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Saturday, August 25th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:12] tjcarter: 5 channels =/
[00:00:19] tjcarter: I can have 30 channels HD right now
[00:00:30] Aval0n_: I have like 9 chans
[00:00:52] tjcarter: Oh, I have the 30, just 25 of them are encrypted.
[00:04:20] Aval0n_: nortle?
[00:13:32] jonty_ (jonty_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:43] nordle: Aval0n_: Sorry mate, was away....I guess thats what the away button is for....oops.. I'll post xorg to pastebin...
[00:16:16] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:16:26] phiwer (phiwer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:17:16] nordle: Aval0n_: Here it is, I'm open to any suggestions too!
[00:17:50] psofa_ (psofa_! has quit ()
[00:26:59] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:00] astx813 (astx813! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:06] astx813: Can mythtv be configured to run without a tuner card?
[00:31:45] ARfdee: the frontend, yes
[00:32:04] ARfdee: actually probably the whole thing
[00:32:11] ARfdee: if you just want to do it for music and stuff
[00:32:42] astx813: Yeah, I just want all the media center stuff without the PVR/time shifting.
[00:33:11] astx813: I especially want the part that rips CDs and DVDs
[00:33:20] astx813: with a nice 10
[00:33:24] astx813: foot interface
[00:33:32] cout: why does mythtv sometimes play at 1/2 rate unless I pause and then unpause it?
[00:34:45] cout: and why does it play vidfeos and dvds so much quieter than mplayer?
[00:35:00] cout: and why does it sometimes stop responding to keyboard input until I restart the frontend?
[00:35:11] Aval0n_: nordle thanks
[00:39:24] jonty_ (jonty_! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:40:13] zachtib (zachtib! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:40:13] nordle: Aval0n_: np. Its been cobbled from various sources, mainly from a year ago, so there may be other more appropriate settings which I'm missing.
[00:45:34] Aval0n_: look sok to me
[00:55:00] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:19] kash: cout: because you touch yourself at night
[00:56:41] kash: but no, actually, it's because.. well.. i have no clue :)
[00:56:43] kash: sorry.
[00:57:44] NightMonkey: Time to change the topic...
[00:58:27] NightMonkey: 0.20.2 official release – yay! :)
[00:58:39] NightMonkey: Thanks, devs!
[00:58:42] astx813: ooooh
[00:59:39] kash: and of course, gentoo won't have the ebuild until the next release
[01:01:39] astx813: so what's the deal with the project that took over for zap2it? now we've got subscription fees?
[01:02:04] NightMonkey: kash: Eh?
[01:02:56] kash: astx813: yeah
[01:03:09] kash: because THEY have fees that zap2it is asking
[01:03:58] NightMonkey: kash: Portage has this release, and had it before the official announcement. :D
[01:04:47] NightMonkey: It's named "mythtv-0.20.2_p14282.ebuild".
[01:05:08] NightMonkey: Which is the changeset in Trac.
[01:05:39] cout: kash: :(
[01:06:41] cout: fees for zap2it? so I have to pay next time my subscription expires (which is in 3 weeks)?
[01:08:57] astx813: one more reason there should be a way to install without live tv function, perhaps?
[01:09:02] GreyFoxx: cout; zap2it labs, the free service will cease to exist
[01:09:17] GreyFoxx: your only options will be screen scraping or signing up with schedulesdirect
[01:10:03] kash: and screen scraping won't work anymore, because they're going to images
[01:10:11] astx813: "Schedules Direct announced its initial subscription pricing on their website on Thursday, 9-Aug-2007; they'll charge $15 per quarter, or $5 a month (though only billable in quarterly increments). They're not offering long-term subscriptions as yet, as they expect eventually to lower their pricing to $20/year or so, depending on demand."
[01:10:24] GreyFoxx: astx813: devs from xmltv, mythtv, gbpvr etc all got together to find the best alternative with zap2it going awayt
[01:10:29] GreyFoxx: and schedulesdirect was formed
[01:10:40] cout: that stinks.
[01:10:44] GreyFoxx: it's a non profit to help provide the listings as reliably and cheap as possible
[01:10:49] kash: if we have a titan tv subscription, can we use that
[01:10:53] GreyFoxx: the more people sign up the cheaper the cost
[01:11:02] astx813: If they get down to $20 a year, I think that's not so bad.
[01:11:12] cout: mythtv doesn't let me watch live tv if the schedules re out of date
[01:11:19] cout: s/re /are /
[01:11:26] kash: mine does
[01:11:30] kash: just no guide data
[01:11:31] GreyFoxx: kash; if you hack up a script you could do it i imagine. i don;t know how they get the info to you
[01:11:36] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:11:38] GreyFoxx: cout it will
[01:11:43] kash:
[01:11:45] GreyFoxx: just no data/names
[01:12:13] cout: kash: it let me before I had guide data, but once it had guide data and then the guide didn't get updated, it started exiting right away until I updated it
[01:12:43] cout: I'm using latest svn as of a couple of weeks ago
[01:12:56] NightMonkey: It was a free service by a for-profit corporation... we're lucky we got it as long as we did.
[01:13:03] GreyFoxx: night; yeah
[01:13:05] cout: night: agreed
[01:13:07] kash: GreyFoxx: since it's free, do you think that the mythtv people could get them to support it
[01:13:11] GreyFoxx: it was nice while it lasted
[01:13:12] kash: it's not in their list of PVR programmes
[01:13:31] GreyFoxx: kash; put it this way, myth wont not support it
[01:13:34] kash: :(
[01:13:43] GreyFoxx: if someone writes a grabber or some such that'dbe fine
[01:13:47] NightMonkey: And big thanks (in advance) for the devs working so hard to get something like SD together so quickly.
[01:14:10] NightMonkey: (And I hope they re-open signups again soon – I've been missing the window...)
[01:14:26] NightMonkey: </hint>
[01:14:28] NightMonkey: ;)
[01:16:15] NightMonkey: Will 0.20.2 interfere with a current zap2it subscription? Should I wait until I'm subscribed before updating?
[01:16:41] GreyFoxx: night; it will work with both
[01:16:51] NightMonkey: GreyFoxx: Cool. Thanks.
[01:17:34] GreyFoxx: or at least i'm 99% sure it will
[01:17:44] GreyFoxx: hmmmm I could be wrong.....
[01:17:47] GreyFoxx: I never tested that
[01:17:53] GreyFoxx: I just switched and stayed
[01:18:17] ** NightMonkey screeches, flips in his cage. **
[01:18:39] NightMonkey: Well, no reason for me to rush. ;)
[01:25:28] ARfdee: ah CRAP
[01:25:39] ARfdee: mythtv is jumping around on live tv and recordings now
[01:26:10] ARfdee: no wait, it's just on playback
[01:26:12] ARfdee: the recording itself is OK
[01:27:54] jonty_ (jonty_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:19] Aval0n_ (Aval0n_!i=aval0n@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:31:16] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit ()
[01:31:53] ahbritto (ahbritto! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:10] astx813: So I found an old IR receiver, but I have no idea if it'll work. It's on COM1. Any way to poll it to get info like what I'd get with lcpci?
[01:34:11] blackest (blackest! has quit (Connection timed out)
[01:34:45] jonty_ (jonty_! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:35:08] cout: astx: do you know what kind of receiver it is?
[01:36:00] cout: iirc most of them you just plug it in and it gives you data when it receives an ir signal
[01:36:38] astx813: "I-Point" it's actually a presentation remote, complete with laser pointer
[01:38:03] kash: titantv hands out XML files
[01:40:28] Akuma3 (Akuma3! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:40:53] kash:
[01:43:31] Akuma34 (Akuma34! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:44] ARfdee: help please
[01:43:57] Gurft (Gurft! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:44:26] ARfdee: playback is jittering
[01:45:42] jonty (jonty! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:46:11] jonty (jonty! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:49:01] Gurft (Gurft! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:49:31] Akuma345 (Akuma345! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:31] cout: arfdee: what does top report?
[01:51:50] ARfdee: 4783 david 20 0 312m 144m 43m S 15 14.3 10:37.95 mythfrontend
[01:53:11] Beirdo (Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:53:17] Beirdo (Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:17] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo
[01:55:58] Akuma (Akuma! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:56:16] kayelem (kayelem! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
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[01:59:30] Akuma3 (Akuma3! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:00:22] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:02:22] ARfdee (ARfdee!n=Arfere@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:05:25] Akuma34 (Akuma34! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:07:35] kash: hm, i need to borrow some money from someone :x
[02:07:39] kash: like $7 USD
[02:10:23] Akuma (Akuma! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:18] jcsmith_ (jcsmith_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:58] CyberKnet: kash: You could make that much by mowing one neighbor lawn tomorrow...
[02:14:10] kash: don't have lawns
[02:14:12] kash: lol
[02:14:22] CyberKnet: *shrug*
[02:14:31] Mixx (Mixx! has quit (Excess Flood)
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[02:14:55] CyberKnet: $7USD in most countries is not very hard to earn on short notice
[02:15:07] Mixx (Mixx! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:09] CyberKnet: is what I was trying to point out... badly
[02:15:13] kash: i see.
[02:17:28] Akuma3 (Akuma3! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:20:32] astx813 (astx813! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:23:31] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:00] betolley: Are there any free alternatives to data direct?
[02:24:12] CyberKnet: no tv guide data
[02:24:17] kash: if you get Titan TV to working, then yes
[02:24:20] kash: but probably not.
[02:24:26] Akuma34 (Akuma34! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:23] betolley: What is titan tv?
[02:25:39] kash: do you not use google ever?
[02:25:44] kash:
[02:25:49] Akuma345 (Akuma345! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:26:00] kash: on the gbpvr forum they have a program that grabs the XML from it
[02:27:29] dbatt (dbatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:26] Akuma345 (Akuma345! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:42:48] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[02:45:31] Slyboots (Slyboots! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:52:45] bendailey (bendailey!n=Jackie@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:00:14] Akuma (Akuma! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:00:36] bendailey (bendailey!n=Jackie@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:02:34] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:03:21] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:04:40] CyberKnet3 (CyberKnet3! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:24] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:00] betolley: How can I manually import a xml channel into myth tv?
[03:06:48] betolley: gerrr xml file into mythtv?
[03:08:34] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[03:08:39] CyberKnet3 is now known as CyberKnet
[03:08:59] Raspberry (Raspberry! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:15] Raspberry: does anybody have one of the new Hauppauge remotes?
[03:09:21] Raspberry: I can't find anything on it ... on the internet
[03:09:37] Raspberry: it's black (top and bottom) and it's called "MC Remote version 1069"
[03:10:09] Raspberry: the remote from my WinTV-PVR-150 MCE kit works fine... but I can't get this "accessory" remote I bought from the Hauppauge site to work
[03:10:19] CyberKnet: no, I don't have it sorry
[03:10:30] CyberKnet: my PVR-500 was white box
[03:10:48] Raspberry: it's not even detected with the mceusb2 module
[03:11:36] Raspberry: I can see the USB IR Receiver with a 'lsusb'
[03:12:05] Raspberry: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0609:0334 SMK Manufacturing, Inc.
[03:13:42] Raspberry: the receiver is different then the WinTV-150 model
[03:14:03] Raspberry: this says "SMK Model: RXX6000–0141E" on the bottom
[03:14:28] Raspberry: the WinTV-PVR-150 IR Receiver says "TSES-IR01" on the back
[03:16:07] esandeen (esandeen! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:33] Raspberry: so what remote should I buy?
[03:16:41] Raspberry: or what receiver should I be using
[03:16:57] esandeen: i got an all in one URC-8820 to use with my PVR150
[03:17:04] CyberKnet: I use a Niveus Media RF remote, but they don't make them any more.
[03:17:05] esandeen: it was cheap, it does what I need, it's programmable, I like it
[03:17:09] Raspberry: this new Hauppauge remote looks like it's the one included with the HVR-1800
[03:17:13] Raspberry: which is brand new
[03:17:36] Raspberry: I ordered the remote from Hauppauge's website and the photo matched the remote I had — I went back and looked today — and now it's a black remote with a different receiver
[03:17:51] Raspberry: and that's the one I received
[03:18:26] Raspberry: I wish I could have just kept the WinTV-150 remote and IR receiver — that worked fine
[03:20:21] Raspberry: ugh
[03:20:32] Raspberry: a google shows that it looks like it's not supported under linux
[03:20:43] Raspberry: wtf --- now I'm going to have to send this back
[03:20:51] Raspberry: so what remote can I actually buy somewhere?
[03:21:51] kash: Logitech harmony?
[03:22:00] kash: what happened to your 150 stuff?
[03:26:31] Raspberry: I'm returning it to the store
[03:26:39] Raspberry: because I ended up buying a PCHDTV-5500 card
[03:26:46] kash: i see
[03:26:50] Raspberry: and it's a pain to get it working with the WinTV-PVR-150...
[03:26:59] kash: how much did you get your card for
[03:27:15] kash: the 150
[03:27:16] Raspberry: so I bought two PCHDTV-5500 cards — so everything is working fine via ASTC instead of NTSC
[03:27:26] Raspberry: um, $109 w/the remote and USB
[03:27:33] kash: oh ok
[03:27:49] kash: i was going to offer to buy it from you, but i can only spend $40 :/
[03:27:53] Yggdrasil: hello, can somone answer a question
[03:28:07] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has quit ()
[03:28:12] Yggdrasil: when i am watching a recording , and say i have to leave
[03:28:12] kash: <- there's your fix, Raspberry
[03:28:21] kash: Yggdrasil: want to save the spot?
[03:28:23] Yggdrasil: so i exit back, is there any way that it can start up where i left off ??
[03:28:24] Yggdrasil: yea
[03:28:27] Raspberry: I saw the gmane thing ... but I haven't looked @ the link yet
[03:28:27] kash: hit enter
[03:28:33] Yggdrasil: oh interesting
[03:28:34] Yggdrasil: ok
[03:28:35] Yggdrasil: thanks
[03:28:38] kash: or you can configure it to always save it
[03:28:41] kash: i forget where though
[03:28:44] Yggdrasil: thats more to the point
[03:28:48] Yggdrasil: i tried to dig around
[03:28:48] kash: probably setup -> tv playback
[03:29:01] Yggdrasil: mhmm ill look it up, i like to make sure things are possible first
[03:29:01] kash: When exiting recording: (Ask)
[03:29:03] Yggdrasil: thanks
[03:29:03] kash: i think it says..
[03:29:05] Yggdrasil: yea
[03:29:54] Raspberry: I was seriously thinking of returning the WinTV-PVR-150 with the "new" receiver and just keeping the working one
[03:29:58] kash: Raspberry: basically you need to add the device to the driver's data info
[03:30:05] Raspberry: I don't think anybody would care — it's not like most people are buying the card for Linux
[03:31:00] kash: the info to fix it is in that link, dude
[03:31:23] Raspberry: i'm loading it
[03:31:29] kash: slow internet? :P
[03:31:40] Raspberry: I'm on a console here — starting up my laptop
[03:31:47] Raspberry: next to me to checkout the lin
[03:31:48] Raspberry: k
[03:32:30] Raspberry: I saw 0.20.2 was released today — hopefully somebody will put that into an Ubuntu package shortly
[03:34:17] Raspberry: I've got a Toshiba M200 Tablet ... and that thing is SLOW... It's still shutting down — I need to wipe it out and reinstall
[03:34:37] Raspberry: but I have 4 critical customer projects and 2 weddings to photograph this weekend
[03:36:23] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:36:23] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:37:52] Raspberry: action1 it means your script is taking too long ... typically due to bad programming... like writing a loop in the code :)
[03:39:51] Raspberry: ugh
[03:39:59] Raspberry: there has to be a better way then modifying the drivers by hand
[03:40:23] Raspberry: I wonder what mailing-list I have to send that information to — so that this problem is fixed in the future
[03:40:51] kash: that /is/ a mailing list
[03:40:56] kash: and no, i doubt he made a diff
[03:41:41] Raspberry: you'd think that would be something they'd want to add to the actual lirc driver code
[03:41:57] kash: are you running SVN version of LIRC?
[03:42:01] Raspberry: no
[03:42:01] kash: because it's in the SVN code
[03:42:09] Raspberry: well then I should be :)
[03:42:17] Raspberry: I just downloaded 0.8.2 tonight
[03:42:25] Raspberry: or 0.82 — whatever it is
[03:42:25] kash: no
[03:42:31] kash: 0.8.2 is not SVN
[03:42:43] kash: oops, my bad
[03:42:43] Raspberry: I know that
[03:42:46] kash: lirc uses cvs :)
[03:42:47] Raspberry: I said no :P
[03:42:47] kash:
[03:42:55] Raspberry: I'm just loading their site now
[03:43:04] Raspberry: I'll just go pull the snapshot
[03:43:10] kash: you're lucky though, at least your receiver works right
[03:43:14] Raspberry: nvrmind
[03:43:19] Raspberry: their snapshots are all old
[03:43:22] Raspberry: hmm
[03:43:24] kash: lol
[03:43:27] Raspberry: well we don't know if it does or not
[03:43:33] Raspberry: the most current snapshot is from may 29th
[03:43:36] kash: Fri Jun 29 05:16:55 2007 UTC (8 weeks ago) by lirc
[03:43:41] kash: that's the time by it works
[03:44:07] kash: . . . &r2=1.30
[03:44:50] Raspberry: do you know the switches for sudo that'll keep it in # until I type 'exit'
[03:44:58] Raspberry: it's like -H -r ... or something
[03:45:07] esandeen: sudo /bin/bash? :)
[03:45:20] Raspberry: heh
[03:45:23] Raspberry: there's another way :P
[03:47:10] Raspberry: that link doesn't wor
[03:47:11] Raspberry: k
[03:48:29] Raspberry: I see the comment though
[03:48:34] Raspberry: in the CVS repost
[03:48:42] Raspberry: "new SMK model"
[03:48:47] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:08] Raspberry: ... compiling it now
[03:52:12] Raspberry: we'll see if this works
[03:52:53] Raspberry: i thought there was a way I could run a make driver mceusb2
[03:53:01] Raspberry: or something — to just compile and install the driver
[04:00:45] DrMitch (DrMitch! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:01:37] kash: sudo -s
[04:01:54] kash: cd drivers/mceusb2; make
[04:01:54] kash: ;)
[04:02:05] dbatt (dbatt! has quit ()
[04:02:18] kash: but chances are the rest of LIRC needs to be updated with it
[04:07:24] tuxd00d (tuxd00d!n=tuxinato@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:08:58] DrMitch (DrMitch! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:12:54] bigdissaved (bigdissaved! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:13:36] bigdissaved: Hey, would anyone be around to give me a hand with compiling the svn version?
[04:13:46] bigdissaved: it is current as on like2 hours ago
[04:14:22] bigdissaved: main.o: In function `startTVNormal()':
[04:14:22] bigdissaved: main.cpp:(.text+0x173): undefined reference to `TV::StartTV(ProgramInfo*, bool, bool, bool)'
[04:14:30] bigdissaved: that is the start of the error....
[04:16:40] bigdissaved: th full error is at
[04:16:52] Pogonip (Pogonip! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:13] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:53] betolley: When I import a xmltv list the channels get imported but there is no number...Anyone know why?
[04:18:41] Pogonip: Can someone tell me where to get stdlib.h?
[04:19:42] bigdissaved: try'find / -name stdlib.h'
[04:19:59] bigdissaved: if it is on your system that will tell you where it is
[04:21:04] Pogonip: Let me take a look,
[04:21:18] bigdissaved: it is from gcc.
[04:22:44] bigdissaved: err, glibc
[04:24:02] Pogonip: Yes; it's part of glibc, i'm trying to run ./configure on the new download but it bails because this is missing.
[04:24:14] bigdissaved: hmm
[04:24:21] bigdissaved: what is your config log say?
[04:24:22] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:24:55] Pogonip: /usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/4.1.2/include/mm_malloc.h:30:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
[04:25:21] Pogonip: I was hoping to find a place where I could download a copy of stdlib.h
[04:26:38] bigdissaved: did find come up with anything?
[04:26:59] kash: . . . photohosting
[04:27:00] kash: JESUS
[04:28:11] Pogonip: No, the file isn't on my system
[04:28:31] bigdissaved: umm, redhat, or fc?
[04:28:44] Pogonip: fc 7
[04:29:02] Aval0n: anyone here running analog cable on a pvr 150 or 500?
[04:29:13] bigdissaved: nope
[04:29:30] bigdissaved: try updating everything, and getting all c ish dev packages
[04:29:31] bigdissaved: umm
[04:31:21] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999!n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) has quit ("Leaving")
[04:32:13] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999!n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:14] Raspberry (Raspberry! has quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[04:34:07] bigdissaved: make sure the glibc-headers package is installed as well
[04:37:42] bigdissaved: I wish I could be more help, I think that U need to make sure that everything is installed, all build/dev packages and such, then if not, try back again in the morning to ask...
[04:37:46] bigdissaved: nite
[04:41:19] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:41:56] Eclipsor (Eclipsor! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:59] calico (calico! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:32] Eclipsor: does mytharchive transcode before burning to dvd? or is it the exact file
[04:43:10] Eclipsor: and also, would the shows I archive be available to check duplicates against
[04:43:19] Eclipsor: so I dont record the same show that I have on dvd somewhere
[04:49:43] ShockValue: is it possible to get hdtv from directv into myth?
[04:52:10] JeffATL (JeffATL! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:52:14] JeffATL: i have still been unable to get ivtv firmware found at boot time – /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent contains the line FIRMWARE_DIR=/lib/firmware and that's where the firmware is
[04:58:15] fryfrog (fryfrog!n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:58:18] fryfrog (fryfrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:31] Hoochster (Hoochster! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:03:01] Hoochster: Howdy all. Anyone know if there are any issues with HDHomeRun with current SVN?
