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Tuesday, April 17th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:59] xris: sivel27: to control what?
[00:01:08] xzcvczx: xris: irblaster probably
[00:01:25] xris: xzcvczx: and what would the ir blaster be controlling?
[00:01:27] sivel27: to control my pansat fta reciever
[00:01:35] xzcvczx: xris :)
[00:01:36] sivel27: from my laptop
[00:01:37] xris: sivel27: usually the channel change script is just a little bash script that calls ir_send
[00:02:12] xris: sivel27: the location of the frontend doesn't matter. all the frontend does is grab the video from the backend.
[00:03:34] sivel27: right, but say if im in the basemwnt with th frontend {laptop}, and the pansat controller isnt with me, could i change the channels through the laptop keyboard
[00:05:01] fryfrog: sure
[00:05:10] fryfrog: something like " 844"
[00:05:43] fryfrog: where "" is of course, your bash script that is written to use irsend/irblaster to change the channel
[00:07:06] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:33] nero (nero!n=_nero_@unaffiliated/nero) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:45] sivel27: where would i go to read up on the creation of the script,
[00:07:49] sivel27: commands, etc
[00:08:36] nero: if I want to upgrade my distro (essentially start over from scratch on the OS) but I want to keep all my recordings, etc.. which are on another partition, I simply need to export my mysql database, then re-import it after setting up Myth again on the new distro, correct?
[00:08:57] Tanthrix: nero: Aye.
[00:09:08] nero: Tanthrix, great. :)
[00:09:11] clever_ (clever_! has quit (Connection timed out)
[00:09:19] Tanthrix: nero: As far as I know, anyway ;)
[00:09:44] nero: Tanthrix, yeah, the last time I did this was 2004, and I forgot to do the DB backup..
[00:09:51] nero: don't want to make that mistake again ;)
[00:09:52] Tanthrix: Lame.
[00:10:02] nero: to say the least!
[00:10:52] fryfrog: nero: you might also want to *restore* selectivly
[00:10:59] fryfrog: ie, just the recorded table or so
[00:11:11] nero: fryfrog, very true.
[00:11:15] fryfrog: ie, do a clean setup but import all your old previously recorded shows and currently saved programs
[00:11:22] fryfrog: thats what i did recently
[00:11:32] fryfrog: but for sure *have* a full backup, so you can pull out which ever tables you want :)
[00:11:35] nero: yup.. that is what I am mostly interested in.. cant think of anything else that would need backing up.
[00:11:41] nero: yup.. just grabbed all 11 megs of it. :)
[00:11:46] fryfrog: 11mb???
[00:11:48] fryfrog: lazy :)
[00:11:50] nero: hehe
[00:11:52] fryfrog: mine is like 90mb :)
[00:12:08] nero: I dont have a TON of recordings.. but enough that I dont want to lose.
[00:12:21] nero: I figure, new TV, new HD service, I might as well install a new distro.. ;)
[00:12:30] fryfrog: ah
[00:12:38] fryfrog: what sort of HD?
[00:12:44] nero: the TV? or the Service?
[00:12:58] fryfrog: i'd be curios of both, but was refering to the service
[00:13:01] nero: the TV is the new Samsung 720p 40" (4053H), the service is Verizon FiOS
[00:13:10] fryfrog: oh, wow nice fios!
[00:13:14] nero: yeah..
[00:13:18] fryfrog: how are you hooking the HD portion to myth? firewire?
[00:13:23] nero: too bad I wont really be able to use MythTV too much with it..
[00:13:32] nero: I am going to try.. I've heard mixed things about if it works or not..
[00:14:02] fryfrog: ah
[00:14:03] nero: some claim they can only get the OTA stuff, others say they can get everything that isnt premium (can get Discover HD, Food Network HD, ESPN HD, etc.. cant get HBO HD, Showtime HD etc..)
[00:14:21] fryfrog: i use firewire with my comcast crappy DVR HD boxes, i get everything i pay for
[00:14:25] fryfrog: from firewire
[00:14:25] Tanthrix: nero: It all depends on your cable provider.
[00:14:34] fryfrog: what sort of boxes do they give you?
[00:14:34] nero: but you need their DVR to try it anyway (its the only thing with FW out) so even if it doesnt work, I still have their crappy DVR
[00:14:40] nero: same thing that comcast gives..
[00:14:48] fryfrog: motorola DCT6412?
[00:14:50] nero: Tanthrix, I know- but it also seems to vary from place to place.
[00:14:50] kormoc_: Verizon isn't gonverned by the FCC firewire ruling, as they're not a cable-co (yet)
[00:14:54] fryfrog: you sure they don't have a plain old HD tuner?
[00:15:09] fryfrog: lucky bastards :/
[00:15:15] fryfrog: do you have fios internets, btw?
[00:15:16] Tanthrix: nero: Er, that's what I meant. Not like all Comcast is the same, but all local companies are diffient.
[00:15:27] nero: fryfrog, yup. They claim to have a $9.99/mo HD tuner but when I called they said it isnt available..
[00:15:31] FairWitness (FairWitness! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:40] FairWitness: Sup people.
[00:15:55] nero: so I went for the $13.00/mo dvr.. though some have said the STB (non DVR) that they give you doesn't have FW out.
[00:16:05] fryfrog: nero: I actually tried to get 2 from comcast, but the dude that came out to swap em took my DVR and... brought in 2 more DVRs
[00:16:21] FairWitness: Got my brand new ubuntu-based myth installs, and everything looks great. My only question, can I force the video scan to always be progressive?
[00:16:30] nero: kormoc, yup.. Though everyone I have talked to said they are following the regs- the local OTA stuff is available.
[00:16:42] nero: so.. that all gets installed tomorrow.. and I'll know a lot more.. ;)
[00:17:05] fryfrog: FairWitness: just turn on deinterlacing, and make sure your *video* settings for Xorg are set to non-interlaced setting
[00:17:08] nero: even so, I can still use myth for everything else (videos, gallery, music, DVDs, etc..) which is about half my usage anyway.
[00:17:16] fryfrog: FairWitness: well, of course assuming you aren't using like svideo or rca out on a video card
[00:17:24] nero: bbiab.. time to start the ubuntu install..
[00:17:29] fryfrog: think you'll need component, vga or DVI / HDMI to do "progressive"
[00:17:41] FairWitness: fryfrog: Using standard VGA...Need to check the xorg..
[00:17:50] fryfrog: and for computers, "progressive" is normal... you'd have to work hard to get interlaced output
[00:17:50] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:18:33] FairWitness: fryfrog: Understood, it's just that myth's "autodetect" seems to prefer interlaced. I was assuming due to the video source.
[00:19:09] fryfrog: FairWitness: oh, yeah sure if it detects that the recording is "interlaced" it will deinterlace it, if you have deinterlacing turned on
[00:19:10] FairWitness: I find I get the best output (smoothest) with bob deinterlacing, and manually changing (via the osd) to "progressive"
[00:19:13] fryfrog: what is your source?
[00:19:33] FairWitness: Standard cable.
[00:19:41] fryfrog: humm, thats odd. i'd have thought it picked that by default
[00:19:59] fryfrog: i mean, its not like it can actually change to an "interlaced" mode if you don't have one defined in the xorg.conf file?
[00:19:59] FairWitness: Nope. It loves the interlacing. I think it's the fancy name. :)
[00:20:20] fryfrog: hehe
[00:20:35] FairWitness: No special modes. Stock install, stock rezs.
[00:27:04] giovani: I wondering if there is any feature already available (or planned) for doing a multi picture-in-picture (assuming one has the number of inputs for it) — 4 or 9 inputs to evenly divide the screen, for example
[00:29:20] tank-man (tank-man! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:32:29] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:25] xzcvczx (xzcvczx!n=nosdr4g@gentoo/user/xzcvczx) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:34:51] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:51] ** kormoc_ wonders if anyone else will go **
[00:38:15] Tanthrix: Whereabouts in the northwest?
[00:40:00] kormoc_: Seattle
[00:40:24] Tanthrix: Bah, that's 4 hours away from here!
[00:40:44] xris: Tanthrix: where are you?
[00:40:50] Tanthrix: Er, 3
[00:40:51] xris: linuxfest is actually in bellingham
[00:40:55] Tanthrix: Portland, OR.
[00:40:59] xris: Tanthrix: ahh.
[00:41:05] xris: well, free bus from seattle.
[00:41:06] xris: heh
[00:42:04] Tanthrix: Bit further tha I'd like to travel to see all your ugly mugs in person ;)
[00:42:35] xris: free beer a good incentive?
[00:42:43] xris:
[00:42:50] Tanthrix: hehe
[00:42:53] xris: granted, it's an overnight event, too
[00:49:39] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:12] clever_ (clever_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:33] adante: alas google maps is unable to calculate driving directions from brisbane, australia to seattle, so i'm going to have to pass
[00:59:14] kormoc_: adante, even if it did, would you perfer to swim? :P
[00:59:53] adante: i was going to say its too far to swim
[01:00:06] adante: but i suppose if i stopped for a rest at hawaii it might be doable
[01:04:22] Om (Om!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:16] nero (nero!n=_nero_@unaffiliated/nero) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:25:23] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:39:14] Solv (Solv! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:46] nero (nero!n=_nero_@unaffiliated/nero) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:59] nero: time to get a new video card..
[01:48:13] nero: looks like my 440MX wont drive my 720p TV via DVI->HDMI
[01:49:10] ldam (ldam! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:51:22] knowledgejunkie (knowledgejunkie!n=knowledg@unaffiliated/knowledgejunkie) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:31] Tanthrix: nero: It should be able to handle 720p just fine
[01:51:46] nero: Tanthrix, yeah, I think the problem is the DVI->HDMI
[01:52:19] nero: I couldn't get any output (including the bios screen, etc..) with the 440MX. Swapped in my main machine's 6800GT, and it all worked just fine.
[01:52:37] Tanthrix: Weird!
[01:52:56] Tanthrix: And when you tried this there were no other monitors connected, right?
[01:53:02] nero: correct.
[01:53:18] tanq: does anyone in here use the ati HDTV with an nvidia card?
[01:53:20] Tanthrix: And I presume you know the DVI output to actually work?
[01:53:26] tanq: I can't get them to work together
[01:53:40] Tanthrix: (ie, it's not physically broken)
[01:53:40] nero: Yup.. it worked before (though I guess I hadn't used it in a while)
[01:53:47] tanq: i see forums from 2004 that basically say that they don'y really work well together.
[01:53:51] nero: oh.. yeah..
[01:53:54] nero: it works.. I am using it right now..
[01:54:03] nero: on my main machine.
[01:54:18] dsmith__ (dsmith__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:22] xris: Tanthrix:
[01:54:29] Tanthrix: Well, I would have never thought that to be possible.
[01:54:32] xris: and/or anyone else in the northwest:
[01:55:22] nero: Tanthrix, I have heard that some cards have trouble doing the DVI->HDMI thing on samsung TVs..
[01:55:25] nero: shrug
[01:55:32] tanq: man this is frustrating.. if I use the hdtv with my geforce ti 4200 i can play the HD content for a while but it lags. if i throw in my GX 5600 (128MB) or my 6200(256mb) they freeze almost instantly.
[01:56:22] Tanthrix: nero: They *should* be 100 percent backwards compatible. I wonder if the problem might be some kind of bug with your TV.
[01:56:49] Tanthrix: nero: In any case, I'm sorry to hear that. At least video cards aren't too expensive these days.
[01:57:14] nero: Tanthrix, I wouldn't be suprised.. there are all kinds of complaints with Samsung panels + DVI->HDMI.. but when it works, it works BEAUTIFULLY.
[01:57:22] nero: humm..
[01:57:23] nero: hold on..
[01:57:24] tanq: what else besides mplayer can I use to test OTA HDTV?
[01:57:40] nero: it may be my card.. I am not really using DVI.. I am using DVI->VGA (analog) from that card..
[01:57:47] nero: and it is an old card.. so that may be the issue.
[01:58:21] Tanthrix: Wait, so you're using an DVI to VGA convertor instead of DVI to HDMI for the TV?
[01:59:18] nero: no..
[01:59:25] nero: My main monitor is VGA..
[01:59:31] nero: so, right now I am using it DVI->VGA
[01:59:44] Tanthrix: Oh, I see.
[01:59:44] nero: and I have never used that card for DVI->DVI, so it could be the card that is shot.
[01:59:55] Tanthrix: Is it possible that your card only has a DVI-A port on it?
[02:00:03] nero: Maybe.
[02:00:07] nero: Its old..
[02:00:15] nero: and I think it came out of a Dell something or another..
[02:00:22] Tanthrix: I wonder if there is a way to find out somehow
[02:00:27] nero: (got it out of surplus at the office ;) )
[02:00:38] Tanthrix:
[02:00:53] Tanthrix: chart*
[02:01:34] Tanthrix: Since DVI-A isn't DVI at all it would most certainly not work with your TV in any way.
[02:01:45] nero: no.. it looks like DVI-I
[02:02:28] Tanthrix: Though, I guess that doesn't mean *that* much because it might just be cheaper for them to use a standard plug and just leave some pins unconnected than to use the correct ports.
[02:02:38] nero: that very well could be the case..
