:: #mythtv-users

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Friday, May 26th, 2006, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:07] _nero_: I just tend to assume that everyone has the same setup as me.. DOH!
[00:00:12] jerkface (jerkface! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:16] WAR_CH|LD: well, it's different. I know that for a fact.
[00:00:30] WAR_CH|LD: using the card in a different way, something about the stream and the lay down is "different" from 0.18.1
[00:00:49] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:00:50] WAR_CH|LD: doens't matter, I have my fix and life is good again
[00:01:09] GreyFoxx: I Believer back then we would translater the mpeg-ts stream to a mpeg-pes whenwritting it . When read from a DVB card
[00:01:15] GreyFoxx: but they is no longer done
[00:01:16] WAR_CH|LD: hehe _nero_, I have 2x pvr500's in it thou
[00:01:57] WAR_CH|LD: GreyFoxx, thats what i thought too. because back in 0.18.1 days I had mucked about with the ts/ps options on the dvb card found in advanced and had the same problem.
[00:01:59] Vme- (Vme-!n=Vme@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:02:27] WAR_CH|LD: becuase hte mpeg2-ps works great from the pvr500's. ;)
[00:06:26] xris: corpix: avi is a video codec, it's a container
[00:06:46] xris: (sorry, old conversation from #mythtv)
[00:07:01] GreyFoxx: s/is/isn't/
[00:07:02] GreyFoxx: hehe
[00:07:20] xris: GreyFoxx: yes, thank you.
[00:10:28] GreyFoxx: for that previouslyrecordedc flag we talked about. Is a simple 0/1 no/yes value fine? Or did you want the actual recstatus value ?
[00:11:36] xris: GreyFoxx: recstatus might be nice so we can differentiate between actually-recorded and manually-ignored ones.. other than that, it probably doesn't matter.
[00:12:37] GreyFoxx: just as easy for me either way
[00:12:45] GreyFoxx: so I'll use recstatus
[00:12:59] corpix: xris: i am glad you opened my eyes ;)
[00:13:31] corpix: xris: j/k just have problems to play a xvid in a avi in myth, works with mplayer
[00:13:35] radi0head (radi0head! has quit ("Restarting X brb.")
[00:13:42] xris: corpix: use mythvideo
[00:13:57] AngryElf: in the ivtvctl -a -d output under "ioctl VIDIOC_G_FMT ok" it says my 350 records in 480x480 and the 500 is set to 720x480, What are they suppose to be?
[00:14:10] AngryElf: for NTSC
[00:14:15] corpix: xris: it doesnt solve the issue, actually i want a userjob to transcode, and see the file in myth
[00:14:48] xris: corpix: nuvexport -> mythvideo
[00:15:12] xris: myth can't encode directly to avi container because avi doesn't allow per-frame AV syncronizing.
[00:15:14] corpix: xris: no mythvideo
[00:15:29] corpix: xris: therefore i am using a userjob
[00:15:48] corpix: which runs nicely, producing a clear xvid, myth simply cannot play it
[00:15:59] xris: corpix: because that's what mythvideo is for
[00:16:46] GreyFoxx: The regular player could do it, assuming you update the basename field in the database to have the right filename, and then rebuild the seek table
[00:17:26] corpix: xris: i'd like it to have in myth, looks better there
[00:17:27] GreyFoxx: but mythvideo is the easier option and is really designed to be the flexible general video player
[00:18:26] ** xris wonders how mythvideo != "myth" **
[00:19:16] corpix: xris: but you know what player i am talking about =
[00:19:16] corpix: ?
[00:20:11] xris: corpix: yes, the tv recordings one.
[00:20:19] corpix: exactly
[00:20:33] xris: why does it matter if the file is avi or nupplevideo, though?
[00:21:04] corpix: xris: well, the file myth transcode produces (rt-jpeg) is not playable in mplayer
[00:21:26] xris: corpix: so use mpeg4
[00:21:35] xris: rtjpeg quality sucks, anyway
[00:21:43] corpix: i was triying but mpeg4 doesn't work
[00:21:52] corpix: myth doesnt transcode to one
[00:21:55] corpix: no debug info
[00:22:14] corpix: it's just possible to get one of these buggy :
[00:22:19] xris: huh? so setting mpeg4 in the transcode profile doesn't work?
[00:22:28] corpix: xris: yes
[00:22:36] xris: does work?
[00:22:44] corpix: it does NOT
[00:22:54] corpix: thats why i am using a userjob
[00:23:02] xris: you get a buggy file that myth can't even play?
[00:23:16] corpix: xris: myth can play it, but mplayer can't
[00:23:31] corpix: as you say, rtjpg sucks
[00:23:34] xris: you need to use the latest mplayer with the appropriate nupplevideo patches.
[00:23:44] corpix: of course, i got one
[00:23:48] xris: I didn't say to use rtjpeg, I said to use mpeg4
[00:23:51] corpix: just try to play the file above
[00:24:10] corpix: xris: ;) it doesnt transcode to mpeg4
[00:24:19] xris: corpix: the question is why not?
[00:24:23] corpix: i've been trying for months
[00:24:41] corpix: xris: exactly, well, --verbose all didn't crack this riddle
[00:24:56] JasonX (JasonX!n=jasonx@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[00:25:02] xris: corpix: you still haven't told me what the results are... what happens when you TRY to transcode to mpeg4?
[00:25:16] corpix: manually ?
[00:25:28] xris: either way... from within mythtv
[00:25:40] corpix: it keeps the dumped mpg
[00:25:52] corpix: as it came from dvb-s
[00:26:09] corpix: no mpg4 file in rec dir neither
[00:26:10] xris: and the .tmp file?
[00:26:12] xanderp (xanderp!n=xanderp@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:19] corpix: doesnt exist
[00:26:28] xris: should be something when it transcodes.
[00:28:34] corpix: i gave it up that way, even strace helped me out, now i try to understand why it can't play the xvid from the userjob, as ffmpeg can play/transcode/read/whatever it, myth internal player should, too
[00:28:43] DrNickRiviera (DrNickRiviera! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:50] corpix: s/helped/didn't help/
[00:29:00] xris: corpix: you need to make sure the seek table gets rebuilt to match the new file
[00:29:58] xanderp: anyone else having problems where tv recordings show up as either massively huge or zero filesize? I get them occasionally and those recordings are unviewable.
[00:30:04] corpix: xris: thanks for the hint, i'll do it afterwards when it plays xvid, for testing i placed a symlink to some other divx file, which plays ok
[00:30:39] ** xris was just parroting GreyFoxx **
[00:31:14] LedHed (LedHed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:32:35] GeoKM (GeoKM! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:53] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:34:24] corpix: xris: [avi @ 0x2b3e412ea9a0]Could not find codec parameters (Video: mpeg4, 592x304, 1/25)
[00:35:08] corpix: xris: i used another script, but the file following page produces gives the same error:
[00:38:20] Delemas (Delemas! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:40:10] xris: corpix: errors from where?
[00:40:56] corpix: FE: --verbose libav
[00:44:09] xris: corpix: all I can say is "good luck"... it wasn't designed for playing back avi files.
[00:47:23] corpix: hmm, libav was
[00:48:03] xanderp (xanderp!n=xanderp@ has quit ()
[00:48:03] corpix: ok, i'll try my some other encoding options
[00:48:51] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:17] corpix: hmm, ok, divx works
[00:49:55] GreyFoxx: I've got a ex-coworker who apparently gets constant streams of them when he tunes to a channel
[00:49:58] GreyFoxx: oops
[00:50:44] sphery (sphery! has quit ()
[00:54:34] pac1 (pac1! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:04] dscoular` (dscoular`! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:00:07] dscoular (dscoular! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:07:57] JohnCro13 (JohnCro13! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:11] JohnCro13: hi, room.
[01:08:28] JohnCro13: install help needed for Kubuntu
[01:08:46] JohnCro13: GPG error
[01:09:23] moemoe_: use google
[01:09:39] JohnCro13: I did. can't seem to find it.
[01:12:42] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:19] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:04] JohnCro13: any suggestions?
[01:14:32] moemoe_: i found more than 50 hits solving the problem
[01:15:16] JohnCro13: what did you type? That's probably my issue.
[01:15:37] moemoe_: the exact message of apt-get in "
[01:15:49] JohnCro13: I did too.
[01:16:59] moemoe_: when do you see the error? apt-get update?
[01:17:30] JohnCro13: W: GPG error: sid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907
[01:17:31] JohnCro13: W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
[01:18:28] moemoe_: yes, you have to download the public key and import it usig apt-key
[01:18:51] moemoe_: use "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:" with googl
[01:19:02] JohnCro13: okay.
[01:19:34] moemoe_: and gimm a new keyboard
[01:19:57] moemoe_: mine eats some keystrokes
[01:20:46] JohnCro13: :-)
[01:21:17] Zider: eat them up yum yum
[01:21:19] DrNickRiviera (DrNickRiviera! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[01:39:07] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #MythTV-Users
[01:39:25] dscoular (dscoular! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:40:35] esoteric|laptop (esoteric|laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:46:38] stephelton (stephelton! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:53] K|NgGh0sT: Anyone here a Debian and Twinhan expert, cause nothing on the net is helpign me
[01:49:27] dscoular: K|NgGh0sT, I'm no expert, but I'm happy to try and help... whassup ?
[01:49:58] K|NgGh0sT: I cannot create a /dev/dvb
[01:50:25] dscoular: K|NgGh0sT, you shouldn't have to... udev should take care of it if the driver detects the card correctly methinks
[01:51:19] dscoular: Does the output of lspci -n vendor/device and subvendor/subdevice match what's found in the detection code of the driver ?
[01:51:45] K|NgGh0sT: modprobe dst and modprobe dvb_bt8xx should do it right
[01:52:37] K|NgGh0sT: dscoular, no clue
[01:52:47] dscoular: I don't know... let me google for a second... what is the full name of your card and the ouput of lspci -n
[01:53:11] K|NgGh0sT: doesnt show a name
[01:53:20] K|NgGh0sT: aha
[01:53:35] K|NgGh0sT: 0000:01:07.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)
[01:53:41] K|NgGh0sT: Its a Twinhan 102g
[01:54:40] K|NgGh0sT: wait a second
[01:54:46] K|NgGh0sT: when I "locate adapter0"
[01:54:57] K|NgGh0sT: it finds stuff... I just cannot cd into tht dir
[01:55:45] dscoular: whats the dir name ?
[01:55:55] K|NgGh0sT: /dev/dvb
[01:56:05] K|NgGh0sT: slutb0x:/dev# locate adapter0
[01:56:05] K|NgGh0sT: /dev/dvb/adapter0
[01:56:16] dscoular: ls -ld /dev/dvb/adapter0
[01:56:33] dscoular: This looks encouraging: . . . /006900.html
[01:56:43] K|NgGh0sT: ls -ld /dev/dvb/adapter0
[01:56:43] K|NgGh0sT: ls: /dev/dvb/adapter0: No such file or directory
[01:57:49] dscoular: So your locate database is out of date ?
[01:57:56] K|NgGh0sT: maybe?
[01:58:12] ** dscoular is being dragged to the pub for lunch **
[01:58:12] K|NgGh0sT: ah yeah
[01:58:22] dscoular: Sorry... be back in 1 hour
[01:58:30] K|NgGh0sT: Okay, thanks
[01:59:35] xris (xris!n=xris@ has left #Mythtv-users ()
[02:01:39] hpAuto: mm, lunch
[02:02:13] K|NgGh0sT: mmm, dvbcardforlunch
[02:02:24] K|NgGh0sT: silicon is tasty right?
[02:02:35] hpAuto: where is it lunch time?
[02:02:51] K|NgGh0sT: Depends on what time you getup
[02:03:00] hpAuto: ah, right
[02:06:52] JasonX (JasonX! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:08:50] manalive (manalive! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:27] corpix (corpix! has quit ("Check out CPX-MINI 2006:")
[02:10:52] Chicago (Chicago! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:32] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[02:11:32] CyberKnet2 (CyberKnet2! has joined #MythTV-Users
[02:11:38] CyberKnet2 is now known as CyberKnet
[02:11:48] Chicago: I need help with my ivtv driver for a 2.6.16 gentoo kernel... I keep getting my dmesg complaining about ivtv: Unknown symbol tveeprom_read and tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
[02:12:33] fatmatt (fatmatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:12:42] jerkface (jerkface! has quit ("How do you install the Linux?")
[02:17:10] manalive: ivtv-0.4.5/doc/README.install states for 2.6:
[02:17:24] manalive: 1. unpack the tarball
[02:17:24] manalive: 2. cd ivtv
[02:17:34] manalive: but rather it should read (I believe)
[02:17:47] manalive: 2. cd driver
[02:26:17] manalive (manalive! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:37:06] pembo13 (pembo13! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:42] pembo13: i have a first tv card setup to use the AUX on my sound card, how do I tell mythtv to uset the Line In for the second tv card that I just put in?
[02:37:54] fatmatt (fatmatt! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:41:45] pembo13: how do you setup audio to mythtv for multiple video cards?
[02:45:29] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:20] pembo13: nevermind
[02:48:30] ** dscoular returns from pub **
[02:48:51] roe (roe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:49:13] pembo13 (pembo13! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[02:49:46] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:46] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[02:56:48] dscoular: Chicago, weren't you having compilation warnings with this too yesterday ?
[02:57:22] dscoular: You are trying 0.6.2 with 2.6.16 ?
[02:58:10] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:03] holycow (holycow! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:29] bronson (bronson! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:02:22] stephelton: where do i specify the mysql database password?
[03:02:34] dscoular: You run mythtv-setup
[03:02:53] stephelton: dscoular, hmmm of course
[03:02:54] stephelton: thanks
[03:03:01] dscoular: anytime
[03:04:27] pickler (pickler! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:04:58] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:07:10] mchou (mchou! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:09:12] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:14:44] holycow (holycow! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[03:14:54] endless_us (endless_us! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:15:02] endless_us: hi all
[03:15:08] endless_us: Is any one know which lirc driver should I use for Zalman HD160 case and "Zalman" ;o) (look like mce remote with RC6 label at the back)??? Thanks
[03:20:37] dscoular: It appears to be an irtrans receiver compatible with lirc
[03:20:48] dscoular:
[03:21:30] dscoular: I think you just need to download and install the irtrans server and run that instead of lircd
[03:25:24] manalive (manalive! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:05] endless_us: <dscoular>: Any idea on where to find how to guid, I try to read irtrans manual and is kind of hard to uderstend.
