq table right, then.
[01:34:51] sphery: check your card definition, like Dagmar suggested
[01:35:08] Dagmar: Don't count on mythtv-setup picking the right one by default
[01:35:13] Dagmar: It's not even trying to figure it out.
[01:35:29] Dagmar: THat's just about the only place this could be going that wrong
[01:35:34] iamlindoro_: % Swiss Francs on v4l instead of ivtv/MPEG-2
[01:35:36] iamlindoro_: er 5
[01:36:00] ** iamlindoro_ only bets in relevant local currencies. **
[01:36:33] t|zz: well i chose the one i tough that would be right but ...well the scanner recognizes channels, why can't i swich through them?
[01:37:00] iamlindoro_: t|zz, don't get ahead of yourself-- what type of card do you have, and what card type in mythtv-setup did you pick?
[01:37:29] Dagmar: t|zz: The scanner doesn't have enough brains to operate a toaster
[01:37:31] iamlindoro_: There are numerous ways to choose the wrong one and still have a successful scan, but not be able to watch
[01:38:07] t|zz: iamlindoro_: well i have a hauppauge hvr-1300, connexant chip, works great with cx8800 v4l-module. in mythtv-setup i chose analog v4l card and then it was recognized as hauppauge 1300...
[01:38:29] iamlindoro_: ok, well that is wrong/not going to work
[01:38:32] Dagmar: SO...
[01:38:36] Dagmar: We've said several times now
[01:38:43] Dagmar: IT R NOT A V4L CARDS
[01:38:52] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:07] sphery: :) It turns out that the whole autoexpire thread comes down to the simple problem of faulty documentation--for some reason the 2-paragraph introduction in the Storage Groups section does /not/ contain all the information in the remaining 2 pages of Storage Groups documentation.
[01:39:08] Dagmar: Don't trust mythtv-setup any further than you can throw a virtual object
[01:39:12] sphery: Glad that problem is solved.
[01:39:15] Dagmar: Make sure it didn't set it back to something else
[01:39:24] iamlindoro_: the problem with the HVR-1300 is going to be....
[01:39:50] iamlindoro_: That it's not an ivtv card, so it's going to end up behaving like the HVR-1800 in myth... ie, you might get it to come up, but you probably won't be able to get it to change channels/do much else
[01:40:05] Dagmar: There's several "looks like it might be it" options in mythtv-setup, only one of which will be the right one
[01:40:24] t|zz: hm... sounds damn difficult ...
[01:40:34] Dagmar: WSupport on that card is still a bit dodgy
[01:40:37] iamlindoro_: The *most* right one being MPEG-2 encoder card type, btw, but that's still probably not going to wrok properly
[01:41:09] iamlindoro_: which is to say, you may need to add a card type for that card yourself (and you'd probably be making lots of people with same and similar card happy)
[01:41:23] iamlindoro_: that's a *may*, by the way, worth at least trying the MPEG-2 encoder card type first
[01:41:39] Dagmar: t|zz: SO basically, the problem is that you're about three months too early with that card, I guess is the best way to put it
[01:42:25] iamlindoro_: s/3 months/however long it takes for someone with the code skills to add a new card type to be interested enough to do it/
[01:42:38] t|zz: well, the strange thing: i'm quite happy with tvtime, but i can't tune volume, as there's no line-out on this board. but i was told that in mythtv i can choose the sound-device (/dev/dsp1 and not /dev/dsp0) and that it would work with cx88 cards. but there seem to be many different such cards... right?
[01:42:55] Dagmar: t|zz: Could be'
[01:43:06] Dagmar: It's a wee bit dodgy when you're not getting MPG straight out of the card
[01:44:07] iamlindoro_: tvtime is working for you because it's totally avoiding using that nice MPEG-2 encoder you paid for
[01:44:18] t|zz: Dagmar: well, i have recognized the card as a soundcard (with cx88-alsa module) and can tune this channel. but i have to use sox to put the output on my soundcard, thats a little bad, no tuning as i said
[01:44:21] iamlindoro_: it's just using the card as a crappy framegrabber
[01:45:04] ** iamlindoro_ is ignored, shrugs, returns to playing the Quest for Glory II remake **
[01:45:06] t|zz: iamlindoro_: the encoder is only usable for dvb-signal, but there's no such signal here, only analog stuff comes out of the cable
[01:45:16] Dagmar: If you're not using a line-in passthru with that. I'm guessing it's passing the audio in through ALSA
[01:45:17] iamlindoro_: innnnncorrect
[01:45:24] iamlindoro_: there is no encoder needed for DVB signals
[01:45:32] abarber (abarber! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:36] iamlindoro_: DVB signals *come* encoded already
[01:45:44] Dagmar: YEah if it's coming in as if it were a mic device, you'll basically point myth at that asa recording source
[01:45:47] t|zz: ok, so thats the mpg-stuff good for then?
[01:46:14] iamlindoro_: the mpeg-2 encoder is for your *analog* capture, to take all the load off your CPU in compressing it
[01:46:20] Dagmar: The mpg cards are good for the fact that you literally just get handed an MPG stream, with audio, by the hardware
[01:46:35] Dagmar: It's all bundled up and ready to be played
[01:46:49] Dagmar: Brooktree/framegrabbers, things get more complexd
[01:47:05] t|zz: well, interesting
[01:47:55] t|zz: the only thing i'd like to to is watching analog tv and be able to tune the audio-volume... but i see this isn't quite easy
[01:48:06] Dagmar: DVB is just a transport for shipping an mpeg stream straight from the tower to you
[01:48:28] Dagmar: t|zz: You have to get myth "listening" to the audio input device coming out of ALSA
[01:48:54] t|zz: dagar_: well, myth doesn't work with the card i though... strange
[01:49:04] Dagmar: The volume control that matters for playback is the one built into your sound card
[01:49:21] abarber: does anyone have myth working with dish?
[01:49:35] Dagmar: ...and I am defintely certain that there's a volume control built into your tuner card.
[01:49:48] Dagmar: You just have to point myth at the right mixer device for it
[01:49:55] iamlindoro_: t|zz, I said it *probably* doesn't work well with the MPEG-2 encoder card type-- nobody told you not to *try*
[01:50:22] Dagmar: If you poke and prod at it, there's a reasonably good chance you can duct tape it into working
[01:50:22] t|zz: Dagmar: well on alsamixer i have 2 devices, my intel hda and the tuner-card. the tuner-card only has one channel and a capture-switch.
[01:50:30] iamlindoro_: Myth assumes (wrongly) that any MPEG-2 encoder card type is going to be an ivtv card-- that was true for a long time, but now there are several new cards that are MPEG-2 encoder cards but not ivtv cards...
[01:50:49] iamlindoro_: so it sends the card some commands it doesn't understand... in the case of the HVR-*1800* it doesn't work well at all-- it's still worth a shot, though
[01:50:50] Dagmar: t|zz: THey are separate devices man
[01:51:00] Dagmar: alsamixer only handles *one* device at a time
[01:51:06] t|zz: iamlindoro_: and i can set it to try as ivtv or as something other? or it just only works with ivtvs?
[01:51:15] Dagmar: So... that would be the problem there.
[01:51:23] Dagmar: I offer you my sympathy on dealing with ALSA
[01:51:36] Dagmar: It's annoying as heck at times
[01:51:39] t|zz: dagar_: i know, but don't know how to put the sound from the 2nd device to the first, the real soundcard...
[01:51:45] Dagmar: You *don't*
[01:51:51] iamlindoro_: t|zz, In theory, Myth's "MPEG-2 Encoder card" type will only work with ivtv cards-- but, once again, there is no harm in trying it anyway-- it can't work worse than having tried the v4l card type
[01:51:51] Dagmar: You absolutely don't.
[01:51:57] Dagmar: Here's the deal
[01:52:05] Dagmar: You are not watching *anything* live through MythTV
[01:52:16] Dagmar: EVerything, including the "LiveTV" option is recording
[01:52:26] Dagmar: "LiveTV" just plays it back as quickly as it can
[01:52:46] Dagmar: So, you are aiming to tell mythtv-setup about the devices it needs to listen to in order to record both the audio and the video.
[01:52:59] Dagmar: The playback device for audio is a separate setting in teh frontend
[01:53:10] t|zz: dagar_: i recognized that
[01:53:20] Dagmar: ...cuz the frontend is just playing the complete stream the backend is recording
[01:53:49] Dagmar: No, I don't think you recognize this yet or you wouldn't be trying to tie the audio output from the tuner card into anything else
[01:54:07] t|zz: dagar_: well, i'll try to explain:
[01:54:25] abarber: can anyone help me troubleshoot an IR blaster not changing the channel on my STB?
[01:54:35] Dagmar: "i know, but don't know how to put the sound from the 2nd device to the first, the real soundcard..."
[01:54:40] Dagmar: THe answer is: you don't.
[01:55:04] Dagmar: abarber: Which conf file did you tell lirc to use for output:?
[01:55:09] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:32] t|zz: i used tvtime, but tvtime doesn't seem to be able to handle the audio-source, i can only set the output-audio. mythtv seem to be able to do so, but there i am not even able to get an image, and never came to the sound-problem with myth... well, more or less like this
[01:55:39] abarber: dagmar: one sec
[01:56:39] my2keh (my2keh! has quit ()
[01:57:52] abarber: dagmar: where would i find that?
[01:58:00] abarber: lircd.conf?
[01:58:16] Dagmar: Dude, if you don't know, then it doesn't work because you have not yet set it up
[01:58:22] Dagmar: Read the LIRC docs
[01:58:29] Dagmar: ...on the LIRC site
[01:58:51] Dagmar: They've got a tarball of stuff for use for sending various remote's signals
[02:00:18] abarber: okay
[02:00:27] abarber: thanks
[02:00:42] Dagmar: This is kind of one of the ugly secrets about lirc.
[02:00:56] Dagmar: It's not a "complete" solution as shipped
[02:01:10] Dagmar: It's basically a toolkit for assembling the pieces of it into something you can use
[02:01:45] Dagmar: ...and unless IR signaling becomes as standardized as USB or something,. that's about as good as it can get
[02:01:51] abarber: right
[02:02:22] sphery: I want generic RF signaling--i.e. send a unique code to a computer and let the computer decide what to do.
[02:02:43] Dagmar: Blueteef
[02:02:49] sphery: Only implementation I've found is the ATI Remote Wonder, but its reliability leaves something to be desired.
[02:03:24] sphery: Are there any good bluetooth "remote" type things (or some way to create a bluetooth remote)?
[02:03:25] Dagmar: With bluetooth you can do this
[02:03:29] Dagmar: ...with your iPhone even
[02:03:53] abarber: i want to get that to work :-)
[02:03:53] Dagmar: One of my friends has turned into an iPod person
[02:03:54] sphery: have to use my Freerunner, instead :)
[02:04:08] Dagmar: He takes great amusement in controlling his APple wihis iPhone
[02:04:44] sphery: I took great amusement in charging my Microsoft XBox 360 wireless headset with my GNU/Linux computer :)
[02:05:13] sphery: (USB charger, so it really doesn't use any OS stuff, but the MS instructions actually say to turn on the XBox and let it run for 6 hours to charge the headset)
[02:05:48] sphery: Guess the second benefit would be that it will help you get your red ring of death within the 3 year warranty period
[02:07:21] Dagmar: Just wrap it in a blanket for an hour
[02:07:37] Dagmar: You'll be able to HEAR the heat sinks pop off
[02:07:39] sphery: iamlindoro_: I no longer belong in the group of "people who actually know this stuff backwards and forward". I can't figure out my prebuffering pause issues on my new frontend...
[02:07:42] wagnerrp_: i know someone who did that
[02:07:57] wagnerrp_: just stuffed a pillow behind it on the shelf it was on
[02:08:02] xefan: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXxf86vm
[02:08:09] xefan: on compiling.. any idea
[02:08:14] sphery: xefan: install X
[02:08:15] Dagmar: Shoot it
[02:08:19] wagnerrp_: he had a bad DVD drive, and the dvd drive was not covered under warranty
[02:08:22] xefan: well i got xorg
[02:08:24] Dagmar: You don't have a complete install of X
[02:08:48] wagnerrp_: to he trashed the board in the method that was under warranty
[02:08:57] Dagmar: wagerrp: Oh he got one of the ones that got shipped out with a circular lathe installed?
[02:09:08] sphery: wagnerrp_: my brother convinced them to replace the 360 because of a bad DVD drive (helped that he was on his 3rd copy of Chromehounds when he called)
[02:09:19] sphery: the drive was scratching his disks
[02:09:39] wagnerrp_: it didnt scratch disks, it just stopped reading them
[02:09:48] Dagmar: He was lucky
[02:09:51] sphery: xefan: and you have the xorg dev package stuff, too?
[02:09:58] wagnerrp_: but the drive is only covered for the first year
[02:10:02] xefan: i just installed it, compihlig now
[02:10:12] xefan: yes i got the -dev and the same error appears
[02:10:20] sphery: yes, very lucky. My brother was /very/ upset at having to buy new copies of his games...
[02:10:32] Dagmar: sphery: Disc doctror
[02:10:35] sphery: xefan: you'll need to re-run configure, probably
[02:10:43] xefan: hm pain
[02:10:57] abarber: dagmar: the LIRC site seems to offer more support for homemade IR stuff than retail
[02:11:04] sphery: xefan: I'd do a make distclean, then configure
[02:11:06] abarber: like i don't see support for hauppage
[02:11:21] Dagmar: THe transmitter is the least of your worries
[02:11:21] xefan: if i had a fast machine i'd do similiar
[02:11:41] sphery: xefan: if you're using ccache, you don't need a fast machine (only fast disks)
[02:11:54] abarber: right
[02:11:58] abarber: i'm fine there
[02:12:01] abarber: it's the damn blaster
[02:12:03] xefan: and the stupid ./configure of ya btw doesnt accept gcc to be a script
[02:12:08] xefan: nor a link to ccache
[02:12:14] Dagmar: FIguring out what you want it to transmit is hte hard part
[02:12:14] ** sphery just used his new X2 5000+ development machine to work on Myth today **
[02:12:33] abarber: right
[02:12:33] Dagmar: Sometimes it involves a long and involved bit of sampling everything using the reciever and then building an output profile
[02:12:35] sphery: xefan: I use a link to ccache
[02:12:40] xefan: hrm
[02:12:43] Dagmar: That is NOT fun
[02:12:53] clever: xefan: but configure will use ccache arround distcc arround the normal compiler, without scripts or symlinks
[02:13:03] abarber: i figured there would be lots of support for specific receivers
[02:13:06] clever: but i dont think it uses that for its own tests
[02:13:09] abarber: like the dish 322 stb
[02:13:10] sphery: xefan: /usr/lib/ccache/gcc -> /usr/bin/ccache
[02:13:14] sphery: works for me
[02:13:24] Dagmar: abarber: If you Google carefully you'll likely find one
[02:13:43] sphery: (obviously, only when /usr/lib/ccache is in the path or specified explicitly)
[02:13:45] Dagmar: There's way too many different devices for LIRC to ship scripts for them all
[02:13:49] clever: sphery: whoa, i allready have those symlinks
[02:13:53] clever: they just arent in my path
[02:13:54] abarber: sure
[02:14:15] xefan: nm all makes me headache
[02:14:21] abarber: another thing i'm having trouble with is in my various scripts/files, i use two diff remote names
[02:14:27] sphery: abarber: are you looking for a lircd.conf for DISH 322?
[02:14:29] abarber: "dish" and "mceusb"
[02:14:36] abarber: yes!
[02:14:45] sphery: abarber: . . . onfiguration
[02:14:51] sphery: Only the best one in all the 'net
[02:14:52] Dagmar: dingdingding
[02:14:59] Dagmar: hehe
[02:15:15] abarber: that is what i currently use
[02:15:55] abarber: and i can't get the channels to change
[02:16:20] sphery: abarber: and, since I sent a copy to LIRC devs, it's also at:
[02:16:55] abarber: thanks sphery
[02:17:10] abarber: yeah, i believe i use the exact same conf file
[02:17:18] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Well, there are 3 different codes used for dish, 1, 6 and 9.... I use 6 for one of my receivers, and 9 for the other. (3800 and 3900 receivers here)
[02:17:29] sphery: It shoudl work for you once you have the LIRC transmitter hardware working.
[02:17:32] Dagmar: Now would be a good time to check the local Radio Shack and see if they have any of those cute little IR detector cards at lights up when you point an IR beam at it so you can be sure your emitter iworking
[02:17:51] abarber: i read somewhere about a camera trick?
[02:17:55] Dagmar: Yeah
[02:18:00] sphery: right, try dish1, dish6, and dish9 (and any of the 13)
[02:18:01] J-e-f-f-A: ... or if you have a camcorder or camera – yeah.
[02:18:07] abarber: details?
[02:18:11] Dagmar: M<ost cheap-ass webcams have a really crappy IR filter so you will be able to see them light up in a weird green color
[02:18:32] sphery: weird that IR would be green...
[02:18:41] sphery: I'd think it would blur in with red
[02:18:42] abarber: sweet, i have a cheap ass web cam!
[02:18:47] Dagmar: QuickCam: Facilitating stupid expiriments with night vision on the cheap since 1997.
[02:18:50] J-e-f-f-A: I've always observed it as a white blink...
[02:19:04] sphery: I do too, but it doesn't work with ehci module loaded on an nforce-based motherboard... :(
[02:19:33] Dagmar: CCDs dont "see" colors the way eyeballs do.
[02:19:59] Dagmar: They know they're seeing _some_ kind of light
[02:20:01] sphery: right, the color is applied, but the wavelength/frequency is closer to red than to green
[02:20:17] Dagmar: Which of their little subelements sees it is ather matter
[02:20:18] sphery: I'm assuming CCD's detect light based on wavelength/frequency...
[02:20:33] abarber: sphery: i just checked my lircd.conf file, and i have a couple includes in mine
[02:20:34] sphery: oh, so each pixel has multiple subelements... I see
[02:20:37] wagnerrp_: CCDs detect quantity of light
[02:20:41] Dagmar: Man this notebook drops keystrokes when the battery is low
[02:20:43] abarber: one for the transmitter, one for the remote
[02:20:49] wagnerrp_: and then the subpixels have different color filters
[02:20:55] abarber: that should be okay, right?
[02:20:56] ** J-e-f-f-A uses a home-made ' **
[02:21:16] Dagmar: Yeah so if the filter that's suppposed to make s the red bits only see red isn't filtering out IR< it sees light
[02:21:18] ** J-e-f-f-A ... 'generic' serial 'buffered' blaster, with two dish receivers, Dish 3800 and Dish 3900... **
[02:21:20] sphery: abarber: assuming LIRC can read it (i.e. right format--I don't know how to do includes in lircd.conf), it should work.
[02:21:25] Dagmar: ...but usually it's the green filter that is failing
[02:21:55] wagnerrp_: some cameras have an additional IR filter covering the entire light, that need be removed
[02:22:08] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, but even with the filter, it doesn't block 100% of the IR light... looking directly at an IR led will still be visible to the camera...
[02:22:19] Dagmar: Yeah the cheaper they are, the more likely they don't have any filter over the lens on the outside
[02:22:30] ** sphery gets out his digital camera and an IR remote... **
[02:22:40] Dagmar: sphery :
[02:22:49] Dagmar: It'll freak you out how easy it is to see by a remote control
[02:22:57] wagnerrp_: cell phone cameras usually work extremely well for detecting IR
[02:23:04] Dagmar: Yep
[02:23:06] abarber: jeffa: does it matter that i am using dish and not dish1?
[02:23:14] sphery: I see 2 white lights (the IR ones) and one red (the red visible one)
[02:23:24] Dagmar: Just about the cheapest CCDs to be found without buying from red China
[02:23:50] sphery: abarber: dish is the same as dish1, dish1 is just provided for completeness (in case a script is used to "build" the remote name)
[02:23:54] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Yes. The codes are different, depending on what your receiver is set to.
[02:24:01] stoth (stoth! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[02:24:01] Dagmar: sphery: Point a camera phone at the elements on your stove or in your oven sometime when they're glowing red
[02:24:10] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: IIRC, you can see which code the receiver is set to in the setup menu...
[02:24:18] Dagmar: My razr makes them look an awesome purple
[02:24:20] abarber: jeff: thanks
[02:24:26] sphery: Dagmar just reminded me that I got distracted when I went to make dinner half an hour ago.
[02:24:30] Dagmar: lol
[02:24:59] Dagmar: I showed a coworker how bad the pics I was taking of the shrinky-dink process was
[02:25:08] Dagmar: He con't get over my "pimptacular" stove
[02:25:21] Dagmar: s/con't/couldn't
[02:25:26] abarber: jeff: i am in front of my STB now, and looking at system setup
[02:25:36] wagnerrp_: your oven has food effect lighting
[02:25:46] Dagmar: heheh
[02:25:59] abarber: looking for something resembling "dish1"?
[02:26:33] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: No, for a menu item that tells the remote code number... it would be 1 through 13, usually 1, 6 or 9 I think...
[02:26:37] sphery: abarber: you mean you're in the DISH setup stuff? If so, it should just be 1 (remote code or something)
[02:26:55] sphery: J-e-f-f-A|work: 1–16, right?
[02:27:24] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Yeah, probably... looking at the manual online for his reciever now to see where it shows it...
[02:28:07] abarber: thanks guys
[02:28:14] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Press the "Sys info" button...
[02:28:19] J-e-f-f-A: "Primary Remote Address:
[02:28:36] abarber: 4
[02:28:44] abarber: (1 IR)
[02:28:45] J-e-f-f-A: And that's IR, right?
[02:28:49] abarber: secondary
[02:28:55] abarber: 4
[02:28:59] abarber: (2 UHF)
[02:29:06] sphery: abarber: And, IIRC, the DISH 322 is a dual-tuner receiver. Only 1 is IR
[02:29:13] abarber: correct
[02:29:18] abarber: 2nd is uhf
[02:29:22] J-e-f-f-A: So... Primary: 4 (1 IR) Secondary: 4 (2 UHF), right?
[02:29:23] abarber: (that'll be fun)
[02:29:26] abarber: correct
[02:29:49] sphery: yeah, TTBOMK, there's no way to control the UHF side from Myth.
[02:30:03] J-e-f-f-A: Ok, you can only control tuner #1 with LIRc... and that's ok since it's the only tuner with video/svideo output iirc...
[02:30:14] J-e-f-f-A: Tuner#2 is only RF output IIRC...
[02:30:24] J-e-f-f-A: And you'll control it with DISH1 ...
[02:30:25] sphery: yuck
[02:30:25] abarber: right
[02:30:36] abarber: okay
[02:30:47] abarber: btw, i read there are uhf to ir converters
[02:30:51] sphery: and in the LIRC config I linked dish = dish1, so either should work
[02:30:51] abarber: i digress
[02:31:00] abarber: hm
[02:31:01] abarber: okay
[02:31:08] abarber: so that's not the hangup
[02:31:14] abarber: i think it's another conf file
[02:31:18] abarber: like hardware
[02:31:34] sphery: abarber: yeah, there are several types of IR repeaters that use UHF signals to extend range/work through walls
[02:31:43] Dagmar: Okay so break out the cameraphone or whatever and make sure the emitter is actually doing something
[02:31:54] abarber: on it
[02:32:02] Dagmar: Can ya tell I just plugged in the laptop?
[02:32:08] Dagmar: YAy
[02:32:10] abarber: haha
[02:32:15] abarber: is iphoen shitty camera?
[02:32:18] abarber: iphone*
[02:32:26] Dagmar: It might be shitty enough
[02:32:28] wagnerrp_: all phones have shitty cameras
[02:32:36] Dagmar: Get the window up that shows the preview
[02:32:41] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[02:32:43] sphery: try it, if you see the IR emitters, it's good. If you don't, might want to try other cameras
[02:32:51] Dagmar: Grab any remote, put it in the picture frame, and hold some buttons down
[02:32:51] wagnerrp_: if for no other reason than they dont have volume to put decent chips and optics in it
[02:33:04] J-e-f-f-A: ... and if it's one of those little stick-on IR emitters, it may be low output... I had to put a small piece of white paper on the front of it on an angle to reflect more IR light into my receiver...
[02:33:17] MasseR (MasseR! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:33:44] abarber: dagmar: good call
[02:33:47] abarber: works
[02:33:51] abarber: test time
[02:34:10] sphery: now you've all gotten me motivated to go down to Radio Shack and get some more IR emitters to build a Wii sensor bar. Only problem is Radio Shack isn't open at 10:30pm
[02:34:51] Dagmar: Fuck that
[02:34:58] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: eh? <J-e-f-f-A reviews the logs... >  ;-)
[02:34:59] Dagmar: You can just buy a sensor bar for cheap
[02:35:26] Dagmar: Try the local Wal-Mart Ubercenter
[02:35:27] abarber: okay, ir blaster works
[02:35:41] abarber: signal seems to emit the IR from the end, though'
[02:35:45] Dagmar: abarber: Okay, now you just need to double-check everything until you find out why it's not sending the right language
[02:35:58] wagnerrp_: yeah, it just takes a 5V or 12V source?
[02:36:11] Dagmar: wagnerrp_: Almost certainly
[02:36:16] abarber: could it possibly not receive because i have it taped sideways?
[02:36:19] Dagmar: There's very little in that space that doesn't run off 5V or 12V
[02:36:26] abarber: on the receiver
[02:36:26] Dagmar: Stuff like that is more likely to be 5V tho
[02:36:34] Dagmar: abarber: COuld be
[02:36:42] Dagmar: Tape it right over the receiver if you have to
[02:36:48] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: It's one of those little stick-one ones, right? IR comes out the opposite side as the wire, right?
[02:36:56] abarber: jeff: right
[02:37:09] Dagmar: Dis would be why I bought a "high-powered" transciever
[02:37:09] abarber: i taped it long ways over the receiver
[02:37:36] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: I had to put a small piece of paper 'cupped' over the 'tip' of the emitter to get enough IR into my receiver....
[02:37:38] Dagmar: It's got about the brightness of one of those little super-blinding LED flashlights, but in IR
[02:38:05] Dagmar: abarber: If there's a dome nipple on one side, that would be the side all the light comes out.
[02:38:14] abarber: jeff: how do you have yours set up?
