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Monday, August 22nd, 2005, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:00] Tommck ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:00] Cromz_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:14:00] rpete ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:20:00] Cromz_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:00] simon_c ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:34:00] twisted_one: the build cost on mine (all new parts, nothing scavenged) was around... hrmm... $300
[00:34:00] twisted_one: and that includes a PVR-500
[00:35:00] The_Tick: how much hard drive storage?
[00:35:00] Tommck: not enough :)
[00:36:00] The_Tick: heh
[00:36:00] Krazylegz: Well, I used a Pundit-R, which is nice because it's small.
[00:36:00] twisted_one: umm
[00:36:00] twisted_one: 200gb
[00:36:00] The_Tick: ya, not enough
[00:36:00] twisted_one: meh
[00:36:00] twisted_one: $70 / 200gb add ons available
[00:36:00] The_Tick: pvr-500 is really 2 150s
[00:36:00] The_Tick: and it can't scale when recording
[00:37:00] The_Tick: so you're looking at 2 gb per hour
[00:37:00] Tommck: ?
[00:37:00] The_Tick: at least that's what my friend at work says :)
[00:37:00] ** The_Tick needs to setup his myth box still **
[00:37:00] Tommck: The_Tick – I think that was/is a driver issue, not the board...
[00:37:00] twisted_one: meh, I use transcoding
[00:37:00] Tommck: not sure if it's still an issue
[00:37:00] twisted_one: so I have way more than enough space for my needs
[00:39:00] twisted_one: oh well, time to run off, bai bai ^_^
[00:47:00] benc- ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[00:52:00] obe1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:00] MrFluffy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:00] MrFluffy: hello, im hoping someone is alive who can help me a bit since I seem not to be able to see the wood for the trees with something
[00:59:00] MrFluffy: Ive got a mythbackend server, with two pvr250's, and a bt848 card in it, the bt848 picks up terrestial feeds, and the two pvr250's are connected to sky settop boxes.
[00:59:00] MrSpiffy ( Quit ("Leaving")
[01:00:00] MrFluffy: ive got one of joseph heenans usb channel changers, and have set up ivtv so i can see the output from the sky boxes by a capture from /dev/video1 and /dev/video2 and the usb dongle changes the channels nicely
[01:01:00] MrFluffy: however, I cant seem to configure mythtv to tune to a channel on the sky boxes, and im running the external command to change the stb's in the config..
[01:02:00] MrFluffy: I get :- CheckChannel failed. Please verify channel repeated a lot...
[01:03:00] MrFluffy: then a line saying ;- Error, couldn't find any available channels
[01:03:00] MrFluffy: how do i tell myth that the channels are there, and on the composite input?? I thought i did it right in mythtvsetup..
[01:04:00] Tommck ( has left #mythtv-users
[01:05:00] MrFluffy: I should say also that I had it working with terrestial feeds only, but I moved country and cant pick up english language feeds from the air anymore, so ive migrated the install...
[01:05:00] pregier (n=phil@ has left #mythtv-users
[01:06:00] MrFluffy: lets not go to where half my channels are in a different time zone for now..
[01:06:00] MrFluffy: anyone any suggestions on where to rtfm?
[01:07:00] _tester_ (n=yz@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:08:00] _tester_ (n=yz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:00] mirak ( Quit ("Leaving")
[01:18:00] cochi is now known as cochi|away
[01:29:00] rpete ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:00] fbdajdsdas ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:00] Deansweb2004 ( Quit ("Deansweb2004|NT Will Return")
[01:37:00] emes (n=emes@pdpc/supporter/student/emes) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:00] emes: does anyone else notice that the proportions are off when playing a transcoded nuv out of mythtv?
[01:43:00] beixaith: emes: With mythvideo?
[01:44:00] emes: beixaith: no, with vlc (os x), mplayer (linux), and wmp (windows)
[01:45:00] beixaith: emes: mplayer, at least, has different -vo and -ao methods (some of which don't stay in sync)
[01:45:00] emes: the video is taller than it is wide
[01:46:00] beixaith: emes: Are you using nuvexport?
[01:46:00] emes: beixaith: no, just copying the nuv files
[01:47:00] beixaith: ahh, nuv is weird
[01:48:00] beixaith: I had it almost working with mplayer once.
[01:48:00] emes: it plays in mplayer
[01:48:00] beixaith: emes: What codec are you using?
[01:49:00] SlicerDicer- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:49:00] emes: beixaith: it's transcoding into mpeg-4
[01:50:00] beixaith: emes: You might try nuvexport instead to get it out of .nuv format.
[01:51:00] emes: beixaith: having to wait for it to be transcoded again because of a minor display bug isnt very appealing
[01:51:00] SlicerDicer- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:00] SlicerDicer- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:55:00] SlicerDicer- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:00] SlicerDicer- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:58:00] SlicerDicer- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:00] lngtooth ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:00] The_Tick (i=headline@growl/the-tick) has left #mythtv-users
[02:00:00] Cromz_ is now known as Cromz
[02:02:00] lngtooth: Is it appropriate to ask for help with lirc in this form? The FAQ doesn't say. But google has some archives of same...
[02:03:00] lngtooth: Perhaps I should point out that I am using lirc to IR-blast an Expressvu 3100. So myth can change the channel for me...
[02:04:00] lngtooth: And that when I run 'irsend --device /dev/lircd1 SEND_START 3100 2', it crashes the lircd.
[02:04:00] MrFluffy: hmm sorted the channel issue out, and now the video is choppy, am I asking too much for a xbox frontend to be able to view live tv captured on a pvr250?
[02:05:00] emes: MrFluffy: possibly
[02:07:00] MrFluffy: grr its smooth on the bt848 captured stuff...
[02:09:00] smb3_man ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:00] lngtooth: Okay, so I guess this is the wrong forum. I'll seek life elsewhere. Good luck folks.
[02:10:00] lngtooth ( has left #mythtv-users
[02:13:00] smb3_man: anyone use a mythfrontend and hdtv?
[02:17:00] beixaith: MrFluffy: what kind of network connection?
[02:17:00] beixaith: mpeg-2 is big
[02:18:00] MrFluffy: beixaith: 100baseT through a unmanaged switch
[02:18:00] MrFluffy: its *almost* keeping pace, which is incredibly annoying...
[02:19:00] beixaith: Mr: 700MHz should handle mpeg-2, can you run top to make sure nothing else is munching cpu?
[02:19:00] MrFluffy: its lacking a little in memory
[02:19:00] beixaith: ahh, are you running a desktop or something?
[02:20:00] MrFluffy: no, its xebian with the mythfrontend..
[02:20:00] MrFluffy: but its still running XFree86 too in only 64Mb
[02:20:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: i want to use xebian with mythfrontend
[02:21:00] beixaith: MrFluffy: You might have some unneeded kernel modules loaded or daemons running
[02:21:00] beixaith: smb3: Not with hdtv content you don't ;)
[02:21:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: you actually using your xbox for a frontend?
[02:22:00] smb3_man: lol
[02:22:00] MrFluffy: im wondering if its a issue of the capture side, or frontend speed... i should install a pc based mythfrontend to check
[02:22:00] MrFluffy: smb3_man, yes, i have two xbox's with xebian on them as frontends
[02:22:00] smb3_man: the xbox can output hdtv resolutions
[02:22:00] beixaith: smb3: Assuming it had enough balls to decode it realtime.
[02:22:00] Flik ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:23:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: i installed xebian asnd mythtv, what remore unit do you use?
[02:23:00] MrFluffy: yeah but can it process a nfs filesystem, mythfrontend, xfree, and a loopback filesystem to boot realtime at the same time?
[02:23:00] MrFluffy: use the stock microsoft dvd playback ones
[02:23:00] smb3_man: Mrfluffy: they work?
[02:24:00] ip_goat_rodeo ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:00] smb3_man: Mrfluffy: with the m$ remote or a different one?
[02:24:00] beixaith: xbox doesn't play DVDs in hdtv
[02:24:00] MrFluffy: m$ yes, they work perfectly with xebian
[02:24:00] smb3_man: ahh
[02:24:00] MrFluffy: hehe its going worse with top running :)
[02:24:00] Flik ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:00] smb3_man: works with mythtv then using the xbox dvd ror media cenmter extender remote?
[02:25:00] beixaith: MrFluffy: You might even consider recompiling your kernel, but I suspect it's been customized for the xbox pretty well already.
[02:25:00] MrFluffy: its probally a bit out of date, ed's not maintaining it so much lately
[02:25:00] MrFluffy: i have plans afoot to install fedora-xbox on it next week
[02:25:00] beixaith: More exciting stuff in the pipe.
[02:26:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: have you gotten xebian to work with vga?
[02:26:00] MrFluffy: if i cant solve this, im going to have to take out the pvr250's and put in 3 crappy bt848 cards at once again (nightmare time)
[02:26:00] ip_goat_rodeo: Do any of the knoppixmyth developers hang out here? I have a localization issue that needs fixing in the distro (missing dependent packages for tv_grab_jp that are not installed)
[02:26:00] MrFluffy: no, i use the one downstairs with a projector, and this ones on the bedroom telly
[02:27:00] beixaith: MrFluffy: Are you doing mostly livetv?
[02:27:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: it it hdtv? and you actually get something like 480p output?
[02:27:00] ip_goat_rodeo: libtext-kakasi-perl and its dependent files are necessary for tv_grab_jp to work at all and are not installed by default.
[02:27:00] MrFluffy: no, but its pretty crucial to customer acceptance (the missus)
[02:28:00] stoffel ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:28:00] MrFluffy: I dont know on the hdtv to be honest, I just feed my old barco crt projector from the composite outputs
[02:28:00] smb3_man: ahh
[02:29:00] MrFluffy: beixaith, the score is we live in a non english speaking country, and can only pick up english lang tv from satelite, and im sick of having to have sky boxes all over the place each with their own cards...
[02:30:00] benc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: your tv system is pal, so you have no high resolution digital tv?
[02:30:00] MrFluffy: brb im wondering if the one downstairs is the same...
[02:31:00] MrFluffy: this box here is new to me, and its an anchient mk1 pcb
[02:31:00] ip_goat_rodeo: japan is having same issues pretty much – even worse our terrestial hidef system is not used ANYWHERE else.
[02:32:00] Roots^ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:32:00] smb3_man: the US has ATSC, the rest of the world uses DVB-T
[02:32:00] ip_goat_rodeo: Japan uses ISDB-T
[02:32:00] ip_goat_rodeo: which is different from either of those
[02:32:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: so, anything special with running mythfrontend on an xbox?
[02:33:00] smb3_man: ISDB-T, ahh
[02:33:00] smb3_man: wierd
[02:33:00] ip_goat_rodeo: and the number of ISDB-T capture cards, supported or not, is approximately zero
[02:33:00] ip_goat_rodeo: no wait, it IS zero
[02:34:00] smb3_man: lol
[02:34:00] abarbaccia: hey guys – would a regular ATA100 drive be fast enough for hd recording
[02:34:00] abarbaccia: and playback
[02:34:00] abarbaccia: or do you think I would need Sata?
