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Thursday, June 25th, 2015, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:02] Goobersmooch (Goobersmooch! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:56:50] lautriv: dekarl, around ?
[10:19:06] husanu3 (husanu3!~husanu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:19:36] Oleg_: is it really true that the development of mythtv started in 2002?
[10:20:06] Oleg_: I thought it started earlier than that
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[10:36:06] lautriv: i have the same impression, at least using it over a decade
[10:36:56] stuarta: good question
[10:38:03] stuarta: looks like our website states that
[10:38:11] stuarta: so it must be true ;-)
[10:41:39] Merlin83b: 2002 is a decade and a third ago ;)
[10:41:58] stuarta: scary eh?
[10:47:01] stuarta: my earliest authored commit seems to have been Jul 16 2006
[10:48:06] stuarta: #1925
[10:48:06] ** MythLogBot **
[10:48:35] stuarta: that's not one of mine, just being lazy
[10:49:30] lautriv: when configuring sources, there is --qmake=foo how can i set qt4 or at5 at all ?
[10:49:39] lautriv: *qt5
[10:51:02] stuarta: lautriv: it should auto detect, and choose the right one, otherwise you can override it with --qmake=/full/path/to/qmake
[10:51:20] stuarta: lautriv: for 0.27 use qt4, for master use qt5
[10:51:42] stuarta: if it doesn't autodetect, that's a bug, trivially fixed
[10:53:39] lautriv: stuarta, sitting between chairs, master is 0.27.4 and runs on qt4, i'm about to add another slave without sse2 and master wants qt5 strictly.
[10:54:31] lautriv: that was a bit confuding, the dirst "master" is meant for "master-backend"
[10:54:56] stuarta: version = 0.27 ?
[10:55:15] lautriv: master-backend 0.27.4
[10:55:23] stuarta: that's qt4
[10:55:52] stuarta: so what output do you get from configure? (pastebin please)
[10:56:44] lautriv: since there is a problem with machines having sse but not sse2, the new slave will be built from git and that want qt5.
[10:57:27] stuarta: checkout the branch fixes/0.27
[10:57:43] stuarta: so after cloning, do git checkout fixes/0.27
[10:58:17] stuarta: you are trying to build master if it wants qt5, which isn't going to work with your 0.27 backend
[10:59:20] lautriv: maybe the difference causes the master to spit errors not seen before ?
[11:00:14] stuarta: they have different DB schemas, so adding a (lets call master 0.28), and 0.28 backend, it'll try to upgrade the DB, and then none of your existing stuff will like it
[11:01:22] lautriv: even the new slave is off now, i get -> QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread so this is most likely a corrupted DB from that issue
[11:02:01] stuarta: i get that i my 0.28 frontend from time to time, it's an issue that needs fixing
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[11:03:04] lautriv: mine segfaults the master, maybe i should upgrade the master to 0.28 before adding the new slave
[11:04:48] stuarta: you have a backtrace?
[11:05:03] cheekyhalf (cheekyhalf! has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
[11:06:48] lautriv: it's a fast kick-off, just one line on terminal and it's gone ...... when i mysqlrepair, i get some "tabele doesn't support ..." just a few ones which were probably injected by the new slave.
[11:10:28] lautriv: ok, i will try the following ... checkout fixes/0.27 on new slave, attach to master, if errors occour build a new DB.
[11:11:13] lautriv: i hate that channel-setup, takes a whole day :(
[11:11:40] stuarta: tell me about it, that's what I want to get going in the backend webserver
[11:11:55] stuarta: so your current master backend is 0.27 or 0.28 ??
[11:13:06] lautriv: all but the new slave are 0.27.4, issues arrived because the new was build from git.
[11:15:14] lautriv: the main issue is obv. laggy Qt, each damn question about inserting a channel opens several windows and a new scan results in thousands of channels where i remove 90%. would be a big benefit to have a list with tags ( delete/hold ) and send it for several channels at once.
[11:15:59] stuarta: yeah, that and the fact that button navigation isn't consistent, sometime you need to hit down, sometimes across to move to where you want
[11:17:00] lautriv: btw. i run my mythweb from tengine, less bloaty much more responsive.
[11:17:02] stuarta: so, to rebuild to the following. cd <mythtv_checkout>; make distclean; git checkout fixes/0.27; find . -name Makefile -delete; git reset --hard; `tail -1 config.log`; make` :)
[11:17:31] stuarta: i use nginx
[11:18:24] lautriv: you confuse me on deleting Makefile
[11:18:38] stuarta: i find it keeps references to the wrong qmake version
[11:19:11] stuarta: so deleting and pulling back the version in the repo, should give you a nice clean build
[11:21:48] lautriv: it happend exactly what i assumed ->
[11:22:30] stuarta: okay that's find. just kick off a configure
[11:22:33] stuarta: er fine
[11:22:59] stuarta: `tail -1 config.log` is meant to read your previous configure command line and re-run it
[11:23:36] lautriv: that would need to pipe it to configure ;)
[11:23:56] stuarta: there is a difference between ` and '
[11:24:13] stuarta: `command` runs the result of command in the shell
[11:24:31] stuarta: 'command' just runs command to quote params from the shell
[11:26:05] lautriv: i know, didn't take that part from here ...