[02:38:32] Dagmar: You probably saw that when you tested to be sure it's working tho
[02:38:37] iamlindoro_: Some IR receivers can be blinded by it being too close/on top, too
[02:38:39] J-e-f-f-A: ... like on a 45 degree angle in front of the sensor, to reflect the IR light from the 'end' of the emitter into the receiver.
[02:38:41] wagnerrp_: sounds like my harmony remote, that thing can reflect off several walls and still hit the receiver
[02:38:58] Dagmar: Yeah they didn't mess about with those
[02:39:17] abarber: okay, i may try a different tape job with it
[02:39:21] Dagmar: Now if we can just get some THIN active night-vision film
[02:39:38] Dagmar: Cheap night-vision welding glasses
[02:40:22] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: If you haven't stuck it to the front of the receiver yet, hold it so it points right into it and transmit the 'info' command or someting to see if it responds...
[02:40:42] Dagmar: Electrical tape is good for this
[02:40:51] Dagmar: Not much residue, and it comes in black, black, and more black.
[02:40:57] Dagmar: ...and if you buy it imported, ebon
[02:41:10] abarber: what is the code i need to type?
[02:41:36] Dagmar: irsend somethingorother
[02:41:41] abarber: lol
[02:42:14] abarber: jeff: just irsend 0?
[02:42:34] Dagmar: THat might do something
[02:42:40] Dagmar: Anything that doewsn't segfault is fair game
[02:42:51] iamlindoro_: irsend SEND_START someremotename somebuttonanme
[02:42:57] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: irsend --device=/dev/lircd SEND_ONCE DISH1 info
[02:43:01] iamlindoro_: will make it start and *keep* sending
[02:43:03] J-e-f-f-A: ... should do it...
[02:43:06] iamlindoro_: then you cna't miss it
[02:43:19] J-e-f-f-A: ^^^ o r send_start... ;-)
[02:43:28] ** Dagmar thinks iamlindoro should make an "LIRC output troubleshooting" page on the wiki **
[02:43:30] iamlindoro_: (SEND_STOP to stop, btw)
[02:43:31] abarber: thanks guys
[02:43:35] abarber: will give it a try
[02:43:47] abarber: iamlindoro is the shit
[02:43:53] ** iamlindoro_ hates LIRC with a fiery passion and does everything he can to make himself invisible when people ask :) **
[02:44:05] abarber: totally understandable
[02:44:12] J-e-f-f-A: woah, I thought iamlindoro_ , but I don't see him anymore!!!!  ;-)
[02:44:29] Dagmar: Damn rogues
[02:44:37] ** iamlindoro_ makes the thief sign **
[02:44:46] Dagmar: @#$@#$ flare is on cd
[02:44:53] iamlindoro_: <--- playing QfG 2 remake :)
[02:45:42] abarber: okay
[02:45:57] abarber: no IR signal after sending that command
[02:46:23] iamlindoro_: may be worth it to pastebin your lircd.conf
[02:46:36] iamlindoro_: (if you haven't already, haven't been paying close attention)
[02:47:21] abarber: i've never used pastebin
[02:47:42] iamlindoro_:, paste it into the box, hit paste, and paste the link it provides you with in here
[02:47:49] wagnerrp_: its pretty self explanatory once you go to the page
[02:51:45] rebel52 (rebel52! has quit ()
[02:54:22] abarber: pasting a cuple files in there...
[02:54:53] iamlindoro_: large files, apparently ;)
[02:55:07] iamlindoro_: really, though, just lircd.conf is all I asked for...
[02:56:14] abarber: there's just 2 includes there
[02:56:26] iamlindoro_: ah mythbuntu
[02:56:37] iamlindoro_: open the includes and paste them, then
[02:57:14] kslater (kslater! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:57:19] iamlindoro_: would also help me (you've probably said) to know what ir blaster you're using
[02:58:01] iamlindoro_: and if the answer is "PVR-150 one plugged straight into the card," then I have an answer for you already :)
[02:58:11] abarber: it's the combo receiver/blaster that was packaged with the hvr-1300, i think
[02:58:23] iamlindoro_: ah, so the USB one
[02:58:26] iamlindoro_: that's fine
[02:59:26] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:00:45] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:28] abarber: okay
[03:01:31] abarber:
[03:01:48] abarber: thanks in advance guys
[03:02:23] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:02:36] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[03:03:06] iamlindoro_: ok, so when you ran the irsend command, did you run it with "dish" or "dish1" as an argument?
[03:03:55] abarber: irsend SEND_START DISH info
[03:04:14] iamlindoro_: run this: irsend SEND_START dish info
[03:04:19] iamlindoro_: dish != DISH
[03:04:39] abarber: hits self
[03:05:08] J-e-f-f-A: ... and my frequency is set to 40000 — which is what I read directly from a dish remote...
[03:05:10] iamlindoro_: eets leenucks
[03:05:37] abarber: iamlindoro: no signal with lower case "dish" either
[03:05:54] iamlindoro_: and you are confirming this via what method?
[03:06:09] abarber: camera
[03:06:10] iamlindoro_: and the command line gives no output?
[03:06:29] iamlindoro_: if you point that camera at the end of a remote control and press keys, do you see the IR light up?
[03:06:36] abarber: yes
[03:06:41] iamlindoro_: ok
[03:06:53] abarber: and the channel change script produced a signal'
[03:07:04] iamlindoro_: and the receiver itself *receives* ok, yes?
[03:07:09] abarber: correct
[03:07:18] iamlindoro_: the script produced a signal?
[03:07:21] iamlindoro_: pastebin the script
[03:07:27] abarber: sure
[03:07:47] iamlindoro_: What does the script *not* do that you want it to?
[03:08:33] abarber:
[03:08:46] abarber: the channel change script produces some sort of IR signal
[03:08:54] abarber: that much is true
[03:08:56] abarber: however
[03:09:10] abarber: it does not change the channel of the receiver
[03:09:41] iamlindoro_: ok, let's try this
[03:10:11] iamlindoro_: irsend -n1000 SEND_ONCE dish 0
[03:10:23] iamlindoro_: er that's -1000, not -n1000
[03:10:56] abarber: okay
[03:11:40] iamlindoro_: erm... wait
[03:11:48] iamlindoro_: What in the world are you doing with an HVR-1300?
[03:11:56] iamlindoro_: You live *where*? Are you sure that's the card name?
[03:11:57] abarber: lol
[03:12:09] abarber: i use a pvr-150, like everyone else
[03:12:14] abarber: i got the blaster from a friend
[03:12:25] abarber: irsend -1000 SEND_ONCE dish 0
[03:12:27] abarber: irsend: invalid option — 1
[03:12:38] iamlindoro_: so how did a 1300 come into this?
[03:12:45] iamlindoro_: since you mentioned it
[03:13:00] abarber: it's just the usb blaster he had
[03:13:01] iamlindoro_: the 1300 is a Euro card, it's doubtful your friend had that
[03:13:08] abarber: maybe 1600?
[03:13:16] abarber: the HD one
[03:13:16] iamlindoro_: try --count=1000 instead
[03:13:34] iamlindoro_: Ther are lots of ones that handle HD (by the way, no such things as an HD capture card)
[03:13:43] iamlindoro_: anyway, probably 1600
[03:13:44] abarber: i know this all too well
[03:13:44] wagnerrp_: 1600 is US PCI, 1800 is US PCIe
[03:13:57] iamlindoro_: doesn't matter
[03:14:01] iamlindoro_: on to trying again
[03:14:07] abarber: "irsend --count=1000 SEND_ONCE dish 0"?
[03:14:12] iamlindoro_: yes
[03:14:13] abarber: just checking
[03:14:14] wagnerrp_: iamlindoro_: yes there are, matrox makes one
[03:14:33] abarber: oh comes this debate
[03:14:41] iamlindoro_: wagnerrp_, unless you are speaking about some card that will *only* accept HD resolutions, my statement stands
[03:14:56] abarber: lol
[03:15:00] abarber: "too many repeats"
[03:15:05] iamlindoro_: try 100
[03:15:18] iamlindoro_: I'm just trying to generate lots of IR for you not to miss it
[03:15:24] wagnerrp_: matrox makes some video capture card that supports component video up to 1080p
[03:15:37] iamlindoro_: wagnerrp_, up to != only
[03:15:51] abarber: iamlindoro: no IR signal
[03:16:03] iamlindoro_: abarber, mash that thing against the lens
[03:16:15] iamlindoro_: and look at both sides
[03:16:22] abarber: i immediately look at it with camera
[03:16:27] abarber: that has been my test
[03:16:40] abarber: no visible or IR light
[03:16:47] clever: took a little while, but my nfs imploded just past midnight like clockwork:P
[03:16:51] iamlindoro_: try yourscript with argument "0000000000000"
[03:16:54] iamlindoro_: and look at it again
[03:16:58] MinDKrime (MinDKrime!n=MinDKrim@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:17:13] abarber: pretty sure that will work
[03:17:16] abarber: let me check
[03:17:26] abarber: my channel-change script?
[03:17:29] iamlindoro_: yes
[03:17:48] iamlindoro_: if that works, we'll try something else
[03:17:55] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:18:03] abarber: yep, worked
[03:18:08] iamlindoro_: irsend --device=/dev/lircd SEND_START dish select
[03:18:11] iamlindoro_: try that
[03:18:17] iamlindoro_: and watch
[03:18:23] roz (roz! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:35] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: ... and your channel change script uses device /dev/lircd , right???
[03:19:09] roz: in my auto-expire list there are LiveTV recordings to "Auto Expire". I see the MPG files in the /var/video directory. How can I make them expire and get out of my /var/video directory
[03:19:17] abarber: JEFF: YES
[03:19:20] abarber: oops
[03:19:22] abarber: yes
[03:20:03] iamlindoro_: any result from that command?
[03:20:09] abarber: it was successful
[03:20:12] iamlindoro_: roz, why not just delete the from mythfrontend?
[03:20:22] abarber: by successful, i mean IR signal
[03:20:23] ** J-e-f-f-A is confused why the channel change script is producing signals, but irsend isn't... <strange> **
[03:20:24] roz: iamlindoro_, Where?
[03:20:26] iamlindoro_: abarber, okay, so your blaster seems fine-- I think you just have the wrong codeset
[03:20:34] iamlindoro_: roz, In Watch Recordings
[03:20:40] abarber: should i try it on the STB?
[03:20:40] iamlindoro_: like usual
[03:20:40] roz: iamlindoro_, They are LiveTV recordings... not recordings
[03:20:49] iamlindoro_: they are *still* in Watch recordings
[03:20:56] iamlindoro_: press m, change your filter to livetv
[03:21:02] abarber: jeff: yeah, that is weird
[03:21:19] iamlindoro_: abarber, you can, but I bet it won't work-- I think you have the wrong code set for your dish box
[03:21:36] iamlindoro_: as sphery mentioned, there are multiple dish remote definitions, you are likely using the wrong one
[03:21:44] roz: iamlindoro_, nope. 10 "recordings" from today, but they are not in watch recordings. They were just simply LiveTV buffer
[03:22:00] iamlindoro_: J-e-f-f-A, Because up until a moment ago we weren't specifying the device name
[03:22:03] iamlindoro_: roz, you aren't listening
[03:22:10] iamlindoro_: They *are* accessible in Watch recordings
[03:22:12] iamlindoro_: enter it
[03:22:13] iamlindoro_: press m
[03:22:16] iamlindoro_: change filter
[03:22:21] iamlindoro_: change it to "live TV"
[03:22:27] iamlindoro_: be amazed
[03:22:27] roz: oh ok
[03:22:45] iamlindoro_: then change it back to "Default" when done
[03:22:54] abarber: jeff: do you think it's just the 40000 freq?
[03:23:10] roz: iamlindoro_, thanks a bunch
[03:23:18] ** iamlindoro_ wonders why everyone stops listening to him when we get close to solutions **
[03:23:24] abarber: or bigger fix than that
[03:23:25] abarber: lol
[03:23:42] ** iamlindoro_ goes to hang out with real live people, then I can be ignored in person **
[03:23:59] abarber: iamlindoro: i thought by codes, it might have been frequency
[03:24:06] iamlindoro_: no
[03:24:20] abarber: each button code?
[03:24:20] thatdood: i think you'd have better luck keeping their attention if you had boobs, iamlindoro
[03:24:35] iamlindoro_: go to the wiki page you were pointed at, paste that into your lircd.conf, then start trying the same commands with dish1, dish2, etc., until one works
[03:24:46] PatrickDK: hmm :)
[03:25:27] J-e-f-f-A: ... it should work with dish1, since that's what his receiver says it's set to. I suppose I could pastebin my working dish1 lircd.conf...
[03:25:36] iamlindoro_: . . . onfiguration
[03:25:37] iamlindoro_: night
[03:25:42] abarber: iamlindoro:
[03:25:47] J-e-f-f-A: ^^ or that. ;-)
[03:26:00] abarber: i do already have it in there, right?
[03:26:08] abarber: just indirectly
[03:27:08] abarber: man, i shot myself in the foot there
[03:27:21] iamlindoro_: nope, you only have one of them
[03:27:37] abarber: oh, i should have clarified that
[03:27:41] abarber: i abbreviated it
[03:27:45] abarber: i have all 16 in there
[03:28:27] iamlindoro_: so try all 16 unti lone works
[03:28:30] iamlindoro_: seriously, gotta go
[03:28:34] abarber: okay
[03:28:42] abarber: thanks as always lindoro
[03:30:01] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: It should work... Mine looks quite different, but is carried over from my first myth system several years ago on Fedora Core 3... and "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"  ;-)
[03:30:18] abarber: yeah, i'm not sure what is going on
[03:30:22] roz (roz! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:30:25] abarber: so you see nothing wrong?
[03:30:29] meatmanek (meatmanek! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:31:48] RyeBrye: Aside from convenience of installation – a SATA DVD burner has no advantage over a PATA one of the same model, correct?
[03:31:58] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Try putting my DISH_1 section in your /etc/lircd.conf — then do the irsend command with remote DISH_1 — here it is:
[03:32:09] ** RyeBrye wants to keep all his SATA ports for hard drives... and not waste one on a DVD burner **
[03:32:26] J-e-f-f-A: RyeBrye: I'd agree with that... pata is more than fast enough for the fastest dvd burner... ;-)
[03:32:49] RyeBrye: J-e-f-f-A – thanks... Just making sure I wasn't going crazy or something :)
[03:33:16] ** J-e-f-f-A likes his sata ports too.... the 6 on the MB do his Myth Raid5... 6x 500GB for 2.4TB, and a PCIe raid 1 card runs two 200GB drives in a raid1 for the OS... ;-) **
[03:33:56] abarber: jeff: small success...i typed "irsend --device=/dev/lircd SEND_START dish select" and the receiver received the command!
[03:34:07] abarber: what can i do with that information?
[03:35:03] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: try your channel change script, with the device of /dev/lircd and the remote of "dish"...
[03:37:21] abarber: jeff: is it not already written that way?
[03:37:29] abarber: did you see the pastebin of the script?
[03:37:46] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: No, I didn't... scrolling back for it now, one sec...
[03:37:55] abarber: i'll get it for you
[03:38:05] abarber:
[03:39:55] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Here's mine — has a 'channel up' press to get out of a 'you are not authorized to receive this channel' window in case your listing source doesn't match your subscription...
[03:40:49] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: (My Dish 3800 and 3900 receivers won't allow channel changes by number on this screen, only channel 'up' or 'down' to get out of it... this works around it, but adds about 1 second to the script...)
[03:40:56] wagnerrp_: anyone else notice strange text for 1–2 frames after Eureka ends?
[03:41:23] ** J-e-f-f-A isn't even familiar with "Eureka"... ;-) **
[03:41:31] abarber: i'm wondering if i should copy yours or not
[03:42:51] clever: ive only seen that show on analog at hotels
[03:42:57] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: It won't hurt any... You may have to tweak the 'sleep' values to work best with your receiver — these work perfect for my 3800/3900 receivers, which use the same remote commands as your 322.
[03:44:34] RyeBrye: How likely is it that anyone will ever write a CUDA-based video accelerator for Linux?
[03:44:58] clever: CUDA?
[03:45:22] wagnerrp_: RyeBrye: there was some report of someone working on one to run with Nouveau a couple months ago
[03:45:23] RyeBrye: Nvidia's low-level access to the gpu
[03:45:33] clever: ahh
[03:46:06] RyeBrye: I think the GeForce 8400 is one of the lowest level cards to support it, so I'm thinking of getting one of those just in case CUDA ever does anything for me
[03:46:31] RyeBrye: I found a fanless one for $49
[03:46:41] wagnerrp_: right after the credits rolled, they flashed this up on screen for all of two frames
[03:46:57] clever: RyeBrye: yay flash is screwing up, i cant see the menu's in
[03:47:10] clever: flash is ontop of everything
[03:47:20] abarber: jeff: i guess i'll just paste over my existing script
[03:47:26] wagnerrp_:
[03:48:10] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: ... or move your existing one off to the side, then put this one in, or new file, etc...
[03:50:28] abarber: okay
[03:51:40] abarber: i forget, i used "dish" for remote name, right?
[03:51:51] J-e-f-f-A: Yes.
[03:52:04] abarber: gl me
[03:53:18] abarber: actually
[03:53:23] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: eh? is it working?
[03:53:32] abarber: i was about to change it
[03:54:07] abarber: but then i was wondering what it would change
[03:55:29] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: So you have a tv on the receiver, to visually see lirc controlling it?
[03:55:40] abarber: yep
[03:55:50] abarber: it's cool to control it from the terminal :-)
[03:55:54] abarber: okay
[03:55:59] abarber: copied your script
[03:56:36] abarber: how should i test it?
[03:57:16] J-e-f-f-A: ./ 105 <-- should change you to channel 105, USA network...
[03:57:38] abarber: k
[03:57:42] abarber: i left my name
[03:57:45] J-e-f-f-A: ^^^ or whatever you named the script...
[03:57:47] abarber: <--- lazy
[03:57:47] J-e-f-f-A: ;-)
[03:59:38] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Well?
[04:00:04] abarber: SUCCESS!
[04:00:10] J-e-f-f-A: Cool. ;-)
[04:00:32] abarber: thanks so much
[04:00:38] abarber: now...
[04:00:44] abarber: get remote to work?
[04:00:45] abarber: :-)
[04:01:06] J-e-f-f-A: ... and if you changed your box to a non-subbed channel, you should get a screen saying so, and that script should get you out of it safely and onto the right channel...
[04:01:29] abarber: i tried a channel i knew
[04:01:52] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: If you can run 'irw' and see the remote button names pop up on the screen, then it's just a matter of setting up your ~mythtv/.lircrc file...
[04:02:09] abarber: run irw?
[04:02:58] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: type "irw", it should just 'hang'... then press a button on your remote, like "1", it should say "blah blah blah remote, "1" or "One" " – whatever it's named in the lircd.conf file...
[04:03:14] clever: -bash: run: command not found
[04:03:38] abarber: ah cool
[04:03:54] J-e-f-f-A: clever: ^^ that was 'clever'... ;-) There ya go living up to your name again! ;-) hehe...
[04:04:00] abarber: blah blah One mceusb
[04:04:04] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:04:14] clever: J-e-f-f-A: ive come across countless idiots wou run 'run irw' or whatever
[04:04:20] clever: and it obviously fails:P
[04:04:24] abarber: haha
[04:04:28] abarber: how to exit irw?
[04:04:36] J-e-f-f-A: ctrl-c
[04:04:36] clever: ctrl+c like anything else that 'hangs'
[04:06:41] abarber: can't find that lircrc file
[04:06:52] clever: it doesnt exist normaly
[04:07:01] clever: have to create it yourself(or use an example file)
[04:07:36] abarber: i have it
[04:07:38] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: and it's dot-lircrc, so hidden from a normal 'ls'... ;-) ls -al will show it...
[04:07:40] abarber: i just can't find it
[04:07:47] abarber: ahhhhh
[04:07:51] clever: begin prog = mythtv button = 9 config = 9
[04:07:51] clever: end
[04:07:57] clever: (irssi screwed up the paste)
[04:08:40] clever: that connects the '9' key in lircd.conf to the '9' key on the keyboard
[04:08:55] clever: though theres a few less obvious ones like
[04:08:55] clever: button = MENU
[04:08:55] clever: config = m
[04:09:13] clever: and a few custom ones for jump points i made
[04:09:16] clever: button = RED
[04:09:17] clever: config = F2
[04:09:41] J-e-f-f-A: ^^ or in the case of MCE USB2, .... button = Start config = m  ;-)
[04:09:53] abarber: can i pastebin so you can take a look?
[04:10:01] abarber: of what i have
[04:10:35] Winkie (Winkie! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:10:46] abarber:
[04:10:47] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Sure, but I've got to crash soon, it's after midnight and I've got to be up at 7am... (ugh!)
[04:10:47] Winkie (Winkie! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:54] abarber: oh man
[04:11:03] abarber: i'm so close, but i understand if you have to go
[04:12:42] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Seems like that should work. You have to bounce the frontend (if it's running) to see the file... then give it a shot.
[04:13:14] abarber: bounce?
[04:13:53] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Is it running now? If so, 'bounce' means to restart it, stop it, then start it again...
[04:14:09] abarber: not started yet
[04:14:12] abarber: will start now
[04:14:18] abarber: *crosses fingers*
[04:15:33] ** J-e-f-f-A waits for 30 more seconds for a 'yeah!' reply before going to bed... ;-) **
[04:15:36] justinh: bounce == throw it from an upstairs window :P
[04:16:31] abarber: yo
[04:16:38] abarber: serious delay
[04:16:42] abarber: in button pushes
[04:16:56] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Perhaps... how fast is your cpu?
[04:17:05] abarber: dual core
[04:17:24] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: humm... should be pretty responsive then...
[04:18:36] J-e-f-f-A: abarber: Well, you're closer now, your blaster is working, and your receiver is working, abeit slowly... you'll get it... I've got to crash... only 6–1/2 hours of sleep for this almost-40 year old... :-(
[04:18:52] abarber: thank you so much
[04:18:58] abarber: i really appreciate it
[04:19:16] J-e-f-f-A: k... ttyl... I'm on most nights – let me know how things went if you see me tomorrow night...
[04:19:27] abarber: i will
[04:19:40] ** J-e-f-f-A ZZZzzzz.... **
[04:20:05] MasseR (MasseR! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:13] abarber: night
[04:29:24] xefan (xefan!n=some@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[04:37:51] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:49:15] tony_ (tony_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:28] tony_: anyone using kde 4.0 or 4.1?
[04:51:09] abarber: hate it :-)
[04:51:48] tony_: just wondering if it'll break my mythtv install doing it
[04:52:43] wagnerrp_: i dont see why it would
[04:52:47] abarber: linuxmce is kde + myth
[04:52:56] wagnerrp_: unless it completely hoses your X server
[04:54:11] tony_: i was using kubuntu 8.10 alpha 4 w/ kde 4.1. was working fab except mythtv. now i'm back to 8.04 and would like to upgrade to kde 4.1
[04:54:28] tony_: haven't installed mythtv yet. i want the perfect myth install, is why i'm asking
[04:58:54] justinh: why even put KDE on a myth system? :-O
[04:59:10] abarber: lol, exactly
[04:59:13] wagnerrp_: because its actually a desktop system with a frontend
[04:59:33] tony_: yes, because it's my desktop and i watch tv on it sometimes
[04:59:52] wagnerrp_: although i cant think of a scenario where i would want KDE on my backend
[04:59:54] cesman: KDE 4.1 caused me to dump KDE after years...
[05:00:07] wagnerrp_: 4.1 rather than 4.0?
[05:00:19] cesman: I'd say LinuxMCE is more than KDE + MythTV, but
[05:00:24] ** cesman is a KnoppMyth man ;) **
[05:00:25] wagnerrp_: i heard 4.0 was an abomination, but 4.1 was decent
[05:00:59] tony_: i love kde 4.1. coming along quite well. 4.0 still needed work
[05:01:20] cesman: 4.1 was ok at first, but the little things started to annoy me so I said screw it...
[05:01:28] cesman: that is the think about options!
[05:02:24] tony_: i can't stand gnome. feels like windows. so little config options
[05:03:01] tony_: but before this turns into a gnome/kde war, it's all about choice
[05:03:12] cesman: :-)
[05:04:12] clever: some of my systems default to nothing but metacity and mythfrontend
[05:04:29] ** justinh is pro-choice **
[05:05:23] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:06:08] xefan (xefan!n=some@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:07:16] xefan (xefan!n=some@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:22] tony_: is there any guides out there for free for mythtv?
[05:08:42] cesman: the answer to that depends on where you live
[05:09:10] cesman: and what you mean by "guides" ;)
[05:09:17] cesman: I assume you mean programming info
[05:09:29] tony_: cesman: yes, i live in the US
[05:09:55] cesman: there are no free guide data options for the US
[05:10:14] cesman: I assume if you can build a system, you can afford the $20.00 a year...
[05:10:44] wagnerrp_: there are free guide data options for the US
[05:10:48] clever: i havent paid for a single peice of hardware and i can afford the 20/year :P
[05:10:56] cesman: EIT
[05:11:04] ** cesman forgot about EIT **
[05:11:04] wagnerrp_: however unless your time is worthless, the $20/year is a better deal
[05:12:25] tony_: wagnerrp_: i already have vista ultimate which has a mc. any option to rip the url or something and use it for myth?
[05:13:12] clever: you could write a patch to do that yourself
[05:13:28] clever: i expect the data to be in a diff format, which means more code to translate it for mythtv
[05:14:44] Tomasu (Tomasu! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:14:52] daffu (daffu!n=some@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:14:56] tony_: clever: i just don't have the programming talent. i'd bet there's lots of encryption going on with that or someone would probably have done it by now
[05:18:40] justinh: as if ripping off MS is a legally safe option
[05:18:50] clever: that too
[05:19:37] tony_: justinh: i'm not sure it's ripping them off. i paid for vista and paid to use the program guide
[05:19:38] cesman: just because something can be done, that doesn't mean it should be done
[05:19:54] justinh: anyway, what's wrong with Vista's MCE? :P
[05:20:34] clever: it isnt free?
