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Sunday, March 25th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:10] kharan5876: id like to get radio also
[00:00:10] juski: Chicago: you can't have radio in mythtv either :-P
[00:00:18] Chicago: command line works...
[00:00:29] juski: not if myth is using a tuner it doesn;t
[00:00:32] juski: muhahahah
[00:00:35] Chicago: 2 tuners
[00:01:05] juski: well what if you're using both to record tv? heh
[00:01:16] Chicago: Yeah... that usually happens.
[00:01:30] juski: actually there's another thing that those shitty lamegrabbers can come in handy for :)
[00:01:39] Chicago: Maybe in the future I'll have a box with 2 pvr-500s... then maybe I'll have enough tuners.
[00:02:42] kharan5876: hmm i might get a framegrabber for watching on demand
[00:02:49] knowledgejunkie: for "shitty" read "can provide better video quality than a PVR card"
[00:03:19] juski: for "shitty" read "shitty"
[00:03:56] juski: so the odd one might be able to provide better picture quality than a pvr card (unlikely but possible) – they still have more disadvantages
[00:04:12] kharan5876: what besides increased cpu load?
[00:04:29] juski: er... usually needing a sound card per tuner...
[00:04:44] juski: loading the pci bus
[00:04:46] Chicago: Tuning an encoder takes some effort... is a framegrabber sending interlaced video?
[00:05:00] juski: both types can grab interlaced video
[00:05:05] kharan5876: i hate the ones where you have to use a cable from the card to the soundcard
[00:05:21] juski: kharan5876: that'd be the overall majority of em then
[00:08:26] kharan5876: how are the usb tuners?
[00:08:33] juski: not forgetting of course that inside a metal box full of radio frequency energy (i.e. your PC) isn't the most ideal place for sensitive RF devices
[00:08:57] Chicago: yeah, no kidding...
[00:09:04] juski: they're plagued by the same crappy tuner issues... for 'crappy' read 'low cost to the manufacturer'
[00:09:10] juski: YMMV
[00:09:18] kharan5876: fun
[00:09:44] juski: you're not even guaranteed to get the same tuner module on the same model of card
[00:10:17] juski: I can't fault my pvr150 card at all, but then I'm using svideo not its tuner ;)
[00:10:40] kharan5876: i never had issues with 150's tuner
[00:11:15] juski: the rest of my cards are all digital :)
[00:11:31] hads: yawn
[00:12:02] juski: yikes I should be putting a new image in neon-wide while I'm up here
[00:12:26] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:14] Ediehow: can someone tell me why using "archive files" and "find files" in its submenu in mythfrontend sometimes slows down the machine tremendously?
[00:13:23] Ediehow: im talking about just clicking the menu items
[00:13:24] kharan5876: do cable companies usually limit the capability of the dvi output on their cable boxes, the way they do with firewire output?
[00:13:29] Ediehow: not the actual process itself
[00:14:25] juski: why? it's not like you can capture DVI & compress it real time
[00:14:40] Ediehow: i wish i could do it through mythweb or something
[00:14:51] kharan5876: didnt know if it had any possibilities
[00:15:00] juski: nor is it likely you'll ever be able to buy a consumer price product to do that either
[00:15:33] juski: for now and probably for the indefinite future DVI is only for displays
[00:15:36] GreyFoxx: KO36U8&name=LEVY&language=0&email=8
[00:15:58] juski: and in future you can bet the cable companies will be implementing HDCP on their boxes
[00:18:11] Qwell: For the record, if anybody actually does want the raw video from a hauppauge.. mplayer -nocache /dev/video32 -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=720:h=480:format=hm12:ntsc
[00:18:25] Qwell: you still get a 50–100ms delay though :p
[00:19:00] Chicago: Qwell: I think even musicians can work together with a 100ms delay.
[00:19:26] Qwell: it's not great, but things are playable..
[00:20:04] Qwell: and, sorry for continuing that line of discussion in here, it's not mythtv related, but I'm obviously not the only person who wanted it :)
[00:21:51] kharan5876: hmm i might try that for watching on demand instead of making an extra direct connection to the tv
[00:22:01] juski: there we go... fixed mythvideo in neon-wide
[00:22:59] Qwell: that's...weird
[00:23:08] Qwell: nevermind, no it isn't
[00:23:42] kharan5876: it didnt work?
[00:23:52] Qwell: no, it did
[00:24:12] Qwell: mythtv was recording something while I was playing with it, and I went to watch it, and it looked like it was still recording from the coax, but it wasn't
[00:25:31] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:05] Qwell: so, does mythtv only work with mpeg2 encoded streams?
[00:26:24] juski: if that's what it's expecting to get, yeah
[00:26:25] kharan5876: try using it
[00:27:13] kharan5876: i wonder if you could add a second card to mythtv using /dev/video32
[00:27:58] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:29:14] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:30:02] juski: kharan5876: I wouldn't
[00:30:22] juski: how would myth know when /dev/video0 is being used & that it can't use video32 at the same time?
[00:31:08] Qwell: I'm able to get a stream out of both devices
[00:31:16] Qwell: of course, it's not useful at all since it's the same video, but...yeah
[00:31:32] hads: heh
[00:31:49] juski: I mean if one video source was set to 'tuner' & the other was set to 'composite1' that'd really fuck up recordings
[00:31:59] Qwell: You can't do that though
[00:32:08] Qwell: at least, not on a card like the hauppauge 150
[00:32:11] juski: mythtv-setup would let you
[00:32:19] Qwell: if you set the mode, it sets it for the entire card
[00:32:27] juski: yeah
[00:32:56] juski: so say you're recording from the tuner then decide to use the video32 device... myth would have the card switch from tuner to another input
[00:33:03] juski: oops!
[00:33:14] juski: BAD idea
[00:34:15] kharan5876: use the tuner and video32, make 2 separate cards in myth, set the video32 input not to record (if you can)
[00:34:25] juski: still a bad idea
[00:34:47] juski: what the hell – it's up to you if you wanna do daft stuff like that – who am I to stop the lunacy? ;)
[00:35:08] hads: quite right
[00:35:29] juski: just don't come running to me when it all goes pear-shaped :-P
[00:35:51] kharan5876: be fun to play with
[00:36:05] hads: Oh no! juski help me! :)
[00:36:06] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:22] kharan5876: help? if it doesnt work then just stop doing it
[00:36:34] juski: kharan5876: easy for you to say
[00:37:14] juski: svn commit 1~c
[00:37:16] stoffel_ (stoffel_! has quit ("leaving")
[00:37:21] juski: damn
[00:39:40] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:07] Qwell (Qwell!n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[00:49:58] juski: anyhew...
[00:50:00] juski: Zzzz
[00:50:02] juski (juski! has quit ("If I could go just one whole day without seeing")
[00:55:16] ByteChanger: lo all
[00:56:15] ByteChanger: Can someone please help me with MythWeb? It used to complain about my db_*, but now it just says 'An unknown module was specified'...
[00:56:29] ByteChanger: I'm not sure if I'm getting further ahead or further behind... lol
[00:56:58] clever_: getting flood loops again
[00:57:07] clever_: oops wrong room
[01:00:26] hads:
[01:02:27] |egacy2 (|egacy2!n=b@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:28] alsoconfused: ByteChanger: where did you install mythweb.conf?
[01:04:04] |egacy2: looking to build a pvr using a p4 1.4 Ghz / 512mb ram- any recommendations for a capture card?
[01:05:15] Dave123: |egacy2, if you want to do sdtv, haupage wintv-pvr-150
[01:05:20] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: we'll need more info on what types of video sources you want to use first – OTA/cable box etc
[01:05:45] |egacy2: just looking to capture basic cable
[01:06:04] |egacy2: no need to route through a cable box, ir blaster, etc
[01:06:51] |egacy2: Dave123; the 150? is the 1.4Ghz beefy enough not to have hardware encoding?
[01:07:30] Dave123: probably is, but your system may be more responsive if you have a hardware card
[01:07:46] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
[01:08:22] |egacy2: Dave123; its just my old machine, not really going to task it beyond pvr duties
[01:10:05] |egacy2: also, is there different 'types' of 350's? I see them listed as wintv-pvr 350 and 990s
[01:10:10] |egacy2: are*
[01:10:23] BC3742: ack. sorry.. got disconnected...
[01:10:32] |egacy2: hmm
[01:10:39] Dave123: 350's are different than 150's
[01:10:46] Dave123: id say 1.4 is good
[01:10:54] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: PVR-350 is the product name, 990 is the model number, as I understand it
[01:10:59] BC3742: alsoconfused: My mythtv.conf is in /etc/apache2/conf.d
[01:11:08] Dave123: i ordered a amd athlon xp 1800+ for the box
[01:11:16] |egacy2: knowledgejunkie; ah, okay- that makes sense
[01:11:20] Dave123: i figure it should be a bit more responsive
[01:11:45] alsoconfused: BC3742: grep Directory /etc/apache2/conf.d/mythweb.conf
[01:11:51] |egacy2: i wish best buy stocked 350s.. i have a few gift cards saved up
[01:11:54] knowledgejunkie: Dave123: sluggish generally, or sluggish playing video?
[01:12:18] Dave123: cpu load/loads on "uptime" get a bit high
[01:12:19] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: you only really need a PVR-350 if you want to use the video decoder (which the PVR-150 lacks)
[01:12:45] Dave123: i'm trying to tweak a bit
[01:12:55] |egacy2: knowledgejunkie; and the video decoder helps with.. playback?
[01:12:57] rbellamy (rbellamy!n=rbellamy@pdpc/supporter/silver/rbellamy) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:11] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: now I'd recommend the PVR-150 (I have both, and no longer use the output from the PVR-350, although it was mighty beautiful)
[01:13:11] Dave123: now that i got everything nealry configured the way i want
[01:13:29] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: the decoder allows you to decode on the card straight to a TV
[01:13:34] Dave123: i got the WinTV-PVR-150MCE edition with remote
[01:13:37] |egacy2: knowledgejunkie; ohhh
[01:14:18] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: the downside is that only MPEG-2 TV is really accelerated, everything else can be *slow*, although if you mainly just watch/record TV and use a slowed computer, it's a good combination
[01:14:53] rbellamy: knowledgejunkie: you don't use the output from the 350?
[01:15:06] rbellamy: knowledgejunkie: i thought that was one of the big pluses?
[01:15:10] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: native support within MythTV is being dropped for the PVR-350, but you can run an X server on it using the ivtvdev driver
[01:15:12] |egacy2: knowledgejunkie; this would machine dedicated to watching/recording tv
[01:15:13] doc_ (doc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:15] doc_: hello :)
[01:15:34] |egacy2: knowledgejunkie; 150 support will be maintained?
[01:15:35] knowledgejunkie: rbellamy: not any more – built myself a VGA->RGB SCART cable
[01:15:50] rbellamy: neato
[01:16:06] rbellamy: and the 350 is really being deprecated?
[01:16:46] rbellamy: from what i've read... and i'm still a noob... the 350 is one of the only cards that will do encoding/decoding, rather than just encoding... making it good for frontend boxes
[01:16:53] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: PVR *encoder* support is not being dropped a all – so don't worry. The PVR-350 *decoder* support is being dropped from MythTV – so your PVR-350 is essentially the same as a PVR-150 is you don't run an X server on the PVR-350's output
[01:16:57] BC3742: alsoconfused: <Directory "/var/www/mythweb" > & </Directory>
[01:17:25] knowledgejunkie: BC3742: where have you installed mythweb to in your www path?
[01:17:26] alsoconfused: BC3742: does that match the actual location?
[01:18:03] BC3742: alsoconfused: yes
[01:18:06] knowledgejunkie: rbellamy: that's true, and you can still run an X server on the -350's output. It's only the native MythTV frontend support that is being discontinued
[01:18:47] |egacy2: knowledgejunkie; so the 350 allows output to a television? If you have the 150, can you only operate on the installed computer?
[01:18:58] rbellamy: knowledgejunkie: do you know of any plans for a hw-based decoding strategy, so that frontends can be lower power?
[01:19:15] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: you need to use a video card with TV-out, or VGA/DVI out
[01:19:37] knowledgejunkie: |egacy2: use an NVidia video card with XvMC support
[01:19:38] rbellamy: |egacy2: nah... i just tested running frontend on my laptop, over my wifi network... and it was able to change the channel, etc, on the backend (which is where my 150 is)
[01:19:49] rbellamy: MythTV rox
[01:20:31] BC3742: rbellamy: I am so envious... I wanna do that... :-) hehe
[01:20:34] alsoconfused: BC3742: everything in /var/www/mythweb is accessible to apache?
[01:20:42] rbellamy: BC3742: it was about the coolest thing ever
[01:21:04] BC3742: alsoconfused: I added the group www-data (Debian flavor)
[01:21:51] alsoconfused: BC3742: so the files have grp owner www-data and apache is a member?
[01:22:26] BC3742: alsoconfused: I believe mythtv is the member... sorry..
[01:22:43] pete_: hey, is anyone using myth with a hdtv capture card and starchoice?
[01:22:57] alsoconfused: BC3742: well, it's apache that needs access to those files, not mythtv
[01:23:42] BC3742: alsoconfused: hmmm. ok... so, chown apache * ?
[01:23:51] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:52] alsoconfused: BC3742: are there any warnings or errors in the apache logs?
[01:24:03] Ediehow: why does navigating the archive menu and submenus in mythfrontend bring down the system?
[01:24:11] pete_: is anyone using mythtc with an hdtv card and a satellite receiver?
[01:24:14] alsoconfused: BC3742: that might fix it, but i'm not sure that that's your problem
[01:24:17] alsoconfused: brb
[01:24:46] Ediehow: just going from archive to export video files and now create dvd
[01:24:59] Ediehow: those 3 menu options, going through them, nearly brings system response to nukk
[01:25:19] pete_: does anyone use mythtv with hdtv? ;)
[01:25:29] akty (akty! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:07] tominglis (tominglis! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[01:29:30] BC3742: ack...
[01:30:15] BC3742: alsoconfused: sorry, that ip is right...
[01:32:40] alsoconfused: BC3742: is there a .htaccess file in /var/www/mythweb?
[01:32:54] Ediehow: where do i see the logs for why mytharchive is having problems?
[01:34:51] BC3742: alsoconfused: Hmm, no, but I made a extre htpasswd file there in a futile attempt to get things going... I put one of htpasswd file in /var/www also...
[01:35:11] |egacy2 (|egacy2!n=b@ has quit ()
[01:35:17] pete_: doh
[01:35:24] Ediehow: when i select something to archive
[01:35:29] Ediehow: it fills up nothing of the available space
[01:35:34] Ediehow: and it says sometimes later a script had an error
[01:35:37] Ediehow: but what script, so i can see the log?
[01:36:26] alsoconfused: BC3742: egrep -i 'userfile|digestfile' /etc/httpd/conf.d/mythweb.conf
[01:36:42] alsoconfused: brb
[01:37:00] BC3742: (There is a .htaccess file in /var/www/mythweb/data)
[01:37:04] BC3742: ok
[01:37:14] Ediehow: "it was not possible to create the dvd. an error occured when running the scripts"
[01:37:17] Ediehow: where do i see what error?
[01:40:25] BC3742: alsoconfused: If I use httpd, I get not such file or dir. I replaced with apache2 and nothing appeared to happen...
[01:42:23] doc_ (doc_! has quit ("boumf")
[01:46:11] alsoconfused: BC3742: is the browser asking for username/password?
[01:46:25] ev64 is now known as billk
[01:46:32] billk is now known as bill_k
[01:47:49] BC3742: alsoconfused: sorry, just realized I was using grep... I tried egrep and got two line with #'s in front.
[01:49:11] alsoconfused: BC3742: is the browser asking for username/password?
[01:50:15] BC3742: alsoconfused: no, my browser used to suggest setting the env_mod, but now it just says 'unknown module was specified'..
[01:51:24] tt1: hi do i need mysql server for the back-end ?
[01:51:44] hads: You need MySql somewhere.
[01:51:49] BC3742: tt1: Yup,
[01:52:00] alsoconfused: BC3742: are you restarting httpd after each change?
[01:52:30] BC3742: alsoconfused: hmmm, I'm doing a /usr/sbin/apache2 -k restart
[01:52:36] alsoconfused: good
[01:52:58] alsoconfused: can you pastebin the error and access logs?
[01:53:27] BC3742: ack... sure.. which ones should I send? Apache's?
[01:53:57] alsoconfused: yes, just the relevant parts if they're very long
[01:55:00] BC3742: sure... ummm, i hate to ask this... whats that pastbin url again?
[01:55:25] alsoconfused:
[01:55:46] BC3742: also:my laptop loses it real ip connection when I hook up the rj45, I'll log back on after I'll pasted them in... Thanks for the help btw!!  :-)
[01:56:18] roger55 (roger55!n=roger55@gentoo/developer/roger55) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:09:24] BC3742: .
[02:09:30] BC3742: .
[02:09:36] BC3742: still on?
[02:09:41] BC3742: huh...
[02:09:55] BC3742: alsoconfused: here is the pastebin:
[02:10:02] alsoconfused: ok
[02:10:29] Como|Lappy: question: is there any reason for 512mb over 256 on a basic mythbox
[02:10:50] knowledgejunkie: Como|Lappy: only if you're swapping a lot
[02:11:04] Como|Lappy: well i havnt built one yet
[02:11:17] Como|Lappy: and ram is so stupidly expensive right now
[02:12:46] doc|home (doc|home!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has quit ("reboot")
[02:13:08] Como|Lappy: this is just a basic PVR, i've got a tuner card laying around
[02:13:16] Como|Lappy: pvr 250, maybe?
[02:13:19] Como|Lappy: ive had it for over a year
[02:13:23] Como|Lappy: never used it
[02:13:38] knowledgejunkie: Como|Lappy: should be fine
[02:13:52] Como|Lappy: does mythtv depend on x?
[02:14:27] alsoconfused: BC3742: what does the browser report when you point it at
[02:14:37] knowledgejunkie: Como|Lappy: you can use direcfb I think, but the frontend normally runs under X
[02:14:40] alsoconfused: BC3742: replace if it's a remote machine
[02:15:02] BC3742: ok... i might get disconnect... 1 sec...
[02:15:04] Como|Lappy: hm. i hope 256 doesnt become a problem
[02:15:36] knowledgejunkie: Como|Lappy: turn off all non-essential services, forget gnome or kde, and you'll probably be fine
[02:15:37] Zyxus (Zyxus! has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.3")
[02:16:41] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:18:17] BC3742: alsoconfused: If I point it at /skins, i get forbidden. if i use /mythtv/skins I get 'unknown module was specified'
[02:20:34] alsoconfused: BC3742: what is your documentroot set to?
[02:20:55] BC3742: i think /var/www/mythweb
[02:23:26] alsoconfused: BC3742: look at RewriteBase in mythweb.conf
[02:26:57] BC3742: alsoconfused: it has # RewriteBase /mythweb
[02:27:13] BC3742: hmmm...
[02:28:37] alsoconfused: Because you have your document root set to /var/www/mythweb, I think you should put RewriteBase / in mythweb.conf
[02:28:59] BC3742: ok, and remove the # ?
[02:29:18] alsoconfused: right
[02:29:22] BC3742: rewrite engine=on btw...
[02:30:53] BC3742: hmm, no change..
[02:31:07] alsoconfused: you restarted apache, right?
[02:33:46] BC3742: yup.
[02:34:30] BC3742: but unknown module specified..
[02:34:44] BC3742: also refreshed the page...
[02:35:01] alsoconfused: mythtv or mythweb?
[02:35:18] BC3742: mythweb...
[02:35:40] BC3742: (refreshed the page in the browser i mean...)
[02:35:52] BC3742: also restarted apache2...
[02:38:22] BC3742: wonder if i re-created the folder if i would have any better luck...
[02:39:28] rjune (rjune! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:40:17] BC3742: cool, i get data directory not writable by www-data. check permissions...
[02:40:39] BC3742: i think that is a better msg... ? hehe
[02:40:58] BC3742: i am a total moron!! Sorry... Still a rookie...
[02:41:55] alsoconfused: BC3742: i think something is screwed up with your documentroot, an alias, a Directory directive or rewrite rules.
[02:42:09] regicide666 (regicide666! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:42:25] knowledgejunkie: BC3742: chown -R apache:www-data /var/www/mythweb/*
[02:42:52] BC3742: alsoconfused: hmmm, i fudged around with my /etc/apache2/sites-available/default .... maybe i should'nt have done that...
[02:43:23] alsoconfused: BC3742: at this point, it might be easier to start with a fresh apache config
[02:43:26] hads: or www-data:www-data
[02:43:50] BC3742: knowledgejunkie, hads: thanks!
[02:43:51] knowledgejunkie: hads: whatever the apache user is called
[02:44:04] hads: If it's debain based it'll be www-data
[02:44:12] BC3742: www-data worked.. yes it's debian...
[02:44:13] hads: erm, Debian.
[02:44:48] BC3742: but the rest worked too, thanks kj!  ;-)
[02:45:09] doc|home (doc|home!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:12] ** hads goes back to being hungover **
[02:46:20] knowledgejunkie: BC3742: is it all working now?
[02:46:39] BC3742: kj: duh... i gave up and forgot to check... lol
[02:48:07] harryman100 (harryman100! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:48:42] knowledgejunkie: BC3742: just remember the '-R/--recursive' option for the future – it'll ensure the specified chown/chmod ownerships propagate to subdirectories :)
[02:48:55] harryman100 (harryman100! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:11] rjune (rjune! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:27] BC3742: hmm, back to unknown module... must be something with my apache config... I'll give it a go in the morning... back is getting sore... lol
[02:49:38] rg535748 (rg535748! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:38] rjune (rjune! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:49:53] rg535748: Hello!
[02:50:05] rg535748: I'm brand new to linux, so please be gentle...
[02:50:12] rg535748: how do I install mythtv?
[02:50:24] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (No route to host)
[02:50:24] Dave123: rg535748, what distro are you running
[02:50:31] rg535748: kubuntu
[02:50:39] hads: Version?
[02:50:42] rg535748: edgy
[02:51:09] hads: Installing from packages is probably the easiest start thrn I guess.
[02:51:11] Dave123: theres a howto for ubuntu on the mythtv wiki i think
[02:51:30] SlicerDicer-: aye Dave123
[02:51:32] hads: Yeah, I believe there is
[02:51:36] rg535748: Excellent! Thank you
[02:52:06] hads: rg535748: Just make sure you follow one howto, not several at the same time like most people seem to :)
[02:52:17] banyan (banyan! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:52:33] rg535748: You mean actually do what a howto says, not just what seems right to me at the time?
[02:52:39] SlicerDicer-: indeed
[02:52:39] ** rg535748 doesn't know if he can manage that. **
[02:52:55] ** rg535748 will brb when he gets a segfault, it's ussually how things work for him **
[02:53:22] SlicerDicer-: lol just use the ubuntu packages and it should be fine
[02:53:23] BC3742: alsoconfused: Thanks for your help btw!
[02:53:58] rg535748: should I use the instructions for breezy even though I'm on edgy?
[02:54:04] hads: No
[02:54:15] hads: Use the instructions for Edgy
[02:55:16] rg535748: I dont see any
[02:55:41] rg535748: nm
[02:55:50] rg535748: search found it
[02:55:54] knowledgejunkie: rg535748:
[02:56:02] knowledgejunkie: rg535748: use the search, Luke
[02:56:43] rg535748: This guide assumes you have installed the base Edgy system (currently Alpha 3 as of this writing) successfully, you have installed accelerated video drivers, and your system is connected to the internet and fully functional
[02:56:57] rg535748: Umm, how do I know if I have accelerated video drivers?
[02:57:04] rg535748: I'm using "nv" at the moment, I beliebe
[02:57:06] rg535748: believe
[02:57:13] groOgle: rg535748: That's not accelerated.
[02:57:23] hads: Use the nvidia drivers
[02:57:23] rg535748: So what do I need to do?
[02:57:26] groOgle: rg535748: You want nvidia.
[02:57:33] rg535748: I tried to switch to those and couldn't start kde
[02:57:38] groOgle: rg535748: Hold on, did this a couple of days ago.
[02:57:41] ** groOgle digs for a URL. **
[02:58:02] hads: aptititude install nvidia-glx
[02:58:14] hads: Grr. I can't type today.
[02:58:19] rg535748: I already did that
[02:58:52] rg535748: yep
[02:58:58] rg535748: and couldn'yt start kde
[02:59:05] rg535748: what is the log file that is generated?
[02:59:10] rg535748: I don't remember what it's called
[02:59:12] groOgle: rg535748: Ah, you'll need somebody else to help you there.
[02:59:24] hads: nvidia-xconfig possibly
[02:59:33] groOgle: rg535748: /var/log/Xorg.log
[02:59:46] groOgle: hads: That's a tool for breaking your xorg.conf
[03:00:02] hads: Heh, I dunno, I've always done it manually.
[03:00:08] groOgle: rg535748: The big difference in xorg.conf is Driver "nvidia" instead of Driver "nv"
[03:00:24] groOgle: hads: A better choice. I just tried it again today on a dual-head config.
[03:00:35] groOgle: hads: It moved all my section comments to a mess at the top :-(
[03:00:55] hads: Oh, bugger. I thought it maybe easier for a newbie.
[03:01:00] hads: Maybe not.
[03:01:03] groOgle: hads: It works, sort of.
[03:01:18] rg535748: Okay, what should I do to try and install the nvidia driver?
[03:01:20] groOgle: hads: I just wanted to check what it had done, and diff reported all sorts of stuff.
[03:01:20] rg535748: I want to try again
[03:01:32] groOgle: rg535748: Try the link I gave you.
[03:01:39] purserj (purserj! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:50] groOgle: purserj: G'day.
[03:01:59] groOgle: Ah, just a bounce.
[03:02:15] groOgle: rg535748: It tells you what to do. You'll need to install libc6-dev.
[03:03:09] rg535748: I actually managed to do that correctly without any help or looking it up!!
[03:03:18] rg535748: apt-get install libc6-dev
[03:03:23] ** rg535748 does a little dance. **
[03:03:33] ** rg535748 makes a little love, get's down tonight. **
[03:03:39] hads: heh
[03:03:41] rg535748: Sorry, new to linux, I'll upshut now
[03:03:57] hads: That was kinda amusing :)
[03:04:23] rg535748: why does nvidia want me to run their little executable under sh?
[03:04:27] groOgle: rg535748: I know the feeling :-)
[03:04:41] groOgle: rg535748: Because it's a shell script.
[03:04:52] rg535748: wouldn't it run just as well under bash?
[03:05:16] rg535748: let me check
[03:05:18] groOgle: rg535748: Possibly, but sometimes there are incompatibilities.
[03:05:32] rg535748: whats it called again hads
[03:05:33] rg535748: ?
[03:05:40] hads: I see, can't say I've run into any.
[03:05:50] hads: rg535748: dpkg -l | grep nvidia
[03:07:27] groOgle: rg535748: BTW, the fun starts after you install the drive :-)
[03:07:34] rg535748: ii nvidia-glx 1.0.9746+–10.1–9746 NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver
[03:07:34] rg535748: ii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu7 NVIDIA binary kernel module common files
[03:07:35] rg535748: rc nvidia-settings 1.0–3ubuntu7 Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driv
[03:07:38] groOgle: rg535748: Then you have to build mythtv with --enable-xvmc.
[03:07:59] groOgle: rg535748: The first one is what you want.
[03:08:03] hads: You don't *have* to use xvmc :)
[03:08:06] groOgle: rg535748: So reinstalling is probably not hte way to go.
[03:08:10] groOgle: hads: Yes you do!
[03:08:20] groOgle: hads: Or put up with broadcast resolution.
[03:08:49] hads: We don't have HD here :|
[03:08:55] rg535748: Okay, now I have the driver for nvidia, but X isn't NOT using it
[03:08:57] rg535748: right?
[03:09:06] groOgle: rg535748: Dunno.
[03:09:17] hads: rg535748: Paste you xorg.conf in a pastebin
[03:09:17] groOgle: rg535748: grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[03:09:28] hads: Or do that
[03:09:48] rg535748: no results
[03:09:51] hads: Myth with xvmc locks up both my systems
[03:10:07] rg535748: It's using nv instead of nvidia
[03:10:11] groOgle: hads: Interesting. I'm building one now.
[03:10:14] rg535748: according to xorg.conf
[03:10:24] groOgle: rg535748: OK, looks like the install didn't complete.
[03:10:32] groOgle: rg535748: How good are you with an editor?
[03:10:55] rg535748: Grrrreat, as long as it's emacs
[03:11:11] rg535748: I can even compile and debug my code in emacs.
[03:11:11] hads: My main frontend is a AMD and Via chipset board, my desktop is a Intel/Intel both don't seem to like xvmc
[03:11:12] groOgle: rg535748: Your choice.
[03:11:25] rg535748: you want me to edit my own xonf don't you!
[03:11:26] groOgle: rg535748: Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
[03:11:39] ** rg535748 was afraid of that.... **
[03:11:42] groOgle: rg535748: Change 'Driver "nv"' to 'Driver "nvidia"'
[03:11:42] ** rg535748 edits it **
[03:12:02] hads: Huh, you said you were "brand new to linux" and you're using emacs?
[03:12:08] hads: Interesting
[03:12:09] groOgle: rg535748: You'll have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ as a backup. Rename it to /etc/X11/xorg.orig or something.
[03:12:18] groOgle: hads: Emacs is an easy editor to use.
[03:12:28] opello: it's also on other platforms
[03:12:36] rg535748: new to LInux, not UNIX. :)
[03:12:41] hads: Aha
[03:12:51] hads: TBH I've never looked at emacs
[03:13:07] groOgle: rg535748: What kind of UNIX
[03:13:09] ** rg535748 is a computer science major, A.K.A. Code monkey. **
[03:13:30] ** rg535748 was a vi guy, but finally broke down because it's easier to code in emacs. **
[03:14:03] TSCHAK: a bit bizarre of a question, I have a whole bunch of TV series episodes in AVI format, what is the best way to convert them so that they will show up in the mythtv recordings with the correct episode data?
