:: #mythtv-users

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Tuesday, June 27th, 2006, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:16] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:00:19] stuarta (stuarta!i=foobar@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("later all, sleep required")
[00:00:33] ** SarahEmm looks **
[00:00:34] SarahEmm: oops
[00:01:53] SarahEmm: whoa
[00:02:06] SarahEmm: it is in there, as of a couple weeks ago
[00:02:19] mchou: heh
[00:02:24] SarahEmm: thanks much mchou!
[00:02:28] SarahEmm: now i need to test it :)
[00:02:30] mchou: lol
[00:02:39] mchou: lot's good it does you now :)
[00:02:48] mchou: I thought you sold it
[00:02:53] SarahEmm: that would be awesome. two tuners in one slot and captions :)
[00:03:02] SarahEmm: mchou: i'm in the process of doing so. the person who said they'd buy it are kinda unsure now
[00:03:07] SarahEmm: because it doesn't come with a remote heh
[00:03:13] SarahEmm: i can likely convince them not to buy it ;)
[00:03:18] mchou: well well, you got lucky
[00:05:39] SarahEmm: heh :)
[00:05:47] SarahEmm: watch, i'll convince him not to and it completely won't work
[00:20:57] kr4z (kr4z! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:38] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:02] Tanthrix: Just compiled mythtv from the latest release and when I start it, I get the "pre-scaling ...." part for a bit and then it crashes with this:
[00:25:10] Tanthrix: Couldn't find theme /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/blue
[00:25:51] Tanthrix: And blue is exactly where it says it is not.
[00:26:14] Tanthrix: Actually, it crashes with this:
[00:26:14] Tanthrix: 2006-06–26 17:26:02.557 ThemedMenuPrivate: Must have room for at least 1 row of buttons
[00:26:14] Tanthrix: Couldn't find theme /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/blue
[00:26:19] Tanthrix: Sorry, I forgot the first line.
[00:26:41] Tanthrix: Gossamer threads turns up a few people with a similar error but in their cases the theme was actually missing.
[00:27:02] Tanthrix: I'm running mythfrontend as root at the moment so permissions shouldn't be an issue.
[00:27:37] SarahEmm: what resolution
[00:28:05] Tanthrix: 1024x768 – though I'm doing it over VNC at the moment.
[00:28:10] Tanthrix: Which has always worked in the past.
[00:28:18] SarahEmm: *nod*
[00:29:34] Tanthrix: It does the same thing in regular X as well, just checked to be sure.
[00:30:00] Tanthrix: (It's 90 degrees where the system is now so I'm in my air conditioned room working on it remotely ;-)
[00:31:18] mchou: Tanthrix: maybe your drives are overheated
[00:31:20] mchou: :)
[00:31:33] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:31:42] Tanthrix: Hehehe
[00:31:58] Tanthrix: Nah, I checked, it's fairly cool. Was doing this earlier today anyway when it was cool out there.,
[00:32:02] Juski (Juski! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:32:12] mchou: Tanthrix: you're just reading stuff in cache :)
[00:32:55] Tanthrix: lol
[00:33:13] Tanthrix: Not on that drive I'm not, it's a measly 2mb if that.
[00:33:39] Tanthrix: Starting to think the machine is cursed though.
[00:37:19] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:37:20] GiantPickle (GiantPickle! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:37:24] bilbravo (bilbravo! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:37:55] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:33] GiantPickle (GiantPickle! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:46] MarshallWalker (MarshallWalker! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:19] MarshallWalker: Hi, can anyone help with remote problems?
[00:41:47] Tanthrix: I'll give it a go, what's up?
[00:42:44] MarshallWalker: using Wilsonet FC4 HOWTO and now i'm to the part of setting up the remote, and it works when I use irw(?) but not under myth.
[00:43:09] Tanthrix: Well, that's a good sign to start off with.
[00:43:29] Tanthrix: Are you sure you compiled myth with lirc support? Or did you use an RPM?
[00:43:53] MarshallWalker: I used the yum installed version.
[00:44:11] Kelerion: fc4 doesn't have you compile myth
[00:44:20] Kelerion: wilsonet doesn't ..even
[00:44:25] Tanthrix: I guess asking about RPMs shows my distribution affiliation ;)
[00:44:33] MarshallWalker: I think the yum did it all, I didn't do any make or make install, etc..
[00:45:02] Tanthrix: So is irw giving you commands and all that? Pushing left says REMOTE NAME LEFT or whatever?
[00:45:20] MarshallWalker: yup, a happauge model. with the 4 colored buttons.
[00:46:00] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@ has quit ("Done with work, yay! ( )")
[00:46:03] Tanthrix: And have you setup your ~/.mythtv/lircrc file?
[00:47:14] MarshallWalker: I guess so, the guide had me do some downloading and copying commands.
[00:47:57] Kelerion: that was probably lircd.conf
[00:48:07] Tanthrix: Basically the .mythtv/lircrc file maps your remote buttons to commands that myth understands.
[00:48:27] Tanthrix: If that's not setup right then lirc may be working fine but myth won't do anything.
[00:48:54] MarshallWalker: okay, I think I did that tilde command, lemme check the guide.
[00:49:08] Tanthrix: Could you link me to the guide?
[00:49:34] MarshallWalker:
[00:49:42] xris (xris!n=xris@ has quit ("")
[00:49:50] Kelerion:
[00:50:19] Tanthrix: Open up ~/.mythtv/lircrc in your text editor of choice
[00:50:26] MarshallWalker: i'm also using the pvr-x50 part.
[00:51:04] Tanthrix: Make sure you open that file as whatever user you are running myth in.
[00:51:25] MarshallWalker: okay, don't use root?
[00:51:28] Tanthrix: So if you run myth as root, be root when you type "pico ~/.mythtv/lircrc"
[00:52:02] Tanthrix: ~/ just means whatever home directory as the user you currently are.
[00:52:14] MarshallWalker: okay, my file is empty.
[00:52:22] Tanthrix: There's your trouble.
[00:52:28] MarshallWalker: that probably explains why myth doesn't respond. LOL
[00:52:51] Tanthrix: Hehehe.
[00:52:54] Tanthrix: Go here:
[00:53:12] Tanthrix: Basically, you need to copy and paste all of that into the lircrc file and modify it accordingly to fit your remote.
[00:53:15] MarshallWalker: I don't know if I need that one or the g3 file.
[00:53:21] MarshallWalker: I guess I could try both.
[00:53:34] sphing (sphing!n=sphing@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:37] Tanthrix: You need to change where it says button = CH+ to whatever channel up is on your remote.
[00:54:12] Tanthrix: And so on.
[00:54:39] Tanthrix: Once you get that setup correctly it should work.
[00:54:58] Tanthrix: Make sure you are editing the right file though. If you run mythtv as root, the file is /root/.mythtv/lircrc
[00:55:11] Tanthrix: If you run as the user fubar, then it is /home/fubar/.mythtv/lircrc
[00:55:20] sphing_ (sphing_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:26] MarshallWalker: okay, I tried running irw again, and I get conenct: no such file or directory.
[00:55:27] Tanthrix: If you edit the one in /root and then run mythfrontend as fubar then it will not work
[00:56:01] Tanthrix: Is lircd running?
[00:56:06] MarshallWalker: okay, cool. i've edited and saved the lircrc file, but I think the remote irc software isn't running.
[00:56:09] test34 (test34!n=test34@unaffiliated/test34) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:29] Tanthrix: type: ps aux | grep lircd
[00:56:37] Tanthrix: And paste your results to the chan
[00:57:17] MarshallWalker: mythtv 10536 0.0 0.1 3768 680 pts/3 S+ 19:57 0:00 grep lircd
[00:57:25] Tanthrix: It's not running then.
[00:57:32] MarshallWalker: how do you tell?
[00:58:05] Tanthrix: It only lists the grep lircd command you just ran instead of just lircd
[00:58:24] Tanthrix: If you type: ps aux by itself you can see all the programs that are currently running
[00:58:30] Tanthrix: Or run the command top. Either works.
[00:58:53] dopester (dopester! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[00:58:53] Tanthrix: You need to restart lircd through whatever way you did before.
[00:58:59] MarshallWalker: root 10571 0.0 0.0 2824 392 ? Ss 19:58 0:00 lircd
[00:58:59] MarshallWalker: root 10575 0.0 0.1 3768 672 pts/3 R+ 19:58 0:00 grep lircd
[00:59:05] Tanthrix: Now it's running.
[00:59:06] MarshallWalker: oops under root.
[00:59:24] Tanthrix: Lircd can run under root.
[00:59:29] Tanthrix: Doesn't matter how it runs.
[00:59:33] MarshallWalker: okay.
[00:59:50] Tanthrix: As far as I know anyway.
[00:59:55] MarshallWalker: now i'm getting connect: connection refused.
[00:59:56] Tanthrix: Mine personally runs as root.
[01:00:15] MarshallWalker: I think the guide has it setup to start at the startup.
[01:00:29] Tanthrix: Well, do whatever you did to get it working before.
[01:00:56] Tanthrix: I'm not an expert at this – I only got my stuff working through much googling for error messages and such.
[01:01:08] MarshallWalker: i'll try all this, thanks for your help. if it works then my last thing is TV-OUT.
[01:01:23] Tanthrix: No prob.
[01:01:33] Tanthrix: Is your graphics card an nvidia model?
[01:01:45] MarshallWalker: nope, ATI.
[01:01:52] Tanthrix: You're on your own then ;)
[01:01:55] MarshallWalker: LOL
[01:03:51] MarshallWalker: okay, remote's working again. lemme try it in myth.
[01:04:16] zwaaaa (zwaaaa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:04:49] Tanthrix: What you see in irw has to match what's in the lircrc file. You edited that awefully quick, are you sure you got it all done?
[01:04:58] Tanthrix: Took me an hour to fully customize it to my remote.
[01:06:43] MarshallWalker: I used the custom file, and so far it's working. i'll customizwe it later.. wife wants the closer recorded. LOL
[01:07:13] Tanthrix: For instance, when you run irw and push the channel up button on your remote and it says "CHANUP+ RemoteName Here" then in the lircrc file where it says #Channel Up you need to change button=CH+ to button=CHANUP+
[01:07:18] Tanthrix: Good, glad it's working for you.
[01:08:09] MarshallWalker: okay, i'll play around with it, thanks fot all your help, it took me a month just to get the tuner worknig, wokring on it on and off. finally had to set the tuner to 50.
[01:08:28] MarshallWalker: after reading some chat boards.
[01:09:11] Tanthrix: It can be tough to get it all up and running. Took me at least a month to get mine working smoothly, and I still mess with it to this day.
[01:09:41] Tanthrix: And not at all, the only reason I can help is because others helped me previously. Just spread the joy.
[01:09:51] MarshallWalker: oh i'll be playign with it, I need to get a bigger HDD, 20GB doesn't cut it. but it was all I had laying around.
[01:09:54] zwaaa (zwaaa! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:07] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:10] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:10:38] achew22: are any of the devs who work with the db around?
[01:10:46] MarshallWalker: I can only go 120GB max with this older MB, unless I go w/a controller card. Fry's had a 400GB hdd for 109 bucks shipped.
[01:11:04] Tanthrix: Damn. Probably a crappy maxtor though, no?
[01:11:13] MarshallWalker: Seagate
[01:11:20] Tanthrix: Wow. Good deal then.
[01:11:31] sphing (sphing!n=sphing@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:11:44] MarshallWalker: they're all gone though. =(
[01:12:33] zwaaa (zwaaa! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:12:50] zwaaa (zwaaa! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:53] Tanthrix: Damn, I would have bought one of those.
[01:13:04] Tanthrix: Pricewatch has 400s starting at $150
[01:14:07] MarshallWalker: oooh. well ,i'm making the wife happy, maybe she'll let me get one. hehe.
[01:14:11] Tanthrix: Though knowing Fry's they probably fell off the back of a truck.
[01:14:26] MarshallWalker: they were the old 7200.7 whatever that meant.
[01:14:52] Tanthrix: 7200 rpm – refers to the rotational speed of the drive.
[01:15:22] Tanthrix: It's not old, still the standard for the most part. Anything above 7200 is generally considered high performance / speciality, like the WD Raptor drives.
[01:16:21] MarshallWalker: ah. well i'm still a newb here, does linux have some sort of Ghost program to clone a small drive toa bigger drive?
[01:16:42] Tanthrix: Not to my knowledge. dd will make drive copies but I don't think it can do resizing.
[01:16:53] Tanthrix: Newer versions of norton ghost should do the trick though.
[01:17:10] Tanthrix: I recently cloned my mandrake box...though I don't believe I resized it.
[01:17:31] Tanthrix: Resizing shouldn't be a big issue though – you can just make a new partition in the freespace just for myth to use.
[01:17:59] MarshallWalker: ah, well i'll have to see if I have a copy of Norton here.. but gotta get the HDD and controller. Would it cause trouble if I switched controllers?
[01:18:12] Tanthrix: Possibly.
[01:18:18] MarshallWalker: since I installed on this VIA chipset, and probably would go with a Promise card.
[01:18:46] Tanthrix: I've switched from master to slave and such with no problems but I've never used a card. It might complicate matters.
[01:18:51] MarshallWalker: or tell linux to use the 400GB hdd as the /video folder.
[01:19:19] Tanthrix: That would probably be the best plan. Keep the boot drive where it is and then get the new drive working by itself.
[01:19:55] MarshallWalker: yeah, there's room in this case for three drives.. hmmm.. two 40GB hdds' in RAID. *grunts*
[01:21:17] achew22: is there a file name size limit in linux?
[01:22:03] MarshallWalker: er 400GB in RAID 0 isn't it, for stripe 800GB of space for movies, recordings, MAME, etc.. oh yeah!
[01:22:04] Anduin: achew22: That is a fs specific limit.
[01:22:09] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:09] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[01:22:16] achew22: is it ever smaller than 256?
[01:23:08] Anduin: achew22: Why not google your actual filesystem and find the real limit.
[01:23:31] achew22: this is a general quesiton because it relates to the db. In the db the files name (for recordings) can only be 127 chars
[01:23:45] shiznix__ (shiznix__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:20] Anduin: achew22: Why is that a problem?
[01:24:44] achew22: if you use mythrename and include the description the DB drops the last bit of your file which makes huge problems
[01:25:41] Anduin: actually renaming the files always seemed so silly to me
[01:25:55] achew22: its so that I can see it in windows land
[01:25:57] nero (nero!n=nero@unaffiliated/nero) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:26:12] MarshallWalker: well i'm off to watch some TV, thanks again Tanthrix.
[01:26:17] Anduin: achew22: Yes, the script can create synlinks which will work just as well.
[01:26:32] achew22: Anduin, I know that now
[01:27:19] MarshallWalker (MarshallWalker! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:27:27] achew22: actualy this would be a good place to ask. Is there a quick way in a for loop to truncate the filenames to 127 with substr?
[01:29:42] Speedy2 (Speedy2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:40] nero (nero!n=nero@unaffiliated/nero) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:06] Speedy2: Hi all. Does anyone have a spare remote like the one shown in this picture:  ?
[01:35:48] achew22: Speedy2: thats a very general remote, they come with 250s I beleive
[01:36:08] achew22: the 150 has fewer buttons if I'm not mistaken
[01:36:55] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:37:54] Speedy2: achew22: I think you're right. The remote is perfect for what I need, but I don't own any of the Hauppauge devices :/
[01:38:08] shiznix_ (shiznix_! has quit (Connection timed out)
[01:39:45] achew22: Speedy2: why don't you go get a universal remote? there are lots of buttons on there
[01:42:14] Speedy2: achew22: The Red/Green/Blue/Yellow isn't on many univesal remotes.
[01:42:28] achew22: Speedy2: good call...
[01:42:36] Anduin: Speedy2: Why is that a desired feature?
[01:43:15] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit ()
[01:43:19] achew22: Speedy2: go and get some duct tape and wrap 4 buttons you don't use in blue, green, yellow and red tape
[01:44:48] Speedy2: Anduin: I want to use VDR for DVB-T stuff. VDR makes use of those colored buttons.
