:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (168):

aboutblank, adante, Agrajag-, Aid`, alsoconfused, Anduin, AndyCap, AngryElf, armand, bagpuss_thecat, batdog|gone, Beirdo, benc_, bio___, bjohnson, BleedAway, briand, bronson, BULLE, burley-sf, Captain_Murdoch, catisonh, ChanServ, charlieS, chickeneater, coder, cornell, Cougar, crabstic, d3ity, Dagmar, daniel_bergamini, dev, DGnome, Dibblah, Discipulus, Disputin, dorel_1, dougl, e4, enyc, epoch, euphobot, Exstatica, fish_, flatronf701B, flindet, flip_fl, Fnc-1, fontppp, frank_, fryfrog, fury, GiantPickle, GreyFoxx, gu014, hatredx, heada00, hedpe_, hjohnson, honeyzzz, Honk^away, Hoxzer, human39, ieatlint, Igg-man, ivor, j-rod, jams, janneg, jasta, jave, jcsmith, jduggan, jk1joel, jonty_, Juski, k-man, kambei, KaZeR, kenguru, kennyt, kevin_, Kobaz, kormoc, kothog__, kraut, Krazylegz, krisp_, kslater, kurre2_, Kyle-Work, LabMonkey, Laney, ldam, LinuxMafia, lnx^, lostboy1, mace, madfactor, majesty, makomk, mbamford, mcD, medwards, Merlin83b, mishehu, mk500, mocker, MythLogBot, NAiL, neddy, netw1z, NHIwerx, nomego_, Notorious, nuonguy, Omster, opello, o_cee, Peit|home, pigeon, pimpministerp, prg3, prozac, Puh, qu0zl, quicksilver, radi0head, RaYmAn-Bx, riddlebox, robthebob, routhan, rtsai, russK, Ryushin, sanmarcos, sc00p, schultmc, Sedorox, sigger, simcop2387, Skaface, smeagol, sphery, Spida, splat1, Steak, stevenh, tam, tank-man, tchan, test34-, tfm, tjcarter, tomimo, topping, Tronic, ts0, tstm, Tuju, Un1x, vballrican, word, xris, Zider, [mbm], [PUPPETS]Gonzo

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Monday, October 16th, 2006, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:24] warthog9 (warthog9! has quit (
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[00:09:21] netw1z: anyone know how I can get
[00:09:29] netw1z: games in mame to run full screen?
[00:09:31] netw1z: snes?
[00:11:26] benc (benc! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:37:28] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[00:39:35] gu014 (gu014! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:40:37] monkeypet (monkeypet! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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[00:43:45] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:23] flip_fl (flip_fl! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:56] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Excess Flood)
[00:54:11] kevin__: .
[01:04:08] npodges (npodges! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:07:06] Aid`: this is offtopic but can i access linux files from windows?
[01:08:43] opello: you can mount ext partitions with a linux driver or browse them with explore2fs
[01:09:20] tjcarter: the latter is usually safer AFAIK
[01:09:21] scopeuk: there is a windows driver for ext2/3
[01:09:36] scopeuk: but it will make linux complain and check its router partition at next boot
[01:09:44] Aid`: ok thanks
[01:09:49] Aid` (Aid`! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:10:07] opello: hm, i've never had that check happen
[01:10:10] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:13] opello: i didn't use it much though
[01:17:51] seth|laptop (seth|laptop! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:18:20] metalac (metalac! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:34] kevin__ (kevin__! has quit (Connection timed out)
[01:29:58] kevin__ (kevin__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:04] kevin__: i'm working on a ir remote receiver and took the 9 pin serial connector from an old mouse. I'm trying to test the pin out with a multimeter.... i just touch one end to a wire, and another to the pin socket and test resistance to figure whats live?
[01:36:46] metalac: kevin__: why don't you pass some voltage to those wires and see what's live
[01:36:52] LabMonkey: hmm
[01:37:31] kevin__: i figured it out, nevermin
[01:37:32] Zider: get a ruler and measure
[01:37:57] aboutblank (aboutblank! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:34] aboutblank: can someone who has nuvexport please start it with --debug and do an mpeg2 lossless conversion and pastebin the output? thanks a MILLION
[01:44:06] gurft (gurft! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:28] word (word! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:46] word: is anyone here familiar with using a satellite box serially?
[01:49:39] gp (gp!n=chatzill@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:50:03] Aid` (Aid`! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:21] gurft: Is it just me, or is commercial flagging less than accurate? I just want to set my expectations before I start digging to see if I have a problem or not.
[01:52:22] aboutblank: sorry, i don't know.
[01:52:34] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:52:58] word: occasionally it will fail to flag a break because of the signal of the tv which will cause a big block of the show to be flagged as a commercial...there should be a limit for that kind of shouldn't think a 30 minute commercial is normal lol.
[01:53:19] aboutblank: gurft: try disabling "Strict commercial detection"
[01:53:21] seth|laptop (seth|laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:36] gurft: I'll give it a whir. Also, lately whenever I go into search functions to find new shows to schedule, it can take 10–15 minutes to give me the screen where I see the names of shows.... is that normal? I'm starting to wonder if I'm having DB performance issues.
[01:58:20] kevin__: i use the manual edit functionality of myth to take out commercials. I find it easier than using the auto-flag function
[01:59:33] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=mythtv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:20] RyeBrye: My LIRC worked when I set it up a few days ago, but now doesn't seem to work... lircd is running and irw shows the keypresses – I didn't change anything in my ~/lircrc file... what should I do to troubleshoot it?
[02:00:50] word: gurft: is that an exaggeration or real?
[02:00:52] gurft: RyeBrye, double check the perms on the lircrc file, I ran into an issue where the frontend couldnt' read the file, so my remote didnt' work.
[02:01:01] kevin__: heh not sure, haven't gotten that far. still trying to build my receiver
[02:01:16] RyeBrye: gurft – good point. I'll chmod 777 it
[02:01:24] gurft: word: no it's real. Kinda disturbing actually. Box is a AMD Sempron 3100, so I dont' think it' sCPU
[02:01:44] gurft: I think I'll pull sar data while trying to do a search and see if it's killing the box
[02:01:57] gurft: nothing funny in the mysql or myth logs thouhg...
[02:02:20] word: maybe there's a corrupt table and it's having trouble accessing it
[02:02:29] word: do you have phpmyadmin?
[02:03:22] gurft: no I don't, is here a way to check from the mysql command line?
[02:04:36] Anduin: gurft: mysqlcheck
[02:04:58] monkeypet (monkeypet! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:05:01] RyeBrye: gurft – thanks for the tip. It didn't work at first when I did my ~/lircrc file – but when I renamed my ~/.mythtv/lircrc.bk to ~/.mythtv/lircrc and chowned it and chmodded it, it worked
[02:05:21] RyeBrye: I thought that ~/lircrc was the fallback if ~/.mythtv/lircrc didn't exist, is this not the case?
[02:05:41] Anduin: RyeBrye: It is not
[02:05:51] RyeBrye: Oh
[02:05:54] RyeBrye: That explains it then :)
[02:05:57] jblack_: Heh. My kid, on her way to bed, said "Myth is awesome! THanks dad! <big hug>"
[02:06:25] ** RyeBrye is going to make the switch to his Myth box as his main "production" DVR system this week **
[02:06:25] aboutblank: transcoding on my machine *always* fails with "couldn't find profile for : MPEG-2"... ugh.. any ideas?
[02:06:33] jblack_: I shouda told her that you guys are the ones that did the work, but 12 year olds don't hug their fathers enough.
[02:06:45] aboutblank: aww jblack_
[02:07:07] jblack_: I've never seen a piece of software make her so happy
[02:07:10] RyeBrye: jblack_ I just hope my wife appreciates the MythTV once we switch to it from our DirecTiVo this week :)
[02:07:11] GreyFoxx: jblack_: Heh My daughter is 2.5 years old and right now I'm her favourite person in the world heh
[02:07:40] jblack_: I need to 'repost' this
[02:07:49] gurft: aboutblank: Do you have a profile set up for MPEG2 transcoding?
[02:08:26] aboutblank: gurft: i _think_, but could you please tell me what exactly that means?
[02:08:38] sanmarcos: any ivtv users out here? Is there any simple Tv Watching app I can have on my screen?
[02:08:46] sanmarcos: I know about xawtv4 but I cant get it to compile
[02:08:52] gurft: sanmarcos: TVTime
[02:08:57] RyeBrye: sanmarcos – TVTime
[02:08:59] aboutblank: sanmarcos: mplayer /dev/video0 ?
[02:09:00] RyeBrye: oh, he beat me to it
[02:09:22] gurft: aboutblank: in the office at the moment, so I can't walk you through it, but you should have a profile set up under Settings in the frontend that is configured for mpeg2
[02:09:58] aboutblank: gurft, Yes, i have one i have setup for mpeg2 lossless and then the other is "autodetect from rtjpeg/mpeg4" and is set to mpeg4
[02:10:06] sanmarcos: TVTime is great, but it does not support mpeg2 gurft RyeBrye
[02:10:11] RyeBrye: oh
[02:10:24] aboutblank: gurft, i go to my show, do job options, and say transcode to "Autodetect" or "Default" or "high quality"
[02:10:24] sanmarcos: aboutblank: yea its nice, but basic, I have to set up a script so I can ivtv-tune -c channel number. A total pain
[02:10:27] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:10:57] gurft: Is the "High Quality" one the one you have setup for lossles mpeg2?
[02:11:03] Jambi is now known as chickeneater
[02:11:05] aboutblank: no.
[02:11:25] RyeBrye: Is there a graceful way of stopping mythbackend when it's running as a daemon? I alwas ps ax | grep mythb and then kill the process...
[02:11:32] gurft: what's the name of the one you have setup for lessless mpeg2?
[02:11:44] gurft: Anyone know which table holds the program data?
[02:11:52] aboutblank: gurft: under "Transcoders" in setup, i have "autodetect from rtjpeg/mpeg4" "mpeg2 lossless", "[high|medium|low] quality", and then....
[02:12:01] GreyFoxx: RyeBrye: That's the correct way
[02:12:06] RyeBrye: Ok, just making sure
[02:12:12] GreyFoxx: assuming you are just killing and not kill -9
[02:12:30] sanmarcos: RyeBrye: use pgrep/pkill
[02:12:31] gurft: but when you go to transcode, you don't have an mpeg2 lossless option
[02:12:32] aboutblank: gurft: then under "job options – transcoding" i have "default", "autodect", "[high|medium|low] quality"
[02:12:46] GreyFoxx: RyeBrye: This is the script I use for starting and stopping mythbackend
[02:12:50] gurft: I just called the wife, I have a "autodetect from mpeg2"
[02:12:51] GreyFoxx:
[02:13:03] gurft: which I use for all my lossless transcoding.
[02:13:05] aboutblank: gurft: yeah that's the default, i renamed it.
[02:13:17] aboutblank: gurft: but that option is under the job options :(
[02:13:30] gurft: okay, I dunno then, seems like you have everything kosher.
[02:14:11] aboutblank: gurft: i think this problem is related to using mythtrancode --mpeg2 does NOT honor the cutlist for me, and in nuvexport, mpeg2 lossless doesn't even show up
[02:14:27] aboutblank: do i not have the mpeg2 encoder or something?
[02:14:37] gu014 (gu014! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:14:42] gurft: dunno....
[02:14:56] ** aboutblank sighs **
[02:15:27] dmz_ (dmz_!n=dmz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:55] gu014 (gu014! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:58] sanmarcos: anybody using xawtv4 here?
[02:17:17] gurft: anyone had any real success with mytharchive? it creates my DVDs, but the menus are all jacked up and don't seem to work properly.
[02:17:23] Aid`: sanmarcos: i have before
[02:17:38] sanmarcos: Aid`: what system/what compiler?
[02:17:49] sanmarcos: I keep getting errors in the X files while compiling
[02:17:53] Aid`: debian precompiled package
[02:17:55] sanmarcos: where did you find it?
[02:18:00] Aid`: apt-get
[02:18:22] sanmarcos: sid has 3.94
[02:19:26] sanmarcos: Aid`: its not in the offical repos
[02:20:31] russK (russK! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:19] Aid`: are you debian?
[02:22:46] sanmarcos: yep, its not in sid
[02:22:53] Aid`: want my sources.list?
[02:23:11] sanmarcos: pastebin it
[02:23:29] zmd (zmd!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:23:32] word: is anyone here familiar with controlling a satellite box serially?
[02:24:05] seth|laptop: word serial ir blaster or direct connect?
[02:24:37] word: seth|laptop: usb -> serial -> null modem adapter -> computer
[02:25:07] word: trying to use this tutorial – . . . _STB_via_USB but am having troubles
[02:25:07] seth|laptop: sorry irblaster w/ dishnetwork here :-(
[02:25:13] Aid`: sanmarcos:
[02:25:58] Aid`: word: i controlled a directv box from Serial port to LOW DATA
[02:26:09] word: low data?
[02:27:17] word: Aid`: ^
[02:30:28] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=mythtv@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:30:29] kennyt: 2006-10–15 22:34:10.418 TV Error: StartPlayer(): NVP is not playing after 20000 msec
[02:30:30] Aid`: yes serial to low data port
[02:30:39] Aid`: it has like a RG## connector in the backj
[02:30:44] Aid`: its like a phoneline sortof
[02:30:57] word: Aid`: so it was the receiver with the low data port?
[02:31:08] Aid`: directv box
[02:31:08] kennyt: using a pvr-350 and its x driver, the video plays fine on remote frontends, but the screen is blank on the master.
[02:31:23] kennyt: 2006-10–15 22:34:54.637 Using the PVR-350 decoder/TV-out
[02:31:23] kennyt: 2006-10–15 22:34:55.005 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
[02:31:31] word: Aid`: yah, so what kind of things did you do to get it working?
[02:31:44] Aid`: hook up the cable
[02:31:50] Aid`: and download something called
[02:31:55] Aid`: google it you'll find it
[02:32:18] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=mythtv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:21] kennyt: eventually it times out and goes back to the menu
[02:32:53] RyeBrye: I'm trying to set up a timed auto-login, but whever I load gdmsetup the app will come up and then just freeze
[02:33:38] word: Aid`: yah i have it just..I get this –
[02:34:00] tjcarter: hmm, mythdvd seems to be trying to open //dev/dvd
[02:34:13] tjcarter: which doesn't exist =)
[02:34:22] sanmarcos: tjcarter: it usually doesnt
[02:34:33] gurft: Aid: You need to use a handset cord if youre building a cable
[02:34:34] sanmarcos: you ln -s from your real hd* optical drive
[02:34:36] Aid`: word: donno too tired to look at it
[02:34:37] gurft: it's a "slim RJ11"
[02:34:51] Aid`: ty gurft
[02:35:00] metalac (metalac! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:35:02] tjcarter: sanmarcos: nono
[02:35:09] gurft: I got a handset cord, and built two cables, work like a champe with my 2 DTV boxes.
[02:35:12] tjcarter: /dev/dvd exists. //dev/dvd doesn't
[02:35:32] tjcarter: although that seems not to be the only problem
[02:35:50] npodges (npodges! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:18] word: gurft: Mine doesn't have a low data port :-/ just a usb port
[02:36:30] gurft: doh, is it a DVR?
[02:36:35] word: no
[02:36:49] word: it says it works on that tutorial i linked earlier..i think i just need to 'initialize' my serial cable? not sure
[02:36:50] Spicerun (Spicerun! has quit ("The Truth is out there, but the server is down.")
[02:36:52] word: serial port*
[02:37:55] word: i have the D11–500 which supposedly works the best
[02:38:07] sanmarcos: Aid`: do you use ivtv?
[02:38:15] sanmarcos: anybody got the Ivtv X driver to compile on debian>
[02:38:34] sanmarcos: or ubuntu or any other deb based distro, I am desperate by now
[02:38:40] npodges: this may not be the place for it, but hopefully someone can take a look at my pastebin( i'm trying to compile the lastest lirc driver, and it's giving me errors.
[02:38:58] npodges: sanmarcos: i got it to compile on ubuntu
[02:40:08] npodges: sanmarcos: do you have a question regarding it?
[02:40:27] sanmarcos: npodges: yes! in fact I have an ubuntu box next to this one
[02:40:32] sanmarcos: npodges: can I query you?
[02:40:46] npodges: yea
[02:40:49] sanmarcos: I dont want to go offtopic, ok
[02:40:52] word: gurft: did you just plug it in and run the app?
[02:41:22] gurft: Yep, built out the cable, hooked everything up and ran the application, worked fine on he first one
[02:41:50] gurft: had to fine tune the script for the second one though as I didn't want to have confusiton between the two tuners in the setup screens.
[02:42:15] tjcarter: hm, do not DVD drives have a region key embedded in them? (hence the firmware changes to change version?)
[02:42:21] tjcarter: er
[02:42:23] tjcarter: region
[02:42:46] word: gurft: any idea how i can test that the serial port is enabled / functioning corr]ectly?
[02:42:54] word: correctly*
[02:43:11] gurft: Not without a loopback connector.
[02:43:22] npodges: has anyone here had luck compiling the latest lirc drivers?
[02:43:28] word: loopback connector?
[02:43:31] gurft: or hooking something else "serial" up to it
[02:43:38] gurft: Yea, it's a little dongle you put ont eh serial port
[02:43:42] word: ah..
[02:43:50] gurft: then open up a terminal program, and anthign you type should echo back.
[02:44:05] word: ah...
[02:44:05] gurft: If the serial port isn't enabled though, the script should fail, as it won't be able to open up the device
[02:44:16] ShockValue (ShockValue! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:32] ShockValue: anyone know who makes the comcast digital remote? im curious if theres already a lirc setup for it
[02:44:35] word: I checked to make sure it was enabled in the bios because i went in there a month or so ago and disabled some things i don't nee
[02:44:36] word: need*
[02:44:50] word: so if anything it's kubuntu not enabling it :-/
[02:45:47] word: in the 'talk' of that tutorial someone said they had to 'touch' it with another app to get it working? perhaps i'm having a similar problem :-/
[02:46:36] gurft (gurft! has quit ()
[02:51:01] seth|laptop (seth|laptop! has quit ("User disconnected")
[02:58:01] word: hm looks like it's working good just i don't have a module it needs for perl o.O
[02:59:58] sanmarcos: did zap2it break xmltv_grab icons na?
[03:06:20] aboutblank (aboutblank! has quit ()
[03:10:43] word: yay found the module
[03:11:57] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[03:12:42] ShockValue: grr thats weird.. i recorded a lircd.conf file in raw mode which i messed up.. so i deleted it.. now even without the -f switch, it keeps recording everythign i do in raw mode
[03:12:46] flip_fl (flip_fl! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:15:06] SlicerDicer-: everybody wish me the best of luck I am moving to New Mexico :)
[03:15:16] SlicerDicer-: ShockValue: wish me luck that the 5C is not there ;-)
[03:15:26] ShockValue: ew
[03:15:28] ShockValue: good luck
[03:15:59] SlicerDicer-: :)
[03:16:09] SlicerDicer-: I am so happy to be leaving the rain
[03:16:13] ShockValue: how can i tell if there is 5c on a line? im kind of suspecting VH1 is pushing that out, since my firewire works great, except on that channel
[03:17:11] SlicerDicer-: ShockValue: you power down the box or something hang on
[03:17:15] SlicerDicer-: I have it on my userpage on the wiki
[03:17:43] SlicerDicer-: tune to channel
[03:17:48] SlicerDicer-: turn STB to standby/off
[03:18:01] SlicerDicer-: press the OK/SELECT on the remote withen 2 seconds to enter diagnostic menu
[03:18:12] kennyt: anyone used myth with a pvr-350? what do you have to do to get the livetv to play through?
[03:18:18] SlicerDicer-: down arrow to d11 interface status and look for 5C implement
[03:18:32] SlicerDicer-: then press power to exit diagnostic
[03:18:41] JohnP789 (JohnP789! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[03:19:41] ShockValue: cool thanks
[03:19:44] SlicerDicer-: yep
[03:20:33] ShockValue: grr this remote is weird.. irrecord records ok, but its in RAW.. and then i use IRW.. i get a couple random presses to work, then nothing.. until i restart lirc
[03:20:53] awbassett (awbassett!n=andrew@ has quit ("Leaving")
[03:24:19] sanmarcos: once I do --import-icon-map iconmap.xml --update-icon-map do I need to change my cron job to update to include those lines in the myhtfilldatabase command?
[03:24:23] RyeBrye: Anyone running a gdmsetup auto timed login?
[03:24:24] sanmarcos: do I need to keep the iconmap?
[03:24:36] kennyt: on 'watch tv': 2006-10–15 22:39:44.791 Using the PVR-350 decoder/TV-out
[03:24:36] kennyt: 2006-10–15 22:39:45.155 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
[03:24:36] kennyt: Unable to launch application
[03:24:36] kennyt: 2006-10–15 22:40:41.468 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started
[03:25:13] RyeBrye: kennyt – try running mythbackend as root?
[03:25:33] RyeBrye: kennyt – and for kicks try runnign mythfrontend as root to see if that lets it work
[03:25:47] RyeBrye: that would give it SUID priority, I think... but I'm not sure
[03:27:34] kennyt: hm, frontend's zombied now.
[03:29:21] RyeBrye: oh?
[03:29:31] RyeBrye: Did you run them both as root?
[03:30:05] kennyt: nah, i couldn't kill the non-root frontend; i ended up rebooting... waiting now.
[03:30:18] RyeBrye: pkill myth
[03:30:26] kennyt: what's pkill?