[03:14:25] hads: TSCHAK: WHy not use mythvideo?
[03:14:37] Rico (Rico! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:14:58] rg535748: I've edited my .conf, now what?
[03:15:11] rg535748: groOgle: Used to use AIX, and Solaris.
[03:15:24] TSCHAK: hads, because I use those to store my DVD collection, and it's a bit unweildy to have to flip through my DVD collection AND my TV episodes... also, no cover art, so it looks terrible in the display next to my movies.
[03:15:44] hads: TSCHAK: The script which you can find in SVN trunk works with TV episodes.
[03:16:00] groOgle: rg535748: Now, from a shell prompt, run startx
[03:16:18] hads: TSCHAK: Just use directories to seperate your TV content.
[03:16:41] rg535748: fatal server error
[03:16:44] rg535748: it's already running
[03:16:50] rg535748: Should I kill the current xserver first?
[03:16:55] hads: Yeah
[03:17:04] rg535748: So I gotta log out of here first, right?
[03:17:11] rg535748: because I'll lose the window
[03:17:14] rg535748: BRB!
[03:17:27] rg535748 (rg535748! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:17:47] groOgle: rgYes.
[03:17:58] ** groOgle watches rg's system crash. **
[03:18:02] hads: heh
[03:18:51] hads: I wish I didn't have the urge to upgrade things all the time.
[03:19:04] lupin_sanse2 (lupin_sanse2! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:07] bill_k: any experienced ubuntu-mythtv users here who can help me update some documentation?
[03:22:42] hads: I use myth on a couple of ubuntu systems, one using packages, one using source.
[03:23:07] hads: Maybe I can help?
[03:23:16] bill_k: hads, one sec, thanks
[03:23:35] bill_k: . . . tend_Desktop
[03:23:49] rg535748 (rg535748! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:23:50] rg535748: Hi!
[03:23:56] rg535748: Guess what, it didn't work. :(
[03:23:58] groOgle: rg535748: OK, does it work now?
[03:24:03] groOgle: rg535748: Oh.
[03:24:04] hads: It must be such an undue load on their servers to use SSL all the time
[03:24:08] bill_k: hads, the adding icons section links to a perl script which has been removed
[03:24:13] groOgle: rg535748: Can you start KDE any more?
[03:24:22] rg535748: Nope
[03:24:29] rg535748: Had to switch back to nv
[03:24:32] bill_k: hads, i tried replacing the link with the new file- didn't work
[03:24:35] rg535748: with nvidia I can't start the xserver.
[03:24:42] rg535748: It says the kernel version doesn't match or something.
[03:24:44] hads: bill_k: Yes the icon map stuff is changing in trunk
[03:24:57] rg535748: I'm going to try the nvidia install script now
[03:24:58] groOgle: rg535748: lsmod|grep nv
[03:25:14] bill_k: hads, is there a new guide for that that works with ubuntu that I can put in the wiki?
[03:25:31] groOgle: rg535748: Don't try the nvidia install script yet.
[03:25:41] groOgle: rg535748: You have it half-installed. That's bound to give problems.
[03:25:58] rg535748: nvidia 5444468 0
[03:25:58] rg535748: i2c_core 29312 12 i2c_ec,msp3400,ir_kbd_i2c,tda9887,nvidia,tuner,cx88xx,tvp5150,em28xx,i2c_algo_bi t,i2c_nforce2,tveeprom
[03:25:58] rg535748: sata_nv 13572 3
[03:25:59] rg535748: libata 88984 1 sata_nv
[03:26:09] bill_k: hads, the new file is in . . . ster_iconmap , right?
[03:26:12] groOgle: rg535748: Hmm, that looks OK.
[03:26:29] groOgle: rg535748: Best I can offer is to go through Xorg.0.log and see what it says.
[03:26:36] rg535748: l
[03:26:37] rg535748: k
[03:26:46] hads: bill_k: Yeah. I'm not entirely sure sorry as I don't use the iconmap stuff here, the xml data file I generate has the icons in it already.
[03:27:03] rg535748: full path to the log?
[03:27:14] hads: /var/log
[03:27:16] groOgle: rg535748: /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[03:27:19] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: I was working with xris last night on the script for UK users – maybe I can help?
[03:28:22] rg535748: Now won't this be the wrong log?
[03:28:24] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, are the current instructions in the ubuntu wiki for adding chan icons.
[03:28:30] rg535748: Since I changed it back to nv and restarted X?
[03:29:11] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, it uses, which is gone.
[03:29:20] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: yes I see
[03:29:27] hads: bill_k: Maybe the README in that directory helps?
[03:30:29] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: note that is still proof of concept at the moment, as it is in SVN
[03:30:44] rg535748: groOgle: I checked, the log is of me loading with nv
[03:30:57] rg535748: groOgle: Should I try again with nvidia, save the log and then return to nv?
[03:30:57] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: But after working with xris last night, I now get icons for all of my XMLTV uk_rt grabber channels
[03:31:08] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, hads i'm noob enough to not know what SVN means, and that's probably why the readme didn't help much
[03:31:16] hads: The old iconmap stuff is probably still in the .20 branch?
[03:31:20] bill_k: but i did look at the readme
[03:32:14] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: for the new script, you probably want to run 'perl --find-missing' – this will look for icons for channel where there is no icon entry
[03:32:47] Ediehow: "it was not possible to create the dvd. an error occured when running the scripts"
[03:32:51] Ediehow: where do i see what error?
[03:32:58] Ediehow: that's happening in mythfrontend, with mytharchive
[03:32:59] hads: bill_k: . . . thtv/contrib
[03:33:31] hads: The script is there if you are just looking to update the docs easily.
[03:33:58] Ediehow: can someone tell me how to fix that/
[03:34:03] Ediehow: or see what error is occuring?
[03:35:06] rg535748 (rg535748! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:35:10] bill_k: hads, i'd rather do it the new way. I assume that script was replaced for a reason?
[03:35:31] hads: True but it is still quite new code
[03:35:34] bill_k: so unless i'm totally misunderstanding you, would this work
[03:35:58] bill_k: i'm guessing i'm wrong
[03:36:20] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: err, not quite
[03:36:47] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, is it a bit more involved than that?
[03:36:51] rg535748 (rg535748! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:36:57] rg535748: Okay,I'm back
[03:37:19] rg535748 (rg535748! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:37:43] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: in your SVN checkout, you are specifying a particular revision number, and renaming the file
[03:37:50] rg535748 (rg535748! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:54] rg535748: back again
[03:38:13] TSCHAK: has anyone here configured for mythtv?
[03:38:30] hads: TSCHAK: What needs configuring?
[03:39:18] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, looking up svn on wikipedia... this may be an indicator of how lost I am
[03:39:22] hads: I did forget to mention that it only works for episodes if they are named reasonably standardly.
[03:40:07] hads: bill_k: THe link would be . . . l?format=txt
[03:40:50] bill_k: hads, so this can be fixed by just linking to the old file
[03:40:55] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: for the new script, use 'wget " . . . at=raw" -O'
[03:41:08] bill_k: ok, i will update the ubuntu wiki
[03:41:23] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, hads just said to link to the old file
[03:41:29] TSCHAK: ewwww.... got a traceback.... "TypeError: Iteration over non-sequence."
[03:42:00] TSCHAK: hads, all I did was change to in the config settings.
[03:42:09] rg535748 (rg535748! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:42:12] hads: I didn't say to link to the old file, I just gave you the link :)
[03:42:14] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: it's your call – the old script will be removed soon. The new script is how things are likely to be for the future :)
[03:42:57] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: to run the new script, it's then 'perl --find-missing'
[03:43:57] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: note that the new script may still have some issues (it's *very* new), and that mythfilldatabase can already grab icons if the grabber knows about them (like the uk_rt grabber)
[03:44:19] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, right?
[03:44:46] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, if not, it may be easier to just fix my mistakes than to explain...
[03:44:57] rg535748 (rg535748! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:44:57] Loto (Loto!n=ezzyizma@xbmc/user/Loto) has quit ()
[03:45:02] rg535748: Okay, I'm baaaack
[03:45:19] rg535748: groOgle: You still here?
[03:45:25] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: you still haven't fixed line 42 (wrong script name) and you don't need lines 43–54, as the information is imported straight into the database in the script
[03:45:27] hads: TSCHAK: File a bug, it shouldn't error out like that
[03:45:44] TSCHAK: ok
[03:45:47] bill_k: ok
[03:46:17] Ediehow2 (Ediehow2!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:46:51] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: at some point, this will hopefully be integrated into mythweb, and you will not need to download the script separately. The script will probably be standard for the 0.21 release
[03:46:58] hads: rg535748: Using nvidia yet?
[03:47:01] rg535748: Nope
[03:47:06] rg535748:
[03:47:08] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, cool
[03:47:33] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, ok
[03:48:04] bill_k: i get an error
[03:48:28] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: which is...
[03:48:38] bill_k: sec
[03:48:48] hads: rg535748: Hmmm
[03:49:03] bill_k:
[03:49:36] rg535748: hads: What do you think?
[03:49:53] hads: rg535748: I'm not sure. grep glx /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[03:50:07] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: You need the MythTV perl support, which is only in SVN, not the 0.20 release. As I said, it's very new, and not for general use now
[03:50:38] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, i'll just forget about it for now.
[03:51:10] bill_k: i'll just link to the old file @ . . . l?format=txt
[03:51:29] hads: rg535748: `egrep "(GLcore|dri)" /etc/X11/xorg.conf` should return nothing or commented lines.
[03:51:39] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: I would keep the HOWTO using the old script until 0.21 is released, then update for Non-SVN users (the majority) will not have access to the new toys until 0.21 is out
[03:52:03] bill_k: ok, when is that?
[03:52:05] Loto (Loto! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:12] hads: When it's ready :)
[03:52:18] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: when it's ready :)
[03:52:26] bill_k: months? weeks?
[03:52:33] hads: When it's ready :)
[03:52:37] bill_k: aah
[03:52:47] bill_k: like my os x leopard
[03:52:57] knowledgejunkie: release schedules are for wimps...
[03:53:04] hads: heh
[03:55:59] TSCHAK: hmmmm
[03:56:05] TSCHAK: does mythrebuilddatabase no longer exist?
[03:56:06] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:56:42] knowledgejunkie: TSCHAK: it still exists
[03:56:48] TSCHAK: hmmmm
[03:56:51] TSCHAK: i can't seem to find it
[03:57:08] knowledgejunkie: TSCHAK: where are you looking?
[03:57:32] TSCHAK: knowledgejunkie, find /usr/local -name "mythrebuild*"
[03:57:39] knowledgejunkie: TSCHAK: for SVN, it is at . . .
[03:58:05] Ediehow2 (Ediehow2!n=GooGiri@ has quit ("Sho Ryu Ken")
[03:59:01] knowledgejunkie: TSCHAK: try with the period after myth, as in the URL
[03:59:31] TSCHAK: i'm snagging a copy from trunk, thanks.
[03:59:39] bill_k: how can i check to make sure any icons were downloaded? not sure if i'm even looking in the right place but i dont see them when I change channels or open the program guide?
[03:59:48] bill_k: guide.
[03:59:57] rg535748 (rg535748! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:01:39] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, above
[04:02:11] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: the script will try and download them to ~/,mythtv/channels/ – mythfrontend needs to be running as the same users as the user the script was run as
[04:02:34] bill_k: ok, i'll try again with frontend running
[04:02:48] bill_k: so that's in my home dir? are they jpegs?
[04:04:55] hads: I haven't looked but the icons seem to magically appear on other frontends too
[04:04:59] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: you can check with 'ls -l /home/bill/.mythtv/channels/' to see if they're there
[04:05:05] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, cool, this time with frontend running, i got stuff like /home/bill/.mythtv/channels/tvland.jpg'
[04:05:22] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: that looks better
[04:05:45] bill_k: restart frontend?
[04:06:15] bill_k: because i just put mythfilldatabase --import-icon-map iconmap.xml --update-icon-map in terminal and nothing different happened
[04:07:54] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, woo hoo! it worked. any way to get higher quality images?
[04:08:16] clever_: the quality/res i see for my iconmaps are random
[04:08:27] clever_: each channel seems to have a uniq sized image allmost
[04:08:47] bill_k: clever_, ok. can i make my own higher quality icons and put them online?
[04:08:53] clever_: probly
[04:09:04] clever_: not shure where but itshould be posible
[04:09:25] clever_: but it might take a while to find the website for 500 diff channels and copy there logo
[04:10:58] clever_: 233 channels here i think
[04:11:06] bill_k: oh, college cable
[04:11:12] clever_: digital cable here
[04:11:22] bill_k: when having crappy cable is better :)
[04:11:24] clever_: numbers are spread somewhat randomly from 2 to 999
[04:12:23] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:44] decassid (decassid! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:22] decassid: anyone have any experience setting up myth an amd64 edgy eft?
[04:25:21] decassid: got a really weird error trying to compile it from scratch
[04:27:25] Kritter: anyone able to look a a motherboard pick and tell me if it's a bad choice?
[04:29:13] decassid (decassid! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:34:42] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[04:34:50] xian__ (xian__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:40] Kritter: nvidia 7300LE is peachy?
[04:36:28] Kritter: and the Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3...?
[04:45:33] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:47:11] groOgle: Is there any way to configure mythfrontend to run without maxing out the CPU for minutes on end?
[04:55:32] knowledgejunkie: bill_k: sorry – afk. The icons are as they are – mostly icons submitted to lyngsat.
[04:55:48] bill_k: knowledgejunkie, thanks
[04:59:52] |slylyias| (|slylyias|! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:01] |slylyias|: I have good news, I got the nvidia drivers working!
[05:00:29] |slylyias|: So at 1 am I finally manage to START installing mythtv
[05:03:15] groOgle: |slylyias|: Good luck.
[05:03:27] groOgle: |slylyias|: The nVidia drivers are the easy part.
[05:07:34] |slylyias|: Do I have to make a seperate user for mythtv?
[05:07:47] |slylyias|: this howto tells me to make a mythtv user on my system
[05:07:50] groOgle: |slylyias|: That seems to be the preferred way.
[05:07:55] |slylyias|: why?
[05:08:00] groOgle: |slylyias|: Which HOWTO are you looking at.
[05:08:11] hads: You don't have to but if you are following a howto then follow the howto...
[05:08:20] |slylyias|: ubuntu edgy
[05:08:32] groOgle: |slylyias|: Ah, haven't looked at that one yet.
[05:08:34] |slylyias|: All I want is to watch TV on my comp while I work in linux, I don't even need a whole PVR
[05:08:43] hads: THen you don't need myth
[05:08:48] groOgle: Last time I tried under Ubuntu, Edgy hadn't been released.
[05:08:57] groOgle: hads: ?
[05:08:58] |slylyias|: What should I use then, hads?
[05:09:33] hads: I don't know. I'm sure there are loads of apps for watching TV
[05:09:47] |slylyias|: I haven't found any
[05:09:57] hads: but if you don't want a PVR then there's not much point installing myth
[05:10:00] |slylyias|: I don't even know if my tuner is supported by myth
[05:10:25] groOgle: |slylyias|: It's not Myth that supports the tuner.
[05:10:29] groOgle: |slylyias|: What is it?
[05:10:57] groOgle: hads: What do you do if you want a CVR?
[05:11:09] hads: CVR?
[05:11:19] |slylyias|: Hauppauge wintv usb 2
[05:11:49] staxxx (staxxx!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:13:44] groOgle: hads: Computer Video Recorder.
[05:13:55] groOgle: hads: I don't want something personal. I want to share :-)
[05:14:19] groOgle: |slylyias|: I'd guess that there's support for that, but look at to be sure.
[05:15:54] hads: I dunno. mplayer?
[05:16:16] groOgle: hads: mplayer isn't a CVR.
[05:16:37] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-90f00b2fe46770ac) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:16:40] hads: I know. I meant for watching tv
[05:16:51] groOgle: hads: "PVR" is a rather inappropriate abbreviation for a networked application.
[05:16:59] Dagmar: Sez you
[05:17:10] groOgle: Dagmar: Me?
[05:17:15] Dagmar: Yes.
[05:17:29] groOgle: Dagmar: What's personal about the application?
[05:17:35] Dagmar: That fact that a user is using it
[05:17:43] xris: grOogle: the P in PVR stands for "programmable"
[05:17:43] groOgle: Dagmar: But yes, I say.
[05:17:53] groOgle: Dagmar: What user uses the back end?
[05:18:03] groOgle: xris: Ah, a retrofitted acronym. OK.
[05:18:07] Dagmar: The same user that's using the frontend
[05:18:11] xris: DVR is the more correct acronym...
[05:18:44] groOgle: xris: That includes standalone boxes.
[05:18:50] groOgle: Dagmar: No.
[05:18:57] xris: grOogle: yes, it does.
[05:19:29] xris: ever try explaining even "dvr" to a non-techie, though? half of the people I try to explain Myth to don't even know what Tivo is.
[05:19:41] groOgle: xris: Acronymfinder hasn't heard of programmable video recorders.
[05:19:56] Dagmar: groOgle : If you've found a way to use the frontend without the backend, feel free to explain it
[05:20:01] |slylyias|: How can I watch TV on my computer?
[05:20:10] xris: Dagmar: you don't need a backend if you don't watch tv.
[05:20:18] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|: stick a tuner card in it
[05:20:21] Dagmar: xris: This is true
[05:20:24] groOgle: xris: Sure, I don't try too hard with non-techies. But that's not a reason to continue to use inappropriate terms.
[05:20:27] xris: |slylyias|: at the risk of being trite: MythTV.
[05:20:34] groOgle: Dagmar: I've been using a backend without a frontend for months.
[05:20:38] groOgle: Dagmar: Or rather, my system has.
[05:20:39] |slylyias|: I have a hauppauge winTV usb 2 on my computer
[05:20:53] |slylyias|: How do I get it to play in linux, what program do I need?
[05:21:00] groOgle: |slylyias|: Did you follow up the V4L wiki?
[05:21:01] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|: mythtv
[05:21:18] Dagmar: groOgle: That's all you then. MythTV is of three parts. Frontend, backend, database.
[05:21:25] xris: |slylyias|: you need to get the tuner itself working first. Then there are 2–3 (or more) apps that will let you watch tv. MythTV is one of them.
[05:21:34] knowledgejunkie: xris: you better update the internet on the PVR def :)
[05:21:39] groOgle: Dagmar: No.
[05:21:42] xris: knowledgejunkie: apparently so
[05:21:47] Dagmar: Either way, you stand zero chance of convincing me of your point of view when you're using the wrong acronym.
[05:21:49] |slylyias|: How do I get the tuner itself working?
[05:21:50] Ademan: hey, i'm looking through the wiki, and i'm curious what tv tuner cards you guys use and what sort of success you're having. I'm even considering a usb tuner, but i have a strange feeling those are going to be even less supported
[05:21:58] Dagmar: PVR-500.
[05:21:59] groOgle: Dagmar: I'm user grog. The backend runs as user mythtv. What person is that?
[05:22:20] Dagmar: groOgle: Probably a windows user, so they don't really count.
[05:22:24] Dagmar: SO there.
[05:22:40] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|:
[05:22:43] groOgle: Ademan: I'm using DVB-T. DVICO Fusion <buzzword>, PCI.
[05:22:59] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|: If you are serious why not download Knoppmyth and try it out
[05:23:12] groOgle: Dagmar: As you wish. What do you mean by "windows"?
[05:23:17] knowledgejunkie: from the Hauppauge PVR primer: "PVR may stand for Personal Video Recorder or PC Video Recorder or sometimes Programmable Video Recorder. Sometimes the acronym becomes DVR for Digital Video Recorder."
[05:23:37] hads: lupin_sanse2: He just said that he doesn't want a PVR though
[05:23:41] xris: knowledgejunkie: aha.. so PVR works all around.  :)
[05:23:46] xris: or PCVR. lol
[05:23:52] staxxx (staxxx!n=chatzill@ has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
[05:23:53] decassid (decassid! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:05] ** xris will just continue to say "tivo on steroids" **
[05:24:06] lupin_sanse2: hads: So why's he on this channel?
[05:24:06] Dagmar: groOgle: Either way, there is no point to arguing about the freaking definition
[05:24:18] decassid: can someone tell me what I'm looking for in dmesg to see if my pvr card is recognized?
[05:24:20] |slylyias|: lupin_sanse2: I am running kubuntu, I just wanna watch TV in a window while working.
[05:24:26] ** groOgle suspects there's no point in discussing with Dagmar. **
[05:24:30] Dagmar: If you didn't develop any of it, you don't get to name it.
[05:24:33] |slylyias|: lupin_sanse2: So knopmyth isn't going to help
[05:24:33] xris: decassid: the name of the card, perhaps?
[05:24:34] Dagmar: Dem's de rules.
[05:24:38] decassid: heh
[05:24:39] decassid: duh
[05:24:44] hads: |slylyias|: Then you are really in the wrong channel
[05:24:44] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|: Xine?
[05:24:50] decassid: <--- highly dumbass-ish tonight
[05:25:00] xris: |slylyias|: then you don't want mythtv.... xine, mplayer, xawtv, etc. are better choices.
[05:25:06] lupin_sanse2: Question. Can you make myth play TV non-full screen?
[05:25:13] Dagmar: Yep
[05:25:14] bill_k (bill_k! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:25:15] hads: Answer: Yes
[05:25:16] xris: lupin_sanse2: you can configure it to run in a window, yes.
[05:25:25] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|: well there you go
[05:25:48] lupin_sanse2: |slylyias|: run myth in a window. Problem solvered
[05:25:54] decassid: anyone have any trouble compiling ivtv drivers?
[05:25:55] xris: |slylyias|: but if you JUST want to watch tv, mythtv definitely isn't the best solution.. sort of like using a firehose to put out a candle.
[05:25:59] |slylyias|: thanks
[05:26:00] Ademan: and my second question, was, linux currently has no support for hdtv capable tv tuners right (or rather, the drivers can't decode hdtv yet)? (i don't have hdtv(signal) so it's really just a question of curiosity)
[05:26:11] Dagmar: decassid: Not really. Which version?
[05:26:11] xris: Ademan: since when?
[05:26:14] |slylyias| (|slylyias|! has left #mythtv-users ("Time makes no sense")
[05:26:24] xris: Ademan: pchdtv, air2pc, etc have been around (and working fine) for years.
[05:26:32] xris: not to mention just plugging into the firewire port on a cable box.
[05:26:41] decassid: 0.7.4
[05:26:49] thylacine222 (thylacine222! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:26:52] Dagmar: decassid: Are you using the *right kernel* for that version?
[05:26:58] decassid: yeah
[05:27:17] Dagmar: decassid: Then did you build all the stuff (and I mean ALL the stuff) for Video4LInux as modules?
[05:27:28] Ademan: xris: i don't know, just something i had heard, i guess i (or they) were mistaken, good to hear though
[05:27:39] xris: Ademan: old/bad rumor, then.
[05:27:42] decassid: Dagmar: haven't gotten that far
[05:28:00] decassid: I'm following this howto: . . . red_software
[05:28:00] xris: pretty sure linux is even getting support for the h.264 DVB HD stuff going on in europe now.
[05:28:23] hads: Yay, I think thats going to happen here too.
[05:28:49] Ademan: xris: good to hear, though i'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to me
[05:28:51] Ademan: :-)
[05:28:54] decassid: it says compiling the drivers should give me seven files as output, but I"m only getting three
[05:28:58] xris: Ademan: you in the US?
[05:29:03] Ademan: xris: yep
[05:29:10] Ademan: decassid: errors during the build?
[05:29:11] xris: Ademan: cable box + firewire.  :)
[05:29:19] decassid: Ademan: no, none
[05:29:21] xris: best/easiest solution. no tuner card needed.
[05:29:23] Dagmar: decassid: Generally you just wanna spam M into every possible place in that whole section
[05:29:30] xris: assuming you get lucky and your cableco gives you the SD channels, too.
[05:29:42] decassid: Dagmar: huh?
[05:29:52] hads: M for module
[05:29:53] Dagmar: decassid: If, once you've done that, if it STILL fails to build, just pastebin the last 50 lines or so of the build output
[05:30:02] Ademan: xris: unfortunately i'm not blessed with digital cable or anything (though i hear they're FORCING cable to go digital or something silly like that by 2009)
[05:30:19] Dagmar: decassid: Or, just stone up and build It's not hard with /proc/config.gz support
[05:30:21] xris: huh? no, that's broadcast
[05:30:43] Ademan: heh, i fail at remembering stuff i guess
[05:30:44] xris: Ademan: if you just have OTA, then there are a bunch of cards to pick from. linuxtv has a decent comparison list
[05:31:14] lupin_sanse2: anyone know how to control Teletext on myth?
[05:31:24] Ademan: xris: over the air? naw, basic cable
[05:31:31] Dagmar: decassid: The thing that will generally kill a build of ivtv is missing kernel source, unconfigured kernel source, or a buncha stuff left out that is needed for video4linux devices
[05:31:34] xris: Ademan: ah.. so no hd at all. heh.
[05:31:51] decassid: hm
[05:31:57] hads: But you only really need the kernel headers
[05:32:46] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-913806d98b1df708) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:33:01] decassid: aw jeez. pastebin is blowing up on me
[05:33:15] Ademan: decassid: duh
[05:33:20] Ademan: :-)
[05:34:08] decassid: voila
[05:34:25] Dagmar: lookin' no
[05:34:25] Dagmar: w
[05:35:00] Dagmar: Okay, so umm... There doesn't appear to be any error in that pastebin
[05:35:32] Dagmar: It's kinda hard to recommend fixes for things wot aren't broken
[05:35:35] decassid: no errors on the compile
[05:35:43] decassid: it's not generating all the .ko files I need
[05:35:49] Dagmar: Like?
[05:36:24] Dagmar: Remember what I said about just building *all* the stuff under the video4linux section as modules?
[05:36:30] Ademan: xris: i'm trying to pick a tv tuner (correct term?) i'm sure there's something in the wiki that should help with the selection, heck if i can find it, well, more detailed info anyways, i suppose i'm more looking for "you, Ademan, buy this card" heh
[05:36:32] Dagmar: WIth 0.7.x *some* of the modules come form the kernel
[05:36:42] Dagmar: s/form/from/l;
[05:36:56] decassid: ah, I see
[05:36:57] hads: Ademan: PVR150
[05:36:58] Dagmar: Bleh. I'm still getting used to the keyboard on this notebook
[05:37:00] decassid: kind of
[05:37:10] decassid: so how do I fix my situation?
[05:37:14] Ademan: decassid: that's you entire console output? looks a little small...
[05:37:15] Dagmar: decassid: DO you know how to build a kernel?
[05:37:17] xris: Ademan: analog cable? pvr-150... but search the lists since they've apparently been short on supplies and putting in "better" HD cards sometimes, but not linux compatible.
[05:37:37] decassid: well, I'm feeling slightly retarded tonight...
[05:37:37] Dagmar: Ademan: If you order a PVR-500 you don't have to worry about a switcheroo
[05:38:01] decassid: Dagmar: not really
[05:38:04] Ademan: i guess i'll check both out :-) thanks
[05:38:13] Dagmar: decassid: Do you know how to *rebuild* a kernel? You don't really even have to pay much attention to what you're doing.
[05:38:34] Dagmar: decassid: Okay. First off, get the kernel source for the kernel you're currently using, and untar it in /usr/src
[05:38:51] decassid: got it
[05:38:54] decassid: untarred
[05:39:21] Dagmar: decassid: OKay, then you cd into it, and (this is mainly just being paranoid) run a quick `make mrproper` to make sure everything is nice and clean
[05:39:33] lupin_sanse2 (lupin_sanse2! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:39:46] decassid: done
[05:40:00] Dagmar: decassid: Then you do this to clone the current configuration into the new source tree: `zcat /proc/config.gz > .config` and then run `make oldconfig`
[05:40:11] Dagmar: decassid: It will scroll MADLY for a moment
[05:40:50] decassid: no /proc/config.gz file
[05:41:06] Dagmar: decassid: You're kidding me
[05:41:11] decassid: no
[05:41:15] Dagmar: ugh bloody hel
[05:41:22] Dagmar: What's the module name for that, anyone remember?
[05:42:23] Dagmar: It *might* be ikconfig
[05:42:43] Dagmar: At least, that's the name of the token in the kernel config
[05:43:03] Ademan: Dagmar: it SOUNDS like the PVR500 is sort of iffy, like too much or too little amplification could ruin the quality. If i've got an amplifier (with adjustable gain) going directly (about 3 feet) into where i'd have my mythtv box, it shouldn't be a problem right?
[05:43:42] Dagmar: Ademan: I have no idea where you're getting that idea. THe PVR-500 is basically just a dual-tuner version of the PVR-150.
[05:44:11] Dagmar: It's not going to have any special finickyness about the signal input that any other tuner card woulnd't have
[05:44:59] Ademan: a quick google of it lead me to a wiki where they seem to suggest newer cards with samsung tuners are a bit of trouble
[05:45:15] Dagmar: decassid: Try `modprobe ikconfig`. I'm astonished your kernel doesn't have this just built into it
[05:45:38] Dagmar: Ademan: I think that mainly applies to rather old versions of ivtv
[05:45:56] decassid: module not found
[05:45:57] decassid: ugh
[05:46:03] decassid: well, it's late
[05:46:10] decassid: I'll try all this again tomorrow
[05:46:30] ** decassid shouts expletives **
[05:46:32] Ademan: Dagmar: ah, cool then, and out of curiosity, the dual tuners, that doesn't provide any advantage over a single one does it? (unless you've got a second input like an old vcr or something right?)
[05:46:44] decassid: thanks for the help, guys
[05:46:51] Dagmar: Ademan: The advantage is that you can record two programs at once
[05:46:54] decassid: hopefully I'll have better news tomorrow
[05:46:56] decassid (decassid! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:47:16] Dagmar: Ademan: Meaning you can watch whatever the heck you want, and still have a tuner free for the backend to record things you don't feel like watching at the moment
[05:47:18] Ademan: oh, that sounds rather nifty...