[02:34:00] smb3_man: i'd go with sata
[02:34:00] abarbaccia: but is it necessary?
[02:34:00] ip_goat_rodeo: no
[02:34:00] ip_goat_rodeo: bottleneck won't be the disk
[02:35:00] smb3_man: not if you have decent ram
[02:35:00] abarbaccia: is it much of a performance hit?
[02:35:00] abarbaccia: smb3_man, ram has little to do with it
[02:35:00] abarbaccia: ip_goat_rodeo, that's what i was thinking
[02:35:00] smb3_man: actually, you're right
[02:35:00] abarbaccia: <-- computer engineer in training
[02:35:00] smb3_man: i'd say 3GHz atleast for hdtv\
[02:35:00] beixaith: well, ram might help during livetv :)
[02:36:00] abarbaccia: smb3_man, i was figuring that
[02:36:00] smb3_man: ahh
[02:36:00] smb3_man: i wonder if i upgrade my xbox to 128mb ram it'
[02:36:00] abarbaccia: smb3_man, actually – i was thinking like a 2.4 Athalon and use XV with an nvidia card
[02:36:00] smb3_man: i wonder if i upgrade my xbox to 128mb ram it'll decode hdtv decently
[02:37:00] abarbaccia: smb3_man, i think the problem is the processor speed
[02:37:00] abarbaccia: isn't it only like 633 MHz?
[02:37:00] smb3_man: hmm..
[02:37:00] abarbaccia: but they do have a lot of video acceleration....hurm
[02:37:00] abarbaccia: that's a tough one
[02:37:00] smb3_man: xbox is 733MHz
[02:37:00] abarbaccia: oh, still
[02:37:00] abarbaccia: REALLY slow
[02:38:00] beixaith: xbox doesn't have a lot of acceleration by today's standards`
[02:38:00] abarbaccia: especially for 1080i video
[02:38:00] abarbaccia: very true
[02:38:00] MrFluffy: it should be enough...shouldnt it...
[02:38:00] MrFluffy: top isnt showing 100% cpu
[02:38:00] MrFluffy: but it is swapfiling
[02:38:00] abarbaccia: then bump the ram up and see if that'll help you out
[02:38:00] beixaith: Yeah, paging is going to destroy you (and your soul)
[02:39:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: i'm hoping 128mb ram will help with hdtv
[02:39:00] MrFluffy: its using 48M of the swapfile...
[02:39:00] abarbaccia: should put you in the clear
[02:39:00] MrFluffy: which itself is mounted on a loopback filesystem...
[02:39:00] MrFluffy: i wonder if i make a native ext2 partition...
[02:39:00] beixaith: MrFluffy: You could do quite a bit actually (eliminate kernel modules, stop daemons, run a tiny wm, cut out fonts from the X server, ...)
[02:39:00] MrFluffy: its running at 27% cpu...
[02:40:00] MrFluffy: cpu load isnt the issue...
[02:40:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: have you upgraded your xbox ram?
[02:40:00] MrFluffy: no theyre both 64Mb
[02:40:00] smb3_man: ahh
[02:40:00] MrFluffy: i only just got the backend server working enough to tell the video is choppy!
[02:41:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: so the xbox dvd dongle works well with the frontend?
[02:41:00] smb3_man: lol
[02:41:00] MrFluffy: ok, mythfrontend is using 64% of memory and XFree is using 27%, not much else to trim :(
[02:41:00] abarbaccia: alright – so im thinking like a 250 ATA drive for my HD box....nvidia card, 2.6 or 2.8 intel processor
[02:41:00] MrFluffy: yes, the dvd remote works flawlessly with xebian and mythfrontend
[02:42:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: kick ass
[02:42:00] MrFluffy: the keymappings all make sense and everything
[02:42:00] beixaith: abarb: think faster processor if you're building it new
[02:42:00] abarbaccia: MrFluffy, is xebian a live cd? or do you gotta install it to the HD
[02:42:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: ahh
[02:42:00] smb3_man: it's both\
[02:42:00] MrFluffy: abarbaccia, you boot a live cd then run a install where it wget's or the like its os from the net
[02:43:00] abarbaccia: right – but i was wondering if we could make a cd that just boots mythfrontend for xbox hardware
[02:43:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: it seemed to copy a preinstalled debian system to the drive
[02:43:00] MrFluffy: it is that already i think, and you can get other stuff too
[02:44:00] MrFluffy: myth distro's..
[02:44:00] rjune ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:44:00] MrFluffy: is there a way to turn down the resolution or something on the pvr250's?
[02:44:00] smb3_man: i haven't seen a myth distro for xbox
[02:44:00] abarbaccia: MrFluffy, you can do that in mythfrontned
[02:44:00] abarbaccia: recording profiles
[02:44:00] abarbaccia: record at a lower setting = more disk space
[02:44:00] MrFluffy: for live tv?
[02:45:00] abarbaccia: yep
[02:46:00] MrFluffy: woo just choppy audio now
[02:47:00] smb3_man: i guess the xbox isn't a good frontend system
[02:47:00] MrFluffy: cor you can change the encoder stream and everything in there, cheers, id missed that!
[02:48:00] smb3_man: only fror mpeg4 i guess
[02:48:00] abarbaccia: yea xbox for HD frontend is pushing it just a little
[02:49:00] beixaith: 480p maybe
[02:49:00] MrFluffy: I dont want it for hd, i just want one place where all the sat equipment is located
[02:49:00] MrFluffy: and only one set of stb cards
[02:50:00] smb3_man: i want hd, dvb-s, cable, and av inputs, thats all i want
[02:50:00] smb3_man: well, in the US, thats pretty much everything
[02:51:00] smb3_man: :P
[02:51:00] MrFluffy: hmm its handling 480 with dvd as the stream type...
[02:52:00] abarbaccia: that's asking for alittle much don't you think
[02:52:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: have you tried to play a dvd with mplayewr or xine?
[02:52:00] ip_goat_rodeo: the knoppixmyth people seem to deliberately avoid providing any kind of email contact address ><
[02:52:00] MrFluffy: yes, it handles it fine, mplayer that is
[02:52:00] smb3_man: MrFluffy: whats the standard command to play a dvd? mplayer /path/to/video_ts.ifo ?
[02:53:00] MrFluffy: i usually cheat and just point it to the directory, or if its on dvd, i point it at the device
[02:53:00] smb3_man: ahhh
[02:53:00] smb3_man: mplpayer /dev/hdb
[02:54:00] smb3_man: something like that
[02:54:00] MrFluffy: mplayer /dev/cdrom :-)
[02:54:00] smb3_man: oh, even easier :P
[02:54:00] MrFluffy: you can get mplayer for xbmc and the like but i dont bother with all that
[02:55:00] smb3_man: it vwon't start up with evox\
[02:55:00] smb3_man: i tried it but was a pain in the ass
[02:57:00] smb3_man: how do you eject the drive when it's open?
[02:57:00] smb3_man: err
[02:57:00] smb3_man: open = in linux
[02:58:00] MrFluffy: on a xbox? "eject" the same as normal
[02:58:00] smb3_man: hmm..
[02:58:00] smb3_man: the orange LED is on constantly, not blinking
[02:59:00] smb3_man: it never wanted to eject for me
[02:59:00] MrFluffy: thats because the led is a status thing from software
[02:59:00] MrFluffy: xebian uses it to display backend status
[02:59:00] smb3_man: oh
[02:59:00] smb3_man: i never had myth running at all though
[03:00:00] smb3_man: i'm using xebian 1.1.4
[03:01:00] MrFluffy: xebian uses it for status in some way too, but just issue a "eject" or press the button as normal and it should pop out, unless its the live version of course..
[03:02:00] smb3_man: ahh, ok
[03:06:00] smb3_man: would you know why wmv streams are choppy with mplayer on xebian?
[03:06:00] smb3_man: said the framebuffer was resetting
[03:07:00] MrFluffy: probally the codec.. ive got a couple that behave really weird in mythvideo but work fine ona fedora machine
[03:07:00] MrFluffy: but ive got some wmv stuff that is ok too...
[03:08:00] smb3_man: well, i think it uses the same codec files as xine, and xine plays it fine, but mplayer just rocks
[03:09:00] Mrgoose: smb3_man: mplayer doesn't play dvd menu's
[03:09:00] Mrgoose: so
[03:09:00] Mrgoose: xine is better heh
[03:09:00] smb3_man: i love mplayer actually
[03:09:00] smb3_man: Mrgoose: oh, will it decrypt dvd video?
[03:10:00] MrFluffy: mplayer does, it just shows them as a big series of frames :)
[03:10:00] smb3_man: ahh, lol
[03:11:00] smb3_man: even if you just point it to the cdrom?
[03:15:00] emes (n=emes@pdpc/supporter/student/emes) Quit ("Leaving")
[03:16:00] MrFluffy: dont know, i use mythvideo to watch dvd's :)
[03:17:00] smb3_man: ahh
[03:17:00] smb3_man: and it works with the xbox?
[03:19:00] MrFluffy: actually we probally use the m$ dashboard one mostly if its for playing back commercial ones, since I have the dvd playback kit..
[03:20:00] MrFluffy: anyway, this isnt #xbox ;)
[03:20:00] smb3_man: ahh
[03:20:00] smb3_man: well, i want to use the xbox as a pc
[03:21:00] smb3_man: :P
[03:22:00] smb3_man: then have a usb VoIP phone connected to it that speaks with my asterisk server :P
[03:22:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:22:00] MrFluffy: thats no problem, the ports are standard usb but with odd plugs
[03:23:00] MrFluffy: i want to eventually get mythphone working on them, hence the move to fedora-xbox
[03:24:00] smb3_man: there is a mythphone plugin?
[03:24:00] smb3_man: or does that just read caller id info?
[03:24:00] MrFluffy: no, its h232 phone system for mythtv
[03:25:00] smb3_man: oh, VoIP?
[03:27:00] MrFluffy: yes, h232 is the name of the stack voip uses
[03:27:00] MrFluffy: netmeeting, gnomemeeting etc all h232
[03:27:00] smb3_man: oh, thats what tunnels the VoIP data over TCP/IP?
[03:28:00] MrFluffy: its one of the ways yes, since skype isnt h232 afaik, but its not my area really
[03:29:00] smb3_man: ahh
[03:29:00] smb3_man: you think a 500MHz system with 128mb ram would handle asterisk?
[03:30:00] smb3_man: with at max 5 phones
[03:30:00] MrFluffy: I dont know what asterisk is apart from a vague glance as I scrolled past it on freshmeat.., maybe you'd be best off asking on their mailing list?
