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Tuesday, January 10th, 2012, 00:18 UTC
[00:18:24] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv
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[01:31:25] pheld (pheld! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[02:00:24] Chutt (Chutt! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[02:05:06] davide (davide! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[03:50:17] cattelan is now known as cattelan_away
[03:58:07] zCougar (zCougar!~cougar@2001:67c:32c:600:b4d7:e423:3ec3:43c9) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[04:53:36] b1tbkt (b1tbkt! has joined #mythtv
[04:54:18] b1tbkt: did anyone ever finish the netvision grabber for amazon prime?
[04:56:35] wagnerrp: i dont think anyone ever started
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[04:58:05] wagnerrp: b1tbkt: in fact, there is not much point to trying to write one until mythnetvision gets cookie support
[04:58:09] 64MAAG8DJ (64MAAG8DJ! has joined #mythtv
[04:58:42] wagnerrp: as until that point, youre not going to be able to log in to actually access any of that content a grabber script may otherwise be able to find
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[05:19:17] b1tbkt: ahh. ok. so is cookie support in the roadmap?
[05:33:32] iamlindoro: no, it's on the wishlist
[05:33:44] iamlindoro: Nobody has decided to do it, and nobody is working on it
[05:34:14] b1tbkt: stoopid question to ask here but what is netvision coded in?
[05:34:34] b1tbkt: being too lazy to go take a peek
[05:35:02] iamlindoro: Like all the plugins, MythNetvision is C++
[05:35:19] iamlindoro: the currently distributed grabber scripts are python and perl
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[09:31:53] stuarta: \o/ progress. now i've just got a proper build failure from my osx buildbot
[09:44:21] Yanch0 (Yanch0!~mpulis@unaffiliated/yancho) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[10:38:03] MythBuild: build #1307 of master-debian-stable-64bit is complete: Failure [failed compile core] Build details are at . . . /builds/1307 blamelist: Mark Kendall < >
[10:47:38] jya (jya!~jyavenard@mythtv/developer/jya) has quit (Quit: jya)
[11:04:20] pos (pos! has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[11:04:54] MythBuild: build #460 of master-vista-mingw-32bit is complete: Failure [failed compile] Build details are at . . . t/builds/460 blamelist: Mark Kendall < >
[11:05:02] markk: just been watching the ubuntu tv video – which reminded me – did we ever implement series record? (I've had several instances recently of series' I've gone to weeks after they should have finished recording – only to find the series isn't complete)
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[11:06:31] Seeker`: isn't that just record all isntances of this title?
[11:10:07] jeff999 (jeff999! has joined #mythtv
[11:12:37] markk: Seeker`: not sure whether it's a UK/DVB thing or not – but seriesid is a unique identifier – which could be used for series record.
[11:13:07] Seeker`: I mean what does it gain over just 'find all programs called X'
[11:15:36] markk: that assumes all programs are called X... which is down to the eit monkeys getting it correct
[11:16:00] stuarta: it's done as a record all rule, with the seriesid/programid used for duplicate detection
[11:16:48] stuarta: the eitfixups correct what the eit monkeys do, so it's pretty consistent on that front
[11:18:44] markk: stuarta: can clarify for me. so it is enabled – so which recording rule should I activate? record at any time on any channel?
[11:19:02] stuarta: it's only used for duplicate detection
[11:19:08] stuarta: so you can use any of the normal rules
[11:20:37] Yancho_ (Yancho_!~mpulis@unaffiliated/yancho) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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[11:27:39] stuartm: any time/any channel would be the least likely to fail because the programme moves to another channel or timeslot because of a sporting event
[11:28:40] stuartm: but although we use seriesid for duplicate detection, we don't use it to verify that what we're actually trying to record is the same series and not one with the same name
[11:28:41] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv
[11:30:14] stuartm: we could though, when the rule is setup we could include the seriesid in the recording rule and only match programmes with the same id – davide might be able to comment on the practicality of that, but it seems simple enough to me
[11:31:04] stuarta: we would have to analyze the data and see if the monkeys put the data in consistently enough
[11:31:19] MythBuild: build #1308 of master-debian-stable-64bit is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at . . . /builds/1308
[11:31:20] stuartm: stuarta: is seriesid consistent across what the Americans would call seasons?