[05:20:44] tony_: justinh: it's on vista
[05:21:03] xefan (xefan!n=some@ has quit (Success)
[05:21:08] wagnerrp_: oh but it is free (he already has it)
[05:21:29] justinh: I mean, apart from the fact it only supports 2 tuners, you can't mix analogue & digital, it's locked down with DRM, its guide data is usually wrong w.r.t. new episodes .... ....
[05:21:34] tony_: vista has a nice media center but there's less config options
[05:22:21] justinh: nice. HA!
[05:22:39] tony_: so is it recommended i install mythtv from the repos? or should i follow a guide?
[05:22:41] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:52] justinh: you should always follow a guide
[05:23:02] justinh: whether you're installing from source or not
[05:23:20] justinh: that way you might just have a clue what you're supposed to be doing!
[05:23:26] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[05:23:30] tony_: a guide for my distro specifically?
[05:23:36] clever: wagnerrp_: but is the vista under the mce free:P
[05:24:02] justinh: I'd probably suggest that following a slackware mythtv guide is you run ubuntu isn't a good idea :P
[05:24:16] tony_: i hear with modern linux, i don't have to do anything to setup the pvr-150, it should be automatic
[05:24:27] |gunni| (|gunni|! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:31] justinh: clever: free of charge. plenty people don't give two hoots about 'fwee'
[05:24:46] clever: lol
[05:24:47] justinh: free? oh yeah from you mean...
[05:24:53] clever: :P
[05:25:13] justinh: the most used 'free' program in the world == photoshop :P
[05:25:32] wagnerrp_: more free than windows?
[05:25:56] wagnerrp_: how many people in Asia paid $2 to a street vendor for their copy of Windows
[05:26:07] wagnerrp_: although i suppose thats not free, thats $2
[05:26:15] psipsipsi (psipsipsi! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:28:41] justinh: anyway, find a howto for your distro, preferably not just some guy's blog (!) & off you go. I recommend you read the instructions a couple of times before actually doing anything too
[05:30:28] justinh: & the questions we see in here from people who say they've been following a howto guide – maybe they need to read up on how to read a howto guide :P
[05:30:47] tony_: justinh: i've done it like 4–5 times already. not successful every time but i'm familiar with it. google fails me for an 8.04 specific mythtv guide
[05:31:21] tony_: it's the mysql stuff i usually have a prob with. the other stuff i'm fine
[05:31:30] wagnerrp_: well the problem is that most 'how-to' guides just show you the commands to run, they dont actually explain what youre doing
[05:31:47] clever: the mysql stuff doesnt change much from distro to distro
[05:32:00] justinh: for ubuntu, the COMMUNITY MYTHTV DOCUMENTATION ftw!
[05:32:02] clever: once the daemon is up and running
[05:32:19] justinh:
[05:32:46] sphery: justinh: Nice work.
[05:32:48] justinh: eh? they only go to 7.10
[05:32:51] justinh: wtf?
[05:33:19] sphery: (Haven't seen the MythCenter-wide changes, yet, but it sounds great from the commit message)
[05:33:20] Sulx: doesn't really matter what distro you use?
[05:33:27] Sulx: if you don't copy&paste commands
[05:33:30] tony_: justinh: yeah, noticed also when i googled it last time
[05:33:41] justinh: arghh 8.10 is infiltrated ignoramus
[05:33:47] tony_: Sulx: then it matters for me
[05:33:51] Sulx: what else differs than prefix(?) and package manager
[05:34:05] justinh: sphery: yeh there's more to come too :)
[05:34:11] sphery: Can't wait.
[05:34:22] tony_: nm, there's a tab at the top pointing to 8.04
[05:34:32] sphery: Really, I can't wait until I feel trunk is ready for my production system, but at least I'll soon see it on my dev box.
[05:34:36] justinh: so you want to install mythtv on a beta os? good luck!
[05:34:56] Sulx: tony_: copy&paste commands isn't really good idea...
[05:35:13] Sulx: justinh: who wants mythtv under ubuntu anyways?-)
[05:35:31] tony_: nm, it's not for mythtv setup
[05:35:46] tony_: justinh: 8.04 is beta? where'd you hear that at?
[05:35:57] justinh: there's no #distro-wars channel, but that's no excuse to bring it here
[05:36:07] justinh: 8.10 is a beta
[05:36:19] justinh: as in not yet released. as in not finished
[05:36:27] Sulx: heh chill
[05:36:31] tony_: yes, nm
[05:36:40] tony_: really an alpha at this stage
[05:36:43] justinh: as in has a really stupid name (it's ubuntu, go figure)
[05:37:37] justinh: course they couldn't call it Intrepid Iguana.. a rival's mascot is a reptilian ;)
[05:38:51] tony_: programmers have a crappy sense of humor, hence the names
[05:39:40] tony_: k/ubuntu needs a better marketing team
[05:39:59] justinh: needs a better name :P
[05:40:09] ** justinh suggests a series of high pitched clicks **
[05:40:29] tony_: i've almost got myth dl'ed, wish me luck. i can't find any specific guides so i'll just wing it
[05:40:47] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:40:53] tony_: yes, and probably spend another 4 hours googling something i screwed up
[05:41:13] wagnerrp_: almost got it dl'd?
[05:41:14] tony_: but screw ups are good. it makes me learn more
[05:41:15] justinh: there will be no help from me if you 'just wing it'
[05:41:20] wagnerrp_: i dont remember it being a large file
[05:41:31] justinh: screw-ups are no substitute for knowing what you are doing
[05:41:33] tony_: yeah, it's 80mb's
[05:41:41] tony_: more with themes
[05:41:45] justinh: 80 millibytes?
[05:41:57] tony_: on a 30k dsl line, that's a while
[05:41:58] abarber: justinh: do you have a STB
[05:42:02] justinh: 80 millibits, even?
[05:42:12] justinh: abarber: yes thanks. I don't use it with mythtv though
[05:42:23] justinh: nothing on cable worth recording
[05:42:25] tony_: actually, 71mb's and 200 install size
[05:42:40] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:42:49] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:43:14] wagnerrp_: huh... it is rather large
[05:43:16] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:43:26] wagnerrp_: i guess on a 600k DSL line, you dont really notice
[05:43:32] justinh: blame me. I made the massive themes :P
[05:43:41] abarber: i was wondering if i am supposed to use the myth guide or my stb guide for tv watching and recording
[05:43:46] wagnerrp_: and here i thought my connection was relatively slow
[05:44:09] justinh: abarber: ruh?
[05:44:13] wagnerrp_: how would you use your STB guide for anything?
[05:44:24] ** justinh goes to work **
[05:44:28] abarber: the channel guide
[05:44:33] abarber: the STB has one
[05:44:42] abarber: and myth has one
[05:44:46] abarber: right?
[05:45:09] tony_: justinh: nice job with the themes. will install them later
[05:45:16] wagnerrp_: well you can use your STB guide for your own personal use
[05:45:21] wagnerrp_: but mythtv cant do anything with it
[05:45:59] abarber: okay
[05:46:04] abarber: my guide is empty
[05:46:12] abarber: stupid schedules direct
[05:47:46] sphery: Now I'm wondering what the significance of 1hr 11min would be (in the SPDIF mutes after about an hour thread)...
[05:48:39] sphery: abarber: analog channels?
[05:48:56] abarber: are they?
[05:49:02] abarber: they are from dish
[05:49:06] abarber: so yes?
[05:49:25] sphery: and you're using Composite or S-Video, right?
[05:49:35] sphery: so you didn't do any kind of channel scan, right?
[05:49:37] abarber: S-Video
[05:49:42] tony_: brb, gotta reboot
[05:49:52] abarber: i actually DID do a channel scan
[05:49:58] tony_ (tony_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:50:14] wagnerrp_: well a channel scan is worthless fo you
[05:50:16] sphery: You don't want to do a channel scan for analog capture in the US.
[05:50:25] sphery: abarber:
[05:50:28] abarber: can i undo the scan?
[05:50:44] wagnerrp_: yes, you can just flush all the channesl in mythtv-setup
[05:50:45] sphery: I'd recommend doing the Delete all video sources part (don't need to do the Delete all capture cards part)
[05:50:48] wagnerrp_: i dont remember the exact location
[05:51:08] abarber: gotcha
[05:51:13] sphery: best bet is to delete the video sources so you clean out all the garbage in all the different tables (you won't do that if you just delete channels)
[05:51:24] sphery: but do it exactly as described in the linked post
[05:51:25] abarber: so the scan ruins the data from schedules direct?
[05:51:33] sphery: the scan creates channels
[05:51:46] sphery: then mythfilldatabase creates new/different channels with schedules direct data
[05:52:06] sphery: so myth thinks that the channels created by the scan are available to its capture cards
[05:52:21] sphery: and the channels from mfdb/SD are not available on any connected input
[05:52:33] abarber: gotcha
[05:52:35] sphery: so it shows you the guide for only the available channels (= the ones without guide data)
[05:53:25] tony_ (tony_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:53:57] tony_: ok, so i installed it and haven't done a thing yet but start mythtv-setup and it says it can't connect to the database
[05:54:59] wagnerrp_: thats because you're winging it
[05:55:04] wagnerrp_: go RTFM
[05:55:39] wagnerrp_: you need to start the database, you need to prep the database, you need to give proper permissions to the database
[05:55:47] wagnerrp_: THEN you can start setting up mythtv
[05:55:56] tony_: i just done what it told me to do. i took notes and following them, no luck
[05:56:14] tony_: it didn't tell me that
[05:56:15] wagnerrp_: you havent done a thing yet but run mythtv-setup
[05:56:28] tony_: that's all it said to do so far
[05:56:29] wagnerrp_: theres a whole slew of shit youre supposed to do before running mythtv-setup
[05:56:34] wagnerrp_: thats all what said to do?
[05:56:49] tony_: mythtv when it installed via console
[05:57:00] tony_: instructions are misleading
[05:57:06] wagnerrp_: wait... what did you download?
[05:57:27] tony_: mythtv mysql-server mysql-client
[05:57:29] wagnerrp_: the base package from the website? a copy of svn? a distro specific package?
[05:58:01] tony_: i clicked on mythtv and adaptec chooses all necessary packages, including mysql
[05:58:40] wagnerrp_: adaptec is a storage management manufacturer
[05:58:45] tony_: well, i'll look for a guide before i mess seomething up
[05:58:57] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (No route to host)
[05:59:00] tony_: adept, i mean
[06:00:00] wagnerrp_: adept is... a GUI frontend to the ubuntu package manager?
[06:00:53] tony_: yes
[06:01:31] wagnerrp_: ok, im reading through ubuntu stuff for the first time at the moment, so this may be wrong
[06:01:46] wagnerrp_: the mythtv package should automatically grab mysql for you
[06:02:02] wagnerrp_: but anyway...
[06:02:12] wagnerrp_: you need to make sure the mysql server is running
[06:02:47] wagnerrp_: then there is some file, probably in /home/share/mythtv, that you have to dump into mysql
[06:03:24] wagnerrp_: some or all of this may be automatically taken care of by your package manager
[06:03:52] troldrik: mythtv-database configure scripts ought to do that on ubuntu.
[06:04:04] wagnerrp_: so having never used ubuntu, i have no idea what state your machine is currently in
[06:05:02] tony_: i'll just follow a readme for ubuntu 7.10 since i can't find one for 8.04
[06:06:07] wagnerrp_: try
[06:06:59] tony_: maybe i found it:
[06:07:25] wagnerrp_: "This page does not exist yet"
[06:07:32] wagnerrp_: probably not a good choice
[06:07:56] tony_: yeah, noticed, crap
[06:08:16] tony_: i'll follow the link you gave
[06:10:17] tony_: "It will ask you for a password for the MySQL root user. It is strongly recommended that you leave this blank" oops. it says to do that before mythtv-setup, i didn't and used a pwd thinking it would be recommended
[06:10:21] daffu (daffu!n=some@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:10:28] tony_: any way to make it blank now?
[06:10:35] wagnerrp_: using a password should be recommended
[06:10:53] wagnerrp_: unless a root password screws with the setup scripts
[06:10:55] wagnerrp_: i dont know
[06:11:21] tony_: it's what i thought
[06:14:00] daffu (daffu!n=some@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:15:50] wagnerrp_: i imagine if the script is doing the asking for a root password, it shouldnt have any troubles using it in the future
[06:16:28] tony_: the last few installs i get stuck at this part, almost the same error
[06:17:34] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:48] tony_: unable to connect....database not open
[06:20:30] tony_: should i use sudo mythtv-setup?
[06:21:02] wagnerrp_: mythtv-setup doesnt do anything until the database is working
[06:21:07] wagnerrp_: open a command prompt
[06:21:13] wagnerrp_: and 'ps ax | grep mysql'
[06:22:29] tony_: ok, i see 5 or 6 lines
[06:23:31] wagnerrp_: you should see one with a 'mysqld' or 'mysqld_safe'
[06:23:54] tony_: yes, i do
[06:24:08] wagnerrp_: anyway, any output would mean mysql was running
[06:24:10] wagnerrp_: try to log into mysql
[06:24:13] wagnerrp_: 'mysql -p'
[06:24:43] tony_: i do "mysql -u root -p mythconverg" and it says unknown database 'mythconverg'
[06:24:59] wagnerrp_: not all that crap, just 'mysql -p'
[06:25:10] tony_: ok, says user denied
[06:25:14] wagnerrp_: err... yeah, '-u root'
[06:25:23] wagnerrp_: i forgot you never run as root on ubuntu
[06:25:33] wagnerrp_: (all of this i would be doing as root at the moment)
[06:26:02] tony_: ok, i done mysql -u mythtv and got logged in
[06:26:12] wagnerrp_: not mythtv
[06:26:17] wagnerrp_: 'mysql -uroot -p'
[06:26:56] tony_: ok, that worked
[06:27:15] wagnerrp_: anyway, those other two commands showed me in what state you are in
[06:27:47] wagnerrp_: the user is created, although that doesnt quite make sense because the database the user should be bound to is not yet created
[06:28:34] tony_: yes, confuses the crap outta me
[06:28:42] wagnerrp_: get out of mysql
[06:28:46] wagnerrp_: make the database manually
[06:29:01] wagnerrp_: 'mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql'
[06:29:02] tony_: ctl+x or ctl+q is not working
[06:29:07] tony_: or quit
[06:29:12] wagnerrp_: quit should work
[06:29:22] wagnerrp_: ctrl+c should work
[06:29:32] tony_: ok, worked
[06:29:35] wagnerrp_: ctrl+d should work
[06:29:58] tony_: ok, i run the command, says no such file or directory
[06:29:59] wagnerrp_: that path may not be correct, depending on how ubuntu screws with things
[06:30:23] wagnerrp_: ok, i dont know what to tell you to do until you find that file
[06:31:07] tony_: i have a /usr/share/mythtv directory, still looking
[06:32:44] tony_: ok, i ran that and no errors
[06:32:55] tony_: but nothing else after i entered the password
[06:33:05] wagnerrp_: thats all it should do
[06:33:14] wagnerrp_: it dumps that script into mysql, and then exits
[06:33:22] wagnerrp_: see if you can continue with the install
[06:34:03] wagnerrp_: i dont know what else the ubuntu script does, but mythtv-setup should be ready to run
[06:34:18] wagnerrp_: that script may guide you though hardware setup, i have no idea
[06:34:35] tony_: same problem
[06:35:05] wagnerrp_: what about 'mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg'?
[06:35:09] tony_: i shouldn't run setup as root should i? or login to my root account running setup?
[06:35:30] tony_: that worked
[06:36:02] wagnerrp_: mythtv does not need root access ever
[06:36:19] wagnerrp_: ideally, you should run the setup program as the user that will be running the backend
[06:36:26] tony_: i'm not sure why i can login to mysql easily but mythtv won't connect
[06:36:27] wagnerrp_: which will probably be mythtv
[06:36:49] wagnerrp_: those settings are the default login settings for mythtv-setup
[06:37:20] tony_: ok, now it's saying mythtv wants to upgrade my database scheme. should i?
[06:37:46] wagnerrp_: it shouldnt need to, since you just made it
[06:37:56] wagnerrp_: of course you just made it so it cant hurt anything
[06:37:58] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:38:56] tony_: finally. thank you so much. i'm able to configure with the gui now. hopefully all will go smooth now
[06:40:13] Sulx: hmm what route mythweb gets recordings? I had flash stream of recordings working when mythweb was in the same machine as mythbackend...but now it's in different machine and flashimage apperas but does nothing when pressing play
[06:40:24] Sulx: any ideas where to start debuging?
[06:42:03] wagnerrp_: mythweb needs file access to stream recordings
[06:42:11] wagnerrp_: it cannot push them from the backend
[06:43:26] Sulx: thats what I tought nfs share to mythweb/data/ or something?
[06:43:56] wagnerrp_: it should be the same path that the files are located in on the backend
[06:44:34] justinh: bear in mind that on the machine mythweb is running on – the flash streamer will use ffmpeg on that machine to provide the stream – not the backend
[06:44:50] xris (xris! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[06:45:08] tony_: i'm getting "could not connect to master backend server" do i have to start this manually each time or will it work upon bootup?
[06:45:25] xris: only if you tell it to
[06:45:31] justinh: see what I said about just winging it? I wasn't making it up
[06:46:28] tony_: justinh: my only option here. no guides i have seen cover what i had to do, especially none for 8.04
[06:47:00] justinh: the steps involved are pretty much the same
[06:47:11] justinh: they definitely are when it comes to the mysql stuff
[06:47:46] justinh: 1. verify the user you will be running mythfrontend as (usually YOU) can access the mysql database with mysql -u mythtv -p$thepassword mythconverg
[06:48:32] justinh: 2. verify the user mythbackend runs as (usually the 'mythtv' _linux_ user [as opposed to the 'mythtv' _mysql_ user]) can access the database
[06:49:19] justinh: 3. when you run mythtv-setup, run it as the 'mythtv' linux user
[06:49:55] justinh: then again I've yet to see step 3 listed in any howto guide
[06:50:40] xris: mysql auth system is completely separate from the OS. "mythtv" user has nothing to do with the unix user.
[06:51:02] wagnerrp_: well step 3 is not really necessary
[06:51:27] wagnerrp_: aside from some file system tests, and possibly a channel scan, it only ever touches the database
[06:51:35] justinh: when people configure xmltv from mythtv-setup they might end up with the $videosourcename.xmltv file saved in the wrong .mythtv dir!
[06:51:49] justinh: that's why
[06:52:32] wagnerrp_: ah, well here in the US w'all don' have such nonsense
[06:52:34] justinh: it's important because mythfilldatabase is usually run as the 'mythtv' linux user
[06:52:50] justinh: no, you don't have free EPG data – you're right :P
[06:53:24] xris: hey, I like that non-free US data.  :)
[06:53:33] justinh: even so I find it surprising how few people end up with problems because they ran mythtv-setup as the wrong user
[06:54:14] justinh: maybe mythtv should have a config dir in /etc where that stuff is kept anyway
[06:54:37] wagnerrp_: the only problem i would ever possibly run into is the check at the end to make sure i have write permission on the storage folder
[06:54:45] xris: I've been bugging the other devs to have a general "backend file system" place for all of that kind of stuff to be stored.
[06:54:55] wagnerrp_: that is assuming i have a proper config file to tell mythtv-setup where the sql server is
[06:55:11] xris: mythtv wasn't designed to run multiple separate copies, but for some reason the others still like to keep config files in ~/
[06:55:33] justinh: overrides for frontend specifics, I can understand that
[06:55:34] xris: rather than just doing something like /var/lib/mythtv/ and storing configs, channel icons, video covers, etc.
[06:55:55] xris: wagnerrp_: it should prompt you if you don't
[06:55:58] justinh: but the rest of it.. sure it should all go in a central place
[06:56:32] justinh: xris: yeah it asks if you're sure you know what you're doing ;) People still get it wrong though
[06:56:45] xris: yeah, I agree
[06:57:02] xris: frontend config is different.. but that should only be the config.xml file and nothing else
[06:57:22] justinh: I might have a look at the config file stuff at some point. when I'm done with the other things I want to play with
[07:05:41] revilootneg (revilootneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:06:05] justinh: time to do some svn ups methinks
[07:10:05] sphery: xris: you can't put long-term data in /var... How about /srv?  ;)
[07:10:22] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[07:10:34] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[07:11:01] justinh: hehehe a guy I work with has just asked me which book I learned what I know about linux from
[07:11:10] xris: sphery: why not? that's where mysql, sendmail, cron, etc. all put it
[07:11:26] xris: or was that just a crazy debian comment?  ;)
[07:11:44] sphery: xris: (for /var) and . . . IDEDBYSYSTEM (for /srv)
[07:11:57] sphery: It's a new FHS thing. Don't know if your distro implements FHS.
[07:12:12] xris: haven't upgraded in awhlie..
[07:12:26] justinh: "administrative and logging data"
[07:12:33] justinh: administrative would cover it :)
[07:12:37] sphery: I've moved all my non-transient data from /var (even compiling some packages that still default to /var to put data in /srv)
[07:13:19] xris: it'll probably take red hat awhile to catch up. they have a huge corporate customer base to risk pissing off if they change stuff like that
[07:14:06] xris: I can see this being an issue, too: Therefore, no program should rely on a specific subdirectory structure of /srv existing or data necessarily being stored in /srv
[07:14:07] sphery: Yeah, they have a lot more people to consider when making changes than I do. (A grand total of 2 people and 13 computers use my distro.)
[07:14:11] justinh: they could probably make a mint from all the retraining necessary too ;)
[07:14:46] wagnerrp_: something... bad, just happened to my desktop
[07:14:49] xris: turns it into one of those "wouldn't it be nice if..." kind of situations, rather than just saying something like "data should go into /srv/[process-name]
[07:15:23] sphery: The lack of a specification for /srv contents could be an issue, but we definitely don't want to use /etc (since we'll likely need to let non-root users write data there)
[07:15:26] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:15:26] Tomasu is now known as TomasuDlrrp
[07:15:29] wagnerrp_: game crashed, and shut down all graphical output on windows
[07:16:37] xris: sphery: yeah, /srv/mythtv/ would be a fine place to store that kind of stuff.
[07:17:08] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:17:08] xris: Captain_Murdoch was working on something to use storage groups for some of it, too.. special storage group to hold "config" type info like channel icons, etc.
[07:17:12] wagnerrp_: thats assuming you have a /srv
[07:17:17] sphery: I'd allow that on my systems. I'd patch my local copy if upstream used /var :)
[07:17:48] wagnerrp_: id rather see it in /var/db/mysql
[07:18:23] wagnerrp_: errr.. mythtv
[07:18:27] sphery: I can't wait until George Nassus finishes his MythVideo using storage groups patch. It has a storage group type idea that would be very useful (allow me to make a patch for MythWeb to remove the DB Backups storage group from the list of storage groups when setting up a recording rule).
[07:18:37] stoth (stoth! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[07:19:00] sphery: Of course, we don't hear a lot from him, anymore, so I hope he's still making progress on it.
[07:19:02] xris: I wish I had time to pay attention to this stuff
[07:19:11] tony_: if my tuner is not setup correctly, will it give me the 'could not connect to backend' errors?
[07:19:18] wagnerrp_: no
[07:19:47] wagnerrp_: did you check to see if the backend is actually running?
[07:19:54] wagnerrp_: 'ps ax | grep mythbackend'
[07:20:14] wagnerrp_: actually, isnt it mythbackend.real or something like that on ubuntu?
[07:20:15] tony_: apparently it is
[07:20:31] xris: anyway, time for me to sleep... house remodel (and lugging 2100 lbs of flooring wood into the house) is tiring.
[07:20:33] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit (Client Quit)
[07:21:08] sphery: Wow. You're house is gaining a lot of weight...
[07:21:11] tony_: xris, yes it is. i used to do it
[07:23:04] xris: tony_: install floors?
[07:23:10] xris: or just carry wood around?  ;)
[07:23:50] tony_: xris: install floors
[07:24:07] tony_: not full time. i done carpentry so once in a while
[07:24:08] xris: cool. I'm going to avoid doing that myself for at least the first part of this job.
[07:24:30] tony_: i was the flooring hammer guy
[07:24:40] tony_: the old guys would be in front laying it down
[07:26:30] ** xris just bought a bunch of . . . rwood-5.html (have to take advantage of my employee discount while I can — friday is my last day) **
[07:26:42] xris: purty stuff.
[07:28:01] sphery: SiMech is selling flooring, now? Or are you moonlighting?
[07:28:18] tony_: yes, nice. oughtta last a lifetime
[07:28:55] sphery: Impressive with the IP-based geolocating on the site...
[07:29:10] sphery: Wish Home Depot, Lowes, Circuit City, Best Buy, etc. would do that...
[07:30:12] xris: sphery: I left simech at the end of last year
[07:30:19] wagnerrp_: yeah, porn popups can track me to my city, why cant their store locaters make a guess
[07:30:39] sphery: xris: Oh, didn't know that.
[07:30:45] xris: yeah, the geo stuff is really cool. easy to do, too. you just buy a database.  :)
[07:30:53] xris: sphery: yeah. been with ifloor since december.
[07:31:09] sphery: For a moment I thought, "Wow, he's using a place that has 2 stores--both near me."  :)
[07:31:19] xris: and I start next tuesday at (and join the world of the "evil" cyber squatter people)
[07:31:41] xris: heh. I think there are 35 or 36 stores now
[07:32:07] sphery: Yeah, I figured out it was bigger once I realized they were just geolocating based on my IP.
[07:32:34] sphery: I guess the big stores might shy away because their customers may see it as "invading their privacy"...
[07:32:44] xris: yeah. they started out writing an ERP for flooring sales.. then realized that they could make more money actually using it
[07:33:19] xris: good company, good work, but not much upward mobility for me for at least a couple of years. marchex gives me a chance to work in a lead role again, and learn java.
[07:33:27] wagnerrp_: where as when im being told of people in my local area i can mount, i am obviously looking to have my privacy invaded
[07:33:33] sphery: so, "Advancing Local Search and Advertising"...
[07:33:37] tony_: i shouldn't have to forward any ports for myth should i?
[07:33:54] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:33:59] xris: sphery: marchex owns literally hundreds of thousands of sites like
[07:34:13] sphery: tony_: several ports are being used, but you should configure your firewall to open them for use by your myth machines
[07:34:14] wagnerrp_: the only internet access mythtv needs is to SD for scheduling data
[07:34:21] xris: but I'll be working mostly with and a bunch of php sites they've acquired over the years. they're a perl/java shop, so wanted someone with php knowledge
[07:34:30] sphery: cool.
