:: #mythtv

Daily chat history

Current users (32):

amessina, bshanteau, ChanServ, davic, DevMythNotifyBot, enix, enyc, frobnic, gerhard7, gigem, gregl, hampton, ijc, jafa, knowledgejunkie, mad_enz, Malmis, mkbloke, MythBuild_, MythLogBot, ooshlablu, Panic, peper03, peterbennett, poptix, sphery, stuarta[m], stuarta_, troyt, wookey, xris, zbot
Friday, May 12th, 2023, 00:19 UTC
[00:19:48] knowledgejunkie (knowledgejunkie! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[00:26:52] knowledgejunkie (knowledgejunkie! has joined #mythtv
[00:54:05] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:aef4:cda0:29d4:47b) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[01:07:46] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:f3d5:cb9b:5b53:dc5c) has joined #mythtv
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[01:23:21] hampton (hampton!~hampton@mythtv/developer/hampton) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:24:31] hampton (hampton!~hampton@mythtv/developer/hampton) has joined #mythtv
[01:24:31] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v hampton
[03:27:40] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a84:3cff:fedf:a99) has joined #mythtv
[03:32:56] dvr (dvr! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[03:36:08] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a84:3cff:fedf:a99) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[05:22:59] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[05:49:20] mad_enz (mad_enz! has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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[06:25:11] troyt (troyt!troyt@2601:681:4100:301:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e) has joined #mythtv
[06:46:15] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a84:3cff:fedf:a99) has joined #mythtv
[08:30:50] leohoo_sdu[m] (leohoo_sdu[m]!~leohoosdu@2001:470:69fc:105::3:56ef) has joined #mythtv
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[09:35:10] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a24:afff:fe9d:c233) has joined #mythtv
[10:17:40] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a84:3cff:fedf:a99) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[10:37:45] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a24:afff:fe9d:c233) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:09:19] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has joined #mythtv
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[12:14:14] amessina (amessina!~amessina@user/amessina) has joined #mythtv
[12:15:38] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a84:3cff:fedf:a99) has joined #mythtv
[12:23:15] Steve-Goodey:
[12:23:31] Steve-Goodey: Forum php warning.
[12:35:28] gerhard7 (gerhard7! has joined #mythtv
[12:42:47] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:2009:4307:6230:de88) has joined #mythtv
[13:02:46] amessina (amessina!~amessina@user/amessina) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:10:20] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:2009:4307:6230:de88) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[14:33:56] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:8605:8cf0:9de3:265f) has joined #mythtv
[15:23:01] DevMythNotifyBot: COMMIT: bennettpeter pushed 3 commit(s) to branch master: . . . 68093af7cfaf
[15:51:50] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:8605:8cf0:9de3:265f) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[15:55:13] ooshlablu (ooshlablu!~ooshlablu@2601:18d:4600:aef0:4886:ff28:c5c0:4bbd) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[16:10:38] MythBuild_: Build [#1229]( of `cppcheck-master` 4failed.
[16:31:29] MythBuild_: Build [#1741]( of `master-centos8–64bit` 4failed.
[16:31:49] hampton: Its out of space. Working on it.
[16:33:28] MythBuild_: Build [#614]( of `master-centos9–64bit` 4failed.
[16:34:53] MythBuild_: Build [#1377]( of `master-ubuntu-20_04–64bit` 4failed.
[16:42:05] MythBuild_: Build [#18]( of `master-f37–64bit` 4failed.
[16:43:16] ooshlablu (ooshlablu!~ooshlablu@2601:18d:4600:aef0:a8cd:4374:2a1a:a4d6) has joined #mythtv
[16:45:30] hampton: The cppcheck master was an out of space error. The other are all failures in the unit tests.
[16:57:07] MythBuild_: Build [#1703]( of `master-debian-bullseye-64bit` 4failed.
[16:58:10] peterbennett2 (peterbennett2!~peter@2601:183:100:504:d5c5:9a0c:6a4:581f) has joined #mythtv
[17:05:05] MythBuild_: Build [#1931]( of `master-ubuntu-lts-64bit` 4failed.
[17:06:22] MythBuild_: Build [#1900]( of `master-osx-64bit` 4failed.
[17:07:12] peterbennett2 is now known as peterbennett
[17:08:02] peterbennett: hampton: I do not understand the unit tests. Can you tell what went wrong?
