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Wednesday, November 6th, 2013, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:58] BlackBishop (BlackBishop! has joined #mythtv
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[08:52:47] jya: stuartm: did you put any sample anywhere?
[08:59:49] stuartm: jya:
[09:02:27] Merlin83b (Merlin83b!~Daniel@2a00:1ee0:3:1337:451a:c94a:29d:9b00) has joined #mythtv
[09:05:33] jya: thanks
[09:12:35] jya: stuartm: how do I access the MHEG menu ?
[09:15:35] stuartm: F2 = RED
[09:16:00] stuartm: F3 = Green, F4 = Yellow, F5 = Blue
[09:16:23] stuartm: F7 = Text iirc
[09:17:37] jya: so i just press F2 during playback?
[09:17:44] stuartm: yup
[09:18:12] jya: does the MHEG stuff works within myth video ?
[09:18:28] jya: F2 does nothing here... maybe a key binding issue... or is there a menu ?
[09:18:29] stuartm: yes, as long as it's actually enabled
[09:18:58] jya: oh here it is.. it just takes time
[09:19:38] jya: is the info all in mheg or it accesses that data via a http connection?
[09:20:34] stuartm: most is in the stream, but stuff which offers to show other video will try to change the channel
[09:21:03] jya: they had news dated November 6th... which is now...
[09:21:14] stuartm: there's some http usage for stuff like the iplayer
[09:21:31] stuartm: jya: interesting ... that would be new, never noticed that before
[09:21:46] stuarta: jya it should all be in the stream, as its primary use is 1 way, the exception is what stuartm just mentioned
[09:21:55] jya: knowing that I never ever got to get the Qt web browser to work on mac
[09:22:13] stuartm: we added http support just before the 0.27 release, but I wasn't aware that it was used for anything except iplayer
[09:22:44] stuartm: and iplayer for freeview is only supported on Freeview HD channels, that was recorded from the SD mux
[09:22:56] stuarta: there is a thing called the MHEG carousel, which essentially contains all the images, code and other bits you need for interactive tv, and it's broadcast repetitively
[09:24:30] jya: oh, I'm not sure it's the Qt web browser that is used... as i said, i never got it to work; so it's probably something else.. whatever it is: that works well here
[09:25:07] stuartm: jya: the date/time displayed in the menu are from the system, not from the mheg carousel
[09:25:34] jya: ah ok... so the date doesn't mean anything?
[09:25:46] jya: why only HD program recorded from the SD mix ?
[09:26:04] stuartm: correct, unless you're seeing a news item saying "On Wednesday the 6th November" :)
[09:26:05] ** jya annoyed with that auto correction: mux **
[09:26:10] dekarl: I think MHEG and HbbTV (and lots of firmware updates etc) share DSC-CC as in-band transport mechanism
[09:26:34] dekarl: s/DSC-CC/DSM-CC/
[09:28:12] stuarta: dekarl: possibly. in the uk there's an engineering channel the STB's listen to for firmware updates
[09:28:55] stuartm: jya: there was a comma in there, I believe only the HD multiplex provides access to iplayer – the logic was that it meant buying a new STB to access HD and that hardware was also required to include a NIC, older STBs only support SD and don't have a NIC
[09:29:16] stuartm: that sample, the one you've got, was recorded from an SD multiplex
[09:30:46] stuartm: so to prevent older hardware offering access to iplayer which couldn't actually be used, they just confined it to the HD mux (for Freeview)
[09:31:02] stuartm: it's available on all BBC muxes for Freesat
[09:32:37] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv
[09:34:36] stuartm: jya: the MHEG UI is all drawn by our code, the mheg data defines shape primitives, a few small images and text which are drawn in order to build up what you can see
[09:35:42] stuartm: I thought there was mheg in NZ?
[09:36:14] stuartm: I remember we included some patches to support parts of the MHEG profile which were only used in NZ
[09:37:56] stuartm: or are you in Australia?
[09:42:11] jya: stuartm: i'm in Oz yes... no idea if we have a red dot thing... I think we did at some stage.. don't know if it's still there
[09:42:30] jya: or maybe it was just to access some teletext menu
[09:42:46] stuartm: jya: for some reason I keep thinking you're in NZ
[09:43:38] jya: all right, first test with the original mpegts ... let see how that work
[09:46:01] jya: it works :)
[09:48:26] stuarta: \o/
[09:55:44] stuartm: jya: there should also be some DVB subs in that sample if you don't have any of those to test
[09:57:21] amessina: Good morning. Would anyone be able to take a quick look at the short thread . . . /355741.html and point me in the right direction (Channel Icon issue with IPv6)?
