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Saturday, February 1st, 2014, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:40] stuartm: we'll need a housekeeper task to clean up old live streaming transcodes after a period
[00:09:48] natanojl (natanojl!~jonatan@mythtv/developer/natanojl) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[00:53:38] stichnot (stichnot!~stichnot@mythtv/developer/stichnot) has joined #mythtv
[01:01:50] stuartm: JW Player 6 is available if anyone is familiar with editing action script (removing the watermark) and compiling with flex
[01:07:11] stichnot (stichnot!~stichnot@mythtv/developer/stichnot) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[01:24:53] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has quit (Quit: Body blow! Body blow!)
[01:33:36] bill6502: stuartm:Shouldn't the user (rather than Housekeeping) be the one to decide that a recording transcoded for streaming should be deleted? #11386 grew past my initial subject line, but perhaps adding the ability to get free space in the Streaming storage group would help.
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[02:40:50] skd5aner: jheizer: any chance of getting mono out of the equation with MobileMyth?
[02:48:06] skd5aner: sphery: I do think it's extremely poor UX that the user is not notified that a schema update is actually occuring – I've sat there before when it's going and simply thought the frontend was locked up... it's a recipe for disaster, as people will kill off the process thinking it's unresponsive
[02:53:19] wagnerrp: we warn prior to frontend plugin schema updates
[02:53:19] wagnerrp: or at least we used to
[02:57:41] wagnerrp (wagnerrp!~wagnerrp_@mythtv/developer/wagnerrp) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[03:04:32] skd5aner: wagnerrp: the problem is, that sometimes those schema updates take a few seconds, but there have been times in the past (mythvideo integration was one I think, and maybe the mythmusic re-write) where it took several minutes, and the frontend is completely locked up at that point
[03:04:39] skd5aner: only if you go to the logs do you know what is going on
[03:08:50] DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
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[03:51:04] sphery: skd5aner: I didn't say it was good, but until someone rewrites the schema wizard in mythui, we can't do much about it
[03:51:38] sphery: the part I was saying was good enough was just the part where the system doing the upgrade is the one that does the backup
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[04:06:52] wagnerrp: skd5aner: yeah, i'm going to have a similar issue when the file scanner gets put in place
[04:07:04] wagnerrp: it's not going to take long to do a schema upgrade
[04:07:24] wagnerrp: but it will likely take some time to reconnect content once the backend starts up
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[09:55:53] paul-h: stuartm: I haven't tested scanning the local directory for a few days so it may well be broken. I had hoped to have switched it over to use storage groups exclusively by now
[09:57:04] paul-h: Sorry you lost your playlists that not good but that's what you get for running master and I did email the dev list saying expect some breakage
[10:05:57] paul-h: I should have done what I usually do and develop it in private to work out all the bugs and then commit one bit patch with the changes but then you get the likes of skd5aner I think it was complaining because they wanted to know what was going on. You can't win sometimes
[10:08:36] stuartm: paul-h: I'm not really broken up about losing the playlists, they weren't really worth keeping :)
[10:08:55] stuartm: paul-h: it's the storage group scanning that isn't working for me
[10:09:43] stuartm: "mythutil --scanmusic" isn't scanning the storage group but the current working directory
[10:11:04] paul-h: That would be because it's partly disabled so it should still be using the local music start directory. There is an #if 0 in mythutil to enable it to use the storage group
[10:11:24] stuartm: if I make my working directory the root of the music storage group then it scans properly but inserts absolute directory names e.g. /mnt/myth1/music/Classical/Bach/
[10:12:41] stuartm: paul-h: ok, that would explain it – I removed the local music directory setting to ensure that it scanned only the storage group, I didn't realise storage group scanning was disabled
[10:13:19] paul-h: I'm just going to start removing the local file stuff today and hope I can get most of it completed this weekend before I get lynched
[10:13:25] stuartm: seems that if it can't find the local directory setting it's falling back to using the present directory
[10:13:48] stuartm: paul-h: no hurry, I'm not ralling a mob :)
[10:14:33] stuartm: I just wasn't sure what was or wasn't supposed to be working
[10:20:51] dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
[10:23:52] dekarl: paul-h: what came as a surprise to me was that it did scan all files, but deleted and added the entries (as if it did not realize that its seeing the same files and updating them)
[10:26:08] paul-h: dekarl: yeah I saw that. I haven't seen that here but I started with a clean DB. At some point I will restore my old DB and try upgrading from scratch to see what happens
[10:26:46] dekarl: our users will appreciate that ;)
[10:27:37] dekarl: btw, is the format columns used for something? e.g. selection of audio decoder? I haven't used mythmusic for file playback in 1,5 years. So I'm not sure what broke and when
[10:28:49] paul-h: Let me check I don't think it's used for anything
[10:32:49] paul-h: All blank here so likely not used for anything There is some junk in the music schema from a failed project to bring it in line with some other program that has been abandoned
[10:33:47] stuartm: dekarl: a lot of columns are unused in the schema, way back when the schema was re-written it was more or less a copy/paste from the schema used by an audio serving project popular at the time (can't remember the name), the idea being that it would make it easier to be compatible
[10:33:55] stuartm: or what paul-h said
[10:36:12] stuartm: may have been MPD –
[10:37:33] stuartm: this was one of these "why does MythTV re-invent the wheel, it should just be a wrapper around X" scenarios
[10:37:35] dekarl: ahh ok, then I need to look into why no audio decoder is found later
[10:38:49] stuartm: someone actually submitted a patch which included some worthwhile changes, so it got incorporated but people lost interest in MPD
[10:39:57] stuartm: I note there's one feature it supports that people still ask about – crossfade
[10:41:46] dekarl: hmm, cutlist support for music would be nice (basically just in/out cut points like iTunes & co. support)
[10:41:55] dekarl: ahh, so many ideas, so little time
[10:47:27] dekarl: paul-h, thanks for checking. maybe we can clean up some of the old unused parts someday
[10:49:16] stuartm: some of it we might actually find a use for, i.e. increased metadata such as the track bitrate and number of channels
[10:52:04] dekarl: but that's useful for video/recording metadata, too (or available audio track languages)
[11:20:33] dekarl: btw, i fiddled with trac, so danielk does not get new automatic assignments. But didn't want to spam everyone with unassignments so everyone can take a look at his list and pick some to handle
[11:23:26] stuartm: for a US incorporated entity, is the registered address that of the agent? It is in the UK, but I want to be sure I'm filling this form out correctly
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[12:20:16] MythBuild: build #96 of master-f20–64bit is complete: Failure [4failed git] Build details are at . . . it/builds/96 blamelist: Paul Harrison < >
[12:30:24] stuartm: our new SSL cert is setup, we'll be configuring it so that all logins are done over the https connection
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[13:31:51] MythBuild: build #97 of master-f20–64bit is complete: Success [3build successful] Build details are at . . . it/builds/97
[14:13:38] dekarl: is there a way to mark all "old" passwords as needing replacement?
