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Monday, February 11th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:02] a1fa: i have some neomagic crap
[00:00:52] devinator: thanks again guys for the info, take care, tty
[00:01:02] devinator (devinator! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:01:17] a1fa: xorg guys are no help
[00:01:20] a1fa: nothing on google
[00:04:08] Disputin (Disputin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:05:06] jmpdelos_: a1fa: . . . E/index.html
[00:05:19] a1fa: jmpdelos_: thats nvidia related
[00:06:15] jmpdelos_: ah sorry — I misread
[00:06:15] a1fa: anything linux related?
[00:06:21] a1fa: err
[00:06:24] a1fa: neomagic
[00:07:23] jmpdelos_: don't know anything about those...
[00:08:07] mzb: a1fa: are you sure it's EDID, and not just lack of video ram?
[00:08:09] a1fa: isnt there anything xorg specific
[00:08:40] a1fa: i am able to run it on external monitor
[00:08:46] a1fa: 100% sure its edid
[00:08:55] a1fa: hwinfo reports maximum resolution 800x600
[00:08:59] a1fa: which is not true
[00:09:09] a1fa: because windows 200 can run 1024x768
[00:09:22] mzb: don't believe a word of what windows tells you
[00:09:41] mzb: it "fudges" a 1024x768 onto a 800x600 screen
[00:09:57] aquarius (aquarius! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:13] mzb: I suggest to you the hwinfo is more accurate than your understanding of windows' resolutions ;P
[00:10:22] mzb: s/the hwinfo/that hwinfo/
[00:10:51] a1fa: hm
[00:10:56] a1fa: nah.
[00:11:02] a1fa: because it was 1024x768 i swear
[00:11:15] a1fa: everything was smaller
[00:11:15] a1fa: etc
[00:11:16] mzb: I'm telling you you're wrong
[00:11:21] aquarius: hm. MythVideo shows a video's cover art in two places; in the list of all videos in a folder, and on the "individual" page for each video (the one that lists the plot and so on). If I've added cover art which is actually thumbnails, and they're wider than they are high, then they look perfect on the "folder browser" page, but they're vertically stretched on the individual page. Is there anything I can do about that?
[00:11:21] mzb: what model is it?
[00:12:15] mzb: a1fa: what model is your latitude?
[00:12:20] a1fa: LS
[00:12:31] mzb: more input? ;)
[00:12:44] iamlindoro_: aquarius: Nope, they both work from the same file. Need to use the larger.
[00:12:59] a1fa: do you want the service tag?
[00:13:26] aquarius: iamlindoro_: ah. since the individual page's "slot" for the art is portrait, I basically have to provide portrait art or I lose? :)
[00:13:26] mzb: no thanks
[00:13:36] iamlindoro_: aquarius: Pretty much
[00:13:45] a1fa: . . . eTag=62RX401
[00:14:17] aquarius: iamlindoro_: bummer. :)
[00:14:22] iamlindoro_: "Maximum resolution/colors 800 x 600; 262,144 colors"
[00:14:26] iamlindoro_: from the tech specs ;)
[00:14:27] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:15:00] a1fa: what link?
[00:15:12] Como|lappy (Como|lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:16] iamlindoro_: go the the user manual link, click english, then technical specs
[00:15:19] a1fa: did it
[00:15:23] ahbritto (ahbritto! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:25] iamlindoro_: . . . ug/specs.htm
[00:15:28] a1fa: hahha
[00:15:30] a1fa: fucking windows
[00:15:48] Hoochster: this is sweet, thanks again for all the help iamlindoro_ accomplished exactly what I wanted this weekend all except getting the xbox 360 running heh but hopefully GreyFoxx will remember what the problem was heh or something heh
[00:16:01] a1fa: iamlindoro_: sucks
[00:16:05] iamlindoro_: Hoochster: Good times, glad you're happy, it's nice to hear the work was worth it ;)
[00:16:20] iamlindoro_: a1fa: yeah
[00:16:20] a1fa: iamlindoro_: this renders this laptop useless
[00:16:38] squish102 (squish102! has quit ("= oops wrong button")
[00:16:45] Hoochster: indeed iamlindoro_ thanks for taking the time seriously. above and beyond
[00:16:45] iamlindoro_: yup, definitely no useful work can be done with that laptop now ;)
[00:16:52] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:53] iamlindoro_: Hoochster: Thanks. No problem.
[00:17:03] a1fa: anyway to ignore edid and have it try 1024x768
[00:17:17] a1fa: i cant believe fucking windows lied about resolution
[00:17:54] iamlindoro_: a1fa: Sure. Get a lighter. Hold it under the screen until it bursts into flames. Then you'll accomplish the same effect ;)
[00:17:56] mzb: then you're living in a fantasy land (created by Microsoft)
[00:18:22] mzb: if you don't believe what I've said, I suggest you google
[00:18:29] mzb:
[00:18:31] a1fa: hm
[00:19:19] a1fa: Modeline "1024x768" 44.90 1024 1048 1208 1264 768 776 784 817 interlace
[00:19:20] a1fa: hm
[00:19:24] a1fa: i am going to try his modeline
[00:19:37] Miranda (Miranda! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[00:19:40] ** iamlindoro_ wonders why people even *ask* for help **
[00:19:55] mzb: I can *assure* you that 1024x768 in windows, on a 800x600 screen is SCALED
[00:19:58] Miranda_ (Miranda_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:02] iamlindoro_: Why don't you just walk in, slap everyone in the face, and tell us to fuck off and save us a lot of typing?
[00:20:16] mzb: yeah, I've got coffee to drink ;)
[00:22:16] squish102 (squish102! has quit ("= oops wrong button")
[00:22:35] Hoochster: lmao@iamlindoro_
[00:22:39] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:49] mzb: I don't recall any neomagic chipped laptops having 1024x768 screens (from my limited sample size;)
[00:24:02] a1fa: mzb: can same be done in X?
[00:24:20] mzb: no ... but you can pan instead
[00:24:24] a1fa: how?
[00:24:29] a1fa: ah nvm
[00:24:34] a1fa: i dont want to do that
[00:24:53] a1fa: panning is like when you have to scroll around, right?
[00:24:57] iamlindoro_: hmmm, MIT Open-sources a h.264 hardware decoder design. Wonder if any nice hardware could come from that
[00:25:17] mzb: yes
[00:25:35] iamlindoro_: s/could/will/
[00:25:35] mzb:
[00:26:08] squish102 (squish102! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:26:22] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:10] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:27:32] a1fa: yup
[00:27:34] a1fa: i dont want to do that
[00:27:41] a1fa: thats too bad
[00:28:51] a1fa: panning is for gays :(
[00:29:53] mzb: get XGA? :) (or wxga;P)
[00:30:13] mzb: use a more efficient WM, or get a better machine
[00:30:26] ** iamlindoro_ briefly considers objecting to juvenile and offensive language, but remembers the old adage about arguing on the internet. **
[00:30:38] a1fa: this one was free
[00:30:57] mzb: iamlindoro_: inclined to agree
[00:31:03] mzb: a1fa: so was mine ;)
[00:31:04] stowaway-atwork: adage?
[00:31:26] mzb: err actually .. I was paid $100 to take it away ;)
[00:31:42] iamlindoro_: "Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics-- even when you win, you're still retarded."
[00:33:09] a1fa: mzb
[00:33:22] joobie (joobie! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:33:29] a1fa: you think i can run a small usb hub on this laptop and still be able to mooch 3G, run GPS, and maybe a protable camera?
[00:35:15] mzb: why ask me? (and why ask here?)
[00:35:23] a1fa: just askin
[00:35:46] a1fa: because you seem like a guy that would know :0
[00:36:12] a1fa: i want to try to run mythtv over 3G
[00:36:40] kdub: you couldnt do that
[00:36:57] kdub: you could use that mythstream thing someone was working on
[00:37:01] kdub: or just use vlc
[00:37:16] a1fa: i was thinking of vpn
[00:37:29] a1fa: into my network and connecting as if i was next to it
[00:37:40] kdub: yeah, im betting its too slow for that
[00:37:42] mzb: a1fa: doubt it, USB1.1 will limit you, regardless of the other limitations
[00:37:52] a1fa: sucks
[00:39:04] mzb: what do expect for free?
[00:39:04] stowaway-atwork: when i do Make and make install in linux.. what does that do exactly? is make just a script ? or is it c++ code?
[00:40:33] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:42:14] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:42:35] ** stowaway-atwork hears crickets **
[00:43:03] iamlindoro_: make compiles the programs, make install copies the files to their appropriate place
[00:43:05] kdub: it compiles
[00:43:31] stowaway-atwork: so its c++?
[00:44:00] iamlindoro_: no, make "manages" the compile, whatever type of code it may be
[00:44:01] stowaway-atwork: whenever anyone says scripting in linux, are they refering to c++?
[00:44:26] stowaway-atwork: is it mostly c++?
[00:44:27] iamlindoro_: stowaway-atwork: No, they're referring to interpreted languages like BASH, perl etc. Make controls compiled languages
[00:44:46] stowaway-atwork: okay, im just trying to get my head around it
[00:44:56] stowaway-atwork: i want to start a little bit of scripting my self. so just trying to find the best place to start
[00:45:09] iamlindoro_: look up a BASH tutorial, or a PERL one
[00:45:23] stowaway-atwork: i used to program in highschool (10 years ago) with turbo pascal, basics + visual basics. havent done shit all since then
[00:45:26] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[00:45:34] stowaway-atwork: okay cool thanks
[00:45:43] aquarius (aquarius! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[00:46:02] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:46:47] moodboom (moodboom! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:11] RediXe (RediXe! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:16] Miranda_: I can't find mythtv-themes-extra in the online package database – How can I find out why it's masked?
[00:57:30] mzb: stowaway-atwork: start with bash ... simple and easy
[01:02:24] davilla (davilla! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:03:06] stowaway-atwork: okay cool.
[01:09:46] robbins61 (robbins61! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:29:30] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:33:04] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:40] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:44:26] bsdfox (bsdfox! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:46:42] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:50:44] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:52:03] Hoochster: GreyFoxx, do you think my 360 issue with that error would be related to how long the directory structure to filename is?
[01:52:55] Hoochster: nope nm just checked one that was only 1 directory deep
[01:58:01] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:41] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:49] Miranda_: It appears that myth is not flagging my commercials
[02:25:29] Miranda_: Hmm, it's on...
[02:25:46] Miranda_: mabye Commercial Flagging only applies to scheduled recordings, not LiveTV
[02:26:00] sinthetek: Miranda_: have you used it much yet?
[02:26:16] sinthetek: i think there may be a setting for livetv commercial flagging...
[02:26:40] Miranda_: sinthetek, I'm brand new to Mythtv
[02:26:47] Miranda_: I just got it working like 3 days ago
[02:27:24] sinthetek: checked if mythcommflagg is running? if you are waiting on autoskip and the program is new, it sometimes takes a bit for mythcommflag catch up to the point where you are in the video
[02:27:36] sinthetek: dunno if you've considered that...
[02:27:51] Miranda_: okay, you lost me, I dont' know what mythcommflag is, or how to find out if it's running
[02:28:49] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:04] sinthetek: hehe, mythcommflagg is a helper program. i'm semi-speculating here but i think it flags every frame of the commercials multiple times (depending on commercial flagging settings)
[02:29:50] Miranda_: I read about how Commercial Flagging works.. but I just dont' know how myth implements it
[02:29:56] sinthetek: since it marks every frame of the commercials (so that mythtv can see when to skip and for how long), it takes a little longer than just viewing the program normally
[02:30:11] sinthetek: (or can at any rate)
[02:30:16] iamlindoro_: tangent... in answer to your question, no, by default, no commercial flagging is done on liveTV
[02:30:27] jhulst: Miranda_: Are you expecting it to flag a tv program you are currently watching in live tv?
[02:30:51] iamlindoro_: If you are running SVN, you can turn on commercial flagging for in-progress recordings, but that's still for scheduled recordings, not liveTV
[02:31:10] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:14] sinthetek: she mentioned livetv but i thought there was a setting to flag those commercials too...
[02:31:34] Miranda_: jhulst, Not while I"m actively watching it, but if I replay after it's been recorded from Live TV I belive it *should* flag commercials
[02:31:34] sinthetek: sorry for wasting time
[02:33:51] kusznir (kusznir! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:40] Miranda_: So commercial flagging is not done for LiveTV recordings, even after they've completed?
[02:34:56] iamlindoro_: Miranda_: You don't have an appreciation for just how much CPU it takes to flag commercials... if all liveTV were flagged, especially given people's proclivity for channel surfing, your mythbox would STOP
[02:35:01] kusznir: Hi all: Quick question: Is it possible to have Myth use multiple paths/places on a single backend for recordings (for example, I have multiple disks, each with their own mount point, and I don't want to use LVM/RAID/etc)?
[02:35:17] Pumpernick (Pumpernick!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:18] iamlindoro_: Miranda_: Once again, NO
[02:35:45] iamlindoro_: kusznir: Yes, in SVN, and the forthcoming .21, you can use the new recording groups feature
[02:35:57] iamlindoro_: kusznir: Which does precisely that
[02:37:16] kusznir: iamlindoro_: but not in 0.20, right?
[02:37:16] Pumpernick (Pumpernick!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:38:00] iamlindoro_: kusznir: correct
[02:38:15] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:38:50] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:52] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:46:51] mzb_d800: iamlindoro_: that assumes your (commflagging) BE is the same as the FE, doesn't it? (re: stopping;)
[02:47:49] iamlindoro_: mzb_d800: well, yes, presumably you could still look at the pretty interface on your frontend as your backend cried for its mother ;)
[02:49:14] Hoochster: think I might have found the issue with my 360 iamlindoro_ and GreyFoxx will let ya know for sure momentarily and will inquire if there is another way around it heh
[02:49:35] mzb: my master BE doesn't have a tuner, so I suspect live commflagging would be possible as long as the NFS server could keep up with the recording being written
[02:49:42] mzb: (and the drive itself)
[02:49:53] Hoochster: it appears that upnp isn't working properly via samba shares?
[02:50:03] Hoochster: if I copy the file locally to the MythVideo directory it plays fine
[02:50:12] Hoochster: but if it is on another server via samba it isn't
[02:50:18] Hoochster: any idears on how I can fix that
[02:50:20] iamlindoro_: mzb: Not saying its impossible, just impractical to do it for something you don't specifyas a real recording
[02:50:52] mzb: I guess ... and not reliable enough (in .au anyway) to make it worth the effort imo
[02:52:03] iamlindoro_: Hoochster: Hmm, I really dunno... wonder if there's something about uPnp that relies on direct disk access
[02:52:28] Hoochster: I am doing samba shares and then symlinks, bout to try without the symlinks mounting it straight to the mythvideo dir
[02:52:30] Hoochster: that blows heh
[02:53:54] squish102: Hoochster, i had samba shares working fine but i gave up with mythtv as a upnp server
[02:54:07] Hoochster: nopers just flat out not working via samba
[02:54:09] Hoochster: that sucks
[02:54:12] squish102: i ended up using ushare
[02:54:23] squish102: or something
[02:55:21] Hoochster: maybe GreyFoxx will have an idear! :)
[02:56:15] Miranda_: woot! I segfaulted mythbackend!
[02:56:26] ahbritto (ahbritto! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:42] squish102: ushare -c /storage/videos and in that i had samba mount points to dvd's on other windows machines
[02:57:03] squish102: GreyFoxx pointed me to ushare ;)
[02:57:26] squish102: what upnp client you using? Hoochster
[02:57:33] Hoochster: thought u were saying ushare was some other media server will look it up squish
[02:57:39] Hoochster: trying the xbox 360 squish102
[02:57:49] Hoochster: but it didn't see it via nero either
[02:57:53] Hoochster: or didn't play let me say
[02:58:04] squish102: Hoochster, ushare is... ahh GreyFoxx said he got myth working with xbox 360
[02:58:23] Hoochster: ya it works but not via samba shares is what I am saying heh.
[02:58:28] Hoochster: if the file is local it works great
[02:58:56] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:59:30] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:14] npurciful (npurciful!n=npurcifu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:45] doc|home (doc|home!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:14] doc|home: anyone got any useful links about atsc in north america, detailing channels and the likes?
[03:04:32] doc|home: search engines are giving me very little :/
[03:06:36] kdub: what do you mean
[03:07:32] doc|home: well, there's over the air atsc but I can't find information on if there's actually anything being broadcasted
[03:07:52] iamlindoro_:
[03:08:33] doc|home: iamlindoro_: that's US only, I'm in vancouver in canada
[03:09:13] iamlindoro_: Well, good luck with that then, don't know of anything that does Canada also... you *might* try silicondust
[03:09:17] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:37] doc|home: iamlindoro_: ok, thanks
[03:09:52] iamlindoro_:
[03:10:07] iamlindoro_: It does have a pulldown for canada, but I don't know is it's as complete as the US one
[03:10:43] iamlindoro_: er if it's
[03:11:25] doc|home: thanks, that looks like a good place to start
[03:19:59] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:57] stowaway-atwork: how advanced of a programmer does one need to be to make plugins for mythtv?
[03:22:14] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:45] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:23:46] stowaway-atwork: very?
[03:24:56] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:25:16] npurciful: whats up everyone, hey got a new reciever here and after hooking it up and setting myth up to use digital coax (was using in optical before) that everyone once and a while i get a pop or click in a show, so i started tracing problems test in kafine and vlc aswell kaffine it pop in the same spot and vlc it didnt pop at all, it does it at the same location everytime
[03:36:22] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:38:00] kdub: turn your system volume down to like 90%
[03:38:16] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:39:05] kdub: or maybe the individual application's volume to 90%
[03:42:30] haggus (haggus!n=rankin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:30] RediXe (RediXe! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:49:42] jeffery (jeffery! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:54:48] squish102: does any1 use the dvd rip of mythtv? looking at the medium settings is it any good to then play back on a 61" 720p tv?
[03:55:27] squish102: medium settings seem to make a 544x320 picture
[03:56:25] squish102: 1195 kbps and 23.9 fps
[03:56:34] squish102: xvid
[04:00:09] jamesd: how is 720 on a 61" tv... i have my mind set on 1080p even on a 42" lcd.
[04:00:53] squish102: when watching cable it is really great
[04:00:58] haggus (haggus!n=rankin@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:01:11] squish102: HD cable
[04:02:09] jamesd: i love hd over the air on my 22" lcd monitor... wife loves it as well.. now our 27" crt tv stays off 99% of the time.. untill our 42" screen gets ordered and arrived
[04:02:12] squish102: other than HD-dvd and blueray, are there any other advantages to 1080p?
[04:02:57] davilla (davilla! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:03] jamesd: i think some broadcast tv will be 1080i i think.... and you can upscale normal dvds
[04:03:28] jamesd: broadcast digital tv.
[04:04:42] squish102: i just wanted to put my 40–50 dvd's i own on my myth BE, but i dont have 50 * 8 gig disk space, so I wanted to rip them smaller
[04:05:12] squish102: but i dont want to loose too much quality
[04:05:34] jamesd: i'm pretty new with myth... barely use the hd viewing and recording,,,
[04:06:07] squish102: my hd recorder works well, except for the disk space issue again
[04:07:34] jamesd: yeah i know... 150GB fills up fast... want to get nfs working.. but can't get it to be responsive enough for realtime recording and simulaneous playback.. even if it can do file transfer at 100MB/s
[04:27:59] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:40:42] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:43:02] bsdfox: squish102: I use dvd::rip
[04:43:10] bsdfox: it's pretty good.. you can setup a cluster for it too
[04:46:26] npurciful: whats up everyone, hey got a new reciever here and after hooking it up and setting myth up to use digital coax (was using in optical before) that everyone once and a while i get a pop or click in a show, so i started tracing problems test in kafine and vlc aswell kaffine it pop in the same spot and vlc it didnt pop at all, it does it at the same location everytime
[04:47:19] npurciful: now tested with mplayer it aswell pops in the same location, this is going to drive me loony, any ideals
[04:48:44] npurciful: I cant seem to figure out the cause is it the recording or the new reciever or the digital coax
[04:51:47] iamlindoro_: very likely that they all use the same ffmpeg libraries and thus interpret it incorrectly in the same way
[04:51:58] iamlindoro_: minimally, mplayer and myth do
[04:53:04] iamlindoro_: and that popping is just a fact of life, can't do anything but live with it or contribute to the improvement of ac3dec in libavcodec in ffmpeg
[04:54:14] npurciful: okay, but it wasnt there before changing recievers and the digital coax
[04:55:15] npurciful: i was using 5.1 computer speakers before
[04:55:42] kusznir: Hi all: I have a PVR-150 that is producing really crappy recordings (torn images, heavy pixilation, etc). Connecting the same analog cable feed to a PVR-250, it looks fine. Any suggestions or known problems? (I don't have the card here for interactive troubleshooting)
[04:56:49] russK (russK! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:58:09] russK: My frontend keeps saying "WARNING: something is currently using /dev/dsp, retrying ... what gives? I don't think anything is using it
[04:59:13] npurciful: also: mplayer -ao alsa:device=spdif -ac hwac3 dvd:// works and mplayer -ao alsa:device=spdif -ac hwdts dvd:// doesnt now sound, and my reciever says DTS & DD on it
[04:59:18] kusznir: russK: is esd or arts running?