[02:02:42] nero: its only a 32 meg card..
[02:02:55] nero: passively cooled (which is why I liked it for SDTV)
[02:02:57] Tanthrix: Could try looking up the model number.
[02:03:07] nero: there is nothing on the card.. :/
[02:03:13] Tanthrix: I hate when they do that.
[02:03:16] nero: its some generic thing.. it really is a POS card.. so no worries.. ;)
[02:03:26] Tanthrix: hehe
[02:03:40] tanq: what does mythtv use to play hdtv?
[02:03:43] adante: hey Tanthrix, how do you disable the database part for the video plugin?
[02:03:50] tanq: i can't remember is that a configuration option?
[02:04:03] Tanthrix: adante: It's something about "don't load metadata" or something similar
[02:04:05] nero: bbiab
[02:04:18] Tanthrix: adante: Let me check.
[02:05:08] dsmith_au (dsmith_au! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:05:23] Tanthrix: adante: Uncheck "Video List Loads Video Meta Data" in general under media settings.
[02:05:57] Tanthrix: tanq: Myth uses its internal player do playback everything.
[02:06:34] adante: thanks Tanthrix
[02:06:46] dsmith__ (dsmith__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:07:11] Tanthrix: tanq: Have you monitored your CPU usage "top -d .3" while playing back HD stuff? Your video card won't have anything to do with performance unless you're using XvMC
[02:07:28] Tanthrix: adante: NP.
[02:08:13] tanq: Tanthrix: i've only tried it in mplayer so far.. but it actually plays with my super low end card. it just gets out of sync..
[02:08:31] tanq: and i've looked at top and not really seen anything unusual
[02:09:06] tanq: when i use the newer cards it just craps out.
[02:09:09] Tanthrix: tanq: mplayer seems to be a decent amount more efficient at playing back mpeg2 than myth's internal player, for whatever reasons.
[02:09:31] tanq: i'm going to give xine a whirl and see if it gives me the same results.
[02:09:38] Tanthrix: What nvidia are you running? Are you sure the driver you have is new enough to support your newer cards?
[02:09:48] Tanthrix: nvidia driver*
[02:10:00] tanq: yes I downloaded the latest drivers from the website.
[02:10:18] tanq: and I mean nvidias website.
[02:10:28] dsmith_au (dsmith_au! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:33] nero: tanq- what is your AGP setting in your xorg.conf file?
[02:10:50] nero: (er, nvagp, whatever it is)
[02:12:29] tanq: its not set so it should be automatic
[02:12:43] nero: you may want to try changing the settings..
[02:12:57] nero: it defaults to 1 I think? And that isn't good for many people..
[02:13:26] nero: also, if you have renderaccel on, try turing it off.
[02:13:30] nero: turning even
[02:13:32] tanq: well it is at 4x
[02:13:34] tanq: brb
[02:13:46] nero: no.. not your agp speed.. the NvAGP setting.
[02:14:17] kambei (kambei! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:12] Tanthrix: nero: So have you not been able to see the beauty that is HD on your new set yet?
[02:16:25] nero: Tanthrix, not yet!
[02:16:27] nero: well..
[02:16:46] nero: I have a little.. I had some HD content nabbed from somewhere that I tested it out with when I first got it..
[02:17:03] Tanthrix: Using your main machine's card, I take it
[02:17:09] nero: yeah.
[02:17:12] Tanthrix: hehe
[02:17:32] Tanthrix: Well, when you get it all working, you will be very happy
[02:17:37] nero: so I spent all weekend assembling Ikea furniture, moving stuff, etc..
[02:17:54] nero: moved a 300lb 36" sony trinitron
[02:18:03] nero: now it sits in our living room.. anyone want it?
[02:18:10] Tanthrix: hehe
[02:18:18] kormoc_: nero, if you deliver :P
[02:18:24] nero: kormoc, hehe..
[02:18:26] nero: yeah right.
[02:18:35] nero: I'm trying to sell the damn thing on craigslist..
[02:18:40] Tanthrix: Is it SD only?
[02:18:47] nero: had a few people interested.. but they were just kicking tires.
[02:18:49] nero: yeah.
[02:18:49] Tanthrix: Er, of course it is.
[02:19:02] Tanthrix: No HD trinitrons, those are the wegas or something.
[02:19:15] nero: though it is arguably Sony's highest quality tube..
[02:19:22] Tanthrix: I'm in the same process as you right now, upgrading to HD.
[02:19:27] nero: its the high end one that came out right before Wega..
[02:19:50] nero: so it gives a VERY nice picture.. just gotta find the right buyer.
[02:20:24] Tanthrix: I'm sure it does give a very nice picture. The question is though, for how much longer...
[02:20:41] Tanthrix: Before it begins the slow death that all new-ish CRTs embark on.
[02:22:20] nero: hehe
[02:22:20] knowledgejunkie: I've got a 6yo 36" WEGA which gives a very nice picture (weighed in at 95kg). The degauss on the screen is something else :)
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[02:41:25] clever_ is now known as clever
[02:44:32] JoeyJoeJo: is it possible to put a clock in the empty space of a theme?
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[02:49:11] armbar (armbar! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:15] armbar: hello
[02:50:47] armbar: is --disable-backend not a valid option when building svn?
[02:51:23] kormoc_: even if it was, it's not a supported option for usage anyway
[02:52:23] armbar: So what do you use to build for a stand-alone frontend?
[02:52:35] kormoc_: both and just don't run the backend
[02:53:09] armbar: so build it all and diable the backend startup?
[02:53:14] kormoc_: yes
[02:53:20] armbar: cool, thanks
[02:53:28] kormoc_: it was put in to help people port the code, was never ment to actually be used
[02:53:45] clever[rev]: kormoc: seen
[02:54:14] Zyxuz (Zyxuz! has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.1")
[02:54:31] kormoc_: what bout it?
[02:54:42] clever[rev]: that bug is still plauging my system
[02:54:51] clever[rev]: keeps pushing it under 500mb free
[02:55:06] kormoc_: get a bigger drive
[02:55:10] clever[rev]: have to keep a close eye on it and delete stuff thats on autoexpire to save it
[02:55:25] clever[rev]: but why am i having to manauly delete files which are on autoexpire?
[02:55:33] clever[rev]: shouldnt it be auto deleting them on its own?
[02:56:39] kormoc_: in theory, sure
[02:56:51] clever[rev]: but there in use at the time
[02:56:54] clever[rev]: by mythcommflag
[02:57:31] clever[rev]: so if i have everything on dont expire and 2gig free with a min of 2gig free
[02:58:17] kormoc_: other thing that should likely be ticketed is, if you can't auto-expire anything, don't record when min-free-space is hit
[02:58:41] clever[rev]: yeah that would also be usefull
[02:58:45] kali67 (kali67! has quit ()
[02:59:52] kormoc_: autoexpired recordings should always re-record
[02:59:58] kormoc_: unless you told it not to
[03:00:08] clever[rev]: ahh wasnt shure of that
[03:00:58] JoeyJoeJo: I'm testing out the mythtvosd command, and it doesn't seem that it works when I'm in a menu, only when I'm watching something. Can I make it work in the menus?
[03:16:25] xzcvczxx: should i be getting slightly suspicious if copying 320gig from sata -> sata has taken almost 3hrs so far and is still going?
[03:17:23] erpo (erpo!n=erpo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:56] kormoc_: xzcvczxx, that's a bit slow, aye
[03:18:49] erpo: Hi. After a while, my mythtv box starts to get choppy video. Restarting X fixes the problem. I've noticed that when mythtv is running fine, Xorg CPU usage is low, but when mythtv is having problems with choppy video playback, Xorg CPU usage sucks up whatever isn't being used by mythfrontend and mythcommflag. What's wrong? What should I do?
[03:18:55] xzcvczxx: kormoc_: thats what im thinking but unfourtunately am in single user mode so have no way to check my suspicions
[03:19:13] JoeyJoeJo: I had a similar problem once with slow data transfers.. it turned out that I wasn't using the top dma setting that my drive supported
[03:19:34] xzcvczxx: JoeyJoeJo: unfourtunately no way to check that either
[03:19:44] JoeyJoeJo: how come?
[03:19:45] xzcvczxx: i may have spoken too soon
[03:19:53] xzcvczxx: am in single user mode
[03:19:58] JoeyJoeJo: I see
[03:20:04] xzcvczxx: lol and it just feckin finished
[03:20:07] xzcvczxx: finally
[03:20:41] MarineTim (MarineTim!n=fenn@DNab423315.Stanford.EDU) has quit ("Leaving.")
[03:21:00] kormoc_: xzcvczxx, still, 30 megs/s is still rather slow, you said sata right?
[03:21:19] xzcvczxx: kormoc_: yup
[03:21:48] kormoc_: sata won't have DMA/speed issues like PATA drives
[03:22:23] xzcvczxx: yeah but i guess the hdparm script wouldnt have started in single user mode enabling any performance increases would it
[03:22:35] sivel27: anyone having luck using a laptop with mythfrontend ?
[03:23:06] kormoc_: xzcvczxx, hdparm is rather useless with sata, go ahead and check, you won't have much to change, and nothing really performance related
[03:23:18] JoeyJoeJo: sive127: I'm using mythfrontend on a macbook pro in osx
[03:24:11] sivel27: nice. im using a dell, with intel 810 graphics and it "all-of-the-sudden" started to get virtually un-watchable
[03:24:18] sivel27: an i cant figure it out
[03:24:52] sivel27: i have never adjusted the xorg.conf, nor the drivers that came with ubuntu
[03:24:52] xzcvczxx: kormoc_: any other ideas then?
[03:26:33] kormoc_: xzcvczxx, check dmesg for any oddness
[03:29:31] xzcvczxx: kormoc_: lol too late now already rebooted tol get out of horrible single user
[03:31:49] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[03:35:21] JoeyJoeJo: is it possible to make mythtvosd pop up when in the menus? right now I can only get it to work while watching something
[03:35:54] GreyFoxx: JoeyJoeJo: No, right now it's only available during video playback as ut uses the OSD layer for display
[03:36:15] JoeyJoeJo: whats ut?
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[03:37:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:38:04] GreyFoxx: that would be "but" missing the b
[03:38:23] GreyFoxx: hehe actually It was a type, I meant to say It
[03:38:27] knowledgejunkie: or it transposing the i for a u
[03:38:30] GreyFoxx: and I hit the U right next to the i
[03:38:59] GreyFoxx: I've been awake far too long, my limited brain cells are loosing power and need recharging soon
[03:39:02] JoeyJoeJo: gotcha.. thanks for clearing that up though
[03:46:22] xzcvczxx: does single user mode use fstab?
[03:55:32] kormoc_: it doesn't mount things in rw mode, but yes, it uses it
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[03:57:53] xzcvczxx: kormoc_: hmmm hopefully got it sorted anyway
[03:58:43] kormoc_ (kormoc_!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[04:01:14] blackest: hi anyone know how to add www-data to the mythtv group ?
[04:02:02] blackest: i think i need to do this to allow both access to the recordings folder
[04:04:16] xzcvczxx: blackest: just nano /etc/groups
[04:06:47] xris: blackest: usermod -aG mythtv www-data
[04:06:59] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[04:07:03] xris: blackest: or just make the directory world-readable
[04:07:03] erpo (erpo!n=erpo@ has quit ("Leaving")
[04:07:18] blackest: so just mythtv:x:117:john,mythtv,www-data
[04:07:57] blackest: what i have found is if www-data is the owner mythtv loses access and visversa
[04:10:41] blackest: cool looks like that helped that problem
[04:13:19] blackest: got 1 more i have a musicfolder i can play it from combined back/frontend but from a remote front end although file names are visable the music player (ogg or mp3 ) says cant open input error 5 is this permissions again ?
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[04:22:38] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:40] Netslayer: one of my friends just signed up on gossamer, did the confirmation link on the email and his account works. When he tries to email with a post it gets the unregistered user email back with awaiting moderation.. any ideas?
[04:24:43] xris: blackest: or just chmod 777 — that gives everyone write access.
[04:24:49] xris: no security concerns if you're the only user
[04:25:05] xris: Netslayer: um, gossamer doesn't host the lists?
[04:25:42] Netslayer: oh that's right
[04:25:43] xris: Netslayer: have your friend follow the signup link on
[04:26:05] Netslayer: ya, it's been so many years since i did mine lol
[04:26:20] Netslayer: he's replying to chris' post for a flash dev
[04:26:32] xris: that would be me
[04:26:36] Netslayer: ya i thought so lol
[04:28:17] Netslayer: you guys still looking for one?
[04:28:30] xris: yup
[04:28:40] Netslayer: cool, i'll have him resignup and post again
[04:28:55] Netslayer: he does flash and flash vid for a living
[04:29:02] xris: cool
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[04:34:38] Netslayer: xris, msg was posted, should go through now. i'm going to grab some food late
[04:35:12] xris: :)
[04:36:47] Ross_C: mysql3 and dbcheck.cpp question – anyone?
[04:37:12] xris: Ross_C: sounds like you created a ticket
[04:37:21] Ross_C: yes, but I think I found the problem...
[04:38:23] cout (cout! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:38:28] Ross_C: in latest dbcheck.cpp grepping for "ALTER TABLE" and MODIFY...
