Tuesday, January 27th, 2015, 00:02 UTC | ||
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[09:02:24] | joabec: | Hi all, I'm having some problem with my mythweb when I go to recordings I only get a blank page nothing else at all no menu or anything, I have tried to reinstall mythweb with out any luck. any suggestions much appreciated |
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[22:19:28] | RedPenguin: | Hey all |
[22:19:46] | RedPenguin: | Does MythTV not keep episode information always in Previously Recorded? |
[22:19:59] | RedPenguin: | I went to a previously recorded, hit I, and it's like info it had before is now gone |
[22:24:42] | RedPenguin: | Well I should clarify, the description remained but the episode number vanished |
[22:29:20] | Shadow__X: | on a new recording? |
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