[11:27:08] stuarta: :)
[11:28:13] lautriv: waitinf for output of configure ...
[11:29:53] lautriv: ok, no specific hint for QT, compiles now and i'll see if something fails.
[11:30:37] lautriv: according to zhe homepage, fices/0.27 _should be 0.27.5 ?
[11:30:54] ** lautriv replaces battery in kbd ... **
[11:31:20] stuarta: lautriv: it's 0.27.5 + youtube api fixes
[11:31:36] stuarta: technically + anything we've fixed in 0.27
[11:32:12] lautriv: did not see any --disable-rotten-youtube-spyware
[11:33:43] stuarta: it's in mythnetvision, which if you don't build it, you don't get
[11:34:17] lautriv: phew
[11:34:31] stuarta: and that is a plugin
[11:34:40] stuarta: which you have to compile separately anyway
[11:38:22] stuarta: anyway, we don't use any of their code, only their api for finding videos to play
[11:39:30] lautriv: at the microsecond you enter youtube, your IP is logged in conjunctiuon with the desired content and stored on google
[11:40:47] stuarta: everything is logged
[11:41:34] ** stuarta wanders off in search of food **
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[12:49:17] stuarta: ah sunshine. it is good
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[12:52:15] stuarta: lautriv: how is the build going?
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[13:45:03] lautriv: hm, appears my last line was swallowed by diconnect, lemme repeat ...
[13:45:04] lautriv: build complete and online, master still confused and segfaulting, slave-backend #1 lost 2 Encoders even it was not changed in any way but DB-content
[13:45:04] ** MythLogBot **
[13:45:46] stuarta: if it's segfaulting, first do ulimit -c unlimited; then run it and it'll drop core which you can debug
[13:47:24] lautriv: when doing so, i'll start direct with absolute path to have anything on tty
[13:47:27] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:47:40] stuarta: yup
[13:47:56] stuarta: i hate segfaults and wish to eradicate them
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[15:17:22] sleezio: is there a way to force myth backend to run the EIT instead of having to wait on it's shceduled time?
[15:19:44] sleezio: a local station has added a new subchannel, but mythweb listing has it as 'no data'
[15:20:00] stuarta: watch live tv on that channel
[15:20:09] sleezio: i've tried, i haven't seen it update
[15:20:23] sleezio: and the channel is checked to use onairguide
[15:21:30] sleezio: nm, backend reboot seemed to fix it
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[15:59:53] lautriv: sleezio, call mythfilldatabase
[16:00:54] stuarta: that isn't needed with EIT
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[16:03:02] lautriv: stuarta, i found several issues not directly related to mythtv ... funtoo does the BF to edit /etc/hosts on each boot resp. invocation of service hostname. i stopped that but the last upgrade put it back. actually the last issue is that the master won't see slaves encoder. (registered, linked but not shown)
[16:03:53] stuarta: kk
[16:05:08] lautriv: i wonder if i should remove all tuners since the enummeration is a bit flakey.
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[16:59:45] lautriv: stuarta, still around ?
[17:07:45] lautriv: stuarta, you may see this later .... got anything in a state that "appears" normal, went to a frontend and chaned some channels and sources, then the master went out with this ->
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[19:38:06] stuarta: lautriv: did you or abrt (or similar) capture a core file from it?
[19:39:48] stuarta: going to need that to debug it
[19:43:14] ssorbom: What happened to the "Mythtv://" protocol? I tried to use it with kodi, but kodi claimed it couldn't connect.
[19:44:22] stuarta: er, nothing that i know of, it's still there
[19:45:13] ssorbom: odd... I suspect the problem is on kodi's end then.
[19:47:50] ssorbom: I should elaborate and say that connecting using their most recent kodi-pvr script does work, but I can't connect my music and videos directly through the backend.
[19:48:38] ssorbom: works for live tv that is.
[19:49:04] stuarta: no idea, it's not something i use
[20:32:36] lautriv: stuarta, no corefile. however it happend not before the last update and attempt adding another slave-server. I have the impression this is somewhat indirect causing mythtv, will see what i can find.
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[20:52:43] at0m|c: hi, i had 2 cards and added a 3rd tuner. the new card sits at adapter1 instead of 2. can i just edit the Input Connections in mythtv-setup so Video Source ex-frontend1 moves to frontend2? Or how would i solve this?
