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Wednesday, October 12th, 2005, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:00] beavis ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:06:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:06:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:00] LasseL ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:00] abarbaccia: hey all – if i use nuvexport to put about 4 hours of video in DVD format, will it fit on one DVD?
[00:18:00] LasseL ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:19:00] LasseL ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:00] bubba ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:00] DJSelbeck ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:00] agile ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:27:00] bubba ( has left #mythtv-users
[00:31:00] BlurredWe ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:00] BlurredWe: my log files in /var/log/mythtv keep filling up the partition. How do I turn logging off? (used knoppmyth)
[00:32:00] LasseL ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:33:00] BlurredWe ( Quit (Client Quit)
[00:33:00] LasseL ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:00] kormoc: ln -s /dev/null /var/log/mythtv ?
[00:39:00] sskk ( Quit ()
[00:39:00] Krazylegz: You can also just turn off logging.
[00:46:00] wswanson ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:00] tzanger ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:00] bRuZdEGO ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:49:00] LinHiNun ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:00] wswanson: I've been using Debian for almost 2 years for my MythTV efforts. I have 2 backends and 3 front-ends. I thought I would consider writing a doc on making an Ubuntu MythTV guide for the SVN.... while Ubuntu seems great in other regards, it seems to suck for doing MythTV builds.... anyone have any thoughts on the subject?
[00:50:00] tzanger: I've been using mythtv for a while with a pvr350 and it's been good. I replaced the pvr350 with just a regular nv11 (geforce2mx since I never use the recording feature) but I'm having odd little issues with X and nv... it *works* but at 720x480 I can't get video output at all with xv
[00:51:00] tzanger: mplayer spits out
[00:51:00] tzanger: X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)?,?% 0 0
[00:51:00] js2638 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:00] tzanger: I've only got one video mode (720x480)
[00:51:00] Thus0 ( Quit ("Leaving")
[00:52:00] Beirdo: woohoo
[00:53:00] Beirdo: the laptop drive really frigging died
[00:53:00] Beirdo: re-installing ubuntu on a new drive
[00:53:00] tzanger: the video mode seems "larger" than that though (i.e. the "X" that X11 brings up is not cenetered, and movies are off-center
[00:54:00] tzanger: any ideas? I realize this isn't specifically mythtv-related but if there's a group of cats who have X11 and tvout experience, it's Mythtv :-)
[00:54:00] woodwizzle ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:00] woodwizzle: Hello
[00:55:00] woodwizzle: I'm going to re-install linux on my mythtv box. What distro do you guys have the best experience with
[00:55:00] NightMonkey: tzanger: Does nv support xv? What is your xorg version?
[00:55:00] woodwizzle: I had used gentoo on it before, but the system is kinda b0rk3d now
[00:56:00] tzanger: yup it does... if I change the mode to 640x480 I see output wiht xv
[00:56:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: lol. Gentoo – for over a year.
[00:56:00] tzanger: 6.8.1
[00:56:00] tzanger: xvinfo says the driver supports it
[00:56:00] red_fox_away is now known as red_fox
[00:56:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) Quit ("Leaving")
[00:56:00] Beirdo: fugging Hitachi (formerly IBM) drive
[00:56:00] woodwizzle: I thinking of either trying the ubuntu breezy which is running smooth on my laptop. Or maybe OpenSuse?
[00:56:00] Beirdo: whrrrrCLICK
[00:56:00] Beirdo: hehe
[00:57:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:00] wswanson: woodwizzle: I have the best experience with Debian (2+ years)
[00:57:00] Beirdo: replacing the 4200RPM drive with a 5400RPM Seagate 40G :)
[00:57:00] wswanson: woodwizzle: But everyone has their own favorites
[00:57:00] woodwizzle: Do any distros come with IVTV?
[00:57:00] sphing ( Quit ("Leaving")
[00:58:00] wswanson: Beirdo: have you previously used Ubuntu for myth? What are the correct APT sources for prereqs?
[00:58:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: Where the problem lies is how well your tv card is supported – like ivtv. But, I see lots of people here with Debian problems, generally related to the available package versions in the Debian package tree.
[00:58:00] Beirdo: I haven't no
[00:58:00] Beirdo: I've used it for other stuff, but not yet for myth
[00:58:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: But, there are many Debian sucess stories, I'm sure.
[00:59:00] tzanger: NightMonkey: 800x600 output "works" too (no error, but nothingon the tv output)
[00:59:00] wswanson: Beirdo: I think you'll hate it as much as I just did. I've only spent a few minutes on it — but its pretty obvious that if you want to run the SVN, there is some work ahead.
[00:59:00] Beirdo: meh
[00:59:00] woodwizzle: Maybe I'll give knoppmyth a try. It failed for me in the past but that was long ago
[00:59:00] Beirdo: I'm sure I'll be fine
[00:59:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: I'd check out what's well documented in – and go with that.
[01:00:00] wswanson: Beirdo: we'll see.  ;)
[01:00:00] woodwizzle: NightMonkey, well I've installed mythtv a number of times, but only on gentoo. I'm not too worried about installing or settiung up, just rough stuff that I can't fix
[01:00:00] Beirdo: I don't intend to upgrade any time soon
[01:00:00] woodwizzle: Beirdo: A while ago someone on planetubuntu posted about running mythtv on ubuntu
[01:00:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: IVTV is a moving target, so it would be hard for any distro to support it well, especially considering it isn't really a broadly deployed chipset.
[01:01:00] woodwizzle: NightMonkey: That's why I'm thinkin' i'll give knoppmyth another go =)
[01:01:00] wswanson: Beirdo: ah, thought you were just saying that you were going to get a new drive for it... but I suspect I joined late in the convo and you just meant for your laptop in general. For that, Ubuntu is great... but for Myth .... I don't think so
[01:01:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: That's one reason I like to use Gentoo – if it doesn't compile, it won't get installed ;).
[01:01:00] Beirdo: nah, new drive in my laptop
[01:01:00] Beirdo: the other one got a click of death
[01:01:00] woodwizzle: Anyone have a good or a bad experience with knoppmyth
[01:01:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) Quit (Client Quit)
[01:02:00] woodwizzle: NightMonkey: Yeah, but I've been having terrible alsa problems with gentoo.
[01:02:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: What's your sound card?
[01:02:00] woodwizzle: never can get it right on this particular machine
[01:02:00] woodwizzle: nforce2 motherboard chip
[01:02:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: That's what I have.
[01:02:00] harryman100 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:02:00] woodwizzle: It works, but sometimes it stops working and there is nothing I can do to get it up again
[01:03:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: I have a Shuttle SN41G2V2 as my MythTV box .
[01:03:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: What version of kernel and alsa?
[01:03:00] NightMonkey: (alsa-utils, rather)
[01:03:00] woodwizzle: nitro-sources
[01:03:00] jnc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:00] jnc: i am reminded to ask a question here and not in #myth
[01:03:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: First problem: Use gentoo-sources.
[01:04:00] woodwizzle: Im having some wierd unsolvable kernel problems too, I used gentoo-sources but then portage kept "updating" me back to 2.4
[01:04:00] jnc: if i am not out of inodes, and i have plenty of disk space on a partition, what might make it report out of space?
[01:04:00] harryman100 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:00] woodwizzle: I've been running mythtv on this box since very long ago and I think over the course of me fixing and setting up various things that I've really just screwed up the install beyound repair
[01:05:00] jnc: i had no trouble on a Debian GNU/Linux install with mythtv on top
[01:05:00] jnc: now that I am using a KnopMyth install, it is giving me strange messages
[01:05:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: When was that? 2.6 has been stable for a while.
[01:05:00] jnc: i have not seen this sort of action before
[01:05:00] woodwizzle: I'm gonna try knoppmyth, and if thats no good, I guess I'll do gentoo again with the gentoo-sources.
[01:05:00] woodwizzle: NightMonkey: Still does it if I try now
[01:05:00] jnc: woodwizzle: knopmyth is excellent, aside from the problem i am experiencing
[01:06:00] woodwizzle: jnc: what is that problem?
[01:06:00] jnc: woodwizzle: out of disk space
[01:06:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: Another piece of advice – never go make an "end-run" around Portage to install something. It will only give you grief later.
[01:06:00] jnc: i have plenty of space, and not all the inodes are used up
[01:06:00] jnc: so i am totally at a loss to explain it
[01:06:00] woodwizzle: NighMonkey: I know, learned the hard way long ago =)
[01:06:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: Well, good luck with Knoppmyth. :)
[01:06:00] jnc: i ran into this trouble when unpacking thousands of game roms
[01:07:00] NightMonkey: woodwizzle: If you want some assistance with a Gentoo install, just ask.
[01:07:00] jnc: it got to about 3–4 thousand files, and then reports out of disk space
[01:09:00] Esotericisms ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:00] e-_MdUa ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:00] e-_MdUa ( Quit (Excess Flood)
[01:13:00] harryman100 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:14:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[01:15:00] harryman100 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:00] __Ace__ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[01:16:00] BobJensen is now known as BobJensen-Away
[01:16:00] DJSelbeck ( Quit ("Verlassend")
[01:16:00] Deansweb2004 ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )")
[01:17:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:28:00] Randall64: Does mythdvd do nice upconverting?
[01:30:00] tzanger ( has left #mythtv-users
[01:30:00] wswanson: I take back my previous comment about ubuntu sucking for SVN installs of mythtv... The same build-dep mythtv seems to work fine
[01:31:00] clintar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:00] Kigh ( Quit ()
[01:35:00] Goldfisch2 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:00] Goldfisch2: I'm getting errors from mythbackend saying I need to setup my software encoders, because it doesn't recognize my video codec.
[01:36:00] Goldfisch2: This was working over the weekend, so I don't know what has changed to break this. I just get a blue screen, but thumbnails look good, and so is audo.
[01:38:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:40:00] Goldfisch2: Anybody see this issue?
[01:42:00] agile ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:00] ldam ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:52:00] FunkyELF ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:00] FunkyELF: hi guys, I'm having problems trying to load the ivtv kernel module. Anyone have experience with that?
[01:54:00] kormoc: depends on the errors I would assume, not that we know what they are.
[02:00:00] FunkyELF: FATAL: Error inserting ivtv (/lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r3/extra/ivtv.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
[02:00:00] FunkyELF: then in dmesg I see these about 5 times....
[02:01:00] FunkyELF: ivtv: Unknown symbol i2c_bit_add_bus
[02:01:00] FunkyELF: ivtv: Unknown symbol i2c_bit_del_bus
[02:01:00] ldam ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:00] Lightning ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:00] Lightning: evening
[02:02:00] Goldfisch2 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:02:00] dfcc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:00] dfcc: hi i have a p3 866 with 512MB of ram, would this be enough, to use mythtv with a hardware encode/decode dvb tv card?
[02:02:00] red_fox: dfcc, yeah should be fine
[02:02:00] Goldfisch2 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:00] dfcc: how about recording programs?
[02:03:00] red_fox: yeah sure if you have a hardware encoder
[02:03:00] Surye ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:03:00] FunkyELF: anyone got any ideas about my ivtv errors? Keep in mind that I'm a linux newb and it could be something really dumb on my part
[02:03:00] dfcc: woo, thanks red_fox
[02:03:00] dfcc ( Quit ()
[02:03:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, I would guess you are missing some i2c stuff in your kernel
[02:05:00] kormoc: FunkyELF, you have the i2c bit banging enabled?
[02:06:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, I can't find that in my kernel config
[02:06:00] kormoc: one sec
[02:07:00] FunkyELF: I use gentoo, is the kernel configuration the same on every distro? Right now I am in Device Drivers-->I2C Support-->
[02:07:00] kormoc: Location: Device Drivers -> I2C support -> > I2C support -> I2C Algorithms -> I2C bit-banging interfaces
[02:07:00] woodwizzle: when using knoppmyth and it asks which partion to install it to. Do you install it to / or /myth?
[02:07:00] kormoc: Depends on: I2C
[02:08:00] kormoc: FunkyELF, kernel config should be the same, aye, and I'm using gentoo as well
[02:08:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, I see a --- next to I2C bit-banging interfaces
[02:08:00] FunkyELF: I can't hit space on it to have it built-in or a module
[02:09:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, does that mean that it is just a title for the stuff under it?
[02:09:00] kormoc: what items in I2C do you have?
[02:09:00] kormoc: no, it means there's a dep on it that's not set right now
[02:09:00] kormoc: what kernel version as well?
[02:09:00] FunkyELF: 2.6.13-gentoo-r3
[02:11:00] FunkyELF: I have I2C support, then under that I have I2C device interface. Under miscellaneous I2C Chip support I have the EEPROM reader
[02:11:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, have you gone through the gentoo wiki for mythtv?
[02:11:00] red_fox: search for mythtv on
[02:11:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, yeah, that is what I am trying to go through right now. I couldn't find all of the kernel options that they had for it
[02:12:00] kormoc: FunkyELF, can you send me your .config out of your linux file?
[02:12:00] Shdwdrgn ( has joined #MYTHTV-USERS
[02:12:00] kormoc: /file/folder
[02:12:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, do you have development drivers enabled?
[02:12:00] kormoc: booya!
[02:12:00] kormoc: that'd be a requirement!
[02:12:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, yes I do
[02:13:00] rage-: what do I need to change to enlarge the text in the epg?
[02:13:00] red_fox: rage-, I'm not sure, but let me know if you find out!  ;-)
[02:14:00] Z-Morek ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:00] FunkyELF: kormoc,
[02:15:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[02:16:00] kormoc: FunkyELF, I think you might want to switch over to a vanilla-source kernel, it'd be easier
[02:16:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, I tried the vanilla-source but it didn't have the right network driver for my motherboard. Vanilla didn't have skge, it still used sk98lin which didn't work for me
[02:18:00] kormoc: ooh, icky
[02:18:00] FunkyELF: I can try getting a masked kernel I suppose
[02:18:00] kormoc: cause it appears the gentoo sources broke that module, hence the ---
[02:18:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, in menuconfig, hit help when on the i2c bit banging option
[02:18:00] red_fox: see if it mentions any dependancies
[02:19:00] FunkyELF: well...I'm not sure if I selected the right hardware under I2C Hardware Bus support. What would happen if I just made everything under there built in?
[02:19:00] red_fox: probably nothing bad, your kernel would be a little bigger and load slower on boot up
[02:19:00] FunkyELF: Depends on: I2C
[02:20:00] red_fox: if it doesn't work, you can just reset and try again
[02:20:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, but it wouldn't cause any conflicts?
[02:20:00] red_fox: probably not, using multiple sda drivers works for me
[02:21:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, do you use vanilla sources?
[02:21:00] red_fox: nope gentoo-sources
[02:22:00] Lightning: the black art of kernel building :P
[02:22:00] dft: fxck this is getting frustrating, mythbackend doesn't seem to be launching automagically..
[02:23:00] Lightning: dft, any errors, or just not going?
[02:23:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, here is my .config:
[02:23:00] dft: hmm, /cache/cache/ringbuf1.nuv: no such file or dir...
[02:23:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, how about you, do you use vanilla or gentoo?
[02:24:00] kormoc: vanilla
[02:24:00] dft: Lightning: hmm, I'm going to ln that dir from / to the myth partition
[02:25:00] Lightning: i'm still new with mythtv itself. i do know getting other apps to auto-start on boot which is why i wondered if it was trying or not
[02:26:00] FunkyELF: so since I will have to use a masked vanilla-sources, which one should I use....the latest 2.6.14_rc3?
[02:26:00] dft: Lightning: I'm running the latest Knopmyth and I'm not used to the linux structure since I'm and fbsd fan myself
[02:26:00] kormoc: FunkyELF, tis the one I'm using, and it's working quite well
[02:26:00] Lightning: ah. i havent worked with knopmyth yet. I'm still trying to get my hardware bought for my setup :)
[02:27:00] The_Ball ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:00] dft: this is odd
[02:27:00] dft: df doesn't list /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda4
[02:27:00] Lightning: i'm curious why it would be /cache/cache
[02:27:00] dft: just /dev/sda1
[02:28:00] Lightning: if they arent mounted, then df wont show them
[02:28:00] red_fox: dft, are they mounted?
[02:28:00] Lightning: it should only show free mounted
[02:28:00] Lightning: err, free space for mounted
[02:28:00] okare ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:00] dft: my thoughts exactly, they're obviously not mounting..which they should be
[02:28:00] red_fox: run mount
[02:28:00] dft: that could be due to the reinstall
[02:28:00] red_fox: it will list what is mounted
[02:29:00] dft: none on /proc type proc (rw,nodiratime)
[02:29:00] dft: sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
[02:29:00] dft: usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
[02:29:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:00] dft: /dev/sda1
[02:29:00] dft: fuggers
[02:30:00] red_fox: well try to mount one of the ones that is missing
[02:30:00] harryman100 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:31:00] Lightning: probably need to edit /etc/fstab
[02:31:00] JohnnyST ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:31:00] dft: red_fox: fstab has them listed as noauto for /dev/sda3 and 4
[02:32:00] Lightning: dont do noauto then :)
[02:32:00] red_fox: then they won't auto mount
[02:33:00] dft: thnx ;}
[02:34:00] Lightning: welcome :)
[02:34:00] dft: so much for getting this running the quick and dirty way with knoppix
[02:34:00] JohnnyST ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:00] kormoc: dft, you were right bout the dirty part
[02:35:00] Lightning: i'm not sure why it would have set them as noauto
[02:35:00] kormoc: sd's can also be used for usb flash media and similar
[02:35:00] kormoc: maybe it figured it was a flash drive
[02:35:00] Lightning: true
[02:38:00] red_fox: does anyone here use nuvexport?
[02:38:00] dft: Lightning: any idea where the conf file is for binding video sourc to capture card?
[02:38:00] red_fox: I'm curious what the VBR quality/quantisation (1–31) value is for
[02:39:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, girlfriend called me. I'm emerging the vanilla sources right now
[02:39:00] kormoc: dft, it's set in myth-setup
[02:39:00] Lightning: i do not know, i have not dong video capture on linux
[02:39:00] FunkyELF: kormoc, we'll see if the 2.6.14 has skge
[02:39:00] Z-Morek ( Quit ()
[02:40:00] GreyFoxx: dft: All config data is stored in the SQL database except for the sql db authentication info
[02:40:00] kormoc: red_fox, . . . ;btnG=Search
[02:40:00] xris ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
[02:40:00] red_fox: kormoc, specifically, I'm not sure which is the higher quality, 1 or 31
[02:41:00] kormoc: ahh
[02:41:00] kormoc: that I donno
[02:41:00] red_fox: hehe well thanks
[02:42:00] Chutt: 1
[02:44:00] kormoc ( Quit ("Done with work, yay!")
[02:45:00] red_fox: Chutt, ah shoot
[02:45:00] red_fox: I'm 24% done at 31 ;-)
[02:46:00] Goldfisch2 ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[02:47:00] Goldfisch2 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, there are two kernel configurations shown on the gentoo wiki, one says 2.6.x kernel with LIRC patches....does gentoo have that?
[02:49:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, I'm not really sure... I used the lirc ebuilds and loaded them as modules
[02:54:00] Flux0r ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:00] Flux0r: hey, i can't seem to find in which format mythtv records
[02:56:00] red_fox: Flux0r, well my pvr150 records in mpeg2, but it might be different for other recording methods
[02:56:00] red_fox: I'm really not sure
[02:56:00] Flux0r: mpeg2 would seem nice. pvr has got hardware mpeg2 rendering right?
[02:56:00] red_fox: it has hardware encoding
[02:56:00] red_fox: the 350 has hardware decoding
[02:57:00] Flux0r: but maybe i want to record it to divx/xvid so i can play it on my archos gmini
[02:57:00] red_fox: yeah you can convert it after recorded
[02:58:00] Flux0r: of course. but it takes time ;)
[02:58:00] red_fox: yep
[02:58:00] Flux0r: talking about those hauppauge cards...
[02:58:00] Flux0r: hm no i've got too many questions
[02:58:00] Flux0r: i'll google a bit :D
[02:58:00] red_fox: I've got a little time
[02:59:00] red_fox: alright always a safe option
[02:59:00] Flux0r: it is impossible to record a program from one channel while watching tv on another channel, right?
[02:59:00] Flux0r: since the 150 has got 1 tuner
[02:59:00] red_fox: with one tuner, yes
[02:59:00] Flux0r: ok
[02:59:00] red_fox: the 500 has two tuners
[02:59:00] Flux0r: i've seen that
[02:59:00] Flux0r: ok, thanks for your help
[03:00:00] red_fox: sure np
[03:00:00] NightBird: for the 500, you need a splitter for both of the inputs, or no?
[03:00:00] Flux0r: probably
[03:00:00] red_fox: NightBird, I believe so... I've never seen one
[03:00:00] NightBird: hm...
[03:00:00] NightBird: ok
[03:01:00] ** NightBird wonders whats wrong with his robot.. **
[03:01:00] Flux0r: the 500 has got two inputs
[03:01:00] Flux0r: and probably you've got one cable
[03:01:00] Flux0r: there *are* splitters for antena cables
[03:01:00] Flux0r: and i've used them... many of them...
[03:02:00] Flux0r: that worked, so try it :D
[03:02:00] Lightning: too bad i cant record 1 channel from the cable box and watch another. dont really want to get 2 cable boxes though. i do wonder if the tuner on the card would pick up cable signals
[03:02:00] Lightning: or what the better card is to use for a cable hookup
[03:02:00] NightBird: Lightning, just get a cable splitter for it
[03:02:00] red_fox: Lightning, for digital cable you have to use a cable box
[03:03:00] NightBird: oh
[03:03:00] NightBird: hm..
[03:03:00] ** NightBird shrugs **
[03:03:00] Lightning: red_fox, obviously :(
[03:03:00] red_fox: one option is to use a cable box for one input, and analog cable for the other
[03:03:00] Flux0r: is the prv mc500 supported? i'm going to use ubuntu by the way
[03:03:00] Flux0r: damn i'm delirious
[03:03:00] Flux0r: i was talking about the pvr 500mce
[03:03:00] Flux0r: :D
[03:04:00] Lightning: other than the news, i think almost all the channels are digital now on the local service
[03:04:00] Lightning: they have been pushing and upgrading for the last few years
[03:04:00] red_fox: then you are out of luck ;-)
[03:04:00] red_fox: Flux0r, yeah I think several people around here are using it
[03:04:00] Mescad (n=Mescad@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:00] Flux0r: a 150 and a 150mce together cost about as much as a 500mce, so what do you think is the best option?