[03:26:47] stephen_ (stephen_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:27:26] pickler (pickler! has quit ("bbl")
[03:29:19] manalive: kernel: ivtv: version magic ' preempt 686 gcc-4.0' should be ' preempt 686 gcc-3.3
[03:29:57] darger (darger! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:58] Nem^1 (Nem^1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:32:10] GeoKM (GeoKM! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:32:12] darger (darger! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:32:57] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:33:48] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:34:25] dscoular: endless_us, what is your preferred language ?
[03:34:30] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:34:32] _Ace_ (_Ace_! has quit (Broken pipe)
[03:35:10] dscoular: The guide is available in English and German.
[03:35:14] endless_us: russian
[03:35:58] dscoular: Okay... is german easier than english for you ?
[03:36:01] endless_us: <dscoular>: I read guide from irtrans site and it so complicated
[03:36:18] dscoular: Okay, I'll have a look and see what I can figure out
[03:37:15] endless_us: <dscoular>: Thak you very much. I try to find something or some one who know what to do.
[03:37:54] dscoular: Have you downloaded the software ?
[03:38:01] endless_us: yes
[03:38:05] stephen_ (stephen_! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:38:25] endless_us: I download to /usr/local/src
[03:39:02] dscoular: have you identified your usb ir receiver by looking at /proc/bus/usb/devices ?
[03:40:36] dscoular: or is it a serial version ?
[03:41:23] Gumby` (Gumby`!n=gumby@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:43:21] endless_us: yes FTDI
[03:43:34] endless_us: It is usb
[03:44:22] endless_us: T: Bus=03 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=01 Dev#= 2 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
[03:44:22] endless_us: D: Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs= 1
[03:44:23] endless_us: P: Vendor=0403 ProdID=fc60 Rev= 4.00
[03:44:23] endless_us: S: Manufacturer=MConsult
[03:44:23] endless_us: S: Product=IRTrans USB
[03:44:23] endless_us: S: SerialNumber=MMUN0000
[03:44:25] endless_us: C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr= 50mA
[03:44:27] endless_us: I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=ftdi_sio
[03:44:29] endless_us: E: Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
[03:44:31] endless_us: E: Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
[03:46:50] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:46:52] dscoular: great that means your kernel has loaded the driver!
[03:46:53] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[03:47:25] dscoular: have you unpacked the software and run ./ ?
[03:47:54] dscoular: This should install the driver in /usr/local/irtrans
[03:48:48] ** manalive is looking for help with WinTV PCI 150 card.. not sure where I'm stuck in the process exactly. I've followed 5 different how-to's tonight and not sure what I've messed up. **
[03:49:08] endless_us: after unpacking there is no file /
[03:49:09] manalive: I have a plethora of /dev/video* but no luck when probing them in mythtv-setup.
[03:49:19] fatmatt (fatmatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:24] dscoular: I said ./
[03:49:31] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:45] manalive: Any help is appreciated.
[03:49:52] dscoular: Can you do an ls in the directory you unpacked the software in and put it up on ?
[03:50:37] dscoular: manalive, have you installed the firmware and drivers and got output in /var/log/messages showing the card being detected ?
[03:51:35] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit ()
[03:52:38] manalive: dscoular: I installed the firmware and drivers. Only thing I notice in syslog is: kernel: ivtv: version magic ' preempt 686 gcc-4.0' should be ' preempt 686 gcc-3.3'
[03:52:53] dscoular: manalive, ok lets see if we can get it working outwith mythtv.
[03:53:33] dscoular: manalive, this means you have a mismatch between the compiler used for your kernel and the compiler used to build the ivtv modules.
[03:53:47] dscoular: dscoular, what distro are you using ?
[03:53:49] manalive: with you so far
[03:54:07] manalive: debian testing/unstable
[03:54:41] endless_us: <dscoular>:done
[03:55:15] dscoular: endless_us, you need to tell me the url generated if you want me to look
[03:55:24] manalive: I'm using etch/testing from
[03:55:48] dscoular: manalive, did you get your kernel and ivtv drivers from the same repository ?
[03:56:10] dscoular: manalive, or did you compile one of them from source ?
[03:57:18] manalive: I got the drivers and firmware from this channel's site instead IIRC
[03:57:34] manalive: I started to compile, and then went to precompiled during the process
[03:57:58] manalive: mythtv software from
[03:58:07] manalive: drivers and firmware from wiki FAQ
[03:58:12] zwaaaaa (zwaaaaa! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:30] endless_us: <dscoular>:
[03:59:37] manalive: Is there somewhere I can get ivtv modules compiled with gcc-4.0.4?
[04:01:02] dscoular: manalive, what does gcc -version say ?
[04:01:53] manalive: gcc (GCC) 4.0.4 20060507 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.3–3)
[04:02:09] dscoular: endless_us, try typing "make"
[04:02:11] flindet (flindet! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:02:35] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek) has quit (Client Quit)
[04:04:48] dscoular: manalive, can you downgrade to a gcc 3.x version ?
[04:05:01] dscoular: ideally 3.3.x
[04:05:02] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has quit ("brb")
[04:05:22] manalive: argh no :(
[04:05:32] manalive: this is sadly on my desktop, and not on a dedicated box
[04:05:52] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:05:58] endless_us: <dscoular>: Give me few min, it is fresh installation I need to install linux-source
[04:06:27] dscoular: endless_us, I don't think you do... but whatever
[04:07:21] dscoular: manalive, maybe debian supportes compiler switching ?
[04:08:48] manalive: is down?
[04:09:00] manalive: I'm thinking maybe I can compile from source with my gcc?
[04:10:58] dscoular: manalive, what does uname -a give you ?
[04:11:34] endless_us: <dscoular>: Done. Take a look
[04:11:53] dscoular: looks like has just gone down
[04:12:19] manalive: dscoular: Linux debbie #3 PREEMPT Mon Mar 6 21:36:26 EST 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
[04:13:38] dscoular: endless_us, great now run "./irserver usb"
[04:14:34] zwaaaa (zwaaaa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:15:02] dscoular: manalive, damn! I'm trying to figure out whether your kernel was compiled with gcc version 4 or 3.3
[04:15:35] dscoular: endless_us, this should give you a lirc compatible server
[04:15:39] manalive: are the ivtv sources mirrored somewhere I can compile them manually?
[04:15:44] endless_us: <dscoular> No IRTrans Devices found.
[04:17:20] dscoular: ahh ok... can you "ls /dev/tty* | grep -i usb"
[04:17:49] endless_us: <dscoular>
[04:19:31] VlivE (VlivE! has quit ()
[04:21:03] WAR_CH|LD (WAR_CH|LD! has quit ()
[04:22:25] manalive: welp, thanks anyways dscoular. I'll wait until that site comes back up and hopefully find sources I can compile with my gcc.
[04:25:20] K|NgGh0sT: manalive, works for me
[04:25:39] endless_us: <dscoular>: THANK YOU VERY MUCH. HOPFULLY WE WILL FIGURE OUT. I got to the same poin before. But then, I dont know where is remote file, how to run client and so on
[04:26:16] K|NgGh0sT: wow way to read on my behalf
[04:26:45] manalive: # modprobe ivtv
[04:26:45] manalive: FATAL: Error inserting ivtv (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
[04:27:49] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:15] pembo13 (pembo13! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:48] endless_us: <dscoular>: If I creating empty folder remote in irtrans folder this error did not show up. but remot not working.
[04:30:45] ** manalive & **
[04:31:18] doggkruse (doggkruse! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:33:43] dscoular: endless_us, yeah I gave you bad advice it's something like ./irserver /dev/tty/usb? or something
[04:35:11] dscoular: endless_us, irw or anyother lirc client should work with irserver
[04:36:04] endless_us: there is few files in common folder in irtrance folder, if I copy this files in remotes folder take a look what i got
[04:36:50] dscoular: endless_us, that looks like it is working
[04:37:09] dscoular: what happens if you point a webserver at port 80 ?
[04:37:13] endless_us: <dscoular> How to make irserver start at boot time?
[04:37:21] dscoular: s/webserver/webbrowser/
[04:37:46] dscoular: google for a simple manual on debian startup scripts.
[04:37:51] endless_us: 1 IRTrans Devices found:
[04:37:51] endless_us: 0 IRTrans D5.03.08
[04:38:17] endless_us: This on web, but then is just shutdown
[04:39:15] dscoular: endless_us, what do you mean by "then is just shutdown" ?
[04:39:19] pembo13: how do I tell mythtv what tvcard to use for "watch tv" ?
[04:39:38] dscoular: pembo13, mythtv-setup
[04:39:52] dscoular: pembo13, you can associate a preference with each card
[04:39:55] pembo13: i set input preference on teh card i wanted to 2
[04:39:59] pembo13: and the card i didn't want to 1
[04:40:06] dscoular: pembo13, other way round
[04:40:06] pembo13: watch tv still uses the one i don't want
[04:40:19] pembo13: ah
[04:40:21] pembo13: interesting
[04:40:23] mchou (mchou! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[04:40:23] pembo13: ok
[04:40:24] dscoular: just a guess
[04:41:46] endless_us: <dscoular> I just move over web, and
[04:42:28] esoteric|laptop (esoteric|laptop! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:42:50] endless_us: <dscoular> I restart server and it stops again
[04:43:32] endless_us: <dscoular> If I'm not tuching web is staing on
[04:43:47] pembo13: dscoular: well, I did that, but same thing
[04:44:57] dscoular: endless_us, you don't really want a web server anyway... see section 4.1 and 4.2 of the user guide.
[04:45:42] dscoular: pembo13, I'll take a look at the source
[04:46:48] endless_us: <dscoular> How to make irserver start at boot time? and how to setup client?
[04:47:32] lwizardl (lwizardl!n=james@ has quit ("Leaving")
[04:48:05] beyonddeath (beyonddeath! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:48:49] dscoular: endless_us, I am not going to explain the basics of UNIX. Please search google for debian startup files.
[04:49:21] pembo13: how do I know what /dev/dsp* goes with which sound card? I am getting video from one card and no sound...yet i hear the sound directly though the sound card...i have set Cpature to Line in
[04:50:38] dscoular: endless_us, you can use the server's debug options to see if it detects keys or use irw from the lirc user-space programs.
[04:51:52] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:52:56] endless_us: <dscoular> I did
[04:53:07] dscoular: pembo13, ls /proc/asound/card0
[04:53:23] dscoular: is likely /dev/dsp
[04:53:36] dscoular: ls /proc/asound/card1 is likely /dev/dsp1
[04:54:05] dscoular: or just cat /proc/asound/cards
[04:54:39] endless_us: <dscoular> I read some where in guide, do not instal lirc and irserver on same comp, lirc is part of irserver, but I did't see any lirc files
[04:55:23] pembo13: dscoular, well none of that has helped
[04:55:38] pembo13: dscoular: so far adding a second tuner to my desktop has been a disaster
[04:55:43] dscoular: endless_us, irserver has the ability to act as a lirc server
[04:55:56] dscoular: endless_us, so you wouldn't want to run lircd (the lirc server)
[04:56:22] dscoular: endless_us, mythtvfrontend, xine, mplayer, irw, are all lirc clients
[04:56:38] dscoular: endless_us, irserver looks like lircd to them.
[04:57:48] endless_us: <dscoular> : ok. That mean I dont need any other soft? and How to make irserver start at boot time?
[04:58:02] tewk: I'm having problems getting audio to tune, I have to flip channels several times to get the audio to tune in.
[04:58:34] pembo13: here's the thing, I had a single Hauppaughe WinTV Radio card in my desktop..worked fine, mythv worked fine, decided to put in a second card, another Hauppauge, of a lesser mythtv uses only card1 (2nd card) and I have no idea how to get it to use card0, further more, mythv isn't getting audio from card1
[04:58:48] dscoular: endless_us, for the third time... I am not going to explain how to right UNIX startup files... you need to research that via
[04:58:57] dscoular: s/right/write/
[04:59:41] tewk: I've got a PVR-500, Any ideas?
[04:59:48] endless_us: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP
[04:59:48] dscoular: pembo13, sorry I only have DVB-T cards... so I'm kinda in difficulty helping you
[05:00:10] endless_us: <dscoular> THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP
[05:00:14] dscoular: endless_us, look at your systems other startup files.
[05:00:33] endless_us: thaks, I will
[05:00:40] pembo13: dscoular: okay...i would be great if you could suggest debugging methods...solving the prob. myself is within my capabilites, i am just unsure of what tools to use
[05:01:24] dscoular: pembo13, first goal is always to get the cards working with ivtv-tune, ivtv-ctl and cat /dev/video? > test.mpg
[05:01:30] Chicago: dscoular: did you see anybody else come in here with the same ivtv .0.6.2 compilations issues with the 2.6.16 kernel as I was having?
[05:02:00] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:01] dscoular: Chicago, no (but I have a terrible memory)... you have mixed gcc-4/3 issues
[05:02:18] Chicago: dscoular: I hope I don't have mixed compiler issues.
[05:02:26] dscoular: You need to identify which compiler was used to compiler your kernel.
[05:02:43] dscoular: Chicago, I asked this earlier but didn't get a response (maybe I missed it).
[05:03:16] Chicago: dscoular: I compiled the kernel with i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.5 and used the same compiler for ivtv.
[05:03:52] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:03:57] pembo13: dscoular: i am using the bttv drivers apperently
[05:04:05] mchou: linux is weird.....
[05:04:40] mchou: I reduced my agp aperture and linux no longer
[05:05:05] Chicago: mchou: were you shadowing any of that mem in your bios?
[05:05:05] mchou: or more correctly, ivtv no longer crashes
[05:05:21] mchou: Chicago: dont recall, why?
[05:05:38] Chicago: mchou: I'm curious how that bios shadowing affects crashes.