[05:00:05] russK: kusznir, yes, artsd is running
[05:00:19] kusznir: russK: try killing artsd, then trying running mythfrontend.
[05:00:32] jblack (jblack! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:39] kusznir: (artsd will often grab /dev/dsp for iteslf)
[05:00:48] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[05:02:00] russK: kusznir, no difference ... I never had to do that before, I alway run under kde ...
[05:03:02] kusznir: russK: something is locking /dev/dsp. You might want to check out lsof (man lsof)
[05:03:57] kusznir (kusznir! has quit ("Later all")
[05:05:46] jblack: Hi. I'm ready to take the next step; i.e. moving mythfrontend from my laptops to silent PCs hooked up to TVs. I know I want 802.11g and would prefer built in remote support. Any suggestions?
[05:09:33] npurciful: i am going to test via optical cable see if i get same result
[05:10:11] russK (russK! has quit ("See ya!")
[05:11:47] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Connection timed out)
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[05:13:35] _banyan (_banyan! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:13:52] npurciful: appearntly i will wait because i dont have optical in on my tv
[05:14:36] _banyan: hello! does anyone know why all of a sudden my frontend won't play on the x11 display out of my 350.
[05:15:14] cesman: hello _banyan, check you logs
[05:15:23] _banyan: I get sound and a blue screen until I hit escape and get the frontend back.
[05:17:14] stowaway-atwork (stowaway-atwork! has quit ()
[05:19:00] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit ("Time to quit")
[05:19:47] _banyan: There's a line about VideoOutputXv: XvMCTex: Init failed.
[05:20:05] davilla (davilla! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:21:36] _banyan: And DPMS deactivated.
[05:21:37] russK (russK! has quit ("See ya!")
[05:23:05] _banyan: That's from my mythfrontend.log.
[05:27:49] _banyan: Xorg.conf says GLX is not supported with the Composite extension.
[05:28:20] npurciful: iamlindoro_: hey thanks for the info, i am appearntly be really pariniod by buying this reciever to reallize after i hooked the old system up that it was still doing it. So i guess the fact is that it is not a hardware issue that i was woried about that it is a software issue. I am going to start checking recording and see when it started happening because these are hd recording and it should ve a stream copy not altered and feed to my reciever
[05:28:20] npurciful: i think.
[05:28:32] bsdfox: _banyan: what driver are you using?
[05:28:34] kdub: npurciful, too many words on one line man
[05:28:41] _banyan: the ivtvfb driver.
[05:28:59] bsdfox: ahh yeah that probably doesn't support either :P
[05:29:15] bsdfox: I don't have a 350 though, so not positive
[05:29:22] _banyan: something changed between the last version and this one.
[05:29:27] npurciful: iamlindoro_: thanks for the help, going to check to see when it started.
[05:29:56] russK (russK! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:30:16] npurciful: I just never noticed the popping noise i guess
[05:31:01] kdub: i get that popping too
[05:31:05] kdub: it scares the crap out of people
[05:31:35] _banyan: Mine pops a little bit when I start playing.
[05:32:13] _banyan: not much tho.
[05:34:03] aeha (aeha! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:34:21] npurciful: mine is just pops once and a while
[05:34:41] npurciful: but it seem to just do it in hd
[05:36:02] npurciful: as we speak i am listing to a recording from the first of this year to see if the pop exists
[05:36:12] npurciful: i am running SVN
[05:36:41] _banyan: pop, as in Madonna, or like Pop Goes the World by Men Without Hats?
[05:37:01] _banyan: or like a loud thump?
[05:37:24] npurciful: more like a thump
[05:37:41] _banyan: Hmm, it might be a sound packet with a bad CRC or something.
[05:38:03] npurciful: i dont know though it sound pretty bad it could be Madonna
[05:38:15] _banyan: is it accompanied by pixellated video?
[05:38:30] npurciful: _banyan: no usual scene change
[05:38:53] _banyan: Not sure I quite know what you mean? Do you mean it happens at a scene change?
[05:39:20] npurciful: like a commercial
[05:39:34] _banyan: maybe it's the key frame taking too much bandwidth.
[05:40:39] npurciful: well all the concern is that i just spent pretty penny on a reciever and i am want it to work right or it is going back
[05:41:24] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:41:27] npurciful: but scene i hooked up the old system a minute ago and it does it there, i am less concerned
[05:41:52] npurciful: never the less trying to still figure it out
[05:42:26] armbar (armbar! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:42:34] armbar: hello
[05:43:41] armbar: after recording a show. How do I get the file name? I am looking at mythweb under recordings but I cannot find the file name.
[05:45:30] xris: armbar: what would mythweb have to give you the filename? it gets that info out of the db.
[05:45:41] armbar: I see
[05:46:53] xris: format is chanid_yyyymmddhhmmss.(mpg|nuv)
[05:47:26] armbar: ok, I see that know 1032_20080210190000.mpg
[05:49:04] Disputin (Disputin! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:49:49] npurciful: well i am going to leave now.
[05:51:00] npurciful: Thanks everyone, _banyan for the info on keyframe and stuff
[05:52:35] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
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[05:55:52] JohnMahowald is now known as GoodJohn
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[06:00:03] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:01:19] doc|home: is there a place to go for discussions on hardware which isn't computer related? I'm trying to figure out free satellite to pvr
[06:03:05] mphill (mphill! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:03:34] _banyan: I wouldn't take that keyframe theory to the bank. I was just throwing that out there.
[06:05:21] mphill: i'm really new, what is a recommend card if you are using the 2.6.24 kernel?
[06:05:50] GoodJohn: mphill: To do what?
[06:06:22] mphill: GoodJohn: regular cable, 125 channel type. sorry, i don't know what its called
[06:06:41] _banyan: a Hauppauge PVR 150?
[06:06:55] _banyan: they're pretty good and you can record 2 things at once.
[06:07:27] jhulst: _banyan: The PVR-150 cannot record two things at once
[06:07:30] GoodJohn: Not the 150, the 500
[06:07:38] _banyan: Um, right, the 500!
[06:08:06] GoodJohn: Yup the ivtv driver will encode analog right to mpeg
[06:09:17] _banyan: Very low CPU usage on record — the CPU just needs to catch the packets as they come off the card and put them into a file.
[06:10:36] mphill: do you recommend the PCR-500
[06:10:43] mphill: PVR rather
[06:10:57] _banyan: It's pretty good.
[06:11:01] tjcarter: I don't recommend it
[06:11:10] _banyan: what do you use tjcarter?
[06:11:10] nuonguy: I have the pvr150, based on that experience, I would highly recommend the pvr500
[06:11:16] mphill: its 134 on newegg, is that about right?
[06:11:26] tjcarter: _banyan: PVR-500, which is why I don't recommend.
[06:11:43] _banyan: Well, maybe they're all bad and the 500 is the best of the lot.
[06:11:59] tjcarter: nuonguy: based on my experience with the -500, I recommend the -150 and say stay the hell away from the -500
[06:12:15] nuonguy: why?
[06:12:36] tjcarter: Because the two tuners work GREAT for some people and HORRIBLY HORRIBLY badly for others.
[06:12:37] _banyan: what issues have you been having?
[06:12:54] nuonguy: tjcarter: I found that also true for the -150
[06:13:01] tjcarter: analog tuner #1 gets a weak but okayish signal
[06:13:06] tjcarter: amplification cleans it up
[06:13:22] tjcarter: analog tuner #2 gets more snow than Christmas in Chicago.
[06:13:28] _banyan: What other cards are there aside from hauppauge?
[06:13:31] nuonguy: specifically for the 150, there are dma errors in the hardware the driver maintainer (hans verkuil) complains about
[06:13:47] nuonguy: apparantly, the windows driver regulary issues a dma bus reset
[06:14:16] tjcarter: amplify it enough to get the crappy picture on tuner #1 without amplification and you have overdriven tuner #1 to the point of wavy lines and banding and color colors bleeding..
[06:14:20] nuonguy: in my motherboard, it works much, much better in one PCI slot than it does in the oterh
[06:14:29] tjcarter: So, go for twin STB with the -500 or don't use it.
[06:14:44] _banyan: What about other manufacturers? I'm not sure I can name anyone else other ATI which I'm not sure there's a linux driver for.
[06:14:48] tjcarter: S-Video capture works great =D
[06:14:59] tjcarter: _banyan: If I had it to to again today, it'd be HDHomeRun
[06:15:19] _banyan: can it do standard cable?
[06:15:23] SerajewelKS: i've had really good luck with the pchdtv 5500
[06:15:36] tjcarter: If I had it to do again in the fall or so, it'd be two of the new USB Hauppauge thingy that does component video  ;)
[06:15:52] joobie (joobie! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:16:11] SerajewelKS: the linux support is really great
[06:16:15] _banyan: Does USB have enough bandwidth?
[06:16:26] _banyan: the pchdtv is hauppauge?
[06:16:35] SerajewelKS: i don't think so
[06:16:44] SerajewelKS: 00:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)
[06:16:49] tjcarter: the problem I have with the HDHomeRun is that it won't take a cable box on S-Video
[06:16:50] jhulst: The pcHDTV is a framegrabber for analog
[06:16:53] _banyan: who's it by?
[06:17:27] SerajewelKS: _banyan: apparently conexant
[06:17:45] jhulst: SerajewelKS: That's just the chipset
[06:17:47] SerajewelKS: jhulst: you mean in the sense that it doesn't deliver audio in the video stream?
[06:17:55] SerajewelKS: jhulst: nod, i thought that's what he meant
[06:17:58] jhulst: _banyan: pcHDTV is the company
[06:18:06] tjcarter: _banyan: The HDHomeRun uses ethernet  ;)
[06:18:20] jhulst: I highly recommend the HDHomerun, it's what I use for digital
[06:18:29] tjcarter: and if you don't mind not having the option of digital cable with it, it's teh awesome
[06:18:32] _banyan: Oh, cool.
[06:18:48] jhulst: SerajewelKS: correct, and that the CPU needs to encode to the video format
[06:18:48] tjcarter: jhulst: I just wish it had S-Video ins for the cable boxes
[06:18:57] _banyan: Does it do standard def?
[06:18:58] SerajewelKS: jhulst: right
[06:19:13] tjcarter: _banyan: analog cable only, yes
[06:19:35] jhulst: tjcarter: the HDHomerun doen't do analog cable
[06:19:42] SerajewelKS: since i use it primarily (only) to receive digital broadcasts it's pretty nice
[06:20:00] Newsome (Newsome! has quit ("Linux: Now with employee pricing!")
[06:20:20] _banyan: Does any tivo type device provide interconnectivity with a computer?
[06:20:29] tjcarter: jhulst: their site claims it does?
[06:20:51] jhulst: SerajewelKS: The Kworld 115 seems to be a little cheaper digital tuner
[06:20:53] tjcarter: well that's annoying
[06:21:02] jhulst: tjcarter: really? Right on the main page?
[06:21:45] tjcarter: jhulst: the silicondust page says it takes HD and cable conntections. I now see it's somewhat ambiguous about that.
[06:21:47] _banyan: I'm almost to the point where I would rather get a stock box as long as it integrated with a computer somehow.
[06:22:07] SerajewelKS: jhulst: the last tuner i used was from kworld (analog-only) and getting it to work at all was a bitch
[06:22:14] tjcarter: well, the real future is the USB thing from Hauppauge with AVC encoding in hardware.
[06:22:14] jhulst: tjcarter: yeah, it doesn't do NTSC, only ATSC and QAM
[06:22:21] SerajewelKS: jhulst: so i really wasn't going to look at them for anything
[06:22:40] doc|home: does anyone have any decent links for getting satellite -> qam or places where to look?
[06:22:45] tjcarter: jhulst: which means it has no encoder at all.  ;)
[06:22:55] jhulst: tjcarter: right, hence the Digital cable :)
[06:23:27] tjcarter: too bad, I considered it the perfect input device for the time being
[06:23:34] _banyan: I thought that stuff was encoded so it couldn't be captured that way.
[06:23:53] tjcarter: most of it is.
[06:24:04] tjcarter: Hence why digital without STB is pretty useless right now.
[06:25:01] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:25:13] jhulst: I get about 15 channels unencrypted, is a good page to see what is available unecrypted in your cable
[06:26:20] _banyan: why would any of them be unencrypted? Is it basically pushback from consumers?
[06:27:16] _banyan: what with the digital millenium copyright act, I thought they'd be encrypting everything up the ying yang.
[06:27:53] jhulst: _banyan: perhaps, many of them are broadcast channels, not everyone wants to have to deal with a Set Top Box for their local channels
[06:28:18] _banyan: It would really piss me off if the TV industry decided to take hdtv as an opportunity to basically make home recording impossible.
[06:29:30] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:30:13] _banyan: on the plus side, I'd get a bunch of time back if I didn't watch TV anymore.
[06:30:21] doc|home: _banyan: they'll try
[06:30:56] astyler (astyler! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:31:18] astyler: hey if I'm bringing over video media from my windows box to my myth backend
[06:31:39] astyler: to watch in mythvideo, where should the files go (location-wise)?
[06:31:47] _banyan: let's start an advocacy group now rather than wait until they ask us to grab out ankles.
[06:32:02] _banyan: astyler, it depends on your setup. Look in mythtvsetup.
[06:32:04] jhulst: It's mostly already happened, many people can't get their digital cable into myth the way it is. That'sone of the big things about the new Hauppage Component cards
[06:32:46] astyler: so i can set the directory for mythvideo and mythmusic to look in?
[06:33:07] _banyan: you can decode it and the hauppauge card captures the component?
[06:33:09] astyler: what is typical? /var/lib/movies/ and /var/lib/music/ or something to that effect?
[06:33:29] _banyan: /var/lib/mythvideo?
[06:33:31] _banyan: maybe?
[06:33:43] doc|home: jhulst: how does that work, details are hazy but it looks like the card can't decrypt, is that right?
[06:33:48] jhulst: _banyan: that's the idea, it captues and encodes it in hardware
[06:34:02] jhulst: s/captues/captures
[06:34:28] tjcarter: _banyan: it doesn't even list my provider
[06:34:28] astyler: ok thank you
[06:34:54] tjcarter: _banyan: I'm 97361, not 97330
[06:35:06] tjcarter: They're not exactly real close
[06:35:11] _banyan: you're whatnow?
[06:35:12] jhulst: doc|home: From what I understand, you can use your set top box to output component, put it into the card, and the card encodes it to some mpeg4 thing
[06:35:17] _banyan: Oh, postal codes?
[06:35:21] tjcarter: yes
[06:35:25] doc|home: jhulst: hmmm
[06:35:26] purserj (purserj! has quit ("leaving")
[06:35:26] _banyan: zip codes, pardon...
[06:35:30] astyler (astyler! has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:36:22] squidly (squidly! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:36:26] jhulst: doc|home: If it works as claimed, that should be it for digital cable, use a STB with an ir blaster and you're all set
[06:36:38] jhulst: the biggest thing is that you would need one for each input you want
[06:36:58] doc|home: yeah, that isn't ideal :/
[06:37:33] jhulst: doc|home: definately not compared to Multi-rec as we have now, but then you have to deal with encryption...
[06:37:52] _banyan: And you might need a box for each channel you want to capture at a time, too.
[06:38:48] doc|home: jhulst: yeah, I'm looking for either something that will do decryption or just give the cable companies the finger and go with a motorized satellite dish
[06:39:33] jhulst: doc|home: from what I understand, satellite still does encryption stuff, not a whole lot of FTA stuff out their unfortunately
[06:39:58] jhulst: doc|home: You can do a STB with firewire, but that seems to be hit and miss depending on the provider and location
[06:40:03] doc|home: jhulst: yeah, but where I am there's even less fta over atsc :/
[06:40:56] doc|home: and besides, I'm sick of paying these fuckers to give me crap service at high prices and then restricting how I can use it. Screw em.
[06:41:48] jhulst: yup, I dropped to basic cable and complement that with FTA ATSC, not great, but makes me study for school a little more :)
[06:42:11] doc|home: hehe
[06:42:22] doc|home: I'm in vancouver in canada and get very little over that though :/
[06:46:40] _banyan: where's the Norwegian guy who can crack the encryption? We need somebody to crack it who isn't subject to extradition to the US.
[06:46:57] doc|home: _banyan: dvd-jon? he was in the US last I knew
[06:47:06] doc|home: besides, he was just one person in that group
[06:47:14] doc|home: so, anyway, anyone know anything about satellite to qam?
[06:47:38] _banyan: really!? how has he not been charged and convicted?
[06:47:40] jhulst: doc|home: I think CCFL_Man2 was doing something with that recently, other than that...
[06:48:19] doc|home: _banyan: probably because it wasn't illegal then, it is now afaik
[06:48:38] _banyan: oh, did he do that before the dmca was passed?
[06:48:52] doc|home: I might be wrong but I think so
[06:49:03] ** doc|home waits for someone to correct him :) **
[06:49:34] joobie (joobie! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[06:50:21] bsdfox: yeah it was before dmca
[06:50:37] foo8ar_ (foo8ar_! has quit ()
[06:51:31] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:55:08] _banyan: THAT MAKES SENSE.
[06:55:32] _banyan: sorry...
[06:59:22] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:01:03] tjcarter: I don't believe it was
[07:01:17] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has quit ("Leaving")
[07:01:28] tjcarter: but the US has already concluded they didn't have a way to hold him accountable for what wasn't a crime in his country
[07:02:01] tjcarter: TPTB are quite happy to have him in the US
[07:02:14] tjcarter: where he is subject to US law if he pulls that stunt again  ;)
[07:03:10] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:03:11] Dagmar: So what we need to do is get him to go home and write a cablecard driver
[07:03:13] _banyan: Send in the marines!
[07:03:20] tjcarter: They certainly don't want to encourage him to go home and decide he's pissed
[07:03:57] _banyan: only a terrorist country would compromise US commercial interests.
[07:04:32] _banyan: tptb = the powers that be?
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[07:11:49] _banyan: was it norway or sweden now that he was from?
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[07:20:02] Dagmar: psychodellic: Read the URL
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[08:13:06] doc|home: anyone here doing anything with satellites?
[08:13:40] justinh: yeah, I'm controlling the weather in S. Korea with one
[08:13:56] justinh: from my secret base in the heart of a volcano
[08:14:18] doc|home: only in south korea? lightweight
[08:14:22] DGnome: And I use one to monitor justinh.
[08:15:23] justinh: DGnome: yeah those pesky themers – you never know when one is gonna sneakily break mythtv
[08:16:29] DGnome: :)
[08:17:17] Hoxzer: :) I have a dream of once owning a spy satellite
[08:19:09] justinh: doc|home: anyway... plenty of folks are using DVB-S with mythtv in Europe. not much FTA action going on in the US/Canada AFAIK
[08:19:36] foo8ar (foo8ar! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:19:41] doc|home: yeah, it's canada I'm in :/
[08:20:22] justinh: there are some FTA channels for you guys but they're few & far between judging by what I've seen talked about in here
[08:21:32] doc|home: that sucks, we're getting raped royally :/
[08:25:21] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:29:02] DGnome: doc|home: DVB-S with hardware CAM works with mythtv
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[08:35:02] doc|home: DGnome: I'm looking at one of these: . . . l-p-475.html
[08:35:34] doc|home: also, not sure how many satellites I'll actually see, living in vancouver, canada and being north facing :/
[08:35:50] doc|home: possibly even northeast facing
[08:38:08] jblack: only one side of your house faces north?
[08:38:18] doc|home: apartment :)
[08:38:32] doc|home: the balcony is on the north side, and that's the only place I could put a dish
[08:39:08] DGnome: doc|home: here in Vaasa, Finland, south is the general direction :)
[08:39:21] doc|home: DGnome: heh, yeah, that's why I'm worried :)
[08:40:03] xamindar (xamindar! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:40:46] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[08:40:49] doc|home: so, 50 degrees west is relative to which?