[09:59:24] stuarta: amessina: so using ipv6 rather than ipv4 connectivity?
[09:59:57] dgeary2__ (dgeary2__! has joined #mythtv
[10:01:23] amessina: stuarta: Yes — basically, when a remote frontend attempts to get the channel icons (via IPv6), it fails due to what I think is inclusion of the ":6543" port into the "[" + host + "]" brackets, and leaving the "%5" appended to the icon name.
[10:01:37] jya: stuartm: yes, I've also tested that...
[10:02:28] jya: the aim in the end is to get rid of our own mpegts demuxer... I will make the mpegts one the default now... will help identify and remove issue quickly
[10:02:40] jya: you'll be able to reactivate the old one in a menu
[10:02:47] stuartm: I've got samples of DVB Teletext (subtitles at least) too if those are required
[10:02:47] dgeary2_ (dgeary2_! has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[10:02:58] stuartm: jya: sounds good
[10:03:06] jya: the more sample the better; though I have some of those here....
[10:14:06] stuarta: amessina: sounds like there is some bad substituion going on
[10:15:46] amessina: stuarta: It does. I cannot find out where, though. I'm looking through 0.27/mythtv/libs/libmythbase/mythcorecontext.cpp ~L656 and everything looks like it should work.
[10:19:01] stuarta: i really should run my mythtv install at home on ipv6 since i have it natvie
[10:19:05] stuarta: *native
[10:23:45] dgeary2_ (dgeary2_! has joined #mythtv
[10:25:43] amessina: I'm not native IPv6 yet... Using HE tunnelbroker, which works wonderfully.
[10:26:14] amessina: Comcast is supposed to be deploying IPv6 here soon though. If they're willing to give out a /48 for business customers, I'll take it.
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[10:30:13] stuarta: time for a debug patch i think
[10:31:21] stuarta: amessina: the only way you can end up with the mythurl you have there is if the port is already part of the host when GenMythURL is called
[10:33:37] amessina: stuarta: That's what it looks like to me as well. But I've checked the DB to ensure the values in the settings don't have the port appended to the addr. Also there must be other code that uses 'GenMythURL' so why isn't it an issue for the other code.
[10:34:01] amessina: I've had MythTV running for years. This is the only stransge issue I've found.
[10:34:46] stuartm: amessina: are you building from source, would you be able to try a patch?
[10:35:23] stuarta: stuartm: it looks like the issue is in mythuihelper
[10:36:11] amessina: stuartm: sort of... I build from scratch for RPMs based on RPMFusion: So YES, I could apply a patch. Would I need to apply the patch on the Master backend as well as the remote frontend?
[10:36:13] stuarta: well that's as far as i've got so far
[10:37:11] stuarta: actually it must be before that, as the logging is at the start of the function and it's gone wrong by then already
[10:37:29] ** stuarta is talking about MythUIHelper::LoadCacheImage **
[10:38:29] stuarta: amessina: do you have more of the frontend log from that machine? i'd like to see what it was up to before the LoadCacheImage log entry?
[10:39:02] stuartm: stuarta: I think it's pretty simple, I'll bet the IP6 address contains %5
[10:39:41] amessina: which verbosity options do you want? I was using -v file,gui to generate the email for the ML
[10:39:51] stuartm: stuarta: it's the zone index
[10:40:44] stuarta: would be odd to have that in an address. %eth0 i could understand
[10:41:02] stuarta: amessina: do you mind if we see the unredacted ip's ???
[10:41:15] stuarta: are you using link local address or proper global ones?
[10:41:25] amessina: sure. I am using proper global IPv6 though.
[10:41:36] amessina: Let me generate the logs real quick.
[10:42:06] stuartm: stuarta: windows uses a numeric zone number, instead of eth0 etc
[10:42:18] stuarta: stuartm: btw. do you have a tracking bug for all the backend webserver improvements you are doing?