[03:30:35] RyeBrye: someone told it to me earlier
[03:30:56] RyeBrye: it's basically: ps ax | grep argument (enter) kill (PID of arugment) in one easy step
[03:31:31] kennyt: oh, i'd been using `killall mythfrontend' and `killall -9 mythfrontend'
[03:32:00] RyeBrye: that'd do the same thing
[03:32:33] kennyt: yeah; it must have been hung in kernelspace; i didn't see any oopses, though
[03:34:18] kennyt: ok, trying that now...
[03:34:39] kennyt: wow
[03:34:40] npodges (npodges! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:36:18] RyeBrye: wow what?
[03:36:24] RyeBrye: did it work? go boom?
[03:39:08] RyeBrye: How long does it take for ivtv rpm's to get updated when a new kernel is released?
[03:41:44] kennyt: it worked, essentially. now i need to go through a huge trace to find out what didn't work
[03:42:10] kennyt: or i could just run mythbackend as root.
[03:43:26] kennyt: hm, it's probably just needing the realtime lsm...
[03:46:58] SlicerDicer- (SlicerDicer-! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:54:23] RyeBrye: kennyt – I run my backend just so it's a higher priority task
[03:54:50] ** RyeBrye is also a Linux n00b **
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[04:26:49] sanmarcos: how do I see/cancle current recordings?
[04:26:59] sanmarcos: i did not schedule it, it might have happened because of table corruption
[04:29:19] GreyFoxx: You can see and stop ongoing recordings in the Watch Recordings screen
[04:30:09] tuck3r (tuck3r!n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:30:27] ** GreyFoxx heads to bed **
[04:31:15] ** tjcarter attempts to figure out how to effectively improve mythmusic UI **
[04:32:19] tjcarter: Not sure I like the current one very much, but so far I haven't got great suggestions for how to do it better..
[04:35:33] sanmarcos: GreyFoxx: I get sorry. no recordings available
[04:36:07] sanmarcos: GreyFoxx: but when I try to watch tv I get that myth is using all the inputs available for the channel you selected.
[04:38:12] sanmarcos: wow, myth doesnt hash passwords on the db
[04:40:48] sanmarcos: not needed really, it might be more convenietn
[04:40:49] sanmarcos: but oh well
[04:47:28] j-rod (j-rod!i=jarod@nat/redhat/x-4a2dc0f3e92e59e2) has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.5")
[04:54:47] sanmarcos: GreyFoxx: any ideas?
[04:59:41] netw1z: anyone here have a hauppage 150 with remote/ir blaster? I can seem to bring it online
[05:00:10] netw1z: the remote part is the bit im stuck at
[05:00:20] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has quit ("Leaving")
[05:02:33] smeagol (smeagol! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:02:34] sanmarcos: not ir blaster
[05:02:39] sanmarcos: but you mean the hauppauge remote?
[05:02:41] sanmarcos: what is the prob>?
[05:03:08] netw1z: i would like to set it up
[05:03:18] netw1z: to change channels on the set top box.. and also naviaget the menus
[05:03:23] netw1z: but im not getting anything
[05:06:00] metalac (metalac! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:06:47] ShockValue: cool.. got my frontend working in the bedroom tonight.. first time ive been able to skip commercials in bed :)
[05:09:05] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:10:33] netw1z: any ideas where to start to test the IR remote
[05:11:35] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=DewFew@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:11:43] Ediehow: i have the america's top 120 for dishnetwork
[05:11:54] Ediehow: is it possible with zap2labs to JUST get those without having to go through and select individual ones?
[05:13:29] tjcarter: hm, I caught the edited for TV showing of U-571.. I expect to be depressed with it.
[05:14:24] tjcarter: Bet no mention of Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse anywhere...  ;)
[05:15:27] sanmarcos: is there a way to repair an isntaltion?
[05:15:43] tjcarter: Ediehow: you probably have to do it by hand
[05:15:56] tjcarter: sanmarcos: depends on how it's broken  ;)
[05:15:58] Ediehow: that certainly blows
[05:16:22] tjcarter: Ediehow: only has to be done once though
[05:16:32] metalac: hey anyone know if PureVideo HD will be available for Linux?
[05:16:39] sanmarcos: tjcarter: Iam trying to watch tv but it says all available inputs are being used
[05:16:50] sanmarcos: tjcarter: but I have absolutely no recordings, or anything in the record table
[05:16:54] tjcarter: what does status show?
[05:17:46] tjcarter: using defaults: system information -> status -> tuner status
[05:18:43] Ediehow: i dont know why
[05:18:56] Ediehow: but some channels i watch on mythtv through dishnetwork are either behind or in front by like 12 minutes
[05:19:00] Ediehow: sanford and son is starting now
[05:19:02] Ediehow: and it's 12:19
[05:19:18] tjcarter: Ediehow: preempted by sports?
[05:19:27] Ediehow: i just wanted to make sure it wasn't me:)
[05:19:28] sanmarcos: tjcarter: hold on
[05:19:32] sanmarcos: let me star tmyht
[05:19:37] ShockValue: netw1z: have you got lirc installed and the correct modules going?
[05:19:51] netw1z: think so. I cannot connect to IRW right now tho
[05:19:57] tuck3r: if zap2it doesn't have my provider, am I just screwed?
[05:20:01] netw1z: i get connect: Connection refused
[05:20:07] ShockValue: netw1z: do you have a /dev/lirc/0 or something similar?
[05:20:25] netw1z: /dev/lirc /dev/lirc1 /dev/lircd /dev/lircm
[05:20:31] netw1z: is what i see in /dev
[05:21:06] ShockValue: lirc1 is probably the one you want.. you have that in your conf.d file?
[05:21:14] netw1z: checking now
[05:21:20] tjcarter: tuck3r: you may be able to build a custom lineup, but I don't know how that's done
[05:23:03] netw1z: in lircd.conf ?
[05:23:10] netw1z: or lircmd.conf
[05:23:30] sanmarcos: tjcarter: when I hover the tuner status, it disconnects from the master server
[05:23:36] sanmarcos: then it shows tuner 0 is not active
[05:23:53] ShockValue: netw1z: on my box its /etc/conf.d/lircd
[05:24:20] ShockValue: that will point to your lirc device.. the /etc/lircd.conf file is something else (holds the remote codes)
[05:25:04] tjcarter: sanmarcos: interesting.. I am not sure what the problem could be.. Have you tested the interface outside of myth?
[05:25:28] sanmarcos: huh?
[05:25:53] netw1z: shockvalue.. im working from KnoppsMyth
[05:26:05] sanmarcos: tjcarter: oh nevermind, I Got some driver corruption
[05:26:14] sanmarcos: glibc's bullshit change of their abi
[05:26:36] ShockValue: netw1z: ive never used knopp before, but i would venture the files locations are similar
[05:26:38] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:26:48] netw1z: i found it
[05:27:12] netw1z: its stored in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
[05:28:10] ShockValue: does that have a bunch of remote codes in it, or a line pointing to your /dev/lirc1 device?
[05:28:11] netw1z: greping thru it i see no /dev/lirc or /dev/lirc1
[05:28:46] ShockValue: hrm.. knopp is confusing me then :)
[05:28:55] monkeypet (monkeypet! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[05:29:07] tjcarter: Nope, no Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse!  ;)
[05:29:30] ShockValue: i have to bail for now
[05:29:32] ShockValue (ShockValue! has quit ()
[05:29:43] tjcarter: This movie's fictionalized history differs from my own.
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[06:04:11] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=DewFew@ has quit ("Sho Ryu Ken")
[06:05:32] sanmarcos: when I start watching Tv, my screen just locks, it goes black, and the computer freezes, my monitor seems to respawn two times
[06:05:38] sanmarcos: any idaes what the problem could be?
[06:05:41] sanmarcos: or how can I Get more info?
[06:06:35] tjcarter: like I said, you probably should start with testing your tuner alone
[06:06:42] tjcarter: could be ivtv problems
[06:07:00] sanmarcos: no, I can see it fine
[06:07:05] sanmarcos: mplayer /dev/video0, work sfine
[06:07:14] tjcarter: okay
[06:07:16] tjcarter: hmmm
[06:08:13] tjcarter: sounds like either recording or playback isn't working then
[06:08:33] sanmarcos: table corruption
[06:08:43] tjcarter: oh, hmm
[06:08:44] sanmarcos: should I redo myth-setup?
[06:08:56] tjcarter: you could drop the table and recreate everything in setup
[06:09:33] sanmarcos: which table?
[06:11:12] tjcarter: mythconverg
[06:11:16] tjcarter: first though
[06:11:25] tjcarter: read howto on backup/restore
[06:11:58] tjcarter: do a backup. You might be able to grep some bits out of the old backup that are not corrupt to save you some effort in repopulating the new table
[06:12:22] sanmarcos: why is it called mythconverg
[06:13:05] tjcarter: because someone called it that.
[06:13:22] tjcarter: good enough reason? =)
[06:13:34] sanmarcos: but im curious mommy
[06:13:41] sanmarcos: ill try one more time
[06:13:47] sanmarcos: then ill drop the data
[06:14:44] tjcarter: I'm a non-developer, so I have no idea.
[06:18:29] aevil (aevil! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:20:24] sanmarcos: bah still same problem
[06:21:38] KaZeR: which FS do you guys recommend for mythtv storage ?
[06:21:51] sanmarcos: ext3 is fine
[06:21:59] KaZeR: fine thanks.
[06:22:04] LabMonkey: I'm using ext3 on a dmraid-0
[06:22:04] sanmarcos: but you could go with xfs or reiserfs if you want better perofrmance with large files
[06:22:28] LabMonkey: dual 300GB sata drives
[06:22:30] LabMonkey: works fine for me
[06:22:42] LabMonkey: of course I'm using a hauppage 500 tuner
[06:23:02] metalac (metalac! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:23:09] KaZeR: ok i'll stick with ext3. file erasing is a bit slow but it's still acceptable.
[06:23:12] KaZeR: thanks guys :)
[06:23:43] LabMonkey: which, I suppose, is relevant since the hardware encoder/decoder streams directly from the file
[06:23:47] LabMonkey: err
[06:23:48] LabMonkey: from/to
[06:24:15] LabMonkey: software encoders may exhibit different performance
[06:24:25] LabMonkey: characteristics
[06:25:03] KaZeR: i'm using a pvr350 atm.
[06:32:54] netw1z: is there a way to play snes games full screen?
[06:38:25] tjcarter: KaZeR: I suggest xfs or jfs
[06:38:33] tjcarter: KaZeR: ext3 takes forever to delete a file
[06:38:57] tjcarter: if you don't mind that (you will find that you do most likely), xfs is a good choice
[06:43:20] KaZeR: thanks tjcarter. in fact i already have a setup running mythtv. since i'm building a new one, i wanted some inpus on that point.
[06:43:37] KaZeR: for the moment, file time deletion doesn't bore me more than that.
[06:43:54] KaZeR: what is really boring me is file exports :)
[06:44:20] kraut: moin
[06:44:55] KaZeR: ffmpeg or transcode segfault when i try to use them against my recordings. so nuvexport is useless. and mythtv's transcoding produce not-so-compliant files.. i'm trying to find what i may have setup wrong..
[06:45:01] KaZeR: moin kraut
[06:45:49] darrenp (darrenp! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:51:38] mirak: is the TV out of a DVB-C card hauppauge nexus or tecnotrend premium better than TV OUT of video card ?
[07:00:22] stoffel (stoffel! has quit ("Verlassend")
[07:04:16] tjcarter: KaZeR: The solution to file export is to not need to do more than simply swap NUV for RIFF on the existing stream data
[07:04:17] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:04:46] KaZeR: riff?
[07:04:58] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:05:09] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:05:25] tjcarter: AVI's container format
[07:06:02] tjcarter: basically, lossless export
[07:07:28] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has quit (Client Quit)
[07:08:35] topping (topping! has quit ()
[07:08:42] LabMonkey: damnit
[07:08:54] LabMonkey: how do you disable DPMS with nvidia drivers in
[07:08:55] LabMonkey: err
[07:08:57] LabMonkey: conf
[07:09:16] xris (xris! has quit ("l8r")
[07:17:23] KaZeR: tjcarter, sounds good, any tips or url to do that?
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[07:31:24] Neeesat25 (Neeesat25! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:31:30] Neeesat25: Hello
[07:31:42] Neeesat25: Anyone using mythtv in frame Buffer mode?
[07:34:42] Juski: not many people are these days
[07:34:56] Neeesat25: I need a better tv out
[07:35:08] Juski: geforce2 card?
[07:35:16] Juski: do you have one of them I mean?
[07:35:37] Neeesat25: I have matrox 450, ATI 9200
[07:35:39] Juski: my fx5200 card gives me nice clear tv output
[07:35:48] Juski: time to get a nvidia then ;)
[07:35:58] Neeesat25: I have 32'' Flat tv
[07:36:09] Juski: time to get a nvidia then ;)
[07:36:13] Neeesat25: I need superb TV out
[07:36:39] Neeesat25: I have try nvidia geforce mx440
[07:36:43] Juski: put it this way... I have a Panasonic standalone DVD player... and all my nvidia tv outs look as good as that
[07:37:20] Neeesat25: Does it has Hardware Mpeg?
[07:37:50] Juski: yeah but some nvidia cards have crappy tv outputs – they use cheap tv encoders. the ones with conexant or nvidia tv output encoders are fantasic
[07:38:01] Juski: yes it'll let you use xvmc
[07:38:19] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:38:26] Neeesat25: xvmc?
[07:39:01] Juski: xvmc.. x video motion compensation... i.e. help decoding mpeg2
[07:39:57] Juski: what's the problem with the tv out quality btw?
[07:40:49] Neeesat25: Juski which is the best card?
[07:41:00] Juski: what's the problem with the tv out quality btw?
[07:41:10] Juski: it might not even be the card to blame
[07:42:04] Neeesat25: It's not so clear
[07:42:40] Juski: fuzzy? funny lines all over the picture? 'tearing' effects on moving video?
[07:42:52] Juski: or just 'soft focus' ?
[07:43:06] Neeesat25: soft focus
[07:43:08] Neeesat25: like
[07:43:28] Neeesat25: colors are not so clear
[07:43:35] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:43:41] word: anyone here familiar with controlling a satellite box serially?
[07:43:43] Juski: for TV out you should ideally be using a resolution as close to the TV standard you're using. For PAL, 720x576. For NTSC, 720x480
[07:44:05] Neeesat25: I use 1024x768
[07:44:05] Juski: dammit I need to move my ass & go to work
[07:44:07] TakKovacs (TakKovacs!n=lakidd@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:44:16] Neeesat25: So the best card to use is?
[07:44:30] Juski: Neeesat25: try a lower resolution.
[07:44:38] Juski: there is no 'best' card
[07:44:45] Neeesat25: ok juski thanks
[07:44:46] Juski: YMMV with everything out there
[07:45:02] Neeesat25: YMMV?
[07:45:06] Juski: if you can get 720x576 or 720x480, go with whichever
[07:45:32] Juski: YMMV == your mileage may vary.. i.e. you might not achieve what others have even with the same setup
[07:45:33] Neeesat25: what x are you using?
[07:45:43] Juski: I use 720x576 for my PAL TV
[07:46:08] Neeesat25: I use also pal
[07:46:17] Neeesat25: Do you use gnome?
[07:46:21] Juski: nope
[07:46:25] Juski: fluxbox
[07:46:25] Neeesat25: KDE?
[07:46:44] Juski: full desktop environments are way too bloated for a mythtv box
[07:46:52] Juski: anyway.. I'm off to work. good luck
[07:46:57] Neeesat25: OK I will follow that direction
[07:46:59] Neeesat25: Thanks
[07:47:03] Neeesat25: Good day
[07:47:45] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:48:38] TakKovacs: has anyone seen a dvico dual digital play a channel fine on one tuner but no good on the other ?
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[07:55:38] Anduin (Anduin! has quit ("Leaving.")
[07:58:24] makomk (makomk!n=aidan@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:14:16] genpix (genpix! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:17:55] fish_: re
[08:18:03] word: Can't call method "setcflag" on an undefined value anyone know what that means? i'm getting it from a script ( to control a satellite box serially.
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[09:04:23] Mattwj2005 (Mattwj2005! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:04:37] Mattwj2005: hey guys
[09:04:40] Mattwj2005: anyone around?
[09:04:56] Mattwj2005: I got some good news if anyone wants to hear
[09:05:56] Zider (Zider!i=zider@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:11:15] Mattwj2005: well I got HDTV to work on a Celeron 1.2 Ghz
[09:11:35] Mattwj2005: through the help of a Radeon
[09:11:36] Juski: "I bet he uses XvMC" :)
[09:11:39] gr0mit (gr0mit! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:11:43] Mattwj2005: yeah
[09:11:48] Mattwj2005: 1.2 Ghz!!!!
[09:11:50] Juski: XvMC on ATI?
[09:11:53] Juski: not in linux
[09:11:56] Mattwj2005: Nvida
[09:12:06] Juski: Nvidia don't make Radeons
[09:12:09] Mattwj2005: oops wrong machine
[09:12:18] Mattwj2005: the Radeon is my laptop :)
[09:12:32] Juski: that WOULD be something to tell the world about
[09:13:07] Mattwj2005: the backend has a Nvida Geforce FX 5200 or something like that
[09:14:33] Juski: hang on – so the backend is a celeron 1.2Ghz and it's only recording the HD.. you're playing it on a laptop?
[09:14:47] Mattwj2005: no
[09:14:58] Mattwj2005: I am playing it back on the 1.2 Ghz
[09:15:03] Juski: right
[09:15:06] Mattwj2005: recording and playing it back
[09:15:13] Juski: 720p or 1080i?
[09:15:37] Mattwj2005: 1080i and 720p both work
[09:16:24] Mattwj2005: the only problem is I had to shut off deinterlacing
[09:17:42] Juski: haha I bet
[09:18:08] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[09:18:33] Mattwj2005: I am going to try bob
[09:19:05] Juski: this is gonna be a shitty day. first -took more well over an hour to get to work. secondly the cleaners have taken my bloody cup away to clean it & lost it AGAIN. Like I'm not capable of washing my own frigging cup!
[09:19:16] Juski: bob is best for xvmc anyway
[09:19:29] Mattwj2005: yeah it appears to work
[09:20:02] Juski: now do h.264 :-P
[09:20:23] Mattwj2005: hehe I have a new 15 inch television aka a crt connected to my mythtv box
[09:20:31] Mattwj2005: yeah right ;)
[09:20:54] Mattwj2005: divx and mpeg4 are do-able though
[09:21:23] Mattwj2005: heck my geforce has builtin decoding for mpeg4 I think
[09:21:31] Juski: h.264 is mpeg4 AFAIK
[09:21:42] Juski: only accelerates mpeg2 in linux though
[09:21:54] Mattwj2005: oh okay
[09:22:14] Juski: and nvidia have no plans to get 'purevideo' working in linux for a good while
[09:22:52] Mattwj2005: I should hook this up in my bedroom
[09:23:08] Mattwj2005: that way I'll have HDTV in my bedroom as well as my living room
[09:24:54] Mattwj2005: well I am off to bed
[09:25:00] Mattwj2005: good night everyone
[09:26:01] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:41:42] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:51:25] word (word! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
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[10:06:13] tuck3r (tuck3r!n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r) has quit ()
[10:23:44] Juski: quiet, innit?
[10:23:49] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:25:13] Merlin83b: Shh
[10:25:47] beavis (beavis! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[10:28:56] quicksilver: nobody here but us chickens
[10:30:53] fish_: chickens?
[10:31:02] Juski: there ain't nobody here at all
[10:31:27] ivor: cluck
[10:34:14] Juski: just received a very worrying email
[10:34:21] ivor: me to.
[10:34:26] ivor: my project's canned.
[10:35:25] Juski: HDD manufacturer has found that one drive model, in conjunction with another model on the same PATA bus can get hung up, when just 2 drives are connected together (i.e. not plugged into an IDE controller)
[10:35:30] Juski: ivor: ouch!
[10:36:14] Juski: ivor: PHB strikes again?
[10:36:27] ivor: Juski: eh. what do you mean "when not plugged into an ide controller" ?
[10:36:46] Juski: I mean when the drives are just plugged onto a cable which aint plugged in
[10:37:04] Juski: when you power them up, one drive always fails when it's on the same bus as the other disk
[10:37:29] Juski: this is whether they're plugged into an IDE controller or not
[10:37:56] ivor: ah I see. so the two drives are connected and plugged in, but the fact that they are together means that when the controller powers up everything is screwed?
[10:38:10] Juski: no just one drive
[10:38:23] ivor: well yes.
[10:38:33] Juski: one drive is getting its initialisation routine fucked up because of the other
[10:38:43] ivor: sucks
[10:39:13] Juski: hmm I wonder if it's because of the DASP signal.. not that this is my concern.. the WHY of it all is the manufacturer's issue
[10:39:39] Juski: this manufacturer btw is a very big name in the business
[10:40:39] Juski: still – you can't expect them to test every drive model with every other drive model
[10:41:50] Juski: ivor – how much work is that which has been flushed today?
[10:42:34] ivor: linux port of 4 million lines of code.
[10:42:44] Juski: !!!
[10:42:49] ** ivor shrugs. **
[10:43:37] ivor: knew it was too good to be true.
[10:43:41] Juski: managers, lawyers & accountants.. scourge of the Earth
[10:43:52] ivor: turning up at work. getting on with a job. enjoying it. achieving something.
[10:43:55] ivor: had to be a catch
[10:44:51] Juski: there always is. it doesn't mean you're out of a job though does it?