[05:06:28] Raspberry (Raspberry! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:06:46] Raspberry: I'm having some trouble with the lirc_mceusb2 modules
[05:07:13] Raspberry: I have one of the new SMK usb-based receivers
[05:07:34] Raspberry: and I've tried compiling the latest lirc module from cvs, but it doesn't seem to detect my drive
[05:07:39] Raspberry: er, my receiver
[05:07:43] dbatt (dbatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:41] Raspberry: apparently the change was put in on June 29th
[05:08:46] Raspberry: to recognize the new SMK receivers
[05:13:36] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:15:56] Raspberry: any good resources to help me figure out how to get the driver loaded properly
[05:16:44] Hoochster: if I knew what a smk receiver was I would try heh, I have the MCE New Rev Remote but not aware of anything newer
[05:20:20] Pogonip (Pogonip! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:20:48] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:23:40] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:25:15] Raspberry: that's what I'm talking about
[05:25:19] Raspberry: that new MCE remote
[05:25:27] Raspberry: that has the USB cable built in --
[05:25:47] dbatt (dbatt! has quit ()
[05:25:49] Raspberry: so the cable runs out of the back — but you can't disconnect it
[05:26:11] NightMonkey (NightMonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:26:13] Raspberry: did you do anything special to get the driver to work?
[05:27:27] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:27:34] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:30:25] mcf3781 (mcf3781! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:31:45] Hoochster: Raspberry, sorry in and out, I mean the remotes I use aren't anything new, they have been out awhile, they just aren't the rev 1 ones. Anyways, I grab CVS of LIRC, and run ./ then ./ enter Option 1 for Drivers, then Option 8 for USB, then the LAST option for MCE Remote New Revision, then enter option 3 to save and run configure
[05:31:55] Hoochster: make and then make install
[05:32:02] Hoochster: then I modprobe lirc_mceusb2
[05:32:08] Raspberry: hmm
[05:32:11] Raspberry: I'll try that
[05:32:13] Raspberry: I tried that
[05:32:16] Raspberry: and it didn't take it
[05:32:18] Hoochster: I copied the lircrc configfile in the samples directory
[05:32:30] Raspberry: I looked in /proc/bus/ ... and it didn't have a driver assigned to the device
[05:32:30] Hoochster: the remote is plugged in I take? maybe try a diff usb port
[05:32:46] Raspberry: the remote isn't plugged in... the receiver is
[05:33:25] Hoochster: well ya
[05:33:30] Hoochster: I assumed you knew what I meant
[05:33:33] Hoochster: :)
[05:33:51] Raspberry: after I get this new problem figured out (changed remotes from the WinTV-PVR-150 to this new Hauppauge remote) I need to change the order of the soundcards loading — which I thought I did in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, but it's not sticking
[05:33:55] Raspberry: :P
[05:34:26] Hoochster: new hauppauge one? you using the Microsoft MCE Remote or a Hauppauge remote?
[05:34:27] Raspberry: I"m running Ubuntu
[05:34:34] Raspberry: so I hate to compile things from SVN
[05:34:37] Raspberry: er, CVS
[05:34:42] Hoochster: I usually blacklist all my modules and load them when i am wanting them
[05:34:45] Raspberry: when that'll conflict with the packages
[05:34:56] Raspberry: I'm using the Hauppauge remote
[05:34:59] Raspberry: I bought it off their site
[05:35:03] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:35:22] Raspberry: ... and I get it in the mail and the damn thing doesn't work :P
[05:35:34] Hoochster: I know SOME of the PVR-150 bundles have a Microsoft MCE Remote but dunno if the rx is the same. never had one.
[05:36:30] Raspberry: it's not
[05:36:36] Raspberry: I had that all working for 3 weeks now
[05:36:40] Raspberry: I thought I could just swap them
[05:36:44] Hoochster: heh
[05:36:47] Raspberry: ... reboot the box... and it'd work
[05:36:48] Raspberry: no dice
[05:36:50] Raspberry: then I learn this...
[05:37:06] Raspberry:
[05:37:10] kash:
[05:37:35] Raspberry: so this is what I bought...
[05:37:35] Raspberry: . . . t=mce_remote
[05:37:52] Raspberry: but it didn't look like that when I bought it ...
[05:38:00] Hoochster: heh
[05:38:00] Raspberry: if you scroll down to the bottom of this page...
[05:38:18] Raspberry: you'll see what it looked like when I ordered it under the heading "Media Center remote"
[05:39:04] Raspberry: when I ordered it ... after hitting submit on the final order page ... I received a bunch of PHP errors... I emailed Hauppauge to ask if my order had gone through... I received a one word response: "yes"
[05:39:45] Raspberry: It looks like the "Media Center remote" you can order is the same remote / receiver provided with the HVR-1800
[05:40:32] Raspberry: which apparently is their brand-new card
[05:41:49] mcf3781: I've Googled myself into being more confused than before I started. So I've come here seeking help from the assembled wisdom. :)
[05:43:33] mcf3781: I have myth installed (from the current Knoppmyth dist). I have a Hauppauge PVR150. I have the S-Video input connected to my DirecTV receiver's S-Video out. Everything works cool there. I can even change channels. :)
[05:43:38] coopster (coopster! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:43:38] ShockValue (ShockValue! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:45:05] mcf3781: Now I want to connect a VCR to the Tuner input on the PVR150 so I can transfer the contents of a couple of video tapes to files on the Myth box. This way, I can get rid of the VCR all together.
[05:45:06] Raspberry: that's cool
[05:45:12] Raspberry: I'm looking to sell a WinTV-PVR-150
[05:45:28] mcf3781: But I can't figure out how to make myth record from the VCR. It keeps recording from the DirecTV input.
[05:47:29] mcf3781: A second PVR card might be useful eventually. :)
[05:47:31] Raspberry: you have to setup multiple inputs
[05:47:53] mcf3781: Right now, I'm still being intimidated by the one I have. :)
[05:49:40] mcf3781: I *think* I've set up multiple inputs in mythtv-setup. I've got S-video1 defined as "DirecTV" and Tuner1 devined as VCR-RF.
[05:50:15] mcf3781: But I don't see a place/way/method to say "record from this input".
[05:50:25] mcf3781: What am I mything?
[05:50:38] mcf3781: (pun intended)
[05:51:33] Eclipsor: is there a place to find out what the symbols at the bottom of the watch recordings page mean
[05:52:34] mcf3781: huh.. I'd never noticed that there *were* symbols there.
[05:52:47] ** mcf3781 adds another item to to-do list **
[05:55:41] Raspberry: yeah
[05:55:45] Raspberry: I'm figuring that out too
[05:55:52] Raspberry: the ($) and whatever else
[05:56:49] Eclipsor: there was one really weird one
[05:56:52] Eclipsor: oh
[05:56:54] Eclipsor: RIP
[05:56:59] Eclipsor: a little tombstone with RIP on it
[05:57:10] Raspberry: is that the auto-expire?
[05:57:14] Eclipsor: no
[05:57:20] Eclipsor: but I think that might have been genre actually
[05:57:26] Eclipsor: still doesnt explain all the symbols
[05:57:30] Eclipsor: but its a little clearer
[05:57:36] Eclipsor: (popped up on a horror movie)
[05:59:22] tank-man: rip is auto expire
[05:59:27] tank-man: press F1 to show what they mean
[05:59:39] Eclipsor: oh?
[05:59:41] Eclipsor: hm
[06:00:02] Raspberry: hmm
[06:00:13] Raspberry: so anybody want to troubleshoot this funky new Hauppauge receiver ?
[06:00:45] tank-man: isnt that your job? :)
[06:01:05] Raspberry: well I downloaded the lirc_mceusb2.c from the lirc CVS
[06:01:22] Raspberry: and put it in my /usr/src/modules/lirc/drivers/lirc_mceusb2 directory
[06:01:22] tank-man: mcf3781, look in keys.txt
[06:01:26] Raspberry: and then recompiled it
[06:01:35] tank-man: mcf3781, you can change the input
[06:02:09] tank-man: i think it is "t" or "c", not sure
[06:02:12] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:04:03] mcf3781: tank – I've found 'c' to change the input while I'm in 'watch tv' mode. But I don't understand how to relate that to recording from a specific input.
[06:04:17] Raspberry: C changes the Input
[06:04:20] Raspberry: Y will also change things
[06:04:42] ** CCFL_Man2 blows a Raspberry **
[06:05:24] mcf3781: 'y' doesn't seem to do anything other than show me the name of the input
[06:05:27] tank-man: press R to record what you are watching from your vcr
[06:06:09] Guest11413 (Guest11413! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:07:40] Eclipsor: approximately how much can I fit onto a dvd using mytharchive and mostly default settings on mythtv
[06:07:40] mcf3781: oh. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.. I was trying to initiate recording from the 'schedule recordings' main menu choice.
[06:07:44] Eclipsor: (timewise)
[06:07:55] Raspberry: ha
[06:10:04] coopster (coopster! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:15:00] dbatt (dbatt! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:18:30] xris: Eclipsor: I assume it's like any other dvd... between 1.5 and 4 hours, depending on the size of DVD you're recording onto.
[06:19:25] Hoochster: hey xris heh, when did you put flash into mythweb lol
[06:19:37] xris: Hoochster: like 4 months ago?
[06:19:40] Hoochster: lmao
[06:19:41] Hoochster: nice
[06:19:50] xris: would be nicer if it didn't rely on ffmpeg for encoding.
[06:19:58] Hoochster: another guy was running it and said he was streaming over the net, I was like no you aren't lmao
[06:20:09] Hoochster: was thinking there is no way you have that kinda b/w
[06:20:10] Hoochster: lol
[06:20:15] Hoochster: then I realized it had it heh
[06:20:17] Hoochster: just never looked
[06:20:19] Hoochster: thanks
[06:20:19] xris: heh
[06:20:29] xris: I didn't write most of that.
[06:20:29] Eclipsor: ok, mythweb question now
[06:20:34] xris: just the little ffmpeg interface bit.
[06:20:37] Eclipsor: what does a show with a dashed cyan border mean?
[06:20:38] tank-man: what kind of b/w is needed?
[06:20:44] Eclipsor: does it mean it wouldnt be recorded normally?
[06:20:49] Hoochster: well what is the ffmpeg restriction flash itself? or is it possible to use what they are doing with coreavc?
[06:20:58] xris: Eclipsor: mouse over — it'll almost always tell you what the recording status is.
[06:21:04] Eclipsor: it doesnt
[06:21:14] Hoochster: I know there were the mods to add flash, figured you worked with that, either way very happy you added it, thanks man
[06:21:15] Eclipsor: at least not on this page
[06:21:19] xris: dash usually means duplicate shows that won't record
[06:21:34] Eclipsor: ah ok
[06:21:57] xris: dots means shows that would record, but aren't for some other reason (recording at another time, etc).
[06:23:16] Eclipsor: I have a feeling I'll be running out of diskspace within the next week :P
[06:23:36] Hoochster: now xris if we could just do flash even or whatnot on live tv that would be the bomb heh, still waiting on what they are gonna do to the backend for that though ehh
[06:24:53] xris: Hoochster: that's the eventual goal. Need to get flv encoding directly in the backend first.
[06:25:03] frybry (frybry! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:25:09] xris: Captain_Murdoch is apparently pretty close, but the schedules direct stuff has taken up a lot of time from people.
[06:25:18] Hoochster: understand xris
[06:25:29] frybry (frybry! has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:25:34] ** xris twiddles his thumbs waiting for SD to be able to truly open for business... **
[06:25:36] Hoochster: gonna have to look into schedule direct now heh added an hdhomerun for atsc so all shows up as unknown heh
[06:25:45] xris: lawyers were supposed to have the updated documents to us yesterday.
[06:25:50] Hoochster: nice
[06:26:00] xris: but... can't complain too much about free service.
[06:26:02] Hoochster: any ideas on the eventual end game pricing?
[06:26:17] xris: it's all posted there
[06:26:30] xris: target is $20/year, but it depends entirely on how many users sign up.
[06:26:34] Hoochster: said 13/3 months or something but said it was gonna drop
[06:26:45] Hoochster: cool that's what I was after is what was the possible
[06:26:47] xris: $15/3 months at first.
[06:27:00] Hoochster: cool well prob gonna get my parents and myself on as soon as registration opens back up ehh
[06:27:17] Hoochster: 15/3 sorry ya heh
[06:27:20] Hoochster: mistype
[06:27:32] xris: since we have NO idea how many users are going to sign up, we have to start with the worst case pricing. if lots sign up, it'll give us a little extra cash to build the infrastructure we'll need to actually support that many isers.
[06:27:35] xris: users.
[06:27:46] Hoochster: understood
[06:28:34] Tanthrix: xris: How are things looking so far?
[06:29:16] Tanthrix: Or rather, how far away are you from being sustainable at the current pricing?
[06:29:21] joseph_ (joseph_!n=joseph@ has quit ("Leaving")
[06:29:24] xris: Tanthrix: we capped the beta signup around 300 users
[06:29:42] ** Hoochster is volunteering to be #301 **
[06:29:43] Hoochster: lol
[06:30:04] xris: current pricing requires around 2000 signups. We're shooting for 8–10k users
[06:30:28] Slyboots (Slyboots! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:30:30] Tanthrix: That sounds pretty ambitious, but here's hoping
[06:30:49] xris: Hoochster: too late.. there's a secret code that can get you in when signups are off, and a few project devs have bumped that number over 300 to help test mythtv .20.2, etc.
[06:30:58] xris: Tanthrix: that's far less than the number of people using Labs now.
[06:32:27] Hoochster: xris I know the reasoning heh, wish I woulda paid attention a little sooner, didn't need it before I get my guide ota, but now that I need it for ATSC I will prob switch it all when it goes online
[06:32:48] blergit (blergit! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:33:04] xris: Hoochster: we hope to start adding some extra value to the listings, too...
[06:33:15] Tanthrix: xris: True, though free and not free are entirely different beasts. ;)
[06:33:30] Hoochster: what you have in mind? episode info etc type stuff?
[06:33:32] Tanthrix: Anyway, hopefully it will take off over the next few months
[06:33:50] xris: I'd love to see us be able to add more info about shows, etc...
[06:34:09] xris: Hoochster: user-entered data.. maybe trade data entry for cheaper listings, etc.
[06:34:13] Hoochster: that would be cool, I don't think you will have issues getting signups regardless but adding to the pot obviously will bring more and more in
[06:34:41] Tanthrix: xris: As it stands now, is better than zap2it was recently, or the same? (ie, for like 6 months now The Daily Show has just said "Jon stewart discusses the news" or some such thing
[06:34:57] Tanthrix: I never cared about the descriptions that much, but I suppose they're nice to have
[06:35:15] Hoochster: I, not to be a brag or whatnot, seem to be whom a lot look at for info on setting up their stuff, and I will definately be rooting for you guys, just for the fact how quick you stepped in to help out. when all thought the world was ending heh.
[06:35:20] xris: Tanthrix: yeah, I've noticed that there seems to be some missing data, too... new episode of Psych tonight was labeled as generic.
[06:35:28] tank-man: Tanthrix, i got program descriptoins for daily show
[06:35:34] dbatt (dbatt! has quit ()
[06:35:41] Hoochster: so I will be putting up a howto on it all heh
[06:36:05] Tanthrix: tank-man: Really? Maybe it's dependent on area or something
[06:36:19] xris: I do know that TMS/Zap2it is in the middle of a technology transition, so I suspect that at least part of these problems are symptoms of that. If people post about it on the support forum, we generally do our best to get an answer from TMS about things.
[06:38:38] Hoochster: well regardless xris, just another thank you for all you and the rest do, looking very forward to when they open the cap a little more or just open for business in general heh. I will be right in line. and thanks a ton on mythweb, sorry I didn't notice the flash sooner, I usually don't click on the info so never realized it heh
[06:40:54] xris: Hoochster: we're talking about opening general registrations tomorrow, even with the temp ToU and privacy policy.. just means people will have to re-agree once we get the "real" ones posted.
[06:41:20] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:42:04] floppyears: I don't think it's bad at all to ask people to re-agree to something
[06:43:31] JeffATL: what's the newest mythtv version i can attempt that won't almost certainly break?
[06:43:59] Hoochster: xris, great to hear, I will check it out
[06:44:13] xris: JeffATL: .20.2, which was just released today
[06:44:16] Hoochster: Terms change on everything all the time and you have to re-agree
[06:44:28] JeffATL: xris, thx
[06:44:28] Hoochster: lmao
[06:44:33] xris: Hoochster: I know. but it means that I'll have to write something to make it happen...
[06:44:43] Hoochster: I couldn't live without SVN and seeing all the new stuff develop heh
[06:44:47] ** xris just wishes he could get paid a little bit for his coding work on the SD website. **
[06:45:00] Hoochster: LMAO xris well sorry to hear about that part heh but am just looking forward to signing up
[06:45:13] Hoochster: heh on the pay I can imagine
[06:45:16] Hoochster: or for mythweb in general
[06:45:57] mcf3781 (mcf3781! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[06:45:58] xris: Hoochster: I'm not too concerned. If it takes too much of my time after this initial period, I may resign from the board so they can hire me as a coder to do the work. it's just weird for nonprofit stuff for the board of directors — IRS really doesn't want the people in control to get paid.
[06:46:12] xris: makes sense, but no less annoying.
[06:46:28] Hoochster: well if there is anything I can do to help out, let me know. I run a howto site and seems lots visit it even though I never have time to update like I should lol. but maybe I can advertise for ya aside from just posting information about it
[06:47:16] xris: we should be ok. I think in general, most of the people involved with SD will just be happy to see users start signing up.
[06:47:24] Hoochster: no doubt
[06:47:44] JeffATL: xris: gentoo portage currently has mythtv-0.20.2_p14282
[06:48:00] xris: JeffATL: you're running gentoo and worried about stability?
[06:48:06] Hoochster: ROFLMAO
[06:48:15] xris: (sorry, couldn't resist)
[06:48:44] xris: anything's better than fedora-7 at the moment if you use firewire (like me)
[06:48:44] JeffATL: xris: i've run it for about 7 years now, but this is a rather bleeding-edge application of gentoo
[06:48:52] ** Hoochster is a Debian nut all the way, has not the time to compile everything in the world. My kids would never see me **
[06:49:32] floppyears: xris: what about some google ads ?
[06:49:46] xris: floppyears: ads FOR SD? or on our site?
[06:50:05] JeffATL: emerge -p for that version says "# MythTV 0.20.2 pre-release, masked due to ABI
[06:50:05] JeffATL: # change that requires plugin rebuild"
[06:50:09] floppyears: on sd
[06:50:25] xris: JeffATL: just means you'd need to recompile mythplugins, too
[06:50:31] juski: using gentoo is a bit like making a good casserole – you just leave it to stew for a few hours on a medium heat & come back later to find the oven covered in ingredients because you missed it exploding
[06:50:43] JeffATL: xris: ok
[06:50:58] JeffATL: juski: my experience differs
[06:51:10] xris: floppyears: not if we can avoid it... too much hassle making sure we wouldn't be showing ads for competitors, or show the name of a TMS competitor on the same page as a TMS logo (which we're not allowed to do)
[06:51:19] juski: JeffATL: so did mine, til it broke cos I'd not updated it for months. oh boy
[06:51:20] Hoochster: lmao@juski
[06:51:27] floppyears: oh
[06:52:01] xris: floppyears: I'm not saying it wouldn't happen someday... just that it's unlikely.
[06:52:43] xris: JeffATL: at least someone finally got around to porting my php 5.2 compatibility changes into the .20 branch yesterday... (was too lazy/busy to do it myself)
[06:52:51] floppyears: xris: I agree that some ad revenue of some sort would be a good way to give some extra $$$ for sd developer of the month/yr
[06:53:00] xris: you can thank your gentoo packager for that...
[06:53:03] storyma1 (storyma1! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:54:05] xris: floppyears: we'll always need to keep some reserve money in the bank to account for signup fluctuations, etc... and if we miss and end up with some extra, we intend to give it out to the mythtv/xmltv/whatever projects, sort of like how lxmsuite was planning to work
[06:54:37] floppyears: oh
[06:55:11] xris: we'd also like to sell tshirts and other swag type stuff eventually... and manage some of that for projects like mythtv that may not want to do it themselves.
[06:55:24] floppyears: that sounds awesome
[06:56:08] ** xris really wants a MythTV shirt **
[06:56:25] xris: but we can't do that kind of thing until Isaac says we can.
[06:56:50] xris: heck, I still don't know what to do with the MythTV case badges that juski sent me
[06:56:51] floppyears: oh
[06:56:55] floppyears: who's Issac ?
[06:57:12] xris: Isaac... the guy who started MythTV and technically owns the copyrights on the name/logo/etc.
[06:57:17] xris: (he's also on the BoD for SD)
[06:57:31] xris: goes by Chutt here (well, not this channel)
[06:58:57] floppyears: oh
[07:00:16] grim[GameOp]_ (grim[GameOp]_! has quit ()
[07:00:38] juski: well whoever you use for tshirts xris don't go with spreadshirt – they're way too expensive IMHO
[07:01:06] xris: I want to know who firefox uses.... my boss has a ff tshirt that's like 3 years old and hasn't faded at ALL.
[07:01:32] juski: the one benefit with using them though is that you're not the one left with unsold stock, and the premium is the price you pay for that benefit
[07:02:11] xris: sort of like cafe press
[07:02:24] xris: we'll shop around a lot before we set up something like that.
[07:02:48] juski: I'm trying to remember who we used at mythtvtalk. you could buy a mythtvtalk thong :-O
[07:03:02] kash: woo the red violin was just on IFC
[07:03:02] kash: :D
[07:03:06] kash: best movie i've ever seen
[07:04:02] xris: kash: good soundtrack, too.
[07:04:09] kash: yep, i just bought that online
[07:04:51] kash: best part was when the little german boy had it
[07:05:21] juski: but it has an exploding helicopter quotient of zero, how can it be a good movie? ;)
[07:05:35] kash: i dunno, but i really liked it
[07:05:39] kash: brb
[07:05:48] JeffATL (JeffATL! has quit ("Leaving")
[07:07:07] ** xris has a 200 year old violin sitting in the other room. **
[07:07:14] xris: doesn't play as nicely as the 50 year old one, though.
[07:08:08] Raspberry: kash: can you help me brainstorm on this mceusb2 issue :)
[07:08:36] Raspberry: I've updated to the CVS version of the lirc_mceusb2.c file... rerun make, make install
[07:08:42] Raspberry: and still no luck
[07:09:14] juski: you didn't say you loaded lirc_mceusb2 or whatever though...