[07:34:39] wagnerrp_: oh, you mean network firewall, not internet firewall
[07:35:31] tony_: i'm wondering if my router is causing the problems
[07:37:34] wagnerrp_: nothing should be going through your router for it to be causing the problems
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[07:53:04] justinh: Bad Request (Invalid Hostname) from a website.. wth?
[07:54:21] fryfrog: DNS points to a server but it isn't in virtual hosts on it?
[07:54:31] fryfrog: doesn't sound right though
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[08:20:16] troldrik: Trunk doesn't do video previews?
[08:20:35] justinh: sure it does
[08:21:18] troldrik: Well I ain't getting 'em.
[08:21:31] fryfrog: pebkac :)
[08:22:00] troldrik: Probably... :p
[08:22:50] tony_ (tony_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:23:47] troldrik: Config option is enabled.
[08:24:19] fryfrog: check the output of the frontend log?
[08:24:39] troldrik: Let me try without my patch.
[08:25:34] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:26:06] Dibblah: DID YOU FIND ANY?
[08:27:08] troldrik: shit.. wrong channel. :(
[08:27:49] dustybin (dustybin! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:30:26] justinh: what patch?
[08:31:30] justinh: there's a patch which allegedly fiddles with the refresh rate for video playback. that breaks video previews apparently. I know that because I read the -dev & -commits mailing lists (because I run trunk)
[08:32:05] troldrik: I made that one...
[08:32:41] troldrik: Fixed previews for 0.21.. trying to test it for trunk.
[08:33:41] justinh: not sure I'd want video files changing the refresh rate for me
[08:34:37] troldrik: Turn it off? :=
[08:35:02] troldrik: Thanks to default args, the framerate became the embeddedwid.
[08:39:19] troldrik: No preview with straight trunk either.
[08:39:19] otwin (otwin!n=otwin@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[08:39:34] Andrew_Barber (Andrew_Barber! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:39:58] Andrew_Barber: anyone use a STB?
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[08:40:47] justinh: anyone able to answer a metaquestion? ;)
[08:40:58] Andrew_Barber: haha
[08:41:06] Andrew_Barber: justin, you're still here
[08:41:21] justinh: so?
[08:41:41] Andrew_Barber: i am thankful, that is all
[08:41:50] Andrew_Barber: everything is working, but i am deleting my video source because i accidentally did a channel scan
[08:41:57] Andrew_Barber: i think i talked to you about that
[08:42:30] Andrew_Barber: so i am reconfiguring input connections, and i wanted to make sure i did this right
[08:43:12] Andrew_Barber: preset tuner to 3, fetch channels from listings source, and starting channel "any"?
[08:43:16] cesman:
[08:45:19] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:45:59] Andrew_Barber: thanks cesman
[08:46:06] cesman: you're welcome
[08:46:18] ** stuarta waves to cesman **
[08:46:36] justinh: urgghhhh is it hometime yet?
[08:46:36] Andrew_Barber: just fetched channels, but there seem to be a couple missing (from just scrolling through the starting channel box)
[08:46:48] cesman: hi stuarta
[08:46:50] Andrew_Barber: is that normal?
[08:46:52] stuarta: justinh: no :(
[08:46:53] cesman: how are you?
[08:46:57] stuarta: fine thanks
[08:47:02] stuarta: v busy
[08:47:47] Andrew_Barber: justin/cesman: should SD miss channels?
[08:48:30] cesman: Andrew_Barber: why not log into your SD account and check to ensure you have all channels configured there
[08:48:51] cesman: that is step 1 in troubleshooting whatever issue you have w/ missing channels
[08:49:41] Andrew_Barber: they aren't even listed there
[08:49:54] Andrew_Barber: they are the low ones, between 1 and 100
[08:50:10] Andrew_Barber: there are just a handful...i think they are the local broadcast ones
[08:50:14] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:50:30] cesman: sounds to me like you've missed configured on SD site...
[08:50:54] troldrik: 2008-08–27 10:39:52.227 FilterManager, Warning: Failed to load filter library: /home/cbaoth/mythdev-trunk/lib/mythtv/filters/ maybe that's why. preview video is cpu colourspace converted isn't it?
[08:51:15] justinh: troldrik: yup
[08:51:35] justinh: no xv on previews in the main branch, you're right
[08:51:41] Andrew_Barber: cesman, i chose dish for my zip
[08:52:03] Andrew_Barber: and when i go to edit channels, there are none under 100 listed
[08:52:26] ** cesman could state anything abou the SD site **
[08:52:55] cesman: I'd suggest you
[08:54:12] Andrew_Barber: i'll check it out, thanks
[08:54:24] cesman: you're welcome
[08:56:02] Andrew_Barber: it is possible they are missing channels, right?
[08:57:10] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[08:59:46] cesman: all things are possible
[09:01:59] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:06:03] Andrew_Barber: it's not their fault
[09:06:12] Andrew_Barber: they went from dish website
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[09:14:16] justinh: DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. of course I can't connect to my nfs shares. I'm not in my house
[09:15:44] troldrik: 2008-08–27 11:14:19.407 FilterManager, Error: Failed to load filter symbol: '/home/cbaoth/mythdev-trunk/lib/mythtv/filters/'
[09:15:50] troldrik: How do I fix that?
[09:16:14] Dagmar: Rebuild it correctly.
[09:22:03] troldrik: Right... attempting distclean, configure, make.
[09:24:58] famicom (famicom! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:33:30] troldrik: /home/cbaoth/mythdev-trunk/lib/mythtv/filters/ undefined symbol: filter_table
[09:33:34] troldrik: Still.
[09:34:22] Sulx: seems that it's tryign to use older lib
[09:34:27] Sulx: or something
[09:39:17] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[09:39:50] troldrik: Yeah.. wiping mythdev-trunk shut it up.
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[09:49:09] mzb_d800: justinh: tcp?
[09:49:33] mzb_d800: might be a bit scary opening that up to the net, though ;)
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[10:07:39] Andrew_Barber: total non sequitor, but dagmar i finally got my htpc going
[10:07:47] Andrew_Barber: wanted to thank you for the help
[10:08:30] Andrew_Barber: dagmar: :-)
[10:12:24] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("biab, rebootski")
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[10:27:52] Dagmar: Andrew_Barber: Glad to hear it
[10:28:56] Dagmar: kormoc: Yep. The moment I changed the backend name to a network-addressable IP (it should be able to take a hostname there for a reason) the uPnP server started right up
[10:29:16] Dagmar: kormoc: and like I suspected the broadcast route wasn't necessary
[10:29:21] Andrew_Barber: just gotta tweak a couple things here and there...some remote commands...some sleep timings
[10:30:01] Andrew_Barber: oh, and the thing i want most: my iphone as a frontend
[10:30:09] Dagmar: Prolly not going to happen
[10:30:13] Andrew_Barber: would anyone happen to know about that?
[10:30:18] Andrew_Barber: no?
[10:30:28] Andrew_Barber: i thought people were doing it
[10:30:32] Dagmar: Although you might be able to jerry rig something if you jailbreak it and get the VNC app when it ocmes out
[10:30:54] Dagmar: Otherwise, your next fastest option is to hope it can access a uPnP media server and play from it
[10:31:33] justinh: iphone is working as a (slow) remote
[10:31:34] directhex: apple license rules mean it's unlikely
[10:31:39] directhex: the nokia tablet works as a frontend though
[10:31:55] Dagmar: Everyone likes fingerprints on the screen
[10:32:11] justinh: what I want most is....
[10:32:20] Dagmar: MythHummer?
[10:32:24] Andrew_Barber: looks like people use mythweb?
[10:32:39] justinh: people USE mythweb? :-O
[10:33:16] justinh: if you're thinking oo I know, use mythweb on the iPoo to watch telly.. wah wahhhhhhhhhhh
[10:33:22] justinh: no flash on the iPoo, see
[10:33:24] Andrew_Barber:
[10:34:41] justinh: :-\
[10:35:18] stuarta: ffs. X has a no listen on the command line
[10:35:36] Andrew_Barber: justin: what do you think?
[10:36:14] justinh: here's what I think there are two kinds of people. There are people who have an iPhone and there are people who couldn't give a flying f**k about them
[10:36:27] ** stuarta <- type 2 **
[10:36:59] laga: i would take one if it was free. or less expensive. ;)
[10:37:02] ** laga is cheap **
[10:37:18] justinh: I would take one from somebody :D
[10:38:00] Andrew_Barber: lol
[10:38:16] Andrew_Barber: i never paid for a phone, so i thought i was due a nice one
[10:38:48] justinh: I must spend all of £40 a year on my mobile
[10:40:10] justinh: poncy phones with poncy features are.. well just _poncy_ & IMHO all about status over function
[10:41:06] justinh: oh look it plays videotubes. oh look it can show you where you are. hey – let me have it a sec... <plops it into cold cup of coffee>... Awww it can't reheat my coffee though!
[10:41:22] Andrew_Barber: i have to disagree with you
[10:41:29] ChinoChano (ChinoChano!n=iorga@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:41:48] laga: well, GPS navigation is useful
[10:41:50] Andrew_Barber: the video, mp3, and web alone make it a great phone
[10:42:02] justinh: well, it's just aswell people with free wills still exist to not buy $bolloxPhones
[10:42:02] Andrew_Barber: and the gps makes it no longer a debate
[10:42:40] justinh: the sheer size of it makes it.. er.. hmmm. can't fit it in my jeans pocket. damn
[10:43:14] Andrew_Barber: you must have some tight jeans :-)
[10:43:42] fryfrog: GPS on my blackbery with google maps has been *very* useful
[10:43:58] justinh: mo' money than sensicles
[10:44:13] fryfrog: and being able to ocasionally use the interwebs from a phone is nice for movie show times and such, but unless the interface is reasonable (ie, not my verizon phones), it isn't worth it
[10:44:19] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:44:52] fryfrog: I'd be up for the iPhone, I have always wanted to carry an iPod around but can't justify the pocket realestate due to already having a phone and wallet
[10:44:55] justinh: laga: my version of glass-wide has the selectbar problem in the stupid 3 bin view too
[10:46:25] laga: sad
[10:46:52] fryfrog: i feel sorry for phone companies that it took apple to come along and make a product that was actually intuitive to use.
[10:47:06] fryfrog: er, phone *makers* that is
[10:47:08] ** stuarta tries to work out wtf debian keeps the args used to start the X server under gdm **
[10:47:18] ChinoChano: hello guys,
[10:47:33] ChinoChano: I am trying to follow this guide:
[10:47:43] ChinoChano: but: # eselect mysql list
[10:47:47] justinh: laga: line 216 of music-ui.xml – change location to 0,0
[10:48:00] ChinoChano: returns error: Can t load module Mysql
[10:48:03] justinh: laga: that'll fix the cutting-off-edness
[10:48:10] laga: justinh: nice, thanks
[10:48:15] justinh: ChinoChano: emerge mysql
[10:48:23] troldrik: stuarta: Deep in gdm.conf.
[10:48:49] ChinoChano: Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 kB
[10:48:55] justinh: laga: the selectbar is too far over but it looks better than it being cut off
[10:48:59] ChinoChano: [ebuild R ] dev-db/mysql-5.0.60-r1
[10:49:30] troldrik: [server-Standard]
[10:49:36] laga: justinh: thanks, i'll paste that in a bug report and fix it later
[10:50:03] ChinoChano: "If you've never run MySQL before, you'll need to do a little preliminary database maintenance:"
[10:50:06] stuarta: troldrik: actually it's specified as DisallowTCP=true in /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf
[10:50:18] ChinoChano: what if i don t remember? I s it safe to run this?
[10:51:06] ChinoChano: if mysql is emerged, what should I do to get eselect abe to load module MYSQL?
[10:51:31] Huijari: i bought a nice mythbackend-machine today :)
[10:51:45] ChinoChano: which one?
[10:52:09] Huijari: Dell OptiPlex GX50 (1,2 GHz celeron, 256 MB) for 10 euros :)
[10:52:40] ** stuarta violently beats gdm configs **
[10:52:42] laga: ebay?
[10:52:48] ChinoChano: where?
[10:53:21] justinh: oo as many as TWO whole PCI slots. niiiiiiiiiiiiiice
[10:53:23] ChinoChano: you mean my laptop P3 1GHz 256Mb could be used as a mythbackend-machine?
[10:53:41] justinh: ChinoChano: no, because you've not got the ability to follow a simple howto :P
[10:53:53] ChinoChano: 8 megs ram... justinh , not funny
[10:54:16] ChinoChano: the how to is weird.
[10:54:20] ChinoChano: i emerged mysql
[10:54:25] ChinoChano: as seen in emerge -pv
[10:54:39] justinh: the howto is how I got miffyteevee worky on gentoo 4 years ago
[10:55:04] ChinoChano: i have no idea why the eselect doesn t work
[10:55:38] ChinoChano: then the howto leads to another howto to make us come back again
[10:56:02] justinh: see  – especially the part about it saying it won't work with newer versions of mysql
[10:56:17] Andrew_Barber: justin: i don't have any sound setup do you have yours setup?
[10:56:39] fryfrog: ChinoChano: maybe you need the "mysql" flag so that when you emerge qt it has mysql support?
[10:56:57] directhex: man, i wish i was running gentoo, sounds like fun
[10:57:10] ChinoChano: good point, i ll have a look. i m on the Howto
[10:57:11] Andrew_Barber: i suppose that sound question could be directed at anyone :-)
[10:59:09] fryfrog: ChinoChano: As a Gentoo fan myself, I would strongly suggest another distro unless you are really really good at Gentoo
[11:00:54] ChinoChano: i m ok with gentoo
[11:01:06] ChinoChano: the problem for me is all this MYSQL knowledge
[11:01:26] ChinoChano: i never ever dealt with this, and this is really "obscure" for me
[11:01:31] fryfrog: ah
[11:02:40] ChinoChano: i am now running vdr for TV and it is nice. i got mythtv working, but then it asked me for settings and I had no idea (PAL, etc). Cause the DVB-T adapter I have is a USB pen and I have no idea on how getting it work
[11:03:17] ChinoChano: Assume I followed this guide some time ago. And I saw the Blue MYTHTV screen for settings. To have it again, what should I do?
[11:03:31] directhex: mythtv-setup?
[11:03:43] ChinoChano: ok. but before: mysql start
[11:04:04] ChinoChano: should I strt mythtvbackend? (think no)
[11:04:53] ChinoChano: ok mythtv-setup is prescaling images
[11:04:57] ChinoChano: and theme
[11:05:10] ChinoChano: images
[11:05:13] directhex: good lord gentoo is making my face hurt
[11:05:35] directhex: why are you subjecting yourself to added levels of pain of which you have not only no knowledge, but no distro-provided safety net?
[11:06:17] ChinoChano: directhex, going through gentoo will make you learn, understand, tune and study the computer insides
[11:06:26] directhex: ChinoChano, bullshit
[11:06:41] directhex: ChinoChano, what does watching "make" output scroll past teach you?
[11:06:48] ChinoChano: this is awesomely interesting. and it was for me the first and only distro that made sound, TV, wifi possible...
[11:06:58] laga: it'll make you read howtos and type "emerge" ;) although i have to admit, gentoo did teach me a lot
[11:07:08] directhex: in the end you end up picking up terrible bad habit workarounds passed down frmo forum to forum without understanding a word of what they mean
[11:08:55] ChinoChano: untrue. you develop a methodology to emerge your packages, to choose those interesting, their flags. my p3 !Ghz with only 8megs of video is still working great with gentoo on 1.4Gigs. i don t think this is doable in a lot of disotros
[11:09:21] directhex: there's a reason degrees are taught top-down instead of bottom-up
[11:09:30] directhex: certainly computing degrees
[11:12:38] ChinoChano: ... the other thing that made me go for it was at that time, no other forums, no other how tos on the net, and no other istros were able to make my PC work. Anyway, this is not really interesting. You have your tastes and I have mines. :) i have the main mythtv main setup screen
[11:13:36] ChinoChano: I put TVFORMAT in PAL (I am in Spain) and VBI format in PAl teletext... is that ok?
[11:14:04] ChinoChano: Channel frequency table: europe-west (correct me if not ok, i am in Spain)
[11:14:30] laga: yes
[11:15:14] directhex: it's also irrelevant for DVB
[11:15:22] directhex: you aren't using VBI.
[11:15:43] laga: you can. but it doesnt matter for recordings
[11:16:00] ChinoChano: Am i not? DVB doesn use teletext? ok so I don t have to care about VBI... the Capture Card section was the ANNOYING one...
[11:16:05] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:16:34] ChinoChano: CArd type: never ever found anything for my Redbell DVB-T USB pen...
[11:16:50] laga: choose DTV DVB
[11:17:07] ChinoChano: ok
[11:17:10] gbee: choose life
[11:17:19] ChinoChano: and DVB Device number?
[11:17:20] gbee: no wait, what are we talking about
[11:18:03] gbee: ChinoChano: it will only display valid device numbers, if you've only one DVB device then zero
[11:18:30] ChinoChano: the dvb device should appear in /dev/something?
[11:19:04] gbee: /dev/dvb
[11:19:11] ChinoChano: the only DVB device here is, as you said, 0. But then, in Frontend ID: ERROR_OPEN
[11:19:15] ChinoChano: is this "normal"
[11:19:16] gbee: e.g. /dev/dvb/adapter0/
[11:19:18] laga: stop vdr
[11:19:20] laga: and mythbackend
[11:19:34] Huijari: laga: ChinoChano: our university's computer sale
[11:20:11] zippytech111 (zippytech111! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:20:12] ChinoChano: ok ok Huijari  :)
[11:20:14] gbee: ChinoChano: as laga suggests, stop all apps which might currently be accessing the device, something else has a read lock
[11:20:31] gbee: ls /dev/dvb/
[11:20:32] ChinoChano: vdr stopped. mythbackend was not started.
[11:20:55] ChinoChano: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 120 Aug 27 2008 adapter0
[11:21:20] Huijari: laga: ChinoChano: they sold ThinkPad X40 and X41 (just one of each) with docks yesterday for 50 euros a piece, but yesterday's sale was for departments only :(
[11:21:56] ChinoChano: should i restart mythtv-setup?
[11:21:57] Huijari: our department bought both of them :P
[11:22:07] ChinoChano: which Uni?
[11:22:20] Huijari: Tampere University of Technology
[11:22:23] Huijari: in Finland
[11:22:54] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:24:15] ChinoChano: ok i restarted the mythv-setup: now the text says: WideView USB DVB-T Subtype: DVB-T
[11:25:58] ChinoChano: now, the Video Source setup section. I ll find the how to for this cause I never went further due to the DVB card problems.
[11:26:00] daffu (daffu!n=some@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:26:03] ChinoChano: thanks guys
[11:28:44] tony_ (tony_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:28:55] kslater (kslater! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:28:56] tony_: what are the main logs i should be checking when myth doesn't work?
[11:29:29] daffu (daffu!n=some@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:30:22] ChinoChano: mmm sorry again; Listing grabbers: I don t live in North America... so... Transmitted Guide Only? (EIT) says it s fine for DVB
[11:30:39] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:31:32] ChinoChano: Channel Frequency Table: should I leave Default? Or choose Europe West?
[11:31:46] ChinoChano: maybe try-all?
[11:32:49] tony_: i typed sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend stop and do setup and it tells me it's running. wtf?
[11:33:25] ChinoChano: /etc/init.d/mythbackend stop for me
[11:34:54] tony_: won't work for me
[11:36:55] ChinoChano: have you tried to look at dmesg, var/log/messages | grep myth or DVB?
[11:37:54] plb_ (plb_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:38:04] plb_: anyone using wintv hvr 950?
[11:40:07] tony_: ChinoChano: no such file or dir.
[11:41:43] tony_: holy crap. my mythbackend.log is 220 mb's
[11:41:46] tony_: is this normal?
[11:42:21] ChinoChano: can t help.... never make mtyth work :D
[11:42:38] ChinoChano: use tail -n NUMBEROFLINES file to see last lines of your log
[11:43:19] tony_: no such luck with myth either. 1/4 installs it worked
[11:46:34] ChinoChano: the Channel Editor and the mythfilldatabase are JUST FOR the DataDirect users, right?
[11:47:46] laga: no
[11:47:51] ChinoChano: cause i am still scanning the channels (Input Connections)
[11:50:08] tony_ (tony_! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[11:51:36] gbee: channel editor and mythfilldatabase are used by everyone
[11:52:01] gbee: no part of the setup stages 1 though 6 should be skipped
[11:53:21] gbee: that's just given me an idea
[11:54:52] justinh: gentoo taught me a valuable lesson. I now use ubuntu :)
[11:55:47] laga: haha
[11:55:50] laga: quote of the day ;)
[11:56:59] justinh: been asked again which book I learned my linux-fu from. grrr
[11:58:03] ChinoChano: one million lemmings can t be wrong.
[11:59:03] justinh: is that $distro's new strapline?
[12:04:20] kuil (kuil! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:08:09] kslater (kslater! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:11:35] psipsipsi (psipsipsi! has quit ("Leaving")
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[12:15:11] tony_ (tony_! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:15:36] tony_: my install is fucked. getting nowhere. so will sudo apt-get purge mythtv be good enough?
[12:15:54] clever: depends on the packages
[12:16:10] clever: apt doesnt know about the config in the mysql database
[12:16:21] clever: but the post-rm scripts may take care of that
[12:16:27] plb_ (plb_! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:19:30] tony_: install is screwed. how can i get rid of all the settings without having to redownload myth?
[12:19:56] troldrik: Nuke the db?
[12:19:58] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Connection timed out)
[12:19:59] stuarta: drop the mythconverg database
[12:20:14] justinh: see the mysql manual :)
[12:20:30] tony_: justinh: thanks, be back in a few years
[12:20:55] stuarta: just delete 2 words from my previos sentence
[12:21:03] justinh: I didn't mean read it from cover to cover
[12:21:09] cesman:
[12:21:27] justinh: cesman: he's too busy to read any docs. blimey
[12:21:34] cesman:
[12:21:49] Lollero (Lollero! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:22:00] tony_: justinh: wtf you think i've been doing all night?
[12:22:01] d00gster0 (d00gster0! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:22:13] Lollero: hello
[12:23:10] Lollero: I'm having problem with MythTV recordings..
[12:23:33] Lollero: usually it works fine, but some programs don't get recoreded
[12:23:56] ChinoChano: because they suck too much
[12:24:00] ChinoChano: :P
[12:24:12] Lollero: MythTV reports its recording and everything seems fine, but there is no mpg file created
[12:24:16] ChinoChano: my mythtv experience is 0... sorry
[12:24:35] ChinoChano: the disk space is the same before / after recodring? (df -h)
[12:24:37] justinh: my mythtv experience was 0. now I am smug
[12:24:57] Lollero: about 10% recordings fail this way
[12:25:09] Lollero: disk usage remains same
[12:25:28] ChinoChano: so it doesn t record anything...
[12:25:32] ChinoChano: :)
[12:25:34] ** cesman is hungry **
[12:25:42] ** cesman should be asleep **
[12:25:43] Lollero: yes :)
[12:25:50] ChinoChano: can t help, sorry
[12:26:07] directhex: Lollero, digital tv?
[12:26:18] Lollero: directhex, yes DVB
[12:26:25] directhex: Lollero, how's your reception?
[12:26:28] Lollero: problems started after upgrading to 0.21
[12:26:37] cesman: Lollero: when the issue occurs, you need to investigate the logs ASAP
[12:27:16] Lollero: reception is good
[12:27:32] Lollero: livetv works 100%
[12:28:24] Lollero: cesman: i've been trying to find differences between successful and failed recordings, no luck
[12:28:33] directhex: Lollero, using a CAM?
[12:28:46] Lollero: directhex, no. free channels only
[12:29:32] Lollero: i've got 2 tuner cards
[12:29:37] directhex: Lollero, and do you use early/late ending, i.e. is myth set to record past the end of a show or before a show starts (to grab shows that aren't 100% on time)?
[12:29:45] ChinoChano: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh i closed accidentally the scanning windows!!!! it was SO slow and at 70%... aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!
[12:30:25] Lollero: i'm wondering if it has something to do with multirec
[12:31:05] stuarta: Lollero: well set the number of inputs on the card
[12:31:06] directhex: Lollero, have you enabled multirec?
[12:31:13] stuarta: to 1
[12:35:09] tony_: i purged my sql and mythtv files but they're still there. wtf does it do that for?
[12:35:19] tony_: is there a complete way to uninstall stuff in linux?
[12:35:42] stuarta: dpkg --purge
[12:35:52] stuarta: dpkg --purge <pkgname>
[12:36:09] tony_: ok, will try it. thanks
[12:36:28] stuarta: linux is much better at being able to uninstall stuff
[12:36:38] stuarta: than that other crap OS
[12:36:45] kslater (kslater! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:37:27] tony_: dpkg says those are not installed but parts are still there
[12:37:51] stuarta: dpkg -S <offending files>
[12:38:21] tony_: that showed a lot of files
[12:38:48] stuarta: it should show the name of the package that owns the file your are concerned about
[12:39:00] justinh: stuarta: I was slightly concerned the other day when some website advised me my system registry was riddled & needed to be cleaned up. ubuntu doesn't even have a registry AFAIK :P
[12:39:15] gbee: yum remove <pkgname>, urpme <pkgname>, apt-get remove <pkgname>, rpm -e <pkgname>
[12:39:22] gbee: depending on distros etc
[12:39:26] styelz: it would be easier to reinstall the packages then purge them
[12:39:36] ** justinh runs sudo regclean **
[12:40:22] Lollero: directhex, i've set number of virtual tuners for each card to 2
[12:40:41] justinh: laga: btw done some more easy fixes of mythmusic. the way it's going I'll just end up giving you the newest tarball
[12:40:46] stuarta: well to rule out multirec set it to 1
[12:41:16] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:42:00] Lollero: stuarta, i'll have to try that
[12:42:25] Lollero: it's just that the failures are quite random and it's hard to diagnose...
[12:44:17] Lollero: there's no difference between successful and failed recordings in the mythbackend.log. just confirmed that.
