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Thursday, May 26th, 2016, 00:02 UTC
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[15:45:03] jarnos: I am trying to setup Mythtv backend. My problem is that router's DCHP does not always give same IP address for the ethernet port mythtv backend is connected to. How can I setup correct IP so that I do not have to change it?
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[16:05:37] bill6502: jarnos: see if your router allows static IPs based on the host's MAC or don't use DHCP and define the backend's IP in /etc/hosts
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[16:07:07] jarnos: bill6502, it does not allow based on host's MAC. So I need to define IP's in /etc/hosts of each connected computer, right?
[16:07:49] jarnos: bill6502, Do I need to define the IP of the backend machine in frontend machines /etc/hosts, too?
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[16:11:39] bill6502: jarnos: yes, that will work. if you're using IPs in mythtv-setup for the Master and Backend, then the frontends will get that address, so you don't need to define it in them (makes life easier if you use ssh etc. though)
[16:32:51] jarnos: blahdodo, so I should add another IP address for the same hostname as is there in /etc/hosts already?
[16:33:09] jarnos: bill6502, ^
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[17:02:54] vidarlo (vidarlo! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:02:56] vidarlo: hello
[17:03:02] vidarlo: I have a Technotrend USB card
[17:03:09] vidarlo: it works fine for the free OTA channels
[17:03:17] vidarlo: but I cannot get it to work with DVB-C
[17:03:30] vidarlo: when I add the card it shows Subtype: DVB-T2
[17:03:42] vidarlo: I have scanned using w_scan, found all canals just fine
[17:04:03] vidarlo: so the card clearly sees the channels, and it should work for dvb-c
[17:12:13] jarnos: bill6502, I disabled DHCP in router, but then I lost network access.
[17:12:52] bill6502: jarnos: no, I mean don't use DHCP on the backend
[17:13:17] jarnos: bill6502, how do I do that?
[17:14:27] bill6502: jarnos: and yes, add a line like this (my backend's hostname is mc0): mc0.local mc0
[17:14:29] vidarlo: jarnos: set a static IP on the backend's OS
[17:16:07] bill6502: jarnos: can't answer how to change from dhcp to static. in *buntu, there's a Network Manager and you choose what to use (static or DHCP)
[17:21:30] jarnos: bill6502, I am using mythbuntu. There are many alternatives in the Network manager.
[17:21:35] Warped (Warped!~Warped@unaffiliated/warped) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:45] tgm4883: jarnos: you should be able to edit the adapter in network manager and set it to static
[17:25:13] bill6502: jarnos: that's good. I don't use Network Manager much now, but I recall that you edit the configuration in use and select the IPv4 tab, then change from DHCP to static. plug in your desired IP, like your version may allow adding /24 for the netmask and then you add the router's address which is probably the same as the DNS server
[17:27:24] Merlin83b (Merlin83b! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:30:54] jarnos: bill6502, there is no "static" option, there is DHCP, DHCP only, Manual, Link-Local Only, Shared to other computers, Disabled.
[17:31:40] bill6502: manual
[17:33:54] jarnos: bill6502, ok, now the backend setup shows the address as an alternative.
[17:34:41] jarnos: bill6502, is it needed to have the same address in /etc/hosts, too like you told before?
[17:36:15] bill6502: I do, but that's because I'd rather type mc0 than 192......
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[17:39:08] jarnos: bill6502, mine is mythbook. But when I go to mythbook/mythweb in another computer now, I get: "mythbook’s server DNS address could not be found."
[17:40:30] bill6502: you can define mythbook in /etc/hosts on the other computer too, or use it's IP address/mythweb
[17:49:10] mad_enz (mad_enz!~mad_enz@2607:f090:488d:8d:1d96:827e:fe3f:1544) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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[17:55:12] jarnos: bill6502, or maybe use different DNS server than in backend machines network settings ?
[17:58:55] bill6502: that would be fine too. really, not a MythTV issue, rather a network configuration choice
[18:02:10] mad_enz (mad_enz!~mad_enz@2607:f090:488d:8d:60ab:e9f1:39a0:cb91) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:38] jarnos: bill6502, but what would it be then? There are also additional fields in the network manager..
[18:08:05] tgm4883: jarnos: you're no longer getting DHCP from your router for mythbook, so that means it no longer registers the name with your DNS server
[18:08:24] tgm4883: so you either need to setup a static dns address on your router or add it to all the hosts files
[18:08:27] tgm4883: or just use the IP
[18:08:29] bill6502: jarnos: I don't know. from your comment "...maybe use different DNS server..." I assumed you had another server available. it isn't required, just an option as is the /etc/hosts solution.
[18:12:44] jarnos: bill6502, how does another computer know your mc0 name, if you have it told only in /etc/hosts of the backend PC?
[18:14:07] bill6502: it's in all of my /etc/hosts
[18:22:50] jarnos: bill6502, but when I used just the IP given by DHCP, how did it manage to know the name then without it being told in /etc/hosts
[18:26:12] bill6502: Stale entry in the router or backend? I can't tell. I certainly wouldn't choose an IP for the backend that's in the router's DHCP range
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[18:58:18] jarnos: bill6502, that worked well by my previous router that gave static IP:s for ethernet ports.
[18:58:41] jarnos: blahdodo, tgm4883 Many thanks, now it seems to work.
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[19:27:13] ironmansp: no new release from hdhr3-eu from 2015?
[19:27:20] ironmansp: hello
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[19:36:13] justinh: Hmm. I think I give up trying to get the right artwork for TV shows
[19:37:16] justinh: how can Eastenders have an inetref of tvdb3.py_71753 and yet get movie cover art?
[19:40:01] justinh: this is likely because series no & episode no are both zero right?
[19:44:12] justinh: ah well. I need to disable TV image lookups then. It's more annoying than it is useful
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