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Tuesday, January 26th, 2016, 00:18 UTC
[00:18:31] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:32:54] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vi@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:44] Mr_Psmith (Mr_Psmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:51] Mr_Psmith: Hi all, I did a mythbackend —version and it reported “v0.27-193-g8ee257c” — it’s not clear to me hold old that version is; I also looked for g8ee257c as ac ommit on github but didn’t see it (but might have not looked correctly)
[01:58:27] Mr_Psmith: I installed from a stock Ubuntu 14.04 “apt-get install mythtv” FWIW
[02:11:15] bill6502 (bill6502! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:16] arescorpio (arescorpio! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:23] bill6502: Mr_Psmith: the 'g' isn't part of the commit, rather an indicator that the version control system used was git (as opposed to subversion or bazaar etc.)
[02:29:40] Mr_Psmith: bill6502: Thank you
[02:30:58] bill6502: np, and that commit's time stamp is: Sun Mar 23 20:50:15 2014
[02:34:26] Mr_Psmith: Goodness. The ubuntu packages are quite out of date. Thanks again.
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[09:55:11] lapion (lapion! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:55:20] lapion: hello
[09:55:54] lapion: is there any way to equalize volumes across sources
[09:57:35] lapion: You see I have a dvb receiver and a framegrabber the fg has very low volume.
[09:58:05] lapion: so whenever I change from dvb channel to a fg channel I get blasted
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[16:20:05] thepoodlesprivat (thepoodlesprivat!~thepoodle@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[16:37:45] jarnos: I am trying to connect to backend from another machine in LAN. Now I have several mythfrontend.real processes running, but no visible UI. And I can not kill the processes.
[16:39:20] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:42:51] ShapeShifter499 (ShapeShifter499!~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:55:12] jarnos: Oh, I have to kill the one without .real first.
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[17:26:26] Merlin83b (Merlin83b! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[17:27:16] Mr_Psmith (Mr_Psmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:34:02] gregbert: 0.28 backend not automatically queuing the commercial detection job. known bug? workaround?
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[17:47:15] bill6502 (bill6502! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:49:59] bill6502: gregbert: yes, #12290
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[17:57:21] gregbert: thanks
[17:58:07] gregbert: wow... 16 months old?
[17:58:53] gregbert: is there an equivalent manual command i can use as a 'job'?
[18:02:55] bill6502: probably, a user job that gets passed the chanid and starttime (I can't recall if recordedid is available to user jobs and events yet
[18:06:30] hackman42 (hackman42!~Adium@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:36] gregbert: i had to patch manually as that patch had a discrepancy
[18:08:45] gregbert: it looks like it may have already been somewhat implemented
[18:09:03] gregbert: there was a // before the LOG(VB_GENERAL .....) but return filesize; was not yet commented out
[18:10:16] Merlin83b (Merlin83b!~Daniel@2a00:1ee0:3:1337:3d04:fdc6:fb76:c417) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:11:04] jmcentee (jmcentee! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:17:31] bill6502: much simpler patch could remove the test here: . . . rec.cpp#n990 but I haven't tried it (or updated the workaround on the ticket)
[18:19:34] gregbert: bill6502: looking
[18:21:04] gregbert: that looks like its only for recording group LiveTV, right?
[18:21:19] bill6502: here's the updated patch I'm running with now: (I was trying to preserve the intent of checking the size)
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[18:22:20] agitator|hpeter (agitator|hpeter!~hpeter@ has quit (Quit: agitator|hpeter)
[18:22:49] bill6502: gregbert: no, it's checking for LiveTV or < 1K or status or < 120 seconds
[18:22:56] gregbert: bill6502: i think that patch is pretty close to whats in my version at the moment
[18:23:11] gregbert: wait... maybe not
[18:23:12] gregbert: i see
[18:23:32] gregbert: yes – ok. why does it need to check the file size by the way?
[18:23:39] gregbert: to abort commercial detect if no file is present?