[10:45:00] croppa (croppa! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[10:45:56] Puh (Puh! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:47:09] bagpuss_thecat (bagpuss_thecat! has quit ("buggrit")
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[10:48:47] ivor: no should be fine.
[10:49:25] ivor: just annoying. I'll concentrate on our FPGA coding instead.
[10:49:32] ivor: that's also fun.
[10:49:34] Juski: ah cool. I know how annoying it is though, been there myself. weeks/months of hard graft & all for nowt
[10:50:57] Juski: ah you do VHDL too?
[10:51:05] ivor: I do indeed.
[10:51:16] Juski: clever sod! ;-)
[10:54:39] ivor: anyone have any experience of calling into windows dll code from linux? how does mplayer call windows codecs?
[10:57:58] gbee: guess your answer is in the mplayer source ;)
[10:58:07] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:58:20] ivor: yeah yeah, but if someone knows the answer then that would be nice. :)
[10:58:38] ivor: and b) have you tried reading the mplayer source?
[10:59:06] Juski: if it's as bad as the manual...
[11:01:15] ivor: aha from wikipedia... us uses a dll loader forked from avifile which forked from the wine loader.
[11:02:13] Juski: workmate has been crowing about purevideo today
[11:02:29] Juski: knocks his cpu usage down to like 5% playing back HDTV
[11:03:20] gbee: Juski: booked my train tickets
[11:03:28] Juski: that'd be a dll worth getting to operate in linux!
[11:03:46] ivor: purevideo? is that the nvidia h264 one?
[11:04:03] Juski: yup
[11:04:11] ivor: ooh I'll have to take a look.
[11:04:38] Juski: the 5% cpu usage is playing back mpeg2 HD btw
[11:04:58] gbee: what about mpeg4?
[11:05:13] Juski: gbee: msg me your name & I can get a pass ordered for you
[11:05:54] Juski: gbee: I dunno about mpeg4.. workmate only has mpeg2 HD files AFAIK
[11:06:30] gbee: ahh ... still, 5% is impressive
[11:06:46] gbee: don't even manage that for SD mpeg2
[11:07:08] Juski: I think the h.264 HD streams still give folks issues with purevideo & 3ghz machines
[11:07:49] Juski: bah I have to cross 3 voids to dig out my login details for the exhibitor areas lol
[11:08:25] Puh (Puh! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:09:11] Juski: vnc into liunux box, vnc into windows box...
[11:09:39] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[11:09:54] Juski: need to find out how to get nx working properly so I can free up a port
[11:16:03] aevil (aevil! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:29:59] Juski: woo work is letting me into my gmail!
[11:30:21] Zider: yay o/
[11:31:57] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:49:41] Juski: hrm... Winterhill seems to have a new mux at 810166670
[11:51:06] Juski: oops me & my damn memory.. it's not new at all lol
[11:51:42] Ruleke: sounds like jibberish to me :)
[12:01:28] Juski: bugger. one of my cards can't get a whole multiplex
[12:01:55] Juski: I need an aerial amp
[12:02:46] Beirdo (Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit ("leaving")
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[12:09:23] Juski: time to add the new C5 channels by hand. oh yay
[12:11:13] gbee: don't like the scanner?
[12:11:24] Juski: still in 0.19.. scanning broken
[12:11:30] gbee: ahh
[12:11:50] Juski: plus it's more fun to do it this way
[12:12:18] Juski: ah bugger. what are the LCNs of the new c5 channels?
[12:12:26] gbee: 35/36
[12:12:36] Juski: five life = 35 ?
[12:12:41] gbee: they've moved a few channels down to fre up those numbers
[12:12:52] Juski: dammit
[12:13:04] gbee: no, other way around
[12:13:10] Juski: how dare they!
[12:13:33] gbee: 35 – Five US, 36 – Five Life
[12:13:50] Juski: cheers
[12:14:14] gbee: ITV4 is now 28, Film 4 – 29, E4+1 – 30
[12:15:49] Freud^ (Freud^! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:15:50] Juski: I can't get film4 on one of my tuners.. never noticed until just now
[12:17:16] Juski: that's the dodgy mux with TMF & stuff on it
[12:17:24] gbee: it's on multiplex D
[12:17:27] gbee: yeah
[12:17:53] Juski: ah hang on it doesn't matter a jot what I make the channel numbers does it?
[12:18:20] Juski: I don't have anything at 35 & 36 anyway
[12:18:21] gbee: easy to not miss that multiplex – were it not for Film4
[12:18:32] Juski: easy for me to miss it all the same
[12:18:53] Juski: never anything on it I've not already seen (that I'd have wanted to watch)
[12:20:00] Juski: but – one less TUTV channel is good
[12:22:46] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:26:57] KaZeR: anyone knows why ffmpeg/transcode/mencoder segfaults with my mythtv's nuv files?
[12:34:19] hashbang: Juski: is 'the dodgy mux' a national problem, then?
[12:35:36] Juski: hashbang: nah. it's only dodgy on one of my tuners so I need an amp
[12:36:03] hashbang: Juski: only I've got an amp, but that same multiplex has a lower SNR than the others, and occasionally drops out for me also.
[12:36:49] Juski: can hardly wait til it's all qam64 on 8k
[12:37:39] Juski: .. if only to hear OnDigital box owners screaming :-P
[12:42:41] Juski: lovely jubbly... both channels added
[12:42:57] Freud^ (Freud^! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:43:50] gbee (gbee! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:46:33] Juski: and they work. that was easier than scanning
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[13:05:36] kevin__ (kevin__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:09:10] kevin_: When I run nuvexport, i get about 6 of the 11 options disabled (Xvid, DVCD, DivX, ASF, MP3, PSP, MPEG->MPEG2 cut only). When I select one it tells me I need: tcprobe, lvemux, and avidemux2.
[13:09:28] kevin_: None of these are on my distro's rpm service, can anyone recommend where to get them individually or in a package?
[13:10:07] seth|laptop (seth|laptop!n=sjerome@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:11:21] Juski: kevin_: grab a slice of cvs ffmpeg
[13:11:31] Juski: and compile it yourself with everything enabled
[13:11:32] Beirdo: lvemux is part of lve
[13:11:42] Beirdo: he has ffmpeg
[13:11:48] Juski: ah
[13:11:53] Beirdo: tcprobe is part of transcode
[13:12:04] Beirdo: avidemux2 is a package of its own
[13:12:15] Juski: I had a similar issue on ubuntu because ffmpeg had next to nothing enabled in it
[13:12:29] kevin_: i tried to get transcode off the web but both links were broken. can you suggest any that may work?
[13:12:29] Beirdo: however, the mpeg2->mpeg2 cut only has been disabled for some time, it sounds like your nuvexport is old too
[13:12:44] Beirdo: hmm
[13:12:56] Beirdo: something like or something like that
[13:13:04] kevin_: okay, i'll check it out
[13:13:07] Beirdo: I'd have to google, which you could try too :)
[13:13:38] kevin_: ick
[13:13:41] Beirdo: Juski, yeah, they send out a seriously disabled ffmpeg
[13:14:13] Juski: software patent, ligitation prevention encripplement
[13:14:26] kevin_: yeah, i have ffmpeg but i guess it's not cutting it =|
[13:14:27] ** Beirdo patiently waits for his coffee to finish brewing **
[13:14:53] Beirdo: kevin_, the majority of the work will be done by ffmpeg afaik
[13:15:16] Beirdo: although yours may still be built without support for some of the things you are looking for
[13:16:03] Beirdo: hmmm, wonder why DVCD is disabled when VCD isn't?
[13:16:12] seth|laptop (seth|laptop!n=sjerome@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:16:20] zoibee: hi. in my previous installation mplayer had a graphical seek line, how do i get this? cant remember what i did to enable this...
[13:16:25] Beirdo: the only difference is the audio sampling rate
[13:16:30] kevin_: is that weird? just double checked.... VCD definitely is not disabled at that menu
[13:16:45] kevin_: yeah, does sound odd
[13:16:45] Beirdo: what does it complain about on DVCD?
[13:17:20] kevin_: oh, haha....... it's not disabled. I saw some comment in parenthesis after it and assumed it was disabled. it just says something about the audio rate
[13:17:26] Beirdo: heh
[13:17:28] Beirdo: OK
[13:17:29] Beirdo: whew
[13:17:32] kevin_: 4. Export to DVCD (VCD with 48kHz audio for making DVDs)
[13:17:37] Beirdo: yup
[13:17:44] kevin_: okay, just downloaded the transcode tarball, let me go ahead and make this
[13:17:49] Beirdo: I wrote the VCD and DVCD modules :)
[13:17:52] seth|laptop (seth|laptop!n=sjerome@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:18:00] Beirdo: so I was wondering what I had messed up
[13:18:35] ** Beirdo wanders off to get his coffee. **
[13:19:24] kevin_: haha
[13:21:14] kevin_: d'oh i'm missing a bunch of dependencies of transcode
[13:22:19] KaZeR: kevin_, what distro are you running? (no troll intended)
[13:22:34] kevin_: mandriva 2005 le
[13:22:36] kevin_: haha
[13:22:56] Juski: no comment
[13:23:39] kevin_: once I get nuvexport and lirc working I'd like to just leave this box alone and use it as a dedicated mythbox and build another pc with some less antiquated release on it
[13:23:43] KaZeR: almost every distro has a "live" functionality yet, weird taht mandriva doesn't
[13:23:51] KaZeR: kevin_, don't you have something like yum?
[13:24:03] kevin_: mandriva has urpmi.... that is similar to yum right?
[13:24:04] Juski: eh? I'm sure someone brought a mandriva live cd into work to show me
[13:24:21] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:24:39] Juski: has a nice 'dolphin'-like bootsplash IIRC
[13:24:42] kevin_: yeah, the newest mandriva live cd, the 2007 release looks sick
[13:24:49] KaZeR: i don't know urpmi. you have to manually download packages?
[13:25:02] kevin_: aiglx and 3d desktop and whatnot is supposedly supported
[13:25:20] kevin_: or included, i should say
[13:25:42] Juski: that's all well & good but mythfrontend won't work on 3d desktops
[13:25:57] Juski: at least not with compiz anyway
[13:25:59] kevin_: right, i don't plan on running that
[13:26:06] kevin_: two different boxes
[13:27:32] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:29:00] Juski: afternoon stuarta
[13:29:12] stuarta: afternoon Juski
[13:29:38] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:53] kevin_: d'oh! I need to learn something to install ffmpeg?! this svn nonsense....
[13:30:10] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=mythtv@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:30:50] Juski: I thought they were still using cvs
[13:31:07] Juski: either way it's not hard to check something out
[13:31:14] stuarta: the ffmpeg mob aren't big on releases
[13:31:41] Juski: with svn you'd do "svn co http://foo/bar/branch/etc"
[13:32:11] kevin_: have to find an svn client first
[13:32:41] janneg: kevin_: they have snapshots
[13:33:23] kevin_: snapshot as in I can download a tar file, extract and install it?
[13:34:21] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.static.gdt.cust.seg.NET) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:34:41] kevin_: please excuse the newbie questions... all I know how to do is use my distro's urpmi function, and download/install from source
[13:34:54] qu0zl: kevin_, there'll be a svn client in your distros repositories
[13:35:03] qu0zl: search for svn, or 'subversion'
[13:35:19] Pryon (Pryon! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:35:36] janneg: kevin_: I thought so, but I can't find them, use svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg
[13:36:09] kevin_: thanks janneg need to get my svn client going first though
[13:36:24] kevin_: qu0zl I just found an svn client in my distro's rpm repository
[13:36:27] kevin_: installing now
[13:37:00] kevin_: oops........ should I have checked it out as root, or does that not matter?
[13:38:01] Juski: if the user you run the svn checkout as, has write privileges on the dir you did it from you should be fine
[13:38:31] janneg: no, you shouldn't work as root, unless it is strictly necessary
[13:39:54] kevin_: there's no reason i can't just do a chown/chmod though right?
[13:41:08] Juski: yup. no reason
[13:41:12] qu0zl: none at all kevin_
[13:43:47] kevin_: heh this is turning into quite the can of worms.... after doing the ./configure for ffmpeg:
[13:43:48] kevin_: /home/kevin/tmp/cc41rCDe.s:11: Error: alignment not a power of 2
[13:44:01] kevin_: that message is from the assembler
[13:45:33] kevin_: so i can't make it yet
[13:47:30] kevin_: oh, woops. i just didn't do the -R switch when I chowned. i think i'm all set
[13:49:25] brad_mssw (brad_mssw! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:51:10] stuarta: Juski: pub location -> . . . ewsearch.srf
[13:51:56] Juski: stuarta: cheers
[13:52:31] stuarta: have we a cunning plan for next week yet?
[13:53:00] Juski: shit! it's next week!
[13:53:09] stuarta: yup! :)
[13:53:34] stuarta: and i thought i'd have a nice easy week off between jobs. no chance...
[13:54:02] Juski: haha
[13:54:36] Juski: well, the 'official' drinkies are at 'the Champion' nearest Notting Hill Gate tube stn
[13:54:36] stuarta: did have 3 days off, but my mate had a car accident so off to visit him mon & tue
[13:54:47] stuarta: tue eve?
[13:54:53] Juski: wednesday eve
[13:55:03] Juski: after day 1 of the show
[13:55:05] stuarta: end of day 1 :)
[13:55:19] Juski: I'll need a beer by then
[13:55:46] Juski: I better order them case badges NOW
[13:55:49] stuarta: me too
[13:56:44] Juski: hmmm numbers.. 30 or 40 would do it I think
[13:56:51] Zider: badgerbadgerbadger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM
[13:56:53] Juski: don't wanna be left with many
[13:57:47] stuarta: the champion ->
[13:59:41] tuck3r (tuck3r!n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:00:00] ** stuarta suspects Zider has been licking the badger instead of the mushroom.... **
[14:00:11] stuarta: hmmm :-/
[14:00:35] Zider: stuarta: ofcourse!
[14:01:17] stuarta: i'm somewhat concerned by the double entendre in my statement
[14:01:37] Zider: entwhat?
[14:01:57] Juski: badgers ordered :)
[14:02:15] stuarta: en-ton-dre
[14:02:35] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:02:35] stuarta: those wink wink nudge nudge type statements.
[14:02:56] Zider: hints? :P
[14:03:08] stuarta: double meanings :-P
[14:03:19] Zider: ah
[14:03:24] Zider: implications :)
[14:03:40] Juski: 40 badgers on their way via special delivery in the next couple of days.. woohoo
[14:03:46] Juski: place bets now!
[14:03:52] Zider: Juski: in cages I hope
[14:03:52] stuarta: memememememe
[14:05:14] Juski: one badger:
[14:05:40] Zider: ooo
[14:05:42] Juski:
[14:07:01] Juski: final design is different btw.. mythtv logo text is centred on the finished item
[14:07:20] Juski: not having people nicking the graphic & printing their own.. heheh
[14:07:40] flip_fl (flip_fl! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:10:24] sigger (sigger! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:13:09] mishehu: badgers? BADGERS??? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
[14:13:29] Juski: how about a whole pig?! laaaaahvly grub!
[14:13:30] ** stuarta dreams of roast badger **
[14:13:46] mishehu: Today we are going to teach poodles how to fly...
[14:14:21] Zider: not noodles?
[14:14:36] mishehu: Zider: record/rent UHF
[14:14:55] Zider: seen it
[14:15:19] mishehu: has anybody been noticing that dvd playback sometimes gets choppy? I'm guessing that it might happen on transition from one chapter to the next
[14:15:19] ** stuarta fancies a spot of flying pig **
[14:15:26] dorel_1: which flag do i need to put to enable debugging on buliding mythtv-frontend?
[14:15:40] mishehu: dorel_1: -g I believe
[14:15:55] sigger (sigger! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:08] mishehu: I never remember all those silly gcc params heh
[14:16:23] Juski: mishehu: maybe on a layer change
[14:16:38] dorel_1: i think maybe --enable-debug
[14:16:39] mishehu: Juski: doubtful. it happens too often
[14:16:50] mishehu: dorel_1: *shrug*
[14:16:53] Juski: never noticed it even on my 1ghz frontend tbh
[14:17:25] mishehu: Juski: are you using the internal dvd player app?
[14:17:37] mishehu: I never have it happen with xine.
[14:18:08] stuarta: crap, how did my ticket list get so long ???
[14:18:28] quicksilver: mmmm roast badger
[14:18:32] Zider: can the dvd menus be controlled with keyboard in the internal player?
[14:18:40] stuarta: yup
[14:18:43] dorel_1: sheesh, there's no --enable-debug in configure but there is --disable-debug
[14:18:54] stuarta: --compile-type=debyg
[14:18:59] stuarta: --compile-type=debug even
[14:19:03] Zider: oh goodie.. maybe I'll try it instead of xine then ;)
[14:19:45] netw1z: anyone know how I can fix my overscan problems with a nvidia card? Im getting a blue frame around LiveTV and the picture isnt centeted on my Sony Wega
[14:19:48] stuarta: the internal player is improving all the time. the more testing it gets the better it becomes
[14:20:23] qu0zl: netw1z, Edit the file /home/mythtv/.xinitrc and add the following line:
[14:20:24] qu0zl: xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 1
[14:20:27] Zider: when I tried it last time it was pretty crappy.. but that was a while back ;)
[14:20:34] Zider: that's why I used xine
[14:20:35] qu0zl: according to to get rid of the blue bars
[14:20:35] Juski: netw1z: it's nigh on impossible to get X centred on TV outputs
[14:20:51] Juski: also search for overscan on the wikiwikiwah
[14:21:07] Zider: netw1z: I found the solution to that blue frame
[14:21:19] netw1z: really? Im eager :)
[14:21:20] dorel_1: stuarta: i want to build the mythtv-frontend-0.20 package from debian sources, where do i set the debugging to enable so i can just build it again with dpkg?
[14:21:26] Juski: overscan the borders off using nvidia-settings
[14:21:40] Zider: netw1z: I'm booting the mythbox now to see what the command was :D
[14:21:48] stuarta: dorel_1: probably in debian/rules
[14:21:53] Juski: then adjust the mythtv gui to fit the screen in appearance settings. then set mythfrontend to not use GUI size for tv playback
[14:22:13] dorel_1: stuarta: yeah im looking at it.
[14:22:15] stuarta: dorel_1: you trying to debug a crash or something.
[14:22:28] dorel_1: stuarta: yeah, im experiencing crashes all the time and trying to figure out the problem.
[14:22:45] dorel_1: stuarta: juski suggested to compile a package with debugging and try to find out whats wrong
[14:22:47] stuarta: you'll need to run head. test against that
[14:23:08] dorel_1: stuarta: what do you mean?
[14:23:36] stuarta: regular crashes need to be tested for against the latest source code.
[14:23:45] netw1z: sweet!
[14:23:55] stuarta: if the problem still exists it can be fixed there and backported if necessary
[14:24:30] dorel_1: stuarta: i see. so you suggest i get latest from cvs and compile it with debugging enabled?
[14:24:47] stuarta: dorel_1:
[14:25:13] Juski: not cvs.. svn
[14:25:25] stuarta: yes that's what you need to do. (also backup your db so you can go back to 0.20 if needed)
[14:26:32] stuarta: there's normally a few of us around to help if needed.
[14:26:41] Juski: _always_ back up your database regularly anyway ;)
[14:27:01] Zider: I never have ;)
[14:27:09] Juski: I should have a go at providing a backtrace of mythcontrols segfaulting
[14:27:21] ** stuarta nukes Zider's database for fun & profit **
[14:27:34] Zider: stuarta: I don't have much interesting there anyways ;)
[14:27:44] dorel_1: stuarta: ok so i need to compile *only* mythtv-frontend from the source svn, right? no need to recompile the backend, mythtv core or other stuff... or that wouldnt work cause of version conflicts?
[14:28:01] Juski: dorel_1: all have to be the same version
[14:28:12] stuarta: dorel_1: the whole lot. if you have packages installed you *must* uninstall them
[14:28:27] Juski: uninstall & delete. I found apt-get remove left libs behind
[14:28:37] stuarta: dpkg --purge
[14:28:42] dorel_1: ahh
[14:28:46] dorel_1: thats an entire system re-do
[14:28:48] dorel_1: i cant do that
[14:28:53] Zider: netw1z: xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 0
[14:28:59] Zider: netw1z: should do it
[14:29:08] makomk (makomk!n=aidan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:29:13] dorel_1: maybe ill stick to compiling in debug mode only the 0.20 version that i have
[14:29:20] dorel_1: through apt-get source packages
[14:29:29] directhex|work (directhex|work! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:29:32] stuarta: dorel_1: not really, just uninstall them, you can go back to packages when you've helped us find your problem
[14:29:48] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:30:12] kevin_: d'oh i got ffmpeg all compiled and installed. but i forgot to do the enable xvid and what not. lol
[14:30:16] dorel_1: but if im having the problem with the package i got from apt (the binary one) then i will have it also with the source package so i dont get it
[14:30:45] stuarta: dorel_1: okay. bare minimum then, try it with a checkout of 0.20-fixes
[14:31:13] ** stuarta sighs **
[14:31:20] Zider: 32MB database.. yum
[14:31:31] dorel_1: and that wouldnt cause conflicts with my current packages?
[14:31:44] Juski: you'd still have to uninstall em
[14:31:47] stuarta: thats why they have to be removed
[14:31:53] directhex|work: what are the low-pain options for using an off-the-shelf universal remote (i.e. not an ugly plastic pc-specific remote like an mce or remote-wonder) with myth, on a machine without a serial port?