[05:06:05] mchou: I dont think bios shadowing affects crashing at all
[05:06:28] mchou: unless you have bad bios to begin with :)
[05:06:48] dscoular: Chicago, sorry got you mixed up with manalive
[05:07:07] mchou: anyway, another mystery solved
[05:07:32] mchou: but took me the whole freaking day to figure this one out
[05:07:36] Chicago: dscoular: I'm not sure what I need to do. Dmesg shows ivtv: Unknown symbol tveeprom_read and ivtv: Unknown symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
[05:08:18] Chicago: dscoular: when I goto make ivtv, I get within the output *** Warning: "tveeprom_hauppauge_analog" [/!/ivtv-0.6.2/driver/ivtv.ko] undefined! and *** Warning: "tveeprom_read" [/!/ivtv-0.6.2/driver/ivtv.ko] undefined!
[05:08:39] flindet (flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:44] dscoular: Chicago, I pasted a link to a discussion on this... I suggest you post there.
[05:08:50] Chicago: But it's obviously an error because IVTV doesn't init.
[05:09:03] Chicago: Alright.
[05:09:09] dscoular: Sorry
[05:10:35] Chicago: no worries.
[05:10:40] Chicago: I'm gonna figure out what's going on.
[05:11:00] pembo13: dam dma dam dam
[05:11:22] Chicago: dma dma dma dma dma
[05:12:17] dscoular: Chicago, it sounds like a conflict between headers in your kernel's v4l stuff and the latest ivtv
[05:14:08] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:14:09] Chicago: dscoular: AFAIK, <*> Video For Linux is all I've had to do before. Is there anything else in Multimedia devices that stick out for IVTV..>?
[05:15:10] pembo13: why doesn't mythtv turn off the tuner when it is done using it, like Tvtime does?
[05:15:19] dscoular: Chicago, this whole discussion seems to be in recent threads of the ivtv-dev archive.
[05:15:25] dscoular: pembo13, it's configurable
[05:15:33] dscoular: pembo13, run mythtv-setup
[05:15:55] dscoular: pembo13, select "open card on demand"
[05:15:56] pembo13: hmm, will have to look for that at some is a small problem compared to my other card being now useless
[05:16:19] dscoular: pembo13, don't blame myth until you have them working outside of myth would be my advice.
[05:17:11] pembo13: dscoular: define working outside of mythtv
[05:17:12] VlivE (VlivE! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:17:13] Chicago: dscoular: This looks like a possible fix.
[05:17:28] pembo13: pembo13: not blaming mythtv...blaming lack of my ignroacne
[05:18:02] pembo13: dscoular: `tvtime -d /devvideo0` and `tvtime -d /devvideo1` both work as expected
[05:19:34] GeoKM (GeoKM! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:20:15] dscoular: Chicago, yeppers!
[05:20:46] Chicago: dscoular: do I need that VIDEO_BT848 as a module or as a built in <*>???
[05:21:22] dscoular: pembo13, so I would delete all cards and recreate them in mythtv-setup.
[05:21:41] dscoular: dscoular, I'd try it as a module first then failing that builtin.
[05:21:50] dscoular: doh!
[05:22:08] dscoular: Chicago, up to you... I don't have a PVR card these days.
[05:22:25] dscoular: Chicago, You could email the author of that post
[05:22:34] pembo13: dscoular: well, i already deleted all and i am back to my previous setup, except card1 is still in, and kinad useless
[05:23:10] Chicago: dscoular: well, thank for that help. hopefully after this kernel finishes compiling and I compile the modules and reboot... everything will look great.
[05:23:11] dscoular: pembo13, So even when you delete all cards it leaves one card ?!??
[05:24:05] pembo13: dscoular: no, excuse my lack of clarity, i deleted all the cards, and put back in the one that worked previously
[05:24:43] opello_ (opello_!n=opello@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:25:30] dscoular: Chicago, so is it not seeing the other card ?
[05:25:56] Chicago: dscoular: actually, I expect both cards to be seen. I haven't had a working module since I updated the kernel to 2.6.16
[05:26:07] ** dscoular is getting confused **
[05:26:26] ** dscoular thinks Chicago and pembo13 look so alike ;) **
[05:26:31] Chicago: lol
[05:26:43] dscoular: pembo13, , so is it not seeing the other card ? [15:25]
[05:27:15] opello (opello!n=opello@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:27:18] pembo13: well I can add card1 in, but then it takes over, and has no audio
[05:27:55] threat (threat! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:27:55] dscoular: hmm, let me google some more then
[05:28:13] pembo13: dscoular: ie. card0 works fine by itself, both audio and video...putting in card1 makes it dominant, but lacks audio
[05:28:36] pembo13: eve stranger, it worked when i first tried it, but post restart, it stopped working..refering to the audio for card1
[05:28:49] opello_ is now known as opello
[05:29:48] dscoular: pembo13, doesn't the card just capture and mpeg-2 stream with audio ?
[05:30:40] dscoular: pembo13, Then the stream is just demultiplexed and video is sent to mythtv's s/w decoder and audio to /dev/dsp
[05:30:59] dscoular: pembo13, regardless of how many tuner cards you have.
[05:30:59] doggkruse (doggkruse! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[05:31:11] dscoular: pembo13, I'm assuming you have one sound card /dev/dsp
[05:31:23] pembo13: dscoular: i had...
[05:31:37] pembo13: dscoular: but then i realised via docs that i need a sound card per tv card
[05:31:45] pembo13: so i enabled my embeded sound card
[05:31:47] dscoular: Surely not.
[05:31:59] dscoular: Can you point me to the doco that states that
[05:32:00] pembo13: and routed the tv card audio to its input
[05:32:03] pembo13: hold
[05:32:36] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:32:44] pembo13: first parahraph
[05:33:11] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:34:07] dscoular: Yours isn't a bttv card... it's a pvr-???
[05:34:22] dscoular: "Users of hardware TV encoders will only need the one device; cards such as the PVR-2/350's encapsulate the audio and data streams into an MPEG2 stream, so no extra audio devices are required.
[05:34:23] dscoular:
[05:34:23] dscoular: "
[05:35:31] pembo13: sorry about the delay
[05:35:43] pembo13: both my cards are simple bttv cards
[05:36:05] pembo13: please use the pembo13, so i can hear when you send a message
[05:36:31] ** dscoular got very confused again. **
[05:36:31] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:37:11] dscoular: pembo13, sorry I got confused way back by tewk's post
[05:37:19] dscoular: pembo13, thought you had a pvr card.
[05:37:47] pembo13: dscoular: nah...not that lucky
[05:38:34] Chicago (Chicago! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:39:00] dscoular: pembo13, sorry for leading you a merry dance
[05:39:34] pembo13: dscoular: no prob, at least you tried
[05:39:49] ** dscoular bows out **
[05:40:01] Juski: morning
[05:40:33] dscoular: mornin
[05:41:45] Juski: seen as I'm up nice & early I might aswell do some fiddling before I go to work
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[05:51:48] Juski: oh nice. running on nvidia tv out I'm not deinterlacing, and it looks great! even a text crawler looks fine!
[05:58:17] doggkruse (doggkruse! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:00:03] dscoular: yeah, nvidia tv out is pretty hard to beat
[06:03:59] wylie (wylie! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:06:17] endless_us (endless_us! has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:17:29] xris: lol. newegg just sent me a tracking number for a package I received 2 days ago
[06:18:24] Chicago (Chicago! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:34:15] Faithful (Faithful!n=Faithful@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:37:00] K|NgGh0sT: Can someone help me with scanning? I can use linux VDR to scan satellites so I know its not card issue
[06:38:02] K|NgGh0sT: I just want FTA :(
[06:39:30] _nero_ (_nero_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:39:33] K|NgGh0sT: actually
[06:39:40] K|NgGh0sT: I just want NASA which is FTA!
[06:41:08] zCougar: you should know transports in advance and then you can scan
[06:42:36] puthre (puthre!n=puthre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:44:14] K|NgGh0sT: I mean, I do, it just freezes at 3%
[06:45:12] Chicago: zCougar: K|NgGh0sT: What's the most universal equipment to use?
[06:45:26] K|NgGh0sT: legacy lnb
[06:46:16] xris: K|NgGh0sT: dishnetwork brand lnb?
[06:46:36] K|NgGh0sT: xris, yeah mine is
[06:47:12] xris: K|NgGh0sT: if it's the same as mine, the diseqc switch is incompatible with any linux-friendly cards.
[06:47:21] xris: or maybe pc cards in general
[06:47:46] K|NgGh0sT: there is no diseqc in it
[06:48:35] K|NgGh0sT: We just are trying to get this to work
[06:48:38] xris: K|NgGh0sT: just a single lnb with a single hack on it?
[06:48:42] xris: s/hack/jack/
[06:48:46] K|NgGh0sT: Its a dual lnb
[06:48:53] xris: then there is a switch
[06:49:25] LabMonkey: my friend's pansat box works with his tivo... not sure if that helps
[06:49:36] xris: dunno, just saying that I know from personal experience. the dishnetwork hardware does not work with linux cards.
[06:49:59] xris: that's why I'm stuck waiting in line for cyberestore to get in a new shipment of dual lnb brackets so I can use my own lnb
[06:51:58] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:58:15] croppa (croppa! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[06:59:24] Chicago: Is there a way to have MythTV switch from being windowed at 720x480 to FULLSCREEN at the push of a button?
[07:01:19] xris: Chicago: unfortunately no
[07:05:12] esoteric|laptop (esoteric|laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:05:18] dscoular (dscoular! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[07:07:12] Faithful (Faithful!n=Faithful@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:07:50] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:09:55] Chicago: How do I control the FM tuner with Myth?
[07:10:36] Ediehow (Ediehow! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:10:40] Ediehow: help
[07:10:47] Ediehow: mythtv-setup
[07:10:47] Ediehow: mythtv-setup: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
[07:16:31] dscoular: Ediehow, sounds like selinux isn't happy
[07:17:09] DavidLJ (DavidLJ! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:18:11] fatmatt: Chicago: you don't as far as I know, but theres a prg called fm
[07:18:29] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:18:38] dscoular: Ediehow, read
[07:21:00] Anduin (Anduin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:23:17] Ediehow: chcon -v -t texrel_shlib_t /path/to/library
[07:23:18] Ediehow: to fix the problem.
[07:23:38] Ediehow: do that for /usr/lib?
[07:23:46] Ediehow: or the actual library?
[07:28:40] esoteric|laptop (esoteric|laptop! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:29:09] Ediehow: dscoular, you there?
[07:32:57] dscoular: Hi
[07:33:10] dscoular: For the actual library
[07:33:21] dscoular: Or disable selinux or set it to permissive
[07:33:22] Ediehow: doesn't' that mean i have to change it every upgrade
[07:33:23] Ediehow: ?
[07:33:55] dscoular: depends how much you care about selinux
[07:37:21] Ediehow (Ediehow! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[07:58:07] ** dscoular decides to go to pub. **
[08:03:28] randy (randy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[08:05:41] ivorZzz is now known as ivor
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[09:27:43] Juski: good moaning
[09:28:23] stuarta: tis now, after the old friday fry up :)
[09:28:27] Juski is now known as Roobarb
[09:28:40] stuarta is now known as fred_basset
[09:28:53] ** Roobarb has already had bacon butties **
[09:29:21] ** ivor has just finished off a toffee muffin **
[09:29:22] ** fred_basset had bacon & egg butty, with sausages as well **
[09:29:47] Roobarb: weirdest thing I noticed this morning.. my nvidia tv output mode is properly interlaced – no need to deinterlace – even news24's ticker looks ok
[09:31:06] ** fred_basset <- is becoming a fat little hound dog. **
[09:31:17] Roobarb: heh. I _am_ one
[09:34:45] pembo13 (pembo13! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[09:35:02] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("IceChat - it may not be hot but damn it's cool")
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[09:38:11] ivor: Roobarb: I thought the TV out was always interlaced ok.
[09:38:16] tstm (tstm! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:48:58] Chicago (Chicago! has quit ("Leaving")
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[10:11:47] coffee88 (coffee88! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:12:43] ivor: bored.
[10:13:04] coffee88: yup.
[10:13:30] gardengnome: nope. gotta fiddle with my gentoo and clean my room. :)
[10:13:52] gardengnome: so. does anyone know if there is a prism54 driver in 2.6.16 and if it's any good?
[10:14:11] coffee88: i'm so bored I've even done the cleaning already. the gf won't believe it.
[10:14:35] gardengnome: heh
[10:14:39] gardengnome: neither will mine ;)
[10:15:00] gardengnome: i'm gonna clean behind the computer desk. *shiver*
[10:15:44] coffee88: i didn't quite go that far.... the "pc room" is still a mess, but i can find things this way.
[10:16:45] gardengnome: heh
[10:17:18] gardengnome: i should move the computers from my living room to one of my spare rooms, but all my adsl stuff is in here. and i'm too lazy to run additional wires. and wlan is crappy ;)
[10:18:30] coffee88: i still can't belive how no matter how hard you try to keep all the cables tidy, they end up a complete mess in 5 minutes...
[10:19:14] hashbang: cordwangle
[10:20:02] coffee88: excuse me?!
[10:22:07] gardengnome: coffee88: yep. i think i've got 25m of isdn cable behind the computer... but they're not inuse ;)
[10:23:11] coffee88: i've also got a whole big drawer of all sorts of cables. I don't even konw what some of them are for/from. but i can never find the one I'm looking for...
[10:23:20] gardengnome: murphy :/
[10:26:25] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:31:27] WillCooke (WillCooke! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[10:31:51] dns_serve1: i'm trying to compile myth from svn and got /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.3/../../../../lib64/libdts.a(parse.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
[10:33:01] DavidLeJaune (DavidLeJaune! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:38:39] simon_c (simon_c! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:56:55] dns_serve1: can anyone help me get a svn version compiled?
[10:57:53] LabMonkey: dns_serve1: need more info
[10:58:05] LabMonkey: distro, gcc version, etc
[10:58:32] fred_basset: is it just me or is -commits not delivering mail?
[10:58:38] DavidLJ (DavidLJ! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:58:50] Roobarb: ivor: the tv encoder always spits out interlaced video, just that the video mode of the GPU wasn't.. so it seems that the tv encoder is getting interlaced video in ;-)
[10:59:10] dns_serve1: ubuntu dapper on amd64 g++ (GCC) 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3–1ubuntu5)
[11:00:15] ivor: Roobarb: ok..but surely the GPU is working with a frame that's double height non-interlaced.. and the tv chip just chooses the top or bottom frame for output.