[01:45:17] Speedy2: achew22: Ok, I'm trying to avoid the ghetto solution. If I'm going to do that, I might as well make my own remote control :)
[01:52:54] LoneShadow: ok which is a good distro for mythtv, good is fine, dont want to start a best-distro warfare :D
[01:53:28] LoneShadow: I really dont like my centos setup
[01:54:14] Anduin: LoneShadow: Then your second favorite.
[01:54:31] LoneShadow: centos is not my fav :P
[01:54:41] LoneShadow: I forced to use that by evil trixbox/asertisk@home
[01:54:46] Anduin: Even better, your first favorite.
[01:54:51] LoneShadow: my fav would be ubuntu :D
[01:55:04] Anduin: There are many ubuntu myth users.
[01:55:12] LoneShadow: still trying to figure out how good gentoo is
[01:55:12] Kelerion: thats what I use... works a treat
[01:55:31] LoneShadow: making my pc a triple boot – centos, gentoo and another one for mythtv
[01:56:44] ipso (ipso! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:57:53] VlivE (VlivE! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:26] VlivE: Who has the answer for this error??? >>> videoout_directfb.cpp:177: error: too many initializers for `const unsigned int[117][2]'
[01:59:16] dmz: is your frame buffer device initialized properly in the kernel?
[01:59:26] VlivE: yes of cource
[02:00:10] SarahEmm (SarahEmm! has quit ()
[02:01:36] VlivE: Usage: df_xine [options] MRLs...;;Usage: fbxine [options] <MRL> ...
[02:01:44] VlivE: yep it works fine
[02:03:15] VlivE: and both mplayer and xine player play dvd's
[02:03:56] VlivE: but I want to run myth with direct-frame-buffer to get rid of X's over-head
[02:04:34] VlivE: and to fully optimize my 64bit 3.2gig processor besides just running myth's frontend
[02:06:48] VlivE: Using radeon 1600pro video card, witht he fglrx drivers
[02:19:30] Speedy2: no one has a spare remote?
[02:25:48] ** riddlebox tosses Speedy2 one **
[02:26:03] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:31:42] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:32] squeegy (squeegy! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:39] DrNickRiviera (DrNickRiviera! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[02:57:53] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:08:49] Aid` (Aid`! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:37:37] pmaciver (pmaciver!n=pmaciver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:02] siccness (siccness! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:01] _flindet (_flindet! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:48:42] pmaciver: Hi people, Ihave having troble with mythtv causing y machine to lock up completely. It gives me an error saying "BUG spinlock bad magic...." anyone have any suggestions?
[03:49:26] kormoc: pmaciver, can you get the entire kernel oops?
[03:49:56] pmaciver: Not sure what you mean by that?
[03:50:07] siccness (siccness! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:50:17] kormoc: the output from the kernel when it locks up
[03:51:51] pmaciver: well I have it written down it goes something like this "BUG spinlock bad magic on cpu#0, mythfrontend / 7370" and the...
[03:52:33] pmaciver: spinlock lockup on cpu#0 mythfrontend / 7370, c1b6e278
[03:52:54] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:53:43] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:59:38] ** LabMonkey sighs **
[03:59:40] LabMonkey: ok
[04:03:19] alsoconfused: LabMonkey: have you determined whether it's a recording problem or a playback problem?
[04:05:07] pmaciver: So at the moment I am stuck with this spin lock thing, and I cannot use mythtv.
[04:06:56] LabMonkey: alsoconfused: well gnome seems to play audio via alsa just fine
[04:07:23] LabMonkey: so I'm immediately inclined to think recording problem, but then I don't know shit about hardware encoders (this is my first one)
[04:07:40] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:08:13] alsoconfused: LabMonkey: try playing one of the mythvid files with a standalong player e.g. mplayer, vlc, xine
[04:08:59] Speedy2: pmaciver: What kind of CPU/MBoard? Any overclocking? What kernel?
[04:09:33] nosatalian (nosatalian! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:37] LabMonkey: alsoconfused: I'm about to copy it to my win box here and see if it plays
[04:11:01] pmaciver: 2.6.16-gentoo-r7 #2 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+, I haven't used any over clocking, my mother board is a gigabyte one, with nForce2 nvidia chipset
[04:11:54] GTswagger (GTswagger! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:13:12] LabMonkey: 2.6.16-gentoo-r9
[04:13:25] LabMonkey: Linux vala 2.6.16-gentoo-r9 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 23 10:43:41 CDT 2006 x86_64 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz GNU/Linux
[04:13:28] LabMonkey: to be exact
[04:14:25] GTswagger: I recorded a show, and was editing it to make sure the commercial cut points were right... and accidentally hit some button... now the recording freezes mythfrontend if you try to play it... and it freezes it instantly.
[04:14:34] GTswagger: Won't even let me get into edit mode.
[04:14:56] GTswagger: The frontend spits out this error over and over: Waited too long for decoder to pause
[04:15:13] GTswagger: Any ideas? I'm guessing if I obliterate the cut list on it I will fix the problem.. but I cannot figure out how to do that
[04:15:31] alsoconfused: GTswagger: try the "play from beginning" option
[04:15:53] Anduin: GTswagger: The cut list is in the DB, recordmarkup, google for the record type.
[04:17:46] GTswagger: alsoconfused-- see no such option ; Anduin — will poke around
[04:18:08] GTswagger: the reason, btw, I think it's the cut list, is that the thumbnail preview movie plays fine
[04:18:48] Anduin: GTswagger: To see the option you can right arrow over the recording, or press the i key.
[04:19:21] Anduin: (but that would only not use the bookmark)
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[04:19:41] pmaciver: I guess no solution to this spinlock thing then?
[04:20:56] GTswagger: Anduin — that's not an option in that menu; perhaps that's b/c of the theme I'm using?
[04:21:09] GTswagger: I think it'll just empty the recordmarkup table
[04:21:09] alsoconfused: GTswagger: the option is only available if you have set a bookmark.
[04:21:19] GTswagger: ohhhh
[04:21:33] alsoconfused: GTswagger: sounds like a good plan
[04:22:34] Anduin: pmaciver: Some driver is misbehaving, which one will depend on what you are doing when you see it.
[04:22:47] Anduin: s/will/may
[04:22:58] LabMonkey: pmaciver: I encountered a spinlock once on my laptop, but I really can't remember what I did about it
[04:24:22] pmaciver: Anduin: Where does myth output all its debug to and how wwould I track down the driver responsible. I know it isn't the DVB driver because I can watch TV on Xine using it
[04:25:41] Anduin: pmaciver: To the console you started it from if you didn't tell it otherwise.
[04:26:10] Speedy2: pmaciver: Can you recompile a vanilla latest kernel?
[04:26:17] Speedy2: LIke a 2.6.17 or 2.6.16–20 ?
[04:26:39] pmaciver: Speedy2: Yeah I can, will that solve the problem?
[04:27:10] Speedy2: pmaciver: It might help. Set the right options for your CPU, etc.
[04:28:01] GTswagger: Anduin — I see a recordedmarkup in the mythconverg database; and I ran "truncate table recordedmarkup" — but this didn't delete the cutlist :-/
[04:28:26] pmaciver: Speedy2: Ok but the kernel that I have at the moment is one that I have compelely configured by hand. So well getting another one make any difference?
[04:29:03] Anduin: GTswagger: deleting everything is a bad idea, apparently it was a bad idea. That should have removed the cutlist though.
[04:29:17] Speedy2: pmaciver: What version?
[04:29:41] GTswagger: mysql> truncate table recordedmarkup;
[04:29:41] GTswagger: Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)
[04:29:44] pmaciver: Speedy2: my current one?
[04:29:50] GTswagger: ... there was nothing in that table to begin with, oddly enough
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[04:30:02] GTswagger: (yet the recording in question shows the "cut list" scissors)
[04:30:06] Speedy2: pmaciver: Right, what is your current version?
[04:30:31] pmaciver: Speedy2: 2.6.16-gentoo-r7
[04:30:45] alsoconfused: GTswagger: select count(*) from recordedmarkup; mysql may not do the right thing with the truncate verb.
[04:31:01] Speedy2: Hrm, that's pretty new
[04:31:05] Anduin: GTswagger: Is your mysql partition full? You should check your tables.
[04:31:16] Speedy2: pmaciver: Do you consistently get the spin lock problem?
[04:31:55] GTswagger: +----------+
[04:31:55] GTswagger: | 0 |
[04:31:55] GTswagger: +----------+
[04:31:55] GTswagger: 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
[04:32:12] alsoconfused: ok, just checking.
[04:32:25] GTswagger: Anduin — tons of room left on the hard drive
[04:32:45] pmaciver: Speedy2: yes every time I try to watch TV. There isn't a time that it hasn't happened
[04:33:35] Super_King: has anyone using the latest svn build of mythtv and mytharchive experienced fatal errors when trying to burn transcoded recordings to dvd?
[04:34:35] GTswagger: uhhhhh -ok
[04:34:36] GTswagger: whatever
[04:34:45] GTswagger: Despite mysql claiming nothing in that table
[04:35:00] GTswagger: The show now works perfectly
[04:35:03] GTswagger: :)
[04:35:12] GTswagger: Thanks Anduin and alsoconfused
[04:35:31] Anduin: GTswagger: You should run mythcomflag to rebuild the seek table.
[04:36:06] GTswagger: Anduin – k
[04:36:11] nosatalian_ (nosatalian_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:36:16] GTswagger: Anduin — would "begin commercial flagging" on that file suffice?
[04:36:18] Speedy2: pmaciver: Does all the hardware work independantly of Myth?
[04:36:37] nosatalian (nosatalian! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:37:46] pmaciver: Speedy2: as far as I can tell yeah. I have never come up against this spinlock thing until I tried to run TV in myth, I have run TV in Xine and mplayer without a problem
[04:37:55] Speedy2: :(
[04:38:06] Anduin: GTswagger: Sure, just take longer.
[04:38:32] Anduin: GTswagger: I was more meaning for, well, all recordings as you have no info in there.
[04:39:21] Anduin: Speedy2: Do you run mythfrontend as root?
[04:40:06] Speedy2: Anduin: I haven't tried Myth yet actually!
[04:40:40] Anduin: Speedy2: There is still time to stop.
[04:40:52] Speedy2: ;)
[04:41:00] Speedy2: I'm using VDR for now
[04:41:41] Anduin: pmaciver: So, do you run mythfrontend as root?
[04:42:12] pmaciver: Anduin: Nope never
[04:42:46] Anduin: pmaciver: Does the problem ever happen when you aren't playing back?
[04:43:13] pmaciver: Anduin: You mean using the other parts of myth?
[04:44:54] Anduin: pmaciver: Or sitting there doing whatever, basically the modules I'd check are audio, then any motherboard ones you might have, then another kernel.
[04:45:38] Anduin: pmaciver: If it only happens when you're playing back, I'd lie to myth about my audio device and see if it still fails.
[04:46:23] pmaciver: Anduin: Lie to myth? How do I go about doing that?
[04:46:52] Anduin: pmaciver: tell it the wrong device in the audio setup screen
[04:47:34] Anduin: or otherwise prevent the frontend from accessing it (change of perms maybe)
[04:49:00] pmaciver: Anduin: Ok I'll give that a go now
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[04:54:13] pmaciver: Anduin: is there a quick way to find out what device is being used for the sound?
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[04:56:03] Anduin: pmaciver: Using ALSA?
[04:56:17] pmaciver: Anduin: yep
[04:56:48] Anduin: pmaciver: just feed it bogus info or unload your audio module
[04:57:43] topping (topping! has quit ()
[04:57:53] pmaciver: Anduin: ok be back in a minute, because my machine might freeze up
[04:59:51] Anduin: pmaciver: If you have a /dev/snd you can also adjust the perms on pcmBlAh
[05:01:49] Ross___: so... last night I had the first urge to *PLAY* a cd without ripping it first. I can't figure out if mythtv supports playing cd from cd...
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[05:09:00] WAR_CH|LD: heya guys
[05:09:16] WAR_CH|LD: i'm still getting some iobound erros through my nfs share
[05:09:27] WAR_CH|LD: just wanted to show you my optiosn and then see where I can improve
[05:09:55] WAR_CH|LD: so in the fstab of the machine that moutns the share i have
[05:09:56] WAR_CH|LD: /mnt/store nfs rsize=32768,wsize=32768,timeo=14,intr,nfsvers=3,actimeo=0,soft 0 0
[05:10:26] WAR_CH|LD: and the /etc/exports of the server looks like
[05:10:26] WAR_CH|LD: /mnt/store *(rw,async)
[05:10:45] WAR_CH|LD: any suggestions on how I can increase bandwidth?
[05:10:54] achew22: why are you specifying your rsize and wsize?
[05:10:59] pmaciver: anduin: Well I have just done it and it has locked up again and this time its saying something about radeon_driver_vblank_wait. Any idea?
[05:11:06] WAR_CH|LD: because I read somewehre it would be a good idea
[05:11:09] WAR_CH|LD: you thik to take it out?
[05:11:19] achew22: I've never even heard of it
[05:11:33] achew22: its theo nly hting unusual I see on there, increase it maybe?
[05:11:58] achew22: remove it all together?
[05:12:04] CaCtus491 (CaCtus491! has quit ()
[05:12:19] WAR_CH|LD: well, I know by default the kernel sets it at 8megs
[05:12:31] WAR_CH|LD: 8192
[05:12:52] WAR_CH|LD: you raise a good point thou
[05:12:56] WAR_CH|LD: I might take it out
[05:13:01] Anduin: pmaciver: Can you paste the stuff around there to a paste site?
[05:14:00] WAR_CH|LD: done
[05:14:16] pmaciver: Anduin: paste site?
[05:15:39] Anduin: pmaciver:, rafb, etc
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[05:17:36] pmaciver: Anduin: The machine is frozen, how do I copy/paste from there
[05:18:17] nosatalian (nosatalian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:18:48] Anduin: pmaciver: You don't (unless you knew it was going to crash and used a serial console), in general though that would be video related.
[05:19:42] pmaciver: Anduin: So my options now are....?
[05:19:54] achew22: WAR_CH|LD did that help?
[05:25:06] pmaciver: Anyone else with any suggestions on spinlocks freezing a machine?
[05:29:37] WAR_CH|LD: dunno
[05:29:40] WAR_CH|LD: i've changed teh settings
[05:29:46] WAR_CH|LD: and this weekend will tell me. :)
[05:30:00] WAR_CH|LD: so if your interesting in the answer ask me on monday. :) lol
[05:30:59] WAR_CH|LD: the system gets used the most on the weekend, pretty much all aired australian tv sport gets recorded. :P
[05:35:40] LabMonkey: definitely playback problem
[05:35:42] Anduin: pmaciver: I'd try a different video driver, then kernel.
[05:35:43] LabMonkey: recording has sound just fine
[05:36:35] PaulWay: Can someone tell me what PHP files they have in their Mythweb directory?
[05:36:42] Anduin: LabMonkey: Nothing useful in the frontend logs?
[05:36:50] LabMonkey: Anduin: standby
[05:37:01] Anduin: PaulWay: several
[05:37:08] PaulWay: Hmmm.
[05:37:21] PaulWay: All I get is one file called mythweb.php which seems to do nothing.
[05:37:38] PaulWay: What distro are you using, Anduin ?
[05:37:46] Anduin: PaulWay: Yeah, that is the only one that comes with it.
[05:37:53] PaulWay: Eh?
[05:38:00] Anduin: PaulWay: I choose not to share my shame.
[05:38:06] LabMonkey: uhm
[05:38:10] LabMonkey: where's the frontend log?
[05:38:20] PaulWay: I know there used to be a dozen or more php files in there when it was 0.17
[05:38:21] Anduin: LabMonkey: console if you didn't tell it otherwise
[05:38:30] PaulWay: But somewhere in the upgrade to 0.19 they've all disappeared...
[05:38:32] pmaciver: Anduin: Surely there is only the specific video driver for a graphics card?
[05:38:34] Anduin: PaulWay: Yes, it has been reorganized.
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[05:38:42] PaulWay: So 'mythweb.php
[05:38:49] PaulWay: ' is supposed to do it all?
[05:38:56] henkpoley_ (henkpoley_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:39:20] Anduin: PaulWay: The other stuff just moved, it is still there.
[05:39:28] LabMonkey: hmm
[05:39:33] LabMonkey: logging to database
[05:39:37] PaulWay: Ah, I see.