[11:34:33] Yancho_ (Yancho_!~mpulis@unaffiliated/yancho) has joined #mythtv
[11:35:55] stuartm: stuarta: I'd imagine that it's consistent enough for Freeview/Freesat PVRs to work, there would be plenty of complaints if not – unless they are keying off other data
[11:41:43] sraue_ (sraue_! has joined #mythtv
[11:41:55] Seeker`: are series IDs guaranteed to be the same on different channels?
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[11:42:03] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[11:43:12] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has joined #mythtv
[11:43:47] stuartm: ah, well that's the question, consistent across channels of the same group e.g. BBC, but whether repeats of Top Gear on Dave are given the same id as their original showings on the BBC ... this is where stuarta's analysis would help
[11:44:10] sraue (sraue!~stephan@xbmc/staff/sraue) has joined #mythtv
[11:46:31] stuarta: no they aren't
[11:46:50] stuarta: the id's are of the form <site>/<id>
[11:47:18] Seeker`: stuarta: those are the OTA id's, aren't they?
[11:47:26] Seeker`: Some guides (like RT) give a different form
[11:47:54] stuarta: where site is normally tied to the broadcaster
[11:47:58] stuarta: Seeker`: yes
[11:48:01] stuarta:
[11:48:07] stuarta: is the bbc one
[11:48:26] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has joined #mythtv
[11:48:51] Seeker`: I can't see the use case for using id's over program titles
[11:50:13] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:51:27] stuarta:
[11:52:14] stuartm: well there would be a case, if only they were better designed :(
[11:52:25] stuarta:
[11:52:53] stuarta: so the dave repeats get a different seriesid, since they are on a different channel
[11:53:01] stuartm: titles are hardly infallible – we've all seen special episodes of a series with stuff like 'Christmas Special' appended to the title
[11:53:22] stuarta: nothing is infallible
[11:53:32] stuarta: that's why i had to put in those fixups for 4music recently
[11:58:04] Seeker`: I mean that I don't think that moving to seriesid's would give any benefit over just using the title at this point in time
[12:02:08] stuartm: I'd still like to see the running flag stuff implemented, even if it's only to insert cut-points at the start/end of the recording, Janne left before he got around to it
[12:04:08] Seeker`: running flag?
[12:07:38] stuartm: I've forgotten the correct name for it – somewhere in one of the tables there is a flag which indicates when the programme _actually_ starts and ends, it's flipped in realtime
[12:08:49] stuartm: so if it starts or ends 5 minutes late we can compensate and keep recording
[12:09:50] stuartm: for day to day usage it could be used to crop off the pre/post roll and any adverts before the programme
[12:13:21] Seeker`: how does it detect that?
[12:13:48] stuartm: it's broadcast in the stream
[12:19:46] Seeker`: are they stored at the moment?
[12:22:30] Seeker`: stuartm: 'starttime' in 'recordedseek'
[12:22:31] Seeker`: ?
[12:23:22] stuartm: not our tables, the DVB tables
[12:23:39] stuartm: we don't parse/save the info at the moment
[12:33:01] Seeker`: stuartm: Running Status Table?
[12:37:43] Seeker`: stuartm: hmm, that information identifies broadcasts using the same id's as the EIT; might need a way of associating the EIT id with a recording, even if you want to use the xmltv data
[12:39:06] stuarta: iirc it uses the eventid != seriesid/programid
[12:43:45] MythBuild: build #461 of master-vista-mingw-32bit is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at . . . t/builds/461
[12:50:25] Seeker`: stuarta: looking at the EIT table, all that has is eventid too
[12:50:42] Seeker`: . . . 8v1.12.1.pdf
[12:50:46] Seeker`: page 29 is the EIT table
[12:50:57] Seeker`: 32 for RST
[12:51:15] Peitolm: g00fb4ll
[12:51:16] stuarta: yup thought so
[12:51:23] ** stuarta passes tissues **
[12:53:20] Peitolm: thanks
[12:53:59] Seeker`: so are the tables resent every time a data value changes?