[12:45:27] stuarta: do the failed ones have zero byte files?
[12:46:31] Lollero: no, file never gets created
[12:47:48] Lollero: Preview Error: Run() file not local: '/GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/mythtv/1065_2008082
[12:47:52] Lollero: 7143000.mpg'
[12:48:19] Lollero: 2008-08–27 14:30:03.311 Started recording: Sy<F6>d<E4><E4>n yhdess<E4>: channel 1065 on cardid 1, sourceid 1
[12:48:34] Lollero: 2008-08–27 15:05:00.534 Finished recording Sy<F6>d<E4><E4>n yhdess<E4>: channel 1065
[12:53:37] Lollero: and because live viewing works always..
[12:53:49] tony_ (tony_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:53:58] Lollero: or at least it hasn't failed yet...
[12:54:25] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:54:32] Lollero: but now i must go, i'll try without multirec later...
[12:58:01] porcodildo (porcodildo! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:58:03] porcodildo: hi men
[12:58:11] porcodildo: someone is using imon remote?
[13:01:01] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:01:12] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:02:12] cesman: there was a woman in here using it ;)
[13:02:30] porcodildo: -.-
[13:02:31] porcodildo: who?
[13:02:42] cesman: I was jus tkidding
[13:04:07] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:04:11] porcodildo: -.-
[13:04:49] cesman: have you checked the wiki?
[13:04:53] cesman: details are on the wiki
[13:05:09] porcodildo: yes but I have a problem with lirc
[13:05:31] cesman: then perhaps #lirc?
[13:05:39] justinh: with nicks like that being allowed entry I might aswell change mine to c**tface
[13:05:45] squidly (squidly! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:06:25] {xmb} ({xmb}!n=some@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:11:41] laga: justinh: is that tarball supposed to end up in ubuntu?
[13:12:13] squidly_ (squidly_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:13:02] justinh: laga: it could do
[13:15:20] {xmb}: mythtv needs mysql, right?
[13:15:39] justinh: right!
[13:15:47] laga: justinh: it would be cool if it would. ;)
[13:16:02] ** laga afk **
[13:16:16] daffu (daffu!n=some@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:16:19] {xmb}: where are the commands written to create the user and db
[13:16:22] ReikoShea (ReikoShea! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:35] justinh: {xmb}: mc.sql
[13:16:42] {xmb}: k thx
[13:16:51] squidly__ (squidly__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:16:53] justinh: like it says in the official docs – mysql < mc.sql
[13:17:36] squidly__ (squidly__! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:23:37] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:25:14] {xmb}: mc.sql doesnt create the user, just the db
[13:25:29] {xmb}: is upnp important? says i have no such backends running
[13:26:13] GreyFoxx: GRANT ALL ON mythconverg.* TO mythtv@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "mythtv";
[13:26:15] GreyFoxx: That's from mc.sql
[13:26:20] GreyFoxx: It's creates the user :)
[13:26:55] MinDKrime (MinDKrime!n=MinDKrim@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:27:03] justinh: oh well. just run CREATE DATABASE mythconverg
[13:28:36] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:29] squidly_ (squidly_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:29:44] {xmb}: hmm
[13:30:09] {xmb}: ERROR 1007 (HY000): Can't create database 'mythconverg'; database exists
[13:30:30] {xmb}: where does it state of the password.. mc.sql
[13:30:46] justinh: it doesn't
[13:30:52] justinh: you have to set the password
[13:31:02] justinh: or your friendly local distro setup doohickey
[13:31:09] {xmb}: hm may that be causing the error 'cant connect to ..db..' ?
[13:31:17] ReikoShea: it definitely is
[13:31:18] ReikoShea: :)
[13:31:21] {xmb}: aight
[13:31:22] GreyFoxx: "identified by 'XXXX'" sets XXXX as the password
[13:31:54] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:31:56] GreyFoxx: or am I missing what you mean ?
[13:32:14] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:33:24] {xmb}: if so i made all
[13:33:28] {xmb}: and it wont work
[13:34:29] ReikoShea: mysql mysql -e "select * from user where user='mythtv'\G"; mysql mysql -e "select * from db where user='mythtv'\G"
[13:34:48] ReikoShea: you should get two rows back with information about your mythtv user (if you run it as root)
[13:35:02] ReikoShea: might tell you if a grant was run
[13:35:07] ReikoShea: (my reasoning behind it)
[13:35:45] {xmb}: the first one returns one request, many lines
[13:35:53] {xmb}: all is N or nothing or 0
[13:35:58] {xmb}: however it has an encrypted pass
[13:36:21] {xmb}: the latter.. : ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[13:36:32] ReikoShea: ....
[13:36:33] ReikoShea: thats odd
[13:36:40] ReikoShea: root doesnt have access to mysql.db
[13:36:46] ReikoShea: no
[13:36:48] ReikoShea: thats not possible
[13:36:53] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:36:55] {xmb}: i freshly installed mysqld
[13:37:10] ReikoShea: if you type 'mysql mysql' what happends?
[13:37:13] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:37:13] Iolaus (Iolaus! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:37:29] {xmb}: xmb (<swdev:2:1)~/src/mythtv-0.21/database $ mysql mysql -uroot -p
[13:37:30] {xmb}: Enter password:
[13:37:32] {xmb}: <blsh.
[13:37:36] {xmb}: mysql>
[13:37:37] styelz: you could do, "update user where user = 'mythtv' set password = password('yourpassword');"
[13:37:55] ReikoShea: if you do it that way then you have to make sure to flush privileges
[13:38:13] styelz: "flush privileges;"
[13:38:15] ReikoShea: and i was told the other day to avoid telling people that
[13:38:23] styelz: yea
[13:38:25] {xmb}: mysql> update user where user = 'mythtv' set password = password('mythtv');
[13:38:26] {xmb}: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where user = 'mythtv' set password = password('mythtv')' at line 1
[13:38:54] ReikoShea: update user set password=password('mythtv') where user='mythtv';
[13:38:59] ReikoShea: he had it backwards
[13:39:08] ReikoShea: and then flush privileges;
[13:39:09] {xmb}: worked, lets see
[13:39:17] styelz: sorry about that
[13:39:22] {xmb}: =)
[13:39:37] ReikoShea: or "mysqladmin flush-privileges" in bash
[13:40:09] {xmb}: 'cannot login to database?'
[13:40:24] {xmb}: it should damly use a fs db
[13:40:29] {xmb}: but nm about that =)
[13:40:37] ReikoShea: did you setup a password for the root user in mysql?
[13:40:41] ReikoShea: it normally doesnt have one
[13:40:42] {xmb}: yes
[13:40:47] styelz: check your /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt file
[13:40:58] {xmb}: dpkg-reconfigure | debconf asked me for one
[13:41:06] ReikoShea: oh okay
[13:41:44] ReikoShea: i always just restrict mine to the local subnet...but thats me...everyones got their preference
[13:41:45] {xmb}: i installed it in /usr/local – dont see a mysql.txt
[13:41:53] {xmb}: it doesnt even have /usr/local/etc
[13:42:06] ReikoShea: /usr/local/mythtv/mysql.txt
[13:42:17] {xmb}: no such dir
[13:42:24] {xmb}: its all sorted in share/ bin/ et la
[13:43:22] ChinoChano: finished scanning.. found mny channels,.. mmmm good.
[13:43:44] ChinoChano: now, the channel editor: it has all the channels...
[13:44:14] ChinoChano: "Before you can see anything listed, you'll need to download the actual listings from your video source configured above using another MythTV tool called mythfilldatabase"
[13:44:32] ChinoChano: mmmmm i haven t run mythfilldatabase... however, channels are ther
[13:44:38] ChinoChano: e
[13:44:51] ChinoChano: should i run mythfilldatabase anyway?
[13:44:55] styelz: {xmb} can you connect to the DB using mysql -umythtv -pyourpass mythconverg ?
[13:45:24] ReikoShea: complete doesnt work without the {
[13:45:39] styelz: {xmb}: does for me
[13:45:42] {xmb}: yes, it gives me a prompt, styelz
[13:45:57] {xmb}: styled nick you have
[13:45:57] ReikoShea: show databases;
[13:45:59] styelz: thats good
[13:46:06] {xmb}: | information_schema |
[13:46:08] styelz: hes using the mythconverg db
[13:46:08] {xmb}: | mythconverg |
[13:46:21] ReikoShea: oh
[13:46:26] ReikoShea: didnt notice you threw that in
[13:46:29] ReikoShea: ya know what
[13:46:34] ReikoShea: ive only been up for 30 minutes
[13:46:36] ReikoShea: :{
[13:46:40] {xmb}: gg morning
[13:46:51] ReikoShea: :)
[13:46:51] styelz: morning
[13:47:07] styelz: Its midnight here
[13:47:26] styelz: almost
[13:47:37] ReikoShea: well looks like your db permissions are fixed xmb...i missed the first part of the convo so i dont know what the desired end result is
[13:48:03] {xmb}: well mythtv gives me 'cannot login to database?'
[13:48:06] styelz: you should be able to import the db now
[13:48:21] styelz: if you hadnt already done that
[13:48:27] {xmb}: import? hm where :)
[13:48:32] {xmb}: i mean from* where
[13:48:33] styelz: from .sql file
[13:48:38] {xmb}: i ran it already
[13:48:42] styelz: ah sorry
[13:48:43] {xmb}: that created the user and the db, it seems
[13:48:45] {xmb}: np
[13:48:47] styelz: i see
[13:49:05] styelz: what dust are you on ?
[13:49:07] styelz: erm
[13:49:08] {xmb}: Query was:
[13:49:09] {xmb}: No error type from QSqlError? Strange...
[13:49:11] styelz: dust/dist
[13:49:16] {xmb}: debian sid
[13:49:31] styelz: k
[13:49:35] ReikoShea: select * from settings;
[13:49:39] ReikoShea: does that give you anything
[13:49:49] {xmb}: under the mythtv user?
[13:49:54] ReikoShea: yes
[13:49:54] styelz: what are you running to get the cant connect to db ?
[13:49:59] ReikoShea: and the mythconverg db
[13:50:03] styelz: mythtv-setup ?
[13:50:05] {xmb}: ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mythconverg.settings' doesn't exist
[13:50:10] styelz: ah
[13:50:10] ReikoShea: k
[13:50:13] {xmb}: oh i should run -setup
[13:50:14] ReikoShea: mc.sql didnt run
[13:50:14] {xmb}: i guess
[13:50:21] {xmb}: it did but its short, very short
[13:50:23] styelz: heh
[13:50:24] {xmb}: like 5 or 6 lines
[13:50:26] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:50:29] {xmb}: but i did it manually
[13:50:29] ReikoShea: oh...okay
[13:51:11] {xmb}: well its the same as if i start mythtv, it start the -setup app
[13:51:22] {xmb}: 2008-08–27 15:50:24.361 DB Error (SaveSettingOnHost query failure: ):
[13:51:27] {xmb}: its empty
[13:51:40] justinh: mythtv is just the livetv/player app you know
[13:51:59] {xmb}: hmh i guess[ed] so
[13:52:05] {xmb}: but its heavy
[13:52:10] {xmb}: see i have some DGA error from X
[13:52:16] {xmb}: kdetv and xawtv dont display anything
[13:52:26] {xmb}: also i cant run v4l-conf cause of that DGA error
[13:52:34] {xmb}: so i wanted to try mythtv
[13:52:45] {xmb}: nvidia drivers
[13:52:46] iamlindoro_: Yay! Apparently I "emasculated" someone on the -users list by saying their computer wasn't enough for something!
[13:53:11] ReikoShea: congrats iamlindoro_
[13:53:23] iamlindoro_: Mazel Tov!
[13:53:26] ben_____ (ben_____! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:53:39] ReikoShea: i almost want to subscribe to the list now
[13:53:43] {xmb}: maybe i need older nvidia drivers
[13:53:50] ReikoShea: cept evolution is not being nice
[13:53:52] {xmb}: newer dont work with my card, its 100 num too old
[13:53:56] iamlindoro_: ref:
[13:54:08] ben_____: good afternoon, i was wondering if anyone might be able to offer any assistance. after much battling I've managed to get audio over my hdmi output – but i can't seem to get sound in mythtv
[13:54:16] iamlindoro_: Response:
[13:54:50] ben_____: aplay -D hw:0,3 outputs sound, i guess i need myth to take note of this particular setting
[13:55:42] ReikoShea: okay im confused....
[13:55:54] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[13:56:00] ReikoShea: i mean, h264 wont play on my sempron 2600+...ive come to terms with that
[13:56:10] ReikoShea: but it wont play on a X2 4200+
[13:56:17] ReikoShea: thats just nonscenical...
[13:56:25] ReikoShea: and i butchered that work
[13:56:30] ReikoShea: nonsensical*
[13:56:30] justinh: iamlindoro_: fun. even funner when you see the world 'prematurely' on the same page :D
[13:56:53] {xmb}: anyone got a wintv 3k card?
[13:56:54] iamlindoro_: justinh, marrrhahahaha
[13:57:56] justinh: ben_____: aplay -L to find the ALSA name of the digital output – then set the audio device to ALSA:$name in mythtv
[13:58:10] {xmb}: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)
[13:58:14] GreyFoxx: We've got an x2 4200+ here in the office and it plays all of the h264 recording samples Iv'e had my hands on
[13:58:25] ReikoShea: lol
[13:58:26] GreyFoxx: the hd-pvr created ones
[13:58:32] ChinoChano: Guys, should I run mythfildatabase, EVEN IF the Channel Editor lists many channels?
[13:58:43] ReikoShea: let me give you a copy of the dothack nearly killed my backend machine
[13:58:43] stuarta: depends
[13:58:44] ReikoShea: i cried
[13:58:45] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx, because people keep recording at default settings
[13:58:51] justinh: ben_____: e.g. if it says "iec958 'cards.pcm.iec958'" in aplay -L, set mythtv to output to ALSA:iec958
[13:58:58] stuarta: ChinoChano: what are you using as a data source
[13:59:29] GreyFoxx: Man, I wish AMD came out with their Athlon64 2000+ board today
[13:59:37] ChinoChano: mmmmm dunna... EIT?
[13:59:39] GreyFoxx: I have 2 machines I want to replace, and that would have been ideal
[13:59:49] stuarta: EIT = no mythfilldatabase
[13:59:50] justinh: woo I finally sussed out how to make the mangledtreetoplist look less sucky without hacking code
[13:59:51] GreyFoxx: next thought is the ATOM but that only has 1 pci slot
[13:59:56] stuarta: xmltv = mythfilldatabase
[14:00:18] ChinoChano: but xmltv is for US isn t it?
[14:00:27] stuarta: lots of places
[14:00:55] GreyFoxx: xmltv is a framework and has grabbers for lots of countries and sources
[14:00:59] ChinoChano: i had choice between EIT and the DataDirect...
[14:01:01] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:01:06] ChinoChano: i had choice between EIT and the DataDirect...
[14:01:06] GreyFoxx: most in the use actually use the built in datadirect code and not xmltv
[14:01:08] stuarta: where are you
[14:01:19] ChinoChano: BArcelona, Spain
[14:01:34] stuarta: then DD isn't for you
[14:02:08] ChinoChano: so EIT is ok
[14:02:27] stuarta: i dunno how well it works in spain
[14:02:29] ChinoChano: i saw xmlTV somewhere in the mythtv setup but no ay to find it back...
[14:02:45] gbee: ChinoChano: you have to install xmltv before you get a choice between more than DataDirect and EIT
[14:02:58] ChinoChano: makes sense :(
[14:02:59] gbee: it's a seperate set of applications
[14:03:05] ChinoChano: :/
[14:03:15] ChinoChano: do I want it? do you recommend it?
[14:03:24] stuarta: yes install it
[14:03:35] ChinoChano: 0.5.44?
[14:03:45] stuarta: whatever version your distro has
[14:03:55] ChinoChano: 0.5.50 as stable
[14:04:05] stuarta: that'll do
[14:04:22] ChinoChano: so i install it and I restart the mythtv setup?
[14:05:21] gbee: no need to restart, just exit the video source screen, then re-enter – it will check for installed xmltv grabbers
[14:05:34] ChinoChano: ok. thanks for the tip
[14:05:57] ChinoChano: any use flag recommended?
[14:06:15] ChinoChano: tv_check support? tv_combiner?
[14:06:34] ChinoChano: oh maybe the es_laguiatv (means the TV guide)
[14:06:54] stuarta: worth a try
[14:07:26] ChinoChano: media-tv/xmltv-0.5.50 USE="es_laguiatv -ar -be -brnet -ch -dk -dtvla -ee -es -eu_epg -fi -fr -hr -huro -it -jp -na_dd -na_dtv -na_icons -nc -nl -nl_wolf -no -no_gf -pt -re -se_swedb -tv_check -tv_combiner -tv_pick_cgi -uk_bleb -uk_rt -za"
[14:07:42] ChinoChano: a bit long, sorry
[14:07:54] ChinoChano: do you see any relevant flag I might need?
[14:08:42] justinh: looks like a bunch of use flags to me
[14:09:04] justinh: there seem to be two with 'es there
[14:09:20] justinh: es_laguiatv & -es
[14:10:19] ChinoChano: oh true!
[14:10:51] ChinoChano: what about tv-check and tv-combiner?
[14:10:57] ChinoChano: what are they for?
[14:11:16] sid3windr: to check your tv and then combine it into the giant .. um... umm...
[14:11:32] justinh: if only USE flags told you stuff like that :-\
[14:11:33] ben_____: justinh: would you mind taking a look at
[14:11:36] ben_____: bit unsure about this
[14:12:49] ReikoShea: this is a little off topic, but i figure someone here knows. If i run mkvmerge -i on a file and get: "Track ID 1: video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC)" that means its an H264 format, right?
[14:12:57] justinh: ben_____: ahh. so your HDMI audio output is device 3
[14:13:04] ben_____: yup
[14:13:12] ben_____ is now known as _ben
[14:13:13] ChinoChano: justinh, I remember now
[14:13:14] _ben: thats better
[14:13:26] ChinoChano: euse -i tv_check
[14:13:42] ChinoChano: says enable GUI checking
[14:14:46] ChinoChano: ok so I ll use the tv_check too
[14:15:16] mb15432 (mb15432!n=PlayOnLi@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:05] ChinoChano: and eu_epg as well (EPG grabber for some European countries.)
[14:16:13] mb15432 (mb15432!n=PlayOnLi@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:16:25] justinh: _ben: you need to find out what ALSA is calling device 3
[14:16:44] squidly (squidly! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:46] justinh: don't ask me how. I find alsa confuzzling
[14:17:06] _ben: meh
[14:17:10] _ben: thanks anyway
[14:17:54] justinh: maybe aplay -D $name -L ;)
[14:17:56] gbee: ALSA:hw{0,3} or something
[14:18:05] ChinoChano: i emerge it as it is, ... my sausages burnt!!! shit!!!
[14:18:30] gbee: or just ALSA:Spdif or whatever it's called
[14:18:32] ChinoChano: i ll cook an omelette :/
[14:18:37] justinh: he who uses binary distro has tasty, unburnt sausages :D
[14:18:45] sid3windr: :D
[14:19:04] stuarta: tragedy. burnt chorizo :(
[14:19:12] ChinoChano: tragedy
[14:19:14] ChinoChano: you said it
[14:19:17] ChinoChano: a tragedy
[14:19:28] ChinoChano: I had a french mustard with 3 spices,...
[14:19:33] ** justinh knows a song about that **
[14:19:39] stuarta: its bad
[14:19:42] ChinoChano: but no sausages. (it s not chorizo btw, it s called BUTIFARRA)
[14:19:57] ** stuarta researches **
[14:20:08] ** directhex slaps ChinoChano with a merguez **
[14:20:47] justinh: laga: (in the noo vergin)
[14:21:26] {xmb}: woot i have proof that my wintv 3k works, xmltv displays the channel name's
[14:21:50] ** gbee frowns **
[14:21:57] directhex: xmltv doesn't use your tv card at all. fyi.
[14:22:14] gbee: it doesn't, the two are unconnected entirely
[14:22:17] {xmb}: tv_grab_ch_search does, no?
[14:22:36] {xmb}: or does it grab em from the web
[14:23:11] justinh: emerge --force-user-to-read-docs world
[14:23:17] justinh: :D
[14:23:29] anykey_: justinh: looks nice
[14:23:45] anykey_: {xmb}: tv_grab_ch_search grabs them from
[14:23:57] {xmb}: oic :/
[14:24:24] squidly_ (squidly_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:27:17] squidly__ (squidly__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:27:30] Puhi: is there a way to force the video scan setting to always be "progressive"?
[14:28:02] justinh: Puhi: just don't deinterlace
[14:28:14] justinh: video playback profiles.. erm.. ftw
[14:29:24] Puhi: erm.. so tv broadcast is interlaced, right?
[14:30:08] gustave_ (gustave_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:35:18] GreyFoxx: yes
[14:35:31] GreyFoxx: hdtv can vary
[14:35:35] ChinoChano: ok guys,
[14:35:39] GreyFoxx: but "cable" and regular stuff is interlaced
[14:36:05] ChinoChano: so sausage burnt, mustard just OK xmltv emerged and omelette eaten
[14:36:08] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[14:36:15] squidly_ is now known as squidly
[14:36:19] ChinoChano: back to "biznes"
[14:36:24] ChinoChano: :(
[14:36:26] ChinoChano: :)
[14:38:01] ChinoChano: one question: i had many many channels with the previous SO LONG scan... How can I run another scan with the Spanish grabber without deleting the list I already have?
[14:40:12] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:40:14] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:40:22] ChinoChano: the list is HUGE and I m pretty sure I won t get so many: it looks like not FTA channels...
[14:40:34] ChinoChano: or Satellite channels... I just have DVB-T...
[14:41:24] ChinoChano: it now says I must run mythfilldatabase --manual instead of just mythfilldatabase
[14:42:40] ChinoChano: do i have to do it RIGHT now? or can I wait till I finish with mythtvsetup?
[14:43:57] ChinoChano: Argument "CZTV" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/bin/tv_grab_es line 297.
[14:44:10] ChinoChano: a lot of such lines
[14:44:19] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
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[14:48:06] ChinoChano: weird: mythfilldatabase is like hang at the line i pasted before...
[14:48:57] {xmb} ({xmb}!n=some@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[14:49:11] ChinoChano: top says tv_grab_es is running...
[14:50:13] ChinoChano: could it be "frozen"?
[14:50:31] ChinoChano: Argument "CZTV" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /usr/bin/tv_grab_es line 297. <-- last line
[14:51:14] ChinoChano: CTRL-C?
[14:53:27] ChinoChano: as for the storage directory: should I use the "Create LiveTV group"?
[14:53:37] ChinoChano: or just use the default and set it to something?
[14:53:41] {xmb} ({xmb}!n=some@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:54:23] _ben: justinh: if you're interested the fix:
[14:55:17] migo32 (migo32! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:55:34] migo32: hello
[14:56:10] migo32: i have a problem about the channel search for a dvb-s card in mythtv 0.21.. can somebody pls help me ?
[14:56:37] stuarta: what problem are you having
[14:56:48] migo32: hey stuarta :)
[14:57:02] migo32: well,i have a technisat skystar 2 dvb-s card
[14:57:04] stuarta: :)
[14:57:23] migo32: it runs fine in kaffeine and the channel scan works as well,i get about 500 channels
[14:57:42] migo32: now im trying in mythtv,but i get jsut nothing,but perhaps im makeing a mistake somewhere
[14:58:17] migo32: i checked the net,and looked for the frequency of the transponders
[14:58:28] migo32: one of them is11837 mhz
[14:58:52] migo32: i enter 11837000 in the config for the transponders,since mythtv wants it in khz
[14:59:01] ChinoChano: wow i have to name channels manually!!! !?!?! (ID, channel long name, short name, icon path, like 6 entried per channel!!!!)
[14:59:11] ChinoChano: that s pia!
[14:59:15] migo32: symbol rate is 27.5 millions
[14:59:29] porcodildo (porcodildo! has quit ("Sto andando via")
[14:59:57] migo32: there doesnt even open a window about that a scan starts
[15:00:00] migo32: what can i do ?
[15:05:39] zer-0- (zer-0-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:07:09] migo32: anyone any idea ?
[15:07:29] zer-0- (zer-0-! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:44] migo32: wb zer-0-
[15:07:54] laga: laga: 'astra' could be (#1) scanfrequenzen fuer ASTRA19.2?E – 12551500 (frequency), vertikal (polarity), 22000000 (symbol rate), qpsk (modulation), or (#2) <>
[15:07:58] laga: ^^ migo32
[15:08:49] migo32: wow,,, thank you laga
[15:09:18] migo32: the frequency 12551500 has nothing to do wt'ith any i found ?
[15:09:23] migo32: well i will try..brb
[15:11:05] migo32: it happens.... nothing
[15:11:10] migo32: :(
[15:11:33] laga: what's in the terminal window?
[15:11:45] migo32: what do you mean ?
[15:12:05] migo32: im doing this in teh backend of mythtv, stopped the daemon before
[15:13:24] laga: well, start mythtv-setup in a terminal and look in the terminal
[15:13:29] laga: i bet you forgot to set the diseqc type
[15:15:01] migo32: disepc says "unconnected"
[15:15:16] stuarta: i find running 'mythtv-setup | tee setup.log' helps
[15:15:22] laga: migo32: use "single lnb"
[15:15:32] stuarta: that way you have a copy of the output
[15:15:42] migo32: diseqc even... but i thouhgt this is to turn the lnb ??
[15:15:51] migo32: anyway.... i changed it to lnb now
[15:15:57] ** migo32 smiles **
[15:16:29] laga: yeah, that's not exactly intuitive..
[15:16:46] rebel52 (rebel52! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:53] migo32: not sure how this is english: voreinstellung : europa
[15:17:00] migo32: errr..
[15:17:10] migo32: single (europe)
[15:17:28] migo32: lnb type: standard (spannung)
[15:17:54] migo32: but i cant adjust the lnb lof low/hihg
[15:18:06] migo32: let me try again to scan ...brb
[15:19:53] migo32: wow great :)
[15:19:57] ChinoChano: ERROR with mythfilldatabase --manual:
[15:20:02] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:20:41] ChinoChano: is it because the mythbackend is not running?
