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Monday, July 2nd, 2018, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:54] dragonian (dragonian!~dragonian@2604:6000:100e:8165:2050:6aad:55:7dcd) has joined #mythtv
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[06:20:08] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7da3:4501:9200:4eff:feb3:e38b) has joined #mythtv
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[09:49:08] warpme (warpme! has joined #mythtv
[09:49:27] warpme: hi guys!
[09:50:05] warpme: quick Q: is current master working ok with Qt5.10 OpenGL painter?
[09:52:09] warpme: I’m trying to upgrade qt from 5.4.1 to 5.10.1 (building from sources) and can’t get OpenGL working…. Qt5.10 configure result reports „OpenGL Desktop: yes” – but myth says „ OpenGL not available. Falling back to Qt painter”.
[09:54:22] warpme: I’m a bit out of ideas where to look for more info to move forward. Qt5.10 build has no any error report. Also all build dependencies seem to be meet…
[10:00:22] stuarta: --verbose playback give you any clues?
[10:02:08] warpme: unfortunatelly no. I launch fe with verbose „all” and related info has only 2 lines: 2018-07–02 11:36:05.106735 W OpenGL not available. Falling back to Qt painter.
[10:02:08] warpme: 2018-07–02 11:36:05.106824 I Using the Qt painter
[10:05:52] stuarta: then you'll need to add some debug code in the area that statement comes from to understand why it's failing
[10:06:41] warpme: Looking on myth sources I see myth says such log when Qt in reported list of avaliable painters to myth don’t have OpenGL. So it looks like: (a) my qt5.10 build don’t have OpenGL or (b)it has but myth don’t see this. I doubt for (b). But qt5.10 build is clean and qt configure says „OpenGL Desktop: yes”....
[10:13:08] stuarta: so the check QGLFormat::hasOpenGL() is failing, which implies it's with your build
[10:13:52] stuarta: you get that warning if the platform doesn't support it and you've requested OpenGL playback
[10:14:32] stuarta:
[10:18:13] warpme: what frustrates me is that qt build is clean. qt configure reports „OpenGL desktop: yes” – so I don’t know even where to start to look for root casue…
[10:18:55] stuarta: peterbennett: ^^^ when you wake up, do you have any theories?
[10:19:33] warpme: looking on target machine with LDD shows all libs are present…
[10:21:08] stuarta: i would try to write a bit of test code to see what you can get out of just QGLFormat()
[10:21:09] warpme: all this pretends like qt reports OpenGL ver to myth which myth reads as incompatible. but this is too strage for me….
[10:23:21] stuarta: try some of the basic sample prgrams from here
[10:23:36] stuarta: these are just the most basic opengl triangle, done in Qt
[10:24:06] warpme: right. It’s a bit sad that myth not reporting such info in it’s verbose:all mode. Might be usefull to troubleshoting users problems with OpenGL
[10:24:25] stuarta: well it is, it's just said it's not availabl
[10:24:35] stuarta: now we just need to understand why
[10:27:13] stuarta: for reference, my laptop has Qt5.10 and both 01a and 01b examples run fine
[10:29:01] warpme: oh quick q: do you have current myth master runing ok with qt5.10 OpenGL ?
[10:29:22] stuarta: not tried, but should work ok
[10:29:28] stuarta: lemme rebuild it now
[10:32:48] stuarta: warpme: i've applied this patch to my source
[10:33:06] stuarta: and it reports that opengl is available using the same call we use, please try on your setup
[10:38:28] warpme: milion thx for code example. unfortunatelly it is not easy for me to quick play with this as I’m on cross-compile enviroment and need to do some setup to play with your code. it is possible to add such OpenGL basics reporting code to myth? This will be much easier for me (as I have fully automated building myth from git) and also beneficial for all myth users tracking iasues with OpenGL  – of course if You have time to do it!
