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Sunday, May 10th, 2015, 00:10 UTC
[00:10:19] RNeville (RNeville! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:40:49] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!~Greek-Boy@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:00:48] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:41:54] fetzerch_ (fetzerch_!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:41:58] Tobbe5178 (Tobbe5178!~asdf@2001:2002:51e1:d825:9dcc:55a6:5b3e:b8f6) has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:10:35] DaRock (DaRock! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:25:08] saintdev: Is there a way to jump to a specific channel with the frontend services api instead of sending each digit of the channel individually?
[07:22:51] Greek-B0y (Greek-B0y!~Greek-Boy@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[09:47:51] paul-h (paul-h!~Paul@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:50:18] paul-h: anyone have an example of a music track with embedded lyrics in the tag?
[11:04:21] croppa_ is now known as croppa
[11:48:19] tgm4883 (tgm4883!uid23806@ubuntu/member/tgm4883) has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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[12:22:43] haux (haux! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:25:37] haux: Hi all. I have running mythtv (mythubuntu) every thing is fine, just the mythgame is not working
[12:25:54] haux: when I go to mythgame in the UI I see these errors:
[12:25:55] haux: 015-05–10 08:24:45.978476 E Couldn't find any game handlers!
[12:25:55] haux: 2015-05–10 08:24:45.987223 E Error preparing query: select distinct ,system,year,genre,gamename from gamemetadata where 1=0 and favorite=1 and display = 1 order by ;
[12:25:55] haux: 2015-05–10 08:24:45.987232 E Driver error was [2/1064]:
[12:25:55] haux: QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement
[12:25:55] haux: Database error was:
[12:25:57] haux: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'system,year,genre,gamename from gamemetadata where 1=0 and favorite=1 and displ' at line 1
[12:26:26] skd5aner (skd5aner! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:06:51] paul-h: haux: I don't use MythGame so not sure but from the error it looks like you don't have any emulators installed like xmame
[13:11:15] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:35:18] Oleg_ (Oleg_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:54:46] twiggy2cents: does the severe weather alerts work on current fixes?
[17:55:51] twiggy2cents: I decided to setup mythweather and I have got everything I wanted working except animated or static maps and severe weather alerts
[17:56:34] twiggy2cents: I dont really need the radar or maps, but I would like to use the severe weather. I can find my location and set it but it doesnt add it to the active screens
[17:57:03] twiggy2cents: Does it work by selecting it in mythweather or is it a popup when there is an alert?
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[18:52:03] tgm4883 (tgm4883!uid23806@ubuntu/member/tgm4883) has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:01:41] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:25] sleezio (sleezio!~slee@unaffiliated/sleezio) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:13:27] sleezio: hello, the icon download is horrendous for my area apparently(OTA)..what's weird is, i tried to have it 'download all'...but it found none, but if i try to find each individual one, it finds a few
[19:13:49] sleezio: why didn't 'download all' see those?
[19:15:43] tgm4883: sleezio: confidence maybe? I think if you choose download all, it likely only picks them for ones it's certain about (eg. it needs to be 100% named correctly or maybe only have 1 result). Where when you search individually, it allows you to pick from a list of options
[19:15:54] tgm4883: it's been awhile since I've done icon search though, so I may be wrong
[19:16:02] sleezio: makes sense
[19:16:17] sleezio: is it possible to make/load your own?
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[19:18:32] tgm4883: sleezio: again, not sure, but I would think so
[19:18:56] tgm4883: sleezio: I think the recommended solution would be to upload any you make to the site that hosts them
[19:19:02] tgm4883: that way everyone can benefit
[19:19:05] sleezio: right
[19:32:08] sleezio: hmm..shouldn't mythweb load the icons in the guide?
[19:35:31] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[19:36:39] Moscherkobold (Moscherkobold! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:05:50] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:20:04] ch3p3 (ch3p3!4caef8d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:20:06] paul-h (paul-h!~Paul@ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:25:59] sleezio: meh, i followed the instructions on the wiki to get icons on other frontends, but it isn't working
[21:31:42] franky (franky!48be2850@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:41:05] SteveGoodey (SteveGoodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[21:41:31] Tobbe5178 (Tobbe5178!~asdf@2001:2002:51e1:d825:9dcc:55a6:5b3e:b8f6) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:44:15] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:45:12] bill6502: sleezio: If you're on 0.27 and followed this: all your frontends will get the icons.