[15:20:55] migo32: do i have to manualy enter for each transponder the frquency ?
[15:21:04] GreyFoxx: chino: Yes
[15:21:30] GreyFoxx: At the end of mythfilldatabase it sends a signal to the backend to redo it's schedules since you just altered program data
[15:21:38] laga: migo32: no
[15:21:39] GreyFoxx: if it's not running that's fine
[15:21:46] migo32: i just see it now:
[15:21:49] GreyFoxx: since it will reschedule when it starts up next anyway
[15:21:53] laga: migo32: after the first scan, it has a list of all transponder which need to be scanned again
[15:22:02] migo32: there is an option to scann for all known transponders
[15:22:20] ChinoChano: ok i started it :(
[15:22:27] migo32: one question more i have.... just this one
[15:22:42] migo32: is there a chance to get my epg data via teh dvb-s card ?
[15:22:47] ChinoChano: tha t s a huge list of channels (Disnay Channel): will I see them with just DVB-T?
[15:22:55] ChinoChano: is it possible?
[15:23:05] migo32: im doing it now wiht the prisma grabber, needs 6 hours for 7 days
[15:23:47] migo32: i wonder if there is a way to now with this tv card to get teh epg data somewhat easier ?
[15:27:56] ChinoChano: # mythfrontend -geometry 640x480 <- at this point, do I have to run mythtvbacken initiscript?
[15:29:03] ChinoChano: "Once you've finished with setup, you can start it back up, since you'll need it later with mythfrontend."
[15:29:05] ChinoChano: ok sorry
[15:30:12] joe_ (joe_!n=joe@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:32:21] joe_: hello
[15:32:28] migo32: hi joe_
[15:32:50] joe_: i need some help , have anybody try to download avis insted of mpg videos from mythweb
[15:32:57] joe_: because
[15:34:05] joe_: i transcode the video to avi and yes it does but i want to delete the mpg and just let the avi in the web and the database
[15:34:25] joe_: do i need to make some python or perl script to do that?
[15:34:51] _ben (_ben! has quit ("leaving")
[15:36:40] joe_: any idea migo32
[15:36:52] migo32: sorry no joe_
[15:36:59] migo32: im here to find help as well
[15:37:03] joe_: jejeje
[15:37:04] joe_: ok
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[15:39:58] migo32: hmmm.. dvb-s works just fine
[15:40:06] migo32: thank you all for your help :)
[15:40:07] stuarta: \o/
[15:40:12] migo32: take care and bye bye :)
[15:40:36] migo32 (migo32! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[16:14:05] ximba: 2008-08–27 18:13:02.917 Cannot login to database?
[16:14:09] ximba: any idea?
[16:14:29] ximba: all exists and mc.sql has ran, but however theres no mythconverg.status
[16:14:51] justinh: not until you run mythtv-setup
[16:15:04] ximba: i did, it gives me that, even visually
[16:15:20] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:30] justinh: well, if it had the right database details it'd create all the tables etc
[16:16:16] ** justinh guesses this is another ubuntu user **
[16:16:19] ximba: i only ran mc.sql cause a) needed to create tables a.1) someone here told me to and b) its the only sql file
[16:16:26] ximba: kanotix, updated to debian sid
[16:16:29] justinh: mc.sql creates no tables
[16:16:35] ximba: im a pro, so talk =)
[16:16:43] justinh: a pro what though?
[16:16:57] ximba: well in many things|@topics
[16:17:23] justinh: can you log into the mysql server as the mysql user called mythtv ?
[16:17:26] ximba: yes
[16:17:54] justinh: and is mythtv-setup being pointed at the right database with the right credentials?
[16:18:03] ximba: yes, the default values
[16:18:21] justinh: do those same values work to log onto mysql ?
[16:18:26] ximba: yes
[16:18:41] ximba: i aint got the svn version, just the latest from the web
[16:18:45] justinh: does the mythconverg database exist?
[16:18:49] ximba: yes
[16:19:04] justinh: you didn't build a tarball from did you? ooops
[16:19:10] ximba: however:
[16:19:29] ximba: root (<swdev:0:0)/home/xmb/.mldonkey/incoming/files # mysql -umythtv -pmyttv mythconverg
[16:19:30] ximba: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[16:19:40] ximba: oh well typo
[16:19:42] stuarta: well there you go
[16:19:50] ximba: it works, typo was it
[16:19:58] ximba: but no mythtv-setup
[16:20:06] ximba: (working)
[16:20:10] ximba: (..not)
[16:20:21] justinh: what user are you running mythtv-setup as?
[16:20:25] ximba: root
[16:20:51] justinh: look in /root/.mythtv & see if there's a mysql.txt file there
[16:20:55] ximba: i messed up with dcop permissions as uid 1000, so the fastest solution is root, not that i care about it
[16:21:20] ximba: yes there is, DBType=QMYSQL3 is the interesting part or one of them i guess
[16:21:50] justinh: are the credentials there correct?
[16:21:54] ximba: yes
[16:22:30] ximba: trying last possibility
[16:22:35] justinh: which is?
[16:22:52] justinh: there might be a config.xml file in /root/.mythtv too – check that aswell
[16:22:55] ximba: changing the LocalHostName from <swdev (it was empty before anyway) to localhost
[16:23:05] ximba: i only got the mysql.txt
[16:23:34] justinh: the mc.sql file sets up permissions on the mythconverg database so that folks on localhost can access the db
[16:23:34] ximba: same error
[16:23:52] ximba: 2008-08–27 18:22:53.645 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
[16:23:53] ximba: 2008-08–27 18:22:53.683 Unable to connect to database!
[16:23:55] ximba: 2008-08–27 18:22:53.685 No error type from QSqlError? Strange...
[16:23:57] ximba: QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
[16:24:09] stuarta: you have the qt mysql libs installed?
[16:24:16] ximba: hmm sec
[16:25:05] ximba: gambas[2]? or libqt3-mt-mysq
[16:25:06] ximba: l
[16:25:12] justinh: the latter
[16:25:26] stuarta: gambas sounds like a bowl of prawns to me
[16:25:33] ximba: installing
[16:25:37] ximba: didnt understand that msg
[16:25:41] justinh: that should do it
[16:25:48] ximba: aight =)
[16:26:33] justinh: so where did you get your mythtv from?
[16:26:54] justinh: you said 'the web' which I always take to mean – implying the out of date tarballs
[16:26:54] ximba:
[16:27:05] gustave_ (gustave_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:27:12] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:27:37] justinh: there are probably packages you could've installed y'know
[16:27:48] ximba: hmh
[16:27:50] stuarta: complete with updates
[16:28:03] justinh: more up to date, set up a lot of things for you
[16:28:21] ximba: woot it works
[16:28:28] stuarta: \o/
[16:28:33] ximba: thanks for now :D)
[16:28:34] justinh: amazing
[16:28:41] ximba: gg pr0's
[16:28:51] ** justinh baulks at the concept of thanks that aren't eternal **
[16:29:08] squidly__ is now known as squidly
[16:29:31] zlisir (zlisir! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:30:00] iamlindoro: until he tries to play a DVD with that stock tarball ;)
[16:30:09] justinh: ximba: so that was just a tarball, right? you did pretty well getting as far as you did with that
[16:30:24] ximba: yea well its no prob
[16:30:29] ximba: im the master in #bash and #awk
[16:30:33] ximba: aka xmb
[16:30:57] justinh: a little mysql never hurt anybody eh, at least not directly :P
[16:30:58] iamlindoro: Guess you ought to bash your way to and check out the latest .21-fixes then :)
[16:31:17] ximba: i just have atm 200mb free, not enuff for a build
[16:31:21] ximba: i'll do sometime
[16:31:22] justinh: install subversion & check out the latest mythtv-0.21-fixes
[16:31:29] ** iamlindoro HEARS AN ECHO **
[16:31:29] ximba: but anyway the porblem i have is that
[16:31:33] iamlindoro: stupid caps lock
[16:31:42] ximba: erm, X abords any tv app (or at least the important part) with a DGA error
[16:31:48] stuarta: 200mb ain't gunna hold a lot of recordings
[16:31:48] ximba: its known but i dunno the fix
[16:31:55] iamlindoro: 200 MB for recordings will only go far if you set compression like clever does
[16:32:11] justinh: known, as in you've got a really lame video card?
[16:32:15] ximba: ill see, i got usb disks and stuff
[16:32:22] ximba: a new wintv 3000 card
[16:32:22] clever: even after my compression, i can normaly only get 200mb to hold 30mins:P
[16:32:25] ximba: 23880 chip
[16:32:40] justinh: ximba: no I mean a lame VGA device
[16:32:48] ximba: X with nvidia driecrs
[16:32:57] justinh: ruh?
[16:33:00] justinh: ouchy
[16:33:15] justinh: what series is it?
[16:33:19] ximba: 5900
[16:33:23] ximba: nv35 i think
[16:33:36] justinh: see until you get any kind of video playback worky on there.. there's not much point in proceeding
[16:34:00] ximba: well :/
[16:34:20] justinh: :/ indeed
[16:36:18] ximba: maybe its ( rather
[16:36:48] ximba: it doesnt recognize the xmltv grabbers correctly
[16:36:51] ** justinh reflects upon how easy the systm guys make things look. oh wait they use a ready-rolled distro designed for everybody :D **
[16:37:06] ximba: nm may do
[16:37:26] ximba: i like debian packages, the count of em
[16:37:28] ximba: so i use it
[16:37:31] ximba: but today i had ideas
[16:37:47] ximba: to make an apt compatible system with a fs db, not a file db
[16:38:31] ximba: no waiting time will be the advantage
[16:39:20] ximba: 'connect source to input' -> v4l : /dev/video0 --- video source: none <no other entry>
[16:39:25] ximba: to work would it need to have an entry there?
[16:39:36] justinh: yup
[16:39:49] iamlindoro: God, the users list really is a gaggle of bitches
[16:39:55] justinh: video source is unfortunately something of a misnomer (and a point of contention)
[16:40:23] justinh: iamlindoro: welcom to the communitae my friend
[16:40:27] ximba: so it wont work, ill still continue
[16:41:09] justinh: I'd like to call 'video sources' 'programme guide data sources' or 'programming sources'
[16:42:05] justinh: anyway that's basically what a 'video source' in mythtv is. you assign a listings source (grabber or otherwise) to it
[16:43:15] ximba: i guessed so
[16:43:23] ximba: otherwise i wouldnt have asked [so specific] =)
[16:44:37] ximba: Authorization failed.
[16:44:38] ximba: 2008-08–27 18:43:55.460 Grab complete. Actual data from to (UTC)
[16:44:41] ximba: 401 Unauthorized
[16:44:46] wagnerrp_: theres an article about some 'new' attack on linux using compromised SSH keys
[16:44:57] ximba: gstuff
[16:45:06] wagnerrp_: that sounds less like an attack, and more like a 'you gave them the fucking keys'
[16:45:08] ximba: thats old technique prolly
[16:45:15] stuarta: wagnerrp_: that ain't new
[16:45:16] teprrr: openssl bug in debian based distros.. that's old one, if it's the same
[16:45:26] teprrr: it's been fixed a long ago
[16:45:29] ximba: i should run my newsix news bot again
[16:46:02] xris (xris!n=xris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:02] wagnerrp_: right, there's absolutely nothing new about your computer being wholly insecure when the attacker has the passwords
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[16:46:35] wagnerrp_: and the attack assumes the attacker has the password, its not like its some new fangled way of acquiring the password
[16:46:39] wagnerrp_: why is this news?
[16:47:06] ximba: cause theres fool [s] doing news
[16:47:36] clever: im starting to suspect my freq scaling problems(stuck at 600mhz) are related to heat
[16:47:54] wagnerrp_: this is a... mobile P3?
[16:48:08] ximba: i know such, it was luck when i managed cpufreq, i aint got a laptop anymore
[16:48:14] clever: model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz
[16:48:40] clever: it can run anywhere between 600mhz and 1.6ghz, but lately its been getting stuck in 600mhz and refusing to go any faster
[16:48:48] ximba: Reusing existing connection to
[16:48:49] ximba: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
[16:48:54] ximba: any idea about that?
[16:49:50] wagnerrp_: is this a laptop or desktop?
[16:49:53] clever: laptop
[16:50:02] clever: lcd panel has been closed for the past ~3days
[16:50:07] clever: running 100% usage 24/7
[16:50:13] ximba: hot
[16:50:15] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:50:17] wagnerrp_: you dumb bastard, stop that
[16:50:18] clever: perfect reasons to be overheating:P
[16:50:28] clever: i'll tear the lcd off to aid in cooling
[16:50:30] wagnerrp_: my laptop heats up idling with the screen open
[16:50:37] clever: lol
[16:50:50] clever: 600mhz idle is about 53 c
[16:51:02] ximba: what brand
[16:51:05] clever: the hinges in the lcd are totaly shot now, its more limp then
[16:51:08] clever: dell d600
[16:51:16] ximba: hehi had a eell too
[16:51:25] clever: the lcd panel kept slaming shut on my fingers
[16:51:41] clever: so i just hardwired it into the ethernet and KVM and im treating it like a desktop
[16:51:53] ximba: gg
[16:52:14] clever: but now its standing on edge with the lcd panel latched while going 100% in 1.6ghz
[16:52:26] ximba: so... mythfilldatabase wont work
[16:52:27] clever: last time i overheated a pc it just cut power
[16:52:50] wagnerrp_: you obviously never played with P4s then did you
[16:52:51] ximba: dell's go cpufreq and other kind of throttling
[16:53:03] ximba: u know this settings from 0 to 7 or 8
[16:53:08] wagnerrp_: P4s dont shutdown unless you put them in the oven
[16:53:13] ximba: the max is throttling it to not run X in realtime
[16:53:14] wagnerrp_: theyll run without a heatsink
[16:53:23] clever: lowering the speed clearly reduces temp and seems like the smarter thing to do
[16:53:23] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:28] Honk (Honk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:53:32] clever: but it would be nice if i got a dmesg about it:P
[16:53:48] iamlindoro: I think the list would rather have the polite blind leading the polite blind, given its recent penchant for chasing off informed responses
[16:53:55] clever: until now ive been guessing and telling it to go 1.6 over and over to see no change
[16:54:04] iamlindoro: And people think we need to "attact new users."
[16:54:06] iamlindoro: Sheesh!
[16:54:15] iamlindoro: With users like this, who needs enemies?
[16:54:29] clever: wagnerrp_: my other P4 cpu is a massive beast
[16:54:38] clever: model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1500MHz
[16:54:49] clever: just 100mhz slower in clock yet a ton slower then the laptop
[16:54:52] iamlindoro: clever's here, let the pasting begin!
[16:55:08] clever: ok, i'll just stfu and tear the lcd off the system:P
[16:55:22] wagnerrp_: the P4s could never hold a candle to the Pms
[16:55:39] iamlindoro: Yeah, my girlfriend gets MAD during that time
[16:55:43] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:56:04] wagnerrp_: the PMs got about 30% more performance per clock speed
[16:56:10] clever: nice
[16:56:13] wagnerrp_: yay for the P3 architecture!
[16:56:22] clever: would explain why the thing handle 264 so much better
[16:56:31] ximba: aint P-M's P4 arch
[16:56:39] clever: but the c2d seems to get even more, it can handle 264 in 800mhz on a single core!
[16:56:53] ximba: whats c2d
[16:56:59] clever: core2duo
[16:57:06] ximba: aye i had such
[16:57:07] wagnerrp_: PMs are based off the P3, with the P4's data bus
[16:57:14] ximba: fucked it up by putting coke on the poweron button
[16:57:16] ximba: that got inside
[16:57:24] ximba: coke to drink that is
[16:57:58] clever: dont think i have a P3 to compare the performance to
[16:58:03] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:58:12] clever: model name  : Pentium 75 – 200
[16:58:14] wagnerrp_: clever, what kind of video are you running single core at 800MHz?
[16:58:17] clever: and a P2
[16:58:33] wagnerrp_: DVD rip?
[16:58:33] clever: wagnerrp_: unmentionable downloaded files:P
[16:58:43] wagnerrp_: ah, that would do it too
[16:58:48] clever: i think its an encode of a tv recording from another country
[16:58:58] clever: might be digital->264 from the quality
[16:59:33] clever: the current file is 1024x768_h264 acording to the filename
[16:59:46] clever: VIDEO: [avc1] 1024x768 24bpp 23.976 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[17:00:21] ximba: check this for coloring mplayer output:
[17:00:30] wagnerrp_: thats a funky ass resolution for video
[17:01:19] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:32] clever: looks pretty normal compared to what i normaly watch
[17:01:35] edannenbe (edannenbe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:01:59] clever: when scaled to fullscreen on my 4:3 laptop, it leaves just a tiny gap at the top/bottom
[17:03:33] clever: o crap, the fbi heard of my unmentionable media:P
[17:03:41] clever: they got helicopters overhead now!
[17:03:42] clever: :P
[17:04:08] ximba: god is here
[17:04:21] wagnerrp_: they wouldnt send helicopters, theyre laughing at your for downloading something at 1024x768
[17:04:31] ximba: haha
[17:04:56] clever: 234mb 24mins
[17:05:00] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit ()
[17:05:38] clever: it seems to be a pretty variable bit rate, mplayer isnt saying crap all about the rates:P
[17:07:35] wagnerrp_: 0.07bpp, thats pretty poor quality
[17:08:03] wagnerrp_: nearly half what i usually run at
[17:08:54] wagnerrp_: also, why the hell is it playing at 23.976?
[17:09:01] clever: its probly just a false place holder value or something
[17:09:05] wagnerrp_: thats movie framerates, not TV framerates
[17:09:11] clever: lol
[17:09:14] clever: dont ask me:P
[17:09:19] clever: im not the one that encoded it
[17:09:35] wagnerrp_: is everyone talking in deep baritones?
[17:09:50] clever: but it isnt live action either so they could have done the work on film:P
[17:10:23] clever: no its more alot of high pitched voices:P
[17:10:31] clever: and non english
[17:12:33] wagnerrp_: animated then... well that makes up a bit for the low bitrate
[17:12:40] wagnerrp_: cell shading compresses very well
[17:13:18] clever: yeah
[17:13:43] clever: when i compress my liveaction pvr150 stuff to similar file sizes in mpeg4 it looks like shit:P
[17:13:53] clever: hough thats also a diff codec area
[17:14:25] clever: mpeg2 < mpeg4 < xvid < 264
[17:14:26] clever: i think
[17:14:34] clever: for quality/space
[17:14:36] wagnerrp_: mpeg4 should get SD resolution of 24m to 234MB without a problem
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[17:15:07] clever: it looks allmost perfect, when watched on my tv out
[17:15:19] wagnerrp_: you just said it looks like shit
[17:15:21] clever: which is amazing when you look at how blocky the video is when you play it on a crt or lcd panel
[17:15:34] clever: and i mainly watch on a laptop
[17:15:39] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:51] clever: the tv out blends all the blocks together and somehow makes the shit look ok:P
[17:15:56] PatrickDK: heh, 1200kb/s, I never encode stuff that small
[17:16:13] clever: i have the video set to about 1100 for the 2nd compress
[17:16:17] PatrickDK: I tend to do 2000kb/s for anime stuff, at h264
[17:16:24] wagnerrp_: 1200kbps is a perfectly reasonable bitrate for SD video
[17:16:25] clever: 2200 for the 1st compress at mpeg2 in the card
[17:16:27] PatrickDK: and 3000kb/s for everything else
[17:16:39] PatrickDK: clever, that is your issue
[17:16:47] wagnerrp_: but NOT for something with 5x the pixels
[17:16:53] clever: even the anime i record thru my pvr150 does look good at those rates
[17:17:01] PatrickDK: I noticed a huge difference if I encode mpeg2 at 8000mbit vs at 5000mbit with my pvr150
[17:17:22] clever: i set my pvr150 for 4400 for a few days when i got the new drives
[17:17:23] PatrickDK: after you re-encode it with something else
[17:17:29] iamlindoro: You should just go on the users list, recent experience shows they have no idea what the difference between 6 Mbit and 13.5 is
[17:17:37] clever: but the added bandwidth to the hdd and network taxed things too hard and it was skipping alot
[17:18:11] wagnerrp_: thats what you get for transcoding 20 different things at once from the same source
[17:18:24] PatrickDK: a difference of 2200 to 4400kbit taxed your system? I'm scared
[17:18:27] clever: i only transcode at midnight lately
[17:18:44] clever: PatrickDK: my capture system is now a 400mhz P2
[17:18:58] PatrickDK: mine is an 850mhz p3 :)
[17:19:07] PatrickDK: it never goes over 3% usage
[17:19:11] clever: the dist-upgrade of my old capture system fried ivtv and lirc so i moved the card to an older release/hardware
[17:19:23] clever: there is also no local storage in the capture box
[17:19:29] clever: so its writing everything thru nfs to the old master
[17:19:33] PatrickDK: that is a big issue
[17:20:00] clever: ive got all 3 storage groups nfs mounted to the usual paths so it worked seamlessly
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[17:20:16] clever: was able to setup the whole card in mythtv-setup on the 1st try
[17:20:25] wagnerrp_: especially considering it has negligable memory for disk cache, and hes running 10/100 with an assload of other stuff consuming the network at the same time
[17:20:30] clever: then a week of fiddling with lirc and suspecting hardware before i got it fixed
[17:20:43] clever: Mem: 223764k total, 211200k used, 12564k free, 3624k buffers
[17:20:48] clever: from the capture source
[17:20:56] clever: 100mbit, and normaly its relatively idle
[17:21:20] clever: the capture systems ethernet is somewhat shared with 2 other systems
[17:21:43] PatrickDK: you can call me paranoid :)
[17:22:05] PatrickDK: my backend has 2gigabit
[17:22:11] PatrickDK: and each frontend has gigabit
[17:22:20] clever: lol
[17:22:32] clever: my master has its own private 100mbit line right to the central switch
[17:22:41] PatrickDK: the backends 2 1gige cards are bonded together
[17:22:49] clever: the capture box(along with a windows and nfsroot slave) share a 100mbit back to the switch
[17:23:02] wagnerrp_: with 256MB of memory, at that bitrate you would probably consume available disk cache in 2 minutes if your network is congested
[17:23:13] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:23:23] clever: sometimes the capture box will record to the nfsroot slave, so its basicaly 100mbit the whole path, no sharing(except for the nfsroot trafic)
[17:23:39] wagnerrp_: the only things that share a network line in my house are my laptop, printer, and raid card
[17:23:51] clever: yeah i do get paranoid and check its dmesg for buffer overflows when i tax the hdd system
[17:24:00] wagnerrp_: and the printer and raid card use next to no bandwidth
[17:24:22] clever: ive got nfs, vnc, x11, irc, ssh
[17:24:23] PatrickDK: the only things I have sharing network wire
[17:24:30] PatrickDK: is my two laptops on the wireless
[17:25:20] clever: i ran out of ports upstairs so i moved the wifi AP (also a 4 port switch) upstairs to split the cord
[17:25:27] wagnerrp_: i ran out of ports in my office
[17:25:33] wagnerrp_: and didnt want to run a 5th and 6th line
[17:25:51] clever: there are 3 lines going from the switch to my bedroom
[17:26:09] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:26:10] clever: 2 of those continue up to the kitchen(thru the floor to the main hdd server and the wifi ap)
[17:26:32] clever: the 3rd goes into the wired router(being used as a 4port switch) which feeds 2 desktops and a laptop
[17:26:39] clever: id have to draw it out to make sense:P
[17:26:58] wagnerrp_: it makes perfect sense... spaghetti
[17:27:08] clever: behind the upstairs desk is worse
[17:27:12] PatrickDK: heh, I just ran double everything everywhere
[17:27:19] clever: rat next
[17:27:21] clever: nest
[17:27:26] PatrickDK: so each bedroom has the possibility of having 4 gige ports
[17:27:32] clever: dad keeps saying its a wonder the place hasnt caught fire
[17:27:47] clever: and was expecting the lights to dimm when he plugged in the scope
[17:27:48] wagnerrp_: because copper burns so well...
[17:27:55] PatrickDK: clever, heh, you should see this one house I wired up
[17:28:00] wagnerrp_: the vinyl doesnt really burn, just melts
[17:28:09] justinh: gigabit just for mythtv? heh
[17:28:16] PatrickDK: it has 3 48port switchs full
[17:28:23] clever: nice
[17:28:31] PatrickDK: and a 12port gige switch connecting those 3 together, and the servers on it
[17:28:36] PatrickDK: just for a house
[17:28:41] clever: ive nearly filled a 12 port cisco but half the ports seem unused lately from a glance at the lights
[17:28:44] wagnerrp_: i would be happy with just a 24-port
[17:28:52] sid3windr: my 24 port is pretty full
[17:28:53] PatrickDK: some parts of the house where too long
[17:29:07] clever: i need a line in the garage
[17:29:09] at0m|c: clever, not using kapton insulation are you? ;p
[17:29:12] PatrickDK: so I had to run fiber between the 12port main switch, and the 48port switchs
[17:29:20] clever: at0m|c: ?
[17:29:34] at0m|c: kapton is what boeing uses. it explodes when wet
[17:29:36] wagnerrp_: i dont see any reason to have all of those ports active
[17:29:39] sid3windr: fileserver mythbackend router 2 frontends 2 desktops 2 laptops 3 voip phones 1 modem 1 stb 1 ups 1 serial console server
[17:29:52] sid3windr: and a wifi router
[17:29:54] wagnerrp_: why not just label the ports, and use a patch panel to connect ones you need live?
[17:29:55] sid3windr: I think that's it :]
[17:30:02] clever:'s/P . . . 2.jpg/_full_ the old rat nest behind my desk
[17:30:19] sid3windr: that's pretty clean
[17:30:24] PatrickDK: wagnerrp me?
[17:30:30] PatrickDK: they have patch panels
[17:30:39] PatrickDK: but 70% of them are in use
[17:30:40] clever: sid3windr: thats from several months ago
[17:30:41] wagnerrp_: the guy with $2000 of network equipment
[17:31:00] PatrickDK: this is much more than $2000 in network equip
[17:31:02] sid3windr: $2K isn't very hard is it?