[20:54:00] stuarta: lautriv: do some quick checks an verify you don't accidentally have stuff linked against 2 different qt versions. that way lies pain
[20:54:40] stuarta: at0m|c: if it's a different type of card you can set the adapter number on module load
[20:55:26] stuarta: eg, i have dvb-t x2 and dvb-s2 x2, so the dvb-s2 i made live at cards 5 & 6 (skipped 2,3 & 4 for some reason)
[20:55:54] at0m|c: stuarta: the 2 old ones are both SAA7146, but DVB-S and DVB-S2 so different PCI numbers. the USB card jumped in between
[20:56:46] stuarta: does it use a different frontend module?
[20:57:04] stuarta: i have this in a module config file "options dvb-usb-dw2102 adapter_nr=5,6
[20:58:20] at0m|c: yes, i had to upgrade kernel for this driver so it's a 'new' module, too
[20:58:31] at0m|c: ok will look into that, thanks
[20:58:35] stuarta: so something like the above should work
[20:59:07] at0m|c: ok thanks! :)
[20:59:30] stuarta: should be pretty easy to determine, look in dmesg and you'll see the frontend taking up adapter xx, which will give you the module name
[21:00:36] lautriv: stuarta, actually rebuilding the master with the sources that i used for the new slave, compiler-output has /something/qt4/something/else so i guess it would do right.
[21:01:16] stuarta: lautriv: just make sure you removed all traces of the previous install
[21:03:47] jimBaxter (jimBaxter! has quit (Quit: Quiting)
[21:04:48] at0m|c: has dmesg| grep dvb, the usb has ~4 modules. dvb_usb_dvbsky the one?
[21:06:21] at0m|c: usb's the one i'd move to adapter_nr=2
[21:07:45] stuarta: i don't see something like registering adapter 1 frontend 0
[21:08:33] stuarta: the way to prove it, is if the card isn't in use, do "modprobe -r dvb_usb_dvbsky" and adapter 1 should disappear
[21:09:15] at0m|c: has dmesg | grep frontend, but that 'usb' would be the driver... :?
[21:09:43] stuarta: modinfo dvb_usb_dvbsky
[21:10:29] at0m|c:
[21:11:37] at0m|c: "description: Driver for DVBSky USB" funny how dmesg|grep fontend returns 'usb'
[21:11:46] stuarta: if you've removed it, then try `modprobe dvb_usb_dvbsky adapter_nr=5`
[21:11:52] stuarta: it = the module
[21:11:57] stuarta: not the device
[21:12:01] at0m|c: okay
[21:12:38] stuarta: if that works and it turns up on adapter 5, then you'll need to drop a file in the right place on your system to make it automatic
[21:13:46] at0m|c: that works, thanks a lot :))
[21:15:01] lautriv: what traces are you talking about ?
[21:15:22] stuarta: lautriv: anything installed by `make install`
[21:15:39] stuarta: at0m|c: you on ubuntu?
[21:15:50] at0m|c: stuarta: debian stretch
[21:16:04] at0m|c: had to get kernel from sid for the usb driver
[21:16:53] stuarta: ok, should have something like /etc/modprobe.d ??
[21:16:56] lautriv: stuarta, the running one is from ebuild, using different locations for sources, i have to overwrite it ( portage has to assume the package is in place )
[21:17:17] at0m|c: stuarta: added to /etc/modules
[21:17:41] stuarta: at0m|c: that'll work. i dropped my config in /etc/modprobe.d/dvb-cards.conf
[21:17:55] at0m|c: yes, will do – seems more appropriate
[21:21:52] stuarta: well also, distro upgrades can drop /etc/modules, should be a config file, but still can make upgrades more difficult than necessary
[21:22:16] at0m|c: right
[21:22:27] at0m|c: this file won't get touched unless i do
[21:22:33] stuarta: yup
[21:23:59] Dave123_ (Dave123_!~Dave123@2604:6000:100a:25:208:caff:fee5:1d33) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[21:24:12] lautriv: most distro-kernels are suboptimal anyway.
[21:24:51] stuarta: depends on your perspective. i got bored of rebuilding each kernel patchset about 20 odd years ago
[21:25:11] stuarta: now i let somebody else build packages and i just install em
[21:26:04] lautriv: i hate to have 500 modules not matching the machine, some are even loading.
[21:26:05] at0m|c: lautriv: freebsd or slackware? not me, tx.