[03:05:00] Flux0r: (150 and 150mce combination because i want 1 remote)
[03:05:00] red_fox: probably the 500, to save a PCI slot
[03:05:00] red_fox: but yeah, you don't get the remote
[03:05:00] Flux0r: 500 doesn't have a remote?! damn.
[03:05:00] red_fox: I've had good luck with a serial IR reciever, but that uses up the serial port
[03:06:00] Lightning: usb then :)
[03:06:00] red_fox: well i've heard there is one packaged version of the 500 that does
[03:06:00] Flux0r: i don't care for slots; it's going to be a dedicated box
[03:06:00] Lightning: i thought 500 did
[03:07:00] Flux0r: oh and another thing: why no usb tv card?
[03:08:00] red_fox: I thought there might be one out there... but usb is tough to fit all the data through
[03:08:00] Flux0r:
[03:08:00] red_fox: speed issues
[03:08:00] Lightning: they have a 500 kit with a remote
[03:09:00] Lightning: but I do not know what the connect is of it
[03:09:00] red_fox: yeah I'm really curious about that
[03:09:00] dft: w00t, we have tv, no if only I could change channels:)
[03:09:00] Lightning: something called a beanbag
[03:09:00] Lightning: dft: :D
[03:09:00] Flux0r: haha dft
[03:12:00] Flux0r: another question
[03:12:00] Flux0r: sorry for saying the above btw
[03:12:00] Flux0r: ;)
[03:12:00] Flux0r: is it possible to configure the recording format for each programmed recording?
[03:13:00] dft: Flux0r: it's all good
[03:13:00] red_fox: Flux0r, what are you wanting to configure?
[03:14:00] red_fox: you can set the quality, resolution, etc per programmed recording
[03:14:00] Flux0r: when i program the pvr to record a show, i want to configure the recording format
[03:14:00] red_fox: the pvr will record everything to mpeg2 though
[03:14:00] Flux0r: for example mpeg2 or xvid
[03:14:00] red_fox: then you convert it to whatever you want
[03:14:00] Flux0r: damn
[03:14:00] Flux0r: gotta cron that ;)
[03:15:00] Flux0r: i mean: gotta cron a conversion to xvid
[03:15:00] red_fox: I haven't messed with it, but you can tell myth to run transcoding after it is finished recording
[03:15:00] Flux0r: :|
[03:15:00] Flux0r: that's great as well
[03:16:00] Flux0r: great
[03:16:00] Lightning: was looking at the sound blaster audigy2 zs. it has a firewire connect, however turtle beach cards have optical s/pdif connects. thoughts?
[03:17:00] Lightning: kinda surprised create labs doesnt have optical connects
[03:17:00] Flux0r: oh and er.... why use mythtv? it's better known than freevo, but freevo looks good as well.
[03:18:00] Lightning: freevo cant pause live tv? :)
[03:19:00] Flux0r: hm ok
[03:19:00] Flux0r: i'm convinced :D
[03:19:00] Flux0r: it IS possible to run nes/snes or other emulator on myth, right?
[03:19:00] red_fox: with the mythgame plugin, yes
[03:19:00] Lightning: just searching on the net so dont take my word 100%. mythtv does time shifting, basic video editing, dvd ripping
[03:20:00] Lightning: it's own web back end, support for lirc
[03:20:00] Flux0r: it looks so... good...
[03:20:00] Lightning: themeable on screen display :)
[03:20:00] Flux0r: i'm glad i don't have stuff lying around here to build a pvr right now
[03:20:00] Flux0r: it would ruin my night
[03:20:00] Flux0r: ;)
[03:20:00] Lightning: Flux0r, i'm trying to ruin my night
[03:21:00] Flux0r: tell me
[03:21:00] Flux0r: can i help?
[03:21:00] Lightning: anyone used a turtle beach card?
[03:21:00] Flux0r: please?
[03:21:00] Flux0r: nope sorry
[03:21:00] Lightning: Flux0r, buy me some hardware that i can put together :P
[03:21:00] Lightning: i'm shopping at the moment trying to find what to use and the optical s/pdif in/out that i can plug into the optical connects on the surround sound is looking good. just wondering what the linux support is
[03:21:00] Flux0r: i've got an old soundblaster lying around here somewhere...
[03:22:00] Flux0r: oh er optical :$
[03:22:00] Flux0r: hm
[03:22:00] Flux0r: i'm going to roll 1 last cigarette
[03:24:00] Flux0r: Lightning, which distro are you using
[03:24:00] Lightning: Flux0r, i'll probably go with debian, been using it for years and enjoy it
[03:24:00] Laeb ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:24:00] Flux0r: ok, so you know your way around in debian
[03:24:00] Lightning: i enjoy doing my own custom setup, skip the common :P
[03:24:00] Lightning:
[03:24:00] Lightning: looking at that card
[03:25:00] Flux0r: i'm using ubuntu, have done 'stuff' with debian. but ubuntu just rocks.
[03:25:00] Flux0r: i like using gui's
[03:25:00] Flux0r: yep. using windows right now ;)_
[03:25:00] Flux0r: :$
[03:25:00] Lightning: 8 channel
[03:25:00] Lightning: i use windows on m current PC due to development at work
[03:25:00] Lightning: but when i can, i work with linux
[03:26:00] Flux0r: me too
[03:26:00] Flux0r: but i'm editing videos a lot
[03:26:00] Flux0r: i use darwin
[03:27:00] Flux0r: take a look over here for supported sound cards in ubuntu. maybe you know which ones have optical out.
[03:27:00] Flux0r:
[03:27:00] Flux0r: just switch to ubuntu ;)
[03:27:00] Lightning: that's the site :P came across it friday, couldnt recall the name
[03:29:00] LinHiNun ( Quit ("Connection reset by beer")
[03:30:00] Flux0r: which er... what's the english word... er... cover is the most used one?
[03:30:00] Flux0r: cabinet
[03:30:00] Flux0r: housing
[03:30:00] Flux0r: yeah
[03:30:00] Flux0r: housing
[03:31:00] red_fox: case?
[03:31:00] Flux0r: YES
[03:31:00] Flux0r: ;)
[03:31:00] Raven_301 ( Quit ()
[03:31:00] Flux0r: is there a site which makes a nice comparison?
[03:31:00] red_fox: I wouldn't say any one is more popular than any other
[03:31:00] red_fox: I really like my shuttle box, it is very tiny
[03:31:00] Flux0r: i've read about the pundit
[03:31:00] red_fox: but you have to use a shuttle motherboard
[03:32:00] Flux0r: shuttle barebones come with motherboards attached, right?
[03:32:00] red_fox: yep
[03:32:00] Flux0r: so what's the big drawback?
[03:32:00] Flux0r: it's a small mobo
[03:33:00] red_fox: yeah, and only 1 pci slot
[03:33:00] Flux0r: ONE :|
[03:33:00] Flux0r: i can't live with that
[03:33:00] red_fox: yep :-(
[03:33:00] red_fox: hehe
[03:33:00] red_fox: and an AGP
[03:34:00] pregier_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
[03:34:00] Flux0r: yes but it has tv-out onboard most of the times...
[03:34:00] red_fox: well mine didn't...
[03:34:00] Flux0r: shite
[03:34:00] red_fox: part of me wishes I would have just gotten a bare-bones dell
[03:34:00] red_fox: probably would have been cheaper
[03:35:00] red_fox: but I like my shuttle box
[03:36:00] Flux0r: the asus pundit-r350 looks great
[03:36:00] Flux0r: . . . 2=3&l3=0
[03:41:00] Icks ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:44:00] Vantage__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:46:00] Vantage__: hi, i've just installed and setup a machine with two pvr-150MCE's in it and followed the directions here: to set it up. However, I get an error loading the firmware in syslog. The error is: Error -3 initializing firmware
[03:46:00] Vantage__: any thoughts?
[03:47:00] Flux0r: yes
[03:47:00] Flux0r: buy a 500mce if you want to use its firmware
[03:48:00] Vantage__: uh, i'm using the one that is on the CD in the 150 directory...
[03:51:00] Flux0r: Vantage__, isn't this helpful?
[03:51:00] Flux0r: . . . ;btnG=Search
[03:52:00] BobJensen-Away is now known as BobJensen
[03:53:00] Vantage__: Flux0r: not so far, no
[03:57:00] didj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:57:00] didj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:59:00] FunkyELF: YES YES YES YES YES ! ! ! ! I was just able to cat /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 to files at the same time ! ! ! ! ! !
[03:59:00] Flux0r: wooyay for FunkyELF!
[03:59:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, thanks a lot, you and kormoc
[03:59:00] Flux0r: \0/
[04:00:00] FunkyELF:
[04:00:00] FunkyELF: that is saying to use tuner0 for both /dev/video0 and /dev/video1
[04:00:00] red_fox: glad you figured it out
[04:01:00] FunkyELF: yeah, the vanilla sources let me do bit whatever'ing
[04:01:00] FunkyELF: *bit banging
[04:02:00] ** FunkyELF needs to figure out how to do a custom stage 4 so he can fall back on it when he messes up later on **
[04:09:00] Lightning: aawe, alsa bug database is down
[04:09:00] Lightning: cant find out if the optical connects work for ddl
[04:11:00] FunkyELF: on a 500MCE is 1 Meg per second of video recorded normal file size?
[04:11:00] Lightning: mpeg2 grows quickly. there is a reason dvd's are large :)
[04:12:00] FunkyELF: does myth have a thing built in where it will re-encode recorded programs to xvid or something? ... or do I have to do that outside of myth?
[04:14:00] Flux0r: i've been told that myth can do that after recording a program
[04:14:00] Flux0r: [03:18] <red_fox> I haven't messed with it, but you can tell myth to run transcoding after it is finished recording
[04:14:00] Lightning: i do not know if it is automatic. i know the functionality is there to do it though
[04:16:00] Spida ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:00] Captain_Murdoch: internal mythtranscode will transcode down from MPEG2 to MPEG4 but the resulting file is only playable in Myth and in Mplayer (with a patch) and maybe on Windows with the dsmyth dll. If you want to carry these xvid files somewhere else then you want to use nuvexport, it can generate quite a few different output formats I believe.
[04:17:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:00] Flux0r: that's shitty
[04:18:00] Flux0r: that's just plain shitty
[04:18:00] Flux0r: so i've gotta make a cron script anyway
[04:18:00] Flux0r: :D
[04:18:00] Flux0r: or something like that
[04:18:00] Lightning: at least it isnt tivo
[04:18:00] Captain_Murdoch: no, you can setup a User Job to run nuvexport if you want.
[04:19:00] Flux0r: true. Lightning
[04:19:00] Flux0r: o that's great Captain_Murdoch!
[04:20:00] Flux0r: wow... . . . 5400d4766882
[04:20:00] Captain_Murdoch: you can do all kinds of things with User Jobs. :)
[04:21:00] Flux0r: wow
[04:21:00] Flux0r: i'm getting more and more into myth :D
[04:21:00] FunkyELF: I dunno why this gentoo guide has me using evilwm ... when I was recording two videos at the same time on my 500MCE using cat my cpu was at 0.5%
[04:21:00] red_fox: yeah that confused me also
[04:22:00] red_fox: I'm using fluxbox, but use whatever wm you want
[04:22:00] alainm ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:22:00] Flux0r: ok
[04:22:00] Flux0r: going to bed now
[04:22:00] FunkyELF: Yeah, I'll probably not go all out and do gnome or kde. I really like xfce. It gives you nice windows and it is very light-weight
[04:22:00] Flux0r: thanks for yer help
[04:22:00] rtsai ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:22:00] Flux0r: i'm coming back when i've got some hardware ;)
[04:23:00] Flux0r ( Quit (" HydraIRC -> <- \o/")
[04:23:00] red_fox: yeah since myth is my real user interface, I just went with something light and usable
[04:23:00] FunkyELF: should I use the tv-out of my video card or should I get a 15-pin monitor to composite dongle?
[04:23:00] red_fox: I use tv-out...
[04:23:00] agile ( Quit ("Leaving")
[04:24:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, on an nvidia card?
[04:24:00] agile ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:00] red_fox: yes
[04:25:00] FunkyELF: nobody tell me to build my what is a good ir-reciever ?
[04:25:00] red_fox: I like mine from iguanaworks, if you have a serial port
[04:25:00] red_fox: it can send and recieve
[04:26:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, I was thinking about getting an additional serial port, one to send, and one to recieve IR signals
[04:26:00] red_fox: this can do both over one port
[04:26:00] red_fox: there are probably USB ones out there too
[04:26:00] FunkyELF: oh...thats nice, the only one that I saw that could do that was a usb one
[04:26:00] djperegrine ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:26:00] FunkyELF: ?
[04:26:00] red_fox: eh... probably. if not, try google
[04:26:00] red_fox: there was a link on the lirc homepage
[04:27:00] djperegrine: I have 802.11b wifi, whats best way to set a frontend and backend on seprate comps
[04:27:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, yeah...that looks nice
[04:28:00] Spida_ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[04:28:00] djperegrine: Ok basicly here is the run down, I have a mac mini just basicly sitting around a computer with both frontend and backend, and 802.11b wifi, what should I do ?
[04:28:00] djperegrine: *and a computer
[04:29:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, was it hard to set up to transmit and recieve? Are there guides out there?
[04:29:00] red_fox: not too bad... the lirc section on gentoo-wiki was helpful
[04:30:00] red_fox: make sure you compile passing it the right option, or it won't be able to transmit
[04:30:00] red_fox: you have to add LIRC_OPTS to your make.conf, and pass something like --with-transmit
[04:31:00] FunkyELF: what do you transmit to?
[04:31:00] rtsai ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:32:00] red_fox: right now, my cable box
[04:32:00] FunkyELF: I have heard problems with the Scientific Atlanta cable boxes
[04:32:00] red_fox: I'm also going to set it up to transmit to my tv and sound reciever
[04:32:00] red_fox: I can't help you there ;-)
[04:32:00] Lightning: looks like the CM8768 chip used by the montego ddl card is supported by ALSA :)
[04:33:00] Blammo_Work: Anyone here have experience with NFS/XFS/swraid instability, under heavy load?
[04:33:00] Faithful: Has anyone got 5.1 working with C-Media card?
[04:33:00] mishehu: Blammo_Work: what level swraid?
[04:34:00] difeta ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:34:00] Blammo_Work: Mishehu : raid5
[04:35:00] Blammo_Work is now known as Blammo_Home
[04:36:00] difeta: hey all! I'm trying to get lirc to work with my leadtek tv200 card and when I try to load the lirc_gpio module I get this error. kernel: lirc_gpio (-1): could not get card type. What's going on ? I've specified that my card is number 34
[04:37:00] Blammo_Home: Switching from NFSv3 to NFSv4 helped, but I'm still fighting it.. I've replaced 100% of the hardware, reformatted, re-kernel'd, no avail. Only under heavy IO load, heavy being sustained 80–160Mpbs (server is gig to gig switch)
[04:37:00] Lightning: faithful, i'll be trying in a few weeks
[04:37:00] Lightning: what card might i ask?
[04:39:00] NoUse ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:00] Blammo_Home: last friday it locked 5 times during the day. I switched to NFSv4 and it ran til Sunday PM before it locked again. I get kernel messages (I have screenshots) but the OS is crashed hard. It's not temps, watch those carefully. Jarod even mentions "badness" when XFS/NFS are used together, so I'm considering archiving off and reformatting to JFS or Reiser. I'm also considering (oh the pain) buying a hardware raid5 card. 9500s-8 or sim.
[04:40:00] Blammo_Home: Was hoping others had suffered as well and maybe had a "oh yeah, I fixed that" along the way.
[04:41:00] mishehu: Blammo_Home: I think you're nuts for running swraid level 5
[04:41:00] mishehu: I'd not run anything swraid other than raid1
[04:41:00] DarkBeer: hmm, I have no guide data for tomorrow. it's been working fine for a couple of weeks with the cron'd update, but I have no data for tomorrow, but do have data for the next 13 days. how do I get it to fill in tomorrow's data?
[04:41:00] Lightning: even for "hardware" raid, i couldnt find any raid card that didnt use software controlled raid drivers
[04:41:00] Blammo_Home: the CPU load isn't bad, and I can get good performance from it. I've planned the cards carefully (each drive on a primary, no more than 1 drive per controller etc)
[04:41:00] mishehu: DarkBeer: are you sure your subscription for updates hasn't run out?
[04:41:00] DarkBeer: expires 11/27
[04:42:00] Lightning: if you know of a true hardware raid card without going server level, i want to know of it
[04:42:00] Blammo_Home: there are several true HW raid cards, but the bugger is the <=$400 price
[04:42:00] mishehu: Lightning: I use 3ware 9500 for SATA raid5
[04:42:00] Blammo_Home: yep – that's the one I'm eyeing. the price is a sting however.
[04:42:00] mishehu: it's worth it though
[04:42:00] Lightning: mishehu, is that not pci64 (think that is right) which isnt standard on a normal pc?
[04:42:00] Blammo_Home: CPU load is nice and load eh?
[04:42:00] Blammo_Home: nope, they are PCI/PCI-X
[04:42:00] mishehu: Lightning: it's PCI-X
[04:42:00] mishehu: works in PCI though
[04:42:00] Lightning: that is what i was thinking of, pci-x
[04:42:00] Blammo_Home: they work in PCI slots as well
[04:43:00] Lightning: what do you lose in normal pci mode? I was thinking it was pci-x only
[04:43:00] Blammo_Home: sad thing is Mishehu, I get better performance from the swraid then I will from the 9500s-8, but with the stability I've had lately, it's a fair trade.
[04:44:00] Blammo_Home: if I may ask, what FS are you running?
[04:44:00] FunkyELF: anyone here have a widescreen TV?
[04:44:00] Blammo_Home: <== raises hand
[04:45:00] FunkyELF: Blammo_Home, how do you output to it?
[04:45:00] Skaface: i do
[04:45:00] Blammo_Home: I use VGA out with a VGA-Component converter.
[04:45:00] FunkyELF: red_fox, I just bought the iguanna thing by the way
[04:45:00] Skaface: my tv has vga in, so i just use a vga cable
[04:45:00] Blammo_Home: 960x540p for most things, 1920x1080i for 1080i content
[04:45:00] red_fox: FunkyELF, alright good deal. Let me know if you have any problems
[04:45:00] FunkyELF: and you set the resolution to something that is 16 : 9 ?
[04:45:00] Blammo_Home: yep
[04:45:00] Blammo_Home: brb
[04:45:00] Blammo_Home is now known as Blammo_Away
[04:46:00] Skaface: Modes "1368x768"
[04:47:00] Skaface: DisplaySize 1108 625
[04:47:00] Skaface: i think displaysize is in mm
[04:47:00] Skaface: and i assume that resolution is for PAL tv's only
[04:48:00] FunkyELF: I was reading the specs on this new Sony SXRD that is supposed to come out soon and all of the VGA input modes were not 16:9
[04:48:00] Skaface: its actually 1366, but my video card doesnt support that
[04:48:00] FunkyELF: with HDTV does that whole PAL / NTSC thing go away?
[04:48:00] Skaface: that resolution that im using wasnt listed in the official specs in the booklet
[04:48:00] FunkyELF: or are there two versions of HDTV?
[04:49:00] Skaface: it had the normal ones like 800x600 and 1024x768
[04:49:00] FunkyELF: Skaface, yeah....I heard that most will take whatever you give it
[04:49:00] Skaface: yeah
[04:49:00] Skaface: i just set my resolution to the physical screen pixel count i think
[04:50:00] mishehu: Blammo_Away: bah, doing some video editing of some travel vids. I use reiser and reiser4, though it's probably better to use XFS for large media files.
[04:50:00] Skaface: i might get a vga to component converter one day, cause the component inputs are on the back of the tv, and the vga one is on the front
[04:51:00] Skaface: which makes the whole thing look messy
[04:51:00] Skaface: you can get plasmas with DVI input too
[04:52:00] moodboom: exit
[04:52:00] moodboom ( has left #mythtv-users
[04:53:00] FunkyELF: okay, I got my TV card working....lets say I get mythtv up and running. What is involved in adding another TV card?
[04:53:00] FunkyELF: I can record 4 things at once
[04:54:00] Skaface: not sure, i run 2 cards but one is digital and the other has my analog cable on it
[04:54:00] Skaface: and its all a messy hack
[04:54:00] Skaface: so get someone else to help you
[04:54:00] Skaface: :)
[04:58:00] Lightning ( Quit ()
[04:58:00] didj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[05:00:00] Nem^1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:00] Blammo_Away: SB
[05:12:00] djperegrine: can you get a frontend and backedn workign over wifi 802.11b ?
[05:13:00] Kaetzchen ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:13:00] DarkBeer: is there a plugin to allow you to stream mythmusic? looking at a patch on, but looks like it might be older than .18
[05:15:00] didj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:15:00] gcope ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:00] Nem^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:18:00] Jazbo ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:00] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[05:18:00] Jazbo: Anyone here have any experience burning recordings to DVD or using avidemux?
[05:20:00] didj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:23:00] difeta: hi all, I'm trying to modprobe lirc_gpio. But when I do I get an error saying: Error inserting lirc_gpio (<filepath>): invalid request code
[05:23:00] difeta: any ideas?
[05:31:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:44:00] Vantage__ ( has left #mythtv-users
[05:48:00] piksel (n=piksel@ Quit ("leaving")
[05:50:00] Cardoe: any ivtv users?
[05:51:00] Jazbo ( Quit ("leaving")
[05:52:00] difeta ( Quit ("Leaving")
[05:52:00] FunkyELF: Cardoe, uhm, yeah...i just got mine working today tho
[05:53:00] fatmatt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:54:00] Cardoe: can you give me the output of ivtvctl -I?
[05:54:00] Cardoe: in msg?
[05:54:00] Cardoe: just top 3 lines
[05:54:00] toresbe: z
[05:56:00] FunkyELF: Cardoe, did you get it?
[05:56:00] Cardoe: yes
[05:56:00] FunkyELF: okay
[05:57:00] FunkyELF: i've got to go in the other room to run mythsetup ;-)
[05:57:00] FunkyELF: I'm excited
[05:57:00] Cardoe: are you getting video from yours?