[10:39:21] stuarta: it's already in mythtv, i've literally dropped the one line into the sample code
[10:40:04] stuarta: so the non cross compile is just `qmake <pro_file>; make`
[10:45:26] warpme: ah ok. I’ll try to play with it then. unfortunatelly it looks like I cleanup my QtWebKit build by accident and now needs to rebuild it. OMG – it is 3h+ on my i7…
[10:56:32] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7da3:4501:7a24:afff:fe9d:c233) has joined #mythtv
[11:39:24] toeb (toeb! has joined #mythtv
[12:10:42] peterbennett: warpme: stuarta FWIW on Android we use qt 5.10.1 and OpenGL works ok
[12:14:03] warpme: peterbennett: isn’t that Android uses OpenGL ES?
[12:32:55] blahdodo (blahdodo!~blahdodo@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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[13:19:28] peterbennett: warpme: Yes I think OpenGL ES
[13:20:32] stuarta: that would make sense
[14:12:31] markspieth22: there is large commonality between gl2 and gles2 implementation. the android implementation short circuits the es2 detection and assumes its there as the detect code doesnt work due to restricted num of gl contexts available. I havent played with gl on desktop so cant add much.
[14:25:17] ooshlablu (ooshlablu!~ooshlablu@2601:18d:4600:5f31:c9ca:6b8e:8379:f2a0) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:26:09] ooshlablu (ooshlablu!~ooshlablu@2601:18d:4600:5f31:857:4566:c84c:ca41) has joined #mythtv
[14:28:05] markspieth22: warpme: there is a cond option to select between opnglcontext and the deprecated glcontext classes. cant remember the file but let the desktop version use openglcontext and see.
[14:31:39] warpme: what most intriguing me is that qt builds no single error and very few warnings. Qt GL builds perfectly clean. And myth with qt5.10.1 as well.. I’m using practically unchanged qt build config + all dependencies (perfectly working for 5.4.1). Just sources are changed to 5.10.1 (and of course qtwebengine is disabled as I’m buildng separate QtWebKit).
[14:32:34] warpme: markspieth22: do You know by heart what ./configure options play with openglcontext?
[14:33:17] markspieth22: not configure. change the file conditions.
[14:33:43] warpme: markspieth22: ??
[14:34:13] markspieth22: it takes a bit to build webkit for qt5.10 too.
[14:34:24] warpme: do you mean qt sources or myth?
[14:34:41] markspieth22: myth source.
[14:40:43] markspieth22: USE_OPENGL_QT5
[14:42:04] warpme: markspieth22: where it is set?
[14:42:46] markspieth22: mythrender_opengl.h
[14:43:07] markspieth22: near top
[14:43:37] warpme: right. just grep’ed it :-)
[14:44:44] warpme: ough – must still wait till WebKit rebuilds. btw: for qt5.10 webkit thing: are you using WebKit5.212 from annulen git or…?
[14:46:19] markspieth22: no. a qt5.9 version patched to look like 5.10.1. 5.212 wouldnt build under android aarch64.
[14:46:51] markspieth22: works great
[14:48:40] markspieth22: about 20min for libs inc qt on my ryzen 1700
[14:48:59] warpme: hmm – 5.212 builds ok for aarch64 in my enviroment – so maybe this is adnroid speciffic?. Nevermind: „qt5.9 version patched to look like 5.10.1” – this is interesting… may you be pls a bit more speciffic?
[14:49:59] markspieth22: see packaging/android for details
[14:54:21] warpme: perfect. thx! Just looking :-)
[14:55:56] warpme: ah – i wasn’t aware that 5.9 has WebKit!!! Very interesting. Is it mean that with 5.9 I can compile from . . . ?
[14:57:16] warpme: definitelly I’ll try it as 5.212 needs some play with .pc and .pri files to get all working in cross-compile enviroment….
[14:58:57] markspieth22: yes
[15:00:56] markspieth22: be funny if ios worked too
[15:00:57] warpme: perfect. thx for this hint!!!
[15:04:47] stuarta: tbh we should be able to get OpenGL ES working on desktop too. what would we actually lose by using only ES??
[15:08:56] warpme (warpme! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[15:25:09] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has joined #mythtv
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[15:29:49] peterbennett: markspieth markspieth22 gigem: gdb is working for me now.
