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Monday, September 28th, 2015, 00:41 UTC
[00:41:02] jpabq: stuartm, et al: This works for the cases I have tested, but it could use another set of eyes:
[00:42:09] Roklobsta (Roklobsta! has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
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[08:04:07] stuarta: morning all
[08:06:15] stuartm: morning
[08:06:37] stuarta: well i've declared my shiny new dvb-t2 stick DOA and requested a new one after testing on windows revealed no channels either
[08:06:55] enyc: stuarta: =)
[08:07:10] stuarta: to say it's upsetting, is an understatement
[08:07:28] enyc: 'hit reseller with sticks?
[08:08:49] stuarta: no hitting required. it's amazon, so they just go, okay, we are sending you a new one, you have 1 month to send us back the broken one or we charge you for it
[08:11:57] enyc: ;p
[08:12:20] enyc: in what country are you trying to use this etc.?
[08:12:32] enyc: in UK dvb-t2 is only needed for ''hdtv'' as they put it
[08:13:21] Roklobotomy: is it one supported by the kernel or do you have to do module foo?
[08:16:20] stuarta: enyc: uk
[08:16:53] stuarta: Roklobotomy: well that's fun in itself. i was on 14.04.x lts release which didn't supported it
[08:17:03] stuarta: so i hacked my way up to 15.04 which does
[08:17:27] stuarta: halfway through i was pointed to the backported kernels which run the newer kernels on the LTS release
[08:17:58] stuarta: too late by then, so i just finished the upgrade
[08:18:34] stuarta: enyc: i already have dvb-s,dvb-s2,dvb-t was just missing dvb-t2
[08:18:49] stuarta: and yes it's for the hd channels
[08:21:39] Roklobotomy: oh yeah, i use 14.04 on my myth box but use the latest kernel from ubuntu that supports the nvidia card without whinging.
[08:22:54] Roklobotomy: 4.1.3-040103-generic and nvidia-340
[08:23:26] Roklobotomy: coz I have an olde nvidia card
[08:35:42] stuarta: note to self, when downloading firmware, check the firmware looks like firmware and not html
[08:41:26] Roklobotomy: oh yeah, some stupid script thing eh?
[08:41:33] Roklobotomy: wget fail
[08:42:15] stuarta: wget fail
[08:42:29] stuarta: tried to download firmware from github and got html
[08:44:15] stuarta: sigh. wonder if that bricked the stick
[08:44:51] Roklobotomy: eh getting a new one don't worry
[08:45:00] Roklobotomy: is it ram firmware or rom firmware?
[08:45:08] stuarta: i won't. now have the correct firmware in place
[08:45:11] stuarta: ram firmware
[08:45:20] stuarta: so in theory it shouldn't matter
[08:46:13] Roklobotomy: no
[08:46:29] Roklobotomy: it's not in linuxfirmware-nonfree?
[08:46:40] stuarta: no idea
[08:46:55] Roklobotomy: get the latest runnable kernel and latest firmware debs
[08:47:33] stuarta: nope, it's not . . . ree/filelist
[08:47:40] Roklobotomy: poop
[08:47:59] stuarta: dvb-demod-si2168*
[08:48:09] Roklobotomy: antti fail
[08:48:27] stuarta: they are all here
[08:51:53] Roklobotomy: not here neither
[08:52:20] Roklobotomy: have yo uguys messed with the cheapie intel sticks?
[08:56:15] stuarta: no, i think there is a thread about them on the forum
[08:56:30] Roklobotomy: they have a whiney fan in them. pox
[08:56:55] Roklobotomy: argh don't make me read a forum!
[08:57:37] stuarta: they have a fan in that little stick?
[08:57:51] mournblade (mournblade! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:57:51] Roklobotomy: yeah
[08:57:58] stuarta: ug
[08:58:08] Roklobotomy: arm all the way
[08:58:27] stuarta: wtf it the point of a tiny little usb stick, if it has a fan :(
[08:58:34] stuarta: i was interested until you said that
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[09:00:31] Roklobotomy: Gizmodo says avoid.
[09:01:31] Roklobotomy: give it another few years.
[09:03:10] stuarta: oooo. nginx have released a new version with http/2 support
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[10:06:53] SteveGoodey: stuarta: Did I miss what dvb-t2 stick you were talking about?
[10:08:49] stuarta: SteveGoodey: from a few days ago, it's a pctv 292e
[10:09:22] stuarta: i'm on a mission to make sure it works properly with myth
[10:11:37] SteveGoodey: Thanks. I got one of those as a warrenty replacement for a faulty PCTV290e. Which was a bummer. As you say it didn't work with mythtv.
[10:13:04] stuarta: in theory there isn't anything to prevent it from working
[10:13:24] stuarta: and as it's the most likely dvb-t2 stick anyone would get in the uk, it makes sense to have it working
[10:14:10] stuarta: bah, this systemd update is a pain in the arse
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[10:35:23] libsci: are you saying the 290e or the 292e does not work with myth?