[12:54:23] Seeker`: or just at regular intervals?
[12:54:24] stuarta: Seeker`: lookup up table repitition rates in the dvb specs
[12:54:33] stuarta: slowest rate is normally every 30s
[12:54:40] stuarta: others are sent far more frequently
[12:54:58] stuarta: should be in that doc you linked
[12:55:39] Seeker`: stuarta: 'repetition rates' just states that it is recommeneded to re-transmit them several times
[12:55:51] Seeker`: and that the minimum period between the repeat data is 25ms
[12:56:53] stuarta: ah, it must be in the uk profile then
[12:57:05] stuarta: generally it's 1–30s
[12:57:14] Seeker`: I guess for this to work properly, you have to set the tuners to be always active?
[12:57:40] Seeker`: or at least start checking for the data a (few?) minute(s) before the recording is due to start
[13:01:27] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[13:25:12] stuarta: ho hum...
[13:26:11] stuarta: anyone know what QDir::setNameFilter() has been replaced by? all the Qt porting doc's say is "Value type" which means nothing to me
[13:27:50] iamlindoro:
[13:29:08] stuarta: just found something like that.. ta
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[13:42:29] stuartm: Seeker`: if you wanted to catch early starts sure, personally I don't think it would be worth trying to catch that case just the instances of start late/end late
[13:44:04] stuartm: technically if you're using EIT then the tuners are already permanently active so it wouldn't be too difficult to monitor for early starts, however I don't think it's a replacement for pre-roll, we should always start recording a couple of minutes early just in case
[13:51:30] Seeker`: stuartm: I gues the idea would be to set a few mins preroll, then use the 'starting in a few seconds' update to set a cutpoint
[13:51:58] stuartm: that would be the way I'd do it
[13:53:32] Seeker`: hmm, either that or change the recording so that DVB service don't start recording until they see 'about to start' or 'recording', so if you set a pre-roll it tunes the channel and watches for the flag, but doesn't record the stuff you'll cut anyway
[13:53:45] stuartm: it's reversible if the running status was wrong, it won't complicate scheduling too much and doesn't require a scheduler run at the last minute which could delay the recording start by a few seconds
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[17:00:05] davide: stuartm, stuarta, Seeker`: i don't believe the seriesid is currently used for anything. the suggestion of using it for scheduling comes up periodically, but has never been added for a couple of reasons. first, there have always been some cases where programs in the same series have different seriesids. i don't have any in my current program table, but they do exist. second, all of the non-search rules are title based. adding a series rule type
[17:00:08] davide: would probably confuse many users.
[17:00:15] davide: my suggestion is to use a custom rule. find the desired program in the epg or proglister, then choose MENU / Custom Edit. The second template is called "Match this series." That will give you a series rule.
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[18:21:55] markk: davide: is it me or is the custom edit screen broken? the rule doesn't seem to be updated when you change it.
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[19:22:42] davide: markk: dunno, but i can look into it. what exactly are you trying?
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[19:46:49] neufeld: markk: is it this problem?
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[20:39:15] danielk22: markk: This is probably unrelated since the screen has been ported to MythUI, but I've noticed recently in the backend source setup that if the start channel field isn't updated appropriately when you select a video source. There I suspect something was broken by a change in Qt since our code for that hasn't been touched in a while.
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[20:55:11] stuartm: can we think about replacing Terra with something else as the default for 0.25? I just don't have the time or interest in keeping it current :(
[21:00:05] danielk22: stuartm: But else what is being maintained? AFAIK Only MythCenter-wide and that is a pretty bare bones theme.
[21:02:42] danielk22: Hmm, who maintains Graphite?
[21:04:09] stuartm: mythbuntu maybe :/ Honestly if it came to it I'd rather start from scratch, incorporate some more recent mythui features in an easier to maintain theme – with a straight forward enough concept we could even split the work between 3 or 4 willing themers
[21:04:13] stuartm: danielk22: iamlindoro
[21:05:04] danielk22: iamlindoro: is Graphite something you might want to put some polish on as the default theme?