[14:32:23] dorel_1: 0.20–0.1 i think
[14:32:30] Juski: directhex|work: get a learning one & use the existing IR receiver
[14:32:39] netw1z: zider: xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 0  ?
[14:32:43] Juski: learning/programmable ;)
[14:32:51] Zider: netw1z: should get rid of the blue border
[14:33:11] netw1z: should i shove this in a config file?
[14:33:13] stuarta: makes it black
[14:33:30] Zider: netw1z: put it in a start script for xorg or the windowmanager or something
[14:33:35] directhex|work: Juski, by "existing" you mean "buy an MCE remote or USB/IR keyboard", presumably?
[14:34:16] Juski: directhex|work: basically, yes.. or use the remote receiver that comes with your tuner.. if your box is an all-in-one FE/BE
[14:35:42] netw1z: thanks dude!
[14:36:07] Juski: netw1z: still leaves you with a black border though
[14:36:51] netw1z: there is no way to center it with nvidia tv-out?
[14:37:27] Juski: nope. overscan til the black borders are gone, then centre the gui in the appearance settings
[14:38:21] Juski: time for me to go. wanna miss the awful traffic
[14:38:31] stuarta: l8r
[14:38:32] Juski: laters, y'all
[14:38:34] Zider: try different resolutions too.. for me, 800x600 is more centered than 640x480
[14:38:42] jblack_ (jblack_! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[14:38:58] qu0zl: cya Juski
[14:41:30] mishehu: bah.
[14:41:35] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:41:48] mishehu: Zider: do you use a remote to control mythtv?
[14:42:22] mishehu: if so, you can also use it to control the dvd menus/playback with the internal player. I never had any luck getting xine to work with lirc.
[14:42:27] Zider: mishehu: no.. I tried to build an IR receiver but it doesn't work :(
[14:42:59] mishehu: Zider: ah. I have a sblive audigy platinum that came with a remote, that's what I use. didn't have to build anything.
[14:43:05] Zider: :/
[14:43:16] Zider: I don't even have a tuner
[14:44:14] mishehu: ah, tuner is not necessary heh.
[14:44:15] flip_fl: I'm trying to hunt down a problem with XvMC with pre-compiled myth from edgy repos so I pulled the latest from svn and did a make- make install — had a version conflict so I pulled the .20 trunk -fixes and am compiling now — just read the instructions to dorel_l where previous packages need to be removed – so I removed my repo packages – Question – do I need to specifically uninstall the bleeding edge version before running make-
[14:44:16] flip_fl: install on trunk-fixes
[14:44:37] mishehu: who needs a tuner when one has gnutella/torrents
[14:44:38] Zider: mishehu: I was planning on using the mythbox as video recorder primarily.. :P
[14:45:01] mishehu: Zider: so are you going to get a tuner card?
[14:45:08] Zider: mishehu: sometime yes..
[14:45:39] stuarta: flip_fl: you must be running a consistent version everywhere.
[14:47:47] flip_fl: stuarta: I'm realizing that now--I installed binaries, then plastered latest svn over that- it didn't work because of version conflicts- I've removed the repository binary stuff through apt-
[14:48:19] stuarta: yup. then install your build
[14:48:23] directhex|work: mishehu, someone who doesn't want to break the law, or contribute to the image of open source people as dirty software pirates, they might want a tuner when they have peer-to-peer
[14:48:53] flip_fl: and now I'm compiling .20 trunk fixes- my question — Do I need to worry about the .21 I installed from make-install
[14:49:17] directhex|work: flip_fl, as long as you keep your --prefixes clean, you should be fine
[14:49:17] mishehu: directhex|work: if the recording is off of the airwaves (and not cable) it's technically legal to do in the USA.
[14:49:47] flip_fl: erm-- what are --prefixes
[14:49:50] stuarta: it'll install over your previous manual install, so that's okay
[14:50:00] mishehu: but I guess next time I'll have to use <joking></joking> tags so it's obvious
[14:50:00] netw1z: hey Zider: i get xvattr: Couldn't open display
[14:50:05] flip_fl: stuarta: thanks
[14:50:09] netw1z: when i execute that line
[14:50:28] stuarta: but when you had the packages installed the prefix path would have been different, which has issues.
[14:50:41] Fnc-1_: so i read somewhere that the cable companies, have to broadcase the local HD channels in the clear over their wire,,, is this true? i read thats its QAM-64 also but when i scan with that, i get nothin
[14:50:53] stuarta: hahahaha!
[14:51:27] stuarta: if you are *lucky* they might broadcast *something* in the clear
[14:51:32] flip_fl: <- confused-- what are prefixes
[14:51:42] directhex|work: flip_fl, when you "make install" something, it installs to the location set by the --prefix flag in ./configure
[14:51:55] mishehu: Fnc-1_: I don't know about the QAM, as I've not touched the QAM directly. but I do get OTA hd channels at full res on my motorola stb firewire
[14:51:55] Ruleke: actually the regional channels have to be FTA in some places
[14:51:56] stuarta: flip_fl: --prefix=/usr vs --prefix=/usr/local
[14:52:12] flip_fl: ah like /usr/bin vs /usrsomething else
[14:52:13] directhex|work: flip_fl, a great way to break a package-managed system is by not keeping things in their own little compartments, safe from the rest of your system
[14:52:25] mishehu: Fnc-1_: assuming you are in the USA and on comcast, I'd imagine you'd get the same.
[14:52:59] directhex|work: flip_fl, for example, installing into /usr will almost always overwrite files that your OS package manager is in charge of, and usually brwak horribly if the overwritten files are updated by a package upgrade
[14:53:24] mishehu: I can't believe I pay $70/mo for cumcast cable and I can only get OTA and public access on the firewire port :-/
[14:53:29] stuarta: worse is when you leave the package installed and install the compiled version in /usr/local
[14:53:47] stuarta: then you run the /usr/local binaries against the /usr libs. *bang*
[14:53:47] directhex|work: or anywhere in $PATH
[14:53:56] mishehu: and they told me it's because I "might keep the recording forever". no shit, in fact, now I WANT to keep it forever because it's obvious you want to bleed me dry.
[14:54:12] Fnc-1_: not comcast
[14:54:15] Fnc-1_: dong have a box
[14:55:11] flip_fl: so- should I uninstall the .21 version, change the configure file and recompile the .20 trunk -fixes
[14:55:42] directhex|work: flip_fl, what precisely are you trying to do?
[14:56:11] stuarta: flip_fl: remove the packaged version and install which ever version (SVN if debugging)
[14:56:22] flip_fl: I'm trying to fix a problem with XvMC
[14:56:51] flip_fl: stuarta: ok
[14:57:04] Ruleke: I keep having db problems when downgrading tbh :)
[14:57:05] directhex|work: flip_fl, the *safest* option is to remove all other versions, and install with a prefix along the lines of /opt/myth-svn20061016/
[14:57:22] stuarta: Ruleke: that's what DB backups are for....
[14:57:27] directhex|work: flindet, and always back up your database when running dodgy pre-release versions!
[14:57:35] directhex|work: i.e. BEFORE running said dodgy version
[14:57:43] Ruleke: stuarta: yeah just mentioning that ;)
[14:57:54] stuarta: :)
[14:58:24] Ruleke: for the record :p
[14:59:18] flip_fl: directhex | work: if I installed svn latest (.21) with 'make-install', how do I remove? 'make uninstall'?
[14:59:40] directhex|work: flip_fl, if you're lucky
[14:59:56] Zider: hm, I don? get any sound when I use the internal player.. :P
[15:00:19] Zider: netw1z: do you have DISPLAY=":0" set?
[15:00:22] directhex|work: flip_fl, by manually deleting everything related to it if you're unlucky. which is sorta the point of using a prefix like /opt/name-version – you can erase it without fear
[15:02:19] tuck3r (tuck3r!n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r) has quit ()
[15:02:23] flip_fl: directhex | work: make uninstall _seemed_ to work
[15:03:11] Zider: aren't there any dvd-specific settings for 4:1/16:9/anamorhic/letterbox/and so on?
[15:03:31] netw1z: zider probably not
[15:03:51] netw1z: im trying to hack together this knoppmyth version of mythtv
[15:03:52] flip_fl: directhex | work: for what i'm trying to do see section 8 here :
[15:04:23] directhex|work: flip_fl, use your tab key to complete nicknames
[15:04:35] Ruleke: :)
[15:05:01] directhex|work: flip_fl, you're running dapper or edgy?
[15:05:22] flip_fl: directhex|work, ok thanks for tip-- after changing configure it now says its using the nvidia XvMX
[15:05:45] flip_fl: directhex|work, edgy
[15:06:45] directhex|work: flip_fl, and changing /etc/X11/XvMCConfig to say "" doesn't do what you want?
[15:07:34] flip_fl: directhex|work, no still get loads of prebuffering messages and unwatchable playback
[15:09:06] Zider: stuarta: is there any way to get a 4:3 dvd image to get stretched on a widescreen TV?
[15:09:25] stuarta: master it in 16:9?
[15:09:41] Zider: master it..?
[15:09:50] seth|laptop: during playback or creation?
[15:09:55] Zider: playback
[15:10:00] stuarta: oh, you mean a bought one?
[15:10:06] flip_fl: question – what is difference between LibXvMCNVIDIA.xx.x. and libXvMCNVIDIA_dynamic.xx.x
[15:10:10] Zider: stuarta: I mean in the internal player :P
[15:10:11] seth|laptop: press "W" if using the internal player, or press "A" if using xine
[15:10:20] directhex|work: flip_fl, isn't that a known problem with nvidia != 7667?
[15:10:27] seth|laptop: then press "W"
[15:10:31] Zider: seth|laptop: so that has to be done every time I play a film?
[15:10:53] stuarta: it should be able to autodetect it
[15:10:54] seth|laptop: as far as I know Zider, yes
[15:10:59] seth|laptop: its what I do
[15:11:01] flip_fl: directhex|work, isn't what a known problem
[15:11:05] seth|laptop: I have it mapped to my remote.
[15:11:27] seth|laptop: for TV playback, you can set it in you utilities>setup>tv>tv playback
[15:11:32] directhex|work: flip_fl, XvMC misbehaviour
[15:12:04] Zider: also, I don't get any audio when I play a DVD with the internal player.. I know mythtv can play audio tho, since I use mythmusic :P
[15:12:04] flip_fl: directhex|work, you mean XvMC period in !7667 drivers? you saying I should run 7667?
[15:12:07] seth|laptop: with the new internal player, you can also choose this from the "M" menu
[15:12:24] stuarta: flip_fl: which one do you have now?
[15:12:56] seth|laptop: well my audio is digital, and it works for all modes of playback using the "passthrough" option under General settings
[15:13:00] flip_fl: directhex|work, latest beta — 9xxx- I can pull that actual version if it matters
[15:13:23] directhex|work: flip_fl, you used nvidia-installer?
[15:13:24] richiefrich (richiefrich!n=dethwish@unaffiliated/richiefrich) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:13:31] richiefrich (richiefrich!n=dethwish@unaffiliated/richiefrich) has left #mythtv-users ("")
[15:13:40] stuarta: nvidia have a habit of fixing 2 things & breaking something else
[15:13:50] eisen (eisen! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:13:58] directhex|work:
[15:14:00] flip_fl: directhex|work, 9625 nvidia installer
[15:14:35] LinuxMafia (LinuxMafia! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:14:40] LinuxMafia: hi
[15:14:58] eisen (eisen! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:14:59] directhex|work: flip_fl, following all discussion about prefixes from earlier, the nvidia installer is one of the worst offenders for overwriting core files for fun, in a slightly broken way. chances are your probelsm come from using nvidia-installer.
[15:15:52] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:25] LinuxMafia: all :You probably should modify the Master Server settings in the setup program and set the proper IP address.
[15:16:31] flip_fl: directhex|work, I had problems before running nvidia installer- was using binary driver from repos
[15:16:44] LinuxMafia: how do i run master server?
[15:17:04] LinuxMafia: i dont know if it is running or not
[15:17:15] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, do you have a mythbackend process running?
[15:17:30] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, let me chekc
[15:17:54] flip_fl: directhex|work, I thought upgrading drivers _might_ fix XvMC problems
[15:17:55] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, yes
[15:18:14] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, that would be your mythtv master server process
[15:18:31] directhex|work: flip_fl, and "glxinfo | grep direct" says "yes"?
[15:18:45] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, so how do i know to ip for it
[15:18:57] LinuxMafia: i put localhost in setup
[15:19:08] flip_fl: directhex|work, yup – I have accel
[15:20:11] netw1z: anyone seen this error: nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
[15:20:22] directhex|work: netw1z, that's not an error, it's a warning
[15:20:32] Om (Om!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:20:35] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, i have localhost as ip
[15:20:46] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, and default ports
[15:20:49] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, localhost isn't an IP, it's a hostname
[15:20:55] Om (Om!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:21:10] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, even when it was
[15:21:23] LinuxMafia: i got same error
[15:21:29] Ruleke (Ruleke! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:21:49] flip_fl: directhex|work, ok – now I'm getting sudo mythtv-setup – error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[15:22:09] qu0zl: netw1z, you can ignore that, it's basically telling you that the nvidia driver isn't open-source and so you're tainting your morally clean kernel :)
[15:22:45] stuarta: flip_fl: where did you install to?? --prefix=???
[15:23:04] stuarta: or did you not specify it?
[15:23:10] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, try giving your machine a fixed IP address, ensure that the machine's name/IP is correct in /etc/hosts, restart mysql, then restart mythbackend
[15:23:28] LinuxMafia: oh
[15:23:36] LinuxMafia: i did not restart them
[15:23:58] flip_fl: directhex|work, I didn't specify
[15:24:15] flip_fl: was already 3/4 into compile
[15:24:20] stuarta: flip_fl: then add /usr/local/lib to /etc/
[15:24:25] LinuxMafia: thanks alot i try it now
[15:24:29] stuarta: and run ldconfig
[15:25:50] flip_fl: stuarta, thanks- that worked
[15:28:00] Zider: seth|laptop: woo, got sound now.. :D
[15:28:55] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has quit ()
[15:29:48] gr8nash (gr8nash!n=gr8nash@ has quit ("Leaving")
[15:29:50] Zider: seth|laptop: can soundtrack or subtitles be changed "on the fly"?
[15:30:00] flip_fl (flip_fl! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:30:02] Zider: seth|laptop: I don't find any instructions in the wiki
[15:30:04] scott_ (scott_! has quit ("leaving")
[15:31:12] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, thanks alot , just needed to restart
[15:33:06] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, i want to whatch live tv , it is coaxial cable , i added new source
[15:33:19] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, what else i should do?
[15:34:08] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, RF analog? have you configured a valid listings source and filled your database?
[15:34:54] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, i did not fill my database
[15:35:01] LinuxMafia: in input it says
[15:35:08] LinuxMafia: televison-->(none)
[15:35:30] dorel_1: ok what do i do with the gdb.txt file, straight to the mailing list?
[15:35:39] stuarta: (none) is exactly what you will get
[15:35:52] stuarta: for now.
[15:35:56] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, so configure that tuner to actually do something
[15:36:19] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, i.e. select it, hit enter, configure some actual channel sources
[15:37:05] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, where i have to do that ? in mytht-setup
[15:37:20] flip95879 (flip95879! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:37:22] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, yes
[15:37:52] seth|laptop: Zider, I know that subtitles can, not sure about the audio tracks though :-(
[15:37:55] dorel_1: stuarta: search for seg fault, the crash happens at the start of the file:
[15:37:57] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, in channel editor
[15:38:05] dorel_1: stuarta: line 116
[15:38:06] LinuxMafia: i can not see my mouse
[15:38:17] flip95879 is now known as flip_fl
[15:39:07] stuarta: dorel_1: you haven't compiled it with --compile-type=debug so the backtrace is of no use.
[15:39:57] LinuxMafia: is there any way to see my mouse in mythtvi-setup
[15:40:11] stuarta: LinuxMafia: it doesn't use the mouse
[15:40:14] LinuxMafia: i want to choose the source i can not
[15:40:21] stuarta: enter?
[15:40:26] dorel_1: stuarta: i was pretty sure i did :P
[15:40:43] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, tab key to move between elements. arrow keys for choosing things. space bar, enter key, etc
[15:40:54] stuarta: see all those "no symbols found"? means you didn't, or are running the wrong version
[15:40:56] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, mythtv is for use on a teevee. not many people have a mouse on their sofa
[15:40:59] BULLE: dorel_1: im pretty sure you didnt ( just look at the ammount of #
[15:41:01] BULLE: (no debugging symbols found)
[15:41:17] dorel_1: i see.
[15:41:40] dorel_1: what i did is added "--compile-type=debug" into CONFIGURE_OPTS += in debian/rules
[15:41:42] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, in channael editor , i want to select televison in Video Source , it set in ALL , but tab wont go on it
[15:42:19] dorel_1: the config.log shows the compile-type=debug directive
[15:42:57] stuarta: did you make it do a distclean? and remove any stamp-* files it creates?
[15:43:23] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, . . . 0Setup10.png ?
[15:43:37] dorel_1: stuarta: i used dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
[15:44:00] dorel_1: stuarta: ill start all over and try again.
[15:44:11] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, yes exactly
[15:44:15] stuarta: try doing 'find /usr -name libmythtv*'
[15:44:57] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, how precisely did you get to that screen?
[15:45:23] dorel_1: stuarta: i got a couple of 0.19 and /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/
[15:45:42] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, i went to mythtv-setp , channel editor
[15:45:56] stuarta: dorel_1: what about /usr/local/lib/libmythtv* ?
[15:46:03] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, so you already set up the video source?
[15:46:12] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:46:27] flip_fl: directhex|work: hey- can you repost that link to the nvidia 7667 XvMC issue
[15:46:58] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, no in input source
[15:47:12] LinuxMafia: i have televison-->(televison)
[15:47:14] LinuxMafia: but
[15:47:20] LinuxMafia: in front of
[15:47:21] stuarta: dorel_1: that tweak to /etc/ means you have libs in /usr/local/lib
[15:47:39] LinuxMafia: starting channel it says : please add channels to this source
[15:47:40] stuarta: but you also have them in /usr/lib, so you still have bits of both installed.
[15:47:44] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, the setup sections are in order. capture cards – configure what type of cards you have. video source – configure how listings data should be received. input connections – bind capture card to video source. channel editor – get raw tuning data for an input connection
[15:48:09] dorel_1: stuarta: hmmm, or a messy system :)
[15:48:12] stuarta: LinuxMafia: and work your way from 1 -> 5, don't skip any....
[15:48:23] stuarta: dorel_1: looks like it.
[15:48:41] dorel_1: stuarta: in /usr/local/lib though i dont have libs for mythtv other than something i compiled by myself
[15:48:47] stuarta: purge all the packages and redo the find. should have nothing
[15:48:50] LinuxMafia: video source – configure how listings data should be received.
[15:48:55] dorel_1: stuarta: i mean, a plugin i wrote.
[15:48:58] LinuxMafia: i am not sure if i did that right
[15:49:02] dorel_1: stuarta: not something from mythtv installs.
[15:49:06] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, so go back in and do it right
[15:49:42] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, in some setups, you may have to alt-tab to a terminal window to set up the channels, after you select next (otherwise mythsetup appears to hang at 50% of that step)
[15:49:53] stuarta: dorel_1: hmmm, okay the deb will override --prefix to /usr, so you should only find you own lib there.
[15:50:29] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, the thing is i connected my dish to tv-card
[15:50:42] dorel_1: stuarta: ok im recompiling now after a make distclean and hope my debugging symbols are better now
[15:51:14] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, i dont know i connected the cable to TV jack of my tv-card
[15:51:29] LinuxMafia: it is not usa listin or stuff
[15:51:39] LinuxMafia: it is a persian free to air dish
[15:51:44] aevil (aevil! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:51:50] directhex|work: persian?
[15:51:52] LinuxMafia: the channels are saved on reciver
[15:51:56] LinuxMafia: yes
[15:51:58] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has quit (Connection timed out)
[15:52:11] flip_fl: directhex|work: can you repost that link to the nvidia 7667 XvMC issue
[15:52:14] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, all i have to do is connect the cable
[15:52:16] stuarta: persian's a new one....
[15:52:41] LinuxMafia: stuarta, it get some arabic , chinese , sport , and other channels
[15:52:50] LinuxMafia: but you pay once for dish
[15:52:52] stuarta: cool.
[15:52:54] LinuxMafia: and you pay no more
[15:52:54] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, all you have to do is connect the cable to do *what*? configure mythtv's video source?
[15:52:55] stuarta: dvb-s?
[15:53:02] LinuxMafia: no
[15:53:06] LinuxMafia: whatching it
[15:53:12] directhex|work: stuarta, analog i think. probably all the old astra feeds
[15:53:24] stuarta: ahh...
[15:53:27] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, so when i wanna add video source
[15:53:35] LinuxMafia: i type the name televison
[15:53:43] LinuxMafia: and under that
[15:53:47] LinuxMafia: what i have to do
[15:55:14] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, mythtv requires TV listings information. for analog sources, that data comes from the web. you need to pick a source for that data, e.g. . . . 20Setup7.png
[15:55:44] directhex|work: LinuxMafia, digital TV carries the tuner data inside the tv stream, so that step isn't needed
[15:56:42] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, mine is set to use
[15:56:45] LinuxMafia: US
[15:56:52] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, in that picture
[15:57:20] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:20] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[15:57:56] flip_fl: somebody earlier posted a link to issues with nvidia version !=7667 and XvMC (not sure of version else I'd google for it) I lost my connection a bit ago and thus the chat history — can somebody scroll up and repost the link
[15:59:02] directhex|work: <directhex|work>
[15:59:09] directhex|work: and it's been an issue since forever
[15:59:25] LinuxMafia: directhex|work, oh it is scanning channels now
[15:59:25] directhex|work: now, it's gohometime
[15:59:30] directhex|work (directhex|work! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
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[16:01:50] flip_fl: directhex|work: thanks for reposting
[16:03:58] Disputin (Disputin! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:25] dorel_1: damn it still doesnt have any debugging symbols defined
[16:05:31] dorel_1: the hell with it im doing an entire system upgrade
[16:05:31] LinuxMafia: how can i record
[16:05:32] LinuxMafia: ?
