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Friday, August 21st, 2015, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:30] arrrghhh: derp think I found it....
[00:06:19] rwlove: arrrghhh, any chance your backend and frontend protocol tokens mismatch? I have that same error, but I'm not sure if it's related to my problem.
[00:06:31] rwlove: mythtv pvr
[00:08:27] arrrghhh: rwlove, well I'm not sure. I thought I just had an outdated version, as I just updated my backend... but I just applied the latest version and I'm still getting the error in the log
[00:08:43] rwlove: I get this error
[00:08:54] rwlove: “(frontend=87/(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (No entiendo!),backend=87/??)
[00:09:11] rwlove: which seems to indicate that the backend isn't supplying a 'protocol token'
[00:11:20] arrrghhh: hm I don't get anything like that... I think I need to turn up debug tho on the pvr client
[00:11:21] arrrghhh: ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)OpenConnection: failed to connect with any version
[00:11:35] rwlove: yeah, I get those too
[00:11:48] rwlove: but then on my BE I get the more detailed error
[00:12:07] arrrghhh: ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Failed to connect to MythTV backend on 192.168.x.x:6543
[00:12:17] arrrghhh: oh I should check my back end
[00:12:51] arrrghhh: sure enough
[00:12:53] arrrghhh: C ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:1549 (HandleVersion) MainServer: MainServer::HandleVersion – Client speaks protocol version 75 but we speak 87!
[00:13:12] rwlove: I'd check your mythtv versions
[00:13:24] arrrghhh: I have the latest client from git, just installed it
[00:13:49] arrrghhh: 1.12.28
[00:13:52] rwlove: ah
[00:13:56] rwlove: I'm pulling from PPA
[00:14:00] rwlove: apt-cache policy mythtv-frontend
[00:14:12] arrrghhh: my frontend is openelec rpi
[00:14:15] rwlove: ah
[00:14:25] rwlove: well, we're using different code bases
[00:14:29] arrrghhh: so I just got the .zip
[00:14:48] arrrghhh: yea probably the same on the backend but not the frontend
[00:14:58] rhollan: xbmc on openelec will talk to a myth BE?
[00:14:59] rwlove: FE: 2:0.28.0~master.20150820.d03d51d-0ubuntu0mythbuntu2
[00:15:10] arrrghhh: rhollan, it was until today lol
[00:15:19] rwlove: BE: 2:0.28.0~master.20150820.d03d51d-0ubuntu0mythbuntu3
[00:15:45] rhollan: I've been looking at an ASRock N3000 for a FE: apparentluy Kodi runs on it.
[00:16:23] arrrghhh: kodi works pretty well on this rpi2
[00:16:33] kukks (kukks!~Guenter@samba/team/kukks) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[00:16:38] arrrghhh: only thing it doesn't do is h265
[00:17:08] arrrghhh: yea, definitely a protocol mistmatch... blargh
[00:17:34] rhollan: supposedly the N3000 supports h265. Whether kodi can take advantage of it is another story.
[00:18:07] rhollan: At $200 with 4 GB RAM (dual channel) and 120 GB flash disk, it was worth a chance.
[00:18:07] arrrghhh: I may buy another one of these cheapo chinese things from kdlinks
[00:18:35] arrrghhh: I was pretty happy with my hd700
[00:19:05] taknev (taknev! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:19:45] arrrghhh: kodi shows 1.12.28 which is what I show as 'the latest' on their site...
[00:19:59] taknev (taknev! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:01] rhollan: Does it integrate well with a Myth BE for live TV served from an HD Homerun? Or is it better to use it's own EPG and talk directly to the HDRomerun?
[00:22:30] rhollan: I guess I want to know how good a Myth FE the Mythbox addon is.
[00:23:42] arrrghhh: I haven't been impressed with the EPG
[00:23:49] arrrghhh: but I don't pay for the service
[00:24:09] arrrghhh: the HDHomeRun had a great interface when I was setting it up on my web browser... never really tried connecting to it directly from kodi
[00:24:13] rhollan: I don't mind paying for Schedule Direct.
[00:29:51] rhollan: time to go home
[00:29:52] rhollan (rhollan! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:35:17] arrrghhh: ffffffff
[00:35:18] arrrghhh: . . . 2#pid2084992
[00:35:21] arrrghhh: I should not have updated :/
[00:36:40] rwlove: heh
[00:36:47] rwlove: that may be my problem
[00:37:09] arrrghhh: rwlove, likely. now to downgrade...