[17:31:03] justinh: iamlindoro: call this coincidence but I've not noticed mr adeffs on the lists. so them going to hell is tied in with his posting absence?
[17:31:12] wagnerrp_: im sure they dont use anywhere close to those 144 ports
[17:31:12] sid3windr: a decent 24 port gige manageable switch is like 1000
[17:31:30] iamlindoro: justinh: Could be, he seems like a pretty smart fellow
[17:31:31] wagnerrp_: ok, i was assuming shit unmanaged switches
[17:31:40] PatrickDK: these are all layer3 managed switchs
[17:32:16] PatrickDK: there are 35 computers, 14 printers, 45 ipphones
[17:32:28] wagnerrp_: in a house...
[17:32:33] PatrickDK: yes, in a house
[17:32:42] PatrickDK: two computers in the kitchen
[17:32:43] justinh: ruh?!
[17:33:10] clever: Cisco WS-C2912-XL
[17:33:15] clever: how much is that normaly worth?
[17:33:21] wagnerrp_: nothing
[17:33:21] PatrickDK: it's nuts, they pay me to install wire, and stuff, I don't care why :)
[17:33:24] justinh: $5 on ebay
[17:33:29] clever: lol
[17:33:41] clever: ive been told its a profesional switch used in large companys:P
[17:33:53] PatrickDK: isn't that eol?
[17:34:00] justinh: yeah. thrown in junk on a regular basis, end up on ebay
[17:34:05] wagnerrp_: no one wants old used cisco equipment except for hobbyists, and hobbyists dont want to spend a lot of money
[17:34:10] justinh: clever: how else would you have ended up with it?
[17:34:29] clever: justinh: it was leftover from a coworker of my dads job
[17:34:38] clever: basicaly got it for free:P
[17:34:39] justinh: there ya go then!
[17:34:56] justinh: so that's what it's worth :D
[17:34:57] PatrickDK: hell, I have tossed out cisco 2948's
[17:35:30] justinh: popular with studinks no doubt, wantin to do the lerninz
[17:36:03] iamlindoro: You must not be familiar with american students
[17:36:34] justinh: hmm?
[17:36:57] justinh: should I be thankful? from the tone of that I'm guessing a big 'yes'
[17:37:00] iamlindoro: Learning? Is that the thing you have to do so that your parents keep the beer, coke and rent money flowing?
[17:37:03] PatrickDK: american students don't learn :)
[17:37:11] justinh: coke as in not the drinking kind
[17:37:13] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:37:21] iamlindoro: coke as in the sniffing kind
[17:37:51] justinh: mmm bubbles up yer nose :D
[17:38:29] justinh: anyway. what did I intend to do again... hrm
[17:38:59] kormoc: Mmm... coke...
[17:39:12] ** iamlindoro is a Pepsi man **
[17:41:16] gregL (gregL! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:41:25] iamlindoro: Hmm
[17:41:41] iamlindoro: could it be that xbmc has actually produced a worthwhile GSoC project?
[17:41:49] justinh: heh maybe I did all my mythtv chores for a while
[17:41:57] iamlindoro:
[17:42:09] justinh: aha! I could prolly do some cleanup & get some inheritance going
[17:42:19] iamlindoro: I mean, something with lofty promises upon which substantial work has been done and there are tangible results?
[17:42:26] iamlindoro: There must be something wrong with my computer
[17:42:31] ** iamlindoro whacks the screen **
[17:43:51] PatrickDK: iamlindoro, no, just with you
[17:43:52] justinh: iamlindoro: that thread is getting old now
[17:45:14] iamlindoro: Hey, at least there's an update this month with actual playback working, that's something
[17:46:49] justinh: I'll take him being too busy to post to his blog as a good sign then
[17:46:53] iamlindoro: Heh, MythTV episode on systm followed by... Episode 65, "Build the perfect Windows Media Center PC."
[17:47:02] iamlindoro: Step one, format drive
[17:47:06] iamlindoro: Step two, see episode 64
[17:49:02] laga: rotfl
[17:49:20] justinh: episode 66, "build the perfect Boxee PC". sign up to the trial, wait... and wait.. and wait...
[17:49:59] laga: justinh: didn't you get a serial?
[17:50:24] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:50:41] justinh: Episode 67, "Create the perfect mythtv fan skin". Download plenty of copyrighted images to use as backgrounds
[17:50:59] justinh: laga: didn't bother tbh. the whole concept seems flawed
[17:51:50] justinh: and it doesn't record TV. At all :(
[17:52:57] ** kormoc blinks **
[17:53:00] kormoc: what is this?
[17:53:45] justinh: 'media center with social networking, based on XBMC'
[17:54:29] Dagmar: "Now with an optimized "Sue-You Sue-Me" plugin"
[17:54:36] laga: rotfl
[17:55:08] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has left #mythtv-users ("quack")
[17:55:16] justinh: btw laga did you see the screenshot I posted earlier?
[17:56:24] laga: no
[17:56:27] laga: i was AFK for a bit
[17:56:30] justinh: looks much better than the version you have IMHO. might need to do new buttons so it works better on different backgrounds
[17:57:23] justinh:
[17:57:38] laga: hm, nice
[17:58:15] Dagmar: kormoc: OH hey... That route for multicast isn't strictly necessary
[17:59:18] Andrew_Barber (Andrew_Barber! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:30] Dagmar: kormoc: And definitely having the configuration for where the backend is being done by IP only is broken
[17:59:42] Dagmar: Broken, full of lose, whatever you want to call it
[18:03:34] kormoc: Dagmar, ooh?
[18:04:53] sphery: Dagmar: You can use hostname in trunk
[18:05:23] sphery: We had to wait for Qt to catch up with what we wanted.
[18:05:43] Dagmar: sphery: Good, so I don't have to go write a patch for it then
[18:06:09] sphery: Nope
[18:06:17] t|zz: Dagmar: if you remember me, i went on ... found the blackbird-kernel module for the mpg-2 encoder and with the module i have the /dev/video1 and cat /dev/video1 > test.mpg gives me a video from the channel i had in tvtime before. but still no luck with mythtv...
[18:07:36] iamlindoro: t|zz: did you change the card type in mythtv-setup?
[18:07:40] iamlindoro: to MPEG-2 encoder?
[18:08:15] iamlindoro: because no mpeg-2 encoder will ever work with the v4l card type (at least, not the MPEG-2 encoder part of the card)
[18:09:45] iamlindoro: and, as I mentioned to you about five times yesterday, your card may not even work with the MPEG-2 encoder card type, as it's not ivtv.... so, one last time with guto in the hopes that you will listen-- If it *doesn't* work with the MPEG-2 encoder card type, it *will not work* with MythTV until someone adds a new card type for it.
[18:09:53] iamlindoro: er gusto
[18:10:28] ** PatrickDK watchs iamlindoro waste his breath **
[18:10:32] t|zz: iamlindoro: i did choose the /dev/video1 in myth, so should come directly from the encoder i think... and, well i don't know what to choose in the recordprofiles-section...
[18:10:57] iamlindoro: t|zz: When you define a capture card in the capture card section, the *first* box is "Capture card type"
[18:11:19] iamlindoro: You need to NOT use v4l card type, and try "MPEG-2 Encoder card (pvr-x50)"
[18:11:28] iamlindoro: and if that does not work, SEE ABOVE
[18:11:38] t|zz: iamlindoro: so, let me see what i have there
[18:11:46] t|zz: su
[18:12:07] iamlindoro: no need to su
[18:12:13] iamlindoro: you don't need to be root to run mythtv-setup
[18:12:15] kormoc: t|zz, Password:
[18:12:53] wagnerrp_: kormoc: cute... :D
[18:13:41] t|zz: i know, thanks anyway
[18:14:08] t|zz: well, i already tried mpeg-2, but there are no devices, so it doesn't seem to work, as expected
[18:14:23] Dagmar: Try it again.
[18:14:29] t|zz: did, right now
[18:14:38] Dagmar: v4l card type will not work.
[18:14:38] iamlindoro: And delete the existing defined capture card, don't try to create a new one alongside it
[18:14:42] Dagmar: Period.
[18:15:03] t|zz: i don't have the v4l any more, removed. but as said, no mepg-2 device for myth.
[18:15:14] iamlindoro: and if you can't get MPEG-2 card type to work, then it's time to start offering to pay large sums of currency to devs
[18:15:20] iamlindoro: wait wait
[18:15:26] iamlindoro: you don't even have the *option*?
[18:15:38] iamlindoro: Sounds like someone is using something like gentoo
[18:15:39] t|zz: *option* ?
[18:15:47] t|zz: yes, gentoo. why?
[18:15:59] iamlindoro: do you have the option to choose MPEG-2 encoder card type in Capture Card Type
[18:16:01] PatrickDK: the root of all evil
[18:16:04] iamlindoro: or does it not exist there for you
[18:16:51] Dagmar: The next best thing to a Ski-Doo on the ocean with no gas level indicator for letting people get in over their heads without warning
[18:16:57] iamlindoro: IIRC gentoo had the ivtv option disabled by default a while back, don't know if that's still the case
[18:17:09] GreyFoxx: Someone compiled without ivtv support, and thus the mpeg2 encoder option isn't available :)
[18:17:10] iamlindoro: but that would cause there to be no MPEG-2 card type option
[18:17:44] t|zz: iamlindoro: well the mpeg-2 option, the pvr* stuff is there to choose, but a line further down i don't have a device to choose
[18:17:56] iamlindoro: ok, in that case, time to start bribing devs
[18:18:04] iamlindoro: because Myth can't work with your card without a new card type
[18:18:13] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:18] iamlindoro: Because it's an MPEG-2 encoder that myth has no support for
[18:18:36] PatrickDK: buy all the devs one of them cards? and hope atleast one of them gets bored
[18:19:24] GreyFoxx: tiz: Did the driverset you installed come with an app for controlling the channel it's tuned to ?
[18:19:46] GreyFoxx: Or any README or anything about the api being used?
[18:20:12] t|zz: and, i am right that my mpeg-encoder works if cat /dev/video1 gives something? or could it be that is only works "half" and that therefore myth has a problem with it...? or can i exclude that?
[18:20:21] iamlindoro: So, for all you intrepid troubleshooters out there, the problem with the HVR-1300 is the same as teh US/Canada HVR-1800
[18:20:57] iamlindoro: t|zz: It works fine, and your card is fine-- as previously repeated over and over, Myth will only support ivtv driver cards with the MPEG-2 card option-- and your card isn't one
[18:21:02] GreyFoxx: tizz: The ability to pull data from /dev/video1 is part of it, but the big question is controlling the card.. channel, bitrate, resolution, volume etc
[18:21:25] GreyFoxx: So if we can find out if they are emulating the ivtv api or something similar we might be able to get it to work without any real pain
[18:21:31] kormoc_ (kormoc_!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:21:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc_
[18:21:32] ximba: XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode
[18:21:48] GreyFoxx: I don't know anything about the HVR series as I've not needed to touch them
[18:22:39] PatrickDK: greyfoxx, how about just using it as a stb only device, then it doesn't need to tune
[18:23:03] Dagmar: That doesn't do anything for getting it to set the bitrates, etc
[18:23:05] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx: More os less, HVR-1600 is an ivtv card, and the analog side of all the rest is a big fat goose egg
[18:23:11] iamlindoro: er more or
[18:23:23] iamlindoro: They work in linux, but not myth
[18:23:25] PatrickDK: dagmar, heh, I was hoping the default would be *good enough*
[18:23:27] |gunni| (|gunni|! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:23:48] GreyFoxx: Patr: Maybe, using an external script for changing channels, assuming what he's using came with an app for controlling the card
[18:24:02] |gunni| (|gunni|! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:24:27] ximba: i got a HVR 3000 card
[18:24:31] iamlindoro: They *do* follow v4l2 API, and are controllable via v4l2-ctl
[18:24:39] ximba: cx88: recognizes it, but i still cant view shit yet
[18:24:42] t|zz: well i think i will go on with tvtime until someone sends a hvr-1300 bundled with a little money to the friendly guys developing myth...
[18:25:19] ximba: i get this no NoDir..Mode err
[18:26:06] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:18] GreyFoxx: tizz: Might be your easiest option
[18:30:58] ximba: i figured this DGA error be nvidia driver's fault
[18:31:06] ximba: it doesnt support DGA anymore
[18:31:21] ximba: i gotta reboot i guess, to try bttv drivers loaded before cx*
[18:31:31] GreyFoxx: Isn't DGA long gone for the most part ?
[18:31:49] justinh: ancient xorg.conf?
[18:31:52] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:32:02] ximba: dont think so
[18:32:08] ximba: v4l-conf wont run cause it
[18:32:24] ximba: v4l2-ctl i cant use as i dunno any commands
[18:32:36] till (till! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:32:39] justinh: v4l2-ctl --help ?
[18:33:07] till (till! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:24] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:41] ximba: --all works [used it before]
[18:33:48] ximba: but i still cant watch shit
[18:34:27] justinh: getting X working properly would be my primary goal in your position
[18:35:03] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:35:25] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:35:34] ximba: im looking thru lists, some nvidia doc explains that DGA is old and not anymore supported – and suggests coders to use some other functinos but they are incomplete
[18:35:37] ximba: so what can i do
[18:35:48] kormoc_: thing is
[18:36:00] ximba: i've seen bttv drivers work on the chipset of the card, triband thing
[18:36:05] kormoc_: a bttv card shouldn't be attempting DGA unless it was outputting pictures
[18:36:18] ximba: but when i load bttv nothing happens – i guess cause cx23* or cx88 drivers take the card already
[18:36:34] ximba: aint it pictures in the end that we're watching
[18:36:37] ximba: nc
[18:36:48] kormoc_: DGA is used for writing to a frame buffer, not reading from
[18:36:54] kormoc_ is now known as kormoc
[18:36:54] ximba: hmm!
[18:37:05] ximba: so i guess drivers are the problem
[18:37:05] kormoc: least, my understanding of it
[18:37:13] justinh: bttv is for welly old tuner cards AFAIK
[18:37:23] ximba: i got bttv and ivtv on the beginning of /etc/modules – but im afraid that the initrd loads other modules first
[18:37:36] ximba: it says its a bttv card somewhere on the web
[18:37:50] ximba: and well, the cx88 drivers define video0 vbi0 and radio0
[18:37:59] ximba: however i got these errors from another similiar driver:
[18:38:09] ximba: [ 72.789195] cx22702_readreg: readreg error (ret == -121)
[18:38:11] ximba: [ 72.820027] cx22702_writereg: writereg error (reg == 0x0d, val == 0x00, ret == -121)
[18:38:15] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:38:19] ximba: and 0x01
[18:38:28] ximba: couple of those repeating, then no msg from this cx22702
[18:38:29] Dagmar: Those and 97 cents will get you a small cup of coffee some places
[18:38:35] ximba: i dunno whats it doing
[18:38:45] ximba: those = ?
[18:39:09] Dagmar: Those == it telling you that "some random drivers" aren't going to work
[18:39:28] ximba: well i have found a paste on the web where this hvr 3000 card works with the bttv drivers
[18:39:35] ximba: i can paste my dmesg about it
[18:39:51] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:39:52] Dagmar: THen contact that person and ask them how to make your card work
[18:40:04] ximba: heh its just a dmesg | grep .. paste
[18:40:10] ximba: and i aint gonna wait till the answer
[18:40:16] ximba: so i do it myself – try at least
[18:40:30] Dagmar: No wonder china still has acupuncturists
[18:40:33] ximba: linux is so depreciated
[18:40:44] ximba: its confederation helvetia
[18:41:03] ximba: bulgaria does artupunktur too
[18:41:11] ximba: as do some in the swiss
[18:41:47] justinh: hvr-3000 ? doesn't sound very bttv-like to me
[18:42:06] ximba: well its the same chipset and lspci output as this dude
[18:42:13] ximba: who knows where i've seen the paste, it was yesterday or 2 days ago
[18:42:19] justinh: lspci lies
[18:42:22] ximba: havent rebooted, rebooting always pises me up
[18:42:32] ximba: it says card=53 – this dude.. i dont remember
[18:42:40] ximba: er lspci doesnt say card=..
[18:42:51] Dagmar: So perhaps you should postpone working on this until you are a little more sober.
[18:42:52] ximba: but the driver that displays it in the kernel msges recognizes the card
[18:42:57] ximba: but it doesnt display shit
[18:43:06] ximba: heh
[18:43:09] ximba: so better i reboot
[18:43:23] ximba: see yas
[18:43:31] justinh:
[18:44:07] ximba: whats fe0
[18:44:25] Dagmar: Some letters and a number.
[18:45:03] ximba: thanks much fo the link
[18:45:28] ximba: i guess ill recompile just the patched modules
[18:45:50] ** justinh thanks google again **
[18:45:55] mrpockets (mrpockets! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:46:51] the_alien (the_alien! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:42] Anduin (Anduin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:51:09] ximba: how to set the card to be analog, not dvb*
[18:51:34] ximba: with some command i look for
[18:53:27] the_alien: Oo
[18:54:21] ximba: is it video0 that is analog and vbi0 to be d-vb-* ?
[18:55:53] wagnerrp_: dvb will be in /dev/dvb
[18:55:59] ximba: oic k
[18:56:05] wagnerrp_: completely different system
[18:56:17] ximba: opening vbi0 in tvtime (i remember that app, good stuff), says cx8800: invalid argument
[18:57:02] ChinoChano: guys, i have 2 main problems:
[18:57:07] sphery: And if your card is a DVB card with a (useless, as analog is) analog frame grabber, you should set it up as a DVB card and then select Analog Options for the card in mythtv-setup to set up the analog side
[18:57:14] ChinoChano: when i run mythfrontend, it s GGREAT
[18:57:23] ximba: its a trimode card
[18:57:30] ChinoChano: I have the meu, but no image. OSD info is OK, but no image, no sound...
[18:57:31] ximba: analog, dvb-t and dvb-s
[18:57:54] sphery: ChinoChano: you have words, but no pictures?
[18:57:56] wagnerrp_: sphery: the 3000 is an mpeg card, not a frame grabber
[18:58:42] ChinoChano: yes i have the OSD info. like Channel, etc...
[18:58:47] ChinoChano: but nothing else
[18:58:49] t|zz: ok, myth seems to work at least 'a little' with hvr-1300 now. it randomly chooses a channel when i choose watch tv in mythfrontend, every time i enter another channel appears. but i'm not able to change channel in a controlled way...
[18:58:55] ChinoChano: i can siwtch channels, but no image
[18:59:03] sphery: wagnerrp_: Oh. Didn't know what card (and don't know anything about the HVR-3000)
[18:59:28] ChinoChano: the other thing is How do I get it fullscreen (the gnome panels still stay on the top and on the bottom)
[18:59:33] sphery: ChinoChano: rm -rf ~/.mythtv/{osd,theme}cache
[18:59:37] sphery: ChinoChano: then restart the frontend
[18:59:56] sphery: Are you running it in Compiz? If so, get a real WM and it will work.
[19:00:11] ChinoChano: yes in compiz... what s the problem?
[19:00:17] sphery: Compiz
[19:00:24] ChinoChano: for the image?
[19:00:37] sphery: compiz is a problem for fullscreen
[19:00:53] sphery: look on the mailing list archive for a /lot/ of discussion of its brokenness and several workarounds
[19:01:06] sphery: the rm -rf is for the images
[19:01:21] sphery: make sure you do it as the user running mythfrontend
[19:01:22] ChinoChano: ok. I basically have 3: DVB-inpit
[19:01:25] ChinoChano: input
[19:01:48] ximba (ximba!n=some@ has quit (Client Quit)
[19:03:13] GreyFoxx: oops
[19:03:39] ChinoChano: restarting the frontend... nice skins!!!
[19:04:27] ChinoChano: if i go to Image Gallery, even if I set it to /myphotos... it says /var/lib/pictures does not exist or is unreachable
[19:04:31] ChinoChano: unreqdable
[19:05:22] justinh: what skins? :-O
[19:06:02] ChinoChano: one sec, i can t remember...
[19:06:28] justinh: mythtv has themes, not skins. don't care what anybody's definition of a skin vs theme is
[19:06:40] ChinoChano: :)
[19:06:41] ChinoChano: ok ok ok
[19:07:44] ChinoChano: the Blue UI theme is nice.lulius, minimalist, neon-wide, Retro
[19:08:17] ChinoChano: a pity retro isn t in widescreen
[19:08:19] justinh: heh. no votes for GNAT then
[19:08:33] ChinoChano: i love the TV with spot light in GNAT
[19:08:38] justinh: been thinking about making Retro wide but in the big scheme of things I doubt it's worth it
[19:08:47] ChinoChano: but the Grey is not my favourite
[19:09:04] ChinoChano: you did them?
[19:09:11] ChinoChano: raaaaaaaaaaa lovely
[19:09:27] t|zz: can someone tell me the keys for changing sound volume?
[19:09:32] justinh: I did neon-wide, projectgrayhem(-wide), blootube(-wide) & some other gay one
[19:09:43] justinh: t|zz: [ ]
[19:10:03] ChinoChano: :) lulius is stylish too
[19:10:25] t|zz: justinh: thank you !
[19:10:29] ChinoChano: i go to MEdia Settings, Images Settings
[19:10:35] ** justinh is not keys.txt :P **
[19:11:09] justinh: ChinoChano: that one is the most memory efficient theme apparently. and still only 4:3
[19:11:39] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:57] directhex: justinh, people who can't afford a half gig stick can't afford widescreen
[19:13:09] justinh: lol
[19:13:36] Hannibal- (Hannibal-! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[19:16:14] ChinoChano (ChinoChano!n=iorga@ has quit ("Leaving")
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[19:17:41] MinDKrime (MinDKrime!n=MinDKrim@ has quit ("Doh... Connection terminated!")
[19:17:46] ChinoChano: is this location /media/My\ Book/multimedia/Photos/
[19:17:53] ChinoChano: ok to put in Image Settings?
[19:18:30] ChinoChano: ls /media/My\ Book/multimedia/ Audio Images Mis peliculas Movies Partoches Photos dummy themes
[19:18:43] Dagmar: Why are you asking us?
[19:19:06] webvictim: spaces in path names are pretty nasty.
[19:19:11] ChinoChano: because i put it, but it went back to default...
[19:19:29] ChinoChano: shit..
[19:19:33] sphery: and you used Next/Next/Next/Finish to "save" it?
[19:19:38] ChinoChano: but all my stuff is ther..
[19:19:39] sphery: rather than Back/Cancel
[19:19:43] ChinoChano: mmmm i ll do it again
[19:20:04] ChinoChano: yes i did, slie transition etc...
[19:20:07] ChinoChano: slide
[19:21:00] sphery: I'd try it without the space, then
[19:21:08] sphery: (i.e. fix your mount point)
[19:21:37] ChinoChano: /media/My\ Book/multimedia/Photos/
[19:21:43] ChinoChano: /media/MyBook/multimedia/Photos/
[19:21:45] ChinoChano: ?
[19:22:03] bobgill (bobgill! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[19:22:07] Dagmar: ...assuming the path is actually correct and not mis-typed
[19:22:38] dvdevel (dvdevel! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:16] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:23:59] ChinoChano: trying it..
[19:24:07] ChinoChano: the path is pasted...
[19:25:09] ChinoChano: MythGallery Directory 'media/My\ Book/multimedia/Photos' does not exist or is unreachable
[19:25:17] ChinoChano: ,,, i have an idea :)
[19:25:27] Dagmar: Perhaps if you actually included the leading /
[19:25:30] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:25:45] ChinoChano: i take off the blackslash
[19:25:47] ChinoChano: ...
[19:25:48] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:13] ReikoShea: anyone know if there is a way to repair a h264 video (its constantly killing my computer at frame 48351 while transcoding to mpeg2)
[19:26:24] ChinoChano: the neon wide is COOL. A bit dark, but really clean, epurated... cool, really
[19:26:32] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:27:10] the_alien (the_alien! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:27:16] ChinoChano: it works!!!! I had to take out the backslash!!!
[19:27:23] ChinoChano: Now, the image.... (TV)
[19:27:25] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:28:00] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:28:12] ChinoChano: 3: DVBInput it s the only thing appearing in screen
[19:28:42] ChinoChano: the OSD works, i can switch channel... but... no video...
[19:28:53] ChinoChano: hey guys, great job. really
[19:28:55] ChinoChano: awesome
[19:29:27] ChinoChano: for the movies, if I want to put their covers, where should I paste them?
[19:30:26] ChinoChano: is the so called "movie posters directory?"
[19:31:55] ChinoChano: i have a widescreen, 16:10... which --geometry should i go for the mythfrontend?
[19:32:09] ChinoChano: cause the "Next" button does not always appears...
[19:32:10] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:41] dvdevel: i have some mythfilldatabase questions regarding --refresh-today, i see " Data Refresh needed because user specified --refresh-today" and then "Data is already present for Wed Aug 27 2008, skipping" — so how do i force it to not skip and actually refresh the data?
[19:35:35] dvdevel: it doesn't seem to be behaving the way it's described in the docs i've seen (i.e. it only updates the 14th day, not "tomorrow")
[19:36:58] ChinoChano: I can t see TV. Here s the console messages:
[19:37:08] t|zz: is it possible to set something like a de-interlacer in myth?
[19:37:38] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:37:47] helpmeplease: t|zz, yes, in player options
[19:37:49] justinh: t|zz: see utils/setup > setup > tv settings > playback > playback profiles > confusion
[19:38:09] helpmeplease: *playback
[19:38:22] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:22] ChinoChano: could it be the channel scan and the spanish grabber?
[19:38:37] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:42] t|zz: thanks guys!
[19:40:08] joe_: how can i download avis from mythweb
[19:40:24] joe_: i do already transcode the video
[19:41:26] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:43:28] dvdevel: oh, i see this may be an issue with 0.20.2 ...
[19:43:35] dvdevel: sorry for the noise.
[19:44:25] ChinoChano: mmmm the remote control from the USB doesn t work. Is this normal? Do I miss a plugin?
[19:44:40] ChinoChano: The Menu key in the keyboard... which one is it?
[19:45:25] justinh: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[19:45:53] justinh: ChinoChano: you miss lirc. nothing to do with mythtv really
[19:46:00] dvdevel (dvdevel! has left #mythtv-users ("sick of you")
[19:46:05] ChinoChano: yep! i found it in Edit Keys. HEY GUYS SO COOOL
[19:46:07] directhex: 0.20.2? how delightfully retro
[19:46:30] ChinoChano: i miss lirc... but with vdr i didn t so there must be a way... don t you think so?