[16:05:58] stuarta: dorel_1: it may well be stripping them. look for dh_strip in debian/rules
[16:07:13] dorel_1: stuarta: too late, already ran apt-get upgrade :)
[16:07:21] dorel_1: stuarta: but ill look for them just for the fun of it, hold on
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[16:08:03] dorel_1: stuarta: i found only two instances: dh_strip -pmythtv --tmpdir=debian/mythtv and dh_strip -a
[16:08:04] LinuxMafia: i pressed ESC mythtv gone but the sound still on
[16:10:59] stuarta: dorel_1: and apt-get upgrade isn't going to install your hand build packages...
[16:12:52] Anduin: LinuxMafia: read the setting up sound section found through the Documentation link on
[16:13:54] dorel_1: stuarta: i know
[16:14:05] stuarta: good :)
[16:14:21] stuarta: anyway. off home, back later
[16:14:33] seth|laptop: anyone here using the logitech 880 harmony remote with their mythv?
[16:15:19] Basstard` (Basstard`! has quit ("2112")
[16:15:56] rutan (rutan!n=daru@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:21] LinuxMafia: Anduin, my sound is set to /dev/dsp
[16:16:50] Anduin: LinuxMafia: That has nothing to do with it
[16:17:35] LinuxMafia: Anduin, if i want quick record or not full screen what should i do ?
[16:18:08] LinuxMafia: Anduin, is there any keybinding for those?
[16:18:44] Anduin: LinuxMafia: 'R' in live TV will start recording, running in a window requires setting an option and restarting the frontend
[16:18:47] rutan: hi, does anyone have an idea why dmesg says "dvb-ttpci: could not load firmware, file not found: dvb-ttpci-01.fw" Furter it says it should be in /lib/firmware or /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware, which I have (even double checked).
[16:19:11] brad_mssw: seth|laptop: I have the 676 model harmony ... works fine ...
[16:19:51] LinuxMafia: Anduin, so i have to watch it full screen all the time ?
[16:19:55] brad_mssw: seth|laptop: I just had it emulate my hauppauge 150 MCE's remote (there was already an option in there for it, I didn't have to program it)
[16:20:17] LinuxMafia: i am in the wiki page
[16:20:26] LinuxMafia: what section i have to look
[16:21:08] Anduin: LinuxMafia: Not the wiki, the main page, there is a Documentation link to the general howto, the section there tells you about setting up your mixer
[16:21:16] GreyFoxx: LinuxMafia: Like he said, you can run it in a window, but there is nopt quick switch
[16:22:05] jk1joel (jk1joel!i=jsmith@nat/novell/x-d80fc84c8a5e50e4) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:22:53] euphobot (euphobot! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:23:45] LinuxMafia: GreyFoxx, how can i do hat
[16:24:29] GreyFoxx: There are 2 ways, a: go into the frontend settings and specifically set the X/Y size then restart the frontend
[16:24:44] GreyFoxx: b: when you run mythfrontend add a -geometry XxY to the commandline
[16:25:44] LinuxMafia: thanks alot
[16:25:58] LinuxMafia: i rather second one
[16:26:01] LinuxMafia: thansk alot
[16:26:04] Zider: who was it that noted dvd playback lagged when changing scenes?
[16:26:07] LinuxMafia: thanks guys
[16:27:16] j-rod (j-rod!i=jarod@nat/redhat/x-dbc30c506f1ee2f7) has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:27:22] Zider: mishehu: I noticed the dvd playback stutter too
[16:28:47] LinuxMafia: Anduin, change the output sound device in mythfrontend->setup->Audio from /dev/dsp to ALSA:default
[16:29:04] LinuxMafia: i have no Adudio in setup
[16:29:57] BULLE: rutan: the location of firmware is distribution dependent, consult doc for your distro, and put the firmware in the appropriate place
[16:30:07] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:31:04] Anduin: LinuxMafia: Your original complaint was sound after closing myth right? If so that is related to sound input rather than output.
[16:32:11] LinuxMafia: Anduin, oh
[16:32:53] LinuxMafia: Anduin, i can not stop it
[16:33:23] euphobot (euphobot! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:34:51] rutan: BULLE: I use knoppmyth, could it really be the problem?
[16:36:46] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:39:35] BULLE: rutan: no idea, to be honest, i have no clues whatsoever in regards to knoppmyth
[16:39:50] BULLE: rutan: best bet is to check wher eknoppmyth expects the firmware
[16:42:00] Fnc-1_ (Fnc-1_!n=Fnc-1@ has quit ("Trillian (")
[16:43:29] seth|laptop: brad, so you choose the MCEUSB2 lirc config file, or is there one specific to the harmony?
[16:44:32] teapot (teapot! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:44:37] teapot: hi
[16:47:51] Fnc-1 (Fnc-1!n=Fnc-1@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:49:22] netw1z: when I run irw i get connect: Connection refused
[16:49:37] netw1z: does that mean my IR device isnt being recognized
[16:49:58] BULLE: netw1z: dmesg should tell you if modules load properly
[16:50:05] BULLE: netw1z: check permissions on your devices
[16:51:23] seth|laptop: rutan, in knoppmyth, firmware files are stored in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/
[16:51:41] Juski: netw1z: it probably means the device hasn't been created and also that the lircd daemon isn't running
[16:52:19] netw1z: lircd is running in the background.. but ill check perms on the device
[16:52:32] Juski: also check it's the right device node
[16:52:45] Juski: e.g. /dev/lirc0 rather than /dev/lirc/0 etc
[16:53:39] netw1z: ive got /dev/lirc /dev/lirc1 /dev/lircd and /dev/lircm
[16:54:07] Juski: which node is lircd trying to listen to?
[16:54:22] Juski: tip.. look in the lircd init file
[16:55:22] netw1z: checking now
[16:56:05] mikes__ (mikes__!i=ms205590@nat/sun/x-0a48c76b29f4c5b9) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[16:56:58] netw1z: its listening to /dev/lirc
[16:58:24] Juski: must be a permissions issue if lircd is listening to the correct node & not crashing
[16:58:59] Juski: try cat /dev/lirc and press buttons on your remote. if you see loads of garbage characters onscreen, it's the right node ;)
[16:59:04] netw1z: :)
[16:59:07] netw1z: ill cat em
[16:59:26] Juski: lircm is the lirc mouse, so it'll not be that
[16:59:44] netw1z: i have lirc and lirc1
[16:59:47] Juski: btw you'll only get garbage chars spurting out when you press buttons
[17:00:48] netw1z: im root.. and when I cat /dev/lirc and /dev/lirc1 it says.. No Such Device
[17:01:34] Juski: do an ls -al /dev |grep lirc & show me the output
[17:01:59] Juski: and make sure lircd is still running
[17:02:26] bronson (bronson!n=bronson@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:02:51] scopeuk: quick reminder use pastbin
[17:03:51] Juski: pastebin for what.. 4 lines?
[17:03:58] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:04:16] Juski: ls -al /dev |grep lirc won't output much
[17:04:27] LinuxMafia: i can not record
[17:04:33] LinuxMafia: when i press record
[17:04:39] LinuxMafia: press r
[17:04:49] LinuxMafia: it says record "unknown"
[17:05:13] Juski: the EPG is empty.
[17:05:18] Juski: get some programme guide data
[17:05:30] Juski: "unknown" is the programme name
[17:06:26] Juski: so it's recording a show called "unknown". It'll stop recording "unknown" on a 30 minute boundary or when you press R again
[17:06:46] LinuxMafia: Juski, ?
[17:07:01] Juski: yes, that was for you ^^^
[17:07:18] LinuxMafia: Juski, how it record it
[17:07:24] Juski: when you don't have programme guide data for a channel, all the programmes are called "Unknown"
[17:07:29] LinuxMafia: and how can i fill EPG
[17:07:59] Juski: this is like a Jeapoardy question.. "how do I find the docs & read them until I understand them?"
[17:08:28] LinuxMafia: Juski, but even recording did not work
[17:08:40] LinuxMafia: i want to record as mpg file
[17:08:52] Juski: LinuxMafia: the EPG works with xmltv in most places in the world... apart from the USA which has zap2it
[17:09:11] Juski: LinuxMafia: does tv even work?
[17:09:17] LinuxMafia: Juski, yes
[17:09:31] Juski: for it to work, recording must work. so stuff is being recorded
[17:10:05] Juski: to see a recording you made in livetv mode by pressing R you'll need to change the group filter setting in the 'watch recordings' screen
[17:10:22] Juski: and to do that you press M
[17:10:34] Juski: which you'd know if you looked at the documentation
[17:10:56] LinuxMafia: Juski, i can not record as mpg?
[17:11:13] Juski: explain what you mean
[17:11:33] Juski: it will not ask you for a filename to record the file as
[17:11:47] Juski: that would be shit, and quite inconvenient
[17:12:17] Juski: if you have a DVB, HDTV or PVR tuner card, mythtv records all files as mpg
[17:12:21] netw1z: hi juski:
[17:12:26] netw1z: crw-r--r-- 1 root root 61, 0 Jun 22 04:25 lirc
[17:12:26] netw1z: crw-r--r-- 1 root root 61, 1 Oct 1 2005 lirc1
[17:12:26] netw1z: srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Oct 16 13:11 lircd
[17:12:26] netw1z: prw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 30 2004 lircm
[17:12:49] Juski: netw1z: looks okay to me
[17:12:50] netw1z: those are my lirc devices
[17:12:56] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:13:11] LinuxMafia: Juski, i have tv-card
[17:13:14] Juski: netw1z: stop the lirc daemon & run it manually
[17:13:25] Juski: LinuxMafia: What KIND of tv-card ?
[17:13:53] LinuxMafia: Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder
[17:14:05] seth|laptop: pvr150?
[17:14:07] Juski: so just some software encoding PoS
[17:15:00] Juski: mythtv will record as either MJPEG (in a nuppelvideo container) or MPEG4 depending on how you set up the recording profiles
[17:15:10] flip_fl: ok- I'm back – I still have horrible playback of HDTV content — does anybody know if 'XvMCTex: Init failed' is 'normal'
[17:15:24] Juski: if you want to record as mpeg2 with one of those kind of cards, don't use mythtv :-P
[17:15:28] LinuxMafia: Juski,
[17:15:44] seth|laptop: flip_fl, what kind of cpu, which distro, and which version of mythtv .19 or .20?
[17:16:11] netw1z: Juski – lircd isnt running it seems
[17:16:29] netw1z: i just ran it
[17:16:30] LinuxMafia: i got .nu extension
[17:16:34] Juski: flip_fl: usually means xvmc isn't working.. which is either because you have an ATI card or you've not installed the right drivers for your VGA card. here's a hint... xvmc won't work with the 'nv' driver
[17:16:46] flip_fl: amd xp 1.9, edgy with nvidia beta 9xxx drivers- fresh compile of .20 trunk-fixes
[17:17:08] Juski: flip_fl: was it compiled with --enable-xvmc ?
[17:17:17] stoffel (stoffel! has quit ("Verlassend")
[17:17:43] flip_fl: yup- config outputted that it was linking to nvidia Xvmc
[17:17:43] LinuxMafia: sorry .nuv
[17:18:21] Juski: LinuxMafia: .nuv files mean you have a software encoding card and you _cannot_ record directly to mpeg2 in mythtv with one of those
[17:18:21] seth|laptop: maybe go back to the last stable release of nvidia drivers, 8774
[17:19:08] seth|laptop: its possible that the 'beta' nvidia drivers, do not work with xvmc
[17:19:19] seth|laptop: have you tries ffmpeg, or standard?
[17:19:36] seth|laptop: for playback
[17:20:16] netw1z: ok.. now im getting garage when I press the remote :) never so happy to see garbage
[17:20:19] flip_fl: seth|laptop: I installed beta nvidia AFTER I couldn't get it working with edgy repo drivers (8774 I think)
[17:20:47] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:55] LinuxMafia: Juski, thansk alot , and if it is unknown channel , i can not record more than 30 minute?
[17:21:11] Juski: LinuxMafia: nope. so get some programme guide data
[17:21:33] LinuxMafia: Juski, i have a persian dish
[17:21:51] seth|laptop: flip, on my ubuntu laptop, I could not get the dapper nvidia repo drivers to work, I had to compile them using the nvidia-installer
[17:21:55] LinuxMafia: Juski, where can i get that for usa
[17:21:56] Juski: either that or schedule a recording manually then trim the recording by editing it when it's finished recording
[17:22:07] ** seth|laptop never had much luck with pre-compiled nvidia stuff **
[17:22:20] Juski: nvidia drivers NEVER come with source...
[17:22:30] LinuxMafia: Juski, zap2it , i download it
[17:22:31] Juski: not the "nvidia" drivers anyway
[17:22:50] Juski: LinuxMafia: read the documentation & some howto guides. it's too much to explain in one go
[17:22:52] LinuxMafia: Juski, and where to put it
[17:23:01] LinuxMafia: Juski, what address
[17:23:02] LinuxMafia: ?
[17:23:07] Juski:
[17:23:07] LinuxMafia: give me the url
[17:23:28] seth|laptop: zap2it is at
[17:23:54] LinuxMafia: 10x alot
[17:23:59] seth|laptop: but read the docs first, Juski is right, too many little setails
[17:24:00] LinuxMafia: thansk every one
[17:24:04] seth|laptop: details
[17:24:05] Juski: come on LinuxMafia do me a favour & plug your brain in !
[17:24:16] Juski: (please)
[17:25:00] flip_fl: along with XvMXTex:init failed I get 'NV17 Video Texture' X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 9 Major opcode 140 minir opcode 14
[17:25:01] LinuxMafia: Juski, has nothing to do with brain , mine is apersian channel
[17:25:01] seth|laptop: flip, before you installed the betas ( were these from a repo) did you apt-get -purge remove nvidia-glx and the lot?
[17:25:28] LinuxMafia: so i dont know what program guid i have to dl
[17:25:33] flip_fl: seth|laptop: yeah – removed restricted too
[17:25:37] Juski: LinuxMafia: then it's not very likely that zap2it will have EPG data for your channel. You will have to schedule recordings manually
[17:25:52] seth|laptop: flip, the betas, were these from a repo, or form nvidia?
[17:26:12] flip_fl: seth|laptop: from NVIDIA download
[17:27:18] Juski: flip_fl: google says: . . . 1&page=6
[17:27:19] seth|laptop: flip, I would try the 8774 directly from nvidia. On my dapper/ubuntu install, I had no success using the repos. And you must have your kernel source installed, so it could just be as easy as ./
[17:27:43] flip_fl: ok – I'll give it a try
[17:27:47] LinuxMafia: Juski, i try to do that , thanks alot
[17:27:54] seth|laptop: 8774 works great for me with xvmc
[17:30:07] Juski: LinuxMafia: great, but _please_ read the documentation. If you have any questions about things you find in there you do not understand, then ask here. But _read_ it!
[17:30:57] LinuxMafia: Juski, it is alot of reading , but i try too
[17:32:00] scopeuk: its alot of readignbecouse hteres alot of info
[17:32:22] Juski: I was reading about mythtv for weeks before I even tried to install it
[17:32:41] Juski: <<< goody 2-shoes.. ha
[17:32:48] netw1z: hey juski! thanks dude.. your few notes just helped me get the remote working
[17:32:49] netw1z: :)
[17:32:50] LinuxMafia: Juski, i saw what i was looking for in docs , thanks i am going to read it now
[17:32:55] netw1z: thanks dude!
[17:33:01] scopeuk: Juski i can BS
[17:33:10] Juski: R to the T to the F to the M...
[17:33:16] netw1z: i spent 2 weeks reading before I attempted an install
[17:33:25] scopeuk: to the s to the t tothe f
[17:33:56] scopeuk: to the u
[17:34:28] Juski: lol
[17:34:56] scopeuk: ;-)
[17:35:54] Juski: aww my rant about Steve Wright didn't make it into c***s corner on :(
[17:36:10] scopeuk: lol
[17:36:45] scopeuk: write one about the leader of the corperately owned world
[17:36:48] scopeuk: nobody likes him
[17:37:15] Juski: nobody (in their right mind) should like Steve Wright either
[17:37:21] scopeuk: lol
[17:37:27] Juski: unless they're also living in a 1980s timewarp
[17:37:58] Juski: haha.. "Nacho Libre translates as 'free of laughs'"
[17:39:21] scopeuk: Juski well the ass less chaps are starting to chafe
[17:39:50] flip_fl: hmmn-- mythbackend: symbol lookup error /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: stat
[17:40:14] opello: Juski: lol
[17:40:28] vballrican: there's no weekly recording setting anymore??
[17:40:39] Juski: eep whaaA?
[17:40:56] Juski: I bloody well hope there is, or I'm not upgrading next year
[17:41:07] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:41:21] vballrican: well, i just schedule some things, and there's no weeklly option... :(
[17:41:39] ** seth|laptop fires up mythweb > nrevous **
[17:41:56] Juski: nah I can't serious believe that
[17:42:00] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:42:03] Juski: *seriously
[17:42:28] vballrican: also, can anyone tell me why if my backend is my frontend connect but if i change the ip, it doesn't...?
[17:42:34] flip_fl: I'm beginning to think maybe I should wipe the drive and start over
[17:42:47] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:58] vballrican: well, weekly is not there as an option.. i'm running .20
[17:44:43] BleedingE (BleedingE! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:45:59] Juski: vballrican: you'd have to change the MBE IP address in mythtv-setup, that's why
[17:46:04] Juski: and restart it
[17:46:28] seth|laptop: mine is there
[17:47:36] BleedAway (BleedAway! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:07] flip_fl: i'm kinda confused about XvMC and how it relates to myth and compiling-- what if my backend machine has an ATI card and I want to compile with XvMC support for a front-end with nvidia
[17:48:18] vballrican: seth: if you go into program guide and select to record a program using 'r', weekly is there?
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[17:48:42] flip_fl: is the xVmx compile flag just used for the front end
[17:48:47] vballrican: juski: mythtv-setup or under setup in the frontend?
[17:48:48] Juski: flip_fl: yup
[17:48:49] seth|laptop: sorry I was using mythweb, vballrican, I am not at home right now. :-(
[17:48:56] vballrican: ok
[17:48:59] Juski: vballrican: did I say in the frontend or mythtv-setup ?
[17:49:06] Juski: vballrican: you'd have to change the MBE IP address in mythtv-setup, that's why
[17:49:25] vballrican: mythtv-setup.. but i already changed it there and pointed the frontend to it... didn't work
[17:49:27] teapot: um
[17:49:35] Juski: vballrican: did you restart the backend?
[17:49:49] vballrican: hmm..good question...
[17:49:55] vballrican: i'll do it againm
[17:50:16] teapot: If I may interrupt...
[17:50:22] flip_fl: is the XvMC just so it can pass the parameters to mplayer — or does myth DO something to the stream
[17:50:37] teapot: I am stumped by something *really* trivial
[17:50:57] teapot: I can't figure out how to get Svideo in to work
[17:51:06] teapot: (on a PVR350)
[17:51:14] Juski: flip_fl: mythtv doesn't use mplayer to play recordings
[17:51:20] Anduin: flip_fl: mplayer has nothing to do with the frontend (unless you use MythVideo, and even then, only sometimes)
[17:51:39] seth|laptop: teapot, in mythtv-setup, under input sources, select the svideo input instead of the tuner one
[17:51:48] flip_fl: errr xine then? or does myth have its own layer
[17:51:53] flip_fl: player
[17:51:57] Juski: flip_fl: mythtv doesn't use mplayer to play recordings
[17:52:00] Juski: or xine
[17:52:05] Anduin: flip_fl: Its own
[17:52:06] Juski: it has its own internal player
[17:52:08] Juski: blimey
[17:52:13] teapot: seth|laptop: I did that, but I don't know what frequency (channel) to set?
[17:52:21] vballrican: Juski: how do i restart the backend without rebooting?
[17:52:40] Juski: vballrican: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart
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[17:52:44] seth|laptop: teapot create a channel, called "1" or something not in use, and then associate svideo with that
[17:52:51] vballrican: thanks
[17:52:51] Juski: or /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart
[17:53:28] teapot: seth|laptop: I did that too, but in the input selections, it wants a frequency
[17:54:04] teapot: seth|laptop: "preset tuner to channel" it says
[17:54:09] Juski: freqid doesn't matter.. just put any old number in there
[17:54:11] teapot: seth|laptop: I put in 0 there.
[17:54:29] Juski: the channel you set there has to _exist_
[17:54:35] seth|laptop: yes
[17:54:46] vballrican: hmm.. i changed the ip and restarted the backend, started frontend and it connected without me telling it where...
[17:55:00] vballrican: is it working or it didn't save changes?
[17:55:05] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:55:06] teapot: seth|laptop: when I try to view theat channel I just get a black screen, but I know that there is a valid signal on that canle
[17:56:01] Juski: vballrican: now try changing to the machine's real IP in mythfrontend
[17:56:22] vballrican: also, i can connect on port 6543 but 6544 shows invalid page....