[03:31:00] smb3_man: azhh, hehe
[03:31:00] smb3_man: it's a VoIP PBX
[03:33:00] smb3_man: i still need to biold my front end though
[03:33:00] smb3_man: err, backend
[03:34:00] smb3_man: i'm trying to find a decent rackmount case
[03:34:00] MrFluffy: anyway marching on to 3am here, and my son will have me up at 7am for his first feed of the day, so best stop tinkering and bid you all good night, and abarbaccia, thanks for the encoding res pointer, its getting near useable...
[03:34:00] abarbaccia: nite MrFluffy
[03:34:00] MrFluffy ( Quit ("So long and thanks for all the fish")
[03:38:00] smr ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:00] smb3_man: <---i want to use this case for my backend box
[03:45:00] DarthV (n=guest@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:00] DarthV: Is Hauppage WinTV 250 MCE compatible with MythTV ???
[03:53:00] ip_goat_rodeo: I may actually be wrong – the sony DST-TX1 ISDB-T tuner *MIGHT* have a working firewire output...
[03:54:00] DarthV: Is Hauppage WinTV 250 MCE compatible with MythTV ???
[03:54:00] Mrgoose: DarthV: depends on which core it is
[03:54:00] ip_goat_rodeo: but the question becomes "Do I want to spend 84,000 yen on a *MIGHT*?"
[03:55:00] redfox ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:55:00] Mrgoose: DarthV: googlellb gitch
[03:55:00] DarthV: Mrgoose: I want to buy a WinTV 250 and I don't know if I should buy 250 or 250 MCE
[03:55:00] Mrgoose: get the regular one
[03:55:00] DarthV: Mrgoose: Thanks!
[03:56:00] DarthV: I hope not to have the same problem that I have with sound card !!
[03:56:00] smb3_man: Mrgoos: i suppose i'll have to recompile the kernel for the support i want for a pvr500, twinhan dvb-s, and air2pc pci?
[03:56:00] Mrgoose: yes
[03:56:00] DarthV: Linux doesn't like the frontends soundcard :(
[03:59:00] ip_goat_rodeo: Gotta love the sony disclaimer on that tuner – roughly translated "Other than the 3–4 pieces of sony equipment we mentioned we make NO PROMISES about the firewire port working with anything eles"
[04:02:00] smb3_man: Mrgoos: now i just gotta find a rackmount case chep
[04:02:00] DarthV: Mrgoose: Do you know any tuner that is MPEG2 and MPEG4 recorder?
[04:03:00] Mrgoose: nope
[04:04:00] Atamido: Anyone know of a wall mountable 19" rack that is at least 18" deep?
[04:04:00] GreyFoxx: There are a couple USB ones, I don't know of any PCI ones
[04:04:00] ip_goat_rodeo: wall-mountable?
[04:04:00] awstott ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:05:00] Atamido: Yes.
[04:06:00] Atamido: As in, I want to attach it to the wall, maybe 7 feet off the ground.
[04:06:00] ip_goat_rodeo: never seen any such gear
[04:06:00] ip_goat_rodeo: might want to look at audio rack makers
[04:07:00] smb3_man: wonder if dvb cards can pullin hdtv streams?
[04:07:00] ip_goat_rodeo: settsu makes some wall mountable stuff, but don't think they do 19" stuff
[04:07:00] ip_goat_rodeo: for settsu
[04:07:00] Atamido: The only one that deep that I have seen was waaaaay to featureful and expensive.
[04:07:00] smb3_man: they can, right?
[04:08:00] Atamido: My Japanese is pretty rusty.
[04:08:00] Atamido: Actually, it's non-existant.
[04:08:00] ip_goat_rodeo: I would suggest looking at companies that deal with audio-oriented racks
[04:09:00] ip_goat_rodeo: since most of the computer-oriented racks tend to be at least 600mm deep
[04:09:00] Atamido: I'm not familiar with the audio world, any specific companies?
[04:09:00] ip_goat_rodeo: and most are 800mm or more
[04:09:00] ip_goat_rodeo: no real clue on audio stuff here.
[04:10:00] Atamido: 600mm would be plenty.
[04:10:00] Atamido: It just needs to be 19" wide and wall mountable.
[04:11:00] ip_goat_rodeo: take a look at
[04:12:00] ip_goat_rodeo: that like what you're looking for?
[04:12:00] Atamido: Yeah!
[04:12:00] Atamido: Setsu produces these?
[04:13:00] Atamido: *Settsu
[04:14:00] ip_goat_rodeo: yes
[04:14:00] Atamido: Is there anywhere in English that sells these?
[04:14:00] ** Atamido lives in the US. **
[04:15:00] ip_goat_rodeo: don't know
[04:15:00] ip_goat_rodeo: but they might sell through some distributor in US
[04:18:00] smr ( Quit ("Leaving")
[04:19:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:00] Atamido: Well, this surely isn't one.
[04:21:00] smb3_man: ip_goat: can you get a japanese item and i'll poay you for it and to ship it to me?
[04:25:00] ip_goat_rodeo: shipping stuff is a huge PITA
[04:25:00] Atamido: smb3_man: I think you can get these in the US.
[04:25:00] smb3_man: ip_goat: it's two packs of cards
[04:25:00] smb3_man: lol
[04:27:00] DarthV (n=guest@ Quit ()
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[05:09:00] Nem^2 ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:13:00] Krazylegz: Wow, it really does look better when you crank up the bitrate. Who knew. :-)
[05:14:00] smb3_man: heh
[05:15:00] Dibblah_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:16:00] mortal5 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:16:00] mortal5: anyone here ever do vid editing with avidemux?
[05:19:00] Spida ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:28:00] __Ace__ ( Quit ()
[05:28:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[05:30:00] Spida_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:31:00] Dibblah ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:34:00] GeckoFiend: mortal5 yep lots
[05:35:00] mortal5: GeckoFiend: do you know if you can mix in a .mp3 music file into the video?
[05:36:00] GeckoFiend: I;ve never tried
[05:37:00] mortal5: GeckoFiend: I just want to add a soundtrack of sorts to my video
[05:38:00] burly ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:39:00] GeckoFiend: I know you can load a NEW audio track not sure if it can mix in one over top of the old one
[05:40:00] mortal5: GeckoFiend: well, i might be able to mix the two audio tracks in another ap
[05:40:00] mortal5: how do i go about adding a new track?
[05:41:00] mortal5: btw, i'm using the "step 1" release that came out today, so It could be differnt than urs
[05:42:00] adante: anybody using dvb experience the sound cutout issue when there's a reception glitch?
[05:42:00] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[05:43:00] Agrajag-: yeah
[05:43:00] Agrajag-: i used ot
[05:43:00] Agrajag-: switched to TS mode
[05:43:00] Agrajag-: never had it since
[05:45:00] mortal5: hey GeckoFiend I've been having trouble adding a subtitle to my video also, do you have any experience with this?
[05:56:00] djperegrine ( Quit (" Want to be different? HydraIRC -> <-")
[05:59:00] mortal5: I have this for a sub
[05:59:00] mortal5: {0}{240}"Only a precise hit will trigger a reaction"
[06:02:00] ** NightBird stops trying to get mythtv to work... **
[06:04:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:04:00] amax (n=amax@unaffiliated/amax) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[06:08:00] mortal5 ( Quit ("Lost terminal")
[06:14:00] Agrajag- ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:14:00] moodboom ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[06:25:00] k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:25:00] k-man: hello
[06:26:00] mchou: k-man: would you happen to know anything about case modding? :)
[06:27:00] k-man: no
[06:27:00] k-man: not really
[06:27:00] k-man: i'm too old for that kind of shenanegans
[06:27:00] NightBird: it's careful distruction of the case..
[06:27:00] mchou: nah, I just want to drill some simple fan holes.
[06:27:00] mchou: better ventilation.
[06:28:00] mchou: hopefully less turbulence.
[06:28:00] Hoxzer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:28:00] mchou: just wondering which size hole saws are best for 80 mm fan......
[06:29:00] mchou: think I'm gonna pick one up tomorrow......
[06:29:00] mchou: 3in or 3 1/8 in? :)
[06:30:00] moodboom ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:30:00] Krazylegz: You can always remove more material.
[06:30:00] mchou: bah!
[06:31:00] mchou: why work harder than you have to :)
[06:32:00] mchou: case is a real pain in the ass....
[06:33:00] mchou: POS PCI-E uses the top PCI slot (and that slot doesnt have enough clearance for DVI Plugs on the outside.)
[06:33:00] mchou: got a lil' interference....
[06:34:00] mchou: needs some minor surgery :)
[06:34:00] mchou: or pehaps I ought to say butchery :)
[06:34:00] mchou: perhaps*
[06:39:00] Flik ( Quit ("Leaving")
[06:41:00] Mrgoose: mchou
[06:41:00] Mrgoose: what theme are you using?
[06:42:00] mchou: standard Grey one (GANT??)
[06:42:00] mchou: not too picky about themes myself......
[06:42:00] Mrgoose: oh
[06:42:00] mchou: so I'm not the one to ask.....
[06:42:00] mchou: :)
[06:47:00] Agrajag_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:48:00] Agrajag_ is now known as Agrajag-
[06:48:00] Krazylegz: We should make up a "Which MythTV Theme are you?" questionnaire.
[06:55:00] Mrgoose: yo
[06:55:00] Mrgoose: how can you specify resolution settings in mythtv?
[06:55:00] Mrgoose: cause on my tv mythtv is too big the buttons and such hang off
[06:55:00] Mrgoose: but shows up fine on my monitor
[06:57:00] xris: Mrgoose: over/under scan?
[06:57:00] Mrgoose: nah
[06:57:00] Mrgoose: wasn't that
[06:57:00] Mrgoose: its a setting in mythtv
[06:57:00] Mrgoose: i forgot where it is though
[06:57:00] Krazylegz: You can make the fonts smaller. Maybe that was it?
[06:59:00] xris: Mrgoose: there's an x/y offset... but if things are going off the screen, you need to tweak the underscan settings in X
[07:00:00] Netslayer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:00:00] Netslayer: i thought a 'renew' link appears in zap2it's site when you hit < 2 weeks?
[07:00:00] twisted_one: you will get an email
[07:01:00] twisted_one: mine came about 8 days before the expiration date
[07:03:00] Netslayer: guess i have a few days then
[07:04:00] NightBird: good night
[07:07:00] Hoxzer ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:14:00] moodboom ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:15:00] wunderkin ( Quit ()
[07:16:00] moodboom ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:17:00] [shodan]: where in the database does the mythvideo plugin store the index or filename of the "play file after this" field ?
[07:18:00] Faithful ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[07:22:00] [shodan]: nvm
[07:23:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[07:28:00] Golani ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:28:00] Golani: hellow
[07:29:00] Faithful ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:30:00] Krazylegz: Hola.
[07:33:00] Krazylegz: Hmm, I need to update the .lircrc for my Hauppauge grey remote.
[07:33:00] Krazylegz: Zoom would be nice...