[11:00:19] ivor: or am I missing something?
[11:00:27] ivor: again
[11:00:38] Roobarb: ivor: whatever it's doing, interlaced video looks great without having to deint
[11:00:43] ivor: cool
[11:01:05] ivor: that's how it should be really.
[11:01:09] Roobarb: I was taken aback
[11:01:45] Roobarb: had 'test deinterlacing' on my to-do list, checked news24 for the ticker.. looked fine. checked the deint setting – it's not enabled (go figure)
[11:02:02] ivor: :)
[11:02:07] ivor: job done. tick.
[11:02:11] Roobarb: :-)
[11:02:34] Roobarb: taking the box up to my parents' place this weekend so I can play with SVN. Backed up the DB this morning
[11:03:13] fred_basset: next week looks good for testing. no recordings scheduled tue – thu :)
[11:03:14] Roobarb: I'll have to test scanning again, from Pontop Pike this time
[11:03:43] ** ivor wonders where the hell pontop pike is. **
[11:03:56] Roobarb: I'm quite surprised they've not got any HD test streams up there – Pontop Pike was where a lot of NICAM work was tested
[11:04:12] gardengnome: humm, woh let the dogs out? ;)
[11:04:26] gardengnome: who dammit
[11:04:27] fred_basset: people to transmitted power ratio?
[11:04:33] Roobarb: ivor: Pontop Pike is the highest point near Newcastle Upon Tyne. I used to live within spitting distance of it
[11:04:42] ** fred_basset gnaws on the gnome **
[11:05:04] ** Roobarb finds a fire hydrant :-P **
[11:05:38] lilo_ (lilo_!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:08:04] ivor is now known as HongKongPhooey
[11:09:13] somegeek_ (somegeek_!i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:09:53] ** fred_basset does the Kung Foo Fighting dance **
[11:10:50] HongKongPhooey: was that a "bong of the gong"
[11:10:54] HongKongPhooey: ha-yaaaa
[11:11:32] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has quit (Connection timed out)
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[11:12:02] WillCooke (WillCooke! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:12:39] HongKongPhooey: "is it penry, the mild mannered janitor?"
[11:12:39] lilo_ is now known as lilo
[11:12:51] Roobarb: could be!
[11:13:05] HongKongPhooey: ah classic tv.
[11:13:28] Roobarb is now known as CaptainCaveman
[11:13:40] somegeek_ is now known as somegeek
[11:13:40] gardengnome: rotfl
[11:14:25] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:14:40] CaptainCaveman: unga bunga. me mythtv not workum :-/
[11:15:37] cythrault:
[11:15:43] cythrault: oups, sorry for that
[11:20:02] cythrault (cythrault! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:22:52] Spida: hm, the mainbaord of my mythbox died yesterday
[11:23:06] Spida: after 2,5 years 24/7 use *g*
[11:24:57] CaptainCaveman: eek
[11:25:09] CaptainCaveman: I hope my mythbox lasts longer than that
[11:25:30] CaptainCaveman: what did it die of? bad caps? ;-)
[11:27:30] WillCooke: should I be using "Cross Source EIT" for freeview, I've got 3 dvb cards
[11:28:04] fred_basset: Just use a single datasource in the setup, and it will use the cards as needed.
[11:28:05] CaptainCaveman: I thought that was all about integrating uk_rt... or maybe I'm ahead of myself
[11:29:04] fred_basset: um, what do you mean my cross source EIT anyway?
[11:30:26] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek) has quit (Client Quit)
[11:30:46] WillCooke: there's an option in mythtv-setup
[11:31:17] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has quit ("brb")
[11:31:19] WillCooke: my guess is that it will make all cards share the same schedule data rather than all the cards saving the eit epg
[11:31:58] fred_basset: I'll just go work out what it does, more likely it refers to the cross carried eit data
[11:35:43] frederikfdvp (frederikfdvp! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:35:47] frederikfdvp: hi
[11:36:10] frederikfdvp: anyone here know how to get suspend2ram or hibernate working with fc5 and kmod-nvidia ?
[11:37:19] fred_basset: WillCooke: it makes it ignore the source of the eit data and apply it to the first matching channel
[11:37:26] fred_basset: don't need it in the UK
[11:37:44] WillCooke: Ahh, nice one. Thanks
[11:38:01] ** fred_basset wonders when that one snuck in.... **
[11:39:18] CaptainCaveman: ooo BSG coming to Freeview, chaps
[11:39:47] fred_basset: BSG???
[11:39:49] CaptainCaveman: Thurs 22nd June, 9pm. $ky Three
[11:40:04] CaptainCaveman: battlestar galactica
[11:40:06] roe (roe! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:40:22] fred_basset: ah, have it on dvd already...
[11:40:41] roe: morning :)
[11:40:44] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:40:49] frederikfdvp: $:exit
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[11:41:33] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:42:46] WillCooke: I've heard it's quite good
[11:43:07] fred_basset: I still haven't finished watching it....
[11:43:29] fred_basset: but what I've seen is quite good...
[11:43:35] WillCooke: Just running some test on my frontend so see how it gets on with out a case fan, seems to stick at around 45degrees c, that's ok isn't it?
[11:44:24] CaptainCaveman: cpu temp?
[11:44:44] hashbang: WillCooke: the cooler the better, but 45 should be OK. Check your HDD temp using smartctl -a, though
[11:45:08] WillCooke: yeah – I think so, it's showing two temps one 45 one 25, there's no way the cpu is at 25 though
[11:45:47] HongKongPhooey: 45 is fine.
[11:46:39] fred_basset: I'm not going to mention how hot my stuff gets when I give it a hammering....
[11:46:40] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:46:47] Hoxzer: ..... :E aargh
[11:47:06] HongKongPhooey: mine's steady at 80.
[11:47:30] qu0zl: heh mines only 70 odd, heat pipes for the win ;)
[11:47:47] qu0zl: you're getting pretty close to the 85 degree rating on your via HongKongPhooey :)
[11:48:05] WillCooke: hmm, 47 degrees c for the disk
[11:48:20] CaptainCaveman: pretty safe-ish
[11:48:25] WillCooke: cool
[11:48:28] WillCooke: or, warm
[11:48:30] Hoxzer: is there any way to make mythfrontend to include more infromation to the logging?
[11:48:34] CaptainCaveman: 55 is a conservative max
[11:48:38] gardengnome: Hoxzer: mythfrontend --help
[11:48:41] Hoxzer: oh, not mythfrontend mythbackend
[11:48:52] fred_basset: that makes my 60 seem okay....
[11:49:31] gardengnome: Hoxzer: mythbackend --help
[11:49:33] CaptainCaveman: 60'C for your HDDs ? I wouldn't give em long to live
[11:50:31] fred_basset: no hdd's are at 40, 46 & 46
[11:50:40] CaptainCaveman: ahh (phew)
[11:50:53] CaptainCaveman: my old frontend used to burn in around 75'C
[11:50:54] WillCooke: other disk is showing 102degrees c, that's got to be wrong
[11:51:04] CaptainCaveman: didn't dare leave that on for too long ;-)
[11:51:18] fred_basset: cpu sits around 60 when I hammer it.
[11:51:33] CaptainCaveman: that's not an athlon-xp is it? ;-)
[11:51:39] HongKongPhooey: qu0zl: seems happy at 80, ran upto 105 once though. :)
[11:52:15] fred_basset: amd64
[11:52:18] HongKongPhooey: (during the great 'passive cooling experiment')
[11:52:31] WillCooke: :))
[11:53:01] ** fred_basset goes to dig up a bone from the backyard.... **
[11:53:05] Hoxzer: ZIISUS
[11:53:12] Hoxzer:
[11:56:35] fatmatt (fatmatt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:57:02] hashbang: Lordi! Suomi! :-)
[11:57:29] ** hashbang runs out of Finnish words. **
[11:57:46] gardengnome: heh
[12:04:15] LLyric (LLyric! has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:30:12] coffee88: grrrrrr. anyone used any dallas 1 wire stuff?
[12:31:14] sapbeast: im not even sure if anyone from dallas semiconductor even has
[12:32:57] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:33:47] gardengnome:
[12:33:50] gardengnome: oops
[12:34:02] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:34:22] ** fred_basset curls up in the corner for an afternoon nap. **
[12:37:06] sapbeast: its only 8:30
[12:37:29] qu0zl: HongKongPhooey, I'd a passive cooling experiment like that. I didn;t have the balls to go past low 90s as it was rocketing up
[12:37:37] qu0zl: almost injured myself going for the power cord :)
[12:38:09] sapbeast: 90s for?
[12:38:14] qu0zl: cpu temp
[12:38:47] sapbeast: centigrade? jeez
[12:39:34] qu0zl: it's not so bad, the via's are rated for 85degrees. I wasn't planning on going past that, was a bit surprised quite how fast the heat went up :)
[12:43:30] darthy (darthy! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:54:41] LabMonkey: coffee88: what exactly do 1wire devices do anyway?
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[12:59:11] kleptophobiac2 (kleptophobiac2!n=kleptoph@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:59:15] kleptophobiac2: good morning
[12:59:22] coffee88 (coffee88! has quit ("leaving")
[12:59:29] ed_boy: good evening (here in Australia!)
[12:59:46] kleptophobiac2: haha, yay time zones
[13:00:01] gardengnome: afternoon (germany)
[13:00:01] dscoular (dscoular! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:00:28] ** fred_basset opens one eye, closes it again, and goes back to sleep **
[13:00:34] Hoxzer: AARGH somebody here has DV camera?
[13:00:34] kleptophobiac2: lol
[13:01:09] kleptophobiac2: anyone using xine with subtitles?
[13:01:30] nawab_ is now known as nawab
[13:01:46] CaptainCaveman: anyone gonna stop asking metaquestions?
[13:01:56] CaptainCaveman: does anyone here have dark hair? :-P
[13:02:01] kleptophobiac2: i do!
[13:02:09] gardengnome: me too
[13:04:10] kleptophobiac2: but yeah... is there a way to toggle subtitles on/off in xine?
[13:04:41] ** fred_basset wonders when myth became xine... **
[13:04:56] kleptophobiac2: when mythvideo started launching it
[13:04:56] kleptophobiac2: :p
[13:05:16] fred_basset: that'll be one of those bits I don't use....
[13:05:28] kleptophobiac2: heh, what do you use?
[13:05:51] fred_basset: core myth, mythweb, and soon mytharchive.
[13:06:03] kleptophobiac2: who makes mytharchive?
[13:06:21] beyonddeath (beyonddeath! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:06:23] kleptophobiac2: ah
[13:06:23] ** fred_basset points to that bloke over there **
[13:06:36] kleptophobiac2: eh, i don't have a use for mytharchive
[13:06:47] kleptophobiac2: i don't have any desire to archive my crappy SD recordings... or tv shows in general
[13:06:50] fred_basset: I have no use for mythvideo...
[13:07:09] kleptophobiac2: haha, not being critical, just commenting
[13:07:24] fred_basset: me neither :)
[13:07:33] kleptophobiac2: :)
[13:07:53] kleptophobiac2: ah dammit, my laptop's battery runs down fast nowadays
[13:07:56] kleptophobiac2: i should get a new one
[13:08:18] fred_basset: mine runs out as soon as I unplug it...
[13:08:30] ed_boy (ed_boy! has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:08:35] kleptophobiac2: :(
[13:08:38] kleptophobiac2: that's unfortunate
[13:08:42] kleptophobiac2: this battery lasts about 1:15
[13:08:46] beyonddeath (beyonddeath! has quit (Client Quit)
[13:08:48] kleptophobiac2: used to be 2:30
[13:08:54] HongKongPhooey: 4:15
[13:08:58] kleptophobiac2: the extended battery (which is still good) lasts about 5:30
[13:09:08] kleptophobiac2: anyway gtg
[13:09:16] fred_basset: don't need my laptop anyway, old slow & heavy, GF uses it instead
[13:09:25] kleptophobiac2: heh
[13:09:31] HongKongPhooey: that's not nice!
[13:09:37] HongKongPhooey: oh there's a comma. :)
[13:09:37] kleptophobiac2 (kleptophobiac2!n=kleptoph@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:10:04] fred_basset: :)
[13:10:52] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:28:00] HongKongPhooey is now known as ivor
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[13:32:50] _WillCooke_: Anyone know about xorg modelines? I've made an RGB to scart convertor and everything is working ok, I've got a few modelines in my xorg config and they are working too, but it says "Virtual screen size determined to be 768 x 576" so the actual size is bigger than the screen size, and so it scrolls left and right with the mouse
[13:33:16] _WillCooke_: I want my actual screen size to be 720 by 576
[13:33:29] _WillCooke_: .. oh, hold on...
[13:34:24] _WillCooke_: ... sorted.
[13:34:41] RaYmAn-Bx (RaYmAn-Bx!i=rayman@2001:7b8:399:1:0:0:0:3) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:35:20] ivor: :)
[13:35:55] darthy: which drivers to take for hauppauge nova se 2 and nova s plus ?
[13:36:02] _WillCooke_: Why does that always happen? I sit here staring at it for ages, give up and ask a question, and suddenly it suss it?!
[13:36:53] _WillCooke_: if it uses the same as the Nova T, then cx88_dvb, cx8802, cx88xx
[13:37:15] darthy: hmm.. dont know
[13:37:54] _WillCooke_: lspci would show something like 0000:01:0a.2 Multimedia controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [MPEG Port] (rev 05)
[13:37:56] ivor: _WillCooke_: just one of those fundamental laws of life.
[13:37:59] _WillCooke_: :)
[13:39:28] fred_basset: when you stop thinking about it, the other bit of your brain that has worked out the answer is able to get through
[13:41:59] ** fred_basset goes back to sleep in the corner **
[13:44:20] AngryElf1 (AngryElf1! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:44:40] ivor: fred_basset: liquid lunch?#
[13:44:54] fred_basset: not today...
[13:45:09] ivor: oh he is just special isnt he? :
[13:45:16] fred_basset: just keep waking up at 5am...