[21:46:37] bill6502: use the test to see if they're installed correctly: <backend>:6544/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=<chanid>
[21:46:46] sleezio: bill, yes, i tried ln -s /home/myuser/.mythtv/channels /home/mythtv/.mythtv/channels
[21:47:15] sleezio: it created the link, icons went into the linked folder, but remote frontends(even mythweb) still won't load them
[21:48:45] sleezio: i'm guessing it's a permissions problem, seeing that backend is 'mythtv' and frontend = my regualr username
[21:49:02] bill6502: The link isn't required if the icons are in ~mythtv (as opposed to your own directory.) But it's OK. Did the browser test fail?
[21:49:26] sleezio: browser test? you mean mythweb guide?
[21:49:39] sleezio: mythweb loads fine, just without icons
[21:49:57] bill6502: no, the one I pasted above (from the Wiki.)
[21:50:09] bill6502: <backend>:6544/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=<chanid>
[21:50:11] sleezio: oh, let me try
[21:55:52] sleezio: hmm..i guess i'm confused on the <chanid>, i tried what i thought it was, but on the browser test, it's just a blank page
[21:57:58] bill6502: It's the same number as you've seen in your recording files, e.g. source+channel, like: 1051 for my over-the-air channel 5–1
[21:57:59] sleezio: bill6502, where can i see a specific channels id to verify?
[21:58:13] sleezio: right, my channel 10 = 1101
[21:58:23] sleezio: i tried it, but it returns a blank page
[21:58:58] bill6502: <BE>:6544/Channel/GetChannelInfoList
[21:59:56] bill6502: which will have a line like: <IconURL>/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=1051</IconURL> too
[21:59:57] sleezio: that loads, but everything is pretty much '0'
[22:00:08] sleezio: <ChanId>0</ChanId>
[22:01:22] bill6502: Let's try an easier one: <BE>:6544/Myth/GetHostName
[22:01:24] sleezio: bill6502,
[22:01:49] sleezio: yes, host name is there
[22:02:48] bill6502: OK, the reason that this is important is that that's how the icons are actually retrieved, so if the Services API endpoints aren't working, then you'll not see the icons.
[22:03:25] bill6502: Is MythTV working otherwise, e.g. can you make recordings?
[22:03:59] sleezio: i had mythbunto installed awhile back, everything worked fine, i recently formatted that box to mint 17 and used the mythbuntu control center to install mythtv
[22:04:07] sleezio: yes, i can record
[22:04:19] Toast (Toast! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:31] bill6502: 0.27?
[22:04:37] sleezio: it's .27 now
[22:05:23] bill6502: I'm on 0.28-pre. Going away for a bit to see if the GetChannelInfoList exists in 0.27
[22:06:50] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[22:09:15] bill6502: <BE>:6544/Channel/GetChannelInfoList?SourceID=oneOfYoursSourceNumbersLike1 or2...
[22:10:10] sleezio: good data: <IconURL>wfna_gulf_shores.png</IconURL>
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[22:12:06] sleezio: <ChanId>1551</ChanId>
[22:12:28] sleezio: http://backend6544/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=1051 = blank page
[22:13:16] bill6502: backend:6544 (hopefully the above is a typo)
[22:13:23] sleezio: yes, typo
[22:13:37] sleezio:
[22:13:42] sleezio: blank page
[22:14:51] sleezio: i think i'm just going to put mythbuntu back on that box
[22:15:28] sleezio: apparently installing myth back/front end via the control center borked something
[22:16:12] bill6502: Does ls -l ~mythtv/.mythtv/channels/ have lots of non-zero files?
[22:18:05] sleezio: i linked it to another folder, but it shows 0 files there
[22:19:01] sleezio: i'm just gonna go back with mythbuntu
[22:19:34] bill6502: If this is the only issue, just move ( or copy) the icons there...
[22:19:39] bill6502: good luck.
[22:20:05] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:29:40] Roklobsta (Roklobsta! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:31:47] sleezio: billthanks for the help anyway
[22:37:03] jarnos_ (jarnos_! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:01:15] strayPuppy (strayPuppy!~vipp@unaffiliated/straypuppy) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:05] Toast (Toast! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[23:42:25] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[23:52:32] sleezio: geeeez, just installed mythbuntu fresh, configured..everything seems to be working but icons...again
[23:53:09] sleezio: backend:6544/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=1051 still gives a blank pageblank page
[23:53:40] sleezio: but 6544/Channel/GetChannelInfoList?SourceID=1 shows the data should be there....<IconURL>wfna_gulf_shores.png</IconURL>
[23:56:31] sleezio: what else could be causing this?

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