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Saturday, March 25th, 2017, 00:13 UTC
[00:13:35] Hydr0p0nX: is there a way to add a domain to my myth box (to make sendmail happy) and keep all my tuners without having to rebuild it ?
[00:20:31] membiblio (membiblio! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[00:22:28] justinh: stuarta: 017-03–25 00:17:49.699585 I ChannelScanSM(/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0): GetChannelList: set chan_num ''
[00:22:35] membiblio (membiblio! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:10] justinh: looking at the code now
[00:29:15] justinh: so it's not confusing the channels with iptv streams, which is good – otherwise they'd have a – infront of the serviceID as chan_num I guess
[00:31:07] justinh: seems the issue is in the part of the code that
[00:31:21] justinh: er... line 1363 of channelscan.cpp or so
[00:31:29] justinh: QMap<qlonglong, uint>::const_iterator it = ukChanNums.find
[00:32:28] justinh: I'd like there to be some extra debug code around there but there's just not lol
[00:51:43] Kwisher: Hydr0p0nX: ever heard of ssmtp?
[00:52:22] arescorpio (arescorpio! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:25] Hydr0p0nX: actually, mostly have sendmail resolved, it only takes about 3 seconds now, samba related services are the 20+ second culprits now
[01:05:11] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:20] user987465 (user987465! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:29] justinh: well that was a bit of fun for a friday night. getting dvbsnoop logs & stuff
[02:00:17] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[05:24:30] arescorpio (arescorpio! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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[05:37:07] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:29:09] Warped (Warped!~Warped@unaffiliated/warped) has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 52.0.1/20170316213829])
[06:30:52] Warped (Warped!~Warped@unaffiliated/warped) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:41:32] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:36:40] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[10:20:06] justinh: darned if I can figure out descriptor tag 0x83
[10:28:22] justinh: hmm could this be because other_frequency_flag is set to 1 so myth is going off & trying to check other frequencies?
[10:28:51] justinh: AFAIK we dont have a local relay or anything like that
[10:29:44] [vbm] ([vbm]! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:35:43] justinh: stuarta: looking in the channelscan_channel table for last night's scanning attempt I don't see in_nit set for any of the found channels
[10:36:37] justinh: if the scanner isn't finding serviceids associated with channels in the nit that might be why I'm not getting LCNs
[10:44:49] user987465 (user987465! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:01:44] tgm4883 (tgm4883!uid23806@ubuntu/member/tgm4883) has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[12:16:34] lukeer (lukeer!~chatzilla@2003:d3:d3d1:cfb0:7ceb:8061:ecea:b1b5) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:28:07] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:51:14] lukeer: Hi there. I have mythtv 2:0.25.2+fixes.20120802.46cab93–0ubuntu1 running and would like to use MythMusic. There are some mp3 files that do have id3 tags according to the command-line tool "id3" but are handled as "Unknown Artist" by MythMusic. What do I have to take care of, regarding id3 tags, so that MythMusic understands them?
[13:11:21] Hydr0p0nX: wow
[13:11:26] Hydr0p0nX: 0.25 still ?
[13:35:27] membiblio (membiblio! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:39:38] dudz: I had sucess actually with geting the tv channels working, i changed the core2duo board with a quadcore xeon one and ran another channel scan, and the channels which previously where not being played properly are now clear.
[13:39:58] dudz: i think some of the channels must require more processor work than others
[13:40:43] dudz: would have liked to continue using that core2duo machine, perhaps a different tv tunner card would make a difference
[13:40:52] dudz: the card is 2007 i think when i bought it
[13:50:35] justinh: if it's digital TV changing the tuner won't make any difference. All digital tuners do is pluck the streams from the transmission – no processing
[14:05:42] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:11:32] dudz: ok great
[14:32:00] lukeer: Yes, 0.25 still. Have there been important changes to MythMusic's artist-and-title-recognition routines?
[14:39:05] rubbergsx (rubbergsx! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:01:46] justinh: I think the changes in mythmusic between 0.25 & 0.28 will er... blow you away.
[16:01:58] justinh: You'll either love em...
[16:03:31] Kwisher: curious if you can upgrade from .25 to .28 without any issues
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[16:08:13] justinh: should be able to
[16:08:36] justinh: mythmusic is likely to be very different in the way you use it though
[16:09:24] justinh: I've never got along with mythmusic. Managing large collections of music with a remote control is never gonna be easy to use – or to program
[16:10:22] justinh: I could be wrong – maybe the mythmusic rewrite hit 0.25. So so long ago now
[16:13:46] justinh: seems it did. Could be quite a culture shock if you updated & had been very used to the older one
[16:14:14] justinh: Kwisher: before you upgrade, back up your whole database
[16:14:43] justinh: Kwisher: re your tag reading issues I'd have thought mythmusic would be able to deal with either v1 or v2 id3 tags
[16:14:56] justinh: or both
[16:15:19] justinh: oh – and they might have been imported to the db before you wrote the tags
[16:15:26] justinh: so rescan I guess
[16:15:35] Kwisher: justinh: i'm already on .28
[16:15:59] justinh: ah sorry confusing you with lukeer lol sorry!
[16:55:56] kukks (kukks! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:25:02] RagingMind (RagingMind! has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[18:16:55] lukeer: I'm still here. Does MythMusic 0.25 have precedence rules of id3v2 tags over id3v1? Does it use v2 exclusively? Does it use v2 if present, even if present and empty and therefore ignore v1 tags?
[19:20:01] ubIx (ubIx! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:24:48] user987465 (user987465! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[19:48:19] lukeer: Just removed id3 tag v2 from a file that had GENRE included but nothing else. v1 tag was complete. Now MythMusic recognizes all I need.
[19:48:59] lukeer: How to remove v2 tags from command-line? "id3" seems to only handle v1 tags.
[19:56:28] ubIx (ubIx! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:30] StevenR_ (StevenR_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:18:36] SteveJGoodey (SteveJGoodey! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:10] Toast (Toast! has joined #mythtv-users
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