[05:57:00] FunkyELF: Cardoe, yeah. I was able to record two things at the same time using my 500MCE
[05:58:00] FunkyELF: I'm using gentoo and followed the wiki
[05:58:00] Cardoe: ha
[05:58:00] Cardoe: I'm sorry
[06:00:00] Cardoe: where are you at?
[06:00:00] Cardoe: what are you stuck on?
[06:00:00] Fosten: much like FunkyELF, i have a pvr-500 and am using gentoo... unline FunkyELF, tuner0 works fine, but tuner1 video/audio freezes after about 3 seconds... does anybody have any suggestions?
[06:00:00] FunkyELF: Fosten, I don't know which distro you are using, but the gentoo mythtv wiki says to use tuner0 for both /dev/video0 and /dev/video1
[06:01:00] Cardoe: FunkyELF: that doesn't sound right
[06:01:00] Cardoe: you two are my new best friends
[06:01:00] Cardoe: how did you install ivtv?
[06:01:00] FunkyELF: at the very bottom (proper capture card settings)
[06:02:00] Fosten: i followed the wiki at first when i was back on 0.3.x but now that 0.4.0 is out, you can just emerge ivtv and it works fine
[06:02:00] FunkyELF: Cardoe, I am on gentoo....I just ran "emerge ivtv"
[06:02:00] FunkyELF: Fosten, correct....I had issues with the gentoo sources and had to use vanilla to get bit baning to work with ivtv
[06:03:00] FunkyELF: Cardoe, make sure you have all the right things enabled in your kernel
[06:03:00] FunkyELF: really...I don't know much more than the wiki told me....I'm gonna be in the other room setting up myth
[06:03:00] FunkyELF is now known as Funky|Away
[06:03:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:03:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[06:03:00] Fosten: i am starting to think that my card is faulty, because nobody else seems to have a problem with tuner1
[06:04:00] Cardoe: Well I happen to be the ebuild maintainer.
[06:04:00] Cardoe: So that's why I wanna see how to make the PVR-500 work perfectly.
[06:05:00] Fosten: i have never had success with tuner1, no matter when i compiled from source or emerged
[06:07:00] Rince ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:07:00] djperegrine: Cardoe, the ebuild for mythtv?
[06:07:00] djperegrine: or ivtv?
[06:09:00] lordliima ( Quit (
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[06:09:00] Cardoe: djperegrine: both
[06:09:00] maniacxs (n=maniacxs@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:09:00] djperegrine: haha noice
[06:09:00] maniacxs (n=maniacxs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:09:00] Fosten: Cardoe: do you have any suggestions on tuner1?
[06:09:00] Cardoe: Fosten: well I'd love to solve the problem with you.
[06:09:00] Cardoe: Fosten: what do you have in /etc/modules.d/ivtv?
[06:09:00] Fosten: cool
[06:10:00] Fosten: same as wiki
[06:10:00] thechris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:10:00] asari (i=petualan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:11:00] Fosten: actually i changed this line to options ivtv ivtv_std=1,1 tuner=57,57 tda9887=0,0
[06:11:00] Fosten: dont think the changes were necessary though
[06:11:00] Cardoe: Fosten: the wiki isn't right.
[06:11:00] Cardoe: I just deleted it
[06:11:00] Cardoe: and the PVR-500 wiki is wrong on some things.
[06:12:00] asari (i=petualan@ has left #mythtv-users
[06:14:00] Fosten: Cardoe: KaZeR and I were both impressed how quickly 0.4 was in portage, good job!
[06:14:00] Chacabaou ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:14:00] Cardoe: thanks
[06:14:00] Cardoe: Fosten: which ebuild did you use?
[06:14:00] Cardoe: 0.4.0? -r1?
[06:15:00] Fosten: 0.4.0, i dont see an -r1
[06:17:00] Cardoe: there's a -r2 now
[06:17:00] Cardoe: but that's just cause they changed the variable for setting where to install stuff.
[06:18:00] Cardoe: and it started installing to /usr/local/bin
[06:18:00] Fosten: how do i get -r2?
[06:20:00] Cardoe: it'll come on an emerge --sync
[06:20:00] Cardoe: trying to get you an answer on the tuner issue
[06:20:00] Cardoe: cause some people say use two diff tuners some say no
[06:21:00] Fosten: well like i said, it's never worked even when i was using source
[06:23:00] Funky|Away: In mythsetup I don't see an option for zap2it
[06:23:00] Funky|Away is now known as FunkyELF
[06:23:00] patdk2: you can't use zap2it directly
[06:23:00] patdk2: xmltv or l????
[06:23:00] FunkyELF: you can't use it directly in MythTV?
[06:23:00] FunkyELF: LxM ?
[06:24:00] patdk2: something like that
[06:24:00] FunkyELF: so what should I do in step 4 or whatever it is?
[06:24:00] patdk2: dunno, select whatever one you setup with your zap2it info
[06:25:00] FunkyELF: patdk2, do you use zap2it?
[06:25:00] patdk2: ya
[06:25:00] FunkyELF: I just signed up for the account and said what zip code I'm in and selected my cable provider
[06:25:00] FunkyELF: I don't know what you mean by whatever one I setup with my zap2it info
[06:26:00] patdk2: now setup xmltv or LxM
[06:26:00] FunkyELF: which do you use?
[06:26:00] patdk2: xmltv
[06:26:00] patdk2: cause LxM didn't exist back then
[06:27:00] FunkyELF: the guide I'm reading says that is for people outside of the US
[06:27:00] patdk2: xmltv does everybody
[06:27:00] patdk2: LxM might be limited
[06:27:00] Fosten: Cardoe: after emerge --sync, only -r1 appears not -r2
[06:27:00] FunkyELF: since I'm in the US, I need both zap2it and xmltv ?
[06:28:00] patdk2: zap2it has the listin
[06:28:00] patdk2: xmltv gets itfrom zap2it and gives it to myth
[06:28:00] Cardoe: Fosten: takes a little bit for CVS to go out to the master mirror
[06:28:00] Cardoe: Fosten: and then your local mirror to get it from the master
[06:28:00] Cardoe: FunkyELF: it's called DataDirect in MythTV
[06:29:00] Cardoe: patdk2: you're wrong
[06:29:00] Cardoe: MythTV will use zap2it directly
[06:29:00] patdk2: oh?
[06:29:00] djperegrine: yea
[06:29:00] patdk2: it always loads xmltvfor me atleast
[06:29:00] djperegrine: thats how I do it
[06:29:00] ** FunkyELF goes and tries to use DataDirect **
[06:29:00] patdk2: maybe I need to upgrad
[06:30:00] Cardoe: patdk2: what are you using like 0.13?
[06:30:00] Cardoe: Fosten: you're right... both are set for Tuner0
[06:33:00] Fosten: well i can't even get the 2nd tuner working when i mplayer /dev/video1
[06:35:00] Cardoe: what's it say?
[06:36:00] Cardoe: djperegrine: you have an ivtv?
[06:38:00] Fosten: Cardoe: it doesn't say anything, video/audio just freezes after about 2 seconds
[06:38:00] Cardoe: what's dmesg say
[06:38:00] kRutOn ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:38:00] kRutOn: Hello.
[06:42:00] mchou: anyone here subscribe to charter communications cable?
[06:42:00] mchou: found an interesting charter remote control at the surplus store......
[06:42:00] mchou: JP1 capable remote.....
[06:44:00] Cardoe: JP1?
[06:44:00] patdk2: heh, usb is so much more fun
[06:44:00] patdk2: but jp1 is doable
[06:45:00] mchou: patdk2: this is a cool remote if I can only find a manual for it.....:)
[06:45:00] Cardoe: Fosten: what's dmesg say
[06:46:00] Cardoe: Jp1?
[06:46:00] kRutOn: Anyone have a hint on what I have to change to make sure MythTV knows about a backend IP change?
[06:46:00] kRutOn: I changed the BackendServerIP row in the settings table
[06:46:00] mchou: Cardoe: you dont know what jp1 is?
[06:46:00] woodwizzle: any knoppmyth pros in here?
[06:47:00] woodwizzle: I need to patch the kernel, but I'm not sure if my install came with all the sources?
[06:48:00] Fosten: Cardoe:
[06:52:00] djperegrine ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:52:00] djperegrine ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:53:00] toresbe: mchou: I don't, please tell me :)
[06:57:00] Cardoe: mchou: no
[06:57:00] Cardoe: Fosten: no msgs after that?
[06:57:00] mchou: toresbe: Cardoe:
[06:57:00] Cardoe: when you get the mplayer issue?
[06:58:00] Cardoe: mchou: you have pvr-**0 right?
[06:58:00] mchou: Cardoe:
[06:58:00] toresbe: mchou: I don't have a browser right now, or I'd a searched it long time ago :)
[06:59:00] mchou: Cardoe: yeah, 150
[06:59:00] mchou: toresbe: yon on cli?
[06:59:00] mchou: you*
[06:59:00] Cardoe: mchou: what's ivtvctl -I give you?
[06:59:00] toresbe: mchou: Yeah
[06:59:00] Cardoe: VIDEO_STATUS = Good?
[06:59:00] toresbe: mchou: On a serial terminal, no less :)
[06:59:00] toresbe: mchou: With a lacking terminfo entry
[07:00:00] mchou: toresbe: bah, too bad. Was going to recommend lynx :)
[07:00:00] toresbe: mchou: Yeah, I use elinks on capable ones
[07:00:00] toresbe: mchou: I've been trying to get my hands on the bloody terminal ref man
[07:00:00] mchou: Cardoe: why do you ask?
[07:01:00] mchou: I have to find where I compiled ivtvctl binary :)
[07:01:00] Fosten: Cardoe: nothing about ivtv just msgs regarding fglrx and agpgart modules needed for ati tv-out
[07:03:00] mchou: Cardoe: ok, found my ivtvctl...What do you need specifically from the ouput?
[07:03:00] woodwizzle: in my /usr/src I have a zip with linux sources and a whole buncha zipped pathces. does the zip with the linux sources include all the patches as well? I as because /usr/src/linux points to the zip
[07:03:00] Fosten: Cardoe: but nothing after/about the mplayer issue
[07:04:00] toresbe: Please! Call it bzipped or gzipped! Your lingo hurts, woodwizzle ;)
[07:04:00] Cardoe: mchou: ivtvtctl -I
[07:04:00] mchou: Cardoe: the output is long man.
[07:05:00] Cardoe: mchou: 2nd line down
[07:05:00] Cardoe: VIDEO_STATUS
[07:05:00] mchou: wtf you NEED.
[07:05:00] mchou: ioctl: VIDEO_STATUS = Bad
[07:05:00] mchou: that's because not all pvr-x50 hhave saa7115
[07:05:00] mchou: have*
[07:06:00] mchou: so of course that ioctl is going to be meaningless
[07:06:00] Cardoe: oh
[07:07:00] woodwizzle: toresb: sorry tared files. Can you help?
[07:08:00] mchou: Cardoe: in fact I'm pretty sure mine uses tda7xxx instead of saa7115
[07:08:00] Cardoe: mchou: mine does too
[07:08:00] mchou: ofcourse now ivtv driver no longer outputs that info
[07:09:00] mchou: stupid ivtv maintainers
[07:13:00] Cardoe: hrm
[07:13:00] Cardoe: so my card has said bad always
[07:13:00] Cardoe: and when I do cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg
[07:13:00] Cardoe: mplayer and totem never wanna play the file
[07:13:00] Cardoe: so I've been assuming something is wrong
[07:15:00] mchou: lol
[07:15:00] mchou: you assume wrong
[07:15:00] ** Cardoe ponders why the file won't play **
[07:17:00] Fosten: Cardoe: any ideas on what could be wrong with my setup? like i said, dmesg doesn't say anything special after trying mplayer /dev/video1... also when i try cat /dev/video1 > test.mpg it produces a 0 byte file
[07:19:00] Cardoe: why do you have smp ?
[07:23:00] thechris ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:23:00] Fosten: not really sure, i only have a one processor
[07:23:00] Chutt: hrm
[07:23:00] Chutt: i wonder if the dell 24" widescreen lcd is the same physical height as their 20" display
[07:23:00] Chutt: ie., would they sit next to each other ok
[07:28:00] unikon ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:30:00] Krazylegz: One way to find out.
[07:30:00] unikon ( has left #mythtv-users
[07:32:00] Cardoe: Krazylegz: yep. buy them both for me
[07:34:00] Krazylegz: Heh. Pay my mortgage.
[07:34:00] rage- ( Quit ("Leaving")
[07:34:00] mchou: gah....
[07:34:00] rage- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:35:00] mchou: I'm having hell of a time finding the "setup" button on this remote
[07:35:00] Chutt: bah
[07:35:00] mchou: too many damn buttons!!
[07:35:00] Chutt: they're different sizes
[07:35:00] Chutt: that bites
[07:36:00] mchou: I walk into Costco todat and there were FP everywhere.....
[07:36:00] mchou: saw a Barco at the surplus place too today
[07:36:00] mchou: Hunongous
[07:36:00] mchou: Humongous*
[07:36:00] woodwizzle: how can I add file types to the file types menu under video setup?
[07:40:00] __Ace__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:46:00] Cardoe: pcHDTV 3000 card is for?
[07:46:00] Cardoe: over the air HDTV?
[07:51:00] mchou: yehaw!!
[07:51:00] mchou: found the stupid setup keys.
[07:51:00] Fosten: Cardoe: i see you are working on a new gentoo-mythtv howto... i have documented my rough installation steps here
[07:51:00] mchou: yay!
[07:52:00] Fosten: of note: KaZeR has made a few cool scripts... automated gentoo install, ivtv tester, and a mythbackend tester (
[07:54:00] Cardoe: I don't see the 1st two
[07:57:00] Fosten: they're in parts 3 and 8 of my howto... they work pretty well. you'll have to chat with him about it. he usually jumps on in about an hour
[07:59:00] Cardoe: echo 'media-tv/ivtv-ptune' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
[07:59:00] Cardoe: echo 'dev-perl/Video-ivtv' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
[07:59:00] Cardoe: echo 'dev-perl/Video-Frequencies' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
[08:00:00] Cardoe: that won't do ANYTHING
[08:01:00] Fosten: ok now i realize that, like i said, they're very rough directions and i haven't updated some parts in a while
[08:01:00] Cardoe: how does that test IVTV?
[08:01:00] Cardoe: that just dumps out log files
[08:03:00] Fosten: it doesn't that was just left over from me mucking around
[08:13:00] djperegrine ( Quit (Client Quit)
[08:22:00] RossTFarian ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:30:00] Blammo_Away: nifty little scripts Kazer
[08:30:00] Blammo_Away is now known as Blammo_Home
[08:32:00] RossTFarian ( Quit ("exiting on signal 15")
[08:32:00] woodwizzle: whoohoo! got lirc working for the first time!
[08:33:00] Blammo_Home: * clap clap *
[08:35:00] Krazylegz ( Quit ()
[08:41:00] woodwizzle: anyone here running knoppmyth?
[08:41:00] Rince ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:41:00] Rince: morning
[08:42:00] Blammo_Home: Woodwizzle : tried several times, too much kernel instability with nvidia chipsets.. had to scrap it.
[08:43:00] Blammo_Home: YMMV
[08:43:00] KaZeR: thanks guys :)
[08:43:00] KaZeR: it's stilla work in progress, but comments and testers are welcome :)
[08:44:00] woodwizzle: KaZeR? What is a wip?
[08:44:00] woodwizzle: Blammo_Home, hmm, nvidia is doing find for me with it, but i a little confused about patching the kernel
[08:44:00] KaZeR: wip? don't know what you're talking about woodwizzle
[08:45:00] woodwizzle: wip = work in progress
[08:45:00] woodwizzle: You said it is still a work in progress... what is still a work in progress??
[08:46:00] KaZeR: the install script and so. but everything is functionnal. maybe need some more tweaking and so
[08:46:00] KaZeR: and thanks for learning 'wip' :)
[08:46:00] Blammo_Home: Woodwizzle : there was no problem in the install, seemed to run fine, but I just had odd stability problems. At the time I was only running 1 front 1 back. Both I had all kinds of odd crashes.. I reformatted one weekend to FC3, and every ounce of instability for those two machines went away.
[08:46:00] woodwizzle: KaZeR Oh, are you the knoppmyth maintainer?
[08:47:00] KaZeR: er, no :)
[08:47:00] KaZeR: i made a custom gentoo install script, that's all. i was tired of doing it by hand :)
[08:47:00] Blammo_Home: Not really Knoppmyth's fault, more to the kernel of the distro ( in that case )
[08:48:00] KaZeR: Cardoe, thanks for ivtv-0.4.0-r1. even if most people don't bother about ivtv-fb, having to install ivtv from source is a pain compared to emerge ivtv, and definitely not 'The Gentoo Way' :)
[08:48:00] kormoc (n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:49:00] woodwizzle: my /usr/src/linux is a link to a file. Also in my /usr/src directory is loads of of kernel patches. If I want to patch my kernel do I have to untar all of them and then apply a patch?
[08:50:00] woodwizzle: or are all the patches already applied to the /usr/src/linux file?
[08:51:00] KaZeR: woodwizzle, any reason to use knopmyth ? (i'm not a fan of it, gave it a go a while ago, and it didn't work as i would have wanted it)
[08:52:00] BobJensen ( Quit ("Leaving")
[08:52:00] woodwizzle: KaZeR. I had to re-install and I didn't want to wait and compile everything myself =)
[08:52:00] woodwizzle: Its actually been pretty nice this time around. I had tried it about a year ago to no avail
[08:53:00] Blammo_Home: Knoppmyth / MythDora are great ways for a quick install, easy ways for someone to get started.
[08:53:00] Blammo_Home: I actually tried out Knoppmyth as my first steps into myth.
[08:54:00] otwin ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:56:00] cosmo_ (n=cosmo@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:56:00] KaZeR: Blammo_Home, so did i. sure there is a amazing job behind that.
[09:00:00] kormoc (n=kormoc@ Quit ("")
[09:00:00] StillBob ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[09:01:00] StillBob is now known as BobJensen
[09:01:00] Cardoe: KaZeR: no prob
[09:02:00] Blammo_Home: geez Cardoe – you sleep less than I do.. you're still up?
[09:02:00] Cardoe: yeah
[09:02:00] KaZeR: :)
[09:02:00] Cardoe: it's bad too
[09:02:00] Cardoe: I slept 3 hrs last night
[09:02:00] Cardoe: after a bad hang over.
[09:02:00] Cardoe: I'm starting to care for the wiki page a little.
[09:02:00] Cardoe:
[09:03:00] Blammo_Home: looking good so far
[09:05:00] Chutt: you can use the actual official wiki, ya know
[09:05:00] aMMgYrP ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:05:00] KaZeR: Cardoe, yeah nice job. sshots make it easier
[09:05:00] woodwizzle: is it possible to undo a patch?
[09:06:00] Cardoe: KaZeR: there's no SSN
[09:06:00] Cardoe: er
[09:06:00] Cardoe: I just sent the wrong link
[09:06:00] Cardoe:
[09:06:00] aMMgYrP: total noob here, just in the process of odering parts, and I would need to know if my planned configuration is sufficient, any help here would be greatly appreciated
[09:07:00] KaZeR: Cardoe, oh yes. this one it a bit more confusing for beginners :)
[09:07:00] Chutt: cardoe, get rid of the renderaccel line in the nvidia x settings section, please
[09:07:00] Cardoe: well the 1st one I sent doesn't teach you how to install
[09:07:00] Cardoe: Chutt: I will.
[09:08:00] Cardoe: Chutt: I just rm -rf'd more then half the damn doc.
[09:08:00] Chutt: heh
[09:08:00] Cardoe: it was 81kb
[09:08:00] Chutt: it's funny how much of that doc is just setting up other random stuff
[09:08:00] Cardoe: yeah
[09:08:00] Cardoe: It's 40kb now
[09:08:00] Cardoe: And there's more that's going.
[09:09:00] Chutt: like the renderaccel line =)
[09:09:00] Chutt: i figure if i keep repeating about that, it'll get removed eventually
[09:09:00] Cardoe: it's already gone
[09:09:00] Cardoe: I haven't saved
[09:10:00] aMMgYrP: so this may seem like a completely stoopid question, and I did not find an answer in the Wiki, how many TV capture cards do I need, and what the advantage of having more than one, the real concern here is that if I have one card (LeadTek XP2000) can I record one show while watching another?
[09:11:00] Cardoe: aMMgYrP: you can only watch as many things as you have cards
[09:11:00] Cardoe: so if you're recording with 1
[09:11:00] Cardoe: then you can't watch anything else.
[09:11:00] KaZeR: only watch what you're recording with one card
[09:11:00] KaZeR: erm, what i said may be confusing :)
[09:11:00] Cardoe: deciding if I want to remove all the configs for the capture cards to HARDWARE_CAPTURE_CARDS
[09:11:00] aMMgYrP: and I still need a video out card to send video to the TV in addition to the (now two) video capture cards
[09:12:00] Cardoe: and just linking it in
[09:12:00] aMMgYrP: oh I understand that
[09:12:00] Cardoe: what do you think KaZeR ?
[09:12:00] KaZeR: aMMgYrP, unless you use pvr350. this card got a TV-out
[09:12:00] KaZeR: Cardoe, let me check
[09:13:00] aMMgYrP: and I would need two of those?
[09:13:00] KaZeR: yep good idea. this doc is way too long.
[09:13:00] Cardoe:
[09:14:00] KaZeR: aMMgYrP, there's no real point having two 350. rather one 350 (ir receiver, and tv-out) and one 250 (standard mpeg2 card)
[09:14:00] Cardoe: And I'd create an index that would flow across all the pages like that one.
[09:14:00] aMMgYrP: oh, cool beans
[09:14:00] KaZeR: wow nice. i still have so much to learn about wiki.
[09:15:00] KaZeR: aMMgYrP, depending of your country, you may also have 150 (cheaper) and 500 (dual tuner) card. but i can't recommend theses as i never tested'em
[09:16:00] aMMgYrP: I'm currently USA,i plan to do xvid encoding (if possible) because MP4 takes up so muhc less space
[09:16:00] aMMgYrP: thanks for all this info guys
[09:17:00] KaZeR: aMMgYrP, most of time, you'll watch then delete i think :)
[09:17:00] KaZeR: xvid encoding takes a hell of time
[09:17:00] aMMgYrP: well I only plan for a 250gb HDD
[09:18:00] aMMgYrP: at mpeg2, its only 125 hours
[09:19:00] KaZeR: it's up to you :) if you plan to export to xvid, have a look to nuvexport. great tool.
