Tuesday, July 7th, 2015, 00:01 UTC | ||
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[08:31:53] | jimBaxter (jimBaxter!~jbaxter@jimbax.plus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:09:09] | Roklobsta (Roklobsta!~Roklobsta@ppp118-209-231-37.lns20.mel8.internode.on.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[09:42:46] | mr-tt (mr-tt!549d14aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:42:48] | mr-tt: | hi |
[09:43:10] | stuarta: | morning |
[09:44:44] | mr-tt: | i'd like to termporarily record to another partition and the copy back the recordings to the regular recording partition, is that possible without issues? (umount /mnt/recs; ln -s /part2/temprecdir /mnt/rec/recdir;) |
[09:45:19] | mr-tt: | (then later copy them back to /mnt/recs/recdir) |
[09:45:33] | mr-tt: | (from usual recpart) |
[09:47:54] | stuarta: | create a new storage group definition, and myth will automatically utilize it |
[09:48:10] | stuarta: | it should prefer the less used disk |
[09:49:13] | stuarta: | or you can take the approach you suggested :) |
[09:49:31] | mr-tt: | stuarta: i remember i changed the default scheduler some time ago, what was the default, balanced free space? |
[09:49:39] | Roklobsta: | when i upgraded my mythbox i simply copied all the recordings from my old storage group drives to the new one bigger one and it all worked just fine. |
[09:50:04] | aberrios_ (aberrios_!~aberrios@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:50:24] | stuarta: | mr-tt: is it just that you are want to use a temporary drive or are you upgrading? |
[09:50:27] | Roklobsta: | as long as myth can see all the recordings it doesn't seem to matter how they are distributed across groups. |
[09:50:37] | mr-tt: | stuarta: and mythtv won't mind if i take away the new storage group and only the old one is still available? |
[09:50:49] | Roklobsta: | i went from 3 drives/storage groups to one new big RAID5 set with one storage group. |
[09:50:58] | mr-tt: | stuarta: temp drive, no upgrade |
[09:51:33] | stuarta: | mr-tt: your best bet is to create / update the default storage group to have two locations, and mythtv will look in both for recordings |
[09:51:39] | stuarta: | and utilize both for recording |
[09:51:46] | stuarta: | iirc preferring the less used one |
[09:52:14] | stuarta: | that way you can move recordings between the drives and it won't care |
[09:52:32] | mr-tt: | but it won't be bothered by one location disappearing? when i move back the recs from the temp location to the main and move the temp location away on disk? |
[09:52:43] | stuarta: | lemme find the page on the wiki |
[09:53:07] | mr-tt: | not sure the wiki covers one disappearing on disk |
[09:53:44] | stuarta: | https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Storage_Group |
[09:53:54] | mr-tt: | and someone said there was a bug in one of the disk scheduler |
[09:54:18] | stuarta: | mr-tt: what you need to do is have the recording dir as a subdir of the mount |
[09:54:38] | stuarta: | ie. mount at /myth/sg1, point the SG at /myth/sg1/recordings |
[09:54:58] | mr-tt: | yep, took care of that :) |
[09:54:59] | stuarta: | so if the drive isn't mounted /myth/sg1/recordings won't exist and that SG will be ignored |
[09:55:58] | stuarta: | it's a protection mechanism against filling up your / drive |
[09:57:46] | stuarta: | mr-tt: i'm not aware of any bugs that would cause you issues with this config |
[09:58:00] | mr-tt: | balanced free space is the default scheduler right? |
[09:58:37] | mr-tt: | stuarta: someone here on irc talked about some bug in the default scheduler some time ago, don't know what exactly though |
[09:59:53] | stuarta: | mr-tt: the balancing is described in the wiki page, seems its purely io based not free space based |
[10:01:05] | mr-tt: | stuarta: you mean balanced io is io based? |
[10:02:11] | mr-tt: | i don't want it to fill up the temp recdir if there's more space free on the main recdir |
[10:02:54] | mr-tt: | so i'd rather not have it io based, is that the case with the balanced free space scheduler? |
[10:03:05] | stuarta: | it'll start preferring one drive over the other when free space gets low, you won't ever run out, because the autoexpirer will kick in |
[10:03:28] | stuarta: | lemme read some code, i didn't think you could change it |
[10:03:35] | mr-tt: | i think i disabled expirer, i don't like the idea of recs disappearing |
[10:04:11] | stuarta: | well then you will at some point run out of disk space |
[10:04:35] | mr-tt: | stuarta: i have a big disk, and i would notice when that happens :) |
[10:04:53] | mr-tt: | "Balanced Free Space The only criteria considered here is free space, so if you have 5 tuners and 2 filesystems, and 5 things start recording at the same time, they'll all go to the filesystem with more free space. " |
[10:05:06] | mr-tt: | from the wiki, sounds like this doesn't care about io |
[10:05:49] | stuarta: | it also talks about that kicking in once you get above 2 recordings per sg |