[05:47:21] wireddd (wireddd! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:47:40] clever_: i have the odd conflict in my record rules
[05:47:42] Dagmar: It only needs one coax input (the other on the card is for the FM radio stuff)
[05:47:48] clever_: where 2 shows are airing at once and are marked to record
[05:47:50] Ademan: ah
[05:47:59] clever_: 1 frame grabber here
[05:48:14] clever_: if its recording and i want to watch something else
[05:48:21] clever_: i just use the tuner thats internal to my TV
[05:48:26] clever_: bypass mythtv fully
[05:48:36] clever_: but that also looses the pvr features
[05:48:53] wireddd: my tv has a broken tuner...
[05:49:17] clever_: most of my tv's work fine
[05:49:42] wireddd: the tv works great, the tuner is just shot
[05:50:03] Dagmar: Ah check if there's a craigslist for your city
[05:50:12] Dagmar: I'm all the time seeing cheap (BIG) TVs on there
[05:50:39] Dagmar: I got a 32-inchish monster for $125
[05:50:41] clever_: craigslist?
[05:50:47] wireddd: I have a 62" one with a busted tuner :)
[05:50:49] Dagmar: yeah, like
[05:50:54] purserj: hi groOgle
[05:51:05] Dagmar: THey've got huge listings of people selling stuff
[05:51:14] clever_: ahh
[05:51:27] clever_: like ebay?
[05:51:40] Dagmar: In the last few months I've seen more than a few TVs for sale that Id' need to borrow my Dad's truck for if I wanted to buy em
[05:51:45] Dagmar: Not like ebay. No bidding
[05:51:56] Dagmar: ...and no shipping, which is why it's organized by city
[05:51:57] ahglsjgazrza (ahglsjgazrza! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:51:58] clever_: ahh but similar
[05:52:39] ahglsjgazrza: starting up mythbackend i get this error (which i believe is resulting in my frontend not connecting to my backend): Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
[05:52:51] ahglsjgazrza: anyone know what this is all about?
[05:53:01] Ademan: alright well thanks everyone for humoring me and helping me, i'm calling it a night
[05:53:04] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: It's because you're using that damned Ubuntu
[05:53:13] clever_: that founds like an X server error to me
[05:53:17] ahglsjgazrza: what authentication is supposedly failing? it's the first line ....
[05:53:18] clever_: sounds*
[05:53:19] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, yes, i am
[05:53:21] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Something is fried with the way they're doing their freaking sudo
[05:53:33] clever_: ^key p
[05:53:38] ahglsjgazrza: any known workaround?
[05:53:39] clever_: hmm
[05:53:40] Dagmar: That *is* an X authentication error.
[05:53:51] Dagmar: The kicker is that the backend does NOT need to talk to X at all
[05:53:59] ahglsjgazrza: O.o
[05:54:02] ahglsjgazrza: that is a kicker
[05:54:11] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: At a guess, see if there's a ~/.sudo* like file you can nuke
[05:54:15] clever_: i just manualy run mythbackend inside screen+sudo atm
[05:54:24] Dagmar: Sudo is somehow attempting to talk to X and it doesn't need to.
[05:54:41] clever_: i also made a script to copy Xauth cookies to the mythtv username
[05:54:46] Dagmar: You can, of course, do a `sudo bash` and grab a complete root shell, and THEN you should be able to start the thing without using sudo
[05:54:57] clever_: sudo rm /tmp/auth;xauth extract /tmp/auth :0 &&sudo chown mythtv /tmp/auth && sudo -u mythtv xauth -f /home/mythtv/.Xauthority merge /tmp/auth && sudo rm /tmp/auth
[05:55:08] clever_: Dagmar: 'sudo -i' is better then 'sudo bash'
[05:55:15] Dagmar: I dont' even want to go look at their bugtracker again because some dimwit keeps closing the ticket on this problem
[05:55:30] Dagmar: clever_: REal men don't use sudo like that to begin with
[05:55:33] clever_: lol
[05:55:38] Dagmar: I'm serious!
[05:55:39] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, remove /root/.sudo or /home/mythtv/.sudo ?
[05:55:45] wireddd: they use su
[05:55:53] clever_: i think sudo clears some env var's which may damage X use when using sudo -i
[05:55:59] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: It'll be the home directory for the user you're trying to invoke sudo as
[05:56:06] clever_: i normaly sudo -u mythtv -i
[05:56:29] clever_: and use that long pasted sudo line above to copy my Xauth cookie for :0 over to mythtv
[05:56:49] Dagmar: sudo is *meant* to allow access with root privs to certain users and certain commands
[05:56:52] clever_: im sharing the dual output X server(:0) with the frontend and my normal stuff
[05:57:06] clever_: sudo can also give non root acces to non root people
[05:57:11] Dagmar: Using it the way ubuntu tells people to is no better than just using `su -c` with a bloated version of su
[05:57:27] clever_: sudo uses your pw not the target pw
[05:57:33] clever_: so the target pw can be locked
[05:57:45] hads: sudo -s won't mess with your env
[05:57:57] Dagmar: Either way, it's meant for granting superuser right to a limited set of commands.
[05:58:16] clever_: defaults in ubuntu give access for people in the admin group
[05:58:22] clever_: to run anything as anybody
[05:58:28] Dagmar: Like, say, if you've got someone who is an idiot, but they're in charge of resetting people's passwords in the office
[05:58:52] clever_: you can give him access to run just passwd as root maybe
[05:59:00] clever_: then thats all he can do
[05:59:13] Dagmar: You can give them access to passwd via sudo, and unless they figure out they can change the root password and then su to root, they can be reasonably trusted to change people's passwords without accidentally deleting the whole filesystem or something equally dim witted.
[05:59:16] hads: sudo is pretty useful for multiple admin boxes in general
[05:59:38] Dagmar: Sudo also *logs* when it's used, so it's handy for auditing
[05:59:47] clever_: Dagmar: yeah it would be simple to sudo passwd root then switch over and rm -fr /
[05:59:57] Dagmar: su on the other hand, just logs that someone changed IDs, it doesn't log what they ran like sudo does
[06:00:06] clever_: Dagmar: yep if you deny sudo -i and running passwd eveyrthing has to go thru sudo 1 by 1
[06:00:12] clever_: and everything will get logged
[06:00:20] Dagmar: clever_: Actually you can be spiteful and make the sudo control line disallow `passwd root`
[06:00:26] clever_: lol
[06:00:40] Dagmar: The line just gets a little tricky is all
[06:00:46] clever_: mythtv ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/Xorg
[06:00:55] clever_: meant to make it so mythtv can only run it as root
[06:01:04] clever_: but i forget how to feed it the taget user
[06:01:12] clever_: and the manual page is full of riddles:P
[06:01:16] Dagmar: You should probably be invoking X through `startx` man
[06:01:21] ahglsjgazrza: ok i removed the /home/mythtv/.sudo* file and it still doesnt work
[06:01:32] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Oh well. Do `sudo bash`
[06:01:33] clever_: im running X directly so i can bypass all the junk startx loads
[06:01:40] clever_: so that mythtv has a barebones X server
[06:01:43] clever_: less ram usage
[06:01:53] clever_: it still works for mythtv needs
[06:01:54] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: From the # prompt (provided it doesn't screw that up as well) you should have no problems starting X
[06:01:59] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, to start the backend or the frontend
[06:02:01] Dagmar: er starting the backend
[06:02:11] Dagmar: You don't need to start the frontend as any special user really
[06:02:40] clever_: yeah but keeping it contained to the mythtv user means if a dev goes nuts and add rm -fr to the source im safe:P
[06:03:02] Dagmar: clever_: You jumped off that cliff when you downloaded untrustable sources
[06:03:07] clever_: lol
[06:03:27] clever_: downloading linux binarys is worse:P
[06:03:34] clever_: cant read the source to see what it does/did
[06:03:52] bill_k (bill_k! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:04:16] Dagmar: Well, you either trust the people you're downloading from a bit, or you go back into your shack in the woods and finish reloading your shells.
[06:04:26] clever_: lol
[06:04:27] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, that didnt seem to help either
[06:04:30] ahglsjgazrza: sudo bash
[06:04:35] Dagmar: Same error?
[06:04:39] ahglsjgazrza: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start
[06:04:42] ahglsjgazrza: same error
[06:04:50] Dagmar: While you're root?
[06:04:54] Dagmar: What does `id` say?
[06:04:57] ahglsjgazrza: also, /usr/bin/mythbackend same error
[06:05:17] clever_: try 'export XAUTHORITY=/home/NORMALUSERNAME/.Xauthority'
[06:05:19] ahglsjgazrza: bash: uid=0(root): command not found
[06:05:27] Dagmar: No don't go exporting variables
[06:05:34] clever_: that should fix letting X progs run within that shell
[06:05:38] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Jeeeesus
[06:05:47] clever_: Dagmar: he did exactly `id` :P
[06:05:53] Dagmar: Oh!
[06:05:57] Dagmar: Don't type the backticks
[06:06:02] clever_: and the shell ran the output of id:P
[06:06:11] ahglsjgazrza: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
[06:06:15] Dagmar: That's just the way we quote commands on IRC so people can tell they're commands
[06:06:17] clever_: which was uid=0(root) which was what you wanted to see:P
[06:06:29] Dagmar: OKay that sure as hell should not be giving an X authentication error
[06:06:43] clever_: Dagmar: what if the path to the x cookies isnt set right
[06:06:50] Dagmar: Find the person who made that package, and apply a plank of wood to them.
[06:06:55] clever_: X server doesnt blindly trust root
[06:07:01] Dagmar: clever_: No X cookies should be needed for that!
[06:07:08] clever_: yeah 'should'
[06:07:11] ahglsjgazrza: ah wait
[06:07:12] Dagmar: The backend does NOT talk to X at all!
[06:07:16] ahglsjgazrza: this time it didnt throw an error
[06:07:22] ahglsjgazrza: mythfrontend still cant connect
[06:07:25] ahglsjgazrza: but no error
[06:07:25] Dagmar: OKay so it probably actually started
[06:07:32] Dagmar: Do a `ps -ef | grep mythbackend`
[06:07:32] clever_: but if its spiting X errors then just try fixing X
[06:07:40] Dagmar: clever_: X IS NOT BROKEN
[06:07:45] clever_: yeah
[06:07:50] Dagmar: It's their damn sudo that's screwed up
[06:07:54] clever_: the server itself probly isnt busted
[06:07:58] ahglsjgazrza: mythtv 29671 1 0 23:04 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log --pidfile /var/run/mythtv/
[06:07:58] ahglsjgazrza: root 29829 29519 0 23:06 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/mythbackend
[06:08:19] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Ouch. OKay, two backends running at once is not good.
[06:08:27] Dagmar: I'm suprised it even let you do that
[06:08:36] hads: Interesting
[06:08:37] clever_: the init.d script uses start-stop-deamon to start it and give it a pid
[06:08:40] Dagmar: While you're still root, do `killall mythbackend` and then start the thing *once* as root
[06:08:52] clever_: hads: yeah it is interesting that theres 2 diff versions running also
[06:08:56] Dagmar: You also have two copies of myth installed
[06:08:59] Dagmar: That is not good
[06:09:04] clever_: looks like svn and package
[06:09:16] Dagmar: mythbackend should be in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin but never both
[06:09:17] ahglsjgazrza: ok, now only one mythbackend running as user root
[06:09:36] Dagmar: OKay. NOW you can try going back to your mythtv user and starting the frontend
[06:09:52] ahglsjgazrza: no error in mythbackend, but frontend still cannot connect
[06:10:02] Dagmar: Okay. That's probably to be expected
[06:10:22] Dagmar: Do you have a ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt file?
[06:10:42] Dagmar: I'm guessing there's probably two mysql.txt files and the frontend is reading the wrong one
[06:10:48] ahglsjgazrza: yes, it has the correct auth information, and mythbackend says it connects successfully to mysql
[06:11:04] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:11:08] clever_: Q
[06:11:15] clever_: wrong button
[06:11:28] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: So you do have a /home/mythtv/,mythtv/mysql.txt file then?
[06:11:31] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:11:40] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, yes
[06:11:42] clever_: you have a , in there Dagmar :P
[06:11:50] ahglsjgazrza: 2007-03–24 23:08:50.342 New DB connection, total: 3
[06:11:50] ahglsjgazrza: 2007-03–24 23:08:50.345 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[06:11:53] clever_: that file probly doesnt exist because of the typo:P
[06:11:55] ahglsjgazrza: from mythbackend
[06:11:58] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Okay. Now do this... `find /usr /etc -name mysql.txt`
[06:12:09] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: I'm betting it will find one somewhere in /etc
[06:12:30] clever_: yep /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt is default for ubuntu
[06:13:00] hads: And it's possibly only readable by the mythtv user
[06:13:06] Dagmar: Some background for what's *supposed* to be going on here...
[06:13:07] clever_: yep
[06:13:22] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:13:29] ahglsjgazrza: mythbackend says it connects fine to mysql, so whats the problem?
[06:14:20] ahglsjgazrza: ok
[06:14:30] ahglsjgazrza: so there is an /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt ... do i kill it?
[06:14:32] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Compare those two mysql.txt files
[06:14:40] ahglsjgazrza: ok
[06:14:44] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: One has the wrong info in it. You just need to fix it
[06:15:16] hads: Bummer mysqlcheck made my FE lockup
[06:15:23] Dagmar: I feel like I should be saying "I hate ubuntu's packages" every 30 seconds or something here
[06:15:38] Dagmar: hads: It should calm down once the check is done
[06:15:49] clever_: yeah ubuntus package gave me 0.18:P
[06:16:04] Dagmar: When you run the check, it temporarily locks the tables it's working on
[06:16:09] hads: It died and didn't want to come back to life.
[06:16:13] Dagmar: Oof
[06:16:19] clever_: once i had the tuner card working i removed the 0.18 and stuck in svn
[06:16:21] hads: No matter
[06:16:45] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, they both have the sam DBHostName, DBUserName, DBName, and DBPassword.... the /home/mythtv one has an extra line, DBType=QMYSQL3
[06:17:06] ahglsjgazrza: the /home/mythtv one also has a bunch of commented out lines
[06:17:11] hads: That's the benefit of running mythfrontend from xinit in a loop. Kill it and it comes right back :)
[06:17:39] wireddd: hads thats how I run it...
[06:17:51] clever_: hads: dont have that yet because i want to be able to just exit it and the ram usage go down
[06:18:03] clever_: and i use mythwelcome to load it back up
[06:18:17] clever_: mythwelcome has low ram usage and still gives a few basic stats/control
[06:18:17] clever_: s
[06:18:39] wireddd: but it does use ram
[06:18:48] clever_: yeah but alot less then mythfrontend
[06:19:00] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Okay. This is actually good. THis means that very likely the database server just doesn't have the config information that the frontend wants
[06:19:23] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: As the mythtv user, run `mythtv-setup` and it will populate the database with the proper config info
[06:19:25] clever_: Dagmar: check the gernal setup under the frontend?
[06:19:35] clever_: ahhh might still be a blank db:P
[06:20:07] ahglsjgazrza: lol, mythtv-setup detects that the backend is running, but mythfrontend cant....
[06:20:11] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Just one thing ot mention here that screws people up... Use *localhost* as the hostname and not
[06:20:26] Dagmar: er... use localhost as the hostname when you're telling it where to find the backend and database server
[06:20:32] clever_: Dagmar: ahhhhhh my setup defaulted to and that was failing
[06:20:53] clever_: ooo that i thought you meant backend ip
[06:21:17] Dagmar: When a mysql client tries to connect to "localhost" it will do so over a *unix socket* which doesn't involve the networking stack
[06:21:32] clever_: faster and diff name/pw entrys
[06:21:48] Dagmar: When it tries to connect to, it wil do so using a tcp socket, and most people's default mysql config has network access *disabled* so that breaks
[06:22:01] clever_: my mysql was defaulted to bind to 127
[06:22:04] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-ed0aae2adad92da5) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:13] clever_: which is a semi fix for that
[06:22:36] Dagmar: clever_: You don't really have to tell it to bind to any specific interface. If the "skip-networking" token is in your /etc/my.cnf then networking is just plain disabled
[06:22:46] clever_: lol
[06:23:05] clever_: but that will block other methods of localhost connecting that other programs may try to use
[06:23:12] Dagmar: If all three parts are on the same machine, you _want_ networking disabled so sneaky little script kiddies can't talk to your mysql database
[06:23:31] clever_: at first all parts where on the same box
[06:23:34] clever_: behind a router
[06:23:41] Dagmar: Everything works locally fine without networking enabled
[06:23:49] clever_: but ive added a 2nd frontend which id like to test working over my vpn
[06:24:05] clever_: it works over lan atm:)
[06:24:09] Dagmar: clever_: Yeah, search GOogle for "Acidus AJAX" and *then* tell me you're safe behind a firewall
[06:24:15] clever_: lol
[06:24:32] Dagmar: I'm whitehat but I know a lot of blackhats still
[06:24:53] clever_: i often read milw0rm
[06:25:01] Dagmar: Acidus is a cool guy and he kind of blew the lid off what you can do with Javascript to get behind peolple'
[06:25:07] Dagmar: er people's firewalls
[06:25:15] clever_: my network is wep based for the wifi and i can crack it in <5hours
[06:25:22] ahglsjgazrza: well, this still isnt working
[06:25:25] Dagmar: clever_: Tumble the keys regularly
[06:25:33] clever_: yeah that would work
[06:25:40] Dagmar: I'm doing it at home
[06:25:45] ahglsjgazrza: i took a look at the mysql permissions in phpmyadmin as well... they seem ok
[06:25:45] clever_: but it would confuse my dad having to fix his wep keys daily
[06:26:07] Dagmar: After much poking and prodding, and probably violating a few people's stupid patents, my router at home just tumbles the keys on a half-hourly basis
[06:26:13] clever_: also my router reboots on any wep changes
[06:26:14] ahglsjgazrza: mythtv user both from localhost and other hosts have necessary permissions to mythconverg
[06:26:18] clever_: causing wifi outage for 1–5mins
[06:26:34] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: That is as it should be
[06:26:45] clever_: Dagmar: changes between the 4 preset keys?
[06:27:22] Dagmar: clever_: No, I do really mean I probably am violating a patent the folks over at SecureID have
[06:27:28] clever_: lol
[06:27:33] Dagmar: clever_: I have a port knocker that does the same thing
[06:27:37] clever_: lol
[06:27:52] clever_: i plan to replace my router with a linux router
[06:27:58] Dagmar: Basically, you take epoch time and round it to the nearest minute or five minutes or however long you'd like these keys to be valid
[06:28:11] Dagmar: Not referring to the WEP key there by the way
[06:28:15] clever_: but i first need to finish figuring out the iptables rules and get adsl working on linux
[06:28:29] clever_: one thing ive thought of
[06:28:40] clever_: broadcast the new key
[06:28:42] Dagmar: This way you can generate a number on every host involved that changes over time and is still the same on each host, so long as their clocks are pretty close to accurate
[06:28:46] clever_: over the allready encryped network
[06:28:53] Dagmar: You take that number and xor it with something and then hash it
[06:28:59] clever_: so you can change keys constantly over time
[06:29:11] Dagmar: This way both ends have the same "secret" which changes over time
[06:29:20] clever_: Dagmar: ahhhh key based on time?
[06:29:23] Dagmar: That's basicall all those SecureID hard tokens are doing
[06:29:25] clever_: time+secrete?
[06:29:31] Dagmar: Pretty much
[06:29:36] clever_: ahhh:)
[06:29:47] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:30:03] clever_: but if you change the key off sync
[06:30:06] ahglsjgazrza: Dagmar, any other suggestions?
[06:30:13] Dagmar: So I have a script on my service firewall that reaches into the linksys box and changes the keys every half hour
[06:30:14] clever_: youll damage the network until it comes back into sync
[06:30:27] Dagmar: ...and the things I have connecting to it know to change their keys every half hour as well
[06:30:27] clever_: Dagmar: my router reboots when changing wep keys
[06:30:48] Dagmar: Yeah well, I did a bit more to my router so it doesn't need to reboot
[06:30:57] clever_: and my neighbor has no encryption and no password on the router
[06:31:01] Dagmar: I get about 5–6 seconds of interruption
[06:31:07] clever_: hmmm wep or no enc who will you attack?
[06:31:22] Dagmar: Originally I was just leaving it entirely unencryped and used FreeS/WAN
[06:31:43] clever_: i have some trafic encrypted thru hamachi
[06:31:47] clever_: which is a vpn client
[06:31:50] Dagmar: ...which annoys the crap out of people who connect thinking they're going to get free internet and instead they just get a dead-end network segment
[06:31:57] bill_k (bill_k! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[06:32:00] clever_: lol
[06:32:17] clever_: i found a few networks where the bssid(mac of the network) was 0
[06:32:21] clever_: 00:00:00:00....
[06:32:28] Dagmar: I've also gone so far as to *let* port 80 traffic go through a squid proxy with positively vicious rules to mangle everything that goes through it
[06:32:39] clever_: and some had high trafic and no broadcast packets
[06:32:50] clever_: lol
[06:33:22] Dagmar: ABout two years ago my housemate was just letting everything through and we reviewed the logs on a regular basis, until SOMEONE got a little nosy about it
[06:33:22] clever_: a few weeks ago
[06:33:26] clever_: i was at a friends house
[06:33:34] clever_: sitting on his couch cracking at his wep:P
[06:33:53] Dagmar: So we turned on some stuff to log everything they did and extracted their IM password, their information about their little sports fantasy league and a few other things
[06:33:57] clever_: he was surfing away at the table nearby
[06:34:10] clever_: lol
[06:34:11] Dagmar: Then, we added some squid rules to tamper with the traffic coming from
[06:34:21] clever_: change the scores?:P
[06:34:35] Dagmar: So, when Mr. Nosy got to the office and checked his from the parking lot, he was treated to a little suprise
[06:34:57] clever_: tubgirl redirect?:P
[06:35:09] Dagmar: Phony news articles about his two best players in his sports fantasy league making headlines for DUI with two fatalities, and the other for child pornography charges
[06:35:18] clever_: lol
[06:35:23] Dagmar: Which I'm sure gave him a lot to talk about at work
[06:35:28] bill_k (bill_k! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:35:31] clever_: something else i read online
[06:35:36] Dagmar: They probably though he was crazy, but he never again connected to our wireless.
[06:35:40] clever_: some1 had there wifi being stolen by the neighbor
[06:35:48] clever_: and it works both ways:P
[06:35:58] clever_: the victim went into the theifs windows shares
[06:36:05] clever_: stuffed it with horse porn
[06:36:06] Juzzy: I have lircrc.native.example.mceusb2 and stuck it in ~/.lircrc and ~/.mythtv/lircrc, but mythtv doesnt seem to pick them up, I know this remote is working b/c lrw displays the keys I'm pressing. Is there something else I need to do to enable rc in myth?
[06:36:10] clever_: and called the police on him:P
[06:37:00] Dagmar: Oh that's not nice. Heh
[06:37:04] Juzzy: and yes, I'm using mceusb2
[06:37:26] clever_: Dagmar: leason is dont steal wifi
[06:37:32] clever_: with a unprotected winblows pc:P
[06:37:39] Dagmar: Juzzy: Yes, there's a second config file that matters. Lirc actually needs *two* separate configs
[06:37:56] Juzzy: I have an /etc/lircd.conf too
[06:37:57] clever_: deamon and client?
[06:37:58] Dagmar: Juzzy: The first one is used by lircd to decipher what your remote is saying
[06:38:26] Dagmar: Juzzy: The second one, is the one lirc uses with client programs to turn those things you're pushing on your remote into commands for the client programs
[06:38:55] Dagmar: You've clearly got the first one right if irw is giving you correct output
[06:39:06] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-90f00b2fe46770ac) has quit (Connection timed out)
[06:39:34] Juzzy: k
[06:39:38] Dagmar: Juzzy: You use ircat to tell if your second config file is sane
[06:39:52] Dagmar: Juzzy: like `ircat mythtv`
[06:41:04] Dagmar: Juzzy: You should have this second file as ~/.mythtv/lircrc in the homedir of the uid running the frontend
[06:41:22] Dagmar: If ircat isn't telling you anything sane, check that file
[06:41:30] ahglsjgazrza: this problem happened with my own install from source after a dapper-to-edgy upgrade... does that shed any light on this issue?
[06:41:42] Juzzy: ah, im getting perm denied
[06:42:00] Juzzy: I can run ircat mythtv as root, not as none root though
[06:42:11] Juzzy: lemme try sudo
[06:42:12] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Not really. THe ubuntu packages are kinda crazy. You *might* want to consider going to the plain-jane mythtv installation docs and making sure everything is kosher that way
[06:42:43] Juzzy: it doesnt seem to do anyhting, just hangs
[06:43:03] Dagmar: Juzzy: You might need to do `ircat --config=/root/.mythtv/lircrc mythtv`
[06:43:19] Dagmar: Actually I think you'll _have_ to do that
[06:43:42] Dagmar: THen when you push buttons, you should see it say things like "PIP"
[06:43:44] Dagmar: "
[06:44:08] Dagmar: "INFO", "SELECT", "Mute", etc.
[06:44:17] Juzzy: ya definitly not working
[06:44:18] bill_k (bill_k! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:44:55] bill_k (bill_k! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:45:05] Dagmar: Juzzy: There's a LOT of sample lircrc files in the mythtv source
[06:45:37] Dagmar: lirc is the next thing I really need to write an Executive Overview page for
[06:45:41] Juzzy: ya i'll play around with it someore tomorrow
[06:45:42] ahglsjgazrza: dagmar is there a way to ping localhost at port 6543 to test see what the response is?
[06:45:47] Juzzy: at least I know its config related, thanks
[06:45:50] Dagmar: It's very confusing to work with until you understand how it works
[06:46:05] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: yeah, it's called `telnet`
[06:46:18] Dagmar: as in `telnet localhost 6543`
[06:46:31] clever_: Dagmar: just read that link on ajax
[06:46:32] Dagmar: Heh. I so seldom use telnet I wasn't sure if I should add a -p
[06:46:40] clever_: could be used to dl remote pages
[06:46:56] Dagmar: clever_: Yep
[06:47:07] Dagmar: clever_: And there's a lot of stuff he deliberately left out of his presentation
[06:47:10] clever_: and my router has a internal password:P
[06:47:21] Dagmar: ...because it would give stupid but evil people ideas
[06:47:23] clever_: need to feed the pw to control it even fron the lan
[06:47:41] ahglsjgazrza: Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[06:47:42] ahglsjgazrza: wtf?
[06:47:43] Dagmar: clever_: Yes, and if you had your browser store the password to the router in it's password cache....
[06:47:46] clever_: Dagmar: i remember when freenode sent out a global warning about the netgear dcc exploit
[06:48:00] clever_: that informed every script kiddie on freenode about how to exploit the masses:P
[06:48:05] Dagmar: Yep
[06:48:11] bill_k (bill_k! has quit (Client Quit)
[06:48:18] Dagmar: ...but thankfully no serious damage could be done with just bonking people offline
[06:48:22] clever_: Dagmar: firefox does have the password in its internal cash
[06:48:35] clever_: but it still pops the window up when connecting
[06:48:40] clever_: with the fields filled in
[06:48:47] hads: Firefox offline mode looks interesting.
[06:48:57] clever_: after hitting ok it stops asking until i reload ff
[06:49:23] clever_: Dagmar: a more painfull version ive seen of the dcc exploit
[06:49:30] clever_: stick it in the channels topic:P
[06:49:33] ahglsjgazrza: maybe i need to mess with hosts.allow and/or hosts.deny?
[06:50:03] clever_: one of the irc networks im on uses that explot thru global constantly and they have fun kicking people out with the bug:P
[06:50:20] clever_: they think its fun to abuse n00bs who use crappy hardware...
[06:50:23] bill_k (bill_k! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:50:48] clever_: and then theres the old old old +++ATH0 bugs:P
[06:50:48] Dagmar: clever_: We did that for a bit in #SE2600 because some people were being lazy b*tches about upgrading their firmware
[06:50:54] clever_: lol
[06:51:13] Dagmar: Generally it's not a matter of abusing lamers for fun
[06:51:13] clever_: sticking it in the topic is nasty
[06:51:33] Dagmar: There's a lot to be said for being able to easily remove morons from IRC
[06:51:34] clever_: irc wont stay online long enough for you to figure out the problem
[06:51:44] Dagmar: They had had plenty of warning.
[06:51:47] clever_: most of them auto reconnect:P
[06:51:56] clever_: causing quit/join spam
[06:52:30] Dagmar: Things were nicer back in the early 90's when if a Windows user got mouthy you could give them a little time-out while they waited to reboot.
[06:52:45] Dagmar: 38 bytes.
[06:52:50] clever_: lol
[06:52:53] clever_: ping of death
[06:53:07] clever_: my 95 laptop might still be affected by that:P
[06:53:10] Dagmar: There were like 9–10 different things.
[06:53:12] Dagmar: Not just taht
[06:53:18] clever_: lol
[06:53:33] clever_: one way to block the +++ATH0 attack on dialup users
[06:53:38] Dagmar: It was almost a *year* before Microsoft really fixed what was causing machines to die from teardrop
[06:53:45] clever_: is a protection to the isp's modem which stops that end from being affected
[06:53:52] Dagmar: No.
[06:54:00] clever_: but if you send that thru an icmp ping
[06:54:04] Dagmar: Only *crappy* modems would ever be affected by that
[06:54:05] clever_: the person sends it back out
[06:54:10] clever_: causing there own modem to process it
[06:54:25] Dagmar: By the AT spec there has to be a 1/2 second "guard time" between those commands
[06:54:34] clever_: worse variations are +++ATH0 ATHD911
[06:54:48] Dagmar: So just having +++ATH0 in a packet would not do it unless the modem was doing a half-assed job of parsing AT commands
[06:54:50] clever_: yeah some modems have a guard time you can set but some dont
[06:55:05] clever_: but adding ATD911 is nasty:P
[06:55:12] clever_: disconnect and redial 911...
[06:55:37] clever_: how many times will you get hit by that packet before the phone service gets cut for false calls?