[05:39:50] PaulWay: So what might be going on if I can't actually get anything out of mythweb.php?
[05:40:04] PaulWay: (And can I rename it index.php to be picked up automatically?)
[05:40:16] LabMonkey: crap
[05:40:19] LabMonkey: I really need smokes
[05:40:20] LabMonkey: brb
[05:41:03] Anduin: PaulWay: There are now redirect rules in .htaccess that should take care of that.
[05:41:53] PaulWay: Hmmm.
[05:42:02] PaulWay: don't seem to be workin' for me...
[05:42:11] PaulWay: One moment...
[05:43:12] Anduin: PaulWay: You may need to let that directory allow overrides in your apache config.
[05:43:37] PaulWay: Hmmm, yes.
[05:44:12] Anduin: (though you should see an error message if it is wrong)
[05:44:44] PaulWay: That's what I thought I'd see...
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[05:45:44] pmaciver: ok well I am off. I think that I will just use freevo for now until I figure out how to fix this spinlock problem. Thanks for the help
[05:46:12] PaulWay: Hmmm – what I _am_ seeing is things like "Unexpected index PATH_INFO in /var/www/html/mythweb/includes/init.php"
[05:47:22] Anduin: pmaciver: That makes sense, I mean it is clearly a myth problem.
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[05:49:48] pmaciver: Anduin: Whether it is or isn't what i do know is that the problem occurs when I run mythtv, so until I can find away to stop it from happening I will just use something else.
[05:51:19] Anduin: PaulWay: That would indicate mod_rewrite isn't enabled.
[05:52:31] PaulWay: Well, there's a lot of fun.
[05:52:43] PaulWay: I forgot a trailing quote in the conf.php file.
[05:52:52] PaulWay: And it adgered the config process completely.
[05:52:58] PaulWay: I've fixed it and it now works!
[05:52:59] PaulWay: Yay!
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[06:10:33] LabMonkey: ok so
[06:10:48] LabMonkey: Anduin: how do I retrieve frontend log events from the database?
[06:11:47] LabMonkey: oh
[06:11:56] LabMonkey: it's in ~/.xsession-errors
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[06:27:26] libolt: I'm having trouble getting mythtv to import my channels.conf for my DVB card. I go into scan for channels, select import channels.conf then enter the full path for the channels.conf file and press next and nothign shows up in the list under "Scanning"
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[07:58:01] liran_: morning everyone
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[09:06:07] liran_: i'm going through mythtv/programs/mythtv/main.cpp code from svn, trying to figure out how can i write to a file/db the current channel im watching on TV
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[09:07:06] liran_: any suggestions are more than welcome :)
[09:07:28] mchou: liran_: wtf??
[09:07:44] mchou: liran_: you're looking at the source code
[09:08:08] liran_: mchou: i know. is that bad? :)
[09:08:28] liran_: mchou: do you understand what im trying to do?
[09:08:34] Kyler (Kyler!n=chatzill@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:08:35] mchou: it's only bad if you dont know wtf you're doing
[09:08:43] mchou: liran_: nope
[09:08:59] liran_: heh ok
[09:09:03] liran_: ill attempt to explain
[09:09:06] mchou: liran_: since you havent expressed yourself clearly at all
[09:09:12] liran_: i see
[09:09:19] liran_: ok thats my bad then
[09:09:54] liran_: i was talking before with xris about ir blaster and basically controlling my cable box
[09:09:57] mchou: man, that's incredible
[09:10:29] mchou: liran_: so?
[09:10:35] liran_: i want to keep track of the channels im watching, so i want that mythtv will write into a file or a db the current channel i'm on
[09:11:16] mchou: um, why would you need to do that?
[09:11:51] liran_: i was thinking about a parental control thing but that's aside the point
[09:11:56] liran_: i need it for a project
[09:12:25] mchou: wtf do you need to be so secretive about this project?
[09:12:41] mchou: is your wife watching porn or something? :)
[09:12:42] liran_: in any case, what i was thinking is to look at the code for the 'Watch TV' mode and search for the code where it changes the channel and then just write the channel info to a file
[09:12:52] liran_: lol :)
[09:12:58] liran_: i wish mchou :)
[09:13:14] liran_: well anyway, have you got any ideas?
[09:13:31] mchou: yeah. You dont need to write any code
[09:14:02] mchou: mythtv logs all the channel changes, iirc
[09:14:10] mchou: just grep the log file
[09:14:19] mchou: end of story
[09:14:57] liran_: well thats good news but im seeing a possible flaw in all this
[09:16:20] liran_: how does mythtv knows at which channel i'm on? i mean, it doesnt. because when i press the channel up key on the remote then the ir blaster tells the cable box to switch channel up but there's no bi-directional connection where the cable box tells mythtv back that i'm on channel 4 or 5 now...
[09:17:40] mchou: myth never know the channel you're actually on if you're using ir
[09:17:52] mchou: that's why ir is a BAD IDEA
[09:17:57] liran_: i see
[09:18:04] liran_: so using the ir blaster is a bad idea then
[09:18:14] mchou: use serial, firewire, anything else except ir
[09:18:38] mchou: what STB is this anyways
[09:18:53] liran_: it's for a cable box from an israeli company
[09:19:13] liran_: not sure if it has any serial/firewire connections
[09:19:17] liran_: hold up il check
[09:19:28] mchou: well, go ask them how to change channels on it programmatically
[09:25:17] Anduin (Anduin! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:30:07] liran_: well apparently there's no firewire or serial, just those 3 video-audio (yellow/white/red svideo/componenet) jacks and an RF/BNC output
[09:31:20] LLyric (LLyric! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:34:39] liran_: mchou: how would a firewire/serial connection do the job of telling mythtv on which channel the cable box is on?
[09:35:32] mchou: cause those thing are generally bidirectional. If not they arent as prone to "mistakes" anyways
[09:36:46] liran_: i understand that but wouldn't that information-exchange be different for all those cable box vendors?
[09:37:01] mchou: liran_: yeah, so?
[09:37:34] mchou: you ever see cable boxes interoperate? :)
[09:37:38] liran_: so it wouldn't just "work out of the box", and there would have to be some major customizing to it
[09:37:42] liran_: nope :)
[09:37:53] liran_: i've never done that so forgive my ignorance
[09:38:02] mchou: no major customization at all
[09:38:29] mchou: look in the mythtv source tree for 6200ch.c
[09:39:47] mchou: that's just one example of many
[09:40:27] liran_: ok hold up
[09:45:06] liran_: yeah its starting to make sense
[09:45:20] liran_: i was reading through d10control-README and there's an option to get the current channel even
[09:46:40] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:46:49] Juski: morning
[09:47:34] Speedy2: Ok, I'm asking again.... Does anyone have a spare remote like the one shown in this picture:  ?
[09:47:58] liran_: morning jusi
[09:48:19] liran_: Speedy2: i think that's a pvr 150 remote
[09:48:38] Speedy2: liran_: I think Hauppauge is selling it with all their new devices. I wanted to get that remote
[09:48:55] Speedy2: but, I don't own any Hauppauge products
[09:48:56] tfm: Speedy2: yes, I have it
[09:49:01] tfm: Speedy2: you can have it if you want
[09:49:01] Speedy2: A spare one?
[09:49:08] tfm: Speedy2: yup, not using it
[09:50:14] Speedy2: Anyone in the US have a spare one of those remotes?
[09:50:26] mchou: lol
[09:52:16] Merlin83b: Morning Juski
[09:52:19] Merlin83b: Speedy2: I have one
[09:52:27] Speedy2: Hi Merlin83b
[09:52:39] Merlin83b: I'm in .uk though
[09:52:43] Speedy2: Goddamn it
[09:52:46] Speedy2: This must be some sick joke.
[09:52:47] Merlin83b: Although I will be travelling to .us next month
[09:53:00] Speedy2: Ok, that's looking better :)
[09:53:01] Merlin83b: Hmm, actuall in 16 days.
[09:53:01] tfm: Speedy2: probably better to ask this in 5 to 6h
[09:53:06] tfm: Speedy2: US is still a sleep ;)
[09:53:10] Speedy2: Merlin83b: Where in the US?
[09:53:17] Speedy2: Yeah, I guess I'm a night owl
[09:53:19] Merlin83b: I will be in Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.
[09:53:31] Speedy2: Sounds like an exciting trip.
[09:53:37] Speedy2: A dash of mormon + gambling ? :)
[09:53:43] Merlin83b: Heh, business.
[09:53:54] Merlin83b: Business partner is in SLC, conference in Vegas.
[09:54:01] Speedy2: Got it
[09:54:03] Merlin83b: Plus perhaps a little bit of fun while we're there :-)
[09:54:09] Merlin83b: It is Vegas, after all!
[09:54:09] Speedy2: Would you be willing to mail the remote while in the US?
[09:54:13] Merlin83b: Sure
[09:54:14] Speedy2: Yeah, just don't cheat
[09:54:20] Speedy2: They'll put you in the slammer.
[09:54:24] Merlin83b: Cross my palm with a small amount of silver...
[09:54:37] Merlin83b: Came out ahead last time I was there so I'll probably lose this time :-)
[09:54:40] Speedy2: heh
[09:54:48] Speedy2: How should I compensate you for shipping?
[09:55:05] Speedy2: Unmarked bills, bundled, stuffled in a duffle bag in a back alley?
[09:55:10] Merlin83b: Will need to find out how much shipping will be and then paypal will do the trick.
[09:55:11] Merlin83b: Heh.
[09:55:32] Speedy2: It should be pretty inexpensive
[09:55:44] Merlin83b: Drop me a mail to daniel (at) 34sp (dot) com.
[09:55:45] Speedy2: If you ship via USPS "first class" (no insurance, etc) it's like $2
[09:55:49] Speedy2: ok, you got it
[09:55:58] Speedy2: THanks so much.
[09:56:19] Speedy2: What kind of work do you do?
[09:56:20] Merlin83b: No probs – do ytou want the little receiver thing or is that no use without a Haupaugge card?
[09:56:24] Merlin83b: Web hosting.
[09:56:32] Juski: blimey.. has it come to this for buying a remote these days?
[09:56:38] Speedy2: For UK or abroad?
[09:56:48] Merlin83b: Speedy2: Worldwide, but our servers are in the UK.
[09:56:50] Speedy2: Juski: eBay didn't turn up anything
[09:56:59] Merlin83b: Juski: Shush, you! He wants that remote, I have a spare one!
[09:57:02] Speedy2: I know some people in need of hosting :)
[09:57:12] Merlin83b: Speedy2: Feel free to send them tou our web site :-)
[09:57:16] Speedy2: will do.
[10:02:50] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:03:25] liran_: if i'm on watch tv mode, can i change channels by the numbers? like if i press 022 it'll change to channel 22?
[10:05:45] Merlin83b: Yes, liran_.
[10:12:16] liran_: ahh good
[10:12:35] liran_: and i can disable the channel up/down entirely? so i just use the numbers to change channels?
[10:12:41] Juski: jees – I've got to do a document telling our assemblers which device goes on which bit of the ide cable :-/
[10:12:53] Juski: liran_: no you can't
[10:13:11] Dagmar: Sure you can
[10:13:17] Dagmar: ...if you delete them from the lirc config
[10:13:30] liran_: :)
[10:13:34] Dagmar: Of course, this might cause you some problems with the menus
[10:13:34] Juski: erm.. but then you make the menus ineffective
[10:13:50] Dagmar: ...but hey, it's all about irrational demands for customization. Ya gotta give a little to get a little.
[10:13:58] liran_: hehe
[10:13:59] liran_: well
[10:14:02] Juski: just stop using livetv
[10:14:42] liran_: mchou pointed out earlier that mythtv logs all channel changes. so when i press channel up it logs "channel up" or "channel changed to xxx"?
[10:14:42] Dagmar: Juski: Are these assemblers new to having opposable thumbs?
[10:15:07] Juski: Dagmar: I think they are
[10:15:14] Dagmar: Very sad
[10:15:50] Juski: been having problems with them putting the master in the middle of the cable. idiots. they thought it'd be okay cos the cable (to them) is 1:1
[10:16:00] Juski: big mistake. they _thought_
[10:16:11] Dagmar: That's a "skill shortcoming" problem
[10:16:44] Dagmar: They need to be taught that the position actually matters with 80-pin cables
[10:17:01] Juski: it matters even with 40-way cabling
[10:17:05] Dagmar: Nope.
[10:17:13] Juski: oh it does
[10:17:14] Dagmar: Most 40-pin IDE cables aren't wired like that
[10:17:28] Dagmar: Dude, I only spent like 10 years assembling PCs and doing field repair.
[10:17:29] Juski: from a bus termination point of view. it matters
[10:17:49] Dagmar: It only matters on 40-pin IDE cables if a particular connection has been clipped, making it a "cable select" cable.
[10:17:53] Dagmar: Compaq LOVED using them
[10:18:11] Juski: no the ATA spec still says the master goes on the end
[10:18:34] Dagmar: All you ever had to do with the 40-pin cables that weren't clipped was to make sure that one drive was jumpered for master and the other drive was jumpered for slave.
[10:18:50] Dagmar: Then no one ever followed that particular part of the ATA spec.
[10:19:05] Dagmar: I'm talking literally thousands of machines went through my hands.
[10:19:11] Dagmar: I would have noticed something like that.
[10:19:14] liran_: brb
[10:19:16] liran_ (liran_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[10:19:40] Dagmar: Hell, I even had to *make* 40-pin cables for some full-tower machines.
[10:19:55] Dagmar: The connectors are just basically crimped on with no ceremony
[10:20:08] Dagmar: It
[10:20:30] Dagmar: It's only the 80-pin cables that allow DMA that are wired in a manner that it matters
[10:20:49] Dagmar: Old 40-pin IDE cables don't care which connector you use. That's for certain.
[10:24:13] dotted (dotted! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:26:13] Speedy2: Master / slave driver can be anywhere in the cable as long as the jumpers are set correctly.
[10:26:15] Juski: Dagmar: well if you choose to ignore the experience I've had so be it
[10:26:18] Speedy2: err, drive.
[10:26:47] Dagmar: I'm not ignoring it.
[10:26:50] Dagmar: I can't figure it out.
[10:26:54] Juski: sure it'll _work_ but it's a matter of performance & signal integrity. simple bus termination theory
[10:27:11] Dagmar: I got my first "professional" job dealing with PC hardware when the DX2–66's were hitting the market
[10:27:25] Juski: the master device terminates the signals.. if the cable ends up terminated at the wrong point, signal losses ensue
[10:27:26] Speedy2: I'm an EE. You can put the master and slave drive in either location.
[10:27:28] Dagmar: I worked as a build tech, repair tech, and on-site repair technician for like seven years
[10:27:51] Dagmar: Never, ever did I see a 40-pin IDE cable that wasn't clipped care in the least which connector you put the drives on.
[10:27:52] liran_ (liran_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:27:54] Speedy2: SCSI requires the last device to terminate the bus (or an external terminator since most drives do not terminate)
[10:28:17] Dagmar: Juski: IDE buses don't terminate like SCSI buses, man.
[10:28:48] Speedy2: BTW, I've designed ATA devices and SCSI terminators...
[10:28:48] hashbang: Speedy2: with ATA66 and up, you mustn't leave a stub dangling after the single device
[10:28:54] Dagmar: Actually, my FIREWALL currently has old 40-pin drives in it.
[10:28:57] Juski: you _have_ to have termination at each end of the bus
[10:29:05] hashbang: Speedy2: i.e. Mobo -------------- Master ----------- Unused is not valid
[10:29:12] Dagmar: I know for sure that the master drive there is in the middle of the bus because I've got the end all rolled up
[10:29:21] Speedy2: hashbang: Yeah, that's not good to do. But if you have two drives, that's a non-issue.
[10:29:36] kr4z (kr4z! has quit (No route to host)
[10:29:42] Dagmar: hashbang: No one's really challenging that that's needed with the 80-pin IDE cables
[10:29:46] Juski: that's different. if you have the slave at the end it might not work reliably – hence the stipulation in the spec
[10:29:58] hashbang: Speedy2: personally, I'd prefer to put the master on the end of the cable and the slave on the middle connector, because that's what the spec says to do.