[07:34:00] k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) Quit ("Client exiting")
[07:34:00] moodboom ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:50:00] virsys ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[07:51:00] virsys ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:59:00] Golani: i'm trying out libiec61883 -> exampples folder -> test-mpeg2.c i had this working 4 months ago. but now when i type it it doesn't execute as in it throws out "command not found" is there something i need to install to run it?
[07:59:00] Krazylegz: Which command was not found?
[08:00:00] Golani: test-mpeg2.c i remember i was able to run it before ( i had to rebuild the system ) so now i can't run test-mpeg2
[08:02:00] Golani: perhaps ther's seomting missing to run .c files
[08:02:00] Krazylegz: Well, .c files are usually C source code, and need to be compiled first.
[08:02:00] Krazylegz: Try something like "head test-mpeg2.c" and see if there are words.
[08:03:00] Golani: hmm strange, before after untaring the libeec tarball, it ran as well as the others, like plugreport etc etc... let me try what you said
[08:03:00] adante: Agrajag-: cool.. dyou know if there's any way to 'recover' previous recordings where the sound disappears halfway through?
[08:04:00] Golani: yea that head command trew out words but it was mainly copyright info
[08:05:00] Krazylegz: Golani: Then you'll have to compile it. I haven't used those examples, but try typing 'make'.
[08:07:00] Golani: i'll look into it...but before it was just a matter of untarring and running,...perhaps this can be ran if i had something pre-installed something to execute it...thanks for the advice, i'll look into it more ....
[08:07:00] Krazylegz: Maybe there is an install/compile script. Maybe it's called 'make'. :-)
[08:07:00] Krazylegz: Er, run using make.
[08:08:00] Agrajag-: adante: you could try ProjectX.. not sure how much luck you'd have
[08:08:00] Golani: ya i already tried make ... no luck ah well.
[08:08:00] Krazylegz: Which directory is that in?
[08:09:00] Golani: the make file is inside the /libiec/examples folder
[08:09:00] Golani: (the folder with all those .c files)
[08:09:00] Golani: plugreport.c, test-mpeg2.c etc etc
[08:09:00] Krazylegz: Yeah, it should be. What is the full path to them?
[08:10:00] Golani: '/home/myusername/libiec/examples/'
[08:11:00] Krazylegz: Did you read the installation notes?
[08:12:00] adante: Agrajag-: cheers
[08:12:00] harryman100 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:12:00] Golani: yyea it was easy instalation, and ya i read them, it compiled fine according to the logs.
[08:13:00] Krazylegz: You still cannot run test-mpeg2 ?
[08:14:00] Golani: no i can't ah well.
[08:14:00] Golani: i'll figure it out eventually.
[08:14:00] Golani: whats the command to extact .bz2 files?
[08:14:00] Golani: i forgot the triggers
[08:16:00] Krazylegz: tar -jxvpf myarchive.tar.bz2
[08:17:00] Krazylegz: If it's just a .bz2 file, I think there is a bunzip, or something to that effect.
[08:17:00] Golani: ahh thats what it was -jxvpf thanxs
[08:21:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:21:00] moodboom ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:00] adante ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:36:00] Golani: ammm the enable-firewire flag on in version .18.1 -> is already enabled. so does that mean the precomppiled binaries => eg. using apt-get already have firewire support?
[08:37:00] Golani: previous versions i had to enable the flag and manually compile mythtv.
[08:39:00] Krazylegz: Sounds like a job for Gentoo. :-)
[08:39:00] Golani: huh? was thaa response for me?
[08:42:00] Krazylegz: Yeah.
[08:43:00] Krazylegz: Kind of. It was a joke. Gentoo allows you to set USE flags, so if you say "USE=firewire" then it will compile everything that supports firewire with support for it when you emerge it onto your system.
[08:45:00] Golani: ohh
[08:45:00] Krazylegz: Sounds like you're using Debian, though.
[08:45:00] Golani: yea
[08:45:00] Golani: by my keywords eh? apt-get
[08:46:00] Krazylegz: Yeah. I suppose you could be using a non-Debian distro like FC, which apt-get has been ported to.
[08:47:00] Golani: yea true true
[08:47:00] xris: apt-get moo
[08:48:00] Krazylegz: "No action moo", or something like that. :-)
[08:48:00] ** Krazylegz neighs **
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[08:48:00] moodboom ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:48:00] adante ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:49:00] xris: Krazylegz: have you tried it? you get art.
[08:49:00] Golani: i'm gonna try the apt way...hopefuly it should be already compiled with firewire support
[08:49:00] Golani: any way to check within mythtv?
[08:50:00] Golani: (after i get it installed)......
[08:50:00] xris: dunno
[08:50:00] Krazylegz: Whoa. Thanks!
[08:50:00] Golani: thanks for what
[08:50:00] xris: Golani: apt-get moo
[08:50:00] Golani: ohhh
[08:50:00] Krazylegz: Hey, that's an undocumented feature...
[08:50:00] Krazylegz: It's not in the man pages.
[08:51:00] Golani: lol
[08:51:00] Netslayer ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:51:00] xris: no idea where I found that.
[08:51:00] xris: was surprised that it carried over to apt-rpm
[08:52:00] Krazylegz: This is mildly annoying. If Opera were OSS, I'm sure I'd be able to modify it so that I could search other websites automatically too. would be first on my list.
[08:54:00] xris: no smart bookmarks?
[08:54:00] Krazylegz: I'm looking, actually. Seems I may have found something.
[08:54:00] Krazylegz: I sure hope so.
[08:56:00] Krazylegz: PHP's website search uses an HTTP POST.
[08:56:00] xris: Krazylegz: doesn't require it, though
[08:57:00] xris:
[08:57:00] xris: look for php
[08:57:00] xris: make that heh.
[08:57:00] xris: too many php scripts in my search list.
[08:58:00] Krazylegz: I'll have to play with it more later. I'm working on something else right now.
[08:58:00] Krazylegz: Okay, thanks.
[08:59:00] Krazylegz: I'm usually searching the function quick reference. Why do you usually search the manual?
[09:01:00] xris: read the URL
[09:01:00] xris: the manual *is* the function quick reference.
[09:01:00] Krazylegz: Haha, I'm an idiot.
[09:01:00] Krazylegz: I just typed that into mine before, show=quickref .
[09:02:00] Gumby ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:03:00] Mrgoose: shrug that worked for me
[09:05:00] bjohnson_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:08:00] ** Krazylegz tries to find his CSS book **
[09:09:00] KaZeR (n=kazer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:11:00] virsys ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:13:00] [shodan] (n=shodan@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[09:13:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[09:25:00] Golani ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:29:00] Krazylegz: xris: Thanks for the motivation. :-)
[09:31:00] Krazylegz: Hmm, now I have to find a reasonable PHP mirror to use. Even seems too slow.
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[09:38:00] Krazylegz: Is that like Kazer from Sports Car Revolution?
[09:40:00] KaZeR: erm, no i don't know him :)
[09:40:00] KaZeR: i don't know sport car revolution neither
[09:46:00] xris ( Quit ("l8r")
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[09:49:00] Krazylegz: It's a show on the Speed channel.
[09:50:00] Krazylegz:
[10:13:00] KaZeR: oh ok.
[10:13:00] KaZeR:
[10:14:00] Krazylegz: Well, if you're into cars. I actually don't like the show, it's very amateur-ish.
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[11:35:00] HelpGirl: Help to little Girl – – Help to little Girl
[11:35:00] HelpGirl: Help to little Girl – – Help to little Girl
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[11:44:00] Krazylegz: If she was an 18-year-old, attractive female, I (being a dork who sits in my house every night) would be more compelled to throw money at her.
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[13:12:00] GreyFoxx: p
[13:23:00] laga: hey GreyFoxx
[13:41:00] laga: Beirdo:
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[13:50:00] Fat_Matt: anyone had audio issues with an analog tuner? old bt878 with a cable from audio out to a mike port
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[15:50:00] FinnTux: does anyone here know about nuvexport?
[15:54:00] Tommck: FinnTux – I've been messing with it a bit lately... not very knowledgable tho
[15:55:00] FinnTux: I can't get it to work – neither ffmpeg nor transcode
[15:55:00] Tommck: errors?
[15:55:00] FinnTux: or as it seems not even mencoder
[15:55:00] FinnTux: yep
[15:55:00] Tommck: what kind?
[15:55:00] FinnTux: Waiting for mythtranscode to set up the fifos.
[15:55:00] FinnTux: Starting ffmpeg.
[15:55:00] FinnTux: processed: 0 of 448116 frames (0.00%), 0.00 fps
[15:55:00] FinnTux: ffmpeg had critical errors:
[15:55:00] FinnTux: pipe:: Error while opening file
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[15:56:00] Tommck: hmmm... does the logged in user have read priveleges for the NUV files?
[15:56:00] FinnTux: I'm running it as root – just for testing :)
[15:57:00] Tommck: is it local drive? or NFS?
[15:57:00] Tommck: and does the user have write priveleges to the directory where the NUV files are? I know when you do certain things it has to write an index file to the same directory as the NUV
[15:57:00] FinnTux: local
[15:58:00] Tommck: well... if you run "nuvexport --debug" and choose all the same things, it will dump out all the commands it runs... you can then run each thing separately to see what is broken
[15:58:00] FinnTux: yep, I did
[15:58:00] FinnTux: mythtransode sets up the pipes ok
[15:58:00] Tommck: so, you've run ffmpeg on the command line? what file is it having trouble opening?
[15:59:00] FinnTux: /usr/bin/nice -n19 ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 720x576 -r 25.000 -i /tmp/fifodir_13350/vidout -f yuv4mpegpipe – 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/nice -n19 yuvdenoise -r 16 -f -b 14,12,-14,-12 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/nice -n19 ffmpeg -hq -threads 2 -y -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i /tmp/fifodir_13350/audout -f yuv4mpegpipe -s 720x576 -aspect 1.3333 -r 25.000 -i – -aspect 1.3333 -r 25.000 -deinterlace -croptop 12 -cropbottom 12 -cropleft 14 -cropright 14 -padleft 2 -pa
[15:59:00] FinnTux: dright 2 -s 620x464 -vcodec xvid -b 960 -minrate 32 -maxrate 1920 -bt 32 -bufsize 65535 -lumi_mask 0.05 -dark_mask 0.02 -scplx_mask 0.5 -4mv -part -pass 1 -passlogfile '/tmp/xvid.13350.log' -f avi /dev/null
[15:59:00] FinnTux: this one fails
[15:59:00] Tommck: does the log file exist?
[15:59:00] Tommck: maybe /tmp is full?
[15:59:00] FinnTux: 2.4 G free
[15:59:00] FinnTux: logfile is there though
[15:59:00] Tommck: disk quota?
[16:00:00] FinnTux: nopr
[16:00:00] FinnTux: nope*
[16:00:00] Tommck: do you know which one of these commands is failing?