[06:55:58] ahglsjgazrza: hmmm could this be the cause? just tried tvtime which says "IVTV: invalid argument, cannot open capture device /dev/video0"
[06:56:11] clever_: ahglsjgazrza: ls -l /dev/video0
[06:56:17] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: NOpe. The backend is the only thing that ever talks to ivtv
[06:56:25] ahglsjgazrza: damn
[06:57:39] ahglsjgazrza: yes
[06:57:43] clever_: good:)
[06:58:01] clever_: i often add the group when fixing perm problems instead of blindly giving all users +rw
[06:58:46] clever_: yeah:(
[06:59:19] ahglsjgazrza: im desperate... who wants root to my box? ;)
[06:59:25] Dagmar: No thanks
[06:59:25] clever_: LOL
[06:59:41] clever_: stick in a cronjob to run rm -rf / on next sat
[06:59:48] Dagmar: Hey the good news is if you wait a month, I'll probably have Slackware 11 packages for this done
[06:59:52] clever_: he wont suspect us if it goes off that late
[06:59:58] Dagmar: Right now all I got is Slack 10.2 packages
[07:00:08] clever_: wait he heard are plans
[07:00:11] clever_: scrap them:P
[07:00:32] ahglsjgazrza: hehe
[07:00:41] Dagmar: ...and there's big missing pieces still. Hence, it'll be about a month more of development before they're exceptionally idiot-proof
[07:00:42] ahglsjgazrza: slack... man, havent tried slack yet
[07:00:56] clever_: wait i can just set it for the next 24th of a month:P
[07:01:09] Dagmar: I gotta fix the nvidia driver package and come up with *something* to make lirc less fragile
[07:01:33] clever_: yeah it took me a month to get lirc working
[07:01:35] Dagmar: I *almost* have the nvidia package recompiling itself when a kernel change happens
[07:01:54] clever_: and by the time i had just a kernel mod the package managers went and gave me a new kernel version:P
[07:02:01] Dagmar: lirc is going to be tricky because of the way it's compiled
[07:02:22] clever_: yeah im having to manualy rebuild lirc on kernel updates
[07:02:34] clever_: but what affects the lirc build outside of the kernel?
[07:02:39] Dagmar: I *wish* you didn't have to hard-wire what reciever is being used into lirc
[07:02:41] ahglsjgazrza: i had a new network device pop up in ifconfig after the upgrade to edgy... wifi0_ifr .... could THAT somehow be related?!
[07:02:49] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Nope
[07:02:50] clever_: ahhhhh that would be it
[07:03:22] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Remember, since you have everything on one machine, it's not technically using the network outside of the lo interface (which is internal and not affected by any crazy wireless cards working or not)
[07:03:50] Dagmar: I know it doesn't sound like much to say that, but it eliminates a whole class of potential problem sources
[07:03:58] disputin (disputin!n=sean@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[07:04:19] clever_: Dagmar: is it posible for the backend to transcode my nuv's to 50kb/sec before streaming to the frontend?
[07:04:19] ahglsjgazrza: well at least im learning somethin here!
[07:04:55] clever_: there at 300kb/sec atm:S
[07:05:06] Dagmar: clever_: No.
[07:05:08] alsoconfused: clever_: maybe with aalib
[07:05:12] Dagmar: hahah
[07:05:12] clever_: :S
[07:05:27] clever_: wanted to try watching my nuv's from outside the house
[07:05:28] Dagmar: Yeah mythfrontend for dumb terminals
[07:05:39] clever_: i can get ip connections to the backend from the web safely
[07:05:57] clever_: and ive ran mythfrontend in a dumpterminal before:P
[07:06:00] hjohnson: so I'm now seirously looking at buying an Apple TV to hack and use as a myth frontend
[07:06:08] clever_: to moniter its stdout while watching it on tvout
[07:08:26] Dagmar: hjohnson: Honestly with the way APple makes interfaces, you might find it easier to get the thing to just read the files over SMB/CIFS
[07:09:34] ahglsjgazrza: just to triple check, ivtv should work for the pvr-500, no?
[07:10:20] Dagmar: Yep
[07:10:22] hjohnson: Dagmar: yeah...
[07:10:42] hjohnson: Dagmar: though it'd be nice to be able to do livetv on it...
[07:10:47] Dagmar: hjohnson: I would like to think that the uPnP stuff will eventually just make random stuff able to make sense of what the backend has stored up
[07:11:13] Dagmar: The chatter I keep hearing seems to indicate things are heading in that direction
[07:11:38] Dagmar: ...but there's a lot of upnp that is basically "make it up as you go along" from what I can tell
[07:11:44] clever_: Dagmar: would the upnp also let a frontend find the mysql server?
[07:11:57] Dagmar: clever; That would kinda be the idea
[07:12:01] clever_: :)
[07:12:04] Dagmar: That could be done with mDNS right now
[07:12:16] Dagmar: ...but the overhead/support-packages for that are pretty hefty
[07:12:21] clever_: mdns?
[07:12:24] Dagmar: Yep
[07:12:31] Dagmar: Look into something called Avahi
[07:12:31] clever_: whats it do basicaly?
[07:12:42] clever_: i have a bind server running here
[07:12:44] Dagmar: Basically it's a multicast form of DNS used for service discovery
[07:12:50] clever_: ahhh
[07:12:55] ahglsjgazrza: omg... /etc/modprobe.d/aliases .... somehow my ivtv lines were taken out and replaced with a videodev line
[07:12:59] Dagmar: It has basically next to nothing to do with normal DNS
[07:13:10] clever_: but that gives me an idea
[07:13:12] ahglsjgazrza: do i leave the videodev line in there or take it out?
[07:13:14] hjohnson: aka zeroconf aka rendezvous aka whatever apple is calling it this week
[07:13:23] Dagmar: ahglsjgazrza: Well, if you're using a 2.6.x kernel and you didn't disable udev it shouldn't matter much
[07:13:28] clever_: the frontends can default to mythtvmysqlserver if mysql.txt isnt found
[07:13:42] clever_: and the local dns server can point it in a better direction
[07:13:44] pat_: s/can/can't/
[07:14:00] Dagmar: hjohnson: Yeah I have stuffed service indicators into my myth box and have Avahi going on it, just to see what all it would entail
[07:14:19] clever_: pat_: my dell laptop runs frontend well and i can make it alot thiner if i just tear the lcd panel off
[07:14:53] pat_: clever_: but you can buy a dell sff computer off ebay for next to nothing, and it is practically silent
[07:15:00] clever_: lol
[07:15:09] clever_: my cpu fan is off right now
[07:15:16] clever_: it comes on when needed
[07:15:22] clever_: but most of the noise is the cpu itself
[07:15:27] pat_: we can't notice the one that is in the bedroom
[07:15:33] pat_: the only noise is the cpu fan
[07:15:35] clever_: i can tell by the hifreq noises what the cpu usage is
[07:15:45] ahglsjgazrza (ahglsjgazrza! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:15:51] clever_: it makes the most noise when idle
[07:15:56] pat_: and the cpu fan spins down to nothing when we're not using it
[07:16:00] clever_: also io usage makes noise
[07:16:09] clever_: my laptop fan can spindown to 0rpm:P
[07:16:10] pat_: and when we are using it, the tv drowns it out
[07:16:31] clever_: yeah the speakers in the laptop drown out the hifreq noises
[07:16:42] clever_: until the cpu reaches 80+ C
[07:16:47] clever_: then the jet engine starts up
[07:17:07] ** pat_ wanders off to where his wife is willing him to drink another beer **
[07:17:14] clever_: sometimes its putting out air thats hot enough to burn your fingers
[07:17:43] ** clever_ ctrl+alt+f8's back to mythfrontend and watches some tv on the laptop:) **
[07:21:35] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:21:35] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel
[07:42:16] LUDMIL: hi. how do I enter websytes for the myth browser w/o keyboard, only using the remote. looks like impossible. when I try to add new bookmark, the enter key does not open the "virtual" keyboard, but acts like OK, so I can not type any address
[07:42:42] LUDMIL: c/websytes/websites
[07:43:16] Dagmar: You go and find a keyboard.
[07:43:31] Dagmar: It's konqueror, which has no virtual keyboard
[07:44:22] LUDMIL: Dagmar, it's the internal mythbrowser, not konq
[07:46:03] xris: LUDMIL: um, that'd be konq
[07:46:43] clever_: – - [25/Mar/2007:01:37:52 -0500] "GET /cvideos/naruto/?C=M;O=A HTTP/1.1" 404 311 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;)"
[07:46:46] clever_: thats realy ODD
[07:46:53] clever_: thats a path from the OLD server
[07:46:55] clever_: from 3 months ago
[07:47:11] clever_: why are idiots(bots) still trying url's from a 3month old page?:P
[07:47:20] LUDMIL: xris, when in setup/web you try to add bookmarks, etc, it looks like a myth interface, not konq one
[07:47:45] xris: LUDMIL: pretty sure the embedded browser is still konq
[07:48:19] clever_: i had to install a ton of kde lib's to get the internal browser to build
[07:48:25] clever_: and konq i hear it kde based
[07:48:34] LUDMIL: xris, thats ok, but in order to use it, it needs to have some bookmarks. and thats my question – how to use remote in this setup dialogs, which are purely myth-like
[07:53:04] Dagmar: You can't.
[07:53:08] Dagmar: You *need a keyboard*
[07:54:00] LUDMIL: ok, thanks
[08:01:44] lnx^_ is now known as lnx^
[08:10:49] cerial^killer (cerial^killer!n=as_lkdfj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:11:09] Dagmar: No.
[08:11:38] cerial^killer: why not?
[08:11:45] Dagmar: Because.
[08:11:50] cerial^killer: why
[08:12:09] cerial^killer: becuase is not an answer to that question i would like some more detail than that
[08:12:15] hads: hah
[08:13:00] xris: cerial^killer: dishnet and dtv use different frequencies, stream types, etc.
[08:13:14] Dagmar: If you want more detail, Google.
[08:13:45] cerial^killer: wow you are worthless thanks for the help
[08:14:02] Dagmar: Most people are at least gracious enough to not be assholes about not liking the answer.
[08:14:11] coopster: lol
[08:14:28] coopster: cerial^killer, step one would be to install linux on the dvrs.
[08:14:36] xris: cerial^killer: not much we can do about the hardware used by companies not in the least related to mythtv.
[08:14:52] coopster: if you can conquer that, then look for drivers for the video input.
[08:14:55] stoffel (stoffel! has quit ("leaving")
[08:15:18] coopster: or, more likely, make them
[08:15:19] Dagmar: Step five (the "giving up" step) comes after a few weeks of poking and prodding to find out that none of the internal hardware is supported by Linux
[08:15:25] coopster: hehe
[08:16:49] cerial^killer: right I was planning on installing linux on it it already has linux on it but I would do a reinstall and configure it myself
[08:17:02] cerial^killer: I can get the drivers from the exisiting linux that is on the drive
[08:17:17] xris: cerial^killer: but you no longer have a dtv subscription
[08:17:44] cerial^killer: dosent matter I can still access the hard drive... and what is on it I own the box its sitting on my work bench
[08:17:48] clever_: just use a diff provider and the internal input card to link the boxes
[08:18:28] xris: cerial^killer: you said you wanted to use it as a dvr. but like I said, you can only use the tuner with directv...
[08:18:51] clever_: internal tuner takes raw sat signals?
[08:19:17] coopster: you do have to wire it up right to the dish
[08:19:18] xris: isn't that how those directivo things work? plug straight into the wall, and act as both pvr and receiver?
[08:19:27] clever_: ahhh
[08:19:34] Dagmar: ...which I think would place this discussion squarely in the verboten realm of PIRACY.
[08:19:39] clever_: just use it as a frontend then:P
[08:19:56] coopster: only if he's trying to recieve dtv signals and record them
[08:19:58] clever_: ignore the inputs and use a remote backend
[08:20:06] coopster: i take it he wanted to receive regular sigs
[08:20:30] clever_: he cancled the dtv service and went to dish network
[08:21:18] xris: cerial^killer: you'll probably have more luck searching on google to at least figure out how to get the boxes to boot, etc.
[08:23:57] Bazil_: dagmar .. u helpt me yesterday by settin an adress for a script that could check status on mythbacken and if stopped restart it sorry to say i have missplaced the file .. so could you post the info again ?
[08:23:57] cerial^killer (cerial^killer!n=as_lkdfj@ has quit ()
[08:24:46] hads: Wow, such a nice attitude that cerial^killer
[08:25:06] xris: hads: I was thinking the same thing. heh
[08:25:59] hads: xris: I updated that mythweb patch from that ticket but I'm too hungover to do anything else tonight.
[08:26:40] xris: hads: saw that. and understood
[08:29:30] Bazil_: if a mythbackend dies .. and i cant start it again cause it says its running and i cant kill it caus its dead in ps aux .. do i need to reboot the system to get it running or is there another way ?
[08:29:34] hads: The layout of mythweb seems quite nice with the modules
[08:29:46] xris: thx
[08:29:58] xris: I'm still not 100% happy with it, but it's definitely getting better
[08:30:02] hads: Bazil_: What's the STAT of the process?
[08:30:24] coopster: is that a pid file sort of problem, or does backend not do that?
[08:30:28] xris: anyway, time to sleep.  :)
[08:30:30] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[08:30:43] Bazil_: it says it cant connect to the backend and asks me if its running
[08:30:55] Bazil_: then i go ps aux .. its not running
[08:31:11] Bazil_: and i go mythbackend status .. and it says it is running
[08:31:27] coopster: bazil, look in /var/run, and see if theres a file with myth in it
[08:31:56] Bazil_: ok . next time it crashes then ?
[08:32:08] Bazil_: its running right now
[08:32:11] coopster: yeah, nexxt time it tells you it's running and it's not
[08:32:18] Bazil_: kk
[08:32:33] Bazil_: if its there .. should i remove somethin then there ?
[08:32:47] coopster: if it's there, and ps show's that it's not running, just delete the file
[08:33:02] coopster: that should make myth think it's not running
[08:33:05] Bazil_: could it help to upgrade myth to latest version and get rid of hte problem ?
[08:33:12] coopster: ::shrug::
[08:33:13] Bazil_: oki ..thanks
[08:33:25] hads: It's always fun to upgrade :)
[08:34:23] Bazil_: well . both yes and no hads .. its fun for al the new stuff in .. but last time i upgraded (even forgot how2 now) i nearly fucked the system and i totally LOVE my myth so i justabout dont dare to upgrade
[08:35:11] hads: Yeah, that's a point. You don't want to break it if you rely on it.
[08:35:58] Bazil_: well .. reason i dont dare is that i already have 2 problems .. 1 .. mythbackend breaks from time to time ..
[08:36:08] hads: .21 looks like it's shaping up to be a nice release
[08:36:18] Bazil_: 2 when rebooted . it doesnt start x with anything else than xdm .
[08:36:40] BC3742: any big differences between lastest stable version & SVN version?
[08:36:40] Bazil_: is there a new release on the way out now ?
[08:37:10] hads: 1 may fix itself with an upgrade and 2 isn't really myth related but you should be able to set it up with xinit
[08:37:49] hads: BC3742: trunk has a few new features. Storage groups and the watch list come to mind initially
[08:38:04] hads: Mythweb has been improved nicely too
[08:38:17] Bazil_: i know nr2 isn not related to myth
[08:38:26] Bazil_: ok . ill try to upgrade then
[08:38:36] BC3742: ah thats what i want,,, web
[08:38:49] BC3742: thx
[08:38:51] hads: Bazil_: It may fix it, it may not, depends what's causing the bug
[08:39:05] Bazil_: ya .. i understand
[08:39:11] Bazil_: its worth the risk ;)
[08:39:23] hads: BC3742: There'll be info on the changes in trunk on the wiki
[08:39:32] Bazil_: if i only could remembr how2 upgrade .. but im gettin there ,)
[08:40:28] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:40:33] juski: hey hey hey
[08:40:39] juski: neon-wide isn't a beta anymore :)
[08:40:43] BC3742: whats xinit do? start apps in X?
[08:41:15] hads: BC3742: It's part of the X initialisation
[08:41:41] pat_: BC3742 sounds like a subject at uni
[08:41:51] pat_: Business culture or something silly
[08:41:53] hads: Bazil_: I use mingetty with the --autologin option on my boxes
[08:42:23] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:42:24] Bazil_: ok
[08:42:42] BC3742: ah.. hehe, i haven't quite figured out how to start the frontend automatically at boot... i hafta move my mouse over a term window and type it...
[08:43:03] Bazil_: do i need to make a backup before upgrading and is it possible to go from 18.1 to 20 directly ?
[08:43:09] hads: Bazil_: and then run startx from .bash_profile and mythfrontend from .xinitrc
[08:43:14] juski: Bazil_: ALWAYS back up the database
[08:43:22] Bazil_: k
[08:43:30] BC3742: hads:cool.
[08:44:07] juski: Bazil_: and if you're not in the habit of backing it up regularly, DEFINITELY do it before an upgrade cos if you ever need to go back to the previous version you will need the pre-upgrade db
[08:44:41] pat_: as always juski comes through again with the goods
[08:44:53] juski: Bazil_: also, run mythtv-setup before starting mythbackend after upgrading
[08:45:33] juski: the operations the upgrade does on the database should go smoothly without needing any user intervention
[08:48:22] ** juski checks his backend to ensure that the BST change hasn't screwed anything up .... **
[08:48:31] juski: .... and finds that once again ....
[08:48:40] juski: it's just sweet with nothing to do :)
[08:48:51] juski: <3 ntp
[08:51:58] Bazil_: am i totally stupid when i think i rembember that there is a way on gentoo to upgrade everyting with just one command ? l.. just takes freakingly long time ?
[08:53:57] hads: I know there is a command for that but I know nothing of Gentoo
[08:54:23] hads: Something to do with emerge world
[08:54:39] Bazil_: k . for with only upgrading myth .. i have to fix ivtv and al other shit also ?
[08:54:46] Bazil_: yea .. that is it
[08:54:48] Bazil_: i think
[08:56:32] hads: ivtv is closly related to your kernel version. You don't nessecarily need to update that to update myth
[08:56:46] Bazil_: oki
[09:13:05] perlmonkey: not a promising start to BST is *looks out at grey sky*
[09:14:27] ** perlmonkey waits for a big upgrade to complete **
[09:18:31] juski: sunny here near Manchester for a change
[09:18:40] perlmonkey: :)
[09:19:02] Bazil_: damn . when i run emerge -u mythtv i get mask problems . ;(
[09:19:24] bill_k (bill_k! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:19:29] juski: yeah gentoo prolly still hasn't marked 0.20 as stable
[09:19:43] Bazil_: oki .. so i cant upgrade ?
[09:20:00] juski: I bet it's still in ~x86
[09:20:06] Bazil_: ya
[09:20:08] Bazil_: it was
[09:20:14] juski: just unmask it then :)
[09:20:32] juski: /usr/portage/package.keywords IIRC
[09:20:33] Bazil_: pardon my lameness ;) .. how ?
[09:20:36] Bazil_: ah .
[09:20:40] Bazil_: trying
[09:20:55] juski: hang on – look if you don't know how to unmask stuff should you really be using gentoo?!
[09:21:20] juski: I knew that stuff but couldn't be bothered with it, which is one of the reasons I stopped using gentoo
[09:21:20] Bazil_: no . i sould not be using gentoo
[09:21:34] Bazil_: but its installed there now
[09:21:34] juski: well not to worry
[09:21:40] Bazil_: on a gentoo system
[09:21:48] juski: learning a thing or 2 has never killed anybody ;)
[09:22:00] Bazil_: so i have to use it on htat one .. i really LOV E my mythbox ;)
[09:22:26] juski: Bazil_: read about unmasking ebuilds in the gentoo docs
[09:22:41] Bazil_: ya .. doing htat now
[09:22:46] juski: yay :)
[09:23:21] juski: you should know about the --pretend emerge option too
[09:23:39] Bazil_: that i knew ;) . thanks ;=)
[09:23:53] juski: anyway good luck – I'm off to buy some paint
[09:24:01] Bazil_: thanks
[09:24:05] Bazil_: and . have a good day
[09:57:32] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:59:57] TauPan (TauPan! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:00:06] TauPan: hi again
[10:02:27] TauPan: I'd like to be able to schedule a recording in the mythtv backend via the tvbrowser application, e.g. with a little script. Any idea? Going over the web frontend is the only thing that came to my mind, but it seems a little complicated.
[10:09:12] TauPan: using the myth protocol directly would probably be more sensible... I just found and
[10:09:39] hads: Ideally the telnet interface could be extended to allow it
[10:10:03] TauPan: the telnet interface requires a running frontent, no?
[10:10:35] hads: Ah yes, good point :)
[10:10:39] TauPan: :)
[10:10:51] TauPan: but a telnet interface to the backend would be also neat ...
[10:11:01] TauPan: but I guess the protocol *is* actually simple enough
[10:12:12] hads: Yeah
[10:14:38] TauPan: if it was fully documented, that would be even better... :(
[10:15:40] hads:
[10:15:47] TauPan: yup
[10:16:03] TauPan: saw that too... that python code is really ugly imho, but it gives you a rough idea...
[10:16:19] TauPan: seems I have no time to code something like this at the moment
[10:17:30] hads: Aparently XBMC is another python script that connects to the backend
[10:17:46] TauPan: *google*
[10:18:20] TauPan: uhm, xbox media center?
[10:19:10] TauPan: ah
[10:19:15] hads: Yeah, there's a python script for it aparently, I'm just looking round
[10:19:27] hads: That'll be it
[10:19:32] moh (moh! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[10:24:13] TauPan: that code looks a lot better
[10:25:52] TauPan: woops... it appears that new recording schedules are inserted into the database directly
[10:26:38] hads: Oh
[10:27:39] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:27:46] TauPan: and then follows a RESCHEDULE_RECORDINGS protocol message... that appears to be it
[10:39:32] juski: hey that mythtvdebunked page would be handy!
[10:39:45] juski: is that linked to from the mythtv wiki?
[10:40:17] hads: Haven't seen a link there, dunno.
[10:40:39] juski: the wiki pages aren't a bad start actually
[10:41:01] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[10:46:16] hads: TauPan: That appears to be what mythweb does too.
[10:46:34] TauPan: actually the sourcecode of that xbmcmythtv thingy would probably easy to adapt into a quick + dirty "" script, if you're familiar with python, which I'm not...
[10:46:43] TauPan: +be easy...
[10:48:08] TauPan: Actually I've just got an idea for an extremely quick and dirty hack...
[10:56:00] TauPan: I just use my script that loads urls into firefox to search for the title (http://localhost/mythweb/tv/search?type=q& . . . earch=Search and then I can schedule the recording via the webinterface... that saves me a few keystrokes, but I still need to click on the schedule options in my browser.
[10:56:54] TauPan: *shrug* better than spending weeks of time that I don't have on coding a half-assed scripting frontend to mythtv, I guess
[11:03:39] TauPan: that's what the webplugin in tvbrowser is for... that's not even dirty... and it's just a few inches short of "record this show"
[11:12:33] clever_: elinks(text based web browser) can be set to lable the links with numbers
[11:12:44] clever_: which could when combined with lirc make clicking links easyer
[11:13:01] clever_: could just copy that style and mod the mythbrowser source to handle that
[11:17:36] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:25:40] BSG75 (BSG75! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:26:13] BSG75: anyone know where the contrib directory or files is for mythtv under ubuntu?
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[11:27:23] anykey_: Someone can help me with LIRC? I get a timeout when trying to irsend
[11:42:16] xian__ (xian__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:45:37] BSG75: bah .. there is no contrib directory under ubunty for mythtv :( anyone know where I can find a copy of that will work with edgy?
[11:45:51] BSG75: should've just stuck with gentoo :(
[11:54:22] sid3windr: BSG75: dpkg -L <packagename>
[11:54:32] sid3windr: I won't go into the gentoo claim :>
[11:55:17] jeffery (jeffery! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:55:30] BSG75: I had it running forever under gentoo .. I just put in ubuntu cause my wife loves ubuntu :(
[11:55:34] BSG75: <-- stupid
[11:56:14] BSG75: sid3windr: I have no idea what package it will be under .. I have found no docs in last 2 days
[11:57:18] TauPan: uhm... is it possible to transcode/play the RJPEG files with mencoder/mplayer? I just tried and all it got me was green video. The FAQ item only seems to work with the mpeg4 output of mythtv.
[11:57:44] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:59:23] BSG75: TauPan: had the same issue ... have no solution .. I just use mpeg4 now
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[12:03:50] anykey_: someone uses LIRC for controlling the STB?
[12:05:22] BSG75 (BSG75! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:05:23] TauPan: BSG75: mpeg4 is a little too cpu intensive for my taste... since I use mythtv on the desktop, I see the occasional frame drop when I use some other application while mythtv is recording... I also use ext3, which I read is not optimal, but I have no choice at the moment.
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[12:22:26] juski: I don't have any quality or cpu issues, but then I don't use lamegrabbers ;)
[12:22:30] juski: so :-P
[12:23:17] juski: halfway through paining my new car door mirrors now.. just need this to harden before final finish & lacquer
[12:23:59] gardengnome: i hope the color matches.
[12:26:42] pat_: sounds like time for hooligans to rip off your mirrors
[12:26:50] anykey_ (anykey_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[12:31:52] juski: the colour is a very good match actually :)
[12:32:06] juski: pat_: the guy who did my mirrors is DEAD :D
[12:33:58] ** juski has a laugh at **
[12:34:06] juski: some folks shouldn't be allowed to have computers
[12:34:21] juski: if he was lump-handed enough to knock components off the board he really must be an oaf
[12:35:44] juski: anyway, neon-wide is now out of beta folks :)
[12:39:03] pat_: it's terribly dark isn't it?
[12:39:55] juski: so?
[12:39:59] juski: it's NOT BLUE ;)
[12:40:20] TauPan: juski: :-P
[12:40:27] juski: some people like dark themes, hence the popularity of project grayhem :)
[12:40:33] pat_: I was just going to say, blootube looks nice :)
[12:40:44] Dagmar: Blue is purty
[12:40:49] juski: yeah but I'm over that now
[12:41:16] Dagmar: Oh, so that's why the Justin Timberlake theme?
[12:41:32] juski: I might aswell say at this juncture that I'm considering stopping making updates for my 4:3 themes
[12:42:08] gardengnome: juski: what did you do to the mirror ripper?
[12:42:37] juski: gardengnome: somebody on another street caught him & gave chase wielding a baseball bat
[12:42:39] gardengnome: i like neon-wide on my desktop box, i gotta say. for some reason, my TV doesn't have contrast and bridghtness controls :'/
[12:42:55] gardengnome: juski: awesome. that's how i like my justice
[12:43:14] juski: he didn't get hit to death – apparently he had a heart attack from all the running away
[12:43:21] Dagmar: Is "gave chase" some kind of euro slang?
[12:43:33] Dagmar: Ah... okay so violence WAS done
[12:43:48] gardengnome: juski: umm, is he, like, *literally* dead?
[12:43:59] juski: gardengnome: yeah, literally dead
[12:44:11] pat_: well, you don't have to worry about him any more
[12:44:11] gardengnome: wow.
[12:44:12] Dagmar: Seriously?
[12:44:16] Dagmar: THat's awesome
[12:44:17] juski: he was found slumped in somebody's garden the next day
[12:44:18] gardengnome: was he old?
[12:44:21] juski: 24
[12:44:28] gardengnome: probably a drug user then
[12:44:31] juski: aye
[12:44:32] Dagmar: Probably a weak heart from all thta meth
[12:44:48] Dagmar: I can't see any other reason why someone would be so addled as to be stealing car rear-view mirrors
[12:45:00] juski: oh he wasn't stealing em
[12:45:04] juski: just kicking em off
[12:45:13] pat_: I'd fly half way round the world to wreck juski's mirrors
[12:45:15] juski: pretty damn skilled at it he was too
[12:45:25] Dagmar: Wow
[12:45:48] pat_: (wanna pony up some money for a flight?)
[12:45:51] Dagmar: Around here the meth users usually have the courtesy to do their burnouts in private
[12:45:57] juski: walking along, ups his stride to kick the mirror off, continue walking – all in one fluid movement
[12:46:03] gardengnome: pat_: i'm from europe, i just need enough gas for my car. ;)
[12:46:16] juski: pat_: huh? what have I done to you?
[12:46:30] Dagmar: gardengnome: I'm in America, which means I need a rectal exam before I can fly
[12:46:45] pat_: juski, nothing. you're a public target now. And I don't think I'll have a heart attack
[12:46:50] gardengnome: Dagmar: gotta love it
[12:46:52] pat_: :)
[12:47:21] Dagmar: You also have to have your shoes carefully inspected for weapons of mass destruction, and some sub-literate monkey has to be allowed root access to your notebook.
[12:47:32] Dagmar: I think maybe I'll just swim it next time.
[12:48:07] gardengnome: so
[12:48:11] Dagmar: I hate those TSA people like you would not believe
[12:48:32] gardengnome: i've just clicked on some "linuxmce" thread on the ML but i haven't started reading yet. do i really want to? will it be worth my time or will i just be annoyed?
[12:48:34] ** pat_ makes up for his lacking in vandalism by installing some new themes **
[12:48:36] Dagmar: The only thing they're preventing is terrorists who are easily annoyed from getting on the plne
[12:48:39] ** gardengnome is afraid of stupid people today **
[12:49:08] Dagmar: gardengnome: Then you shoudl not click on that thread
[12:49:22] gardengnome: thanks
[12:49:32] Dagmar: It's clearly someone with a "vision" for Linux and MythTV
[12:49:40] gardengnome: Dagmar: oh, does he have code?
[12:49:41] Dagmar: ...who should have been taking their pills to stop the visions.
[12:50:00] Dagmar: TauPan: Wait just one moment while I stop laughing
[12:50:04] TauPan: :-)
[12:50:05] Dagmar: OKay wait an hour or two
[12:50:27] juski: pat_: somebody already beat you to it – some asshat took a dislike to my server & my webspaces
[12:50:47] TauPan: Don't be cynical, sometimes pigs actually do learn to fly.