[13:46:51] AngryElf1: hey guys....myth is screwing up all the colors on my input because when i cat /dev/video0 the picture is fine, but through myth all the hue/saturation etc is messed up, is there a place to config that?
[13:46:57] dscoular (dscoular! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:48:02] ivor: xv picture controls.
[13:48:24] ivor: tv, menu, adjust picture, hue.
[13:48:45] ivor: daniels just smashed them to pieces. :)
[13:49:08] AngryElf1: awesome, thanx ivor
[13:49:25] AngryElf1: also, not even cat /dev/video0 is picking up sound, i notice ivtvctl -a shows Mute=1 but 'ivtvctl -y mute=0' won't change it
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[13:51:10] GreyFoxx (GreyFoxx! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[13:52:51] AngryElf1: ivor, are those xv controls something that must be ./configure'd in?
[13:52:54] AngryElf1: i dont seem them
[13:54:09] ivor: don't have myth in front of me. so can't remember the exact name
[13:54:26] ivor: I thought it was "adjust picture" off the livetv menu
[13:56:00] AngryElf1: there's only change aspect ratio, adjust audio sync and adjust time stretch
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[14:06:46] AngryElf1: anyone know why ivtvctl -a might be showing Mute=1 and it won't change?
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[14:08:54] ** ivor knows nothing about tvtvctl **
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[14:15:17] jams: AngryElf1, ivor I thought the option "enable xv controls" had to be checked
[14:15:34] AngryElf1: i checked and it is with my install
[14:18:08] bronson (bronson! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:20:02] jams: hmm maybe not as I can't find the enable xv controls :)
[14:20:24] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has quit (Connection timed out)
[14:21:10] jams: maybe somebody removed them
[14:21:11] SlicerDicer- (SlicerDicer-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:21:21] AngryElf1 (AngryElf1! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:21:26] ivor: jams: heh, I assumed he'd got that enabled since he was getting crazy colours. I think its under setup, tv playback, page 98 or so.
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[14:22:37] jams: ivor- yeah thats where I thought it was as well
[14:22:57] ** jams searchs the commits **
[14:27:33] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:32:46] jams: ah it was dtk commit #9968
[14:41:40] ivor: ?
[14:42:02] jams: in 9968 he removed the config option and set it to true all the time
[14:43:18] ivor: aha. indeed.
[14:44:08] Filip^ (Filip^! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:55:53] flithm (flithm! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:58:01] flithm: hey everyone... I've recently started getting weird frame jitters and (what looks like) corruption in the streams (live and recorded). I checked and that data is coming fine straight out of the tuner card, so it must be something happening during the record process. Anyone heard of this before? Or got any ideas how I can fix it?
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[15:01:18] RaYmAn-Bx (RaYmAn-Bx! has quit ("leaving")
[15:03:28] jams: flithm- what kind of card?
[15:05:10] flithm: it's a hauppauge wintv pvr 150
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[15:05:28] flithm: it was working fine for the last 6 months or so and I haven't upgraded software or anything...
[15:06:29] flithm: I think I'll fsck the drive
[15:06:34] flithm: maybe file system errors?
[15:06:55] jams: Once had a pvr250 card do that to me
[15:07:05] flithm: weird... how did you fix it?
[15:07:12] jams: althought the stream straight from the card was not fine
[15:07:41] flithm: well let me watch the stream for a few more minutes... I could be wrong about that
[15:07:46] daurnimator (daurnimator!n=daurnima@unaffiliated/daurn) has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:07:52] daurnimator: hello?
[15:08:18] schultmc (schultmc! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:08:24] CaptainCaveman: is it me you're looking for?
[15:08:26] jams: flithm- at first putting a extra fan on the card helped (for about 2 weeks) then I just replaced the card
[15:08:52] flithm: heat eh... interesting... it has gotten warmer here
[15:09:07] jams: yep
[15:21:44] dopester_ (dopester_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:28:58] AngryElf1: hey guys, i'm troubleshooting my pvr-250 being muted...ivtvctl -a shows Mute=1 at the bottom, ivtvctl -y mute=0 does not change it, though i think it's suppose to — any ideas?
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[15:30:44] flithm: jams, now that I watch for long it IS coming out of the card like that!
[15:31:01] flithm: longer even
[15:31:02] flithm: :)
[15:31:28] jams: yep
[15:31:29] DavidLeJaune (DavidLeJaune! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:31:34] flithm: weak
[15:31:36] jams: been down that road myself
[15:31:49] flithm: heat eh
[15:32:04] jams: you might try a firmware upgrade..but I have my doubts
[15:32:14] flithm: yeah I do too...
[15:32:34] flithm: maybe I'll try moving it... I think it's sitting next to my video card which runs at about 60 degrees
[15:32:51] jams: the last thing it might be is an irq problem
[15:32:59] sixy (sixy! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:33:26] jams: although just from my own experiance, heat was the issue
[15:33:57] sixy: Hi – im having trouble with myth and alsa. I cant get myth to output sound to alsa at all
[15:34:17] flithm: yeah... irq I did think of that initially as well, but now that you've mentioned the heat thing that seems most likely... as I said it's recently gotten warmer here
[15:34:41] flithm: sixy, does other alsa stuff work correctly?
[15:34:57] sixy: seems to, yeah
[15:35:25] jams: sixy are you using oss emulation?
[15:35:44] flithm: well you should be certain... some stuff uses OSS and even if you're using alsa emulation it might not be the case that pure alsa apps will work
[15:36:06] sixy: how can i tell?
[15:36:47] flithm: there's probably a better way, but I'd just pick an app that you know you can stick into pure alsa mode... ie xmms (select the alsa output plugin).
[15:37:11] daurnimator: hi all
[15:37:21] daurnimator: i want to install mythtv
[15:37:29] daurnimator: i'm going on the guide from the official site
[15:37:34] daurnimator: any1 got advise for me?
[15:37:53] ivor: keep snancks and refreshments to hand?
[15:38:23] sixy: strangely i dont seem to have xmms – can you think of another app that would do? btw – i am using a delta 44 card and the envy alsa mixer works for it, properly controlling the output so im not sure why it would do that if alsa wasnt working
[15:38:44] daurnimator: for audio playback?
[15:38:50] sixy: yeah
[15:38:55] flithm: daurnimator, well... the official guide may be more relevant for people installing from source. if that applies to you (or if I'm wrong) then go for it... but you may want to check your distro... for example gentoo has a no brainer install method, and I recently installed myth on an ubuntu machine using the ubuntu packages and it was also a no brainer
[15:38:56] daurnimator: amarok?
[15:39:06] daurnimator: i have suse
[15:39:40] daurnimator: sixy: otherwise, get xmms :P
[15:40:24] flithm (flithm! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:41:02] qu0zl: sixy, you can also do "lsof /dev/snd/*"
[15:41:09] qu0zl: to see if any process have the alsa devices opened
[15:41:12] sixy: well i dont hae amarok either :/ playing with helix player causes the pretty lights on the envy24control to flash tho
[15:41:51] daurnimator: xsidplay?
[15:42:19] sixy: no – i have a very cut-down install
[15:42:26] sixy: all the computer needs to do is run myth
[15:43:24] sixy: but i need to direct the sound output to a particular one of the sound cards outputs- hence alsa, ut speccing sound device ALSA:ICE1712 in the sound options gets me nowhere :(
[15:44:11] qu0zl: sixy, have you played any sounds on that pc yet?
[15:44:35] sixy: yeah like helix runs fine, and myth works to /dev/whateveritis
[15:45:42] Fosten (Fosten! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:46:14] sixy: installin xmms now... but it puzzles me how envy24control could be working properly if ALSA isnt working
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[15:46:59] qu0zl: if you're playing sounds ALSA probably is working fine
[15:47:19] qu0zl: you can do a lsmod to check the modules are loaded, if it;'s alsa they'll be called snd_ something
[15:47:42] qu0zl: do a lsof /dev/snd/* to see if anything has the devices open. they could be locked
[15:48:20] daurnimator: exit
[15:48:23] daurnimator: arg
[15:48:26] daurnimator: wrong window
[15:48:27] daurnimator: :P
[15:48:28] qu0zl: hehe
[15:49:47] sixy: ahhh xmms says it couldnt open audio
[15:51:06] qu0zl: are the modules loaded? did you do lsmod. Are the devices in /dev/snd/ ?
[15:51:09] daurnimator: hmm
[15:51:11] daurnimator: what do i do?
[15:51:14] qu0zl: is xmms pointed at the right device, and using the alsa plugin?
[15:51:16] sixy: that = broken alsa right?
[15:51:19] sixy: yeah
[15:51:22] qu0zl: not necessarily sixy
[15:51:23] daurnimator: installing XMLtv
[15:51:27] daurnimator: at step: perl Makefile.PL
[15:51:30] sixy: tried software mixer and hardware mixer but no go
[15:51:40] daurnimator: and none of the grabbers are correct for me
[15:51:41] qu0zl: type lsmod | grep snd
[15:51:47] daurnimator: what do i choose?
[15:51:52] qu0zl: and do a ls /dev/snd/
[15:52:19] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("IceChat - what the cool people use")
[15:52:26] sixy: several ice1712 devices there
[15:53:10] qu0zl: if you do "lsof /dev/snd/*" does it say any program is using them/
[15:53:11] qu0zl: ?
[15:53:26] sixy: in /dev/snd 2x control*** 6x pcm****
[15:53:50] sixy: lsof for some reason says command not found – not sure how fedora can ship without lsof but thre we go
[15:54:02] sixy: its not in /sbin/either :confused:
[15:54:37] jams: sixy- it's not that it didn't ship, it's just installed
[15:54:52] daurnimator: any1?
[15:54:56] jams: lsof is often not installed by "desktop" distros
[15:55:12] LabMonkey (LabMonkey!i=bogart@gentoo/developer/labmonkey) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:55:26] qu0zl: sixy, are there any errors msgs in dmesg ?
[15:55:32] sixy: no
[15:55:34] qu0zl: it sounds like you have the devices and the modules loaded at least
[15:57:31] pickler (pickler! has quit ("bbl")
[15:57:39] qu0zl: i duno sixy. But if xmms won't play using the alsa plugin either then it does like like dodgy alsa alright
[15:58:30] qu0zl: you tried changing the playback device in the alsa audio plugin?
[15:58:33] sixy: yeah... i guess its back to the alsa webby. cheers anyway
[15:58:40] qu0zl: good luck with it :(
[15:59:03] sixy: thanks :( (sometimes linux is a bitch)
[15:59:06] qu0zl: hehe yeah
[15:59:57] sixy: oh do you happen to know where gnome keeps its session startup commands?
[16:00:24] hpAuto (hpAuto! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:00:59] qu0zl: .gnomerc?
[16:01:27] sixy: in ~?
[16:01:37] qu0zl: think so, i use it to start mythfrontend
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[16:02:15] sixy: thats odd, theres no file there – gah
[16:02:18] qu0zl: hmm or i used to. It's all commented out now. I don't remember where i start mythfrontend now :)
[16:02:29] qu0zl: sixy, in the gnome menus theres a sessions option. on my ubuntu anyway
[16:02:32] daurnimator: .bashrc?
[16:02:36] Krazylegz: Hola #mythtv-users.
[16:02:46] qu0zl: where you can tell it what programs to start on login
[16:03:01] sixy: yeah
[16:03:07] sixy: it needs to be login not startup
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[16:04:39] qu0zl: you want it at startup or login?
[16:04:57] qu0zl: i have it in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf now, auto login and start mythfrontend at boot
[16:05:03] sixy: login. and im looking for the file, its hard to change lots of users with the gui
[16:05:07] qu0zl: .gnomerc would let you run an app on use login
[16:05:15] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:23] qu0zl: if there's no .gnomerc file just make one
[16:05:44] sixy: so just put a file in ~/.gnomerc with a list of commands to run?
[16:05:57] qu0zl: yep
[16:06:14] sixy: also, what commands did you put in gdm.conf to autologin?
[16:06:14] qu0zl: you need to use & or they'll not background and you won't even load the rest of the desktop :)
[16:06:48] qu0zl: check the [daemon] section, AutomaticLoginEnable=true, and AutomaticLogin=mythtv
[16:06:54] sixy: just start command with &? eg &irxevent......
[16:07:02] qu0zl: irexvent &
[16:07:05] qu0zl: put the & at the end
[16:07:09] sixy: yeah thats what i have – just making sure
[16:07:18] sixy: ok – thanks
[16:07:30] qu0zl: good luck. time for me to stop prentending to work and to go home :)
[16:07:39] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:08:32] sixy: ok thanks for your help :)
[16:09:13] Krazylegz: Hmm, I think I just killed my Hauppauge grey remote.
[16:09:34] Krazylegz: Someone suggested an alternative before, what's the remote of the month with a PVR-350?
[16:10:04] daurnimator: ok
[16:10:17] daurnimator: i'm in the middle of installing mythtv
[16:10:25] daurnimator: and i don't have qmake
[16:10:25] daurnimator: :P
[16:10:39] daurnimator: is there a list of what to get/do from the start?
[16:10:59] gardengnome: daurnimator: read the howto at and the README inside the source tarball
[16:11:08] daurnimator: i AM
[16:11:21] daurnimator: thats where i got the insturions to use qmake in the first palce
[16:11:21] daurnimator: :S
[16:12:26] gardengnome:
[16:12:59] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:13:32] CaptainCaveman: gardengnome: wanna name badge?
[16:13:49] Zider: wanna name my badger?
[16:13:51] Zider: :P
[16:14:39] deego (deego!n=user@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:07] sixy (sixy! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:16:43] gardengnome: CaptainCaveman: why would i wanna do that? ;)
[16:16:54] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:17:34] CaptainCaveman: gardengnome: oh I dunno... you stay at home while I do all the work then ;-)
[16:18:18] gardengnome: o_O
[16:19:55] daurnimator: um
[16:19:55] daurnimator: ok
[16:20:00] daurnimator: same problem
[16:20:03] daurnimator: i don't have qmake
[16:20:25] gardengnome: daurnimator: install qt-devel or how they call it on your distro
[16:20:55] dopester_ (dopester_! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[16:20:57] gardengnome: but if you have problems getting the prerequisites installed (= not being able to use your distro), you might wanna use binary packages
[16:21:46] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:21:52] daurnimator: :P
[16:24:12] daurnimator: hmm
[16:24:16] daurnimator: says i already have them
[16:24:25] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[16:25:13] lu: daurnimator: I had a problem where qmake wasn't on root's path, but was on my regular users path
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[16:26:28] daurnimator: ok..