[16:00:00] FinnTux: not yet
[16:01:00] Tommck: you should break the piped commands down into separate calls with temp files
[16:01:00] FinnTux: I'll look into it
[16:01:00] FinnTux: but how about transcode?
[16:01:00] Tommck: it's painful, but it's all I have :)
[16:01:00] Tommck: what about it?
[16:01:00] FinnTux: complains about -j having incorrect parameters
[16:01:00] Tommck: oh.. no idea
[16:01:00] Tommck: maybe you have too old a version of transcode?
[16:01:00] Tommck: nuvexport doesn't check it's version requirements, I think
[16:02:00] FinnTux: transcode v0.6.14 (C) 2001–2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003–2004 T. Bitterberg
[16:02:00] Tommck: I don't know the requirements..
[16:02:00] Tommck: maybe check nuvexport's home page? (don't know if the info's there or not)
[16:03:00] FinnTux: [transcode] critical: invalid top/bottom clip parameter for option -j
[16:03:00] Tommck: sorry... no idea... haven't used transcode with it
[16:03:00] FinnTux: ok. thanks anyway
[16:03:00] FinnTux: I'll look into that debug stuff
[16:03:00] Tommck: np... good luck.
[16:04:00] Tommck: I'd also try emailing the mythtv-users mailing list
[16:04:00] benc ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[16:09:00] FinnTux: /usr/bin/nice -n19 ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 720x576 -r 25.000 -i /tmp/fifodir_13590/vidout -f yuv4mpegpipe -
[16:09:00] FinnTux: /tmp/fifodir_13590/vidout: could not find codec parameters
[16:09:00] FinnTux: first ffmpeg fails
[16:09:00] Tommck: hmm... what output are you trying to create?
[16:10:00] FinnTux: xvid
[16:10:00] Tommck: I seem to remember needing some Win32 codecs installed for certain formats
[16:10:00] Tommck: do you know if you have them?
[16:10:00] FinnTux: I don't
[16:10:00] FinnTux: installing as we speak
[16:10:00] Tommck: ah... that might have been it
[16:11:00] FinnTux: I hope so
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[16:16:00] FinnTux: well, didn't help
[16:17:00] Tommck: sorry
[16:20:00] FinnTux: ffmpeg parameters look ok
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[16:36:00] FinnTux:
[16:36:00] FinnTux: RTFM
[16:36:00] FinnTux: hehe
[16:37:00] ** Tommck chuckles because every time "lotia" logs in, he sees "lolita" :) **
[16:37:00] lotia: heh
[16:37:00] Tommck: FinnTux - :)
[16:40:00] laga: Tommck: you should avoid buying one particular remote...
[16:40:00] Tommck: laga – which?
[16:40:00] laga: the lolita one. ;)
[16:40:00] Tommck: there's a remote called "lolita" ?
[16:41:00] laga: umm, well, no. it's called lola.
[16:41:00] laga: ;)
[16:41:00] Tommck: ahh.. close :)
[16:41:00] laga: FinnTux reminds me of finntroll... ;)
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[16:42:00] lotia: morning, anyone running gentoo and using alsa with the intel hd driver?
[16:44:00] lotia: i'm having the darndest time getting my audio working. when i set sound to ALSA:default and the mixer to default, i get the following error "mixer unable to find control Master"
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[17:24:00] lotia: anyone know why i wouldn't be able to ssh into my machine when its using the wireless connection, but would be able to when its using wired?
[17:24:00] Tommck: firewall?
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[17:27:00] NetBOPP: I've got this error message: "Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!". Anyone know how I can get this working?
[17:28:00] Tommck: NetBOPP – you've obviously never worked at a help desk
[17:29:00] Tommck: what were you doing? where was the error displayed? what were the results of the action you attempted?
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[17:34:00] NetBOPP: That's correct, I never did... Well, I have myth (0.18.1) up running on my master, both frontend and backend. For my second frontend I get this error repeting itself in the shell where mythfronend was started (along with no sound) whenever I try to watch a recording or live tv. On my master, rec. are done by pvr350+pvr250. The video is decoded and displayed fine, but with no audio.
[17:35:00] Tommck: NetBOPP – so the audio plays fine on the master?
[17:35:00] NetBOPP: yes, on the master everything works just great
[17:35:00] Tommck: can you play any audio source (non-myth) on your second frontend?
[17:36:00] NetBOPP: yes
[17:37:00] Tommck: can you play music or any non-TV thing in Myth?
[17:39:00] NetBOPP: Since I haven't installed mythmusic yet, I haven't tried. I'll compile the video- and music-plugin
[17:39:00] Tommck: cool
[17:40:00] Tommck: I would also check the settings in the mythfrontend to see if you have the correct audio device selected for output
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[18:23:00] xris: wow. it's morning/midday and people are still all asleep here.
[18:23:00] Tommck: :)
[18:23:00] Tommck: xris – how very North/South America-centric of you
[18:24:00] xris: Tommck: well, it gets even quieter in here when the rest of the world is awake.
[18:24:00] Tommck: yeah
[18:24:00] xris: funny how the germans prefer to speak in german to each other, etc. heh.
[18:25:00] Tommck: <StereotypicalIgnorantAmerican> yeah... why can't they all just learn to speak English anyway? </StereotypicalIgnorantAmerican>
[18:26:00] xris: besser sprechen wir alles Deutch.
[18:26:00] Tommck: Bratwurst
[18:26:00] Krazylegz: Ja! Sprechen wir Deutsch!!
[18:26:00] ** xris quickly erases the horrid german grammar. **
[18:26:00] Tommck: ummm... Luftwaffe...
[18:26:00] xris: lol
[18:26:00] Tommck: umm... sauerkraut!
[18:27:00] xris:
[18:27:00] laga:
[18:27:00] Tommck: Heffeweizen!
[18:27:00] laga: yummy ;)
[18:27:00] Tommck: Dopplebock!
[18:27:00] ** xris was thinking spatzle **
[18:27:00] Krazylegz: Eww.
[18:27:00] Tommck: a good Dopplebock is like ambrosia
[18:28:00] xris:
[18:28:00] ** laga makes the luftwaffe drop sauerkraut over tommck's satellite dish **
[18:28:00] Tommck:
[18:28:00] Krazylegz: Ich mochte weissbier.
[18:28:00] xris: "would like"
[18:28:00] Tommck: cool... Dunkel is good too
[18:28:00] Krazylegz: Ein Moment....Ich HABE Weissbier!!
[18:28:00] xris: I left off the "ein"
[18:28:00] xris: or is it "eines"? I forget.
[18:29:00] Krazylegz: It's akusative.
[18:29:00] Krazylegz: So, it's 'ein' bier.
[18:29:00] Krazylegz: *Bier.
[18:29:00] ** Tommck wonders why Krazylegz is accusing him... and what he's accusing him of doing... **
[18:29:00] laga:
[18:29:00] xris: laga: I must admit, though, that I've had some lighter german beers and they're actually pretty good. Still prefer the darker ones, though.
[18:29:00] xris: laga: it's 9:30 AM here... I'm not going on a drinking binge until at least noon.
[18:30:00] xris: (though I might have to if I keep having to read these resumes)
[18:30:00] laga: heh. beer for breakfast is good. gotta love camping ;)
[18:30:00] Tommck: xris – *cough* wuss! *cough*
[18:30:00] Krazylegz: Tommock: I'm accusing you of a using a direct object! You heathen!!
[18:30:00] Tommck: Krazylegz - :)
[18:31:00] Krazylegz: My German is really bad now. I have a minor in it, but I haven't practiced since college.
[18:32:00] ** Tommck took lots of French **
[18:32:00] xris: laga: camping: (not me in the picture)
[18:32:00] laga: xris: i'm still waiting for the pictures of the last trip...
[18:32:00] laga: xris: heh, spiffy
[18:33:00] Tommck: xris – where are you from?
[18:33:00] laga: the dark age
[18:33:00] ** laga hides **
[18:33:00] ** Tommck recognizes the "Mike's Hard Lemonade" box and is pretty sure that's not available in Europe **
[18:33:00] Tommck: (for good reason)
[18:34:00] xris: Tommck: seattle
[18:34:00] Tommck: cool
[18:34:00] xris: laga: given that photo, appropriate
[18:34:00] Tommck: Baltimore here
[18:35:00] Beirdo: Mike's Hard Mead :)
[18:35:00] Beirdo: hehe
[18:35:00] Beirdo: the US Mike's is crappy
[18:35:00] xris: all mead is hard. heh.
[18:35:00] Beirdo: stupid malt-based crap
[18:35:00] Tommck: Beirdo – there's a different one?
[18:35:00] Beirdo: the stuff here is vodka-based and is much better
[18:35:00] Tommck: mmmm
[18:35:00] Tommck: that could be good
[18:36:00] Beirdo: much much better :)
[18:36:00] Beirdo: come to Canada, we know how to drink
[18:36:00] Beirdo: :)
[18:36:00] laga: buy me a ticket ;)
[18:36:00] Tommck: Beirdo you near Toronto?
[18:36:00] GreyFoxx: They make it differently in the US ? I had no idea
[18:36:00] GreyFoxx: I assumed it would be made the same as here
[18:36:00] Beirdo: Tommck: currently sitting about 5 blocks from city hall
[18:36:00] Tommck: Grey – it's a malted beverage... it's crap
[18:36:00] Krazylegz: Beirdo: Is LCBO a chain/owned by the state in Canada? That's the only liquor store I've ever been to up there.
[18:36:00] GreyFoxx: Tommck: ick
[18:36:00] Beirdo: LCBO is owned by the province, yes
[18:36:00] Tommck: Beirdo – interesting... I may (in the next year or so) be going there to visit a friend
[18:37:00] Beirdo: and is the largest purchaser of alcohol anywhere in the world last I heard
[18:37:00] Beirdo: so we get bitchin selection in Ontario :)
[18:38:00] Beirdo: heh, well, next year I may or may not be here, we shall see :)
[18:38:00] laga: on topic: nuvexport says 'waiting for mythtranscode to set up the fifos' a lot and quits then. when i run the mythcommflag command manually, it just sits there doing nothing except for printing an '[mpeg @ 0x407710c0]Parser not found for Codec Id: 94210 !'.
[18:38:00] Beirdo: nice
[18:39:00] Tommck: Beirdo – moving?
[18:39:00] Beirdo: maybe :)
[18:39:00] Beirdo: I'd like to
[18:39:00] laga: any hints? (forgot to ask the question ;))
[18:39:00] Beirdo: laga: can mplayer deal with the file?
[18:39:00] Beirdo: and does it do it on all files or just one?
[18:41:00] laga: wait a sec. nuvexport is slow here. ;)
[18:41:00] laga: oh, it seemed to work on one file.
[18:41:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:41:00] Beirdo: maybe it's just that one file is crapped out
[18:42:00] laga: it says forking – that means it's running different programs at the same time, right?
[18:42:00] Beirdo: yes
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[18:42:00] laga: interesting.
[18:42:00] Beirdo: fork it!
