:: #mythtv-users

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Current users (130):

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Monday, November 2nd, 2015, 00:21 UTC
[00:21:47] caelor (caelor! has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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[03:29:17] hydroponx is now known as Hydr0p0nX
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[07:20:45] Tobbe5178 (Tobbe5178!~asdf@2001:2002:4e46:4de8:9d3d:6df1:8082:2238) has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:47:32] Warped (Warped!~Warped@unaffiliated/warped) has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:01:16] Merlin83b (Merlin83b!~Daniel@2a00:1ee0:3:1337:cda1:922f:c5be:7337) has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:46:44] hdcutting (hdcutting!971b6ae2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[11:48:48] hdcutting: Anyone know which is the better tool to install to cut HD television files recorded with Mythtv?? dvb-cut and projectx are not working with HD files(also called H.264 or MPEG4 files if I understood well).
[13:07:03] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[13:38:25] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:45:15] hdcutter: anyone know the better "mythtv job",or video editing software, who can do HD recordings CUT? (H.264 cutter)
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[16:19:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v sphery
[16:19:59] old1 (old1! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:21:52] old1: hey i have a ntsc kwolrd stick that seems to setup in mytv fine and it says it sees channels it has issues witht ehdirs for /var/lib/mythtv/recordings and /videos for the /.test thing during setup any ideas about this
[16:22:29] old1: should i say yes please or no i know what im doing anybody?
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[16:44:47] tgm4883: old what is the error
[16:44:51] tgm4883: old1: what is the error
[16:52:30] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[16:57:42] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:58:20] old1: unable to create file /.test tgm4883
[16:58:51] old1: /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/.test
[16:59:23] old1: and /var/lib/mythtv/videos/./test
[16:59:40] old1: directory is not writable
[16:59:51] old1: says same error for both
[17:00:31] pyrodex (pyrodex!~pyrodex@2607:5300:60:38e3::) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[17:01:02] CM707 (CM707!~CM707@unaffiliated/cm707) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[17:01:47] tgm4883: old1: what permissions do you have on /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[17:02:01] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:03:00] old1: i just chmod it to 777
[17:03:16] old1: it was 775
[17:05:18] tgm4883: old1: who owns it?
[17:05:35] old1: mythtv
[17:05:43] tgm4883: hmm, what should be fine
[17:05:54] tgm4883: I'd say try ignoring the warning and see if it works
[17:06:17] old1: how d i watch tv nw it setup or even see the channels lineup etc i just installe dkodi
[17:06:30] old1: it sees like 32 channels
[17:06:43] tgm4883: old1: well I'd start with mythtv frontend
[17:06:52] old1: ok how do i do that
[17:07:15] old1: so that part was the backend i just did right
[17:07:50] tgm4883: yea
[17:07:55] tgm4883: you need to install mythtv-frontend
[17:08:02] tgm4883: then you can start it like any other program
[17:23:57] pyrodex (pyrodex!~pyrodex@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:02] old1: okataba
[17:24:03] old1: mythtv-frontend installed
[17:24:03] sphery (sphery!~mdean@mythtv/developer/sphery) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:24:58] pyrodex (pyrodex!~pyrodex@ has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
[17:25:05] old1: Setting up mythtv-frontend (2:0.27.1+fixes.20140624.aa822f5–0ubuntu3) ...
[17:25:25] old1: how do istart it not seeing it in which
[17:26:09] pyrodex (pyrodex!~pyrodex@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:32:57] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v sphery
[17:36:14] tgm4883: old1: what DE are you running?
[17:37:34] old1 (old1! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:47:28] natanojl (natanojl!~jonatan@mythtv/developer/natanojl) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:51:28] old1 (old1! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:01] old1: hey i have myth backend installed and the frontend i think and kidi what do i do now?
[17:53:28] tgm4883: old1: what DE are you running?
[17:54:25] old1: ok DE? whats that
[17:54:34] tgm4883: desktop environment
[17:54:41] tgm4883: like XFCE, Unity, KDE
[17:54:53] tgm4883: you should be able to start the mythtv frontned
[17:54:57] tgm4883: frontend*
[17:55:33] old1: u ubuntu 14.04.3 unity i guess
[17:55:36] tgm4883: ok
[17:55:47] old1: how does i start it
[17:55:48] tgm4883: so you should be able to search for mythtv in unity and start it
[17:56:55] old1: i click on it nuttin happens
[17:57:27] old1: does the backend have to eb started?
[17:58:04] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:40] old1: it says installed on none
[17:58:50] old1: but the btton is n unity
[17:59:05] old1: i click it nada
[18:00:29] old1 (old1! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[18:03:27] old1: ok im back
[18:03:31] old1: lol
[18:05:31] Merlin83b2 (Merlin83b2! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:06:35] tgm4883: old1: ok, just open a terminal and do 'mythtv-frontend'
[18:07:27] old1: mythtv-frontend: command not found
[18:07:39] old1: maybe i need to try and rerun the install again
[18:10:11] old1:
[18:11:22] old1: dpkg: error processing package mythexport (--configure):
[18:11:43] old1: maybe uninstall and reinstall
[18:11:43] natanojl: mythtv-frontend? Is that some kind of mythbuntu wrapper? Try mythfrontend
[18:11:55] tgm4883: bah
[18:12:00] tgm4883: natanojl: no, you're right