[21:26:38] stuarta: lautriv: i used to do all that, decided i had better things to do with my time
[21:27:01] lautriv: at0m|c, debian since the stoneage but since world-domination-daemon --> funtoo
[21:28:10] at0m|c: lautriv: let me know when the funtoo works
[21:28:13] lautriv: stuarta, i admit to be pedantic if it comes to finetuning ;)
[21:28:30] stuarta: lautriv: i'd guessed that by the distro you use
[21:28:39] at0m|c: i'd need to hire staff to get my machines up and running
[21:29:00] lautriv: at0m|c, funtoo is way better than gentoo, works nice
[21:29:23] hpeter (hpeter! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[21:29:39] lautriv: ... but it appears they have no idea about networking :o)
[21:29:50] at0m|c: apt-get dist-upgrading testing since stone-age, i'm happy camper.
[21:30:16] lautriv: and now tainted by systend
[21:30:41] at0m|c: oh only had to face that once, indeed. the other machines were copypasta
[21:30:44] stuarta: i seem to use a bit of everything. was debian then ubuntu, plus some fedora and 1 linux mint
[21:30:56] stuarta: i like some of systemd
[21:31:21] lautriv: it's not the idea but the result what i dislike.
[21:31:37] at0m|c: lautriv: we're long past 640k machines
[21:31:48] at0m|c: got headroom eh
[21:32:20] at0m|c: i do end-user machines, not high grade DC's
[21:32:32] stuarta: some of the bigger machines are awesome, 140+ cpu cores....
[21:32:34] at0m|c: but hey we all happy, everybody happy :)
[21:33:02] lautriv: at0m|c, there is a big difference between efficiency and waste, if you think it's normal that your browser leaks several GB .... that's a myth.
[21:36:20] lautriv: bah, just finnished master-backend and it failed with "cannot open"
[21:36:38] at0m|c: #funtoo :)
[21:37:08] louisdk (louisdk! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:37:50] lautriv: at0m|c, just dependencies, mythtv is from git. debian and derivates had not even headers in place :P
[21:39:19] lautriv: source was complaining about it and i installed it, probably missed some link on continue. so probably my own fault.
[21:44:30] Goobersmooch (Goobersmooch! has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[21:47:46] ** lautriv forgot to set -j, will take forever :( **
[21:48:40] lautriv: stuarta, those bigger machines are from what vendor ?
[21:54:37] stuarta: most of them, but definitely HP
[21:54:59] stuarta: a standard server grade cpu these days has 12 cores
[21:55:22] stuarta: and there are others available with more
[21:57:04] lautriv: i wonder a bit about the nuber of cores, the maximum for recent NUMA architecture is 128 cores, anything above is using a propietary chain where only Cray Systems developed an ASIC to enhance the HT topology of AMD.
[22:01:49] RedPenguin (RedPenguin!~RedPengui@unaffiliated/redpenguin) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[22:04:57] stuarta: sigh i go looking and so far only found 80 cores
[22:05:34] stuarta: and 2TB memory
[22:05:40] stuarta: too small
[22:06:39] lautriv: when that thingie is HP and will stay on NUMA ( aka useable without specialiced topology ) it would end on a Proliant 765 populating 8 sockets * 16 cores
[22:08:22] stuarta: the DL980 G7's are up to 80 cores & 4Tb mem (i said 2Tb above)
[22:09:18] stuarta: weighs in at a mere 93kg
[22:09:24] RedPenguin (RedPenguin! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:09:46] lautriv: *cough* the 980 would populate intels, worst thing on multicore ....
[22:10:54] stuarta: on the desktop side, i'm intriuged by the recent amd "desktop cpus" with integrated gpu's, how they perform etc...
[22:15:26] lautriv: even recent game-boxes are equipped with AMD APU's and they have a good reason.
[22:19:53] disputin (disputin!~sean@ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:26:00] stuarta: even the intel hd gpu's are pretty decent now
[22:30:03] lautriv: i'd prefer intels graphic but never their CPU :o)
[22:32:46] stuarta: hard to get one without the other
[22:33:33] stuarta: and unless amd make spectacular progress with their graphics drivers being opensource, i ain't touching them
[22:35:30] lautriv: could use a Athlon or Opteron ( no GPU ) and have your own choice on PCIe.
[22:36:32] stuarta: yeah, but then you look at the intel nuc series, not the cheapest things but for their size and power i love them as a frontend. wouldn't mind one as a dev box either
[22:37:34] lautriv: may mythtv (backend) benefit from preemtion ? i guess the bare streaming won't but tuning a transponder may benefit.
[22:38:24] stuarta: preemption in what way? the kernel will schedule it out the way if there's other stuff todo
[22:41:55] lautriv: i'm more about the fine-grained parts, if i have a non-preemptive kernel, it would choose another core to tune the transponder while still streaming something but if someone ( i have family ;) ) likes to zap around like crazy, it may be useful.
[22:46:13] lautriv: ok, master rebuilt will zap around myself to see if it crashes .... brb
[22:48:15] ** stuarta goes to bed **
[22:54:22] lautriv: AND ROCK SOLID AGAIN :-)
[23:07:02] ubIx (ubIx! has joined #mythtv-users
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