[07:09:24] Raspberry: the usb device and the drivers don't seem to see eye to eye
[07:09:35] Raspberry: I loaded it
[07:09:47] juski: what does dmesg say when you attempt to modprobe the module?
[07:09:50] Raspberry: it's in /lib/modules/<kernel ver>/misc
[07:10:39] Raspberry: ok.. ran the 'modprobe lirc_mceusb2'
[07:10:51] Raspberry: dmesg doesn't say anything
[07:11:21] juski: maybe you'd need to unload the old module first
[07:11:21] kash: reboot
[07:11:25] kash: then try again
[07:11:33] juski: you don't need to reboot. this isn't windows
[07:11:33] Raspberry: did
[07:11:46] Raspberry: if I do a cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
[07:11:49] Raspberry: this is the device...
[07:11:52] Raspberry: T: Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=02 Cnt=01 Dev#= 2 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
[07:11:52] Raspberry: D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs= 1
[07:11:52] Raspberry: P: Vendor=0609 ProdID=0334 Rev= 1.00
[07:11:52] Raspberry: S: Manufacturer=SMK CORPORATION
[07:11:52] Raspberry: S: Product=MCE TRANCEIVR Emulator Device 2006
[07:11:54] kash: noo but some other loaded modules could have linked against
[07:12:03] kash: gah for fuck's sake, don't paste.
[07:12:14] Raspberry: what are you on an 80 line terminal?
[07:12:19] Raspberry: it was 5 lines
[07:12:27] kash: no, but it's considered rude to paste over 3 lines
[07:12:27] Raspberry: i'm not going to pastebin that
[07:12:32] Raspberry: yeah I know
[07:12:34] Raspberry: :P
[07:12:36] kash: so why do it
[07:12:44] Raspberry: i'll keep it to 3 lines and then 2 lines next time
[07:12:49] kash: good
[07:12:50] kash: thanks.
[07:12:57] Raspberry: i'm from the backwoods
[07:13:00] juski: same difference IMHO
[07:13:08] Raspberry: exactly
[07:13:15] Raspberry: anyway ---
[07:13:17] kash: line T and D weren't even necessary
[07:13:30] juski: so, what do folks on the lirc mailing lists have to say about it?
[07:13:37] Raspberry: so this device is supposed to be covered in the new CVS version of the file
[07:13:38] kash: they found a fix..
[07:13:42] xris: kash: actually, "> 2 lines is bad" is the general rule here.
[07:13:56] kash: xris: sorry, 3 lines is the general rule elsewhere :P
[07:13:58] Raspberry:
[07:14:06] Raspberry: that's what kash sent me earlier
[07:14:13] kash: Raspberry: unload lirc_dev and lirc_mceusb2
[07:14:18] kash: any other lirc modules as well
[07:14:28] Raspberry: if there were other conversations going on in here — I definitely wouldn't have posted 5 lines
[07:14:37] kash: yes we get it
[07:14:40] kash: moving on
[07:14:42] Raspberry: so ... how do I unload modules?
[07:14:45] kash: rmmod ?
[07:14:49] juski: modprobe -r
[07:14:57] juski: either of those ^^
[07:15:18] Raspberry: it says they;re in use... I suppose I have to stop lircd
[07:15:23] kash: duh
[07:15:33] juski: lircd is able to use it & stay running?
[07:15:39] juski: can't be all bad then
[07:15:42] Raspberry: although I could unload lirc_mceusb2 without any complaints
[07:15:46] Raspberry: just not lirc_dev
[07:15:49] juski: right
[07:15:52] kash: catch 22 :)
[07:16:05] kash: so once you reprobe them..?
[07:16:14] Raspberry: can't seem to unload lirc_dev
[07:16:22] Raspberry: I stopped lircd
[07:16:34] juski: anything else using it?
[07:16:43] kash: lsof /dev/lirc*
[07:16:59] Raspberry: there's only lircd
[07:17:05] Raspberry: ... /dev/lircd
[07:17:10] kash: no
[07:17:11] kash: use lsof
[07:17:19] Raspberry: yeah
[07:17:24] Raspberry: and it returns me to the prompt
[07:17:26] kash: it showed up?
[07:17:26] Raspberry: no output
[07:17:29] kash: ok
[07:17:33] kash: rmmod -f lirc_dev
[07:17:40] Raspberry: - /dev/lircd exists
[07:18:00] Raspberry: ERROR: Removing 'lirc_dev': Resource temporarily unavailable
[07:18:11] kash: lsmod and see what is using lirc_dev
[07:18:17] kash: oh wait, it would say
[07:18:20] kash: "in use by ..."
[07:18:31] kash: but it doesn't .. so maybe you need to reboot
[07:18:33] Raspberry: I suppose it's being used by lirc_i2c
[07:18:46] kash: i said remove all lirc modules
[07:18:55] Raspberry: yeah
[07:19:01] Raspberry: well you didn't say in what order :p
[07:19:09] Raspberry: ok
[07:19:12] Raspberry: they should all be removed
[07:19:18] kash: i'm sorry, i didn't realise it was obvious that the order didn't matter long as they're all removed
[07:19:22] kash: wasn't*
[07:19:30] Raspberry: ok
[07:19:38] Raspberry: well a lsmod | grep lirc produces nothing
[07:19:50] kash: ok, now reprobe the modules
[07:20:04] Raspberry: should a start with a particular module?
[07:20:11] kash: just load the mce one
[07:20:21] kash: it'll automagically load all dependent modules
[07:20:33] Raspberry: ok... sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb2
[07:20:34] Raspberry: done...
[07:20:39] Raspberry: and I'm back @ the prompt
[07:20:46] kash: dmesg and see what it says
[07:21:20] Raspberry: it says it has registered the new interface driver
[07:21:33] kash: good
[07:21:37] kash: now look for the lirc device in /dev
[07:21:51] Raspberry: yup /dev/lircd is there
[07:22:08] Raspberry: which has been the only driver that's ever been there — even when it worked with the WinTV-PVR-150
[07:22:19] Raspberry: s/driver/device
[07:22:33] Raspberry: but even irw hasn't been working
[07:22:45] Raspberry: since I swapped the usb receivers
[07:23:55] juski: maybe the ir codes have changed. does mode2 do anything?
[07:24:49] Raspberry: ... mode2 -d /dev/lircd  ?
[07:24:55] robbins876_: any of you guys played bioshock yet?
[07:25:26] Raspberry: mode2: error opening /dev/lircd
[07:25:40] Raspberry: i suppose I should find what "event" it's connected to, eh?
[07:26:05] blergit (blergit! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:26:24] Raspberry: it still doesn't show it connected to a driver under /proc/bus/usb/devices
[07:27:05] betolley (betolley!n=betolley@ has quit ()
[07:27:52] storyma1 (storyma1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[07:30:38] Raspberry: hmm
[07:30:40] Raspberry: any thoughts?
[07:31:47] mycroes (mycroes! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:34:16] kash`` (kash``!n=kash@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:35:36] kash``: robbins876_: it's still downloading.
[07:35:45] kash (kash!n=kash@ has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[07:35:46] kash`` is now known as kash
[07:35:54] robbins876_: kash, for xbox360 or PC?
[07:36:34] kash: PC
[07:36:54] robbins876_: it's the best game i've ever played, not including starcraft
[07:38:04] juski: Raspberry: I dunno if it should even be connected to any "event" – not dealt with any usb lirc devices before
[07:40:55] Raspberry: k
[07:41:21] Raspberry: well I'm going to plug the old USB receiver in — restart lirc and see if it just works
[07:41:35] Raspberry: I guess that would limit our issues
[07:48:38] kash: s/our/your
[07:49:38] Guest11413 (Guest11413! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:52:49] pretender (pretender! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:54:11] pretender: i have a mythtv install on ubuntu that the sound is stuttering or choppy on . . . sound+choppy for more info can anyoene help
[08:01:07] pretender (pretender! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[08:01:11] juski: pretender: tried playing with the various audio..
[08:01:17] juski: you impatient bast..
[08:03:15] pretender_ (pretender_! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:04:13] juski: pretender: tried playing with the various audio bufferring settings in mythfrontend?
[08:04:48] pretender_: a little can you recommend any
[08:05:00] juski: there's 'use agressive audio bufferring' within 'general' in the settings menus, also some options in the tv playback settings menus
[08:05:02] mycroes (mycroes! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[08:06:28] juski: if you use xvmc but can get by without it, try not using it
[08:08:31] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:08:55] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (No route to host)
[08:08:58] pretender_: tried that. just a note i have also tried knoppmyth incase i am installing mythtv wrong and it does the same thing does this shed any light on the problem
[08:10:05] mycroes (mycroes! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:10:14] juski: no it doesn't ;)
[08:10:30] juski: what's the capture source?
[08:10:52] pretender_: hauppage pvr150 Tuner
[08:12:22] juski: CPU / RAM ? I know you have a nvidia card & are using the binary drivers you said
[08:13:29] pretender_: Sempron 3000+ 512 RAM how can i tell what drivers im using for the video card
[08:14:02] juski: pretender_: if you haven't knowingly installed the nvidia drivers, as opposed to just running with what ubuntu comes with, then you ain't using the binary ones
[08:14:50] juski: a cpu like that shouldn't have any problems eating mpeg2
[08:15:23] pretender_: i now im running the restricted driver in ubuntu. How do i install the binary
[08:15:35] juski: restricted == the binary driver
[08:16:25] pretender_: ok. it looks like playing around with some sound buffering option is my only go
[08:16:25] juski: seriously though that CPU should just eat the video no problem
[08:16:48] pretender_: ok i do have onbaord sound though
[08:16:54] juski: it's likely not a cpu issue – top will likely show that mythtv isn't using that much CPU
[08:17:05] juski: onboard sound is usually ok
[08:17:37] juski: does the box play mpeg2 from the tuner card outside of mythtv alright? i.e. the mplayer /dev/video0 test ?
[08:18:19] pretender_: how can i play mpeg 2 in mplayer
[08:18:36] juski: just stop mythtv-backend and open a terminal
[08:18:40] juski: then type this:
[08:18:43] juski: mplayer /dev/video0
[08:18:58] pretender_: ok.
[08:20:40] juski: bugger. I can't test #3876.. any netflix users around who use a wide theme?
[08:21:13] juski: anyway – time for breakfast
[08:23:13] flatronf701B (flatronf701B! has quit (Network is unreachable)
[08:25:28] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:35:18] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:39:36] juski: morning gbee. thanks for assigning #3876 to me but I can't test it
[08:40:19] gbee: morning
[08:40:48] juski: it looks sane but I can't see what it does in real terms, not being a US resident with a netflix account ;)
[08:41:00] gbee: juski: I just changed the component to "theme", currently you are setup as the gotodev for that component so it changed automatically
[08:41:08] juski: heh
[08:41:38] juski: well, I guess nothing's irreversible in svn I could just commit the new files
[08:42:08] gbee: I can change the 'owner' of that component back to ijr if you want, or just re-assign that particular ticket
[08:42:51] juski: I'll see what I can do with it myself for now
[08:43:42] juski: if it doesn't crash anything it should be ok
[08:49:52] gbee: that "Latest stable release: 0.20" in the topic is bothering me ;)
[08:51:40] juski: well, the new xml file isn't reporting any missing images, and it didn't make mythfrontend segfault – everyhing looks sane so i think I'll commit the new files
[08:53:55] juski: brings something to light I didn't know about too – namely that blootube-wide doesn't have any watermarks for netflix
[08:57:22] juski: and button_types.txt needs to be updated too
[09:00:19] gbee: chocolates I've bought for my sister's birthday have just arrived, just have to resist eating them before I see her on Monday
[09:00:39] juski: hahaha
[09:00:51] juski: I'm waiting for my razors to come in the post
[09:02:09] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:02:47] mycroes (mycroes! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[09:03:46] gbee: best chocolates I've ever had these, hand-made, amounts to 75p for each one in the box
[09:04:43] juski: sounds like you lost then ;)
[09:05:56] gbee: nah, I discovered them when I was on holiday in the Lakes last year
[09:08:46] juski: oh man how many themes have missing buttondefs for mythflix? :-O
[09:08:48] gbee: I generally wouldn't bother buying such an obvious present as chocolates for my sister, especially not Milk Tray or any of that stuff, but I though these were pretty damn special when I first tried them and as I didn't have any other ideas
[09:10:08] gbee:
[09:10:45] ** gbee goes to put them out of his sight **
[09:11:27] juski: sheesh blue has missing netflix defs too
[09:11:37] juski: this is gonna be a busy commit
[09:12:55] KraMer__ (KraMer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:14:26] KraMer (KraMer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:14:31] mycroes (mycroes! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:19:10] Cry_wolf2 (Cry_wolf2! has joined #Mythtv-users
[09:19:26] juski: arghh! mythflix is missing from Minimalist-wide & Titivillus completely
[09:19:36] juski: and G.A.N.T.
[09:19:43] juski: save those for later I reckon
[09:23:20] pretender_ (pretender_! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[09:28:46] juski: aaand rest.
[09:29:07] juski: not done any commits for weeks, then all these today
[09:30:10] juski: I'll sit down I go through every theme & make a note of all the missing stuff soon, then bump off all the missing icons etc
[09:30:51] juski: I'm surprised nobody has reported this stuff though
[09:32:04] juski: ah. I didn't backport the fixes to minimalist-wide did I?
[09:32:13] juski: the disappearing icons are back
[09:34:27] DustyBin: is juski there?
[09:35:30] juski: where?
[09:35:39] juski: under the stair?
[09:35:44] DustyBin: hi
[09:35:49] juski: morning
[09:36:28] juski: am I here... ffs I've only been prattling on in here to myself for the last 10 minutes
[09:36:37] DustyBin: ive just setup my grabber list, what is that special channel i can pick up?
[09:36:42] DustyBin: channel <- ?
[09:36:50] DustyBin: channel <- ?
[09:36:59] juski: the 1st one
[09:37:05] DustyBin: excellent! :D
[09:37:11] ** DustyBin adds to grabber list **
[09:37:28] drindt (drindt! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:37:56] DustyBin: actually my EIT has already picked that up, but there is no channel information
[09:39:05] drindt: i had problems to add senders in myth-setup i now create a channels.conf with dvbscan to read them in with the channel-scanner but when i do that i see the scan dialog for a half second and later no station is added to my list i cant see anything, can someplease help me with that problem? many thanks
[09:39:10] DustyBin: im unable to find grabber URLs for BBC THREE + BBC FOUR
[09:39:13] juski: mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg -e 'UPDATE program SET description="very mild pr0n you won't find very appealing, every night from 10pm" WHERE chanid="chanidoftelevisionX";'
[09:39:34] juski: DustyBin: BBC THREE ==
[09:39:42] juski: BBC FOUR ==
[09:40:02] juski: the xmltv guys may one day update them to the new names ;)
[09:40:04] DustyBin: drindt: you need to run tv_grab_uk_rt --configure manually
[09:40:44] juski: drindt: scanning in mythtv-setup is much better. see the 'ubuntu' page at
[09:41:14] juski: will somebody PLEASE write a DVB-S howto for the wiki?
[09:41:40] DustyBin: <-- drindt read this
[09:41:50] juski: DustyBin: that's no use for him
[09:42:15] drindt: juski: yes when i can use it and understand then iam willing to write it!!!
[09:42:21] juski: he needs to scan for channels properly ;)
[09:42:41] DustyBin: drindt: dont forget to add channel on the list :D
[09:42:47] juski: and I need to fix minimalist-wide in -fixes
[09:42:55] juski: oh bugger and I've just missed a release
[09:42:57] drindt: juski: i had all variants play through
[09:43:35] drindt: why the hell myth not recognize the entrys in my channels.conf?
[09:44:12] drindt: the scanning dialog is showing for a half second and after i see a empty channellist that cant be!
[09:44:25] mchou (mchou! has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.12.4 :")
[09:44:43] drindt: the funny thing is on the console are shown "invalid symbol rate" i cant remember where is setup this...
[09:47:34] drindt: no one has a suggestion for me?
[09:49:57] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:50:52] Wesker_ (Wesker_!n=wesker@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:51:02] Wesker_: hello!
[09:52:04] Wesker_: i have a problem mythtv telles, when i go to search channels, card fails :( i have an avermedia 771 dvb-t
[09:52:07] drindt: i see on the console "no root device tree node!" what mean this?`
[09:52:15] Wesker_: with kaffeien i see all right
[09:52:38] drindt: Wesker_: you see for a really short time the scanning dialog?
[09:52:45] Wesker_: drindt: no
[09:52:54] drindt: Wesker_: dvbscan works?`
[09:53:02] Wesker_: in mythtv no
[09:53:18] drindt: Wesker_: i mean that scan on console from the linuxtv tolls
[09:53:23] drindt: s/tolls/tools
[09:53:38] Wesker_: mm mythtv can not scaning ?
[09:54:09] drindt: Wesker_: yes, it should, did you manually try to provide a channels.conf?
[09:54:19] Wesker_: no
[09:54:46] drindt: Wesker_: i suggest that you try to provide it by hand
[09:55:21] Wesker_: drindt: in cards configuration what i have to put? because i have no idea
[09:55:34] tank-man (tank-man! has quit ("it's better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6")
[09:55:36] Wesker_: HDdvb ? dvb only ?
[09:55:44] Wesker_: mpeg2 encoder
[09:55:49] Wesker_: it's important ?
[09:56:03] Wesker_: all recognizers right the card
[09:56:27] drindt: Wesker_: i dunno
[09:56:33] Wesker_: ok
[09:56:49] Wesker_: well i gonna to pass manual scan
[09:58:36] drindt: Wesker_: that work?
[10:01:23] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[10:02:10] drindt: in the transponder edit dialog how can i delete the transponder which contains zeros only? delete key doesnt work
[10:02:44] juski: d ?
[10:03:26] drindt: juski: many thanks
[10:03:42] drindt: i cannot scann all known transponders why not?
[10:04:12] juski: because mythtv doesn't know any transponders until you've scanned succesfully
[10:05:21] drindt: i provide under tunded scan my transponder frequency symbolrate and other and in the console i see that he get out that my values are out of range
[10:05:53] drindt: but the values are from the dvbscan tool Astra 19.2E
[10:05:55] juski: ahh this might be a khz vs Hz issue
[10:06:17] juski: I think mythtv wants its values in hz, not khz
[10:06:31] juski: you might need to add 000 to the frequency
[10:06:36] drindt: my freq is 12551500 sr 22000000 fec 5/6 vertical
[10:06:44] drindt: that iam enter there
[10:06:50] drindt: and then i get out of range
[10:07:02] tekny: 'morning EST
[10:07:14] drindt: juski: please please help me!!
[10:07:27] juski: drindt: I don't know very much about DVB-S
[10:07:36] juski: I've never used it with mythtv
[10:07:58] juski: what little I know is already on
[10:08:20] drindt: juski: ok thanks
[10:11:39] DustyBin: juski: after i wrote that config file i copied it to the .xmltv file and now im running mythfilldatabase
[10:11:45] DustyBin: *folder
[10:11:59] DustyBin: bad bit of cast list: Gilly Roach Anthony Quinlan at /usr/bin/tv_grab_uk_rt line 417.
[10:12:09] DustyBin: lots of that error
[10:12:14] DustyBin: 'bad bit of cast list'
[10:12:18] DustyBin: is floating down the screen
[10:12:23] juski: wouldn't worry about that much
[10:12:30] mycroes (mycroes! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[10:12:47] DustyBin: i didnt set any channel IDs, but my EIT has already done that, so im hoping everything will be ok
[10:12:52] juski: ahh fack Minimalist-wide is missing 14 icons
[10:13:20] not2whine (not2whine! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:13:22] juski: for xmltv to work every channel must have an xmltvid
[10:13:37] DustyBin: oh dear..
[10:14:03] DustyBin: hopefully i can set that up after this mythfilldatabase has finished
[10:15:51] drindt: juski: i get this output now: DiSEqCDevTree, Error: No root device tree node! AND DVBChan(0) Error: Tune(): Failed to setup DiSEqC devices do you know what this is?
[10:15:57] DustyBin: this looks promising:
[10:15:59] DustyBin: 2007-08–25 11:15:39.190 Updating icons for sourceid: 1
[10:16:19] juski: drindt: will you just read the guide over at ?
[10:16:42] drindt: juski: i read in that
[10:16:51] drindt: juski: tell me what iam not read :)
[10:16:57] juski: even if you have no diseqc device you have to add the LNB as a single simple LNB as far as I know
[10:17:20] foxhunt (foxhunt! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:17:23] drindt: juski: how? the card is shown properly in myth
[10:17:54] juski: if you frickin Germans would write documents for how to get stuff to work!!! argghh
[10:17:55] drindt: juski: the cable from the lnb comes here out the wall with a connector
[10:18:21] juski: there are loads of people in .de using mythtv with dvb-s but yet there's no info in the wiki about it
[10:18:24] drindt: juski: when iam get running this why not?
[10:19:00] juski: drindt: in mythtv-setup there is a sub-menu for diseqc devices I think. you need to tell mythtv you have an LNB there
[10:19:06] drindt: juski: then iam the first where is writing it ! but i need help to get running the box here, and understand it, i read a lot of documents and all seeems not aim to my problem
[10:19:52] drindt: juski: i cant remember for such which config i must delete to get back to this? then the setup actually me not ask again which language i speak
[10:20:04] juski: you do not need to delete any config
[10:20:04] drindt: i can remember that the ask me ever i run it
[10:20:12] juski: I think the option is in input connections
[10:20:45] juski: ah. it's not there. it's in the capture card setup page
[10:21:49] juski: in the capture card setup menu there is a button marked 'DiSEqC'
[10:22:04] juski: I think you need to tell myth about the LNB there
[10:22:16] drindt: juski: on this section i see "unconnected" but dvbscan works fine the card is definitly connected
[10:22:51] juski: well, that's it from me. I really don't know what you're doing wrong
[10:23:03] juski: you can try asking in #mythtv-de
[10:23:15] juski: or search the forums at in the German section
[10:23:28] juski: if I had DVB-S I'd be able to help more
[10:23:40] SlySir (SlySir! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:23:41] drindt: juski: thanks for your support i will contact you for the wiki details soon ok?