[16:27:17] daurnimator: how do i fix it?
[16:27:19] daurnimator: :S
[16:27:43] lu: well if u do have it, and its just not in the path, then u can just add it to the PATH enviroment variable
[16:28:19] lu: on my comp qmake is in /usr/qt/3/bin/
[16:28:52] daurnimator: add it to .bashrc?
[16:29:20] lu: if that is in fact your problem, then yea, root's .bashrc
[16:29:25] daurnimator: hmm
[16:29:26] daurnimator: wel
[16:29:34] daurnimator: i don't have a /usr/qt
[16:29:50] Krazylegz: Can't he just do whereis qmake ?
[16:30:23] daurnimator: > whereis qmake
[16:30:24] daurnimator: qmake:
[16:30:24] lu: yea
[16:30:24] gardengnome: Krazylegz: only if it's in $PATH
[16:30:31] gardengnome: try 'locate qmake'
[16:30:35] daurnimator: thats what it returns
[16:30:37] daurnimator: :S
[16:30:45] Krazylegz: Yeah, or find -name qmake / , or whatever that syntax is.
[16:30:53] lu: find / -name qmake
[16:31:01] Krazylegz: ^^
[16:31:17] gardengnome: does anyone a tool that'd spit out the dependencies of a kernel module?
[16:31:24] gardengnome: s/anyone/anyone know/
[16:31:25] daurnimator: lu: LOTS of permission denied
[16:31:26] daurnimator: :P
[16:31:36] gardengnome: daurnimator: updatedb; locate qmake
[16:31:49] daurnimator: but 'locate qmake' returned alot
[16:31:56] lu: yea, thats not surprising if ur running as a regular user
[16:32:08] daurnimator: ./usr/lib/qt3
[16:32:10] daurnimator: in there
[16:32:25] nero_office: daurnimator, are you looking for the qmake bin?? try locate bin/qmake
[16:33:18] daurnimator: > locate bin/qmake
[16:33:18] daurnimator: /usr/lib/qt3/bin/qmake
[16:33:22] daurnimator: ^_^
[16:33:54] CaptainCaveman (CaptainCaveman! has quit (""hometime"")
[16:34:06] daurnimator: now
[16:34:11] daurnimator: what do i add to bashrc?
[16:35:37] nero_office: daurnimator, most distros will make a link to a /usr/bin/qmake ..
[16:35:38] lu: export PATH=/usr/lib/qt3/bin:$PATH
[16:35:46] ** daurnimator guesses: **
[16:35:47] daurnimator: #qt
[16:35:48] daurnimator: PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/qt3/bin/qmake
[16:35:48] daurnimator: export PATH
[16:36:06] lu: just the folder name, not the executable
[16:36:08] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[16:36:11] gardengnome: daurnimator: what distro are you using?
[16:36:17] daurnimator: suse
[16:38:05] ** nero_office would just sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt3/bin/qmake /usr/bin/qmake **
[16:38:22] nero_office: or /bin/qmake .. whichever..
[16:38:27] daurnimator: ok
[16:38:29] daurnimator: all working now
[16:38:37] daurnimator: compiling it
[16:38:37] daurnimator: :D
[16:38:54] dopester_ (dopester_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:39:45] nero_office: is qumake even necessary to compile?? ./configure [options] ; make ; make install always worked for me..
[16:40:15] GreyFoxx: Yes, you need it
[16:40:26] nero_office: humm.. What happens if you dont do it?
[16:40:32] GreyFoxx: you don't get to compile myth
[16:40:38] nero_office: Then why does mine compile??
[16:40:39] GreyFoxx: qmake is required
[16:40:45] nero_office: (svn)
[16:40:48] GreyFoxx: cause make and such call qmake
[16:40:53] nero_office: ahhhh.. gotcha..
[16:41:04] nero_office: you just dont have to issue the qmake command any more..
[16:41:07] GreyFoxx: make calls qmake on the .pro files to generate the Make files and moc_* files
[16:41:11] GreyFoxx: correct
[16:41:15] nero_office: (I remember having to do that for the older versions)
[16:41:23] nero_office: thanks for the enlightenment! :)
[16:41:26] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:42:52] daurnimator: how long will it take?
[16:43:18] nero_office: you compiling the whole shebang?
[16:43:23] daurnimator: yeah
[16:43:34] nero_office: Takes 30–40 minutes on my P4 2.4ghz..
[16:43:38] daurnimator: ok
[16:43:41] daurnimator: goodnight
[16:43:44] daurnimator: cyas in 8 hours
[16:43:49] nero_office: gnight
[16:43:49] daurnimator: or maybe 12
[16:43:50] daurnimator: :P
[16:44:01] gardengnome: what kind of hardware do you use?
[16:44:15] daurnimator: 2400+
[16:44:27] daurnimator: avermedia DVB-T 761
[16:44:31] gardengnome: ah, ok
[16:44:51] daurnimator: tomorrow, you'll be helping me *all* day getting myth working
[16:44:53] nero_office: my 2400+ machine takes ~ 1/2 hour..
[16:44:56] daurnimator: look forward to it
[16:44:56] daurnimator: :P
[16:45:14] xris: fyi:
[16:45:21] nero_office: 12 hours from now?? I'll be in bed.. ;)
[16:45:23] gardengnome: daurnimator: you'd better read the documentation before that or you'll get into trouble ;)
[16:45:54] gardengnome: xris: awesome!!!!!
[16:45:56] nero_office: xris- lookin good!! :)
[16:46:01] randy_ (randy_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:13] nero_office: I met the guy who is doing the mythweb stuff, he was here yesterday.. sounds like a good guy.
[16:46:16] AngryElf1: hey guys, i'm troubleshooting my pvr-250 being muted...ivtvctl -a shows Mute=1 at the bottom, ivtvctl -y mute=0 does not change it, though i think it's suppose to — any ideas?
[16:46:19] gardengnome: 0.20/0.21 will be really good.
[16:46:23] lu: xris: yea, but u can't read the proposals right now since they all had our email addresses, phone numbers, etc... in them
[16:46:29] Krazylegz: xris: Guess who I had dinner with last night. :-)
[16:46:33] xris: lu: makes sense....
[16:46:45] xris: Krazylegz: did he happen to mention what day he's coming back here?
[16:46:51] Krazylegz: Monday 3am.
[16:46:54] gardengnome: xris: how's mythexport gonna related to mytharchive?
[16:47:00] Krazylegz: That's when he lands in SeaTac.
[16:47:11] daurnimator: gardengnome: i'll need help with my hardware
[16:47:13] gardengnome: s/related/realte/
[16:47:18] daurnimator: i think i'll be hard to get working
[16:47:22] gardengnome: relate* ah screw it ;)
[16:47:30] xris: gardengnome: I'm hoping that it'll become the encoder backend for all transcode stuff (he's working on mythtranscode at the moment).. let mytharchive be just a plugin.
[16:47:30] gardengnome: daurnimator: might be of some help
[16:47:36] daurnimator: tomorrow
[16:47:38] daurnimator: anywya
[16:47:39] daurnimator: night
[16:47:49] xris: Krazylegz: thanks. was going to invite him to a big festival going on this weekend, but we're going on sunday.
[16:47:53] ** nero_office 's favorite bit of Myth right now is mytharchive.. **
[16:47:58] gardengnome: xris: sounds awesome. i hope it'll be network-aware, i.e. streaming of files from multiple backends ;)
[16:48:37] xris: gardengnome: that's the idea. I want to make sure it's as separate from the backend as possible, so people could put it on a windows box or something (for those crazy people who run mythweb on windows)
[16:49:23] gardengnome: xris: heh. nice :) what language will it be written in? c++?
[16:49:23] nero_office: anyone know if it is possible to just create iso's with mytharchive, then burn them to DVD later?
[16:49:35] gardengnome: nero_office: yep.
[16:50:16] nero_office: nice.. I got a whole season of episodes to back up.. wanted to run it overnight, then burn tomorrow.
[16:50:28] xris: gardengnome: probably a mix of c and c++
[16:50:38] nero_office: One other question- is it possible to use mytharchive to downgrade sound from AC3 to 2.1?
[16:50:45] gardengnome: xris: yay o/
[16:51:20] gardengnome: nero_office: well, i think that mytharchive makes the first track AC3 with 2.0 sound, at least for NTSC
[16:51:35] xris: gardengnome: It may just turn into a project of getting mythtranscode to the point that it can export other formats (porting the mpeg2fix stuff so it works with libavformat). we'll see
[16:51:55] nero_office: humm.. so it has the stereo sound available?
[16:52:28] nero_office: I archived a show, and when played on a non ac3 system (just through a regular DVD player/TV) I could barely hear the center channel (aka- all of the speech)
[16:52:30] gardengnome: xris: cool stuff. would be also awesome to resize my DVB recordings to DVD resolution in the background. right nwo, it takes ages to use mytharchive with them
[16:53:05] xris: gardengnome: yeah. I personally just want something to replace nuvexport. heh. too many people complain about missing codecs, etc.
[16:53:34] gardengnome: xris: yep. stupid packagers, stupid upstream. :)
[16:54:06] gardengnome: though nuvexport is a great piece of software, but i can't really get it to run on my sarge boxen
[16:54:49] Filip^ (Filip^! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:56:03] Krazylegz (Krazylegz! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:59:40] majesty_ (majesty_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:41] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:59:51] xris: gardengnome: nuvexport may continue to live in some form... if mythexport gets rolled into mythtranscode (the way it's looking now), nuvexport will be reborn as mythexport, a wrapper for mythtranscode's new features.
[17:00:22] xris: hmm, just realized that I will have a spare 200G drive once I shift things around. wonder if that should go in my mythbox...
[17:02:49] randy_ (randy_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:06:14] Dibblah: Uhhh.. Right.
[17:06:16] Dibblah:
[17:06:28] Dibblah: Who implements a codec in _java_?
[17:07:19] xris: decoder
[17:07:29] xris: why not, sounds useful
[17:07:41] Dibblah: Okay. Who implements half of a codec in Java?
[17:08:09] xris: the second one there applied to mythtv stuff, too
[17:08:58] dopester_ (dopester_! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[17:09:01] Dibblah: One of the good applicants?
[17:10:15] xris: decent
[17:10:44] xris: he applied for mythexport, we liked Jason better.
[17:11:41] AngryElf1 (AngryElf1! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:15:04] ** xris ponders how useful a 200G drive would be in his mythbox. **
[17:15:35] Zider: depends how much you record ;)
[17:19:22] xris: Zider: I've been fine with 120G for 3 years.
[17:19:34] xris: anything I want to keep gets converted to xvid and archived to my file server
[17:19:35] Zider: then it's not very useful
[17:19:50] topping (topping! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[17:20:53] dopester_ (dopester_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:23:47] rtsai: I think I need about 200GB to record enough "filler" stuff to last me through the summer.
[17:26:15] sphery: xris, you still around?
[17:26:51] K|NgGh0sT (K|NgGh0sT! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:27:04] xris: yup
[17:27:17] sphery: I was wondering why you have the recstatus query commented out in includes/programs.php. (I'd love to have MythWeb tell me if I've seen something before--my memory is much worse than the database's.)
[17:27:21] xris: rtsai: I think I have 15G of stuff on my system now
[17:27:45] sphery: Did it fail to work with data from some grabbers?
[17:27:53] sphery: Seems to work really well with DD.
[17:27:53] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:28:01] xris: sphery: commented out? oh, I bet that was greyfoxx... he put the "previously recorded" field into the database yesterday, added by mythfilldatabase
[17:28:20] xris: the recstatus queries were really slow (old one was about 20x slower, new one was about 2x slower)
[17:28:27] xris: (slower than without, that is)
[17:28:43] sphery: Oh.
[17:28:53] xris: I'll clean it up and add the new field as soon as I update my backend.
[17:28:58] sphery: This still seems to be the old approach--it's querying oldrecorded.
[17:29:14] sphery: I heard him mention he was looking at doing that.
[17:30:05] sphery: I guess my system just isn't slow enough (or I don't have enough channels ;) to notice the slow-down.
[17:30:27] sphery: So, at least in the interim, I could leave it in.
[17:31:26] sphery: Wonder if GreyFoxx is planning to update the program table every time the oldrecorded table is updated...
[17:31:43] sphery: (to catch current recordings before the next run of mfdb)
[17:31:59] xris: sphery: no clue. could ask.
[17:32:00] sphery: (or modifications to the oldrecorded table--like Never Record, etc.)
[17:32:10] sphery: Yeah. I'll do that when I see him next.
[17:32:13] sphery: Thanks for the info, though.
[17:33:05] xris: oh, wait, that was me. lol, I must have just accidentally left them commented out when I committed the code.
[17:33:31] xris: there, fixed
[17:33:41] sphery: Oh.
[17:33:45] sphery: Funny.
[17:33:53] sphery: I just made a patch for my personal tree.
[17:33:59] sphery: Guess I can delete it.  :)
[17:34:04] xris: heh, sorry
[17:34:14] xris: too many things going on in my brain lately
[17:34:15] sphery: np.
[17:34:23] sphery: I'm definitely not complaining.
[17:34:41] sphery: I was just about to make a patch to put recstatus on the details page.
[17:34:59] sphery: It's always nice to find out the functionality you want is available just by uncommenting some code.  :)
[17:35:43] sphery: So, while you're here, would you consider a patch to allow users to select Never Record from the details page?
[17:35:46] xris: yeah. I had commented it out to do speed tests
[17:35:54] sphery: (even when there's no matching recording rule)
[17:36:03] xris: yeah, that'd be cool
[17:36:04] sphery: I like to put movies I've seen into the database.
[17:36:07] sphery: OK.
[17:36:34] sphery: It seems like the right place would be to put it in the Schedule Options form, but it would be really easy to just put a link in elsewhere.
[17:36:41] sphery: Preferences?