[04:39:10] xris: Ross_C: those changesets are YEARS old
[04:39:14] Ross_C: I notice that ALTER TABLE eit_cache MODIFY eventid INT UNSIGNED default 0 ... doesn't have NOT NULL, when the others do..
[04:40:10] xris: Ross_C: so? nothing wrong with that
[04:40:55] Ross_C: error on db upgrade says "ALL parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need a NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead
[04:41:01] cout (cout! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:29] xris: oh
[04:41:38] xris: odd
[04:42:25] Ross_C: looking at svn browser diffs now
[04:43:42] cout (cout! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:44:12] xris: Ross_C: odd.. I guess later versions of mysql just keep the NOT NULL... my tables are unaffected
[04:44:51] xris: anyway, fixed
[04:45:14] xris: that's exactly what I just committed
[04:45:28] xris: afk
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[04:54:06] sphing: anyone have any experience with sockets in the kernel?
[04:56:22] ** xzcvczxx stops fucking round for a few hours after almost having a heart attack at the prospect his data might be gone **
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[06:02:34] JoeyJoeJo: is there a bash or perl script that I can use to check my gmail? I would like to get mythtvosd notification working
[06:03:23] cesman: JoeyJoeJo: did you check the link in the channel topic?
[06:04:28] JoeyJoeJo: if you're asking if I've googled it, yes
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[08:58:24] bender386: is anybody here from australia?
[08:59:24] pigeon: i'm in sydney...
[08:59:25] pat_: yep
[08:59:37] bender386: how do you guys get your guide data?
[08:59:42] pat_: icetv
[09:00:06] bender386: you have to pay for that dont you?
[09:00:09] pat_: was using D1 for a while, but found their data to be crap
[09:00:19] pat_: yeah, you have to pay for icetv
[09:01:37] pigeon: i use
[09:01:39] pat_: there is also the ozTiVo data guide,
[09:01:58] bender386: yeh im trying to get the oztivo one working
[09:02:23] bender386: dont go anywhere but its the same as oztivo i think
[09:02:58] pat_: yeah, the domain expired a few days ago
[09:03:02] pigeon: looks like domain has expired or not working, yeah it's basically that one
[09:03:03] pat_: and nobody renewed it
[09:03:08] pigeon: ha
[09:03:09] bender386: ah ok
[09:04:37] pat_: you've basically got 4 options: oztivo, d1, icetv, scraper
[09:04:48] bender386: ok
[09:05:05] crash-x_ (crash-x_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:06:37] pat_: hmm, d1 uses the oztivo guide anyway
[09:07:03] bender386: where can i find the d1?
[09:07:20] Solv: shepherd is the best guys
[09:07:23] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[09:08:01] bender386: oh i think i might of got it working
[09:08:04] Solv: it uses a heap of different methods to collect and analyse data from various sources, and then comes up with the most likely solution
[09:08:35] pat_: has a bunch of them
[09:08:47] bender386: im using the tv_grab_au_reg one
[09:09:08] bender386: 1 thing i do know is that this computer will need more then 128mb of ram
[09:09:29] Solv:
[09:09:39] Solv: it is a million times better than tv_grab_au
[09:10:07] bender386: ah thanks il have a look at that
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[10:08:11] fluvvell: is the reason my mythtv install has a great picture and no sound off a pvr350 just because I need to feed audio out from the card back into the sound card input somewhere?
[10:15:39] gbee: any opinions on this drive – Maxtor Diamondmax 20 320GB
[10:16:34] gbee:
[10:17:53] gbee: heh, urgent
[10:19:05] hads: I'd go Seagate or WD myself.
[10:19:59] gbee: yeah, well given a choice I'd probably go seagate or samsung, but as this was an unexpected expense I'm trying to get the best value for money
[10:20:29] gbee:
[10:21:13] fluvvell (fluvvell! has quit ("gets out as fast as he can...")
[10:21:35] jduggan_: eew, maxtor
[10:22:09] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:22:19] gbee: could get the Samsung 250Gb for the same price
[10:22:29] Ruleke: hello folks
[10:24:18] jeffery (jeffery! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:24:21] gbee:
[10:24:33] hads: Ouch
[10:25:07] gbee: although I've not liked WD much – in the past I always found their drives to be noisier, that was a few years ago now so it's probably changed
[10:25:45] hads: That's possible. I've only been using Seagate for a few years now. I do remember WD being noisy, but like you say that may have changed now.
[10:25:50] anykey_: gbee: i have a few wd drives here, they make some noise on each access, very high tone...
[10:25:59] hads: I don't really know much about Samsung drives.
[10:26:21] gbee: think I'll go with the Samsung Spinpoint, already got a couple and they are very quiet
[10:26:25] anykey_: gbee: though the warranty replacement of one of those drives is quite quiet..
[10:26:34] Ruleke: it depends on the WD drive tbh... I have a few that you can't actually hear
[10:26:44] hads: I'd go for the Samsung before the Maxtor
[10:26:52] hads: But that's just me.
[10:27:28] gbee: if I had time/money to shop around I could probably do better but the current drive is probably dead
[10:27:48] gbee: I need that machine up and running again asap
[10:28:44] sid3windr: jduggan_: maxtor = seagate ;)
[10:30:29] Ruleke: bah cpus are more expensive than I thought
[10:32:40] RaYmAn-Bx: maxtor hd's are just horrible.
[10:33:39] RaYmAn-Bx: at least in my experience, they tend to die too quickly.
[10:35:12] gbee: I've opted for the Samsung – . . . DDSAMSP2504C
[10:35:37] gbee: just need to walk over there to buy it
[10:35:55] anykey_: thats the hardest part :p
[10:37:23] RaYmAn-Bx: *click click* *wait a day* *install*
[10:37:27] RaYmAn-Bx: ;)
[10:40:13] gbee:
[10:40:29] gbee: plus I really need the exercise
[10:56:16] H0rb0rt (H0rb0rt! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:56:47] gbee: aw crap, Gladiator have moved from Derby to Manchester – so much for walking
[10:58:49] Ruleke: hehe
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[11:00:58] ivor: now that would get you fit.
[11:04:21] gbee: ;)
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[11:11:30] planktonboy: hi all
[11:14:15] GhostFreeman|2 is now known as GhostFreeman
[11:14:18] H0rb0rt: it contains a table where drives ought to be mounted
[11:14:27] planktonboy: yup
[11:14:33] planktonboy: I have done that
[11:14:47] H0rb0rt: And why didn;'t that work?
[11:14:59] juski: I don't advise you use the cp command to copy large numbers of big files. rsync instead :)
[11:15:05] planktonboy: well just about to
[11:15:12] H0rb0rt: (btw, restarting the system to apply changes is not always nessersary, mount is a command to prevent this:p)
[11:15:23] planktonboy: ok
[11:15:38] bender386 (bender386! has quit ()
[11:15:45] planktonboy: if I can just give you a summary of my settings
[11:15:46] H0rb0rt: be carefull not to delete the /-line
[11:16:01] H0rb0rt: I dont know pastbin, sorry.
[11:16:23] planktonboy: for example /dev/hda3 partition holds the files for mythmusic and mythgallery mounted in /media/Data
[11:16:37] juski: ? like the one mentioned in the channel greeting?!
[11:17:05] H0rb0rt: pastebin and I am not compatible.
[11:17:19] juski: RTFM and you are not compatible either I'll wager
[11:17:21] planktonboy: and the files are in /media/Data/mythmusic and /media/Data/mythgallery respectively
[11:18:10] H0rb0rt: what is RTFM?
[11:18:14] H0rb0rt: !RTFM
[11:18:29] juski: planktonboy: if you just want to copy your recordings to the new hdd, make a new dir in / (e.g. recbackup) then mount the new hdd to /recbackup, then rsync your recordings dir to recbackup
[11:18:29] H0rb0rt: probably rules.
[11:18:40] juski: H0rb0rt: read the frickin manual
[11:18:51] planktonboy: juski ah ok
[11:18:54] planktonboy: thanks
[11:19:24] H0rb0rt (H0rb0rt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:19:28] juski: planktonboy: then when all the files are done copying, stop mythbackend & make sure nothing is using the old recording dir
[11:19:50] planktonboy: right
[11:19:53] planktonboy: ok mate
[11:19:56] planktonboy: thanks a bunch
[11:20:03] juski: then you can unmount the original dir & adjust /etc/fstab or just edit /etc/fstab & tell mythtv-setup where the 'new' dir is
[11:20:48] planktonboy: yup
[11:20:56] planktonboy: cheers
[11:21:06] juski: until you're 100% sure the files are all there, do NOT do anything to the old ones ;)
[11:21:32] planktonboy: yes..I didnt want to lose them
[11:21:35] planktonboy: :
[11:21:40] planktonboy: :) even
[11:22:26] juski: I did a similar thing recently when I converted a partition to xfs. rsync'd all my recordings to a nice safe place, made the partition again using xfs this time & rsynced all the files back
[11:22:26] planktonboy: will have to change the symlinks for mythweb too before I forget |:)
[11:22:45] planktonboy: I have never used rsync
[11:22:58] juski: man rsync
[11:23:01] planktonboy: but i will have a read of that
[11:23:07] planktonboy: yup :)
[11:23:39] planktonboy: something new to learn
[11:23:51] planktonboy: thanks
[11:23:53] juski: be careful!
[11:23:56] juski: :)
[11:24:01] planktonboy: will do
[11:24:24] juski: what I did was have a practise run using rsync on some test files & dirs
[11:24:34] planktonboy: thats a good idea
[11:24:46] planktonboy: yeah, Im just changing some things around here
[11:25:00] planktonboy: got my new 42" lcd yesterday
[11:25:17] planktonboy: ended up getting the Sharp LC42XD1E
[11:25:23] planktonboy: not bad
[11:25:52] Ruleke: I'm looking at the samsung LE46M87BD myself
[11:26:06] Ruleke: think I'll get it
[11:26:40] planktonboy: and no noise and banding issues that some have experienced with it
[11:26:54] planktonboy: is that samsung the latest model
[11:26:59] Ruleke: yer
[11:27:03] planktonboy: I was also looking at a samsung
[11:27:32] ivor: juski: got mythfrontend going on the PS3 last night.
[11:27:39] Ruleke: woot :)
[11:27:49] planktonboy: cool
[11:27:52] planktonboy: will have a look
[11:27:59] juski: there's a store near me with a load of lcds & plasmas on show next to each other. the differences between them are staggerring. of them all the samsung 42" LCD model looks like it's the only one with realistic colour rendition
[11:28:06] cecil (cecil! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:28:21] planktonboy: there is a site that I saw that did some really good reviews of some of the tvs
[11:28:29] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:28:34] juski: ivor: nifty. what's it like? usable?
[11:28:51] ivor: not yet. need to work out a way to get the video out at a decent speed.
[11:29:07] ivor: mplayer works at a usable speed with SDL video out.
[11:29:07] planktonboy:
[11:29:48] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:30:05] ivor: but myth is falling back to plain x11 video out. about 2fps! :)
[11:30:38] juski: heheh
[11:31:00] juski: what on Earth is SDL video out anyway? never erd of it ;)
[11:31:21] Ruleke: planktonboy: yep they just reviewed that samsung too
[11:32:13] ivor: juski:
[11:32:55] planktonboy: yeah
[11:33:25] Ruleke: I quite like the look of that, I've arranged for a demo setup
[11:33:26] juski: wooo. like the sound of that ivor
[11:33:54] planktonboy: cool
[11:34:41] ivor: well sdl is pretty basic. but it provides a nice simple cross platform api to use.
[11:43:32] fryfrog: man, i just can't catch a break with XvMC :/
[11:45:46] Ruleke: my cable operator has just rendered xvmc useless
[11:46:03] Ruleke: h264 is the new standard now
[11:47:09] fryfrog: how do you get h264 video from your cableco?
[11:47:30] Ruleke: dvb-c qam
[11:47:35] Ruleke: why ?
[11:49:38] fryfrog: oh, neat
[11:49:49] fryfrog: so... can you even do playback in linux?
[11:49:58] Ruleke: not atm :(
[11:50:06] Ruleke: still confused how to best handle it
[11:50:06] fryfrog: krikey!
[11:50:23] Ruleke: I suppose just throwing a massive cpu at the problem
[11:50:45] Ruleke: kindof sad I can't use a gpu to assist in linux :(
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[11:51:19] fryfrog: does the gpu do accelerated h264 in windows yet/
[11:51:20] fryfrog: ?
[11:52:49] schultmc_ (schultmc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:52:54] Ruleke: yes
[11:53:04] Ruleke: for a long time iirc
[11:53:23] Ruleke: at least for nvidia, I suppose ati has somethign similar in windows...
[11:53:29] fryfrog: ah
[12:01:52] gbee (gbee! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[12:33:05] juski: "get some fucking coloured pushbutton switches!", she said.
