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Friday, May 13th, 2022, 00:16 UTC
[00:16:07] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has joined #mythtv
[00:16:08] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v peterbennett
[00:53:06] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[01:40:27] peper03_ (peper03_!~peper03@mythtv/developer/peper03) has joined #mythtv
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[02:45:53] frobnic (frobnic! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[02:46:05] frobnic (frobnic! has joined #mythtv
[04:02:59] troyt (troyt!troyt@2601:681:4101:5911:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e) has joined #mythtv
[06:13:59] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d83:6501:6ea1:20d:5872:d872) has joined #mythtv
[08:27:44] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d83:6501:fa68:6631:5ed6:d871) has joined #mythtv
[08:40:12] ooshlablu (ooshlablu!~ooshlablu@2601:18d:4600:43f0:a038:14ff:fe50:8510) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[09:26:20] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d83:6501:fa68:6631:5ed6:d871) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[09:26:57] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d83:6501:6ea1:20d:5872:d872) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[10:49:16] ooshlablu (ooshlablu!~ooshlablu@2601:18d:4600:43f0:a038:14ff:fe50:8510) has joined #mythtv
[11:53:33] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d83:6501:6ea1:20d:5872:d872) has joined #mythtv
[12:47:51] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has joined #mythtv
[12:47:51] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v peterbennett
[13:23:07] glenb77 (glenb77! has joined #mythtv
[13:51:11] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[14:16:43] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has joined #mythtv
[14:16:44] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v peterbennett
[14:53:34] glenb77 (glenb77! has quit (Quit: glenb77)
[15:49:04] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:02:30] paul-h (paul-h! has joined #mythtv
[17:02:30] paul-h (paul-h!~paul@mythtv/developer/paul-h) has joined #mythtv
[17:02:30] paul-h (paul-h! has quit (Changing host)
[17:02:30] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v paul-h
[18:16:46] DevMythNotifyBot: COMMIT: stuarta pushed 1 commit(s) to branch master: . . . 891fcbbc1196
[18:17:30] stuarta: paul-h: evening
[18:26:32] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has joined #mythtv
[18:26:33] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v peterbennett
[18:39:05] paul-h: evening stuarta
[18:39:46] ** paul-h is busy watching YouTube video rather than working on Myth **
[18:41:11] paul-h: peterbennett: I added some more notes to the wiki regarding translations
[18:41:24] peterbennett: OK Thanks
[18:42:18] peterbennett: paul-h: I am trying to implement error handling for the update. Currently if the update fails (e.g. backend went down) there is no indication back to the user.
[18:42:20] stuarta: paul-h: i don't blame you. i'm coding whilst watching swimming
[18:45:34] paul-h: peterbennett: you mean when saving the settings?
[18:45:41] peterbennett: yes
[18:47:16] paul-h: I think there is an example on the Testbed that uses catchError to check for an error that may give you a start
[18:47:58] peterbennett: I found an example, just working it in.
[18:49:03] peterbennett: The observable never gets triggered if there is a failure, e.g. backend down.
[18:49:45] peterbennett: If I come up with appropriate error handling we can add it to the other pages.
[18:50:47] stuarta: we haven't got any error handling wrapped around httpClient. pretty sure there is stuff in rxjs to handle this
[18:51:36] peterbennett: One thing – I created a separate interface and get method for the miscellaneous page, so that it only pulls in values for the current component instead of pulling in for all components at the start. I think that will help with performance.
[18:52:22] stuarta: peterbennett: fyi, angular doesn't even call the service if it doesn't need the data
[18:52:30] stuarta: i lost hours debugging that
[18:52:57] stuarta: unless there is something in the html page which consumes the data from a service, it'll never be called
[18:53:06] peterbennett: Let me check that
[18:53:23] stuarta: i mention is because it sounds like you may be solving a non problem
[18:54:36] stuarta: lots of reading here
[18:55:06] paul-h: I think he is talking about the data for the settings which I guess will fire off many GetSetting calls
[18:56:20] stuarta: ah, that'stthe thing tho. the call doesn't get fired until it's used on the html page
[18:57:23] stuarta: peterbennett: which component are you lookinat?
[18:57:36] peterbennett: There are 10 calls to GetSetting when I launch backend settings before any are displayed on screen
[18:59:37] peterbennett: It does them in the constructor of settings.component.ts
[18:59:55] stuarta: ah i just moved them
[19:00:04] paul-h: I'm assuming you are talking about all the GetSettings in setup.service.ts
[19:01:10] stuarta: peterbennett: my last commit moves some calls from the constructor to ngOnInit() in backendnetwork.component.ts, you probably need to do the same
[19:01:13] peterbennett: Yes – it gets all the settings for the first two pages in the constructor. The ones for miscellaneous I put in a separate method that I call
[19:01:40] stuarta: i had to do that in the guide
[19:02:26] stuarta: function which actually calls the API to get guide data, and that's called from ngOnInit() to get the initial data set, and the date picker ends up calling it again when dismissed
[19:03:27] peterbennett: It seems to be the recommendation to rather use ngInit than the constructor in components.
[19:04:05] stuarta: correct
[19:05:43] stuarta: eg . . . e9a7d0704372
[19:09:21] stuarta: it all has to do with the DOM model and when things are loaded vs rendered
[19:09:40] stuarta: loaded = constructor, rendered = ngOnInit()
[19:20:16] stuarta: peterbennett: i see what you mean, quite a few to move into ngOnInit()
[20:19:30] paul-h: WARNING: disabling Python bindings; missing simplejson – is that a new dependency?
[20:24:34] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:25:03] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7d83:6501:6ea1:20d:5872:d872) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[20:46:16] stuarta[m]: must be. Not noticed it before though
[20:53:07] paul-h: could have been there since we switched to python3 and I never noticed
[20:53:23] paul-h: I just needed to install python3-simplejson
[20:55:13] paul-h: Just checked the deb packaging and it already installs it
[20:58:42] paul-h: I got the exit guard working on the settings page but unfortunately I don't see a way to get it to work with the lazy loading of the accordion
[21:20:46] amessina (amessina!~amessina@user/amessina) has joined #mythtv
[21:32:16] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has joined #mythtv
[21:32:16] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v peterbennett
[21:34:12] ulmus-scott (ulmus-scott!~ulmus-sco@user/ulmus-scott) has joined #mythtv
[21:38:01] paul-h (paul-h!~paul@mythtv/developer/paul-h) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:59:28] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:49:54] DevMythNotifyBot: pull_request opened by ulmus-scott, "mythplugins/configure: remove unused check for stdint.h":
[23:20:25] DevMythNotifyBot: pull_request opened by ulmus-scott, " remove unused conditional HEADER":
[23:24:12] DevMythNotifyBot: pull_request opened by ulmus-scott, "libmythfreemheg cleanup":
[23:25:25] DevMythNotifyBot: pull_request closed by ulmus-scott, "C++17 __has_include (sort of...) and minor libmythfreemheg cleanup":
[23:42:24] ulmus-scott (ulmus-scott!~ulmus-sco@user/ulmus-scott) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:57:24] peterbennett (peterbennett!~peter@mythtv/developer/peterbennett) has joined #mythtv
[23:57:25] Mode for #mythtv by ChanServ! : +v peterbennett

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