[10:06:09] | stuarta: | if you are doing 2 recordings, 1 will go to each location |
[10:06:54] | mr-tt: | where do you read that? |
[10:08:59] | stuarta: | wiki "MythTV will balance concurrent recordings across the available directories in a Storage Group in order to spread out the file I/O load. MythTV will prefer filesystems that are local to the backend over filesystems that are remote until the local filesystem has 2 concurrent recordings active or other equivalent I/O, then the next recording will go to the remote filesystem." |
[10:09:40] | stuarta: | i'm clearly divining a few tea leave here whilst reading that |
[10:09:41] | stuarta: | ;-) |
[10:09:48] | stuarta: | *leaves |
[10:14:13] | mr-tt: | ok so 3 recs means 2 in one fs 1 in the other fs |
[10:14:23] | mr-tt: | or 2recs -> 1 in each already? |
[10:14:48] | stuarta: | both statements are correct |
[10:15:24] | mr-tt: | ok so 2 recs already split in 2 fs |
[10:15:35] | stuarta: | yes |
[10:16:05] | mr-tt: | and mythtv won't mind if i take away one storage group location on the filesystem? |
[10:16:27] | mr-tt: | to make sure it doesn't use the temp location i'd simply rename the dir |
[10:16:53] | stuarta: | nope, as per above, if it doesn't find the directory mentioned in the SG config, it'll ignore that SG and only record to the other |
[10:17:36] | mr-tt: | sg location you mean? because they should both in the same sg(default)? |
[10:19:22] | stuarta: | so you can have 2 SG definitions for sg(default) each pointing to a different directory |
[10:19:43] | stuarta: | ie. one for each drive |
[10:20:55] | Da_Coynul (Da_Coynul!~PzaBkr@user-0c90nae.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:24:09] | mr-tt: | i assume mythtv doesn't delete anything from db if a location is unavailable? |
[10:24:15] | Goobersmooch (Goobersmooch!~textual@ip-64-134-101-124.public.wayport.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:24:54] | stuarta: | nope, the recordings will just not be available |
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[11:05:34] | LordDragon (LordDragon!~Dragon@unaffiliated/lorddragon) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving") | |
[11:16:29] | SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey!~steve@host81-147-70-19.range81-147.btcentralplus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:19:01] | sphery: | mr-tt: If, AIUI, you are trying to get MythTV to stop writing to a particular file system, while allowing reading (and deleting) from that file system, you should a) change your Default (and any other custom Storage Groups which your Recording Rules specify as locations for writing new recordings) to include only the file system(s) to which you want MythTV to write. Then, create a new Storage Group, say, "Read Only", and add the file ... |
[11:19:08] | sphery: | ... system that contains recordings and should not be written to. MythTV will search for recordings across all SG's, even though the original rule said to use a different one (such as "Default"). |
[11:20:06] | sphery: | And there's a bug in Balanced Free Space that affects missing Storage Group directories, but only in master/remote backend situations where the remote system can't see the master backend's file systems (i.e. without network file systems). |
[11:21:10] | mr-tt: | sphery: remote backend = secondary backend? |
[11:21:20] | sphery: | never, ever, leave a file system in a Storage Group that's specified in any Recording Rule if you do not want MythTV to write to that file system |
[11:21:45] | sphery: | so, with the above config, just never, ever, specify "Read Only" Storage Group in any Recording Rule, and MythTV won't write to it |
[11:21:54] | sphery: | right, remote = secondary = slave backend |
[11:22:42] | sphery: | And, I'm likely the one who mentioned a "bug", but it's not a bug |
[11:23:06] | mr-tt: | hum i'd like to switch the places it writes recs to without changing setup every time. |
[11:23:29] | mr-tt: | though i don't plan to do that often |
[11:23:46] | sphery: | if you use Balanced Free Space or Balanced Percent Free Space, you can set up a feedback loop that, coupled with auto-expire, will result in all new recordings going to a single file system and expiration of existing recordings on that file system (meaning, after all the old recordings are expired, your new recordings are expired even though you have much older ones on other file systems) |
[11:24:02] | Goobersmooch (Goobersmooch!~textual@ip-64-134-101-124.public.wayport.net) has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) | |
[11:24:54] | mr-tt: | sphery: i'd just like to sometimes save recs to a secondary location, usually it should write to the main one |
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[11:25:10] | sphery: | "changing setup" is easy--just go into master backend mythtv-setup and delete the old write-to directory from Default SG (and any custom ones you've used) and add in the new write-to directory, and then make a similar swap on the Read Only SG |