[18:25:07] gregbert: bill6502: and thanks for the c++ refresher.. forgot || means or
[18:25:31] bill6502: i honestly don't know if passing a 0 byte file would hurt mythcommflag. for the others, it just makes sense to me not to flag a live or very short recording
[18:26:25] gregbert: yes. that makes sense.
[18:26:41] gregbert: stupid question – what does a yellow ball mean in mythfronend 'watch recordings'?
[18:26:58] gregbert: all the other symbols are explained but not that onne
[18:29:00] bill6502: i don't know, but in the steppes theme, a yellow boarder means that the recording is damaged. i'm guessing you use some other theme. you may be able to spot the damage being reported in the backend log at the time the recording ends
[18:29:19] gregbert: i bet you are right...
[18:29:21] bill6502: maybe in steppes it's an orange boarder
[18:29:32] gregbert: this is mythfront end, rather than mythweb
[18:29:47] gregbert: mythweb is the only places i've seen borders
[18:30:02] gregbert: but since php7, mythweb broken last i checked.
[18:31:57] bill6502: yes, i see it in mythfrontend and it orange in steppes (just had one) the log entry looks like this: FinishedRecording(1113_2016-01–25T15:00:00Z) damaged recq:<RecordingQuality overall_score="0" key="1113_2016-01–25T15:00:00Z" countinuity_error_count="6" packet_count="4219131">
[18:32:33] gregbert: bill6502: makes sense. i've got it on one of my HLS streams
[18:35:22] gregbert: bill6502: you've been a big help. thank you
[18:35:38] bill6502: np
[18:55:52] dmfrey: bill6502, preliminary FAB is out there for the MainActivity fragments
[18:56:47] dmfrey: there is still some animation stuff i want to do to it
[19:01:04] Mr_Psmith (Mr_Psmith! has quit (Quit: Mr_Psmith)
[19:04:30] bill6502: dmfrey: I like it. Is your plan to put it in Watch Recordings and Videos as well?
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[19:29:09] natanojl (natanojl!~jonatan@mythtv/developer/natanojl) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:27] dmfrey: bill6502, yes. They will require some work, though, as if you are forcing a refresh, you need to invalidate the cache, and right now, there is nothing in there to manually force it
[19:34:50] dmfrey: bill6502, for Issue #92, are you able to capture the url of the video that is attempting to get loaded? Is there an Inetref? or is it missing any other querystring parameters?
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[19:48:11] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vi@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:52:33] bill6502: dmfrey: good question, the recordedId above the exception says 408 and that doesn't exist, BUT recordid does exist in the record table and it's for This Old House (and the recordgroup in LogCat says is TOH, which is the only record group i've got) I'm off to look into it.
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[20:40:11] gregbert: bill6502: after the patch, it is now queuing up the commercial detection again.
[20:47:17] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[20:50:22] bill6502: gregbert: maybe it's a function of how much grunt the BE has, I'm running an i7–4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, what are you running
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[20:54:13] geetar (geetar!~kurtgibso@2602:306:c4ca:6530:c4bc:ae75:f389:1e06) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:17] gregbert: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3–1225 V2 @ 3.20GHz
[20:57:33] gregbert: bill6502:
[20:57:58] gregbert: i am guessing that should be more than enough :-)
[20:58:37] gregbert: bill6502: but i am not sure where that hypothesis comes from.. clearly its something to do with the file size checking
[20:58:47] gregbert: and you are running a patched one as well
[21:02:14] bill6502: i'm retesting without the patch right now. but the error started when the switch was made from ProgramInfo to RecordingInfo and now it could be that the filesize just isn't being populated in RI in time
[21:03:17] bill6502: e.g. faster machines see the error and slower ones don't, just a guess for now. i've never been able to find the root cause
[21:05:48] gregbert: bill6502: that makes total sense... maybe introduce some debug code and have it check the file size before and after a short sleep.
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[23:13:44] arrrghhh: hey all. I setup a manual program and I'd like to make it a bit more automated... however, after removing the manual recording from the schedule it still appears in the program guide
[23:14:07] arrrghhh: how can I force the show to be removed and pull from the guide instead of the manual one I crewated?
[23:19:18] arrrghhh: I'm on 0.27.5+fixes.20160123
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