[10:30:08] Dagmar: Juski: Again, literally thousands of machines were under my screwdriver. It never ever mattered.
[10:30:10] Speedy2: Spec says drives can be in either position.
[10:30:19] hashbang: Speedy2: and you never know when you're going to encounter some hardware that's marginal.
[10:30:21] Speedy2: If you use "CS" mode of jumpering, master is default
[10:30:25] dotted (dotted! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: )")
[10:30:31] Speedy2: There is no marginality
[10:30:33] ** hashbang never uses CS. :-) **
[10:30:42] Speedy2: It will terminate correctly, master / slave drive in either position.
[10:30:48] Juski: ok – so in your experience it never matterred. fine. In practice it probably doesn't in most cases, but the spec says... ;-)
[10:30:58] hashbang: Speedy2: there's plenty of marginal PC hardware in general
[10:31:04] Dagmar: ...and of course, with CS cables, it's the cable that determines which one is master and which one is slave (and they'd better both be jumpered to CS or you're going to have problems)
[10:31:05] Speedy2: Marginality is not the issue.
[10:31:34] hashbang: e.g. those drives that drag performance of their partner down
[10:32:00] hashbang: shouldn't happen, and I'm not sure there's a single explanation for it, but it's been observed.
[10:32:06] Dagmar:
[10:32:47] Juski: never quite expected to open up such a wasp's nest :-P
[10:32:47] Dagmar: There's a guy who is saying it's master going in the middle for 40-pin, oddly
[10:33:33] Speedy2: nVidia needs to be *SHOT* for removing video overlay support.
[10:33:36] Juski: yeah well he's wrong
[10:34:00] Speedy2: Has anyone else here encountered DVD playback problems with the newer nvidia cards?
[10:34:23] Speedy2: I noticed jerking and thought the DVD-ROM drive was to blame...just learned NV41 does not have video overlay support
[10:34:29] henkpoley_ (henkpoley_! has quit ()
[10:34:47] Juski: nv41?
[10:35:28] Dagmar: Is that the 6100?
[10:35:52] Dagmar: Oh, PCIe 6800's
[10:35:54] Speedy2: Dagmar: I'm using a 6200 TC
[10:36:04] ** kayelem nods at Dagmar – 40-pin; doesn't matter; 80-pin; master at the end, slave in the middle – and (iirc) get the right end connected to the IDE interface as well? **
[10:36:11] Speedy2: But I think NV41 is >= 6x00 + PCI-Express
[10:36:19] Dagmar: Ugh. Tc.
[10:36:31] Speedy2: Yeah, well it shouldn't matter in this case
[10:36:39] kayelem: Dagmar, made 40-pin cables myself too. It's all 1:1 with those.
[10:36:45] Speedy2: But the lack of video overlay is disturbing...DVD playback is jerking
[10:36:46] Dagmar: I am just not about to mess with a TC card.
[10:37:32] Speedy2: Ok, well any 6x card I think except 6800 does not have video overlay
[10:37:42] Speedy2: And I'm kind of screwed because I want a fanless card and PCI-Express
[10:37:45] Dagmar: I'm going to have to remember that
[10:38:02] Dagmar: Gigabyte is making them with Zalman cooelrs
[10:38:07] Speedy2: hrm
[10:38:17] Dagmar: I've got a 6600 from them with a Zalman on it. Heavy b**stard.
[10:38:24] Speedy2: This is messed up. I'd like XvMC but what the hell good use is that without video overlay?
[10:40:02] Juski: well, you can all maintain that it 'doesn't matter' on 40-pin cables, but you're wrong :-P it might even _work_ but that's not the point. the _spec_ says not to put the master in the middle end of story. If you want to look at why, find a wiki entry about bus termination
[10:40:45] Dagmar: You mean like
[10:41:13] Juski:
[10:44:13] Dagmar: The spec can say whatever it likes.
[10:44:24] Dagmar: The hardware manufacturers never made any equipment that cared that I saw.
[10:44:39] Dagmar: No jesus cards that came through my hands ever even *said* anything about a connection preference
[10:45:36] der_oschni (der_oschni! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:45:39] Juski: heh
[10:46:06] Juski: part of the problem is that people (including hdd manufacturers) don't follow the t13 specs
[10:46:35] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:49:21] VlivE (VlivE! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:49:44] Speedy2: Juski: that's the spec. Show me where it says if the master is not at the end of the cable, it's improperly terminated.
[10:52:07] Speedy2: Page 21 and 22 show EITHER configuration
[10:52:09] Speedy2: Master / slave
[10:52:16] Speedy2: (master == device 0, slave == device 1)
[10:52:18] pickler (pickler! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[10:53:43] Speedy2: who here is using an nvidia card without overlay?
[11:03:22] DrNickRiviera (DrNickRiviera! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:46] Dagmar: I'm kinda baffled why they'd skip that
[11:11:57] alsoconfused: Speedy2: i have two nvidia cards here, but not exactly sure what's meant by overlay. maybe we can both learn something.
[11:14:52] Speedy2: alsoconfused: Well, I'm not 100% clear on the details, but there is a hardware/software interface for video related stuff called "overlay" that is used primarily for displaying video/DVD/TV type content
[11:15:16] Speedy2: nVidia has replaced support for the older "overlay" system with something like VMR9
[11:15:27] Speedy2: alsoconfused: Which model nVidia cards do you have?
[11:15:49] alsoconfused: hang on
[11:16:33] alsoconfused: GeForce 4 MX440 one AGP, one PCI
[11:17:50] Speedy2: Lucky
[11:17:56] Speedy2: They support everything you need.
[11:18:07] Speedy2: Well, they don't do XvMC
[11:19:08] GreyFoxx: uhhh yeah they do
[11:19:27] alsoconfused: yeah, i thought so, although that has given me problems in the past
[11:19:51] Speedy2: GreyFoxx: They support XvMC but only do motion-compensation, not IDCT
[11:20:07] Speedy2: So I guess my statement was theoretically wrong, thanks for pointing it out.
[11:20:16] GreyFoxx: :)
[11:20:18] alsoconfused: so Speedy2 , is there something you want to know about my system
[11:20:39] Speedy2: alsoconfused: Sorry to say, no. I have a newer card that does NOT have overlay support and I'm wondering how others are dealing with it
[11:20:54] Speedy2: When I played back a DVD, there was a lot of tearing of the video.
[11:20:56] alsoconfused: okay, good luck
[11:21:03] Speedy2: alsoconfused: Thanks for offering to help.
[11:22:32] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:45:42] Juski: heh. humble pie for lunch today. ducking out of date specs we have here
[12:00:29] VlivE (VlivE! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:01:02] Juski (Juski! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[12:01:22] VlivE: Anyone run into this error >videoout_directfb.cpp:177: error: too many initializers for `const unsigned int[117][2]'
[12:03:24] DGnome (DGnome! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:04:28] DGnome: How well does the DVB-C channelscanner work theese days?
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[12:45:53] VlivE: Anyone run into this error >videoout_directfb.cpp:177: error: too many initializers for `const unsigned int[117][2]'
[12:52:37] LLyric: Looks like a code bug. What are you doing?
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[14:03:31] Dr_Barnowl (Dr_Barnowl!n=root@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:04:50] Dr_Barnowl: Question ; I have set up mythshutdown, but the backend doesn't insert a "wakeup" to perform a mythfilldatabase at it's allotted time of around 0200 – am I just missing something or is this an oversight?
[14:07:06] Kelerion: just for my own sanity... ubuntu 6.06 server-sparc version should be install on a T2000 with an UltraSPARC T1 processor, right?
[14:08:20] Kazan (Kazan! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:08:25] ** Kazan screams **
[14:08:32] Kazan: just got two emails from smartd
[14:08:40] Kazan: Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
[14:08:49] Kazan: Device: /dev/hdc, 1 Offline uncorrectable sectors
[14:10:34] stuarta: Kelerion: doesn't the t2000 run a 64bit ultrasparc chip?
[14:10:56] Kelerion: Processor 4, 6, or 8 core 1.0 GHz or 8 core 1.2 GHz UltraSPARC T1 processor
[14:10:59] Kelerion: it says
[14:11:04] Kelerion: that mean it's a 64bit?
[14:11:28] Kelerion: . . . sp#Processor
[14:11:34] Dr_Barnowl (Dr_Barnowl!n=root@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:12:08] stuarta: AFAIK, all the ultrasparcs since the Ultra5 machine have been 64bit.
[14:12:20] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:12:38] Kelerion: thats the options:
[14:13:10] janneg: UltraSPARC T1 is Niagara, or?
[14:13:20] tstm: Yes.
[14:13:54] janneg: it will only work if the kernel is >=2.6.17
[14:14:21] Kelerion: no.. 2.6.15 has been heavily patched by ubuntu for it too
[14:14:27] Hoxzer: :/ there was no errors with my memory guys ...
[14:14:46] Kelerion: 2.6.17 is when it gets all official like :)
[14:15:02] Kazan (Kazan! has quit ()
[14:16:46] Hoxzer: Aargh where is that guy who was helping me
[14:16:52] Hoxzer: :D runned away
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[14:22:18] janneg: Kelerion: right so you have the correct version
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[14:24:38] VlivE: I am trying to compile mythtv-svn --enable-directfb but get this error>Anyone run into this error >videoout_directfb.cpp:177: error: too many initializers for `const unsigned int[117][2]'
[14:25:20] VlivE: Supprisingly very little info on mythtv and directfb
[14:25:29] VlivE: been googling for days on this
[14:27:39] VlivE: of which I find odd, mythtv being of linux preferred, and so much emphasis on Xwindows??? and not true processor kind with such apps as directfb
[14:27:53] VlivE: which will open wide other appls
[14:28:35] MatsK (MatsK! has quit ()
[14:28:51] GreyFoxx: VlivE: Why would you find it odd? Few people use directfb, and therefore there are less people using/testing/asking questions about it or writing up info on it
[14:29:57] VlivE: as odd as few people use linux but everyone is using windows media player so then with your analogy why use mythtv?
[14:30:23] GreyFoxx: huh? I don't understand that comparison
[14:30:32] GreyFoxx: What does using linux have to do with media player?
[14:30:41] GreyFoxx: Obviously anyone choosing to use myth isn't using media player
[14:30:46] VlivE: well your saying few use directfb
[14:31:14] VlivE: and thats not true anyone that wants to conserver resources would use directfb if they knew it was an option
[14:31:36] VlivE: most don't know that mythtv supports it well it used to
[14:31:45] GreyFoxx: Yes, of the linux/graphical community, a small number use directfb. T herefore you have fewer people testing it, therefore you have fewer people asking questions about it, therefore you have fewer people writing up info on it
[14:32:11] VlivE: anyway who of the developers support mythtv --enable-directfb
[14:32:16] GreyFoxx: If those that do use it want to submit patches, and documentation that would be great
[14:32:28] VlivE: agreeed :)
[14:32:30] GreyFoxx: VlivE: I honestly doubt any of the active people do
[14:32:40] GreyFoxx: just like none of them use pvr350's for output either
[14:32:49] mchou (mchou! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:32:51] GreyFoxx: which is why pvr350 mpeg decoding could well be dropped
[14:32:52] VlivE: its still an configurable option
[14:32:56] VlivE: so some must
[14:33:00] GreyFoxx: hehe no
[14:33:13] VlivE: ?
[14:33:24] VlivE: :; ./configure --help
[14:33:29] GreyFoxx: the fact that the code is still there doesn't mean it's actively maintained by anyone
[14:33:32] VlivE: shows you can enable-directfb
[14:33:55] VlivE: if I ask in the developer room would they help?
[14:34:22] GreyFoxx: Likely not, but go right ahead :)
[14:36:13] Ben_13 (Ben_13! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:37:48] VlivE: GreyFoxx> I have posted this in the mythtv forum and no answer as of yet
[14:38:14] VlivE: seems like the forum alot of posts don't get answered
[14:38:17] [Thrawn] ([Thrawn]! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:38:51] GreyFoxx: Some webforumn? Or do you mean the mailing lists?
[14:39:47] VlivE: webforum
[14:40:27] GreyFoxx: I've never seen any of the various myth webforums. I only watch the mailing lists. And even then most of the -users stuff is just noise
[14:41:02] VlivE: ic
[14:41:11] [Thrawn]: what video card should I use, VIA UniChrome or Nvidia GF4 MX440 ?
[14:41:17] [Thrawn]: acceleration wise
[14:41:28] GreyFoxx: [Thrawn]: Low CPU ?
[14:41:33] henkpoley_ (henkpoley_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:41:35] [Thrawn]: fairly low
[14:41:45] Merlin83b: What system?
[14:41:51] Merlin83b: Is it an Epia or similar?
[14:41:53] [Thrawn]: Celeron 2.66 Ghz
[14:41:56] [Thrawn]: but need to watch HD
[14:41:59] GreyFoxx: From a easy of use, and installation the GF is the way to go
[14:42:03] qu0zl: [Thrawn], you can't get unichrome on a standalone board as far as a i know
[14:42:09] qu0zl: only integrated onto motherboards
[14:42:14] [Thrawn]: its integrated
[14:42:20] [Thrawn]: p4m800 chipset
[14:42:33] [Thrawn]: HD mpeg-2 and mpeg-4
[14:42:33] qu0zl: cool, give it a try so. it works for me
[14:42:54] [Thrawn]: I was reading it doesn't support greater than 1024 x 1024 ?
[14:42:54] qu0zl: unichrome doesn't accelerate mpeg4 at all. the hardware can on the pro's, but the openchrome drivers don't support it
[14:43:01] GreyFoxx: My XP2500 can play 1080i without any stuttering without any hardware assistance
[14:43:08] qu0zl: not via the tv-out [Thrawn], via the vga it can i believe
[14:43:09] GreyFoxx: (GF4 card in there)
[14:43:33] [Thrawn]: I prefer to have spare CPU cycles.. aiming for around 30% CPU usage for maxed out HD
[14:43:50] [Thrawn]: output via VGA
[14:43:53] ** GreyFoxx only has some HD Mpeg2 samples, no HD MPEG4 **
[14:44:04] [Thrawn]: its not hard to make HD MPEG4s
[14:44:12] qu0zl: [Thrawn], the openchrome will do nothing at all for mpeg4s
[14:44:13] ** Brains hasn't managed to get his Unichrome to play 1080i content at a reasonable speed yet. 'Course, it is on an EPIA M9000 (Via C3 Ezra 933MHz). **
[14:44:29] GreyFoxx: Hehe for basic testing I'm not going to make them. I would however grab any samples I find though
[14:44:32] [Thrawn]: even if it does MPEG2 better.. it'd be worthwhile
[14:44:33] Brains: 1080i HD MPEG-2.
[14:44:50] [Thrawn]: but the standard Unichrome can't do 1080i, right ?
[14:45:02] qu0zl: via the vga port out i'd guess it should
[14:45:07] qu0zl: not via the onboard tv-out
[14:45:11] [Thrawn]: would that mean it'd fall back to normal iDCT like GF4 MX440
[14:45:18] qu0zl: i havent tried though, that's just hearsay for me
[14:45:36] [Thrawn]: I'm not going to use TV-Out.. output to computer monitor
[14:45:41] qu0zl: so give it a go
[14:47:26] [Thrawn]: I'll try OpenChrome first.. sounds like more of a challenge :)
[14:47:48] Ben_13 (Ben_13! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:49:54] Hoxzer: Shouldn't mythtv svn check do you have everything needed for compile when doing "./configure"?
[14:50:13] stuarta: that's what configure does
[14:50:13] achew22: no....
[14:50:38] ** stuarta rereads that.... **
[14:50:54] achew22: its a version control system, not a dependancy checker
[14:51:23] ** stuarta rereads it for achew22 as well **
[14:51:36] ** achew22 begins rereading... **
[14:51:46] newevmsuser (newevmsuser! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:51:47] VlivE: if your using debian put in the mythtv-sources in /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update then apt-get build-dep mythtv
[14:51:53] Hoxzer: well ... if "no" achew22 was there some command in debian that install automatically all packages needed to compile something
[14:52:00] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:52:06] Hoxzer: at least I ran that with wine :O
[14:52:12] VlivE: that will build all the mythtv dependacies
[14:52:33] achew22: Hoxzer: apt-get build-dep mythtv for debian/ubuntu emerge -o mythtv for gentoo
[14:53:18] Hoxzer: achew22: :( guess what E: Unable to find a source package for mythtv
[14:53:24] ** Hoxzer dances **
[14:53:32] achew22: you need the source
[14:53:47] Hoxzer: really
[14:53:56] Hoxzer: I need repo for src ?