[12:33:12] juski: "they don't do purple ones", I said
[12:33:20] juski: "that's not my problem", she said
[12:34:26] gardengnome: re
[12:41:08] fryfrog: man, you told her
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[12:47:15] juski: like all great marketing ideas, they decided 100% all out to go with their plan before looking into whether or not it's actually possible. now the stakes are so high it can't afford to be impossible
[12:52:42] Ruleke: depends if you like purple :P
[12:53:11] juski: nah this order has come from 'God' so jobs are actually on the line
[12:53:25] juski: no pressure or anything
[12:53:26] Ruleke: not to mention souls
[12:53:52] Ruleke: how much is purple paint ? ;)
[12:54:07] juski: did I mention it has to look good? ;)
[12:54:13] Ruleke: no
[12:54:17] Ruleke: just purple :)
[12:54:34] juski: thinking clear illuminated switches then use colour gels. fiddly
[12:55:01] cbaoth (cbaoth! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:55:02] Ruleke: purple just sounds weird
[12:55:37] Ruleke: you work for Barney the dino ?
[12:55:53] juski: don't just need purple but that's the only one that isn't common
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[12:57:20] pat_: purple sounds nice
[12:58:02] tatters (tatters! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:59:03] tatters: Mythweather appears to have broken is there a manual fix for this ?
[13:00:07] juski: nope
[13:00:21] tatters: :( bugger
[13:01:28] juski: look out the window til it's fixed!
[13:02:58] kalon33: hello guys
[13:03:09] tatters: Wow if only I had thought of that it would have saved me lots of pain
[13:03:20] kalon33: I've a problem using dvb kernel modules on ubuntu feisty
[13:03:39] kalon33: the files from the repository I have doesn't want to compile
[13:03:42] tatters: hmm maybe II could also watch TV on an reguler set if mythtv broke
[13:04:02] kalon33: so I can't watch tv using myth tv...
[13:04:27] jessejoe (jessejoe! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:12] juski: kalon33: so download the kernel source & headers
[13:05:29] juski: kalon33: and bug the ubunut folks to make their distro suck less for your hardware :)
[13:05:41] jessejoe: hey guys, does anyone know why certain channels don't show up in the "manual schedule" section?
[13:06:38] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[13:06:57] jvs (jvs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:07:11] juski: or kalon33 this is gonna sound controversial.. do your homework _before_ buying hardware next time :)
[13:07:35] tatters: Well I am stuck in house untill this weather app is fixed, no way am I straying out without pre knowledge of my local weather
[13:08:09] juski: tatters: do what anyone else in your shoes would do. start a myspace thing going
[13:08:25] nero (nero!n=_nero_@unaffiliated/nero) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:08:54] tatters: Nah thats sooo 2006
[13:10:25] Dibblah: Myspace? Haven't you heard? Bounties are the way of the future!
[13:10:56] Dibblah: Just think where Myth would be without bounties. Oh, wait.
[13:11:36] juski: it didn't get where it is today by contributors giving away loads of time & free code..
[13:11:37] ** Dibblah tries desperately to fix his 'spare' touchscreen, which had an unfortunate experience with a metal case. **
[13:11:54] tatters: I put a bounty on the head of mythweather
[13:12:26] Dibblah: (Shockingly enough, piezo crystals, being made of... crystal, are rather pressure sensitive.
[13:12:45] Dibblah: And it got pressed a _little_ too hard into the casing.
[13:12:53] juski: tatters: yeah that'll get it fixed faster. try stamping your feet & shouting
[13:12:58] kalon33: juski: it worked perfectly on Edgy with the same hardware, but not anymore...
[13:12:59] tatters: I will donate this years google addsense revenue to the cause
[13:13:17] Dibblah: 55 quid touchscreen now only usable as a monitor. Shocking.
[13:13:19] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:14:26] juski: kalon33: serves you right for upgrading to a beta os then :)
[13:14:52] juski: beta == being tested == YMMV
[13:15:16] kalon33: a beta which is released on the 19th...
[13:15:36] kalon33: and it works before on the same beta...
[13:15:42] juski: serves em right for having a fixed released date
[13:16:19] juski: shouldn't you be telling them it used to work but now doesn't work in their beta?
[13:17:11] kalon33: juski: it's a compiling error...
[13:17:17] Pryon (Pryon! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:17:26] kalon33: with the sources from linuxtv...
[13:17:36] juski: did you get the kernel source & headers hmm?
[13:18:11] juski: try asking in the proper channel for help.. #linuxtv – they've been a greta help to me in the past
[13:18:36] Pryon (Pryon! has quit (Client Quit)
[13:19:18] kalon33: no, just the headers... it's the problem ? It works before without the kernel source...
[13:19:23] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
[13:19:25] kalon33: ok, thank you very much juski
[13:21:07] Dibblah: You need headers that match your approximate kernel version.
[13:21:38] Dibblah: And _not_ copied, symlinked, etc from /usr/src/linux. That's a bad thing.
[13:22:05] Dibblah: And people that do it will meet their fate with surety.
[13:22:14] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:22:27] kalon33: I have it, directly download from the ubuntu official repo
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[13:27:26] Dibblah: What's with everyone suddenly switching to ubunut?
[13:27:42] gardengnome: it's the hype.
[13:28:03] juski: a spaceman is their biggest advocate :)
[13:29:32] kalon33: lol juski :p
[13:29:56] kalon33: It's not sudden for me : for 1,5 years !
[13:30:24] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o Beirdo
[13:30:42] Mode for #mythtv-users by Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo : -b Kazan!*@*
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[13:31:16] Mode for #mythtv-users by Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo : -b *!*n=no*.cl*@*
[13:31:27] Beirdo: muh?!
[13:31:37] Beirdo: let me try that second one again
[13:31:53] jessejoe (jessejoe! has quit ("Leaving")
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[13:32:29] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:32:37] Beirdo: here's hoping he can behave if he comes back... or we'll ban his ass again
[13:32:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo : -o Beirdo
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[13:34:50] fryfrog: yes, everyone uses ubuntu because that dude went into space!
[13:34:56] fryfrog: a good reason, if i have ever heard one!
[13:35:04] fryfrog: except, now i sort of wish i had my gentoo back :(
[13:35:11] Beirdo: sucker
[13:35:12] Beirdo: :)
[13:35:12] Ruleke: ugh
[13:35:15] gbee: some guy went into space with ubuntu?!
[13:35:25] ** gbee goes to download ubuntu **
[13:35:38] gardengnome: gbee: yeah. last thing we heard from him was "so, how's dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database work?"
[13:35:40] fryfrog: but then again... sometimes it is *nice* to install say... X in 5 minutes instead of an hour or three :)
[13:36:13] fryfrog: Mark Shuttleworth (right?) founded ubuntu, is really rich
[13:36:27] gbee: so I take it that not all is well in the world of ubuntu, contrary to the hype? :)
[13:36:27] fryfrog: and went to space for like 10+ days (8 at the ISS)
[13:36:47] Beirdo: gbee, don't listen to a bunch of whiners :)
[13:36:49] fryfrog: nah, i honestly think ubuntu is one of the nicest desktop distros i've ever used
[13:36:49] juski: gbee: has it ever been? ;)
[13:36:56] gardengnome: gbee: IMHO it's not really userfriendly. i don't care a lot, though.
[13:37:06] Beirdo: you'll find someone to whine about any distro
[13:37:13] fryfrog: true :)
[13:37:18] gbee: As I'm going to be reinstalling the OS on this dying HDD I had thought about trying ubuntu
[13:37:23] juski: computers R teh suck!
[13:37:27] fryfrog: what do you use now?
[13:37:40] Beirdo: if you are used to debianisms, Ubuntu is not a bad choice (in my mind)
[13:37:44] fryfrog: I think the best part about Ubuntu is that you get the good stuff about Debian w/o the debian :)
[13:38:02] gardengnome: Beirdo: right.
[13:38:04] ivor: 6 months for an update rather than 6 years you mean? :)
[13:38:10] gbee: but then again I really don't want to be uninstalling it in a month if I don't like it, I really can't be bothered with all that anymore
[13:38:11] fryfrog: ahha, exactly!
[13:38:16] gbee: fryfrog: Mandriva
[13:38:47] fryfrog: gbee: ah, rpm based
[13:38:50] gbee: yeah – gentoo is fine but not if you're updating packages regularly
[13:38:54] ivor: fryfrog: LFS, YellowDog, Ubuntu, FC5 and Kubuntu
[13:39:08] fryfrog: so far, after a bit of monkey business with the "beta" of feisty fawn, i am happier
[13:39:12] Beirdo: anyways, I should be off... gotta finish cleaning house as my mother's arriving today
[13:39:26] gbee: I stick with packages for most things and compile from source for those few apps where it's worthwhile
[13:39:30] fryfrog: I really miss the flexibility of gentoo, and how much i know it
[13:39:38] Beirdo: assuming flights through JFK ain't delayed too much
[13:40:08] fryfrog: I prefer to use the package system of the disro i use, try to keep the amount of stuff i do by hand to a minimum
[13:40:58] fryfrog: Before I switched my server / frontend to Ubuntu, I threw it onto a couple of my laptops to play around with it
[13:42:08] gbee: it's probably not representative, but my experience with knoppix (knoppmyth) put me off debian based distros
[13:42:40] fryfrog: i've not used any of the "instant myth" distros myself
[13:43:15] gbee: it was lots of little things, like X11 forwarding just refusing to work properly, ssh sessions not disconnecting etc
[13:43:18] fryfrog: i think (and long before ubuntu) that debian has the best package system out there
[13:43:39] fryfrog: the annoying little things!
[13:43:48] fryfrog: the one thing i haven't had any luck with in gentoo or ubuntu is xvmc though!
[13:44:01] fryfrog: i can't get myth to *not* stutter and go slow, but mplayer seems to work fine
[13:44:16] fryfrog: there is getting it, and i don't have any of that :/
[13:44:23] planktonboy: gotta go shopping again...thanks guys and cya later on
[13:44:58] gbee: hmm, I like Mandriva's – in particular I'm comfortable with urpmi, but then there are a couple of apt things I would like to see in urpmi, such as a full accounting of disk space used/freed when installing and updating packages
[13:45:33] ivor: I think you mentioned before... what video card for xvmc?
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[14:07:47] fryfrog: ivor: me? i have one with a Ti4200 and another with a 6200
[14:08:17] gardengnome: the ti 4200 won't work that great with xvmc.
[14:08:26] fryfrog: ah
[14:08:41] fryfrog: but it should do *SD* w/o much of a problem
[14:08:49] gardengnome: fryfrog: see the xvmc entry at
[14:08:51] fryfrog: and mplayer does fine, its just myth that didn't like it :/
[14:10:52] Ruleke: just wait until you have to do h264 :P
[14:11:01] Ruleke: damn nvidia
[14:11:20] ** Ruleke watches intel driver devel logs **
[14:12:18] gbee: Ruleke: nothing on tv?
[14:12:27] Ruleke: not at work ;)
[14:28:03] fryfrog: sounds like xvmc isn't worth bothering with
[14:28:14] bender386 (bender386! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:28:53] ferguscan: Is it necessary to remote-mount a filesystem to access my videos and recorded programs from a remote front end? Or should the access of these files be taken care of by myth's own protocols?
[14:28:55] Ruleke: fryfrog: for mpeg2 ? sure it is :)
[14:29:56] gbee: ferguscan: for recordings no
[14:30:29] gbee: for mythmusic, yes, for now you need to use nfs/smb and I think the same is still true of mythvideo
[14:30:41] ferguscan: gbee, thanks.
[14:32:13] gbee: by the time 0.21 is released I'll probably have switched mythmusic to access the files through uPnP and I imagine the same will be done for mythvideo
[14:32:31] Ruleke: hurrah
[14:32:36] GreyFoxx: mmmmmmmm upnp goodness
[14:33:27] GreyFoxx: should also be neat after the next xbox360 update in 2 weeksm, supposedly more generic upnp and mpeg4 playback, not just the MS wmv stuff should it could be more useful
[14:33:49] gbee: no promises ;) that's based on the assumption that 0.21 is some way off
[14:34:06] GreyFoxx: I think it is
[14:34:15] GreyFoxx: we'll see J-rod do a0.20.1 most likely
[14:34:25] anykey_: why?
[14:34:27] GreyFoxx: but 0.21 might not be for a bit
[14:34:48] GreyFoxx: anykey_: cause it's not ready and devs have lots of stuff we want to do first ?
[14:35:17] anykey_: GreyFoxx: i mean, why release 0.20.1 ;-)
[14:35:20] GreyFoxx: oh
[14:35:23] anykey_: i totaly agree with waiting for 0.21
[14:35:37] fryfrog: anykey_: for more fixes?
[14:35:38] j-rod: 0.20.1 to appease the masses or something
[14:35:39] GreyFoxx: well, lots of people are paranoid about downloading 0.20-fixes from SVN
[14:35:46] anykey_: hm
[14:36:00] j-rod: get the fixes out to more people
[14:36:05] GreyFoxx: so 0.20-fixes and a few more backported fixes will get put into a 0.20.1 maintenance release
[14:36:21] j-rod: prevent people from downloading 7mo old code and reporting bugs against it that are already fixed
[14:36:22] j-rod: etc
[14:36:25] anykey_: I can't remeber downloading anything from -fixes, but thats probably the gentoo ebuild that does this automagically...
[14:36:38] GreyFoxx: anykey_: I believe it does auto grab froim svn for you
[14:36:58] j-rod: likewise, the fedora packages track -fixes
[14:37:08] gardengnome: most packages already track fixes, i suppose.