[17:09:03] MythBuild_: Build [#1230]( of `cppcheck-master` 3completed successfully.
[17:14:54] MythBuild_: Build [#593]( of `master-debian-bookworm-64bit` 4failed.
[17:22:19] MythBuild_: Build [#1983]( of `master-fedora-rawhide-64bit` 4failed.
[17:32:33] DevMythNotifyBot: COMMIT: bennettpeter pushed 1 commit(s) to branch master: . . . 0870e570a788
[17:35:17] peterbennett: hampton: I reversed my change to dbcon – dbcon seemed to be having the error.
[17:35:59] peterbennett: I still do not understand the tests. I guess I have tried to ignore them and hope they don't trouble me.
[17:47:02] MythBuild_: Build [#1997]( of `master-freebsd12–64bit` 4failed.
[17:50:03] MythBuild_: Build [#615]( of `master-centos9–64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:50:12] MythBuild_: Build [#1378]( of `master-ubuntu-20_04–64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:50:19] MythBuild_: Build [#1742]( of `master-centos8–64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:52:02] MythBuild_: Build [#1984]( of `master-fedora-rawhide-64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:52:30] MythBuild_: Build [#594]( of `master-debian-bookworm-64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:53:14] MythBuild_: Build [#19]( of `master-f37–64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:54:14] MythBuild_: Build [#1932]( of `master-ubuntu-lts-64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:54:23] MythBuild_: Build [#1704]( of `master-debian-bullseye-64bit` 3completed successfully.
[17:59:41] MythBuild_: Build [#1901]( of `master-osx-64bit` 3completed successfully.
[18:15:56] DevMythNotifyBot: issue closed by bennettpeter, "Dots from series name are removed while scanning":
[18:16:46] DevMythNotifyBot: issue closed by bennettpeter, "Use values from database instead of calculating from filename":
[18:17:10] DevMythNotifyBot: issue closed by bennettpeter, "Random segfault Nvidia Shield Tube (32-bit) during playback":
[18:21:02] MythBuild_: Build [#1949]( of `master-fedora-aarch64` 4failed.
[18:43:08] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@2601:183:100:504:d5c5:9a0c:6a4:581f) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:47:22] MythBuild_: Build [#1998]( of `master-freebsd12–64bit` 3completed successfully.
[18:54:26] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@2601:183:100:504:adfc:da09:3e1b:7898) has joined #mythtv
[19:07:58] MythBuild_: Build [#1950]( of `master-fedora-aarch64` 3completed successfully.
[19:16:59] hampton: peterbennett: The problem is that during testing, its very unlikely that gCoreContext is initialized. If you add another clause to that if statement you should be ok. if (gCoreContext->GetDB()->IsDatabaseIgnored() && m_name != "dbtest")
[19:17:46] hampton: Oops. That should be: "if (gCoreContext && gCoreContext->GetDB()->IsDatabaseIgnored() && m_name != "dbtest")" or something like that.
[19:24:17] hampton: That doesn't help. It just crashes later in the same function.
[19:25:32] peterbennett: hampton: I took the whole check out. It was only there to prevent some message displays when running in web-serve only mode
[19:25:58] peterbennett: hampton: I will find a better way to handle it.
[19:25:58] hampton: ok. wasn't sure if you needed it for something.
[20:06:17] hampton: Weird. I'm just pulled your fix and am compiling the very latest code (0870e570a7). I still see a crash in the tests, even though the builders pass.
[20:09:01] peterbennett: The buildbots managed with the latest, only fale on the prior
[20:09:13] peterbennett: s/fale/failed/
[20:09:21] hampton: I know. That's why I'm confused. :-)
[20:36:51] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@2601:183:100:504:adfc:da09:3e1b:7898) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[21:12:18] DevMythNotifyBot: pull_request opened by kmdewaal, "Allow IPTV tuning from HDHomeRun video source":
[21:18:17] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d81:ed01:7a84:3cff:fedf:a99) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:31:12] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@2601:183:100:504:86c4:db4a:8cce:bdb3) has joined #mythtv
[21:54:29] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@2601:183:100:504:86c4:db4a:8cce:bdb3) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[22:22:48] amessina (amessina!~amessina@user/amessina) has joined #mythtv
[23:01:00] MythBuild_: Build [#17]( of `master-f38–64bit` 4failed.
[23:11:45] MythBuild_: Build [#18]( of `master-f38–64bit` 3completed successfully.
[23:38:23] dvr (dvr! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[23:50:47] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@2601:183:100:504:6023:acd:555:c09f) has joined #mythtv

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