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Tuesday, January 1st, 2013, 00:06 UTC
[00:06:16] SmallR2002 (SmallR2002! has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[00:22:42] Beirdo: jpabq: new job? congrats
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[01:13:39] ElmerFudd (ElmerFudd!~le@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:31:41] neufeld_AFK is now known as neufeld
[01:38:31] neufeld: So, I see a discussion about a ago regarding keyframes. I was updating my script at for schema 1299, and got weirdness. If I skipped anywhere in the H.264 file, it landed on a non-keyframe (obvious from the way images ghost in until the next keyframe). That didn't happen before. The script runs mythcommflag --rebuild. When I reran that command on
[01:38:31] neufeld: recordings that I had transcoded earlier under 0.24, the jump behaviour broke the same way. So something in mythcommflag is logging non-keyframes in the recordedseek table. I can build a seek table by hand, using ffmpeg -vf showinfo, and inserting the keyframe data into recordedseek, and it works perfectly. Comparing the database values for the two modes, I see that the mythcommflag version of it has many more
[01:38:31] neufeld: records. It has all of the ffmpeg-labelled keyframes, but is records other positions that are not keyframes as well. A particular recording of interest has exactly 485 keyframes. When mythcommflag runs, it generates 3266 unique records for that recording. If anybody has suggestions for patches, I can try them out. I'll delve into it myself when I get time, but I don't have as much context, so it might take me a
[01:38:31] neufeld: while.
[02:00:30] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:04:56] neufeld: OK, what I believe to be an incorrect declaration of a frame being a keyframe appears to follow in H264Parser::isKeySlice(). I have a non-keyframe of type SLICE_I_a (7). It's coming back and declaring this frame to be a keyframe. I'm out of my depth on this, though. What are SLICE_I, SLICE_SI, SLICE_I_a, and SLICE_SI_a, and why is SLICE_I_a getting granted keyframe status when the playback can't be started at
[02:04:56] neufeld: that offset in the file?
[02:04:58] stichnot: neufeld: You are right that mythcommflag's definition of a keyframe is different than the recorder's definition. Pretty soon I will try to get that fixed.
[02:13:21] neufeld: stichnot: OK. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. In the mean time, I'll just script up a little code to build my seek tables from ffmpeg outputs.
[02:14:18] neufeld is now known as neufeld_AFK
[02:20:18] stichnot: neufeld_AFK: thanks, I'll let you know.
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[08:01:14] Sharky112065 is now known as Sharky-AFK
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[10:18:48] Sharky-AFK is now known as Sharky-Sleep
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[14:27:22] stichnot: danielk22: . . . 2fceb2dd7935 has some minor recorder changes that ought to be fine, but I'd appreciate if you could take a quick look.
[14:33:08] stichnot: gigem: When you get a chance, please have a look at . . . 2fceb2dd7935 with respect to your variable framerate recordings. Legacy recordings should have the same weird position/duration/seeking behavior as before. Mythcommflag --rebuild should fix those. New recordings should look good. The most complete test would be...
[14:33:10] stichnot: ...for in-progress recordings, since it relies on realtime seektable updates from the recorder.
[15:06:02] danielk22 (danielk22!~danielk@ has joined #mythtv
[15:07:43] bas-t (bas-t! has quit (Quit: Quit)
[15:12:47] danielk22: stichnot: I don't see any problem with the dtvrecorder portion. I do wonder if using a ratio for the duration wouldn't be more accurate than a double, but I don't think it really matters for <3 hour long recordings. + ratio<> is a C++11 feature ;)
[15:19:55] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv
[15:27:00] stichnot: danielk22: yeah, I realize the potential for cumulative FP error, but it's hard to imagine that reaching a 0.5s threshold for any recording that would fit on a hard drive :)
[15:43:31] danielk22: :)
[15:43:54] danielk22: BTW Happy New Year everyone!
[16:10:16] danielk22: Did we update the cppcheck version? It looks like there are a bunch of error,warning and performance level messages that weren't there before.
[16:13:14] stuartm: Happy New Year
[16:13:35] stuartm: danielk22: Beirdo updated it a couple of weeks ago
[16:14:59] danielk22: If anyone is looking for a good C++ multithreading book. I read "C++ Concurrency in Action" by Anthony Williams while on vacation and it covers threading in C++ from beginner concepts up to a intro on lock-less algorithms. + it is updated for C++11.
[16:15:49] stuartm: looks like it was the latest master at that time, stable release is 1.57 and we're using 1.58 Dev
[16:17:12] danielk22: Considering some of the things it is warning about in performance, like inefficient constructors, I think our code must be pretty darn clean. It might be entertaining to run it on some earlier releases. ;]
[16:17:17] stuartm: danielk22: interesting, will probably give that a look
[16:18:31] stuartm: danielk22: I watched TV, ate and drank too much and managed to fit in some fiction reading – didn't occur to me to do something productive with the holiday ;)
[16:20:19] danielk22: Hehe. In my new job I'll be writing a lot of python, so reading about C++11 threading was part of my entertainment program.
[16:21:16] danielk22: Reading that book 10 years ago would have saved me from a lot of the self-education in threading mistakes. Of course the book didn't exist then..
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[17:19:02] gigem: stichnot: I will try to take a look. BTW, do your changes handle dts/pts discontinuities? I haven't been getting as many of those lately, but I still get some.
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[17:28:38] stichnot: gigem: the changes should make it completely ignore dts/pts altogether.
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[18:46:36] stichnot: wagnerrp: I know nothing about upnp, but would it be hard for the server to roughly apply a cutlist while delivering the content?
[18:46:41] gigem: stichnot: Okay. Do your changes have any impact on danielk22's recording quality check? That is where the discontinuities affect me.
[18:58:36] zombor (zombor!~zombor__@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[19:08:03] stichnot: gigem: on the recorder side, it just creates new markup in the seektable that was never used before, so there should be no chance of affecting recording quality calculations.
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[19:22:24] wagnerrp: stichnot: talk to beirdo about that one
[19:22:33] wagnerrp: he was working on that issue a bit last year
[19:23:02] wagnerrp: basically, instead of giving the UPnP player a single file, you gave it a playlist of several video segments
[19:23:40] wagnerrp: there may also be some requirement of giving time-based content listings, rather than filesize-based ones
[19:23:40] stichnot: ok, that sounds like an extension of HLS then.
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[19:25:27] stichnot: Getting the cutlist-adjusted length should be easy, especially if the new seektable markup is present.
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