[18:42:00] Beirdo: heh
[18:42:00] laga: and ffmpeg is getting the data from the FIFO instead of the real file, right?
[18:42:00] Beirdo: yes
[18:43:00] laga: well, it works now with both files, for some odd reason. but 'ffmpeg had critial errors: pipe:: error while opening file' ;)
[18:47:00] __Ace__ ( Quit (Broken pipe)
[18:47:00] laga: <- that's the most interesting output of ffmpeg when running the command manually
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[19:02:00] Beirdo: you are having mythtranscode issues, by the looks of it
[19:02:00] Beirdo: or somehow, the fifos didn't get created
[19:02:00] Beirdo: or something like that
[19:02:00] laga: yeah. it's prolly related to me applying #158...
[19:03:00] laga: well, transcode seems to work. better than nothing ;=)
[19:03:00] Chacabaou ( Quit (Client Quit)
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[19:03:00] Beirdo: stupid irssi
[19:03:00] laga: heh
[19:03:00] Beirdo: it's adding + and – to lines again
[19:04:00] Beirdo: <laga> -heh
[19:04:00] Beirdo: like that
[19:04:00] kormoc (n=kormoc@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[19:04:00] ** Beirdo slaps irssi with a trout **
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[19:05:00] Beirdo: either that or it's freenode buggering up, I dunno
[19:05:00] laga: -heh
[19:05:00] Beirdo: likely irssi
[19:07:00] jonK ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:19:00] UberDuper ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:19:00] UberDuper: Is it possible to use mythtv without any of the PVR functions?
[19:20:00] UberDuper: I'm thinking about just using it for movies and music.
[19:20:00] Krazylegz: Someone was asking that yesterday, to use it as a carputer.
[19:20:00] UberDuper: IIRC there's a mythtv carputer port somewhere.
[19:20:00] KillerBunny: UberDuper, i use it in that way.
[19:21:00] UberDuper: KillerBunny: Are you able to turn that all off, so it doesn't even show up in the menus?
[19:21:00] mchou: anyone here ever drill a hole for fans in their case?
[19:21:00] UberDuper: And doesn't try to pull a guide up?
[19:21:00] KillerBunny: UberDuper, no...
[19:21:00] Beirdo: anyone here buy cases with proper cooling?
[19:21:00] UberDuper: Didn't think so. =/
[19:21:00] ** kormoc raises his hand **
[19:22:00] kormoc: I do!
[19:22:00] mchou: Beirdo: dont be silly.
[19:22:00] KillerBunny: I think they tired the PVR functions to close to the core.
[19:22:00] UberDuper: I'm using xbmc right now, but I'm looking at h.264 and the xbox just doesn't have the cpu power for good quality h.264 encodes.
[19:22:00] Beirdo: I will not drill cases. I buy ones that don't suck
[19:22:00] mchou: Beirdo: I want to get rid of the "grill" in the rear exhaust fan.
[19:23:00] mchou: I havent seen any cases that don't have that grill.
[19:23:00] mchou: major cause of turbulence.
[19:23:00] UberDuper: Might have to look at MCE. =/
[19:23:00] GreyFoxx: UberDuper: Of course you can, just edit the xml theme to not show the tv related icons
[19:24:00] Chutt: the xbox doesn't have the cpu for good quality h264 decode, either
[19:24:00] Krazylegz: mchou: This one won't require any drilling: . . . amp;MID=9876 .
[19:24:00] GreyFoxx: and you don't need to setup a backend/capture sources , or grab guide info
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[19:24:00] xris: Krazylegz: tinyurl
[19:24:00] Krazylegz: Yeah, sorry.
[19:24:00] Krazylegz: Didn't realize it was so long.
[19:25:00] djperegrine: when I compile ivtv do I need to recompile the kernel ?
[19:25:00] GreyFoxx: djperegrine: No
[19:25:00] mchou: Krazylegz: lol. I'd like not to use up rest of the world's energy supply when I run my computers :)
[19:25:00] djperegrine: hrm
[19:26:00] Beirdo: bah
[19:26:00] GreyFoxx: djperegrine: Assuming the basics are already there, like videodev and so on
[19:26:00] djperegrine: I'm using knoppmyth
[19:26:00] ** Beirdo cranks up the nuclear generator **
[19:26:00] djperegrine: and I get static
[19:26:00] djperegrine: so I am assuming they are there to
[19:26:00] GreyFoxx: likely just a tuning issue
[19:26:00] Krazylegz: Beirdo: Use solar power, just for the irony. Using heat to cool!
[19:27:00] djperegrine: well no I get static in myth and mplayer
[19:27:00] GreyFoxx: And how does that stop it from being a tuning issue ?
[19:27:00] djperegrine: well I'm tuning to channels in myth
[19:28:00] djperegrine: whatever, can you give me a list of things to check for so I can fix it
[19:28:00] djperegrine: I am using ivtv 3.7h
[19:28:00] djperegrine: PVR-150MCE LP
[19:28:00] GreyFoxx: I haven't touched any of the 0.3.x versions
[19:28:00] GreyFoxx: it could just bee detecting the wrong tuner
[19:29:00] GreyFoxx: but the guys in #ivtv-dev or the ivtv mailing list would be best to help you there
[19:29:00] djperegrine: yea, When I do modprobe ivtv tuner=47 it still says no tuner set in dmesg
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[19:36:00] PITABoy: hey
[19:36:00] Krazylegz: Hola.
[19:36:00] PITABoy: this isnt really a mythtv quesion but i bet that you guys know the answer
[19:37:00] PITABoy: i have a pvr 350 and i want to use the radio do you know how to set it up
[19:37:00] ldam: does it come with a radio? ;-)
[19:38:00] PITABoy: yes
[19:38:00] ldam: PITABoy, no idea. But check what media-radio (or whatever) packages there are?
[19:38:00] Krazylegz: PITABoy: What problems are you having with getting it setup?
[19:38:00] lcdg720 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:38:00] ldam: try "emerge --search radio"
[19:40:00] PITABoy: how did you know that i used gentoo???
[19:40:00] kormoc: xawtv comes with a radio program
[19:40:00] Krazylegz: /whoi PITABoy
[19:41:00] KaZeR ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:00] Krazylegz: Whoops. Hi PITABoy. :-)
[19:41:00] ldam: PITABoy, i didnt. I plainly forgot gentoo is a distro, and this is not distro related ;)
[19:41:00] ldam: oops
[19:41:00] PITABoy: lol
[19:42:00] PITABoy: yeah gentoo is what everyone uses lol
[19:42:00] PITABoy: or should anyway i love gentoo
[19:42:00] ldam: using gentoo for two years now, so this is just plain natural to me, and i didn't even consider you perhaps was not on gentoo
[19:43:00] PITABoy: i have a radio program
[19:43:00] PITABoy: gnomeradio
[19:43:00] PITABoy: but i dont think that i have the drivers or something
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[19:48:00] PITABoy: i cant even find any gentoo docs
[19:49:00] xris: anyone else NOT get their zap2it email?
[19:49:00] GreyFoxx: There is zap2it email ?
[19:49:00] xris: they send out an email a few days before the account expires.
[19:50:00] GreyFoxx: I've never gotten one
[19:50:00] xris: I never got mine (but noticed that it was set to expire in 3 days)
[19:50:00] xris: and we never got one for our box at work.
[19:50:00] GreyFoxx: I usually renew within 3–6 days, but it has expired on me once and I didn't get any warning
[19:50:00] xris: hmm
[19:50:00] xris: I've gotten them before...
[19:51:00] xris: not that it matters for me now that I'm on LxM, but I figured I'd keep filling out the surveys.
[19:51:00] GreyFoxx: I renewed the other day, with 5 days to go and hadn't gotten anything at that point
[19:55:00] PITABoy ( Quit ("Leaving")
[19:56:00] stevenh (n=shelder@ Quit ("Leaving")
[19:58:00] Chutt: xris, i didn't get mine
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[20:01:00] xris: Chutt: yeah, something must be up with their system, or they've stopped sending them out...
[20:01:00] Chutt: probably just a bug
[20:01:00] xris: yup
[20:01:00] Chutt: didn't think it was that big of a deal, really
[20:01:00] Chutt: i check status relatively regularly
[20:02:00] xris: we don't at work. heh.
[20:03:00] xris: my boss didn't even remember the login
[20:03:00] xris: had to pull it from teh db
[20:04:00] GreyFoxx: I email the output of mythfilldatabase to myself everyday, so I see the warning often enough for it to rarely expire
[20:04:00] kormoc: what would be a grand feature is the expire date when it's down to 5 days or something prints out on stderr
[20:05:00] Chutt: it does
[20:05:00] kormoc: ooh, nice.
[20:05:00] zuralin ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:05:00] Chutt: the expiration date is printed every time you run mythfilldatabase
[20:05:00] Chutt: it's in the frontend status screen as well
[20:05:00] kormoc: on stderr?
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[20:05:00] Chutt: i don't know if it's in mythweb or not
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[20:17:00] xris: Chutt: it's there on the backend status page
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[20:54:00] xris: Beirdo: so I started adding aspect ratio stuff to nuvexport last night.
[20:54:00] Beirdo: ??
[20:55:00] Beirdo: like what aspect ratio stuff?
[20:55:00] xris: the auto-height-detection stuff
[20:55:00] xris: it's a PITA, actually.
[20:55:00] Beirdo: detecting the height of the black bars?
[20:55:00] Beirdo: how?
[20:55:00] xris: no
[20:55:00] xris: detecting a 16:9 source and knowing not to make the output avi 4:3
[20:55:00] xris: etc.
[20:55:00] Beirdo: I added that months ago
[20:56:00] xris: not for everything
[20:56:00] Beirdo: yeah, I did
[20:56:00] Beirdo: for AVI, you specify the precise resolution you want
[20:56:00] xris: nope
[20:56:00] xris: right.
[20:56:00] Beirdo: and it will keep the aspect ratio correct
[20:56:00] Beirdo: and letterbox it or pillar box
[20:56:00] xris: but it automatically assigns width before the prompt to 4:3
[20:56:00] Beirdo: ahhhhh
[20:56:00] CCFL_Man: media center edition records in microshat's modified mpeg2 format
[20:57:00] Beirdo: so you are making the default prompts show for AVI based on the input aspect ratio?
[20:57:00] Beirdo: Coool
[20:57:00] xris: yeah
[20:57:00] Beirdo: now I gotcha
[20:57:00] xris: and cleaning up the rest of the aspect ratio code so it's normalized.
[20:57:00] Beirdo: don't break it :)
[20:57:00] xris: "aspect" is ratio format, and "aspect_f" is float format
[20:58:00] Beirdo: ah, good idea
[20:58:00] xris: since there seemed to be a bit of discrepancy in there...