[08:41:06] doc|home: is that 50 degrees pointing west with north being 0 degrees?
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[08:41:20] doc|home: if so, I'm screwed, there's no way I'll reach that :/
[08:42:18] DGnome: All I know is 19.2 degrees East is right about southward at my location :)
[08:42:35] doc|home: that's not at all confusing :)
[08:43:52] ** DGnome not satelite smart **
[08:46:02] DGnome: rag nabbit
[08:46:18] doc|home: hehe
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[08:46:40] DGnome: I'm slowly starting to get frustrated with television in general
[08:47:29] doc|home: same here, which is why I'm moving away from paying for it. It's just not worth paying the subscription fees any more
[08:48:22] DGnome: I live in an apartment, balcony facing nort, and probably not even allowed to mount a dish anyway. DVB-C broadcasts lack interesting channels and zero HD channels. DVB-T only carries must carry channels plus some BS encrypted services.
[08:48:25] justinh: the channel policy here is – if you don't wanna pay, don't get it. Simple as that. No talk of illegal decrippling
[08:49:29] DGnome: I'd be happy I could tune Eurobird1 feeds, then i cuould watch BBC channels, FTA even and also BBC-HD
[08:49:51] ** DGnome dreams of BBC-HD **
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[08:50:12] doc|home: DGnome: exactly the same here
[08:50:17] doc|home: justinh: we're talking about fta
[08:50:41] justinh: doc|home: I'm talking about just letting you know :P
[08:52:32] doc|home: DGnome: fyi
[08:52:56] DGnome: doc|home: :o
[08:53:22] doc|home: does that rock or what? :)
[08:56:41] DGnome: yessir
[08:56:54] DGnome: Ehat is the azimuth relative to? :)
[08:57:00] DGnome: NOrth?
[08:57:23] DGnome: My typing sucks because I've only had one cup of coffee today
[08:57:41] DGnome: maybe some cold coffee would fix that
[08:57:44] DGnome: *slurp*
[08:58:54] doc|home: DGnome: I have zero clue :)
[08:59:01] doc|home: I've never looked into this stuff before
[08:59:25] DGnome: doc|home: I think it's nort
[08:59:30] DGnome: north..
[08:59:35] DGnome: has to be :D
[08:59:35] doc|home: does it matter?
[08:59:49] DGnome: yes
[08:59:50] doc|home: surely you should be able to just follow the line?
[09:00:08] DGnome: yes you can folow the line
[09:00:20] DGnome: but, if you want to set it up correct to begin with
[09:00:22] doc|home: I liked that site because it didn't kill my plan by showing me that there are satellites I can potentially point to :)
[09:00:34] DGnome: use a compass and set the azimuth correctly
[09:00:54] DGnome: ohhhkay, Now I see
[09:01:07] DGnome: press the dishpointer tab below thr googlemap
[09:01:15] DGnome: that will tell you what goes where :)
[09:03:47] doc|home: ah, right
[09:03:53] doc|home: ok, 1am, sleep time, night
[09:04:04] onixian (onixian!n=xian@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:04:07] doc|home: thanks for your help, will be asking questions again tomorrow night ;)
[09:04:36] DGnome: sweet dreams
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[09:38:16] doc__: hi there
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[09:41:05] jblack: not here.
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[09:57:10] directhex|bsp: DGnome, astra2. the beeb's on astra2, not eb1. though both are in the same bit of sky
[09:58:34] DGnome: directhex|bsp: same cluster :)
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[10:43:44] justinh: & ndash; meh
[10:43:56] justinh: wonder what was wrong with putting it in the mythtv wiki
[10:44:21] justinh: more ducking separatism yay!
[10:44:40] runoff (runoff! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:46:40] Dagmar: Someone removed documentation from tehy MythTV wiki?
[10:47:02] justinh: no no, just seem to only put it in the mythdora (the explorer) wiki
[10:47:48] AndyCap: DGnome: if you're in .fi you can probably forget Astra 2D.
[10:48:23] AndyCap: which has the FTA stuff from BBC etc.
[10:48:25] Hoxzer: Ok, I just have to ask you guys. Has somebody here been able to configure evrouter Xkey ?
[10:48:37] Hoxzer: It doesn't seem to be sending any key commands to X
[10:49:00] justinh: Hoxzer: what does that have to do with mythtv?
[10:49:50] willcooke (willcooke! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:50:50] Hoxzer: It is remote control related. Not much, that's why I said "I just have to ask this"
[10:51:39] ** directhex|bsp had a play with xbmc this weekend, labels it Good(tm) **
[10:51:57] justinh: python sucky sucky
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[10:52:33] justinh: crashy crashy
[10:52:51] willcooke: guys – before I get started on this, is there an easy way to do "Record one showing of this title every week, on this channel"
[10:52:54] justinh: orrible UI too. press a button to bring up the transport controls
[10:53:40] justinh: willcooke: don't reckon there is
[10:54:01] justinh: one showing of this title every week.. or anytime on this channel
[10:54:37] willcooke: In which case I will attempt to make one. I'm finding it increasingly common that, for example, Dave are showing Top Gear so frequently that it confuses the scheduling
[10:56:25] ** willcooke has just discovered the wonders of distcc **
[10:56:25] justinh: just delete Dave. I did
[10:56:55] willcooke: I find it's a good "there's nothing on" channel, if I'm bored I can find something to watch on there
[10:57:07] justinh: if I'm bored with TV I do something else
[10:57:12] willcooke: WHAT??????
[10:57:14] willcooke: Are you mad?
[10:57:16] willcooke: ;)
[10:57:29] justinh: themes & mythtv hacks don't make themselves! :O
[10:57:34] willcooke: :D
[10:57:55] willcooke: dogs don't walk themselves either
[10:57:57] ** justinh just uses 'any time on this channel' for top gear **
[10:58:10] justinh: it's only on twice a week max
[10:58:12] jblack: They do if you strap thier leash to the front of a treadmil
[10:58:15] Dagmar: Actaully, dogs are perfectly capable of walking themselves.
[10:58:42] willcooke: mine would get run over in about 2 seconds if left to her own devices
[11:01:01] justinh: willcooke: does turning Dave's channel priority down to -65535 not work?
[11:01:20] willcooke: oh, I hadn't though of that – good idea.
[11:01:50] willcooke: I could turn down the +1's and the More4's as well, then it might stop recording all the repeats from years ago. Nice thinking that man
[11:02:17] justinh: +1 channels should go the way shopping channels ought to go
[11:02:27] justinh: like HELLO we have DVRs now!
[11:03:09] justinh: I wouldn't ducking care but E4, More4 & the other channels with +1 versions don't exactly have few repeats
[11:03:51] ** justinh wonders how many 'Friends' DVD box sets have sold since E4 came along. not many I bet – no need. just leave your TV on E4 **
[11:05:25] hashbang: justinh: the +1 channels can be useful for resolving odd scheduling clashes, though
[11:05:33] directhex|bsp: i'l be there for youuuuuuuuuuuuu, when your tv is on.
[11:05:33] hashbang: justinh: in their defence. :-)
[11:05:53] justinh: hashbang: the repeats take care of that
[11:06:40] justinh: though I wouldn't mind a 'don't record between 1am and 6am' rule too so my recordings don't end up with that ravey guy in the corner
[11:07:00] Daviey: hahahahaha
[11:07:25] hashbang: justdave: haha
[11:07:45] Daviey: myth decided to record helicopter rescues, the whole series with the raveing loon
[11:07:50] hashbang: justinh: put some techno on in the background and join in whilst watching Horizon
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[11:07:55] justinh: in vision signing
[11:08:03] justinh: arghhh! SUBTITLES
[11:08:21] Daviey: what about those too thich to read?
[11:08:26] Daviey: thick*
[11:08:36] justinh: what about them?
[11:08:43] hashbang: justinh: speaking of subtitles, I've hacked mytharchive to use projectx instead of mythtranscode, and also taken the opportunity to make it add DVD subtitles too.
[11:08:45] justinh: if they can be taught sign language..
[11:09:16] Daviey: Anyway, anybody used McDonalds free wifi?
[11:09:19] onixian (onixian!n=xian@ has quit (Client Quit)
[11:09:35] willcooke: McWifi?
[11:09:36] tjcarter: Daviey: do you get fries with that?
[11:10:14] Daviey: Thought i'd better
[11:10:23] tjcarter: McPr0n
[11:10:41] justinh: McPwn3d
[11:11:18] Daviey: I'll do a McShit aswell whilst i'm here
[11:11:55] justinh: Missed a show on a Freeview channel that isn't on terrestrial? Try again in six hours!
[11:12:08] justinh: s/terrestrial/analogue
[11:12:52] hashbang: tjcarter: ITYM "d'ya wa' fries wiv da'?"
[11:12:54] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:12:55] willcooke: :)
[11:13:27] justinh: it's called Freeview AllTheTime(tm)
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[11:14:37] tjcarter: #!: should be hispanic here.
[11:15:41] tjcarter: With such great command of the English language that when they asked for a name for my order and I told them mine, they caled for "Hoseff"
[11:16:10] justinh: kill them all. that'll lern em
[11:16:45] justinh: oo I have email. hey I used one of your graphics for something of mine. hope that's ok.
[11:16:48] Dagmar: It's not like anyone will miss them.
[11:17:13] justinh: WTF is the point in asking afterwards? shoot 1st, ask questions later?!
[11:17:28] Dagmar: Didja GPL it?
[11:17:35] justinh: fecknows
[11:17:51] justinh: point is, wtf is the idea in asking if I mind afterwards?
[11:17:53] Dagmar: Well, if you _did_ then they're probably just fishing for a blessing
[11:17:59] Dagmar: No big deal there
[11:18:06] justinh: after the event though – what's the point?!
[11:18:37] Dagmar: Regardless of what the GPL says, a lot of people still ask just to cover their bases, and to let the original author know that at least one other person thinks their work is better than what they can do.
[11:19:13] justinh: asking after it's published just seems completely pointless to me though
[11:19:31] justinh: either ask first then publish, or just publish anyway
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[11:22:07] tjcarter: justinh: I'm actually odd as Americans go.. I say c'mon in, and sign the forms so we can process your background check, and please for your own good take advantage of the free English classes so that you have a chance to get a job that pays better than serving me fries and doing my laundry  ;)
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[11:42:54] tjcarter: I need to teach Myth to turn off my LCD
[11:43:21] tjcarter: DPMS ftw
[11:44:07] hashbang: tjcarter: I used to have xscreensaver enabled, but that used to cause problems with playback
[11:44:21] tjcarter: it would
[11:44:34] hashbang: tjcarter: I'd like to have it enabled, so that if I fall asleep whilst watching something, the static GUI won't burn my TV. :-/
[11:44:42] tjcarter: no, teaching Myth to send an xset when the "power" key is pressed would do it.
[11:44:43] BleedAway (BleedAway! has quit (SendQ exceeded)
[11:46:38] tjcarter: anyway, collapse time
[11:47:01] DGnome: AndyCap: oh, crap :/
[11:47:13] DGnome: AndyCap: astra2d footprint seems a bit narrower
[11:47:48] directhex|bsp: get a nice 3m dish
[11:48:01] justinh: DGnome: BBCHD is for the UK. not expats or anybody else. yay
[11:48:53] directhex|bsp: it's a local channel for local people
[11:49:05] directhex|bsp: we'll have no trouble here!
[11:49:27] DGnome: And we are supposed to be a leading IT-country
[11:49:35] DGnome: can't even get decent tv for crying out loud
[11:49:55] ** DGnome crawls into a hole **
[11:50:05] justinh: is that why the suicide rate there is so high?
[11:50:12] DGnome: propably
[11:50:33] ** justinh sends DGnome all the ITV shows **
[11:50:41] DGnome: if even the tv wont keep you company whilst drinking, then you are lost.
[11:50:54] justinh: we can't even get decent TV in the UK
[11:51:05] justinh: most channels are utter shite
[11:51:14] justinh: eben the BBC doesn't show that many good shows
[11:51:20] justinh: *even
[11:52:12] justinh: current affairs & science shows are sensationalist shadows of their former selves
[11:52:44] justinh: when food attacks! (etc)
[11:52:51] Como|lappy (Como|lappy! has quit ()
[11:53:14] justinh: and then there's torchpoo.. beggars belief that people in other countries envy us
[11:53:18] ** directhex|bsp attacks justinh with a marrow **
[11:53:43] andy151: torchpoo, lmao
[11:54:01] andy151: I used to watch the first series. Saw the first 5 minutes of the second series and wanted to cut myself
[11:54:03] justinh: torchpoo / gaywood
[11:54:54] gardz (gardz! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:14] andy151: still, the dire stuff on tv means I haven't needed to fit a larger HDD on my myth box for 4 years :P
[11:55:20] Dagmar: justinh: Shaddup. That show is redeeming your little network.
[11:55:25] Dagmar: So there
[11:56:04] justinh: I predict that in less than 10 years I won't be watching Tv anymore
[11:56:14] Dagmar: I don't much care for the gay kissing, but if gay people can put up with all the straight kissing, I can deal with it.
[11:56:32] Dagmar: justinh: In 10 years we'll probably be forbidden by law to design something like MythTV
[11:56:37] justinh: Dagmar: I can put up with anything – it just feels like it's there for the sake of it
[11:56:39] directhex|bsp: mythvideo needs the option to pick different metadata grabbers per-file or per-folder. for some reason imdb doesn't have "english amateurs presents 'pussy slapped'"
[11:56:56] Dagmar: Doing a little digging into the CableCard thing, it seems there is zero room for homebrewers there
[11:57:05] andy151: who cares about the gay kissing when it's got crap storyline and cringworth acting?
[11:57:06] directhex|bsp: Dagmar, by design
[11:57:19] Dagmar: Yep, well, I'm writing the FCC anyway
[11:57:23] directhex|bsp: Dagmar, CAM on the other hand is designed for interop, and could have done the same job
[11:57:32] Dagmar: What their papers on it say it's for is not what it's actually doing
[11:57:59] justinh: hey you know that nasty court who set a precedent with the Sony case in the 1970s? well we've got to find some way to put a stop to that without reversing the law change
[11:58:51] justinh: fair use will still exist, we'll just make it impossible
[11:59:04] Dagmar: Exactly.
[11:59:18] justinh: so would I. think of the money!
[11:59:27] Dagmar: This is supposed to make things open to innovation and expand consumer choise, but in actuality does the exact opposite
[11:59:56] directhex|bsp: Dagmar, like patent trolling!
[12:00:04] justinh: choice equals competition. competition equals having to work & innovate. less profit :(
[12:00:13] Dagmar: Patent trolling isn't supposed to expand consumer anything.
[12:01:50] Dagmar: All they've managed to design is a system for eliminating customer choice.
[12:02:29] Dagmar: Your choices amount to "buy from a small, select number of pre-approved vendors" or "don't watch digital cable on your own equipment"
[12:02:39] justinh: if a customer has a choice – they might choose to become somebody else's customer & that is bad for business!
[12:03:06] Dagmar: This is no better than CSS on DVDs.
[12:03:14] justinh: Dagmar: you don't get capitalism gone bad do you? ;)
[12:03:43] Dagmar: Criminals will still have little problem cracking their system and doing what they like, while everyone else will basically be submitting a few bucks a year, whether they like it or not, to the body that "approves" devices for use with CableCard.
[12:04:10] Dagmar: That's not customer choice, that's a monopoly enforced by law.
[12:04:48] justinh: and your problem with that is... you're not seeing a cent from it – or you have morals of some kind. no way to run a business
[12:05:36] justinh: what's that you say? you CAN make money and still be kinda nice? Oh – just not quite as much money. Ahh. Problem
[12:08:14] justinh: somebody has to pay for all the cocaine which gets left out on all the boardroom tables ya know
[12:09:11] dgjones (dgjones!n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones) has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:09:49] justinh: anyway speaking of overpriced evil cartels – I need to put some petrol in my car
[12:10:51] jamesd: how much is petrol over in euroland these days?
[12:11:00] justinh: £1.05 a litre here
[12:11:13] Dibblah: Ooooh. Really nice –
[12:11:20] Dibblah: An overview of h.264.
[12:11:37] Dibblah: Also, an implementation into an FPGA of h.264 decoding...
[12:11:50] jamesd: so thats about $5 a gallon..
[12:12:01] jamesd: were at $3 here.
[12:12:19] Dagmar: No, that's about 2.04USD/gal
[12:12:40] Dagmar: s/gal/liter/
[12:12:50] directhex|bsp: DETECTIVE: This is the home of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. Look. There's Lars now, sitting by his pool.
[12:12:50] directhex|bsp: KYLE: What's the matter with him?
[12:12:50] directhex|bsp: DETECTIVE: This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it.
[12:13:16] directhex|bsp: oh, and (UK£ 1.04900) per litre = 7.72736552 U.S. dollars per US gallon
[12:13:17] jamesd: oh... so about $6 a gallon.
[12:13:24] directhex|bsp: learn maths!
[12:13:33] Dagmar: Wow math is not your strong suit.
[12:13:37] Dagmar: Try $7.75/gal
[12:13:38] jamesd: ouch...
[12:13:41] directhex|bsp: us gallons are different to real gallons!
[12:14:09] jamesd: i better get to work... in case our gas ever gets that high...
[12:14:27] directhex|bsp: keep bombing the middle east...
[12:14:33] Dagmar: If our gas gets much higher I'm buying a freaking Vespa
[12:14:40] Dibblah: However, the phrase "metric buttload" works everywhere. And is quite true for the price of our tax on petrol :(
[12:14:49] justinh: if yours gets that high I'll give up working & sell my car
[12:15:09] justinh: cos if yours gets as high as ours is now, god help us!
[12:15:27] directhex|bsp: justinh, how would the yanks drive their 7mpg trucks to the mall?
[12:15:58] Dagmar: I wouldn't mind seeing the goddamn SUVs off the road
[12:16:51] justinh: 7mpg? yuou're kidding, right?
[12:17:05] Dagmar: Most of 'em are 12–15mpg
[12:17:11] Beirdo: oy!!!
[12:17:15] Dagmar: ...which is still shit mileage.
[12:17:28] Dagmar: The "good" ones at 18mpg.
[12:17:32] Beirdo: you think one lab mix is a handful... try two
[12:17:46] justinh: lol Beirdo
[12:17:48] Dagmar: Beirdo: Depends on what they were mixed with
[12:17:58] Beirdo: we are on day 3 of the new mutt's tenancy in our house
[12:18:03] Dagmar: Chihuahua-Lab == fine
[12:18:18] Dagmar: Labrador + Tyrannasaurus Rex == not safe for the kiddies
[12:18:36] Beirdo: she was abandoned at the side of the road, was there for 3 weeks before we finally took her. First stop: vet for $180 or so of shots/checkup/bath
[12:18:40] Beirdo: heh
[12:18:57] Beirdo: the two dogs look almost the same
[12:19:27] Dagmar: Tell the neighbors you've been playing with cloning technology.
[12:19:30] Beirdo: Duquesa (the new mutt) has a more wiemaraner-like face (I think I spelled it right)
[12:19:41] justinh: bath at the vets? where's the fun in that?!
[12:19:48] Beirdo: Princess just looks like a 3/4 size lab
[12:19:56] Beirdo: well, she STANK of ditch mud
[12:19:57] Dagmar: weimaraner
[12:20:10] justinh: anyway.. better go & get this fuel
[12:20:17] Dagmar:
[12:20:17] Beirdo: better to pay someone a few bucks for the first bath (medicated with flea and tick killer)
[12:20:27] Dagmar: Looks like some bloke stole all the color out of that dog.
[12:20:29] Dagmar: Poor thing.
[12:20:53] Beirdo: hehe, they are grey, about the size of a lab, but usually skinny and with blue eyes
[12:20:59] Beirdo: a neighbor breeds them
[12:21:30] Beirdo: but yeah, Duquesa has the bigger ears and longer snout.
[12:21:42] Beirdo: and is seriously underweight, but that won't last long
[12:22:29] eddan (eddan! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:22:48] Beirdo: unfortunately, they are BOTH attention whores
[12:22:48] Beirdo: heh
[12:24:09] Beirdo: BTW... Duquesa is the spanish for "Duchess". We already have a Princess, and this is my wife's dog (in theory), and she wanted to use the Spanish :)
[12:25:07] egsavage (egsavage! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:25:28] eddan: I've found lots of topics around about mouse support (or, that is, I'm actually looking for touch screen support), but I'm just wondering what the current status is about this? I'm able to click the buttons, but the video plugin doesn't seem to work with my touchscreen. Could this exist in latest svn and just haven't been officially released yet?