[15:30:25] markspieth22: woohoo
[15:30:43] peterbennett: markspieth22: I did not re-order the gdbserver and network parts, just fixed the socket
[15:31:00] stuarta: lemme know if anyone needs any selinux advice ;-)
[15:31:53] peterbennett: markspieth22: For the gdbserver copy I used the original code just changed the push directory from /sdcard to /data/local/tmp
[15:32:43] peterbennett: markspieth22: Which do you prefer, push to /data/local/tmp and copy or the cat with redirect?
[15:32:58] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey!~steve@2a00:23c5:7da3:4501:9200:4eff:feb3:e38b) has joined #mythtv
[15:34:26] markspieth22: how backward compatible is this path with other android versions? that would be the main criteria.
[15:35:27] markspieth22: I thought cp with runas didn't work from there.
[15:35:48] peterbennett: markspieth22: I could add some code to get the name of the temp directory, I found it in an environment variable
[15:37:00] peterbennett: markspieth22: TMPDIR in the android shell
[15:37:22] markspieth22: ok. but that still leaves user access issues doing the final cp to the app dir.
[15:37:50] markspieth22: this is what gigem hit.
[15:38:11] peterbennett: markspieth22: No issues doing the copy. the TMPDIR can be copied from by mythtv user
[15:38:35] markspieth22: ok good solution then.
[15:38:44] peterbennett: markspieth22: What confused gigem is that the mythtv user can copy from the temp dir but cannot list the directory
[15:39:01] markspieth22: ah
[15:39:36] peterbennett: temp directory has permissions rwxrwx--x
[15:39:53] stuarta: gotta love a classic permissions question
[15:40:19] markspieth22: selinux makes it even more confusing
[15:40:53] markspieth22: oreo is tighter in this regard
[15:42:16] markspieth22: fix and push. maybe move the 2 cofig vars to the top with a source override
[15:42:38] ** stuarta loves selinux **
[15:42:55] peterbennett: Ok do you think that TMPDIR will always be there on android to tell you the directory name?
[15:43:07] markspieth22: dunno
[15:45:13] markspieth22: I'll catch the rest of the thread in the morning.
[15:45:27] peterbennett: Goodnight
[15:46:20] stuarta: peterbennett: is TMPDIR from the shell of from java?
[15:48:22] stuarta: s/of/or
[15:49:29] markspieth22 (markspieth22! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[16:06:45] peterbennett: stuarta: TMPDIR is from the shell
[16:06:53] stuarta: thanks, thought so
[16:07:09] peterbennett: stuarta: But I don't know how it gets there, having some issues
[16:07:34] peterbennett: adb shell followed by env or echo $TMPDIR gives it to me
[16:07:57] peterbennett: but adb shell env (one command) does not show it
[16:08:34] peterbennett: also echo env | adb shell does not show it.
[16:08:55] stuarta: sounds like one of those is local and the other is remote
[16:09:05] stuarta: so the shell on android defines that for you
[16:09:27] stuarta: echo env | adb shell <- local
[16:10:01] stuarta: `adb shell env` runs only the command env, which as it's not the shell, it isn't being defined
[16:10:25] peterbennett: I am confused
[16:10:25] stuarta: `adb shell` would do a login (i assume) which means the shell is run, and populates the env
[16:10:37] peterbennett: right
[16:10:46] stuarta: tbh, i'm making some assumptions here
[16:10:57] stuarta: but typically it's the shell which populates these variables
[16:11:01] peterbennett: But I would think that echo env | adb shell would work
[16:11:28] stuarta: however it could also be the login, (ie. interactive shell) which does it
[16:12:36] stuarta: ah i see, you are piping the command into the shell, which is really no different from `adb shell env`
[16:12:59] peterbennett: Both ways are doing the same.
[16:13:00] stuarta: but doing just `adb shell` does a login (and so possibly adds other env variables)
[16:13:55] peterbennett: I would think that echo env|adb shell should be the same as typing adb shell <enter> env <enter> but apparently not
[16:17:32] peterbennett: So searching for information gives a couple of stack exchange articles that say /data/local/tmp will exist on all android devices and writable by shell, but there does not seem to be any official documentation on that that I can find.
[16:42:19] gigem: peterbennett: Glad it works for you. Check in whatever version of the fix you like.
[16:49:17] Merlin83b (Merlin83b! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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