[10:23:46] juski: sure
[10:23:48] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:23:56] DustyBin: my friend has a big sat dish and he can move it from east to west
[10:24:12] juski: when there's a howto guide written, you'll be saving users like yourself from this pain :D
[10:24:26] drindt: juski: possible :)
[10:24:55] juski: we get people here from .de all the time asking for help with dvb-s and nobody can help them here, generally
[10:25:45] drindt: juski: if i solve then yes iam stay then here and help :)
[10:25:56] DustyBin: Data refresh needed because only 0 out of 0 channels have at least one program listed for day @ offset 9 from 8PM – midnight. Previous day had 28 channels with data in that time period.
[10:26:02] DustyBin: :-S
[10:27:54] DustyBin: Refreshing data for Tue Sep 4 2007
[10:28:01] DustyBin: its slowly getting there
[10:28:24] juski: woo my razors got here at last. 430 gillette mach3 blades for under £30
[10:28:27] juski: *40 even
[10:28:49] drindt: juski: i send you a hughe box if i solve the problem now :)
[10:28:51] juski:
[10:29:02] DustyBin: are you a tad on the hairy side
[10:29:05] juski: heh. I have a 'donate' button on my website
[10:29:19] juski: no, just hate paying supermarket prices for them
[10:29:31] drindt: juski: or better to send you a big cube of wax :D
[10:29:48] DustyBin: oh dear
[10:29:55] juski: for my surfboard? great! the surf's amazing in manchester
[10:30:01] DustyBin: im running mythfilldatabase but my backend is not running
[10:30:10] drindt: juski: no just for hair removing :
[10:30:12] juski: DustyBin: doesn't matter
[10:30:16] juski: drindt: lol
[10:30:31] juski: nah I come here for the pain I need in life
[10:30:44] drindt: juski: just kidding a bit to shrink my annoying level
[10:31:37] DustyBin: xmltv looks like it has worked but all the channels are in the wrong order
[10:31:46] juski: heh. you're not annoying. I find the fact there are no wiki pages about dvb-s setup annoying
[10:32:05] drindt: juski: the unsopported harhar iam a stupid poor guy, i simply press enter and setup lnb :)
[10:32:15] DustyBin: the ratings are now back on the movies :D
[10:33:10] DustyBin: juski: i think EIT and XMLTV can mix, my EIT radio stations are still there
[10:33:28] DustyBin: maybe i need to now turn off EIT scanning to stop it overwriting
[10:33:39] DustyBin: one EIT scan for the radio then off
[10:34:14] juski: DustyBin: just uncheck 'useonairguide' for channels you no longer want/need EIT for in the channel editor – in mythweb is easiest
[10:34:27] DustyBin: ok ill do it now
[10:36:03] juski: click save at the bottom for the changes to take effect though
[10:37:55] drindt: juski: you receive my messages?
[10:39:04] juski: drindt: only just. you should keep things in-channel. just sign up for a wiki account at
[10:39:12] DustyBin: 2007-08–25 11:36:03.703 mythfilldatabase run complete.
[10:39:40] DustyBin: theres far more channel information now
[10:40:41] DustyBin: all the channels contain the correct data, the only problem is the channel order, im sure i can re-order them in the channel editor
[10:41:55] DustyBin: the sourceid for the XMLTV + EIT list is set to 1, ive turned off the 'useronairguide' for the XMLTV channels and left it on for the radio channels
[10:44:47] juski: what's wrong with the channel order? wrong guide data for the channels or just the actual order they're listed in?
[10:46:42] DustyBin: i like BBC1 to be on Channel 1 and BBC2 to be on Channel 2
[10:46:48] DustyBin: ITV on Channel 3
[10:46:53] DustyBin: and Channel 4 on 4
[10:46:58] DustyBin: and so on..
[10:47:06] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:47:15] DustyBin: but more importantly, how do i get television X working :D
[10:47:22] DustyBin: im in mythtv setup
[10:47:33] DustyBin: in the channel editor
[10:47:35] kabtoffe: What mysql command will empty all the program listings in the database?
[10:47:37] juski: easy to fix. just change the 'number' field, taking care that you don't end up with duplicate numbers
[10:48:02] DustyBin: im looking at the channel list and there are doubles of some of my channels
[10:49:24] DustyBin: i can see the problem
[10:49:41] DustyBin: when i first run EIT scan it created a channel list, when i run XMLTV it also created another list
[10:49:59] DustyBin: i should of deleted the original EIT channels to start off with before i run mythfilldatabase
[10:50:21] DustyBin: i think ill delete all and start again fresh
[10:53:14] juski: kabtoffe: maybe something like DELETE * FROM program; YMMV
[10:55:06] kabtoffe: juski: doesn't work :( says error in syntax. SELECT * FROM program; works thouh...
[10:55:49] juski: ah maybe DELETE FROM program; then – but it might also need a WHERE clause
[10:55:55] juski: or even TRUNCATE program;
[10:56:02] juski: but don't take my word as gospel
[10:56:15] juski: and only ever do such things if you have a backup of the database
[10:56:32] juski: you should always backup your database regularly anyway
[10:57:04] tekny: always backup regularly
[10:57:31] tekny: brain!
[10:58:36] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:58:45] kabtoffe: juski: It had faulty listings with dates in 2038
[10:58:56] kabtoffe: DELETE FROM program; worked. Thanks.
[10:59:04] juski: kabtoffe: that's a problem with EIT
[10:59:21] kabtoffe: juski: I see
[10:59:29] MrSassyPants (MrSassyPants! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:59:35] MrSassyPants: how can I clear the epg data?
[10:59:38] kabtoffe: I use a mix of xmltv and eit
[10:59:46] juski: kabtoffe: you can do DELETE FROM program WHERE STARTTIME > ...
[11:00:12] kabtoffe: juski: Yeah. But what to put instead of ...
[11:00:20] kabtoffe: I thought about that
[11:00:32] juski: currentdate + 2 months worked for me
[11:01:22] kabtoffe: juski: ok. I'll write that down somewhere for future reference.
[11:01:39] kabtoffe: Maybe someone could put that in the wiki... ;)
[11:02:32] MrSassyPants: I think the epg data is corrupted. how can I fix it?
[11:02:50] juski: MrSassyPants: what makes you think it's corrupted?
[11:03:12] MrSassyPants: juski, I can no longer update it
[11:03:32] Nixus_Maximus (Nixus_Maximus! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:58] tekny: MrSassy; maybe you account has expired. Check the logs.
[11:03:59] DustyBin: rule no.1 do not put spaces in the name of your GRABBER
[11:04:04] juski: MrSassyPants: mysql -u$user -p$password mythconverg -e "DELETE FROM program;" will wipe out the whole of the EPG data. use at your own risk
[11:04:58] MrSassyPants: is that right?
[11:05:12] juski: and if you think any database table is corrupt, you should run mysqlcheck
[11:05:34] foxhunt (foxhunt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:05:51] juski: MrSassyPants: would I deliberately give you wrong information? I don't hate you that much ;)
[11:06:01] foxhunt (foxhunt! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:06:30] MrSassyPants: juski, well I still can't update it :/
[11:06:51] juski: so that isn't your problem, and now you have no EPG data :-P
[11:07:05] MrSassyPants: exactly :D
[11:08:11] juski: what does mythfilldatabase report?
[11:08:25] MrSassyPants: 2007-08–25 13:08:19.245 Adjusting program database end times.
[11:08:25] MrSassyPants: 2007-08–25 13:08:19.246 0 replacements made
[11:08:42] MrSassyPants: hmm that line wasn't relevant
[11:08:45] MrSassyPants: since its empty
[11:08:51] MrSassyPants: basically mythfilldb is done in a second
[11:08:58] MrSassyPants: when it used to take almost a minute
[11:09:07] MrSassyPants: (the file's about 2mb in size)
[11:09:58] MrSassyPants: <- like this
[11:11:23] ** jarle has had mythfilldatase running non-stop for 46 hours now(!), Maybe time for more CPU/RAM for the backend? **
[11:14:16] drindt (drindt! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[11:15:35] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:18:08] MrSassyPants: juski, any ideas?
[11:18:20] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:19:04] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:19:36] foxhunt (foxhunt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:20:04] DustyBin: MrSassyPants: edit you /home/mythtv/.xmltv/config file and cut down on your channels your grabbing data for
[11:21:07] MrSassyPants: .xmltv/config ?
[11:21:26] MrSassyPants: I don't have such a folder nor file
[11:21:42] DustyBin: tv_grab_uk_rt.conf
[11:21:51] DustyBin: ok so your not in uk
[11:21:54] MrSassyPants: what program is that
[11:22:10] DustyBin: in uk things are done differently
[11:22:37] not2whine: "INIT: ID "C7" respawning too fast: Disable for 5 minutes."
[11:23:05] not2whine: This is the warning I get during an initial boot of Knoppmyth
[11:23:29] not2whine: any hints as to what this is trying to tell me?
[11:25:14] DustyBin: its trying to tell you, "dont use me, use another distro like debian or fedora"
[11:26:17] GroteBozeWolf (GroteBozeWolf! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:26:21] GroteBozeWolf: hi all
[11:26:47] MrSassyPants: hmm I think I may have found the issue
[11:27:02] not2whine: Oddly a can use the Knoppmyth live cd to run the same machine as a remote Frontend
[11:27:19] MrSassyPants: nxtvegp uses different providers and they use different, conflicting data
[11:27:32] GroteBozeWolf: I'm one of the guys with a sound issue as well, but i searched through the mailing list and trough other sites.. but couldn't find a solution. I also tried to install it on 2 pc's. Same issue.
[11:29:13] GroteBozeWolf: both pc's have a sb live and an internal soundcard on the mobo. On both pc's i made Live the first soundcard.
[11:30:00] GroteBozeWolf: i also connected the internal cable to aux in. I can hear sound when i do not mute the aux-in channel, but (offcourse), that sound is out of sync...
[11:30:38] GroteBozeWolf: for some reason it won't mix the aux-in channel to the video
[11:31:18] GroteBozeWolf: and yes, i set capture to the aux-in :)
[11:32:46] GroteBozeWolf: and my card is a pinnacle pctv rave. (software encoding).
[11:33:40] jarle (jarle! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:39:11] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:39:16] not2whine: GroteBozeWolf: I'll start with the obvious questions: How well do the machines playa CD? Is the internal mobo disabled in bios?
[11:40:02] GroteBozeWolf: Never tried to play a cd with it.
[11:40:24] GroteBozeWolf: the internal mobo soundcard is not disabled. tried that, but ubuntu still discovers the soundcard
[11:40:47] GroteBozeWolf: do you suggest to play a cd, connect the internal cd soundcable to the aux-in and see what happens?
[11:41:03] GroteBozeWolf: instead of the tv card cable?
[11:43:56] not2whine: Not yet. First I'd try to get a cd to play straight from the onboard sound.
[11:44:17] jarle (jarle! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:45:56] GroteBozeWolf: ok, why not via the sb live?
[11:46:06] not2whine: Then I would do one of two things: use the onboard sound or set about using the SB LIve exclussively (make certain that the onboard is disabled).
[11:46:52] GroteBozeWolf: i made sblive /dev/dsp instead of /dev/dsp1. onboard is /dev/dsp1 now.
[11:47:00] GroteBozeWolf: same for the mixer
[11:48:12] juski: not2whine: there's a #knoppmyth channel you know
[11:48:39] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:48:41] GroteBozeWolf: anyways, first i'll try to play a cd on the sb live.
[11:49:05] Guest11413 (Guest11413! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:49:35] not2whine: Juski: Thanks I'll try that channel.
[11:49:51] juski: there's a lesson to be learned here folks, don't use framegrabber cards!
[11:51:18] splAt1 (splAt1! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:51:22] DustyBin: i just updated my channel information with the new script, it worked wonderfully
[11:51:27] DustyBin: icon
[11:51:32] not2whine: GroteBozeWolf: I'd start there an build on success.
[11:51:57] GroteBozeWolf: ok
[11:52:02] not2whine (not2whine! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[11:52:06] juski: GroteBozeWolf: did you use udev or module blacklisting to set the soundcard devices?
[11:52:12] GroteBozeWolf: nope
[11:52:24] juski: if you didn't use either of them they might switch when you reboot
[11:52:27] GroteBozeWolf: alsaconf list or something. aconf
[11:52:30] juski: ah ok
[11:52:34] GroteBozeWolf: and i rebooted
[11:52:39] DustyBin: juski: in mythweb, are you channels and icons centre justified on the listing?
[11:52:48] juski: DustyBin: dunno I'll look
[11:52:53] DustyBin: i think they should be left justified to make them look neater
[11:53:14] DustyBin: ill show u a screen grab
[11:53:25] juski: the icons are right justified
[11:53:30] GroteBozeWolf: juski: i hear sound from the cd
[11:53:30] not2whine (not2whine! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:53:33] juski: the channel names are centered
[11:53:53] GroteBozeWolf: it works fine on cd in. which i expected. Also the sound from the tuner works on aux-in, if i unmute it
[11:54:15] juski: GroteBozeWolf: let's recap., if you unmute the mixer channel, you hear audio but it's out of sync (of course)
[11:54:43] juski: if you set the recording channel in the mixer to be the channel you have the tuner audio plugged into, you hear no audio in mythtv ?
[11:55:09] juski: and myth is set to record audio from the right soundcard?
[11:55:19] Cry_wolf2 (Cry_wolf2! has quit ()
[11:55:25] GroteBozeWolf: yep
[11:55:46] juski: but if you set the mixer's record path to use a different input you hear audio in mythtv?
[11:56:07] juski: (not the *right* audio obviously)
[11:57:12] DustyBin: . . . 24_scrot.png
[11:58:00] juski: DustyBin: you using svn?
[11:58:25] DustyBin: yes
[11:58:25] splAt1 (splAt1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:58:41] GroteBozeWolf: euhm, wait a sec juski
[11:59:12] GroteBozeWolf: i have to connect some cables, to get the tv singal.
[12:01:29] GroteBozeWolf: the situation i was talking about was yesterday, appearently. I have to get the out-of-sync signal back first.
[12:02:40] GroteBozeWolf: ok, it works again. Got the sound from my tv card, with aux-in unmuted.
[12:02:56] GroteBozeWolf: so to answer your mixer record path questions.
[12:03:02] Yggdrasil (Yggdrasil!n=Son_Of_O@unaffiliated/yggdrasil) has quit (Connection timed out)
[12:03:12] juski: if the record channel is set to aux-in and mythtv is set to use the correct soundcard, it should just work
[12:03:16] MrSassyPants: no, deleting nxtvepg's db and recreating it from scratch didn't help either, mythfilldatabase refuses to feed the xml file properly to the db
[12:03:34] GroteBozeWolf: yeah, that's what i thought as well juski
[12:03:35] MrSassyPants: So, what else could cause this
[12:04:19] juski: MrSassyPants: the xmltv D2D changed a little while ago, maybe myth is more up to date than nxtvepg
[12:04:40] MrSassyPants: juski, myth ate the xml files just two days ago
[12:04:44] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:04:46] juski: dunno then
[12:05:04] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:05:04] MrSassyPants: and nxtvepg allows me to select either the 0.5 or 0.6 revision of the xmltv dtd
[12:05:08] GroteBozeWolf: maybe i did something wrong in mythtv's configuration screen
[12:05:19] GroteBozeWolf: you know, where to configure sound and stuff.
[12:05:40] GroteBozeWolf: fyi: i set capture to the aux channel with alsasound -V all
[12:05:49] juski: GroteBozeWolf: if you changed a setting while the backend is running, the change will not be read until you restart mythbackend
[12:05:57] splAt1 (splAt1! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:06:03] juski: GroteBozeWolf: use alsamixer or the GUI mixer your desktop provides
[12:06:04] GroteBozeWolf: i also have a channel called capture
[12:06:24] GroteBozeWolf: ah, so after every setting-change i have to restart the backend?
[12:06:31] GroteBozeWolf: that might be the solution
[12:06:36] juski: after every setting change in mythtv-setup yes
[12:07:00] juski: especially changes to the capture setup
[12:07:41] juski:
[12:08:02] GroteBozeWolf: ah, no i didn't use mythtv-setup. (didn't run that, when i do that) I just watch tv, hit esc, and then go to configure, then to utilities/setup -> setup -> general
[12:08:28] juski: GroteBozeWolf: to set the audio device to use for grabbing sound in mythtv you have to use mythtv-setup
[12:08:39] GroteBozeWolf: ah ok
[12:08:42] juski: tell it the right device in there
[12:08:45] juski: the docs go over this
[12:09:23] DustyBin: ok, now for the important but, how can i get television x working?
[12:09:26] GroteBozeWolf: thought i followd the docs as good as possible.. What does the other utilities/setup do then?
[12:09:27] DustyBin: *bit
[12:09:39] juski: GroteBozeWolf: sets up the frontend, nothing more
[12:10:13] juski: DustyBin: it won't work now cos it's off the air. just make sure interactive TV is turned off in tv playback settings
[12:10:58] juski: and now I know there's a hole in the docs where they should tell you how to configure a framegrabber properly
[12:11:03] juski: bah
[12:11:28] janneg: is someone running Fedore Core 6 in here? if yes a copy of /usr/include/faad.h would be helpful. the faad version would be interesting too
[12:11:38] GroteBozeWolf: ah ok juski. i'm running mythtv-setup now.
[12:11:49] juski: GroteBozeWolf: stop the backend first
[12:11:50] DustyBin: ok ive turned off interactive tv, do i need some kind of code to unencrypt televsion x?
[12:11:59] juski: DustyBin: it's not encrypted
[12:12:09] DustyBin: excellent
[12:12:20] AndyCap: janneg: I don't think fedora core has faad so that would depend entirely on what 3rd party repos you use
[12:13:31] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:15:08] ** juski goes to do a spot of shopping **
[12:16:21] GroteBozeWolf: juski: it asks if it should stop the backend
[12:16:27] GroteBozeWolf: if it doesn't work i'll do it myself.
[12:16:31] GroteBozeWolf: thanks for the help so far!
[12:22:23] GroteBozeWolf: still no result..
[12:23:09] MrSassyPants: <- like this
[12:23:15] MrSassyPants: What could be causing this?
[12:25:24] janneg: AndyCap: I don't use fedora. I just want to fix a compile error in mythmusic
[12:28:37] AndyCap: janneg: doesn't change the fact that it depends on what 3rd party repo the one compiling is using
[12:29:18] tekny: argh.. the dawn webpage is hiding my menubar in firefox..
[12:29:29] MrSassyPants: alright, is there some other way to get an epg .xmltv file?
[12:29:36] tekny: not mythtv related but annoying
[12:29:41] MrSassyPants: I'm having "TV Browser 2.5.3" in front of me
[12:29:48] MrSassyPants: it appears to download the data from the internet
[12:29:51] AndyCap: janneg:
[12:30:05] MrSassyPants: maybe with some hax0ring this data could be imported into myth
[12:30:27] janneg: AndyCap: got the atrpms packet, which is broken
[12:34:23] dbatt (dbatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:40:10] DustyBin: does anybody know what the UK grabber URL is for ITV 1 ?
[12:40:34] not2whine: GroteBozeWolf: Rats, I thought you were on to it there. How are you capturing video?
[12:41:14] Yggdrasil (Yggdrasil!n=Son_Of_O@unaffiliated/yggdrasil) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:41:21] GroteBozeWolf: not2whine:euhm
[12:41:22] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[12:41:35] GroteBozeWolf: pinnacle pctv rave, with v4l
[12:42:39] Nixus_Maximus (Nixus_Maximus! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:43:02] GroteBozeWolf: maybe you can help my out with running mythtv-setup
[12:43:15] GroteBozeWolf: i might do s/t worng there
[12:44:46] GroteBozeWolf: so i go to capture card setup
[12:45:02] GroteBozeWolf: card type: v4l capture card
[12:45:16] not2whine: mythtv-setup can be tricky. I've never done what you are trying.
[12:45:22] GroteBozeWolf: video device etc... is ok, then there's an option sound device
[12:45:32] d00gster (d00gster! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:45:35] GroteBozeWolf: erh audio device
[12:45:39] GroteBozeWolf: that's set to /dev/dsp
[12:47:09] not2whine: GroteBozeWolf: sounds right so far.
[12:47:23] GroteBozeWolf: yep
[12:47:29] GroteBozeWolf: then there's an optio with sample rate
[12:47:35] GroteBozeWolf: was set to none, i set it to 44100
[12:47:50] GroteBozeWolf: and an option to not alter the volume of the soundcard. left that empty
[12:48:12] not2whine: I'm looking at a picture of the Pinnacle Rave. I don't see a sound out there — correct?
[12:48:30] GroteBozeWolf: yes there is one, maybe not on the back of the card
[12:48:36] GroteBozeWolf: but internal there's a sound out
[12:48:42] GroteBozeWolf: i do hear sound, when i unmute aux-in
[12:49:25] GroteBozeWolf: when this doesn't work i'm at the point to remove the sb live. and reinstall the shizzle with the onboard soundcard only. To see if that works
[12:49:36] not2whine: Now that I look closer, perhaps there is a sound out port
[12:49:54] not2whine: Perhaps you need to jumper it to your sound card?
[12:53:57] GroteBozeWolf: i hear sound through the soundcard, when i unmute aux-in
[12:54:14] GroteBozeWolf: but that's like the cd player. it's not mixed with the software
[12:54:24] GroteBozeWolf: so that's out of sync
[12:54:39] GroteBozeWolf: i might try to route the sound from the back of the card with 2 minijacks
[12:55:55] GroteBozeWolf: OR
[12:56:02] GroteBozeWolf: the alsadriver has a bug
[12:56:54] GroteBozeWolf: i followed the ubuntu guide btw
[12:57:40] not2whine: "two mini-jacks" — hmmm I don't think I'm looking at a picture of the right Pinnacle card.
[13:00:21] not2whine: I'm seeing a coax, a composite, a s-video, and a fourth port which looks to be audio (in or out) I can't tell.
[13:01:29] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:01:38] GroteBozeWolf: ehm
[13:02:23] GroteBozeWolf: FM, TV, audio out, comp, svideo
[13:03:06] GroteBozeWolf: it's an old card. 6 to 7 yrs old
[13:03:20] GroteBozeWolf: but the sound from the card does work
[13:03:28] GroteBozeWolf: so that's not the problem
[13:03:37] GroteBozeWolf: the soundcard recieves audio from it
[13:05:39] not2whine: it receives sound via the mobo, processor, etc. Wouldn't the system latency cause the sound to be out of sync?