[12:27:49] Dibblah: There's a couple of issues.
[12:28:22] Dibblah: eddan: To be clear, no this will not work properly in trunk yet.
[12:28:48] Dibblah: It depends on everything being migrated to MythUI – Which will not be true in time for 0.21 even.
[12:29:22] Dibblah: There's been some work on it recently and Chutt has intimated that he may have more time soon, which may help.
[12:30:01] ** Dibblah also wants touchscreen to work but doesn't have any really useful coding ability :( **
[12:32:05] eddan: Dibblah, ok, thanks. So basically I have to 1. see if someone has created a patch (i've heard about semi-successful installations), if not 2. go at it myself or 3. find an alternative system... Hopefully I'll not end up with XP MCE :)
[12:32:50] Dibblah: There basically are no proper patches.
[12:33:36] eddan: Dibblah: oh, ok, found a guy who had a touch screen installation in his car and he mentioned some patches, but might not work with everything.
[12:34:27] runoff (runoff!n=vbede@Gatehouse.CambridgeMA.GOV) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:34:33] eddan: There is a fork for xbox media center on linux, but unfortunately my graphics card doesn't support opengl2.0, which is (currently atleast) required.
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[12:35:04] Dibblah: Yes, that patch set exists and ISTR is in Trac (may be a closed ticket)
[12:35:38] eddan: Dibblah, ok. Have you tried it?
[12:36:22] Dibblah: No. It seemed pointless at the time, since it duplicates internal functionality.
[12:36:42] Dibblah: To be specific, it implements a "back" button on most screens.
[12:36:55] Dibblah: Which is handled internally in Myth by "gestures"
[12:43:00] runoff (runoff!n=vbede@Gatehouse.CambridgeMA.GOV) has quit ("Leaving.")
[12:43:34] justinh: I don't like gestures personally – would prefer onscreen buttons
[12:44:15] justinh: do what MCE does. detect a movement, then display extra navigation buttons for a while, then just get rid of them :)
[12:45:11] justinh: mythui supports timed stuff like that AFAIK
[12:45:26] justinh: but if you can't get it past the boss...
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[12:52:07] Dibblah: "detect a movement" is hard with a touchscreen.
[12:52:20] justinh: no different to anything else
[12:52:29] Dibblah: The user would already have to be pressing randomly on the screen.
[12:52:35] justinh: just press on an area without a button
[12:52:48] justinh: or have a 'secret' button in a corner
[12:52:50] Dibblah: ... When the buttons are invisible?
[12:53:35] directhex|bsp: it's not rocket science. first input is always "make inputs active, show controls". timeout, go back to showing no controls
[12:53:37] justinh: half the time I see gestures mentioned in the console they're incorrect anyway
[12:55:42] runoff (runoff!n=vbede@Gatehouse.CambridgeMA.GOV) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:56:02] justinh: and besides since when was it up to Chutt to take care of all the mythui port? nothing stopping anybody else helping out
[12:56:20] [nrx] ([nrx]! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:56:49] justinh: before anything is ported, people need to take a long hard look at what needs to be improved first too – or we'll end up with more of the same
[12:57:39] justinh: there are a multitude of reasons mythui exists and mouse support isn't high on that list IMHO
[12:58:11] directhex|bsp: next you'll suggest mytharchive's ui isn't a big pile of orgasms and win
[12:58:22] ** [nrx] sighs **
[12:58:36] [nrx]: i still can't get ITV2, 3, E4, E4+1, Film Four
[12:58:51] justinh: big thing from my PoV is going to be the ability to bring more commonality to the UI. no cool widgets left in a plugin somewhere leaving other parts to cope with lame ones
[12:59:09] [gquit]bombadil is now known as bombadil
[12:59:12] justinh: [nrx]: no jezza kyle? whooo how will you cope?!
[12:59:30] Dibblah: justinh: Ummm?
[12:59:35] bombadil is now known as bombadil[gquit]
[12:59:41] [nrx]: no, Lovejoy
[12:59:42] Dibblah: Notice all the "may" statements there?
[12:59:58] Dibblah: I didn't say Chutt would _do_ it...
[13:00:00] [nrx]: kyle is on itv anyway, not any of the other ones (1, 2)
[13:00:07] Dibblah: Because I'm not his boss.
[13:00:24] justinh: Dibblah: pointless sitting there waiting for it all to be done
[13:00:36] Dibblah: I am well aware of that.
[13:01:00] justinh: seriously it's a massive job even without considering the functional changes needed
[13:01:11] [nrx]: directhex| was it yourself that suggested it might be video drivers?
[13:01:33] directhex|bsp: [nrx], green or pink screen?
[13:01:43] [nrx]: all colours of the rainbow :D
[13:01:43] justinh: and if my brushes with the -dev list are anything to go by, good luck getting consensus on how to change the UI
[13:01:54] [nrx]: with a green/pink bar along the bottom
[13:01:59] directhex|bsp: anyway, getting itv1 but not itv3 shouldn't be possible, they share a mux
[13:02:15] directhex|bsp: [nrx], sounds like nvidia 100.x, or any ati nonsense, issue
[13:02:26] [nrx]: yeah, they all share the same mux like e4, e4+1 etc
[13:02:36] [nrx]: i don't understand why all other channels would work but these don't though
[13:02:37] justinh: get one, get em all
[13:02:44] [nrx]: and it's an ATI Radeon
[13:02:55] justinh: ahh the ole radish
[13:02:55] [nrx]: if i record... and playback on another machine, it's all fine
[13:02:59] directhex|bsp: justinh, unlike pokemon, where you need to individually catch them
[13:03:20] directhex|bsp: [nrx], sounds awfully like the radeon's to blame. which isn't going to surprise anyone here
[13:03:27] [nrx]: okay.
[13:03:40] [nrx]: can i get it to work until such times as I can afford another card?
[13:03:53] justinh: seriously though – the chances of getting a consensus on say, how a feature should change.. from the -dev list. forget it. I already have
[13:04:11] directhex|bsp: [nrx], try running the frontend in a window
[13:04:21] [nrx]: how do i do that? :)
[13:04:30] rooau1 (rooau1! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:04:33] directhex|bsp: justinh, which is why people don't write patches to do things – why bother, if the patch will be rejected for not being blue enough?
[13:05:19] directhex|bsp: [nrx], mythfrontend -geometry 800x450
[13:05:20] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:29] [nrx]: from a command line, yeah?
[13:06:01] henkpoley: I'm getting this error from mythtv-backend: "mythshutdown: Could not initialize myth context. Exiting."
[13:06:05] directhex|bsp: yeah. and you probably need — not -, but i don't have a mythfrontend to check with right now
[13:06:07] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:06:11] justinh: directhex|bsp: but the -dev list's most active people – the ones who pipe up with their opinions at the drop of a hat – they're mostly users
[13:06:14] reviloot1eg (reviloot1eg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:06:18] [nrx]: okay, thankyou. I'll try it now
[13:06:20] henkpoley: Any idea how to fix that? Myth now obviously doesn't shut down
[13:08:39] justinh: directhex|bsp: any consensus for changes has to come from the inner sanctum
[13:08:55] reviloot1eg (reviloot1eg!n=oliver@ has quit (Client Quit)
[13:09:02] Hoxzer: What should I do if I have another lircd using file /dev/lircd and the remote that I want to use for MythTV is using /dev/lircd1 ?
[13:10:54] Dibblah: I vote for a scaled democracy, with # of applied changesets making your vote count more. Of course, that gives me a multiplier of 2, which is bugger all :)
[13:10:58] [nrx]: hm
[13:11:50] justinh: the -dev list could be called 'advanced users' fwiw
[13:11:53] Dagmar: Make it based on # of lines in the code you can be blamed for
[13:11:57] directhex|bsp: justinh, the issue remains though – write a patch, watch it fester in trac without ever being used
[13:12:18] Dagmar: Blame is something that can be assigned on a per-line basis
[13:12:35] Dibblah: If it's wanted and kept up to date, it probably will be committed eventually.
[13:12:55] Dibblah: Look at multi-channel audio, for a particularly long-lived example :)
[13:13:02] justinh: was gonna play with some more code this week but since it's in feature freeze, screw that
[13:13:19] justinh: same with the theme improvements I've been working on
[13:13:27] Hoxzer: :/ Strange if I have two lircd instances they both can use same /dec/lircd file
[13:13:32] Hoxzer: Well, problem solved then..
[13:13:40] Dibblah: Hoxzer: Yes, they can. Ish.
[13:13:41] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit (Connection timed out)
[13:14:01] Dibblah: lirc is _particularly_ bad about multi-device support, however :(
[13:14:59] Hoxzer: :/ Yes, I was using kbd-config to bind my /dev/input/event0 buttons to keyboard commands. However because of lately updates to debian testing it was removed from it. I manage to get some binded with xmodmap but not all
[13:15:01] _flindet (_flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:15:08] Hoxzer: My last choice was lirc.
[13:15:31] directhex|bsp: Dibblah, lirc hasn't noticed that 2.2 kernels aren't cutting edge anymore. it needs to die, ASAP
[13:15:45] Dibblah: ?
[13:16:04] Dibblah: I submitted a patch some time ago to allow it to work with 2.6.22+...
[13:16:14] Dibblah: Which was unreleased at the time.
[13:16:31] califdreas (califdreas!n=andreas@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[13:17:24] directhex|bsp: Dibblah, the entire ethos for lirc is old fashioned. working with new kernels isn't the issue so much as being so heavily dependent on per-user kernel modules etc
[13:17:52] DustyBin: can the very latest versions of mythtv rip audio CD into AAC files?
[13:17:58] justinh: DustyBin: nope
[13:17:59] revilootneg (revilootneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:18:02] justinh: next!
[13:18:59] DustyBin: justinh: hi! ive ordered a new TV for my bedroom: Philips 24PW6518 50Hz Real Flat Widescreen TV silver
[13:19:08] DustyBin: CRT
[13:19:49] DustyBin: justinh: the TV can accept s-video but only from the front, using a s-video >> scart cable like what you do, does that mean the signal can suffer noise?
[13:20:01] justinh: no
[13:20:09] DustyBin: why does yours?
[13:20:18] justinh: because it's shit
[13:20:21] DustyBin: ok
[13:20:38] justinh: tv isn't shit. just that input is
[13:20:50] DustyBin: ok bit annoying
[13:21:24] DustyBin: think ill keep that TV for a few years then come back and have a look at the state of the HD world
[13:21:40] justinh: barely noticable though – and only affects very saturated areas of flattish colour
[13:21:52] DustyBin: thats not too bad then
[13:22:00] justinh: bad enough
[13:22:06] DustyBin: i saw the 28" version of that TV sell on ebay for £41
[13:22:21] DustyBin: too far for me to pickup, plus 28" slightly to big for my bedroom
[13:22:29] justinh: nobody wants CRT anymore. flatter, more worser ftw!
[13:22:43] justinh: much more worser
[13:22:48] Dibblah: CRT is nasty in a couple of ways.
[13:22:48] DustyBin: what is worser?
[13:23:06] justinh: plasma/lcd is worserer
[13:23:11] DustyBin: yes
[13:23:12] Dibblah: Efficiency is nasty, even compared to a standard LCD (2% efficiency)
[13:23:27] DustyBin: at least this philips CRT produces black, blacks and the overall picture looks nice
[13:23:38] justinh: you carry on trying to justify your sub-par early adopter product :P
[13:24:01] Dibblah: My efficiency on my projector is on the order of 40%, however.
[13:24:20] justinh: which is good, cos you need to buy a £300 lamp every.. how long?
[13:24:21] Dibblah: Since the arc-lamp is one of the most efficient forms of lighting.
[13:24:29] Dibblah: 2k hours of use.
[13:24:36] Dibblah: 4k with my last projector.
[13:24:39] justinh: eff that
[13:24:48] DustyBin: mythmusic can only rip ogg/mp3 but can only play aac/ogg/mp3 ?
[13:24:50] Dibblah: And the lamp was about $200.
[13:25:02] henkpoley: blah, mythshutdown does run if I first sudo into bash myself.. (no "Could not initialize myth context. Exiting.")
[13:25:19] Dibblah: henkpoley: You have a bad environment.
[13:25:27] Dibblah: Specifically, make sure HOME is set.
[13:25:28] justinh: DustyBin: yeah so?
[13:25:35] justinh: can rip to flac ya know
[13:25:51] justinh: stop wanting to use shitty propriatary formats
[13:25:57] DustyBin: justinh: i just bought a new HD and going to rip all my music, not sure what format, maybe AAC as buying new car stereo too
[13:26:02] henkpoley: Dibblah: How could that appear suddenly ?
[13:26:15] Dibblah: henkpoley: What did you change?
[13:26:43] rooau1 (rooau1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:26:45] henkpoley: It's probably the svn package for ubuntu then that's broken
[13:27:00] henkpoley: Will check with them
[13:27:18] henkpoley: Still annoying
[13:28:41] henkpoley: btw, when I su into the mythtv user first, and then run the sudo line that mythbackend executes, I do get the error
[13:30:04] justinh: oh you're using trunk and not following the -dev or -commits lists
[13:30:59] DustyBin: justinh: are you using digital out of your soundcard what feeds into a surround sound amp so you can watch dvds in surround?
[13:31:28] justinh: yeah
[13:31:48] DustyBin: aye i got a spare audiophile 2496 what looks like its up for the job :D
[13:31:53] Dibblah: henkpoley: You need to set a proper environment.
[13:32:02] Dibblah: As I already said.
[13:32:16] henkpoley: justinh: DVB-C scanning is broken in 0.20.2, and the changelog of 0.21 showed some improvements, so I tried that
[13:32:21] justinh: DustyBin: any £2 soundcard will do fior digital
[13:32:23] Dibblah: Which is what sudo is doing for you.
[13:32:31] DustyBin: ok
[13:32:42] henkpoley: 2008-02–11 14:32:20.961 Running the command to set the next scheduled wakeup time :-
[13:32:42] henkpoley: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/mythshutdown --setwakeup 2008-02–11T18:42
[13:32:42] henkpoley: mythshutdown: Could not initialize myth context. Exiting.
[13:32:52] henkpoley: It already uses sudo
[13:32:54] Dibblah: henkpoley: Uhuh? And?
[13:33:04] henkpoley: Soit should have a propper environemtn
[13:33:09] justinh: fwiw the intel 'hd audio' on the board I use is pretty good, never mind for onboard
[13:33:29] Dibblah: justinh: That's mainly just the well designed decoupling.
[13:33:37] DustyBin: justinh: thinking about getting this little lot, pretty cheap and has got a lot of good reviews: . . . p/B000BVGWH8
[13:33:47] justinh: Dibblah: that and decent board layout
[13:33:48] Dibblah: It looks like they've spent some serious time on board design.
[13:34:05] henkpoley: Dibblah: ?
[13:34:05] justinh: tv out is like nothing I've ever seen from a PC too
[13:34:18] justinh: beats nvidia & via
[13:34:19] Dibblah: Also, the embedded ground in the board helps. Not with soldering on the damn thing.
[13:34:39] justinh: Dibblah: might be multiple ground planes
[13:34:59] justinh: anyway whatever it is – end result is nice :)
[13:35:13] Dibblah: henkpoley: Try setting HOME in the mythwelcome / mythfrontend / mythbackend environment.
[13:35:18] Dibblah: Once again.
[13:35:21] justinh: can crank the analogue volume up a lot, wiggle a mouse & not hear it in the speakers :P
[13:35:26] henkpoley: Thank you
[13:35:56] Dibblah: There is something on the board that does produce noise, though.
[13:36:26] justinh: not in my box :P
[13:37:21] Dibblah: It's about 12dB @ 12kHz.
[13:37:36] justinh: PSU noise
[13:37:38] Dibblah: As in it's just audible.
[13:37:52] justinh: being that frequency, PSU noise
[13:38:12] Dibblah: Think it's the switcher for the CPU.
[13:38:26] Dibblah: Or, more precisely, one of the inductors.
[13:39:06] justinh: can't say I've noticed but then I've yet to really load my system
[13:39:34] Dibblah: Heaviest load this one has had was building KDE4. :(
[13:40:03] Dibblah: Bugger.
[13:40:06] directhex|bsp: well, DDTT
[13:40:22] Dibblah: It appears this h.264 implementation hasn't actually seen a board :(
[13:40:43] Dibblah: It's purely tested-by-simulation.
[13:41:04] flindet (flindet! has quit (Connection timed out)
[13:41:16] justinh: who'd pay the fees?
[13:41:35] ** Dibblah wonders if VHDL etc map better onto GPU processors than normal code...? **
[13:42:23] justinh: Dibblah: more chance of nvidia & ati pulling their fingers out of their rectums
[13:42:57] Dibblah: Uh ha. Ha. Ha.
[13:43:05] justinh: it's officially 'pissed off Monday' today. everyone is in a foul mood
[13:43:45] Dibblah: I'm not. Yet. But there's still time!
[13:46:04] justinh: I feel the need to delete $stuff
[13:46:06] _flindet (_flindet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:46:14] justinh: usually makes me feel better for about a ns
[13:49:22] justinh: hehehehe it's all gone!
[13:49:27] justinh: all gone!!!!!
[13:50:03] Vaelys (Vaelys!i=awong@slammer.cs.Dal.Ca) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:51:15] [nrx]: okay... for some reason by box now tunes in those channels before that didn't work and the picture is perfect
[13:51:23] [nrx]: but now all the other channels are screwed
[13:51:30] [nrx]: can this really be a video issue?
[13:52:13] Dibblah: Huh? svn: URL '' doesn't exist
[13:52:24] Dibblah: justinh: What did you do?
[13:52:28] Dibblah: ;)
[13:53:01] Dibblah: </humor>
[13:53:16] Dibblah: Some may note that I didn't have a <humor> tag.
[13:53:28] Dibblah: Which, in many ways, is correct :)
[13:57:08] [nrx]: gaahh
[14:04:38] _flindet (_flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:10:36] [nrx]: what's the --service flag for?
[14:10:58] henkpoley: On what program [nrx] ?
[14:12:54] Kazan: Roy Scheider died guys
[14:12:55] Kazan: :(
[14:14:04] directhex|bsp: due to thetans?
[14:15:21] Kazan: lol
[14:15:26] Kazan: due to old age it sounds like
[14:15:33] bagpuss_thecat: lol
[14:15:36] bagpuss_thecat: but sad
[14:15:38] Kazan: is scheider a scientologist?
[14:15:53] bagpuss_thecat: "Though a cause of death was not immediately released,[5] Scheider's wife attributed her husband's death to a staph infection."
[14:16:04] Vaelys (Vaelys!i=awong@slammer.cs.Dal.Ca) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:12] Kazan: hospital spokeswoman Leslie Taylor said Scheider had been treated for multiple myeloma at the hospital's Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy for the past two years.
[14:16:17] [nrx]: i just wrecked my xorg
[14:16:46] Kazan: how did you manage that
[14:17:36] [nrx]: removing restricted drivers.. re instaling envy
[14:21:05] _flindet (_flindet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:21:08] [nrx]: ah dear. it's all gone pete tong
[14:23:32] KaiForce (KaiForce! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:23:55] Dibblah: Just restore from the backup you took before making changes.
[14:24:55] [nrx]: haha
[14:25:02] [nrx]: no, that would be sensible
[14:26:56] [nrx]: someome has *got* to have had this problem befpore
[14:26:56] [nrx]: :/
[14:27:15] Dibblah: What? Breaking their system? Sure! ;)
[14:27:26] [nrx]: nooo the problem with different channels
[14:27:32] [nrx]: it's massively, massively, annoying
[14:27:41] Dibblah: bagpuss_thecat: How do you get a sad lol?
[14:28:01] ** Kazan facepalms **
[14:28:26] Kazan: some anti-mexican-immigration nutjob who owns a cessna and likes to fly along the border videotaping the border fences, etc
[14:28:28] Dibblah: [nrx]: Can you pastebin the full mythfrontend -v playback when it works and when it doesn't?
[14:28:48] Kazan: all for border enforcement.. but he doesn't think he has to follow the regs himself and file an international flight plan when he plans to cross the US-MExican border in his cessna
[14:29:00] Kazan: and he wonders why two F-16s show up when he crosses the border
[14:29:01] Kazan: dipwad
[14:29:21] [nrx]: Dibblah, not easily
[14:29:34] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[14:29:42] [nrx]: my keyboard tends to not want to work once mythtv's been running
[14:29:55] [nrx]: only works if i'm entering password for sudo apps
[14:30:08] [nrx]: at the moment, i'm trying to get it back to how it was heh
[14:30:12] [nrx]: sans fuck=up
[14:30:15] [nrx]: sorry, language
[14:30:21] bagpuss_thecat: Dibblah: I'm working on that
[14:30:50] [nrx]: currently reinstalling envy
[14:31:17] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:31:30] Dibblah: Mexico has F-16s?