[14:54:27] newevmsuser (newevmsuser! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[14:55:05] VlivE: hum isn't that what I said
[14:55:10] achew22: what are you?
[14:55:18] achew22: x86? 64bit, sparc?
[14:55:25] stuarta: trout?
[14:55:43] achew22: um... i'm looking for processor
[14:56:21] Hoxzer: x86 ^^ achew22
[14:56:42] achew22: okay and its sarge?
[14:56:52] achew22: sid?
[14:56:59] achew22: etch?
[14:57:50] VlivE: woody?
[14:58:28] stuarta: slink?
[14:58:31] achew22: moose?
[14:58:48] Hoxzer: Lol
[14:58:58] ** stuarta actually ran slink :-P **
[14:59:06] Hoxzer: are you talking about distro or processor ?
[14:59:09] achew22: did you run trout?
[14:59:17] achew22: were onto distro now
[14:59:25] stuarta: sadly Beirdo hasn't released trout yet...
[14:59:42] achew22: I've never heard of it... what is it?
[14:59:51] Hoxzer: Achew22: well distro is knoppmyth but it is debian based and all the repos are from debian by default
[15:00:07] stuarta: achew22: there isn't a trout...
[15:00:08] HopkinsProg (HopkinsProg! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:00:14] achew22: I'm going to *guess* thats sarge then
[15:00:21] achew22: so lets do this
[15:00:30] Hoxzer: sid as I see in repos at least :O
[15:01:34] gardengnome: cat /etc/Debian-version prolly
[15:01:42] gardengnome: ah, ok, knoppmyth.
[15:01:52] gardengnome: Hoxzer: /usr/src/mythtv/ for knoppmyth.
[15:02:10] achew22: sudo -i; echo "deb sarge main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get update; apt-get build-dep mythtv; exit
[15:02:39] gardengnome: achew22: knoppmyth already comes with the sources
[15:02:50] achew22: does it? why didn't it respond to build-dep then?
[15:03:02] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:03:16] gardengnome: achew22: because apt doesn't know about them.
[15:06:54] Hoxzer: ^^
[15:06:59] Hoxzer: doesn't work
[15:07:41] gardengnome: !trout Hoxzer
[15:07:41] ** MythLogBot slaps Hoxzer with a trout on behalf of gardengnome... **
[15:07:43] gardengnome: what didn't work?
[15:07:46] bmk789 (bmk789!n=bmk789@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:08:46] Juski: heh. our ntsc mode output is out of spec. looks like I might need to play with focus tv encoder registers :-/
[15:09:08] stuarta: afternoon Juski
[15:09:21] Juski: afternoon stuarta
[15:09:56] Hoxzer: gardengnome: the script that achew22 gave me -> I tried to add that repo to source.list and apt-get update but it still doesn't find the source packages
[15:10:11] Juski: monitor can lock onto it but a fancy test instrument can't. fucking software people don't know their arse from their elbows here
[15:10:23] Hoxzer: I like to remind that all repos that I have in sources.list are for sid
[15:11:55] ** achew22 is oging to go search through the house for alergy medicine... I'll be back in a while **
[15:12:16] mchou (mchou! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:12:29] qu0zl: Hoxzer, if you want source packages you need "deb-src" not "deb" at the start of those apt lines
[15:12:49] gardengnome: Hoxzer: last time i checked, knoppmyth was based on an horribly outdated version of sid
[15:12:52] qu0zl: so duplicate any lines you want the source packages from and edit the duplicates to deb-src
[15:14:10] Hoxzer: gardengnome: well I did dist-upgrade few days ago
[15:17:55] achew22: is there an addslashes command in bash?
[15:24:12] gardengnome: Hoxzer: and things didn't break? nice. does knoppmyth ship with xorg 7.x now?
[15:24:33] cout (cout! has quit (Connection timed out)
[15:24:41] Hoxzer: gardengnome: :D I knew you will say that but It didn't brake
[15:24:45] Hoxzer: *break
[15:27:10] Hoxzer: E: Build-Depends dependency for mythtv cannot be satisfied because the package libdvb-dev cannot be found ^^
[15:28:55] achew22: so emerge libdvd-dev...
[15:29:02] achew22: oops apt-get isntall libdvd-dev
[15:29:11] achew22: if you can't find it like that apt-cache search for it
[15:30:22] puthre (puthre!n=puthre@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[15:58:09] gnychis: does anyone here use anything for listings other than xmltv? it wants to install 75 packages with it on my gentoo box
[15:58:27] Juski: boo hoo
[15:58:39] Merlin83b: Heh.
[15:58:51] stuarta: only 75? wow...
[15:58:59] Merlin83b: gnychis: Us UK folk can use the OTA guide, don't know if that's an option for you.
[15:59:33] gnychis: is xmltv good?
[15:59:41] Juski: duh
[15:59:55] gnychis: alright
[16:01:25] stuarta: hmmm, Son of the Beach. Baywatch done by Howard Stern....
[16:02:32] stuarta: all I can see so far in the preview image and that looks 'nice'
[16:03:32] Hoxzer: interesting I have to install libxvmc-dev which depends on X11-common but I have xfree86-common :o
[16:04:41] Hoxzer: what if I just change them? :P
[16:05:07] Hoxzer: sooon, gardengnome comes "lol noob dont fail again..."
[16:07:21] VlivE: mythtv-svn --enable-directfb getting this compile error; Using intell 3.264 bit debian-X86_64; videoout_directfb.cpp:177: error: too many initializers for `const unsigned int[117][2]'
[16:07:25] VlivE: anyone?
[16:07:42] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[16:11:12] Hoxzer: Aargh
[16:11:29] Hoxzer: can I run apt-get build-dep so it would tell me ALL the packages required for build
[16:11:43] Hoxzer: and not stop somewhere if it doesn't find certain package
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[16:18:11] mjmac: Hoxzer: you can just look at debian/control to figure out deps
[16:18:18] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit ("Leaving")
[16:18:33] stuarta (stuarta!i=foobar@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("attempting to get home :(")
[16:19:21] mjmac: you probably need to build/install libiec61883 1.0.0 and libraw1394 1.2.0
[16:21:38] Hoxzer: :O ... but
[16:22:25] Hoxzer: I dont think libxvmc-dev is so important durning "make"
[16:22:31] Hoxzer: or is it?
[16:22:47] Hoxzer: Because I'm failing with make
[16:23:34] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: i haven't been following this thread but generally the -dev package goes hand in hand with running make
[16:23:59] Hoxzer: :/ damn
[16:24:28] Hoxzer: :D So ... this kind makes me install X11-common instead of xfree86-common which effects to whole desktop system ......
[16:24:51] Hoxzer: if I install X11-common instead of Xfree86-common will I still be able to run fluxbox? :/
[16:25:06] alsoconfused: i'm not sure i know anything about the layout of your distro, which is it?
[16:25:15] alsoconfused: did you say deb
[16:25:23] Hoxzer: Knoppmtyh R5C7
[16:25:37] Hoxzer: it is debian + knoppix based
[16:25:42] alsoconfused: okay, which is debian based
[16:25:46] Hoxzer: sid
[16:25:56] Hoxzer: at least everything in sources.list is for sid
[16:26:15] alsoconfused: i don't know much about the terminology, but the scenario remains the same
[16:27:22] alsoconfused: you should not need to change the xserver unless it doesn't support this extension you're trying to enable.
[16:27:56] LoneShadow: my mysql databases didnt get created during installation, where is the .sql file I can use to populate it ?
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[16:28:33] kormoc: LoneShadow, that's covered in the install docs, you should read them
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[16:29:19] LoneShadow: thanks
[16:29:25] Hoxzer: alsaconfused: ^Ä^ I get this
[16:30:21] gnychis: does there need to be a mythtv account on my system?
[16:30:56] jasta_ is now known as jasta
[16:31:46] Aid`: gnychis: there doesn't _have_ to be i login under my current user and it works fine
[16:32:07] gnychis: cool
[16:32:27] Juski (Juski! has quit ("Offski")
[16:33:15] Hoxzer: :(
[16:33:58] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: hang on a sec
[16:34:14] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: k
[16:35:23] gnychis (gnychis! has quit ("leaving")
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[16:36:18] alsoconfused: it may be a version problem where a simple update will satisfy it. it says "you need to have x11-common (>= 1:1.09)". do you have an older one now?
[16:36:32] der_oschni (der_oschni! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:36:43] Hoxzer: I have X86Free-common :)
[16:36:59] Hoxzer: dont have X11-common at all
[16:37:09] der_oschni (der_oschni! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:25] alsoconfused: pre in other words?
[16:38:42] Hoxzer: eh pre means?
[16:40:10] alsoconfused: there was a change in the management structure of the group that maintains the code for what knows as the XF86 X-server.
[16:40:48] alsoconfused: the layout of some (a lot even) of the stuff has changed, but the basics remain the same.
[16:41:00] Hoxzer: ok ..
[16:41:24] Hoxzer: so in otherwords I can install X11-common instead of xfree86-common k ->
[16:41:57] Hoxzer: ^^ I'm not doing it
[16:42:02] Hoxzer: but is it safe?
[16:42:05] alsoconfused: right!
[16:42:10] Hoxzer: wrong!
[16:42:19] alsoconfused: i would not suggest changing the entire x setup on the box.
[16:42:26] Hoxzer: Yeah :/
[16:42:38] Hoxzer: seems like knoppmyth doesn't like compiling
[16:42:59] alsoconfused: but you can probably extract just the needed pieces for myth to be able to compile
[16:43:58] Hoxzer: ok, so so so
[16:44:06] Hoxzer: :(
[16:44:18] alsoconfused: did you see complaints about certain missing files?
[16:44:54] Hoxzer: well
[16:45:31] alsoconfused: that's where you're trying to install libxvmc-dev, right?
[16:45:46] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:46:44] Hoxzer: RIGHT
[16:46:54] Hoxzer: Yep I'm trying
[16:47:07] Hoxzer: I just noticed I have to remove like 20 packages to be able to install it
[16:47:14] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: i understand, you haven't done stuff like this before.
[16:47:31] Hoxzer: You understand riiight
[16:47:56] alsoconfused: why were you trying to install libxvmc-dev?
[16:48:09] alsoconfused: to be able to compile myth, right?
[16:48:16] alsoconfused: or a part of myth?
[16:48:17] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:22] Hoxzer: Because it is depency for myth build :(
[16:48:30] Hoxzer: I have problems with compiling mythtv
[16:48:50] riddlebox: does anyone know of any good repositories for mythtv in ubuntu?
[16:48:58] alsoconfused: can you show me the errors you got from that?
[16:49:19] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: segfaults :(
[16:49:25] Hoxzer: wait a sec
[16:50:38] Hoxzer: running "make" ...
[16:50:46] Hoxzer: this will take like 10 – 20 mins
[16:51:05] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:39] alsoconfused: so it get's pretty far, huh?
[16:51:44] alsoconfused: gets
[16:53:19] Hoxzer: ^^ yep
[16:53:34] Hoxzer: but I was "laught at" when I pasted this and I thought it was ok
[16:54:40] alsoconfused: it's probably only the stuff at the end that's important!
[16:54:50] Anduin: You were laughed at because I only got it out of you after I asked it it were a successful build and you seemed to indicate that yes it was.
[16:54:54] alsoconfused: you know, where its happy journey ended :)
[16:54:54] Hoxzer: yeap
[16:56:10] alsoconfused: i thought maybe it was because he pasted the whole transcript in here :^)
[16:56:28] alsoconfused: you didn't do that i hop.
[16:56:32] Anduin: He did not.
[16:58:13] Anduin:
[16:58:17] case (case! has quit ()
[16:58:46] kormoc: well, what you have there isn't really related to missing files/deps
[16:58:58] kormoc: you have a bug in your gcc compiler or a bad lib somewhere
[16:59:07] alsoconfused: oh, i only saw the later one.
[16:59:27] kormoc: and you might as well turn off distcc, if you don't have any extra hosts
[16:59:30] Anduin: He may have progressed from there by now.
[16:59:50] alsoconfused: that's his problem right there
[16:59:52] Spida (Spida!n=timo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:00:41] Hoxzer: alsoconfused:
[17:01:08] ** kormoc points at what he said **
[17:01:26] alsoconfused: yeah, i'm not familiar with those distcc msgs, you're right
[17:01:41] henkpoley_ (henkpoley_! has quit ()
[17:01:46] Anduin: all the way to livemedia this time!
[17:02:02] kormoc: distcc is fine, it falls back locally, it's just waster time for it to try to spawn off remotely if there are no remote ones to spawn to
[17:02:32] Hoxzer: So solution is?
[17:02:32] kormoc: Hoxzer, I would try forcing a reinstall of gcc and see if that helps or not
[17:02:42] kormoc: figure out why your gcc is sigfaulting.
[17:02:55] alsoconfused: it's probably not the compiler either, but a bad set of .h files.
[17:02:57] Hoxzer: ok ...
[17:03:03] alsoconfused: the wrong set i mean.
[17:03:08] kormoc: alsoconfused, ooh? that wouldn't really do that
[17:03:27] alsoconfused: it's not getting to any type of linking stage, so i don't think it's getting stuck on an actual missing library.
[17:03:29] kormoc: alsoconfused, that is a internal compiler crash, gcc sigfaulted. It's related to compiled code somewhere or hardware issues
[17:03:30] Hoxzer: is it possible that I make dep out of source of svn -> in ubuntu 6.06 -> install it to box?
[17:03:45] alsoconfused: kormoc: i
[17:04:13] alsoconfused: kormoc: the wrong preprocessor macros can produce stuff the compiler chokes on
[17:04:18] kormoc: Hoxzer, sure, but it won't help. You're compiler is crashing. Not related to myth. Fix that and it should compile it...
[17:04:38] kormoc: alsoconfused, not sigfaulting tho, it should just toss out a pile of errors
[17:04:42] alsoconfused: i'm assuming it doesn't crash on other stuff.
[17:04:56] kormoc: this is likely the only thing he's compiled
[17:05:34] Coume (Coume!n=Coume@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:36] kormoc: and I've had a bad gcc that would crash on QT only, and would run on everything else just fine. Infact, if I recompiled QT enough times, it would work 1 out of 10 shots or so, found out it was a bad file
[17:05:39] Ben_13 (Ben_13! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:50] alsoconfused: it succeeded on line 1 of
[17:06:10] kormoc: well, yeah, but that doesn't really mean much
[17:06:31] Anduin: alsoconfused: And the paste from yesterday was all the way over in avcodec
[17:06:35] alsoconfused: that would show up at runtime, not compiletime
[17:06:36] kormoc: different files run different code paths though gcc, so it could just be a single bug in path X
[17:06:37] Coume: afternoon
[17:06:42] kormoc: alsoconfused, why would that be?
[17:07:11] alsoconfused: a bad .so file you're talking about, right?
[17:07:19] Ben_13: Hello all, anyone able to assist with a mythnotify issue? Specifically with cidbcast, using an external modem with fedora core 4.
[17:07:23] kormoc: yes, that gcc was accessing and caused a sigfault
[17:07:45] kormoc: alsoconfused, gcc also deals with lib files and all that...
[17:08:06] alsoconfused: as far as i know that file would not be touched until it came time to link against it, and then again when trying to run the program.
[17:08:14] kormoc: gcc is linked against it
[17:08:21] kormoc: so by running gcc, you are using that file
[17:08:28] kormoc: you forget, gcc is a program itself
[17:08:51] ** Coume is away: Time to fix the car :) **
[17:09:11] Alien_Freak (Alien_Freak! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:09:12] alsoconfused: kormoc: no, i understand that
[17:09:26] Alien_Freak: is there still an issue with mythtv and qt4 a while back I was trying to install it and I know it had issues with qt4 and mysql5 if i'm not mistaken
[17:09:27] Alien_Freak: have those been resolved? anyone know?