[14:37:10] j-rod: I assume other packagers do too
[14:37:22] j-rod: assume/hope
[14:37:25] anykey_: heh
[14:37:30] GreyFoxx: grrr, I got a QAM capable card yesterday, but my scans don't see any channels at all. encrypted or not. So I imagine I'm using not using the right frequencie set, ro there is a filter on my line
[14:38:10] Ruleke: heh get an initial scan file for your area ?
[14:38:16] j-rod: GreyFoxx: trunk or -fixes?
[14:38:18] GreyFoxx: I've yet to find one
[14:38:41] GreyFoxx: j-rod: trunk, but I'm scanning via the v4l dvb tools I grabbed last night, on a kernel
[14:38:52] j-rod: aha
[14:39:21] GreyFoxx: I figured I'd just get a preliminary idea of what I could see before I let myth scan
[14:39:27] GreyFoxx: but so far I've found nothign :)
[14:39:31] j-rod: bummer. :)
[14:39:46] j-rod: but yeah, istr finding nada if I didn't have the right freq table
[14:39:52] GreyFoxx: So it's either, poor configuration, bad cable, or a filter
[14:40:06] GreyFoxx: I saw a guy on the -users list who has the same card, and is also on my cable provider
[14:40:14] GreyFoxx: I might email him and ask what he used :)
[14:40:20] j-rod: what card and provider?
[14:40:32] janneg: GreyFoxx: afaik is the atsc scan from dvb-apps broken
[14:40:36] GreyFoxx: AverMedia A180 ATSC/QAM card, provider is Eastlink
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[14:40:53] GreyFoxx: janneg: Oh? Well maybe that's my problem
[14:41:16] GreyFoxx: I grabbed the lastest dvb-apps this morning from the web repository
[14:41:35] janneg: trying mythtv's scanner is at least an option
[14:41:50] GreyFoxx: yeah, firing up X on that box and vnc now (the box is home)
[14:42:12] j-rod: janneg: so speaking of 0.20.1... what else do we need/want to get taken care of?
[14:42:35] GreyFoxx: I already put in the simple mythgame fix I wanted in there
[14:42:56] janneg: j-rod: I want to fix the channels.conf import
[14:43:07] anykey_: j-rod: put the fix for the dvd menus in mythvideo in ;-) the one that fixes the button overlays
[14:43:23] GreyFoxx: What fix is that ?
[14:43:36] GreyFoxx: the off by a few pixels thing ?
[14:43:39] j-rod: janneg: is that all you've got left? anything I should look at?
[14:43:40] anykey_: jip
[14:44:02] anykey_: GreyFoxx: quite ugly if you see that with certain dvds...
[14:44:22] GreyFoxx: happily I've never been affected by it :)
[14:44:27] anykey_: heh
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[14:51:51] j-rod: anykey_: okay, that one looks peachy, I'll toss it in
[14:52:12] anykey_: j-rod: the issue with the menu is probably not solved yet...
[14:52:56] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:53:30] j-rod: hrm. bummer.
[14:54:11] anykey_: well, that one isn't as important as the one with the subtitles, which makes movies unwatchable if you turn subtitles on...
[14:54:32] anykey_: anyway, hometime :-)
[14:56:22] ** GreyFoxx fires of a myth channel scan and crosses his fingers **
[14:56:46] j-rod: channel scans in myth work damned good these days
[14:56:49] j-rod: at least for me
[14:59:39] Tronic: They either work or they don't.
[14:59:47] Tronic: Some of us are luckier than others.
[15:00:20] Ruleke: works sortof ok for me now, just some transport's QAM setting is incorrect, I change that manually after the scan
[15:00:36] Ruleke: the strange thing is that dvb-utils 'scan' always worked perfectly
[15:01:06] sdlnxgk (sdlnxgk! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:08:50] bender386: a 1.6ghz p4 with 512mb ram will be fine as a backend wont it?
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[15:24:16] fryfrog: bender386: especially if you use tuner cards that aren't cpu taxing
[15:24:50] bender386: dont know about the card
[15:24:54] fryfrog: my channel scan just wonderfully finds 300 channels, of which only about 10 tune :)
[15:25:00] bender386: was just some cheap kworld dvb-t 220
[15:25:23] bender386: lol my antenna fell off the roof so it dosent find much at all
[15:25:26] gbee: any ideas on unmounting a partition which insists on returning 'device busy' even though lsof and fuser find nothing using it?
[15:25:26] fryfrog: isn't dvb-t digital?
[15:25:30] bender386: yeh
[15:25:38] fryfrog: gbee: try "umount -f"?
[15:25:44] gbee: doesn't work
[15:25:59] fryfrog: i usually end up stopping everything i can think of and hoping it catches it
[15:26:09] fryfrog: but usually it doesn't, and i either drop to single user or reboot :/
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[15:26:43] gbee: ahh, "umount -l" did the trick
[15:26:50] gbee: forgot about that one :)
[15:27:19] Beirdo: gbee, another thing to check when that happens... make sure you aren't exporting the FS via NFS
[15:27:23] Beirdo: :)
[15:27:33] Beirdo: that's caught me a few times, and fuser doesn't usually show it
[15:28:26] gbee: Beirdo: hmm, that could have been it – I was exporting a folder within that partition but didn't remember until you suggested it
[15:29:33] Beirdo: same goes for if you have something loop mounted on the FS (or had, and losetup still has it mapped)
[15:29:45] gbee: the exported directory wasn't mounted, but I guess nfs was probably doing something with it
[15:30:02] Beirdo: yeah, weird things happen :)
[15:31:07] spacecoaster (spacecoaster! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:32:59] bender386: theres ment to be stuff in usr/local/bin right?
[15:33:59] Beirdo: generally speaking, yes, that's where locally built binaries tend to reside
[15:34:21] bender386: hum mine is empty
[15:34:37] Beirdo: then maybe nothing's been installed there
[15:34:55] bender386: but then where is all my graber scripts
[15:36:08] gbee: locate tv_grab
[15:36:17] kormoc|zzz: updatedb first
[15:36:19] Beirdo: we'd need more information to be able to answer that even close to definitively
[15:36:30] Beirdo: yah, that would be the best bet
[15:36:37] Beirdo: morning, kormoc|zzz
[15:36:37] schultmc_ (schultmc_! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:36:44] kormoc|zzz: Mornin' Mr. Beirdo
[15:36:47] bender386: well im using ubuntu 6.10 if that helps
[15:36:48] kormoc|zzz: how goes it?
[15:37:08] bender386: mythtv is in /usr/bin
[15:37:25] Beirdo: workin on testing a change to the bot code that will make it explicitly ping the mysql server after 1h+ of idle on the mysql connection
[15:38:16] Beirdo: hopefully that will fix the issue xris has been seeing
[15:38:27] Beirdo: but first I gotta make sure the code works before I check it in :)
[15:38:44] kormoc|zzz: heh, nice :)
[15:40:35] Beirdo: ahhhh, I think I know WHY it happens
[15:40:41] kormoc|zzz: yeah?
[15:40:59] Beirdo: the wait_timeout option for mysqld.... if the connection's idle for x amount of time, it will disconnect you
[15:41:04] Beirdo: from the server end
[15:41:09] ** kormoc|zzz nods **
[15:41:27] Beirdo: which is sensible, as the server doesn't need millions of idle clients hanging on forever
[15:41:45] Beirdo: now why the reconnect option doesn't actually reconnect like it says it should? dunno
[15:41:56] Beirdo: chock it up to bad coding my mysql people, I guess
[15:42:28] ** kormoc|zzz nods **
[15:42:41] Beirdo: wonder what the default is on that
[15:42:52] Beirdo: and I wonder if the client can ask the server what that's set to?
[15:42:58] kormoc|zzz: likely
[15:43:04] kormoc|zzz: SELECT @@varname;
[15:44:17] Beirdo: 28800, it seems to be
[15:44:20] Beirdo: nice
[15:44:31] Beirdo: at least on my test server
[15:44:36] kormoc|zzz: nifty
[15:45:09] Beirdo: I should get xris to grab that value for me from the server he's using
[15:45:20] Beirdo: select @@wait_timeout;
[15:46:05] kormoc|zzz: 28800 as well
[15:46:16] Beirdo: perfect
[15:46:35] Beirdo: 8h, it seems
[15:46:45] Beirdo: so pinging after 1h of idle SHOULD work
[15:46:59] S2 (S2! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:47:06] Beirdo: also check interactive_timeout
[15:47:09] Beirdo: just to be sure
[15:47:47] kormoc|zzz: same
[15:48:33] Beirdo: K. So 1h should be sufficient for now, but I really should actually get the value from the server when I connect (as a maximum time type of thing)
[15:49:22] Beirdo: my server says the connection's been idle 3466s
[15:49:31] Beirdo: almost time to kick the bot in the head
[15:49:56] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:51:11] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit ()
[15:51:55] Beirdo: OK, the ping seemed to ping.
[15:52:00] Beirdo: hehe
[15:52:09] Beirdo: 2007-Apr-17 11:51:29.040521 MySQL session idle for 3627s, pinging
[15:52:19] kormoc|zzz: nifty
[15:53:11] Beirdo: I think I'll remove a bit of verbosity from the logging and check it in
[15:57:47] Beirdo: there we go, checked in
[16:00:12] goreguts: is it possible to install and setup a backend on a computer that doesnt have X installed?
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[16:01:44] Beirdo: I think you need X libraries, but I don't think you need an X display locally as long as you have one elsewhere that you can use during setup
[16:02:00] Beirdo: i.e. DISPLAY=whereever:0.0 mythtv-setup or whatever
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[16:03:21] goreguts: can i just install the backend, then run the setup from a seperate computer?
[16:03:41] Beirdo: the setup has to be run on the backend machine.
[16:03:55] janneg: no, the setup need direct hardware access
[16:03:57] Beirdo: but the display part of the setup can be directed to another machine
[16:04:04] goreguts: ok ok
[16:04:12] goreguts: i'll have to try that out
[16:04:42] S2: is someoen here using sasc?
[16:04:50] goreguts: what would i have to do to the other machine to tell it that the backend wants to use its display?
[16:05:08] Beirdo: S2: not allowed here, move along
[16:05:40] Beirdo: goreguts, xhost + should do it (and allow from any other machine too, be careful)
[16:05:54] goreguts: alright, thanks dude
[16:05:59] Beirdo: or just xhost + backendmachine
[16:06:20] Beirdo: when you're done, you likely will want xhost -
[16:06:22] Beirdo: heh
[16:06:39] goreguts: heh ok
[16:07:39] Beirdo: OMG, using apt-mirror sure saturates the crap out of our connection
[16:08:07] goreguts: heh, sure does
[16:08:56] RaYmAn-Bx: you should get a better connection then! ;)
[16:09:15] Beirdo: heh, you wanna pay the extortion fees?... er connection fees?
[16:10:17] RaYmAn-Bx: I'll pass and just be happy for my connection =P
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[16:28:43] Beirdo: oh joy... our washing machine busted last night... now if it fills more than half-way, it starts to fill onto the floor...
[16:28:53] Beirdo: and the level sensor seems to be busted too...
[16:29:00] goreguts: hooray!
[16:29:06] Beirdo: I think Sears will be getting some business soon
[16:30:38] goreguts: hooray! fios is available at my new house!
[16:30:58] goreguts: i had it at my old place, and it was GREAT
[16:31:02] gbee: xfs_check and xfs_repair were both failing on me — no idea where I got the impression that the partition was xfs, it was ext3 ... whoops
[16:31:42] goreguts: that would be a problem
[16:32:51] gbee: Beirdo: top loading or front loading?
[16:33:10] gbee: you can probably replace the door seal of a front loading machine for $5
[16:33:57] gbee: if it's top loading then obviously there is a bigger problem ;)
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[16:53:31] Beirdo: it's top loading and crappy
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[17:02:00] tzanger: question: why do the default invocations of mplayer include "-loop 0" ?
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[17:16:47] Zider: . . . 414-1034.jpg – perfect mythtv display? ;)
[17:17:09] Cyberai: fryfrog, I am trying to use your firwire channel changing script, but I am using broadcast instead of p2p, is this s problem?
[17:17:26] fryfrog: Cyberai: no way, in fact I *use* broadcast myself :)
[17:17:45] Cyberai: I'm having a weird problem
[17:17:49] fryfrog: also, you may want to search for "-s " and toy around with removing/leaving it
[17:17:50] xris: Zider: I think I'll have to have someone give me one so I can demo it and make an official judgment.
[17:18:00] xris: fryfrog: script for channel changing? what's wrong with the internal one?
[17:18:05] fryfrog: that "-s " is single packet channel change and I *think* it doesn't work 100% for me
[17:18:17] fryfrog: xris: my firewire sucks penis in a way which does not make one happy
[17:18:20] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:18:24] xris: :(
[17:18:30] Zider: xris: hehe
[17:18:37] xris: ok, time to go to work. later.
[17:18:44] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[17:19:36] Cyberai: well, when I run firewire_tester -n 0 -P 0 -B, I get 5 successful tests.
[17:19:48] Cyberai: but I can't change channels
[17:20:44] fryfrog: do you ahve the 6200ch program?