[13:06:39] GroteBozeWolf: the cable is like the cd player, connected from the tv card, to the snd card.
[13:06:46] GroteBozeWolf: so if you unmute the line in from the snd card
[13:06:52] GroteBozeWolf: it just 'hardware mixes it
[13:07:22] GroteBozeWolf: problem is, the sound is not recorded(or played at the right output?) by myth tv.
[13:07:59] GroteBozeWolf: and mytthv plays it's own recording if you watch live tv
[13:08:09] GroteBozeWolf: that's causing the ~2 seconds delay
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[13:10:13] not2whine: Ah, that helps me to understand your problem, but not to help solve it.
[13:10:39] GroteBozeWolf: it's really weird..
[13:10:53] GroteBozeWolf: and again i'm unique ;) but this time technically :P
[13:11:30] GroteBozeWolf: i'll try to download a recording from var/lib/recordings
[13:12:05] not2whine: The sound is precedes the video. The sound is playing directly as it is received whereas the video is buffered (for freeze, rewind, etc.)
[13:12:26] not2whine: * oops the sound precedes...
[13:12:39] GroteBozeWolf: ah yes indeed
[13:14:13] GroteBozeWolf: i'm downloading a recording now.. to my laptop
[13:14:19] GroteBozeWolf: mebbeh i hear sound there
[13:14:43] fryfrog: GroteBozeWolf: you need to set line in to "capture" device, then *mute* it
[13:14:56] GroteBozeWolf: fryfrog: old news :)
[13:15:01] fryfrog: ah
[13:15:26] GroteBozeWolf: problem is not that i hear sound live and buffered at the same time, but i hear it only live.
[13:15:40] GroteBozeWolf: and i set it to capture.
[13:15:54] GroteBozeWolf: i also set every channel to 80%... to see what hapepns. nothing.
[13:16:10] GroteBozeWolf: i have a channel called capture as well.
[13:16:17] fryfrog: normally, when people forget to set to capture *and* mute, you would only hear live sound
[13:16:28] fryfrog: it sounds like the setting to "capture" device is failing
[13:16:55] GroteBozeWolf: ah ok
[13:16:57] fryfrog: how are you actually setting that? on my system, back when I tried it... i would fire up "alsamixergui" I think
[13:17:01] fryfrog: and hit the space bar?
[13:17:06] GroteBozeWolf: alsamixer
[13:17:08] GroteBozeWolf: not gui
[13:17:10] fryfrog: and it would put some red text that says "captur" on it
[13:17:13] GroteBozeWolf: yep hit space bar
[13:17:16] GroteBozeWolf: yep
[13:17:25] fryfrog: it is an ncurses interface?
[13:17:30] GroteBozeWolf: yup
[13:17:36] GroteBozeWolf: nc like at least.
[13:17:38] fryfrog: k, that was what i used too
[13:17:49] fryfrog: so what about this weird "capture" channel?
[13:17:53] fryfrog: you tried messing with it?
[13:18:09] fryfrog: of course, the *real* easy solution is to get a hardware mpeg2 card (if you are doing analog cable?)
[13:18:12] GroteBozeWolf: prff. probably. i tried so many things. :) i can try it again.
[13:18:28] GroteBozeWolf: yeah fryfrog, but i want to see if it works first. before buying a card like that
[13:18:39] fryfrog: have you tried poking around on alsa's website for your sound card, maybe it has its own weird gotchas?
[13:18:59] fryfrog: yeah, that is why i used a couple of bttv cards when i first played with myth :)
[13:19:09] GroteBozeWolf: using spare hardware for projects like this is stupid. but i'm a poor student :)
[13:19:26] fryfrog: my first myth was a p3 500 w/ 128mb ram and 1x bttv card
[13:19:30] fryfrog: it looked and ran like ass
[13:19:30] GroteBozeWolf: ouch
[13:19:32] fryfrog: but it worked :)
[13:19:38] fryfrog: did you try using the btaudio driver?
[13:19:43] fryfrog: wait, is this a bttv based card?
[13:19:44] GroteBozeWolf: this one is a amd 1500+, 512 mb
[13:19:50] GroteBozeWolf: yes, pinaccle is bttv
[13:19:58] fryfrog: you try the btaudio then?
[13:20:08] GroteBozeWolf: video works
[13:20:08] fryfrog: *some* of those cards had a working, built in audio device
[13:20:18] fryfrog: so you don't have to use the passthrough
[13:20:28] GroteBozeWolf: ah ok
[13:20:33] GroteBozeWolf: let's see what dmesg tells me
[13:20:35] fryfrog: most cards either don't have it or it isn't wired in, so your chances are slimt
[13:20:38] fryfrog: slim
[13:20:40] fryfrog: but worth a try
[13:20:55] GroteBozeWolf: mediacenter@mediacenter:~$ dmesg |grep -i aud
[13:20:55] GroteBozeWolf: [ 20.457911] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[13:20:55] GroteBozeWolf: [ 20.457933] audit(1188043284.744:1): initialized
[13:20:55] GroteBozeWolf: [ 33.809367] bt878: AUDIO driver version 0.0.0 loaded
[13:20:55] GroteBozeWolf: [ 33.809430] bt878: Bt878 AUDIO function found (0).
[13:21:05] fryfrog: the worst is the ones that *have* it, but it isn't wired up... so "modprobe btaudio" finds it, but you never get anything out of it
[13:21:12] fryfrog: "lsmod | grep btaudio"?
[13:21:15] fryfrog: is it loaded?
[13:21:29] GroteBozeWolf: nope
[13:21:44] fryfrog: "modprobe btaudio && dmesg | tail"
[13:21:49] fryfrog: don't paste it here, use
[13:22:37] GroteBozeWolf: dps2 and dsp3 registerd
[13:22:43] GroteBozeWolf: mixer2 as well
[13:22:44] GroteBozeWolf: AARGH
[13:22:45] fryfrog: spiffy
[13:22:46] GroteBozeWolf: :) more mixers
[13:22:53] fryfrog: point myth to that dsp2 maybe
[13:22:56] fryfrog: well
[13:22:57] fryfrog: first
[13:23:02] GroteBozeWolf: g'z
[13:23:12] GroteBozeWolf: who would have thought that
[13:23:22] fryfrog: yeah, point myth to it... i can't think of any way to actually test it
[13:23:30] fryfrog: maybe xawtv has an audio device option?
[13:23:34] fryfrog: or tvtime?
[13:23:37] GroteBozeWolf: front end or back end? myth-setup?
[13:23:47] fryfrog: stop be, run mythtv-setup
[13:23:50] fryfrog: ummm
[13:23:59] GroteBozeWolf: dsp3 is analog, will try that, dsp2 is digital
[13:24:01] Zombie (Zombie! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:24:06] fryfrog: on the bttv card's setup page, there should be an "auido device" to use right?
[13:24:09] GroteBozeWolf: lol, i think that digital doesn't exist physically
[13:24:12] GroteBozeWolf: yup
[13:24:21] fryfrog: sure, try dsp3 first
[13:24:25] fryfrog: if it don't work, could try dsp2
[13:24:27] Zombie: Does anyone else have the issue of silent audio on MythTV?
[13:24:43] fryfrog: i think the chances of it working are pretty slim, unfortunatly :(
[13:25:47] Zombie: 0:0c.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1) I have one of these.
[13:26:02] GroteBozeWolf: should i set sample ratelimit?
[13:26:06] GroteBozeWolf: or just leave it to none
[13:26:17] Zombie: It runs a special propietary cable to my Line in port.
[13:26:37] Zombie: nBut I get no audio out of it.
[13:26:49] fryfrog: GroteBozeWolf: no idea :(
[13:27:06] dbatt (dbatt! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:27:08] fryfrog: Zombie: is that a framegrabber or hardware mpeg2 card?
[13:27:34] Zombie: Hardware Mpeg2 as far as I know.
[13:27:43] fryfrog: it shouldn't have an audio cable then
[13:27:53] fryfrog: it should be recording audio/video -> mpeg2
[13:28:04] GroteBozeWolf: heh fryfrog: i hear noisy sounds
[13:28:09] fryfrog: i'd try testing the card on its own, outside of myth with what ever tools it... uses
[13:28:11] GroteBozeWolf: def. not the audio frmo the tv
[13:28:17] fryfrog: GroteBozeWolf: blech :(
[13:28:22] fryfrog: you try the other dsp yet?
[13:28:27] Zombie: How do you suggest I do that>
[13:28:27] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:28:28] GroteBozeWolf: will try now
[13:28:29] Zombie: How do you suggest I do that?
[13:28:46] fryfrog: Zombie: sorry, i don't know that card or have one, so i'm not sure. What kind is it?
[13:29:00] hpladds (hpladds! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:18] Zombie: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1)
[13:29:34] fryfrog: Zombie: i saw *that*, but what make/model/brand/etc is the card?
[13:30:27] Zombie: Oh.
[13:30:29] Zombie: Hold on.
[13:30:58] GroteBozeWolf: my pinnacle has philips chips as well
[13:31:22] GroteBozeWolf: fryfrog: dsp2, niente
[13:31:28] GroteBozeWolf: nothing
[13:32:09] Guest11413 (Guest11413! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:32:21] fryfrog: i'm spent :(
[13:32:22] fryfrog: sorry
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[13:34:42] GroteBozeWolf: fryfrog: what where those tv programs?
[13:34:44] GroteBozeWolf: xawtv?
[13:34:59] Zombie: fryfrog: Its an MSI TV Anywhere Plus
[13:35:21] GroteBozeWolf: fryfrog: i would like aminimal tv package
[13:35:21] fryfrog: xawtv and tvtime, two plain old tv viewing programs, good for testing bttv type cards
[13:35:37] GroteBozeWolf: apt-ing xawtv
[13:35:46] fryfrog: Zombie: i'd search the internet for how to use it in genearl in linux, ie does it work with tvtime, mplayer, etc
[13:35:54] GroteBozeWolf: i might post the solution online if i get it to work
[13:36:58] GroteBozeWolf: lol, mplayer doesn't understand .nuv
[13:39:20] hpladds (hpladds! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:40:53] GroteBozeWolf: fryfrog: xawtv doesn't help much. it uses the aux-in hardwaremixing thingie
[13:43:31] GroteBozeWolf: bleh
[13:43:50] GroteBozeWolf: i'll see what i can do next week. Maybe i just buy a hardware mpeg2 card
[13:43:58] GroteBozeWolf: if that mixes the audio as well.
[13:44:24] GroteBozeWolf: or maybe i connect to the digital signal. but i don't know if i need non-pc hardware for that.
[13:44:30] not2whine (not2whine! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:45:01] GroteBozeWolf: anyways, i'm going to behave like pacman at a festival now :)
[13:50:11] GroteBozeWolf: fryfrog: thanks! I might get back later in this channel to gather some info about buying a decent tv card.
[13:50:18] GroteBozeWolf (GroteBozeWolf! has quit ("o o o")
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[14:05:02] mattepiu (mattepiu! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:06:39] mattepiu: I'd like to know what are the impressions about schedulesdirect, any member here?
[14:07:07] GreyFoxx: mattepiu: I've been using it for jsut over a week, works just as seamlessly as zap2it labs did
[14:08:00] mattepiu: GreyFoxx are the prices in-line with the older service? Is that something the linux distros should include by default?
[14:08:26] GreyFoxx: I don't know what you mean by that?
[14:08:40] GreyFoxx: The old service was free, schedules direct isn't :)
[14:09:49] mattepiu: Oh, ok, now I get it... I'm the maintainer of xmltv for a distro and I'd like to understand the situation before bumping this version
[14:10:21] GreyFoxx: oh
[14:10:38] mattepiu: being an italian and a freevo user I needed to come here and do some questions
[14:11:12] GreyFoxx: basically tms decided to no longer support the free zap2it labs service. Both from afinancial standpoint, and because of major internal changes which would have meant a lot of development time upgrading it
[14:11:37] GreyFoxx: that along with violaitons of the free license by commercial companies led to it shutting down
[14:12:28] GreyFoxx: schedules direct was started by admins from several FOSS pvr projects including mythtv, xmltv, gvpvr and others to fill the gap as most of us do not want to go back to screenscraping
[14:12:52] GreyFoxx: It's a non profit who is just looking to cover the cost of the listings, servers/bandwidth etc
[14:13:00] GreyFoxx: so as more people join the price will go down
[14:13:05] TheAsp: Anyone know of an ubuntu repository with 0.20.2 in it?
[14:14:46] mattepiu: GreyFoxx ok, thank you very much. Even if I hate PVRs being an analogic tv user(timeshifting is my ruin), I'll bump this thing and wait for user comments.
[14:15:47] DustyBin: jeeze talk about confusuing.
[14:23:38] janneg: DustyBin: no need for all capitals. but you have to enable EIT in the video source setting. otherwise you wouldn't get EIT data for the radio channels
[14:24:31] DustyBin: shit oh yes
[14:24:38] janneg: but disabling "use on air guide" is sufficient
[14:27:53] DustyBin: ive changed the channel id of ABC1 to 1 but when i click on 1 on mythfrontend, it shows the channel information as ABC1 but it shows BBC1 ?
[14:28:08] DustyBin: the channel frequency of ABC1 says 'abc1' ?
[14:28:52] DustyBin: for some odd reason its still using BBC1 frequency
[14:30:35] Slyboots (Slyboots! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:32:14] bigdissaved: would anyone be able to give me a hand with figurung out a compilation error with the current svn?
[14:32:30] bigdissaved: th full error is at
[14:34:53] rooaus: bigdissaved: Did you do a distclean before the compile?
[14:35:14] bigdissaved: I am doing that right now
[14:36:45] rooaus: I think there has been recent commits that may require a distclean, but I am no expert.
[14:36:59] bigdissaved: yea
[14:45:01] DustyBin: before you install
[14:45:03] DustyBin: updatedb
[14:45:08] DustyBin: locate myth
[14:45:14] DustyBin: and remove everything to do with myth
[14:45:35] DustyBin: apt-get remove --purge myth* does not work
[14:46:08] DustyBin: but do that first ^^
[14:46:16] DustyBin: then do the update db && locate myth
[14:46:26] mattepiu (mattepiu! has left #mythtv-users ("bye")
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[14:50:04] DustyBin: ive re-scanned the channels with Radio Times + EIT
[14:51:09] DustyBin: ive ive created a Radio_Times.xmltv + a duplicate tv_grab_uk_rt.conf with all the channels I want to be grabbed
[14:51:47] DustyBin: now, its time to run mythfilldatabase
[14:58:53] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_!n=Scope@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:59:58] DustyBin: what port does xmltv use to grab the information from the xmltv ID ?
[15:00:11] DustyBin: because i put some of these IDs in my browser and nothing shows
[15:01:09] DustyBin: this is where i get confused
[15:01:13] DustyBin: "The next step is to manually enter each and every single xmltv ID for every channel in MythTV's channel table"
[15:01:16] Wesker_ (Wesker_!n=wesker@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:01:42] DustyBin: when i open mythweb, the xmltv ID already exists on the newly found radio times channels?
[15:01:50] juski: DustyBin: yeah, and the videosource.xmltv file must also contain a list of the same xmltvids in the format "channel $xmltvid"
[15:02:14] DustyBin: it does juski
[15:02:24] juski: the problem I think you're having is that the channels you scanned do not have xmltvids
[15:02:54] DustyBin: my 2 configuration files are exactly the same
[15:03:16] juski: and mythfilldatabase will automatically insert (unusable) channels without numbers into the database which have nothing to do with the scanned channels
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[15:03:45] DustyBin: I have two configuration files what are exactly the same
[15:03:56] DustyBin: one is called Radio_Times.xmltv and thats inside .mythtv
[15:03:58] juski: so what you've got to do is make sure that the channels you originally scanned (the ones with numbers but no xmltvids) have the right xmltvid in the channel table and that no more than those channels are in the xmltv file
[15:04:28] DustyBin: do i do this BEFORE i run mythfilldatabase or after?
[15:05:07] juski: before
[15:05:17] DustyBin: here we go again..
[15:05:18] juski: DVB really complicates stuff
[15:05:23] DustyBin: jeeze tell me about it
[15:05:31] juski: delete any channels which don't have numbers from the channels table
[15:05:32] DustyBin: ive only been doing this since 10am
[15:05:46] juski: then edit the channel table to give the channels you scanned the correct xmltvid
[15:06:10] scopeuk (scopeuk!n=Scope@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[15:06:14] DustyBin: ok first ill do the Radio_Times + EIT Scan again
[15:06:24] DustyBin: then ill look at the channels in mythweb
[15:06:31] juski: then make sure there are no more xmltvids in the radio_times.xmltv file than you have in the channel table
[15:06:50] DustyBin: ok
[15:06:53] juski: my config wizard is needed VERY MUCH
[15:06:59] DustyBin: ill start again
[15:07:03] DustyBin: one step at a time
[15:07:23] juski: you don't need to scan again. you don't need to reconfigure the grabber again
[15:12:07] Esine (Esine! has quit ("Save your souls, install Linux")
[15:13:13] DustyBin: this is what my Radio_Times.xmltv + tv_grab_uk_rt.conf look like, they are both identical
[15:13:23] DustyBin:
[15:14:00] juski: right
[15:14:29] juski: now, you shouldn't have any channels in the channel table which don't have numbers
[15:14:54] juski: put the corresponding xmltvid into the channel table, then you can run mythfilldatabase
[15:15:31] juski: bear in mind that any xmltvids present in the .xmltv file will be inserted into the channel table if a corresponding entry is not found in the channel table
[15:16:16] DustyBin: ok i got mythweb channel info up
[15:16:26] DustyBin: all whats listed is the channels what have been found using EIT
[15:16:36] DustyBin: nothing is showing for xmltv yet as i havent run mythfilldatabase yet
[15:16:43] DustyBin: everything has a number
[15:16:45] juski: so all of them have channel numbers yes?
[15:16:47] juski: good
[15:17:27] juski: now make sure the xmltvids in the .xmltv file are entered into the corresponding place in the channel table
[15:17:30] DustyBin: all the xmltvid boxes are empty, do i need to manually fill these in with the xmltvids used in my configs
[15:17:37] DustyBin: ok
[15:17:54] juski: e.g. in BBC ONE's row, you'd put
[15:17:55] juski: etc
[15:18:04] DustyBin: aye ok
[15:18:20] Eclipsor (Eclipsor! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:18:30] Eclipsor: is there any way to get mythtv to do more than one job at once?
[15:18:38] juski: Eclipsor: yes
[15:18:45] Eclipsor: where is the settingthen? :\
[15:19:15] juski: the same place you enable the running of jobs. the same place you tell mythtv what time jobs are allowed to run
[15:20:34] bigdissaved: I get the same error...
[15:20:35] bigdissaved: main.cpp:(.text+0x424b): undefined reference to `TV::StartTV(ProgramInfo*, bool, bool, bool)'
[15:20:38] bigdissaved: main.cpp:(.text+0x42b6): undefined reference to `ProgramInfo::GetProgramFromBasename(QString)'
[15:20:56] Eclipsor: juski: can I get to it from the frontend?
[15:21:00] bigdissaved: that is after doing svn up, and distclean...
[15:21:17] juski: Eclipsor: it's more amythtv-setup thing
[15:21:25] Eclipsor: ah ok
[15:23:10] hobophobe (hobophobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:23:38] hobophobe: Is it possible to disable upnp support in myth?
[15:23:52] MrSassyPants (MrSassyPants! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:24:13] jams: hobophobe- yes --noupnp
[15:24:15] Eclipsor: maybe I can finally get cracking on that ever lengthening job queue :)
[15:26:41] jonty_ (jonty_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:27:45] hobophobe: Thanks. I kept seeing the ssdp broadcasts in my logs and since I don't need it... :o)
[15:29:12] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:40:21] hobophobe (hobophobe! has quit ("Ommm.......")
[15:41:37] DustyBin: the only xmltvid im missing is the one for 'ITV2+1'
[15:42:00] clever_ (clever_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:43:54] Scopeuk_ is now known as scopeuk
[15:44:38] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:46:13] my2keh: what's everyone use for backup software?
[15:46:25] my2keh: hmm the latest release is 0.20.2
[15:46:29] my2keh: subject needs updating
[15:46:55] |Torg|: tar to my raid5 set, homemade
[15:47:19] my2keh: like I want to upgrade myth
[15:47:39] |Torg|: you mean a backup to a failed install?
[15:47:46] my2keh: I mean backup
[15:47:50] my2keh: my mythtv before I upgrade
[15:47:55] my2keh: so I can reinstall if necessary?
[15:48:02] |Torg|: tar to my raid5 set, and personal package managemnt
[15:48:19] |Torg|: part of the tar backup set (takes most of /etc) is to dump the database
[15:48:35] |Torg|: I also replicate the database to the FE and slave backends
[15:48:44] |Torg|: I compile svn, and create deb packages
[15:48:55] |Torg|: then I install the deb packes and let it run
[15:49:01] my2keh: hmmm
[15:49:09] my2keh: so it's not as simple as backup this directory
[15:49:11] |Torg|: if its a failue I unistall the packages, install the old ones, and restore the database
[15:49:11] my2keh: and ur good to go?
[15:49:12] my2keh: heh
[15:49:35] |Torg|: depends, it could be or myth could go though another protocol upgrae
[15:49:48] |Torg|: it could update the database schema, it could do a bunch of things
[15:50:06] DustyBin: channel <- ITV2+1
[15:50:09] |Torg|: it may simply be a drop and replace for mythbackend or mythfrontend, or it could be a total recompile of the libs
[15:50:16] |Torg|: sorta, kinda, depends
[15:50:23] Zombie: How does one turn up the volume in MythTV?