[10:35:48] stuarta: libsci: the 292e doesn't auto switch, but mythtv assumes that all tuners do
[10:36:12] stuarta: so if you tried to tune to a dvb-t2 channel when it's in dvb-t mode it won't work
[10:36:49] stuarta: if it's in dvb-t mode, then in theory it should work on a dvb-t channel
[10:37:37] libsci: hmm, I have the 290e laying around, was just clarifying
[10:37:47] stuarta: that auto switches
[10:38:14] libsci: so I can't help :)
[10:38:19] stuarta: non auto switching sticks have started coming out since the support dvb-c as well as -t and -t2
[10:38:37] stuarta: libsci: nor can i until the new one turns up :-/
[10:39:12] stuarta: on the bright side, they've shipped it already, probably turn up tomorrow
[10:43:26] libsci: I am quite happy with my dual -s2 tuner setup, although I am using djcm's branch which has support for non-autoswitching tuners and UKs current/next EID support.
[10:43:49] stuarta: that's the code i'm trying to merge
[10:46:21] libsci: The current/next EID support too?
[10:47:05] stuarta: what does that give you?
[10:47:33] stuarta: asked another way, what do you find useful about it?
[10:55:51] libsci: if a program overruns, the recorder continues to record until it the next program starts.
[10:56:53] libsci: and it sets a bookmark at the actual start time of a program, so you can start recording early and skip right to the start of the program
[10:57:23] libsci: but djcm's implementation is quite a hack
[10:57:55] stuarta: i think it'll need reworking to something better.
[10:58:02] stuarta: just no idea how to do that right now
[10:59:07] libsci: I am not sure if myth has the functionality to change the end time of an already recording program?
[11:00:03] stuarta: no, that's why dave's solution is a bit of a hack, it adds that in a suboptimal way
[11:00:31] libsci: :P
[11:02:22] libsci: I guess you would want to parse the EID information somewhere else and update the EPG and the scheduler when information changes?
[11:03:35] stuarta: maybe fire off events, ie. "extend recording for 1 minute"
[11:08:39] stuarta: the parsing of the EID where he's done it is right
[11:09:02] stuarta: it's the intertwining of the scheduler and recorder that's the issue
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[13:29:01] stuarta: \o/ replacement stick arrived
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[13:50:21] stuartm: nice, that was fast
[13:51:25] stuarta: i'm wondering if it wasn't actually faulty. the aerial socket i used didn't give any channels with the new stick
[13:51:38] stuarta: so i tried a different one and it worked
[13:52:00] stuarta: plus the linux box now has the correct firmware, so it might actually initialize properly this time
[13:54:58] stuarta: i'm wondering if i've unplugged that socket in the loft
[13:55:12] stuarta: i now have a vague recollection of disconnecting one of them
[13:55:50] stuartm: oops?
[13:56:23] ** stuarta suspects pebkac **
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[14:18:37] SteveGoodey: Hmm. That's the sort of stupid thing I do. :-)
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[14:47:17] stuarta: it lives \o/
[15:09:19] stuarta: i really detest that the contents of one of the two hd muxes is shopping channels
[15:21:50] stuartm: it's amazing how much money they must make to be able to outbid major broadcasters for the space
[15:22:29] stuartm: how many people watch shopping channels and then buy the crap they sell?
[15:23:14] gary_buhrmaster: stuarta: Do I need to point out that the existence of such channels is a reflection of the viewers interests/desires? You must detest your fellow country people (or at least their tastes).
[15:25:02] stuarta: it's a reflection of the couch potatoes in this country
[15:28:14] gary_buhrmaster: I believe that there is a quote something like: "leisure time breeds philosophy" (or culture, or something like that, I have probably misquoted).
[15:28:56] gary_buhrmaster: Apparently sometimes the culture/philosophy that has been breed includes shopping channels.
[15:31:17] gary_buhrmaster: (it has certainly breed multi-billion <monetary unit> contracts for sports franchises)
[15:54:21] jheizer: older generation's internet impulse buying
[15:56:58] jheizer: My wife's grandparents buy stuff from them all the time.
[16:06:08] stuartm: OT – Does Chromium not have a fullscreen option?!?
[16:07:22] stuartm: hmm, nevermind, seems it does but another app was intercepting the keypress
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[18:47:55] stuartm: jpabq: actual regexp changes look good to me, I glanced over the rest of it and nothing stood out as obviously wrong
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[22:05:35] dekarl: stuartm, fyi with iOS9 the web frontend's menu bar collapses again. But the page reloads every second (or so) making it hard to do anything useful.
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[22:10:15] Roklobsta: eh install chrome or something else. safari is awful.
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[23:02:51] stuartm: dekarl: safari really is lousy, but I'll take a look, please remind me towards the weekend when I should have more time available
[23:07:23] Roklobsta: LOL put a reminder in google calendar. or use a post it note.
[23:21:46] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[23:24:32] stuartm: I'm drowning in post-it notes, note books, calendar events, it just becomes another item on a very long list – but I'll always listen to dekarl, it reminds me who I'm fixing it for :)
[23:27:34] stuartm: if I wasn't about to head out of the country for two months then I'd take the time to investigate it right now
[23:31:14] Roklobsta: 2 months? holidays?
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