[17:56:38] seth|laptop: teapot, are you sure you have the right input selected? In mythtv-setup
[17:57:20] Delemas (Delemas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:57:36] vballrican: juski: i connect using a hostname, that's why... :)
[17:57:45] teapot: seth|laptop: I selected Svideo1
[17:58:03] seth|laptop: is there an svideo0?
[17:58:30] seth|laptop: my pvr150 only had 1 svideo input.
[17:59:02] teapot: seth|laptop: nope
[17:59:03] fryfrog: seth|laptop: my pvr250 only had one as well, but it shows svideo 0, 1 and i *think* 2
[17:59:08] fryfrog: RCA showed 1,2,3
[17:59:17] fryfrog: and 3 was the one that was on the back of the card :/
[17:59:24] ** teapot re-checks **
[17:59:49] seth|laptop: hey fryfrog, hows that harmony remote treating you, was it fairly easy to get going?
[17:59:50] fryfrog: The reason there is 1–3 (or what ever) is that the cards have an internal header allowing you to connect 1 or 2 more ports
[18:00:03] fryfrog: seth|laptop: it was quite easy and I like it so far
[18:00:08] ** teapot confirmed **
[18:00:11] fryfrog: seth|laptop: i need to explore its powers though
[18:00:22] seth|laptop: ah, mine didn't have an internal header
[18:00:24] fryfrog: right now, it simply emulates the big haupage 350 remote
[18:00:33] fryfrog: lots of buttons
[18:00:40] seth|laptop: excellent. I have been coaxing the wife into letting ne get one of those
[18:00:42] fryfrog: but the remote has an LCD screen with *more!
[18:00:55] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:01:02] fryfrog: so i'd like to find a way of putting it into a sort of "raw" mode, so I can map out *all* the buttons
[18:01:06] fryfrog: but i dunno how to do that
[18:01:40] fryfrog: ie, instead of *emulating* some other remote... just let it turn on all the buttons and send their default signal
[18:03:13] seth|laptop: I am at a loss teapot. I used to have my dish receiver hooked up like that, but now I use the coax. But i can rememebr only having 1 choice, and it just worked when I pressed "12"
[18:03:16] seth|laptop: er rather "1"
[18:04:19] seth|laptop: well if it helps you tweak it at all, fryfrog, check this out.
[18:05:51] teapot: aaaah, awesome. after all that the pesky cable wasn't pushed all the way in :)
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[18:06:16] teapot: seth|laptop: thanks a million – I was beginning to doubt that I understood anything :)
[18:06:30] tuck3r (tuck3r!n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:07:24] seth|laptop: hehe
[18:07:30] seth|laptop: glad to har that teapot
[18:07:37] teapot: ;)
[18:07:47] seth|laptop: rather s/har/here
[18:08:11] seth|laptop: :-)
[18:10:14] Omster (Omster!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:11:12] ** Juski goes back to drawing up a PVR comparison matrix **
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[18:13:24] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:14:24] tonyG (tonyG! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:19:45] Hoxzer: I was wondering is it possible to setup one mythbox to run two frontends -> Two TV's, two ir-receivers,
[18:20:44] fryfrog: sure, if you got the cpu power and 2 video cards prolly
[18:20:54] ikke_ (ikke_! has quit ("leaving")
[18:20:56] fryfrog: it'd be a bit more work, i'm sure
[18:21:01] Hoxzer: Yeah, but what with those two ir receivers?
[18:21:02] kormoc: two ir's might be a little tricky
[18:21:13] Hoxzer: kormoc: yeah, that what I was thinking
[18:21:29] benc (benc! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[18:21:32] fryfrog: just run more than one copy of lirc
[18:21:34] Hoxzer: it would be much cheaper to buy wires, videocrad, ir-receiver
[18:21:38] fryfrog: each with its own config file
[18:21:50] Zider: is the "font size" settings in Appearence supposed to affect ALL text?
[18:21:51] Hoxzer: hmm
[18:21:52] fryfrog: assuming you aren't doing HD?
[18:22:00] Hoxzer: nope
[18:22:13] kormoc: fryfrog, sure, but uhh, how do you get mythfrontend #1 to map to lircrc #1, and #2 to #2?
[18:22:19] tonyG: do you guys recommend knopmyth over setting up mythtv from scratch?
[18:22:35] fryfrog: that is kind of what i'm using
[18:22:46] fryfrog: kormoc: surely there is a "mythfrontend" option?
[18:22:55] Zider: tonyG: depends how good you are at fiddling with linux I suppose
[18:23:00] kormoc: I don't recall seeing one
[18:23:01] fryfrog: or perhaps you'd use "irexec" in some way (instead of "mythtv" in the lircrc?
[18:23:06] ** seth|laptop recommend knoppmyth **
[18:23:06] Hoxzer: BUt is there a way to make this frontend to use this copy of lirc and another to use another copy of lirc
[18:23:12] benc_ (benc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:23:17] kormoc: irexec won't work, as it just goes on program window title
[18:23:21] fryfrog: in the lircrc file, you put "mythtv" as the aplication
[18:23:26] kormoc: yeah
[18:23:29] fryfrog: so... somewhere it is getting that
[18:23:34] kormoc: but you have two programs running as mythtv
[18:23:41] Hoxzer: yeah
[18:23:48] fryfrog: maybe you compile two mythtv's, change the source code to make one "mythtv1" and the other "mythtv2"
[18:23:49] kormoc: you can't set program to mythtv-x-server-0 and mythtv-x-server-1
[18:23:56] ** seth|laptop is good with fiddling with linux, but liked the thought of the ease of install. and the whole 15 minutes to TV :-) **
[18:24:00] kormoc: that might work, but again, a little painful
[18:24:03] fryfrog: but searching for the "lirc" application name, i dunno how :)
[18:24:04] tonyG: this box will be for home use, i want it to look and feel like a set top box as much as possible with minimal intervention by myself, i feel knoppmyth will ensure this for me?
[18:24:04] Hoxzer: do frontends so How do I make sure other remote isn't affecting to wrong frontend
[18:24:27] seth|laptop: tonyG, what kind of cpu is in this box?
[18:24:30] fryfrog: that said, why would you *want* to front ends on one box?
[18:24:39] fryfrog: doesn't that imply tvs being very close to eachother?
[18:24:41] tonyG: seth|laptop core 2 duo
[18:24:51] fryfrog: making watching 2 at the same time a bit akward in ralation to hearing the sound?
[18:24:52] kormoc: fryfrog, sure, but think a dorm room, that's quite common
[18:25:10] fryfrog: krikey, *that close*?
[18:25:12] tonyG: man these htpc mini itx cases cost so much!
[18:25:17] seth|laptop: tonyG, you should be up and running in no time flat with that rig
[18:25:39] kormoc: fryfrog, most dorm rooms are 12 foot by 10 foot for 2 people, hard not to be that close :P
[18:25:42] fryfrog: I have a hard time talking on the phone and watching tv at the same time, I think my head would explode trying to watch one tv show while someone was watching another 6 feet away :)
[18:26:14] fryfrog: I've read articles about people putting 6 seperate X on one box (ie, at the library)
[18:26:20] kormoc: yeah
[18:26:38] kormoc: that's not hard, as X has ways to map input from device X to server Y
[18:26:39] fryfrog: so while it might be *harder* to do it with myth and lirc, i imagine it'd be possible
[18:26:46] kormoc: lirc on the other hand does not
[18:26:53] fryfrog: much simpler if you skip the remote and just use a pair of wireless keyboards
[18:27:04] kormoc: outside of recompiling the frontends.
[18:27:07] fryfrog: yeah, but something *inside* myth is letting it know that the name of the app
[18:27:11] fryfrog: yeah
[18:27:22] fryfrog: perhaps instead of making the change static
[18:27:31] fryfrog: perhaps you could forge ahead and add *that* as a variable
[18:27:42] fryfrog: as a ./mythfrontend --lirc-name="mythtv"
[18:27:48] fryfrog: or "mythtv1" etc
[18:28:16] fryfrog: I think you can get PCI GF 5200's, no?
[18:28:22] kormoc: Sure can
[18:28:24] fryfrog: Imagine a dual card HD setup :)
[18:28:31] kevin_: after building my IR receiver, and plugging it in I tried to start mode2. I get error opening /dev/lirc, mode2 says "No such device"
[18:28:37] kormoc: poor, poor computer
[18:28:37] kevin_: did I build it wrong?
[18:28:38] fryfrog: Prolly want dual core or dual cpu for sure :)
[18:28:53] fryfrog: kevin_: shouldn't that be /dev/lirc/0?
[18:28:55] fryfrog: perhaps?
[18:29:01] fryfrog: oh
[18:29:02] kormoc: kevin_, maybe, maybe not, but likely the guys in #lirc can help more
[18:29:07] kevin_: oh is there one? sweet
[18:29:10] fryfrog: ah, good point
[18:29:23] kevin_: ha. me and one other guy
[18:29:29] fryfrog: doh
[18:29:32] ** kormoc laughs **
[18:29:34] kormoc: ahh, too bad
[18:29:40] fryfrog: kevin_: i had some problems, turned out i was being retarded
[18:29:50] kevin_: that may very well be my problem too
[18:29:51] fryfrog: a) you need to have the serial drivers loaded
[18:30:01] fryfrog: b) you have to use the "setserial" command on the port you want to use
[18:30:09] fryfrog: c) you have to then load the lirc_serial modules too
[18:30:21] kormoc: assuming you are using a serial lirc device
[18:30:22] fryfrog: dmesg should report a variety of things
[18:30:26] fryfrog: oh, yeah sorry
[18:30:31] kevin_: yeah, serial indeed
[18:30:32] fryfrog: but if you make your own, that is likely eh?
[18:30:43] kormoc: there's at least one plan for a USB one that I've seen
[18:30:46] kormoc: no idea if it works or not
[18:30:52] tonyG (tonyG! has quit ()
[18:30:56] fryfrog: you shut your mouth when you're talking to me! :)
[18:31:13] fryfrog: For the price of the parts for *one* ir serial reciever from radio shack...
[18:31:20] fryfrog: i ordered 5x from that ummm
[18:31:23] fryfrog:
[18:31:27] fryfrog: damn, i forgot the site name
[18:31:28] kevin_: okay fryfrog. i'm going to need my hand held through those directions....
[18:31:40] kevin_: all dmesg told me was lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, at major 61
[18:31:49] kevin_: no idea when that is from
[18:31:51] fryfrog: sec, rest room :p
[18:31:56] kevin_: haha cool
[18:33:25] kevin_: lol /var/log/messages didn't tell me anything useful, but someone in austrailia is trying to ssh to my box and is not guessing my passwords. which is nice
[18:33:46] kevin_: might turn port forwarding off for now
[18:34:38] kevin_: oh wait, no, china
[18:36:45] fryfrog: kevin_: okay, to start with i would rmmod all the lirc and serial drivers. For me that was 8250_pnp, 8250 and serial_core (i think)
[18:36:53] fryfrog: lirc was "lirc_dev" and "lirc_serial"
[18:36:56] Juski: time I was on my way to the train station...
[18:37:17] fryfrog: then i'd do a "dmesg -c" and clear dmesg (also check it all unloaded cleanly)
[18:37:40] kevin_: ohhhhhh didn't know i could manually clear dmesg
[18:38:40] kevin_: fryfrog where are the lirc and serial drivers?
[18:39:08] fryfrog: try "modinfo lirc_serial" or "modinfo lirc_dev"?
[18:39:15] fryfrog: they are modules, so theys hould be in you rkernel's module dir
[18:39:23] fryfrog: like "/lib/modules/2.6.18-" or what ever
[18:40:37] fryfrog: i use gentoo, what is your distro?
[18:40:41] kevin_: mandriva
[18:40:45] fryfrog: sucker :p
[18:40:47] kevin_: i have a directorY /lib/modules/2.6.11–12mdk/kernel/drivers
[18:40:49] kevin_: heh
[18:41:04] kevin_: it has serial, but no lirc directory. did lirc not install correctly then?
[18:41:18] fryfrog: well, did you *install* lirc?
[18:41:26] fryfrog: and does "modinfo lirc_serial" say anything?
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[18:41:32] kevin_: no idea what i did.... hang on. let me find the guide i followed haha
[18:41:37] fryfrog: in gentoo, I need to specify *which* lirc module to compile
[18:41:47] fryfrog: so maybe mandriva has a "lirc-serial" rpm?
[18:42:09] kevin_: no idea. i kinda doubt it
[18:42:46] kevin_: i'm not a big fan of the documentation on the lirc web site. too many "you might want to's"
[18:43:21] kevin_: i'm pretty sure i ran the config script, did a make, then a make install
[18:43:38] fryfrog: oh, you installed lirc from source?
[18:43:44] kevin_: ya
[18:44:02] fryfrog: you missed a ./configure option then :)
[18:44:12] fryfrog: try "./configure" and search for some shit about "serial"
[18:44:19] fryfrog: perhaps try "|grep -i "serial"
[18:44:29] fryfrog: er, with the quotes around "serial" only :)
[18:44:34] kevin_: does lirc come as an rpm for your distro?
[18:44:44] ** kormoc laughs **
[18:44:49] liran1 (liran1! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:50] fryfrog: i'm not using one of those suck ass rpm based distros
[18:45:03] fryfrog: i compile from source with the --omgoptimized flag :)
[18:45:06] kevin_: oooohhh. gentoo doesn't use rpms?
[18:45:09] kevin_: haha
[18:45:18] kevin_: i guess that's a whole other discussion
[18:45:21] Hoxzer: :D
[18:45:29] fryfrog: oops, i think it is --zomg-optomized
[18:45:30] liran1 is now known as liran
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[18:45:32] fryfrog: :)
[18:45:50] fryfrog: are you sure there is no rpm from mandriva?
[18:45:52] kevin_: alright, so i'll try to do this from the top. configure again and do it over
[18:45:54] Zider: fryfrog: -funroll-loops :D
[18:45:56] netw1z: i have a nvidia s-video out onto my Sony Wega TV and I can barely read the thing. What can I do to make it more legible?
[18:45:57] liran: i think im gonna re-install everything from scratch, after an entire system upgrade mythtv is still crashing
[18:46:08] teapot_: erm..
[18:46:11] teapot_: why would the signal coming in on Svideo be without colour ?
[18:46:14] fryfrog: as much as i like compiling from source, i'm strongly in favor of using *your* distros package system so it is easier to keep up-to-date and such
[18:46:18] kevin_: probably, but i'm on an old version of it so i'm not sure it would work
[18:46:33] kevin_: i guess it couldn't hurt to try it, right?
[18:46:34] liran: aiming at stability, what is recommended? 0.19, 0.20...?
[18:46:40] fryfrog: netw1z: I think there are some nvidia xorg/x11 options related to "flicker"
[18:46:50] fryfrog: try reading the nvidia help txt that comes with the drivers
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[18:47:02] fryfrog: kevin_: why are you using an old version of fedora?
[18:47:14] fryfrog: liran: i'm running 0.20-fixes qutie happily
[18:47:19] kevin_: old version of mandriva...
[18:47:29] fryfrog: er, sorry, my bad :)
[18:47:43] liran: fryfrog: im running 0.20–0.2 debian unstable packages and its crashing
[18:47:47] kevin_: just haven't upgraded. i'd like to put it on some newer hardware. i just get this feeling that i've worked so hard on myth, nuv, etc
[18:47:53] fryfrog: liran: you could start with 0.20-fixes, and if you don't like it... move to .19?
[18:48:07] liran: fryfrog: i think it might be my hardware. what are you running on?
[18:48:07] fryfrog: liran: It'd probably be worth using the fixes branch, if the deb packages don't
[18:48:17] fryfrog: well, first i'm running gentoo :)
[18:48:19] kevin_: ndiswrapper too. that was fun
[18:48:42] liran: fryfrog: i doubt the crash is related to the distribution itself.
[18:48:56] liran: fryfrog: im running on an amd sempron 3100+ and an asus board
[18:49:41] kevin_: my package utility says i already have lirc installed
[18:51:27] kevin_: *mutter*
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[19:00:08] kevin_: this might be something i didn't do..... after running configuration it told me "You will have to use the lirc_serial kernel module."
[19:00:22] kevin_: the documentation says nothing about how to do that
[19:01:03] zoibee: if you have loaded the right modules, it should work
[19:02:09] kevin_: where do i learn more about loading modules?
[19:02:33] zoibee: man modprobe
[19:03:05] Mattwj2005 (Mattwj2005! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:06] fryfrog: but my hardware is a dual xeon and amd64
[19:03:08] kevin_: thanks
[19:03:13] fryfrog: sorry, my internet floppy came out
[19:03:16] simcop2387: hmm anyone else got mythtv 0.20 working with ivtv 0.8.0? (i'm about to go grab the fixes branch, i haven't had the chance yet)
[19:03:40] fryfrog: kevin_: what does "modinfo lirc_serial" say?
[19:03:56] fryfrog: I'm using mythtv 0.20-fixes with lirc 0.8.0
[19:04:39] Mattwj2005: playback and recording with HDTV 1080i on a Celeron 1.2 Ghz ;)
[19:05:04] simcop2387: fryfrog: ivtv, not lirc :)
[19:05:13] fryfrog: oops
[19:05:18] Mattwj2005: I can't believe it works
[19:05:19] fryfrog: yeah, s/lirc/ivtv
[19:05:21] kevin_: ... waiting for pastebin
[19:05:28] fryfrog: Mattwj2005: you lie, really?
[19:05:35] Mattwj2005: no lie
[19:05:38] Mattwj2005: it works :)
[19:05:40] fryfrog: what about 720p?
[19:05:46] Mattwj2005: that works as well
[19:05:51] fryfrog: 1080i is lame, 720p is teh win
[19:05:56] fryfrog: xvmc?
[19:06:07] simcop2387: fryfrog: ok good, i figured it was just me not having grabbed fixes yet, right now it complains about bad ioctls when recordings start
[19:06:07] Mattwj2005: my Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 helps out with xvmc ;)
[19:06:16] simcop2387: and then i get 0 byte recordings :)
[19:06:59] kevin_: fryfrog
[19:07:08] fryfrog: simcop2387: you are using 0.8.0 with 2.6.18, right?
[19:07:25] fryfrog: kevin_: so you have the serial module :p
[19:07:39] fryfrog: so, did you rmmod 8250_pnp 8250 serial_core lirc_serial lirc_dev?
[19:07:41] kevin_: okay, so that means i can go ahead and make and make install right?
[19:07:49] kevin_: i didn't yet, no
[19:08:01] fryfrog: sounds like its already *there*, you haven't done make / make install of lirc?
[19:08:12] kevin_: i already did. i just thought i'd do it again. lol
[19:08:15] kevin_: for good measure
[19:08:37] fryfrog: ah, don't bother
[19:08:39] fryfrog: its all there
[19:08:40] kevin_: okay
[19:08:44] fryfrog: okay, dmesg -c
[19:08:50] fryfrog: check and make sure all those modules unloaded
[19:09:00] kevin_: everything is out of dmesg
[19:09:01] fryfrog: (either by noting the output of dmesg or "lsmod" and using the eyeballs
[19:09:17] fryfrog: okay, now "modprobe 8250_pnp" and dmesg
[19:09:23] fryfrog: make sure it saw your serial ports and all
[19:09:34] kevin_: lol FATAL: Module 8250_pnp not found.
[19:09:36] fryfrog: that one modprobe should load up 8250, 8250_pnp and serial_core
[19:09:39] fryfrog: oh
[19:09:43] fryfrog: did you compile your own kernel?
[19:09:55] kevin_: i may have at one point. i'm not sure lol
[19:09:57] fryfrog: try "modinfo 8250" or "modinfo serial_core"?
[19:10:21] simcop2387: fryfrog: yea
[19:10:23] kevin_: couldn't find either module
[19:10:28] simcop2387: fryfrog: mplayer works fine so i know its mythtv :)
[19:10:34] fryfrog: simcop2387: ah
[19:10:43] fryfrog: simcop2387: guess its off to the 0.20 fixes svn branch
[19:10:57] fryfrog: kevin_: erm
[19:11:04] kevin_: laff
[19:11:14] fryfrog: kevin_: if you compiled your own kernel, make sure they are selected as something to be built as modules?
[19:11:38] kevin_: that's way over my head. i think i might give up on this dream of having a remote
[19:11:45] fryfrog: its not :)
[19:11:46] kevin_: i should just get an extra long cable for my keyboard
[19:11:48] kevin_: lol
[19:11:55] fryfrog: *if* you compiled your own kernel, why would you?
[19:12:02] fryfrog: the "default" kernel certainly had those modules
[19:12:06] kevin_: probably because someone like you told me to =P
[19:12:19] kevin_: to work around some other dumb problem
[19:12:25] fryfrog: sounds like what you *need* to do is start over with something like Fedora Core 5 which has some great full walk through guides written for it
[19:12:34] fryfrog: (if you like mandriva)
[19:12:36] kevin_: maybe i should
[19:12:37] seth|laptop: or switch to knoppmyth, hehe
[19:12:41] fryfrog: Perhaps Ubunto too
[19:12:47] kevin_: is lirc easy to get up and running in knoppmyth?
[19:12:58] fryfrog: My favorite is Gentoo, but if you thought this was hard you'd cry like a little girl over gentoo :)
[19:13:05] kevin_: lol
[19:13:15] seth|laptop: in knoppmyth, it just works
[19:13:22] Zider: fryfrog: so would the gentoo supporters ;)
[19:13:28] kevin_: no way, nothing EVER works for me. i'll find a way
[19:13:30] seth|laptop: out of the box, it asks you what remote you have, and then it installs it
[19:13:54] seth|laptop: same with irblaster
[19:14:01] fryfrog: Zider: so true!