[14:32:31] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:34:35] Hoochster: Does anyone by chance use the Myth Backend UPNP server with MythVideo and Samba Shares?
[14:37:03] Computer_Czar: I'd like to ... just tried setup my EVA8000 yesterday ... going to do some more work tonight
[14:37:34] Merlin83b2: Dibblah: Nope: . . . on_operators
[14:37:51] Dagmar: If a CEO can own one, surely Mexico can.
[14:37:55] Computer_Czar: Except I'm a unique situation in that I'm now storing on a ns4300n ... it should handle uPNP by itself
[14:38:40] [nrx]: Dibblah, are you there? :)
[14:38:59] GreyFoxx: Hoochster: Were your mythvideo videos on a smb share ?
[14:39:09] Computer_Czar: The EVA scanned all the videos
[14:39:12] GreyFoxx: the ones that failed ?
[14:39:45] ol_schoola_ (ol_schoola_! has quit ()
[14:40:00] Dibblah: [nrx]: Yes.
[14:40:14] Dibblah: How do you mean your keyboard breaks?
[14:40:21] Dibblah: Try typing reset into a shell.
[14:40:36] [nrx]:
[14:40:56] [nrx]: 1st line is being on a channel that works... I then change to another channel that doesn't work.. that's the output of mythfrontend.log
[14:41:39] [nrx]: now, if i go and change the resolution of the box and restart mythtv, i'll be able to watch the unwatchable channels.. but not the watchable (if that makes sense)
[14:41:44] [nrx]: it's as though they swap round.
[14:41:44] Hoochster: GreyFoxx, yes, I have external servers that house my video storage
[14:41:56] Hoochster: and they are mapped via samba into my backend
[14:42:08] Hoochster: GreyFoxx, if I copy the file local to the server it plays fine
[14:42:09] [nrx]: Aternatively, if i close mythtv on a channel that doesn't work – when I relaunch MythTV, that channel will work but all the previously working channels wont.
[14:42:39] Dagmar: Have you tried a rubber chicken?
[14:42:59] Hoochster: only in the bathtub!
[14:43:00] Hoochster: lmao
[14:43:34] ** Dagmar makes a note not to mention rubber chickens in fronr ot Hoochster again. **
[14:43:56] Hoochster: heh
[14:44:08] Dibblah: [nrx]: And with -v record,channel on mythbackend?
[14:44:33] Dibblah: [nrx]: Wait, that's not right.
[14:44:34] Hoochster: GreyFoxx, and I tested this with nero showtime as well, so it isn't just a 360 thing. it has issues it seems with any upnp client and smb
[14:44:56] [nrx]: hm?
[14:45:10] Dibblah: Again: Can you pastebin the entire output of a mythfrontend session, with -v playback on a bad channel?
[14:45:14] GreyFoxx: Hoochster: Ammmm ok
[14:45:26] directhex|bsp: my upnp query is: is 0.20.2 known to sometimes have the upnp server "die"? as in suddenly stop serving things, whilst mythbackend keeps running?
[14:45:27] [nrx]: i just fire up mythfrontend from he desktop icon
[14:45:30] GreyFoxx: Hoochster: I'll have to try that when I get home
[14:45:31] Hoochster: didn't know if that helps ya any in remembering the issue heh
[14:45:37] Dibblah: [nrx]: Well, don't do that.
[14:45:38] Hoochster: np man appreciate the thoughts
[14:45:53] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx is probably the one to answer that
[14:46:29] [nrx]: how do i start it then to do this? shell and mythfrontend -v playback ?
[14:46:37] GreyFoxx: Hoochster: If I can reproduce it by putting something and trying to play it via a smb mount then I should be able tyo figure out what it is
[14:46:45] GreyFoxx: as usual it's mostly about reproducing the problem :)
[14:47:03] Dibblah: The only real outstanding issue with current trunk is the preview generation stuff, right?
[14:47:09] GreyFoxx: too bad we don't have our office 360 here today or I'd test that
[14:47:24] GreyFoxx: Dibblah: There are a couple little things, but I think that's about the biggest
[14:47:41] GreyFoxx: likely gonna see a branch/feature freeze any moment now
[14:47:49] GreyFoxx: and then just fixes
[14:47:59] Hoochster: understood GreyFoxx and I truly appreciate the troubleshooting, it might come to that I have to make the storage local to the server.. but that is quite a large storage to do so lmao. but my problem heh
[14:48:00] Dibblah: Oooh, and janneg just committed a nicer fix to the h.264 issue I was seeing :)
[14:48:17] robbins61 (robbins61! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:48:27] GreyFoxx: I can't wait for people to get those Hauppage HD PVR units and see how well they work
[14:48:28] Hoochster: like I said GreyFoxx it doesn't appear to be a 360 issue it seems to be something with upnp in general
[14:48:40] Hoochster: I want one of those as well, is it the HVR series?
[14:48:50] Dibblah: Time to revert my local tree – I had the multichannel patch in :)
[14:48:59] GreyFoxx: It's some usb connected unit that will encode H264 video from componet HDTV inputs
[14:49:09] GreyFoxx: so you can record any HD channels from any settop box of any sort
[14:49:24] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, assuming no ICT
[14:49:28] Dibblah: The USB CAM that's coming out looks interesting.
[14:49:29] Hoochster: looked on hauppauge site last night and couldn't find a specific hd pvr but found the hvr series that does hd stuff, will be interested in trying one myself
[14:49:41] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, obscenely, one of the UK cable channels uses ICT on *SD* movies
[14:49:48] Hoochster: if anyone has a model# I would appreciate it
[14:49:56] Dibblah: Basically, feed the encrypted stream through it (with a valid smartcard), it decrypts it. Legally.
[14:50:00] GreyFoxx: Hoochster: They have announced it will be available by end of March, but no product on their site yet
[14:50:06] directhex|bsp: Dibblah, userland CAM loopback? ick
[14:50:09] GreyFoxx: Dibblah: That would be sweet
[14:50:11] Hoochster: ahh ok that explains it then GreyFoxx thanks
[14:50:26] Dibblah: "userland" – technically, yes.
[14:50:28] GreyFoxx: directhex|bsp: Unfortunately not enough details specs yet
[14:50:32] GreyFoxx: they demoed it at CES
[14:50:53] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, any clues on upnp dying? it's certainly repeatable
[14:50:57] Dagmar: I just want a way to use digital cable and pay for it without using an STB
[14:51:01] Dibblah: But that's a whole bunch better than implementing CSA on a CPU.
[14:51:09] directhex|bsp: though possibly irrelevant with 0.21
[14:51:14] Dibblah: Dagmar: That would be your solution, then.
[14:51:25] Dibblah: Unfortunately, Myth would not do it natively.
[14:51:28] Dibblah: Yet.
[14:51:29] GreyFoxx: directhex|bsp: Nope, though I know a few people had issues with 100%^ cpu load under 0.20.* that are gone now
[14:51:42] Dagmar: Dibblah: Actually, it probably won't.
[14:51:56] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, i had it happen on the laptop, the ps3, and xbmc. the upnp server just *dies*
[14:51:59] Dagmar: I've been looking at a _lot_ of bullshit around the whole deal
[14:52:00] Dibblah: A possible legal solution for you. Pedant. ;)
[14:52:21] Dagmar: It looks like "teh industry" is setting things up so that they'll have a lock-in on playback devices, just like CSS does for DVDs.
[14:52:23] directhex|bsp: Dibblah, virgin media's contract stipulates you must use their stb
[14:52:37] directhex|bsp: much like sky
[14:52:43] Dibblah: directhex|work: No, it doesn't.
[14:53:02] Dibblah: It states that you must not plug any non-VM equipment into the VM network.
[14:53:11] [nrx]: Dibblah, with that flag, there's nothing appearing in mythfrontend.log
[14:53:43] Dibblah: Which is a bit of a laugh, since I haven't seen any VM radios and yet they rebroadcast FM on the cable in most regions.
[14:54:12] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:54:32] Dagmar: Dibblah: You wouldn't happen to have a company name or sometthing would you?>
[14:54:36] Cardoe: need a memory jog.. how can I tell Myth to re-commflag all shows that aren't commflagged?
[14:54:42] Cardoe: not sitting at the frontend either
[14:54:44] Dagmar: I get understanably useless answers Googling for "usb cam"
[14:55:00] Dibblah: Dagmar: It's unfortunate that you asked – I can't remember. It's from Hauppauge.
[14:55:02] Hoochster: since it was brought up, does the PS3 work ok as a master backend, not looking to put any tuners in it, just making it a master backend
[14:55:30] Dagmar: dibblah: That'll do
[14:55:38] Dagmar: Anything to disassociate from all the @#$@$ webcam links
[14:55:43] Dibblah:
[14:55:50] directhex|bsp: Hoochster, if you install linux on it
[14:56:16] directhex|bsp: Hoochster, and can stomach ps3 linux
[14:56:22] Hoochster: well that would be the idea directhex|bsp heh just wanted to make sure it handled the processes ok, I know peeps have issues with tuners on them but that isn't my goal as much
[14:56:29] justinh: directhex|bsp: ArgghhhH! softcams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[14:56:43] Dibblah: This is NOT a softcam.
[14:56:55] Dagmar: I'm totally fine with hardware cams
[14:57:06] directhex|bsp: justinh, messier than that. let's call it a squishycam!
[14:57:09] justinh: Dibblah: it's USB. how can it be anything else?
[14:57:20] Dibblah: justinh: ...
[14:57:21] Dagmar: That having been said, if Comcast forces me to go digital, I'm going to use whatever will bloody do it and let the rest be something for lawyers to work out
[14:57:22] directhex|bsp: justinh, it has a Ci slot, not a smartcard slot
[14:57:27] Hoochster: if anything will be attaching the hdhomerun to it, and if it works the hauppauge tuner in quesiton right now. but that can go on the slave if needed, just looking for a platform for my parents that would run all the time and not have issues and the ps3 would be a cheap solution heh
[14:57:43] [nrx] ([nrx]! has quit ("Quit")
[14:57:57] Dibblah: The device is effectively a CI slot.
[14:58:05] Dibblah: Attached through the USB bus.
[14:58:06] Dagmar: Mainly I wouldn't even give a damn if the hardware only gave me 720p level of detail since I only have a 720p screen, but I doubt they'll let even that happen.
[14:58:10] DustyBin: ***new series of Skins starts tonight, 10pm**
[14:58:12] directhex|bsp: justinh, so the encrypted stream needs to be passed from your tuner, via usb, into the CAM. then back from usb. freaky, no?
[14:58:20] justinh: blech
[14:58:22] Dibblah: You feed it the encrypted stream in, it gives you the unencrypted stream back.
[14:58:28] justinh: sounds like no worky in linux
[14:58:38] Dibblah: Yup. At the moment.
[14:58:43] justinh: how many channels can it do at once?
[14:58:52] DustyBin: Skins 29 – E4 Mon Feb 11, 2008 (10:00 PM) 1 hr 5 mins
[14:58:54] Dibblah: But it's just an FX2, so not all that hard, I would guess.
[14:59:02] justinh: Dibblah: TV 2.0
[14:59:07] Dibblah: justinh: I have no idea.
[14:59:30] Dibblah: I would _guess_ it's USB bandwidth limited, at a minimum.
[14:59:52] Dibblah: So that'd give you 3 or so full multiplexes.
[15:00:05] Dibblah: (realistically)
[15:00:10] justinh: Dibblah: not safe to assume anything
[15:00:15] Dibblah: And is probably limited by other things.
[15:00:44] justinh: anyway no use for Sly, so no change to the status quo
[15:01:00] justinh: and I bet their software on windows ties you to one card per tuner
[15:01:38] justinh: and £80 ?!?!?!
[15:01:40] justinh: FO
[15:01:52] justinh: minus cam!
[15:02:02] directhex|bsp: cheap at half the price!
[15:02:16] KaZeR: mmm
[15:02:24] KaZeR: i have troubles with episode re-recording
[15:02:46] KaZeR: i want to record only one example of each episodes
[15:03:00] KaZeR: but when i delete a recording after seeing it, it can be re-recorded
[15:03:31] KaZeR: it's probably my fault, using the wrong recording option. but the translation isn't very clear
[15:03:35] KaZeR: (i'm using mythweb)
[15:06:05] Dagmar: All bad news: . . . d-opencable/
[15:07:23] Kazan: what from the fucking cable companies isn't bad news
[15:07:35] ** Kazan thinks it's time to enforce some corporate policy change with projectile weapons **
[15:07:43] Dagmar: When QVC is going to be offline due to transponder problems.
[15:09:11] justinh: sigh. nobody saw THAT coming
[15:09:20] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:09:29] justinh: ducking optimism never gets yous anywheres
[15:11:35] Kazan: that article is OOOOLD dag
[15:11:36] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:11:41] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:42] Kazan: 2005-04–14
[15:11:46] Kazan: *smack dag*
[15:13:33] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:13:47] mo0dbo0m (mo0dbo0m! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:14:09] Dagmar: Kazan: has a _damn thing_ changed since then?
[15:14:10] Dagmar: NO.
[15:15:14] willcooke (willcooke! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:15:29] RediXe (RediXe! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:31] Kazan: no sign of a Tivo deal with comcast
[15:15:34] Kazan: like that article claimed
[15:15:36] justinh: hey I know just refuse to pay for cable until the companies change their business pracises. and get everybody else to aswell. that'll show em
[15:16:09] Beirdo: then they'd get a law passed saying everyone MUST have caple
[15:16:10] justinh: oh – you can't be bothered Joe, awww that's too bad you don't care enough
[15:16:12] Beirdo: cable rather
[15:16:17] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:57] Beirdo: it'd be tacked onto the end of some really important law
[15:17:27] Kazan: boycotts simply don't work
[15:18:06] Beirdo: not without significant buy-in
[15:18:16] RediXe: Trying to burn a recording that plays back fine but I am only getting the first 10 min at most on the DVD. No errors are popping up. Any ideas?
[15:18:27] Beirdo: you get 80% of the customers to boycott, they'll change their mind real quickly
[15:18:33] Beirdo: but that's just not likely
[15:19:18] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:20:14] justinh: let's just face facts... Joe Consumer will never care if he's locked in or not. It's a lost cause
[15:20:26] justinh: sucks, but hey there's FA you can do
[15:21:20] justinh: maybe it'd be possible to undo the bad stuff – beat em at their own game. buy the ear of congress ;)
[15:21:36] Beirdo: heh
[15:21:43] Beirdo: true, if we had the cash
[15:23:07] ** justinh passes a bucket round the room. dig deep! **
[15:23:19] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:24:21] Dagmar: Joe consumer actually *will* care
[15:24:35] justinh: Dagmar: not unless it affects him adversely
[15:25:11] justinh: I see a parallel with Sly in the UK. you use one of their boxes or nothing. people opt for the former. they know no different
[15:25:22] Dagmar: When Joe finds out that his box that he paid for so that he could use his CAM can't actually export ANY recordings, or that he has to watch ads spammed on the screen while viewing the program guide, he'll care
[15:25:37] Dagmar: They're setting this shit up so that there is simply no advantage of any kind whatsoever to not using an STB.
[15:25:39] justinh: export what?
[15:26:06] justinh: export? no no no. you buy extra episodes for your portable device man – get with the program!
[15:26:24] Dagmar: That's legislating new profit models into existance.
[15:26:31] Dagmar: In this case, I think it's going to push the wrong line
[15:26:34] justinh: yeah, so?
[15:26:42] Dagmar: People expect that when they record something, they'll be able to watch it again and again.
[15:26:51] Dagmar: ...not just lose it outright if their box crashes.
[15:27:09] Dagmar: ...which is exactly what will happen, since these boxes don't allow exporting to any other device.
[15:27:09] justinh: people expect that when they record a show on the Sly+ box that it'll still be available in 12 months. oh dear
[15:27:13] justinh: ah well nevermind
[15:27:50] justinh: ah mr murdoch you want another £10 a month? hmm who else is there? ok, here you go
[15:28:46] DGnome: HA! Our head of the finnish television (same as BBC in the uk) whatever has gone and said that HDTV will will be forgotten till 2016 and that UHD may be standard then :DDDDDD Effing moron. UHD will not be suitable for home use, ever. The technology is too young atm. according to him also :D A digital tv expert than said that he's screwing the whole nation over :DDDD
[15:29:08] directhex|bsp: my father in law will literally buy shows from itunes rather than wait for a repeat, or set a schedule on his sky hd box, or use iplayer
[15:29:12] directhex|bsp: :|
[15:29:19] justinh: bah. hd isn't all it's cracked up to be
[15:29:27] justinh: same shit, better picture
[15:29:30] Beirdo: it is when watching NFL football
[15:29:32] Beirdo: heh
[15:29:39] Beirdo: but as you said.. same shit...
[15:29:46] greend139 (greend139! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:30:11] DGnome: same shit yeah, but come on :D
[15:30:18] justinh: directhex|bsp: he's not the only one either. people have been paying to watch Lost ffs
[15:30:19] DGnome: the man is a moron, clearly
[15:30:58] directhex|bsp: justinh, you know what's more weird than people paying for sky?
[15:31:09] justinh: directhex|bsp: nope
[15:31:47] justinh: people who wouldn't dream of having it moaning about how bad it is? :P
[15:31:48] directhex|bsp: justinh, the number of junk channels that are FTV. as in those "text woman on screen" channels
[15:32:35] Beirdo: come ON, ESPN, you buttholes, you said Fantasy Baseball 2008 would be ready today
[15:32:37] justinh: directhex|bsp: unplug brain. turn on TV. drop brain into vat of acid. pick up phone
[15:33:35] justinh: "which of the following words begins with the letter 'a'? A) Apple B) Cucumber C) Brick.. £100 up for grabs. £5 a go, roll up!"
[15:33:49] Beirdo: oh god
[15:33:53] directhex|bsp: justinh, you need a valid sky viewing card and set-top box for sub-garbage shopping channels and betting channels. i find that mindboggling
[15:34:02] Beirdo: we have a show like that on the game show network late night
[15:34:03] justinh: it was D – none of the above! Apple starts with a capital 'a' :P
[15:34:14] Beirdo: it's then that I switch to another channel
[15:34:24] Beirdo: even if the girl has a nice British accent.
[15:34:49] justinh: Beirdo: fall asleep on the couch & wake up with that on – remote out of reach. can't be bothered to find it... soon lose the will to live
[15:35:01] Beirdo: heheh
[15:35:10] Beirdo: but not the will to throw something at the TV
[15:35:14] directhex|bsp: justinh, i watched an episode of dawson's creek once. i felt myself getting stupider by the minute
[15:35:16] greend139 (greend139! has quit ()
[15:35:22] Cardoe: soo how do I tell it to reflag via mythcommflag when I remote?
[15:35:36] Beirdo: hey, I used to watch Dawson's Creek. At least it was mildly entertaining crap.
[15:35:39] directhex|bsp: i knew fermat's last theorem before watching that
[15:35:55] justinh: did you watch it with the sound turned up or down though?
[15:35:58] ** Cardoe prods Beirdo with a commflag. **
[15:36:05] Beirdo: heh, good question
[15:36:06] Beirdo: heh
[15:36:13] Beirdo: Cardoe, ain't got a clue right now
[15:36:25] justinh: is reflagging even a good idea?
[15:36:40] justinh: oh as in --rebuild ?
[15:36:43] Cardoe: justinh: it never flagged in the first place.
[15:36:53] Cardoe: I had removed a .so
[15:37:00] Cardoe: and mythcommflag was not starting
[15:37:07] justinh: or just mythcommflag --foo somename.mpg
[15:37:18] justinh: mythcommflag --help knows ;)
[15:37:49] Cardoe: justinh: --all-shows-not-currently-flagged
[15:37:55] Cardoe: I don't see a flag for that ;)
[15:38:29] justinh: doh
[15:38:33] justinh: scripticles!