[17:40:05] Spida: hm
[17:40:11] dopester_ (dopester_! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[17:40:25] xris: sphery: no clue, actually
[17:40:31] sphery: OK.
[17:40:52] sphery: I'll take a look and make a judgment call. You can always request a change on the ticket.  :)
[17:41:04] sphery: Thanks, and I hope I didn't interrupt your work too much.
[17:41:04] Spida: I have an amd athlon 2600+ that reaches 59°C by the time I can get into the BIOS.... I believe thats way to hot....
[17:41:08] Spida: any ideas?
[17:41:20] Spida: beside using a different heatsink?
[17:46:05] xris: sphery: yes.
[17:46:10] xris: I want to redesign that whole page, anyway
[17:46:28] xris: or rather, I'm hoping that Nick will redesign it.
[17:46:40] stuarta: Spida: more fans?
[17:46:55] xris: Spida: athlon xp or 64?
[17:47:29] gardengnome: Spida: use a different fan? check if the heatsink is mounted properly? check the thermal grease?
[17:47:50] xris: Spida: if you can't change heatsinks, make sure the... nevermind, just do what gardengnome said
[17:48:59] xris: Spida: but if it's an xp, those do get really hot... 59 might be a little high, but probably not that much.
[17:49:09] xris: my old athlon mp idled around 60–65
[17:49:25] Spida: athlon xp
[17:49:38] Spida: just changed the heatsink.
[17:50:11] Spida: had one with a verax-fan on it before... these are REALLY QUIET
[17:51:04] Spida: ok, better now. 47°C
[17:51:13] stuarta: I changed my heatsink a while ago, temps went up a bit, but the new fan is quiet & temp controlled
[17:51:33] Spida: my old mainboard died yesterday.
[17:51:50] stuarta: R.I.P.
[17:52:03] Spida: p3–933 tualatin (the low-voltage-edition) with a verax-cooler on it
[17:52:15] Spida: shitty mainboard by msi.
[17:52:24] Spida: capacitor blew
[17:52:34] Spida: that is, half a dozen of them.
[17:52:37] roe (roe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:52:38] sphery: Spida, you can replace those...
[17:52:44] sphery: Oh. Half dozen would take a while.
[17:52:45] Zider: Spida: that sucks :/
[17:52:56] gardengnome: german saying: "kauf niemal's nie was von msi" (never ever buy anything made by MSI ;))
[17:52:56] sphery: I guess, though, it's probably not worth the effort for that MB
[17:52:59] stuarta: i'd use the excuse to upgrade
[17:53:04] sphery: exactly
[17:53:05] sphery: :)
[17:53:17] sphery: I guess I'm just a cheapskate
[17:53:27] Spida: sphery: I know that I could, but (a) I had to get the same (or better) (b) I had to do the soldering and (c) I wanted some more cpu anyway
[17:53:35] stuarta: I can't be arsed with the soldering and fiddling....
[17:53:46] Spida: gardengnome: I am german *g*
[17:53:48] gardengnome: Spida: make juski to do it for you!
[17:53:51] gardengnome: Spida: tell news ;)
[17:54:04] Spida: gardengnome:
[17:54:06] Spida: *g*
[17:54:19] Spida: gardengnome: I know some people who could do it
[17:54:32] gardengnome: dammit, i meant stuarta :/
[17:54:46] gardengnome: Spida: so do i, i have a broken epox board around. but it's not worth the effort, imho
[17:54:50] stuarta: no you meant Juski.. :)
[17:55:12] ** stuarta rereads that last bit... Doh! **
[17:55:13] Spida: gardengnome: one of them is the guy behind
[17:55:51] Spida: but, hey.
[17:55:55] gardengnome: spiffy. "etherrape" sounds nice
[17:55:59] gardengnome: stuarta: heh
[17:56:10] tfm (tfm! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:56:26] stuarta: mythpython plugin!!! why?????
[17:56:51] Spida: hm, whats the state of the next myth-release?
[17:56:52] xris: stuarta: huh?
[17:57:00] gardengnome: Spida: in development, i suppose
[17:57:02] stuarta: last email to hit -dev
[17:57:17] gardengnome: dammit. gossamer always takes ages to sync
[17:57:24] xris: stuarta: we're actually looking for someone to write python bindings for myth
[17:57:48] xris: to complement the perl ones I'm writing...
[17:57:57] stuarta: might want to talk to that guy then....
[18:00:20] xris: yeah
[18:00:49] gardengnome: OT: do i need this "generic IEEE 802.11 network stack" for WEP when i'm using prism54.ko?
[18:01:01] gardengnome: i'm not really sure how this stuff is supposed to work together :)
[18:01:36] stuarta: i'd say yes, since to do WEP you need something to transport it...
[18:03:33] bedboi (bedboi! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:03:37] bedboi: hi there
[18:04:16] gardengnome: stuarta: okees! :)
[18:04:33] bedboi: i own a terratec cinergy XS (hybrid)... I'm able to watch dvb-t with mplayer (just using mplayer dvb:// ) but i can't find out how to use mythtv with dvb-t
[18:04:53] bedboi: i have mythbackend running
[18:04:56] topping (topping! has quit ()
[18:05:55] Spida: bedboi: a terratec cinergy xs usb hybrid t?
[18:06:00] bedboi: yep
[18:06:06] bedboi: exactly
[18:06:08] Spida: bedboi: you got it working?
[18:06:14] Spida: bedboi: how?
[18:06:26] bedboi: modprobe em28xx device_mode=1
[18:06:41] bedboi: google for em28xx wiki
[18:06:49] bedboi: get the driver and compile it
[18:06:57] bedboi: it works.
[18:07:07] Spida: bedboi: can you paste your kernel.config to, say,
[18:07:44] MORA: you need to make a channels.conf and import that when scanning for channels
[18:08:03] MORA: tzap is used for scanning dvb-t I think
[18:08:03] stuarta: bedboi: anyway, as for you problem, have you worked your way through mythtv-setup
[18:08:20] xris: bedboi: is myth compiled with dvb support?
[18:08:27] bedboi: stuarta: yep
[18:08:37] bedboi: xris: i'm using debian package
[18:08:59] r00t_ (r00t_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:09:13] Spida: bedboi: <- this page?
[18:09:14] xris: bedboi: might be worth checking into.. it *should* have dvb support, but might not
[18:09:38] gardengnome: bedboi: mythfrontend --version to see if you have DVB support
[18:09:42] bedboi: gardengnome: thanks
[18:09:59] bedboi: using_dvb_eit
[18:10:03] bedboi: using_dvb
[18:10:08] bedboi: so it should have it
[18:10:16] Spida: gardengnome: ach, du bist laga. sag das doch.
[18:10:27] gardengnome: Spida: in geheimer mission1 :)))
[18:10:28] bedboi: Spida: yep
[18:10:52] gardengnome:
[18:11:40] bedboi: ok, i've run mythtv-setup: now i select capture cards
[18:12:10] randy_ (randy_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:16] xris: gardengnome: why do you guys hate our logbot so much?
[18:12:50] bedboi: new capture card-> what should i select "DVB DTV capture card", "USB MPEG-4 Encoder box"?
[18:12:57] stuarta: dvb
[18:13:13] bedboi: ok
[18:13:16] gardengnome: xris: i don't hate it! we decided against having one because some people were concerned about their privacy. *cough* and other people think this is pretty silly :)
[18:13:34] xris: gardengnome: yeah, privacy in a public forum. heh.
[18:13:41] gardengnome: xris: :)
[18:13:58] xris: it's not like 90% of us here aren't logging the channel in our own clients, anyway.
[18:14:10] xris: well, not -de, but you know what I mean.
[18:14:26] Spida: xris: there IS a differencve between anybody who is in here NOW being able to read what I write and everybody being able to read what I write
[18:15:05] xris: Spida: yes. I'm just of the "think it's silly" crowd...
[18:15:18] Spida: perhaps, because we in germany had our share of bigbrother.
[18:15:39] xris: again: public user support forum... but that's up to you guys.
[18:16:14] gardengnome: i don't care enough to make half of the channel mad. *shrug*
[18:16:18] bedboi: stuarta: ok i did to watch dvb-t i should just select watch tv
[18:16:21] bedboi: isn't it?
[18:16:33] bedboi: 2006-05–26 20:15:01.032 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started
[18:16:36] bedboi: this is what i get
[18:16:44] xris: gardengnome: yeah. it's just funny.
[18:16:53] stuarta: you have to work your way through options 1 – 5 in setup
[18:17:16] gardengnome: xris: heh. maybe i'm gonna set up logging in my own client, that's enough for me
[18:17:25] stuarta: otherwise it won't work.
[18:18:23] bedboi: stuarta: ok... it's taking eons to load mythtv-setup
[18:19:01] bedboi: stuarta: what's video source?
[18:19:20] stuarta: have a read of the manual on it explains a *lot*
[18:21:51] Daluv (Daluv! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:21:53] bedboi: later
[18:21:53] bedboi (bedboi! has quit ("Client exiting")
[18:23:39] sphery: xris, why the "elseif ($data['title'] && $data['subtitle'] && $data['description'])"
[18:23:48] sphery: Movies won't have a subtitle (at least in DD data)
[18:23:53] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:24:09] sphery: Seems to work without the check for subtitle.
[18:24:15] Zider: ahoy Juski
[18:25:03] Juski: Hi Zider
[18:25:09] stuarta: evening Juski
[18:25:15] Juski: evening
[18:25:45] toi (toi! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:13] janneg: sphery: in DVB EIT data movies have a subtitle
[18:26:37] xris: sphery: for those things that don't have programid/seriesid
[18:26:44] sphery: OK, but that means only people using DVB EIT will be able to see if they've previously recorded a movie.
[18:26:57] xris: huh?
[18:27:01] stuarta: various grabbers provide the same info
[18:27:03] xris: oh...
[18:27:08] sphery: If we check for the existence of subtitle before running the recstatus query, we never get recstatus for those without subtitle.
[18:27:14] sphery: Guess you got that already...
[18:27:22] xris: dvb doesn't really have programid/seriesid... only zap2it does correctly that I know of.
[18:27:58] xris: sphery: eventually it was supposed to be smart enough to check the dupcheck method used by the recording.
[18:28:12] sphery: Yeah, but at least on mine (DD), movies don't have a seriesid.
[18:28:35] sphery: So, we fall back to the elseif which prevents the recstatus query because of the non-existence of subtitle.
[18:28:40] sphery: Hmmm.
[18:29:49] sphery: Well, if we use the dupcheck method in the rule, it means that we don't get recstatus for those without rules (i.e. where we've inserted a Never Record without a rule or where the rule has been cancelled).
[18:31:15] xris: sphery: would have to make it smarter for movies, then...
[18:31:48] xris: anyway, hopefully greyfoxx will make his smarter
[18:32:39] sphery: So, what we want is to check for a rule:
[18:32:39] sphery: if there's a rule, use the dupcheck method to determine whether it's a dup and use the recstatus for Never Record regardless
[18:32:40] sphery: if no rule, use the current code (but, perhaps without check for existence of subtitle and possibly not checking for existence of description)
[18:34:15] xris: well, there is always a title
[18:34:23] sphery: Yeah.
[18:34:46] sphery: A simple change for now would be to change the elseif to an else
[18:35:00] sphery: I guess, though, I could wait and talk to GreyFoxx to see where he's going with his changes...
[18:41:27] sphery: Hmmm. But without the check for subtitle and description, we have the news issues from before every day's news broadcast is marked as recorded or never record)
[18:44:43] Dibblah_ (Dibblah_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:45:02] stuarta: evening Dibblah_
[18:46:14] Juski: that should keep Azureus busy for a bit... all the Systm episodes... folks if you have CC videos (creative commons or just 'free') let me know where they are – need plenty content for a demo box ;)
[18:46:54] gardengnome: Juski: prolly has lots of public domain stuff, but make sure to check their licence
[18:47:16] Juski: oh yeah. always forget about them
[18:47:21] gardengnome: heh
[18:47:26] gardengnome: they've got some really scifi movies ;)
[18:47:30] Zider: Juski:
[18:47:31] Zider: ;D
[18:47:33] gardengnome: really bad*
[18:47:35] Juski: fanfic eh?
[18:47:43] gardengnome: Juski: no, just old stuff
[18:49:12] Juski: TTR might be fun if they have decent quality ones
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[19:04:15] Juski: heh even though I'm going away this weekend I'll still be working on the mythbox :)
[19:04:30] gardengnome: the wife is gonna love that, i bet :P
[19:05:05] esoteric|laptop (esoteric|laptop! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:05:05] Juski: nah – I'll have nothing else to do tomorrow night. rather that than look up my old college friends
[19:05:15] gardengnome: heh
[19:05:29] sphery: Heh. It's not the lack of subtitle and description checks causing the news to show as recorded. News has programid and seriesid, so it doesn't use the else section...
[19:05:34] xris: Juski: I'm doing that in august.. (trip down to california)
[19:05:47] Juski: they're a bunch of windows lusers anyway. they love bill
[19:05:54] xris: I suppose I'll probably have to see if there is a san francisco mythtv group or something...
[19:06:24] xris: must be someone down there who wants to buy me a beer. heh
[19:06:25] sphery: So, xris, did you have to comment out the recstatus stuff because of all the people complaining about the news showing as recorded?
[19:06:34] Juski: there don't seem to be any UK user groups.. only LUGs
[19:06:46] xris: sphery: no, never heard that complaint (or thought I fixed it)
[19:06:48] sphery: (And I just made you uncoment it... :( )
[19:06:57] xris: Juski: seattle's lug sucks
[19:07:05] ** Juski makes a note to send xris a t-shirt emblazoned with "hey buy me a beer! I made mythweb!!" **
[19:07:11] xris: lol
[19:07:25] gardengnome: Juski: why not a thong? ;)
[19:07:42] sphery: Well, since DD data gives a programid and seriesid for news that's the same every single day, if you record one episode of the news, they're all shown as recorded.
[19:07:56] xris: sphery: interesting, didn't know that
[19:08:00] sphery: I don't care (I don't watch the news ;), but I remember a lot of people complaining.
[19:08:09] sphery: I'll see if I can dig up the threads...
