:: #mythtv-users

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Thursday, September 3rd, 2015, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:13] XDS2010 (XDS2010!sid1218@gateway/web/ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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[02:20:52] rantsh: hi everyone
[02:22:02] rantsh: I've been given a project and I was wondering if anyone can tell me whether I can achieve what I need to do with mythtv
[02:22:51] rantsh: Basically we have a bunch of streams flying in a headend on multicast, most are H.264+AAC
[02:23:49] rantsh: What we want to do is take the streams (all SPTS) and transmit it to some android devices running xbmc, I figured myth should be able to do it
[02:25:01] fetzerch_ (fetzerch_!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:11] rantsh: But I'm searching on the wiki and I'm seeing a lot of references to capture devices (like for DVB and stuff) but nothing for just simple MPEG-TS, is there anyone around that can confirm I cand get this done with myth?
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[22:09:55] shiggitay (shiggitay! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:10:46] shiggitay: hello... I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but here goes anyway:
[22:11:03] shiggitay: so I have a 6pm newscast going, as well as an ep of seinfeld
[22:11:04] shiggitay: [6:06:16 PM] GasparAKAShiggitay: going as in recording
[22:11:04] shiggitay: [6:06:45 PM] GasparAKAShiggitay: then I fired up Kodi with the HDHR addon to try and occupy the last tuner, and upon exiting Kodi ne of the tuners actually turned off
[22:11:16] shiggitay: one*
[22:11:21] shiggitay: what gives with that?
[22:23:33] tgm4883: how.... is that a mythtv question?
[22:26:04] shiggitay: I asked in several places just in case
[22:26:17] shiggitay: and I guessed it could be a mythtv setting somewhere
[22:26:45] Roklobsta (Roklobsta! has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[22:29:25] tgm4883: shiggitay: in mythtv-setup is the checkbox "If an unsupported third party app is using one of the tuners and it quits, keep that tuner active even though we aren't saving that information" checked or unchecked?
[22:29:58] shiggitay: where would that be?
[22:30:10] tgm4883: ...
[22:30:24] tgm4883: It's on the 2nd page in General
[22:31:27] shiggitay: I just went through it... it's not
[22:31:42] shiggitay: 2nd page is locale settings
[22:31:51] tgm4883: shiggitay: must be a custom patch I'm carrying then....
[22:32:13] shiggitay: hm
[22:32:13] shiggitay: >_>
[22:32:44] shiggitay: I usually just set stuff to record and watch them after the fact, but what's happening really shouldn't be possible
[22:33:14] tgm4883: So what exactly is happening?
[22:33:41] shiggitay: Okay. I set stuff to record so that 1 or more tuners are occupied
[22:33:58] tgm4883: ok
[22:34:55] shiggitay: then I use Kodi and Silicon Dust's HDHomeRun Add-On try and tune to a different channel on an unoccupied tuner.... it overlaps the occupied tuner (usually Tuner 0) and then when I exit the HDHR addon it cancels out the tuner
[22:35:04] shiggitay: to try
[22:35:07] shiggitay: **
[22:35:41] tgm4883: shiggitay: ok, that makes perfect sense
[22:35:45] shiggitay: ? >_>
[22:36:25] shiggitay: Is it fixable?
[22:36:30] tgm4883: Well, ideally the HDHR addon should check for an unused tuner. But apparenlty it doesn't. So who made the plugin?
[22:36:38] letifosi_ (letifosi_!~letifosif@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:36:41] shiggitay: Silicon Dust
[22:36:53] tgm4883: Sounds like they need to fix it then
[22:37:03] shiggitay: I asked in #hdhomerun as well
[22:37:06] shiggitay: no one's responded
[22:37:10] shiggitay: thank you for responding though
[22:37:16] tgm4883: yw
[22:39:08] ctmjr (ctmjr!~chuck@pdpc/supporter/active/ctmjr) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:15:00] shiggitay: tgm4883, apparently there's been a bug in MythTV since like 2007 that doesn't allow tuners to be locked... i.e. the Kodi addon grabs the first available tuner... no matter what its status (free or active)
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