[09:19:00] aMMgYrP: then again, I know NOTHING so will defer to your wisdom
[09:25:00] xris ( Quit ("l8r")
[09:26:00] aMMgYrP: KaZeR, If i use the 350/250 combo then I would not need to worry nearly as much about the onboard processor speed too, just need to not let my HDD get too full yah
[09:27:00] The_Ball ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:27:00] KaZeR: aMMgYrP, you're right. but theses cards are the most expensives ones, maybe try to talk with US users about their experience with the two new 150/500
[09:28:00] Cardoe: Chutt: I hax0r'd your MythTV logo
[09:29:00] Chutt: uh oh
[09:29:00] Chutt: where?
[09:29:00] Cardoe: took out the background color on top
[09:29:00] Cardoe: and made it transparent
[09:30:00] Cardoe:
[09:30:00] Cardoe: ok?
[09:30:00] Chutt: it's a tad ugly :p
[09:30:00] Chutt: i might have a cleaner version, sec
[09:30:00] The_Ball ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:31:00] Chutt:
[09:31:00] Chutt: you'll have to make it transparent
[09:31:00] Cardoe: cool
[09:31:00] Cardoe: thx
[09:31:00] Chutt: hrmph
[09:32:00] Chutt: daniel had _2_ bugs in this waitcondition junk
[09:32:00] Chutt: i think
[09:32:00] Chutt: i dunno why he didn't just make it real events
[09:35:00] aMMgYrP: ok thanks ladies and gents, its nearing 3am in these parts so asleep i go.
[09:35:00] aMMgYrP ( has left #mythtv-users
[09:54:00] Rince: *sigh* is there a way to serialize the converts mythtv is doing?
[09:55:00] Rince: so I can just call the menu, hit "convert" and this goes into a queue? currently there are three recordings getting converted – in the same time
[09:56:00] KaZeR: Rince, convert, like export to xvid or whateveR?
[09:56:00] Rince: no... the mythtv-internal convert system (mythtranscode)
[09:57:00] SlicerDicer-: hey Chutt you still around?
[09:57:00] NoUse ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[09:57:00] KaZeR: never used it, but it's it the job queue's purpose?
[09:57:00] jnc ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:58:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:58:00] Blammo_Home: works that way for commercial flagging. you can queue up a pile and it will hand em out as fast and as many flaggers as you have
[09:58:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, mythtranscode and mythcommflag both use job queue
[09:58:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, I think a few other things do as well
[09:58:00] Rince: KaZeR: well – right now I have three mythtranscode-programms running. And I _know_ the HD will be full before the first job ends...
[09:59:00] SlicerDicer-: Rince, I dont see how people can use mythtranscode... everytime I try the video quality goes to hell :/ if I could keep decent video quality I would use it but it goes so grainy and artifactish I cant really use it :/
[10:00:00] kurre2 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:00:00] KaZeR: long time since i haven't tried mythtranscode, just because i'm pretty happy with nuvexport
[10:00:00] KaZeR: (although it miss a bit of automation)
[10:01:00] Rince: SlicerDicer-: I have no problem with it... and it compresses quite good :)
[10:01:00] Rince: KaZeR: hmm... maybe I should switch to nuvexport and then put the mpegs into the Movie-Folder...
[10:01:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:02:00] KaZeR: nuvexport is slow too, because of ffmpeg. on my athlon-xp 2800 i get 7 fps.
[10:02:00] SlicerDicer-: Rince, I am really picky about my video I guess  :)
[10:03:00] Rince: KaZeR: I get 4.3fps... with my athlon 3500+
[10:03:00] Rince: KaZeR: which format do you use then? dvd? svcd?
[10:03:00] Rince: KaZeR: btw, do you use Debian? And can you use mythdvd?
[10:03:00] KaZeR: ahah this sucks. why is it so slow? some month ago, i got 18+ fps
[10:03:00] Rince: KaZeR: huh? how that?
[10:04:00] KaZeR: don't know. with a older version of transcode tools.
[10:04:00] KaZeR: one day, my two backends dropped to 7 fps.
[10:04:00] KaZeR: i'm mainly exporting to xvid, two pass, deinterlace and noise filter.
[10:04:00] KaZeR: and i'm using gentoo
[10:05:00] Rince: Ah
[10:05:00] Rince: too bad :)
[10:05:00] KaZeR: hehe :)
[10:05:00] KaZeR: and i never used mythdvd (i'm using an xbox as main frontend, so i watch my DVDs directly on it
[10:06:00] Rince: ah, ok
[10:06:00] ** Rince has a shuttle xpc as tvpc **
[10:06:00] KaZeR: nice.
[10:06:00] Rince: yes ;) but at least ffmpeg is slow. But finally it works at least :)
[10:07:00] KaZeR: i read somewhere that it could be because ffmpeg don't use more than 30% of idle cpu. don't know if it's right (didn't investigate :)
[10:07:00] KaZeR: s/don't/doesn't
[10:12:00] KaZeR: Cardoe, are you still here?
[10:12:00] Rince: well – nuvexport nices everything :)
[10:12:00] Rince: I think this should be time-dependent...
[10:13:00] Rince: if there is no recording running and it is after midnight until 7am in the morning, give it all the speed it can have :)
[10:13:00] KaZeR: yup.
[10:13:00] KaZeR: i'll try to force it with a higher priority to see it fps goes better hang on
[10:14:00] KaZeR: oh damn
[10:14:00] simon_c ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:14:00] KaZeR: forget i shut the gateway down this morning.
[10:14:00] KaZeR: i won't be able to test that before lunch
[10:14:00] simon_c ( has left #mythtv-users
[10:23:00] AndyCap: What resolution do people recommend for PAL captures btw?
[10:24:00] woodwizzle: if opengl acceleration is working fine, which is probably the better mplayer option? -vo gl2 or -vo xv ?
[10:26:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, I came up with a brilliant solution :) if only it works now hehe
[10:27:00] jnc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:34:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, i can't wait to hear it :)
[10:36:00] KaZeR: AndyCap, 720x576
[10:37:00] Eivind ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:38:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, well its pretty simple really
[10:38:00] SlicerDicer-: I been putting it off for ages
[10:39:00] woodwizzle: anyone here have a good set of modelines for (H)DTV resolutions?
[10:42:00] Eivind: Does anyone know of a FAQ or something for hardware-mpeg-decoding with the CLE266 on some via-boards ?
[10:43:00] orb_rox ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:45:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, will you keep the suspense for a long time? :)
[10:46:00] Blammo_Home: Woodwizzle : what rez output? you want a 1080i line? 540p line?
[10:47:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, yep :) I got to make sure it works for sure hehe
[10:47:00] cosmo_ (n=cosmo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: Here's one for 1080i
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: # My 1920x1080i mode
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: Mode "1920x1080i"
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: DotClock 74.52
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: HTimings 1920 1952 2016 2208
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: VTimings 1080 1084 1096 1126
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: Flags "-HSync" "-VSync" "Interlace"
[10:47:00] Blammo_Home: EndMode
[10:48:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, i like to live on the edge, don't be afraid ;)
[10:48:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, well pretty much everything I record I backup to DVD anymore. I delete the giant file rip it from the dvd to xvid and I can control what its doing much better then use mythvideo+nfs to allow it to play on all my frontends thats the plan will see how it goes
[10:48:00] SlicerDicer-: the nfs I put off for ages
[10:48:00] SlicerDicer-: I did not really want to bother with it
[10:48:00] Blammo_Home: Slicer : What filesystem are you using with NFS?
[10:49:00] sskk ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:49:00] SlicerDicer-: umm damn...
[10:49:00] SlicerDicer-: I cant think at the moment haha
[10:49:00] KaZeR: :)
[10:49:00] SlicerDicer-: its not reiser or ext*
[10:49:00] Blammo_Home: XFS?
[10:49:00] Blammo_Home: JFS?
[10:49:00] SlicerDicer-: JFS IIRC
[10:49:00] KaZeR: FAT32? :D
[10:49:00] SlicerDicer-: YEAH BABY YEAH!!! Fat32 thats it
[10:49:00] ** SlicerDicer- smacks head and says duh **
[10:50:00] KaZeR: loool
[10:50:00] Blammo_Home: fat16
[10:50:00] Blammo_Home: :)
[10:50:00] SlicerDicer-: nah 16 was just a bit to low
[10:50:00] KaZeR: fat16 won't allow 2Gb files :)
[10:50:00] woodwizzle: Blamo_Home, 1 of each
[10:50:00] Blammo_Home: 16 has 2gig partion limits.. but you could run LVM right? :)
[10:50:00] woodwizzle: 1080i, 720p, 540p and 480p
[10:50:00] SlicerDicer-: Blammo_Home, thats the idea
[10:50:00] Blammo_Home: wouldn't that be a cluster
[10:50:00] SlicerDicer-: yeah yeah
[10:51:00] SlicerDicer-: Blammo_Home, I got a giant huge retarted size system that takes up half the house loaded with 2gb drives all on fat16 with lvm.....
[10:51:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, i have a pretty much similar setup. some HDDs, bunched together with LVM, and export via NFS for my slave backend and samba for my xbox
[10:51:00] Blammo_Home: Wood : there's 4–5 good ones on Jarod's guide, but hit the mythtv-users web archives.. there's been a ton of discussion about them.
[10:51:00] Blammo_Home: rotfl
[10:51:00] KaZeR: lool SlicerDicer
[10:52:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, I dont have any harddrives linked with LVM yet but I will soon
[10:52:00] Blammo_Home: WaF is too important to run anything other than RAID here.
[10:52:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, actually I am considering putting my database on a seperate computer soon too
[10:52:00] KaZeR: it's a nice tool. but choose carefully your FS on it
[10:52:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, I kinda like JFS
[10:52:00] SlicerDicer-: it deletes so fast :)
[10:52:00] Blammo_Home: I'm embarassed to admit how many machines support myth in my house.
[10:52:00] SlicerDicer-: Blammo_Home, more than me?
[10:52:00] SlicerDicer-: I got 9 /me shudders
[10:53:00] Blammo_Home: ok, I'm only up to 7.
[10:53:00] Blammo_Home: :)
[10:53:00] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[10:53:00] KaZeR: i personnaly don't care if a file deletion take 2 seconds instead of 0.2, but i want my FS to be rock solid
[10:53:00] Blammo_Home: you running GigE?
[10:53:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, well thus far JFS has been really fast
[10:53:00] SlicerDicer-: I cant remember who advised me to use it but somebody did
[10:53:00] KaZeR: never tried it yet. i'm happy with ext3 for my myth storage.
[10:54:00] SlicerDicer-: maybe it was gentoo wiki? hell I dont know I just set it up I figured reiser would be stupid to use as I use reiser on most systems
[10:54:00] KaZeR: so do i. reiserfs is fast too imo, but i had troubles with LVM with it
[10:54:00] Blammo_Home: Slicer : Are you running GigEthernet?
[10:54:00] SlicerDicer-: yes Blammo_Home
[10:54:00] SlicerDicer-: on some boxes anyway
[10:54:00] KaZeR: guys... what's the point of having so many backends???
[10:54:00] SlicerDicer-: some dont support gigabit but 4 of them do anwyay
[10:55:00] Blammo_Home: if you've ever watched BW using during commercial flagging, it's brutal on 100M.. as is FF/RW on HD sources.
[10:55:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, INSANITY!!!
[10:55:00] KaZeR: lol SlicerDicer ok i got it :)
[10:55:00] Blammo_Home: commercial flagging.. and who said they were all backends?
[10:55:00] KaZeR: Blammo_Home, right, nobody said that.
[10:55:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, nah its nice cause I can watch it in any room in the house including the not so pleasant smelling rooms
[10:56:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, that's why i have two xbox :)
[10:56:00] SlicerDicer-: btw KaZeR only one of them is a backend
[10:56:00] SlicerDicer-: 1.4ghz backend to serve all that :)
[10:56:00] Blammo_Home: it's fun to see the disks spin when there's 2–3 commflags going at the same time...
[10:57:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, I am wondering how well mysql will function on PPC 1ghz with linux on it :)
[10:58:00] SlicerDicer-: those 3 all run frontends *grin*
[10:58:00] SlicerDicer-: damn my desk was messy in that pic
[10:58:00] SlicerDicer-: lol
[10:58:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, multiple keyboards sux, switch to synergy :)
[10:59:00] SlicerDicer-: eh?
[10:59:00] SlicerDicer-: link?
[10:59:00] KaZeR: i believe
[10:59:00] KaZeR: for gentoo, it's in portage
[10:59:00] SlicerDicer-: damn this computer is dog slow right now
[10:59:00] SlicerDicer-: I am encoding
[11:00:00] KaZeR: in fact
[11:00:00] KaZeR: this apps kicks ass
[11:00:00] SlicerDicer-: looking
[11:00:00] SlicerDicer-: wow that is bad ASS!!!
[11:00:00] KaZeR: sure :)
[11:00:00] beavis ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:01:00] KaZeR: one huuuuge desktop :)
[11:01:00] SlicerDicer-: no doubt
[11:01:00] KaZeR: less wires, easy to use.. and damn cool (impress friends a lot :)
[11:02:00] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[11:02:00] Eivind: Does anyone know if support for ViaXvMC is compiled in by default in the rpms from atrpms ? Or how I can find out ?
[11:02:00] SlicerDicer-: I imagine
[11:02:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, does it mess with games though?
[11:03:00] KaZeR: never tried. i think this won't work (like doesn't dual heads and so)
[11:03:00] SlicerDicer-: well I can always try
[11:03:00] KaZeR: sure, let me know :)
[11:03:00] SlicerDicer-: will do
[11:03:00] KaZeR: i put a *doze box back, for BnW2, this could be interesting :)
[11:03:00] SlicerDicer-: I am a gamer so it could mess up and impact me
[11:04:00] KaZeR: i mostly play.. on my xbox :)
[11:04:00] Blammo_Home: gotta have a couple of live doze boxes for games... MOMRPGs and BF2. :)
[11:05:00] SlicerDicer-: I dont run doze
[11:05:00] KaZeR: hehe. BF2 looks nice too. i player BF1942 a lot, and tried BF2 with a friend.
[11:05:00] Blammo_Home: never been happy with wine/etc for win32 games under linux.
[11:05:00] SlicerDicer-: bf1942 runs great in cedega :)
[11:06:00] KaZeR: brb phone call
[11:08:00] Blammo_Home: may have to try Cedega.. it's been a while since I tried anything win32 under linux..
[11:09:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, got a decent howto for synergy?
[11:09:00] KaZeR: cedega is a commercial app, isn't it?
[11:09:00] Blammo_Home: yes
[11:09:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, i can try to help (i admit that setup may be a bit confusing)
[11:09:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, you bought it? (cedega)
[11:09:00] SlicerDicer-: Running a game and don't want synergy to jump screens? No problem. Just toggle Scroll Lock. Synergy keeps the cursor on the same screen when Scroll Lock is on.
[11:10:00] KaZeR: hehe :)
[11:10:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, yep
[11:10:00] SlicerDicer-: I have been a cedega subscriber since 18 november 2003 IIRC
[11:11:00] KaZeR: i knew about this scroll lock thing (use it with E to switch desktop) but didn't though of it for games
[11:11:00] KaZeR: nice. worth it so?
[11:11:00] KaZeR: how much is the fee?
[11:11:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, cedega is worth it IMO
[11:11:00] SlicerDicer-: 5$ a month
[11:11:00] KaZeR: good to know. and somewhat cheap
[11:11:00] KaZeR: phone call over, we can try to setup synergy if you wish
[11:12:00] Blammo_Home: well guys, I think I'm going to hit the hay... back in a while...
[11:12:00] SlicerDicer-: cya Blammo_Home
[11:12:00] KaZeR: bye Blammo_Home
[11:12:00] Blammo_Home is now known as Blammo_zzzzzzzzz
[11:12:00] SlicerDicer-: KaZeR, may I PM you?
[11:13:00] KaZeR: sure
[11:14:00] okare ( has left #mythtv-users
[11:19:00] ldam ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:24:00] harryman100 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:31:00] woodwizzle: Blam_Home, you wouldn't happen to have a 540p modeline handy wouldya?
[11:31:00] woodwizzle: thats the only one I couldn't locate
[11:31:00] woodwizzle: I got 480p running beautifully! =)
[11:36:00] Octane ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:37:00] eiggirC: *cry* a month wait for my new PVR-150 and now that I have it, I'd rather return it.
[11:38:00] eiggirC: shittier reception with this than with the previous lifeview card :-(
[11:38:00] KaZeR: :/
[11:38:00] Octane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:38:00] mmschnei ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:38:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:39:00] eiggirC: The previous owner had cable TV. There's still a signal wire but no cable box
[11:39:00] eiggirC: is it worth hooking the cable line to something?
[11:39:00] eiggirC: probably need a set-top box to make it useful though right?
[11:40:00] KaZeR: doesn't cable need a monthly fee?
[11:40:00] SlicerDicer: rock KaZeR its working just kinda reversed :)
[11:40:00] SlicerDicer: I got to fix that hehe
[11:40:00] eiggirC: KaZeR: yeah that too
[11:40:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, :D
[11:40:00] SlicerDicer: this totally kicks ass
[11:40:00] KaZeR: this is awesome indeeds :)
[11:41:00] SlicerDicer: its working properly now
[11:41:00] KaZeR: :)
[11:41:00] KaZeR: you can also set it to go right edge of ubuntu when going out left of gentoo
[11:41:00] KaZeR: (kind of loop)
[11:42:00] KaZeR: adding clients is just a matter of adding them to the file. (both screen declaration, and screen layout)
[11:42:00] SlicerDicer: hehe yeah
[11:42:00] SlicerDicer: this rocks
[11:42:00] KaZeR: use a wireless keyboard/mouse and you've got the ultimate desktop :)
[11:43:00] SlicerDicer: its like having dual monitors but not
[11:43:00] SlicerDicer: let me try a game now
[11:43:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) Quit (Client Quit)
[11:43:00] Skaface: is this x2x or whatever its called?
[11:44:00] SlicerDicer: I just dont know how to activate scroll lock on this stupid computer
[11:44:00] SlicerDicer: haha
[11:44:00] SlicerDicer: no synergy Skaface
[11:44:00] Skaface: ah ok
[11:44:00] SlicerDicer: hey KaZeR I got the other keyboard plugged in and it still works but I dont have to use it unless I really need too
[11:45:00] KaZeR: right SlicerDicer
[11:45:00] KaZeR: you can use both, but don't have to
[11:45:00] SlicerDicer: that makes it even more awesome
[11:45:00] KaZeR: Skaface, amazing piece of software
[11:45:00] Skaface: yeah, i use osx2x
[11:45:00] SlicerDicer: I cant seem to use it once game starts :/
[11:45:00] Skaface: does the same thing
[11:46:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, are you playing on ubuntu?
[11:46:00] SlicerDicer-: yeah
[11:46:00] SlicerDicer-: I guess its just cause the game locks the mouse eh?
[11:47:00] KaZeR: SlicerDicer, mouse work in game, right?
[11:47:00] SlicerDicer-: yes I just cannot move it off the screen
[11:47:00] KaZeR: i'm not surprised of it.
[11:47:00] KaZeR: dual head act the same way
[11:48:00] SlicerDicer-: yeah
[11:48:00] SlicerDicer-: this is going to be weird getting usto 1 keyboard
[11:50:00] Skaface: argh, the audio is all clicky from my capture card
[11:51:00] Skaface: ah, and lirc isnt working
[11:52:00] Skaface: lircd 0.7.2: File size limit exceeded
[11:52:00] Skaface: hows that for a strange error
[11:53:00] woodwizzle: Is there a debian repo with w32codecs and libdvdcss2 on it?
[11:54:00] Skaface: ahaha /var/log/lircd is 2gb
[11:54:00] Skaface: yes
[11:54:00] Skaface: mirrilat
[11:54:00] Skaface: or something
[11:54:00] Skaface: hold on
[11:54:00] cosmo_ (n=cosmo@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:54:00] Skaface: deb etch main
[11:55:00] Skaface: or maybe change etch for stable
[11:55:00] Skaface: that has mplayer and stuff as well
[11:55:00] NoUse ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:00] Skaface: thats his site
[11:59:00] woodwizzle: Bummer, I think that one is down :(
[11:59:00] Skaface: its always been very slow
[12:01:00] KaZeR: free is a french ISP, not a bad one, but their hosting do sucks :)
[12:04:00] Skaface: ah hehe
[12:04:00] Skaface: someone needs to offer that guy some decent webspace
[12:06:00] KaZeR: "
[12:06:00] KaZeR: :)
[12:09:00] ** eiggirC punches hauppauge **
[12:10:00] eiggirC: mind you I think its a marginal aerial causing my issues
[12:10:00] KaZeR: AHAHAHA ultimate geek toy : watching mythtv in ascii from pvr350 output binded to a bt848 tv card over ssh with aatv :D
[12:10:00] KaZeR: and this works :)
[12:10:00] KaZeR: although menus are a bit hard to read
[12:12:00] poonj ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:13:00] KaZeR: pvr350's output is nice. this computer is only an athlon 700, but it works fine.
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[13:14:00] Skaface: 00 02 * * * /root/updateguide
[13:14:00] Skaface: i run that in crontab
[13:15:00] Skaface: the contents of /root/updateguide is:
[13:15:00] Skaface: /root/tv_grab_au --config-file /root/.xmltv/tv_grab_optus.conf --days 2 --output /var/www/optus.xml
[13:15:00] Skaface: /root/tv_grab_au --config-file /root/.xmltv/tv_grab_fta.conf --days 2 --output /var/www/fta.xml
[13:15:00] Skaface: mythfilldatabase --update --file 4 2 /var/www/fta.xml
[13:15:00] Skaface: mythfilldatabase --update --file 1 2 /var/www/optus.xml
[13:15:00] Skaface: mythfilldatabase --update --file 2 2 /var/www/optus.xml
[13:15:00] Skaface: now my problem is that it doesnt run from crontab
[13:16:00] Skaface: yet i can run that shell script manually and it runs fine
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[14:05:00] KaZeR: Skaface, ls -l /root/updateguide?