[17:09:41] kormoc: so why would program X that used libstdc++ fail and gcc that uses libstdc++ work fine?
[17:09:49] alsoconfused: i don't see any linkage warning or anything, and it looks like gcc had no roblem compileing the first .o file.
[17:09:56] kormoc: qt4 support is a nogo, a huge rewrite is needed for that
[17:10:09] kormoc: mysql 5 is supported as of myth 0.19+
[17:10:10] D-side: thats what i figured.
[17:10:28] kormoc: alsoconfused, it wouldn't. gcc is outputing info about the program it's compilieing. not about itself
[17:10:38] Anduin: Alien_Freak: The mysql 5 stuff is fixed in -fixes
[17:10:51] D-side: hm.
[17:10:52] alsoconfused: what does mysql have to do with the xvmc stuff ?
[17:10:56] kormoc: and again, different codepaths for each different file, can lead to different bugs
[17:11:08] D-side: anyone using -fixes on the backend but vanilla 0.19 on a frontend?
[17:11:15] kormoc: D-side, you can't
[17:11:17] Alien_Freak: okay.. cool. I'll stick with 4.x anyways.. just curious
[17:11:22] D-side: i'd upgrade for giggles but i don't have the option to break my frontend.
[17:11:33] D-side: kormoc: ah, very glad I asked then. thanks.
[17:11:38] ** Alien_Freak 's is installing: mythtv-0.19_p9163-r1 **
[17:12:35] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: forget about the dependencies. i want to explain a better strategy to get you running.
[17:12:38] D-side: I don't think that means anything to non-gentoo'ers.
[17:12:41] Alien_Freak: well.. I tried KnoMyth? or whatever that live cd is called.. knoppix based..
[17:12:49] riddlebox: anyone using ubuntu?
[17:13:06] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: are you there?
[17:13:06] kormoc: D-side, sure it does. pxxxx is the svn revision number
[17:13:12] Alien_Freak: :-> I guess not... but the 0.19
[17:13:31] VlivE: I am trying to compile mythtv-svn --enable-directfb but get this error>Anyone run into this error >videoout_directfb.cpp:177: error: too many initializers for `const unsigned int[117][2]'
[17:13:43] Alien_Freak: so that's a stable version that should work with qt3 and mysql 4 right?
[17:14:01] kormoc: Alien_Freak, yes, the gentoo one will work fine
[17:14:11] Alien_Freak: sorry.. I really want to get this working.. i have 100 gb of space just waiting to record stuff.. just wish there was better stuff worth recording... :-)
[17:14:18] Alien_Freak: thx kormoc
[17:14:23] Zambezi (Zambezi! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:14:25] D-side: kormoc: oh, very good.
[17:14:32] D-side: kormoc: you're full of helpful info today.
[17:14:55] D-side: I'd try cardoe's latest build but I can't break my xbmcmythtv frontend on the xbox
[17:14:56] kormoc: hehe
[17:15:04] kormoc: fair nuff
[17:15:04] Spida (Spida! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:48] Zambezi (Zambezi! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:54] D-side: kormoc: its not all that bad really. forces me into a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" policy. :)
[17:16:12] finley (finley! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:17:11] kormoc: heh, fair nuff
[17:18:58] Ben_13 (Ben_13! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:22:17] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: are you comfortable with moving filesystems around as you need?
[17:22:47] alsoconfused: rescuing a box if X won't start, etc?
[17:23:19] alsoconfused: if so, then just make a good backup and let it install the whole ball of wax. if it doesn't work, go to the backup.
[17:24:59] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: wait a second It has compiled now pretty long time as I reinstalled few things
[17:27:56] alsoconfused: are you compiling from the top everytime?
[17:29:42] Kelerion (Kelerion!n=craig@ has quit ()
[17:29:42] GreyFoxx: D-side: You have an xbox/linux machine right ?
[17:29:43] GreyFoxx: or just xbmc ?
[17:29:43] D-side: not entirely correct.
[17:29:44] D-side: just xbmc, yes.
[17:29:47] GreyFoxx: ok
[17:29:55] D-side: didnt really see a point in putting linux on it.
[17:30:17] GreyFoxx: I'm trying to get some info from someone running linux on one. For someone reason the tools on Juskis machine didn't return the info I'm looking for
[17:30:30] D-side: sorry, that I can't help you with.
[17:31:34] GreyFoxx: Any other XBox + Linux users around ?
[17:34:41] Hoxzer: alsoconfused:  :((( error
[17:34:52] Hoxzer: alsoconfused:
[17:36:48] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: cd into the libs/libmythtv directory
[17:37:52] Hoxzer: done
[17:38:09] alsoconfused: type make there
[17:38:30] alsoconfused: dont actually type 'there' :)
[17:38:31] Hoxzer: ^^ doign it
[17:38:40] Hoxzer: :D I didn't
[17:39:10] alsoconfused: some people are so afraid of the commandline
[17:39:38] alsoconfused: yet they come on irc and go wild
[17:42:52] henkpoley_ (henkpoley_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:45:46] bmk789 (bmk789!n=bmk789@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:46:51] Hoxzer: still doing it ...
[17:47:04] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has quit (Success)
[17:48:34] Hoxzer: ^^ I like to eat my self full of sanwiches
[17:48:56] Hoxzer: *d
[17:52:13] Hoxzer: I think it was succesful
[17:52:31] Hoxzer:
[17:52:35] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: done!
[17:52:59] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:15] alsoconfused: now cd ..
[17:53:40] Hoxzer: ^^doen
[17:53:44] Hoxzer: done
[17:53:51] alsoconfused: run make there
[17:54:09] Hoxzer: doing ->
[17:55:08] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:02] gnychis (gnychis! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:17] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: did you change any software since we started talking?
[17:58:40] Hoxzer: :D well ..
[17:58:47] Hoxzer: I install build-essential ...
[17:58:52] Hoxzer: lol
[17:58:57] Hoxzer: might have some effect
[17:59:03] Hoxzer: but maybe not so huge
[17:59:16] gnychis: if i have a wintv-pvr-150, do i use BT848?
[17:59:32] kormoc: gnychis, no, you use ivtv
[17:59:35] Hoxzer: <- done! alsoconfused
[17:59:35] alsoconfused: i dunno but it does sound kinda important
[17:59:46] MatsK (MatsK!i=MatsK@ has joined #MythTV-Users
[17:59:57] gnychis: kormoc: i use the 2.6.17 kernel, will ivtv be ok with it?
[18:00:25] kormoc: gnychis, the right ivtv, yes. Check out their website,
[18:00:26] alsoconfused: i had major probs with that kormoc
[18:00:45] alsoconfused: didn't fight it though, settled back to a 2.16 kernel
[18:00:47] Hoxzer: BUt alsoconfused it is done :O
[18:00:59] gnychis: kormoc: last question, do i need video for linux support at all in the kernel then? since i'm not using BT848
[18:01:04] kormoc: alsoconfused, well, given it's unstable, that makes sense.
[18:01:07] kormoc: gnychis, yes, you do
[18:01:20] gnychis: kormoc: ok, so just no actual driver module?
[18:01:26] alsoconfused: kormoc: yup, i understand
[18:01:40] alsoconfused: had to give it a quick try though, just like you
[18:01:42] kormoc: gnychis, I think you need to compile the bttv one to get tuner.ko
[18:01:59] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:02:17] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: dont you run now! :P
[18:02:21] alsoconfused: pwd
[18:03:09] alsoconfused: your' in mythtv/libs , right?
[18:03:18] Hoxzer: Yeah
[18:03:28] alsoconfused: go up again
[18:03:36] Hoxzer: where up to mythtvlibs?
[18:03:44] Hoxzer: or libmythtv
[18:03:48] Hoxzer: I meant
[18:03:54] alsoconfused: pwd
[18:04:00] Hoxzer: pwd means?
[18:04:24] gardengnome: man pwd
[18:04:32] alsoconfused: it shows what directory (folder) you're looking at
[18:04:35] alsoconfused: no
[18:04:36] kormoc: Print Working Directory
[18:04:48] Hoxzer_ (Hoxzer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:05:13] alsoconfused: who is that?
[18:05:16] Hoxzer_ (Hoxzer_! has quit (Client Quit)
[18:05:53] Hoxzer: /home/mythtv/svn-0.19-fixes/mythtv/libs alsoconfused you dont believe me ? :D
[18:06:25] alsoconfused: that where you did the last make, right?
[18:06:35] Hoxzer: yeah /me dances
[18:06:37] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:07:09] alsoconfused: why dancing?
[18:07:40] Hoxzer: :D because I'm so excited
[18:07:50] alsoconfused: duh
[18:07:58] alsoconfused: you gonna tell me?
[18:08:02] Hoxzer: you know it is night time here atm and I always get excited when sun goes down ^^
[18:08:04] riddlebox: anyone know of 0.19 ubuntu packages of mythtv?
[18:08:43] kormoc: try google?
[18:09:04] riddlebox: kormoc, I have and with no luck, I will just compile
[18:09:04] D-side: kormoc: i googled and didnt find any. :)
[18:09:13] D-side: riddlebox: which ubuntu? dapper?
[18:09:23] riddlebox: D-side, yes dapper
[18:09:24] Coume: coume's car is almot fixed :)
[18:09:32] Coume: s/almot/almost
[18:10:08] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: ?
[18:10:16] Hoxzer: :( he got afk again
[18:10:18] D-side: 18:14 < gardengnome> Jelte: add "deb ./" to your sources list, apt-get update, apt-get install mythtv. no warranties, get a backup and use common sense.
[18:10:27] D-side: riddlebox: there you go. thank gardengnome
[18:10:35] riddlebox: thank you
[18:10:56] alsoconfused: Hoxzer: all fixed now?
[18:10:57] Hoxzer: Shake em up shake em up SHAKE EM
[18:11:11] gardengnome: ;)
[18:11:15] gardengnome: thank hamsta :)
[18:11:16] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: Ok, I try to do "make" in the mythtv dir?
[18:11:27] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: /svn/mythtv ^^
[18:12:55] speedsix (speedsix! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:13:06] liran_: ummm
[18:13:31] liran_: whats the name of that script that pulls imdb results by the name of the filename?
[18:13:55] LabMonkey: hmm
[18:14:13] alsoconfused: yeah Hoxzer
[18:14:14] gardengnome: liran_:
[18:14:31] LabMonkey: how do I make mythbackend rename recordings to reflect the show/title after it's recorded and/or transcoded?
[18:15:11] liran_: ahh ok
[18:15:12] Anduin: LabMonkey: Only running something lile mythrename will do that
[18:15:17] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: already doing it
[18:15:20] liran_: thanks
[18:15:29] LabMonkey: hrm
[18:15:58] LabMonkey: Anduin: is that not includedin the plugins?
[18:16:24] Anduin: LabMonkey: It is a perl script, not a plugin.
[18:16:42] LabMonkey: ahh
[18:16:43] LabMonkey: hrm
[18:17:26] speedsix: does anyone know of a repository for ubuntu 0.19 packages?
[18:17:56] gardengnome: speedsix: dapper drake?
[18:18:05] speedsix: yeah
[18:18:26] gardengnome:
[18:19:15] speedsix: thanks alot
[18:19:36] liran_ (liran_! has quit ("brb")
[18:20:06] riddlebox: gardengnome, That should be in the topic ;P
[18:20:28] gardengnome: no, but in the FAQ. feel free to add it.
[18:22:06] riddlebox: gardengnome, in here ?
[18:22:30] gardengnome: yep
[18:22:45] riddlebox: I will try tonight when I get home
[18:23:11] ** xris curses php **
[18:24:31] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: I think it was succesful:
[18:26:26] alsoconfused: looks like it to me.
[18:26:53] Hoxzer: install done
[18:26:56] Hoxzer: lets dest
[18:27:12] Hoxzer: working
[18:27:21] Hoxzer: so now party would be good
[18:27:30] Hoxzer: but I dont party because I'm nolife ^^
[18:28:24] alsoconfused: do me a favor Hoxzer
[18:28:45] Hoxzer: what ?
[18:28:47] alsoconfused: if you would
[18:29:02] Hoxzer: write everything in the one line?
[18:29:28] alsoconfused: show me the contents of the build-essentials pkg, so i can learn a bit about debian.
[18:29:46] LabMonkey: Anduin: should I use mythname or mythrename?
[18:30:03] Hoxzer:
[18:30:14] kormoc: alsoconfused,
[18:30:42] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: as I said it might have had "A SMALL" Effect
[18:30:54] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:59] stuarta (stuarta!i=foobar@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:31:56] alsoconfused: wow, did you look at what's in there?
[18:32:33] kormoc: it's just a meta package, it doesn't mean all of that was missing before he installed it
[18:32:56] kormoc: but it did likely over-write his gcc with a known good version, which is what I sudgested way back when
[18:33:07] alsoconfused: i see
[18:33:26] alsoconfused: so it was an update, and not an install
[18:33:28] riddlebox: gardengnome, how is this . . . _Information
[18:34:32] gardengnome: riddlebox: you should add that this repository is only for ubuntu
[18:34:59] riddlebox: ok no problem, I am on hold with tech support for avaya so I have time
[18:35:05] gardengnome: hehe
[18:35:20] gardengnome: you can do nifty formatting things with mediawiki
[18:35:27] gardengnome: use an * to make some kind of list
[18:37:23] riddlebox: is there a way to get the whole sources.list line to appear instead of that little box at the end?
[18:38:04] Hoxzer: alsoconfused: <3 thx
[18:38:10] Hoxzer: running fiiineee
[18:39:38] sphery (sphery!n=sphery@ has quit ()
[18:40:52] speedsix: who's handy with sql statements then?
[18:41:02] kormoc: you could just ask
[18:41:31] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:13] alieas (alieas!n=alieas@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:16] d3ity (d3ity!n=d3ity@unaffiliated/d3ity) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:26] d3ity: hey all. I've got a problem. I have no sound
[18:42:27] speedsix: okee dokee, I'm trying to perform an update on the videometadata database filling in the coverfile field. The titles are the series/episode number i.e 509 (series 5 ep9) I want to update all the ones in series 5?
[18:42:29] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:46] speedsix: UPDATE `videometadata` SET `coverfile` = '/mnt/myth/video/posters/simps5.png', WHERE `title` ='5__';
[18:42:58] speedsix: what I have thusfar, doesn't work
[18:43:18] MatsK (MatsK!i=MatsK@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[18:43:37] alieas: Hi, I'm loosing about 30% of the HDTV signal when using a COAX splitter. I've tried 2.4Ghz splitters, as well as the most expensive one at RatShack, no luck. I'd like to order a _quality_ hdtv splitter(amplifier?) online. Does anyone have any suggestions?
[18:44:09] MatsK (MatsK!i=MatsK@ has joined #MythTV-Users
[18:44:42] sphery: alieas: That's about right for a splitter...
[18:44:54] alieas: so there is really no way to split the signal, eh?
[18:45:04] sphery: you can split it, but you have to do it right...
[18:45:06] sphery: One sec.
[18:45:10] alieas: ok, thnx
[18:45:56] speedsix: ok sussed it
[18:46:15] sphery: alieas:
[18:46:40] alieas: sphery: thanks much, will read right now!
[18:46:45] sphery: and
[18:46:57] sphery: First talks about losses due to splitting.
[18:47:12] sphery: Second makes some recommendations about how to set up your splitters, amplifiers, filters, cable, etc.
[18:47:26] sphery: Use Daniel's advice about the splitter frequencies, though, not mine.
[18:47:34] bmk789 (bmk789!n=bmk789@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:47:47] sphery: Mine works well for SDTV. HDTV with QAM requires higher freqs.
[18:48:03] sphery: (BTW, my advice is in the ivtv post. ;)
[18:48:09] alieas: yeah I'm trying to split QAM. My girlfriend is getting pissed she doesn't have TV in the bedroom anymore, hehe
[18:48:23] sphery: Probably the splitter is a major factor, then.
[18:48:49] sphery: DTK was saying to get a 45–2400MHz splitter
[18:49:01] sphery: Most you find are either 50–900 MHz or 50–1000MHz.
