Tuesday, March 17th, 2015, 00:00 UTC | ||
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[09:10:47] | bas-t: | Hi all! |
[09:10:47] | bas-t: | Running fixes/0.27 with a 3.19 kernel causes some stuttering in both livetv and recordings. Running with a 4.0-RC kernel causes very heavy stuttering. 3.18 or lower runs very smooth. Anyone recognises this? I'm running Debian Jessie and I compile MythTV myself. No clues whatsoever in the log. What debug switch should I use to get some usefull info on this? TVHeadend is not affected, it continues to run smooth with newest kernels. |
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[13:30:48] | tek50: | hi |
[13:36:18] | tek50: | i was wondering if i can get help from this site |
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[13:38:39] | tek50: | i am new to all of this, so was wondering what mythtv packages (if any) can be installed on openelec. |
[13:39:13] | tek50: | or do I need to install mythbuntu? |
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[15:19:39] | joabec: | tek50, if your running RapberryPI have a look at Kodi http://kodi.wiki/view/Raspberry_Pi |
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[15:27:54] | ni291187: | hi |
[15:28:29] | ni291187: | I posted this earlier. was wondering if there was a package for openelec for mythtv backend |
[15:28:47] | ni291187: | or if I have to go the mythbuntu way. |
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[15:37:26] | n20889: | I keep getting timed out. sorry. |
[15:37:39] | n20889: | bummer |
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