[15:50:33] bigdissaved: U could install the new one into /opts
[15:50:33] |Torg|: its why I use packages, besides it lets me know what svn revsion I have installed
[15:50:53] |Torg|: ii mythplugins .20–13681 mythplugins
[15:50:53] |Torg|: ii mythtv .20–13681 mythtv
[15:51:15] |Torg|: you can infer from that I have svn revision 16681 installed, the decrtion has that it came from the svn trunk
[15:51:32] |Torg|: and yes, I know 17681 is old, its not broke so I havnt upgraded
[15:51:50] rmeden (rmeden! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:53:56] |Torg|: my2keh what distro do you use
[15:54:13] my2keh: uhh
[15:54:18] my2keh: I use debian I think
[15:54:20] my2keh: Knoppmyth
[15:54:36] |Torg|: can you make deb packages?
[15:54:58] my2keh: uhh i'm sure I could
[15:55:04] my2keh: how I would is another story
[15:55:05] my2keh: heh
[15:55:20] |Torg|: is it still the knoppmyth install pacakges? i.e. do you have about 6 myth packages?
[15:55:26] Zombie: My volume controls are mnute.
[15:55:50] my2keh: uhh I dunno what you mean
[15:55:57] my2keh: I've compiled myth from source before
[15:56:01] |Torg|: Zombie I wouldnt know, I use spdif out to a souuround sound processor. My volume is on it. Try alsamixer
[15:56:15] |Torg|: ok my2keh have you INSTALLED it before?
[15:56:28] Zombie: I can get it turned up in TV Time.
[15:56:39] Zombie: but not MythTV
[15:56:47] my2keh: |Torg| yes, Im running it right now
[15:57:00] |Torg|: did you UNINSTALL the old myth?
[15:57:19] fysa (fysa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:57:24] my2keh: no
[15:58:10] |Torg|: do you stil have the old source you compiled the current myth from?
[15:58:18] my2keh: i don't think so
[15:58:25] my2keh: but to get it would be easy
[15:58:44] |Torg|: your sorta screwed them, you have an olverlayed install with no easy way of backing out or preserving the install base
[15:58:50] |Torg|: do you know what revision it is?
[15:59:31] my2keh: can't I do something like "cp /path/to/myth /path/to/myth-backup"
[15:59:35] my2keh: and the same with the database?
[16:00:00] my2keh: Library API version: 0.20.20060828–3
[16:00:00] my2keh: Source code version: 12354M
[16:00:05] |Torg|: no myth is installed in several places /usr/local/bin /ur/local/lib /usr/local/share
[16:00:11] my2keh: ahh
[16:00:19] my2keh: well i'll just have to cross my fingers then
[16:00:20] my2keh: heh
[16:00:24] |Torg|: *if* you knew all of them probbably
[16:00:30] |Torg|: this is what I would do
[16:00:39] my2keh: i'm sure it won't be that much of a diff
[16:00:55] |Torg|: 1) unstaill all the old knoppmyth stuff, take out the myth .18, .19, .20
[16:01:00] |Torg|: hopefully james is listning
[16:01:14] |Torg|: you will need to force some of them off the box as well, as some are only partially installed
[16:01:29] |Torg|: its a REAL big mess, part of my rant against Knoppmyth
[16:01:37] my2keh: I can't just compile and make install over the current version?
[16:01:40] |Torg|: once that is gone, svn down a new set of code
[16:01:58] |Torg|: instaed of make install run checkinstall
[16:02:10] |Torg|: (and no wise craks about how checkinstall sucks, it WORKS)
[16:02:21] my2keh: is trunk now 0.20.2 ?
[16:02:24] fysa (fysa! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:02:38] |Torg|: you will create two seperate pacges, coresponding with the two parts of the svn one mythtv one mythplugins
[16:02:52] |Torg|: do it wil 0.20 0.20.1 0.20.2, trunk, fixes whatever
[16:03:09] |Torg|: you can even snv -r 12354 if you really want to go backwards
[16:03:25] |Torg|: actallly thats part of your backout plan
[16:04:04] my2keh: yeah
[16:04:08] my2keh: that's what I was thinking
[16:04:11] |Torg|: get the new code, compile it, run checkinstall (you can if you want remove distcc and ccashe caches as checkinstall wants to keep those, I doubt you are using them tho)
[16:04:17] my2keh: svn co the latest version
[16:04:26] my2keh: configure, make make install
[16:04:31] my2keh: if that doesn't work
[16:04:33] |Torg|: then overlay the new deb packed on top of your old install base, thats the sloppy part
[16:04:38] my2keh: check out 12354
[16:04:54] |Torg|: if it all works your great, if it dosnt sop mysql resotre and and svn down revision -12354 and install that
[16:05:15] |Torg|: thats alos sloppy becase unless you are absolutly sure 12354 is what you have it could end up unusable
[16:05:56] |Torg|: its not a process I have documents, its more a process of how I manage differnt revisions
[16:06:16] |Torg|: I dont use package managment to run some autmated mager, but rahter so I can personally track what I have installed
[16:07:00] |Torg|: if you really really get screwed take the databse you dumped, restore just the capturecard, settings, inputs, and disceq stuff and attempt to rebuild the database
[16:07:11] |Torg|: you will need to look for duplicate records however
[16:07:19] |Torg|: any way you do the backout its goign to be messy
[16:07:32] my2keh: backout could just mean blowing away the box
[16:07:33] my2keh: too heh
[16:07:38] jams: anybody in here running .20.x and can check something for me in the settings?
[16:07:49] |Torg|: oh see, jams was listning :P
[16:07:54] |Torg|: sure what do you nee?
[16:08:43] jams: underneath the general settings, are you given the option for "database configuration"
[16:08:49] jams: should be the first two screens
[16:09:06] |Torg|: leme go start it up, ive been editing the datbase directly for some time now
[16:09:17] jams: ok
[16:10:14] jams: just trying to find out how long it's been there.
[16:10:20] jams: need a starting point
[16:11:02] |Torg|: nope, first screen is ip address and seetings for the BE, second is WoL, third is alsa settings
[16:11:11] jams: thanks
[16:11:26] |Torg|: is there something specifci you are looking for?
[16:11:30] DustyBin: its working now juski, thanks for the help
[16:11:47] jams: nope, just making sure it wasn't in .20.x
[16:11:50] DustyBin: mythweb svn now hi-lights the HD channels
[16:12:01] jams: i don't think it belongs there, plus it doesn't fit on the screen
[16:12:19] |Torg|: screen 1 does have the dabase login and type, if thats what you meant
[16:12:40] jams: no it asks for hostname/port/dmname/user/password
[16:12:48] jams: it's an entire screen
[16:12:58] |Torg|: and had a pulldown for db type
[16:13:14] jonty_ (jonty_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:13:24] jams: yeah i know what your describing...thats what was there before this new stuff
[16:13:33] |Torg|: ok :)
[16:13:45] |Torg|: did you see what I was saying about knoppmyth packages?
[16:13:55] jams: now to work backwords and find who did it.
[16:14:04] jams: no i didn't
[16:14:11] jams: just recently?
[16:14:26] |Torg|: yes, related to what I was saying yesterday
[16:14:32] mirak (mirak!n=mirak@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:14:43] |Torg|: essentailly tehre is no easy way to cleaning uninstall mythtv for it to do what my2keh is doing now
[16:15:01] my2keh: i want to upgrade to 0.20.2
[16:15:06] |Torg|: its quite difficult (well tedious) to unstall libs .18 and .19 as well as al the .20 stuff
[16:15:10] my2keh: but want a backout plan heh
[16:15:20] my2keh: i don't have .18 or .19
[16:15:35] |Torg|: go do a dpkg -l | grep myth and pastebin it
[16:15:43] ** jams checks scrollback **
[16:15:53] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:16:09] my2keh:
[16:16:11] |Torg|: a normal install of knoppmyth has a partialy installed lib base goign back to .18
[16:16:26] jams: your kidding?
[16:16:39] jams: wow
[16:16:42] |Torg|: no, be then again I havnt put it on in over a year
[16:17:07] |Torg|: my2keh dont seem to have that issue, altho he does have a bunch of unconfigured pacgages that in reality needs to be deleted
[16:18:30] |Torg|: also the lack of dependancies in the packages and make removal difficult (ie you can unstall mythtv-database before you unstall mythtv-backend)
[16:18:44] |Torg|: so you have to remove them in a specific order
[16:18:50] my2keh: |Torg| I have no idea what the hell you are talking about
[16:19:02] |Torg|: im talling jams the probelsm I had with knoppmyth :)
[16:19:05] my2keh: you're going on about stuff you lost me 30 minutes ago
[16:19:14] my2keh: Knoppmyth was basic
[16:19:16] my2keh: download dc
[16:19:18] my2keh: err cd
[16:19:23] my2keh: run it and voila
[16:19:33] |Torg|: ii mythtv 0.20–17
[16:19:39] |Torg|: see that line in what you pasted?
[16:19:50] my2keh: sure
[16:20:20] |Torg|: that means your package management thinks you have that pacakge, along with all its files and scripts installed and working
[16:20:29] |Torg|: see the lines with rc?
[16:20:47] DustyBin: remove the package
[16:20:53] DustyBin: apt-get remove --purge mythtv
[16:21:08] |Torg|: those are lines that dpkg *thinks* needs to be reconfigured, ie there not fully installed
[16:21:15] my2keh: uhhh I was just gonna download the bz2 file
[16:21:16] my2keh: unzip
[16:21:17] |Torg|: what DustyBin is telling you is how you get rid of those
[16:21:21] my2keh: configure, make, make install
[16:21:23] DustyBin: if the mythtv package is still on the list purge them with
[16:21:32] DustyBin: dpkg -P <name>
[16:21:47] DustyBin: dpkg -l | grep myth
[16:21:56] |Torg|: my2keh what bz2 file?
[16:22:07] my2keh: downloaded from . . . ad&cid=1
[16:23:47] |Torg|: no wonder you dont know what Im talking about :)
[16:23:59] |Torg|: you can download myt directly from the svn code
[16:24:04] my2keh: exactly, that's what I was trying to say
[16:24:05] my2keh: heh
[16:24:21] |Torg|: im stil not even certain what .20.0 0.20.1 and .20.2 are
[16:24:34] my2keh: new versions? heh
[16:24:35] |Torg|: to me its all trunk or fixes at a certain revision
[16:24:47] |Torg|: tenically ALL of them are new versions
[16:24:54] my2keh: yeah, I'm assuming 0.20.2 is a certian revision
[16:25:01] |Torg|: and afaik there isnt anything in the src that denoted 0.20.2
[16:25:05] my2keh: and just logically called something
[16:25:34] not2whine (not2whine! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:49] Zombie: I have a..
[16:25:51] |Torg|: yes but the code itself calls it all 0.20.0
[16:25:52] Zombie: fryfrog: Its an MSI TV Anywhere Plus
[16:26:10] Zombie: How do I determine the correct lirc module to use?
[16:26:20] |Torg|: so technically 0.20.1 and 0.20.2 do not exist
[16:27:02] my2keh: right
[16:27:09] my2keh: there just "marketing" names I guess
[16:27:19] |Torg|: no there just tracking names
[16:27:41] my2keh: sure same dela
[16:27:54] |Torg|: I cant really tell what revsion of svn coresponds to what revision of 0.20.x, ppl like jams and juski can tell you, I cant
[16:28:10] Zombie: Anyone here use LIRC with an MSI TV Anywhere Plus?
[16:28:24] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:51] sm7xab (sm7xab! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:30:04] my2keh: i'm just upgrading my nvidia drivers
[16:30:06] my2keh: hopefully this works
[16:30:07] my2keh: eek
[16:30:11] ** my2keh crosses fingers **
[16:31:47] my2keh: well holly shit
[16:31:55] my2keh: it does actually lower your CPU usage
[16:32:10] |Torg|: does what?
[16:32:12] hpladds (hpladds! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:32:25] my2keh: using the "useEvents" "True" in the xorg.conf
[16:32:34] my2keh: I was using 98% CPU
[16:32:37] my2keh: when watching HD
[16:32:41] my2keh: now I'm down to 37%
[16:32:58] |Torg|: dunno I dont use useEvents
[16:33:02] my2keh: woohoo
[16:33:05] my2keh: I didn't either
[16:33:06] my2keh: I do now
[16:33:22] |Torg|: all I do is use XvMC and dont deinterlace
[16:33:48] |Torg|: XvMC saves me about 30% not deinterlacing abotuerh 20% (the statistcs I took are old)
[16:33:57] my2keh: bbl! lunch time
[16:34:01] my2keh: then upgrading myth
[16:34:06] |Torg|: I dont deinterlace becase I display to an inerlaced monitor
[16:42:12] hobophobe (hobophobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:05] hobophobe: If you use the compact theme of mythweb, it won't show the advanced search?
[16:46:02] |Torg|: what wont show and what compact theme?
[16:47:18] hobophobe: MythWeb has an option in 'session settings' that says: "MythWeb Template:" and you can select 'default' or 'compact'. If I choose default and then click on the "(Advanced)" link next to the search box, there is no search forms.
[16:47:36] hobophobe: err, if I choose compact it won't show, with default it shows
[16:47:37] |Torg|: what version of myth do you run?
[16:48:33] hobophobe: I'm running 0.20 from svn of august 17th and
[16:48:43] not2whine (not2whine! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:48:49] hobophobe: it's the build provided by
[16:48:59] |Torg|: there is no theme called comapct, there is one called lite, is that what you mean?
[16:49:18] hobophobe: I misspoke when I called it a theme, it's a 'template' for the web interface
[16:49:42] hobophobe: oh, let me check if lite is the one used for 'compact' setting
[16:50:07] Como (Como! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:50:27] |Torg|: yes there is a template called lite and one called default, other then removing some icons I really cant tell the differene
[16:50:46] |Torg|: and yes mine too has the advanced search as being blank, probbly a partial templte, just use default
[16:51:27] hobophobe: Yeah, now that I know that's what was causing it. I was bugging trying to figure out what was wrong with the search.php file :oP
[16:51:48] Honk^away (Honk^away! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:52] hobophobe: "this worked before, am I going crazier?"
[16:53:34] rmeden (rmeden! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:54:36] hobophobe: Thanks Torg, the default template seems to have some other advantages anyway
[16:56:20] kurre2 (kurre2! has quit ("leaving")
[16:57:04] tomimo (tomimo! has quit ("Gotta get going ...")
[16:58:56] |Torg|: has anyone here compiled the current (or near currnet) svn with an AMD X2 processor?
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[17:00:05] clever is now known as clever_
[17:02:04] clever_ is now known as clever
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[17:13:14] nordle: I've not done an upgrade before. Going from 0.20 to 0.20.2. I've backed up the database. But are there any other procedures to follow / gotchas. Or can I just complete as a semi-normal install from source?
[17:13:28] [M-M] ([M-M]!n=[M-M] has joined #mythtv-users
[17:13:52] |Torg|: you should unstall the old myth before you put in the new one
[17:14:15] DustyBin: its taken approx. 1 year for me to get mythtv working just how i want it :
[17:14:19] DustyBin: 8^)
[17:14:52] |Torg|: damn DustyBin your faster then me, ive been using it for almost 3 and I still dont have it 100%
[17:15:04] DustyBin: 18:14:49 up 3 days, 21:05, 4 users, load average: 0.26, 0.43, 0.50
[17:15:14] DustyBin: it will take you another 9 months before you will see results
[17:15:26] nordle: |Torg|: I'm not sure how feasable that is, unfortunately I built it from source last time and got so excited I forgot to make any packages, doh!
[17:15:45] |Torg|: try a make uninstall
[17:17:07] DustyBin: if one was install the latest svn, would ones existing mythconverg database work ok with it/
[17:17:26] |Torg|: probbly not
[17:17:28] nordle: |Torg|: ahh, thanks. I think I do have the source archives still on the filesystem....through lazyness, not any knowlege that keeping them would be good :) I luv mythtv, I'm probably asking for trouble just to "have the latest".
[17:17:44] |Torg|: if your db is old it will roll it forward, I know of no easy way to roll it back however
[17:17:45] DustyBin: i think i will stick and stay with what ive got until .21 is released
[17:18:05] DustyBin: everything works and im happy
[17:18:13] |Torg|: if it aint broke.....
[17:18:18] DustyBin: aye
[17:19:03] |Torg|: besides compiling takes so damn long, even with ccache and distcc if I get all the damn compiles and libs ligned up right
[17:20:05] CharlieSu (CharlieSu! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:20:13] nordle: if it aint broke..... then break it..... thats my motto
[17:20:31] DustyBin: yep
[17:20:50] DustyBin: the trouble with that moto is, something might be on its way out
[17:20:55] |Torg|: it it don't fit, force it. If it breaks, it needed fixin anyway
[17:20:59] DustyBin: then bang, everything has gone
[17:21:29] nordle: I _might_ just to a full fs backup..... just in case.... as well as the db backup.
[17:21:41] DustyBin: i just did a rsync on my mythtv box
[17:21:43] |Torg|: allot of my mtyhtv falls under "it hasnt pissed me off enough yet to go change it"
[17:21:53] nordle: :)
[17:22:16] DustyBin: now i can concentrate on finding a nice 32" lcd to work with it
[17:22:45] DustyBin: what kind of displays do you guys use with your myth box?
[17:23:08] |Torg|:
[17:23:10] DustyBin: at the moment i use a old 15" portable television
[17:23:13] nordle: DustyBin: Whats your budget? I just got a 37" Hanspree thing, and I'm surprised at how good it is. £440.
[17:23:31] DustyBin: very nice!
[17:23:38] |Torg|: nordle thats $880 to us and we can get them for about 75% of that
[17:23:48] DustyBin: nordle: do you suffer from jitter ?
[17:24:00] DustyBin: what kind of modeline have you setup for it?
[17:24:06] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:08] ** juski will be sufferring from jitter tomorrow morning and likely most of the day ;) **
[17:24:16] DustyBin: lol why
[17:24:21] |Torg|: juski, try less coffee :P
[17:24:35] Honk^away (Honk^away! has quit ()
[17:24:42] juski: going to have a big gay night out tonight. my cousin has come down & we're going to Manchester Pride
[17:24:53] DustyBin: haha
[17:25:04] DustyBin: it will be good fun
[17:25:53] |Torg|: DustyBin why a 32"?
[17:26:09] juski: because 31" doesn't quite hit the spot? :-P
[17:26:28] |Torg|: figgures juski would have somthing to say :P
[17:26:30] DustyBin: thats just about the right size, dvb doesnt broadcast in a high enough resolution for big displays
[17:27:01] |Torg|: DustyBin are you sure about the brodcasts? mine here brodcast isn 1080I
[17:27:05] |Torg|: some stil in 720P
[17:27:18] DustyBin: UK freeview is DVB only
[17:27:30] |Torg|: duhh I forgot your in the UK
[17:27:30] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:27:56] DustyBin: although, for some reason HD is listed on quite a few of the channels in mythweb, im not quite sure how that works
[17:28:25] |Torg|: I have stuff thats suposed to be in HD that isnt
[17:28:41] |Torg|: I often see one channel that starts in 1080I then has some encoding problems and flops back to SD
[17:28:49] DustyBin: ok
[17:29:16] DustyBin: what kind of de-interlacing method do you use for that big JVC display?
[17:29:22] DustyBin: bob ?
[17:30:33] |Torg|: none
[17:31:21] DustyBin: and your picture isnt jittery?
[17:31:25] |Torg|: not in the least
[17:31:43] DustyBin: so that means your must have a 100% accurate modeline for it
[17:31:43] |Torg|: I play 1080I streams onto a 1080I display
[17:31:56] |Torg|: did you look at my xorg.conf on the wiki?
[17:32:00] DustyBin: yes i did
[17:32:16] |Torg|: ModeLine "ATSC-1080–60i" 74.25 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125 +hsync +vsync
[17:32:23] DustyBin: aye
[17:32:31] |Torg|: I *call* it ATSC, you can call it what you like
[17:32:37] |Torg|: its a 1080I modeline for my tv
[17:32:59] DustyBin: does that TV use EDID ?
[17:33:21] |Torg|: yes and depending on revision of X and Nvidia I sometimes override it
[17:33:24] |Torg|: currently I cache it
[17:33:33] |Torg|: Option "CustomEDID" "DFP-0:/etc/X11/edid.bin"
[17:33:35] |Torg|: see that?
[17:33:39] DustyBin: oh yes
[17:33:48] |Torg|: I simply sucked teh edid off my tv
[17:33:56] |Torg|: thats mainly so I can start X without the TV being on
[17:33:58] DustyBin: why? i thought that would make life easier
[17:34:08] DustyBin: ok
[17:34:12] |Torg|: Option "UseEdidDpi" "FALSE"
[17:34:13] |Torg|: see that?
[17:34:16] DustyBin: yes
[17:34:19] |Torg|: thats becase EDID lies
[17:34:26] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:34:28] |Torg|: and the reason I hardcode in Modlines is EDID lines are not correct
[17:34:29] DustyBin: why?
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[17:34:58] nordl1 (nordl1!n=nordle@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:35:12] DustyBin: jesus, your display is 61" WTF
[17:35:14] |Torg|: mostly becase It dosnt know the differnce between 1920x540 and 1920x1080 interlaced
[17:35:28] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:35:29] nordl1: sorry, net connection cutting out a lot, can anyone tell me what my last post was please?
[17:35:32] |Torg|: yes its 61", im an american and specifly live in Texas
[17:35:37] |Torg|: everything I have has to be big :P
[17:35:43] DustyBin: jesus
[17:35:57] |Torg|: did I mention it was free too :P
[17:36:08] DustyBin: noo
[17:36:23] |Torg|: Ive only said it about 100 times here
[17:36:37] DustyBin: what tool did you use to create the modelines for it
[17:36:53] |Torg|: HAHA bc, yes im seriious
[17:36:58] |Torg|: that and playing with them over and over
[17:37:03] DustyBin: bc?
[17:37:17] |Torg|: binary calulator, go type on your box
[17:37:17] nuxil (nuxil!n=nuxil@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:37:22] |Torg|: type quit to get out
[17:37:48] DustyBin: i just installed it
[17:37:59] |Torg|: 74.25 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125 +hsync +vsync
[17:38:13] |Torg|: 74.25 I knew, 1920 and 1080 are the size of course
[17:38:23] |Torg|: the rest are front porch and timings, those I had to play with
[17:38:34] DustyBin: aye
[17:38:41] |Torg|: 1920 1960 2016 2200 + 1080 1082 1088 1125
[17:38:52] |Torg|: my tv has overscan but only very slightly
[17:38:53] DustyBin: if a TVs EDID was setup ok, you wouldnt need to create a modeline?