[20:58:00] xris: and it cleans up your "if (aspect =~ m/^1.3/ || aspect == '4:3')" stuff
[20:58:00] Beirdo: heh
[20:59:00] Beirdo: well, the 4:3 is only used for display, really
[20:59:00] Beirdo: the 1.33333 or whatever is used for calculations
[20:59:00] Beirdo: if I remember right
[20:59:00] xris: right
[20:59:00] xris: but there's nowhere specific where one or the other is set
[20:59:00] Beirdo: hehe
[20:59:00] Beirdo: yeah, it could use some tidying
[21:00:00] Beirdo: it finally pissed you off enough to change it? :)
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[21:11:00] xris: I started recording HD. heh.
[21:11:00] ** Beirdo shudders **
[21:12:00] Beirdo: hehe
[21:12:00] xris: found a cool cooking show on pbs in hd
[21:12:00] Beirdo: nice :)
[21:12:00] xris: HUGE
[21:12:00] xris: can't even play back 1080i on my box
[21:12:00] ** xris curses his ATI card. **
[21:12:00] Beirdo: heheh
[21:12:00] Beirdo: yeah
[21:12:00] Beirdo: that's one thing ATI drivers really suck ass for
[21:12:00] xris: big pink rectangle
[21:13:00] xris: it'll do 720p, but not 1080i
[21:13:00] Beirdo: heh, ah well
[21:13:00] DarkNight: Has anyone here played with a 720p modeline for an i810 based chipset?
[21:15:00] DarkNight: I've got a Dell GX50 sitting around doing nothing and figured I've give it a go as a frontend. I want to connect vga to a 1280x720p (1336x768p actually) lcd panel.
[21:16:00] CCFL_Man: how is a xine plugin installed?
[21:16:00] DarkNight: Hoping to find a modeline I can use as a jumping off point.
[21:17:00] GreyFoxx: CCFL_Man: There is no "xine" plugin. But you can configure mythvideo and or mythdvd to use xine for playback throiugh the setup menus
[21:17:00] Beirdo: whack the weeb
[21:17:00] Beirdo: google will help you on your quest for modelines
[21:17:00] GreyFoxx: Or are you asking how to add a plugin to xine itself ?
[21:18:00] DarkNight: Yes, I've googled a bunch. Was looking to see if I could narrow which to try first by finding someone using the same chipset.
[21:18:00] CCFL_Man: GreyFoxx: i want xine to play a dvd on it's own, but it won't
[21:18:00] GreyFoxx: Then you are likely missing libdvdnav/dvdread/dvdcss libraries
[21:19:00] CCFL_Man: hmm..
[21:19:00] CCFL_Man: it was downloaded when i installed kde, in this xebian install
[21:19:00] CCFL_Man: there is dvd://
[21:20:00] GreyFoxx: I'd be suprised if the console didn't spit out an error telling you why it's failing
[21:22:00] xris: omfg
[21:22:00] xris: I can't believe what some people think they can get away with on a job application.
[21:23:00] rjune: xris: ?
[21:23:00] rjune: somebody list oral sex as a qualification?
[21:23:00] xris: nah
[21:23:00] xris: just HORRIBLE spelling/grammar
[21:24:00] rjune: Ah, gotcha
[21:24:00] laga: xris: what kind of minion do you need?
[21:25:00] xris: another php/mysql coder
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[21:27:00] Krazylegz: Doh.
[21:27:00] laga: another root
[21:27:00] Krazylegz: xris: Send me the URL again.
[21:28:00] xris:
[21:29:00] CCFL_Man: GreyFoxx: no plugin to handle dvd:
[21:29:00] rw` (n=user@ Quit (Connection timed out)
[21:30:00] GreyFoxx: CCFL_Man: That's what it says on the console ?
[21:30:00] CCFL_Man: mplayer plays the vobs, but also resets the stream and it's choppy
[21:30:00] CCFL_Man: yeah
[21:30:00] CCFL_Man: it find the dvd navigator plugin, but none to handle dvd:
[21:31:00] GreyFoxx: Then it sounds like either it's complainging since it can't open lib dvdnav/dvdread
[21:31:00] CCFL_Man: it's what came with kde
[21:31:00] CCFL_Man: ahh
[21:31:00] GreyFoxx: I have no idea what kde does or doesn't use :)
[21:31:00] CCFL_Man: infact, mplayer is choppy with every file i play with it
[21:31:00] CCFL_Man: ahh, hehe
[21:33:00] CCFL_Man: i'd want mythtv to use mplayer with everything, but the xbox alsa driver resets the stream
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[21:39:00] Krazylegz: xris: Do you want me to throw a cover letter on this?
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[21:42:00] Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:45:00] jams: GreyFoxx, ever complete that xine-ui rewrite of yours?
[21:46:00] GreyFoxx: I got it to the "functional for me" stage and left it at that. Then I went out and bought a new dvd player and haven't looked at it since :)
[21:48:00] Krazylegz: I need a chat channel to convince me to buy/not buy a particular used HDTV set.
[21:48:00] Tommck: hmm.. used, huh? tube?
[21:49:00] Tommck: 4x3? 16x9?
[21:49:00] Krazylegz: CRT RPTV, 16x9.
[21:50:00] Tommck: Mitsu?
[21:50:00] Krazylegz: Toshiba.
[21:50:00] Tommck: have you seen it in person?
[21:50:00] Krazylegz: Not yet.
[21:51:00] Tommck: you need to find a VERY light channel and display it on the screen to look for burn-in problems on the left/right
[21:51:00] Tommck: if they didn't stretch 4x3 video to fit the screen, they'll have really bad burn in
[21:51:00] Tommck: it takes < 1 year for that to happen
[21:53:00] CCFL_Man: or use grey bars
[21:53:00] Tommck: CCFL_Man – that doesn't do it
[21:53:00] Tommck: my Mitsu uses grey bars.. .didn't help worth a shit
[21:54:00] Tommck: and I have a Diamond series (highest level)
[21:54:00] CCFL_Man: ahh
[21:54:00] CCFL_Man: plasma sets?
[21:55:00] Tommck: I heard and read that plasma sets have bad burn-in issues too
[21:55:00] Beirdo: I need.... RUM!
[21:55:00] CCFL_Man: hmm..
[21:57:00] Krazylegz: Tommck: What type of set do you have?
[21:58:00] mirak ( Quit ("Leaving")
[21:58:00] Roots^ ( Quit ("(+AcEmAsTr`) he's guilty if you ask me, but he's a smoooooooth criminal")
[21:58:00] Tommck: Mitsubishi 65" RPTV (CRT)
[21:58:00] Tommck: model 65909
[21:58:00] Krazylegz: Ah, cool.
[21:58:00] Krazylegz: This is also a 65". How far away from it do you have to sit?
[21:58:00] Tommck: have to?
[21:59:00] Tommck: :)
[21:59:00] Tommck: I sit about 10 ft away?
[21:59:00] Krazylegz: Does it look okay from there? We have a small living room right now, but I want to buy this for when I move out.
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[22:00:00] Tommck: sure... why wouldn't it?
[22:00:00] Menth0r ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:01:00] Krazylegz: Seems like you might be too close for such a large set.
[22:01:00] Tommck: lies!
[22:01:00] Menth0r: hello every1
[22:01:00] Menth0r is now known as Menthor
[22:01:00] Tommck: well.. now that I think if it, it's probably closer to 12–14
[22:01:00] Tommck: I'd like it to be twice the size it is :)
[22:02:00] Krazylegz: Tommck: Haha, so I should seriously look at it? I'd be 7ft away from it, and I could save the money and put it toward a house downpayment, paying off loans, or some other less superfluous expenditure.
[22:02:00] Tommck: well... if you're only going to be 7 ft away, I think it's a bit big :)
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[22:03:00] Tommck: the biggest issue would be when you are viewing non-HD content
[22:03:00] Tommck: that's when it looks the worst
[22:03:00] Tommck: but HD looks friggin awesome :)
[22:04:00] xris: Krazylegz: sure... might as well be professional.  :)
[22:04:00] Tommck: it's a tough decision, but I would probably go with something smaller (if the price makes sense) and use the money for a house down payment
[22:04:00] Tommck: the rates are low now, but won't be for long
[22:05:00] Tommck: best to take advantage of it now before it's too late
[22:05:00] Tommck: you can buy the bigger TV later :)
[22:05:00] ** Tommck has just proved he's officially old by recommending _against_ buying the biggest, coolest toy you can **
[22:06:00] xris: Tommck: same reason I don't buy any new toys lately... but buy $300 of compost mulch
[22:07:00] xris: and maybe get a $500 mixer for the kitchen....
[22:08:00] Tommck: :)
[22:08:00] Krazylegz: Whoa, a $500 mixer, maybe I SHOULD work with xris.
[22:08:00] Tommck: of course, I do have one priority straight:
[22:08:00] Tommck: killer coffee maker :)
[22:09:00] xris: Krazylegz: my grandma sold her $30k house ('70's) for $415k and gave us $200 (no k) as a housewarming present.
[22:09:00] xris: that, and my wife is a chef.
[22:10:00] Tommck: xris – sweet!
[22:10:00] Tommck: hehe
[22:10:00] Tommck: xris – what's she doing with the money?
[22:10:00] xris: Tommck: we have a $1200–1500 saeco here at work.
[22:10:00] xris: Tommck: retiring (at 83)
[22:10:00] Tommck: nice
[22:10:00] Tommck: WTF does she need $400K for?
[22:10:00] Tommck: she's 83?
[22:10:00] xris: moved to napa (where my aunt lives), bought a trailer for like $150k
[22:11:00] Tommck: she needs medecine, food, diapers, a TV and a casket at this point
[22:11:00] ** Tommck marvels at how insensitive he just was **
[22:11:00] xris: heh. she still goes to the gym 3 times/week.
[22:11:00] Tommck: wow
[22:11:00] Tommck: I haven't been to a gym 3 times in the last 20 years
[22:12:00] xris: anyway, we're trying to convince her travel... but at least now she can live well on something more than social security.
[22:12:00] Tommck: definitely
[22:12:00] ** Tommck is getting really irrirated with hacking nuvexport :) **
[22:13:00] xris: Tommck: what are you doing?
[22:13:00] Tommck: I want to get nuvexport to trim a letterboxed video (16x9 jammed into a 4x3) back to a 16x9
[22:13:00] Tommck: that way I can burn a widescreen DVD from it
[22:13:00] Tommck: I'm doing all my work outside nuvexport now
[22:13:00] Tommck: just took the output from --debug
[22:13:00] kormoc: hrm.
[22:14:00] Menthor: may i ask u something ?
[22:14:00] Tommck: who?
[22:15:00] xris: Tommck: that's one of the things on my todo list.. so let me know what you end up with.
[22:15:00] xris: was actually hoping to be able to auto-detect that kind of thing and crop widescreen and letterbox stuff.
[22:15:00] Tommck: if I get it to work, I'll let you know, definitely
[22:15:00] Menthor: if i get the files from web, and put into a box (a linux box) can i play my avi movies or mp3 files ?