[17:20:58] Cyberai: fryfrog, I tried using "6200ch <channel no", and it says it can't find the STB
[17:21:00] fryfrog: or... if you don't use 6200ch you'd probably need to modify the script a little
[17:21:08] fryfrog: ah, what kind of STB do you have?
[17:22:13] Cyberai: Motorola DCT6416
[17:22:15] fryfrog: i had a "newish" DCT6412 and had to add its info to 6200ch.c
[17:22:26] fryfrog: ah, humm that is even newzorer
[17:22:38] fryfrog: have you tried the 6200ch from svn head perhaps?
[17:22:43] fryfrog: also, firewire_tester from head
[17:23:28] Cyberai: well, here's the really odd thing. When I was running MythDora (fed core 5 w/myth), I could change the channel sometimes. Now that I went to fed core 6 with myth I get nothing at all
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[17:25:42] fryfrog: can you pastebin the output of a "sudo plugreport"?
[17:27:34] Cyberai:
[17:28:14] fryfrog: and the 6200ch.c you are using?
[17:28:30] Cyberai: got it from svn head yesterday
[17:29:43] fryfrog: ah, kk
[17:30:09] Cyberai: can you make any sense of this?
[17:31:47] fryfrog: humm, i don't remember how to get model number of a firewire devie :)
[17:32:28] jshadias (jshadias! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:33:03] fryfrog: damn, i got it once because I added my model to 6200ch.c and submitted it as a patch
[17:33:08] fryfrog: how the frick did i do it?
[17:33:18] Cyberai: I hate it when I forget how to do things
[17:33:41] Cyberai: so i email myself instructions whenever I do something I know I'll need in the future, but not for a long time
[17:34:39] fryfrog: i've got recordings going now, so i can't fuck with my firewire boxes
[17:35:07] fryfrog: does anyone know how to get the brand/make/model number info that is used by 6200ch (and myth) for channel changing?
[17:35:22] fryfrog: it isn't in plugreport, do you have "gscanbus" on your system?
[17:36:25] Cyberai: let me look
[17:36:33] Cyberai: no
[17:36:39] fryfrog: install it :)
[17:37:08] fryfrog: actually
[17:37:14] fryfrog: could you try "6200ch" first?
[17:37:21] fryfrog: it might output info like "unknown model" or something
[17:37:33] _sh3 (_sh3!i=_sh3@gateway/tor/x-9c7b325b3e9d5c66) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:37:40] fryfrog: try with "-v"
[17:38:23] Cyberai: 6200ch -v 906
[17:38:23] Cyberai: starting with node: 1
[17:38:23] Cyberai: node 1: vendor_id = 0x0000004c model_id = 0x00000000
[17:38:23] Cyberai: Could not find Motorola DCT-6200 on the 1394 bus.
[17:38:31] Cyberai: why the %^&* is it starting on node 1?
[17:38:41] Cyberai: my box is on node 0, port 0
[17:39:03] fryfrog: defaults
[17:39:17] fryfrog: use "6200ch -P 0 -n 0 -v 906
[17:39:27] Cyberai: way ahead of you
[17:39:30] fryfrog: oh
[17:39:31] Cyberai: 6200ch -p 0 -n 0 -v 906
[17:39:31] Cyberai: starting with node: 0
[17:39:31] Cyberai: node 0: vendor_id = 0x00001a66 model_id = 0x0000646b
[17:39:31] Cyberai: node 1: vendor_id = 0x0000004c model_id = 0x00000000
[17:39:31] Cyberai: Could not find Motorola DCT-6200 on the 1394 bus.
[17:39:58] fryfrog: ok, time to modify 6200ch to see it
[17:40:00] fryfrog: know how?
[17:40:05] Cyberai: no
[17:40:33] janneg (janneg! has quit ("dist upgrade")
[17:40:54] Cyberai: I'm guessing change the "#define" lines for the 6416 to match
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[17:43:59] fryfrog:
[17:44:11] fryfrog: that is a diff that should add it (not replace the one there)
[17:44:18] fryfrog: if you say it works, i'll submit that to trac too :)
[17:45:28] fryfrog: wait, how many boxes do you have?
[17:45:28] fryfrog: just one, right?
[17:45:52] Cyberai: right
[17:46:05] Cyberai: is there a simple way for me to patch in the diff?
[17:46:11] fryfrog: sure
[17:46:17] Monique__ is now known as H0rb0rt
[17:46:21] fryfrog: copy and paste that text to a file named like "patch.diff"
[17:46:27] H0rb0rt is now known as Monique__
[17:46:28] fryfrog: put it in the same dir as 6200ch.c
[17:46:37] fryfrog: and type "patch -p0 --dry-run < patch.diff"
[17:46:52] fryfrog: if that says it worked w/o error, remove the --dry-run and run again
[17:47:23] Cyberai: patch -p0 --dry-run < patch.diff
[17:47:23] Cyberai: patching file 6200ch.c
[17:47:23] Cyberai: Hunk #1 FAILED at 57.
[17:47:23] Cyberai: 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED — saving rejects to file 6200ch.c.rej
[17:48:53] fryfrog: what did it fail?
[17:50:31] Cyberai: it failed at line 57 -> #define DCT6416_VENDOR_ID1 0x00001a66
[17:50:45] fryfrog: oh, shucks
[17:50:53] fryfrog:
[17:51:01] fryfrog: that is a better diff, i added whitespace
[17:51:12] fryfrog: i dunno why the last one didn't work though?
[17:51:48] fryfrog: oh, look at that
[17:51:52] fryfrog: it was only a new vendor id
[17:51:52] fryfrog: not a new model
[17:51:53] fryfrog: hang on
[17:52:14] Cyberai: ok
[17:53:09] Cyberai: while I'm waiting, does anyone know how to turn logging off without using the gui?
[17:53:21] fryfrog:
[17:53:27] fryfrog: in the be or fe?
[17:53:33] Cyberai: fe
[17:53:35] fryfrog: it'd be "-v none"
[17:53:39] Cyberai: well, they are one and the same
[17:53:48] fryfrog: ie, mythfrontend -v none -l /var/log/file.log"
[17:53:55] fryfrog: well, i guess with -v none you'd not have any log output :0
[17:54:00] fryfrog: i usually use "-v important" though
[17:54:04] Cyberai: and what about the backend?
[17:54:08] fryfrog:
[17:54:11] fryfrog: same thing
[17:54:15] fryfrog: "-v none"
[17:54:19] fryfrog: how ever you run your BE
[17:54:25] xzcvczxx: whats the command to burn an iso?
[17:54:46] fryfrog: that patch file takes into account the fact that the only difference is your "vendor_id"
[17:55:02] fryfrog: xzcvczxx: there are probably many different ways of burning an iso
[17:55:08] xzcvczxx: easiest?
[17:55:08] fryfrog: a cmdline one might be "cdrecord"?
[17:55:18] xzcvczxx: thats right cheers
[17:55:26] xzcvczxx: havent burnt a cd in linux in years
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[17:57:20] Cyberai: xzcvczxx, I advise you fire up X and use k3b
[17:57:25] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:57:33] Cyberai: AHA fryfrog !  – ./6200ch -p 0 -n 0 -v 906
[17:57:33] Cyberai: starting with node: 0
[17:57:33] Cyberai: node 0: vendor_id = 0x00001a66 model_id = 0x0000646b
[17:57:45] fryfrog: ah, you got it
[17:57:48] fryfrog: imma remove that file :)
[17:57:54] fryfrog: so did the channel change on the box?
[17:58:00] fryfrog: and did you use my *very* last patch i sent you?
[17:58:02] Cyberai: well, i can't tell, I'm not there
[17:58:14] fryfrog: oh :)
[17:58:23] Cyberai: yes, I did
[17:58:35] fryfrog: kk, imma submit that to trac :)
[17:58:47] Cyberai: I'm going to try using testmpeg to record, change channels, record, then scp them to me and watch them
[17:58:53] xzcvczxx: Cyberai: nah cdrecord works just as well
[17:59:06] xzcvczxx: althought it is taking its time
[17:59:16] Cyberai: xzcvczxx, I know if you google it there's a pretty good howto on makinf an iso at the command line out there
[17:59:54] Monique__ (Monique__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:00:03] xzcvczxx: im not trying to make a iso just burn one
[18:00:15] Cyberai: OH, just use dd
[18:00:26] Cyberai: pipe it into cdrecord and viola
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[18:00:43] xzcvczxx: or just cdrecord dev=/dev/hda blah.iso :)
[18:00:50] Cyberai: yep
[18:00:53] Cyberai: there you go
[18:01:00] Cyberai: been a while for me, I'm addicted to X now
[18:01:30] xzcvczxx: lol x is nice but i still use command line a fair bit as normally the computer is a long walk away
[18:01:33] Zider: I mostly use X too, but it bothers me to have all these bloody gnome and kde files installed..
[18:02:25] xzcvczxx: Zider: just use *box then :P
[18:02:47] Zider: xzcvczxx: I do, but many apps requires the bloody libs anyway
[18:04:55] fryfrog: humm, someone added a patch to use GUID in 6200ch!
[18:05:00] fryfrog: i wonder if there is one like that for firewire_tester
[18:06:55] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:04] fryfrog: looks like someone submitted that vendor_id like 6 mo ago
[18:10:16] JoeyJoeJo: has anyone set up xosd on their mythfrontend before?
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[18:11:03] gardengnome: JoeyJoeJo: probably....
[18:12:19] JoeyJoeJo: do you know of any guides that could help me?
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[18:17:05] ** xzcvczxx thinks he might have finally got raid working **
[18:17:22] fryfrog: linux kernel software raid?
[18:17:30] fryfrog: it is teh easy, once you figure it out :)
[18:17:49] S2 (S2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:20:18] ** xris really likes the new online expansion/migration in kernel raid **
[18:22:33] ** janneg likes storage groups more (for his mythtv recording storage) **
[18:23:11] xris: janneg: both together.  ;)
[18:23:21] xris: actually, I should really look into using storage groups
[18:23:53] xris: well, I think it does migration
[18:24:02] xris: I know that it does expansion. and that rocks.
[18:24:54] janneg: xris: most recordings aren't that important to even think of RAID or backup
[18:25:06] juski: most/all ;)
[18:26:12] fryfrog: janneg: yeah, but the cost of *one* drive is miniscule, and it saves the world of hurt
[18:26:28] xzcvczxx: fryfrog: yeah but figuring it out if a F******* c***
[18:26:40] fryfrog: no way, its easy!
[18:27:15] xzcvczxx: from no raid
[18:27:15] fryfrog: and you can even build a "degraded" array if you need to!
[18:27:32] fryfrog: The Ubuntu install will even let you create it *during* the install
[18:27:42] fryfrog: and i'm sure most of the others do too
[18:28:00] xzcvczxx: i am swapping a already going system over
[18:28:13] fryfrog: ah, i did that for a friend
[18:28:23] fryfrog: created a raid5 from 2x 320G with no data on it
[18:28:26] xzcvczxx: find it slightly harder?
[18:28:29] xris: janneg: depends on what other stuff you keep on the disk.
[18:28:33] fryfrog: he copied the data from the 3rd 320G to the "degraded" array and then i put it into it
[18:28:37] xris: but true. I don't actually use raid on my mythbox.
[18:28:44] fryfrog: janneg: yeah, I use mine for *everything*
[18:28:52] xzcvczxx: yeah i had to go from a 320 and a 400 to a linear array with 340gigs of stuff
[18:28:52] fryfrog: not just myth
[18:28:58] fryfrog: er
[18:29:07] fryfrog: i don't think i'd have done that :(
[18:29:24] fryfrog: is it liniar with software kernel raid? or with LVM?
[18:29:26] xzcvczxx: what? go to a linear array?
[18:29:38] janneg: fryfrog: yes, for important data I have raid1 and backup
[18:29:41] fryfrog: what happens if one drive fails, do you lose it *all* (like raid0) or just what was on the drive that failed?
[18:30:03] fryfrog: xzcvczxx: if you are doing it *only* for myth, you might like recording groups better
[18:30:15] fryfrog: i forget, is that feature in svn head or svn -fixes?
[18:30:26] janneg: but on other drives
[18:30:35] janneg: it's only in trunk
[18:30:39] fryfrog: ah
[18:30:44] xzcvczxx: # /dev/md/0 671G 295G 376G 44% /
[18:30:46] xzcvczxx: w00t
[18:31:03] fryfrog: /dev/md2 1.5T 1.1T 424G 72% /data
[18:31:03] fryfrog: :)
[18:31:18] xzcvczxx: fryfrog: well its mainly because my mythvideo dir has no room left
[18:31:22] xzcvczxx: go to hell
[18:31:25] xzcvczxx: i want T
[18:31:27] fryfrog: hehe
[18:31:44] xzcvczxx: is your myth running throught a 42" plasma?
[18:31:47] fryfrog: what is the best $/G drives now? 400G or is it up to 500G?
[18:31:49] fryfrog: no :(
[18:31:57] fryfrog: 30" WS Sony Tube
[18:31:59] fryfrog: HD
[18:31:59] xzcvczxx: 320's are here
[18:32:10] xzcvczxx: yeah see i have a hd 42" plasma running at 1024x768
[18:32:28] fryfrog: 320's were the sweet spot like 6+ mo ago, but last i looked 400G was so close that it was not important
[18:32:32] fryfrog: is that WS?