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[15:45:00] sskk: Is there a full dump of the activities in this channel?
[15:45:00] sskk: Which is searchable?
[15:45:00] laga: MythLogBot: help
[15:45:00] laga: thanks.
[15:47:00] aMMgYrP ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:47:00] aMMgYrP: Anyone from USA up in this house?
[15:53:00] GreyFoxx: Nope, No Americans here
[15:53:00] laga: <- silly kraut
[15:53:00] GreyFoxx: There is a special channel filter to keep them out
[15:53:00] KaZeR: hi laga && GreyFoxx :)
[15:53:00] laga: heya KaZeR :)
[15:54:00] aMMgYrP: does this KaZeR ever sleep
[15:54:00] GreyFoxx: Mornin
[15:54:00] KaZeR: aMMgYrP, i'm at work, since when we talked some hours ago :)
[15:54:00] KaZeR: 4 pm here
[15:54:00] aMMgYrP: oh
[15:54:00] GreyFoxx: I wish it was 4pm. Knowing I was that close to leaving work :)
[15:55:00] KaZeR: yeah one hour and a half, then golf time :)
[15:56:00] GreyFoxx: Man, this transcode using avisynth+virtualdub is just flying. I must have done something wrong :)
[15:56:00] laga: transcoding to QCIF? :)
[15:57:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, sounds interesting. i've nice my nuvexport to -15, and it keeps below 8fps
[15:57:00] GreyFoxx: mpegts -> xvid+mp3 avi. Getting 25–33 FPS on my laptop
[15:57:00] KaZeR: uhoh
[15:57:00] KaZeR: this doesn't honor cutlist, does it?
[15:57:00] GreyFoxx: Define "this" ?
[15:58:00] KaZeR: this : avisynth+virtualdub
[15:58:00] GreyFoxx: As in what I'm doing right now ?
[15:58:00] KaZeR: or, your process
[15:58:00] KaZeR: exactly
[15:58:00] GreyFoxx: It would be simple to do that. I'm not since there are no commercials in what I'm converting. But it would be trivial to handle the cutlist
[16:00:00] GreyFoxx: A simple perl script could grab the cut list from the database, then output the appropriate trim lines to be placed in the avisynth script
[16:01:00] KaZeR: i feel you're wanting to write it :)
[16:01:00] laga: KaZeR: well. are your recordings in mpeg2?
[16:02:00] KaZeR: yep laga
[16:02:00] KaZeR: pvr350
[16:02:00] KaZeR: i believe i've set it to mpeg2-ps
[16:03:00] PITABoy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:03:00] GreyFoxx: Kaza: I intend to write it yeah. Can't imagine it being more than a few lines of code :)
[16:03:00] PITABoy: my sound isnt working in mythtv when i choose watch tv it says could not set up sound continue anyway?
[16:04:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, sad thing is, it need a windows box :/
[16:04:00] GreyFoxx: Can you play sound in other apps ?
[16:04:00] PITABoy: how do i fix this i know that it is in settings but i forgot what to type in for sound
[16:04:00] PITABoy: yes
[16:04:00] GreyFoxx: Kaza: Yeah, but you do what you gotta do. Or run windows in vmware.
[16:04:00] Chacabaou ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:04:00] GreyFoxx: I've been told that these apps will run under wine but I have my doubts until I try it :)
[16:05:00] simon_c: eh up
[16:05:00] PITABoy: i had fixed it before but i forgot the variables to type in
[16:05:00] KaZeR: i'm willing to try. i don't know avisynth at all, but virtual dub is a great tool
[16:05:00] PITABoy: i thought that it was Default and Master but that didnt work
[16:06:00] laga: KaZeR: well. you could use the new mythtranscode --mpeg2 introduced in svn with --honorcutlist and transcode the resulting files
[16:06:00] KaZeR: laga, sounds interesting. although i'm not fond of svn version for my backend...
[16:06:00] PITABoy: unable to create audio output
[16:06:00] KaZeR: PITABoy, which distro?
[16:06:00] laga: KaZeR: understandable. just wait till 0.19 comes out ;)
[16:07:00] KaZeR: laga, i think that's what i'm gonna do :)
[16:07:00] laga: hehe
[16:07:00] KaZeR: you run stable or svn?
[16:07:00] GreyFoxx: 0.19 is just a copy of svn from a specific date. IT's not magically going to be "better" :)
[16:07:00] PITABoy: gentoo
[16:07:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, i agree, but most svn bugs are fixed when a version is packed, right?
[16:08:00] KaZeR: PITABoy, emerge -av mythtv please and paste here
[16:08:00] GreyFoxx: KaZeR: That is a user perception, but rarely true
[16:08:00] GreyFoxx: The most obvious bugs are fixed
[16:08:00] laga: KaZeR: i sporadically update to svn
[16:08:00] GreyFoxx: but they get fixed in svn anyway
[16:08:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, would you recommend the svn version as 'usable' then?
[16:08:00] GreyFoxx: It's not like bugs are left to rot in svn and only get fixed for a release :)
[16:09:00] KaZeR: cause i find my 0.18 really stable
[16:09:00] KaZeR: yeah but svn introduces some features that may need more testing before being usable.
[16:09:00] KaZeR: damn GreyFoxx, you made me wanting to test svn release
[16:10:00] GreyFoxx: KaZeR: I would say yes, BUT if you are a DVB user be warned that a lot of DVB related stuff is going on so you could encounter problems. I use both pvr250's and a dvb card and it all works fine for me
[16:10:00] Chacabaou ( Quit ()
[16:10:00] KaZeR: no, no dvb at all here
[16:10:00] m3avrck (n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:11:00] PITABoy: Calculating dependencies ...done!
[16:11:00] PITABoy: [ebuild R ] media-tv/mythtv-0.18.1-r2 +alsa (-altivec) +arts* -debug -dvb -frontendonly -ieee1394 -jack -joystick -lcd +lirc (-mmx) -nvidia +opengl -oss -unichrome +vorbis 0 kB
[16:11:00] PITABoy: Total size of downloads: 0 kB
[16:11:00] GreyFoxx: The only way the test gets done is for users to use it :) If you leave it up to devs then you will get a shaky product since it likely "works for me" since they wrote it :)
[16:11:00] KaZeR: PITABoy, -oss is the reason
[16:11:00] KaZeR: you NEED oss with mythtv at the moment
[16:11:00] KaZeR: add it your your make.conf, then reemerge mythtv (and emerge -N world) then sound should work
[16:12:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, you're so right. you've convinced me. i'll have a look at virtualdub under wine then fetch a svn
[16:13:00] sskk ( Quit ()
[16:13:00] GreyFoxx: But definately backup your database :)
[16:13:00] KaZeR: uh
[16:13:00] KaZeR: that's the kind of thing i don't like :)
[16:13:00] GreyFoxx: Why, You should backup all the time, if only to find out what you changed if you break something :)
[16:14:00] GreyFoxx: I backup mine nightly
[16:14:00] GreyFoxx: It's just being prudent :)
[16:14:00] KaZeR: i backup mine with cron each 4 hours. not that i have important things in it, but it's easy to do
[16:14:00] KaZeR: but doing backups doesn't mean i like to have to restore it :)
[16:14:00] GreyFoxx: I only do once a day, rotate and compress. I keep 10 or 15 copies around. Can't remember how many
[16:15:00] GreyFoxx: Plus I I use sql replication with another server, and both get back'd up to a seperate machine
[16:15:00] KaZeR: brb phone call
[16:15:00] GreyFoxx: But thenI'm a paranoid :)
[16:16:00] KaZeR: sql replication, that's nice. i saw an article on mysql dev site one day, and though i should do that
[16:16:00] The_Ball ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:17:00] Beirdo: Paranoid is a cool song
[16:17:00] laga: yep
[16:17:00] laga: and black sabbath is a cool band
[16:17:00] Beirdo: was
[16:17:00] GreyFoxx: I do it for a ton of work related machines, so I also have a machine at home replicating my personal database machines
[16:17:00] laga: Beirdo: yep. their new stuff sucks
[16:18:00] ** Beirdo cues some Van Halen **
[16:18:00] Beirdo: "Hellllooo baby!"
[16:18:00] Beirdo: heheh
[16:18:00] jams: s
[16:18:00] Beirdo: anyone tell me which song / album I just hit play on?
[16:19:00] Beirdo: oh come on, nobody has a clue?
[16:19:00] Beirdo: jeez, you need to listen to more Van Halen :)
[16:19:00] Beirdo: the song is Good Enough, the album 5150
[16:19:00] GreyFoxx: Wasn't my kind of music back then :)
[16:20:00] Beirdo: heh, how about now?
[16:21:00] GreyFoxx: I listen to a wide rage of stuff, but still no van halen. :)
[16:21:00] Beirdo: woohoo, cfengine went apeshit last night
[16:21:00] PITABoy ( Quit ("Leaving")
[16:21:00] Beirdo: you poor guy
[16:21:00] ** Beirdo moves away the 704 cfengine belch messages... **
[16:21:00] ** GreyFoxx queues up Backstreet boys followed by Velvit Acid Christ, followed by Lustra , and finally 50cent **
[16:22:00] ** Beirdo takes GreyFoxx's temperature **
[16:22:00] ** GreyFoxx tosses a little RammStein in there too **
[16:22:00] Beirdo: OK, that's a bit better, maybe they'll kill off the Backstreet Boys
[16:22:00] laga: Rammstein is nice. too bad you dont understand the lyrics ;)
[16:23:00] Beirdo: who listens to the lyrics anyways? :)
[16:23:00] GreyFoxx: Seriously, I listen to ALL music. I've got CD's of flute payers from chili, and arab guy playing an irish harp, classical, and a little bit of everything else :)
[16:23:00] Beirdo: but no Van Halen...
[16:23:00] GreyFoxx: And I like some Bangrarap from Pakistan :)
[16:23:00] Beirdo: come on, it's Dutch guys playing California hard rock
[16:24:00] laga: Beirdo: i do :)
[16:24:00] Beirdo: heh :)
[16:24:00] stevenh (n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:00] Beirdo: WTF?
[16:26:00] Beirdo: gallery won't highlight this picture?!
[16:26:00] ** Beirdo reaches for the baseball bat **
[16:26:00] Beirdo: gonna have to teach gallery some manners
[16:27:00] ** GreyFoxx kicks off another ORACLE->MySQL migration script and watches to see if it dies again **
[16:29:00] laga: gallery is awesome. i installed the latest 1.x last week and even the GF can work it
[16:31:00] ** GreyFoxx needs to pick a new look for his picture site. It's ooogly **
[16:31:00] Beirdo: heh
[16:32:00] Beirdo: well, I'm still uploading, maybe it's getting confusled
[16:32:00] laga: GF chose the "black" template so i didn't have to worry ;)
[16:32:00] Beirdo: my dad's trip to Newf this year
[16:32:00] Beirdo: including the house he bought there
[16:32:00] Beirdo: just south of Bonavista
[16:32:00] jd86 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:32:00] GreyFoxx: I've yet to see a photo site that I really liked the look or layout of, so I have noone to copy! :)
[16:32:00] Beirdo: heh
[16:32:00] Beirdo: so just use gallery for now :)
[16:33:00] jd86: I just went out and baught a wintv-pvr 150, will this thing work with mythtv? (or linux which ever question make smore sense) before i open it?
[16:33:00] GreyFoxx: No, I wrote my own :) I'just trying to pick a new look for it :)
[16:33:00] Beirdo: shouldn't you check that FIRST?
[16:33:00] Beirdo: and yes, it should work
[16:33:00] GreyFoxx: jd86: Yes to both
[16:33:00] jd86: alright :)
[16:33:00] Beirdo: there it goes
[16:34:00] jd86: GreyFoxx: and the remote that comes with it, that work too?
[16:34:00] GreyFoxx: . . . 774.JPG&
[16:34:00] GreyFoxx: Get them started out early
[16:35:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, is it your child?
[16:35:00] GreyFoxx: jd86: I believe so yes
[16:35:00] jd86: :)
[16:35:00] GreyFoxx: KaZeR: Yup, . . . 738.JPG&
[16:35:00] GreyFoxx: My little cutie :)
[16:35:00] ** KaZeR recognized the xbox remote at first look ;) **
[16:36:00] KaZeR: what's her name?
[16:36:00] GreyFoxx: 17months old and already can manouver through myth to pull up baby einstein
[16:36:00] Beirdo: better password protect that pr0n dir then
[16:36:00] GreyFoxx: KaZeR: Maya
[16:36:00] KaZeR: ahah the photo you just gave is fun. :)
[16:36:00] GreyFoxx: Beirdo: heh
[16:36:00] Beirdo: she can learn all about that in another... 15–16 years
[16:36:00] Beirdo: heh
[16:37:00] KaZeR: uh. my daughter in law play with mouses, but without really nowing what she does :)
[16:37:00] KaZeR: lol beata--
[16:37:00] KaZeR: damn
[16:37:00] KaZeR: meant Beirdo :)
[16:37:00] jd86: If i haven't already asked too many questions, could someone tell me what linux driver (module name maybe?) a pvr-150 uses?
[16:37:00] GreyFoxx: Mine is obsessed with all of my technical gear. Remotes, cellphone, laptop
[16:37:00] Beirdo: you spawned a geek girl. well done :)
[16:37:00] GreyFoxx: jd86: ivtv
[16:38:00] jd86: GreyFoxx: thanks
[16:38:00] GreyFoxx: jd86: It's not built into the kernel though.
[16:38:00] laga: jd86:
[16:38:00] GreyFoxx: You need to download or install it seperately (or your distro can do it for you)
[16:38:00] KaZeR: jd86, which distro?
[16:38:00] jd86: KaZeR: gentoo
[16:38:00] FairWtns ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:39:00] KaZeR: jd86, emerge ivtv :)
[16:39:00] FairWtns: Ruh-roh. "Table 'mythconverg.db' doesn't exist"
[16:39:00] FairWtns: Dang mysql upgrade.
[16:39:00] jd86: KaZeR: nice :)
[16:39:00] KaZeR: sure :)
[16:39:00] jd86: 0.4.0 a good version KaZeR ?
[16:40:00] KaZeR: 0.4.0-r2 is out
[16:40:00] FairWtns: Anyone know how to make ''update db set Create_tmp_table_priv="Y" where db="mythconverg";'' work?
[16:40:00] jd86: in gentoo? KaZeR
[16:40:00] GreyFoxx: FairWtns: And you didn't backup the database (mysqldump) beforehand ?
[16:40:00] KaZeR: i'm using it, working fine my 350
[16:40:00] KaZeR: jd86, yep since this morning
[16:40:00] ** jd86 emerges sync **
[16:40:00] KaZeR: jd86, have a look at too, there's a (long but) nice setup guide
[16:41:00] jd86: KaZeR: how hard was your remote to setup? (or no remote?)
[16:41:00] FairWtns: GreyFoxx:Negative. I don't think the db is fuggered, because I can see the recorded table just fine. But apparently the new version has a slightly higher security. So I have to somehow enable this temporary table thingamabob.
[16:41:00] GreyFoxx: FairWtns: Any updates to the mysql.db and mysql.user tables should be followed either by a mysqladmin reload, or a "flush privileges;" sql statement
[16:41:00] KaZeR: 350 comes with a remote. easy as emerge lirc, grab a conf file, start lirc.
[16:41:00] jd86: ok
[16:42:00] GreyFoxx: Yay, 7 minutes and I can see how well this transcode comes out and if I have audio sync issues
[16:42:00] KaZeR: and xbox as backend rox. GreyFoxx btw, do you use a linux distro or xbmc mythtv?
[16:42:00] FairWtns: mysql> flush privileges;
[16:42:00] FairWtns: ERROR 1227: Access denied. You need the RELOAD privilege for this operation
[16:42:00] GreyFoxx: KaZeR: I don't use an xbox. That's actually and RCA tv remote
[16:42:00] KaZeR: meant frontend, obviously :)
[16:42:00] ldam ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:00] GreyFoxx: Though I have friends that use xbmc and acouple that use mythfrontend with their myth setups
[16:43:00] GreyFoxx: FairWtns: You need to be logged in as the root mysql user
[16:43:00] FairWtns: thought I was...
[16:43:00] GreyFoxx: or use mysqladmin reload from the commandline
[16:44:00] supa_user ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:44:00] FairWtns: Dangit. command doesn't even work for root.
[16:44:00] GreyFoxx: try it from the commandline
[16:44:00] FairWtns: I still think I haven't enabled the temp tables property. Don't know how to check it either.
[16:46:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, is that you and miss GreyFoxx ? . . . 762.JPG&
[16:46:00] supa_user: any development on hdtv cards?
[16:47:00] FairWtns: Maybe I'm not specifying the db properly...
[16:48:00] KaZeR: GreyFoxx, i'd say you're rather here . . . 773.JPG& :)
[16:49:00] GreyFoxx: KaZeR: 7762 is my Sister and her BF, 7773 is Maya and me :)
[16:49:00] jd86: ugh i have an nvidia video card with a fan on it, and its getting loud. very very loud.
[16:49:00] m3avrck (n=chatzill@ Quit (No route to host)
[16:50:00] ** GreyFoxx heads out for lunch **
[16:50:00] KaZeR: ok :) nice to put a face on a name
[16:50:00] KaZeR: see you, good lunch
[16:52:00] simon_c: I've a damn strange problem. Old P2–350 system with an ati rage-pro II card in it. I'm trying to enable output to a TV, but all I get is a green screen. works fine to a VGA monitor. Any clues would be great.
[16:53:00] rpete_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:00] KaZeR: simon_c, which capture card?
[16:54:00] simon_c: capture is on another box.
[16:54:00] simon_c: this is a fe only.
[16:54:00] KaZeR: k
[16:55:00] jd86: i wonder what i should do with my old tvtuner(s)
[16:55:00] KaZeR: P2–350 is sufficient to watch tv? did you made any particular setting to lower quality?
[16:55:00] KaZeR: jd86, put'em in your backend as secondary encoders. can always help
[16:56:00] jd86: KaZeR: i couldn't get them working heh
[16:56:00] KaZeR: ahah
[16:56:00] jd86: KaZeR: and i missed all the fiels i'm supposed to move after ivtv finished
[16:56:00] KaZeR: what cards?
[16:56:00] KaZeR: jd86, scroll up :D
[16:56:00] jd86: i have some hauppague card, and sopme msitv anywhere card
[16:56:00] jd86: KaZeR: i cant it wont let me
[16:56:00] jd86: :(
[16:56:00] simon_c: KaZeR: It just about works, yes.
[16:57:00] simon_c: good enouh for the kids anyway.
[16:57:00] simon_c: If I can just get it to work on a damn TV :-)
[16:57:00] KaZeR: simon_c, i ask because i build a backend for a friend on an athlon 700, and video was choppy. but works fine on pvr350's tv out
[16:57:00] KaZeR: jd86, let me check
[16:58:00] jd86: h/o let me do something i'll get it :)
[16:58:00] KaZeR: h/o ?
[16:58:00] KaZeR: hang on :)
[16:58:00] simon_c: KaZeR: Well, this was with an ati rage-pro II MPEG card. But i have no idea if linux has anything in it's drivers that makes use of the "mpeg" setting, whatever that is. vintage 1997 card :-)
[16:58:00] KaZeR: ah ok :)
[16:58:00] rpete ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:58:00] KaZeR: understand better now
[16:59:00] ldam ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:59:00] jd86: whats CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV
[16:59:00] m3avrck (n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:00] KaZeR: jd86, you need to enable this in your kernel config. drivers / multimedia devices
[17:00:00] jd86: alright.. module ok?
[17:00:00] KaZeR: yup
[17:01:00] jd86: KaZeR: you've been a big help, thanks.
[17:01:00] jd86: usually people aren't so quick to help :)
[17:01:00] KaZeR: :)
[17:01:00] KaZeR: thanks :)
[17:02:00] KaZeR: don't forget to help people back when you can then :)
[17:02:00] jd86: i try ;-)
[17:02:00] jd86: but things like mythtv have been my arch nemesis
[17:03:00] clintar ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:03:00] jd86: ut oh
[17:03:00] jd86: ivtv-detect segmentation fault
[17:03:00] clintar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:04:00] jd86: and i get an error about lirc when inserting ivtv
[17:04:00] KaZeR: exact error message?
[17:04:00] jd86: which one?
[17:04:00] KaZeR: jd86, you may want to have a look at a wiki a friend is maintening :
[17:04:00] KaZeR: the one you want :)
[17:07:00] ** FairWtns screams at mysql **
[17:08:00] jd86: well when i do modprobe ivtv i get FATAL: Error inserting lirc_dev (/libmodules/2.6.13-gentoo-r3/misc/lirc_dev.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) FATAL: Module lirc_i2c not found.
[17:09:00] dfcc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:10:00] KaZeR: you're missing lirc-i2c :)
[17:10:00] dfcc: has anyone tried using the new hybrid cards from hauppauge with mythtv?
[17:10:00] KaZeR: damn that was a tough one :D
[17:10:00] jd86: KaZeR: yea but whers it come from? lol
[17:10:00] KaZeR: jd86, let me check the exact name
[17:10:00] jd86: where would one find a lirc_i2c?
[17:10:00] KaZeR: kernel config :)
[17:11:00] jd86: oh?
[17:11:00] jd86: i dont see any thing having to do with lirc in kernel, i do / and search for lirc nothing.
[17:12:00] KaZeR: what lirc version are you using?
[17:12:00] jd86: 0.7.0-r1
[17:12:00] DJSelbeck ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:12:00] jd86: should i go ~x86 on lirc?
[17:13:00] o_cee: jd86, if you don't need lirc just edit /etc/modules.d/ivtv and do modules-update
[17:13:00] jd86: well i'd like to use the remote that came with the card..
[17:13:00] KaZeR: jd86, which card?
[17:13:00] o_cee: allright then you need lirc :)
[17:13:00] KaZeR: 150?
[17:13:00] jd86: yes
[17:13:00] KaZeR: k
[17:13:00] dfcc ( has left #mythtv-users
[17:13:00] KaZeR: add lirc to /etc/portage/package.keywords
[17:13:00] jd86: ugh i'm supposed to go to work soon
[17:13:00] jd86: i did
[17:13:00] jd86: i'm emerging 0.7.2
[17:14:00] KaZeR: fine.
[17:14:00] jd86: ooh i see lirc_i2c scroll across my face.
