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Monday, January 5th, 2015, 00:21 UTC
[00:21:38] maseck (maseck! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:11] flyback (flyback! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:19] flyback: does mythtv still support pvr250
[00:38:33] flyback: and also is it capable of playing web stream stuff also
[01:14:30] Kwisher (Kwisher! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:40:42] trumee (trumee!~parul@2601:e:1580:799::c64) has quit (Quit: ZNC -
[01:43:31] trumee (trumee!~parul@2601:e:1580:799::c64) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:35] SmallwoodDR (SmallwoodDR!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:38] SmallwoodDR82 (SmallwoodDR82!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:38:15] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:18] andreaz (andreaz! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:01] jab416171: Man this is frustrating
[03:03:35] jab416171: If a recording gets interrupted, what happens?
[03:05:00] [R]: what does "interrupted" mean
[03:05:33] jab416171: The tuner goes offline, network goes down, mythtv restarts, etc
[03:07:20] Kwisher: it usually resumes
[03:07:41] Kwisher: had it happen last night when power flickered
[03:07:54] Kwisher: you'll see 2 recordings
[03:09:04] [R]: if there is no other instance of the recording
[03:09:06] [R]: it'll restart
[03:10:05] jab416171: And then what if there's a future instance after the fact? Like 3 weeks later? Will it also record that one?
[03:10:32] Kwisher: not unless you mark it to record again
[03:11:08] Kwisher: the db still considers it to have recorded
[03:12:52] jab416171: Man I wish the watch recordings UI would reflect that flag better
[03:13:08] [R]: "that flag"?
[03:13:29] jab416171: You can say "allow rerecord" all day and it doesn't change the ui or menus
[03:14:07] [R]: the only place i've ever seen that is when you go to dleete it
[03:14:30] Kwisher: jab416171: do you mean in mythweb?
[03:15:36] jab416171: No, I mean in myth front end
[03:16:00] jab416171: You can say allow rerecord in the watch recordings screen
[03:16:09] [R]: where
[03:16:19] jab416171: In the menu
[03:16:27] [R]: oh i see it
[03:16:28] jab416171: I think it's under recording options
[03:16:34] [R]: well if you have a problem with your theme
[03:16:36] [R]: fix it
[03:16:43] jab416171: Fair enough
[03:16:52] jab416171: What flag does that toggle?
[03:16:53] Kwisher: he's right
[03:17:07] [R]: the "allow rerecord" flagi would assume
[03:17:24] jab416171: Lol, that's not the name of the column in the db :P
[03:28:59] jab416171: I guess I first need to get a VM up and running
[04:15:45] TheyCallMeBruce (TheyCallMeBruce! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:53] TheyCallMeBruce: Would anyone have a moment to help me get my mythmote working on my MythTV .27 frontend? mythbuntu 14.04.1
[04:19:22] [R] ([R]!~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[04:20:31] Kwisher (Kwisher! has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[04:36:31] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:47] bill6502: TheyCallMeBruce: Frontend->Setup->General->Remote Control->Enable Network Remote Control Interface (checked)
[04:38:18] bill6502: naturally the FE must have a non localhost address
[04:44:09] ubIx (ubIx! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:47:37] ubIx_ (ubIx_! has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[04:49:29] TheyCallMeBruce: bill6502 thx I'll check that, I believe that its check but I don't know if there is a place to put IP address if I've filled that out.
[04:51:03] bill6502: I meant the FE's host has to have an address (other than etc.) It's been a long time, but you <may> need to restart the FE after making the change.
[04:51:14] fetzerch (fetzerch!~quassel@unaffiliated/fetzerch) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[04:53:39] bill6502: Also, a quick test (eliminating the phone/tablet) is: nc yourFrontendHostnameOrIp 6546
[04:54:08] TheyCallMeBruce: Oh, yeah it has an IP I just didn't know how the "service" starts or how to test if its running. I'm assuming is telnet with a different port but I don't know.
[04:54:29] TheyCallMeBruce: Ah ok
[06:00:15] SmallwoodDR (SmallwoodDR!~Smallwood@unaffiliated/smallwooddr82) has quit (Quit: and I'm out...)
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[06:13:36] Warped (Warped!~Warped@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[06:35:15] jluttine: unforgiven512: thanks, i figured out the same solution. :) weird
[06:35:24] moparisthebest (moparisthebest!~mitb@unaffiliated/moparisthebest) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:56:52] TheyCallMeBruce (TheyCallMeBruce! has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[14:22:06] nashgul: hello, good evening
[14:23:23] nashgul: i've installed mythtv and i've run myth-setup, but I didn't do it properly because now when i try tu run mythtv-setup it returns me an error
[14:23:38] nashgul: how can i reinstall from 0 mythtv-setup?
[14:24:07] nashgul: I'm using archlinux
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[20:14:06] ridiculousdonny (ridiculousdonny!47481f5a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #mythtv-users
[20:14:39] ridiculousdonny: hi all. I'm having an issue where my external channel change script is executing twice
[20:16:56] ridiculousdonny: 7750 ? S 0:00 sh -c 6200chMinusS 1135
[20:16:58] ridiculousdonny: 7752 ? S 0:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/6200chMinusS 1135
[20:17:33] ridiculousdonny: since the script has a while loop to turn on the STB if it is off, the two invocations alternately turn on and off the box and nothing is recorded.
[20:22:30] ridiculousdonny: I'm on MythBuntu
[20:22:33] ridiculousdonny: MythTV Version : v0.27.4-27-g40506c2 MythTV Branch : fixes/0.27 Network Protocol : 77 Library API : 0.27.20141016–1 QT Version : 4.8.1 Options compiled in: linux profile use_hidesyms using_alsa using_oss using_pulse using_pulseoutput using_backend using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_crystalhd using_dvb using_firewire using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_ceton using_hdpvr using_ivtv using_jo
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[21:05:59] bill6502 (bill6502!~bill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:08:15] bill6502: ridiculousdonny: That doesn't look like the script is executing 2x. The sh -c 6200chMinusS 1135 is executing a shell (/bin/sh) which then executes the channel changer. For starters, just make sure that:
[21:08:19] bill6502: /usr/local/bin/6200chMinusS 1135
[21:08:30] bill6502: by itself works from the command line.
[21:12:31] ridiculousdonny: It does work from the command line
[21:13:11] ridiculousdonny: Thanks for the response bill
[21:17:55] bill6502: Then my favorite tool is to watch mythbackend.log to see the program execute. 1st, type mythbackend --setverbose system and then tailf /var/log/mythbackend.log (or wherever your logs are.) Then wait for a recording to start. You should see the program start and end in the log. The final entry will have the return code which you'd expect to be 0 (success.)
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[21:53:49] dym (dym!~patrick@unaffiliated/dym) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:54:46] dym: Hey! I run a HDHomerun3 4DC and it seems MythTV has double assigned my tuners: As im currently recording a movie it also seems it's doubling it:
[21:55:05] dym: The duration is not changing and still shows "1 Min.B" – does this mean it's not recording at all?
[21:57:08] dym: I have no files with increasing size in "/var/lib/mythtv/recordings"
[22:00:08] dym: or are recording generated elsewhere, before transferred to "/recordings"?
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[23:23:50] amessina (amessina!~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina) has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:58:13] pigeon (pigeon! has joined #mythtv-users

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