[21:05:30] stuartm: the problem with Terra is that it's too reliant on high-concept layouts and pre-rendered imagery which needs to be redrawn for each screen
[21:06:14] iamlindoro: I guess I'd want to know what would constitute putting polish on it-- I prefer Arclight by a long stretch and it's much more complete
[21:06:32] iamlindoro: Graphite was complete as of when I wrote it, but there's quite a lot that has changed since them
[21:06:48] iamlindoro: leaving it probably 60% finished versus the 95+% finished of Arclight
[21:08:09] Seeker`: Arclight++
[21:08:20] danielk22: But my understanding is you don't want to leave GPL Arclight and it requires special fonts, we just want something pretty good for the out of the box experience, it by no means needs to be perfect.
[21:08:28] iamlindoro: User and dev attitudes towards theming (which largely spring from varying tastes, but poor communication/unsolicited hurtful remarks) have made me hesitant to do much theming of late
[21:08:47] iamlindoro: Arclight is GPL-- the fonts have open licenses that merely require that they be distributed with a copy of their licenses
[21:09:03] iamlindoro: (Arclight is distributed with all its fonts, which are all free)
[21:09:27] danielk22: iamlindoro: ah, ok — that's not so bad. I thought it required an extra step by the user/distributor.
[21:09:42] superm1: iamlindoro: what fonts does it use?
[21:10:10] iamlindoro:
[21:10:10] iamlindoro:
[21:10:30] iamlindoro: which are the SIL open font license and the fonsite free font license, respectively
[21:10:55] iamlindoro: There's no extra step for the user, since we load the fonts from the theme dir
[21:11:10] superm1: ah that's good then
[21:11:25] stuartm: Captain_Murdoch: metallurgy needs to be removed from the theme selector, it's unusable in 0.24/0.25
[21:11:32] danielk22: iamlindoro: If I made hurtful remarks it was unintentional. I have specific tastes and make them known, but I don't expect others to share them. Arclight is not the theme for me, but I could see it as a good default.
[21:12:23] iamlindoro: danielk22: It's not any one person, I know it's generally not coming from a hurtful place, it's just easier to be sensitive about an artistic endeavor than a coding one-- at least for me
[21:13:00] ** stuarta has no artistic talent so cannot critize anyone **
[21:13:32] iamlindoro: I've worked on some other stuff that is more subtle in the past year, but have had a hard time working up the enthusiasm about theming to finish anything:
[21:14:03] dekarl: wrt uk series ids... if you want to do anything with crids you will likely have to add a full content resolver (to resolve the series id to content ids in the various content catalogs) and you'll need a database which maps the various ids together (tvbrainz :)
[21:15:12] iamlindoro: Anyway, I am happy for anything of mine to be/be the basis for a default theme, even willing to make changes to do so (Arclight in particular could do with some font resizing for smaller screens, just hard for me to test since I only have large ones), just would want to have a clear understanding of exactly what the task involved if there are changes to be made
[21:15:35] iamlindoro: (as it's easy to go down the rabbit hole and end up with neverending change orders)
[21:15:38] danielk22: I like the cadance look! it might even pull me away from MythCenter-wide :) — But technically my preference is for a theme that is already mostly there and maybe just needs a little polish for general use.
[21:17:04] iamlindoro: Yeah, I like the look of it too-- got MythVideo and the PBB done and then got frustrates because I had a lot of ideas for the guide grid and couldn't make it look anything but ugly :(
[21:17:25] iamlindoro: shelved it until the full MythUI one is written eventually
[21:17:34] danielk22: iamlindoro: I don't think the default theme needs to be the best theme for everyone, if it doesn't work well for small screen the user can switch.
[21:17:46] stuartm: iamlindoro: it would be easier for all themers if we could stablise the UI to some extent, perhaps now that mythmusic is ported, no more additions or significant alterations to screens etc
[21:17:50] Seeker`: iamlindoro: can I make a request that if you write a theme in the future, can you design it use the full width for the EPG?