[18:32:43] xzcvczxx: WS?
[18:32:48] fryfrog: cause if it is, i think you mean 1280x768 (or you need to fix your resolution)
[18:32:50] fryfrog: widescreen
[18:32:52] xris: ws == widescreen
[18:33:10] xzcvczxx: yeah but for some reason 1024x768 looks right on it
[18:33:31] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:43] fryfrog: you should lookup the native res for the tv, but you probably need to switch to a 16:9 resoolution and fix the display size
[18:34:01] fryfrog: or maybe you need to pick a "wide" myth theme?
[18:34:29] fryfrog: maybe you've activated your tv's zoom or stretch mode too?
[18:35:15] fryfrog: also, I still have room for 2x more 320G drives
[18:35:19] fryfrog: that'd put me over 2TB :)
[18:35:29] fryfrog: well, prolly real close to or over 2TB :)
[18:36:08] ** xzcvczxx shoots fryfrog and steals his hdds **
[18:36:26] fryfrog: ahha
[18:38:04] juski: bit weevil food :)
[18:39:52] ** xzcvczxx really needs a new computer **
[18:40:08] fryfrog: if it makes you feel better, its just running on an old dual P4 2.4ghz
[18:40:44] xzcvczxx: juski: your neon theme looks much better on the tv than it does on my laptop screen :)
[18:41:00] xzcvczxx: fryfrog: yeah mine is on a 1.3 single
[18:49:07] xzcvczxx: hmmm cant find the manual for the tv to check the native resolutions
[18:49:34] fryfrog: search on the internets for the model number
[18:49:40] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:49:49] fryfrog: any of those ring a bell?
[18:50:21] xzcvczxx: its got them but i am using the vga input
[18:51:12] xzcvczxx: hmmm its not widescreen it seems as 1024x768 seems to be the native sure as hell looks wide tho
[18:51:17] kali67 (kali67! has quit ()
[18:53:03] fryfrog: what is the model #?
[18:53:13] fryfrog: is 1024x768 what *X* detects?
[18:53:21] fryfrog: cause... TVs and X detection is *crap*
[18:53:32] fryfrog: mine detects my 1280x768 Sony as like... 800x600 :p
[18:53:38] fryfrog: I have to tell it to ignore EDID
[18:53:49] xzcvczxx: yeah i dont get it doing auto either
[18:53:53] xzcvczxx: TH-42PV60A
[18:54:09] fryfrog: what brand?
[18:54:23] xzcvczxx: panasonic
[18:54:42] fryfrog: it has an HDMI port?
[18:55:03] xzcvczxx: 2
[18:55:32] fryfrog: The TH-42PV60A can display high definition images, with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
[18:55:41] fryfrog: as weird as it is, looks like you are right about its native resolution possibly
[18:55:52] xzcvczxx: looks damn wide though
[18:55:55] fryfrog: you *might* want to grab a cheap ($5–10) DVI -> HDMI cable, if you can
[18:56:04] xzcvczxx: i am just waiting for the manual pdf to load
[18:56:26] xzcvczxx: why whats better about hdmi then just plugging it in directly trhought vga?
[18:56:39] fryfrog: nope, it isn't widescreen
[18:56:53] xzcvczxx: yeah
[18:56:53] fryfrog: 1020mm / 705mm it says
[18:56:59] xzcvczxx: oh ok
[18:57:15] ** xzcvczxx feels stupid now **
[18:57:19] fryfrog: though i'm sure that is the *case* dimensions
[18:57:23] fryfrog: it looks WS to me too :p
[18:57:38] fryfrog: DVI / HDMI is a digital signal, it *might* look better :)
[18:57:49] fryfrog: though at only 1024x768, it probably wouldn't matter
[18:57:57] fryfrog: so the TV has a VGA port too?
[18:58:05] xzcvczxx: oh ok well when i get a new computer i will get one with dvi and get a dvi -> hdmi converter
[18:58:08] xzcvczxx: yup it does
[18:58:11] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has quit ("Leaving")
[18:58:11] xzcvczxx: very useful
[18:58:34] fryfrog: oh, the system hooked to it doesn't have DVI output?
[18:58:42] xzcvczxx: correct
[18:58:45] fryfrog: i didn't think you could even get a video card that didn't have one of each :)
[18:58:46] xzcvczxx: its a mini-itx box
[18:58:55] fryfrog: fuhgedaboudit then :)
[18:58:56] xzcvczxx: using onboard video
[18:59:02] xzcvczxx: lol
[18:59:21] xzcvczxx: i hate my interenet
[18:59:32] fryfrog: in *theory* it should look better since the set itself has to convert the analog back to digital
[19:00:03] fryfrog: so remove the d->a->d step and maybe it looks better!
[19:01:01] xzcvczxx: oh yup
[19:01:33] xzcvczxx: screen is 920x518mm
[19:02:03] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:06] fryfrog: 1.77
[19:02:10] fryfrog: oh
[19:02:18] fryfrog: so it *is* 16:9
[19:02:25] fryfrog: i think i reversed the dimensions when i did my calculation :p
[19:02:35] fryfrog: like it was standingon end
[19:02:36] xzcvczxx: yeah it is 16x9
[19:02:48] fryfrog: why the hell does it have a 1024x768 resolution then
[19:02:53] xzcvczxx: they just fudge it so that its 1024x768 @ 16x9
[19:02:57] fryfrog: that is 1.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[19:03:05] fryfrog: weird :p
[19:03:35] xzcvczxx: meh
[19:03:45] xzcvczxx: oh well 1024x768 is good enuff for me
[19:05:01] fryfrog: do they call it an "HD" tv?
[19:05:07] fryfrog: cause, technically isn't that EDTV?
[19:05:18] xzcvczxx: hmmmm anyone have any idea how i can "hide" my plasma
[19:05:21] ivor: ah the lovely term "HD Ready"
[19:05:38] xzcvczxx: nah its no HD ready
[19:05:47] xzcvczxx: it is called an hdtv
[19:05:56] xzcvczxx: s/no/not
[19:06:18] fryfrog: ivor: HD Ready refers to something else
[19:06:31] fryfrog: it means it is an "HD Monitor" in that it doesn't have a built in HD *tuner*
[19:06:43] fryfrog: and is meant to recieve an HD signal via component, vga or dvi/hdmi
[19:07:01] fryfrog: nothing wrong with hd ready, it is what *most* people need/use
[19:07:27] xzcvczxx: this tv upscales dvds and stuff
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[19:15:46] piksi: just a quick question regarding getting channel info with xmltv grabbers. i'm using tv_grab_fi script for finnish channel info and then injecting it with mythfilldatabase
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[19:17:19] stuarta: piksi: that would be a good idea (tm)
[19:17:40] stuarta: alternatively the backend can run it for you.
[19:17:50] stuarta: rtfm is recommended
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[19:20:12] gbee: anyone heard of power related problems with the Nova-T 500?
[19:21:17] gbee: I've spent some time now running tests on this 'failing' hard drive but the more I look at it, the more it seems like it might be something to do with the sata controller/bus/whatever
[19:21:48] fryfrog: gbee: is it only happening to *one* drive?
[19:21:50] gbee: I've tried removing the Nova-T and afterwards the drive appears to start behaving itself
[19:21:51] ** stuarta wonders how the 2 are related **
[19:21:57] fryfrog: if you think it is the bus, re-arrange em if you can
[19:22:02] gbee: fryfrog: there is only one drive
[19:22:02] fryfrog: oh
[19:22:04] fryfrog: thats weird
[19:22:07] fryfrog: oh
[19:22:22] stuarta: gotta beefer power supply handy?
[19:22:31] gbee: stuarta: no :(
[19:22:36] stuarta: bugger.
[19:23:00] gbee: and I'm not entirely convinced, as the drive worked fine for the first 3 weeks after I installed the Nova-T
[19:23:16] stuarta: what symptoms does it give now?
[19:23:19] gbee: but smart can't find anything wrong with the drive
[19:23:27] xzcvczxx: gbee: what about just moving the single drive onto the other connector
[19:24:11] gbee: stuarta: started with IO failures requiring a reboot, starting today it fails to boot half the time and there are sata related errors
[19:24:26] stuarta: sata chipset?
[19:24:49] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:25:03] gbee: via – I can look for the exact model
[19:25:40] ** xzcvczxx isnt going via again after this box **
[19:26:03] gbee: the board itself is an Abit KV8-Pro
[19:26:15] stuarta: they are pretty good iirc
[19:26:52] ** Pryon echos xzcvczxx, although I haven't had any problems lately **
[19:27:38] xzcvczxx: yeah well the main thing i want is a board with onboard 5.1 which actually is supported which via does on this board but only for redhat and they seem to have given that up a while ago
[19:28:01] gbee: it's supposed to be a very good mobo, although getting a little old now
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[19:28:54] gbee: I'll be a little pissed if it turns out that the mobo is failing and not the hdd – I've just ordered a new disk
[19:29:39] AtSquiggs (AtSquiggs! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:29:42] AtSquiggs: hey guys
[19:29:48] fryfrog: gbee: wasn't the disk under warrenty?
[19:30:00] gbee: hmm, just done two things -switched the nova-t to the first PCI slot and swapped the drive to another power cable
[19:30:17] gbee: it's booting fine for the moment
[19:30:25] fryfrog: stupid computers :(
[19:30:29] gbee: fryfrog: err, no – I got it second hand
[19:31:04] xzcvczxx: anyone tried e17 lately?
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[19:32:53] AtSquiggs: i have a remote that came with my pvr150 but I want to use the remote on a frontend only workstation that does not have a pvr card installed. So I bought an ir thing from ir blaster. Shouldn't I be able to get that working with lirc?
[19:37:48] gbee: fwiw the PSU isn't cheap either – it's an Enermax
[19:37:50] AtSquiggs: i tired the live cd, i think that is e17. It was sweet
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[19:45:53] xzcvczxx: 2hrs to transcode 20mins of video :(
[19:46:55] Cyberai: fryfrog, thanks a lot, it looks like my system is changing channels correctly now
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[20:30:08] xzcvczxx: hmmmm the retrieve metadata doesnt seem to be working too well anymore as imdb stuff seems to have changed
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[20:36:05] melunko: Hello there, anybody with short time to help?
[20:36:17] melunko: My backend is not starting recording
[20:36:37] melunko: the frontend call "QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]IS_RECORDING" always returns "0"
[20:36:44] melunko: and them timeout
[20:36:50] melunko: any idea?
[20:37:26] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:47:10] scurb: Anyone uses the perl mythtvscript for xbmc here?
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[20:59:57] fryfrog: cybergyp1y: I'm glad :)
[21:03:41] cybergyp1y: fryfrog: ?
[21:04:06] fryfrog: cybergyp1y: oops
[21:04:13] fryfrog: was meant for Cyberai but he left
[21:04:22] cybergyp1y: aahh
[21:06:19] S2 (S2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:06:21] jocon: hey all
[21:06:32] juski: scurb: it's python, not perl. and it didn't work last time i tried it
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[21:14:32] DiginUS: Isn't there a TV card DB somewhere with pictures of the cards to aid in identification?
[21:15:32] roger55: there is. just can't remember where I've seen it.
[21:16:10] stuarta: maybe?
[21:17:11] DiginUS: I've seent it before too, but now I can't find it again
[21:17:13] roger55: maybe?
[21:17:21] juski: nah he means the one with purdy pitchers
[21:17:48] stuarta: sigh, will i every get to the end of my email...
[21:17:59] DiginUS: that's it! Thanks roger55
[21:18:11] ** roger55 bows :) **
[21:21:52] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has left #mythtv-users ("sleep required")
[21:24:23] zdzisekg: juski: you ever take a break from myth? seemes like you're her 20 hours out of a day :-)
[21:25:18] Tanthrix: MythTV isn't just a hobby, it's a way of life!
[21:25:27] Tanthrix: (Not really, but it sounds funny..)
[21:25:49] juski: zdzisekg: just cos I'm logged in, doesn't mean I'm actually here
[21:26:55] SlicerDicer-: anybody configured HDTV's before?
[21:27:38] hadees: i am little confused about how QAM support works, so i have my air2pc v 3 card in my machine and i have been able to get some channels but they look analog, I know when i setup i had to put in a tuner to use for analog so when i am on those channels is that why it looks like that?
[21:28:13] SlicerDicer-: I am trying to figure out why its only taking up a small box in the screen when I set it to 1080i or 720p?
[21:28:21] juski: hadees: cos they're only sdtv & look crappy scaled to hd resolution?
[21:28:59] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: You mean when you set your xconf to use 1080i/720p?
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[21:29:03] hadees: Also as i go through the channels picked up during my scan a lot of them are blank i get the "Error was encountered while displaying video" quite often, i am wondering if it is unable to display hdtv
[21:29:18] SlicerDicer-: yeah Tanthrix
[21:29:20] zdzisekg: question, when watching live tv, if I try to record something, after I get out of livetv, the recording aborts. is this a bug? I'm on latest trunk
[21:29:26] hadees: juski, i know that but can a air2pc get sdtv?