[10:42:42] stuartm: _but_ we're getting that IP from QTCPSocket which could be doing anything
[10:43:05] stuartm: stuarta: no, but I can create one
[10:43:48] stuarta: might make sense, then it's easier later to track them all down
[10:44:21] stuartm: stuarta: from what I know of QString::arg() the only logical explanations are that it's a broken version of QT or, more likely it thinks it's already done the %5 replacement
[10:45:12] stuartm: and since the host address can conceivably include %5, that has to be the first thing we rule out
[10:45:59] stuarta: debug printing them. find out what we get given at GenMythURL and go from there
[10:46:31] dgeary2__ (dgeary2__! has joined #mythtv
[10:47:26] amessina: stuarta: stuartm: -v file,gui for opening, navigating to Schedule Recordings > Program Guide:
[10:47:41] stuartm: the channel icon in the guide uses GetMasterHostPrefix() instead of the more common direct call to GenMythURL(), which would explain why it's not affecting other areas
[10:47:43] stuarta: the alternative option is we build the url like this "ret = QString("myth://").append(m_storageGroup).append( . . . append(path)
[10:48:11] stuarta: using that function may also be an alternative
[10:48:58] stuartm: GetMasterHostPrefix() uses the IP/port from the socket, instead of the ones from the settings
[10:49:37] stuarta: i disagree
[10:49:40] dgeary2_ (dgeary2_! has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[10:50:42] stuarta: . . . ext.cpp#L708
[10:51:02] stuartm: if (IsMasterHost())if (IsMasterHost())
[10:51:08] stuartm: oops
[10:51:29] stuartm: only if the frontend is on the same machine as the master backend
[10:51:33] stuarta: ah i see what you mean, if it's not the master host, it gets it from the socket
[10:51:38] stuartm: if it's remote then ... yeah
[10:52:52] stuarta: well that's easy then, so we fix whoever called LoadCacheImage to use GetMasterHostPrefix()
[10:53:42] dekarl (dekarl! has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[10:53:45] stuarta: there is some mileage in rewriting the construction of the url tho
[10:53:48] stuartm: no, the other way around, the problem is ln 1921 of mythfrontend/guidegrid.cpp
[10:54:01] dekarl (dekarl! has joined #mythtv
[10:54:35] stuartm: the IP in the settings won't have the zone index, but the one from QTCPSocket may
[10:55:13] stuarta: so then the correct fix is to modify GenMythURL as i suggested aboce
[10:55:16] stuarta: *above
[10:56:15] stuartm: GetMasterHostPrefix() is pretty much only used when creating the url for channel icons (I don't know why ...), a direct call to GenMythURL() is much more common
[10:56:23] stuartm: stuarta: yes
[11:00:35] stuartm: I'm also going to suggest we do this –
[11:01:24] stuartm: since I cannot think of one good reason to get the IP/port from the socket, when it's only going to be using the values from settings to make that connection
[11:02:25] stuarta: i can, if you are using link local addresses, then you need to use the scoped address ie. ip%eth
[11:02:35] stuarta: otherwise it breaks
[11:04:04] jya: anyone with a ts file that has streams being added/removed or simply changing on the fly?
[11:12:04] stuartm: stuarta: well the one case where we _not_ using the address from the socket is for the local connection
[11:13:10] stuartm: jya: if you can wait, I should be able to provide one which transitions from no video to video
[11:14:03] stuartm: off-air channels are still tunable but don't broadcast video, instead they show an MHEG message
[11:15:59] jya: stuartm: i'm trying to reproduce the use-case of the streams_changed API is called
[11:16:12] jya: it's late now. going to bed anyway
[11:29:06] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: is there a good reason not to commit this –
[11:31:07] stuarta: stuartm: did you see my note above regarding breaking link local addresses?
[11:31:38] stuarta: lets just fix GenMythURL
[11:43:03] stuartm: stuarta: did you see my reply?
[11:47:13] stuarta: link local != local connection
[11:47:57] stuarta: link local's are the fe80:: addresses on each interface, and you can talk to other machine on the local network via their LL address
[11:48:26] stuartm: stuarta: ah ok, my bad
[11:48:40] stuarta: no worries.
[11:49:36] stuartm: although if that's the case, then ConnectToMaster() would fail because it uses the values from the settings ... so the code I removed would still be redundant
[11:50:46] stuartm: but I'll not confuse the situation further, the GenMythURL change is the only one needed to fix the reported issue, the rest is just stuff that looks hinky and should probably be changed anyway
[11:51:25] stuarta: maybe i need to torture it some more at home
[11:52:01] ** stuarta adds that to the extensive todo list **
[11:54:44] amessina: stuarta: Would you like a ticket?
[12:02:25] stuarta: may as well create one
[12:03:26] amessina: stuarta: stuartm: Thanks for your help looking at this. Here's the ticket:
[12:23:00] stuartm: amessina: if it's using an exported copy of the source, then you can use EXPORTED_VERSION instead to get the correct version info
[12:24:09] stuartm: but it should be doing that automatically anyway, our version script checks for the existence of a valid value in EXPORTED_VERSION and uses that before it looks at VERSION
[12:25:02] amessina: stuartm: I'm using the tar.gz download from GitHub then applying the diff between v0.27 and the latest head of fixes/0.27 just as Richard does.