[18:49:04] sphery: (good for SDTV)
[18:49:12] kormoc: speedsix, try WHERE tile LIKE "5%" with some more where conditions
[18:50:02] bmk789 (bmk789!n=bmk789@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:37] kormoc: UPDATE videometadata SET coverfile = '/path' WHERE title LIKE '5%Simpsons';
[18:50:47] kormoc: that might work, depending on your dataset
[18:52:43] sphery: speedsix: I missed part of the conversation, but if you have your Simpsons in a directory, you can also use the directory as the start of a filename (i.e. WHERE filename LIKE '/mnt/myth/videos/Simpsons/%')
[18:52:53] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:52:58] sphery: Don't know if that's helpful (because of what I missed), but that's how I do it...
[18:53:18] kormoc: aye, it all depends on how your data is layed out
[18:53:23] sphery: yep
[18:57:46] gnychis: monster ivtv # ivtv-tune -c 3 .... Failed to open /dev/video0... anyone have clues on this?
[18:58:04] sphery: permissions?
[18:58:09] sphery: ls -al /dev/video0
[18:58:25] gnychis: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 Aug 24 2005 /dev/video0
[18:58:26] gnychis: what should they be?
[18:58:34] sphery: Who are you running as?
[18:58:41] gnychis: tried root
[18:58:41] psofa (psofa! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:59:08] speedsix: thanks chaps
[18:59:16] sphery: For root, wouldn't be permissions (but make sure the mythtv user is in the video group)
[18:59:32] gnychis: so what would it be for root?
[18:59:45] sphery: How about
[18:59:45] sphery: /sbin/lsmod | grep ivtv
[18:59:51] liran_ (liran_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:00:17] gnychis:
[19:03:04] sphery: OK. And the output of
[19:03:10] sphery: (without the line nums, though)
[19:03:19] sphery: (I.e. command won't work with them ;)
[19:04:24] gnychis: seem to be some errors
[19:05:01] sphery: (Although I'm sure it doesn't need saying,) that's why you can't open the device.  ;)
[19:05:17] sphery: Looks like you're either missing the firmware
[19:05:25] sphery: Or the firmware-loading module
[19:05:41] gnychis: isn't the firmware on device?
[19:05:44] sphery: Or you've put the firmware in a location that's different from the location expected by your hotplug scripts
[19:06:21] sphery: No. PVR-x50's upload firmware when the driver loads so it can easily be changed by Hauppauge developers (and the user never has to worry about it).
[19:06:28] sphery: (on windows... :)
[19:06:30] gnychis: well, let me explain what i've done so far... the only thing i've done is checkout the newest version of ivtv from their subversion since i'm using 2.6.17, then i did a make && make install
[19:06:34] gnychis: o see
[19:06:35] gnychis: i see
[19:06:41] sphery: one sec.
[19:07:17] sphery:
[19:07:25] sphery: Has everything you need to make it work.
[19:07:32] sphery: Hard part is interpretation.  :)
[19:07:34] sphery: gl
[19:07:38] gnychis: thanks sphery
[19:07:48] sphery: I have to go, but someone else should be able to help with more...
[19:07:54] gnychis: no problem!
[19:08:10] speedsix: Anyone know what the SQL wildcard would be to describe 3 digits?
[19:09:51] kormoc: with LIKE, there are only two wildcards
[19:09:58] kormoc: unless you want to get into regexs
[19:10:37] kormoc:
[19:12:47] LabMonkey: uhm
[19:13:00] LabMonkey: can convert mpg?
[19:13:34] kormoc: you should use nuvexport
[19:13:56] Juski: nuvexport is easy & nice
[19:14:07] LabMonkey: well I'm trying to get this all nice and automated
[19:14:22] kormoc: nuvexport supports command line options I think
[19:15:17] Juski: anyway what's so hard about editing a PERL script?
[19:15:28] LabMonkey: so shows get recorded at the highest possible quality, then get renamed to something readable, then get transcoded to 700MB/hr, and after like 12 hours the original (huge) mpeg gets deleted
[19:15:36] LabMonkey: Juski: my perl is rusty
[19:16:13] kormoc: LabMonkey, that's sorta what nuvexport was designed to do, and you can tack on the delete afterwards easy enough.
[19:18:29] Juski: .. all this assumes there's anything worth keeping, but never mind :-P
[19:18:40] D-side: hrm.
[19:18:48] D-side: i wonder if i do want to start transcoding after recording.
[19:18:58] D-side: considering how damn big all my recordings are.
[19:19:51] Hoxzer:
[19:19:57] Juski: I regularly delete over 300GB of recordings
[19:20:06] Hoxzer: Finnish song made by Leevi and the leavings <3 <3 <3
[19:21:14] D-side: Juski: my good lord. 300gb?!
[19:21:36] Lonewolf: I have tried different players (mplayer, vlc, ogle and xine) to play DVDs and it manage to play but very often they all seems to loose sync and the picture disappear for a few seconds. I am running Debian (testing) with nvidia 1.0–8762.
[19:23:28] Juski: D-side: like I said... if there was anything worth keeping...
[19:24:24] D-side: Juski: well my problem is i dont watch it all in a timely fashion
[19:24:28] D-side: i've got things from january on there.
[19:25:13] Juski: I've got things from last year I've still not got round to watching yet
[19:25:31] D-side: indeed.
[19:25:32] Juski: I had more but forgot to disable autoexpire on them
[19:25:39] D-side: but i've got 300G of storage PERIOD.
[19:26:11] d3ity: 300GB, heh
[19:26:23] d3ity: your epenis isn't REALLY long until you break 1TB
[19:26:35] D-side: uh. i'll keep that in mind.
[19:26:42] kormoc: it's sad, but my web server has more space then my mythbox
[19:26:51] d3ity: but 300 in one hard drive is impressive
[19:27:06] d3ity: kormoc, my music collection gets far more disk space than myth does
[19:27:13] d3ity: ever since my software raid went bad.
[19:27:27] d3ity: when I had my software raid I had an 800GB /home
[19:27:28] kormoc: Webserver 2x120 gb, mythbox 1x200, desktop 3x320gb
[19:27:52] alieas: Lonewolf: do you have DMA turned on your optical reader?
[19:28:41] D-side: its actually a 400gb drive. i'm just using 300 of it for mythtv recordings. :)
[19:29:28] bmk789 (bmk789!n=bmk789@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:29:56] erubright (erubright! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:30:14] Coume: kormoc, that's nice for a webserver :)
[19:31:21] kormoc: heh, yeah, mirrored, so extra nice :)
[19:31:57] Juski: 400GB? I have no time for such tiny storage :-P
[19:32:11] Coume: kormoc, erm am I too curious if I ask what is your website to need 240Gb ? or are you a reseller :)
[19:32:18] Coume: evening Juski :)
[19:33:06] kormoc: Coume, just the drives I had laying around, so might as well put them to use
[19:33:23] scopeuk: you had 120 gig drives laying round
[19:33:27] Juski: evening Coume
[19:33:32] kormoc: aye
[19:33:39] scopeuk: disapointed
[19:33:47] scopeuk: heh bigest i have ying round is 4 gig
[19:33:55] Coume: stop bragging around folks... you wanna see the state of my hdd for my mythbox?
[19:33:55] Juski: scopeuk: I've got a 500 lying around here somewhere (I know not where)
[19:33:57] kormoc: well, they are pata, my old desktop drives.
[19:34:16] Coume: yes.... indeed I need a new hdd... *lol*
[19:34:42] Juski: I don't trust any single disk to hold all that data. the more you have, the more of a chore backing it up is
[19:34:55] Coume: Juski, what? u got a 500Gb lying around?
[19:35:02] Juski: somewhere
[19:35:06] kormoc: Yeah, I need another disk on my desktop so I'd have full mirroring
[19:35:37] Juski: I've got some 'smart' mirror housings somewhere too but I wouldn't trust either of them as far as I could throw them
[19:35:48] Coume: pfff one day, I will have raid and stuff :) but that will be when the backend/fileserver will not be sleeping in the same room than I :) already too noisy!!
[19:36:18] Juski: Coume: how's the little mythbox coming along?
[19:36:32] Coume: kormoc, ok, so your webserver is home then? it is not in a datacenter?
[19:36:35] Juski: I just need to copy some stuff across & I'm all done I think
[19:37:13] Coume: Juski, haven't played since last time... but I got this week-end to get Xorg, etc.. everything workign fine.
[19:37:20] Juski: ... unless 0.20 is released some time before the show
[19:37:34] Coume: Juski, 19.1 isnot out so 0.20 :)
[19:37:56] Juski: you ready for lots of questions about the windows port? :-/
[19:38:03] D-side: windows port?
[19:38:12] Juski: I have my answer.. "I don't know, so fuck off"
[19:38:30] Coume: lol Juski :)
[19:38:31] GreyFoxx: D-side: one of the SoC people is working on that stuff
[19:38:45] Lonewolf: alieas: Yes, hda: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM DVD-R-RAM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33), BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
[19:38:54] D-side: GreyFoxx: oh my
[19:38:54] stuarta (stuarta!i=foobar@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("leaving")
[19:39:24] Coume: GreyFoxx, we should get his email address and phone number to hand them out to all the persons who will ask us :)
[19:39:35] Juski: there's already a few windowsblahblahsomethingorother.h files in the source
[19:43:09] Coume: ok, time to go re-assemble the back wiper motor/systems and then to go mount it back on the Punto :)
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[19:44:16] Juski: back to doing my excuse for documentation...
[19:45:34] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ()
[19:48:35] erubright: Hello all! I been searching for an answer to my FC5 autologin password problem...was wondering if anyone here knows the answer. I'm building my 2nd Myth box using FC5(first is FC3) and the autologin prompt for a password on FC5!
[19:48:47] Coume (Coume!n=Coume@ has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[19:48:56] erubright: Anyone know how to make it not prompt for a password on login?
[19:49:48] Juski: . . . oogle+Search
[19:50:01] xris: erubright: upgrade again
[19:50:12] Lonewolf: Using vesa driver instead of nvidia does not have the same problem.
[19:51:26] erubright: xris: what do you mean upgrade again? Is it fixed in some FC5 updates?
[19:52:14] xris: erubright: I had that issue for a couple of weeks recently.. then it suddenly got better again after an update
[19:52:37] xris: (assuming you're talking about the auto-login feature of gdm)
[19:52:54] erubright: ok. I'll upgrade and check out Juski's link.
[19:53:04] erubright: yup...autologin of gdm
[19:53:18] erubright: thannks for the help.....
[19:56:53] gnychis: is xmltv needed for zap2it?
[19:58:37] LabMonkey: uh
[19:58:52] GreyFoxx: gnychis: nope
[19:58:52] LabMonkey: ok so how do I make myth automatically use nuvexport?
[20:01:15] QuiteTrite (QuiteTrite! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:34] QuiteTrite: Hey, anyone out there order SuSE Linux 10.1 from Novell?
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[20:07:17] Cardoe_work: kormoc: yo
[20:08:48] D-side: Cardoe_work: hey.
[20:09:09] Cardoe_work: D-side: hey
[20:09:15] Cardoe_work: test out the new myth bits in portage?
[20:09:39] D-side: Cardoe_work: i'm afraid of it breaking my xbmcmythtv frontend.
[20:09:46] D-side: i was just lamenting that this morning actually.
[20:09:49] Cardoe_work: ah
[20:10:00] D-side: if that werent a necessity i'd be running it already. :)
[20:10:12] Cardoe_work: well I added ivtv 0.6.3 too
[20:10:19] D-side: ooh.
[20:10:34] D-side: i'm still operating at a "if it aint broke, dont fix it" level right now though. heh
[20:11:02] Cardoe_work: yeah that's usually my level too
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[20:16:41] kormoc: Cardoe_work, yo
[20:17:11] Speedy2: Anyone in the US have a spare one of these remotes:  ?
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[20:32:01] Daboone72: Hiya
[20:32:22] Daboone72: Anyone here in the UK using a DVB card?
[20:33:16] Daboone72: Is there a cunning way to combine Radio Times listing with EPG listings to fill in the Radio Parts?
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[20:51:27] libolt: I have recently installed an avermedia a180 card into my mythtv box. I've gotten a channels.conf setup for my cox cable service and tested it with mplayer. However, when I go into mythtv-setup and add the new card then go to input connections and attempt to import my channels.conf, it doesn't work.
[20:51:53] libolt: I put in the full path to my channels.conf file, press 'next' and it goes to the 'scanning' window but nothing shows up below it.
[20:52:05] D-side: i know why it doesnt work.
[20:52:53] D-side: pebcak. :D
[20:53:00] ross_ (ross_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:54:09] libolt: yo d-side
[20:54:43] D-side: unfortunately my friend, i can't offer much assistance. i can insult you all day though, as you're well aware.
[20:54:59] libolt: useless as suual :)
[20:55:07] libolt: s/suual/usual/
[20:55:49] Ross___ (Ross___! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:56:12] D-side: your mother.
[20:56:18] D-side: :)
[20:56:27] D-side: whats that AV card anyway, just analog?
[20:57:03] libolt: I've been following this damn wiki entry but it bothers me that I'm not getting any feedback from mythtv-setup . . . hannels.conf
[20:57:06] Daboone72: libolt are you on 0.19?
[20:57:21] D-side: oh, well then yes, i'm completely out of it.
[20:57:23] D-side: afk.
[20:57:41] libolt: d-side: it does both atsc and qam for HDTV reception, I've got it hooked up to my cable line.
[20:57:47] Daboone72: I've just added channels.conf twice on 0.19 I'm on Fedora Core 4 with the packages from atrpms
[20:58:26] adante (adante!n=adante@ has quit ("Winter is Coming")
[20:59:08] Daboone72: sorry duh I guess you must be on 0.19 otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it at all.
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[21:02:02] libolt: Daboone72: yeah 0.19 from the marillat packages for debian unstable
[21:03:14] libolt: is it supposed to display something in the box under scanning during the import or do you just click finish and check the table manually?
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[21:07:28] gardengnome: !trout juski
[21:07:28] ** MythLogBot slaps juski with a trout on behalf of gardengnome... **
[21:08:35] Daboone72: libolt it just loads the channels up and shows them in the list that's what mine does anyway.
[21:09:05] Daboone72: you didn't play with your channels.conf and bugger it by anychance?
[21:09:52] libolt: okay so I shouldn't be seeing anything in that window then. No actually I took a channels.conf from the mythtv-users list for the Phoenix Cox Cable service that someone else had worked out
[21:10:01] Daboone72: I used vi to delete any channels I didn't want 'dd' so not to introduce any gremlin characters
[21:10:33] libolt: I can tune those channels just fine with the channels.conf and mplayer
[21:10:58] Daboone72: should I be ok I guess as long as you didn't download it in windows or anything
[21:11:01] liran_ (liran_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:11:19] Daboone72: libolt make sure there are no ^M characters when you vi it ;-)
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[21:12:35] libolt: No I've not used windows for any of this process. I'm well aware of the line endings differences :)
[21:13:33] Daboone72: and no errors in the shell then I guess?
[21:13:56] Daboone72: only other thing is of course permissions but I'm sure you'd have thought of that already
[21:14:42] libolt: nope just the usual mysql DB connection messages
[21:15:40] zwaaa (zwaaa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:18:46] der_oschni: good night, good fight!
[21:19:48] der_oschni (der_oschni! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[21:22:39] libolt: okay maybe I'm making some progress now
[21:26:27] Juski: bored bored bored
[21:26:38] Zider: board board board
[21:27:02] Daboone72: Zider which board is that Chess/Go/Snakes and Ladders :-)
[21:27:17] Zider: chess ofcourse
[21:27:30] Zider: or the 2x4 I bash heads with ;)
[21:28:05] Daboone72: 2x4?
[21:28:15] Daboone72: ohh duh
[21:29:03] Zider: ;
[21:29:05] Zider: ;D
[21:29:10] libolt: oh yay now mythbackend is fucked up to where it starts and appears to be running, but it refuses connections
[21:29:21] Daboone72: anyone in the uk I've just a channel scan and seen BBC HD Wimbledon, BBC HD Preview and I'm in Reading
[21:30:05] Juski: Daboone72: good luck decoding that. it's h.264 and will need a dual core cpu, _minimum_
[21:31:01] kormoc: Juski, you have a multi-threaded decoder?!?! :P
[21:31:03] Daboone72: Juski yeah should have guessed. Going HDTV is going to be a real pain in the arse I think
[21:31:09] LoneShadow: how much time does it usually take to compile mythtv source code ?