[17:38:55] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:39:11] |Torg|: if EDID was setup ok AND the TV was on when I started X I wouldnt need it
[17:39:17] DustyBin: aye
[17:39:28] Ribs: EDID on TVs tends to be useless
[17:39:29] |Torg|: its a DLP, runs down the bulb regardless of what I display
[17:39:45] |Torg|: black, white, blootube disply, no burn in
[17:39:50] nordl1: EDID worked for me, TV was not on, but power needed to be standby
[17:39:59] |Torg|: no electicty savings and the fan is so loud I could take the case off the FE
[17:40:11] |Torg|: my TV has two settings, on and off
[17:40:13] DustyBin: i think ill stick with 32" + LCD, maybe a Samsung or a LG
[17:40:25] |Torg|: standby means turn off the light gun, thats it
[17:40:40] |Torg|: I want a plasma, but I have the DLP
[17:40:48] nordle (nordle!n=nordle@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:40:51] |Torg|: its that change the $450 light bulb every year that I dont like
[17:41:20] DustyBin: jeeze
[17:41:50] nordl1: I left, no I didn't, stupid connection.
[17:42:22] nordl1: . . . ducts_id=142
[17:42:26] Ribs: your old connection left :)
[17:43:20] |Torg|: nordl1 thats nice, too bad its 2x cost to me :(
[17:43:25] nordl1: Lights in the house are now flickering, its like living the dark ages.....but with HD :) It's probably the pannel thats sucking the life out of the local sub-station
[17:43:58] |Torg|: my electic comany sends me personal thank you notes (no im not joking they really do)
[17:44:51] nordl1: It was just a 32" which DustyBin _might_ want to consider, it seems good value.... haha yeah its funny given everyone harping on about poxy 9w energy saving bulbs to light their rooms which have 200+watt hd tv's
[17:44:55] Ribs: do you use a lot of juice?
[17:45:06] |Torg|: 12 computrers, min datacenter
[17:45:15] nordl1: WTF
[17:45:16] |Torg|: 5T air, + 2/5T air
[17:45:38] |Torg|: its no so much the electricity the computers use as it is the heat they generate
[17:47:54] nuxil (nuxil!n=nuxil@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:51:08] CyberKnet: wow. I guess its been a while since I did a 'yum upgrade'
[17:51:38] |Torg|: what is the reason you want to upgrade?
[17:52:01] |Torg|: and yum upgrade should be called yum screw-me
[17:53:36] [M-M] ([M-M]!n=[M-M] has quit ("Leaving")
[17:55:12] CyberKnet: wanting f7, don't want to upgrade to f7 until fc6 is all up to date
[17:55:26] CyberKnet: I've not usually had *too* much trouble with yum upgrade
[17:55:36] CyberKnet: although occasionally it does cause a little work
[17:55:43] |Torg|: gcc4? apache2, mysql5
[17:55:50] jshaffer (jshaffer!n=john@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:55:53] |Torg|: libs, ffmepg, mp3 playing
[17:56:15] |Torg|: you have never had and upgrade "upgrade" to you a non working piece of software?
[17:56:17] scopeuk (scopeuk!n=Scope@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:56:39] |Torg|: hell RedHats gcc problems are infamous
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[18:02:39] CyberKnet: Torq: nope
[18:02:54] |Torg|: go on upgrae it blindly then
[18:02:54] CyberKnet: Torq: the most it ever did was upgrade me to an undesirable kernel
[18:03:00] Eclipsor (Eclipsor! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:03:16] |Torg|: upgrade it to some package mainters idea that netowrking your mysql server is unsafe
[18:03:23] CyberKnet: heh
[18:03:27] CyberKnet: that would really bite
[18:03:30] |Torg|: upgrade it to some apage mainter that thinkgs you dont need php
[18:03:47] CyberKnet: That is teh risk you take when you use a packaged distro
[18:03:48] |Torg|: upgrade to gcc 4 and keep g++ 3.3
[18:03:49] CyberKnet: I guess
[18:03:53] |Torg|: then try to compile myth with it
[18:04:09] |Torg|: these are all things I have seen with blndly upgrading a box
[18:04:19] |Torg|: upgrade pacakges, not entire systems
[18:04:34] drindt (drindt! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:04:58] CyberKnet: Until you get the dreaded "atrpms doesn't cater to FC4 any more... upgrade to FC6"
[18:05:07] CyberKnet: d'oh!
[18:05:16] |Torg|: and if you think redhat enterprise is beter I have rad RHEL 3 systems upgrades crater sendmail and bind
[18:05:26] drindt: juski: are you here?
[18:05:35] CyberKnet: Never used RHEL myself.
[18:05:51] |Torg|: probbly becase you didnt pay for the license
[18:06:00] |Torg|: there is really no need to either
[18:06:04] CyberKnet: I never had a need for any of the features it offered
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[18:08:51] DustyBin: this looks good
[18:08:54] DustyBin: . . . 87bdxxeu.asp
[18:09:28] DustyBin: i think ill have to up my size 37"+ so i can use 1080p
[18:09:46] |Torg|: I persoanly think 1080I looks better then 1080P
[18:09:52] |Torg|: thats opinion tho
[18:10:07] DustyBin: 1920*1080 is more compatible with video cards
[18:10:20] opello_ (opello_!n=opello@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:35] DustyBin: i dont think its possible to get a video card to use 1366 x 768
[18:10:51] |Torg|: sure it is dusty
[18:11:09] DustyBin: i thought it has to be either 1360 x 768 or 1368 x 768
[18:11:38] DustyBin: you cannot divide 1366 by 8 so that means your video card cannot use that res
[18:11:39] |Torg|: hmm maybe your right I wasnt paying attention to that
[18:11:53] |Torg|: I see configs for 30ish displays on teh wiki for 1360x768
[18:12:01] DustyBin: aye
[18:12:02] |Torg|: or something like that, its the native resolution for them
[18:12:15] |Torg|: where did you get 1366
[18:12:32] DustyBin: thats a common res
[18:12:34] DustyBin: . . . ecifications
[18:12:39] DustyBin: for tv displays
[18:13:16] |Torg|: I saw a posting about it from one of the tv comanies syaing someting about that is the real size of 720P
[18:13:23] |Torg|: Im not sure if I agree tho
[18:13:28] DustyBin: im not sure
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[18:13:47] |Torg|:
[18:13:54] |Torg|: theres a 1366x768
[18:14:05] DustyBin: oh yes
[18:14:12] DustyBin: i thought that wasnt possible
[18:14:15] |Torg|: strance dotclock tho, is that a UK thing?
[18:14:21] DustyBin: im not sure
[18:15:00] systemloc (systemloc! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:15:35] |Torg|: hmm it seems to be called WXGA
[18:17:01] |Torg|: I wish more people would put their configs on teh wiki
[18:17:21] DustyBin: i read somewhere that if your going to use your television for PC use stick with a LCD, if its just for Television stick with Plasma
[18:17:37] |Torg|: why?
[18:17:43] DustyBin: i dont know, just what i read
[18:18:00] g3k: could it be the possibility of burn in on the plasma?
[18:18:30] DustyBin: im not sure
[18:18:34] |Torg|: also remember that if its on the Internet it must be true, espeically if its on wikipedia :)
[18:18:39] systemloc: I'm having trouble with mythtv/mythdvd/libdvdread.. I managed to install libdvdcss, but I'm getting "libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.9 for DVD access" then "libdvdread: Could not open //dev/dvd with libdvdcss." This is all on a commercial DVD movie. I can play DVD movies that I've burned, unencrypted, just fine.
[18:19:19] |Torg|: systemloc im not entirely sure you should be asking that here
[18:19:40] systemloc: |Torg|, do you know of a better place to ask it?
[18:19:47] |Torg|: google
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[18:28:50] ikonia: evening all
[18:29:36] DustyBin: systemloc: install the w32 codec package
[18:29:59] systemloc: DustyBin: I can try that. Can you tell me how that might help, though?
[18:30:53] DustyBin: maybe your system is missing codecs
[18:31:17] DustyBin: install this too:
[18:31:20] DustyBin: libdvdread3 – library for reading DVDs
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[18:38:05] systemloc: DustyBin: no luck.. unencrypted disks work fine, so it's not a codec problem. I turned on logging for libdvdcss by running "DVDCSS_VERBOSE=2 mythfrontend" and got further output "libdvdcss debug: cannot open //dev/dvd (No medium found)" and "libdvdcss error: failed to open device"
[18:38:39] systemloc: so libdvdcss is choking on the disc, or the drive itself can't handle the disc. A macbook plays the disc just fine.
[18:38:42] foxhunt (foxhunt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:38:42] DustyBin: if unencrypted disks work fine, then it IS a codec problem?
[18:39:07] systemloc: DustyBin: Tried adding those codecs, but no luck
[18:39:34] |Torg|: systemloc what is /dev/dvd linkd to?
[18:41:06] DustyBin: libavcodec0d – ffmpeg codec library im not sure but you might need this too
[18:42:56] systemloc: - /dev/dvd is linked to /dev/sr0. This is an external USB drive
[18:43:16] DustyBin: if normal dvds play ok then its not a device problem
[18:43:58] DustyBin: systemloc: get a shell up and: tail /var/log/syslog -f
[18:44:04] |Torg|: im looking at cannot open //dev/dvd (No medium found)"
[18:44:09] DustyBin: then put in your encrypted dvd and paste the log
[18:44:44] DustyBin: or tail the mythtv log if you have set one up
[18:45:34] systemloc: Torg: yeah.. I'm really wondering about that.. I really wish I could get more info.. like actual error codes from the drive.. I'm wondering if this is some kinda badblocks copy protection scheme. I think I'll go find a libcss channel if I can :)
[18:45:40] DustyBin: actually, dont tail the syslog, it doesnt register everything what mythtv does
[18:45:46] DustyBin: tail your mythtv log
[18:46:05] systemloc: DustyBin: yeah, that's what I've been looking at.. and can't get any info
[18:46:18] systemloc: oh well, poop
[18:46:29] DustyBin: try your syslog then
[18:47:36] opello_ is now known as opello
[18:47:41] |Torg|: SD signup is active
[18:48:08] systemloc: SD?
[18:48:16] |Torg|: schedules direct
[18:48:44] systemloc: ah
[18:49:04] |Torg|: as of about 4 mins ago
[18:49:21] DustyBin: this is what i run to create mythtv log errors:
[18:49:23] DustyBin: exec mythfrontend 2>> /home/mythtv/MYTHERRORS &
[18:49:36] DustyBin: what can you run to create a log for normal mythtv activity?
[18:50:09] timmfin (timmfin! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:51:27] drindt: where i can read more about the lcd?
[18:52:17] DustyBin: what lcd?
[18:52:34] |Torg|: I think he means mythlcdserver
[18:52:35] drindt: the lcd which myth can be use to display informations...
[18:52:56] CyberKnet: Transparent proxies are evil, and should be damned to the 7th layer of hell
[18:52:58] drindt: i search in the docu now but cant find
[18:53:03] |Torg|: not THE lcd, but WHICH lcd
[18:53:53] CyberKnet: _especially_ ones that don't honor you telling them to not return you their (invalid) cached copy of a file.
[18:53:54] drindt: sorry my english is poor but thanks
[18:54:29] |Torg|: drindt did you want to know which LCDs worked? and I belvie you mean as in LCD status displays not LCD TVs, right?
[18:55:08] drindt: |Torg|: yes iam interested in what to buy to get a information at the front of the box, not tft monitors or similar
[18:55:26] |Torg|: any LCD monitor that has linux drivers basicly. They are quite a few
[18:56:26] drindt: |Torg|: you mean really these small things with often a green background?
[18:56:43] |Torg|: yes drindt, they are usualy serial devices and require drivers
[18:57:23] rmeden (rmeden! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:57:32] |Torg|: look up LCDProc
[18:57:33] drindt: |Torg|: it is the best to look into the kernel config to obtain a good hardware?
[18:57:53] |Torg|: drindt I am not entirely sure what you mean
[18:58:22] drindt: |Torg|: better to look into kernel config which hardware is supported and buy then the hardware?
[18:58:42] |Torg|: its not a kernel thing, its not a kernel driver
[18:59:00] |Torg|: its more like how lirc works, its just a program that listens to a serial port and can display things
[18:59:03] |Torg|:
[19:00:26] drindt: |Torg|: sounds as i need only connect a display to a serial connector and compile myth with lcd support right?
[19:00:44] drindt: |Torg|: assumes that the lcd is compatible as you told me above right?
[19:00:49] |Torg|: connect a lcd, setup lcdproc, then get myth to talk to it
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[19:01:07] |Torg|: yes, be carefull however, not all lcds are compatable
[19:01:50] drindt: |Torg|: the lcdproc is the same thing like lirc?
[19:02:24] |Torg|: not the same as, but pretty much on a basic level set up as
[19:02:34] rtsai (rtsai! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:36] |Torg|: you setup the lcd, and make it work then get myth to talk to it
[19:02:51] |Torg|: you setup lirc and get it to work, and make myth talk to it
[19:02:53] bradd (bradd! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:30] bradd: when i go into mythvideo i get a frontend log message "Image needs a name", then the frontend locks up...any ideas?
[19:03:47] bradd: i can see all my videos fine in the video manager
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[19:05:38] drindt: |Torg|: did you know what a VFD Display is? i cant find informations about
[19:06:06] |Torg|: type or sply not led
[19:06:13] |Torg|: vacuum florcent I belive
[19:06:31] drindt: |Torg|: hm fine the vendor did not explain a lot about
[19:06:39] |Torg|: things like clocks use them, on some microwaves, etc
[19:06:45] Anduin: bradd: That message may indicate a corrupt xml theme file.
[19:06:54] |Torg|: they have static chars you can display, not pixels like on an lcd
[19:07:15] bradd: could be
[19:07:22] bradd: it comes right after
[19:07:26] bradd: 2007-08–25 14:57:13.966 XMLParse::LoadTheme using /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/ProjectGrayhem-wide/video-ui.xml
[19:07:44] bradd: so replace the video-ui.xml file?
[19:08:31] Anduin: bradd: Try a different theme, if it works, find a good PG-w video-ui.xml file
[19:09:11] drindt: |Torg|: i see and the htpc case which i had in my eye
[19:09:51] |Torg|: many of the htpc cases lcds work, I dont know if all of them work. its too much eye candy for me tho, plain simple cases are all I use
[19:10:23] bradd: hmmm same thing with a different theme
[19:10:28] Chutt: a case vfd's nice, you can see if everything's working ok without turning on the tv.
[19:10:39] drindt: |Torg|: hm its not easy to find a perfect case, some are have a lot of additional things i dont use like fans, remote control, power supply...
[19:11:12] |Torg|: case, black with drive bays
[19:11:20] |Torg|: not too hard to fit that decrition tho
[19:11:42] |Torg|: no fancy pain, no led or florecant lights, no window, just the case
[19:11:50] drindt: |Torg|: a bit design is required :) please take a look here. . . . c4001sns.asp
[19:11:53] |Torg|: for some strange reason they are cheap too
[19:12:19] |Torg|: yes drindt that is a Mozart case, really nice, and pretty
[19:12:26] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:12:34] drindt: |Torg|: yes but i must come with a nice case because my girlfriend doesnt accept other things an possibly someday she remove the box from her place...
[19:12:56] |Torg|: aaah you didnt menation WAF
[19:13:08] drindt: |Torg|: yes but as i sayd a lot of additional shit iam throw away (waste money for it)
[19:13:18] drindt: which WAF?
[19:13:24] rtsai1111 (rtsai1111! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:13:30] |Torg|: Wife Acceptance Factor
[19:13:31] |Torg|: . . . x/vd2000.asp
[19:14:12] Anduin: bradd: Which one did you try?
[19:14:37] drindt: |Torg|: oh i can enter the appartment with that :D
[19:15:00] SlySir (SlySir! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:15:00] bradd: neon-wide
[19:15:12] drindt: |Torg|: . . . c4000sns.asp thats seems my favorite and it seems that i have a little window in the front to bring a lcd behind...
[19:15:48] |Torg|: the wife started with the "not another computer" speach, now after using its a totaly differnt story
[19:16:06] drindt: |Torg|: yes, but what should i do :)
[19:16:14] |Torg|: get what you want
[19:16:18] |Torg|: its YOUR computer
[19:16:32] mycroes (mycroes! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:17:05] bradd: with lilius i dont get the Image error message..but it locks up
[19:17:26] drindt: |Torg|: yes, but a lcd behind the dark plate in front i guess that i not can read anything
[19:18:13] Anduin: bradd: Yeah, I was really just hoping something else in the theme file was also wrong.
[19:19:16] GreyFoxx: my god.... I think I'm in love
[19:19:20] Anduin: bradd: Do you have any of the '[view mode] browses files' checkboxes checked?
[19:19:28] GreyFoxx: I love that case : . . . x_vc7001.asp
[19:19:46] systemloc (systemloc! has quit ()
[19:19:58] Chutt: GreyFoxx, i like the fusion better.
[19:20:07] GreyFoxx: antec ?
[19:20:10] bradd: i do
[19:20:19] Guest11413 (Guest11413! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:20:23] ** GreyFoxx is looking for a new case for a new frontend in his living room **
[19:20:24] Chutt: GreyFoxx, yeah.
[19:21:07] GreyFoxx: Ahhh that is pretty. My boss has one at the office he picked up for a box he's doing for his house. I like the volume knob
[19:21:22] drindt: Grecko: did you know if the display is supported? and how to use the front buttons with functions?
[19:21:31] GreyFoxx: but I like the slip design of that mozart sx, and it has control buttons for rwd, play, pause, ffwd etc etc
[19:21:49] Chutt: huh
[19:21:55] Chutt: i can't find the fusion on
[19:21:56] Chutt: weird.
[19:22:01] GreyFoxx:
[19:22:04] GreyFoxx: They hide it
[19:22:44] GreyFoxx: the mozart has all of the control buttons and acouple for volume control. And this will be adiskless machine so I don;t need much space
[19:22:49] GreyFoxx: wonder what it will cost
[19:23:17] drindt: Grecko: did you know if the display is supported? and how to use the front buttons with functions?
[19:23:33] Yggdrasil: hmm
[19:23:44] GreyFoxx: drindt: at the moment I don't, but I'd be willing to work on getting them going if need be
[19:23:53] Yggdrasil: i have a question, about i set a show to record in a time slot
[19:23:56] Aval0n (Aval0n!i=aval0n@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:24:02] Yggdrasil: and i need to change it, i dont see it anyway
[19:24:28] drindt: GreyFoxx: can you involve me please when you had more information?
[19:24:44] GreyFoxx: drindt: I have to get one first, but sure
[19:24:58] GreyFoxx: I'll call our supplier on monday, see what they get them for
[19:25:17] drindt:
[19:25:45] GreyFoxx: What currency is that ?
[19:25:51] drindt: EUR
[19:25:53] |Torg|: shoudl be Euros
[19:25:53] GreyFoxx: k
[19:26:03] |Torg|: symbold dosnt look right on my screen tho
[19:26:11] drindt: sorry
[19:26:19] GreyFoxx: Wow
[19:26:25] |Torg|: its not you, I cant make the british pund symbol either
[19:26:29] GreyFoxx: if I can get it for $100 CDN I'm all over it
[19:26:31] bradd: Anduin: when i uncheck those boxes..i still get the error but it works
[19:26:46] Yggdrasil: ahh fond it in set priorites
[19:27:50] drindt: iam confused about buying a case which satisfact my requirements
[19:28:00] |Torg|: umm GreyFoxx thats a $250 US case
[19:28:41] |Torg|: CDN and USD are about the same, so if you can find it at $100 CDN tell me :)
[19:28:46] borga2: Anyone know in which order I'm supposed to do to get my dtv-t pay card and my two free channel card to work, i.e. so I can select a free program in web-gui and it selects the highest priority car
[19:29:00] borga2: It always selects the "pay" card?!
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[19:31:11] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[19:31:29] g3k: does anyone know how mythweb computes the length of a recording?
[19:31:30] drindt (drindt! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[19:31:57] |Torg|: how long it took to record it
[19:32:07] g3k: I have one that starts at 9pm tonight and ends at 12am
[19:32:09] tank-man: i'm guessing from the info in the mysql db
[19:32:31] g3k: it shows the length as 18hrs 35 min right now and keeps changing
[19:33:45] g3k: the closer we get, the more time it adds
[19:35:14] g3k: I am guessing that it isn't handling the 12am endtime right, but is this just a mythweb thing or will the recording never end?
[19:37:05] tank-man: corrupt db maybe, this the same in the frontend?
[19:38:09] xris: FYI: Schedules Direct signups are live.
[19:39:42] g3k: I have a recording extender that checks for the end of sports events and extends the recording until it is over.
[19:40:21] g3k: It got confused with the 12am end and keeps extending the recording because the game is not over yet.
[19:43:02] bradd (bradd! has quit ("Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?")
[19:44:02] g3k: guess I'll have to do a bugfix there. 8-|
[19:46:18] astx813 (astx813! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:59] astx813: OK, so with Zap2it leaving us behind, why can't we in the US fall back to XMLTV?
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[19:47:25] |Torg|: astx813 what?
[19:47:46] rmeden: no need.. is the same solution used by XMLTV (they used Z2L also)
[19:47:59] |Torg|: besides go sign up its open
[19:48:05] astx813: But isn't schedulesdirect subscription based?
[19:48:32] |Torg|: what you would prefer, 3 days of EIT or scraping ioff web sites?
[19:49:32] astx813: well that's what I came on here to ask about. Is the problem with XMLTV just that it takes a long time to scrape the data?
[19:49:47] |Torg|: you mean from DD?
[19:49:49] astx813: can you only get 3 days of data at a time?
[19:50:02] |Torg|: up to, depends on who put out the EIT
[19:50:23] astx813: EIT?
[19:50:25] Zombie: Anyone here use LIRC with an MSI TV Anywhere Plus?
[19:50:46] Zombie: And how do I turn up the volume in MythTV?