[22:15:00] Tommck: Menthor – yes
[22:16:00] Tommck: I assume you mean with MythTV... if you use MythMusic and MythVideo, you can do that
[22:17:00] t0t3r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:17:00] Menthor: thanks.. i ment for the files that i own on hdd. cause i don't have a dvb.. or something like that
[22:17:00] t0t3r ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:17:00] Tommck: I think so
[22:18:00] xris: Menthor: mythtv sort of needs a tv tuner to run/install, though. mythvideo and mythmusic don't really work as standalone programs.
[22:19:00] Menthor: Tommck: i can't figure out what files should i have to download via Internet to install or to put on a cd to use mythTv or so..
[22:19:00] Menthor: ok xris
[22:20:00] t0t3r ( Quit (Client Quit)
[22:20:00] GreyFoxx: you don't "need" a tuner if all you want is the menu to access mythvideo or mythmusic
[22:20:00] Menthor: Tommck: but can u tell me if there a opne source program that i can use to do that? a mini one..
[22:21:00] Menthor: :0 GreyFoxx
[22:21:00] Menthor: :)
[22:21:00] Tommck: honestly, I don't know
[22:21:00] Tommck: you want to do the output to your TV and all that stuff?
[22:21:00] Menthor: no, just a minimalist distribution of linux or so to install as a Multimedia Center aka sucks Win32
[22:22:00] Tommck: right, but you want to use a remote control and have a display on your TV?
[22:22:00] GreyFoxx: I have a mythtv on a bootable usb stick version of slax. total of 159Meg, runs myth, the plugins, xine and mplayer
[22:22:00] GreyFoxx: I just haven't installed/compiled against lirc
[22:22:00] Tommck: whoa... Grey... you should publish that for the rest of us :)
[22:23:00] GreyFoxx: Tommck: I plan on it. I've got most of the docs done
[22:23:00] Tommck: that's very cool
[22:23:00] Menthor: GreyFoxx: it would be super gut 4 as
[22:23:00] GreyFoxx: Works as a frontend right off the bat, and would work as a backend as well either writing to a local HD, or to a nfs mount
[22:24:00] GreyFoxx: I'm getting an Epia M10000,m and pvr350 this week to add proper support for those as well
[22:24:00] zuralin ( Quit ("Leaving")
[22:24:00] Menthor: great did u wanna put on a ftp ?
[22:24:00] Menthor: 2 download all of us ?
[22:24:00] GreyFoxx: I'm not releasing it yet, but in a week I will be
[22:24:00] Menthor: thanks..
[22:25:00] Menthor: i try to find a linux that can be minimalistic and that can play only with mplayer or xmms.. avi xvid mp3 or u know anything about it ?
[22:25:00] GreyFoxx: slax will do that
[22:25:00] Menthor: i got slax..
[22:25:00] GreyFoxx: the popcorn version is about 100meg or so
[22:25:00] Menthor: but i want something more..!
[22:26:00] Menthor: and killbill is ..
[22:26:00] Menthor: too
[22:26:00] Menthor: 188 mb.. ithink
[22:26:00] ** GreyFoxx heads home **
[22:27:00] Menthor: greetings GreyFoxx and see ya soon
[22:27:00] Menthor: :)
[22:28:00] Filip^ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:30:00] lcdg720 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:30:00] KaZeR ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:31:00] Menthor: silence come and get us
[22:31:00] Menthor: :)
[22:34:00] rjune ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:36:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:00] shodan- (n=shodan@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:40:00] DarkNight ( Quit ()
[22:41:00] lcdg720 ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[22:42:00] lotia (n=root@ Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[22:43:00] CanadaBoy: anyon here have alot of samba exp.?
[22:43:00] simon_c ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:00] Tommck: CanadaBoy – I never got the hang of it. I prefer Cha-cha and Swing instead
[22:44:00] CanadaBoy: awe darn :-(
[22:44:00] Menthor: lol
[22:44:00] CanadaBoy: i have an interesting question
[22:45:00] Menthor: let's here it CanadaBoy
[22:45:00] Menthor: ups
[22:45:00] Menthor: hear it
[22:45:00] simon_c ( has left #mythtv-users
[22:53:00] Menthor: see ya
[22:53:00] Menthor ( has left #mythtv-users
[22:56:00] [shodan] (n=shodan@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:59:00] xris: CanadaBoy: #samba would likely be a better resource
[23:02:00] Cairan ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:00] Cairan: hello... Do you know how to fill the Zap2It Subscription renewal survey if you don't get the email/email was flushed as spam?
[23:03:00] Tommck: Cairan – login to and look around... I found it once before
[23:03:00] Cairan: ok...
[23:04:00] Cairan: ok excellent ;-)
[23:04:00] Cairan: thanks a lot!
[23:05:00] Cairan ( has left #mythtv-users
[23:06:00] djperegrine ( Quit (" HydraIRC -> <-")
[23:09:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:09:00] ** Beirdo yawns and stretches **
[23:10:00] ** Tommck hands Beirdo a "two four" of beers :) **
[23:10:00] Beirdo: no beer for me
[23:11:00] Tommck: ???
[23:12:00] Beirdo: if I'm gonna drink, it will be something worth drinking
[23:13:00] Beirdo: like rum, vodka, scotch, port...
[23:13:00] Beirdo: wine...
[23:13:00] Beirdo: beer's just a way to keep your bladder active :)
[23:14:00] rjune: Beirdo: you must drink bad beer
[23:14:00] Beirdo: no
[23:14:00] Beirdo: even good beer
[23:14:00] Beirdo: too much water
[23:14:00] Tommck: mmm.. port... I have some upstairs...
[23:14:00] rjune: you ever have buttershots?
[23:14:00] Beirdo: you gotta hit the head all the time
[23:14:00] rjune: Beirdo: 'hit the head' that some crazy kid euphemism for 'choke the chicken' ?
[23:14:00] Beirdo: no, tard
[23:14:00] Beirdo: :)
[23:15:00] Beirdo: the head is the naval term for the bathroom :)
[23:15:00] Tommck: mmm... buttershots... I like it in an Apple Martini
[23:15:00] rjune: Beirdo: yeah I know
[23:15:00] rjune: hit the head sounds so dirty though
[23:15:00] Beirdo: sounds painful
[23:15:00] ** xris pets the pretty new CSS and AJAX instruction books... **
[23:21:00] harryman100 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:23:00] ** Beirdo sighs **
[23:23:00] Beirdo: I wanna sleep
[23:23:00] lane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:24:00] Tommck: Beirdo – up late yesterday?
[23:24:00] Beirdo: nope
[23:24:00] Beirdo: just a stressful day
[23:24:00] Beirdo: Mondays suck
[23:25:00] Tommck: ah
[23:25:00] Tommck: Monday's the same as every other day to me :)
[23:25:00] Beirdo: they must all suck then
[23:25:00] Tommck: I work at home, so it's not as big a deal
[23:25:00] Gergo ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:26:00] Beirdo: hmm, wonder if I have any DVD burning software installed here.
[23:26:00] Beirdo: I don't think so
[23:27:00] Tommck: growisofs?
[23:27:00] swim ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:00] swim: hey folks, is there anyway to install knoppmyth onto hdb?
[23:27:00] Beirdo: it's called Windows
[23:28:00] Tommck: Beirdo – ah :)
[23:28:00] Gergo: Knoppmyth – downloaded -burned – DIDN'T BOOT.... :-(
[23:28:00] Tommck: swim – why wouldnt' you be able to?
[23:28:00] swim: Tommck, its got an auto install that seems to only install onto hda
[23:29:00] Tommck: oh.
[23:29:00] Tommck: I never tried installing it
[23:29:00] swim: hehe
[23:30:00] terevos ( Quit ()
[23:31:00] Charbal_ (n=Charbal@unaffiliated/charbal) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:34:00] lane: hi all. I was wondering if anybody could point me to any docs that explain the difference between XV and Xvmc. I just got my Air2PC card set up in Myth – some channels are fine, some are unwatchable. I've looked through the mailing list archives and the Myth Playback config page. It appears that XvMC is something I can enable via a checkbox in the Playback config page. Where can I enable XV? (I have an nvidia 440 mx)
[23:36:00] lane: I know this is a basic question :)
[23:36:00] lane: but any pointers would be greatly appreciated
[23:40:00] xris: lane: how fast is your machine?
[23:40:00] kormoc: lane, in the frontend's setup somewhere is where you check it
[23:40:00] lane: I've got a 2.8 GHz P4 HT
[23:40:00] xris: (xvmc also has to be compiled into myth, which it may not be in your distro)
[23:41:00] lane: hmm... I'm running FC4 with myth rpms from Axel
[23:41:00] xris: those should be ok
[23:41:00] xris: also, try `nice -n0 mythfrontend`
[23:41:00] lane: ah
[23:41:00] xris: your machine SHOULD be fast enough without that, though
[23:42:00] Charbal_: Can a MythTV backend emulate a Windows Media Center Edition PC? Specifically, I'm wondering whether it'll be possible to trick an unmodified Xbox 360 into thinking it's a MCE PC so it can stream from it.
[23:42:00] lane: will try that – currently I am running sudo on the frontend and backend
[23:42:00] Tommck: Charbal_ – we look forward to your mods ;)
[23:43:00] Charbal_: Heh, alright.
[23:45:00] iznogood ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:46:00] hadees ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:00] lane: so both xv and xvmc are configurable via the myth interface, and I don't need to add extra lines for them in xorg.conf. Is that correct?
[23:46:00] xris: Charbal_: given that mythtv and mce encode in different formats, that's unlikely.
[23:46:00] shaun_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:00] Charbal_: AFAIK, the MCE format is essentially MPEG2 with some DRM applied. Transcoding on the fly to MPEG2 at least probably shouldn't be too difficult
[23:50:00] Beirdo: fucking computers
[23:50:00] hadeees ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:51:00] xris: Charbal_: you serious? you know how much processor power it takes to encode mpeg2?
[23:51:00] xris: but in this case, I think the answer is going to be more of a "why bother?"
[23:51:00] GreyFoxx: maybe he means decoding/decrypting ? which might be a lot less work than actually transcoding
[23:52:00] Tommck: Beirdo – you ok?
[23:52:00] Charbal_: A hardware MPEG2 encoder certainly helps :P
[23:52:00] Beirdo: oh a server I was prepping for shipping just tossed a disk
[23:53:00] kormoc: joys
[23:53:00] Beirdo: with a powercycle, it could see it again
[23:53:00] xris: Beirdo: you're just not having much good luck today...
[23:53:00] Beirdo: now I get to resync the mirror
[23:53:00] Beirdo: mirrors rather
[23:54:00] ** Beirdo is glad he knows his metareplace command line well **
[23:55:00] shaun_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:55:00] Beirdo: metareplace -e d30 c0t1d0s4
[23:55:00] Beirdo: there
[23:55:00] Beirdo: hehe
[23:57:00] Beirdo: big surprise... it's a Fushitsu drive

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