[11:25:45] | mr-tt: | doesn't sound like what i want(a readonly location) |
[11:25:51] | sphery: | assuming you never, ever override any Storage Group definition on any remote backend, it's a change in only one location |
[11:26:07] | mr-tt: | don't have remote bes |
[11:26:22] | sphery: | cool--that makes everything simpler |
[11:26:27] | mr-tt: | :) |
[11:26:48] | sphery: | though I'm not sure how you (or MythV) determine the "sometimes save recs to a secondary location" |
[11:26:53] | sphery: | when is sometimes? |
[11:27:20] | sphery: | is it manually determined by you? |
[11:27:22] | mr-tt: | when the main rec disk is not there, very rarely i hope |
[11:27:25] | mr-tt: | sphery: yes |
[11:27:45] | sphery: | ok, making it an automatic fall back would be harder |
[11:28:07] | mr-tt: | i unplug the main disk, then i want it to write to the secondary once it's booted |
[11:28:15] | sphery: | but if you're ok with determining it manually, you can just have your "Read Only" SG with the "don't normally write to" directory specified |
[11:29:06] | sphery: | and in your normal SG's, specify a directory on the main file system and some other non-existent directory |
[11:29:25] | mr-tt: | sphery: from what i understood it should be possible to set both locations in the default sg and when one location is unavailable it writes to the other one? |
[11:29:52] | sphery: | then, when you want to write to the secondary disk, just do a system-level bind mount of the "don't normally write to" directory to the "non-existent directory" location |
[11:30:25] | mr-tt: | what do i need a readonly sg for then? |
[11:30:26] | sphery: | that way, it will only write to the secondary/not-preferred disk when you have the bind mount in place |
[11:30:46] | sphery: | (bind mount = mount the same file system at 2 separate mount points) |
[11:31:02] | sphery: | that way, all your recordings are always available |
[11:31:12] | sphery: | (assuming both disks are in) |
[11:31:32] | mr-tt: | sphery: i'll copy/move the recordings from the secondary to the main one later |
[11:31:32] | sphery: | and you only write to the "not preferred" directory when you explicitly allow it (with a bind mount) |
[11:32:29] | mr-tt: | this sounds much like i have it now: 2 locations in the default sg group?? |
[11:32:40] | sphery: | if it's short term, then you can do it without the read only |
[11:33:10] | sphery: | yeah, pretty much |
[11:33:21] | sphery: | it was just trying to be a bit more defensive |
[11:34:04] | sphery: | but it sounds like having the secondary/not-preferred file system in place is only a short term thing, not something you'll leave there long |
[11:34:19] | sphery: | if so, your way is probably fine |
[11:38:29] | dlking (dlking!~dlking@c-68-55-210-172.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:42:47] | mr-tt: | sphery: yep, only short time, maybe a few times, but not long |
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[12:15:23] | stuarta: | sigh, i was just getting all excited and contemplating getting a roku 3, only to find out iplayer has had a bug for months that hasn't been fixed |
[12:42:38] | mr-tt: | stuarta: roku 3 = some android box? |
[12:44:15] | hpeter (hpeter!~hpeter@77-56-34-188.dclient.hispeed.ch) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:45:29] | stuarta: | http://www.expertreviews.co.uk/tvs-entertainm . . . oku-3-review |
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[18:08:17] | jluttine: | any ideas how i could search for movies in mythweb when some channels don't use category assignments? thus, i don't find all movies if using category=movie |
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[18:21:24] | sphery: | jluttine: use Program Type, not category |
[18:21:48] | sphery: | (over on the right side of the Advanced Search page) |
[18:23:27] | jluttine: | sphery: thanks, but doesn't make a difference |
[18:23:44] | jluttine: | what is the difference between program type = movie vs category=movie |
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[20:06:30] | Jay2k1: | hey |
[20:06:40] | Jay2k1: | i often have stuttering/artifacts while watching recordings |
[20:07:08] | Jay2k1: | whenever that happens, the load is higher than usual and i notice mysql has an above average cpu usage |
[20:08:01] | Jay2k1: | it seems it's running a certain query at these times which i've tracked down to the "uint DBEvent::GetOverlappingPrograms" function from programdata.cpp |
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[20:08:39] | Jay2k1: | the box myth runs on doesn't really have a very strong CPU i have to admit |
[20:09:08] | Jay2k1: | i'm wondering how to solve that, and the only thing i could come up with is giving mysql a higher nice value |
[20:10:26] | Jay2k1: | if you guys have any suggestions or ideas, i'm all ears |
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