[19:51:10] |Torg|: Event Infomation Table, tv listings for DVB
[19:51:23] astx813: Ah
[19:51:37] |Torg|: sometimes more accurate, sometimes less
[19:51:44] |Torg|: often incomplete, mine I get for 3 days
[19:52:04] astx813: that's definitely a drawback if i can only get 3 days of data
[19:52:08] |Torg|: however the bcasters here often forget to catagorise the listings
[19:52:17] |Torg|: they only put out 3 days
[19:52:26] Zombie: Hello?
[19:52:27] GreyFoxx: astx813: xmltv in north america use to use zap2it labs, it now uses schedulesdirect. So there is no "problem" with it per say
[19:52:30] |Torg|: Im not sure thats a standard or just what is commonly reported
[19:52:34] Zombie: My TV Volume is mute.
[19:52:47] Zombie: I can turn it up in TV Time, but not Myth
[19:52:47] GreyFoxx: the non NA xmltv grabbers are screen srapers, but not the north america one
[19:52:50] |Torg|: Zombie go unmute your mixer
[19:53:04] Zombie: Its all the way up in the mixer.
[19:53:13] |Torg|: zap2it was slow, painfully im hopping Sd wil be better
[19:53:29] |Torg|: Zombie mute and volume are not the same ting
[19:53:30] astx813: guess i should just jump right in and see how it goes
[19:53:45] Zombie: It isn't muted.
[19:53:49] Zombie: Not in the mixer.
[19:54:06] |Torg|: is the TV or whaever you havce it plugged into?
[19:55:29] Zombie: I don't have it hoked up to an actual TV, but the TV starts off all the way down.
[19:55:47] Zombie: In TV Time, I can use left and right arrow keys, and turn it up.
[19:55:48] |Torg|: then what is it conntected to?
[19:56:13] Zombie: Its just the computer connected directly to speakers and Monitor.
[19:56:15] |Torg|: your sound is seperate from your video, unless you have a direct HDMI output which I sorta doubt
[19:56:25] |Torg|: you have a sound card that outputs sound, where is that conntected?
[19:56:31] Zombie: No, this is Analogue.
[19:57:10] |Torg|: yes and so is the sound, comming out of a sound card, where is it conntected?
[19:57:17] fxfitz (fxfitz! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:57:32] fxfitz: Hey, is something happening with zap2it??
[19:57:49] CyberKnet3 (CyberKnet3! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:57:56] GreyFoxx: fxfitz: They announced months ago now that they are shutting down the free xml feed on Sep 1
[19:57:56] |Torg|: go read then go to its in the topic
[19:59:11] fxfitz: Damn. Because I noticed that, for some reason, a lot of shows I tried to record didn't have TV stations on it. Would this be the problem? I don't know, but I wasn't looking forward to pay for it. :(
[20:00:21] |Torg|: fxfitz zap2it isnt down, its working, you have other probelms if yur listings are blank
[20:00:43] fxfitz: Hmm. Any idea what they would be??
[20:01:01] |Torg|: go check your subscritoion
[20:01:07] |Torg|: go see of the xmltvids match
[20:01:37] fxfitz: xmltvids??
[20:01:52] |Torg|: how myth knows what each channel is
[20:02:57] fxfitz: Well, actually I just changed locations to my University and thats when I started noticing the problems. At, it looks like all the channels are correct, but I don't know what else to do.
[20:05:29] |Torg|: well you can fix it now, then redo this all again in a week or you can simply go sign up for schedulesdirect, you decide
[20:11:50] DustyBin: I have 2 tuners in my mythtv box. The default tuner it records on is 0 and when I watch TV the default tuner is also 0, so that means when something is about to record I have to either watch it or go back to the menu and watch tv again so it uses the other tuner. Is there a way to change my default tv tuner to 1?
[20:13:30] sphery: There's an option to allow you to set the least preferred (local) capture card as the default for LiveTV. "Avoid conflicts between live TV and scheduled shows."
[20:14:05] sphery: Your "recording" input will always be the "best" input (because LiveTV is ephemeral and recordings are "forever" :)
[20:14:20] DustyBin: aye thats exactly what i need
[20:14:23] jblack (jblack! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:14:23] sphery: BTW, the setting is in General settings
[20:14:28] DustyBin: thank you
[20:14:34] sphery: General (Basic), specifically
[20:14:44] jblack: Woot. It looks like schedules direct is open now.
[20:15:08] rmeden: woot has a tivo today
[20:15:11] sphery: Yep
[20:15:32] sphery: cool... Same day that SD makes it unnecessary. :)
[20:15:55] rmeden: Pity the fools that signed up at midnight. :)
[20:16:02] sphery: lol
[20:16:02] rmeden: (wooted)
[20:16:15] ** jblack is getting confused **
[20:16:20] ** BULLE is aswell **
[20:16:51] sphery: Just out of curiosity, what are PlutoHome users doing for data?
[20:17:00] BULLE: zap2it is some us of a tv schedule provider, that is shutting down or something, and this schedules direct is some new service that you can use instead ?
[20:17:14] sphery: (I have no intentions of using it, but I'm wondering what their plans entail.)
[20:17:32] sphery: BULLE: basically right
[20:18:08] BULLE: sphery: thanks
[20:18:15] jblack: BULLE: That's my understanding. just opened up the form to set up accounts so that you can keep getting data after sept 1. You'll need an upgraded mythtv to use it.
[20:18:39] jblack: This time around it'll cost you $15 for three months. They hope to get that down to 15–20 a year.
[20:18:41] BULLE: jblack: oh, so this new thing doesnt just rely on xmltv ?
[20:19:01] jblack: Isn't it the other way around?
[20:19:03] BULLE: im just using xmltv, i dont even know who provides the scheduling for me, it all just works [tm]
[20:19:32] DustyBin: sphery: there is nothing in general settings regarding tuners
[20:19:44] sphery: XMLTV's north american grabber uses schedules direct
[20:19:52] rmeden: xmltv has a new version of tv_grab_na_dd that uses SD.
[20:19:52] sphery: Other regions are unaffected
[20:20:20] jblack: Yeah, I guess this isn't such an issue for europeans as it is for american.
[20:20:39] timmfin (timmfin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:20:43] sphery: Yeah, we Americans are always causing problems. :)
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[20:27:07] c30 (c30! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:27:23] c30: Good evening
[20:27:33] c30: I have a small question
[20:27:52] c30: trying to get the asus P5W deluxe DH to work with mythtv
[20:28:00] c30: I installed mythdora 4
[20:28:08] c30: and it works pretty nicely
[20:28:36] c30: but I did not manage to get lirc to work with the asus IR
[20:28:50] BULLE: c30: so, have you checked if the asus ir is supported by lirc ?
[20:28:53] BULLE:
[20:28:57] c30: yes
[20:29:34] BULLE: and checked that the version that is in mythdora 4 supports it aswell ?
[20:29:40] BULLE: so its not supported in some newer version
[20:30:33] c30: well mythdora4 has following lirc
[20:30:49] c30: lirc-0.8.3–69_cvs20070806.fc6
[20:31:00] c30: its basically fc6
[20:31:18] c30: so my question is which driver I need to use
[20:32:00] sphery: DustyBin: It's in frontend settings. It may be TV Settings|General.
[20:32:04] c30: I see it in hiddev96: USB HID v1.10 Device [T-wins ASUS DH Remote] on usb-0000:00:1d.7–7.1
[20:32:06] fxfitz (fxfitz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:32:20] c30: and some webpage says:
[20:32:22] sphery: DustyBin: sorry for the slow response. working on other stuff...
[20:32:36] c30: # Options to lircd
[20:32:37] c30: LIRCD_OPTIONS="--driver=dvico --device=/dev/hiddev0"
[20:32:48] c30: in /etc/sysconfig/lircd
[20:33:00] c30: if I try mode2 there is only:
[20:33:08] c30: [root@localhost ~]# mode2
[20:33:09] c30: mode2: error opening /dev/lirc
[20:33:33] c30: [root@localhost dev]# ls -l lirc*
[20:33:33] c30: srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 25. Aug 22:19 lircd
[20:34:51] DustyBin: sphery: i looked at that whole menu and there is nothing regarding tuners
[20:34:57] DustyBin: im using svn so maybe its changed
[20:35:49] DustyBin: the closest ive found is in mythtv-setup, input connections, input priority
[20:36:26] DustyBin: the tuner with the highest input priority number will be used for recordings, i think...
[20:36:45] sphery: DustyBin: I'm also using SVN trunk and it hasn't changed in millenia.  :)
[20:36:47] sphery: Not that.
[20:37:13] sphery: It's "Avoid conflicts between live TV and scheduled shows." on the first page of General settings (I
[20:37:21] sphery: 'm thinking it's TV|General
[20:37:34] sphery: I'm also looking at the source right now, so I know it's there.
[20:37:52] DustyBin: oh yes sorry
[20:37:55] DustyBin: i missed it
[20:37:59] sphery: It's a checkbox. It's description is: "If enabled, live TV will choose a tuner card that is less likely to have scheduled recordings rather than the best card available."
[20:38:14] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:38:15] sphery: Good. Easy to miss--there are way too many settings.
[20:38:44] sphery: And, the inertia is almost impossible to overcome when trying to remove them.
[20:38:48] sphery: Even the useless ones.
[20:38:48] Zombie: I turned up both my mixer and Myth to 100%
[20:38:52] Zombie: no different.
[20:38:58] Zombie: Works in TVTime
[20:39:02] Zombie: and VLC
[20:39:09] Zombie: Fails in Myth
[20:40:48] sphery: "Fails in Myth"?
[20:41:06] sphery: no audio? audio error in logs?
[20:41:11] Zombie: My Audio is silent only in MythTV.
[20:41:26] sphery: Did you look at the frontend logs for audio errors?
[20:41:42] Zombie: Yes, nothing unusual.
[20:41:53] sphery: What output are you using? Analog or digital output?
[20:41:56] Zombie: like dev/dsp Permission denied
[20:42:01] Zombie: analog
[20:42:11] sphery: Are you running a sound daemon?
[20:42:18] sphery: esd/artsd?
[20:42:40] Zombie: artsd may be running, but its never interfered with Alsa before.
[20:42:43] sphery: If so, you'll want to stop running it.
[20:43:29] Zombie: Let me ask this another way.
[20:43:31] sphery: I think there's an arts audio device you can use, but you're probably better of not using it.
[20:43:50] Zombie: What command raises the volume in mythtv?
[20:44:07] sphery: what key?
[20:44:11] Zombie: ]Yes
[20:44:50] sphery: if so, it's '],},F11'
[20:44:54] sphery: (commas not included)
[20:45:16] sphery: However, depending on when you installed, you may have gotten a bad value in there that prevents some from working.
[20:45:33] sphery: So, use right square bracket ']' and it should work
[20:46:05] sphery: Though you must turn on "Use internal volume controls" for Myth's volume keys to do anything
[20:46:45] sphery: I'm guessing you have /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer for audio output device and mixer device, respectively
[20:47:00] Zombie: Yesd.
[20:47:07] NightMonkey: FYI, ops – topic needs a bit of updating – version is now 0.20.2.
[20:47:10] sphery: But, really, I think you should turn off arts (at least for a test), then restart mythfrontend, then test.
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[20:51:33] Zombie: NVR: unknown Audio Codec
[20:51:42] Zombie: how do I fix this?
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[21:14:37] NightMonkey: xris: Hey, just a suggestion – Zap2it's channel selection interface has a view with a "Selected stations:" and "Unselected stations:". Perhaps displaying this once the lineup has been saved would be a nice "check" to verify parity with the old zap2it subscription.
[21:15:52] coopster (coopster! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:07] xris: hmm
[21:22:30] NightMonkey: xris: Like, if I saw "Selected Stations: 206", and that matched with zap2it, I'd feel more assured that I'm not screwing up.
[21:23:28] xris: makes sense
[21:23:57] xris: amazing that people keep signing up... heh
[21:24:04] NightMonkey: xris: Obviously, not critical to functionality (love the multi-select, btw), but nice to have.
[21:24:16] NightMonkey: xris: Yep, one of those was me, just now. ;)
[21:24:22] xris: heh
[21:24:23] hpladds (hpladds! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:25:41] xris: I'll probably hold off on adding that for now.. To do it right, I'd need to mess with javascript on the lineup editor page, and am not really in the mood to poke at that now.
[21:26:09] NightMonkey: xris: Would it be easer to just display the results after submission?
[21:26:27] xris: would just put it on the account page, except I realized that I've have to make an extra call to zap2it for the lineup info, and that's the slowest query we can do
[21:26:44] ** jams suggests using a different color then scheme the black on red **
[21:26:55] xris: I had to match the logo
[21:26:56] NightMonkey: xris: Ah, I see – because SD isn't completely decoupled from zap2it.
[21:27:01] xris: NightMonkey: correct.
[21:27:18] xris: if that happens, it'll be in a few months
[21:27:19] GreyFoxx: In the future it might be more seperate
[21:27:46] NightMonkey: xris: OK, again, no biggie. Thanks for considering my suggestion.
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[21:33:03] nordl1: Hi, If I just do an upgrade via just installing newer version, will it leave my config files intact? Thanks.
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[21:40:49] Eclipsor (Eclipsor! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:41:00] Eclipsor: gah, I just noticed my recent recordings have very jumpy frames
[21:41:03] Eclipsor: not 100% of the time
[21:41:06] Eclipsor: but closer to half
[21:41:28] Eclipsor: what could be the cause of this?>
[21:41:40] Eclipsor: the only thing I can think of is that I bumped up the number of jobs at a time to 2
[21:41:53] nesl247: Is there a way to make mythtv have controls like windows media center does (fast foward, pause etc)
[21:41:55] Eclipsor: but I'm using a 2.4ghz core 2 duo, surely it can handle 2
[21:44:00] BULLE: Eclipsor: might not be a cpu, but io related problem, eg harddrive or similar cant put up ?
[21:44:15] GreyFoxx: nesl247: What do you mean ?
[21:44:16] Eclipsor: hm
[21:44:27] GreyFoxx: I can pause, fastforward and such
[21:44:32] nesl247: I don't see any buttons for that
[21:44:33] GreyFoxx: what use would a video player be if it couldn';t ?
[21:44:44] Eclipsor: BULLE: sata 3.0gb/s, but I am recording 2 shows at a time and both jobs right now are transcoding
[21:44:47] Eclipsor: I'll go bump it down to 1
[21:44:48] GreyFoxx: You mean gui buttons ?
[21:44:49] Eclipsor: and see what happens
[21:45:15] nesl247: GreyFoxx: Yes
[21:45:28] GreyFoxx: nesl247: Then no, there are no gui buttons for it
[21:45:34] nesl247: How stupid is that....
[21:45:37] GreyFoxx: It's intended to be controlled by a keyboard/remote not a mouse
[21:45:54] nesl247: Guess it's time to go back to windows media center
[21:46:02] GreyFoxx: have fun
[21:46:24] BULLE: nesl247: most people just sitt in their comfy sofa and use their remotes ..........
[21:46:43] nesl247: Well, I happen to be using this on a computer
[21:46:48] nesl247: Infront of me, while I browse the internet
[21:47:01] GreyFoxx: and you can't let go of the mouse long enough to hit "p" to pause?
[21:47:02] BULLE: nesl247: or, sit in their comfy sofa and use their wireless keyboard ......... and know the keys to fastforward and reverse
[21:47:03] nesl247: So the fact that it's a pain in the ass to figure out how to resize the window, and that there are no controls, make it useless
[21:47:12] BULLE: nesl247: resize the window ?
[21:47:21] BULLE: nesl247: no controlls, just use the keyboard!
[21:47:21] nesl247: I hate fullscreen
[21:47:25] GreyFoxx: nesl247: It doesn't support dynamic resizing yeah
[21:47:32] nesl247: Mythtv really is lacking then
[21:47:37] BULLE: nesl247: ehm, you have seriously picked the wrong piece of software for what you want
[21:47:46] BULLE: nesl247: no its not, you just picked the wrong solution for your needs
[21:47:51] GreyFoxx: I you intend to use it as a desktop application and need that kind of thing it would be lacking
[21:48:10] GreyFoxx: I use it on my desktop but then I don't dynamically resize it
[21:48:42] Eclipsor: BULLE: yeah, that fixed it :(
[21:48:45] nesl247: Really had wanted to be able to find a media center replacement (best app I've ever seen) for when I'm on linux, guess there isn't one
[21:49:07] GreyFoxx: If those are you requirements then I guess not
[21:49:16] BULLE: nesl247: better run windows mecia center then
[21:49:16] GreyFoxx: Unless you write and submit the patches to do what you want
[21:49:55] nesl247: BULLE: Guess so. Would have been nice to not have to be in windows just to watch tv, was trying to only have windows for games, guess that isn't going to happen
[21:50:24] ** GreyFoxx sniffs the air ... mmmm supper time **
[21:50:34] BULLE: nesl247: you know, its not like there arent other programs for tv card use then mythtv in linux
[21:50:43] BULLE: GreyFoxx: yum!
[21:51:21] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:51:23] nesl247: BULLE: Nothing else is decent. Freevo sucked, mythtv was more confusing to setup than my first kernel compile 4 years ago, and that's the only 2 apps I know
[21:51:44] BULLE: nesl247: ehm ? mplayer, vlc, ktv, etc, there is shitloads of tv-card apps out there
[21:51:48] BULLE: nesl247: just use freshmeat
[21:52:12] BULLE: nesl247: freevo and mythtv arent mediaplayers for your desktop, they are realy targeting the htpc type of setup
[21:53:59] nesl247: Guess I'm just used to the all in one solution of WMC
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[22:01:04] foxhunt (foxhunt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:03:29] jonnyboy1234: anyone here?
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[22:05:48] nordl1: sort of, in/out
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[22:25:14] pretender__ (pretender__! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:25:58] pretender__: what is the command to watch live tv in mplayer
[22:26:49] jams: shouldn't you be asking that in #mplayer
[22:27:28] jonnyboy1234: how do i turn up logging in the backend?
[22:27:33] jams: unless you want mythtv to use mplayer as the player for live-tv. in which case it's not possible
[22:28:07] xris: jonnyboy1234: there are a bunch of options you can pass to -v
[22:28:21] jams: jonnyboy1234- mythbackend -v. mythbackend --help will list more detail
[22:30:03] jonnyboy1234: thanks
[22:30:42] jonnyboy1234: has anyone encountered a problem where scheduled recordings dont appear in the "watch recordings" menu? the ones you watch on live TV appear there though.
[22:31:19] jams: jonnyboy1234- you need to change the group filter
[22:31:40] pretender__ (pretender__! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[22:31:45] jams: while in the watch recordings section, press m to bring up the menu
[22:32:18] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:33:38] ** jonnyboy1234 feels really stupid :)) **
[22:34:12] jams: it happens
[22:34:31] jams: lets just say your not the first to ask about it
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[22:37:59] jonnyboy1234: i didnt go through the user manual and thought all along it was a backend mysql problem
[22:39:05] jonnyboy1234: i was using an external player to view the strangely-named mpg files which do show up in the recordings directory.
[22:39:42] jams: the names of the files are based of the channelid and timestamp
[22:40:12] jams: i should say start and end time
[22:40:27] jonnyboy1234: thanks for that. i should now be able to set up lirc and not have to deal with the keyboard again for a while.
[22:40:48] jams: good luck! lirc is either easy or pita
[22:41:29] jams: if your using a well supported remote it should go smoothly
[22:42:45] jonnyboy1234: i dont have a receiver yet.. but im thinking the one that came with the tuner card might work
[22:43:30] jams: pvr150?
[22:44:09] jonnyboy1234: it's one of those leadtek DVB ones
[22:44:20] jams: idea
[22:45:11] jonnyboy1234: i'll sort it out till i hit a wall again.
[22:45:19] jonnyboy1234: thanks for your help
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[23:05:52] my2keh: compiling now!
[23:05:54] my2keh: look at me go
[23:05:56] my2keh: heh
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[23:11:23] NightMonkey: OK, I'm running mythtv-setup over a forwarded X session over SSH. Fonts are huge. What sets the theme settings used by mythtv-setup – the setup in mythfrontend?
[23:11:40] NightMonkey: (Haven't run mythtv-setup in probably over a year)
[23:11:40] NightMonkey: <NightMonkey> Fonts are so huge that I can't see all fields and bu
[23:11:56] NightMonkey: buttons in a 1280x768 screen.
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[23:18:47] my2keh: you ever tried expanding a partition?
[23:21:58] NightMonkey: my2keh: With Reiser 3.6 – works well.
[23:22:08] NightMonkey: my2keh: + LVM2.
[23:22:33] NightMonkey: Funny how I can do that, but can't shrink the fonts on mythtv-setup. ;)
[23:22:39] my2keh: LOL
[23:22:41] my2keh: I have LVM
[23:22:55] my2keh: but want to add some space to my root partition
[23:23:59] mycroes (mycroes! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[23:24:02] my2keh: dev/sda1 4.7G 4.2G 183M 96% /
[23:24:04] my2keh: dev/mapper/vg-myth 694G 220G 475G 32% /myth
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[23:31:30] NightMonkey: OK, super-dump newbie SD user question. Does it do me any good to have "Perform EIT Scan" on my SD video source setup in Myth?
[23:31:38] NightMonkey: It doesn't look like it would, but...
[23:31:42] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_!n=Scope@ has quit (Client Quit)
[23:32:19] my2keh: uhh
[23:32:22] my2keh: do you use DVB?
[23:32:25] NightMonkey: my2keh: Nope.
[23:33:07] GreyFoxx: then it wont matter
[23:33:13] GreyFoxx: on or off
[23:33:35] NightMonkey: Anyone got a linky to the DD->SD conversion steps? I forgot what I should do for mythfilldatabase once I've switched Video Sources.
[23:33:57] NightMonkey: GreyFoxx: Thanks.
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[23:35:49] my2keh: right
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[23:36:27] Zombie: NVR: unknown Audio Codec
[23:36:29] Zombie: how do I fix this?
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[23:40:58] ** NightMonkey cowers in fear as he does his first SD mythfilldatabase. **
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[23:47:56] scopeuk (scopeuk!n=Scope@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:52:38] Zombie: Anyone here?
[23:53:25] Zombie: I'm not getting any sound out of MythTV, TVTime works fine, but MythTV is Silent.
[23:59:48] xris: Zombie: what if you play the recordings with another app?

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