[12:25:23] amessina: Probably I just need to cat into EXPORTED_VERSION instead
[12:27:14] stuartm: amessina: hmm, is there a particular reason for doing it that way instead of just downloading the latest 0.27-fixes tar.gz?
[12:28:02] stuartm:
[12:29:13] amessina: stuartm: Because then I have to upload the tar.gz into my Koji lookaside cache each time which just takes up more space ;)
[12:30:10] stuartm: which redirects to
[12:30:30] amessina: stuartm: I keep some RPMs that I build frequently But I learned largely from Richard and others on how to maintain the packaging stream simply.
[12:31:08] amessina: Oh well. gotta go get my kids ready for school.
[12:32:22] stuartm: applying diffs on top of an older version then having to mess around with scripts to get the correct version info seems the opposite of simple to me ... but most of what packagers do seems overly complicated :/
[12:33:30] stuartm: still, at least Fedora aren't doing what Debian insist on doing – linking external versions of imported libs, thereby breaking their packages and giving users the impression that MythTV is somehow to blame
[12:34:35] stuartm: wagnerrp: I've toggled moderation on James O'Connell posts for now
[12:42:13] amessina (amessina!~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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[16:42:39] stichnot: gigem, sphery: When Live TV wants to switch cards – TV::SwitchCards() – it determines the starting channel by CardUtil::GetStartingChannel() which uses cardinput.startchan from the DB. But when Live TV first starts up, it tries – in TV::HandleStateChange() – to tune the channel from the setting DefaultChanid.
[16:42:52] skd5aner: stuartm: good afternoon! Just wanted to see if you had a chance to take a peek at the socket stuff yet? For 2 weeks I've woken up to the masterbackend being offline :(
[16:43:27] stichnot: Now in TV::SwitchCards(), the latest "good channel" is stored in cardinput.startchan via CardUtil::SetStartChannel() before switching to the new card.
[16:44:26] stichnot: And in MythPlayer::OpenFile(), the DefaultChanid setting is updated after successfully tuning something on Live TV.
[16:44:31] stuartm: skd5aner: tbh I was hoping danielk22 would look at it as I'm pretty sure it was his mythsocket branch merge that broke it
[16:45:18] stuartm: skd5aner: but since he's MIA atm, I'll try to make time for it in the next day or so
[16:45:32] skd5aner: stuartm: gotcha... makes sense. I just knew you were graciously helping me do some of the intial troubleshooting and saw some of the breadcrumbs that may be leading in the right direction...
[16:45:39] stichnot: gigem, sphery: I think everything to do with the DefaultChanid setting is unnecessary given cardinput.startchan, but I wanted to check with you before removing it.
[16:46:19] skd5aner: stuartm: well, I hate to bug you and ask to pull you away from the stuff I know you're having fun working on... but, I do appreciate it, hopefully it's something "obvious" once you pull back the layer of the onion
[16:47:00] skd5aner: whatever I can do to help you and/or danielk22, let me know – I wish I had the ability to fix it myself, but alas...
[16:47:59] stichnot: Except that the policy of updating cardinput.startchan should be done when exiting Live TV (or after a successful channel change), not just when switching to a new card.
[16:48:29] skd5aner: stichnot: oops, you wanted me to check the live tv order patch sometime in 0.27-fixes didn't you?
[16:49:47] stichnot: skd5aner: Yes – but I also noticed that "Switch Source" doesn't necessarily respect the live TV order, so I need to look into that as well before closing the ticket
[16:50:12] skd5aner: stichnot: yea
[16:50:38] skd5aner: 10–4
[16:51:59] FabriceMG (FabriceMG!~Thunderbi@ has quit (Quit: FabriceMG)
[16:55:11] kwmonroe` is now known as kwmonroe
[16:58:35] skd5aner: stichnot: it's harder for me to test the livetv patch as much as it was when I submitted the bug. Back then, I had analog cards for channels 2–99, digital cards for QAM channels (1000–1100), and an HD-PVR, which was set up to be able to record ALL channels
[16:59:20] skd5aner: stichnot: but now, I only have the HD-PVR set up to record any channels the other two sources can't record, so there's no overlap. Back in the day, I wanted it to use the HD-PVR always LAST under all circumstances for Live TV, but not necessarily for recordings...
[16:59:31] skd5aner: stichnot: that's when it was obvious that it wasn't observing the order.