[15:38:50] Cardoe: that's basically what I'm looking for
[15:38:52] justinh: select basename from recorded where commflagged=0;
[15:38:58] justinh: or somefink-ish
[15:39:07] Beirdo: if there's no flagging at all, I think just running mythcommflag should catch the ones that have never been processed
[15:39:25] Beirdo: unless I'm missing something
[15:39:29] Beirdo: which is always possible
[15:39:47] Cardoe: ah ha
[15:39:57] Cardoe: Beirdo: you were close
[15:40:04] Cardoe: mythcommflag --queue did the trick
[15:40:07] Beirdo: ahh
[15:40:10] Beirdo: been a while :)
[15:40:31] Beirdo: we should once again ask our dickhead cable provider if they have new boxes yet
[15:40:50] Beirdo: all last year they said they had no extra boxes, so we couldn't get one for another room
[15:40:55] Beirdo: (buuullllshit)
[15:41:05] directhex|bsp: no, you may not give us more money!
[15:41:12] directhex|bsp: begone, foul customer!
[15:41:12] Beirdo: yeah, precisely
[15:41:25] directhex|bsp: let us get back to our furious masturbation
[15:41:29] Beirdo: heh
[15:41:51] Beirdo: so we kinda decided that at some point we will switch to Dish
[15:41:56] Beirdo: but haven't done it yet
[15:42:10] Beirdo: still need the same doofus cableco for internet though
[15:42:10] Cardoe: justinh: thank you too
[15:42:11] Beirdo: :(
[15:43:25] justinh: Cardoe: np
[15:44:02] Cardoe: debating if I want to try some of the trunk stuff
[15:44:12] Cardoe: would really piss the gf off if it stopped working
[15:44:16] justinh: oh dear oh dear. netflix drops hddvd
[15:44:27] Cardoe: I guess hddvd is officially dead
[15:44:33] Cardoe: justinh: where'd you see they were dropping it?
[15:44:41] GreyFoxx: Cardoe: Oh ?
[15:45:36] justinh: might still be early to say for sure though. I'd expected it to take much longer than this tbh
[15:46:07] Cardoe: justinh: where's that announcement?
[15:46:08] justinh: heh. Woolies have dropped it too
[15:46:22] justinh:
[15:46:36] directhex|bsp: justinh, i'm not dead! i'm getting better!
[15:46:42] directhex|bsp: i feel happy! i feel happy!
[15:47:05] justinh: the 2 biggest studios are still being huddydoovde though
[15:47:19] justinh: s/being/behind
[15:48:33] directhex|bsp: paramount and universal
[15:49:03] directhex|bsp: what i find weird are sony pictures releases on hd-dvd
[15:50:22] ** directhex|bsp wonders if he can work out how to rip a blu-ray movie **
[15:53:32] Cardoe: What's going to be funny is when BD1.1 and BD2.0 comes out
[15:53:38] Cardoe: and everyone's players are totally dead
[15:54:40] justinh: that isn't it – I thought it was just about 'extra pointless $stuff' that wouldn't work
[15:55:00] Cardoe: that's for 1.1
[15:55:04] justinh: er.. I mean revenue streams
[15:55:07] Cardoe: 2.0 won't be backwards compat
[15:55:14] justinh: ah well. pity the early adpoter
[15:55:14] Cardoe: only the PS3 will be able to be updated
[15:55:15] justinh: :D
[15:55:32] Cardoe: because all the current players don't have some update feature
[15:55:42] justinh: ah well. pity the early adpoter
[15:55:48] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has quit (Client Quit)
[15:56:17] directhex|bsp: wake me when someone actually finishes the blu-ray spec
[15:56:37] onixian (onixian!n=xian@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:28] Chutt: because everyone _needs_ to hit up web content from their movies
[15:57:29] Chutt: :p
[15:58:49] Kazan: wake me up when someone wisn the format war definitively
[15:59:11] onixian (onixian!n=xian@ has quit (Client Quit)
[16:00:01] Aval0n: kazan
[16:00:03] Aval0n: blu-ray did
[16:00:33] DGnome: Kazan: buy a PS3 in a couple of months when they start selling the cheaper and more efficient 45nm variant and be happy
[16:00:50] justinh: don't forget the subscription-enabled extras like the director's wife commentating on what his mood was like at home at any point in the shoot
[16:00:55] tracer903 (tracer903! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:01:06] DGnome: justinh: :D
[16:01:38] tracer903: is there a way to add schedules direct account after installation of mythbuntu?
[16:01:47] justinh: "and for this scene, where millions of dinospoars eat the crowds in a baseball stadium, we used CGI"
[16:02:24] doc__ (doc__! has quit ("leaving")
[16:02:27] justinh: AFAIK only extra I've ever found watch-worthy was the bullet time expo in Teh Matrix
[16:02:40] justinh: rest are a waste of bits
[16:02:48] DGnome: "And the wife was very good on the track last night, also the tires!" <-- Think kimi raikkonen :D
[16:04:06] Kazan: Aval0n: blu ray is winning.. but it's not a done deal
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[16:19:55] Cardoe: I honestly don't think it'll matter much
[16:20:07] Cardoe: not enough people are going to drop their whole DVD collections to upgrade
[16:20:11] Cardoe: DVD just works
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[16:27:00] iamlindoro (iamlindoro!n=robert@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:26] iamlindoro: directhex, I wrote a little tutorial on ripping and playing blu-ray in the wiki, should you be so inclined to try
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[16:30:20] iamlindoro: ripping is the easy part, playing is a bit of a pain in the ass but once you get the command line right, it's fairly transparent
[16:31:46] directhex|bsp: iamlindoro, it's not an immediate concern, but good to know it's documented. the net is infested with dd if you try to google it
[16:31:59] iamlindoro: yeah
[16:32:33] directhex|bsp: i am completing my dvd ripping exercise, having seen the state of some of my files
[16:32:46] directhex|bsp: and i'm inclined to delete my old rips for discs i don't own, for movies anyway
[16:33:58] iamlindoro: When my mythvideo array went down a few months ago, I decided I would go 100% hi-def from that point on as I rebuilt... I'm filling back up slowly, but there's still a fair amount to watch and it's nice to know that everything I'm watching is at least 720p
[16:34:33] directhex|bsp: playing with xbmc this weekend has highlighted the deficiencies in mythvideo for me
[16:35:40] iamlindoro: I don't think I mind the no-frills MythVideo so much... I'm simple, perhaps, but satisfied with seeing a movie poster and starting it playing
[16:35:59] directhex|bsp: assuming you only have movies
[16:36:12] iamlindoro: Well, I have movies and television, but I'm still satisfied
[16:36:13] justinh: xbmc doesn't mind that people download stuff
[16:36:40] Aval0n: anyone here had the issue, when you go to recordings menu, on the vertical programs list, it lists... Watched List and All Programs over and over? I have to exit and go back in to fix it. (SVN)
[16:36:56] Bazil_ (Bazil_!n=Bazil@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:37:20] iamlindoro: Aval0n, Haven't you been asking about this for like two weeks? If it's a bug, file a report about it!
[16:37:29] Aval0n: lol
[16:37:37] Aval0n: I ask them something happenes that I get pulled away
[16:37:38] justinh: try updating to the latest trunk!
[16:37:42] Kazan: gcc.. does it default to writing debug symbols, or default to not writing them?
[16:37:52] Aval0n: so if anyone ever answers it, I don't see it if it's not within like 5 minutes :)
[16:37:54] justinh: Kazan: not
[16:38:01] Aval0n: justinh: I run the latest
[16:38:02] iamlindoro: Kazan, for myth to have debug symbols, you need --compile-type=debug
[16:38:17] Kazan: iamlindoro: was just a general question
[16:38:23] directhex|bsp: justinh, avoiding swapping dvd box set discs is one of the main reasons to use a central disk-based store, and mythvideo fucks up the experience royally
[16:38:32] Kazan: some rube in #C++ is trying to tell us that "#define foo" will result in a larger executable in gcc
[16:38:33] justinh: so fix it!
[16:38:39] justinh: fucking whiners in this channel
[16:38:43] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:38:51] Aval0n: justdave: btw you probably are already aware of it.. but with blootube-wide (all versions) when you are in videos menu, when you go into the movie submenu, it cuts off the bottom part of the movie poster image.
[16:39:02] Aval0n: it's even like that on your website example page
[16:39:10] directhex|bsp: yay, i scared away justinh
[16:39:18] iamlindoro: directhex|bsp, I get around it by using gallery mode and organizing everything in folders... maybe it's not optimal, but I've never really thought of it as being too terrible
[16:39:32] directhex|bsp: who constantly bitches about features that don't match what he wants, yet also bitches about people not writing code
[16:39:33] iamlindoro: directhex|bsp, he does seem to be on a fairly short chain lately
[16:39:46] directhex|bsp: if he really wants to know, *he* is the reason i don't bother writing patches
[16:40:05] directhex|bsp: because i can't be fucked putting in effort and energy in improving the thing, to have it ignored for not fitting someone else's view of life
[16:40:41] directhex|bsp: iamlindoro, okay, now it's in folders. how's your metadata? for a show with, say, 172 episodes over 7 seasons, can you recognise a plot based only on title?
[16:40:43] iamlindoro: *sigh*
[16:41:01] iamlindoro: directhex, That's what my little script suite is for :)
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[16:41:40] iamlindoro: renames everything by season and episode number, downloads plot descriptions, directors, etc., generates correct length info, generates a thumbnails, and inserts it into the db
[16:42:14] directhex|bsp: iamlindoro, how does said suite work? it might be sensible to take an xbmc-like approach where you mark an entire folder as being full of tv shows or movies or music videos or porn, and can then do metadata searches where an appropriate scraper is used for the content type
[16:42:58] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:02] iamlindoro: directhex|bsp, Well, it basically runs on anything with an IMDB # of 00000000 (the default), so it's *best* to have done any IMDB queries first, but not necessary
[16:43:16] directhex|bsp: iamlindoro, what's your data source?
[16:43:20] iamlindoro: TVRage
[16:43:42] directhex|bsp: wasn't impressed with tvrage's data for non-yank shows
[16:44:07] justinh: nobody ever downloads Brit tv, will be why
[16:44:08] iamlindoro: I only watch a few BBC shows-- it seems to do well with Torchwood and Dr. Who, but granted, those are fairly mainstream
[16:44:40] Dagmar: Wow you have a really bizarre idea of "mainstream"
[16:44:46] Kazan: wow adding "#define foo" does cause larger execs in g++
[16:44:51] Kazan: that's... moronic
[16:45:12] directhex|bsp: Dagmar, seen the viewing figures?
[16:45:23] Dagmar: Yes, and it makes me want to move to the UK.
[16:45:50] Dagmar: Kazan: It's C++. No one ever said it was efficient.
[16:46:00] Dibblah: Why? Torchwood has become (with this series) complete dross.
[16:46:08] Kazan: Dagmar: no.. seriously pre processor defines should not be making the exec larger
[16:46:10] Dagmar: directhex: Surely in the UK there's a bird like me that I could settle down with.
[16:46:17] Kazan: C++ is rather efficient, this is a bug in the compiler
[16:46:25] Dagmar: Kazan: That depends on what you're doing with those defines.
[16:46:31] Kazan: "#define foo"
[16:46:33] iamlindoro: I think they're pretty mainstream as far as worldwide awareness of BBC stuff is concerned... Most americans have probably *heard* of "Doctor Who." ("Hey, isn't that that that show on PBS with the white guy with the 'fro?")
[16:46:38] Dagmar: Have fun trying to report it to the GNU team
[16:46:42] directhex|bsp: fuck, mythvideo already supports multiple scrapers
[16:46:51] Kazan: i know if it's a code macro define it will cause the code to be larger
[16:46:57] ** Kazan has been writing C++ code for a decade **
[16:47:05] Beirdo: Kazan, what if there's a few megabytes of code that are in "#ifdef foo"
[16:47:18] Dibblah: Kazan: That's gotta be some loooong code.
[16:47:25] Dibblah: </badda boom>
[16:47:43] directhex|bsp: i don't think it supports folder-level metadata, but that's already a bunch of the work sorted
[16:47:58] Dibblah: And feel free to look at the optimisations compilers do these days. It's a lot different from 10 years ago.
[16:47:58] atrus: hrm. mythtv 0.20.99 completely fails to work with pulseaudio anymore :/
[16:48:07] Dibblah: Good.
[16:48:15] Dibblah: Because there isn't a 0.20.99 ;)
[16:48:20] Kazan: lol Dibblah
[16:48:22] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:48:23] atrus: :)
[16:48:33] Kazan: i'm talking about simply adding "#define foo" to the top of a basic hello world
[16:48:36] Kazan: it will make it bigger
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[16:48:37] atrus: well, what ubuntu is calling it anyways
[16:48:42] justinh: oyay more hate email
[16:48:44] Dibblah: Kazan: Err... No.
[16:48:50] Dibblah: That's a preprocessor macro.
[16:48:54] Kazan: that's what i said
[16:48:57] Kazan: until i went and tried it
[16:49:00] Dibblah: Hence handled by... The preprocessor.
[16:49:04] Kazan: try it
[16:49:10] directhex|bsp: hands up if you've ever used the allocine or ofdb metadata grabbers in mythvideo
[16:49:15] Kazan: what it should be doing and what it does do are two different things
[16:49:22] justinh: tried to do the right thing this time & at least _warn_ of impending deprecation & what happens? I get fucking hate emails
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[16:49:40] justinh: can't do right. why bother?
[16:49:42] Dagmar: justinh: You should probably look up the Usenet Oracle
[16:49:48] Beirdo: justinh, par for the course
[16:49:52] Dibblah: How much time between the warning and the deletion, this time?
[16:49:56] Beirdo: just ignore the hate mail and move on
[16:49:57] Kazan: what's being deprecated justinh?
[16:49:59] Dagmar: There's a good chance you can get a really nice form letter out of it that you can send to all those people.
[16:50:01] justinh: Dibblah: plenty time
[16:50:35] Dagmar: justinh: I don't suppose anyone's been updating the theming guide on the Wiki with the changes as they happen, ahve they?>
[16:50:46] justinh: why would they?
[16:50:52] Dagmar: Yeah, silly me
[16:51:14] Beirdo: thanks for volunteering, Dagmar :)
[16:51:29] justinh: read the source, Luke
[16:51:42] directhex|bsp: Beirdo, adding support to mythvideo for tv series metadata (i.e. do a search on a folder name rather than file name, contents are tagged appropriately). worth the effort?
[16:51:46] Dagmar: I'm just trying to avoid pillaging everyone else's themes *and* the source code to find out what's changed since I last looked at it
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[16:52:00] Dagmar: ...and trying to avoid having another disk full condition happen
[16:52:12] justinh: Dagmar: I can sympathise with that. last time I ever copy mythcenter
[16:52:16] Dagmar: The animated numbers on the LCARS theme did not "play well" last time
[16:52:40] justinh: oh you didn't entertain the flipbook animation did you?
[16:52:59] Beirdo: directhex|bsp, sorry, I got a puppy misbehavior emergency... BRB'
[16:53:12] justinh: never plays smoothly when I try it. jumps all over, stops, jerks..
[16:53:13] directhex|bsp: oh dear oh dear this allocine scraper needs work. the results are full of javascript!
[16:53:19] directhex|bsp: and css!
[16:54:09] justinh: so.. fix it?
[16:55:07] directhex|bsp: so i can access french metadata?
[16:55:29] justinh: I dunno. to each their own
[16:55:29] Dagmar: justinh: I did, actually. The result was well, pretty omghuge
[16:55:45] justinh: Dagmar: eats memory & fwiw not worth it
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[16:55:55] Dagmar: snipe714: That and "break out the sucker rods"
[16:55:57] Dagmar: damnit
[16:56:01] Kazan: grrr i'm going to kill my wife
[16:56:10] iamlindoro: whoahhhhh Hans Reiser, cool down
[16:56:10] Kazan: her being a moron and not paying a bill cost me 20 pts on my credit score
[16:56:30] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[16:57:32] justinh: so there's an alleged problem with mythvideo in pooptube-wide eh Aval0n . thanks for the email
[16:57:55] justinh: because I'm shit-hot at fixing problems nobody tells me about
[16:58:11] Dibblah: And that you can't see.
[16:58:44] justinh: oh the problems I don't hear about that don't exist? I like them best
[16:59:10] Serajewe1KS (Serajewe1KS! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:00:38] Cardoe: iamlindoro: haha that's awesome
[17:00:58] iamlindoro: ;)
[17:01:02] Aval0n: btw you probably are already aware of it.. but with blootube-wide (all versions) when you are in videos menu, when you go into the movie submenu, it cuts off the bottom part of the movie poster image.
[17:01:05] Aval0n: justinh
[17:01:09] Aval0n: that was for you :)
[17:01:20] justinh: Aval0n: and I was supposed to fix that how?
[17:01:23] Aval0n: not bitching just letting you know
[17:01:30] Aval0n: however you see fit :)
[17:01:34] justinh: I don't officially know
[17:01:47] Aval0n: I can live with it personally
[17:01:57] justinh: what submenu?
[17:02:00] justinh: what videos menu?
[17:02:07] Aval0n: look at your page
[17:02:14] Aval0n: for the blootube-wide example
[17:02:22] Aval0n: it's after you select your imported movie
[17:02:29] Aval0n: it shows the poster image from imdb
[17:02:42] Aval0n: after you click a video from the browse menu
[17:02:51] Aval0n: it's truncated on your page as well
[17:02:54] justinh: imported movie?
[17:02:58] justinh: what?
[17:03:09] Aval0n: it's happened with all versions of blootube-wide I've tried SVN and stables
[17:03:14] Aval0n: here sec...
[17:03:17] squish102: any1 running a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 1600? drivers still in beta?
[17:03:55] justinh: Aval0n: I'll only fix it in trunk. no point in doing it anywhere else
[17:04:11] iamlindoro: squish102, Yep, still experimental and still analog only IIRC
[17:04:19] squish102: in the US, circuitcity has a special for $60
[17:04:30] justinh: that?!
[17:04:49] squish102: ok then it is not a good special :(
[17:05:02] justinh: Aval0n: thought it was fixed ages ago!
[17:05:09] iamlindoro: squish102, Well, if you can hang on a bit, you can get one and just wait a bit for drivers, it shouldn't be *that* long
[17:05:15] Dibblah: That's a nasty summary for wargames :)
[17:05:43] justinh: Dibblah: spoils it a bit eh
[17:05:58] justinh: ahhh imdb
[17:06:01] Aval0n: justing:
[17:06:03] Aval0n: yes that
[17:06:06] Aval0n: no it's not fixed
[17:06:08] squish102: im having some problems with my pvr-150 on channel 2, very fuzzy
[17:06:10] Aval0n: as of currect SVN
[17:06:18] justinh: it was fixed! prolly got lost somewhere
[17:06:20] Dibblah: Aval0n: Do you have a patch to the XML?
[17:06:23] Dibblah: ;)
[17:06:27] whodat: would it be doable to run SVN alongside my stable realease on the same box, or should I use vmware?
[17:06:31] Aval0n: do I? no
[17:06:33] squish102: can u tune those, or is it just a poor signal comming in?
[17:06:38] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:41] justinh: I'll fix it. takes 5 mins
[17:06:46] jams: whodat- use vmware
[17:06:48] Aval0n: like I said man, not bitching
[17:06:52] Aval0n: just letting you know :})
[17:07:10] Dibblah: Sometime, I'm going to consider the impact of an upgrade before jumping in with both feet :(
[17:07:15] Aval0n: you can't flame me that hard anyway i've donated money twice :})
[17:07:28] justinh: Aval0n: only saying I can't fix what I'm not aware of
[17:07:33] Dibblah: Myth upgrade to trunk -> MySQL upgrade -> QT upgrade.
[17:07:41] Aval0n: :)
[17:07:46] Aval0n: ok man I gtg
[17:07:46] Dibblah: Isn't Gentoo so much fun :(
[17:07:48] Aval0n: see ya in a while
[17:08:03] justinh: you know how many times I've seen that screen in my life? infact all of them? too effing many!
[17:08:12] Aval0n: haha
[17:08:35] Aval0n: ok see ya later
[17:08:39] Aval0n: in class
[17:08:45] justinh: not mytharchive though. once you go through its menus 32 times that's enough
[17:08:48] justinh: have fun
[17:08:54] justinh: fix will be in trunk tonight
[17:09:02] Aval0n: excellent
[17:09:10] Dibblah: Hrm.
[17:09:10] Aval0n: ty
[17:09:29] Dibblah: "database backup complete" – "You might want to make a backup!"
[17:10:11] Dibblah: I'll have a look at that code after it's started sucessfully recording Neighbors :(
[17:10:18] SerajewelKS (SerajewelKS!i=devnull@unaffiliated/serajewelks) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:12:06] grim[GameOp]_ (grim[GameOp]_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:19:09] justinh: guess I won't be committing anything then
[17:19:19] MoeGreen (MoeGreen! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:19:31] Dibblah: ?