[18:12:07] tgm4883: I'm only half paying attention
[18:12:07] natanojl: the apt-get command missed the install part
[18:12:33] tgm4883: old1: just 'mythfrontend' and yea, you need to specify install
[18:12:33] natanojl: tgm4883: ok, I wasn't sure
[18:13:18] tgm4883: natanojl: thanks for looking. I was busy working through a centos issue that ended up being that vmware is dumb and can't figure out repositories
[18:13:19] old1: so sudo apt-get install mythtv-frontend
[18:13:21] natanojl: oh, which the third line had
[18:13:32] ** natanojl should read more carefully **
[18:13:50] old1: ?
[18:13:58] tgm4883: old1: just run 'mythfrontend'
[18:17:22] old1: ok it says it cannot connect tomaster backend mythcontext
[18:17:35] old1: and has a big red x
[18:17:44] old1: but the frontend strated
[18:17:48] old1: started
[18:18:13] old1: tgm4883 im trying i promise
[18:18:20] old1: <sighs>
[18:25:04] natanojl: old1: is mythbackend running?
[18:25:19] old1: howdo i know if it is
[18:27:37] old1: it just says it is not setup right whe i strt it and keeps roaating back to the what country screen
[18:28:02] old1: any idea what the db settings shoudl be it says 9tcant sconnect to it
[18:28:03] natanojl: for example ps -ef | grep mythbackend
[18:28:59] old1: no i guess its not
[18:29:17] old1: what do i do just do the setup again then?
[18:29:38] natanojl: old1: have you run mythtv-setup to configure capture cards et cetera?
[18:29:53] old1: i thought i did that lready
[18:30:01] old1: what is the correct command
[18:30:30] natanojl: if you have then you should be able just start mythbackend
[18:31:51] old1:
[18:32:02] old1: here is what it is saying
[18:34:31] natanojl: that output is expected if mythbackend is not running
[18:35:44] old1: so when i try the backend it says the db is not running
[18:36:07] old1: and just keeps looping me to the whatyour country page
[18:36:42] old1: any idea what the db settigns in it should be?
[18:37:23] natanojl: first thing to check: is mysqld running?
[18:37:48] old1: or how i figure it out?
[18:38:01] old1: ok how do i do that
[18:38:31] old1: mythlogserver[12311]: mythtv-setup[13638]: ! CoreContext mythcontext.cpp:1131 (Init) Application binary version (0.27.20140520–1) does not match libraries (0.27.20150622–1)
[18:39:04] natanojl: same procedure you used when you checked if mythbackend was running
[18:39:56] old1: mysql 1315 942 0 12:38 ? 00:00:02 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mysql/error.log --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --socket=/var/run/mysqldmysqld.sock --port=3306
[18:40:11] natanojl: looks good
[18:40:33] old1: mysql 942 1 0 12:38 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
[18:40:55] old1: ok so now what?
[18:43:06] old1: ok it was the ip i change it to and it ran fine
[18:43:19] natanojl: ok
[18:44:57] old1: 2015-11–02 13:44:24.404225 I MythCoreContext: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1)
[18:44:57] old1: 2015-11–02 13:44:24.404607 E MythSocket(7f0c9c00fcf0:-1): Failed to connect to ( Connection refused
[18:44:57] old1: 2015-11–02 13:44:24.404774 E Connection to master server timed out.
[18:45:24] old1: what setting do i need to change?
[18:45:45] old1: Either the server is down or the master server settings
[18:45:45] old1: in mythtv-settings does not contain the proper IP address
[18:46:47] natanojl: I thought the warning about binary version mismatch should have prevented you getting anywhere at all
[18:47:57] natanojl: what IP did you change?
[18:48:26] joki (joki! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[18:54:26] old1: theone i n the mythtv backend setup
[18:56:56] natanojl: There are two IP addresses in there. For a master backend backend they should be the same
[18:59:15] old1: ok
[19:04:25] louisdk (louisdk! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[19:05:46] ** natanojl gets something to eat **
[19:06:48] old1: ok they are both my eth0 ip address
[19:07:00] old1:
[19:08:05] niska (niska! has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:09:05] natanojl: old1: You said you changed something to Does mythbackend run now that you have changed both of them to
[19:10:43] old1: yes?
[19:11:14] old1: the frontend stil says the master is not running ask if the ip is right
[19:11:28] old1: what shoudl the db one be in the frontend?
[19:15:37] old1: it says card1 dvb cnannel is set to start on 1 which does not exist please add
[19:15:51] old1: whe i try and get out of the backend
[19:16:18] old1: i have to tab to get out of it
[19:16:28] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:17:30] old1: dvbinput type1 is set to start on channel which does not exist please addd
[19:17:41] old1: for card 1 and 2
[19:18:03] old1: whe i try to leavre from the backend setup
[19:19:13] old1: why cant it see the backend maybe i should just set it to the localhost or im on the same pc as the backend is
[19:19:30] old1: in kodi it says it cant see the backend 2
[19:38:36] old1: it is saying it is failing to connect to MythSocket( some number ) Faile dto connect to ( connection refused
[19:38:56] old1: connection to master server timed out
[19:39:27] old1: what is the mythconverg ip in the frontend suppose to be
[19:39:41] old1: or os ot just not connecting to the sqlserver
[19:41:03] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:41:09] old1: is the db suppose to be localhost or my real ip
[19:41:25] old1: the mythconverg db
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[19:58:09] old1: anybody?
[20:02:05] old1: ok im done bye
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[23:50:54] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:51] knightr (knightr!~knightr@mythtv/developer/knightr) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:51] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v knightr
[23:55:55] ghoti (ghoti! has joined #mythtv-users

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