[21:18:49] danielk22: iamlindoro: I feel your pain on the guidegrid. It's impossible to get even the simple MythCenterw-wide to render properly on both 1080i and 720p.
[21:19:40] Seeker`: I'd try to recreate XBMC Aeon for mythtv if i had any artistic ability at all
[21:20:25] stuartm: the guidegrid sucks, it was supposed to be made a proper mythui widget and it's not, so it's not really themable to the same extent nor does it behave well at a range of resolutions
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[21:22:03] stuartm: I think I've got one good theme in me if I wasn't shackled to maintaining Terra at the same time and there was no pressure to complete it by a certain date, it can anywhere from weeks to months of work – I'd only feel like I'd wasted my time if once I'd started or finished it was already broken by changes in git
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[21:23:27] iamlindoro: danielk22: Well, from a completeness perspective Arclight is by far the closest-- needs a MythMusic theme now that it's there, and if the color scheme and basic layout (which all in all are actually fairly traditional) are more or less ok then I would see the right steps as 1) Theme MythMusic, 2) get some new backgrounds done up, 2) recalibrate font sizes to suit screens small and large, 3) ???, 4) Non-profit
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[21:24:12] Seeker`: how well does terra work in 0.25?
[21:24:14] iamlindoro: stuartm: Any chance of a MythUI guide widget before we "freeze?"  :)
[21:24:49] iamlindoro: I just don't know who is likely to do it if not you, you're the only one who has ever expressed an interest (coupled with actual capability)
[21:25:34] stuartm: Seeker`: it works, it's just there are several screens which aren't themed so they fall back to the defaults – it would be possible with help to get Terra complete for 0.25, but I really wouldn't want to be the sole maintainer after that release
[21:26:58] Seeker`: if arclight is close enough to 0.25-ready, drop terra and work on something
[21:27:02] Seeker`: imo
[21:27:55] stuartm: iamlindoro: well it depends on when we freeze, the amount of free time I have (hope for a sudden cold snap which keeps me indoors (but not an early freeze ... :p )) and I can't ignore the need for motivation
[21:29:05] Seeker`: stuartm: what ideas do you have for a theme?
[21:33:22] stuartm: Seeker`: difficult to articulate, but I've been collecting ideas/inspiration from a variety of modern UIs (tablets/stbs/the odd website) – the colour scheme is probably going to dark (as is the fashion) shiny but not cluttered
[21:33:51] stuartm: I've not created any mockups yet
[21:34:48] Seeker`: stuartm: lemme know if/when you do :)
[21:37:00] danielk22: hmm, aspect ratio in the first channel in livetv looks off
[21:37:17] Seeker`: danielk22: retune
[21:37:35] Seeker`: I think its a known bug
[21:37:42] danielk22: Seeker`: ticket # ?
[21:38:00] Seeker`: danielk22: can't remember, sorry
[21:38:23] Seeker`: first time you tune a channel aspect ratio is off, retune to the same channel again and it is fixed
[21:38:30] stuartm: iamlindoro: the guide grid could be easier that I hope, maybe I can scale back my plans to avoid the complications for a 0.25 widget
[21:39:00] stuartm: danielk22: markk knows about that one, there is a ticket but he seemed to be on top of it
[21:39:41] stuartm:
[21:39:55] stuartm:
[21:40:10] iamlindoro: stuartm: That would be cool-- I would be happy just with the ability to put the title and subtitle roughly where I want them, control color a little better, and maybe some statetypes for HD/audio types, etc. (and to keep the channel/time lists lines up with the grid, which is currently impossible)
[21:40:38] zombor (zombor!~zombor_@kohana/developer/zombor) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:41:18] iamlindoro: (and maybe to influence the highlight a little more than just making it a different color... but I guess that's just eye candy... but nice eye candy)
[21:41:20] stuartm: iamlindoro: the tricky bit with the guide grid is knowing what can be hidden or moved to gracefully collapse a 'cell' e.g. for a 5–10 minute programme
[21:41:39] iamlindoro: yeah, I imagine so
[21:49:07] Seeker`: what is the best way to get in to theming? Start from scratch or take an existing theme and modify it
[21:55:28] kth (kth!~kth@unaffiliated/kth) has joined #mythtv
[21:58:31] stuartm: probably the latter, but that's also a good way to pick up bad habits and you won't find newer constructs like <group> which you really should make use of
[22:04:37] stuartm: danielk22: if you have a moment can you jump over to #linuxtv, Devin is discussing the need to patch MythTV to deal with the multiple frontend changes in the dvb API
[22:05:29] stuartm: without changes on our end it apparently means that mythtv won't work with the next kernel
[22:10:33] Seeker`: stuartm: thinking of trying to make arclight in to XBMC
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[22:20:36] danielk22: stuartm: I don't have time ATM but I'll leave it open while I'm around
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[22:37:26] stuartm: <devinheitmueller> right now the driver creates two different frontends. In the new model there is a single frontend and the application is expected to explicitly choose the modulation type.