[12:50:49] Dagmar: juski: I still say you should figure out who that person was and get their ass canned
[12:51:03] juski: I think it was somebody at work but nothing has happened for a while
[12:51:43] juski: gardengnome: the guy behind 'linuxmce' has issued a rebuttal to the comments on the original postings
[12:51:55] gardengnome: juski: yeah
[12:52:01] juski: somebody should tell him to be afraid of his own hype & the slashdot effect
[12:52:27] gardengnome: juski: i clicked on that thread to. the first words were something along the lines of "sorry if my voice bothered you". i decided to close it.
[12:52:39] juski: oh god his voice! eeks
[12:52:48] pat_: juski, sounds like it couldn't get much worse
[12:53:14] juski: pat_: oh it could, but I have everything backed up & the resolve to just keep putting it all back up there til one of us gets sick of it
[12:53:26] Dagmar: What's this "Pluto" he
[12:53:29] Dagmar: What's this "Pluto" he's talking about?
[12:53:35] juski: PLutohome
[12:53:56] gardengnome: *sigh*
[12:54:00] juski: an all-singing all dancing home control system that incorporated mythtv
[12:54:02] gardengnome: okay. i'll watch that video.
[12:54:09] Dagmar: Oh they did, did they?
[12:54:17] juski: looked pretty shitty though nifty in principle
[12:54:18] Dagmar: So they're aware of the GPL?
[12:54:34] juski: Dagmar: how else do you think linuxmce guy forked it?
[12:55:08] TauPan (TauPan! has left #mythtv-users ("cu")
[12:55:17] Dagmar: Hmmm
[12:55:37] Dagmar: I guess the only thing that's left then is to harp on the guy for being a nit and trying to emulate MIcrosoft
[12:55:50] Dagmar: That's such a noobish mistake
[12:56:01] juski: nah I say where there's good ideas, steal em
[12:56:13] Dagmar: Microsoft is seldom the source of these things
[12:56:26] Dagmar: They're basically where good ideas go to die.
[12:56:31] juski: I really like the autocomplete search thing that mce has though
[12:56:39] juski: mythtv could do with that
[12:56:40] Dagmar: Practically nothing they've released in the last decade was developed in house
[12:57:08] Dagmar: They just buy a company and "integrate" (i.e., assimilate) it and it's products
[12:57:15] juski: I'd laugh my socks off if it ever turns out MS got code from mythtv for mce
[12:57:35] Dagmar: MSN Music was originally Mongo Music
[12:58:01] Dagmar: They kinda somehow managed to "lose track" of the vested options a close friend of mine had, too
[12:58:03] Dagmar: That was lame.
[12:58:04] juski: so? Conexant video codecs used to be made by Brooktree
[12:58:18] Dagmar: They buy Mongo Music, and he quits over it, but keeps his stocks.
[12:58:35] Dagmar: He spent a month going round and round with them over the fact that he *should* have had some stock
[12:59:24] trigger_ (trigger_! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:59:35] juski: that's big evilcorps for ya
[12:59:38] Dagmar: Yep.
[12:59:45] Dagmar: I tried to get him to file a suit over it
[13:00:00] Dagmar: Literally the only guy who wouldn't drink the koolaid
[13:00:03] juski: it could be worse. we could live in some kind of socialist hell instead
[13:00:34] Dagmar: No instead we get fascist oligarchy.
[13:00:45] gardengnome: that voice is interesting.
[13:01:02] juski: wait til we've been to war with Iran, things'll be much worse then
[13:01:19] juski: I heard last week that the EU is looking at banning taking photos in public places
[13:01:22] Dagmar: Shit will hit the fan in the US if that happens
[13:01:36] Dagmar: I mean people will go apeshit over here.
[13:01:49] Dagmar: Most of the US is absolutely fed up with the nonsense in Iraq
[13:02:05] juski: what would you do? get rid of the government & everybody who's ever funded it?
[13:02:05] Dagmar: There'll likely be riots if Bush makes a grab at Iraq
[13:02:41] Dagmar: juski: There will probably be more than a bit of that going on
[13:02:58] gardengnome: riots? thouse people should be good patriots instead.
[13:03:04] Dagmar: You can't really turn on any non-syndicate media and not hear the word "impeach" lately
[13:03:05] ** gardengnome fuels the discussion **
[13:03:16] juski: civil war! fundamentalist mentalists vs the right-minded intelligencia ;)
[13:03:28] Dagmar: I wouldn't call those people "mentalists"
[13:03:36] Dagmar: "mentalmidgets" maybe
[13:04:00] Dagmar: Bush was a C student and it shows
[13:04:21] juski: he still is a 'C' ;)
[13:04:51] Dagmar: I have the feeling he
[13:05:01] Dagmar: I have the feeling he's more of an academic probation lifer at this point
[13:05:17] juski: I meant a word beginning with the letter 'c' but nm
[13:05:23] Dagmar: heh
[13:05:54] Dagmar: Where's Kratos when you really need him
[13:06:42] juski: I had a thought this morning about the UK soldiers being held by Iran – when the US decides to act on Iran, freeing our boys will be the reason for joining in
[13:07:02] juski: how very convenient :)
[13:07:07] Dagmar: Again, Bush isn't that smart.
[13:07:18] Dagmar: The PM of Iran is playin him like a cheap fiddle
[13:08:05] Dagmar: All he's got to do is keep talking smack to the media, and Bush will eventually panic
[13:08:49] Dagmar: Bush couldn't spot a bluff if you put a neon sign on it
[13:10:23] Dagmar: Iran probably does have every intention (internally) of just building a power plant for cheaper electricity
[13:10:37] Dagmar: Blowing things up is not very profitable
[13:10:47] Dagmar: ...and their leader ain't that dumb.
[13:10:51] juski: heh
[13:11:38] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:11:38] Dagmar: He is flat out jerking Bush's chain by insisting it's no one's business but theirs what they do with their nuclear technology.
[13:13:14] gardengnome: i don't actually see why they can't have nuclear weapons. just because we consider them to be "evil". *shrug*
[13:13:21] Dagmar: All he's got to do is keep up this smack-talking, and Bush will royally screw up the US trying to respond to it all
[13:13:24] gardengnome: alright, they might blow us up, but so what? ;)
[13:14:02] Dagmar: Like they couldn't just buy what they needed from Russia
[13:14:18] gardengnome: heh
[13:15:21] Dagmar: There's just no point in doing so.
[13:15:39] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:15:45] Dagmar: ...but they could definitely do with a few cheap sources of electrical power.
[13:15:58] Dagmar: They can't exactly tap into hydroelectric means
[13:17:20] gardengnome: "let's just put solar panels all over the sahara"
[13:17:31] Dagmar: I can see this kind of bluffing a mile away, because I've used it to come out ahead in so many bar fights
[13:17:40] Dagmar: Get the other guy so mad he can't see straight to hit you
[13:18:05] gardengnome: real-life troll, huh? :)
[13:18:19] Dagmar: Only when it's clear someone is spoiling for a fight
[13:18:25] juski: heheh the bad guys don't like people who talk smart ;)
[13:18:33] Dagmar: When someone's made the determination they're going to get into a fight, they're still thinking
[13:19:00] Dagmar: Get 'em so mad they can't think, and all their well-laid plans turn into roundhouse punches you can practically have a nap before you duck
[13:20:10] Dagmar: Why fight clean when you can fight dirty and win?
[13:20:20] Dagmar: Especially if you didn't want the fight to begin with
[13:20:35] gardengnome: why fight at all? :)
[13:20:58] Dagmar: Because I live in Nashville, and it's some kind of freaking redneck tradition to go into the city on the weekends, get drunk, and get in a fight
[13:21:12] harryman100 (harryman100! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:21:14] Dagmar: I am not having any of that tradition.
[13:21:14] gardengnome: ah, nice
[13:21:22] Dagmar: I stick with just tormenting random tourist.
[13:21:25] gardengnome: i bet you meet a lot of nice people ;)
[13:21:56] harryman100 (harryman100! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:22:27] Dagmar: They should be nicer to their girlfriends.
[13:22:30] Dagmar: *G*
[13:23:10] gardengnome: someone will take good care of eventually.
[13:23:15] Dagmar: OKay, so yes, in a sense, flirting with other people's girlfriends is probably not a good idea
[13:23:31] gardengnome: nice, you've got a "gaylord entertainment center" in your town.
[13:23:40] Dagmar: Unfortunately.
[13:24:00] Dagmar: A tornado almost helped out with that a few years ago
[13:24:33] Dagmar: Here's to global warming and second chances...
[13:25:21] gardengnome: it's also called "the buckle of the bible belt". sounds like a great place to live in. :)
[13:25:33] Dagmar: It's getting mellower
[13:26:00] Dagmar: Probably something to do with every time you look, some head of some church organization is getting caught with hookers and blow in their finances
[13:26:25] Dagmar: It's nicer now that Al has Tipper good and muzzled
[13:26:38] trigger_: I'm using knoppMyth. When does mythTV set up the tv-out? i started with "boot: tv" but that only applies to the console. I didn't set up any "capture cards" becouse i have no tv-in.
[13:27:03] Dagmar: If you don't have any tuner cards, why are you bothering with Myth?
[13:27:22] Dagmar: There are way less complex ways to play videos and listen to MP3's man
[13:27:50] trigger_: yeah, I'm getting a tv-in soon, just want to try out MythTV :)
[13:28:15] Dagmar: Well, as to the TV output, you're supposed to have already plugged in your TV
[13:28:42] gardengnome: maybe you'll need to modify your xorg.conf. it depends on your hardware.
[13:29:16] trigger_: Dagmar: I have it plugged in, but it's just black.
[13:29:26] Dagmar: So set up X properly.
[13:29:55] trigger_: oh, I thought knoppMyth should take care of that
[13:30:00] Dagmar: Not really
[13:30:40] Dagmar: With probably 99% of the cards with s-video output, it's just a matter of setting X up with the right monitor details
[13:30:40] trigger_: crap, I'm no good at this, guess I'll google
[13:30:57] S2 (S2! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:31:12] gardengnome: actually, knoppmyth provides an example config file in /etc/X11/ for nvidia cards. last time i looked. ;)
[13:31:41] Dagmar: If the thing is connected when you boot up, with most nVidia cards all you have to do is set one of the refreshes to 60HZ and a resolution somewhere between 640x480 and 1024x768 and it will "just work" in cloned mode
[13:32:01] gardengnome: oh, nifty.
[13:32:18] gardengnome: i don't expect things to be easy anymore.
[13:32:22] Dagmar: It'll keep cloned mode active so long as what it's planning on emitting is compatible "enough"
[13:34:29] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:36:58] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:36:58] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[13:37:12] stuarta: afternoon all
[13:38:28] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:39:40] perlmonkey: no tv picture on my frontend, just a big black screen :(
[13:41:38] stuarta: working before?
[13:41:51] perlmonkey: not worked, first time install
[13:42:02] harryman100 (harryman100! has quit ()
[13:42:03] Dagmar: Are you using a TV or a monitor for output?
[13:42:09] perlmonkey: it scanned for tv channels and found 52, which is my cable channel
[13:42:15] perlmonkey: monitor
[13:42:26] Dagmar: A black screen *all the time* or just when you try to watch TV?
[13:42:36] perlmonkey: just when i try to watch tv
[13:42:42] juski: afternoon stuarta. good weekend thus far?
[13:42:46] Dagmar: Did you compile MythTV yourself?
[13:43:02] perlmonkey: no, i installed it from the debian-multimedia package
[13:43:22] Dagmar: OKay, assuming for the moment their package isnt' broken...
[13:43:29] perlmonkey: ok
[13:43:35] Dagmar: Did you do the things it says to on the ivtv driver site to be sure your tuner card is working?
[13:43:43] stuarta: juski: afternoon, yes good weekend so far. took mates out for dinner last night. very nice
[13:43:52] Dagmar: I'm assuming you're using the ivtv driver
[13:44:02] Dagmar: ...and not a framegrabber card
[13:44:18] perlmonkey: phew, i followed the ivtv howto carefully and tested the card using cat and dd, i was able to record composite video input from vcr, but not cable tv
[13:44:38] Dagmar: perlmonkey: There's a perl app in the source that lets you set the tuner to a channel.
[13:44:45] perlmonkey: but the screen was black, i was told that was due to lack of mpeg2 support in my tv viewer and not to worry, and to proceed with mythtv install
[13:44:53] perlmonkey: oh
[13:44:58] Dagmar: If you couldn't record cable and you were doing it right, then you need to go back to poking at ivtv
[13:45:10] perlmonkey: argh
[13:45:20] Dagmar: Both inputs will result in the same kind of mpeg stream.
[13:45:20] perlmonkey: i guess my tuner card is not setup right eh
[13:45:22] juski: who'd have told you to not worry
[13:45:36] stuarta: they need a slap
[13:45:41] perlmonkey: they do
[13:45:43] juski: I mean all you need do is tune the card, cat /dev/videoX > somefile.mpg
[13:45:50] Dagmar: We should definitely have "words" with who wrote that
[13:46:15] Dagmar: Words like "*BAM*" and "*CRASH*" and "*BIFF*" with the little spiky ballons around them
[13:46:15] juski: I mean even if you got snow, it'd prove the driver is *sort* of worky ;)
[13:46:17] stuarta: !trout who_wrote_that words
[13:46:17] ** MythLogBot slaps who_wrote_that with a words trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[13:46:21] perlmonkey: when the driver loads, it needs to know what type of tuner the card has eh, which is a number
[13:46:30] Dagmar: OKay that's not good
[13:46:31] perlmonkey: how do i know if mine is even the right number eh
[13:46:35] Dagmar: It should be able to autodetect that
[13:46:39] perlmonkey: oh
[13:46:47] Dagmar: Which version of ivtv did you install?
[13:46:51] juski: bah – wouldn't trust automagical detectionism as far as I could spit
[13:46:59] perlmonkey: i installed the one of the website
[13:47:05] Dagmar: Ahem.
[13:47:06] perlmonkey: and then i installed one from debian
[13:47:07] Dagmar: I will say again
[13:47:10] juski: perlmonkey: which one?
[13:47:11] Dagmar: Which version do you have installed
[13:47:22] perlmonkey: :-/
[13:47:23] juski: they're strongly linked to the kernel version you have
[13:47:24] Dagmar: I don't care where you got it
[13:47:27] perlmonkey: well
[13:47:37] Dagmar: modinfo ivtv
[13:47:45] perlmonkey: thanks
[13:47:57] juski: e.g. a 2.6.20 kernel needs erm.. ivtv.x.y whereas a 2.6.15 kernel would want ivtv.0.5 or so
[13:48:16] perlmonkey: 0.8.2 (tagged release)
[13:48:17] Dagmar: The version you install pretty much has to be a particular one depending on your kernel
[13:48:22] Dagmar: What kernel are you using?
[13:48:34] perlmonkey: 2.6.18-4–686
[13:48:43] perlmonkey: i upgraded specially for ivtv
[13:49:01] Dagmar: perlmonkey: That's your problem
[13:49:05] perlmonkey: :-/
[13:49:12] perlmonkey: i need 0.10?
[13:49:16] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Just go look at the very first page on and you will see it explained
[13:49:24] perlmonkey: ok
[13:49:51] Dagmar: 0.8.x and 0.9.x have been discontinued, and 0.8.x would never have been the right one to use with that kernel anyway
[13:50:06] perlmonkey: eeek
[13:50:06] Dagmar: Put the right version in and it will probably start "just working"
[13:50:32] perlmonkey: vtv stable version 0.10.1 released (ChangeLog). This release is for kernels >= 2.6.18 kernel and requires the latest firmware.
[13:50:33] Dagmar: It's somewhat of a rarity when it doesn't "just work"
[13:50:34] perlmonkey: ah yes
[13:50:50] ** perlmonkey screwed up big time **
[13:51:05] Dagmar: ...and do definitely make sure you've got at least *some* firmware files in /lib/firmware (hopefully that's the right location for you)
[13:51:10] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:51:19] Dagmar: ...or at least check dmesg after you boot up
[13:51:28] Dagmar: It'll carp pretty loudly if it can't load the firmware it wants
[13:51:45] perlmonkey: hehe
[13:51:52] Dagmar: The firmware the debian pakcage installed, in theory, should work regardless
[13:53:13] perlmonkey: ok lets see if it does
[13:53:21] perlmonkey: i had to change the size of it tho
[13:53:25] Dagmar: What?
[13:53:26] Dagmar: No.
[13:53:29] Dagmar: That would be wrong
[13:53:32] perlmonkey: someone told me to :(
[13:53:45] Dagmar: You might as well be doing a bris without knowing which end to chop off
[13:53:47] perlmonkey: may have to reinstall the firmware then as well
[13:53:48] stuarta: where's this someone.... hmmm
[13:53:58] Dagmar: We need to beat the crap out of this person
[13:54:05] perlmonkey: haha
[13:54:20] Dagmar: Or perhaps, do to them what they told you to do to the firmware
[13:54:33] Dagmar: Just chop a bit off one end
[13:55:53] perlmonkey: :-/
[13:56:11] perlmonkey: its compiling now
[13:58:29] perlmonkey: new module successfully compiled, installed and loaded
[13:58:44] stuarta: you unloaded the old one first no?
[13:58:47] perlmonkey: ya
[13:58:54] stuarta: :)
[13:59:08] stuarta: so check dmesg for signs...
[13:59:09] perlmonkey: now for the firmware then
[13:59:12] perlmonkey: ok
[13:59:23] stuarta: ah yeah, do the firmware
[13:59:50] perlmonkey: all looks good
[14:00:09] perlmonkey: tuner 1–0061: type set to 38 (Philips PAL/SECAM multi (FM1216ME MK3))
[14:00:22] perlmonkey: ok firmware
[14:00:31] ** stuarta wonders if the card needs a hard reset before a new firmware will load.. **
[14:02:37] Dagmar: He needs a non-circumsized firmware
[14:03:17] stuarta: yeah, but what i was thinking is some drivers see the card in a warm state and won't load the firmware
[14:04:00] perlmonkey: i had some confusion over where to put the firmware with conflicting info on docs, but I think in /lib/firmware is right?
[14:04:08] perlmonkey: im using debian
[14:04:21] Dagmar: perlmonkey: On just about every distro out there it'll be /lib/firmware by now
[14:04:28] perlmonkey: ya
[14:04:37] perlmonkey: ok lets see what happens, the firmware is copied
[14:05:19] perlmonkey: i will unload/reload the module
[14:06:39] perlmonkey: shall i test it now?
[14:07:07] perlmonkey: ivtv0: loaded v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw firmware (376836 bytes)
[14:07:22] perlmonkey: ivtv0: Autodetected Hauppauge card (cx23416 based)
[14:07:22] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:07:31] Chai_Sangeen: hello everybody :)
[14:08:57] perlmonkey: not good :(
[14:09:50] Dagmar: Huh?
[14:09:53] Dagmar: How is that not good?
[14:10:07] stuarta: howto says -> Shutdown your machine and wait at least 30 seconds. The reason for this is that registers take a long time to clear. This is especially important when changing driver versions.
[14:10:32] perlmonkey:
[14:10:52] perlmonkey: black screen still, and this output in shell
[14:11:07] perlmonkey: oh
[14:11:21] perlmonkey: i better shutdown then
[14:11:39] stuarta: worth it methinks
[14:11:44] Dagmar: It can't hurt
[14:11:51] perlmonkey: ok, brb
[14:11:54] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:12:17] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:12:42] Chai_Sangeen: okay i tested my dvb-s card with kaffeine and got the transponder from . . . 0C,2,3-26.0e all was fine, this specific transponder is not listed in myth-tv's option.. is there a way to convert the one i have for mythtv usage?
[14:13:07] Dagmar: Man error handling kinda sucks in that part of the code
[14:13:45] Chai_Sangeen: I also tried to scan all transpoders with no luck... i got around 6 channels but no video
[14:13:53] stuarta: Chai_Sangeen: put one of the transponders in manually and do a scan that way.
[14:14:12] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, hi
[14:14:29] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, like this one S 3760000 H 27500000 3/4 ?
[14:14:32] Dagmar: That writeStringList error should have been considered fatal to the operation, and the backend doesn't seem to care
[14:14:51] stuarta: Dagmar: yeah the error handling needs work
[14:15:05] stuarta: Chai_Sangeen: yes
[14:15:54] stuarta: frequency, polarity, symbol rate, fec
[14:16:03] stuarta: ignore the S
[14:16:42] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, how do i select the LNB for that channel ? diseqc its not very clear to my i read the documentation but still feel lost...
[14:17:02] Dagmar: Too many people convinced that a complex program can get away with a function returning a single item instead of a struct I guess
[14:17:09] stuarta: well how is your hardware conneted?
[14:17:37] Dagmar: I dont' think I've written anything longer than 100 lines of perl without having everything return a hash reference so I can have subroutines burp up explicit error strings
[14:18:27] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, i tried it just scans for a millisecond and stop and nothing happens
[14:18:46] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, i did this in the channel editor
[14:19:44] stuarta: take a step back, how's the LNB connected
[14:19:57] khanman (khanman!n=khanman@unaffiliated/khanman) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:20:37] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:20:44] perlmonkey: no joy :-/
[14:21:22] perlmonkey: there is some advice tho
[14:21:32] perlmonkey: Please go into the TV Settings, Recording Profiles and setup the four 'Software Encoders' profiles.
[14:23:02] anykey_: anyone using LIRC to control a STB?
[14:23:48] gardengnome: anykey_: anyone asking meta questions? :)
[14:24:32] anykey_: hum, sorry ;-)
[14:25:27] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Dude, quit trying to start the backend until you have successfully done at least *one* recording test
[14:25:29] anykey_: well, basically I see that lirc recognizes the transmitter in 'dmesg' (although it says that it found an active low *receiver*), but irsend SEND_ONCE dtv 1 (to send "1") doesn't do anything (no lights flashing at the STB)
[14:25:35] Dagmar: perlmonkey: You are just wasting your own time
[14:25:46] perlmonkey: ok
[14:26:05] Dagmar: Check /var/log/syslog for the bits where the ivtv driver is being loaded.
[14:26:19] phrozen77 (phrozen77! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:26:20] Dagmar: Do you see *anything* that looks like even a minor complaint from it?
[14:26:25] phrozen77: hi all
[14:26:31] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, okay i have three dishes pointed to three different sats hotbird, nilesat, badrsat each sat has 1 LNB with 8 outputs. For every point all three sats are connected together with a diseqc switch then from switch 1 to mythbox...
[14:26:35] Dagmar: You should be seeing at least 20 lines of output as it initializes both tuners
[14:26:51] phrozen77: anyone familar with the grabber tv_today / tv_prisma ?
[14:27:03] stuarta: Chai_Sangeen: well you need to describe that to myth using the diseq configuration
[14:27:20] phrozen77: is it normal for a first run of mythfilldb to take more than 3hrs?
[14:27:24] phrozen77: oO
[14:27:31] Dagmar: No
[14:27:36] stuarta: phrozen77: no that's just silly
[14:27:49] gardengnome: why not?
[14:27:52] perlmonkey: Dagmar: all looks fine, except for eeprom says no radio present
[14:27:53] janneg: phrozen77: depending on the grabber and its options yes
[14:27:57] gardengnome: those screen scrapers can be slow.
[14:27:57] Dagmar: It should be more or less steady jibber-jabber on your screen while it's running
[14:28:18] phrozen77: janneg: grabber is tv_grab_de_prisma which symlinks to tv_today since that is broken...
[14:28:33] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Can you pastebin that entire section? It might have some clues
[14:28:39] perlmonkey: ok np
[14:28:41] Dagmar: You might still not have a good firmware
[14:29:16] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, okay that is done i already have switchtype: diseqc and number of ports 3
[14:29:24] perlmonkey:
[14:29:27] Dagmar: Uploading 2.99.6
[14:29:29] Dagmar: wrong chan
[14:29:48] janneg: phrozen77: which mythtv version do you use? you might want to join #mythtv-de
[14:30:00] phrozen77: its 0.20 on ubuntu
[14:30:04] phrozen77: edgy
[14:30:36] janneg: iirc 0.20 uses --slow with tvtoday
[14:30:51] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[14:31:01] janneg: I think tv_grab_de_prisma is really slow with --slow
[14:31:08] phrozen77: apparently
[14:31:09] phrozen77: :|
[14:31:13] phrozen77: lemme read that up
[14:31:21] phrozen77: i recall reading something about --slow on their page
[14:32:01] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Do you have a PVR-500 or a PVR-150?
[14:32:51] perlmonkey: 150
[14:33:04] Dagmar: I'm still using an older version of ivtv (I'm lazy like that) but I don't see any i2c information in your output and there probably should be some
[14:33:09] Dagmar: Did you not enable i2c support in your kernel?
[14:33:24] perlmonkey: phew now theres a question
[14:33:29] perlmonkey: i might not have
[14:34:32] ** perlmonkey checking **
[14:34:55] perlmonkey: i2c-core and i2c-dev are enabled
[14:35:04] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Go to and note the command I used
[14:35:12] perlmonkey: ok
[14:35:19] Dagmar: You should be able to get some very similar output
[14:36:37] perlmonkey: sheesh i dont have a config.gz
[14:36:59] Dagmar: You *want* this feature enabled in your kernel, man
[14:37:01] Dagmar: You really do
[14:37:05] perlmonkey: :(
[14:37:19] Dagmar: It's right there in the second or third submenu
[14:37:25] perlmonkey: ok
[14:37:28] stuarta: perlmonkey: grep /boot/config-<kernel-version>
[14:37:54] stuarta: that's where it lives on debian
[14:38:24] Dagmar: stuarta: Yeah but if he's building his own kernel, that information may or may not be correct
[14:38:31] perlmonkey: thanks
[14:39:25] ** perlmonkey compares to Dagmar's output **
[14:40:51] perlmonkey: Dagmar: it's all there
[14:40:55] perlmonkey: same as yours
[14:42:33] Dagmar: OKay. Now I'm officially stumped.
[14:42:38] perlmonkey: :-/
[14:42:40] Dagmar: Lets look more closely at a few things.
[14:42:45] perlmonkey: ok
[14:42:56] Dagmar: First, let's make SURE you don't have multiple versions of ivtv hanging around
[14:43:03] perlmonkey: do you think the multiple copies of firmware i have floating around might cause prob?
[14:43:09] perlmonkey: heh
[14:43:15] Dagmar: `find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name "ivtv.*"`
[14:43:18] perlmonkey: ok
[14:43:29] Dagmar: Vetting the firmware would be the next step
[14:43:57] Dagmar: I'm using the firmware I got from Hauppauge's site because the docs on which one to use are well, kinda fucked up
[14:44:41] gardengnome: well, explicitly states which firmware to use
[14:44:55] perlmonkey: yes its confusing
[14:45:03] perlmonkey: i wasnt sure which to use
[14:45:42] perlmonkey: bash: -name: command not found. bash: /lib/modules/: is a directory
[14:46:34] Dagmar: Try it actually including the backticks in the middle there
[14:46:45] Dagmar: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` blah blah blah
[14:46:53] perlmonkey: ok
[14:47:40] anykey_: Hum, when I use irrecord all the codes are 0x0?!
[14:49:50] Dagmar: Try if at *all* possible to not have to use irrecord
[14:50:06] Dagmar: That is the hardest way to get lirc working by a factor of ten.
[14:50:22] Dagmar: You have an STB remote control?
[14:50:27] anykey_: yes
[14:50:42] perlmonkey:
[14:51:29] Dagmar: Austar Atlas STB?
[14:51:47] anykey_: Dagmar: no, it's something from ADB
[14:51:53] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Okay, so the wrong version of the stuff is probably being loaded
[14:52:04] perlmonkey: :(
[14:52:13] perlmonkey: we need a clear out eh
[14:52:50] Dagmar: perlmonkey: To put it bluntly, I'd go into the kernel config and rebuild it using a different extraversion (like "mythtv" instead of "686") and then rebuild the ivtv driver so you can just walk away from /lib/modules/2.6.18-4–686
[14:53:07] Dagmar: Just build a whole new kernel
[14:53:09] perlmonkey: phew
[14:53:19] perlmonkey: :-<
[14:53:27] clever_ is now known as clever
[14:54:20] perlmonkey: can't we just mv one of the two driver paths
[14:54:43] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Do you know which one you should be keeping?
[14:54:52] stuarta: you can find out which one was in the kernel package.
[14:54:58] perlmonkey: i dunno but if it doesn't work could mv it back and mv other
[14:55:06] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, thanx for trying to help....
[14:55:15] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:55:44] perlmonkey: I think contrib for sure was in kernel package
[14:56:10] stuarta: more likely the other way around
[14:56:14] perlmonkey: oh
[14:56:18] Dagmar: Guessing is bad
[14:56:26] Dagmar: Using a broadaxe, good.
[14:56:35] perlmonkey: hehe
[14:57:15] stuarta: dpkg -L linux-image-2.6.18-4–686
[14:58:19] anykey_: Dagmar: I have a *.ccf file (from some other customer), but I don't know how I can use that with lirc..
[14:59:03] Dagmar: You don't probably
[14:59:32] Dagmar: If you could be more specific than "something from ADB" about what kind of remote you have, I could maybe Google for it
[14:59:42] Dagmar: BUilding a new profile with irrecord takes a WHILE
[14:59:55] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has quit ("Leaving")
[14:59:57] Dagmar: You need to read the man page for it to find out what you need to do to get it to say more than just 0x00 at you anyway
[15:00:33] anykey_: . . . cgi?7311,1#6 <- i found these codes, but I don't see if I could use them..
[15:01:12] perlmonkey: it has to be media
[15:02:03] perlmonkey: /lib/modules/2.6.18-4–686/kernel/drivers/media/video/tveeprom.ko
[15:04:42] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:09:01] perlmonkey: ok so that didnt work
[15:09:35] MythDummy (MythDummy! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:10:21] MythDummy (MythDummy! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:11:32] perlmonkey: its properly screwed now heh
[15:11:46] anykey_: Dagmar: any ideas?
[15:12:31] Dagmar: No. And I've already told you to read the man page
[15:13:04] Dagmar: perlmonkey: So now, which would have been faster... just building everything anew, or the path you are currently on?