[17:14:00] KaZeR: :)
[17:14:00] KaZeR: black and grey remote?
[17:14:00] jd86: like a silvery top and black on bottom
[17:14:00] jd86: with lots of pretty buttons
[17:16:00] jd86: anyone want to buy my old tv tuner?
[17:16:00] jd86: heh
[17:18:00] jd86: it still cant find the module.
[17:18:00] KaZeR: jd86, you'll need this config file for your remote :
[17:18:00] jd86: where could it be iding.
[17:18:00] KaZeR: jd86, depmod -a
[17:18:00] jd86: not found..
[17:19:00] KaZeR: what is not found ?
[17:19:00] jd86: i saw it compile it, why didn't it put iit in
[17:19:00] jd86: depmod -a didn't do anything afaik heh, but i have no lirc_i2c.* on this computer.
[17:20:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:20:00] jd86: does it only put it over if somethings configured in the kernel?
[17:20:00] KaZeR: mmm i remember having weird things with that too.
[17:21:00] KaZeR: anyhow, the file should be in /lib/modules/<version>/misc
[17:21:00] KaZeR: what do you have in there?
[17:21:00] jd86: i did find / -iname lirc_i2c* that would have found it right?
[17:21:00] jd86: i have lirc_dev.ko and lirc_serial.ko
[17:21:00] KaZeR: yep, but it will take a hell of time :)
[17:21:00] jd86: i did it
[17:21:00] KaZeR: ok
[17:21:00] jd86: and it didnt find it
[17:22:00] KaZeR: do you have I2C support enabled in your kernel?
[17:22:00] KaZeR: ONFIG_I2C=y
[17:22:00] KaZeR: CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV=y
[17:22:00] jd86: sort of ;-) let me see
[17:22:00] jd86: is it ok for the i2c stuff to be all M?
[17:23:00] KaZeR: yep
[17:23:00] jd86: CONFIG_I2C=m
[17:23:00] jd86: and CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV = m
[17:23:00] KaZeR: mmm
[17:23:00] Krazylegz ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:23:00] KaZeR: what did you saw about lirc_i2c during lirc install?
[17:24:00] jd86: entering the directory, and it looked like it was doing some compiling, i didnt read it all
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[17:26:00] xris ( Quit (Client Quit)
[17:26:00] supa_user: are there any cable/satellite hdtv capable cards yet? if not, is that changing soon? I don't want to invest in old technology if I can avoid it
[17:26:00] patdk2: supa_user, I doubt that will ever really work
[17:26:00] KaZeR: jd86, sorry, time to leave here. i had same trouble installing last time, i should have take some notes :)
[17:26:00] patdk2: there are some that can do cable
[17:26:00] patdk2: but well, most channels are encrypted, so then even if it does support it, it won't work
[17:26:00] supa_user: patdk2: encryption problem?
[17:26:00] patdk2: yep
[17:27:00] KaZeR: jd86, don't know if it's relevant, but i also have CONFIG_I2C_ALGOBIT=y
[17:27:00] supa_user: so the tv decrypts it normally?
[17:27:00] patdk2: the tv doesn't
[17:27:00] jd86: alright. i think it has to do with lirc it has some funky install stuff
[17:27:00] patdk2: the cable box does, or sat box
[17:27:00] KaZeR: jd86, re-emerge lirc, and watch carefully about lirc_i2c. i'll be back in around 15 hours. pm me if you wish, i'll answer you asap
[17:28:00] KaZeR: bye all!
[17:28:00] supa_user: patdk2: but if it takes the output signal, shouldn't that be decrypted already?
[17:28:00] patdk2: they have cards that plugs into tv's that can do it from the cable providor also, but those have a high failure ratecurrently
[17:28:00] jd86: KaZeR: i think i found out.. you need LIRC_OPTS=--with-driver=hauppague
[17:28:00] patdk2: supa_user, then you are using old tech, s-video
[17:28:00] patdk2: I haven't seen any hdmi/dvi/component video capture cards atleast
[17:29:00] supa_user: yeah! that's what i need
[17:29:00] KaZeR: jd86, here you go :)
[17:29:00] patdk2: dvi capture would be nice, or hdmi
[17:29:00] supa_user: patdk2: some do component but i'm not sure if they do htdv res or just normal res
[17:30:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:00] kahuna_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:00] kahuna_: What fs do you guys reccomend? Is it OK to do the whole system in XFS?
[17:30:00] supa_user: patdk2: where do the hdtv cable ones go? right into the coax?
[17:31:00] patdk2: ya
[17:32:00] supa_user: the card handles the digital cable then?
[17:32:00] FairWtns: Of course after all my mysql wrangling turns out the problem is 0% disk space.
[17:32:00] supa_user: FairWtns: mysql really doesn't like that, heh
[17:33:00] FairWtns: Yeah, seem like very few programs do.
[17:33:00] FairWtns: I just wish it wasn't like my girlfriend, acting like nothings wrong when internally it's a fucking mess.
[17:33:00] patdk2: heh, ya, I have some people on a server that abuses disk space
[17:33:00] patdk2: I finally partitioned the drive like nuts
[17:34:00] patdk2: and now thy can only fuckup their stuff
[17:34:00] FairWtns: Just *tell me* what's wrong, and we'll fix it baby. You know we've been through tougher, mysql, and we can conquer this too.
[17:34:00] supa_user: patdk2: quotas?
[17:34:00] patdk2: no quotas
[17:34:00] Cardoe: KaZeR: you need LIRC_OPTS="--with-driver=hauppauge"
[17:34:00] patdk2: quotas take up too much cpu overhead
[17:35:00] patdk2: and well, when the users have root, that defeats the point of quotas
[17:35:00] laga: no quotas take up too much disk overhead ;)
[17:35:00] supa_user: i didn't think quotas were too bad cpu wise
[17:35:00] patdk2: disk partition is easier
[17:35:00] patdk2: and enforces quota better :)
[17:35:00] FairWtns: Gotta go trm, bbl.
[17:36:00] FairWtns ( Quit ("fscking space.")
[17:38:00] jd86: now, why does ivtv-detect seg fault.
[17:39:00] sskk ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:40:00] jd86: oh my alot of things are seg faulting
[17:41:00] laga: that's not a good sign
[17:43:00] jd86: nope
[17:43:00] laga: probably broken memory, you could try memtest86 to check it
[17:43:00] jd86: i think its what i've been doing
[17:44:00] jd86: but if its not resolved i'll memtest it
[17:44:00] Beirdo: fugh
[17:44:00] Beirdo: forgot to start sshd on the laptop after reinstalling
[17:44:00] Beirdo: ooop
[17:44:00] Beirdo: s
[17:44:00] jd86: but now i have to go to work.
[17:44:00] jd86: :(
[17:45:00] Beirdo: anyone want a toasted laptop drive?
[17:46:00] ** laga wants toasted marshmellows. **
[17:46:00] Beirdo: I think it wants the smashy smashy
[17:49:00] Laeb ( Quit ()
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[17:57:00] kahuna_: I love smashing broken stuff
[17:57:00] kahuna_: my favorite are print servers. You just hold them by the cord and swing away.
[18:01:00] patdk2: no, laser printers :)
[18:01:00] patdk2: drop them from the 4 or higher floor
[18:03:00] sskk ( Quit ()
[18:07:00] kRutOn ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[18:23:00] Beirdo: I think whipping hard drives at a concrete floor has a lot of merit too
[18:23:00] Beirdo: morning, xris
[18:23:00] xeno42 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:25:00] xris: heh
[18:25:00] ** Beirdo had to buy a new harddrive for a laptop last night **
[18:25:00] Beirdo: stupid click of death
[18:25:00] xeno42: did something change in svn recently about myth's choice of filenames to write to?
[18:25:00] laga: click of death. heh. "headshot!"
[18:26:00] ** Beirdo throws a dead hard drive at laga **
[18:26:00] GreyFoxx: xeno42: Yes.
[18:26:00] LasseL ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:00] GreyFoxx: It's now just chan_starttime.nuv (or .mpg if it's an mpeg source)
[18:26:00] xris: xeno42: not so recently, but yes.
[18:26:00] GreyFoxx: and that name is stored in the database
[18:26:00] laga: Beirdo: ouch.
[18:26:00] GreyFoxx: So you can rename it
[18:26:00] xeno42: GreyFoxx: okay; that explains that then.. confused me a bit.. managed to accidently nuke a week's worth of programmes as i didn't realize that heh
[18:26:00] Beirdo: should use it for skeet shooting
[18:27:00] Beirdo: little bits of Hitachi drive everywhere
[18:27:00] GreyFoxx: xeno42: heh
[18:27:00] xeno42: guess i'll need to hack the mythburndvd script a bit to take that into account now
[18:27:00] sphing ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:28:00] xris: xeno42: perl?
[18:28:00] xeno42: unless there's a better way of turning recordings into dvds now
[18:28:00] jonK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:28:00] xeno42: shell scripts
[18:29:00] xris: ah. best way to deal now is to query the db first to get the filenames (since they can be in subdirs)
[18:29:00] GreyFoxx: I don't make dvd's of my stuff, so I don't know really what's out there. The few times I've done it I did it all manually
[18:29:00] xris: look at nuvexport for examples (thus my asking if it was perl)
[18:29:00] xeno42: yeah the script(s) i use make nice dvd menus etc as well.. quite cool
[18:29:00] xeno42: i downloaded them ages ago though.. i'm not sure they're maintained
[18:30:00] xeno42: i use nuvexport quite a bit just to transcode so i can share an episode or something with a friend
[18:31:00] ** xris smacks xeno42 with the "don't talk about that" trout. **
[18:32:00] xeno42: :-P
[18:33:00] xeno42: okay; thx for the info.. lunch, methinks.
[18:34:00] kahuna_: What FS do you guys use for your recordings directory? I'm thinking about going with XFS.
[18:34:00] xeno42: I use XFS for my box.. works fine
[18:34:00] sphing: that seems to be a favorite
[18:35:00] zuralin: XFS
[18:36:00] xris: xfs here, too.. (it's the generally-encouraged one)
[18:36:00] jonK ( Quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[18:38:00] kahuna_: XFS it is then.
[18:42:00] ** Beirdo belches **
[18:42:00] Beirdo: mmmm, latte belch
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[18:48:00] woodwizzle ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:49:00] sphing: hahah
[18:49:00] sphing: tasty
[18:49:00] m3avrck (n=chatzill@ Quit ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.7/20050915]")
[18:49:00] Beirdo: where's my ring, dammit? :)
[18:49:00] ** sphing eats it **
[18:49:00] Beirdo: it should be back this afternoon :)
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[19:00:00] smhar: ok.. I am trying to install mythtv in my debian testing.. but I am facing difficulties.. I can search and read but I want to make sure.. is it possible at all to install mythtv on debian testing
[19:01:00] uStax5c ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:00] xris: Beirdo: size adjustment or something?
[19:03:00] Beirdo: appraisal
[19:03:00] kormoc: smhar, why wouldn't it be?
[19:03:00] cosmo_ (n=cosmo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:04:00] smhar: kormoc, missing libraries..
[19:04:00] kormoc: smhar, which is a fixable issue.
[19:04:00] uStax5c ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:06:00] xris: Beirdo: ahh. never did get that done with our rings.
[19:07:00] Beirdo: :)
[19:07:00] Beirdo: well yeah, you also aren't going to bring it through customs
[19:07:00] xris: of course, yours is worth about 3x as much as jessica's
[19:07:00] xris: that, too
[19:07:00] Beirdo: heh
[19:07:00] xris: same size rock, but diamond vs sapphire.
[19:07:00] Beirdo: I like sapphire too. if it weren't for the heirloom diamond, I would have considered it
[19:07:00] ** xris prefers sapphires **
[19:08:00] xris: yeah. free giant diamond is a nice deal
[19:08:00] Beirdo: hell yeah
[19:08:00] xris: I'm wrong. your rock is bigger. I think jes' is only .5 ct.
[19:08:00] xris: it's too big for her as it is.
[19:08:00] Beirdo: still nice
[19:09:00] xris: I like it.
[19:09:00] Beirdo: :)
[19:10:00] Beirdo: dammit
[19:10:00] Beirdo: so she found a house she likes
[19:10:00] Beirdo: near her parents
[19:10:00] Beirdo: and the previous owners REALLY liked palm trees
[19:10:00] Beirdo: we will need to take down (in her estimation) nearly 100
[19:10:00] DJSelbeck ( Quit ("Verlassend")
[19:10:00] Beirdo: including a royal palm in the front
[19:11:00] Beirdo: and a coconut palm in the back
[19:11:00] Beirdo: :(
[19:11:00] Beirdo: most of them are still small
[19:12:00] Beirdo: but those two are each 40–50ft tall
[19:12:00] Beirdo: gack
[19:12:00] aMMgYrP: would anyone know if their exists functional drivers for the AverMedia UltraTV 1500 MCE?
[19:13:00] Krazylegz: Beirdo: Don't like palms?
[19:14:00] Beirdo: not when they bugger up the drainage of the yard and make it feel like a frigging jungle, no
[19:14:00] o_cee ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:15:00] Beirdo: would be a shame to take em all out though
[19:15:00] Beirdo: we'll see if we even buy the place
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[19:17:00] Beirdo: hahahah
[19:17:00] Beirdo: Coconut palm is useful as an ornamental; its only drawback being the heavy nuts which may cause injury to man, beast, or rooftop when they hit in falling
[19:18:00] Lightnin: quick q. I was looking at the hauppauge 500 due to having onboard mpeg2. is there any reason to care about what video card is in the system then?
[19:18:00] Beirdo: yes, you still have to play it back
[19:19:00] Lightnin: beirdo, i was thinking that i could go back out the tv tuner.
[19:19:00] Beirdo: no, you can't
[19:19:00] Lightnin: so i need a vid card with svideo then
[19:19:00] Lightnin: or some other type of out to the tv
[19:19:00] Beirdo: that would be easiest, the video card with svideo
[19:20:00] Lightnin: that just shot my idea out the window then. was wanting to do a hardware raid, one of the sound cards with optical spdif, and the tuner of course. but the case i want to use only has 3 slots usable
[19:20:00] Lightnin: so that puts me in a normal case so i can use a vid card (nvidia probably)
[19:21:00] Lightnin: one of the recent geforce cards should be enough i assume
[19:21:00] Beirdo: geforce4 cards are the current recommended gear, I think
[19:21:00] Beirdo: or better of course
[19:22:00] Lightnin: have a 6800 in my current pc, love it. dont need that much gaming performance though
[19:23:00] kormoc ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:27:00] patdk2: heh, my 6800 worked pretty well
[19:30:00] patdk2 is now known as PatrickDK
[19:33:00] Lightnin: anyone happen to know of a microatx semi-slim case that does 4 slots? found a nice one that does 3 ( If mvarZWorldInputs And RBI_Fault Then
[19:33:00] Lightnin: 'log and abort
[19:33:00] Lightnin: logWriter.WriteToLog "mwtmrRobot: Fault on robot, aborting", _
[19:33:00] Lightnin: logWriterID, DebugErrorPriority
[19:33:00] Lightnin: mwtmrRobot.Enabled = False
[19:33:00] Icks ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:33:00] Lightnin: Exit Sub
[19:33:00] Lightnin: End If
[19:33:00] Lightnin: GAH!
[19:33:00] Lightnin: stupid copy/paste
[19:33:00] Lightnin: sorry :(
[19:33:00] Lightnin: that is the case i meant to paste a link to
[19:34:00] Hoxzer ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:40:00] aMMgYrP: ok
[19:40:00] aMMgYrP: anyone here?
[19:40:00] o_cee ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:40:00] Lightnin: i am
[19:40:00] aMMgYrP: where are you from, if you don't mind my asking?
[19:41:00] Lightnin: florida in the US
[19:42:00] aMMgYrP: good good
[19:42:00] aMMgYrP: then I think you can maybe help me
[19:42:00] Lightnin: depends on the Q
[19:42:00] sphing ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:42:00] aMMgYrP: lets start with a statement and then follow with the question
[19:45:00] aMMgYrP: I want to build a PVR, my base box (because it is a Dell Small desktop [p4–1.7ghz, 512 MB Ram, 250Gb HDD] only has 2 pci ports) I want to be able to record one program while watching another. And I want to be able to play stepmania through mythTV, I think I need a 2 tuner input card and 1 video card. am I right? If I am right, what cards should i get?
[19:45:00] aMMgYrP: if I am wrong, where am I wrong?
[19:46:00] o_cee ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:00] ChanServ sets mode +v o_cee
[19:47:00] Lightnin: you can get 1 tuner card that has 2 onboard tuners
[19:47:00] Lightnin: example, the Hauppauge 500
[19:47:00] aMMgYrP: ok
[19:47:00] aMMgYrP: and then any genericish videocard with a TV out.
[19:48:00] Lightnin: you also need some type of out to the tv, svideo out, a dvi connect, etc
[19:48:00] Lightnin: depending on what your tv supports
[19:48:00] aMMgYrP: my TV supports *everything* sadly
[19:48:00] Lightnin: you could do a tv out, svideo out is more crisp if your tv supports it. if your tv is an even newer high def one, then a card with a dvi connect would be even better
[19:49:00] Lightnin: getting a card with a tv tuner is more difficult than just getting a card with svideo out (make sure it is out, not in)
[19:49:00] aMMgYrP: because last night, the german guys were saying i needed a 500 AND a 150
[19:49:00] aMMgYrP: yah
[19:49:00] Lightnin: no. 500 has 2 tuners onboard. you plug into both of them to watch one and record the other
[19:49:00] aMMgYrP: yay! that solves a lot of wonder right there :)
[19:49:00] aMMgYrP: thanks hombre
[19:50:00] Lightnin: the catch though is that if your tv service requires a box, you will need 2 boxes (one for each connect) unless the tuner picks up some of the channels directly (which it may)
[19:50:00] Lightnin: it all depends on the tv service you have as to wether or not a box is needed. if you have digital only tv, then a box is obviously needed
[19:51:00] aMMgYrP: no box, thankfully
[19:51:00] Lightnin: then you should be fine with the 500 card and plugging directly in
[19:52:00] Lightnin: if you have trouble with some stations, then it may be that your tv is doing more than you think (decoding a digital signal) but that is less likely
[19:52:00] aMMgYrP: OK, oine last thing: the 500 has no IR suppport, how then do i add IR to the box (because I thinka s a techno phile a remote is a must)
[19:53:00] Lightnin: get an external IR box. some plug into the serial, some plug into usb. should be able to look around and find one. I cant recommend one though myself
[19:53:00] aMMgYrP: ok then thanks
[19:54:00] Lightnin: 500 + card with svideo OUT (i've been burned on that before) and/or dvi connect (depending on tv support) is best
[19:55:00] aMMgYrP: ok, now to find a LIRC compatible solution :)
[19:56:00] Lightnin: wish i could help there. i'm still getting my hardware specs together and figuring out what box to put it into :)
[19:56:00] aMMgYrP: well i have an extra slim dell box, p4–1.5 with 256 if ur interested
[19:58:00] Lightnin: i'm doing the 500 tuner, geforce 6600 card, turtle beach tbs-3300 sound card (optical spdif in/out), and a hardare raid
[19:59:00] Lightnin: all onboard raids are software. that puts me at 4 cards and a slim doesnt work :(
[19:59:00] aMMgYrP: eep
[19:59:00] kormoc: Lightnin, is there any reason you want to do hardware over software?
[19:59:00] Fosten ( Quit (No route to host)
[19:59:00] Lightnin: kormoc, every time i use software in the past, i've had an issue of the mirror setup being invalid and requiring a rebuild of the box
[20:00:00] Lightnin: even tried it earilier this year on an asus motherboard (a8n-sli deluxe. tried both sata raids that are onboard)
[20:00:00] kormoc: Lightnin, what software raid was it?
[20:00:00] Lightnin: checking. just a sec
[20:00:00] kormoc: driver that is, linux kernel raid?
[20:01:00] Lightnin: nForce4 chip and silicon image chip. I tried the linux kernel raid, had trouble. also tried raid via windows (a reboot of windows after about the 4th time would trash the system and wouldnt recover)
[20:02:00] kormoc: windows raid is crap
[20:02:00] Lightnin: so i was thinking of a true hardware raid where i do not have to deal with a software solution
[20:02:00] kormoc: but anyway, the reason I ask is because you will likly have issues with throwing in a hardware raid controler in the box.
[20:02:00] rage- ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:02:00] Lightnin: why is that?
[20:02:00] kormoc: how pci is done with consumer motherboards is all the pci slots share one bus
[20:03:00] Lightnin: i know raid cuts into the hd access some, but i wouldnt expect it to cut into it that much
[20:03:00] kormoc: the pvr 500 is going to want a nice chunk of the bus io
[20:03:00] kormoc: and so will the raid controler
[20:03:00] Lightnin: what are your suggestions then?
[20:03:00] kormoc: and thus you'll have conflicts and speed issues.
[20:04:00] kormoc: one gentleman in here bought a nice 3ware controler, 7 drive raid 5 and was getting about 20 megs a second off of his array when he should have been pulling 120 or so.
[20:04:00] Lightnin: i want it all on one box, but also not worry about hd failure. hence the idea of a raid so a constant backup over the network isnt required
[20:04:00] rage- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:04:00] Lightnin: ouch
[20:05:00] kormoc: understandable, but short of buying a really costly motherboard with a multipath pci bus, software is much cheaper and won't run into bus io issues.
[20:05:00] Lightnin: i didnt think about the tuner wanting that much bandwidth
[20:05:00] kormoc: yeah.
[20:05:00] kormoc: It's something very few people think about till it's too late.
[20:07:00] abarbaccia_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:08:00] kahuna_ ( Quit ("leaving")
[20:09:00] aMMgYrP: kormac, you seem to know a lot, what would you suggest about my LIRC problem?
[20:09:00] Lightnin: ok, if i stick with software raid in the linux kernel. thoughts on the optical spdif?
[20:09:00] kormoc: aMMgYrP, Sadly, I don't know anything about LIRC. I havn't really messed with it at all, sorry.
[20:09:00] aMMgYrP: dang!
[20:10:00] aMMgYrP: thanks anyways
[20:10:00] kormoc: Lightnin, as long as alsa/oss supports the optical spdif, there shouldn't be any issues reguardless of which harddrive method you use.