[19:46:45] justinh: I know there is no way without lirc
[19:46:54] ChinoChano: ok this is a point.
[19:47:15] phatmonkey (phatmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:47:16] ChinoChano: so as I know there s no way with lirc and my RC, the keyboard will be GREAT. :P
[19:48:05] justinh: I said without lirc
[19:48:06] ChinoChano: The blooube is my favourite. nice choices. I must be gay :)
[19:48:15] justinh: without lirc your remote is impotent
[19:48:33] ChinoChano: well, WITH lirc my remote is impotent.
[19:49:11] ChinoChano: So as I should go for LIRC here, and for LIRC my remote is impotent, I d better forget about it... nope?
[19:49:51] ChinoChano: well, WITH lirc my remote is impotent. the only IR receiver is the one built in the RC. And it is very limited
[19:56:11] Andrew_Barber: what kind of remote?
[19:56:43] ChinoChano: it s a USB DVB_T REedBekll pen size
[19:57:11] ChinoChano: the remote is one of the crappiest I ve seen. gum keys, buggy...
[19:58:17] ChinoChano: no Audio player though?
[19:58:21] ChinoChano: no mp3 players?
[19:58:39] GreyFoxx: You mean in myth?
[19:58:50] GreyFoxx: Assuming you have mythplugins installed that would include mythmusic
[19:59:44] keith4 (keith4!n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:00:16] keith4 (keith4!n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:01:40] Andrew_Barber: can one change the recording quality within myth?
[20:01:51] ChinoChano: ok!
[20:02:18] justinh: Andrew_Barber: depends. if you use a V4L framegrabber or an mpeg2 encoding analogue card, YES. If not, you get what you get
[20:02:40] Andrew_Barber: i have mpeg2 (pvr-150)
[20:02:59] justinh: then you need to look at Recording Profiles
[20:03:09] Andrew_Barber: okay
[20:03:18] Andrew_Barber: but there is no hotkey?
[20:03:48] justinh: so?
[20:04:22] Andrew_Barber: i just thought there might be an on the fly option
[20:04:53] justinh: well, there ain't
[20:04:59] bagpuss_thecat (bagpuss_thecat! has quit ("leaving")
[20:08:26] ChinoChano: i have some kind of problem with the locales: the spanish keyboard and its weird chars... what can I do?
[20:13:31] joe_ (joe_!n=joe@ has quit ("Saliendo")
[20:15:03] iamlindoro__: Move somewhere where the keyboard is sensible?
[20:27:47] xorITor (xorITor! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:28:23] porcodildo (porcodildo! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:28:29] porcodildo: someone is using imon remote?
[20:28:57] xorITor: does anyone have one of the samsung 650 series tvs?
[20:29:21] xorITor: . . . p;fullspec=F
[20:29:28] iamlindoro__: Doe anyone have a third nipple?
[20:29:30] iamlindoro__: anyone?
[20:29:38] iamlindoro__: Come on, answer my question!
[20:29:41] iamlindoro__: No one is here?
[20:29:47] iamlindoro__ (iamlindoro__! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:29:51] iamlindoro__ (iamlindoro__! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:51] xorITor: um... i have 6 extra nipples
[20:29:52] iamlindoro__ (iamlindoro__! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:30:01] ** laga standing ovation **
[20:30:21] ** xorITor bows **
[20:30:36] xorITor: my timing was perfect!
[20:30:38] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:50] laga: damn, the safety dance is awesome
[20:30:59] iamlindoro: This concludes #mythtv-users theatre, with me, your host, iamlindoro.
[20:31:03] xorITor: i dont have a hat!
[20:31:08] xorITor: i am a man!
[20:31:14] xorITor: i must be in that group then!
[20:31:49] xorITor: seriously though i am about to get that tv and was wondering if anyone here was using one
[20:31:54] iamlindoro: The preceding scene, "Every question ever asked in channel," was writted, directed and performed by me, iamlindoro.
[20:32:25] xorITor: iamlindoro, hmm that statement is a bit pretentious dont you think?
[20:32:37] iamlindoro: No.
[20:32:46] xorITor: no no or just no
[20:32:50] iamlindoro: No.
[20:32:51] xorITor: or kinda no
[20:32:57] xorITor: somewhat yes?
[20:33:19] xorITor: doesnt know mean yes?
[20:33:30] xorITor: is it not the new yes like pink is the new black?
[20:35:06] Andrew_Barber: iamlindoro: thanks for the help...i am up and running
[20:35:17] ** iamlindoro can't remember what he did **
[20:35:20] iamlindoro: But yay!
[20:35:24] iamlindoro: and I am glad
[20:35:32] Andrew_Barber: i was having lirc trouble
[20:35:35] iamlindoro: ahh
[20:35:38] iamlindoro: right, new nick
[20:35:40] Andrew_Barber: and you left to talk to real people
[20:35:44] iamlindoro: good, glad you got it sorted
[20:35:59] Andrew_Barber: just some tweaks here and there
[20:36:12] Andrew_Barber: SD is missing some channels...ugh
[20:36:17] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:36:49] kazer_ (kazer_!n=kazer@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:53:22] stoth (stoth! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:58:20] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:00:58] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:18] porcodildo (porcodildo! has quit ("Sto andando via")
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[21:03:36] KjetilK: I've got a weird problem: If I schedule a recording, it records fine, and it shows up on the list of things that have been recorded. Also, I find the file in the file system, and I can watch it, it looks all good.
[21:04:04] KjetilK: but unlike the things that are recorded while watching live TV, this recording doesn't show up in the media library
[21:04:35] KjetilK: so, I can't find a way to watch this recording using MythTV...
[21:05:14] KjetilK: I can't see anything in the logs that tells me why, so I was wondering how I can figure this out?
[21:05:25] iamlindoro: You ahve the wrong filter set in watch recordings
[21:05:35] iamlindoro: press M, change the filter to Default instead of LiveTV
[21:05:50] iamlindoro: The default behavior is for LiveTV to *not* show and for recordings only to show
[21:05:59] ** KjetilK runs to the living room and tries **
[21:06:31] xorITor (xorITor! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:06:42] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[21:07:01] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[21:07:12] KjetilK: iamlindoro: great, that was it!
[21:07:16] KjetilK: thanks!
[21:07:19] iamlindoro: np
[21:13:35] dustybin: i got my
[21:13:53] dustybin: HP D530 USDT SD frontend box, all i need now is a PCI FX5200 + some kind of USB remote
[21:14:06] dustybin: its a cute little thing
[21:14:32] dustybin: it even has a dvd rom drive
[21:15:32] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:15:45] dustybin: long live SD
[21:16:25] dustybin: do i a) install the frontend on the 40gig drive it comes with, or b) do a net install
[21:23:09] iamlindoro: c) who cares?
[21:23:11] kslater (kslater! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:27:21] kash (kash! has quit ("<@nenolod> i'm not interested in pussy")
[21:29:33] ChinoChano: i wondered: how do you use mythtv? do you have it executable from GDM/XDM/KDM?
[21:29:43] ChinoChano: or inside your session with a WM?
[21:30:31] iamlindoro: most, though a WM
[21:30:40] KjetilK: dustybin: yeah, that was cute. It looks like it would be more than enough space to install the frontend on that drive, so why not?
[21:31:02] iamlindoro: It's more or less required to use a WM if you intend to use any external players, emus, etc.
[21:31:20] dustybin: KjetilK: your not a real man unless you net install, according to some folk in this room
[21:31:25] ChinoChano: ok so it is inside the session. gnome, kde, flucbox, whatever
[21:31:58] ChinoChano: it s a bit long to configure, but it's worth.
[21:32:23] ChinoChano: do you know any kind of website to automagically get the covers of one's movies?
[21:32:28] KjetilK: dustybin: hehe. I don't care too much about my manhood, as long as things work :-)
[21:32:28] iamlindoro: dustybin: nobody in this room thinks you need to net install to be a man
[21:32:36] ** justinh listens for noise from his frontend. **
[21:32:44] dustybin: :P
[21:32:45] iamlindoro: A man reads documentation and goes with the simplest approach that meets his needs, the end
[21:33:05] justinh: iamlindoro: you saying clever is not yet a man?  :D
[21:33:11] iamlindoro: indeed I am
[21:33:40] iamlindoro: ChinoChano: Myth includes support to download IMDB posters and information for your MythVideo movies
[21:34:04] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:34:12] justinh: ChinoChano: scripts are available (unsupported, yada yada yada) to automagically download IMDB information & posters
[21:34:25] justinh: otherwise you need to do each in turn
[21:34:37] justinh: mythtv wasn't designed for serial downloaders
[21:35:02] ChinoChano: I suppose the movies titles must be strictly named, ... :S
[21:35:08] justinh: indeed the very future of IMDB info grabbing in mythtv is in question
[21:35:43] ChinoChano: why?
[21:35:53] justinh: ChinoChano: yeah. for some reason IMDB gets confused by TehMatr1x0r5.HD-rip.PDTV.1337.avi
[21:35:58] ** iamlindoro wrote a naughty set of scripts that will never be in contrib for this kind of thing :) **
[21:36:10] iamlindoro: although not movies
[21:36:27] directhex: iamlindoro, you get your info from
[21:36:30] directhex: or is that just xbmc
[21:36:31] justinh: why? cos IMDB don't like people scraping their site apparently. something abuot making money
[21:36:33] ChinoChano: :)
[21:36:46] directhex: justinh, but they provide many-meg snapshot dumps. go figure
[21:36:57] iamlindoro: directhex: You joke, but I had mused with the ida of ajust such a script, if only for fun
[21:36:59] iamlindoro: and jubblies
[21:37:04] iamlindoro: mostly for jubblies
[21:37:05] GreyFoxx: I find it odd that freevo has "official" permission to acess their data but we don't :)
[21:37:34] justinh: imdb approval inversely proportional to the number of users? :)
[21:37:46] GreyFoxx: I think Anduin was trying to get approval but no idea if he ever heard from them
[21:37:55] directhex: iamlindoro, when mythvideo genuinely supports non-flat structures, wake me
[21:38:10] ChinoChano: ok now another question: i have a bluetooth dongle.
[21:38:13] AndyCap: imdbpro isn't bringing in the bacon?
[21:38:24] GreyFoxx: direct: "non flat structures" ?>
[21:38:27] ChinoChano: which kind of device I could use as a remote?
[21:38:29] GreyFoxx: how do you mean ?
[21:38:29] directhex: iamlindoro, when different folders can be assigned different metadata grabbers, then we can worry about a porn script
[21:38:36] GreyFoxx: ahhh
[21:38:39] ChinoChano: are there remote controls via bluetooth?
[21:38:44] directhex: ChinoChano, ps3 remote?
[21:38:48] justinh: ChinoChano: wiimote, PS3 remote... and that's about it
[21:38:57] ChinoChano: are they bluetooth?
[21:39:02] justinh: duh
[21:39:06] directhex: ChinoChano, why would we suggest them otherwise?
[21:39:14] ChinoChano: :S
[21:39:32] directhex: ChinoChano, myth has poor pointer support, so the wiimote is a ~13 button remote. the ps3 is a "classic" remote without about 50 keys
[21:39:38] ChinoChano: ok. i don t have such devices.... :(
[21:39:54] ChinoChano: i see
[21:40:03] justinh: nobody really wants a bluetooth remote anyway
[21:40:04] ChinoChano: it s intended to joysticks them
[21:40:12] iamlindoro: Just get a nice RF one if you need non line-of-sight
[21:40:35] iamlindoro: directhex: Mmmm, script for my MythVideo "Other" dir....
[21:40:36] directhex: iamlindoro, mac mini. integrated bluetooth. tell me it doesn't make something like the ps3 remote more interesting
[21:40:37] iamlindoro: ;)
[21:41:10] ChinoChano: a nice RF? what do you mean? a keyboard? a joystick RF?
[21:41:15] iamlindoro: directhex: I dunno, I'm kinda fond of the Snapstream Firefly, and in the end it's more or less the same thing... plus it won't say "Playstation."
[21:41:25] iamlindoro: ChinoChano: I am speaking of remote controls
[21:41:29] justinh: if you're a fan of having lots of remotes on your coffee table, sure
[21:41:39] directhex: well, there is that
[21:41:44] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:41:47] directhex: but that issue applies to anything non-IR
[21:42:18] ChinoChano: OK. i never heard about RF remotes. Do you know one?
[21:42:26] directhex: iamlindoro, it only says playstation on it, erm, twice...
[21:42:35] directhex: ChinoChano, ati remote wonder, snapstream firefly
[21:42:38] iamlindoro: ChinoChano: "iamlindoro: directhex: I dunno, I'm kinda fond of the Snapstream Firefly"
[21:42:39] directhex: lots of clones of the same x10
[21:42:48] ChinoChano: you speak chinese!!!!
[21:42:56] ChinoChano: sorry if I don t get everything...
[21:42:59] ChinoChano: :S
[21:43:03] ChinoChano: i l lhave a look now
[21:43:17] iamlindoro: but back to jubblies
[21:43:26] justinh: mmmm jubblies
[21:43:54] directhex: iamlindoro, myth needs arbitrary tagging for metadata on videos. that way, your "other" folder can be searched by tag!
[21:44:00] directhex: such as "jubblies" ;)
[21:44:25] justinh: somebody was working on that. then they gave up despite getting loads of approving nods
[21:44:45] iamlindoro: This reminds of me of all those times when you've got a new lady over and you have MythTV pulled up and you automatically hit the page down key to skip past the first page so she won't wonder what "Other" is
[21:44:50] iamlindoro: Good times
[21:46:30] jogaron (jogaron! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:47:21] jogaron: i'm trying to compile mythtube, but when I try "make" I get "g++: Command not found"
[21:47:30] ChinoChano: cool. i did not know. I ll try to see how I can get one of those. but first things first
[21:48:12] justinh: jogaron: you're missing some essential build tools. like a compiler
[21:48:16] justinh: and the rest
[21:48:24] jogaron: how do I install them?
[21:48:26] justinh: jogaron: and FYI mythtube will only work with trunk
[21:48:32] jogaron: with trunk?
[21:48:43] justinh: trunk. the development version of mythtv
[21:48:51] iamlindoro: Wow
[21:48:53] justinh: won't work with packages
[21:48:54] jogaron: oh. I'm running mythbuntu
[21:48:55] iamlindoro: mythtube is NOT for you yet
[21:49:05] iamlindoro: Wait for .22, maybe it'll snake its way in there
[21:49:10] jogaron: iamlindoro, i've been having a good time with it up until now
[21:49:14] directhex: jogaron, you lack the technical level required for what you're trying to do
[21:49:22] jogaron: oh, mythtube
[21:49:44] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:49:46] jogaron: when is .22 coming out?
[21:49:55] iamlindoro: When she's a-done
[21:50:00] jogaron: sweet
[21:50:04] directhex: jogaron, mythtube will require that you check the mythtv trunk source code from subversion, manually track the dependencies required to build it, compile it, install it safely, and handle all init changes yourself
[21:50:32] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:50:33] jogaron: yeah, that doesn't sound fun
[21:51:05] iamlindoro: then you also get to contend with the crashtasticness of development code!
[21:51:23] jogaron: is there a way I can get the bbc iplayer working?
[21:51:36] jogaron: i just want to try some cool plugins
[21:51:58] iamlindoro: Myth *includes* some cool plugins
[21:52:07] iamlindoro: and plugin in myth-- she no mean what you think she mean
[21:52:29] iamlindoro: Plugin in myth = compile it yourself, and compile mythtv while you're at it
[21:52:38] iamlindoro: Yay, plugin!
[21:52:55] jogaron: haha
[21:54:00] justinh: jogaron: BBC iPlayer no worky. they won't open it up to anybody yet. no big loss really
[21:54:08] jogaron: damn.
[21:54:45] justinh: it got hacked, they closed the hole. it could've gone on like that forever
[21:55:05] justinh: and besides, anything which breaks terms & conditions of a site will never be considered official
[21:55:59] jogaron: ah
[21:56:16] jogaron: another question. I got this cheap windows media center remote, but some of the keys don't do the right thing.
[21:56:21] jogaron: how would i change that?
[21:56:37] justinh: there were mutterings about somebody from the bbc talking about getting an official iPlayer plugin going...
[21:56:53] dustybin: now this would make a CUTE frontend: . . . s-at-pc-pro/
[21:57:25] iamlindoro: If I want cute I'll buy a set of bunk beds
[21:57:32] directhex: dustybin, 200mhz arm.
[21:57:36] directhex: dustybin, mmmhmm
[21:57:38] justinh: sleepover at iamlindoro's house?
[21:57:59] directhex: yay! ^_^
[21:58:00] ** iamlindoro puts on his Spider Man jammies **
[21:58:32] jogaron (jogaron! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:58:45] justinh: dustybin: s/cute/completely-frickin-USELESS
[21:59:19] justinh: why are people drawn to the most impotent hardware?
[21:59:49] iamlindoro: Because they want it to more closely match their wang size
[22:00:03] justinh: not a frontend. maybe a teeny tiny music player/photo client thingy
[22:00:06] ** dustybin chuckles **
[22:00:10] justinh: weeny browser
[22:00:53] justinh: whoah. 64MB RAM!
[22:01:25] justinh: so not only does it have only twice the amount of usable ram as an xbox, its cpu is like quarter of the speed. yummy
[22:01:47] iamlindoro: Now all it needs is a thread on mythtv-users
[22:01:51] ReikoShea (ReikoShea! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:02:04] iamlindoro: And for someone to say that it emasculates them
[22:02:50] wagnerrp_: so... youre looking into radiation hardened equipment for your frontend?
[22:03:02] justinh: I bet this can run loonix.. mythfrontend on this anybody?
[22:04:00] wagnerrp_: i know i want headphone wires coming off my wrist
[22:04:18] directhex: iamlindoro, call them out for sexism, for suggesting that you were emasculating and not spaying
[22:04:19] justinh: so plug a bluetooth headphone dongle into it. duh
[22:04:39] wagnerrp_: so i get a bluetooth dongle, thats larger than the watch itself?
[22:04:53] iamlindoro: directhex: That's ok, my rsponse that THAT one got me called "condescending"
[22:04:57] justinh: wagnerrp_: ahh yes. but you're just way too picky man :P
[22:05:05] wagnerrp_: and i still have wires hanging off my wrist
[22:05:11] wagnerrp_: unless the dongle has its own strap
[22:05:22] justinh: gaffer tape!
[22:06:04] justinh: no selfrespecting DIY human/cyborg hybrid would look right without a few rolls of gaffer tape holding it all together
[22:06:18] lollydays (lollydays! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:06:37] lollydays: how do I change key mappings in LIRC?
[22:06:53] iamlindoro: by editing your lircrc file
[22:06:55] dustybin: the only machines what should be built from scratch are servers, as they are quite specific, frontends and desktops should be ready built boxes IMO
[22:07:07] iamlindoro: You don't get an opinion
[22:07:09] dustybin: as they are in a place of show so will look nice
[22:07:30] directhex: you don't get to say "look nice" and covet cheap compaq desktops at the same time
[22:07:37] dustybin: no way could you build a box from scratch like my HP box for £50
[22:07:42] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:07:42] GreyFoxx: dusty: Maybe in abusiness were pc's don't change much and you want to standardize. But for home heck no
[22:07:54] iamlindoro: No way your HP POS was 50 to start with, you bought used piece of crap
[22:07:56] lollydays: iamlindoro, i don't see anything in my lircrc file that would change key mappings
[22:07:59] iamlindoro: instead of a new piece of crap
[22:08:13] ChinoChano: mmm the web browser has tiny fonts (google). How do I change this?
[22:08:23] dustybin: iamlindoro: aye indeed, but its a used nice piece of crap
[22:08:24] iamlindoro: lollydays: and yet that is precisely the file where remote buttons are mapped to keys
[22:08:27] ChinoChano: the photos, movies are working great.
[22:08:38] justinh: ChinoChano: zoom zoom!
[22:08:49] ChinoChano: now, the TV.. :( The music is being imported...
[22:09:06] ChinoChano: the TV... what could I give you to see where is the problem?
[22:09:08] lollydays: iamlindoro, all I see is things like "include ~/.lirc/mythtv"
[22:09:31] iamlindoro: So edit the include files for the program you wish to be adjusted *eyeroll*
[22:09:45] lollydays: you don't have to be a dick
[22:09:56] lollydays: but thanks
[22:10:01] iamlindoro: No, but how could something that feels this good be wrong?
[22:10:13] dustybin: lollydays: language
[22:10:25] iamlindoro: Go fuck yourself, but you're welcome
[22:10:29] dustybin: :*
[22:10:34] dustybin: lol
[22:10:40] ChinoChano: :)
[22:10:48] iamlindoro: Yay, I an be backhanded too!
[22:10:51] lollydays: wow. So you're here to help people?
[22:10:56] iamlindoro: I can haz backhanded compliments
[22:11:11] lollydays: dustybin, why did I get warned and not iamlindoro
[22:11:13] ** justinh throws a "config = $foo" line at lollydays **
[22:11:33] dustybin: lollydays: b3c0z yo0r n0t l33tist
[22:11:38] lollydays: you guys make newbies feel so welcome
[22:11:49] ChinoChano: i played some time ago with my K800i and a HID file... to control the PC by bluetoooth... but the HID file was not for the K800i... By any chance, someone has it? knows bout it?
[22:11:56] justinh: lollydays: oh yeah. somebody might get upset & like not buy mythtv anymore
[22:12:23] lollydays: justinh, so it's ok to be a dick because you have a free product?
[22:12:37] cdpuk (cdpuk!n=chris@ has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[22:12:51] justinh: it's ok because it's IRC
[22:13:08] lollydays: i was asking for sincere help, you should at least treat me respectfully
[22:13:22] justinh: or maybe it's just what tech support people would rather be like if their job didn't matter to them
[22:13:41] ChinoChano: what was yiour question lollydays ?
[22:13:43] justinh: I have to be honest lollydays he gave you a straight answer
[22:14:09] directhex: yeah, i'm failing to see the point of contention. it was pretty immediate, and repeated more than once
[22:14:17] directhex: that's more than you get from most places
[22:14:24] dustybin: lollydays: i think you need some tips from our inhouse mythtv expert, 'clever'
[22:14:34] lollydays: i'm not sure how to edit this file to get my remote's keys to work properly.
[22:14:52] justinh: lollydays: ok then. a pint-sized rundown of a lircrc file
[22:14:57] ChinoChano: have you googled for your remote model? maybe there s already a file for it...
[22:14:58] lollydays: like the record key doesn't record
[22:15:08] lollydays: i googled for it, ChinoChano, couldn't find anything
[22:15:14] lollydays: e-Data DEC-200B
[22:15:18] justinh: lollydays: in the lircrc file are lines like button = foo
[22:15:24] justinh: and lines like config = bar
[22:15:26] justinh: right?
[22:15:44] lollydays: justinh, yeah
[22:15:59] justinh: the lines which say button = $something contain the name of the remote button as defined in lircd.conf for that remote
[22:16:16] lollydays: hm, ok
[22:16:26] justinh: and the lines which say config = $something contain the function to 'press' in the app being controlled
[22:16:39] lollydays: so i just have to compare them and enter in the right name?
[22:17:10] justinh: so for example you could have a section containing "button = Record" and "config = R" (because 'R' is the record key in mythtv)
[22:17:21] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit ("Leaving")
[22:17:35] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:17:41] justinh: to find out a full listing of which keys do what in mythtv, find the file they call keys.txt
[22:17:45] justinh: look in the wiki. etc etc etc
[22:18:04] lollydays: ok, thanks!
[22:18:06] lollydays: i really do appreciate it
[22:18:10] justinh: or check out the keymap editor in mythweb – or indeed in the mythcontrols plugin
[22:18:55] lollydays: ah, ok
[22:19:03] leprechau (leprechau! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:19:49] ChinoChano: mmmmm I did something a bit clever?stupid? logical?  :- > i CHOOSE CHANNEL, OSD POPS UP, SAYING CHANNEL INFO, THEN i HIT ENTER...
[22:20:06] ChinoChano: image is pretty bad, bad quality, and sound is OK
[22:20:20] ChinoChano: image is pixelised, but it seems to work, though sharply and not smoothly
[22:21:41] ChinoChano: first channel appearing si always the "801" (nothing)
[22:21:48] justinh: did you accidentally install mythtube? :-O
[22:21:58] iamlindoro: marhaha
[22:21:59] ChinoChano: if I hit Enter it says "Position saved"...
[22:22:23] ** justinh shudders **
[22:22:40] ChinoChano: Signal 12% ...
[22:23:39] justinh: 12%? that'd explain the horribleness you're seeing
[22:23:40] iamlindoro: Now *that* is shudderworthy
[22:23:50] justinh: MOAR SIGNALZ!
[22:24:52] ChinoChano: how come?
[22:25:32] justinh: your signal has been emasculated
[22:26:12] justinh: g'night
[22:27:32] ChinoChano: gnight
[22:27:47] ChinoChano: how can I solve this?
[22:28:01] quentusrex (quentusrex! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:28:30] quentusrex: If I have a blue ray dvd drive. Can mythtv play the movie? if the hardware can support it?
[22:29:15] directhex: not without ripping first
[22:29:23] directhex: iamlindoro wrote a good guide, on the mythtv wiki
[22:29:32] lollydays: justinh, can I have two keys set for the same thing?
[22:29:52] lollydays: I want stop and back to do the same thing.
[22:30:16] abqjp (abqjp! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:31:48] directhex: lollydays, yes
[22:32:25] ChinoChano: SHIT!!!! I imported the music from /media/Mybook/music to the /media/Mybook/music ... so there are 2 entries similar... how could I solve this?...
[22:32:38] lollydays: directhex, do I just create a new entry? Or do I put "config = Back, Stop"
[22:32:50] Dagmar: Just tell it to rescan the music directories
[22:34:56] ChinoChano: ... but i don t get this: if I tell him where the music is, he has to import it, but why copying it again?
[22:35:32] lollydays (lollydays! has quit ("Leaving")
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[22:38:20] Slim-Kimbo: hello
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