[14:18:36] stuartm: dekarl: not for trac, possibly a plugin for the wiki but I'm not concerned about that so much
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[15:26:14] stuartm: /trac is now configured to use https, it could perhaps be more specific and only apply to the login but I'd need to check that it always uses the same address (/trac/login) first
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[16:13:07] skd5aner: paul-h: :( I appreciate your work, however you feel comfortable doing it... that said, I do think it's nice to have transparency and input on huge major changes rather than doing everything in the dark and committing a "finished" product
[16:15:01] skd5aner: paul-h: also, I would expect some minor breakage in master – isn't that kind of the point, ongoing changes with no guarentee of stability or breakage?
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[16:17:58] skd5aner: paul-h: and, I don't really think I was that vocal (especially compared to others), but I probably did chime in in the past... either way – please know I appreciate your contributions to the project, new and old :)
[16:17:58] stuartm: is anyone able to offer insight into why blocking third party cookies would break trac logins when using ssl?
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[17:08:44] jheizer: skd5aner: Dropping mono would basically mean starting over from scratch.
[17:09:02] skd5aner: jheizer: yea, that wouldn't be good :)
[17:09:26] jheizer: When I started I never expected to turn it into a full blown project.
[17:09:48] jheizer: Was just cranking something out for my wife to use.
[17:09:55] skd5aner: that's pretty common... things turn from little pet projects to big monsters
[17:10:14] jheizer: Yuup.
[17:10:47] jheizer: At that point the android fe was having issues and I wanted to be able to have a single interface across kindle, ipad, and android phone
[17:11:41] jheizer: Back to house painting. :)
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[18:50:29] dekarl: stuartm, http://*cgit does not redirect to http*s*://*cgit. Do we want to change all links to prefer https?
[18:51:15] dekarl: nvm, now its working
[18:51:41] stuartm: dekarl: not at the moment, in principle I would love for everything to use ssl, but in practice our hardware could do without the extra load
[18:53:33] stuartm: so until we're sure that it's handling things well, we're only enforcing ssl for trac (protecting logins and sessions), and we will start protect logins on the wiki and forum soon
[18:54:55] stuartm: atm the whole of is forced to https and Strict Transport Security is enabled for good measure, cookies have the secure flag set
[18:56:10] stuartm: we'll allow other areas to use ssl, but it will be up to the user to consciously use the https:// prefix
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[18:57:22] skd5aner: stuartm: guessings it's because of your SSL work, but the wiki is getting a 404 and redirects (unsuccesfully) to
[19:19:29] stuartm: wtf
[19:19:34] stuartm: wasn't doing that earlier
[19:27:45] stuartm: seriously, wtf
[19:35:56] stuartm: skd5aner: can you restart your browser and try again?
[19:42:00] skd5aner: stuartm: looks good now
[19:42:35] stuartm: not sure what went wrong, disabled a couple of rewrites but neither should have caused that issue :/
[19:42:44] skd5aner: the wonders of apache :)
[19:43:29] skd5aner: I liken it to lirc... takes days to get it working right, then when it does, you DON'T TOUCH IT. 5 years down the road, you pray you never have to start from scratch – haha
[19:43:44] stuartm: is a separate virt host, and nothing in the config even mentions :/
[19:48:21] stuartm: setting up mediawiki to only require https when logging in or changing passwords etc is not as simple as it should be :(
[19:49:13] stuartm: there's a plugin which claims to that but it's been long abandoned by it's author and doesn't really work with multiple languages
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[19:56:21] stuartm: wow, accessing the wiki through https is a special kind of slow, wonder why
[19:57:56] stuartm: 56K dial was never this slow
[19:58:00] stuartm: dial up
[20:07:56] stuartm: ah, php is crashing because of issues with mod_spdy
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[20:33:21] stuartm: oh that's cool, HTTP 2.0 will require encryption as standard
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[20:59:16] wagnerrp: isn't is also going to be binary, rather than ascii?
[21:11:55] stuartm: sort of, it will always be compressed, headers too
[21:12:37] stuartm: atm, even on servers that compress content the headers are sent as uncompressed plain text
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