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Sunday, July 5th, 2020, 00:33 UTC
[00:33:55] mkbloke: RokLobsta: Firstly, have you checked the files are really there? They should be in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MythTV/
[00:36:15] mkbloke: RokLobsta: If they are there, then you can check the the python include path from the command line by invoking the interpreter and entering a couple of lines:
[00:36:29] mkbloke: $ python3
[00:36:30] mkbloke: Python 3.5.2 (default, Apr 16 2020, 17:47:17)
[00:36:30] mkbloke: [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
[00:36:30] mkbloke: Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
[00:36:30] mkbloke: >>> import sys
[00:36:32] mkbloke: >>> sys.path
[00:36:34] mkbloke: ['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.5', '/usr/lib/python3.5/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python3.5/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']
[00:36:38] mkbloke: >>>
[00:37:27] RokLobsta: ['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']
[00:38:10] RokLobsta: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MythTV is all there
[00:38:35] mkbloke: Hmm, strange – you have the include path too...
[00:38:44] RokLobsta: maybe the python package is busted
[00:39:02] RokLobsta: i use this script every month or so without problems until now
[00:40:02] RokLobsta: as an aside for anyone wondering md-raid5/jfs is a really bad way to store your myth recordings
[00:40:44] RokLobsta: i just switched to btrfs/raid-5 with new drives. jfs is no good.
[00:42:17] mkbloke: Strange. I'm no python expert, but I would have expected it to work...
[00:43:50] blahdodo_ (blahdodo_!~blahdodo@ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[00:47:20] RokLobsta: doh
[00:52:48] blahdodo (blahdodo!~blahdodo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:01] mkbloke: RokLobsta: One last thing – do you have the most recent version from: ?
[00:54:10] RokLobsta: yeah
[00:54:17] RokLobsta: copied that this mornign
[00:54:22] RokLobsta: ti be sure
[00:54:44] mkbloke: Oh. I can't think of anything else to suggest right now then. :-/
[00:56:07] RokLobsta: doh
[00:56:12] RokLobsta: thanks
[00:58:42] jm|laptop: fwiw I use zfs for my recordings
[01:04:28] RokLobsta: yeah. btrfs seems easier to get going.
[01:04:36] RokLobsta: and it was
[01:04:51] RokLobsta: we'll see how it goes with power fails etc in time
[01:05:14] RokLobsta: it's only forrecordings so i am no too fussed about long term 'tegrity.
[01:12:32] RokLobsta: at least btrfs has crc32 which jfs/md didn't do at all. i am sure even though smart didn't warn of anything that one of the drives was a miscreant.
[01:32:06] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:59] bill6502: RokLobsta: do you have exactly one copy in your path: sudo updatedb && locate
[01:33:10] bill6502: some have a dash others have an underscore
[01:33:42] RokLobsta: just the one
[01:33:52] bill6502: on the latest one, for v31.0, what does: head -1 <some file name> say
[01:34:32] RokLobsta: #!/usr/bin/python3
[01:35:50] bill6502: and this (assuming you did the updatedb and locate above) locate -b ''
[01:37:13] RokLobsta: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MythTV/
[01:39:33] bill6502: that's all good, type: python3 and at the prompt,
[01:39:35] bill6502: type: import MythTV
[01:39:59] RokLobsta: that worked
[01:40:04] RokLobsta: i'll add it to the script
[01:40:48] RokLobsta: ImportError: No module named MythTV gah
[01:41:41] RokLobsta: in >>> import MythTV did not make any errors
[01:49:18] bill6502: gah indeed, just before the MythTV imports in the script (and after import sys) add this line:
[01:49:21] bill6502: print(sys.version_info)
[01:50:14] bill6502: when you run the script, what shows up, something like: sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=9, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
[01:50:44] bill6502: you shouldn't add the import MythTV line you mentioned above
[01:51:51] bill6502: oops, that's in my copy, different from the Wiki
[01:52:39] bill6502: from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError should follow import sys
[01:53:42] bill6502: not likely the issue, just looking for why your copy is failing
[01:55:11] RokLobsta: brb
[01:56:17] RokLobsta: ok put it after import.sys stillt he same
[01:59:21] RokLobsta: as mojo jojo says, "curses!"
[02:06:37] bill6502: RokLobsta: didn't it print the sys.version string above (or something similar)?
[02:07:29] RokLobsta: sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=17, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
[02:07:52] bill6502: that's bad
[02:08:33] bill6502: when you did the head above, you got the correct: #!/usr/bin/python3
[02:09:13] bill6502: but when it runs, it says python2 is being used
[02:10:36] bill6502: /usr/bin/python3 --version
[02:10:50] bill6502: should be the same as just: python3 --version
[02:15:10] bill6502: you're running the program like ./, not python right?
[02:19:23] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:20:16] bill6502: brb, in ~45 min.
[02:28:05] RokLobsta: bbl
[02:42:28] RokLobsta: derp a herpa derp
[02:42:38] RokLobsta: it's working
[02:42:42] RokLobsta: kinda pebkak
[02:42:47] RokLobsta: pebcak
[02:49:44] RokLobsta: all because i didn't do a +x on the script and was running "python"
[02:49:49] RokLobsta: idiot
[02:49:53] RokLobsta: sorry to waste your time
[03:05:34] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[03:16:35] mkbloke: ah, because there's no in MythTV/ I think... so you end up with that error?
[03:20:32] RokLobsta: maybe
[03:25:01] mkbloke: ah, no. is run with python -m I think, your problem was that you invoked 'python' on the cmd line which was actually v2.7, but execing the script correctly uses #!/usr/bin/python3 ...
[03:27:39] Overlordz (Overlordz!~Overlordz@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:34:22] RokLobsta: yeah me stupid
[03:39:40] mkbloke: it would have worked if your system python was linked to the v3 interpreter instead! I *think* that's the case in 20.04.
[03:47:34] RokLobsta: i am on 18.04
[03:47:53] RokLobsta: but kernel 5.3
[03:49:45] bill6502: At build time, the Python bindings are installed based on the --python ./configure switch. In v31, that defaults to python3 and that's where RokLobsta's MythTV package was
[03:51:27] bill6502: In 18.04, python is a symbolic link to /usr/bin/python2.7. That's causes the import problem (looking for 2.7 bindings that didn't exist.)
[03:52:38] mkbloke: Yeah, I get it now, thanks!
[03:59:22] bill6502: Subtile clue (that I missed in the initial post) ImportError is the exception that fires when a module is missing. In Python 3, the exception is ModuleNotFoundError.
[04:02:00] bill6502: In 20.04, python links to python2 which links to python2.7. Popular wisdom is: never use python, always choose python2 or phthon3. Personally, I've aliased python to python3
[04:02:03] bill6502: gn
[04:02:11] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:46:22] mkbloke: Good to know, cheers. Ah, I thought they'd linked python to python3 by default in 20.04, but clearly I was wrong about that.
[04:47:26] mkbloke: Perhaps I read that in relation to the next LTS or something...
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