[15:13:40] Dagmar: perlmonkey: I lean towards what is easy to execute rather than what might be a little faster or more elegant
[15:13:59] harryman100 (harryman100! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:14:20] perlmonkey: i removed all the kernel ivtv modules
[15:14:46] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:51] ** perlmonkey reinstalls from source **
[15:16:16] perlmonkey: compiling a kernel from scratch, scares me
[15:16:20] Dagmar: I also have a ludicrously fast devel box, so maybe I tend to say "just rebuild it all" a little faster than most people, but it is still simpler
[15:16:34] ** perlmonkey does a monkey fear grin **
[15:16:38] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Okay, well, with /proc/config.gz support, it's almost impossible to screw up rebuilding a running kernel
[15:16:57] perlmonkey: cool
[15:17:02] Dagmar: ...because you can be very sure that what comes out of /proc/config.gz is *exactly* the configuration to use
[15:17:14] perlmonkey: right
[15:18:50] juski: not as if ivtv takes half an hour to compile though :)
[15:18:53] perlmonkey: Dagmar: there was something in the ivtv doc about using utils tool for debian
[15:19:10] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:19:12] juski: gah to the modutils stuff – it's overcomplicating the issue IMHO
[15:19:19] perlmonkey: oh
[15:19:30] juski: download the kernel source & header
[15:19:33] juski: grab the ivtv source
[15:19:34] juski: make
[15:19:38] juski: make install
[15:19:40] juski: done
[15:19:43] perlmonkey: :)
[15:20:32] perlmonkey: should ivtv-fb be enabled in kernel header?
[15:20:38] perlmonkey: mine is not
[15:20:43] juski: not unless you have a pvr350
[15:20:50] perlmonkey: ah yes
[15:21:08] perlmonkey: frame buffering?
[15:21:27] juski: no that's for the pvr350's tv out
[15:21:34] perlmonkey: oh
[15:22:12] perlmonkey: we only need to load ivtv module?
[15:22:20] perlmonkey: some documentation i saw had a whole bunch
[15:23:08] perlmonkey: well i only have one instance of ivtv now in kernel modules lib and its the proper one, the others are gone
[15:23:13] juski: just modprobe ivtv – that should be enough
[15:23:21] perlmonkey: I guess I need to reboot as udev is not making the dev
[15:23:30] juski: modprobe ivtv then do dmesg |grep ivtv
[15:23:43] juski: if all looks well there – i.e. no errors proceed with a cat test
[15:23:48] perlmonkey: no video0 :(
[15:24:04] juski: you might need to edit a modprobe.conf line or udev rule
[15:24:33] perlmonkey: oh yes thats another thing! i saw some howtos written by users showing complex rules
[15:24:38] perlmonkey: is all that necessary?
[15:24:45] juski: not necessarily
[15:24:56] juski: YMMV
[15:25:01] Dagmar: I never added a thing to mine, and I'm using crufty old Slackware 10.2
[15:25:08] perlmonkey: :)
[15:25:15] jnielsen (jnielsen! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:25:24] juski: I cant remember if I had to edit modprobe.conf for my ubunut box
[15:25:33] juski: so long ago...
[15:26:02] juski: perlmonkey: checking your dmesg might reveal why the device node wasn't created
[15:26:16] juski: first suspect would be not being able to find the firmware
[15:26:17] ** perlmonkey checks **
[15:26:28] perlmonkey: bingo
[15:26:37] juski: /lib/firmware IIRC
[15:26:43] perlmonkey: ivtv0: Couldn't allocate buffers for encoder MPEG stream
[15:26:57] perlmonkey: firmware eh
[15:27:42] juski: jnielsen: stay away from gatos if you want trouble-free pvr life :)
[15:27:51] perlmonkey: now, does that mean the firmware didnt load, or couldnt load, due to a prob with it, or just a udev issue i wonder
[15:27:57] perlmonkey: maybe a reboot is in order
[15:27:58] juski: get a *proper* tuner card :)
[15:28:17] juski: perlmonkey: the dmesg stuff would tell you if it loaded the fw or not
[15:28:20] jnielsen: juski: sound advice I'm sure.. but I'm stuck with the hardware I have onhand for now
[15:28:37] perlmonkey: ivtv0: loaded v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw firmware (376836 bytes)
[15:28:53] perlmonkey: modprobe: page allocation failure. order:4, mode:0xd0
[15:29:05] perlmonkey: phew doesn't look good
[15:29:16] juski: perlmonkey: true. no idea what's up there
[15:30:26] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:30:42] jnielsen: juski: but since you're on the subject, what qualifies as a proper card in your view? brooktree/hauppage?
[15:30:53] perlmonkey:
[15:30:55] perlmonkey: im doomed
[15:30:59] juski: I'd only recommend a PVR tuner card for analogue capture
[15:31:13] juski: anyway.. cooking to do...
[15:32:02] perlmonkey: i will try a reboot
[15:32:18] perlmonkey: cook me a sausage juski :P
[15:33:24] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:33:42] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, okay i converted the kaffine transpoder using "scan Nilesat-7.0W > channels.conf" here are the results of the channels.conf i also imported them to mythtv but they don't seem to tune in or grab the EPG
[15:37:30] stuarta: i suspect you don't have the diseq stuff setup within myth properly
[15:38:09] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:39:29] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:39:51] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, selected diseq with three ports or do i have to set one for each lnb?
[15:40:33] stuarta: it should describe your setup. it'll be one diseq switch, with 3 lnb's connected
[15:41:18] Chai_Sangeen: yep thats what i have...
[15:41:18] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:41:40] Chai_Sangeen: number of ports = lnb ?
[15:41:51] perlmonkey: Channel(/dev/video0): SetInputAndFormat() failed. TVRec(1) Error: Setting start channel '3' failed, and backup '52' failed as well. :-/
[15:41:58] ** perlmonkey attempts a recording test **
[15:42:09] stuarta: Chai_Sangeen: number of ports = number of ports on the switch
[15:42:28] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, what if i have 5 and 3 are in use ?
[15:42:41] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, 5 port switch
[15:43:00] stuarta: i believe you can tell it which switch port the lnb is on
[15:43:10] Dagmar: Oh whew
[15:43:16] Chai_Sangeen: hmm....
[15:43:20] Dagmar: I thought you guys were talking about an ethernet switch there for a moment
[15:43:46] swampdog (swampdog! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:43:56] perlmonkey: woah
[15:44:04] perlmonkey: record test successful on tv signal
[15:44:21] perlmonkey: nearly there
[15:45:06] coopster (coopster! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:45:48] Chai_Sangeen: stuarta, no luck the diseq setting are wierd on myth i mean set them up all the time on my dreamboxes...
[15:46:00] perlmonkey: sound too
[15:47:00] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:47:06] stuarta: hmmm
[15:47:07] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:47:15] perlmonkey: Dagmar can I do backend now?
[15:47:30] Dagmar: It should work fine now
[15:47:31] stuarta: perlmonkey: have you setup the profiles?
[15:47:40] perlmonkey: woohooo
[15:47:56] perlmonkey: stuarta: i havent yet
[15:47:57] Dagmar: I don't think mythtv-setup would really have been affected by the card not working at the time, just as long as it *thought* the card was working
[15:48:23] perlmonkey: I did mythtv-setup and the backend is running
[15:49:31] perlmonkey: it wont let me watch tv still, black screen
[15:49:48] perlmonkey: guess its time for the profiles now
[15:50:03] Dagmar: Okay, so run mythtv-setup, and delete the card and channel sources and redefine them
[15:50:37] cout_ (cout_! has quit (Connection timed out)
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[15:52:03] perlmonkey: ok
[15:53:28] perlmonkey: should V4L be listed as well as MPEG?
[15:53:35] perlmonkey: I guess thats for viewing eh
[15:54:25] Dagmar: One of the options will be pretty blatant
[15:54:30] Dagmar: It'll say "PVR" in it IIRC
[15:54:50] Dagmar: or ivtv or something like that
[15:54:54] perlmonkey: ya
[15:55:20] perlmonkey: MPEG says PVR-x50 and the probed info says hauppage wintv pvr-150 ivtv
[15:55:32] perlmonkey: so I leave V4L alone or delete it?
[15:55:32] stuarta: sounds like progress
[15:56:05] perlmonkey: :)
[15:56:14] stuarta: 1 physical card, 1 configured card
[15:56:15] perlmonkey: theres 2 options tho on my capture cards screen
[15:56:50] perlmonkey: it says, delete all cards on kayak (my hostname for this box), and: delete all capture cards' below
[15:56:56] perlmonkey: ok
[15:57:03] jnielsen (jnielsen! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:57:06] perlmonkey: is that ok?
[15:57:17] stuarta: as Dagmar said, delete them all and then configure the mpeg card
[15:58:05] perlmonkey: ok sorry
[15:59:48] stuarta: nope
[16:00:36] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has quit ("Leaving")
[16:00:50] perlmonkey: do you have to pay or register to get the channel listings info
[16:01:08] stuarta: tv_grab_uk_rt
[16:01:12] perlmonkey: ya
[16:01:44] stuarta: you just have to set it up
[16:02:02] perlmonkey: ok i will try that after
[16:02:11] perlmonkey: scanning for channels now
[16:02:23] perlmonkey: added channel 52 for cable
[16:06:26] jvs (jvs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:07:58] Obi_Wan (Obi_Wan! has left #MythTv-Users ()
[16:15:19] perlmonkey: woohoooo
[16:15:25] ** perlmonkey has mythtv working **
[16:16:11] Zambezi (Zambezi! has quit ("changing servers")
[16:16:27] perlmonkey: Dagmar & stuarta: thanks for all your help guys
[16:16:34] spiderworm (spiderworm!n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:36] stuarta: np
[16:17:05] spiderworm: hi, im trying to figure out why the backend and the frontend arent connecting on edgy
[16:17:12] spiderworm: i was in here last night with some random username
[16:17:30] spiderworm: im compiling from source, and i may have just discovered something interesting
[16:17:52] spiderworm: ps -A | grep myth returns: 32164 pts/5 00:00:00 mythbackend
[16:17:54] spiderworm: BUT
[16:18:42] spiderworm: could THIS be related to the problem?
[16:19:34] stuarta: no that just means the pidfile is out of date
[16:20:12] spiderworm: i cant find the pidfile anywhere in /var/run
[16:20:59] ilikeyourmoves: Hi everybody. Can someone point me in the right direction for instructions on fine-tuning some of my channels?
[16:22:52] perlmonkey: my system is running slightly slower with mythtv frontend up
[16:23:02] perlmonkey: its normal?
[16:23:42] perlmonkey: i got no sound too ah
[16:25:11] gardengnome: AFAIK, the fine tuning works like in xawtv. they might have some docs.
[16:25:12] gardengnome: or the wiki.
[16:27:28] ilikeyourmoves: nasa: i'm not sure, but if you log into mythweb, there are fine tune settings on the settings -> channel info page. I'm trying to figure out what exactly it's asking for, and how I figure out the right value. Trial/error, or is there some method to it.
[16:29:32] ilikeyourmoves: i wonder, is there any way to fine tune channels on the fly?
[16:29:40] nasa: my guess.... trial and error
[16:31:07] ilikeyourmoves:
[16:32:06] ilikeyourmoves: i guess it'd be pretty hard to seriously mess anything up with finetune on the mythweb panel, since you can always just clear out the value. I'm going to give it a try.
[16:33:28] nasa: cool.
[16:34:45] Dagmar: Yes, it's called "telnet"
[16:34:55] spiderworm: oh right, i tried that last night
[16:35:02] spiderworm: it said connection refused
[16:35:35] stuarta: netstat -tan | grep 6543
[16:35:35] Kritter: is your backend listening to requests on non-
[16:35:39] spiderworm: telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[16:35:51] Kritter: what telnet command did you just use?
[16:35:57] spiderworm: netstat -tan | grep 6543 returns no results
[16:36:21] stuarta: ps -ef | grep mythbackend
[16:36:29] Kritter: from the back end if you telnet 6543 does what?
[16:36:34] Zambezi (Zambezi! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:18] Kritter: and are you runing stuarta's commands on the front or backend?
[16:37:32] Kritter: (you want backend)
[16:37:46] spiderworm: backend of course
[16:38:01] stuarta: you have a firewall running?
[16:39:06] Dagmar: netstat -tunap | grep mythbackend
[16:39:24] Dagmar: It'll tell you what interfaces and ports mythbackend may or may not be listening on
[16:39:25] spiderworm:
[16:39:34] Dagmar: should be what you'll see
[16:39:39] spiderworm: i dont believe i have a firewall running, but there might be one
[16:39:45] Dagmar: THis means "all interfaces, port 6543"
[16:39:56] spiderworm: netstat -tunap | grep mythbackend returns nothing
[16:40:10] Kritter: it's not running.
[16:40:29] spiderworm: says its running ( i think ;)
[16:40:31] Dagmar: You have to run that on the machine running the backend
[16:40:38] spiderworm: i am
[16:40:43] Dagmar: If it comes up blank on that machine then it's not running or it's hideously misconfigure
[16:40:43] spiderworm: theyre the same machine
[16:41:08] Dagmar: I'm not opening a pastebin because you can't tell what ps -ef | grep mythbackend is telling you
[16:41:10] Dagmar: That's just sad
[16:41:16] bill_k (bill_k! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:41:29] Kritter: there is nothing listening on that port.
[16:41:33] Dagmar: Either you can figure that out or you should maybe stick with a plain TV
[16:41:41] spiderworm: thanks Dagmar
[16:41:43] spiderworm (spiderworm!n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm) has quit ()
[16:41:47] Kritter: and mythbackend has no network sockets open.
[16:41:55] Kritter: and you gave up way to easy.
[16:42:02] Dagmar: It could be hideously misconfigured
[16:42:19] Dagmar: Probably wasn't started.
[16:43:22] Kritter: the pastebin says it was running, but no ports seem to be listening.
[16:43:48] Dagmar: I don't think I could actually manage to configure it to not listen on a port
[16:44:50] Dagmar: I'm thinking maybe there's a problem with typing commands, but it's a guesss.
[16:45:02] Dagmar: Typos are acceptably common
[16:45:15] Dagmar: lewk there's one now! ;)
[16:47:26] fysa (fysa! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:46] S2 (S2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:54:50] juski: arghh! damn regression.
[16:55:17] ** juski rolls back minimyth to 0.20–21 **
[16:55:36] stuarta: here's me thinking juski had burnt a few sausages
[16:55:44] juski: so the fonts are the right size in this release but the gappy playback of bbc recordings is back :((
[16:56:07] juski: ETOOHIGHBITRATE
[16:56:32] juski: sausages? nah we had a nice roast :)
[16:58:23] juski: or maybe it's just all the cruft for other systems that now infects minimyth, I dunno. it's not been as good as it used to be, lately
[16:59:09] juski: I should've fucking known – I was raving about how much better it seemed yesterday
[17:00:26] Dagmar: ENOSAUSAGESHERE
[17:00:29] Dagmar: :(
[17:00:47] Dagmar: libfridge emits that way too ofte
[17:01:36] juski: at least I can roll back to minimyth 0.20–21 ...
[17:02:16] doc|work (doc|work!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:07:07] juski: I dunno why there's any need to update stuff in minimyth other than the mythtv libs
[17:07:20] juski: all this 'newer' shite gives nothing but bloody hassle
[17:07:38] Dagmar: You don't see me updating my stuff unless ther'es a bug that's annoying me
[17:07:54] juski: exactly
[17:07:59] juski: I mean, if it ain't broke...
[17:08:27] Dagmar: Strom: If they had those around here that *were not* staffed by illegal aliens I'd be thinking about it
[17:08:31] juski: I wanted to upgrade minimyth to get the fonts to the right size – the version of X it had borked the DPI settings
[17:08:33] Dagmar: wrong channel
[17:08:57] juski: I mean wtf is a distro having cvs versions of xorg for anyway?
[17:09:50] doc|home (doc|home!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:10:19] Dagmar: Why it's to make sure the user can never ever figure out what version they were using for bug reports later.
[17:11:25] nasa: I've been trying to get video via my firewire port, which is able to change channels effortlessly. When I try and watch liveTV I get 100% signal, but no lock. What should I be looking at to figure out the problem?
[17:13:42] doc|home (doc|home!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:49] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:18:17] fysa (fysa! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:19:53] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[17:20:13] Dagmar: The syslog maybe
[17:20:31] Dagmar: Lots of cable providers like to be jerks about NOT sending video over the firewire port
[17:20:44] Dagmar: Generally you can *forget* getting premium channels to come across it
[17:20:50] coopster (coopster! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:55] Dagmar: Test with something like PBS
[17:25:27] nasa: with something like test_mpeg2?
[17:26:43] Tommck (Tommck! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:27:06] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:27:38] Tommck: I noticed that there was a submitted patch for "User functions" in the Mythtv archives, but I was not sure if it ever made it into the default build. Can anyone tell me if it has?
[17:28:09] Dagmar: Depends on what kinda user functions
[17:28:18] Dagmar: You can make four custom user jobs that the backend can/will run on recordings
[17:28:20] Tommck: I want to make my own menu that calls a shell script
[17:28:25] Dagmar: EASY
[17:28:28] Tommck: someone submitted a patch for that
[17:28:30] Dagmar: Not documented, but still easy
[17:28:37] Dagmar: I saw that in some of the menu themes
[17:28:48] Tommck: how do I do that?
[17:28:54] Dagmar: Poke at the ones it ships with and you'll see it
[17:30:01] doc|work (doc|work!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:31:17] Dagmar: Feh my patch still isn't accepted
[17:31:26] Tommck: Dagmar – do I just add a <buttondef> entry?
[17:31:31] Dagmar: Oh well, I guess that's good because it means i dont' have to finish up the lcars theme yet
[17:31:43] Dagmar: Tommck: You need to actually specify what the button *does* but yeah
[17:32:00] Tommck: how do I specify that? all I see is the image stuff and the offsets
[17:32:10] Dagmar: Are you looking at a MENU theme?
[17:32:17] Dagmar: I'm not talking about a graphical theme
[17:32:20] Tommck: oh
[17:32:23] Tommck: that'd do it ;)
[17:32:47] Dagmar: If we had hooks for all the configuration items in there, I would spend about a week cleaning that stuff up
[17:32:49] Tommck: mainmenu.xml?
[17:32:57] Dagmar: I don't know what the filenames are
[17:33:00] Tommck: ok
[17:33:03] Dagmar: I was just in there poking around and reading and saw it
[17:33:26] Dagmar: I was looking for something else entirely at the time
[17:33:30] Tommck: ok
[17:33:51] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:34:09] Dagmar: i was trying to actually see how deeply I could call plugin items
[17:34:09] baxter_kylie: Hi. I seem to be in a bit of a pickle. How can I get my ir keyboard to send actual keyboard commands? I can get the special media keys on it working but not normal keystrokes.
[17:34:23] Dagmar: ...and I was in the middle of adding support for MythStreamTV (which kinda sucks, but it's better than nothing)
[17:34:32] Tommck: right
[17:34:56] Dagmar: baxter_kylie: Usually you plug the thing in like a normal keyboard and let the keyboard handler deal with that
[17:35:09] Dagmar: baxter_kylie: Using lirc for a keyboard is probably NOT the simple/sane way to go if you can help it
[17:35:12] perlmonkey: my mouse pointer disappears when i moved it over mythtv windows!
[17:35:24] baxter_kylie: Dagmar: It's not a normal keyboard. It doesn't plug anywhere. (MCE-keyboard)
[17:35:42] Dagmar: perlmonkey: There's a config option for that in the frontend setup menus. Most people aren't going to be thrilled to look at a mouse pointer sitting in the middle of their TV you know
[17:35:55] perlmonkey: ah yes of course
[17:35:55] Dagmar: baxter_kylie: Then you're going to have fun making an lirc profile for it
[17:35:59] perlmonkey: thanks
[17:36:01] Dagmar: ..and it might require modifying MythTV
[17:36:15] Dagmar: I don't know if it's set up to tolerate being sent individual keystrokes through lirc
[17:37:34] baxter_kylie: Dagmar: That's the problem. I can't use lirc ... as least not as far as I know. The receiver is an irtrans usb receiver and as far as I know that means I have to use the 'lirc compatible' irserver software. It works as advertised re: normal remote actions but I can find nothing documented about a keyboard though it does already have the keys decoded in a default profile.
[17:38:29] Dagmar: Yep. That would be a problem then
[17:38:43] Dagmar: Cross your fingers and see if you can find a Linux driver
[17:38:57] Dagmar: There's a slim chance there might be one in the kernel.
[17:39:38] juski: there we go.. all rolled back to 0.20–21
[17:39:40] juski: grrrr
[17:39:55] juski: and all worky apart from the fonz being too small
[17:40:00] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:40:00] baxter_kylie: dagmar: for what? the receiver has an in-kernel driver and works as advertised. and I know what keycodes are being interpreted by the receiver when I press a button (if I run the server soft in debug mode).
[17:40:36] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:40:41] baxter_kylie: dagmar: what's missing is the link that interprets the output of the server software.
[17:40:49] Dagmar: baxter_kylie: For using it as a _keyboard_ on the console
[17:41:15] juski: stuarta: any idea if the beeb's channels are higher bitrate than itv or summat? seems weird that only bbc recordings are affected
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[17:42:00] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:01] bill_k is now known as bill_k_away
[17:42:12] stuarta: juski: think the are a little bit higher
[17:42:26] perlmonkey: does anyone know where the option is to set how much CPU power is used on mythtv playback? i cant find it anywhere
[17:42:53] juski: perlmonkey: utils/setup > setup > tv settings > playback
[17:43:01] perlmonkey: thanks juski
[17:44:13] perlmonkey: strange that option doesnt seem to appear there anymore
[17:45:27] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Now might be a good time to do a `man renice` as a stopgap measure
[17:45:35] perlmonkey: ok
[17:45:39] Tommck: Dagmar – I can't get my menu item to EXEC a command
[17:46:00] Dagmar: Tommck: You may need to specify the full path
[17:46:05] Tommck: I did :(
[17:46:48] Dagmar: DVR/tvmenu.xml gives an example
[17:46:57] Dagmar: You also have to switch to your new menu theme, BTW
[17:47:15] Tommck: the button shows up..
[17:47:22] Tommck: if I tell it to do a MENU command, it works
[17:47:28] Tommck: when I switch to EXEC, it doesn't
[17:47:39] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:47:51] Tommck: I don't have a DVR directory, but I have tvmenu.xml
[17:48:02] Dagmar: EXECTV, not EXEC for one thing
[17:48:06] Tommck: but tvmenu.xml doesn't have any "exec" commands
[17:48:16] Tommck: EXECTV doesn't work
[17:48:27] Dagmar: It's commented out in tvmenu.xml
[17:48:30] Dagmar: Might be that it doesn't work yet
[17:48:32] Tommck: (also, I thought that was just a specialized version of EXEC that allows you to pass things like %S)
[17:50:25] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:53:18] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:58] Tommck: Dagmar – . . . e#More_Menus (that has the "EXEC" command in it... but it doesn't seem to work for me :(
[17:54:28] Dagmar: Oh well.
[17:54:31] Dagmar: You have the source
[17:54:33] Dagmar: It's GPL
[17:54:35] Tommck: hehe.. yep
[17:54:38] Tommck: been there... done that :)
[17:54:42] Dagmar: If you break it, you get to keep both pieces
[17:54:46] Dagmar: Some of the code is even readable.
[17:54:48] Tommck: (and had my fix rejected.. hehe)
[17:54:52] Tommck: brb
[17:54:57] Dagmar: Just don't ask for code with *comments* in it
[17:55:04] Dagmar: Apparently there's some moratorium on that
[17:55:13] Tommck: back
[17:55:16] immolo (immolo! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:55:21] Tommck: this was about 2 years ago
[17:55:33] Dagmar: I have a very simple one in trac.
[17:55:38] Dagmar: RIght justified button text
[17:55:40] onewheelskyward: I think comments in source code were outlawed internationally.
[17:57:10] Tommck: I just want to put a custom menu item to set my lighting correctly (run a script calling bottlerocket)
[17:57:52] Tommck: bottlerocket works fine
[17:57:58] Tommck: it's just that EXEC doesn't seem to :)
[17:59:08] bill_k_away is now known as bill_k
[17:59:20] Tommck: ooh.. wait... EXEC echo "hi" > file worked
[18:01:41] Tommck: figures..
[18:01:47] Tommck: it was permissions on the serial port :)
[18:04:14] Tommck: brb
[18:04:33] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:05:14] perlmonkey: everything is working great in my new mythtv setup apart from one thing... no audio when watching tv
[18:11:35] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:47] Tommck: back
[18:14:30] perlmonkey: is it possible to edit the mythtv setup/config file manually, where is it located?
[18:14:42] gardengnome: it's in the database.
[18:15:08] perlmonkey: oh
[18:18:28] jams: all settings changes are just an update command away!
[18:18:59] immolo (immolo! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:19:18] gardengnome: jams: you are a scary, scary man.
[18:22:08] perlmonkey: cool
[18:22:45] perlmonkey: my audio device was set to none in db under capturecard
[18:23:51] jams: so gardengnome when do you start playing around with linuxmce
[18:24:08] gardengnome: i'm not going to.
[18:24:11] jams: needs a better name imho
[18:24:13] gardengnome: heh
[18:24:38] jams: just wondering, seemed like something you might give a try
[18:25:03] gardengnome: i only read a few messages about it. it seems promising, but i really want to set up my boxen by myself
[18:25:12] jams: i would like to know how easy that interface is with a regular remote and not a mouse
[18:25:35] gardengnome: the interface sounds promising, indeed.
[18:25:49] jams: maybe
[18:25:54] gardengnome: i need to get a DVB card first before i do anything else
[18:26:03] gardengnome: uh, yeah. graduating is on the roadmap, too :)
[18:26:13] jams: heh
[18:26:15] jams: final year?
[18:26:25] gardengnome: yep
[18:26:28] gardengnome: scary as hell :)
[18:26:35] jams: just a bit
[18:27:03] jams: either you will disappear from irc after graduating, or be around alot more
[18:27:31] gardengnome: i've been on IRC for 6 or 7 years now, i doubt it'll happen
[18:27:41] gardengnome: unless something involving girls happens
[18:27:48] jams: heh
[18:28:00] gardengnome: which sounds scary, too. :)
[18:28:16] jams: i went away for a few years, mythtv brought me back online
[18:28:51] gardengnome: IRC is a nice time sink.
[18:29:21] juski: or maybe you'll just get tired of all the noobs & never be seen again
[18:29:29] juski: I've been trying to give up, to no avail
[18:29:37] gardengnome: heh
[18:29:55] gardengnome: it doesn't matter wether you get depressed in RL or in IRC, i suppose. :>
[18:30:18] gardengnome: whether*
[18:31:50] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:31:54] perlmonkey: strange, still no sound
[18:31:58] juski: that linuxmce thing could be called !RTFM
[18:32:21] juski: or myth4l@m3r5
[18:33:29] juski: actually, the (ahem) video gave me an idea
[18:33:43] juski: why not make a few tutorial vids with decent voiceovers? ;)
[18:33:52] juski: and not with a camcorder
[18:34:10] bill_k is now known as bill_k_lunch
[18:34:20] gardengnome: that star wars kid using that linuxmce interface?
[18:34:22] gardengnome: ah.
[18:34:26] gardengnome: yeah, that'd be nice.
[18:34:40] jams: one where your hand isn't the covering up the screen
[18:34:56] gardengnome: looks like the linuxmce guy is going to get the audio in his video re-done
[18:35:53] juski: bet it'd look more positive than a german kid trying to install mythtv anyway
[18:37:44] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:38:36] bpickford (bpickford! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:39:00] ** perlmonkey looks for an audio cable **
[18:39:21] ** Tommck wishes X10 signals were more reliable **
[18:40:38] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:40:57] moh_ is now known as moh
[18:43:52] perlmonkey: does anyone know if you need an RCA audio cable for PVR-150?
[18:44:07] Tommck: don't think so
[18:44:49] perlmonkey: i can see the card two RCA sockets, marked L and R and it says on the spec for the card, these are stereo audio
[18:45:14] stuarta: if you have one handy give it a whirl
[18:45:16] Tommck: how are you recording?
[18:45:18] perlmonkey: I also read that you need an audio link cable from tv capture card to sound card
[18:45:30] Dagmar: You only need to use those if you're using composite or s-video input on the card
[18:45:35] Tommck: right
[18:45:36] perlmonkey: oh
[18:45:52] Dagmar: perlmonkey: THe audio loop cable only applies to Bt8x8 cards, not the PVr-150
[18:45:54] Tommck: perlmonkey if you use coax, you're fine (though it's the crappiest video signal, I believe)
[18:46:12] perlmonkey: I haven't tried recording yet apart from a cat test, and that recorded audio just fine. however i got no audio playing on live tv and wondered if i needed a cable to sound card
[18:46:18] doc|home: I use coax, it's crap
[18:46:20] perlmonkey: ahh right
[18:46:31] doc|home: might try to get a booster though
[18:46:34] Dagmar: If you're not getting sound in your recordings on the PVR-150, then you have the wrong audio firmware
[18:46:54] Dagmar: I believe we discussed why it might be bad to circumcise the firmware file to "make it the right size" last night
[18:46:55] perlmonkey: would that also be the case for live tv?
[18:46:59] Dagmar: Yes
[18:47:02] perlmonkey: ah
[18:47:06] Dagmar: All TV is recorded with a PVR-150
[18:47:14] Dagmar: It is just spitting out mpeg
[18:47:22] Dagmar: Video and audio in one stream.
[18:47:25] perlmonkey: oh so it's actually recording
[18:47:27] Dagmar: Yes.
[18:47:30] perlmonkey: phew
[18:47:51] perlmonkey: hence why you need so much disk space!
