Sunday, March 8th, 2015, 00:00 UTC | ||
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[00:41:40] | RedPenguin: | Hello all |
[00:41:55] | RedPenguin: | My buddy is running MythTV with an HDHomeRun PRIME and it works great |
[00:42:14] | RedPenguin: | But he wants to hook up an HVR-950Q for the ClearQAM locals, which the card is also working |
[00:42:33] | RedPenguin: | But he wants to only watch live on the 950Q and not record from it |
[00:42:52] | RedPenguin: | But when he goes to LiveTV, it appears some channels that are not clearqam, mythtv is trying to ask the 950q to deliver it |
[00:43:19] | RedPenguin: | Like 761 is Nat Geo HD, it should go to the PRIME but it's acting like it's asking the 950Q for some reason |
[00:43:28] | [R]: | you need to set up 2 video sources |
[00:43:42] | [R]: | with different channel lists |
[00:44:01] | RedPenguin: | that's what I thought but the issue is it seems SchedulesDirect for some reason will not let us make a new lineup with the same lineup |
[00:44:23] | RedPenguin: | We have a CableDigital and Cable lineup, and the Cable lineup doesn't have all the ClearQAM's and SD doesn't seem to permit us to add CableDigital again |
[00:44:58] | [R]: | you could use the same source for both video sources |
[00:45:02] | [R]: | and just customize the channel list |
[00:45:24] | RedPenguin: | in Channel Editor? |
[00:45:26] | tonsofpcs: | so I have a program recorded by myth that whenever it hits the same timestamp it crashes openelec on my pi on playback... VLC glitches at the same point but keeps playing.... anyone seen this behavior before? Something specific I should look for in the TS analysis? |
[00:45:33] | [R]: | thats one, way, sure |
[00:45:42] | tonsofpcs: | (ATSC MPEG2) |
[00:45:56] | RedPenguin: | oh [R] what other way is there? |
[00:46:11] | [R]: | RedPenguin: editing the database, using mythweb, i think maybe the api can do it |
[00:46:26] | RedPenguin: | oh ok |
[00:46:39] | tonsofpcs: | I've seen it with other programs, this is the first time I've actually bothered comparing and found the same glitch in VLC playback |
[00:46:39] | RedPenguin: | well I will look again |
[00:47:05] | tonsofpcs: | HDHR capture source |
[00:53:13] | RedPenguin: | [R]: so you prob set tuner priority type of thing? |
[00:53:24] | [R]: | what? |
[00:54:22] | RedPenguin: | oh nvm |
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[01:31:17] | RedPenguin: | [R]: I'm under mythweb's Channel Info, but I see recpriority but it doesn't seem to let me say these channels are for PRIME only |
[01:32:15] | [R]: | what? |
[01:32:38] | RedPenguin: | I mean I can't seem to figure out using one source how to tell MythTV that for example NGC HD is only to go to the PRIME never the 950Q |
[01:33:04] | [R]: | remove the chanenl from the video sourcce you dont want it to be in |
[01:33:05] | RedPenguin: | My buddy and I are both looking at the backend and MythWeb and we just can't seem to find the option |
[01:35:53] | RedPenguin: | thanks again [R] we see where we were confused |
[01:36:08] | RedPenguin: | We don't need to make the second source in SchedulesDirect, just make another source in MythTV using same lineup |
[01:50:06] | RedPenguin: | [R]: we got it perfect now, MythTV not only is awesome software but awesome support :) |
[01:55:20] | RedPenguin: | bye |
[01:55:22] | RedPenguin: | opps |
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[17:27:33] | Hydr0p0nX: | is there a way to adjust weather update intervals ? |
[17:53:08] | Hydr0p0nX: | think i found it |
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[22:47:02] | kusznir: | Hi all: could I get an interpertation / what to do about this message on a slave backend: MythSocketThread(-1) mythsocket.cpp:677 (WriteStringListReal) MythSocket(1831fc0:60): WriteStringList: Error, invalid string list. |
[22:48:09] | kusznir: | Symptoms: slave backend (newly setup, not yet verified working), logs says connected, then spews this message, then 30 sec later says connecting again. Loading mythweb backend status on master backend hanngs for "a while" than usually shows this encoder as "not connected". |
[22:48:48] | kusznir: | The slave backend is a different OS than the master, but they both appear to be 0.27+fixes |
[22:49:15] | kusznir: | This is the first time I've set up a slave backend, too, so its possible I'm doing something wrong. I have verified that there are now firewalls running on either host. |
[22:55:04] | kusznir: | In fact, now that I have the slave backend configured, nearly everything I do in mythweb is vastly delayed. |
[22:58:07] | kusznir: | Question in this reguard: does my slave backend need a local storage directory configured? I was hoping it would just stream to the master backend...I have this slave backend only because the cable I need to connect the tuner to is only available in this end of the house. |
[22:58:27] | kusznir: | My goal is to achieve something similar to hdhomerun but with an ivtv card (PVR-150 — yes analog) |
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