[19:14:04] seth|laptop: actually its the very next question after the install
[19:14:13] fryfrog: wow
[19:14:14] kevin_: what about nuvexport. does that work out of the box?
[19:14:20] fryfrog: sounds like *i* should give knoppmyth a try
[19:14:58] fryfrog: is knopp current? ivtv, lirc, kernel, myth?
[19:15:15] seth|laptop: i tell you what, I built mythtv on gentoo, fc4, ubuntu hoary, and dapper, and when I was turned onto knoppmyth, the world changed
[19:15:26] ** seth|laptop <------- spoiled now **
[19:15:36] kevin_: laff
[19:15:42] kevin_: nuvexport works?
[19:15:44] test34- (test34-!n=test34@unaffiliated/test34) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:15:48] scopeuk: fryfrog knoop is current in all but myth atm it on .19 fixes althoug hthe next release is going to be .20
[19:15:55] scopeuk: likely to be some time next month
[19:15:57] fryfrog: ah
[19:16:09] seth|laptop: not to mention, out of all the 'prebuilt' rpm and debian packages, this was the only one ready to compile with or with out distcc, from the install, o building custom software, is ready to happen
[19:16:48] scopeuk: then its gonan be a long wait becouse there making some huge change to it before the r6 release
[19:16:49] seth|laptop: nuvexport, works with r5c7, not sure about rd51, heard there were transcoding issues.
[19:17:17] seth|laptop: right now they are testing r5d16, which already has .20 installed
[19:17:40] kevin_: hmm.... what about video out on my video card? that work out of the box?
[19:17:46] TheMafia (TheMafia!n=TheMafia@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:17:49] seth|laptop: but they are having issues with amd64 cpus, that started at r5d1, which why I run r5c7, and built myth .20 form source
[19:18:03] seth|laptop: yes, you boot teh install cd with TV
[19:18:04] tuck3r: what is the proper way to start mythfrontend on boot? i can't seem to find out how to do it
[19:18:12] seth|laptop: you just type TV and it works from the get go
[19:18:20] kevin_: heh nice
[19:18:45] kevin_: maybe i'll give that a try on a backup hard drive
[19:19:12] kevin_: oh... ahh......... dvd copying? that work?
[19:19:42] fryfrog: tuck3r: there are tons of ways
[19:19:51] fryfrog: tuck3r: for instance, a cron job
[19:20:01] fryfrog: tuck3r: on my system gdm is setup to auto-login as the mythtv user
[19:20:01] seth|laptop: if you mean dvd importing, yes
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[19:20:21] fryfrog: my mythtv user's crontab has a file that checks to see if mythfrontend is running, and if not it starts it (runs every minute)
[19:21:32] kevin_: seth|laptop it just imports the dvd? doesn't transcode/compress it?
[19:21:59] tuck3r: fryfrog: interesting, i see this is going to be harder than a init script
[19:22:29] fryfrog: tuck3r: there are tons of ways
[19:22:50] fryfrog: you could also have your default run level simply *start* an X session owned by mythtv
[19:23:13] seth|laptop: kevin, yes, import, and transcode, does it all
[19:23:16] fryfrog: I like the gdm + auto-login cause you can ctrl-alt-backspace and x will respawn and a few seconds later, log in again
[19:23:35] ** seth|laptop agrees, auto-login is nice **
[19:23:38] kevin_: cool. so i could just use k3b to burn it after that?
[19:24:21] Zider: I use cron to launch X
[19:24:41] scopeuk: i let knopmythdo it as it pleases
[19:24:52] seth|laptop: i would guess, there is a .iso import option, but I do not make copies, just archive them, to save me from getting up and switching the dvd's
[19:25:19] seth|laptop: so I really wouldn't know for sure. They lock you up here if you do that :-)
[19:25:54] Zider: seth|laptop: *locks up*
[19:26:12] Zider: *sells key on eBay*
[19:26:40] scopeuk: Zider get with the tiems you have the shark destroy it wit hthe frikkin lazer beams
[19:26:43] seth|laptop: hehe
[19:26:57] Zider: scopeuk: shark?
[19:27:06] kevin_: haha
[19:27:08] scopeuk: bad austin powers reference
[19:27:12] kevin_: lol
[19:27:13] kevin_: i got it
[19:27:19] kevin_: seth|laptop you in the us?
[19:27:22] scopeuk: hah kinda gave it awak kevin
[19:27:24] Zider: haven't seen austin powers
[19:27:24] ** seth|laptop Austin Powers.... Doctor Evil...... is shocked **
[19:27:25] Perdignus (Perdignus! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:27:30] seth|laptop: yes good old US of A
[19:27:42] kevin_: throw me a frickin bone here..... all i want is some freakin sharks with some freakin lasers on their heads
[19:27:49] seth|laptop: hehe
[19:28:17] kevin_: yeah me too. someone i know got a letter from paramount pictures b/c she was sharing forrest gump on a DC++ hub
[19:28:31] tuck3r: seth|laptop: "I'm a lawyer representing the MPAA, please bend over"
[19:28:39] kevin_: haha
[19:28:59] test34 (test34!n=test34@unaffiliated/test34) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:29:17] Zider: I got a letter once.. for sharing win98-iso on dc.. but nothing about the 400GB movies, music and games I also shared ;)
[19:29:35] seth|laptop: tuck3r , LOL
[19:29:44] kevin_: haha
[19:31:48] Perdignus (Perdignus! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:34:22] kevin_: okay, best buy has 120g seagate drives on sale for $50. I think i'll get one, setup knoppmyth and try to get a 250+ on black friday
[19:34:25] kevin_: and use both
[19:36:06] tuck3r: black friday is fun!
[19:36:53] routhan (routhan!n=daru@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:37:09] seth|laptop: if you do that kevin, use the knoppmyth '' script, so all you have to do to add the second drive is type oone command.
[19:37:53] seth|laptop:
[19:38:16] seth|laptop: read that and you'll see what I mean by knoppmyth is easy.
[19:38:19] seth|laptop: :-)
[19:38:30] ** seth|laptop gets down off of his knoppmyth soapbox **
[19:39:18] kevin_: haha
[19:39:46] kevin_: oh, what about this....... use my audigy sound card to have 5.1 surround output to my stereo receiver?
[19:39:49] ** scopeuk prods seth|laptop back and hands him a megaphone **
[19:41:02] seth|laptop: kevin, yes, digital audio was easy as well. I have on board digital, and all I had to do was enable the checks in mythfrontend setup for ac3 and dts passthrough, run alsamixer to enable the output, and I had 5.1
[19:41:29] seth|laptop: via spidf
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[19:42:58] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:43:09] zoibee: seth|laptop: same as i have done, but i only got audio in mythvideo...
[19:43:35] zoibee: if mplayer gets it, why cant tv and music...
[19:44:13] kevin_: heh, i might have to look you up for that seth
[19:44:31] seth|laptop: zoibee, what version of mythtv
[19:44:36] netw1z: how many different game emulators can you get going with MythTV?
[19:44:40] zoibee: 0.20
[19:44:45] GreyFoxx: netw1z: as many as you want
[19:45:21] seth|laptop: I run .20, and have both the video, and DVD players set to "Internal" and I have dolby digital on all parts
[19:45:35] GreyFoxx: You tell myth the path to the roms(optionally the file extensions), the name of the emulator and the command to run
[19:45:41] seth|laptop: tv, music, dvd, video, world of warcraft
[19:46:22] seth|laptop: well prologic, if the source is in stereonly, btu you get what I mean :-p
[19:46:35] zoibee: i did :P
[19:47:02] seth|laptop: and you have "passthrough" checks for ac3 and dts?
[19:47:15] zoibee: yes
[19:47:31] kevin_: whats ac3 and dts?
[19:47:49] seth|laptop: 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 surround
[19:48:51] seth|laptop: zoibee, have you tried changing the default sound device in myth-front-setup to something like /dev/adsp, .vs /dev/dsp ?
[19:49:37] ** seth|laptop thought the Internal player was based on mplayer, I could be wrong though **
[19:49:43] netw1z: anyone using xmess?
[19:49:59] GreyFoxx: seth|laptop: You are wrong
[19:50:20] Delemas: Anyone aware of a way to disable menu fade transitions when using opengl as the paint engine in mythfronted?
[19:50:29] zoibee: seth|laptop: yes, ive tried almost everything
[19:50:32] Delemas: mythfrontend I mean...
[19:50:44] seth|laptop: so the internal is something different, good to know.
[19:50:47] GreyFoxx: Delemas: If you use opengl as the paint engine I don't think you can turn that off at the present time
[19:50:55] jams: Delemas- you cannot
[19:50:56] nufke (nufke! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:01] Delemas: GreyFoxx: ah ok thanks.
[19:51:02] GreyFoxx: seth|laptop: the internal player is it's own built in player, nto based on anything else
[19:51:09] seth|laptop: zoibee, you using knoppmyth?
[19:51:19] jams: Delemas- main reason I still use QT as the painter
[19:51:40] netw1z: is there a definitive list somewhere of all the emulators out there for linux?
[19:51:44] netw1z: game emulators?
[19:51:48] stoffel (stoffel! has quit ("Verlassend")
[19:52:00] zoibee: seth|laptop: yes :P
[19:52:02] Delemas: k then. Back to using qt :)
[19:52:14] GreyFoxx: netw1z: I don't think so. closest thing would be and maybe just the list on the mythgame portion of the wiki
[19:52:24] seth|laptop: zoibee, what alsa drivers are you using, I updated to 1.0.13
[19:52:32] zoibee: 2 sec
[19:52:50] zoibee: 1.0.8
[19:53:08] zoibee: 1.0.12 ..
[19:53:20] Eskas (Eskas!n=Eskas@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:53:25] seth|laptop: I would trry to upgrade that first. what audio chipset?
[19:53:35] zoibee: but it worked yesterday before i reinstalled
[19:53:41] seth|laptop: ah
[19:53:41] Delemas: Recently mythvideo has started showing empty subdirectories under the videoroot even if all the files under said subdirectory are of a high parental level. Anyone know how to revert to old behaviour?
[19:53:45] zoibee: intel ich5 (iec958)
[19:53:54] tuck3r: humm, should I see the plugins on mythfrontend after installing mythplugins?
[19:54:15] GreyFoxx: tuck3r: Assuming you restarted mythfrontend after installing them
[19:54:18] seth|laptop: in alsamixer, you have it enabled, and the volume all the way down to "0" (zero)
[19:54:36] tuck3r: GreyFoxx: did yet i still see nothing...
[19:54:39] zoibee: to zero?
[19:54:41] seth|laptop: yes
[19:54:53] zoibee: should it be?
[19:54:58] seth|laptop: yes
[19:55:05] seth|laptop: that I found in the forums
[19:55:27] GreyFoxx: Did you install both mythtv and mythplugins from the same set of packages or source ?
[19:55:42] tuck3r: yep, svn-.20 fixes
[19:56:10] GreyFoxx: check to make sure you don't have a binary install on there too and maybe you are executing the binary package version of mythfrontend
[19:56:14] seth|laptop: brb, datacenter alarm
[19:56:38] tuck3r: GreyFoxx: i just installed myth never touched binarys
[19:56:42] zoibee: seth|laptop: i had it on 100% on my last install, and if i turned it to 75% it was muted
[19:57:48] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:16] GreyFoxx: tuck3r: which is the output of "which mythfrontend"
[20:00:24] GreyFoxx: from a commandline/xterm
[20:01:31] teapot (teapot! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[20:03:24] seth|laptop: zoibee, when you uncheck the ac3/dts in myth-front-setup, do you get sound?
[20:04:04] seth|laptop: and are you hooked up to an A/V reciever, something tht would indicate analog/digital signal?
[20:04:08] tuck3r: GreyFoxx: i think i figured it out
[20:04:22] Eskas: have anyone seen "Failed to run tv_find_grabbers" when using mythtv-setup? I can't even choose xmltv when creating video sources.
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[20:16:54] grantm (grantm! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:18:06] seth|laptop: is there a trick to getting the ProjectGreyham theme to work with opengl painter?
[20:19:14] Zider: shouldn't need any "trick"
[20:19:43] liran (liran! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:20:51] seth|laptop: well, when I change menu levels, mine goes blank, no text
[20:21:42] seth|laptop: yet something like myxer works fine
[20:22:06] vballrican: how do i set permissions to a dir to be 777? wrx
[20:22:40] jduggan: chmod 777 directoryname/
[20:23:11] vballrican: thx
[20:24:06] word (word! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:07] vballrican: uh.. how do i change permission for 'mythtv' user to have 777 right?
[20:25:24] seth|laptop: what are you changing permissions of?
[20:26:08] vballrican: a few dirs from an old hd
[20:26:17] kormoc: vballrican, 777 on a directory is for everyone
[20:26:21] vballrican: they're all set to 501 and i can't access them
[20:26:27] seth|laptop: chown -R mythtv <directory name here>
[20:26:32] word: Anyone here have any luck controlling their directv box through a serial port? i'm having some trouble with the script and am getting this error when using a command – (in cleanup) Can't call method "setcflag" on an undefined value
[20:27:07] vballrican: thx
[20:27:23] seth|laptop: sorry, I use a blaster
[20:27:31] seth|laptop: np vball
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[20:28:22] liran1 is now known as liran
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[20:31:06] dave (dave! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:42] dave: Hi everybody, does anybody have a working / pretty script for myth 0.20
[20:31:43] dave: ?
[20:31:56] seth|laptop: I like how the new mythweb shows the slave drives storage usage now, myth just keeps getting better :-)
[20:32:08] andruk (andruk! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:34:40] seth|laptop: mine works
[20:35:00] seth|laptop: did you need mythlink, or mythrename?
[20:35:11] fryfrog: rar!
[20:35:19] fryfrog: dave: use " --link"
[20:35:29] fryfrog: it is in the contrib dir, make sure you have the needed perl modules
[20:36:28] Anduin (Anduin! has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:36:34] dave: sorry, i mean the pretty script that creates the symlinks
[20:38:43] fryfrog: thats it
[20:39:45] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:41:01] dave: when did it stop being a shell script?
[20:42:36] vballrican: ok, i installed mythtv using the mythtv-suite which probably installs most things... how do i access mythweb?
[20:43:03] dave: what happens if you go to http://localhost
[20:43:05] dave: ?
[20:43:11] fryfrog: uh, what are you talkinga bout?
[20:43:17] fryfrog: .pl means its a perl script
[20:43:23] fryfrog: which... is kind of a shell script?
[20:43:34] fryfrog: and http://localhost/ has nothing to do with symlinks, that would be mythweb
[20:43:37] dave: yes, but it used to be a shell script, sh
[20:43:51] fryfrog: ah, i guess someone made it better with a perl script
[20:43:51] dave: i was answering vballrican
[20:44:05] fryfrog: can also *really* rename the files (it updates the db too)
[20:44:10] fryfrog: instead of just making symlinks
[20:44:13] vballrican: dave: in the mythtv box or from my other one?
[20:44:20] dave: the mythbox
[20:44:45] seth|laptop: my calls the perl script,
[20:45:07] dave: i need to catch up with times eh?
[20:45:28] fryfrog: yeah, welcome to 2006 :)
[20:45:29] vballrican: could not connect to host localhost
[20:45:52] fryfrog: vballrican: make sure you install mythweb, make sure you have a working *web server*
[20:46:02] fryfrog: mythweb is just a bunch of php web pages
[20:46:31] vballrican: fryfrog: they don't get installed with mythtv-suite?
[20:48:59] fryfrog: i dunno what the hell you are even talking about :)
[20:50:59] vballrican: fry: lol.. ok, i installed mythtv using the yum mythtv-suite, so it installed the whole mythtv suite... now, how do i get mythweb installed and i see the configuration page in mythtv setup...
[20:54:36] ** Delemas pokes code, trying to figure out how to get mythvideo to prune empty subdirs, at a given parental level, as mythvideo once did... **
[20:56:41] seth|laptop (seth|laptop!n=sjerome@ has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[20:57:21] tuck3r: anybody wiling to post their xorg.conf that works with nvidia tv-out?
[21:00:22] vballrican: hmm... FC5 doesn't have a .rpm installer?
[21:02:03] stuarta: rpm?
[21:02:05] andruk (andruk! has quit (Client Quit)
[21:02:06] Delemas: It probably has yum
[21:02:19] fryfrog: vballrican: can you use yum to see if it installed apache, php, mythweb, etc?
[21:03:01] vballrican: fry, how do i do that? all i have used yum for is to install
[21:03:39] ** vballrican loves webmin :) **
[21:08:22] word: anyone know how to check that a usb -> serial converter is working?
[21:08:31] fryfrog: vballrican: sorry, i'm a gentoo bastard
[21:08:40] word: trying to control my satellite box and i think that's the problem..
[21:08:44] fryfrog: word: plug it into a serial... something?
[21:10:28] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:10:29] word: heh good to find something serial...
[21:12:04] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:12:41] vballrican: anyone know about Samba?
[21:13:33] fryfrog: got all the drivers loaded up and all?
[21:15:11] vballrican:'s up and running, i have a couple of shares and i can see the samba server from my winders machine..but... when i try to connect it asks for login/pwd...
[21:16:54] word: yah samba is tricky with it's security and how to configure it :-/
[21:17:25] word: you'll have to fiddle with the settings in /etc/samba/smb.conf just make sure you make a backup firts
[21:17:28] word: first8
[21:17:30] word: first****
[21:18:04] vballrican: i already checked it... :(
[21:20:07] tuck3r: the standard TV resultion is 320x200?
[21:20:15] fryfrog: christ!
[21:20:21] fryfrog: ummm
[21:20:34] fryfrog: i think that most tvs will do 640x480 over rca
[21:20:40] fryfrog: *maybe* 800x600 on rca
[21:20:49] fryfrog: svidia usually can take 800x600 or 1024x768
[21:20:55] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:58] fryfrog: (or 640x480)
[21:21:03] netw1z: what about s-video
[21:21:30] tuck3r: well I got it doing 1024x768... it looks really small :P
[21:23:50] netw1z: i cant read my screen.. im on a sony wega
[21:24:06] netw1z: im trying to config it now to be 800x600 or something
[21:27:58] tuck3r: hummm, that worked but it now cuts off most of the screen
[21:27:58] bjohnson (bjohnson! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:30:27] netw1z: you gotta run nvidia-settings
[21:30:35] netw1z: and turn down the overscan i guess
[21:33:17] tuck3r: mythfrontend looks good but you can see lines going up and down the screen
[21:35:11] NAiL (NAiL!n=repvik@nslu2-linux/ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:35:24] ** NAiL is having problems getting the backend to start... **
[21:35:29] NAiL: I'm getting this error:
[21:35:34] NAiL: Starting MythTV server: mythbackendSession management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
[21:36:03] netw1z: tucker? your refresh rate?
[21:36:20] kormoc: NAiL, that's not a critical error, and can be ignored
[21:36:44] LabMonkey: kinda off-topic, but does anyone know how to get divx4 encoding to work?
[21:36:50] LabMonkey: with mencoder i mean
[21:37:14] tuck3r: netw1z: thats what I'm thinking, but I don't know the refresh rate for this thing
[21:37:27] netw1z: a tv or monitor
[21:37:30] kormoc: LabMonkey, sure, compile in mpeg-4 support
[21:38:31] tuck3r: netw1z: CRT tv
[21:40:58] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:41:41] kenguru (kenguru! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:42:01] kenguru: morning.
[21:42:37] netw1z: 30 – 50 hsync i think
[21:43:40] zoibee (zoibee! has quit ()
[21:43:43] Juski: could someone please do me a favour & tell me if this is factually correct? I've done my best..
[21:43:47] tuck3r: HorizSync 30–50 is what i have in my Monitor section
[21:43:53] nufke (nufke! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:44:00] kenguru: i'm having problems with tuning the channels with mythtv 0.20 and terratec cinergy 1200 dvb-c, nags about network id not correct.
[21:44:30] kenguru: "found channel but doesn't match existing tsid"
[21:45:43] Juski: kenguru: sounds like an issue for the developers. Does Kaffeine work okay? or czap ?
[21:47:31] kenguru: i found similar problem with google about hour ago, so developers should know that. I haven't tried kaffeine all i know is simple scan command finds channels okay but importing those to the mythconverg database doesn't work.
[21:47:43] Juski: wow. it's true what people say about #knoppmyth being quiet
[21:48:19] Juski: kenguru: ah. if you import a channels.conf file you will not get any network ids inserted into the database. .conf files don't have that info in them
[21:48:23] kenguru: that's the url
[21:48:31] netw1z: juski.. that looks right
[21:48:45] Juski: what's wrong with just scanning? 0.20 is much improved over 0.19 with dvb tuners :)
[21:49:06] kenguru: Juski, i deleted the database, recreated it and tried just scanning but that doesn't work.
[21:49:14] tuck3r: ok, 640x480 is 480i but the text in mythfrontend still looks way to small, like on the weather page
[21:49:19] Juski: cheers netw1z :)
[21:49:41] netw1z: how did u force 640x480?
[21:49:53] netw1z: you can change font size in APPEARENCE in setup in mythTV
[21:50:02] tuck3r: mode like
[21:50:03] kormoc: Juski, GBPVR has cost as Hardware where as myth and other free ones has cost as Hardware only
[21:50:09] Juski: kenguru: then mail the -dev mailing list describing the problem.. it might be an issue that needs to be addressed
[21:50:19] Juski: kormoc: thanks
[21:50:32] Juski: table blindness :)
[21:50:37] kormoc: hehe, aye :)
[21:51:09] Juski: hang on a minute.. this IS fskcing _marketing_
[21:51:13] tuck3r: netw1z:
[21:51:22] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:51:24] vballrican: ok, so how do i transfer recordings from my old hd to my new hd and have mythtv catalog them in database?