[00:37:52] rwlove: dammit
[00:38:31] rwlove: I need to get these components into containers so when I do these knee-jerk updates, I can roll back more easily
[00:43:27] Hydr0p0nX (Hydr0p0nX! has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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[00:45:12] arrrghhh: indeed lol
[00:55:11] arrrghhh: do I have to purge the package and install the next older version..? 0.28.0~master.20150817.171f5f7–0ubuntu0mythbuntu3
[01:03:37] frankster (frankster! has quit (Quit: leaving)
[01:05:21] rwlove: I am not sure
[01:05:58] arrrghhh: neither am I
[01:06:02] rwlove: I guess you'd have to look at where the broken patch is in the tree relative to the git tag/commit-id used in the package
[01:06:04] arrrghhh: what have I done... how could I break tv
[01:06:10] rwlove: :)
[01:06:19] rwlove: I'm working through the problem too
[01:06:27] rwlove: I didn't realize that there was an earlier 2.8
[01:06:39] rwlove: so I am in the process of rolling my BE to 2.7
[01:06:48] arrrghhh: yea I'm thinking I just need to rollback the BE
[01:06:57] rwlove: which is maybe a worse idea than rolling back to the version you listed
[01:07:09] rwlove: I'm not sure how far back this will put my db schema
[01:07:15] arrrghhh: lol
[01:07:19] arrrghhh: yea that's what I was worried about breaking
[01:07:24] rwlove: yup
[01:07:33] arrrghhh: although this was such a huge change, maybe even that rollback would have been deadly...
[01:07:37] rwlove: I was trying to upgrade Kodi to Insgard (sp?)
[01:07:45] arrrghhh: well now how to watch tv in the meantime. crap.
[01:08:00] rwlove: so I care about getting mythtv FE/BE working first, then with Kodi
[01:10:33] rwlove: the other option is to fix the bug
[01:10:35] rwlove: I supose
[01:12:23] rwlove: ugh. big patch
[01:16:18] arrrghhh: yea I just setup kodi on my laptop... then realized the issue is not the front-end
[01:16:36] arrrghhh: well it is, I guess... ugh
[01:16:37] rwlove: well, I think I'll need to roll back both my FE and BE
[01:16:40] arrrghhh: yea
[01:23:36] rwlove: apt doesn't really want me to revert these packages
[01:23:37] rwlove: :)
[01:24:47] arrrghhh: yea I'm just watching my recordings manually
[01:24:52] arrrghhh: that was fun to find haha
[01:27:48] rwlove: I'm now running my FE in a docker container w/ HW acceleration
[01:27:51] rwlove: :)
[01:27:59] rwlove: kodi FE
[01:28:02] rwlove: not mythtv-frontend
[01:28:31] rwlove: not sure what to do about the myth problem
[01:28:49] arrrghhh: well... I'm kinda stuck. Hoping it gets fixed soon is about all I have lol
[01:29:34] rwlove: so you're building from source, right?
[01:29:56] arrrghhh: no
[01:30:17] arrrghhh: I'm using the mythbuntu repo's for my backend, and just applying's to my rpi as needed on the kodi frontend
[01:30:51] rwlove: ic
[01:31:08] rwlove: because we could build the backend from a commit before the bad patch
[01:31:19] rwlove: which might allow us to get a build without the offending change
[01:31:36] rwlove: and that build might be with close enough to our current state
[01:31:39] arrrghhh: I'm somewhat comfortable building from source, just haven't attempted with myth before
[01:31:42] rwlove: that the db schema could be similar
[01:31:49] rwlove: same situation here
[01:31:57] rwlove: I'm kinda container crazy now
[01:32:03] arrrghhh: oh well I need to eat. been troubleshooting this for too long
[01:32:03] rwlove: so I'm going to try to do that build in a container
[01:32:08] rwlove: k
[01:32:13] arrrghhh: good luck, I'll bb tomorrow probably haah
[01:32:33] arrrghhh: I at least have a workaround for livetv, the hdhomerun plugin is notbad. just no PVR
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[19:14:44] dashs: Had an HD outage and changed Storage Directories via mythtv-setup, now get Video Storage Unavailable instantly. Am clueless.
[19:17:41] dashs: No log data is provided.
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[19:31:03] dashs: Running mythtvbackend natively seems to work — init script be baad.
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[19:33:32] dashs: Mea Culpa — wuz my hand in the cookie jar.
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[22:26:47] rhollan: Anyone have luck with VAAPI on Braswell? should I just expect it to work?
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[23:15:13] rhollan: Anyone try a FE on ASARock N3000 (Brasswell)?
[23:16:29] Shadow__X: the beebox?
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[23:23:37] rhollan: Yes
[23:23:48] rhollan: The beebox
[23:24:09] rhollan: I generally avoid celery processors but this one looks interesting.
[23:41:25] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:24] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:50:57] Hydr0p0nX (Hydr0p0nX! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

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