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[20:11:00] kormoc: Lightnin, one thing which is really cool is the pvr 500 will use very very little cpu power, as will playback with XVMC (20–25% likly), so you would have plenty of power for software raid as well as any other normalish load tasks
[20:11:00] Lightnin: was looking up info and it looks like it does support it (recent update). obviously if i am doing software raid, i still need a chipset that has "onboard raid"
[20:12:00] kormoc: hrm.
[20:12:00] kormoc: Linux raid doesn't require chipset level I don't beleive
[20:12:00] kormoc: let me make sure real quick.
[20:12:00] Lightnin: i dont believe the fakeraid does, but i was thinking that even with the onboard raids, all the work was done in the driver
[20:12:00] Lightnin: driver/kernel
[20:13:00] kormoc: yeah, they are softraid, all the work is offloaded to the cpu
[20:13:00] Lightnin: so i'm still good then
[20:13:00] Lightnin: if i can find a mini-atx board that fits in the case :)
[20:14:00] kormoc:
[20:14:00] kormoc: that goes over pure software raid, which you still might want to consider
[20:14:00] digitalb0y (n=hz8c91@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:15:00] laga: hi digitalb0y
[20:18:00] digitalb0y: Hey, laga
[20:19:00] digitalb0y: hows it going man.
[20:19:00] laga: fine, and for you?
[20:20:00] digitalb0y: doing well, but extremely busy with work
[20:21:00] digitalb0y: at work right now and taking a small break
[20:21:00] laga: yeah, RL can suck at times
[20:21:00] digitalb0y: True
[20:21:00] laga: but breaks make up for it ;)
[20:22:00] Lightnin: boo. cant find a proper motherboard with 4 sata onboard for microatx
[20:22:00] digitalb0y: yep, yep!
[20:23:00] laga: digitalb0y: would be sad if it didn't :)
[20:23:00] digitalb0y: 4 onboard sata for microatx for Intel Chips
[20:24:00] digitalb0y: laga: so true
[20:24:00] fryfrog_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:00] laga: digitalb0y: how do you like it on at the moment?
[20:25:00] Sn0p ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:00] djperegrine ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:00] Lightnin: digitalb0y, trying amd
[20:26:00] digitalb0y: Laga:I haven't nearly gone there as much as I used to but it looks like people are always asking the same questions and never even try to search the forums fist
[20:27:00] Lightnin: but for the case i want to use, i have to have pci-express x16 and 2 pci immediately after (nothing before express), or agp and 2 pci
[20:27:00] laga: digitalb0y: juski complained about that, too. well, it's not tha bad in the german section (yet)
[20:27:00] digitalb0y: lightnin: AMD64/Sempron
[20:27:00] laga: digitalb0y: people keep asking about illegal crap, though
[20:28:00] Lightnin: it has pci-express x1 between the x16 and pci slots. the mini case i want to use wont allow that
[20:28:00] Lightnin: i could do 2 sata which i did find with an agp card
[20:28:00] Lightnin: that would put the dvd burner on ide
[20:28:00] digitalb0y: laga: yea, A also I noticed the QAM Posts
[20:29:00] Lightnin: there is one ECS that could also work, but for having good reviews, it has a number of complaints with trouble
[20:29:00] laga: digitalb0y: well, they will learn when the authorities raid the mythtvtalk headquarters and/or their homes ;)
[20:30:00] Lightnin: aha, found one :)
[20:30:00] Lightnin:
[20:30:00] digitalb0y: lightnin: good
[20:31:00] adante_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:00] digitalb0y: laga: Are the Authorities enforcing QAM issues. In the US it's highly illegal by the DMCA ACT so if theres even a mention and the forum is based in the US , the forums never up for long
[20:33:00] Lightnin: QAM?
[20:33:00] laga: digitalb0y: coume is a french who currently lives in the UK, but i don't know where the forum is hosted.
[20:35:00] digitalb0y: lighnin: do a google search on it, we do like to talk about such things in detail
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[20:38:00] digitalb0y: laga: also coume's whois for his website is all based in france ...
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[20:38:00] Lightnin: think i have my hardware specs together for my htpc
[20:39:00] Blammo_Home ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:39:00] laga: digitalb0y: good for us ;)
[20:40:00] digitalb0y: laga: agreed
[20:40:00] kormoc: Lightnin, nice :)
[20:40:00] digitalb0y: lightnin: good now comes the fun part putting it all together (once you get it all)
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[20:41:00] fryfrog (n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog) Quit (No route to host)
[20:41:00] kahuna_: Hi. I heard that there's a problem with XFS and preemptible kernels. Is this still a problem?
[20:41:00] Lightnin: i've built enough comps over the years :)
[20:41:00] kahuna_: I want to put XFS on my myth box
[20:41:00] digitalb0y: laga: I have not even been able to work with my HD ATSC tv tuner or my GenMyth distro at all been to busy, but I have expanded my filesever from 800gb to 1.25tb I ran out of room but now I have plenty (for a little while anyways)
[20:42:00] kahuna_: I've been reading that xfs beats the crap outta ext3 when it comes to deleting huge recordings
[20:42:00] laga: digitalb0y: that's nice. i'm so glad we don't get hdtv here ;)
[20:42:00] kahuna_: You'll need a data center doon.
[20:42:00] kahuna_: err soon even
[20:43:00] sskk ( Quit ()
[20:43:00] digitalb0y: laga: yea, it has it's few benefits and many drawbacks, but it's way better than NTSC
[20:45:00] Lightnin: how quick would 300gb fill?
[20:45:00] Lightnin: normal tv recording that is
[20:45:00] PatrickDK: depends
[20:45:00] PatrickDK: 1g to 2g per hour
[20:45:00] PatrickDK: or are you compressing it lower?
[20:45:00] Lightnin: mpeg2
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[20:45:00] PatrickDK: what bitrate?
[20:46:00] Lightnin: dunno yet. i havent got the hardware :)
[20:46:00] Lightnin: trying to figure out what hardware to get
[20:47:00] PatrickDK: at 2000mbit, about 300 hours
[20:47:00] PatrickDK: 2mbit
[20:47:00] laga: 2000kbit/s or 2mbit/s
[20:47:00] PatrickDK: ya
[20:48:00] digitalb0y: laga : unless the big media corperations get there way an make it so we can record certain HDTV shows:(. They have failed once trying but are trying it yet again
[20:49:00] laga: digitalb0y: they all suck. good thing that it hasn't come that far in europe yet. well, actually, our rights are already cut down...
[20:50:00] Lightnin: i know you do raid 0, it is an exact mirror to another drive. i know that raid 1 is stripe. but is that stripe with recovery (3 drives assumed) if a drive fails?
[20:51:00] lightx: question regarding QT giving me a hard time with mythtv build from svn always complaining about QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
[20:51:00] lightx: u guys know anything about how to solve this?
[20:51:00] lightx: using ubuntu breezy
[20:51:00] kormoc: Lightnin, raid 5 is stripe with parity backup,
[20:52:00] ol1v3r ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:52:00] Lightnin: ok. i've dealt with mirror in the past. couldnt recall what it was for stripe with parity
[20:53:00] ol1v3r: Hey everyone! .. Does anyone have much knowledge about channel listings in MythTV ? PM if you can. Ta :D
[20:53:00] Lightnin: and i had 0 and 1 backwards
[20:53:00] adante ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:53:00] adante_ is now known as adante
[20:54:00] GreyFoxx: ol1v3r: If you have a question, just ask. IF someone can answer they will
[20:54:00] kormoc: Lightnin, yeah
[20:54:00] laga: kormoc: if i do raid 5 with n hard disks, i get the capacity of n-1 harddisks, right?
[20:54:00] kormoc: laga, correct
[20:55:00] laga: kormoc: ty.
[20:55:00] kormoc: laga, and you are protected with the loss of a single drive, two or more and you're SOL
[20:55:00] laga: kormoc: sounds like a fair deal.
[20:55:00] kormoc: yeah, it's largly worth it.
[20:55:00] kormoc: usually if two die at the same time, they all die.
[20:56:00] ol1v3r: Oki. Well i'm having a bit of a problem when flicking through channels. I have set the numbers to the same as the ones on my seperate Digital STB because they're easy to remember. There is a channel I want to go to on # 32 but when I scroll though on LiveTV it goes from 10,12 (11 Isnt supposed to be there) and then back to 1. Any ideas?
[20:56:00] ol1v3r: It does that for any channel 20+
[20:57:00] ol1v3r: 13 in my case, actually. Its strange
[20:57:00] GreyFoxx: Can you go directly to one of the channels it skips ?
[20:57:00] ol1v3r: Nope. Just goes back to a random channel, or one I was at last
[20:57:00] GreyFoxx: and you are only using a single input on your capture card ?
[20:57:00] GreyFoxx: Or do you have some on one , and some on another ?
[20:58:00] ol1v3r: Yesh, composite (Using SCART from the back of the box)
[20:58:00] ol1v3r: no just the one ^
[20:58:00] Lightnin: $1032.72 from newegg without including shipping... hmm
[20:59:00] GreyFoxx: ol1v3r: Strange. If you pull up the Program guide do you see the channels listed in there ?
[20:59:00] ol1v3r: Yeah. All 200 o.O .. Some dont have numbers though, i've been going through the process of setting them
[20:59:00] digitalb0y: lightnin: looks like you bought quite a bit of hardware.
[21:00:00] GreyFoxx: ol1v3r: So you are configuring them manually, not grabbing them via some xml grabber/data direct and allow myth to populate the info ?
[21:01:00] ol1v3r: I did grab the details from the Radio Times website (For UK listings) .. But im getting things in the 'channum' boxes like 'Briti' (For British Europsport) instead of actual numbers. Really weird stuff
[21:01:00] Lightnin: oops... i forgot the cpu
[21:01:00] GreyFoxx: ol1v3r: Ahh
[21:03:00] fourcheeze ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:00] fourcheeze: how do I setup myth so that everything is transcoded ?
[21:04:00] ol1v3r: What are the average settings for callsigns? I got 1000+ numbers here. (I'm just taking pots at things that could be conflicting the moment)
[21:04:00] fourcheeze: I can select it as a job on the recording
[21:04:00] fourcheeze: but I don't see a flag to say "transcode everything"
[21:05:00] fourcheeze: ol1v3r: mine are all 10xx
[21:05:00] ol1v3r: Okay :)
[21:06:00] ol1v3r: GreyFoxx. Any ideas? No worries if you're stumped ^_^
[21:06:00] m3avrck (n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:06:00] ol1v3r: I'll just keep trying
[21:06:00] ol1v3r: at things *
[21:06:00] fourcheeze: ol1v3r: what problem are you having?
[21:06:00] ol1v3r: (From earlier) .. :
[21:06:00] ol1v3r: Well i'm having a bit of a problem when flicking through channels. I have set the numbers to the same as the ones on my seperate Digital STB because they're easy to remember. There is a channel I want to go to on # 32 but when I scroll though on LiveTV it goes from 10,12 (11 Isnt supposed to be there) and then back to 1. Any ideas?
[21:07:00] Lightnin: athlon 64 2800+, 1GB mem, 3 200gb hd's (raid 5 setup), plextor sata dvd burner, silverstone desktop case (3.8" tall), micro atx motherboard, winttv-pvr 500, geforce 6600 pci express, montego ddl sound
[21:07:00] Lightnin: think that covers it
[21:07:00] ol1v3r: Lightnin, Looks nice! :D
[21:07:00] ol1v3r: Where's all the money for that coming from? Planning on robbing a bank? :D
[21:08:00] fourcheeze: Lightnin: sounds like my setup but with Raid
[21:08:00] Lightnin: ol1v3r, computer programmer with few bills at the moment
[21:08:00] fourcheeze: oh, and I'm using a DVB card rather than the pvr
[21:08:00] Lightnin: fourcheeze, i wanted hardware raid but it was pointed out that it would fight over the pci bus with the tuner so doing linux software raid
[21:08:00] ol1v3r: Noice. Whats RAID-5 again? I know 0 + 1 :P
[21:08:00] Lightnin: ol1v3r, striped + parity
[21:08:00] Lightnin: not a stripe + mirror
[21:08:00] ol1v3r: Noice
[21:08:00] fourcheeze: Lightnin: why do you need raid?
[21:08:00] Lightnin: which uses more drives
[21:09:00] fourcheeze: it's not really striped and parity
[21:09:00] Lightnin: fourcheeze, extra space plus ability to recover if a drive fails
[21:09:00] Lightnin: 2 of the drives stripe, the 3rd is a parity drive
[21:09:00] Beirdo: no
[21:09:00] fourcheeze: nope, not in 5
[21:09:00] PatrickDK: that is raid3
[21:09:00] Beirdo: in RAID5 it stripes data and parity across all drives
[21:09:00] digitalb0y: lightnin:nice a really nice all around good setup,!!
[21:09:00] Lightnin: then what is 5? 0 is stripe, no parity. 1 is mirror
[21:10:00] Lightnin: ah, my mistake
[21:10:00] PatrickDK: raid3 one drive is parity
[21:10:00] PatrickDK: raid5 all drives share parity
[21:10:00] PatrickDK: so the parity drive doesn't take such a hit
[21:10:00] Beirdo: RAID5 is like RAID3 but with everything striped (kinda) :)
[21:10:00] ol1v3r: .. Kay o.o ..
[21:10:00] Lightnin: i shouldnt have to worry about upgrading space for awhile due to the 3 200gb, but not taking the hit of 2 400gb and mirroring
[21:10:00] ** Beirdo needs beer or something **
[21:10:00] ol1v3r: Nice setup anyway :D
[21:10:00] fourcheeze: Lightnin: I'm wondering what the cpu considerations are of software raid for this kind of application
[21:11:00] fourcheeze: I suppose you've got plenty of power there though :-)
[21:11:00] Lightnin: fourcheeze, being the mpeg2 is done on the tuner, alot of cpu for other things
[21:11:00] fourcheeze: Lightnin: which distro?
[21:11:00] Lightnin: i like debian, been using it for years
[21:11:00] kormoc: Beirdo, I've been pondering brewing up a small batch of kormoc's homemade hot pepper vodka.
[21:11:00] Beirdo: nice :)
[21:11:00] Lightnin: i wont go the easy route :P
[21:12:00] fourcheeze: Lightnin: you might want to consider gentoo
[21:12:00] fourcheeze: I found debian on amd64 was missing bits
[21:12:00] fourcheeze: at least ubuntu/amd64 was
[21:12:00] fourcheeze: and debian didn't look any more together
[21:12:00] Beirdo: ubuntu/amd64 works fine for me
[21:13:00] fourcheeze: yeah, I suppose breezy will have fixed most things
[21:13:00] fourcheeze: when I tried a while back there was no transcode
[21:13:00] Lightnin: was more doing the amd64 if i want the 64 ability, at the same time, i can just do 32bit and still get more power than a regular athlon
[21:13:00] fourcheeze: I still think gentoo is the best 64 bit distro
[21:14:00] fourcheeze: and I'm a debian fan
[21:14:00] GreyFoxx: ol1v3r: Honestly I don't know offhand what would cause that. It would require hands on tinkering to figure out :)
[21:14:00] fourcheeze: I run either debian or ubuntu everywhere else
[21:14:00] ol1v3r: Oki, thanks for the suggestion :D
[21:14:00] Beirdo: breezy?!
[21:14:00] Beirdo: hell no, I use hoary :)
[21:14:00] ol1v3r: I'll have a fiddle about with MythWeb's channel editor, see if i can work something out
[21:14:00] fourcheeze: Beirdo: do you have a transcode?
[21:14:00] GreyFoxx: One of these days I'll buy a 64 bit processor hehe... but it will likely be for a desktop machine, not a myth box
[21:14:00] Beirdo: never looked
[21:14:00] Beirdo: likely not
[21:15:00] Beirdo: and likely won't until transcode is 64-bit safe
[21:15:00] Beirdo: that's not a distro issue
[21:15:00] Beirdo: that's poorly written code
[21:15:00] fourcheeze: transcode works fine on gentoo
[21:15:00] Beirdo: with how many patches that gentoo hasn't sent upstream yet?
[21:15:00] ** fourcheeze looks :-) **
[21:15:00] Beirdo: or alternatively haven't been accepted yet
[21:16:00] Hoxzer ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:17:00] kormoc: Beirdo, looks like some of the transcode devs are gentooers
[21:17:00] Beirdo: good for them
[21:17:00] Beirdo: suckers :)
[21:17:00] Beirdo: hehe
[21:17:00] ol1v3r: FanTASTIC! :D .. Its all working for me now
[21:17:00] fourcheeze: doesn't look to be too many patches
[21:17:00] fourcheeze: mainly one to make it work with gcc3.4
[21:18:00] ol1v3r: I added a few channels to the list (The ones without numbers) and it just .. picked them up I guess
[21:18:00] Beirdo: well then compile your own transcode
[21:18:00] kormoc: Beirdo, which means the gentoo patches tend to get accepted fast, it appears that release 0.6.14+ is 64 bit safe
[21:18:00] fourcheeze: Beirdo: there comes a point with building from source when I just decide to get a source distro
[21:19:00] Beirdo: well, if they've fixed it, it shouldn't be long until it's repackaged anyways
[21:20:00] fourcheeze: hehe, there's no pleasing some people ;-)
[21:22:00] ol1v3r ( Quit ("Leaving")
[21:22:00] fourcheeze: so, anyone know how I tell it to transcode *everything* it records?
[21:22:00] fourcheeze: or even to tell it to transcode in the recording job
[21:23:00] Lightnin: fourcheeze, you have a C compiler?
[21:23:00] Lightnin: :P
[21:23:00] fourcheeze: hmm
[21:23:00] fourcheeze: several
[21:24:00] Lightnin: i'm just guessing that it may not be supported directly
[21:24:00] Beirdo: I bet it's in the recording profile
[21:24:00] fourcheeze: well there seem to be boxes to tick to run job #1 , job #2 etc
[21:24:00] Beirdo: I don't transcode in myth
[21:24:00] fourcheeze: or to run commercial flagging
[21:24:00] fourcheeze: but not transcoding
[21:24:00] Krazylegz: fourcheeze: You can tell it to autotranscode every recording.
[21:24:00] fourcheeze: Krazylegz: go go!
[21:24:00] ldam ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:25:00] fourcheeze: where is it?
[21:25:00] Krazylegz: I had set it up for that before. Maybe I had told it to always run Job #1 and then Job #1 was transcoding?
[21:25:00] fourcheeze: hmm
[21:25:00] fourcheeze: I need to put a command line thing in to the job #1 box
[21:26:00] Krazylegz: Which version of Myth?
[21:26:00] fourcheeze: currently on 0.18.1
[21:27:00] sphing ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:29:00] sphing: OT: any one here good with filesystems
[21:29:00] Krazylegz: Found it.
[21:30:00] Ryushin: So now that the new ipod can display video, what formats can it display. Too bad it's not a 16x9 screen
[21:30:00] Krazylegz: Setup->TV Settings->Recording Profiles
[21:30:00] Ryushin: sphing: Yea.
[21:30:00] Beirdo: Ryushin: why not go ask Apple instead of us? :)
[21:30:00] sphing: can I PM you?
[21:30:00] fourcheeze: Krazylegz: hmm yeah?
[21:30:00] Krazylegz: fourcheeze: Did you get that?
[21:30:00] Beirdo: then report back with the results
[21:30:00] Beirdo: :)
[21:31:00] fourcheeze: Krazylegz: ok I can configure From RTJpeg/MPEG4 and From MPEG2
[21:31:00] Ryushin: beirdo: Doesn't say. I figured someone her would know.  :)
[21:31:00] Krazylegz: You're in your transcoders profile group?
[21:31:00] fourcheeze: yep
[21:31:00] Krazylegz: fourcheeze: You want the other profile group.
[21:31:00] fourcheeze: ahh ok
[21:32:00] fourcheeze: ahh got it :-)
[21:32:00] fourcheeze: tks
[21:32:00] Beirdo: OK, Ryushin: buy me one and I'll tell ya :)
[21:32:00] fourcheeze: it's a bit odd with DVB
[21:32:00] fourcheeze: because these profiles don't seem to apply
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[21:33:00] fourcheeze: I'm assuming that it ignores the fact that it says it should be recorded at 480x480
[21:34:00] Ryushin: Did some more digging. Looks like it supports mpeg-4, h.264. I guess I can deal with that. Now I'm actually considering a ipod.
[21:34:00] Chutt: a psp would be better.
[21:35:00] Beirdo: DVB will likely be recorded at its native resolution. Just my guess
[21:36:00] sphing: Ryushin: so in dcache.h the dentry structure has a list_head pointer for the linklist it belongs to, but its in the middle of the structure not the top... so how would you actually address the whole structure from the list?
[21:36:00] Beirdo: WTF?
[21:37:00] Ryushin: The creative zen vision looks better to me then the new ipod. Hmmm... Always more toys to get.
[21:38:00] nikanj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:00] nikanj: Hi. Can someone tell me why I get speach emulation instead of subtitles in mythtv?
[21:39:00] sphing: Bierdo: I ws asking ryushing a file systems question... thats very OT.
[21:40:00] Ryushin: sphing: Hmmm.... Sorry you won't like the answer, but I guess I must be off my rocker. The list_head pointer should be at the top. What FS is this?
[21:41:00] Beirdo: well, I doubt it's mythtv :)
[21:41:00] sphing: Ryushin: yea i thought its on top also... its in the linux kernel vfs... not a specific fs
[21:42:00] Lightnin: sphing, someone didnt have their head on straight :)
[21:42:00] nikanj: Anyone?
[21:42:00] djperegrine ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:43:00] sphing: Lightnin: thats what I thought.. but I dont think so because its followed by several other list_heads which means its in multiple lists so it wouldnt matter if the first one is that top or not.. because the following list_heads wouldn't be
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[21:59:00] t0t3r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:59:00] eyver: Hey guys. I'm running Knoppmyth and MythTV is working beautifully, except for one thing... I can't get PVR 350 output to work. I can get it to work just fine from the command line by running "dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16" but if I enable it from within Myth, it says it could not initialize the video. Any suggestions?
[22:00:00] t0t3r ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:05:00] Lightnin: sphing, i'd have to look at the layout to see if i had any ideas
[22:11:00] Ryushin: eyver: Are you trying to output from the pvr-350 or output over your video card?