[21:51:42] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:51:55] Juski: vballrican: the wiki is your friend
[21:51:59] kormoc: vballrican, by importing the values from the database, which you did backup, right?
[21:52:32] kormoc: cause as a good user, you researched before you attempted this
[21:53:08] Juski: it'll cause you less pain (much less) to mount the new HDD to the same dir as the old one
[21:53:31] Juski: then just copy the files across & import the old database
[21:53:50] Juski: or just copy the files across if you didn't do anything to the db
[21:54:13] Juski: there's a script called but I dunno how much use it'd be to you now
[21:54:24] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.static.gdt.cust.seg.NET) has quit (Client Quit)
[21:54:27] vballrican: lol... no.. my old mythtv crashed... so i bought a new hd, installed os, mythtv .20 (i used to run .13), and configured it as per the's up and running.. i have about 80% of everything working... i put my old hd back in as a slave and i want to transfer my recordings... :)
[21:54:43] Juski: so you've no database backup.. whoops
[21:54:51] vballrican: it's on the old hd
[21:54:58] Juski: ah okay
[21:55:17] vballrican: i just don't know enough about mysql...
[21:55:40] Juski:
[21:56:19] GreyFoxx: I'm not sure if a DB fvrom 0.13 is auto updateable
[21:56:21] Juski: wtf have people asked for a screenshot util in mythtv???
[21:56:33] scopeuk: Juski who knows
[21:56:42] scopeuk: doesent your windowsmanager of choice normally handle that
[21:56:48] scopeuk: or about 800 kabiulion other programs
[21:57:12] Juski: vballrican: also . . . into_Myth.3F
[21:57:26] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:58:10] Juski: vballrican: it's also possible that the recorded table hasn't changed all that much since 0.13, so maybe just import that table, but be careful to check the table structure first
[21:58:28] beavis (beavis! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[21:58:49] Juski: anyway.. time for me bed. g'night all. 8 days til SHOWTIME!
[21:58:58] vballrican: by importing the table, do i overwrite the existing one or does it append?
[21:59:03] stuarta: night Juski
[21:59:09] vballrican: night juski and thanks
[21:59:20] scopeuk: night
[21:59:30] ** stuarta is busy hacking fixups **
[22:01:17] vballrican: has changed! My old files are .nuv while the new ones are mpg.. :(
[22:01:36] GreyFoxx: that's fine
[22:01:47] GreyFoxx: just have to make sure the basename column has the right filename
[22:02:26] rtsai: does anyone else think the new osd-based "delete" at the end of a recording takes too many menu navigations?
[22:02:53] scopeuk: rtsai perhaps youed rarther do it acidentaly more often?
[22:02:55] GreyFoxx: rtsai: Yeah, A couple of us are voting for making the Yes Delete option the default on the second screen
[22:03:16] rtsai: why not just have one OSD screen at the end? I don't understand the need for the second screen
[22:04:04] GreyFoxx: If it's one screen then as long as "No" is the default option I'm fine with it
[22:04:27] rtsai: that's fine. The OSD looks nicer, but I liked the old menu system: No, Yes (delete), and Yes (delete and re-record)
[22:04:40] rtsai: Currently, hitting "yes" brings up a second OSD.
[22:04:46] brad_mssw (brad_mssw! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:05:03] stuarta: gack!! since when do i have to ask it twice to delete a recording!
[22:05:12] rtsai: yeah
[22:05:35] GreyFoxx: stuarta: If you hit delete during playback as of a few days ago
[22:05:44] rtsai: it seems like it also happens at the end
[22:05:58] stuarta: I just noticed you guys discussing it, just after I noticed it myself...
[22:06:03] GreyFoxx: for a day or so it would just delete without asking for confirmation... I lost a show that way when I daught hit a button on the remote :)
[22:06:04] rtsai: unless commflag-skip-to-end counts as "during playback"
[22:06:36] GreyFoxx: I can live with the current behaviour if Yes is the default on the second screen, OR have asinglescreen with No as default
[22:07:03] rtsai: stuarta: see PlaybackBox::showDeletePopup (playbackbox.cpp)
[22:07:06] stuarta: i'm with rtsai on this one. hit 'd', options no, yes(delete), yes(del & re-record)
[22:08:26] GreyFoxx: I wouldn't mind a delete button in mythvideo hehe
[22:08:57] ** jams agrees with that statement **
[22:09:16] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:09:22] jams: or imdb lookup without having to use the video manager
[22:09:41] GreyFoxx: that'd be nifty
[22:10:10] jams: i think so =)
[22:10:36] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:11:38] mirak (mirak! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:12:06] jams: might put that on my list of things to look at
[22:15:02] Pryon (Pryon! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:18:32] netw1z: who got away with naming it a joystick
[22:20:43] Aid` (Aid`! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:20:58] liran (liran! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:23:12] stuarta: my pet hate is linux apps treating users like a windows weanie. do you really really really wanna?
[22:24:26] kormoc: that's why there's command line utils
[22:24:28] xzcvczx (xzcvczx! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:24:47] stuarta: unless you are on a redhat system which aliases the commands to the weanie version
[22:25:06] kormoc: such as?
[22:25:25] stuarta: alias rm='rm -i'
[22:25:33] stuarta: alias cp='cp -i'
[22:25:35] stuarta: etc etc
[22:25:42] scopeuk: stuarta much as i know alot of linux users are experts there are still beginers around
[22:25:51] scopeuk: if you dont like red hack screwing with it change it
[22:25:54] stuarta: true, that's why they do it....
[22:25:55] ** kormoc peers at his fedora servers and doesn't really see that **
[22:26:12] ** scopeuk kicks the ox on the floor to make it stop whining **
[22:26:20] ** stuarta suggests kormac see what alias says.. **
[22:26:21] kormoc: touch test && rm test works without being prompted
[22:26:28] stuarta: hmmm
[22:26:39] kormoc: stuarta, it's not set that way under alias
[22:26:41] stuarta: maybe they only do it for enterprise editions
[22:26:44] kormoc: in FC5 or 4 or 3
[22:26:57] kormoc: not in Centos 4.4
[22:27:03] kormoc: nor RHEL 4
[22:27:22] scopeuk: stuarta maby its an isntall option
[22:27:30] scopeuk: safe commands flag or some such non-sense
[22:27:32] stuarta: i'll check tomorrow in the office.
[22:27:41] kormoc: as much as I dislike redhat/fedora, I would be more upset if I had to deal with that all day :)
[22:27:46] stuarta: all our boxes are kickstarted....
[22:27:55] stuarta: when they were built of course
[22:28:03] kormoc: yeah, as is ours, but we went really vanilla
[22:28:03] scopeuk: i got a nice big button for power so i can litrally kick start my machine
[22:28:28] ** stuarta waits for eit data to fill.... **
[22:28:47] ** scopeuk directs stuarta to aseat and the vending machine **
[22:28:58] stuarta: scopeuk: does that mean you can kick stop your machine too? :)
[22:29:03] scopeuk: yup
[22:29:20] scopeuk: although standby is far more useful
[22:29:20] ** stuarta puts away his soap box. **
[22:29:40] ** scopeuk wodners if the old 5 volt serial box trick stil lworks for bootign machines remotely **
[22:30:00] stuarta: wake on serial? wake on just about everything else
[22:30:06] scopeuk: wake on serial yup
[22:30:14] scopeuk: think my pc stil lhas it
[22:30:20] scopeuk: comes in handy with com port contro lboxes
[22:30:21] stuarta: 95% likely
[22:30:36] scopeuk: 9 volt batt few resistors and a ptm button and your golden
[22:30:36] stuarta: damn the spammers are busy tonight
[22:30:49] ** scopeuk feels left out no spam here **
[22:30:59] scopeuk: maby im jsut registered on the wrogn websites ;-)
[22:31:06] scopeuk: my email address is all over the internet
[22:31:15] stuarta: i'm just watching them hit & get rejected in my logs....
[22:31:35] stuarta: scopeuk: maybe whoever runs your email does the filtering for you?
[22:31:39] jonty_ (jonty_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:09] scopeuk: stuarta there is some filtering and its pretty god done by gmail
[22:32:20] scopeuk: all that slips through are the occasional jpg image ones
[22:32:27] scopeuk: but thunderbird weeds them out
[22:32:44] ** scopeuk is very mis trusting of and file on the web atm **
[22:33:07] scopeuk: seen a nice im/irc worm that hides a pif behind a jpg on a webserver and opens up 14 diferent backdoor trojens
[22:33:39] scopeuk: think the bearigns are goign in my cpu fan
[22:35:15] stuarta: i'm a big fan of privoxy
[22:35:16] ** kormoc blinks **
[22:35:20] Eskas (Eskas!n=Eskas@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:35:35] kormoc: a pif behind a jpg? how's that even work?
[22:35:42] kambei (kambei! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:36:37] scopeuk: kormoc the server redirected to it transparently
[22:36:43] kormoc: ahh
[22:36:47] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:36:54] kormoc: still not sure how a pif would infect a machine, but fair nuff :P
[22:37:08] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:37:19] scopeuk: pifs can contain pre compiled code that they execute when run
[22:37:28] Mattwj2005 (Mattwj2005! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:37:33] scopeuk: on windows any way
[22:37:36] kormoc: hrm
[22:37:47] scopeuk: this particular one then downloaded the viruses from a mirror site
[22:37:54] scopeuk: well trogens
[22:38:04] kormoc: my understanding was PIF's are win 3.11 and friends but wasn't supported as of 95 or so
[22:38:07] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:18] scopeuk: work on win xp
[22:38:31] kormoc: fair nuff
[22:38:32] scopeuk: definately infected the vm i put it in
[22:38:55] dmz (dmz!n=dmz@ has quit ("Leaving")
[22:38:59] scopeuk: figured that was the only way of figuring out what it did and how to remove it wthout access to the real system
[22:39:13] scopeuk: isntalling winxp on qemu on win xp without kqemu is a slow proccess
[22:40:05] dave: whats the difference between qemu and vmwarE?
[22:40:29] scopeuk: qemu is an emulator vmware is a virtualiser
[22:40:42] dave: oh
[22:40:45] dave: ;_)
[22:43:28] ** stuarta can see the next question coming. **
[22:43:37] dave: why is the sky blue?
[22:43:43] stuarta: bzzt
[22:43:50] kormoc: wikipedia can explain rather well
[22:44:27] Honk^away: <dave> why is the sky blue? <-- cuz of the way the atmosphere interacts with the light from the sun :]
[22:44:37] scopeuk: stuarta i got 1/2 way thorugh an explanation then thought no im bond to screw this up
[22:45:29] stuarta: the question i was expecting was "what's the difference between an emulator and a virtualizer?"
[22:45:37] dave: not from me sir
[22:45:43] stuarta: :)
[22:45:58] scopeuk: stuarta me too
[22:46:09] scopeuk: then we got a smilly an i knew all was well
[22:46:52] dave: the reason i asked, is i noticed a report on using the free vmplayer with a qemu image (thus removing the need for the vmware tools)
[22:48:11] dave: anyway, time for bed – and for you scopeuk, it's late!
[22:48:27] scopeuk: dave yeh i gotta be up in 8 hours
[22:48:37] dave: oh bugger
[22:48:40] tuck3r (tuck3r!n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r) has quit ()
[22:48:52] scopeuk: was 2 yesterday
[22:48:58] scopeuk: 6 hours isent to bad
[22:49:03] scopeuk: whoudletn wanan do it every day though
[22:50:09] dave: night all
[22:50:22] dave (dave! has quit ("go to sleep you lager louts")
[22:55:12] Delemas (Delemas! has quit ("Client exiting")
[22:59:14] scopeuk: right im off night all
[22:59:18] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("Some folks are wise, and some otherwise.")
[23:00:59] grndslm (grndslm! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:01:45] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("night all")
[23:03:31] grndslm: umm...the xfs guys told me to tell you guys to use prelinking allocation or somethin' like that
[23:03:53] grndslm: i agree....because it seems super slow with xfs
[23:03:57] ** kormoc blinks **
[23:04:19] kormoc: prelinking is to help the dynamic linker load libs faster
[23:04:23] kormoc: and xfs is a filesystem
[23:04:31] sanmarcos: I have a one.6 gigahertz athlon xp. and a geforce 6200 agp4x, 256mb, should I use libmpeg2/ffmpeg or standard xvmc? I am doing SDTV
[23:04:35] kormoc: and you can prelink myth, just like with any other app, via the prelink command
[23:04:39] kormoc: so erm, how are they related?
[23:04:45] grndslm: they said it, not me
[23:04:57] grndslm: well...i didn't know you can turn prelinking on...i just download the debs...
[23:05:06] grndslm: i'm lazy...sheesh
[23:05:10] kormoc: well, you should read a prelinking guide then
[23:05:13] kormoc: they're everywhere
[23:05:34] kormoc: sanmarcos, well, a 6 ghz proc is a bit fast, so likely anything would work, given how ungodly fast it is
[23:06:00] grndslm: yummy...i guess i must be going to re-compile then?
[23:06:04] kormoc: sanmarcos, ooh, you mixed letters and numbers. XvMC would be faster on the cpu
[23:06:08] kormoc: grndslm, not at all
[23:06:18] grndslm: what?!?
[23:06:22] sanmarcos: kormoc: i am sorry. I dont understand your phrasing
[23:06:29] kormoc: grndslm, prelinking is something you just set to run every night or so, and it prelinks the binarys automatically
[23:06:36] sanmarcos: kormoc: the cpu never goes above 50%, and libmpeg2 works fine
[23:06:41] sanmarcos: kormoc: I was just wondering :)
[23:06:44] kormoc: grndslm, it's unrelated to the source code, and couldn't care less about the filesystem
[23:07:02] kormoc: sanmarcos, heh, it likely doesn't matter then
[23:07:21] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:07:23] grndslm: some xfs guy told me that there were too many extents per gb that i was quoting him....and i said i had lvm if it made a difference...but he said it didn't
[23:07:27] sanmarcos: kormoc: :) great. I give you a kiss
[23:07:54] grndslm: he said something like prelinking or preallocation or was a day or two ago
[23:07:59] kormoc: GreyFoxx, that's not prelinking
[23:08:04] kormoc: erm, grndslm
[23:08:20] kormoc: grndslm, yeah, and that's not really myth related, that's setup when you created the XFS partition
[23:08:39] grndslm: what did i do wrong?
[23:08:43] kormoc: (the extents per gb iirc)
[23:09:05] grndslm: why wouldn't the default be good enough?
[23:09:27] grndslm: it takes like 5–10 seconds to delete files with xfs
[23:09:32] kormoc: cause the default xfs setup isn't for ungodly large files
[23:09:33] grndslm: and i even have a dedicated backend
[23:09:46] kormoc: same with ext3, I had to tune it a bit for the larger files
[23:09:54] kormoc: and it's faster then out of the box defaults
[23:10:16] grndslm: well, dang...i'm going to be using this to store all my multimedia files....
[23:10:16] kormoc: least, that's my understanding on how XFS works with files
[23:10:22] grndslm: do you have a good recommendation
[23:10:30] kormoc: I'm not a XFS expert by any means
[23:10:41] grndslm: for files 4~3GB
[23:10:50] grndslm: dangit you know jfs extents any better?
[23:10:55] kormoc: I personally like ext3, but outside of that, I would use JFS
[23:11:01] grndslm: i'm prolly gonna redo this
[23:12:05] grndslm: i had one problem with jfs...and i figured it was just unreliable, but i liked its speed....
[23:12:33] kormoc: JFS is used in production by a lot of big names, so it tends to be rather reliable
[23:12:35] kormoc: but ymmv
[23:12:35] grndslm: i prolly will go back to jfs, you think ext3 is perfect for my needs
[23:12:45] kormoc: it would work fine, but would be slow
[23:12:54] grndslm: jfs it is....
[23:13:16] grndslm: you know if there's a jfs channel?
[23:14:10] kormoc: nope
[23:14:32] npodges (npodges! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:15:28] npodges: what exactly do i have to change on the backend to allow connections from other networked frontends?
[23:16:17] kormoc: change the ip it uses from to one the others can reach
[23:16:37] npodges: that's it?
[23:16:59] kormoc: assuming you did the mysql change the docs say, yes
[23:17:02] grndslm: use a static up mysql and then tell the frontend to connect to the given ip
[23:17:12] npodges: okay
[23:17:37] npodges (npodges! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:22:33] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[23:24:12] fryfrog: jfs or xfs
[23:24:18] fryfrog: i've had really good luck with xfs myself
[23:24:36] fryfrog: xfs_grow and xfs_fsr are spiffy :)
[23:24:40] Zider: reiserfs <3
[23:24:55] fryfrog: i like reiser, for my / (with portage)
[23:25:05] fryfrog: but xfs has lightning fast deletes
[23:25:15] sanmarcos: i am using tv out from nvidia, do I also need to plugin a composite audio from my sound card?
[23:25:20] sanmarcos: to get sound?
[23:25:31] Zider: actually, I'm a bit worried about the future of reiserfs now
[23:25:40] Zider: but all my drives are reiserfs
[23:25:41] fryfrog: now that the dude got arrested?
[23:25:50] fryfrog: who knows... maybe he'll have *more* time to code ;)
[23:25:51] Zider: yeah
[23:25:55] Zider: heh
[23:26:03] Zider: well, bad PR and stuff too
[23:26:04] smeagol (smeagol! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:26:45] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:17] sanmarcos: anybody?
[23:27:57] Zider: sanmarcos: yes, audio has to be connected from the soundcard
[23:28:11] grndslm: reiser dev got arrested???
[23:28:34] xris (xris! has quit ("")
[23:28:39] grndslm: does jfs have anything like xfs_grow...don't think so, right?
[23:28:59] Zider: grndslm: yeah, accused to have killed his wife or something
[23:29:10] Zider: grndslm: altho they haven't even found her yet
[23:29:17] grndslm: WOW
[23:29:22] grndslm: use windows
[23:29:29] grndslm: it won't drive you crazy
[23:29:30] Zider: eh?
[23:29:36] Zider: as if
[23:29:40] grndslm: hah
[23:29:45] Zider: I go mad every timeI usethat shit
[23:30:08] Zider: besides, nothing is proven yet
[23:30:12] grndslm: well, i guess he had a loud-mouthed ho or sumpin'
[23:30:25] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:27] grndslm: i need to be slappin' some bitchz
[23:30:53] Zider: you need to learn how to spell properly ;P
[23:31:06] grndslm: you need to quit playa hatin', homie!
[23:31:12] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:12] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[23:31:13] grndslm: fo' i bussa cap
[23:31:32] grndslm: anyway...peace, i'm out!
[23:31:36] Zider: oh dear Lord, a wannabe hiphopper.. :P
[23:31:44] grndslm: you gay?
[23:32:04] grndslm: holla
[23:32:06] grndslm (grndslm! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[23:32:07] Zider: since gay means happy, yes I am ;)
[23:32:36] sanmarcos: hmm I am using nvidia tv out, but the FPS is laggy
[23:32:40] sanmarcos: any ideas what should I tweak?
[23:32:44] sanmarcos: on my monitor it looks fine
[23:35:01] Zider: tv-out is laggier than vga-out on the same card?
[23:36:03] sanmarcos: yes
[23:36:05] sanmarcos: and a little blurry
[23:36:26] Zider: strange
[23:38:34] sanmarcos: what card do you have?
[23:38:35] sanmarcos: tv out I mean
[23:39:39] Zider: gf2mx
[23:39:57] kormoc: I have a GeForce 6200, and tvout is quite nice
[23:40:02] kormoc: sure it's not your tv being laggy?
[23:40:33] riddlebox: what would cause my mythtv user to lock up everytime I login under it? if I log in as anything else it doesnt lock up?
[23:41:38] sanmarcos: kormoc: maybe
[23:41:46] sanmarcos: kormoc: can I see your xorg.conf, can you pastebin it?
[23:42:06] kormoc: not right now, but later tonight when I get home, sure
[23:43:43] sanmarcos: do you specify any special options?
[23:43:46] sanmarcos: maybe its the refresh rate
[23:43:51] sanmarcos: or maybe S-video
[23:43:59] sanmarcos: though I doubt compsotie would amke ad ifference
[23:44:06] kormoc: no really special options, and I'm using svideo
[23:45:06] sanmarcos: hmm weird
[23:45:25] sanmarcos: also if I set my fonts too big (20 30) I dont see the bottom buttons
[23:45:27] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[23:45:28] aboutblank (aboutblank! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:45:30] sanmarcos: its a small tv anyhow
[23:49:08] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:50:26] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:17] sanmarcos: what resolution should one use for tv-out?
[23:53:19] sanmarcos: on a normal sdtv?
[23:54:10] kormoc: 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768
[23:55:47] darrenp (darrenp! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:57:53] xris: sanmarcos: no more than 640x480 or you're just wasting cpu rendering/resizing
[23:57:59] xris: cpu/gpu
[23:58:26] sanmarcos: oh ok, if it a small tv?
[23:58:39] sanmarcos: I am going to try using the pvr350's tv out
[23:58:46] sanmarcos: shame that they have a x driver that is so hard to install
[23:58:48] xris: what video card do you have?
[23:58:58] xris: (aside from the 350, that is)
[23:59:01] sanmarcos: geforce 6200
[23:59:29] xris: geforce will look better
[23:59:33] xris: assuming it has tv-out

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