[21:29:28] juski: hadees: YMMV with QAM on cable
[21:29:36] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: I am trying to figure out why it wont fill the screen
[21:29:54] juski: hadees: not through the same interface as the HDTV – the analogue side of it is a framegrabber (boo, hiss!)
[21:29:56] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: And you're sure that it's actually outputting correctly?
[21:30:17] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Nvidia cards will automatically choose a resolution that works if what you give it does not.
[21:30:29] hadees: juski, oh so what i am seeing while watching tv is just a framer grabber
[21:30:35] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: maybe not?
[21:30:57] hadees: juski, i thought it might have switched me to my other tuner
[21:31:01] juski: hadees: not if you're using the same input as you would for HD
[21:31:15] juski: and if you've not configured the analogue side, definitely not!
[21:31:46] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Doesen't quite explain the scaling, but it's something to check. Check your xorg log to make sure the mode you're giving it is actually working.
[21:31:48] DiginUS (DiginUS! has quit ("BX")
[21:31:58] SlicerDicer-: how can I get the modelines for my tv?
[21:32:03] SlicerDicer-: I dont know the specs :/
[21:32:17] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Which model TV?
[21:32:25] hadees: juski, what do you mean by configure the analogue side? do i have to treat it like another tuner? If i didn't set it up then why am i getting sdtv through my air2pc card
[21:32:37] SlicerDicer-: samsung HLT4675S
[21:32:52] juski: hadees: yeah you would have to configure the analogue side as a different tuner & probably different video source too
[21:33:01] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Native 720P resolution? And you're using DVI?
[21:33:22] juski: hadees: in all probability it's just digital SDTV you're getting which will be why it looks so inferior to HD
[21:33:26] SlicerDicer-: no component
[21:33:29] hadees: damn i need a some sort of tutorial or guide because i am all confused about what is going on
[21:33:38] hadees: juski, i am using vga
[21:33:50] juski: hadees: you're completely missing the point!
[21:33:52] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Pastebin your xorg log
[21:33:52] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: I will eventually do DVI but not right now
[21:33:56] zdzisekg: SlicerDicer: with the nvidia binary drivers, you can run the X with --logverbose 6 and it will tell you everything you need to know about modelines for your tv
[21:34:08] SlicerDicer-: (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "720p"; removing.
[21:34:13] SlicerDicer-: thats the main problem Tanthrix
[21:34:26] juski: hadees: not all cable channels you can get thru QAM are HDTV. not all of the digital streams are HD over the air either AFAIK
[21:34:29] hadees: juski, i guess not =(
[21:34:43] hadees: juski, yeah i know
[21:34:50] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Yah, so the scaling might go away when you actually get it working.
[21:35:02] juski: so that will no doubt be why some channels look inferior to others. it'll be that they're SD, not HD
[21:35:32] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: I just dont know how to get hte modelines
[21:35:34] juski: hadees: sounds plausible
[21:35:34] roger55: I've read that with some dvb cards you can set the capture resolution – how is that done?
[21:35:36] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: You shouldn't need modelines for doing component out as I understand it, so something else is weird.
[21:35:40] juski: roger55: you can't
[21:35:47] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Pastebin your xorg.conf
[21:36:17] roger55: juski, ah so that must be some cards that do hardware mpeg2 encoding of analogue sources where you can set something.
[21:36:19] juski: roger55: wherever you read that was likely talking about the analogue inputs of dvb cards
[21:36:27] roger55: :)
[21:36:32] juski: there are very few dvb tuners which do analogue hardware encoding
[21:36:50] juski: the majority of dvb cards which do analogue are framegrabbers too
[21:37:56] roger55: what about when transcoding?
[21:38:00] juski: nope
[21:38:15] ** roger55 is asking the wrong questions tonight :) **
[21:38:29] juski: everybody should speak English – problem solved :)
[21:38:31] hadees: juski, do you know why i might be getting "Error was encountered while displaying video" when going to some of the channels i just scanned for? do you have to do something to have mythfrontend be able to display hdtv? I thought it would just use the cpu to decode it and thats all
[21:39:04] BSD_Tech (BSD_Tech! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:39:05] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Looks good to me. Start x with verbose logging then post your xorg log
[21:39:18] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: upgrading nvidia driver hang on
[21:39:22] juski: hadees: no idea. too tired to start digging through yo logs.. but then that's what _you_ need to be doing to find out what's going on. Oh and testing the HD tuning with an app other than mythtv to verify it's all sweet _first_
[21:39:48] juski: ALWAYS test the tuner hardware outside mythtv first!
[21:40:08] juski: cos then if it dunt work, what's to blame? mythtv.. or the driver, or... ????
[21:40:16] juski: anyway...
[21:40:17] juski (juski! has quit ("WARNING: Juski has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor")
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[21:42:35] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: the only thing that its saying error on is that there is no mode for 720p
[21:42:44] SlicerDicer-: and defaulting to 800x600
[21:42:53] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Are you starting X with verbose logging?
[21:43:17] SlicerDicer-: no i dont know how
[21:43:56] _sh3 (_sh3!i=_sh3@gateway/tor/x-9c7b325b3e9d5c66) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[21:44:15] Tanthrix: "startx -logverbose 6"
[21:44:22] Tanthrix: instead just startx
[21:45:12] SlicerDicer-: damn it
[21:46:14] SlicerDicer-: says same thing Tanthrix in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[21:46:40] Tanthrix: Er, "startx --logverbose 6"
[21:47:14] SlicerDicer-: still same thing
[21:47:20] SlicerDicer-: nothing different when it goes to load it
[21:47:28] SlicerDicer-: 5 lines
[21:47:38] SlicerDicer-: no valid mode
[21:47:44] SlicerDicer-: unable to validate any modes
[21:47:50] SlicerDicer-: nvidia-auto-select
[21:47:51] Tanthrix: Something isn't right – it should be saying a lot more with logverbose
[21:47:54] SlicerDicer-: validated modes blah blah
[21:48:04] SlicerDicer-: I am quite sure its a missing modeline
[21:48:19] SlicerDicer-: everytime I have set it up with any other tv this has happend when I did not have modelines
[21:48:24] SlicerDicer-: not HD but
[21:48:33] SlicerDicer-: or horz/vert refresh
[21:48:35] zdzisekg: SlicerDicer: run `X --logverbose 6 > x.log' then paste the x.log file to pastebin. I can have a look
[21:49:26] SlicerDicer-: blank
[21:49:38] SlicerDicer-: err sorry did not do X
[21:49:56] SlicerDicer-: but then again X does not know what --logverbose is :P it needs to be -logverbose
[21:49:57] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Are you sure about modelines and such? Component doesn't provide any way of figuring out what the TV can do or not, so as far as I know 720P component is 720P component
[21:50:23] kormoc: isn't it startx — -logverbose 6?
[21:50:30] SlicerDicer-: it aint spitting anything into the friggin file
[21:50:31] SlicerDicer-: lol
[21:50:32] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Not like DVI with EDID and such, so the device connecting to the TV can determine things about the TV
[21:50:47] SlicerDicer-: Tanthrix: hell if I know :)
[21:50:52] SlicerDicer-: I dont know how to do this I usually read wikis
[21:50:53] SlicerDicer-: haha
[21:50:56] SlicerDicer-: or something
[21:51:04] kormoc: the — tells startx that the stuff following is for X not startx, and then X's command line option is -logverbose
[21:52:31] ivor: to your monitor section
[21:52:49] b0ngfrog (b0ngfrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:53:13] Tanthrix: ivor: It's SlicerDicer-'s machine we're talking about here, not mine
[21:53:19] SlicerDicer-: modeline did nothing
[21:53:22] zdzisekg: SlicerDicer: here's a modeline I use for my Samsung DLP. perhaps try it
[21:53:24] ivor: ah which apparently doesn't work with the nvidia driver.
[21:53:26] ivor: hmm
[21:53:38] ivor: Tanthrix: ta.
[21:53:40] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, did you run with the — -log option?
[21:53:53] Tanthrix: Does anyone know for sure that modelines can be used with component out?
[21:53:54] zdzisekg: wrong modelin: try this
[21:54:19] kormoc: Tanthrix, modelines can always be used, but it's tricky
[21:54:52] Tanthrix: kormoc: It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me, since it's analog and there's no 2 way communication going on.
[21:54:53] fryfrog: modelines are like sneaking in the back door, you gotta be sneaky!
[21:55:17] SlicerDicer-: tanks zdzisekg
[21:55:19] fryfrog: Tanthrix: the mode line sets things *exactly*, so it doesn't *need* two way communication
[21:55:20] kormoc: Tanthrix, VGA is analog
[21:55:42] SlicerDicer-: no dice zdzisekg
[21:55:47] kormoc: Tanthrix, the entire point of a mode line is to yeah, take the guesswork out of it all
[21:55:50] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, what's the issue?
[21:56:06] eelriver_ (eelriver_!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has quit ("Leaving")
[21:56:11] zdzisekg: keep in mind that nvidia binery drivers will try to use eveything else and as last resort will fail back to the modeline in xorg.conf
[21:56:23] ivor: "Additionally, the NVIDIA driver contains a hardcoded list of mode sizes that it can drive for each combination of TV encoder and TV standard. Therefore, custom modelines in your X configuration file are ignored for TVs."
[21:56:30] SlicerDicer-: kormoc its putting it in a box
[21:56:42] SlicerDicer-: zdzisekg: can you paste your xorg.conf at or something
[21:56:50] SlicerDicer-: kormoc tiny box resolution 800x600
[21:57:04] SlicerDicer-: not 1024x720
[21:57:09] Tanthrix: So the question is, why does a 30 dollar dvd player work out of the box everytime with component output? It seems to me that they are simple standards there
[21:57:17] ivor: you need to get the Xorg log somehow. it should list the names and modes available.
[21:57:26] Tanthrix: Compared to say, VGA, which is used for all sorts of resolutions and such.
[21:57:41] Tanthrix: or DVI for that matter
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[21:57:51] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, got a X log?
[21:57:58] SlicerDicer-: yeah
[21:58:20] SlicerDicer-: would DVI to HDMI be easier?
[21:58:28] SlicerDicer-: crap I will just go buy one if thats the case...
[21:58:45] SlicerDicer-: kormoc
[21:58:48] SlicerDicer-: damn it
[21:58:49] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Possibly since your set is native 720P, but not necessarely
[21:59:12] SlicerDicer-: kormoc its saying no valid modes
[21:59:18] SlicerDicer-: and defaulting to 800x600
[21:59:37] kormoc: got a log up somewhere?
[21:59:57] SlicerDicer-: nvm I was being a dipshit
[21:59:59] SlicerDicer-: its working
[22:00:04] SlicerDicer-: PEBKAC FTW!!
[22:00:18] ivor: how embarrassing. :)
[22:00:26] SlicerDicer-: ahh I am usto it
[22:00:36] SlicerDicer-: I am always being a idiot
[22:00:48] Tanthrix: What was the prob?
[22:00:56] zdzisekg:
[22:00:56] SlicerDicer-: errr
[22:01:00] ** SlicerDicer- hides at his problem **
[22:01:03] SlicerDicer-: it was stupid
[22:01:05] SlicerDicer-: however!
[22:01:08] Tanthrix: You have to tell us.
[22:01:10] SlicerDicer-: I did follow a wiki that screwed me up
[22:01:15] Tanthrix: By law, since we've been helping you.
[22:01:28] Tanthrix: And for anyone else looking at the chat logs in the future to learn from, even if it was a silly mistake.
[22:01:30] SlicerDicer-: '1280x720_60' changed to '1280x720'
[22:02:17] SlicerDicer-: now I just got to fix the overscan
[22:02:20] SlicerDicer-: :)
[22:02:27] zdzisekg: 5:00 PM. got to go. later
[22:02:34] Tanthrix: SlicerDicer-: Boo!
[22:02:39] SlicerDicer-: zdzisekg: thanks for the modelines
[22:02:46] SlicerDicer-: I dont know if it fixed it or not its in there :)
[22:02:49] SlicerDicer-: if it worked thanks
[22:02:49] SlicerDicer-: hehe
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[22:05:06] onixian (onixian! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[22:06:03] SlicerDicer-: trying to figure out why overscan aint doin nufin now when I change the value :/
[22:07:36] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit (Client Quit)
[22:08:47] SlicerDicer-: errr wait component does not do overscan does it?
[22:13:17] SlicerDicer-: kormoc its only drawing 37% cpu driving a 720p display
[22:13:19] SlicerDicer-: :)
[22:13:23] SlicerDicer-: XvMC ftw hehe
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[23:14:30] Milosch: man, i need to find a nice HD monitor off the back of a truck or something...
[23:14:59] Milosch: now that i upgraded the video card i can really see the compression in ntsc with the PVR
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[23:44:59] Mattwj2006 (Mattwj2006! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:45:17] Mattwj2006: hey guys
[23:45:49] Mattwj2006: I just bought stuff to upgrade to a AMD Dual core 64 bit processor
[23:49:51] Mattwj2006: anyone home?
[23:50:09] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:50:23] kormoc: nope, no one is home
[23:50:35] Mattwj2006: dang it :)
[23:51:28] Mattwj2006: how are you doing kormoc?
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