[17:00:05] skd5aner: stichnot: from what I can tell with my current setup, it is honoring the order, but I don't have multiple different tuners/sources that can tune the same channel as a different tuner/source
[17:00:32] skd5aner: stichnot: I suppose I could probably unhide a few channels on my hd-pvr that overlap with the analog tuners for testing purposes
[17:01:40] stichnot: skd5aner: No worries, with 4 HDHR tuners it's not that hard to tell when live TV order isn't being honored
[17:03:40] skd5aner: stichnot: I have 4 physical QAM tuners... from what I can tell, it's "working" – but my setup is slightly simplified from when the non-working behavior was extremely observable
[17:08:22] Captain_Murdoch: stuartm, I agree, I don't see why that function to construct a URL string would need to connect to the server to do it.
[17:10:45] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: thanks for taking a look
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[19:20:58] stichnot: gigem, sphery: It seems that the DefaultChanID setting was added in #4807 [a25465c] primarily as an imperfect way to deal with the problem where you can't restart Live TV due to the last tuned channel going off the air or being otherwise untunable.
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[19:23:39] stichnot: Now that you can start Live TV on any channel via the Guide, I think that DefaultChanID can be removed and we can consistently use startchan and livetvorder to decide on the default starting channel.
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[20:52:57] gigem: stichnot: I agree it's a mess. Here's my 2c on the desired behavior. There is a target channel defined by chanid/channum/callsign. When entering live TV from the EPG, the current channel in the EPG is the target. When entering live TV not from the EPG, the target channel is the last one used for live TV by that frontend. When changing cards within live TV because the user chose a specific channel through
[20:52:58] gigem: the EPG, browse mode or entered a number, the target channel is the the one chosen by the user. When the user switches to specific card, input or source, the target channel is the current channel on the old card. Now, here's how Myth should use the target channel. It should first try to tune to the exact channel (chanid). If that isn't possible, it should next try to tune to a channel with the same
[20:53:00] gigem: channum/callsign. If that's not possible, it should try to tune to a channel with the same callsign. Finally, it should choose an arbitrary, but deterministic (e.g. lowest numbered) channel. The main point being that there is no "saved/default/start channel" per card. It's all per frontend.
[20:55:02] gigem: stuartm: FYI, Debian does *NOT* package MythTV. (aka DMO) does, much to the chagrin of many Debian developers.
[21:00:04] stuartm: who would rather it wasn't packaged at all?
[21:01:24] jheizer_: Do they not provide it because of codecs included in mythffmpeg maybe?
[21:05:40] stuartm: that's exactly why, Debian is the hippie distro, the ones who so fervently oppose patents and closed source that they'd rather have a crippled distro than permit ffmpeg et al near their machines
[21:06:57] jheizer_: Instead us Apt lovers end up with ubuntu and their antics.
[21:07:40] stichnot: gigem: What I'm trying to accomplish is the following. If you have DefaultTVChannel set to the empty string, then bringing up the standalone Guide should initially select the same channel that would have been tuned had you directly entered Live TV instead.
[21:07:42] stuartm: much like the Green Energy hippies here in the UK, who know full well that you can't build enough windmills to match current power consumption but their OK with that as they'd rather go back to candlelight
[21:08:48] gigem: My guess is it's not packaged officially because no one has volunteered to do it officially. Note that Debian's new developer process can be rather daunting and time consuming and might scare away some other would-be packagers.
[21:09:58] stichnot: In my recent changes, I wasn't aware of DefaultChanid and instead only considered the live TV priority order and the last tuned channel.
[21:10:39] gigem: stuartm: Yes, many Debian developer wish DMO didn't exist at all or made it extremely clear that it is not Debian and installing it's packages can and usually does introduce compatibility issues.
[21:11:35] stichnot: gigem: I guess the important thing is to put the policy in a single place, then the policy can be fine-tuned at will.
[21:16:09] gigem: stichnot: I was only talking about live TV. What you've proposed for bringing up the EPG outside of live TV sounds fine.
[21:22:06] superm1: gigem: actually amejia and I were working on getting it packaged for acceptance in debian officially
[21:22:22] superm1: the packaging in mythtv/packaging.git master should be very close to acceptable at this point
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[21:30:33] stichnot: gigem: In your model, is there any use at all for the cardinput.startchan column?
[21:55:50] stuartm: jya: my attempt to get a stream containing a no-video to video transition failed, turns out that the channel I picked broadcasts 10 minutes of promo material before they officially go on-air so my recording missed the transition :/
[21:56:21] stuartm: won't be until tomorrow that I can try again
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[22:37:31] jya: stuartm: that's okay... I'll wait.... Daniel gave me a good idea on how to test with made up TS too... (just cat a few of them together)
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