[17:19:43] justinh: can't
[17:20:00] Dibblah: ?
[17:20:20] justinh: ssh on isn;t working
[17:20:35] MoeGreen: can you fix the lose in video quality from the stb-->tuner card-->tv with a better tuner card?
[17:21:02] Dibblah: MoeGreen: Depends on what specific loss in quality you're seeing.
[17:21:11] justinh: MoeGreen: not really since the only analogue tuners worth having are hauppauge pvr cards
[17:21:18] Dibblah: Generally, no, however, you will see some degredation.
[17:21:25] MoeGreen: i currently have a PVR-150 and can get my hands on a HVR-1600 but i only want it if the quality will be the same as the stb directly to the tv.
[17:21:57] Aval0n: the pvr series is def. one of the better ones
[17:21:58] Dibblah: The HVR-1600 is a digital card, isn't it?
[17:21:59] MoeGreen: or quality is better than with the 150
[17:22:10] justinh: MoeGreen: it's never the same
[17:22:10] MoeGreen: ya its digital
[17:22:14] Aval0n: but imo they are never as good as the actual TV unternal tuners
[17:22:26] Aval0n: yes 1600 is dvb
[17:22:26] henkpoley (henkpoley! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:26] justinh: Aval0n: fixed
[17:22:30] Dibblah: So, yes, if you can decrypt the channels you want, it will be the same.
[17:22:31] Aval0n: justinh: sweet
[17:22:35] Aval0n: ty
[17:22:41] justinh: and I HAD fixed it, just not in those ones
[17:22:44] Dibblah: (As a STB)
[17:22:45] justinh: :P
[17:22:49] Aval0n: ahh ok :)
[17:23:00] MoeGreen: so i should just stick with my 150 because the 1600 is no better when it comes to quality lose?
[17:23:09] Aval0n: 1600 is for digital
[17:23:12] Aval0n: not for analog
[17:23:19] iamlindoro: no
[17:23:21] justinh: MoeGreen: capture digitally – no quality loss
[17:23:22] iamlindoro: 1600 is for both
[17:23:25] Aval0n: if you wanna upgrade your 150 get a 300
[17:23:26] Aval0n: is it?
[17:23:28] iamlindoro: yup
[17:23:34] Aval0n: isn't the analog frame grabber though?
[17:23:35] Dagmar: With digital there is not "quality loss"
[17:23:38] iamlindoro: nope
[17:23:45] iamlindoro: mpeg-2 for analog, atsc for digital
[17:23:45] Aval0n: ahh
[17:23:48] Dagmar: You either have enough signal to get a picture, or you _don't_ and get nada mostly.
[17:23:48] justinh: Aval0n: analogue is a hw mpegtuey
[17:23:50] Dibblah: Dagmar: Actually, there can be.
[17:23:50] Aval0n: well nice
[17:24:05] Dibblah: Since the ffmpeg mpeg2 decoder does no post-processing.
[17:24:07] Aval0n: I run a pvr-500
[17:24:13] Dagmar: Dibblah: Well, in the "complete lack of a useable image" kinda way
[17:24:14] Aval0n: am satisfied overall
[17:24:25] Aval0n: just with the pvr-500 you better have an excellent signal
[17:24:30] Dibblah: (No deblocking, no deringing, ...
[17:24:35] justinh: Dagmar: incorrect. there's a mid-way point where you get random garbage
[17:24:38] Aval0n: due to the crappy internal splitter it has
[17:24:43] Dagmar: Aval0n: That's what cable company techs are for. You abuse them until you (finally) get a good signal.
[17:25:00] Aval0n: Dagmar: true :)
[17:25:10] Dibblah: Not round here :(
[17:25:17] Dagmar: justinh: I know. I've just never really seen it show up unless things were either A) about to melt away to crap or B) coming back from crap
[17:25:20] Aval0n: I have to replace all the connectors everywhere (including their external box) and their splitter
[17:25:28] Aval0n: just get a good signal to make my pvr-500 look good
[17:25:42] Aval0n: there was soo much interference before it was horrible
[17:25:53] Aval0n: have/had*
[17:26:38] Dibblah: Movies4Men? Who on earth _thinks up_ these channel names?
[17:26:47] Dagmar: hehe
[17:26:47] squish102: that is the one reason i want to go to digital Aval0n
[17:26:59] squish102: my pvr-150 looks crappy, and the dvb is excellent
[17:27:05] justinh: Dibblah: eh?
[17:27:05] Aval0n: I want digital too but I like having 2 analog tuners and a digital
[17:27:12] Aval0n: so I can record 2 and watch 1
[17:27:14] squish102: same splitting of same cable
[17:27:15] kdub (kdub!n=kyle@ has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[17:27:15] justinh: Dibblah: not another NutsTV ?
[17:27:19] Dibblah: Remember that going digital gets you into the realms of _decrypting_ signals.
[17:27:32] Dibblah: Which is generally not as easy as it should be :(
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[17:27:36] Aval0n: I don't see a solution to go digital that would allow me to record/watch multiple stations at the same time
[17:27:39] Dibblah: justinh: Satelite.
[17:27:41] justinh: billboard ads showing bloke barricaded into the room to watch tv
[17:27:46] Aval0n: I'm aware the the new option for multiple chans on the same multiplex
[17:27:53] Aval0n: but that's just it... that same multiplex
[17:27:57] squish102: yip my problem is standard cable gives me 60+ cahhenls and unencrypted QAM only gives me 10+ channels
[17:27:58] Dibblah: Aval0n: There isn't one, for encrypted sources.
[17:27:59] justinh: multiple tunay!
[17:28:01] Aval0n: if the show you wanna watch isn't on there... upi
[17:28:09] Aval0n: u are back to where you started
[17:28:24] justinh: and since there's bugger all worth watching on pay tv save for a small handful of shows.. pfft ;)
[17:28:39] Aval0n: with the analog cable I get
[17:28:42] Dibblah: Well, unless you pay for 2+ subscription cards, 2+ CAMs, 2+ CI slot capable cards,...
[17:28:42] Aval0n: I get 80 chans
[17:28:44] kdub (kdub!n=kyle@ has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[17:28:49] Aval0n: and can pickup the locals in HD via QAM256
[17:28:53] Aval0n: good enough
[17:28:57] MoeGreen: still didnt answer my question..if i get the HVR-1600 will it have better quality then my PVR-150?
[17:29:04] kdubya (kdubya!n=kyle@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:29:08] justinh: MoeGreen: the analogue side won't be, no
[17:29:11] Aval0n: MoeGreen: probably not for analog
[17:29:21] MoeGreen: ok
[17:29:23] Aval0n: it's probably the same hardware tuner
[17:29:27] Aval0n: samsung or phillips
[17:29:33] justinh: and as far as digital is concerned it'll more like a direct connection to the TV
[17:29:35] squish102: and digital not working yet on that card?
[17:29:44] Aval0n: 1600 is not supported yet
[17:29:46] justinh: but it's like comparing apples & oranges
[17:29:46] Aval0n: for digital
[17:29:56] ** justinh thought it was the other way around **
[17:30:02] Aval0n: personalyl for 50 bux the kworld 115 is a great card for dvb
[17:30:04] Aval0n: it's what I use
[17:30:06] Aval0n: works great
[17:30:17] justinh: the linuxtv.ork wiki knows!
[17:30:28] Aval0n: .ork :)
[17:30:34] Aval0n: .nightelf
[17:30:35] squish102: really Aval0n? did u get it in the US with a rebate?
[17:30:42] Aval0n: no rebate
[17:30:48] Aval0n: but yes 50 bux at frys
[17:30:51] Aval0n: or was it 55?
[17:30:59] Aval0n: I dunno 5X.00 for sure :)
[17:31:08] squish102: ive stayed away from kworld based on the fact that they never honor rebates
[17:31:24] Aval0n: hmm not a problem when there isn't one :)
[17:31:30] Aval0n: it's a saa7134 chip
[17:31:36] Aval0n: same as the ati hdtv wonder
[17:31:53] Aval0n: works a treat
[17:31:56] squish102: i have an ati hdtc wonder and the digital works great
[17:32:07] Aval0n: yeah... same chip :)
[17:32:19] Aval0n: saa7133 or 7134... more likely the 7134
[17:32:19] squish102: which is quite unbelievable for an ati product
[17:32:28] Aval0n: the kworld 110 was 7133
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[17:32:35] Aval0n: i recommend the KWorld ATSC 115
[17:32:59] Aval0n: yeah, it's just a reference board.. ATI didn't design the chip :)
[17:33:21] justinh: do they do any design? i mean really? ;)
[17:33:40] squish102: i think all they do is screw up drivers
[17:33:44] Aval0n: they must be doing something
[17:33:55] Aval0n: because they are far to busy to do any type of real driver development
[17:34:00] Aval0n: aparently
[17:34:25] Aval0n: anyway, I should be paying attention
[17:34:26] Aval0n: lol
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[17:34:32] Aval0n: bbiab
[17:34:32] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:35:02] squish102: Aval0n have u tried that card on windows?
[17:35:09] Aval0n: yes works great
[17:35:12] Aval0n: total video
[17:35:15] Aval0n: and beyond tv 4
[17:35:18] squish102: qam256 too?
[17:35:22] Aval0n: of course
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[17:35:31] Aval0n: although if you have local chans on the same mutliplex
[17:35:37] Aval0n: the win scanners might pass right over them
[17:35:40] squish102: my ati drivers in windows no nothing about qam
[17:35:48] Aval0n: at least with mythtv you can manually assign them via chanid
[17:36:00] Aval0n: after you examine the multiplexes :)
[17:36:12] Aval0n: for isntance, after scanning with mythtv
[17:36:19] Aval0n: I was still missing 3 hd local chans
[17:36:36] Aval0n: so i edited the database and added them manually with the correct subid
[17:36:46] Aval0n: good luck doing that in windows.
[17:37:09] Aval0n: that mostly just had to do with how you cable co delivers them to you though.
[17:37:30] Aval0n: squish102: get total media
[17:37:35] Aval0n: it does qam256
[17:37:43] squish102: cost $?
[17:37:45] Aval0n: hell I even get espn HDTV
[17:37:53] Aval0n: it came free with my kworld
[17:37:59] Aval0n: but if it does it's probably cheap
[17:38:04] Aval0n: ok i gtg
[17:38:04] Aval0n: lol
[17:38:06] Aval0n: bbiab
[17:38:09] squish102: thanks
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[17:44:15] RediXe: Trying to burn a recording that plays back fine but I am only getting the first 10 min at most on the DVD. No errors are popping up. Any ideas?
[17:44:42] justinh: no errors pop up in mytharchive. errors appear in the log
[17:44:49] justinh: the mytharchive log.
[17:45:03] justinh: which is written where you configured it to be written ;)
[17:46:26] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users (""done being a pox here"")
[17:48:34] henkpoley: Question: If there is a scheduling conflict, does it disappear when one of the tuners starts, and myth then sees that other is free ?
[17:48:54] henkpoley: So maybe I'm just looking for a problem that's not there
[17:48:59] mj84: Does anyone know if there is a progressive scan setting for watching tv in Mythtv? I have a mac and use Eyetv which has this option and has double frame rate for smooth motion. I really want to use Mythtv but the quality is not as good....yet!
[17:49:40] Serajewe1KS is now known as SerajewelKS
[17:49:44] iamlindoro: There are many deinterlacing settings in mythtv (and more still in SVN) accessible in the playback settings
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[17:52:00] mj84: yeah, i have played around with them but nothing near as good. Might upgrade to SVN
[17:52:31] iamlindoro: If you're not very comfortable with compiling and development software, just wait for .21 in the next few weeks
[17:52:53] Merlin83b2 (Merlin83b2! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:53:14] mj84: yeah, i am a bit new to linux and mythtv. probably for the best
[17:53:18] mj84: thanks for your help
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[17:53:24] iamlindoro: np
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[17:54:20] Aval0n: yeah i was using greedy-high motion
[17:54:29] Aval0n: but I was geting constant front end crashes
[17:54:55] Aval0n: actually, I'm not certain wether it was greedy-high motion or the fact that I had it set to opengl for video rendering
[17:55:06] Aval0n: I just put it back to xv-blit and linear and all has been well
[17:55:16] Aval0n: iamlindoro_: do you run analog cable?
[17:55:26] iamlindoro: Aval0n, no
[17:55:34] Aval0n: ahh what do you have?
[17:55:45] iamlindoro: Firewire x 2 and two ATSC cards
[17:56:01] Aval0n: so you have 2 STB's?
[17:56:05] iamlindoro: yep
[17:56:11] Aval0n: ouch $$$
[17:56:19] Aval0n: cable or sat?
[17:56:19] iamlindoro: not really
[17:56:28] Aval0n: how much / month?
[17:56:30] iamlindoro: cable
[17:56:35] iamlindoro: $4
[17:56:39] Aval0n: ?!
[17:56:48] Aval0n: just local chans?
[17:57:01] iamlindoro: nope, everything
[17:57:03] Aval0n: or you on some EPP?
[17:57:36] iamlindoro: Comcast just has everything open on firewire here
[17:57:49] Aval0n: un-encrypted?
[17:58:10] iamlindoro: That's what that means... it can't be open on firewire and encrypted :)
[17:58:15] mj84 (mj84! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:58:17] Aval0n: true
[17:58:21] Aval0n: just verifying
[17:58:25] Aval0n: you lucky dog
[17:58:28] iamlindoro: yup
[17:58:40] Aval0n: I wonder what cox has here
[17:58:40] iamlindoro: doesn't change the fact that there's little worth watching ;)
[17:58:47] Dibblah: janneg: Here?
[17:58:48] Aval0n: haha
[17:58:51] Aval0n: true.
[17:59:10] Dibblah: I'm seeing a problem with the selection of maxcpus.
[17:59:48] Aval0n: breaks over bbiab
[17:59:50] Dibblah: It appears to always give "edit #0 rejected" when going through the UI.
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[18:52:46] saxin: When will MythTV reach 1.0 release?
[18:53:14] iamlindoro: never
[18:53:31] saxin: ?
[18:53:42] GreyFoxx: saxin: noone has a crystal ball :)
[18:53:56] GreyFoxx: version numbers are nothing more than a way to tell older versus newer
[18:54:03] GreyFoxx: they don't mean much when it comes to quality
[18:54:06] squidly: it could be tomorrow or 10 years from now. either way it works very well for me
[18:54:14] GreyFoxx: saxin: 0.21 will be out soon :)
[18:54:24] ** squidly wants that now ;) **
[18:54:30] saxin: what about a stable version then?
[18:54:38] GreyFoxx: saxin: 0.21 will be out soon
[18:54:43] iamlindoro: Not to mention you could call .21 version "1.0 with 200% more Mythiness" and it would mean the same thing
[18:54:46] GreyFoxx: which will be the next stable release
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[18:55:40] squidly: the current stableis what 20.2
[18:55:47] iamlindoro: yup
[18:55:53] squidly: that works very well for me
[18:55:57] squidly: keeps me nice and sane
[18:57:45] ** Hoochster hides his crystal ball in his jacket. **
[18:58:15] Hoochster: Mythiness? ROFLMAO
[18:58:19] GoodJohn is now known as JohnMahowald
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[19:02:30] saxin: I heard people are working on a better GUI for MythTV. Is there any page I can take a look at same of them?
[19:02:40] saxin: some*
[19:04:46] squidly: saxin: what do you mean a better interface?
[19:04:54] squidly: I like the one that currently is used
[19:04:57] JohnMahowald: And where did you hear this?
[19:05:13] iamlindoro: There are no current operational myth frontends besides the default one. Some people have made mockups, and MythUI will be the foundation of a new myth interface, but that is a work in progress.
[19:06:20] saxin: sorry.. I mean some better looking themes
[19:06:30] iamlindoro:
[19:06:44] iamlindoro: All of the decent third party themes are either hosted or linked there
[19:06:52] saxin: :)
[19:07:07] saxin: which theme are you using?
[19:07:18] iamlindoro: Glass-wide and Metallurgy
[19:07:37] iamlindoro: speaking of which....
[19:07:39] iamlindoro: !seen gbee
[19:07:39] MythLogBot: gbee was last seen 3 days 18 hours 47 minutes 38 seconds ago
[19:08:56] iamlindoro: Metallurgy isn't linked at that site, btw, but it requires Myth SVN to run, anyway, so unless you're running the development version it'd be useless to you
[19:09:37] GreyFoxx: And I think it will be in 0.21
[19:10:38] saxin: :)
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[19:11:04] saxin: I dont have a HTPC yet.. but will buy one and either put mythtv or linuxmce on it :)
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[19:17:31] GreyFoxx: linuxmce is a completely different beast. I don't know much about it, just that from the videos I've seen I'm not a fan of the interface
[19:17:54] iamlindoro: Much more diplomatically put than my opinion
[19:19:38] GreyFoxx: heh
[19:20:58] Hoochster: It is a neat concept but way over resourced and just too much that isn't needed
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[19:23:33] saxin: GreyFoxx: I see.. what kind of htpc do you have?
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[19:24:14] janneg: Dibblah: now
[19:25:59] GreyFoxx: saxin: I have quite an elaborate multibackend, multifrontend setup here
[19:26:19] saxin: share as much as you can :D
[19:27:49] amrit|zzz is now known as amrit|wrk
[19:27:52] GreyFoxx: 2 backend, 3 pvr cards, 1 dvb QAM card, 1 firewire input, 1 bttv card for testing only. 1 backend is a frontend feeding myth to my entire house on channel 4, 1 dedicated "main" frontend for playback in the main room+hdtv. 4 msntv2 settop boxes hacked to run linux used for the rest of the TV's. All frontend only machines are diskless and boot over the network
[19:27:53] Hoochster: saxin, just depends on what u want, backends by themselves don't take much horsepower. but the frontends do. if you want an all in one frontend/backend then u need something semi decent depending on what you want out of it.
[19:28:15] GreyFoxx: starting in the next couple days I'll be running a second frontned on the main system
[19:28:38] Dibblah: janneg: I've been testing somewhat.
[19:29:08] GreyFoxx: So soon my "main" frontend will have dual video cards, 1 feeding the LCD flatscreen I'm buying tonight/tomorrow, and a second card feeding a projector I'm getting this week
[19:29:14] squidly: GreyFoxx: how's the netbook work well on them?
[19:29:20] GreyFoxx: both cards will be FX5200's
[19:29:44] GreyFoxx: squidly: I've always netbooted my frontends. Works great, and less hardware to buy/fail or cool
[19:30:04] squidly: GreyFoxx: and what kind of power do the front end have? Do you mind if I ask what their hardware is
[19:30:40] GreyFoxx: squidly: the msntv2 settop boxes have celeron 733 with 128meg of ram. and noo moving parts. Use 18w at full cpu load
[19:30:57] GreyFoxx: basically a silent, original Xbox with double the ram, built in usb2 and such
[19:31:16] saxin: thanks
[19:31:18] squidly: GreyFoxx: oh wow. I've got a set top box that I'm going to be hacking to use the mythfrontend
[19:31:39] squidly: GreyFoxx: do you have them booting into X or useing a framebuffer?
[19:31:46] GreyFoxx: X
[19:31:57] GreyFoxx: Using the IEGD driver
[19:32:05] squidly: IEGD?
[19:32:14] GreyFoxx: and I wrote an app to tweak the VGA registers and reenable the tv output
[19:32:19] GreyFoxx: Intels Embedded Graphics Driver
[19:32:27] squidly: ahh ok
[19:32:28] GreyFoxx: the msntv's don't have a real bios nor VGA bios on them
[19:32:33] GreyFoxx: IEGD provides it
[19:32:44] GreyFoxx: I'm tempted to redo them all with the bios from the S100's though
[19:33:45] squidly: heh
[19:33:46] squidly: nice
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[19:56:09] The_Rebel: Is Listening To Ayako Saso – Chun-Li Stage [::] Time: 4:40 [::] 192kbps [::] 44kHz
[19:56:52] iamlindoro: Well *that's* good news
[19:57:03] The_Rebel: oops
[19:58:01] edman007 (edman007! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:58:55] edman007: anyone know where to get the latest firmware for the PVR 150? the ivtv driver seems like it wants newer firmware that i don't have and the links on their site seem broken
[19:59:18] iamlindoro: AFAIK the ivtv drive no longer needs firmware for the 150
[19:59:28] justinh: if their links are down you don't stand much chance
[19:59:29] iamlindoro: ie it's open sourced and built in
[19:59:32] Aval0n: iamlindoro_: that is correct
[19:59:45] edman007: well i get this on boot 'ivtv0: Retry: file loaded was not v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw (expected size 376836, got 262144)'
[19:59:52] justinh: eh? firmware no longer needed?