[22:37:33] stuartm: <stuartm> it's probably going to mean breaking existings setups, I can't think of a way to automate switching from two separate frontends to one without the user re-configuring unless we write a special 'upgrade' app for this purpose, we will probably want to emulate two separate frontends internally since anything else would require major architectural changes
[22:38:46] devinheitmueller: stuartm: it's probably worth noting that it's unlikely users will be actively using the same frontend for both DVB-T and DVB-C, since it would require switching the cabling connected to the device.
[22:38:49] stuartm: so we'd present two devices in mythtv-setup for one frontend, both would belong to the same input group (as we do now for MFE devices)
[22:39:09] stuartm: devinheitmueller: noted
[22:39:47] stuartm: devinheitmueller: single tuner, two demods?
[22:39:49] devinheitmueller: stuartm: hence it's probably only really relevant during the channel scan. During normal recording/tv watching you would just have to make sure the delivery system is set to whatever type provides the target channel.
[22:40:18] devinheitmueller: stuartm: in this case we're talking about a single tuner and single demod, where the demod supports both DVB-T and DVB-C.
[22:40:30] devinheitmueller: If there are two demods, then there are two frontends – everybody has agreed on that much.
[22:40:38] stuartm: err, yeah of course
[22:41:47] dekarl: thinking about mixed DVB-C/S/T on one cable, in germany we have a uni-cable-system where DVB-S and DVB-C/T might be carried on the same cable (I have no idea how widespread that is) . . . 070811072414
[22:42:00] devinheitmueller: Really this is all about how to handle a single piece of demod silicon that supports multiple modulations. The new behaviour is much more inline with how ATSC/ClearQAM devices do it.
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[22:43:36] danielk22: devinheitmueller: is there a simple example with old vs new API that I can look at?
[22:44:22] devinheitmueller: I think there were some examples floating around the linux-media ML. Alternatively you can look at Mauro's completely rewritten versions of scan/zap.
[22:44:45] stuartm: devinheitmueller: yep, I'd already understood that it was a single demod supporting multiple modulations, but I wasn't thinking about that when I asked that the question :)
[22:45:21] stuartm: brain pulling in two different directions ;)
[22:46:59] devinheitmueller: np
[22:47:06] stuartm: dekarl: actually that's a very good point, multiple standards on a single cable isn't unusual, I've only just installed a quadplexer to do exactly that
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[22:48:57] stuartm: I've got DVB-S(2) and DVB-T(2) on a single cable, at least until the face plate in this room where they are split out again but I believe it would work fine without splitting ...
[22:52:34] devinheitmueller: It indeed is possible, although not common (I've seen it in hospitals where they did a custom cableplant consisting of VSB8 and QAM256 sources).
[22:56:26] stuartm: s/quadplexer/quadruplexer/
[22:56:28] stuartm: . . . 006/1036/87/
[22:56:59] stuartm: cheap way to avoid running multiple lengths of cable
[23:01:22] stuartm: . . . 4-band/61474 . . . ruplex/91669
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[23:57:14] rsiebert: danielk22,stuartm: you were talking about changing the default theme. whats about blue-abstract. it never got mentioned. its also pretty much complete except the channel icon download, backend seleczion and the new mythmusic screens.

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