[22:12:00] Raven_301 (n=raven_30@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:00] Chutt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:15:00] sphing: Lightnin: just a curious question... not life/death
[22:17:00] Lightnin: i'd hope not life or death :)
[22:22:00] Laeb ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:00] eyver: Ryushin, I'm trying to output from the PVR 350. The main display is on my video card, but I'm trying to output TV from my PVR 350. The strange thing is, this worked just fine at one point but now it doesn't work, and I didn't change any drivers or anything.
[22:32:00] zuralin: is there any specific .deb of ffmpeg reccommended by nuvexport?
[22:33:00] kahuna_ ( Quit ("leaving")
[22:37:00] Deansweb2004 ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[22:42:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:42:00] Icks ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:44:00] Laeb ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:44:00] sphing: Lightnin: you still around
[22:46:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:46:00] Ryushin: eyver: Under Utilties/Setup->Setup->TV Settings->Playback, do you have Use the PVR-350's TV Out/MPEG decoder checked? And if so, have you set up the ivtv-fb to work yet?
[22:48:00] Lightnin: yep
[22:48:00] Lightnin: just at work so i'm alittle slow on the response
[22:49:00] sphing: Lightnin:
[22:51:00] Lightnin: interesting site :)
[22:52:00] shiznix_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:52:00] sphing: that works...
[22:52:00] sphing: i cant explain it
[22:53:00] Lightnin: it looks logical to me
[22:53:00] sphing: no but the list head is inthe middle of the struct... so it shouldnt work
[22:53:00] Lightnin: yes it should
[22:53:00] sphing: o wait
[22:53:00] Lightnin: node is including the list_head struct. not a pointer to the struct, so you have . to get the prev and next
[22:53:00] sphing: yea
[22:53:00] sphing: nevermind
[22:54:00] Lightnin: if it was *list_head then you'd have a pointer and wonder then :)
[22:54:00] sphing: yea that actually makes sense
[22:54:00] sphing: lol
[22:54:00] Lightnin: well, not wonder. just a pointer to more memory to alloc before storing where to go
[22:54:00] sphing: that explains it how the kernel makes it work
[22:54:00] Lightnin: so you'd alloc(list_head), then store values to ->prev and ->next
[22:55:00] Lightnin: just the same as doing a struct {} inside the current struct
[22:55:00] sphing: ... i get it
[22:55:00] Lightnin: :)
[22:55:00] sphing: i was complicating... big time
[22:55:00] Lightnin: just making sure you followed
[22:55:00] zuralin: now he doesn't get it
[22:56:00] Lightnin: anything else?
[22:56:00] sphing: lol... no i'm good for now
[22:56:00] Lightnin: good :)
[22:56:00] shiznix__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:56:00] Lightnin: i'm curious, what is the average age for people dev'ing on mythtv?
[22:57:00] Z-Morek ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:00] sphing: i'm 21... but not developing
[22:59:00] Z-Morek: after an apt-get upgrade using the atrpms repository... lirc is broken and I'm lost :-(
[22:59:00] Lightnin: 23 here, going to dev after i manage to buy the hardware i just lined out
[23:00:00] Lightnin: Z-Morek, so am i
[23:00:00] Z-Morek: at least I'm not alone
[23:01:00] Z-Morek: I was afraid I pulled some rookie mistake being the linux noob I am
[23:02:00] Z-Morek: lircd starts up fine on boot but when I try to run $/usr/bin/irw it says connection refused
[23:02:00] Lightnin: Z-Morek, i'm not sure what the atrpms is for so i'm not sure why lirc is broken. when i've had issues with apt-get i usually ask in #debian on
[23:02:00] jd86: i have a pvr-150, is that a mpeg2 encoder card? what setting do i chose in setup?
[23:03:00] Lightnin: unless someone else pops up and answers
[23:03:00] Chutt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Chutt
[23:03:00] Lightnin: jd86, not sure. i'd have to look up the specs
[23:03:00] jd86: It lists PVR-250 and PVR-350 but not PVR150
[23:04:00] shiznix ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:05:00] Z-Morek: Lightnin, atrpms is the rpm repository used by the wilsonet guide to mythtv, and they don't have an irc channel that I'm aware of
[23:05:00] Lightnin: ah
[23:05:00] Lightnin: i havent gone thru that guide. i tend to set things up by hand
[23:06:00] Z-Morek: it lays everything out stepbystep for someone VERY new to linux and mythtv (like myself)
[23:06:00] Lightnin: jd86, the hauppauge website says 150 is a hardware encoder
[23:06:00] jd86: ok so the same as pvr250
[23:06:00] Z-Morek: but every once in a while somethin crops up on upgrade and I'm left with nowhere to easily turn but here
[23:07:00] Lightnin: Z-Morek, i can only hope someone else wakes up then
[23:07:00] Lightnin: as i'm still purchasing my hardware for my setup
[23:07:00] Juski ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:09:00] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[23:09:00] Z-Morek: I'll probably just wait it out until the lirc package gets updated
[23:09:00] jd86: oh my god
[23:09:00] jd86: it works
[23:09:00] jd86: first time ever
[23:09:00] jd86: so easy with this card
[23:10:00] Z-Morek: is it significant that lircd fails to stop on shutdown?
[23:10:00] Z-Morek: but starts ok on bootup
[23:10:00] Lightnin: Z-Morek, i am not sure
[23:11:00] shiznix_ ( Quit (Success)
[23:11:00] eyver ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:11:00] Z-Morek: thanks for responding at least... it's always a bummer when a question goes ignored
[23:12:00] Juski: how do you mean 'fails to stop' ?
[23:12:00] Z-Morek: if I go to console as root
[23:12:00] Z-Morek: and type /sbin/service lircd stop
[23:12:00] Z-Morek: it fails
[23:13:00] Z-Morek: no other errors are outputted to console
[23:13:00] Juski: thif it works when you reboot I wouln't be inclined to worry about it too much
[23:13:00] Z-Morek: it doesn't work on reboot
[23:13:00] Z-Morek: that's the problem
[23:13:00] Juski: you said it starts ok on bootup
[23:14:00] Z-Morek: lircd starts
[23:14:00] Z-Morek: but doesn't work
[23:14:00] jd86: i wonder how you do lircd.
[23:14:00] Juski: ah.
[23:14:00] Juski: I suspect that it can't be stopped because it's not actually still running
[23:15:00] Z-Morek: my remote gets no response in mythtv and when I try to run /usr/bin/irw as the user it says connection refused
[23:15:00] Juski: which is probably why it doesn't seem to work
[23:15:00] Juski: it's a long time since I played with LIRC
[23:16:00] Juski: which driver are you using, Z-Morek?
[23:16:00] Z-Morek: the most recent rpm in atrpms repository
[23:16:00] sphing ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:17:00] Z-Morek: the upgrade also upgraded the kernel which I assume is the reason something is wrong
[23:17:00] Juski: yes, but for which device?
[23:17:00] shiznix__ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[23:18:00] Z-Morek: pvr250
[23:18:00] Z-Morek: ivtv driver
[23:18:00] Chutt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[23:18:00] Juski: ahhh.. there's something I don't know anything about (among other things)
[23:19:00] Z-Morek: :-P
[23:19:00] Z-Morek: actually on closer inspection
[23:20:00] Z-Morek: if I start lircd again
[23:21:00] Z-Morek: and then try running /usr/bin/irw as a user nothing happens and the next command line comes up
[23:21:00] Z-Morek: when I try running /usr/bin/irw again, the error then comes up saying connection refused
[23:21:00] jd86: my lircd isn't working right, i tried the lircd.conf from but ... irw isn't picking anything up
[23:21:00] jd86: what device is it supposed to use
[23:22:00] jd86: for hauppague
[23:22:00] Juski: er... /dev/lirc0 or something like that I think
[23:22:00] jd86: i have a dev/lirc/0
[23:22:00] Juski: that'll be it
[23:22:00] jd86: i have a black bottom, and grey top, what conf file should i use?
[23:22:00] Juski: so lircd needs to be configured to use /dev/lirc/0
[23:23:00] Z-Morek: quick quesiton, is there a console command to list the daemon processes running?
[23:23:00] jd86: lircd --device=/dev/lirc/0 /etc/lircd.conf <<that should work right?
[23:23:00] Juski: I think so, jd86
[23:23:00] jd86: carpy thing is i dont even know if the batteris that came with it work
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[23:23:00] jd86: because its not working
[23:24:00] Juski: jd86 – do you have a digital camera, camcorder or phone with a camera on it?
[23:24:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Aim the remote control at a webcam.
[23:24:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Uh, what Junski said... ;)
[23:24:00] DJSelbeck ( Quit ("Verlassend")
[23:24:00] jd86: yea y
[23:25:00] jd86: leet
[23:25:00] Juski: as if by magic you can see the IR LED blinking when you point der camera at it (so long as you're pressing buttons)
[23:25:00] jd86: ugh so that means the batteres are good
[23:25:00] Juski: jd86: it's l33t ;)
[23:25:00] Juski: or is it l337?
[23:25:00] Juski: aaanyway..
[23:25:00] kormoc: you mean
[23:25:00] kormoc: 31337
[23:25:00] kormoc: eleet
[23:26:00] jd86: anyway what i mean now is that i totally have a working remote and lirc is being a poopy pants
[23:26:00] Juski: I'd say read the LIRC docs.. but er.. (ahem)
[23:26:00] stevenh (n=lews@ Quit ("Leaving")
[23:26:00] jd86: yea
[23:26:00] Z-Morek: yeah it seems lirc is just pmsing or something
[23:26:00] Juski: first of all try cat /dev/lirc/0
[23:27:00] Z-Morek: what a strange mistress
[23:27:00] Juski: and press buttons on your remote
[23:27:00] jd86: well i did a irrecord -d /dev/lirc/0 temp to see if it would le tme do it , but its not detecting the gapy thing so i dont think its working
[23:27:00] jd86: Juski: nothing
[23:27:00] Juski: if you get random streams of garbage on the screen as you press buttons it means the device is at least working
[23:27:00] jd86: ugh forget it
[23:27:00] jd86: i just realized what i did
[23:28:00] jd86: i guess the longer wire is the thing that sends signals?
[23:28:00] Juski: what did you do?
[23:28:00] jd86: and the shorter one is the reciever.
[23:28:00] jd86: great... all that 3 mins waste ;-)
[23:28:00] Juski: I dunno
[23:28:00] Juski: roffles
[23:29:00] Juski: so all's well that ends well for you, jd86 :)
[23:29:00] jd86: now how do i get it to go with mythtv? should it just do it?
[23:29:00] Juski: you need a lircrc file in ~/.mythtv/
[23:29:00] Z-Morek: check out the wilsonet guide
[23:30:00] Lightnin: Z-Morek is having fun with that guide :)
[23:30:00] shiznix__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:00] Z-Morek: it lays out most everything for an install on FC
[23:30:00] jd86: mythtgv have alsa support
[23:30:00] jd86: ?
[23:30:00] Z-Morek: yeah
[23:30:00] Juski: I thought it still used OSS, but worked because ALSA emulates OSS
[23:30:00] Z-Morek: I could swear it supports ALSA
[23:30:00] xris: mythtv supports alsa, oss, arts and jack
[23:31:00] jd86: how do i do alsa..?
[23:31:00] jd86: and in the setup how do i select an option like a option button, i press enter/space it just goes to next screen
[23:31:00] Juski: find an alsa guide for your distro, jd86
[23:31:00] Z-Morek:
[23:31:00] jd86: Juski: i got alsa working
[23:32:00] jd86: Juski: wehere do i set alsa in the configs?
[23:32:00] Z-Morek: I feel so ignorant
[23:32:00] kormoc: Z-Morek, ooh?
[23:32:00] Juski: mythtv should just kinda work with the defaults.. I know it did for me
[23:32:00] Z-Morek: I need to join a lug or something
[23:32:00] Juski: nah just pick it up as you go, Z-Morek
[23:32:00] Z-Morek: I can function in windows but once you put linux in front of me, it's all foreign
[23:33:00] ** Juski is slowly forgetting everything he knows about M$ crap **
[23:33:00] xris: jd86: left/right arrows change menus
[23:33:00] xris: and alsa/etc is compiled in, not an option.
[23:33:00] Z-Morek: hence my heavy reliance on guides and rpm repositories
[23:33:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: Only join a lug if you enjoy wasting 3 hours hearing smelly people argue over which options should go into their .vimrc files. Well, that was my experience.
[23:33:00] jd86: are the buttons in lircrc case sensitive?
[23:34:00] Juski: everything in Linux is case sensitive
[23:34:00] Z-Morek: NightMonkey: thing is... I have no idea what a .vimrc file is
[23:34:00] Juski: (except when it's not) ;)
[23:34:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit (Connection timed out)
[23:34:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: J/k. I know many lugs are better than others. It just depends on the people involved.
[23:34:00] kormoc: NightMonkey, some lugs actually are good
[23:35:00] Juski: config file for a text editor, Z-morek
[23:35:00] Z-Morek: oh vi
[23:35:00] Z-Morek: gotcha
[23:35:00] NightMonkey: kormoc: I know. They always seem to be "somewhere else" than where I am ;).
[23:35:00] jd86: now i just need to find a lircrc thats setup to work with this lircd.
[23:35:00] kormoc: heh
[23:35:00] Juski: "my distro is better than your distro" and "yes, but if you compile it with xyz option you get 0.000001% performance gain" etc
[23:36:00] ** kormoc blinks **
[23:36:00] Juski: just make yer own lircrc file.. it's not rocket science ;)
[23:36:00] Z-Morek: yeah I think I can't quite call myself a geek unless I know my way around either emacs or vi
[23:36:00] Z-Morek: and I know about 2 commands in vi and 0 in emacs
[23:36:00] Z-Morek: I'm well on my way
[23:36:00] Z-Morek: and I've had my myth rig for.... 6 months
[23:37:00] Juski: hey my mythtv setup is almost 12 months old
[23:37:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: Great book on VI: "Learning the vi Editor" – published by O'Reilly. Still use it.
[23:37:00] Juski: the fact they had to write a whole book about vi tells you all you need to know about it
[23:38:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: Now in its 6th Edition.
[23:38:00] Qd4G5CK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:38:00] Z-Morek: that's not really my first goal though... Ideally I'd like to unbreak lircd on my rig :-P
[23:38:00] NightMonkey: Juski: Well, there is the Pocket Reference, too, only 66 pages long.
[23:38:00] Z-Morek: and maybe eat a hotpocket
[23:39:00] Juski: NightMonkey.. I like the way you said 'only 66 pages'
[23:39:00] NightMonkey: Juski: lol
[23:39:00] NightMonkey: Juski: Bigger pockets.
[23:39:00] Juski: stuff like vi is what keeps mere mortals away from Linux.. and that's something of a good thing
[23:40:00] Krazylegz: Learning vi was fun.
[23:40:00] Krazylegz: Heck, I'm still learning it, but I love it.
[23:40:00] ** Krazylegz puts on flame suit **
[23:40:00] Z-Morek: Juski, are you saying linux should stay a geeks-only club?
[23:40:00] Juski: it's great for stuff like replacing the nth occurrence of a character appearing after the nth occurrence of another character etc...
[23:40:00] Juski: but for just trimming a config file...
[23:41:00] Juski: Z-Morek – linux isn't ready for people who use Windows just yet
[23:41:00] Z-Morek: hence the learning curve on my part
[23:41:00] Juski: stick widdit though – it's well worth it
[23:42:00] Z-Morek: I'm still skeeved by the heavy reliance on changing configurations in text editors
[23:42:00] Z-Morek: modprobe.conf and the like
[23:42:00] Juski: I'd rather edit a text file than have to ferret around in some 'registry' thing or other though
[23:42:00] Deansweb2004 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:42:00] Carrot (n=watje@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[23:43:00] Z-Morek: I've been coddled by gui's and install wizards
[23:43:00] jd86: coudl someone tell me what to set the audio output device to for alsa?
[23:43:00] watje_ (n=watje@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:00] Z-Morek: compiling still scares me
[23:43:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: Yeah, proprietary OS companies can pay lots of engineers to create great autoconfiguration components for their OSes. Linux is getting there, but not always successful.
[23:44:00] Juski: Z-Morek – this time last year I was mortified at the prospect of having to patch and compile a kernel
[23:44:00] Z-Morek: Juski, I just upgraded my kernel thru apt
[23:44:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: A good GUI is really useful. I like Moc OS X's GUIs (and even the pre-OSX original flavor). Very intuitive.
[23:44:00] roger55: Z-Morek, for lerning vi(m) just run vimtutor – you'll lern pretty fast.
[23:44:00] Juski: and not so long ago I contributed a teeny weeny insy little bit to mythtv
[23:44:00] Z-Morek: and all I managed to do was break lirc
[23:45:00] jd86: :(, how come i cant change channels waaa
[23:45:00] Juski: Z-Morek – did you upgrade the kernel before or after installing lirc ?
[23:46:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: Yeah, I don't like distro kernel providers who switch up kernel module config options on you. Apparently Fedora Core 4 went from having the device mapper statically compiled in to modules. Astoundingly bad.
[23:46:00] Juski: LOL my wife's friend has just been over watching a movie.. now she wants mythtv.. hahahahahahaha
[23:46:00] Z-Morek: Juski- I had everything running okay and in the spirit of keeping things up to date I updated
[23:47:00] NightMonkey: Juski: Good work!
[23:47:00] jd86: oh my
[23:47:00] jd86: audio works too
[23:47:00] jd86: this is godsend.
[23:47:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Welcome.
[23:47:00] Juski: oh fuck.. Z-Morek.. never EVER do that lol
[23:47:00] ** jd86 has to find out what all the coloered buttons do **
[23:47:00] jd86: thanks to everyone who helped me
[23:47:00] Z-Morek: I told you I'm raised on windows
[23:47:00] NightMonkey: Z-Morek: Yeah, if it ain't broke...
[23:47:00] jd86: MY biggest and bestest dreams have come true
[23:47:00] overridex_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:00] Z-Morek: which is perpetually broken
[23:47:00] overridex_: is there anyway to toggle mythtv fullscreen on the fly yet?
[23:47:00] Juski: you really should dream more, jd86... but I'm glad for you
[23:47:00] jd86: Juski: yea, i'm kidding.. but i have wanted to get mythtv actually working for quite some time
[23:47:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Now, check out MythStreamTV, and viola – over the Internet TV watching.
[23:48:00] ** Juski dreams of a DRM-free world **
[23:48:00] Juski: (and maybe world peace)
[23:48:00] ** Z-Morek dreams of fixing his myth rig **
[23:48:00] NightMonkey: Mmmm.... world peas
[23:48:00] ** Z-Morek and a lifetime supply of hotpockets and pizza **
[23:49:00] jd86: NightMonkey: oh?
[23:49:00] NightMonkey: jd86: It's an add-on to MythWeb – uses VLC to stream programs over the network.
[23:49:00] Juski: Z-Morek.. just use 'system res... dammit lol
[23:49:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Let me grab the URL... one sec
[23:49:00] jd86: :)
[23:49:00] Z-Morek: well I think the problem is probably in the compile of lirc I have
[23:49:00] Z-Morek: everything else works
[23:49:00] NightMonkey: jd86:
[23:49:00] Z-Morek: and the backend is running fine and still recording all my programs
[23:50:00] Z-Morek: so I'll just wait it out and go without watching tv with a remote for now
[23:50:00] Z-Morek: and then try upgrading tomorrow or somethin
[23:50:00] NightMonkey: jd86: May take some tweaking – and you have to really be picky about the VLC you install.
[23:50:00] Z-Morek: thanks for the support
[23:50:00] NightMonkey: jd86: And picky about ffmpeg.
[23:50:00] Z-Morek: adios
[23:50:00] jd86: NightMonkey: oh my more picky stuff
[23:50:00] Juski: stick with it, Z-Morek.. and it's probably best to take a break from it fer a while
[23:51:00] NightMonkey: jd86: But, you don't have to buy a SlingBox or whatever that Tivo thing is called.
[23:51:00] NightMonkey: jd86: In OSS, time <> money.
[23:51:00] jd86: but right now i want ot get more then channel 3..
[23:51:00] Juski: I read something about someone's tivo experiences today.. he's only had THREE fail in the last 12 months.. way to go
[23:52:00] jd86: why cant i open guide or change channels?
[23:52:00] jd86: wait
[23:52:00] jd86: theres the guide
[23:52:00] NightMonkey: Juski: Wow. Had my MythTV Shuttle working since 8/04. Yeah, ivtv was a pain to set up, but no failures.
[23:52:00] Juski: are all your channels in the guide, jd86?
[23:52:00] Juski: and are all the channels in your config, configured with frequency IDs etc?
[23:52:00] jd86: Juski: i can see them if i brose thru, yea i think so
[23:53:00] jd86: but i dont know about channels in my config configured with frequency ids..
[23:53:00] jd86: lol i think i skipped that
[23:53:00] jd86: where i set that?
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[23:53:00] Chutt ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:53:00] Juski: in the erm.. channel editor...
[23:54:00] Juski: or does the listings grabber do that for you.. (directTV or whatever)?
[23:54:00] jd86: i use direct w/e it is the thing with zap2it
[23:54:00] jd86: i dont know what that thing does..
[23:55:00] jd86: wheres channel editor? the setup?
[23:55:00] Juski: yep
[23:55:00] Juski: or bash the SQL
[23:55:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Keep following the docs. They'll get you setup.
[23:55:00] sc00p ( has left #mythtv-users
[23:56:00] NightMonkey: jd86: Seems like you are somewhere in here:
[23:57:00] jd86: yea thats where i am
[23:57:00] jd86: it says not to run the channel editor once its setup
[23:57:00] Juski: I've got a bunch of ripped DVDs done before I started out with mythtv.. all done with dvdshrink.. unencrypted & in video_ts directories.. can I easily convert them into a format I can use in mythvideo?
[23:57:00] dodoherty ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:00] Juski: you can run it – just be sure not to change anything – you're just checking after all
[23:58:00] jd86: and what i am i supposed to see in there?
[23:58:00] ille ( Quit ("Lämnar")
[23:59:00] Juski: go into the channel editor & make sure all the requisite fields are filled in properly
[23:59:00] jd86: yea they're filled in
[23:59:00] jd86: correct? i dont know..
[23:59:00] Juski: before you do that – does channel 3 actually work?
[23:59:00] jd86: whats actual work mean?
[23:59:00] Juski: I mean can you see TV on channel 3?

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