[18:47:59] Dagmar: When you're watching TV, what you watch gets stored (with a itchy trigger finger on the auto-expire, so no worries there) under the LiveTV program group, which is *normally* hidden
[18:48:01] perlmonkey: my tiny partition is getting full
[18:48:17] perlmonkey: oh
[18:48:27] Dagmar: LiveTV recordings by default (afaik) are set to be flagged as auto-expire in 24 hours
[18:48:31] ** Tommck has 1.3TB and regularly runs out of space ;) **
[18:48:35] Dagmar: ...although it will do it sooner than that if it needs to
[18:48:39] Dagmar: I *think*
[18:48:40] perlmonkey: cool
[18:48:59] Dagmar: Note: ALWAYS delete recordings using the frontend's menus for it
[18:49:06] Dagmar: Never delete them manually from a terminal
[18:49:20] perlmonkey: so i have a firmware issue still then it seems, perhaps I should use the firmware from Hauppauge website as Dagmar did
[18:49:23] Dagmar: When the thing decides to actually expire it, if you;'ve already deleted it, it will bitch and moan and whine about it forever
[18:49:30] perlmonkey: ok i will remember
[18:49:44] Dagmar: ...which is really, really, REALLY annoying, but not an actual malfunction (in theory)
[18:49:56] perlmonkey: phew
[18:49:56] Dagmar: People report that as a "bug" 2–3 times a week
[18:50:04] perlmonkey: not good
[18:50:57] perlmonkey: sometimes when you start the frontend does it take a couple of attempts to watch tv, mine does. it will close down the tv screen
[18:51:05] SteveH (SteveH!n=irc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:51:07] Dagmar: You'd think some of these people would remember that they deleted some stuff and would try to just use touch to create a bogus file there to make it happy.
[18:51:34] perlmonkey: Expiring Unknown from Sun Mar 25 19:32:58 2007, 10 MBytes, forced expire (LiveTV recording) = deleted?
[18:51:39] SteveH: Can anyone tell me where i can get mythtv-0.20-fixes from? I need to update compatibility with mysql 5
[18:51:57] Dagmar: SteveH: You seriously can't find it?
[18:52:28] Tommck (Tommck! has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:52:48] Dagmar: SteveH: has a link right at the top which points to
[18:52:59] SteveH: seriously... am i being dumb?
[18:53:04] SteveH: ok :)
[18:53:05] Dagmar: SteveH: From there it's *really* hard to miss how to get 0.20-fixes
[18:53:07] Dagmar: Heh
[18:53:10] SteveH: sry to bother you
[18:53:14] Dagmar: Just remember where the wiki is
[18:53:29] Dagmar: It's a little messy but it has almost everything you'd want to ever know
[18:53:37] Dagmar: Stuff like "where to get it" is all over it
[18:53:43] perlmonkey: Dagmar which model Hauppage do you use
[18:53:46] Dagmar: PFR-500
[18:53:50] Dagmar: er PVR-500
[18:53:53] SteveH: ok, maybe i don't understand this... to get "fixes" i just install 0.20 again?
[18:54:00] perlmonkey: it's like 2 x 150 on one card?
[18:54:01] Dagmar: SteveH: No, man
[18:54:20] Dagmar: SteveH: Look at the second code block on the svn page
[18:54:28] Dagmar: SteveH: There's the commands you run.
[18:54:39] Dagmar: perlmonkey: Yep
[18:54:45] perlmonkey: cool
[18:55:12] SteveH: thanks :)
[18:55:15] SteveH (SteveH!n=irc@ has quit (Client Quit)
[18:56:12] perlmonkey: the hauppauge beta driver is ok for firmware for linux users eh
[18:56:42] perlmonkey: i hope this fixes my audio problem
[18:57:01] Dagmar: If not when i get back I'll give you a copy of the ones I use which *should* work
[18:57:09] perlmonkey: ah thanks :)
[18:57:13] Dagmar: ...but they're teh beta ones from the Hauppage site so you should be good with theirs
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[19:30:47] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:31:05] Chai_Sangeen: hi guys
[19:31:30] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("night all")
[19:31:35] Chai_Sangeen: for some reason my sqlserver is giving me this error Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
[19:31:51] Chai_Sangeen: and mysqld.sock is not there...
[19:32:17] Chai_Sangeen: was workign fine 20 mins ago started to get the message after reboot
[19:32:21] xris: Chai_Sangeen: is mysql running?
[19:32:28] Chai_Sangeen: nope it will fail
[19:32:41] xris: that would be a good reason for the error, then, no?
[19:33:27] Chai_Sangeen: xris, when i issue "/etc/init.d/mysql start" it fails how can this be fixed?
[19:33:44] xris: depends on why it fails. what errors are you getting?
[19:35:05] xris: afk, time for yardwork
[19:35:29] Rowdan: hello im haveing a problem geting my pvr-150 to display the actual chan content, i can select the "watch tv" and it givees me a blank screen iv tryed to change chanels but seems to be same on all chanels....
[19:35:54] Chai_Sangeen: xris, this is from the log
[19:37:01] charlieS (charlieS! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:23] charlieS: directv has two of the same channel number.. and mythtv always hits the wrong one :(
[19:39:02] charlieS: (two ch 12's, one HD (broken), one not)
[19:39:31] doc|home: charlieS: I think you can remove channels in the setup. Not sure though
[19:39:38] Rowdan: charlieS > try editing the chanel list and unselect the one that is broken
[19:39:42] charlieS: I can..
[19:39:58] charlieS: but the point is there's two channel 12's. It just sends "12" to change the channel.
[19:40:37] Rowdan: yes, however if you unselect the broken one in the setup then it should be unselectable in the menu
[19:41:03] Rowdan: and/ or by typeing in the number
[19:41:07] charlieS: the broken one isn't in the setup
[19:42:28] Chai_Sangeen: xris, just remebered could it be that i changed my pci dvb-s from the first slot to the last?
[19:42:47] Rowdan: how would you select the one that works if you were doing it manually with the remote?
[19:43:11] charlieS: Rowdan: I can't, unless I use the directv remote and channel-up to the second 12.
[19:44:43] Rowdan: charlieS: ok and when you go in to the directtv setup menu to add/ remove chanels the broken one dose not show??
[19:45:08] charlieS: correct, mythtv only knows about one ch 12.
[19:45:45] anykey_: Someone using LIRC transmiters? I cannot get my transmitter to send something (don't see it with a digital camera)
[19:46:34] Rowdan: charlieS: there might be a way to add in a chan manually, and have it do a added command.... though im not sure how to set the extra command
[19:47:50] charlieS: it's the same as another channel, though. Even with the directv remote, I have to type "12" and then "up" to get the right one. So I guess maybe if I could tell myth to hit "up" after it sends '12' that'd work.
[19:48:02] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:09] charlieS: oh, that's what you're saying :)
[19:48:44] charlieS: crapass satellite. ugh, I need cable.
[19:48:48] perlmonkey: when you install the firmware for PVR do you have to follow the 3 steps and copy FOUR firmware files?
[19:50:04] perlmonkey: this step with the confuses me
[19:51:21] gardengnome: perlmonkey: is there any reason why you don't just download the firmware archive from
[19:52:01] perlmonkey: I tried that but i got no sound, so I thought its better to get the Hauppauge firmware as that worked for Dagmar
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[19:55:19] Rowdan: does any one have experiance with the pvr-150 and/ or the knoppixmyth
[19:56:20] sokminer: Rowdan: look in dmesg and see what the tuner is set to..... there's an answer in the wili about black screen tv watching
[19:56:27] perlmonkey: i have experience with the pvr-150, but not knoppix
[19:56:28] sokminer: wiki*
[19:57:05] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:57:06] sokminer: Rowdan: i'd be more helpful but i don't have the info in front of me
[19:57:33] akifdino (akifdino! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:57:54] Rowdan: not a problem, wasnt looking for handout just a point in right direction.... so the wiki for knoppix, or the wiki for mythtv?
[19:58:46] sokminer: Rowdan: i honestly don't remember.... prolly mythtv,,,it's better documented
[20:00:29] perlmonkey: hmmm
[20:00:49] perlmonkey: theres some inconsistences here on the Firmware instructions
[20:02:12] mirak (mirak! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:03:13] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:03:32] Dave123: anyone get an "error 139"?
[20:04:20] Dave123: in mythcommflag?
[20:04:56] sphery_: nick sphery ojA6]Vu4z
[20:04:59] sphery_: oops
[20:05:11] sphery_: time to change password
[20:05:13] ** doc|home h4x0rs **
[20:05:26] chuggs: heh
[20:05:48] sphery_ is now known as sphery
[20:09:04] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:09] perlmonkey: sheesh
[20:09:20] perlmonkey: still no sound. tried everything :(
[20:10:00] perlmonkey: can someone confirm what is in their db for capturecard table --> audio device?
[20:13:20] juski: perlmonkey: you don't need to specify an audio input device for a pvr card
[20:13:29] juski: infact you can't
[20:13:29] harryman100 (harryman100! has quit ()
[20:13:40] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:13:56] juski: Rowdan: you need #knoppmyth or the knoppmyth wiki linked to from
[20:14:18] juski: jesus you guys know how to download stuff so why is finding the docs so hard? ;)
[20:14:47] perlmonkey: juski: ok thanks for clarifying
[20:14:59] anykey_: Someone knows where to buy myblaster devices in europe?
[20:15:06] juski: perlmonkey: maybe the problem is that mythtv can't output audio ;)
[20:15:10] perlmonkey: sheesh is driving me nuts
[20:15:20] juski: perlmonkey: check your console messages, or the frontend log
[20:15:28] ** perlmonkey checks again **
[20:16:18] juski: if you get audio in the cat test, then there's nowt wrong with the driver or firmware
[20:16:51] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:17:00] perlmonkey: for sure
[20:18:49] sphery: perlmonkey: also if you can try playback with another media player (and/or another computer), you can verify that recording is working
[20:19:22] ** perlmonkey does a test **
[20:19:35] ** juski goes to watch some mythtv **
[20:19:41] perlmonkey: :)
[20:19:53] ** sphery should go mow his lawn... **
[20:20:33] perlmonkey: ok sound in the recording test
[20:20:40] perlmonkey: but no sound in mythtv
[20:20:43] juski (juski! has quit ("neon-wide is no longer beta :)")
[20:21:07] perlmonkey: crud
[20:21:20] perlmonkey: ah
[20:21:27] perlmonkey: i think i know why
[20:21:33] sphery: perlmonkey: what do you have in frontend settings for audio output device and mixer device...
[20:21:50] perlmonkey: I bet it's because mythtv user needs to be in audio group
[20:21:51] sphery: Or, go ahead and fix sound, if you already know...
[20:21:57] sphery: Sounds reasonable...
[20:22:12] perlmonkey: oh, in answer to your question...
[20:22:29] sphery: Wasn't saying you have to answer.
[20:22:33] perlmonkey: im not sure now, that option is only accessible when you first do mythtv-setup?
[20:22:36] sphery: Only that you got to it before me...
[20:22:48] sphery: No. The output device is in frontend settings.
[20:22:53] perlmonkey: oh!
[20:23:02] perlmonkey: maybe that needs setting then
[20:23:36] perlmonkey: under Utilities / Setup --> TV Settings?
[20:23:39] sphery: Frontend Settings
[20:23:40] sphery: (yep)
[20:23:44] perlmonkey: cool
[20:23:51] sphery: Oh, but I think it's General settings
[20:23:54] sphery: First page...
[20:23:55] sphery: ish
[20:23:59] perlmonkey: thanks
[20:25:03] perlmonkey: got it
[20:25:14] sphery: Or, should type in "ALSA:default" and "default" (for mixer)
[20:25:32] sphery: And make sure you have the ALSA OSS modules loaded.
[20:25:36] perlmonkey: yup got one
[20:25:50] sphery: Cool. That means you should have the modules loaded, too.
[20:25:56] sphery: Your mixer is "/dev/mixer"?
[20:26:03] perlmonkey: ya
[20:26:15] perlmonkey: Passthrough output device = Default
[20:26:25] perlmonkey: Mixer Controls: PCM
[20:26:32] sphery: You've used a mixer program (i.e. alsamixer) to unmute channels (specifically, Master and PCM)?
[20:26:40] sphery: Passthrough should be Default
[20:26:46] perlmonkey: i checked earlier, will check again
[20:26:47] sphery: Mixer Controls is your choice.
[20:27:03] perlmonkey: all looks good eh
[20:27:09] sphery: And, (not that I've done this before), make sure you have your speakers plugged into the right sound card...
[20:27:20] perlmonkey: hehe yes
[20:27:31] sphery: (and not the PVR-x50, either :)
[20:27:35] perlmonkey: haha
[20:28:02] perlmonkey: well mythtv user is in audio group
[20:28:07] perlmonkey: so we can rule that out
[20:28:23] sphery: Was just going to say if you added him, you'd probably have to log in again.
[20:28:40] perlmonkey: he was already there
[20:28:56] sphery: No errors in your frontend log?
[20:29:14] perlmonkey: can't see nothing... frontend log is at /var/log/mythtv eh
[20:29:28] sphery: That might be a backend log...
[20:29:33] perlmonkey: oh
[20:29:39] sphery: Wouldn't have audio errors in the backend log.
[20:29:53] perlmonkey: true
[20:30:48] sphery: Frontend log is either the console in which you start mythfrontend or the file you specify with the "-l" command-line option (or using redirects)
[20:31:11] perlmonkey: phew, i will start frontend from console, i normally start it from programs menu
[20:31:38] sphery: Might want to modify the programs menu to specify a -l argument...
[20:31:46] sphery: (not necessarily now, but sometime)
[20:31:56] sphery: console is probably easiest for now.
[20:32:30] perlmonkey: phew, the frontend wasnt even configured properly
[20:32:36] perlmonkey: lots of errors, couldnt connect to db
[20:33:03] sphery: That could be an issue.  ;)
[20:33:08] perlmonkey: :D
[20:33:08] sphery: Is the DB local?
[20:33:20] perlmonkey: yeah, its on another box on my network
[20:33:22] sphery: (combined frontend/backend/MySQL box?)
[20:33:33] sphery: So this is a remote frontend?
[20:33:42] perlmonkey: oh i see, yes its remote then
[20:34:01] perlmonkey: due to practicalties
[20:34:46] perlmonkey: my server where mysql is at has all the storage space (raid) but its too far from tv box to be backend
[20:35:07] sphery: There should be a file ${HOME}/.mythtv/mysql.txt or somewhere under /etc or /usr/{local/,}share/mythtv/mysql.txt that specifies where the DB is located
[20:35:24] perlmonkey: plus my workstation has more cpu power than server is better dedicated to backend i think
[20:35:29] sphery: If you have multiple mysql.txt files, my recommendation is to delete all but one.
[20:35:42] perlmonkey: oh yes i saw that
[20:35:47] perlmonkey: ok
[20:35:48] sphery: I have mine /only/ in /usr/local/share/mythtv/mysql.txt
[20:36:01] perlmonkey: I think somehow my file ended up in the wrong place
[20:36:39] sphery: BTW, since you're going from a console, are you logged in as mythtv user?
[20:36:42] perlmonkey: mythtv created a dir in /home/paul/.mythtv, becuz I ran as user paul I guess
[20:36:45] sphery: If not, that's why it's not finding it...
[20:36:50] Rowdan: juski: the wiki from mysettopbox is down..... is one of the reasons i came here looking for help
[20:36:52] perlmonkey: but I want mythtv to be /home/mythtv
[20:36:53] sphery: Both got there at the same time.
[20:37:11] perlmonkey: ah
[20:37:19] sphery: first option, in the console: export HOME=/home/mythtv
[20:37:22] perlmonkey: thats why then
[20:37:22] sphery: Or, log in as mythtv
[20:37:33] perlmonkey: thanks :)
[20:38:00] sphery: Or, better, as root: mv ~mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt /usr/local/share/mythtv/
[20:38:19] sphery: (assuming you have mythtv in /usr/local--otherwise mv ~mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt /usr/share/mythtv/
[20:38:26] perlmonkey: phew
[20:38:48] sphery: By doing that, all users--whether mythtv or paul--will find the DB and run mythfrontend without issue.
[20:39:31] sphery: However, running as mythtv user (or, at least with HOME=/home/mythtv ) ensures everything else is properly configured, too (such as plugins, etc. that use the HOME directory).
[20:40:14] perlmonkey: cool
[20:40:26] ** perlmonkey takes notes **
[20:40:27] sphery: So, I'd move mysql.txt /and/ do the export, too
[20:41:11] ** perlmonkey gets bizy **
[20:42:31] sphery is now known as sphery_
[20:43:26] sphery_ is now known as sphery
[20:45:13] sphery: perlmonkey: gotten the log, yet?
[20:46:09] sphery: Well, gl. Gotta go mow the lawn.
[20:47:52] Ribs_ (Ribs_!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:50:49] khanman (khanman!n=khanman@unaffiliated/khanman) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
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[20:54:58] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[20:57:42] harryman100 (harryman100! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:03:09] rogue780|server| (rogue780|server|! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:22] rogue780|server|: does anyone know of a port to opensolaris for the backend?
[21:03:30] Dagmar: Nope
[21:04:08] perlmonkey: :-/
[21:04:13] Dagmar: It's kinda heavily dependent on the Linux kernel, man.
[21:04:44] gardengnome: Dagmar: no. tthink of the IPTV recorder, for example
[21:04:55] rogue780|server|: linux kernel, solaris kernel... people have ported it to bsd and Mac OS Dagmar
[21:05:30] Dagmar: If you know these things then why are you asking this question?
[21:05:48] Dagmar: Hmm?
[21:06:25] rogue780|server|: Dagmar: just because I was refuting your claim doesn't mean that I know if there has been a opensolaris port made
[21:06:33] rogue780|server|: Dagmar: so ... duh
[21:06:39] Dagmar: gardengnome: I wasn't aware the ivtv drivers, for example, would even compile for OpenSolaris
[21:06:49] gardengnome: Dagmar: so? :)
[21:06:51] Dagmar: rogue780|server|: You just *said* it's been ported
[21:07:04] Dagmar: gardengnome: And fat luck using any of the video4linux stuff...
[21:07:14] rogue780|server|: " people have ported it to bsd and Mac OS"
[21:07:16] [1]majesty ([1]majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:21] rogue780|server|: that was a sentence
[21:07:24] Dagmar: gardengnome: The number of devices it might still be able to work with would be unreasonably small imho
[21:07:35] rogue780|server|: seperate from linux kernel, solaris kernel
[21:07:37] gardengnome: Dagmar: so? ;)
[21:07:40] rogue780|server|: notice the series of periods
[21:07:55] [1]majesty is now known as majesty
[21:08:04] Dagmar: Your statement "linus kernel, solaris kernel... people have ported it to bsd and Mac OS Dagmar"
[21:08:38] ** gardengnome stops being a pest now **
[21:08:44] Dagmar: Porting it to OSX from there is likely even easier because it's mostly BSD.
[21:08:51] Dagmar: Solaris, on the other hand, is it's own thing entirely.
[21:09:05] rogue780|server|: Dagmar: solaris is a Unix. Linux is a Unix
[21:09:11] Dagmar: So?
[21:09:18] Dagmar: So is DG/UX and IRIX
[21:09:29] Dagmar: That doesn't mean they've got identical kernel interfaces
[21:09:46] doc|home: rogue780|server|: Unix people would claim otherwise
[21:10:11] rogue780|server|: Dagmar: I thought that was the point of posix, which from what I understand opensolaris is posix compat, so that you could easily port software
[21:10:25] Dagmar: You need to learn a bit more about what POSIX is, man
[21:10:31] rogue780|server|: and I just came here to ask if the backend has been ported, not ot start a unix flame war
[21:10:36] Dagmar: I think you've gotten somewhat misled about it
[21:10:49] Dagmar: Hey, and I told you it hasn't been ported
[21:11:07] tts: hi , mythtv-database wont install can i get some help
[21:11:22] baxter_kylie: Just checking but in order to interface a remote and myth together the correct line is 'prog = mythtv' ... right?
[21:11:28] gardengnome: well, the kernel interface doesn't matter. the backend is not only about recording. actually, there are platform-independent capture drivers
[21:11:55] tts: ok its acualy installed according to synaptic
[21:12:14] Dagmar: gardengnome: You've not tried to compile a lot of stuff on Solaris yet, have you. heheh
[21:12:57] gardengnome: Dagmar: ;)
[21:15:06] TSCHAK: uggghhh!!!!! 2007-03–25 17:10:05.897 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
[21:15:06] TSCHAK: /usr/local/lib/mythtv/plugins/ undefined symbol: _ZN18ConfigurationGroup6byNameE7QString ... this is after upgrading to SVN from 0.20, rebuilding everything .... :-(
[21:15:23] rogue780|server|: Dagmar: I'd heard of a person in germany who was trying to port it, and they have been mostly successful getting it to compile, but that article was a little stale so I was wondering if anyone had heard more.
[21:15:36] rogue780|server|: and you didn't tell me it hasn't been ported. you said you didn't know if it had been ported
[21:15:52] Dagmar: Dude shut the hell up already
[21:15:52] XpertKnobTwiddlr (XpertKnobTwiddlr!n=mk@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:16:15] Dagmar: You were complaining about there being a flame war and you just keep on being antagonistic!
[21:16:31] Dagmar: You asked if it had been ported.
[21:16:34] tts: im try to run a dedicated back end for the very first time :)
[21:16:35] Dagmar: I said no.
[21:16:36] Dagmar: Get over it.
[21:16:49] rogue780|server|: my words were "does anyone know if it's been ported" don't misquote me
[21:17:03] Dagmar: Welcome to the ignore list, troll
[21:17:31] gardengnome: :'/
[21:17:40] Dagmar: Mmm... delicious tears
[21:17:53] Rowdan (Rowdan! has quit ()
[21:17:58] rogue780|server|: damn, all I've gotta do is sign into freenode as a diferent name
[21:18:31] tts: hi, mythtv-setup cannot connect to the database .what can i do
[21:18:36] tts: please
[21:18:39] sphery: perlmonkey: Are you running a sound daemon? (ESD, ARTSd, ...)
[21:18:48] Dagmar: tts: Ah... Now *there* is a straightforward question
[21:18:49] sokminer: hehe.....this'll be interesting....can see disappointment in the making
[21:18:57] Dagmar: tts: Did you tell it "localhost" or ""?
[21:19:03] Dagmar: tts: It treats them differently
[21:19:07] tts: local host
[21:19:11] Dagmar: damn
[21:19:32] Dagmar: So it's probably an issue with the password set on the mysql mythtv user
[21:19:36] tts: Dag i got this from the terminal QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
[21:19:44] perlmonkey: finally got some sound
[21:19:49] perlmonkey: sphery: ya!
[21:19:57] sphery: what was the issue?
[21:19:59] perlmonkey: sphery: i removed it and killed the process
[21:20:04] perlmonkey: and music came up
[21:20:06] Dagmar: tts: Did it say something weird about the lack of an error code?
[21:20:11] perlmonkey: ;-)
[21:20:13] sphery: Cool. Glad you got it working.
[21:20:14] tts: Dagmar:i did not set any passwords
[21:20:20] perlmonkey: thanks for your help
[21:20:22] Dagmar: tts: Did it say something weird about the lack of an error code?
[21:20:30] perlmonkey: i was going nuts and nearly trashed everything
[21:20:32] Dagmar: tts: If it did, you're just missing the mysql plugin for Qt
[21:20:36] sphery: Well, you got it working when I left, so I wasn't much help.
[21:20:46] Dagmar: tts: i.e., there's *one* more tiny little package you need to install if that's the case
[21:20:58] Dagmar: qt-mysql-somethingorother
[21:21:28] perlmonkey: sphery: you helped me eliminate all the possible causes, until it was narrowed down to that shitty esd
[21:21:36] Dagmar: It gives a very oddball error when the library is missing
[21:21:51] tts: Dagmar:the terminal just goes mad
[21:22:01] ** sphery is not a fan of sound daemons **
[21:22:05] Dagmar: er sorry,
[21:22:17] Dagmar: tts: "just goes mad" is not very specifiv
[21:22:27] tts: mabe paste bit ?
[21:22:34] sphery: tts:
[21:22:36] thylacine222: Hey, I have a setup with a DVI out to my TV, and the resolution´s 1280x720, but my input isn´t widescreen. Is there anyway to stretch my input so that it is? I´m using a PVR-150
[21:23:52] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:24:00] sphery: If that's there, follow his instructions.
[21:24:06] Dagmar: sphery: Actually it's not that error message I was referring to
[21:24:10] tts: found this /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/sqldrivers/
[21:24:20] Dagmar: tts: Okay, so you've got some other fun error then
[21:24:51] Dagmar: tts: Mysqld is actually running, right?
[21:25:20] tts: bigest error i have ever seen
[21:25:27] tts: biggest*
[21:25:38] Dagmar: Bugger
[21:25:46] tts: Dagmar:i think it is
[21:25:49] tts: what ?
[21:26:08] Dagmar: sphery: Actually, look at his pastebin. Line 13 is the curious error message that would mean he was missing that file if he hadn't had line 6 saying pretty clearly that it didn't like the password
[21:26:39] tts: sounds like a password error Dagmar:
[21:26:41] Dagmar: I'm still not convinced the plugin is working.
[21:26:53] Dagmar: tts: So try to use mysqlclient to connect to it
[21:27:17] tts: Dagmar: im a total noob
[21:27:22] rogue780|server| (rogue780|server|! has quit ("leaving")
[21:27:36] tts: ok
[21:27:47] Dagmar: Like, mysql -u mythtv -p
[21:27:50] Dagmar: THen enter the password
[21:28:01] Dagmar: tts: No big deal. MySQL is a real bitch
[21:28:19] Dagmar: You're not trying this with Qt4 I hope
[21:28:24] inthevally (inthevally! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:28:54] sphery: tts: You'll also need:
[21:28:55] sphery: grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@localhost identified by "mythtv";
[21:28:55] Dagmar: Usually that "No error type from QSqlError? Strange..." means that is missing or broken
[21:29:27] sphery: I think it's giving that this time because the connection to MySQL doesn't exist (because of the bad permissions)
[21:29:34] Dagmar: sphery: That *should* have actually been done when he did the mysql < /usr/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql step
[21:29:45] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:29:46] inthevally: hey Dagmar
[21:29:53] tts: i cant log on withmysql -u mythtv -p
[21:30:07] tts: i cant log on with "mysql -u mythtv -p"
[21:30:08] Dagmar: tts: Okay so that's pretty clearly saying the password isn't what you think it is
[21:30:31] tts: yeh it must be some thing i dont know :)
[21:30:41] Dagmar: tts: You *did* do the mysql < /usr/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql step like the docs said, right?
[21:30:50] Dagmar: Without it you'd have no mythconverg table at all
[21:31:00] Dagmar: ...and no mythtv mysql user
[21:31:04] sphery: Dagmar: yeah. Should, but with packages, user trying to fix the error, etc., you never know what the current state is...
[21:31:13] inthevally: tts: what distro?
[21:31:13] Dagmar: tts: Yes. Did you *not* do that?
[21:31:25] tts: yes i did not
[21:31:31] tts: i didnt see it
[21:31:33] Dagmar: tts: Unless one of the packages did that for you when you installed, you need to do it
[21:31:34] sphery: tts: Did you set up your backend, yet?
[21:31:42] Dagmar: ...and it won't hurt to do it twice, so no worries
[21:31:46] tts: im on ubuntu
[21:31:52] Dagmar: @#$@$!$
[21:32:04] Dagmar: They like to set random passwords on their tables and then hide them
[21:32:12] gardengnome: actually. it's all easy.
[21:32:19] inthevally: tts: have you looked at the mythtv docs on the ubuntu wiki?
[21:32:27] tts: sphery: im trying to setup muthtv-setup
[21:32:35] inthevally: search for mythtv and click the edgy install guide
[21:32:46] gardengnome: you need to add your user to the "mythtv" group before you do anything else, eg you cannot start mythtv-setup before. things will break.
[21:32:54] sphery: OK. I thought you were just doing the frontend.
[21:33:07] tts: gardengnome:i did
[21:33:16] inthevally: Dagmar: wouldn't you agree?
[21:33:18] gardengnome: tts: BEFORE running mythtv-setup?
[21:33:29] tts: # sudo usermod -a -G mythtv USERNAME
[21:33:33] tts: yeh before
[21:33:35] akifdino (akifdino! has quit ("leaving")
[21:33:39] Dagmar: inthevalley: Only if it involves finding the guy who made the ubuntu packages and beating them with a blunt object
[21:33:40] dhr (dhr! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:41] gardengnome: you need to log out and log back in
[21:33:48] gardengnome (gardengnome! has left #mythtv-users ("i cant bear it anymore")
[21:34:02] tts: oh danm
[21:34:08] tts: the giude didnt say thou
[21:34:42] tts: sorry gardengnome
[21:34:57] tts: :-/
[21:34:59] inthevally: Dagmar: the wiki on the ubuntu site with the ubuntu packages works perfectly. sure when we released the initial packages there were issues, but we've fixed em all
[21:35:09] Dagmar: If you say so
[21:35:17] Dagmar: I guess it's been a little quieter than usual
[21:35:31] Dagmar: I got a bit fed up with ubuntu when it was hitting four to five people a night with broken installs
[21:35:38] sphery: Wow. I think that's the first time /ever/ that documentation for anything has been completely correct.
[21:35:45] Dagmar: ALl with the same silly problem of the box basically hid the new password
[21:36:06] inthevally: there is a whole team dedicated to mythtv in ubuntu now
[21:36:13] Dagmar: Thank god
[21:36:18] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:36:44] Dagmar: You might want to go ahead and triage a section for sudo problems starting the backend
[21:36:49] inthevally: Dagmar: right, in the wiki we tell the person to look at the ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt file to get their password
[21:36:55] Dagmar: That's one that still comes up about twice a day
[21:37:21] sphery: Hidden MySQL passwords are easy enough to fix. Shut down MySQL server, then as root:
[21:37:41] inthevally: Dagmar: if they only looked at the ubuntu wiki then it wouldn't be a problem, and also if the package maintainers would use the default mythtv mythtv username and password
[21:38:07] thylacine222: Can anyone help me with my input resolution change?
[21:38:15] sphery: I set my MySQL root password to a value that no one (not even me) knows (and that has 40+ characters) and use the above to reset the password when I need root access to the DB.