[20:00:11] Aval0n: did you place the firmware there?
[20:00:12] directhex: black magicks!
[20:00:45] edman007: Aval0n, yea, i have firmware there and it worked in 2.6.21, i upgraded to .24 and it stopped working
[20:01:16] justinh: ivtv driver site doesn't say anything about the firmware not being required anymore
[20:01:37] Aval0n: i never intalled firmware for my pvr 150s or 500
[20:01:37] justinh: and what's wrong with ?
[20:01:52] justinh: Aval0n: did you install it from a package?
[20:02:10] justinh: it, meaning ivtv
[20:02:11] Aval0n: tarball
[20:02:17] edman007: justinh, i didn't see that link ;)
[20:02:25] justinh:
[20:02:27] Aval0n: could have been in it
[20:02:42] otwin: didn't ivtv make it into the kernel?
[20:03:09] justinh: otwin: yeah but... dunno if there's been an agreement about the fw yet
[20:03:57] edman007: justinh, well thats looks like the right firmware, i have to go now but i will try it tonight and if i have problems i will be back :)
[20:05:02] ** otwin takes note: read up on ivtv before dist-upgrading backend... **
[20:08:14] Dagmar: The bloody firmware you need _has_ indeed changed since ivtv went into the kernel.
[20:08:42] Dagmar: So, if you were expecting your old firmware to work, it's likely time to go back to and reget their tarball
[20:10:49] Aval0n: you think updating ivtv would improve video quality for some people?
[20:11:23] GreyFoxx: Man, I hate picking a TV to buy.... I can never decide which I want more
[20:12:01] directhex: GreyFoxx, the big one full of shiny and win!
[20:12:03] GreyFoxx: Any of you video files wanna pick apart these two? . . . ;catid=24558 or . . . ;catid=24558 . Despite the lower native res I'm leaning toward the LG
[20:12:04] Aval0n: plasma = panasonic / dlp = samsung / projector infocus :)
[20:12:22] GreyFoxx: Aval0n: I;m getting a used infocus 4805 this week too
[20:12:32] Aval0n: excellent :)
[20:12:35] Aval0n: nice selection
[20:12:48] GreyFoxx: gonna have the flatscreen and projector in the same room hehe
[20:12:55] GreyFoxx: dual video cards in the one frontend :)
[20:12:58] Aval0n: haha you're hard core
[20:12:59] GreyFoxx: 2 instances of mythfrontend
[20:13:04] Aval0n: omg
[20:13:07] directhex: GreyFoxx, i don't like the brand, but at that size, i'd definitely get 1080p
[20:18:02] Aval0n: i dunno
[20:18:05] GreyFoxx: Any specifc reason other than resolution? I was thinking the lower true contrast ratio was a downside whereas the LG as a QAM tuner and a better ratio
[20:18:19] Aval0n: for me I can't see a difference in 1080i@60fps and 1080p@30fps
[20:18:31] Aval0n: as long as the TV interlacing filter doesn't suck
[20:18:32] Chutt: contrast ratio over resolution
[20:18:41] Aval0n: I'll concur with Chutt
[20:18:44] GreyFoxx: Chutt: That's kinda wwhat I was thinking
[20:18:57] Hoochster: if it helps u decide, I don't think there is anything that broadcasts at 1080p right now, only thing that it would be used for is either bluray or hddvd, lg I would think would be a better brand
[20:18:59] Hoochster: between the 2
[20:19:02] Chutt: but, uh, just go in to the store and buy which looks better
[20:19:19] Chutt: and there really won't be much diffference between 720p and 1080p at 42"
[20:19:25] Aval0n: true
[20:19:26] Chutt: unless you squash your nose up against the glass
[20:19:29] Aval0n: nor 1080i and p
[20:19:37] Hoochster: the buggars will appear crisper
[20:19:41] GreyFoxx: that I plan on, but most of the sotres are splitting 1 crappy signal over a hundred sets and they look like poo :)
[20:19:55] Aval0n: yeah with composite or f connector
[20:20:43] Chutt: LG has double the warranty, also
[20:21:06] Aval0n: im an lg fan too
[20:21:38] GreyFoxx: Chutt: hadn't noticed that, nice
[20:21:39] Chutt: they're both off-brands, imo :p
[20:21:47] GreyFoxx: hey, I'm cheap ;)
[20:22:06] iamlindoro: Even if you shoose a name brand, there's still a pretty darn good chance the panel is LG
[20:24:59] Aval0n: or samsung
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[20:34:23] GreyFoxx: Ok, now to look at wallmounts. They want way too much for theirs
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[20:39:01] Balachmar (Balachmar! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:34] Balachmar: Hi, I am trying to get an extra frontend to work, but it says it cannot connect to the database
[20:39:50] Balachmar: eventhough I am able to connect to the database using the same login from cli
[20:40:25] iamlindoro: Balachmar, what distro
[20:40:46] Balachmar: iamlindoro: ubuntu, but I am compiling from svn
[20:40:51] iamlindoro: apt-get install libqt3-mt-sql
[20:40:58] iamlindoro: er libqt3-mt-mysql
[20:41:50] Balachmar: do I need to recompile now?
[20:41:55] directhex: apt-get build-dep mythtv
[20:42:01] iamlindoro: Balachmar, no, if that installed, try running the frontend now
[20:42:08] Balachmar: ok, will do!
[20:42:14] iamlindoro: if it was already installed, then it may be something else
[20:42:29] Balachmar: it wasn't :)
[20:43:44] Balachmar: ok, now it won't start the setup screen...
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[20:44:00] Balachmar: what flag is needed to make it go to setup?
[20:44:21] iamlindoro: Balachmar, if it's just a frontend, it looks for ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt. It will only go to said screen if that file doesn't exist.
[20:44:34] iamlindoro: What screen is it going to?
[20:45:07] Balachmar: no screen
[20:45:20] iamlindoro: not enough information
[20:46:35] Balachmar: ooh no... it needs an updated database scheme...
[20:46:49] iamlindoro: Balachmar, frontends and backends have to be matched revisions
[20:46:57] foxhunt (foxhunt! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:47:13] Balachmar: figures, but that makes it annoying to start devving really...
[20:47:40] Balachmar: Because that is why I was comiling the frontend on this machine, because I wanted to add lastfm support to mythmusic
[20:48:16] iamlindoro: A wise person wouldn't try to be developing against their production system anyway
[20:48:33] Balachmar: No, that is why I don't want to do that.
[20:48:47] iamlindoro: Exactly. So you should be running a seperate backend for development.
[20:49:02] Balachmar: well, the changes I want to make are purely frontend
[20:49:09] Balachmar: so, that wouldn't matter
[20:49:35] Balachmar: So I guess I'll have to make this an empty backend then as well...
[20:49:41] iamlindoro: theoretically, yes, but mythmusic in SVN *does* use the database for music
[20:49:44] GreyFoxx: Balachmar: vmware is your friend
[20:49:52] GreyFoxx: have a seperate myth/mysql just for dev
[20:50:03] Balachmar: @GreyFocc not on this machine... :)
[20:50:04] GreyFoxx: what you are doing doesn't need direct hardware access for tuners or anything
[20:50:31] Balachmar: I know, that is why I wanted devving on this laptop. Now the laptop should also be a backend then
[20:51:00] Balachmar: Doesn't really matter, but I would have liked it to be a frontend to my real system as well.
[20:51:09] iamlindoro: also, presumably, you will need a login, yes? and that will need to be stored in the database. and that will require a backend
[20:51:29] Balachmar: OK, you got me there ;)
[20:51:56] Balachmar: Wasn't thinking about that yet, just wanted it to compile and work :)
[20:52:06] iamlindoro: understood, just tossing out ideas
[20:52:26] Balachmar: But now I know it works, but just needs a separate backend
[20:53:22] Balachmar: By the way, is there some easy way to backup the whole database and recordings and stuff...
[20:53:54] Balachmar: I might want to reinstall that machine soon, since it was my first install of mythtv and not everything works perfectly
[20:54:16] Balachmar: And I have noticed that the mythbox of my parents works far better... (My second install)
[20:54:45] iamlindoro: mysqldump -umythtv -p --extended-insert --databases mythconverg > mythdatabase.bak
[20:55:21] Balachmar: and then for the recording just backup the directories?
[20:55:31] grokky (grokky!n=grokky@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:33] iamlindoro: yup
[20:56:09] Balachmar: ok, might want to do that some lonely weekend :)
[20:58:00] Balachmar: iamlindoro thanks a lot! I am going on for now!
[20:58:05] iamlindoro: ok, take care
[20:58:11] Balachmar: Will be back if I run into some more probs
[20:58:21] Balachmar: cya
[20:58:26] Balachmar (Balachmar! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[21:27:55] Buggaboo: hi
[21:29:11] opentrinity (opentrinity! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:29:56] Buggaboo: What are good supported cards (mpeg code+decode built-in) out there?
[21:30:41] iamlindoro: PVR-x50's... the only one with decode is the 350, but you absolutely do not want that. Get a decent nVidia board and let that do the MPEG-2 decode.
[21:30:53] iamlindoro: buy a PVR-150 or 500 instead
[21:31:04] iamlindoro: and any nVidia 5200 or better
[21:31:24] czth__ (czth__!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-6fd654e301a3b240) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:32] Buggaboo: nvidia?
[21:31:59] iamlindoro: yes. Do your TV Capture with a Hauppauge PVR-150 or 500, and your MPEG-2 decoding with an nVidia graphics card.
[21:32:05] Buggaboo: I have a gpu GeForce 7600 GT.
[21:32:24] iamlindoro: Fine, then that's better than any TV capture card's mpeg decoder.
[21:32:55] iamlindoro: So, for the fourth and final time, get a PVR-150 or 500. That will encode MPEG-2.
[21:33:08] iamlindoro: then you will have both parts of the equation.
[21:33:32] Buggaboo: ah okay.
[21:33:51] directhex: isn't analog cute!
[21:34:00] emory (emory! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:34:07] iamlindoro: indeed
[21:34:36] Buggaboo: I have a Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder, chip, which is hard to find drivers for.
[21:34:58] Buggaboo: LeadTek Research Inc. Unknown device 6f18
[21:35:03] emory: MythTV crashes, when I open guide from livetv... I have an ATI video card, I remember with feisty all I had to do was use the free-drivers but now with gutsy it doesn't seem to matter
[21:35:10] directhex: Buggaboo, hard? try trivial
[21:35:19] directhex: Buggaboo, cx88 has been in the kernel since 2.6.12
[21:35:28] Buggaboo: directhex, yeah, but it's not being recognized.
[21:35:36] Buggaboo: it's not among the listed ones.
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[21:35:38] directhex: Buggaboo, lspci has nothing to do with hardware support.
[21:35:50] directhex: Buggaboo, run "update-pciids" as root
[21:36:13] iamlindoro: nor do the chips. Your problem likely isn't that the chip is unsupported, it's that the board itself is.
[21:36:14] Buggaboo: directhex, I'm in slackware right now.
[21:37:51] Buggaboo: The board is a Leadtek Winfast 2000XP Global, bought it a long time ago.
[21:39:01] Buggaboo: Is there a x86_64 mythtv live-cd out there?
[21:39:09] iamlindoro: Gosh, if only there was a wiki or something that could explain how to install and set up such a thing
[21:39:14] ** iamlindoro trips over something **
[21:39:18] iamlindoro: oh, look what I found!
[21:39:39] iamlindoro: Buggaboo, many many many many
[21:39:41] ** Buggaboo trips over the wiki too, and hugs and fondles iamlindoro a bit **
[21:40:26] Buggaboo: :( Hm. Identifier 6f18 ain't there.
[21:41:05] ** Buggaboo unhugs and unfondles iamlindoro **
[21:41:21] iamlindoro: Hmmm. It seems like the kind of thing they ought to explain in the first sentence.
[21:41:29] iamlindoro: Oh wait. Here's the first sentence. "Card 34 in the bttv cardlist works for a variety of Leadtek cards, including the Winfast 2000, Winfast TV2000 XP, Winfast 2000, Winfast TV2000 XP Deluxe edition, Winfast TV2000 XP RM and Winfast TV2000 XP FM."
[21:41:47] Buggaboo: o.
[21:42:01] Buggaboo: I have lost my ability of reading stuff.
[21:42:04] ** Buggaboo hides in shame **
[21:42:05] ** iamlindoro amuses himself very much. **
[21:42:51] ** Buggaboo restitutes the innapropriate fondles and hugs to iamlindoro **
[21:43:11] iamlindoro: Well that's a relief
[21:43:27] fesha: I have Mythbuntu and every time I go into the guide it crashes can some one help me?
[21:44:06] iamlindoro: <points at #ubuntu-mythtv>
[21:44:27] fesha: Channel is dead
[21:44:30] iamlindoro: shame
[21:45:04] fesha: soo.. Would you know this is Mythtv-users....?
[21:45:40] grokky (grokky!n=grokky@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:45:57] fesha: I was hoping someone would seeing how the other channel is dead
[21:46:13] iamlindoro: I think we should be more like #ffmpeg. Only support if you compiled it yourself! And I mean today, mister! That would be nice.
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[21:50:02] directhex: we should be like #idle. kickbanned if you open your gob!
[21:50:09] iamlindoro: hehe
[21:52:00] iamlindoro: hell, this channel is like #linux 90% of the time. How do I mount a drive? How do I load a module? How do I make my drive work faster? And then when told it's not a myth issue, we get, "well I'm trying to USE this computer with Myth." That makes my blood pressure rise.
[21:52:42] iamlindoro: If your power cord is frayed and you're trying to plug in your mythbox, does it mean #mythtv-users has to dispatch you a tech to patch 'er back together? NO!
[21:52:53] Buggaboo: iamlindoro, you should get more r&r.
[21:53:19] iamlindoro: I frequently remark the same thing.
[21:53:23] iamlindoro: Tell my boss.
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[21:53:43] Buggaboo: what do you do for a living?
[21:53:56] iamlindoro: Cow inseminator.
[21:54:29] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:54:36] Buggaboo: iamlindoro, I can't imagine that being a very stressful job.
[21:54:46] iamlindoro: Indeed, my wrist is frequently tired.
[21:54:56] iamlindoro: repetitive stress injuries and all that.
[21:55:05] Buggaboo: Use a different mouse, and stop watching youporn
[21:55:10] iamlindoro: Bulls seem satisfied, though.
[21:55:27] Buggaboo:
[21:55:39] emory (emory! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:45] iamlindoro: Just keep in mind that there is a large difference between sarcastic and stressed/unhappy.
[21:56:03] iamlindoro: I'm exceedingly sarcastic but also completely happy.
[21:56:22] emory: just thought of a rephrase for my question: what does MythTV do when you open up guide from LiveTV that could some video cards dont like.. I'm asking so I can go to #ubuntu and get support form there...
[21:57:44] iamlindoro: emory, It's possible it doesn't like that alpha (semi transparent) default guide setting. If you go to the OSD settings, you might try something less flashy/potentially GPU dependent
[21:58:16] iamlindoro: There are three options, and they have progressively less eye candy. You might try the bottom and see if it helps any
[22:01:53] emory: doesn't seem to be making any difference
[22:03:10] emory: is it using video overlay there or something it doesn't use anywhere else?
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[22:15:18] EnderTheThird: anyone know what would be best for xvid -> dvd conversion? I tried Kino but the audio got out of sync
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[22:15:38] cafuego: EnderTheThird: ffmpeg
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[22:17:13] alexvd_: anyone good with alsa. I still cant get my digital audio out to work. Analog works fine. I have a alsa-info to look at that is a script that runs a full diagnostic on your alsa config. no one is around in #alsa
[22:18:05] EnderTheThird: cafuego: thanks. looks like CLI might be easier than messing with that other crap, heh.
[22:18:40] cafuego: EnderTheThird: Yup, spcifically check the -target pal-dvd or so option.
[22:19:28] EnderTheThird: yeah, did -target ntsc-dvd. hope it works
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[22:19:46] EnderTheThird: what about for burning the output .mpg to a dvd?
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[22:22:39] iamlindoro: dvdauthor is probably simplest
[22:22:47] iamlindoro:
[22:24:21] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro: thanks. now hopefully i won't need to trim the video at all to make it fit, heh.
[22:25:05] iamlindoro: no prob
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[22:52:30] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro: it looks like each part of the movie is going to be 1.4GB, so I should be able to fit them onto one DVD. Any way to combine 2 MPGs with ffmpeg or dvdauthor?
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[22:57:29] iamlindoro_: cat firstfile.mpg >> finalfile.mpg && cat secondfile.mpg >> finalfile.mpg
[22:57:45] EnderTheThird: rock on. thanks again
[22:57:59] iamlindoro_: or cat firstfile.mpg secondfile.mpg > finalfile.mpg
[22:58:29] EnderTheThird: still waiting on the 2nd video to transcode, but i'll give it a go as soon as that's done (should be soon)
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[23:02:00] adac2: on the frontend can i set the informations of the backend host database? I did enter some wrong information first and now the graphical user interface where I set the information before does no more appear
[23:04:10] directhex: /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt or ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[23:06:11] fesha (fesha! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:08:18] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro: i think i need to redo the seek table on that new .mpg. it starts recounting the timer and i think that's messing with dvdauthor.
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[23:08:58] EnderTheThird: or something, i don't know. I got a "ERR: SCR moves backwards, remultiplex input." when using dvdauthor
[23:10:56] iamlindoro_: EnderTheThird: On the combined file:
[23:10:58] adac2: directhex|work: did the trick, thx
[23:11:20] iamlindoro_: ffmpeg -i infile.mpg -ac copy -vc copy finalfile.mpg
[23:11:28] iamlindoro_: should rewrite the header stuff
[23:11:57] EnderTheThird: Floating point exception (core dumped)
[23:12:02] iamlindoro_: heh
[23:12:11] iamlindoro_: well *that* isn't my fault
[23:12:15] EnderTheThird: lol
[23:12:37] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:12:41] EnderTheThird: i don't mind re-encoding. if i specify parts 1 and 2 as inputs with 1 output, will it string them together in ffmpeg?
[23:12:49] iamlindoro_: mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy infile.avi -o outfile.avi
[23:12:55] iamlindoro_: erm, sorry, mpg
[23:13:01] iamlindoro_: but you get the point
[23:13:20] iamlindoro_: try the mencoder line before you go reencoding anything
[23:13:35] EnderTheThird: have to install it first  :)
[23:13:55] iamlindoro_: true
[23:14:07] EnderTheThird: at least when i'm encoding, i feel like i'm actually using this thing. E6600 is kinda overkill.
[23:14:19] adac2: directhex now I get, while connecting to backend: Driver error was [2/1146]:QMYSQL3: Unable to execute queryDatabase error was:Table 'mythconverg.settings' doesn't exist
[23:14:30] EnderTheThird: hasn't told me to piss off yet, we'll see what happens when/if it finishes
[23:14:48] directhex: adac2, your database is buggered, then
[23:15:20] opentrinity (opentrinity! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:15:57] iamlindoro_: Meh, I gotta go work out, EnderTheThird, this ought to work, leave a message and let me know
[23:16:09] adac2: directhex|work: hmm...what do you suggest
[23:16:21] directhex: adac2, fix your database
[23:16:30] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro: haha, sounds great, but no video
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[23:39:11] adac2: directhex|work: how can i do that?
[23:39:57] justinh: adac2: if mythtv has ever worked, restore a backup of course
[23:40:17] adac2: justinh: no it didn't ever work
[23:42:06] xris (xris! has quit ()
[23:42:33] justinh: mythtv-setup creates the tables
[23:42:49] justinh: or mythbackend, 1st time you ever run it
[23:42:58] justinh: but you really should run mytthv-setup first
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[23:49:33] justinh: hmmm wonder if Skins has been on tonight
[23:49:46] adac2: justinh: i did that...but it seems that it does not save me the input data. cause when I start the setup again than alldata is lost
[23:50:13] justinh: adac2: it can't just get lost
[23:50:23] justinh: not if it's actually being put into the database
[23:51:09] adac2: justinh: I think I need a nice howto for to setup this ;)
[23:51:25] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:51:34] justinh: ffs damn duplicate recording rule
[23:51:55] justinh: skins has already recorded. wrong one!
[23:51:57] The_Rebel (The_Rebel! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:57:20] justinh: adac2: there are plenty of nice howto guides
[23:57:44] adac2: justinh: yeah...i just take a look around now
[23:58:34] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users

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