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Monday, January 19th, 2015, 00:08 UTC
[00:08:16] wagner__ (wagner__! has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[01:18:13] RedPenguin: all that Googling and here I found out the guide was never wrong, for some reason they normally 1 hr show must have did a half-hour special
[01:20:31] RedPenguin: Would be easier to figure this stuff out if every network had accurate episode lists for every show lol
[01:21:26] [R]: its routine for things to air out of order
[01:21:42] [R]: its fun to read the tvdb and people arguing about it
[01:22:50] RedPenguin: well this is an older show from 2006, it's in repeats
[01:22:58] RedPenguin: and still no episode list lol
[01:23:11] [R]: well check the tvdb then, see what it says
[01:41:03] shubes (shubes! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:46] RedPenguin: Am I missing something or can you not do "Previously Recorded" from MythWeb?
[01:42:27] Hydr0p0nX: recorded programs maybe?
[01:42:30] Hydr0p0nX: or something else?
[01:42:51] RedPenguin: Well I see those but like how in the Frontend you can say re-record and all that
[01:43:09] Hydr0p0nX: there's delete+re-record
[01:43:16] Hydr0p0nX: in recorded programs
[01:43:35] RedPenguin: so I take it, you have to use the frontend if you want a re-record with no delete?
[01:47:48] Hydr0p0nX: i'm not familiar with another way that doesn't involve a change to the recording schedule
[01:48:16] [R]: well you an figure out what the frontend does to the db
[01:48:18] [R]: and do it manually
[01:50:16] RedPenguin: ok, just curious because MythWeb is nice on the go but I can always VPN in for a frontend
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[03:25:21] drewzhrodague (drewzhrodague! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:01] drewzhrodague: Anyone know about Mythweb? When I use mythweb to schedule a recording, I seem to recall I could set some of the recording options as defaults.
[03:29:38] drewzhrodague: As in, I'd like to have user jobs on by default when I schedule a new recording – I have to click my favorite options with each new recording. Where do I set these defaults?
[03:29:42] Kwisher: look for the link next to advanced options – hide/display
[03:29:54] sl1ce (sl1ce! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:12] drewzhrodague: Oops, I'm on .26
[03:30:43] Kwisher: maybe in the b/e settings??? not sure how to set as default
[03:31:18] drewzhrodague: I seem to recall I used to do this – MythTV user since '04, IIRC.
[03:32:05] drewzhrodague: Thanks for answering though, Kwisher
[03:33:15] Kwisher (Kwisher! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[08:17:14] Sharky-112065 is now known as Sharky112065
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[15:56:37] bill6502: RedPenguin: if your analog tuner has a unique video source, then set its 'Schedule order' to 0. Then it won't be selected for recording.
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[22:19:10] Steve-Goodey (Steve-Goodey! has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[22:27:57] Hydr0p0nX: is there a mythfrontend app that works w/ android?
[22:28:19] Hydr0p0nX: I've seen a few but most don't appear to be supported on 0.27
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[23:01:00] Blue1 (Blue1! has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:13:51] Kwisher: Hydr0p0nX: iirc, yes
[23:30:01] bill6502: Hydr0p0nX: MythTV Android Frontend's beta release will work. You must join the Google group to get it (a Google requirement): . The project is undergoing a 'rebranding' and this is likely to go away, in my opinion. An *entire* frontend isn't likely to happen.
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[23:57:42] Hydr0p0nX: yea, I didn't expect a full frontend
[23:58:16] Hydr0p0nX: but the xbmc/kodi plugin has a problem with crashing ... fine for me, not for the gf

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