[21:38:17] Dagmar: inthevally: I honestly still have no idea how the sudo thing is happening
[21:38:37] thylacine222: thylacine222: Hey, I have a setup with a DVI out to my TV, and the resolution´s 1280x720, but my input isn´t widescreen. Is there anyway to stretch my input so that it is? I´m using a PVR-150
[21:38:46] Dagmar: inthevalley: People are getting X authentication errors when trying to start the backend with sudo, *somehow*. No kidding.
[21:38:48] tts: gnome ,i still have the same error
[21:39:15] sphery: thylacine222: What do you mean, "my input isn't widescreen"?
[21:39:23] Dagmar: You can stretch the output, i think
[21:39:35] thylacine222: The video coming over S-Video is obviously not widescreen
[21:39:44] sphery: You mean you are recording 4:3 video and you want to artificially stretch it (i.e. short, fat people) on your 16:9 TV?
[21:39:50] thylacine222: Yes.
[21:39:53] sphery: Rather than use pillarboxes?
[21:39:56] Dagmar: Midgets FTW
[21:39:58] thylacine222: I know it will look crappy, but..
[21:39:58] sphery: There's an aspect override.
[21:40:02] hads: In TV Settings, Playback I think there's a setting
[21:40:04] thylacine222: OK
[21:40:05] inthevally: Dagmar: you can just sudo passwd root and set a root password to enable the root account
[21:40:10] thylacine222: I´ll do that right now.
[21:40:13] thylacine222: Thanks!
[21:40:17] Dagmar: inthevally: Yeah I've been having to tell them to do that half the time
[21:40:18] hads: I prefer stretch too
[21:40:22] inthevally: but basically the advantage of sudo is it helps protect normal people from destroying their linux
[21:40:36] Dagmar: It's still crazy that an X session authentication error happens when neither the backend nor sudo should be needing to talk to X
[21:40:44] hads: You don't need to set a root password, just sudo -s
[21:40:47] sphery: The settings is called Aspect Override, but note that if you do have 16:9 video, it will mess it up...
[21:41:06] inthevally: hads: it's easier for some people (including myself) to type su
[21:41:23] hads: Harden up, you can get used to it.
[21:41:49] hads: I used to think the same but I managed it.
[21:41:53] sphery: Yeah. If anyone knows root's password (and can remember it), it's not a good password.
[21:42:01] inthevally: hads: when I'm administering my server I have a lot of root commands that I need to do. it's easier on my server just to login to root
[21:42:11] ** sphery shudders **
[21:42:20] hads: Yes, that's what sudo -s will allow you
[21:42:22] sphery: sudo -i
[21:42:25] Rowdan (Rowdan! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:42:35] sphery: (for a login shell, or -s, if not necessary)
[21:42:38] hads: Same thing, I like to keep my env
[21:43:00] Dagmar: I just got a new PDA to keep track of my passwords
[21:43:04] sphery: I don't have */sbin in my PATH, but root does
[21:43:11] Dagmar: DAmn these batteries needing to charge for three hours before I can play with it
[21:43:20] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:43:27] Dagmar: I'm going to time-skip with a nap I think
[21:43:31] ** sphery won't mention the whole, don't write your passwords down thing... **
[21:43:48] hads: I quite like having sbin in my path
[21:43:55] MrTilly: will i need to buy a pvr-350, and a 150 to watch one channel while recording another?
[21:44:06] sphery: No. Buy 2 PVR-150's.
[21:44:08] doc|home: MrTilly: or one single pvr-500
[21:44:09] Notorious (Notorious! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:44:09] Dagmar: Well, you'll need two tuners to do that
[21:44:12] sphery: THe 350 is a waste of money
[21:44:19] Dagmar: I kinda agree there
[21:44:25] Dagmar: THe video output on it is a hassle to work with
[21:44:32] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:44:35] sphery: Especially as Myth moves to OpenGL--350 won't ever support that.
[21:44:37] MrTilly: let me look at the specs on the 150, dont i loose the hw encoder?
[21:44:39] Dagmar: You can do better with a $20 nVidia card
[21:44:46] sphery: And, it's very low quality (because it's NTSC output).
[21:44:52] sphery: Yep.
[21:44:54] doc|home: the pvr-500 has two tuners on it
[21:44:56] hads: Silly uninterruptable sleep, who invented that :)
[21:44:56] Dagmar: MrTilluy: Nope. All the PVR-xxx cards have hardware encoding
[21:44:57] Jug (Jug! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:45:03] Jug (Jug! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:45:11] sphery: Go for the NVIDIA (GF5200 or better) which is about $20.
[21:45:16] Jug (Jug! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:46:00] MrTilly: so what do i loose buying a 150 instead of the 350?
[21:46:10] Notorious (Notorious! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:46:13] MrTilly: i'll need a second video card for output, right?
[21:46:13] Dagmar: YOu save money
[21:46:15] Jug: any ideas what might be the problem when using qt paint engine all I get is bluscreen and when I switch to opengl everythin works except it's really slow because I dont seem to have 3D acceleration..?
[21:46:24] Dagmar: The only differnce for the 350 is that it has video output on it
[21:46:26] Dagmar: ...which sucks
[21:46:28] tts: mythtv-setup still cant connect to the database please help
[21:46:28] ** doc|home gives up trying **
[21:46:31] sphery: You lose the ability to spend money for something that's not worth using.
[21:47:00] sphery: The 350 is also the old 2-chip board design, only works in a 5V PCI slot, and generates significantly more heat than a 150...
[21:47:10] sphery: 150 works with 3.3V PCI.
[21:47:20] MrTilly: wow, sounds like theres no reason not to go for the 150
[21:47:29] sphery: Exactly
[21:47:52] MrTilly: i'm going to put this on a 2.8ghz p4, with a geforce4mx-440 for output... will i be happy with this?
[21:48:01] sphery: (I'm not a fan of the 500 because of the internal splitter. I prefer to manage the signal myself.)
[21:48:15] doc|home: internal splitter?
[21:48:16] Dagmar: MrTilly: Yep
[21:48:37] Dagmar: dol: You only have to connect one coax cable to the PVR-500 and it feeds both tuners
[21:48:55] MrTilly: i kinda like the internal splitter ;)
[21:48:58] Dagmar: Me too
[21:49:01] sphery: If not using RF input (cable or antenna), it doesn't matter.
[21:49:02] hads: Damn, my NFS server isn't coming back up.
[21:49:41] Dagmar: I don't have any signal problems that arne't basically Comcast's lame transmitters
[21:50:09] sphery: When you have multiple PVR cards and you're splitting the signal and the PVR-500 splits the signal, it's much harder to get a proper signal to all cards.
[21:50:27] Dagmar: Every so often I'll get a recording that looks like a weak signal, and I'll connect the coax to the TV and lo and behold, Comcast has someone's dog peeing on an exposed box somewhere or something
[21:50:30] sphery: You need more signal for the soon-to-be-split 500 than for the others...
[21:50:40] inthevally: I think heat might be the issue though
[21:51:22] sphery: Quite possible--especially inside a computer with power supply, CPU, memory, chipsets, video card, etc.--all generating tons of heat.
[21:51:52] Dagmar: I buy the hell out of some fans
[21:51:53] doc|home: inthevally: I get that sometimes too
[21:51:53] inthevally: it's a very poorly designed case. it puts the psu at the bottom, and the one that I have fans the heat right at the tuner cards
[21:52:11] MrTilly: whats the deal with the shitty samsung tuners on the 500, am i better off buying two 150's?
[21:52:12] inthevally: haven't been able to get a new psu/case yet (and the case is relly narrow)
[21:52:17] Dagmar: Fans in front, fans in the back, fans on each drive
[21:52:35] inthevally: Dagmar: Ideally I'd do that, but I hate PC noise more than hitler
[21:52:38] Dagmar: I borrowed the IR temperature gun from the office to look and see if there was anywhere else I could cool better
[21:52:49] doc|home: inthevally: get 120mm fans
[21:52:51] Dagmar: intehvalley: Rubber grommets and Vantec's "stealth" fans
[21:52:56] doc|home: mine are almost silent
[21:52:59] Dagmar: Yep. 120mm fans FTW
[21:53:11] doc|home: silverstone ones are pretty good imo
[21:53:20] doc|home: iirc
[21:53:21] Dagmar: Bigger blades mean they can do the same air movement at half the rotational speed, which means about half the noise
[21:53:42] sphery: inthevally: As someone who added 2 tuner definitions to the Linux tuner module and had to listen to tons of people complain about the definitions (which are right according to the datasheets), I tend to think the problem is improper signal handling rather than low-quality tuners.
[21:53:48] inthevally: I'll keep that in mind
[21:53:56] inthevally: any case you recommend especially?
[21:54:03] sphery: I finally convinced most of the users with the tuners I added htat it was signal handling.
[21:54:18] sphery: I haven't even tried to do so with the people who have Samsung tuners.
[21:54:33] sphery: (I haven't used a Samsung tuner, though, so this is just speculation.)
[21:54:56] MrTilly: hrmmmmm..... someone flip a coin for me, 2x150's or a 500
[21:55:08] ** sphery votes for 2x150's **
[21:55:10] hads: 2x150
[21:55:15] inthevally: MrTilly: 2X150
[21:55:18] sphery: (If you have the PCI slots, it's the way to go.)
[21:55:26] MrTilly: i guess theres no drawback to have 2x150 other than physical space
[21:55:29] MrTilly: which isnt a huge deal
[21:55:37] MrTilly: wonderful
[21:55:43] MrTilly: i might even start with one, and add a second later
[21:55:46] sphery: Check, also, all the posts about "Tuner 1 on my PVR-500 quit working, but the other one is fine."?
[21:56:08] MrTilly: anyone having any issues with NFS?
[21:56:15] sphery: I've heard of a lot of people who have PVR-500's with single (working) tuners... :)
[21:56:23] MrTilly: i'm thinking i'll run the mythfront and backend software on a system in my family room
[21:56:32] MrTilly: with an NFS share to s server in my closet for storage
[21:57:29] ** sphery likes local storage **
[21:57:33] hads: There are different versions I believe
[21:57:39] doc|home: hardware?
[21:57:43] hads: Yeah
[21:57:44] inthevally: doc|home: what part of ireland?
[21:57:44] doc|home: bugger :/
[21:57:57] hads: Mine has PAL written on it.
[21:58:04] doc|home: inthevally: Waterford but probably Dublin when I start working
[21:58:05] MrTilly: ah, i've got a rather large array upstairs in a closet that i'd like to use for storage
[21:58:09] sphery: My network is busy enough without all the video going from a backend (recording) -> NFS server (storage) -> backend (commercial flagging)
[21:58:22] sphery: and possibly going again to the frontend for playback
[21:58:52] MrTilly: i think the main purpose of this system will be to rip dvd's, fill in all the imdb shit, and then have access to them with a remote
[21:58:56] MrTilly: rather than juggling dvd's
[21:59:19] MrTilly: oh, and the nes emulation ;)
[21:59:43] sphery: If that's the case, the bandwidth won't be an issue. If using it for TV, it can become annoying (you start to hate the words, "Prebuffering pause.").
[21:59:44] hads: And the PVR capabilities when you discover how cool they are :)
[21:59:53] hads: heh
[21:59:57] sphery: heh
[22:00:06] MrTilly: yeaaa
[22:00:09] MrTilly: true
[22:00:17] inthevally: doc|home: I've been to both. I eventyally want to live tehre
[22:00:19] MrTilly: i think i'll put like 80gb local storage for tv usage
[22:00:27] MrTilly: and then the NFS share for dvd storage
[22:00:30] doc|home: inthevally: really? I did live there and wanted to live somewhere else :)
[22:00:33] sphery: True. Once you get a taste of automatically commercial-flagged video played at faster than real-time, there's no going back...
[22:00:38] doc|home: I'm in Canada now for a year :)
[22:00:50] hads: Get 320GB, the drives are better value for money
[22:01:00] sphery: I recommend > 80GB local storage.
[22:01:04] ** sphery has 3TB **
[22:01:08] doc|home: any sign of commercial flagging improving? Any work being done on it?
[22:01:19] MrTilly: hahaha, i really cant see myself using much tv
[22:01:37] sphery: Robert Tsai is working on commflagging from a non-US perspective in another branch.
[22:01:38] MrTilly: i mean.. it'll be recording mpeg2 right? and if so, what is the filesize per hour?
[22:01:42] sphery: Still a ways off, though.
[22:01:48] hads: Interesting
[22:01:52] sphery: MrTilly: That's what I thought when I set up my box.
[22:02:01] doc|home: sphery: yeah, but even the end of the colbert report for example gets chopped.
[22:02:12] doc|home: on US tv
[22:02:16] sphery: Granted, I have a ton of storage because I record a ton and don't watch it for 6 months or more
[22:02:19] tts: mythtv-setup still cant connect to the database, what am i doing wrong
[22:02:38] inthevally: I was thinking, in regards to commflagging it should look at the rating simble at the top left of the screen
[22:02:42] inthevally: usually a good indicator
[22:03:35] sphery: MrTilly: low-quality MPEG-2 SDTV is 1.15GiB/hr. Good quality (as good as possible) is about 2.5GiB/hr
[22:03:49] hads: Yay, my NFS server cam back up
[22:04:26] MrTilly: i'll still get 30 hours of tv ;)
[22:04:28] MrTilly: thats a ton!
[22:04:59] sphery: inthevally:
[22:05:22] MrTilly: actually... i'm thinking i have some 160gb drives i can use
[22:05:31] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:05:46] MrTilly: i'll have 60 hours of tv, (why would anyone need more than 1mb of memory?)
[22:05:49] sphery: MrTilly: and,
[22:05:55] sphery: Oops, That was for inthevally
[22:06:47] sphery: I started with a 2 PVR-x50's and 160GB and promptly went out and bought a 200GB drive.
[22:07:00] sphery: My MythTV storage has been growing ever since.
[22:07:37] ** sokminer wonders what ppl do with those recordings... :) **
[22:08:18] sphery: If you let it sit for a while, you'll need more.
[22:08:48] inthevally: yey, opensolaris finally downloaded
[22:10:29] hads: We're using 400GB at the moment, it's sufficuent for us. I can see me using more if we had it but it's not really nessecary.
[22:12:33] doc|home: sphery: unde that criteria you'd miss some great stuff. Love Monkey for one.
[22:12:39] doc|home: stupid name, great show
[22:13:06] hads: Yes, that is a stupid name :)
[22:13:20] doc|home: :)
[22:14:11] tts: hi can any one help me connect to the database ?
[22:14:31] tts: mythtv-setup cant connect ?
[22:14:56] tts: please
[22:16:52] inthevally: tts:
[22:20:39] sphery: doc|home: I actually watched that one--it was before I started this new approach--but it's also part of the reason for this new approach.
[22:21:02] sphery: After I started watching it, I loved the show, then they yanked it and I was very upset.
[22:21:13] sphery: My new approach keeps my blood pressure down.
[22:22:12] sphery: I would have also missed Firefly and wouldn't have gone out and bought FF Series 1 on DVD and Serenity on DVD. So, let this be a lesson to the networks. (Yeah, I mean you, Fox)
[22:22:40] sphery: s/Series/Season
[22:26:22] Jug (Jug! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:26:22] russellb (russellb!i=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:36] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:55] doc|home: sphery: they're showing it on much more music now. The entire series
[22:30:33] groOgle is now known as grOogle
[22:30:43] tts: inthevally:thakns worked like a charm
[22:30:44] tts: inthevally:one more thing do i need to change the ip address its correctly set to
[22:30:44] tts: will i be able to connect from another machine using this address ?
[22:30:44] tts: or do i put the one from my router ?
[22:31:54] FunkyELF: hey guys, anyone here try using virtualdub or anything with a video recorded from MythTV?
[22:36:59] steve_ (steve_! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:45:54] pac1: no but I'm trying to get a dvd burnt with a viewable video from Myth. Looks fine on the monitor but on the dvd it sux.
[22:47:23] pac1: anyone else struggling with this?
[22:48:36] pac1: oh. and one more thing, my dvd player doesn't recognize the disk.
[22:49:47] pac1: thinks it needs formatting.
[22:51:14] pac1: video filse are way compressed.
[22:52:23] ubuntuEdgy: what am i doing wrong
[22:53:05] ubuntuEdgy: im at the front end trying to connect to the backend
[22:53:05] pac1: what messages do you get from the frontend?
[22:53:49] pac1: and?
[22:54:01] mirak (mirak! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[22:54:19] ubuntuEdgy: it just blinks ,i will look at the terminal give me a sec
[22:55:44] ubuntuEdgy: Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[22:57:16] ubuntuEdgy: make sense ?
[22:57:37] pac1: not yet. Are you running the frontend on a separate machine from the backend?
[22:58:26] pac1: or are they the same?
[22:58:43] ubuntuEdgy: separate
[22:58:48] pac1: ok.
[22:58:58] ubuntuEdgy: that waht confuses me pac1
[22:59:04] pac1: what's the ip of your frontend?
[22:59:21] ubuntuEdgy: fron the router or from mythtv -setup ?
[22:59:26] ubuntuEdgy: from~*
[22:59:33] pac1: both.
[22:59:51] ubuntuEdgy: mythtv-setup says its
[23:00:17] pac1: right.
[23:00:34] ubuntuEdgy: i can ssh into the machine
[23:00:41] pac1: ?
[23:01:26] ubuntuEdgy: make sense pac1: ?
[23:01:45] pac1: not if your running the backend on a separate machine...
[23:01:56] pac1: what's the other machine's ip?
[23:02:01] ubuntuEdgy: ok im starting to get it now
[23:02:16] ubuntuEdgy: the frontend one ?
[23:05:08] ubuntuEdgy: thats the front end
[23:06:29] ubuntuEdgy: yeh
[23:06:36] pac1: k.
[23:06:41] ubuntuEdgy: :)
[23:06:49] pac1: after the try 1 of 5 what happens?
[23:07:41] pac1: you gotta tell all in this game...
[23:07:51] ubuntuEdgy: pase bin ?
[23:07:58] pac1: sure.
[23:08:45] ubuntuEdgy:
[23:09:55] pac1: mythtv: Connection refused
[23:10:13] pac1: your backend server is not allowing connections on the mythtv port.
[23:10:19] ubuntuEdgy: yes i have not really understood the ipdress thing yet
[23:11:22] pac1: ok.
[23:11:53] pac1: ip addresses are used to establish connections between clients and servers.
[23:11:55] ubuntuEdgy: can you try and explian it
[23:11:59] ubuntuEdgy: ok
[23:12:03] pac1: the frontend is a client. the backend is a server.
[23:12:13] ubuntuEdgy: what it dose the front end need to have
[23:12:36] ubuntuEdgy: ok im gust going to shut up , please continue
[23:12:50] ubuntuEdgy: ok
[23:12:53] pac1: however the machine is not yet completely set up.
[23:13:05] ubuntuEdgy: why dose mythtv-setup tell me about
[23:13:14] ubuntuEdgy: ok isee
[23:13:21] pac1: that's the address of the frontend.
[23:13:27] pac1: from the frontend.
[23:13:53] pac1: don't worry about that yet. worry that I'm being called to dinner.
[23:14:06] ubuntuEdgy: oh god
[23:14:23] ubuntuEdgy: pac1 pleasecontinue
[23:14:25] Milosch: yes?
[23:14:28] pac1: np. just check out what it takes to enable a serer
[23:14:29] Milosch: oh, nm
[23:14:52] pac1: a server on a linux machine. (any server. go read about it. I'll be back.
[23:15:15] ubuntuEdgy: i acualy have a server lmaoo
[23:15:28] ubuntuEdgy: any more reading cant haert
[23:15:32] ubuntuEdgy: heart
[23:15:36] ubuntuEdgy: hert
[23:16:20] ubuntuEdgy: i was right heart
[23:16:20] ubuntuEdgy: *
[23:16:50] ubuntuEdgy: pac1: you have cleard my head a bit
[23:16:53] Agrajag-: hurt?
[23:17:05] ubuntuEdgy: yes :O
[23:17:16] ubuntuEdgy: all sounds the same
[23:17:45] ubuntuEdgy: so ip dose the backend need
[23:18:30] ubuntuEdgy: so what ip dose the back-end need in-order to communicate with the front end ?
[23:19:22] ubuntuEdgy: i commented this line out bind-address= ,could it be the root of all my problems ?
[23:21:40] emes (emes!n=emes@gentoo/contributor/pdpc-student.emes) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:16] emes: Is it possible to get an xml output of the list of upcoming recordings?
[23:22:59] kslater: emes: maybe with xmltvgrab for your locale
[23:24:17] emes: not the tv listings, just the list of scheduled recordings
[23:24:31] kslater: oh
[23:24:37] kslater: misread what you typed
[23:24:42] ubuntuEdgy: can any one tell me what this means
[23:24:48] kslater: don't think so. Could do it in groovy easy enough.
[23:24:52] chuggs (chuggs! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:25:03] emes: groovy?
[23:25:24] kslater: a scripting language – most here would say use perl
[23:25:30] GreyFoxx: emes: You can get the next couple of schuled items from the XML methods in the backend
[23:25:42] GreyFoxx: http://backendup:6544/xml/
[23:25:43] kslater: groovy has excellent builders for xml output
[23:26:12] GreyFoxx: emes: There are also aton of other XML methods you can call fo info about recordings and programguide info
[23:26:39] GreyFoxx: but I don't know if there is specificaly one to get all scheduled shows, though it would not be hard to add that to the existing stuff
[23:27:36] emes: http://backendup:6544/xml/ looks promising
[23:27:44] emes: this touches on my second question
[23:28:05] emes: how is mythtv with recording 720p or 1080i over firewire?
[23:28:06] GreyFoxx: That will get you the next couple items, but to get all of them you would need to add code to return them all. There are several build in XML calls
[23:28:17] GreyFoxx: emes: perfectly fine
[23:28:24] kslater: ubuntuEdgy – what part of that doesn't make sense to you?
[23:28:33] GreyFoxx: as long as your box outputs unencrypted signal then it's fine
[23:28:35] emes: and what does it transcode to, GreyFoxx?
[23:28:42] GreyFoxx: emes: nothing
[23:28:52] GreyFoxx: It's recorded off the wire and written to disk
[23:28:55] ubuntuEdgy: kslater:i get it nwo
[23:28:58] ubuntuEdgy: now*
[23:29:07] GreyFoxx: IT's already mpeg2 (h264 in some areas)
[23:29:13] ubuntuEdgy: kslater:what is the name of my backend server
[23:29:21] GreyFoxx: nothing in myth gets transcoded unless you enable transcoding yourself
[23:29:33] emes: GreyFoxx: well, at first it is, but if I want to store more than one show I'll need to transcode it
[23:29:52] kslater: ubuntuEdgy – that's sort of like asking you what my dog's name is.
[23:29:53] GreyFoxx: Why? Just how tiny of adisk are you planning to use ?
[23:30:07] emes: how big is an hour of 1080i?
[23:30:08] ubuntuEdgy: kslater: ahahha
[23:30:16] ubuntuEdgy: kslater: how do i find out please
[23:30:23] GreyFoxx: emes: avergaes 5.5 to a max of 9gig an hour
[23:30:30] kslater: uname from a command line?
[23:30:34] GreyFoxx: most say around 7
[23:30:43] GreyFoxx: it will vary from show to show
[23:30:54] dhr: ubuntuEdgy: is a special address. It is part of that is a network local to one machine. Each machine has its own so it cannot used to cummunicate between machines.
[23:31:14] emes: is mpeg4 suitable for handling HD content?
[23:31:29] GreyFoxx: emes: Sure
[23:31:44] ubuntuEdgy: kslater: how do i find out
[23:31:49] GreyFoxx: assuming you get a combo of settings that you are happy with
[23:32:13] kslater: ubuntuEdgy – from a xterm window type: "uname"
[23:32:26] kslater: sorry
[23:32:29] kslater: that's wrong
[23:32:45] kslater: type "hostname"
[23:32:58] dhr: myth setup requires IP numbers. If you use a domain name, it won't work, and it won't tell you that it treats names as (which cannot work)
[23:33:02] ubuntuEdgy: it says linuc
[23:33:05] ubuntuEdgy: linux
[23:33:13] Notorious (Notorious! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:33:24] GreyFoxx: uname -n will also return the machine name
[23:33:39] emes: GreyFoxx: my tv listings don't include the HD channels, how do people get around that?
[23:33:51] GreyFoxx: emes: Dunno
[23:34:19] dhr: so: ubuntuEdgy: you probably don't want to know the name, only the IP number.
[23:34:32] ubuntuEdgy: i can only see the name
[23:34:37] ubuntuEdgy: no ip number
[23:34:56] dhr: ifconfig will tell you the IP number
[23:35:12] dhr: and a lot more
[23:36:41] GreyFoxx: What did you want the hostname for anyway?
[23:37:05] ubuntuEdgy: im in happy lol mysql>
[23:37:11] kslater: he's following a howto guide to setup myth on ubuntu – I'm guessing
[23:37:25] kslater: I use hostnames
[23:37:46] GreyFoxx: Myth does NOT do DNS on entries places in mythtv-setup for the backend IP's
[23:37:49] ubuntuEdgy: dhr:thank u
[23:37:52] GreyFoxx: It's IP's or nothing
[23:38:05] GreyFoxx: unless someone slipped in some code and I missed the commit which I doubt
[23:38:35] kslater: no, I'm sure you're right GreyFoxx and I'm just remembering incorrectly
[23:39:31] dhr: GreyFoxx: I want to slip in such code. But I haven't gotten there yet. Too many other loose ends I'm chasing.
[23:40:00] Rowdan: ok so i finally got the wiki page and found the right one i needed to fix my problem, TY for the help
[23:40:19] GreyFoxx: dhr: I'd be suprised if it was accepted, but you can certainly patch your own stuff
[23:40:54] dhr: why would it not be accepted? (Assuming the code quality was OK.)
[23:41:37] GreyFoxx: because after this subject has come up many times and been decided against many times.
[23:42:22] GreyFoxx: Isaac and others are against using DNS, as most people who want to do it only want it because they are not statically assigning the IP to the backend
[23:42:50] GreyFoxx: It's been discussed a few times on the -users and -dev list
[23:43:35] dhr: at a minimum, there ought to be a clear diagnostic for something that doesn't parse properly as an IP number.
[23:43:42] GreyFoxx: I agree
[23:43:43] ubuntuEdgy: guys why is it trying to connect here onnecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5
[23:44:00] GreyFoxx: dhr: IT should popup a "that's not a valid ip" warning.
[23:44:53] dhr: and the log should not parrot back the string you gave it but instead the IP address it used. (The message ubuntuEdgy just reported.)
[23:45:23] GreyFoxx: huh?
[23:45:50] FunkyELF: I'm trying to use ffmpeg on a mpeg that was recorded using myth, I'm trying to convert it to xvid. It comes out as 480x480....isn't that wrong?
[23:46:00] FunkyELF: I try the -aspect option on ffmpeg and no help
[23:46:16] emes (emes!n=emes@gentoo/contributor/pdpc-student.emes) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[23:46:22] GreyFoxx: ubuntuEdgy: Where did you set that ip ?
[23:46:23] dhr: greyfoxx: when I said "" as the server IP, it said that it was trying "" in the log, not I had to do a tcpdump to discover this.
[23:46:56] GreyFoxx: dhr: the ip validity check would clear that up anyway
[23:46:58] ubuntuEdgy: i set it up on the mythfront end
[23:47:24] ubuntuEdgy: do i also need to change the hostname on /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[23:47:24] GreyFoxx: ubuntuEdgy: did you set backendip or Master backend ip ?
[23:47:45] ubuntuEdgy: master
[23:48:02] ubuntuEdgy: im starting to get confused :(
[23:48:15] ubuntuEdgy: dear me
[23:48:54] ubuntuEdgy: also mysql.txt has this DBHostName=localhost
[23:50:37] ubuntuEdgy: GreyFoxx:tell me whatto do and i will do it :)
[23:51:11] kslater: GreyFoxx – does scheduler just periodically? or is something watching the db for changes and is triggered from the update?
[23:51:36] ubuntuEdgy: what dose he mean by Go to Setup->General->Host name and enter the IP address of your backend.
[23:52:08] kslater: ubuntuEdgy – how much expertise do you have with Linux in general?
[23:53:44] FunkyELF: anyone have good command line args for ffmpeg? I'm confused what to use for bitrates...or should I use qmin and qmax?
[23:53:57] ubuntuEdgy: kslater:about 1 out of 100
[23:54:09] ubuntuEdgy: im learning fast thou
[23:54:16] kslater: are you using some sort of guide for setting it up?
[23:54:26] ubuntuEdgy: yeh i amm
[23:54:31] ubuntuEdgy: what to see it ?
[23:54:32] kslater: I wouldn't call setting up a mythbox a 1 out of 100 type of task
[23:55:08] ubuntuEdgy: one of the hardest things i have ever done
[23:55:56] ubuntuEdgy: hate to imagine what i would be with out this place
[23:56:05] kslater: not necessarily difficult, but it does require some patience and/or knowledge and a good guide
[23:56:29] ubuntuEdgy: yeh i know what you mean
[23:56:55] kslater: did you consider just using one of the mostly out of the box distros?
[23:56:57] Notorious (Notorious! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:04] kslater: like mythdora or similar?
[23:57:05] ubuntuEdgy: this is what im finding hard to understand
[23:57:20] ubuntuEdgy: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of
[23:57:47] pac1: ubuntuEdgy, you're right. it should be.
[23:57:49] kslater: you don't want to see that unless you have a frontend and backend on the same machine
[23:58:01] kslater: and probably still not then.
[23:58:15] ubuntuEdgy: pac1:help i have learnt a lot lately
[23:58:42] ubuntuEdgy: kslater: i used to have it on the same machine
[23:59:12] kslater: even so, just makes it difficult down the road when you want another frontend.
[23:59:36] ubuntuEdgy: yeh
[23:59:56] cesman: setting up a remote frontend isn'
[23:59:56] ubuntuEdgy: i can ping the master and all sorts just cant connect to it

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