[19:08:12] Juski: gardengnome: I might buy one & model it on the saturday night of the lugradio thing
[19:08:42] xris: no, I actually redesigned the query. GreyFoxx was getting like 30 second load times on the main index page and realized it was directly tied to his oldrecorded table.
[19:08:54] gardengnome: Juski: awesome! do you know if coume has ordered/received stuff from spreadshirt yet? i don't think i can order anything this month after buying the s100 ;)
[19:09:01] xris: so we added a couple of indexes and I rearranged the queries to use them.. sped things up a lot.
[19:09:07] sphery: I'm pretty sure, though, that the scheduler sees it that way, so we could "teach" the users that the "previously recorded" message is to help them realize they should specify an appropriate dupcheck method.
[19:09:23] Juski: gardengnome: last I heard he was _going_ to order at least one shirt
[19:09:33] xris: sphery: yeah, once the new stuff goes in, that'd likely be good
[19:09:36] gardengnome: Juski: right.
[19:09:57] Juski: I dunno if I can stretch to that much for a tshirt to be honest – they ain't that cheap
[19:10:13] Juski: in light of what I've already donated.. like jees
[19:10:21] Juski: (I'm a god damn foo)
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[19:10:42] gardengnome: Juski: heh. yeah, they're quite expensive. but i jsut have to get that thong, so i can order a shirt as well
[19:11:17] Juski: I was talking about this today with the guys at work. they suggested making people donate to get questions answered... or at least put them higher up the tree
[19:11:35] gardengnome: sounds like true OSS spirit...
[19:11:37] Juski: how I laughed
[19:12:04] Juski: yeah but _someone_ has to pay for all the hosting
[19:12:41] Juski: it's the great dichotomy of OSS isn't it?
[19:12:42] xris: Juski: what are you guys talking about?
[19:13:16] Juski: xris: the mythtvtalk forum , and funding thereof
[19:13:44] K|NgGh0sT: Mythtv hates me
[19:13:50] K|NgGh0sT: and for good reason
[19:13:54] xris: Juski: ahh
[19:14:05] xris: too bad you'll never convince isaac to host it on the new server.
[19:14:07] Juski: I know there are people who don't like/want a forum, but we help a lot of folks
[19:14:11] ** xris drools over the new server **
[19:14:14] gardengnome: xris: yep :7
[19:14:19] phatmonkey (phatmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:15:07] xris: new
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[19:15:13] Juski: 1st question my wife asked about the lugradiolive show was "so who's paying you do be there?"... rofl
[19:15:52] gardengnome: Juski: did she call you a loser afterwards? ;)
[19:16:00] Juski: not in as many words
[19:16:13] gardengnome: heh
[19:16:20] ** stuarta is contemplating the 3.5hr train journey.... **
[19:17:25] randy_ (randy_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:17:25] ** xris contemplates lunch.. (afk) **
[19:18:07] K|NgGh0sT: mmm lunch
[19:18:12] K|NgGh0sT: What should I get for lunch
[19:18:17] gardengnome: a case of beer?
[19:18:22] K|NgGh0sT: I already have a keg
[19:18:28] K|NgGh0sT: actually 10 to be eact
[19:18:29] K|NgGh0sT: exact
[19:18:39] stuarta: that's being greedy
[19:18:46] K|NgGh0sT: Kegger tonight
[19:18:56] gardengnome: so, don't you think that's enough for lunch?
[19:19:07] stuarta: keg me!
[19:19:21] K|NgGh0sT: stuarta, come to Ottawa Ont :D
[19:19:42] stuarta: kegs be empty before I get there :(
[19:20:09] _WillCooke_ (_WillCooke_! has quit (". . o u t . .")
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[19:20:59] K|NgGh0sT: Not my problem :D
[19:21:14] ** stuarta has guiness in the fridge **
[19:21:46] K|NgGh0sT: I have a 24 of that too
[19:22:03] K|NgGh0sT: I'm keeping one keg formyself
[19:22:06] K|NgGh0sT: for me keg fridge
[19:22:23] ** gardengnome has got 15 ales in the freezer and some stouts **
[19:28:33] stuarta: i'd say the ratio of alcohol to alcoholics is about right...
[19:29:21] gardengnome: 4.8%?
[19:29:48] stuarta: depends on your drink....
[19:30:10] Juski: 40% is good
[19:30:22] gardengnome: 38% works, too
[19:30:36] gardengnome: i'd love to have a strong drink now, but i've still gotta drive later
[19:30:39] stuarta: mmmm JD, vodka, whiskey...
[19:31:15] Juski: I have to drive shortly
[19:31:19] stuarta: i've a cask strength 18yr old single malt at 51.5%
[19:31:26] Juski: 150 miles to my ex-home
[19:31:44] ** stuarta is going no where until 10am tommorrow.... **
[19:32:18] Juski: back on Sunday evening, shopping in town on Monday. some weekend
[19:32:22] gardengnome: stuarta: if you do it right, you'll still be drunk by then
[19:32:53] stuarta: i'm driving :( the GF is out getting wasted.... :)
[19:33:06] Juski: the joys of being taxi
[19:33:18] gardengnome: stuarta: well. that still has its advantages
[19:33:26] Juski: :-D
[19:33:36] stuarta: of course.... time to catch up on my recordings :)
[19:33:51] gardengnome: the GF is somewhere showing a castle to some brits(o_O), that's why i have to be taxi, too
[19:33:55] Juski: anyone want some of my 180 hours?
[19:34:20] Juski: gardengnome: keep her away from those Brits – they're nasty
[19:34:28] gardengnome: no thanks, i've got enough crap myself ;)
[19:34:31] gardengnome: Juski: i hear ya.
[19:34:44] stuarta: i've got 7 days worth..... (7 * 24 = 168ish...)
[19:35:06] Juski: saying that, I doubt there's much chance a UK guy could steal a european girlfriend from _anyone_. I'm such a patriot ;-)
[19:35:19] stuarta: hehehehe
[19:35:44] stuarta: not that I can talk....
[19:36:04] Juski: last time I went into a travel agency they asked where I'd like to go.. "anywhere the English don't go in great numbers" I said
[19:36:06] gardengnome: well, she's not exactly european ;). anyways, i'm gonna invade britain if that would happen
[19:36:17] dopester (dopester! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[19:36:23] Juski: attack of the gnome!
[19:36:25] ** Juski cowers **
[19:36:40] gardengnome: hehe
[19:36:50] stuarta: I reckon we concrete him into the backyard....
[19:37:00] gardengnome: hey. that's just plain nasty.
[19:37:11] stuarta: stops the invasion :)
[19:37:19] gardengnome: heh
[19:37:37] zwaaa (zwaaa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:37:45] stuarta: okay, we'll just use silly putty....
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[19:41:48] Juski: just set up battlestar galactica to record. thankful there's custom record rules :)
[19:42:20] stuarta: I'm assuming that's the first series?
[19:42:49] Juski: aye
[19:42:52] Juski: $ky three
[19:43:40] stuarta: I've the dvd's downstairs. Give's me an excuse to try out the reworked internal dvd player...
[19:44:10] Dibblah_: Anyone got any idea why mythfilldatabase is spending 50% of it's time in the QString destructor?
[19:45:36] Dibblah_: And why oprofile's call graph appears to be busted? ;)
[19:45:58] catisonh (catisonh! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:47:05] stuarta: that'll be a big fat no then....
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[19:49:15] Juski: time to go.. have a nice weekend! :)
[19:49:25] Juski (Juski! has quit ("offski")
[19:49:40] Dibblah_: Guess so.
[19:50:02] stuarta: it's one of those things that just needs more digging :-/
[19:50:13] Dibblah_: <SIGH>. Looks like I might actually have to look at the code, rather than having the Finger of OProfile pointing out the issue :)
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[20:14:01] speedsix: Hi mythers
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[20:29:38] sapbeast: 3 gigs left on my mythbox storage
[20:29:41] sapbeast: that doesnt sound good
[20:30:25] stuarta: disk space is cheap...
[20:31:52] Zider: everything is expensive when you're unemployed
[20:32:17] stuarta: i can relate to that...
[20:33:14] sapbeast: no ive spent so much time trying to figure out how to transcode old recordings that ive really ran out of space :p
[20:33:46] stuarta: better clean some stuff up before the autoexpirer does it for you...
[20:34:16] sapbeast: yeah i think ill have to stop the backend tonight while i clean shit up
[20:34:23] Dibblah_: The autoexpirer hits! The autoexpirer hits! Big Brother died.
[20:34:56] Dibblah_: Uhem. Back to Nethack :)
[20:35:11] gardengnome: The autoexpirer misses! ERROR when trying to autoexpire file: /mnt/foo/video//1067_20060508225447.mpg. File doesn't exist. Database metadata will not be removed.
[20:35:35] stuarta: someone needs to use the magic touch
[20:36:19] sapbeast: nah i just need to work with corpix more about doing user job transcoding in the background
[20:36:42] sapbeast: due to the crappyness of my cable i have mpeg-2 set to record at 8000–9600
[20:37:00] sapbeast: obviously that eats space fast
[20:41:50] Dibblah_: stuarta: I take it you have seen the comment on the state of the NIT in the UK?
[20:42:11] jjazz (jjazz! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:42:14] stuarta: yeah, explains the stuff we saw during your testing...
[20:42:24] Dibblah_: Which sorta explains my confusion. Barstewards.
[20:42:55] jjazz: Is a 900MHz athlon with 500 mb of ram sufficient to turn into a myth box?
[20:43:02] stuarta: shit's broken, so we'll break our stuff to make the shit work.
[20:43:39] xris: jjazz: for rudimentary stuff, sure
[20:43:53] jjazz: What would be considered more than rudimentary?
[20:44:53] jjazz: xris: I just want playback of movies and simple DVR features (i.e. scheduled recording)
[20:46:12] gardengnome: jjazz: with a hardware encoder card (ivtv, dvb) and a good graphics card you should be fine. especially with XvMC (see for that)
[20:46:22] xris: jjazz: with a hardware encoder card you'd be great. software encoder card would be limited to small res
[20:46:54] jjazz: Great. Thanks. I'll pick up a hardware encoder.
[20:47:25] xris: jjazz: pvr-150
[20:47:55] jjazz: The encoder card is for the recording, right? The playback doesn't require it. Have I got that right?
[20:48:00] gardengnome: yep
[20:48:36] jjazz: Great.
[20:48:46] xris: jjazz: and pretty much any nvidia video card from the geforece2 onward
[20:48:59] gardengnome: i'm using a geforce 4 mx and i like it :)
[20:49:16] jjazz: xris: Yeah, I have a geforce2 in a box somewhere. This is found hardware, and I'm trying to keep the price down.
[20:50:08] xris: jjazz: should work well enough
[20:50:17] jjazz: I have 10 years experience in Debian, but almost none in other distros, so I'm going to go with the Debian packages. Is there a compelling advantage to another distro?
[20:50:32] stuarta: nope, stay with what you know
[20:50:33] gardengnome: debian should be fine
[20:50:36] gardengnome: marillat has packages
[20:50:44] ** stuarta only uses debian **
[20:50:57] jjazz: Cool. You guys are great help.
[20:55:54] gardengnome: :)
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[21:02:54] psofa: whith what criteria does the chanid get generated in the dtabase?
[21:03:27] psofa: *with
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[21:03:46] psofa: i mean it isnt autoincremented
[21:03:47] psofa: why?
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[21:10:00] sphery: xris, since you're a MySQL expert... Won't the REPLACE INTO for rec_never_record() never trigger a replace because of the NOW() for starttime and endtime?
[21:10:02] sphery: . . . ams.php#L568
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[21:18:29] stuarta: psofa: the chanid is basically (cardid * 1000) + channum
[21:19:34] psofa: stuarta, ty
[21:20:31] jjazz: Does the pvr-150 include any TV ouputs, or do I need a separate card for that?
[21:23:09] psofa: stuarta, then why they both exist when they are actually the same?
[21:23:21] janneg: stuarta: sourceid, and it's a little bit silly since channum is for DVB serviceid. most of my serviceids are larger than 10.000
[21:23:49] janneg: psofa: chanid is unique, channum not necessarily
[21:24:05] stuarta: in the uk at least the channel numbers are < 1000
[21:24:51] stuarta: dvb-s is often different.....
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[21:25:07] Dibblah_: ... And they can be 0 prefixed in the UK.
[21:25:08] psofa: anyway would there be any problem if i was inconcistent with that cardid*1000+channum if my chanids are unique?
[21:25:19] psofa: because my db is already messed up
[21:26:02] stuarta: nope, if there is a clash then the chanid get bumped up to (IIRC) > 10000
[21:27:42] Dibblah_: jjazz: No TV out on the 150.
[21:28:02] jjazz: OK. That's what I thought.
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[21:50:10] Niklas_E: if you get "dvb error – invalid inversion, aborting" when you scan for channels on my sat card, is it the drivers (which works with szap) or is it some mythtv error?
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[21:59:52] psofa: can someone that has it fresh in his mind post the baackup database command?
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[22:12:19] xris: psofa: mysqldump?
[22:14:14] psofa: xris, ye ye i found out :)
[22:15:45] dopester (dopester! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[22:15:46] dscoular: psofa, I just use /etc/init.d/mysql stop; tar jcvf backup.tbz2 /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg
[22:15:54] xris: psofa: personally, I just use rsync. heh
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[22:25:48] Dibblah_: I just use Dirvish :)
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[23:14:29] AngryElf: is it possible to link directly to the myth download or was the site designed to prevent that?
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[23:17:56] [R] ([R]!n=ron@unaffiliated/r/x-000000001) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:45] [R]: no matter what i do... i can't get the arrow keys to work via the remote control when the myth window doesn't have focus... both native lirc and irxevent... the first key press goes through but after that nothin else works... any ideas?
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[23:24:37] groogs_: my music is all stored in "genre/artist – song title" or "genre/sub-genre/artist – song title" format.. how do I get that in mythtv? If I tell it "GENRE / ARTIST – TITLE" then it shows the genres as folders (as expected), but the filenames are "0 – song title" or "2 – song title" (not really sure what the numbers mean, most are 0 though)
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[23:44:43] xris: groogs_: use id3 tags?
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[23:59:02] Kelerion (Kelerion!n=craig@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:59:44] Kelerion: morning all

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