[21:31:24] Juski: kormoc: there's one for windows so they reckon
[21:31:25] Anduin: LoneShadow: 5
[21:31:39] Juski: 42
[21:31:53] Daboone72: I mean how is 720x576 going to scale to 1366x768(?) ?
[21:31:54] LoneShadow: hmm, do you get any warnings about missing virtual constructors or something ?
[21:32:03] kormoc: LoneShadow, depends on your processor,memory, hard drive, versions of gcc, lib versions, etc
[21:32:11] Anduin: LoneShadow: C++ has no virtual constructors.
[21:33:07] Anduin: LoneShadow: But yes, there are warnings during the build.
[21:33:10] LoneShadow: ../../../../include/qt3/qsqldatabase.h:63: warning: 'class QSqlDriverCreatorBase' has virtual functions but non-virtual destr
[21:33:18] LoneShadow: non virtial destructors
[21:33:29] kormoc: don't worry bout that
[21:33:31] Anduin: LoneShadow: To be expected.
[21:33:41] Juski: LoneShadow: bad coding. you'll have to rewrite it all
[21:33:44] Daboone72: virtual constructors are they the guys working on the Wembly Stadium ;-) for uk peeps
[21:34:17] LoneShadow: g++ failed few times during compilation, I had to restart
[21:34:25] LoneShadow: and the compiling is going on since past 1 hour or so =/
[21:34:40] LoneShadow: this is a celeron 733Mhz, 128MB ram, nfs boot
[21:34:50] kormoc: it's gonna take a long time
[21:34:58] Juski: S100?
[21:35:04] Anduin: LoneShadow: You have yet to wait an unreasonable amount of time
[21:35:05] LoneShadow: though on my backend, p4 2ghz, 512MB, it took around 5mins
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[21:35:58] LoneShadow: I should probably nfs boot this msntv from my backend instead of the old p2–450mhz debian machine
[21:36:04] Anduin: LoneShadow: did you actually time it? or is that an "it felt like five minutes" time?
[21:36:24] LoneShadow: on my p4 2.0ghz, it was around 5mins, didnt time it
[21:36:41] Juski: mythtv, X & plugins took 11 hours in my 733Mhz celery system
[21:36:47] Anduin: LoneShadow: How is the msntv working for you?
[21:36:48] LoneShadow: ouch
[21:36:58] LoneShadow: msntv plays video well enough
[21:37:10] LoneShadow: GreyFoxx has been able to use it as front end
[21:37:21] Juski: msntv.. pah ;-)
[21:37:28] LoneShadow: just got my backend up and running, so now trying to fix the front end :D
[21:37:40] kormoc: LoneShadow, 5 minutes?
[21:37:44] ** kormoc raises an eyebrow **
[21:38:04] libolt: gah wtf now is mythbackend not responding to any connection attempts even though the daemon is running
[21:38:10] LoneShadow: is it supposed to take longer on a p4 2.0ghz machine ?
[21:38:22] Anduin: LoneShadow: You did a debug build on that p4?
[21:38:49] LoneShadow: hmm, dont think I enable debug "explicitly" so probably not
[21:38:53] LoneShadow: enabled*
[21:40:13] kormoc: LoneShadow, on my 2.4 ghz p4, it takes 63 minutes, and on my 2.13 ghz celeron, it takes 73 minutes
[21:40:15] LoneShadow: following this tutorial, step 9.8
[21:40:35] LoneShadow: just to compile mythtv-0.19 ???
[21:40:42] kormoc: aye
[21:40:47] LoneShadow: I am definitly sure it didnt take more than 10mins for me
[21:40:58] LoneShadow: I can build it again to verify if you want :D
[21:41:28] kormoc: how are you building it? ccache? distcc? are you making clean?
[21:41:47] LoneShadow: just did make clean
[21:41:52] LoneShadow: going to start the make
[21:42:00] LoneShadow: i prefer -j2, will skip that
[21:42:29] kormoc: oh my pentium-d 820 (2x 2.8 ghz 64 bit procs) it takes 14 minutes to build myth
[21:42:42] kormoc: that's counting ./configure time as well, btw.
[21:42:44] LoneShadow: "time make >& err"
[21:42:47] LoneShadow: now to wait
[21:42:59] LoneShadow: I did make clean ofcourse
[21:43:04] kormoc: kk
[21:44:01] Juski (Juski! has quit (""See you at lugradiolive2006 on July 22nd & 23rd"")
[21:44:01] LoneShadow: .configure took less than a min
[21:44:14] LoneShadow: I think :D
[21:44:56] LoneShadow: I should probably run .configure on my front-end and use the p4 2.0ghz chroot and make the rest
[21:46:06] Anduin: LoneShadow: Not building on the same box you use as a frontend is often the best thing you can do to improve build times.
[21:46:41] LoneShadow: I wonder if I just nfs mount it and build from a faster machine, if its even better
[21:47:00] gardengnome: LoneShadow: get distcc
[21:47:02] LoneShadow: I can reboot this athlon64 3000 to linux and nfs mount :D
[21:47:27] LoneShadow: distcc
[21:48:11] LoneShadow: oo nice :D
[21:48:17] LoneShadow: didnt know it existed
[21:48:25] LoneShadow: wonder how simple is it to use that
[21:49:28] LoneShadow: 5mins up, still compiling on my p4 =/
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[22:19:10] jjazz_: c
[22:19:20] Speedy2: Any one in here use a newer nVidia card (6x00/7x00) ?
[22:19:31] xris: not for mythtv
[22:19:41] xris: well, actually, I do.. but not for tv out
[22:19:42] Speedy2: xris: Because of the removal of overlay support?
[22:19:51] xris: Speedy2: no, because it's my workstation
[22:20:06] Speedy2: xris: Does it run Linux?
[22:20:40] gardengnome: looks like we've got a time traveller here :)
[22:20:50] Speedy2: ?
[22:20:54] kormoc: I use a 6200 for myth and a 6800 gs in my linux work station
[22:21:11] Speedy2: kormoc: When you watch DVDs, have you set it up to use XvMC?
[22:21:21] kormoc: yes
[22:21:21] Speedy2: I have a 6200 and just learned there is no overlay support anymore.
[22:21:32] Speedy2: kormoc: What program do you use for DVDs?
[22:21:45] kormoc: myth via the internal player
[22:22:00] kormoc: or mplayer via the xvmc driver
[22:22:05] Speedy2: Got it.
[22:22:09] kormoc: never bothered to setup xine on the mythbox
[22:22:28] Speedy2: kormoc: For xvmc support do you have to mess with the unichrome stuff (even with nvidia) or just compile mplayer with --enable-xvmc, etc ?
[22:22:30] xris: Speedy2: "not for mythtv.. well, actually, I do"... so yes, my workstation runs linux
[22:22:48] kormoc: just compile with --enable-xvmc
[22:22:57] kormoc: I can give you the configure flags I use if you want
[22:23:12] Speedy2: kormoc: If you want to PM those I would appreciate it!
[22:32:24] nothingman (nothingman! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:42] nothingman: hi, all
[22:32:56] nothingman: upgraded my mythbackend to dapper and finally figured out why the backend won't run
[22:33:34] nothingman: it runs when I change the IP to which it connects to loopback ( but I get Qsql errors otherwise
[22:33:41] nothingman: so I must need to change privileges
[22:33:55] nothingman: been reading the mysql 5.0 docs, and nothing I've tried seems to fix this
[22:33:57] nothingman: any help?
[22:34:52] mchou: nothingman: changing mysql privs. is covered in myth official docs
[22:40:16] ldam (ldam! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:41:50] nothingman: not sure where you mean
[22:42:10] dev: 2006-06–27 18:35:58.911 Connection to backend server lost
[22:42:11] dev: 2006-06–27 18:35:58.932 WriteStringList: Bad socket
[22:42:14] dev: god dammit there it goes again
[22:42:30] dev: mythbackend dieing is quite annoying
[22:43:06] Speedy2: deego: Are you in China?
[22:43:08] Speedy2: err
[22:43:08] Speedy2: dev
[22:43:13] dev: no
[22:43:15] Daedalus_ (Daedalus_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:25] nothingman: mchou: URL?
[22:43:46] Daedalus_: Anyone have problems setting up ivtv in debian lately?
[22:44:23] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:44:40] kormoc: :q
[22:44:59] dev: guess i'll spin the roulette wheel and check out -fixes again
[22:45:15] dev: maybe i'll get lucky and get a rev that freaking works
[22:45:17] dev: sigh
[22:46:49] dev: things are obviously not getting auditted
[22:46:52] dev: does noone care about -fixes or something?
[22:47:02] dev: i co'd -fixes just a few days ago and it was rev 10246
[22:47:05] dev: now its 10321
[22:47:17] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:47:23] dev: thats a hell of alot of commits to a supposed stable brance
[22:47:25] dev: branch
[22:47:37] mjmac (mjmac!n=mjmac@pdpc/supporter/active/mjmac) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:47:48] dev: chris users 4096 Jun 19 23:34 mythtv
[22:47:56] dev: 7 days
[22:48:00] dev: er 8days
[22:48:03] dev: math helps :)
[22:48:13] nothingman: I repeat: commands seem to work in mysql, but I still can't connect to the mysql server using the machine's external IP from any computer, including itself
[22:48:19] LabMonkey: Jun 27 16:08:38 vala kernel: [12404.784278] ivtv0 warning: Failed api call 0x000000c7 with result 0xfffffff0
[22:48:21] nothingman: using works OK
[22:48:22] LabMonkey: Jun 27 16:08:42 vala kernel: [12408.810463] ivtv0 warning: No Free Mailbox for cmd 0x00000091 after 100 tries!
[22:48:26] LabMonkey: this makes me sadface
[22:52:08] Daedalus_: nothingman: have you setup your mysql server to bind to an external IP addr?
[22:52:16] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:28] nothingman: Daedalus: how do I do that?
[22:53:44] nothingman: I've done it before, but myth was working from then til now :-P
[22:54:39] Daedalus_: nothingman: /etc/mysql/my.cnf change bind-address to your external addr
[22:56:49] janneg: dev: please give details of your backend. what type of tv cards do you use?
[22:57:07] dev: i use 4 pvr 250's in 2 slavebackends, 1 masterbackend which is storage/commflagging only
[22:57:18] dev: the masterbackend is what is 'going away'
[22:57:43] dev: i have -v all specified in logs but xris told me that still doesnt log it all to /var/log/mythbackend.log ( which is now showing anything )
[22:58:25] xris: dev: yeah, you need to watch it on the console
[22:58:27] dev: just 'connection to backend server lost' (yes thats in the backend log, strangely)
[22:58:34] Spida_ (Spida_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:00:46] dev: im checking out -fixes again and recompiling on all the backends/frontends
[23:00:55] dev: then i'll run the masterbackend in console with -v all
[23:00:57] dev: and wait
[23:00:59] dev: hehe
[23:03:35] mjmac (mjmac!n=mjmac@pdpc/supporter/active/mjmac) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:53] janneg: dev: I fear that it is this strange QSocket related deadlock
[23:04:48] janneg: the solution in trunk is our own Socket class
[23:05:04] dev: if its that, then it would have to have been introduced recently
[23:05:14] dev: because this is happening regularly since the june 19th checkout, but never before
[23:05:24] dev: and i was running a may 8th checkout, a feb 26th checkout, etc
[23:06:44] SlicerDicer- (SlicerDicer-!n=Slicer@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:06:57] janneg: dev: no, it was there all the time but it seems to be caused by a race
[23:07:48] janneg: so something that changes some timings may have caused it.
[23:07:57] dev: hrm.. and im hitting the race condition every couple days pretty much on the dot now?
[23:08:04] dev: seems too coincidental
[23:08:35] kormoc: check your crontab for a entry like @daily /usr/bin/
[23:08:43] dev: ha ha :)
[23:08:46] Spida (Spida! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:09:13] dev: though you know what i did recently, i allowed myth to be told from zap2it when to run mythfilldatabase
[23:09:15] janneg: dev: could be something else. I'm only guessing
[23:09:16] dev: and it seemed like it coincided
[23:09:18] dev: but
[23:09:25] dev: the other day it locked up hours before mythfilldatabase ran
[23:09:32] dev: so i guess it ruled that out
[23:10:12] janneg: dev: is there scheduler activity when the backend locks?
[23:10:14] dev: i was just runing mythfilldatabase manually out of cron at 9:17am everyday, like the 'old way'
[23:10:19] dev: no
[23:12:53] SlicerDicer- (SlicerDicer-! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:06] dev:
[23:13:16] dev: there's a section of mythbackend.log where it died at 10:05am
[23:13:22] dev: but there's hardly anything to go on
[23:13:37] dev: i pasted it until it starts mythfilldatabase at 10:55
[23:13:44] dev: then its just normal mythfilldatabase stuff
[23:13:59] Aid`: what type of format is the zap2it give?
[23:14:05] dev: xml
[23:14:07] kormoc: Aid`, xml
[23:14:42] Aid`: how would i wget it?
[23:14:58] kormoc: you would read the info on their site for developers and follow that
[23:22:54] dev: xris: running mythbackend on console with --verbose all looks the same as my backendlogs
[23:24:26] xris: dev: good enough. it's likely that I was wrong
[23:25:31] dev: just to make sure i'll run it as you suggested. dont need isaac closing a ticket for some finnicky reason like that
[23:25:37] dev: incase it is ticketworth
[23:25:38] dev: y
[23:25:55] DJSelbeck (DJSelbeck! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:36:08] deego (deego!n=user@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[23:38:48] tims (tims! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:41:32] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("Remember, you're unique, like everyone else")
[23:47:17] LoneShadow: kormoc: sorry, its not 5mins :D, but 27mins just for make clean and make
[23:48:08] kormoc: heh, fair nuff. My boxes tend to be doing other stuff while compiling (and compiling is nice 19) but 5 min was just a stretch :P
[23:48:34] Spida (Spida! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:03] LoneShadow: maybe 10mins on my ahtlon 64 3000, with 1 gig ram
[23:49:22] LoneShadow: on the p4 2gig, while compiling it was at 97% cpu usage
[23:49:33] Cardoe: kormoc: how do you make mythfrontend spit out a log file?
[23:49:53] kormoc: Cardoe, I just > ~/.mythtv/mythfrontend-host.log
[23:50:03] LoneShadow: will mythfrontend-0.18 work well with mythbackend-0.19 ?
[23:50:09] kormoc: LoneShadow, nope
[23:50:18] LoneShadow: ok
[23:51:25] LoneShadow: ../../../../include/qt3/qxml.h:461: warning: 'class QXmlDeclHandler' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
[23:51:25] LoneShadow: g++: Internal error: Killed (program cc1plus)
[23:51:25] LoneShadow: Please submit a full bug report.
[23:51:35] LoneShadow: thats the 4th time g++ died on me while compiling
[23:51:37] LoneShadow: grrr
[23:53:41] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:19] TTT_Travis (TTT_Travis!n=Travis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:52] TTT_Travis: hi, I am trying to setup a mythtv .19 backend on my Ubuntu Dapper headless box, is there packages avaliable for .19?
[23:54:58] TTT_Travis: I have found .18 packages
[23:55:07] Cardoe: LoneShadow: your hardware or compiler is bad
[23:55:09] Cardoe: LoneShadow: distro?
[23:55:18] LoneShadow: ubuntu breezy
[23:55:25] LoneShadow: hardware = msntv
[23:55:26] TTT_Travis: actually I think I found some
[23:55:57] kormoc: Cardoe, you know, there was a guy here earlier saying that it was just a bad .h file causing the preprocessor to barf. I tried explaining it to him, but alas, he never really got it
[23:56:04] LoneShadow:
[23:56:13] LoneShadow: its complaining about some assembler errors
[23:56:35] Cardoe: your hardware or distro is bad
[23:56:39] zwaaa (zwaaa! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:41] Cardoe: kormoc: they never will
[23:56:52] Cardoe: hrm.. the frontend does not want to play nice with my pvr250 remote
[23:56:55] Cardoe: irw works
[23:59:25] groogs__ (groogs__!n=groogs@ has joined #mythtv-users

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